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Chapter 3


This chapter provides architectural and structural description of the structures that
have been used for analysis in this thesis. Total of twelve structures have been
selected which includes four buildings of two, three and four stories. Architectural
and structural details of each structure are discussed below.

3.1 Model2-1-B

The structure is a two storey (ground plus one) residential building constructed before
2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 38‟-6” by 58‟-0” and the total building
height is 21‟- 0”, whereas total covered area for each floor is about 2233 ft2 and clear
height of each storey is 10‟-6”. Various openings in the walls are provided those
include doors of 7 feet height and varying width from 2.5 to 3.5 feet and windows of
4 feet height and varying width from 3 to 8 feet, Table 3-1 shows the details of
opening in the structure. Architectural plan of building are shown in Figure 3-1.

Table 3-1 Details of openings for Model2-1B

D1 2‟6”x7‟0” W1 3‟0”x4‟0”
D2 3‟0”x7‟0” W2 5‟0”x4‟0”
D3 3‟6”x7‟0” W3 6‟0”x4‟0”
V1 2‟0”x1‟6” W4 8‟0”x4‟0”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-1 Architectural plan of Model2-1B

The structural system is supported by 21 columns and 47 beams at each level. Slabs of
6” thickness are provided for both the first floor and roof with the reinforcement of
#4@6” c/c in the shorter direction and #2@9”c/c in the longer direction.

Beams of a typical cross-section of 6”x42” including slab thickness are provided. The
bottom longitudinal reinforcement for the beams is 4#5 full length bars and 2 # 5
curtailed bars, while the top reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length bars is provided. Shear
reinforcement of #2@ 6-9” c/c near support and #2@9” c/c in the middle of the beam.
Columns with a typical cross-section 6”x18” are provided. The longitudinal
reinforcement for column is 6 # 4 bars along with ties of #4@9” c/c .

Columns with typical cross-section 6”x18” are provided. The longitudinal

reinforcement for column is 6 # 4 bars along with ties of #4 bars at 9” c/c. That makes
reinforcement ratio of 1% of the gross cross-sectional area of the column. Summary
of reinforcement is shown in. Summary of reinforcement is shown in Table 3-2. The
typical sections and elevations of beams and columns are shown in Figure 3-2.

Table 3-2: Reinforcement details for Model2-1B

Reinforcement Reinforcement
Steel Steel
Ratio (ρ’) Ratio (ρ’)
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.25% Bottom 0.17%
Top 0.17% Top 0.17%
Stirrups #2@9” Stirrups #2@6”
Longitudinal 1% Ties #2@6”

Figure 3-2: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.2 Model2-2-B

The structure is a two storey (ground plus one) residential building constructed before
2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 48‟-0” by 82‟-0” and the total building
height is 21‟- 0”, whereas total covered area for each floor is about 1961 ft2 and clear
height of each storey is 10‟-6”. Various openings in the walls are provided those
include doors of 7 feet height and varying width from 2.5 to 3.5 feet and windows of
4 feet height and varying width from 3 to 8 feet, Table 3-3 shows the details of
opening in the structure. Architectural plan of building are shown in Figure 3-3.

Table 3-3 Details of openings for Model2-2B

D1 2‟6”x7‟0” W1 3‟0”x4‟0”
D2 3‟0”x7‟0” W2 5‟0”x4‟0”
D3 3‟6”x7‟0” W3 6‟0”x4‟0”
V1 2‟0”x1‟6” W4 8‟0”x4‟0”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-3 Architectural plan of Model2-2B

The structural system is supported by 21 columns and 46 beams at each level. Slabs of
5” thickness are provided for both the first floor and roof with the reinforcement of
#4@6” c/c in the shorter direction and #4@9” c/c in the longer direction.

Beams of a typical cross-section of 6”x42” including slab thickness are provided. The
bottom longitudinal reinforcement for the beams is 4#5 full length bars and 2 # 5
curtailed bars, while the top reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length bars is provided. Shear

reinforcement of #2@ 6-9” c/c near support and #2@9” c/c in the middle of the beam.
Columns with a typical cross-section 6”x18” are provided. The longitudinal
reinforcement for column is 6 # 4 bars along with ties of #4@9” c/c Summary of
reinforcement is shown in. Summary of reinforcement is shown in Table 3-4. The
typical sections and elevations of beams and columns are shown in Figure 3-4

Table 3-4: Reinforcement details for Model2-2B

Reinforcement Reinforcement
Steel Steel
Ratio (ρ’) Ratio (ρ’)
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.78% Bottom 0.52%
Top 0.16% Top 0.16%
Stirrups #2@9” Stirrups #2@6”
Longitudinal 1% Ties #4@9”

