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*talk with the staffs about: turning off the lights and wine pouring later
*Voice Over: The program will start in 5 minutes. All the participants and guests are
requested to please settle.
Part 1 : Opening Program
Ryan : Good afternoon everyone! Welcome to the Personality Development output of
Batch Acton Vale, Amos, Beaconsfield with the theme "Challenges are what makes
life interesting and overcoming them is what makes life meaningful”.( All three) I
will be one of your hosts this afternoon. I am Ryan from Batch Amos together with my
awesome partners.
Brenz : I’m Brennalyn Idolor from batch Beaconsfield.
Ruth: And of course from the batch Acton Vale, yours truly Ruth Kimayong. You all look
wonderful this afternoon. It is a Privilege to be on the stage with you hosting this
Personality Development Program.
Ryan: Thank you! Truly, this is the most awaited event in our training. Now,everybody
is excited about this program
Brenz:Absolutely Ryan!
Ruth: It’s clear that everybody is excited. Now, to finally open the program, may we ask
everyone to rise for the singing of Pilipinas Kong Mahal. (Beaconsfield) followed by the
MMS hymn- (Amos)
Brenz: May we request the assigned students to close the curtains and to the staffs to
turn off the lights in the room. We would like also the Vice Presidents of each batch to
distribute the candles to their classmates and Ms. Femma Lyka Recile to the faculty
and staff members. Moreover, may we also call on Mr. Chisum Indalus for the Candle
(candle Lighting ceremony with music)
Ryan: May we remain standing and we would like to call the presence of Miss Marie
Janelle Acosta for the invocation ( background music is The Prayer).
Marie Janelle: Let us all together blow our candles and be seated.
Brenz: Thank you Ms. Marie Janelle Acosta
Ruth: At this moment, we would like to call Ms. Liza B. Cariño for the welcome remarks.
Brenz: Thank you so much Ms. Liza B. Cariño for that heartwarming welcome remarks
Brenz: Let us now proceed to one of the most anticipated part of this event, the ramp
and introduction of each batch.
Ryan: May we ask the tabulators of Acton Vale to distribute the criteria sheets of Queen
of the Ramp, Face of the night and Metamorphosis award to the judges of Acton Vale
The criteria for judging the Queen or King of the ramp are:
 runway presence, figure, poise and bearing(50%)
 charm and attractiveness (50%)
 total (100%)
Brenz: The criteria for judging the Face of the night are:
 beauty of face, charm and attractiveness (70%)
 poise and bearing (30%)
 total (100%)
Ryan: The criteria for judging metamorphosis award are:
 originality and charm (50%)
 figure, poise and bearing (50%)
 total (100%)
Brenz: And of course our judges for the batch are Mr. Chisum Indalus and Ms. Priscilla
Tolentino. With no further ado lets get started with the Batch Acton Vale.
Ryan: Lets start with Female candidate # 1
1. Marie Janelle Acosta 8. Charmaine Macay
2. Andrilyn Aguilan 9. Ruth Rodulfo
3. Freda Balusdan 10. Maria Theresa Utsig
4. Jylian Caballero 11. Carmela Valdez
5. Liza Cariño 12. Fellyz Ida Faith Velasco
6. Geneva Javier 13. Jewilyn Yuzon
7. Ruth Kimayong 14. Joan Yuzon

(2nd Batch on the ramp is the Amos batch)

Brenz: Thank you Acton Vale batch. The next batch to do the ramp is the Amos. May
we ask the tabulators of Amos batch to distribute the criteria sheets of King and queen
of the Ramp, Face of the night and Metamorphosis award to the judges of Amos batch.
Ruth: Our judges for the batch are Ms. Lorcelli Aromin and Ms. Shara Banglayan. And
now bringing it on with their outlandish gowns and bold suits, let us welcome Batch
Amos starting of with candidate #1
1. Rachel Birog 10. Dominga Padaco
2. Jeniffer Blanche 11. Ryan Christopher Parnacio
3. Shelan Coyupan 12. Lanie Ugnasi
4. Sarahbel Guilingen 13. Ruby Ann Afable
5. Maricris Maniliana Jabat 14. Clarissa Beltran

