Correction Asd LRFD Volume II Shear Tab Design Tables

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Shear Tab Design Tables

ASD/LRFD Volume II—Connections

The following are corrected tables for pages C-11 and C-12 of the AISC Manual of Steel Construction Volume II—Connections.

Single-Plate Shear Connections Single-Plate Shear Connections

Rigid Support—Standard Holes Rigid Support--Standard Holes

Allowable loads in kips Allowable loads in kips

0=2 L=6 /7 = 3 L =9

Bolt Size, in. Bolt Size, in.

Plate Plate
Thickness, t
3/4 7/8
Thickness, t 3/4 7/8 1
in. in. Load
Load Weld Load Weld Load Weld Weld Load Weld Load Weld

V4 10.9 3/16 14.9 3/16 16.9 3/16 V4 24.1 3/16 26.9 3/16 25.3 3/16
10.9 V4 14.9 V4 19.5 V4 5/16 24.1 V4 32.8 V4 31.6 V4
% 10.9 V16 14.9 5/16 19.5 5/16 3/8 24.1 5/16 32.8 5/16 37.9 5/16
^/16 10.9 % 14.9 3/8 19.5 3/8 7/16 24.1 3/8 32.8 3/8 42.9 3/8
V2 14.9 19.5 3/8 V2 — — 32.8 3/8 42.9 3/8
19.5 ^/16 9/16 — — — — 42.9 7/16

V4 14.6 3/16 17.9 3/16 16.9 3/16 V4 28.5 3/16 26.9 3/16 25.3 3/16
^/16 14.6 V4 19.9 V4 21.1 V4 5/16 32.2 V4 33.6 V4 31.6 V4
% 14.6 5/16 19.9 5/16 25.3 5/16 3/8 32.2 5/16 40.4 5/16 37.9 5/16
14.6 19.9 3/8 25.9 3/8 7/16 32.2 3/8 43.8 3/8 44.2 3/8
V2 19.9 3/8 25.9 3/8 V2 — — 43.8 3/8 50.6 3/8
9/16 25.9 ^/16 9/16 — — — — 56.9 7/16

Single-Plate Shear Connections Single-Plate Shear Connections

Rigid Support—Standard Holes Rigid Support—Standard Holes

Design loads in kips Design loads in kips

n=2 Z. = 6 /7 = 3 L=9

Bolt Size, in. Bolt Size, in.

Plate Plate
^8 3/4 7/8
Thickness, f Thickness, t
in. in.
Load Weld Load Weld Load Weld Load Weld Load Weld Load Weld

V4 18.3 3/16 24.9 3/16 25.3 3/16 V4 40.3 3/16 40.4 3/16 37.9 3/16
5/16 18.3 V4 24.9 V4 31.6 V4 5/16 40.3 V4 50.5 V4 47.4 V4
3/8 18.3 5/16 24.9 5/16 32.5 5/16 3/8 40.3 5/16 54.9 5/16 56.9 5/16
^/16 18.3 3/8 24.9 32.5 7/16 40.3 3/8 54.9 3/8 66.4
V2 24.9 32.5 V2 54.9 3/8 71.7
9/16 32.5 7/16 9/16 71.7 7/16

V4 22.9 3/16 26.9 3/16 25.3 3/16 V4 42.8 3/16 40.4 3/16 37.9 3/16
5/16 22.9 V4 31.1 V4 31.6 V4 5/16 50.4 V4 50.5 V4 47.4 V4
3/8 22.9 5/16 31.1 5/16 37.9 5/16 3/8 50.4 5/16 60.6 5/16 56.9 5/16
^/16 22.9 3/8 31.1 3/8 40.7 7/16 50.4 3/8 68.6 3/8 66.4 3/8
V2 31.1 40.7 V2 68.6 3/8 75.9 3/8
9/16 40.7 9/16 85.3 7/16


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