Figure 3-4: Typical beam and column section and elevation

Figure 3-4: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.3 Model2-3-B

The structure is a two storey (ground plus one) residential building constructed before
2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 54‟-0” by 74 ‟-0” and the total building
height is 21‟- 6”, whereas total covered area for each floor is about 1997 ft 2. The clear
height of ground floor is 11‟-0” and the first floor clear height is 10‟-6”. Various
openings in the walls are provided those include doors of 7 feet height and varying
width from 2.5 to 4 feet and windows of 4 feet height and varying width from 3 to 8
feet, Table 3-5 shows the details of opening in the structure. Architectural plan of
building are shown in Figure 3-5

Table 3-5: Details of openings of Model2-2B

D1 4‟0”x7‟0” W1 8‟0”x4‟0”
D2 3‟6”x7‟0” W2 7‟0”x4‟0”
D3 2‟6x7‟0” W3 3‟6”x4‟0”
V1 3‟6”x1‟6” W4 3‟0”x4‟0”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-5 Architectural plan of Model2-3B

The framing system of the structure comprises of 25 columns and 43 beams at each
floor level. Slabs of 6” thickness are provided for both the first floor and roof with the
reinforcement of #4@6“c/c in shorter direction and #2@8” c/c in the longer direction.

Beams of typical cross-section 6”x42” including slab thickness are provided. The
bottom longitudinal reinforcement for the beams is 2 # 4 full length bars, while the
top reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length and one #4 curtailed bars is provided. Shear
reinforcement of #2@6” c\c near the support and #2@9” c/c in the middle of the

beam. Columns with typical cross-section 6”x18” are provided. The longitudinal
reinforcement for column is 6 # 4 bars along with ties of #2@6” c/c. Summary of
reinforcement is shown in Table 3-6. The typical sections and elevations of beams and
columns are shown in Figure 3-6.

Table 3-6: Reinforcement details for Model2-3B

Reinforcement Reinforcement
Steel Steel
Ratio (ρ’) Ratio (ρ’)
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.17% Bottom 0.17%
Top 0.17% Top 0.25%
Stirrups #2@9” Stirrups #2@6”
Longitudinal 1% Ties #2@6”

Figure 3-6: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.4 Model2-4-A

The structure is a two storey (ground plus one) residential building constructed after
2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 30‟-0” by 60 ‟-0” and the total building
height is 21‟- 0”, whereas total covered area for each floor is about 1093 ft2 and clear
height of each storey is 10‟-6”. Various openings in the walls are provided those
include doors of 7 feet height and varying width from 2.5 to 3 feet and windows of 4
feet height and varying width from 1.5 to 6 feet, Table 3-5 shows the details of
opening in the structure. Architectural plan of building are shown in Figure 3-8 and
Figure 3-8

Table 3-7: Details of openings for Model2-4A

D1 2‟6”x7‟0” W1 1‟6”x4‟0”
D2 3‟0”x7‟0” W2 1‟0”x4‟0”
V1 1‟6”x2‟0” W3 6‟0”x4‟0”
W4 4‟0”x4‟0”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-7 Ground floor plan of Model2-4A

Figure 3-8 First floor plan of Model2-4A

The framing system of the structure comprises of 16 columns and 29 beams at each
floor level. Slabs of 6” thickness are provided for both the first floor and roof with the
reinforcement of #3@6” c\c in shorter direction and #3@8” c\c in the longer

The beams of typical cross-section of 6”x36” including slab thickness are provided.
The bottom longitudinal reinforcement for the beams is 2 # 4 full length and one #4

curtailed bar, while the top reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length and one #4 curtailed
bars is provided. Shear reinforcement of #2@4” c\c near support and #2@8” c\c in the
middle of the beam. Columns with typical cross-section 6”x18” are provided. The
longitudinal reinforcement for column is 8 # 4 bars along with ties of #2@6” c\c.
Summary of reinforcement is shown in Table 3-8. The typical sections and elevations
of beams and columns are shown in Figure 3-9.