6. John Jason Jose 15. Lyka Mae Nabus

7. Enylrac Laguipo 16. Carol Nayoyos

17. Jeaneth Tibio
8. Christ Fernan Mejos
9. Jervyniel Mondejar

Ruth: Thank you so much Amos batch! What a glamorous walk! They look mesmerizing
in their wear. I must say they all look stunning.
(the last batch on the ramp would be Beaconsfield)
Ruth: To keep it going we will have the next batch which is the Beaconsfield. May we
ask the tabulators of Beaconsfield batch to distribute the criteria sheets of King and
queen of the Ramp, Face of the night and Metamorphosis award to the judges of
Beaconsfield batch.
Ryan: Our judges for the batch are Ms. Jellie Ann Basilio and Ms. Gwyneth Abing. Let
us welcome Batch Beaconsfield starting of with candidate #1
1. Shirley Biges 6. Jolina Ramirez
2. Ellyne Joyce Bondot 7. Femma Lyka Recile
3. Mary Ann Carantes 8. Quenie Tayab
4. Brennalyn Idolor 9. Bernabe Muyano
5. Loreliza Parayno

Ruth: Thank you so much Beaconsfield batch.

And before we proceed may we call on Mr. Randy Villalon on stage please.
(the teachers are going to ramp.. (Impromptu).. will be introducing their names and will
be describing themselves as a object) (will be informing teachers privately)

Part III. Message from the Guest Speaker

Introduction of the guest speaker:
Ryan: Before we welcome our much awaited guest speaker. Let us know a few
interesting things about her. May we call on The President of Amos Batch Ms. Dominga
Padaco to tell us more about her.
Message/speech of the guest speaker............
Brenz: What a very inspiring message, Atty. Kaye Martinez. I myself was enthused and
I am pretty sure you guys too.
Ruth: Moving forward to award the certificate of appreciation and token to the guest
speaker may we call:
*Mr. Filipino Labiste Mr. Randolph Villalon
Mr. Christopher Ian Gaerlan Ms. Dominga Padaco
*(Ms. Priscilla Tolentino if Sir Fil is Ms. Liza Cariño
not around) Ms. Ellyne Joyce Bondot
Brenz: (read the content of the certificate)
*during the picture taking any of the hosts will signal the pouring of wine to the waiters
Part IV. Dinner Party and Slide Show Presentation:
A. Wine toasting
Ruth: May I request everybody to please stand. Take a deep breath and hold your
hunger because we will have first our wine toasting to be led by Mr. Bernabe Muyano
B. Grace before meals
Brenz: Thank you Mr. Bernabe Muyano Jr. for that gracious gesture. May we request
everyone to stand as we call on Ms. Jeaneth Tibio for the grace before meals.
C. Slide show presentation
Ryan: We can now all be seated and enjoy our meals while watching the different
videos prepared by the 3 batches: Acton Vale, Amos and Beaconsfield on their journey
as they go through their Caregiving training.
*5 minutes notice for Acton Vale
Part V. Talent and Question and Answer Portion ( this is going to be per batch)
Brenz: (calls the attention of the audience) Did everyone enjoy their meals? ( answer
from the audience). Looks like they all did partners.
Ryan: Definitely partner but still I can feel the tension inside this hall because the next
part of the program is the most nerve-racking part of this event!
A. Intermission of Acton Vale Batch
Brenz: You’re right Ryan! The batch of Acton Vale has prepared something to everyone
this afternoon. No more wait! Let us call on the representatives of Batch Acton Vale for
there intermission number. Let us give them a round of applause.
B. Talent Portion
Ryan: Another exciting part of the program is here which is the talent portion.
Brenz: That’s right Ryan! Each batch will have two representatives or finalists.
Ruth: May we ask the tabulators to distribute the talent criteria sheets to our judges. For
this portion,we will have 15 judges (faculty and staffs excluding Mr. Randy and student

Ryan: The criteria for judging the talent portion are:

 Expertise (Delivery)40%
 Entertainment Value (the action of providing or being provided with amusement or
 Confidence (Stage Presence, Projection) 40%
 Total Score 100%
Ruth: To showcase their talents we will start with :

1. Jernivel Mondejar (Amos) 4. Geneva Javier (Acton Vale)

2. Brennalyn Idolor (Beaconsfield) 5. Shirley Biges (Beaconsfield)
3. Ruth Rodulfo (Acton Vale) 6. Carol Nayoyos (Amos)

C. Intermission of Batch Amos

Brenz: Let’s brace ourselves for we will be witnessing a great performance from the
batch of Amos. Let us call the representatives of Amos batch for their intermission
number. Let us give them a round of applause.
D. Question and Answer
Brenz: The next part of the program is the Question and Answer portion and I would like
to call the presence of the tabulators to distribute the criteria sheets to the judges. We
will have 15 judges for the Q&A portion.
Brenz: The criteria for judging the Question and Answer portion are:
 Relevance (answer is appropriate to the question given) 40%
 Clarity (The quality of being clear and easy to understand)30%
 Promptness (answer delivered at once or without delay) 30%
 Total Score 100%

