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Effects of using mobilephone: A Social Experiment on How it Affect

Enriquez,Lumawon,Perlas Suba



This chapter

Related Literature

Local Literature

Another works by Xinhua (2014) Filipinos are using their mobile phones not only

to communicate but also as mobile computers as well, according to a recent market study

issued. TNS, a global customized research company, said in its report that Filipino consumers

are not just using cell phones to call and texting messages and photos, but also as a means to

have “internet on the go,” allowing users to be always online. Of the 38,000 respondents in

Metro Manila, 75 percent the respondents surveyed used mobile phones to take photos or

videos; 45 percent to browse the internet; 44 percent to access their social networking sites;

and percent to check their emails. The study was conducted from November 2012 to January

2013. ”Based on the findings of this study, the increase in various mobile activities and explain

the growing trend of Wi-Fi accessibility in public areas,” said TNS Philippines Managing

Director Gary de Ocampo.

Effects of using mobilephone: A Social Experiment on How it Affect
Enriquez,Lumawon,Perlas Suba

About 35 percent of Metro Manila respondents connect to the internet via

Wi-Fi access in public areas in 2013.The study also showed that Filipino

consumers changed their purchasing priorities from buying phones based on

physical features to choosing a phone that will enhance personal experience.

Smartphone usage in the Philippine is now at 53 percent compared to overall

mobile phone usage of 89 percent. The study identified five growth potential for

increase mobile usage video calling, Wi-Fi at home, watching live TV shows,

blogging and streaming video like You Tube. The sale of smartphone in the

Philippine market is seen to increase significantly in the next few years as prices

go down. The TNS study also revealed that most Filipinos living in Metro Manila

own “multiple screens” or more than just one device. A typical household owns at

least four of the following devices; a mobile phone (89 percent), smartphone

(53 percent), tablet (14 percent), desktop (39 percent), laptop/netbooks

(37percent) and smart TV (4 percent.)

Effects of using mobilephone: A Social Experiment on How it Affect
Enriquez,Lumawon,Perlas Suba

Foreign Literature

A study by Bianchi, (2012), using predictors from addiction literature, the study

sought to predict problematic mobile phone usage. It keyed in on factors they believed to

cause mobile phone disorders. 195 subjects of both genders and an average age of 36

(ranging from 18-85 years old) were interviewed. The results lead to the creation of the Mobile

Phone Problem Use Scale. This scale was compared to the Addiction Potential Scale.

Fundamentals that were used to compare the scales and create the Mobile Phone Problem

Use Scale were the amount of time one uses their cell phone and the type of usage. The

behavioral predictors that influenced the amount of cell phone usage were; being extraverted,

possessing low self-esteem, and being young. These characteristics were fundamental in

determining problematic cell phone use The study showed that these behavioral predictors did

not influence the amount of cell phone usage: gender, and neuroticism. The scale developed

was designed to help with implementing any interventions for potential addictive behavior.

Some of the common mobile phone related research topics include cell

phone use while driving (Caird, Willness, Steel, and Scialfa, 2008; Horrey and

Wickens,2006; McCartt, Hellinga, and Braitman,2006), cell phone etiquette

(Lipscomb, Totten, Cook, and Lesch, 2007), cell phone cultures and behaviors

(Campbell and Park, 2008; Bakke, 2010; Ling, 2004), text messaging (Pettigrew,

2009), health risks from cell phone radiation. Some other studies reported
Effects of using mobilephone: A Social Experiment on How it Affect
Enriquez,Lumawon,Perlas Suba

that the presence of cell phones provide a higher sense of security in potentially

harmful situations. This has contributed to an increase in cell phone value,

leading cell phone users to perceive cell phones as a must-have tool (Nasar,

Hecht, and Wener, 2007; Walsh et al., 2008). The use of Mobile Phones has also

been addressed with other focuses, such as enhancing Academic performance

in Distance Education. Jean-Marie, Viljoen and Carl, (2009). On Semen Analysis

in men attending infertility Clinic: an observational study. During the study, their

objective was to investigate the effect of cell phone use on various markers of

semen quality, and in their conclusion stated that "Use of cell phones decrease

the semen quality in men by decreasing the sperm count, motility, viability, and

normal morphology. The decrease in sperm parameters was dependent on the

duration of daily exposure to cell phones and independent of the initial semen

quality" Costly Cell Phones: The Impact of Cell Phone Rings on Academic

Performance. During the study, "Findings indicated that cell phone rings during a

video presentation impaired academic performance" (Ashok, End, Worthman,

Mathews, and Katharina, 2008).

Effects of using mobilephone: A Social Experiment on How it Affect
Enriquez,Lumawon,Perlas Suba

Related Studies

Local Studies

In the Philippines, records from the National Statistics Coordination Board

(NSCB) show that in 2006, cell phone use while driving ranked as the 12th most

common cause of traffic accidents. From 2001 to 2006, traffic accidents caused

by cell phone use while driving increased more than five times in the Philippines,

the highest increase among causes of traffic accidents. There are now 40

countries worldwide restricting or banning the use of cell phones while driving.

Sadly, the Philippines is not one of them. Many appear unaware, however, that

the MMDA has an existing ban, issued since 2007, on the use of cell phones and

hand-held radios while operating or driving motor vehicles in Metro Manila. The

cities of Makati and Cebu have also imposed the same ban. Hopefully, our

congressmen and senators will find time to finally enact a law that will effectively

make the ban nationwide. Many appear unaware, however, that the MMDA has

an existing ban, issued since 2007, on the use of cell phones and hand-held

radios while operating or driving motor vehicles in Metro Manila. The cities of

Makati and Cebu have also imposed the same ban.

Effects of using mobilephone: A Social Experiment on How it Affect
Enriquez,Lumawon,Perlas Suba

According to the studied conducted by Cecilia Alessandra S. Uy-Tioco of

New School University(2004), cellphone technology has broken through class

divisions. Because of pre-paid numbers, people without credit history, reasonable

incomes, or permanent addresses have been able to obtain cellphones. For a

country that is socially stratified, this is very empowering. Having the capability of

owning and using a technology that the rich use is very empowering for the lower

and lower-middle classes.

Effects of using mobilephone: A Social Experiment on How it Affect
Enriquez,Lumawon,Perlas Suba

Foreign Studies

A study from Aligarh Muslim University, India said that the world is

becoming increasingly dependent upon technology. Technology is playing a

crucial role in contemporary society. It has transformed the world from a primitive

communal to an industrialized world. The internet has become a major

shareholder. Developing nations can derive tremendous advantage from this

technology for updating the knowledge of its researchers and scientists. Even

educational organizations are influenced by the development of information

technology. The most obvious example has been the introduction of information

technology related courses.

This study concluded that society expects to be able to manipulate the

information it has for its own benefits, to increase understanding and discover

new relation. Another study by Ben Meadocroft said that technology influenced

the interactions between the individuals. It has been enhanced by the

development; the individuals then have the ability to communicate through e-

mails, chat rooms, and social net workings.

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