Ian Massingham: Categories

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KEYNOTE: Ian Massingham

Technical & Developer Evangelism Lead, Amazon Web Services

AWS cloud

Million of active users per month

2006 started

Then only MVP features; minimum value product

Lacked features: only used by start-ups

EC2 and S3 now services used by big companies

AWS marketplace :

AWS is positioned as a leader in the Gartnew magic quadrant for cloud infrastucute a service ,

Cloud or build own technologies.

Cloud is new normal

People use exisintg technologies on the cloud.

Best for Startup businesses

Because No legacy, no dependices, low cost, move quickly

Examples airbnb= hotsl, duolingo= eduction andtraining, slack; collboration, tinder mathcnmaing

AWS activate: For satrup organizations

AWS helps a startup to progress faster

No need to spend high amount of money on slow infrastrucute

Low, var cost, broad deep platform, new features, daily, daily updated.

Innovation is driven by other customers feedback and your feedback so continued evolution .

Aws is better than other similr because thechnolgiea re broad and deep

Aws over 100 services, apis , sw dev kits, aws console

AWS is very robust

Infrastructure and core features

 App services, tools for analytics, tools for app dev, IOT applications for wearables etc.
 Services for mL and AI= image reco, speech generatiom
 Deep learning
 Entrpise apps, tools for developing hybrid architures
 Market place with over 3000 isv products
 Technical and business support services delivered by aws and partners

Hence fully featured infrastructure platform which organizations of all kinds can use to brand new
apps and services with decreased costs.

These were some foundation services.

Continiusly expanding

2017: 1300 new servies launched

Customer feedback is very important, helps in evolution

Amazon sagemaker: easily build and train and deploy ML models

Runtime env for bigdata and ML developers

Human like intelligence using open sorce ML algos

Note: Data stored in s3

Technology Partner : intel

Used in Commercial sectors and social sectors

Example: MEMSQL: age progressed facial recognition: data analytics and deep learning.


More than 100 services that range from compute, storage, networking, db, analytics, application,
services, deployment, management, developer, mobile, IoT, AI, sec, hybrid and enterprise apps

Benefits of Cloud computing

Variable expense rather than capital expense: pay only for what u use.

No need to guess on capacity: dynamic

Dynamicity helps to increase speed and aglility

Stop spending money to running and maninting data centers: utilize that money in innovation rather
than maintianince
AWS Well architecture framework: the pillars

 Operational excellence:

AWS TRUSTED ADVISOR: Management tool

Online e-resource that optimizes AWS env

Follows the well architeure framwrok

Addiiotnal column : servies limits

Cost optimization pillar : tells to check if i can save more

Shows warnings

Security: action recommended: invvesitigation recommended


Regions is a physical location in the world

Regions contains multiple availability zones(AZ)

EZ’s contains discrete data centers

Data centers : develop and maintain dbs, n/ws=> more scalable and fault tolerent

18 regions and 54 availibty zones

Distributed architure and replicated data:

Region is made of 2 or more AZ’s

Distribiute th app architecture over multiple availiblity zones to achieve high avaibiulty and fault
tolerance in the architecure

Examples: instead of 1 large EC2 server consider 2 smller servers in different AZ’s

Cost of 2 small servers= large server

AZ’s are connected by low latency and high bandwidth

Edge locatons : local points of prescnce that support certain AWS services

Building a VIRTUAL PRIVATE CLOUD(VPC) (network) that maos to AWS global infratrucu

Each AZ: subnet each have public RT= have access to Internet gateway( IGW)
And subnets having private RT( no acess to IGW)

NAT: network address trnalsation


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