Brenz: May I call on Mr. Randy to spearhead the Q and A portion

E. Intermission of Beaconsfield
Ryan: Another wonderful performance will be presented to us by the batch of
Beaconsfield. Let’s give them a big hand as we call the representatives of Beaconsfield
Part VI. Awarding Ceremony:
A. Awarding of the PD Individual Certificates
Ryan: Alright! We’re all done with the question and answer of the 3 Batches. We can
now calm down and relax in our seats for the awarding of certificates of appreciation to
the three batches.
Ryan: We would like to call on Mr. Chisum Indalus and Miss Priscilla Tolentino to please
come up on stage and award the certificates while we call on each student one by one.
Awarding of individual certificates for Acton Vale batch
First, we have:
1. Marie Janelle Acosta 8. Charmaine Macay
2. Andrilyn Aguilan 9. Ruth Rodulfo
3. Freda Balusdan 10. Maria Theresa Utsig
4. Jylian Caballero 11. Carmela Valdez
5. Liza Cariño 12. Fellyz Ida Faith Velasco
6. Geneva Javier 13. Jewilyn Yuzon
7. Ruth Kimayong 14. Joan Yuzon

Presentation of minor and major awards for Acton Vale

Ryan: Congratulations to all for receiving such certificates. We would like to request Mr.
Chisum Indalus and Miss Priscilla Tolentino to stay on stage as we move on to the next
part of the program which is the presentation of the Minor and Major Awards for the
batch of Acton Vale.
Brenz: But first we would like to tell everyone what do these awards mean. The minor
awards to be given are the following:
 King and Queen of the Ramp- for displaying an exceptional confidence on stage
 Face of the Night- for having the most charismatic face in the crowd
 Metamorphosis award- for a huge aesthetic transformation
Ruth: The major awards to be given are the following:
 Early Bird- for always being the first student to arrive in class
 Congeniality- for being the great friend to everyone
 River of Life- for sharing the most inspiring life story in the class
 Best in Talent- for showcasing the most outstanding talent during the Mini Talent
 Mr or Ms Q and A- for flaunting his or her utmost brilliancy in Question and Answer
 Geronimo- for being the most helpful person in class
*request to the DJ to play the awarding songs as a background music while presenting
the awards
Brenz: Let’s move on to the presentation of the Minor awards…
Ryan: The Queen of the Ramp goes to ________________________________
Brenz: Face of the Night goes to____________________________________
Ryan: Ms. Metamorphosis goes to____________________________________
Brenz: Now, we’ll have the presentation of the major awards.
Ryan: Ms. Early Bird goes to ________________________________
Brenz: Ms. Congeniality goes to ________________________________
Ryan: River of life award goes to ________________________________
*May we request the designated students to prepare the chair and headdress for the
next award.
Brenz: Geronimo award goes to ________________________________
Awarding of individual certificates for Amos batch
Ruth: Congratulations to the recipients of the awards! Now let’s proceed with the
awarding of Batch Amos.
Brenz :We would like to ask Ms. Lorcelli Aromin and Ms. Shara Banglayan to award the
individual certificates, the minor awards and major awards to the batch of Amos, while
we call on the students one by one.
Ruth: First we have,
1. Rachel Birog 8. Jervyniel Mondejar
2. Jeniffer Blanche 9. Dominga Padaco
3. Sarahbel Guilingen 10. Ryan Christopher Parnacio
4. Maricris Maniliana Jabat 11. Lanie Ugnasi
5. John Jason Jose 12. Ruby Ann Afable
6. Enylrac Laguipo 13. Clarissa Beltran

7. Christ Fernan Mejos 14. Lyka Mae Nabus

15. Carol Nayoyos 16. Jeaneth Tibio
Presentation of minor and major awards for batch Amos
Ruth: Let’s move on to the presentation of the Minor awards…
Brenz: Queen of the Ramp goes to ________________________________
Ruth: King of the Ramp goes to ________________________________
Brenz: Face of the Night goes to ________________________________
Ruth: Mr. Metamorphosis Award goes to ________________________________
Brenz: Ms. Metamorphosis Award goes to ________________________________
Ruth: Now, we’ll have the presentation of the major awards.
Brenz: Mr. or Ms Early Bird goes to ________________________________
Ruth: Mr. or Ms Congeniality goes to ________________________________
Brenz: River of life award goes to ________________________________
*May we request the designated students to prepare the chair and headdress for the
next award.
Ruth: Geronimo award goes to ________________________________
Brenz: Congratulations everyone! You deserve those awards! We may proceed with the
last Batch which is the Batch of Beaconsfield.
Awarding of individual certificates for Beaconsfield batch
Ryan: We would like to ask Ms. Jellie Ann Basilio and Ms. Gwyneth Abing to award the
individual certificates, the minor awards and major awards to the batch of Beaconsfield,
while we call on the students one by one.
Ruth: First we have,
1. Shirley Biges 5. Jolina Ramirez
6. Ellyne Joyce Bondot 7. Femma Lyka Recile
2. Mary Ann Carantes 8. Quenie Tayab
3. Brennalyn Idolor 9. Bernabe Muyano
4. Loreliza Parayno
Presentation of minor and major awards for batch Beaconsfield
Ryan: Let’s move on to the presentation of the Minor awards…
Ruth: Best in Ramp goes to ________________________________
Ryan: Face of the Night goes to ________________________________
Ruth: Metamorphosis Award goes to ________________________________
Ryan: Now, we’ll have the presentation of the major awards.
Ruth : Mr. or Ms Early Bird goes to ________________________________
Ryan: Mr. or Ms Congeniality goes to ________________________________
Ruth: River of life award goes to ________________________________
*May we request the designated students to prepare the chair and headdress for the
next award.
Ryan: Geronimo award goes to ________________________________
Special Awards:
Ruth: Congratulations to the awardees. Wait, there’s more. We have more awards to be
Ryan: That’s right! We still have the awards for the talent and Q&A.
Brenz: First, we will give the awards for the Talent portion.
Ruth: To give the awards for the 3rd runners up of Talent may we call the presidents of
each batch to come up on stage. (Ms. Liza Carino, Ms. Dominga Padaco, and Ms.
Ellyne Joyce Bondot)
Ryan: Now, we have the results on our hands and the 3rd runners up go
Brenz: Congratulations! Next,to give the award for the 2nd runner up may we call on
(any staff) to come up on stage.
Ruth: And 2nd runner up goes to____________________________
Ryan: Congratulations! Next,to give the award for the 1st runner up may we call on (any
staff) to come up on stage.
Brenz: And the 1st runner up goes to _____________________________
Ruth: Congratulations! Next,to give the award for the champion may we call on Mr.
Christopher Ian Gaerlan to come up on stage.
Ryan: And the champion for the talent is_______________________
Brenz: Congratulations! Moving on, we will give the awards for the Q&A.
Ruth: To give the awards for the 3rd runners up of Q&A may we call the presidents of
each batch to come up on stage. (Ms. Liza Carino, Ms. Dominga Padaco, and Ms.
Ellyne Joyce Bondot)
Ryan: Now, we have the results on our hands and the 3rd runners up go
Brenz: Congratulations! Next,to give the award for the 2nd runner up may we call on
(any staff) to come up on stage.
Ruth: And 2nd runner up goes to____________________________
Ryan: Congratulations! Next,to give the award for the 1st runner up may we call on (any
staff) to come up on stage.
Brenz: And the 1st runner up goes to _____________________________
Ruth: Congratulations! Next,to give the award for the champion may we call on Mr.
Christopher Ian Gaerlan to come up on stage.
Ryan: And the champion for the Question and Answer is_______________________


*Ryan: (if Mr. Filipino is not around read this)

Congratulations to the recipients for being chosen to receive those prestigious awards.
Moving forward, we are grateful to listen to special messages from our respected
personalities in MMS-DTCC Baguio Branch. Let’s start with Ms. Priscilla Tolentino to
deliver her message of appreciation.

Brenz: Next, let’s hear a special message from Mr. Christopher Ian Gaerlan, the
Training Coordinator of the Caregiving and Health Care Services.
*Ryan: Thank you so much Sir Christopher. Next, we would like to also welcome on
stage our School Administrator, Mr. Filipino Labiste to deliver his message of

Ruth: Thank you so much Mr. Filipino Labiste for your message.
Last but not the least, a final message will be uttered by our exceptional educator Mr.
Randolph Villalon.
A. Closing Remarks:
Ryan: We have reached the end of our event and to formally close this program, may I
call on Ms. Ellyne Joyce P. Bondot to give us the closing remarks.

B. Picture Taking:
*arrangement of seats

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