Table 3-8: Reinforcement details for Model2-4A

Reinforcement Reinforcement
Steel Steel
Ratio (ρ’) Ratio (ρ’)
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.3% Bottom 0.2%
Top 0.2% Top 0.3%
Stirrups #2@8” Stirrups #2@6”
Longitudinal 1.48% Ties #2@6”

Figure 3-9: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.5 Model3-1-B

The structure is a three storey (ground plus two) residential building constructed
before 2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 40‟-0” by 55 ‟-0” and the total
building height is 33‟- 0”, whereas total covered area for each floor is about 1599 ft2
and clear height of each storey is 11‟-0”. Various openings in the walls are provided
those include doors of 7 feet height and varying width from 2 to 6 feet and windows
of 4 feet height and varying width from 3 to 6 feet. Table 3-9 shows the details of
opening in the structure. Architectural plan of building are shown in Figure 3-10.

Table 3-9: Details of openings for Model3-1B

D1 6‟0”x7‟0” W1 6‟0”x4‟0”
D2 4‟0”x7‟0” W2 5‟0”x4‟0”
D3 3‟6”x7‟0” W3 4‟0”x4‟0”
D4 3‟0”x7‟0” W4 3‟0”x4‟0”
D5 2‟0”x7‟0” V1 2‟0”x2‟0

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-10 Architectural plan of Model3-1B

The framing system of the structure comprises of 20 columns at each storey level, and
44 beams at the ground floor and 47 beams at the first and second floor. Slabs of 6”
thickness are provided for the first, second floor and roof with the reinforcement of
#4@6” c\c in shorter direction and #2@8” c\c in longer direction.

The beams of a typical cross-section 6”x36” including slab thickness are provided.
The bottom longitudinal reinforcement for the beams is 3 # 4 full length bars, while
the top reinforcement of 3 # 4 full length bars is provided. The shear reinforcement of
#2@6” c\c is provided. The columns with a typical cross-section of 6”x18” are
provided. The longitudinal reinforcement for the columns is 6 # 4 bars along with ties

of #2@6” c\c. Summary of reinforcement is shown in Table 3-10. The typical sections
and elevations of beams and columns are shown in Figure 3-11

Table 3-10: Reinforcement details for Model3-1B

Ratio (ρ’)
Bottom flexural reinforcement 0.3%
Top compression
Shear reinforcement #2@6”
Longitudinal reinforcement 1%
Ties #2@6”

Figure 3-11: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.6 Model3-2-B

The structure is a three storey (ground plus two) residential building constructed
before 2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 45‟-0” by 60 ‟-0” and the total
building height is 31‟- 6”, whereas total covered area for each floor is about 1800 ft2
and clear height of each storey is 10‟-6”. Various openings in the walls are provided
those include doors of 7 feet height and varying width from 2.5 to 3.5 feet and
windows of 4 feet height and varying width from 2 to 8 feet, Table 3-11shows the
details of opening in the structure. Architectural plan of building are shown in Figure
3-12 and Figure 3-13

Table 3-11: Details of openings for Model3-2B

D1 3‟6”x7‟0” W1 8‟0”x4‟0”
D2 3‟0”x7‟0” W2 6‟0”x4‟0”
D3 2‟6”x7‟0” W3 4‟0”x4‟0”
V1 2‟0”x1‟6” W4 2‟0”x4‟0”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-12: Ground floor plan of Model3-2B

Figure 3-13: Upper floors plan of Model3-2B

The structural system of the building consist of 22 columns at each storey level, and
40, 43 and 342 beams at the ground, first and second floor respectively. Slabs of 6”
thickness are provided for the first, second floor and roof with the reinforcement of
#4@6” c\c in shorter direction and #2@8” c\c in longer direction.

The beams of a typical cross-section of 6”x42” including slab thickness are provided.
The bottom longitudinal reinforcement for the beams is 4 # 4 full length bars and 2 #
4 curtailed bars, while the top reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length bars is provided. The
shear reinforcement of #2@6” c\c centre near support and #2@8” c\c in the middle of
the beam is provided. The columns with a typical cross-section of 6”x18” are
provided. The longitudinal reinforcement for column is 6 # 4 bars along with ties of

#2@6” c\c. Summary of reinforcement is shown in Table 3-12. The typical sections
and elevations of beams and columns are shown in Figure 3-14.

Table 3-12: Reinforcement details for Model3-2B

Reinforcement Reinforcement
Steel Steel
Ratio (ρ’) Ratio (ρ’)
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.6% Bottom 0.4%
Top 0.16% Top 0.16%
Stirrups #2@8” Stirrups #2@6”
Longitudinal 1% Ties #2@6”

Figure 3-14: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.7 Model3-3-B

The structure is a three storey (ground plus two) residential building constructed
before 2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 108‟-6” by 83 ‟-0” and the total
building height is 34‟- 6”, whereas total covered area for ground, first and second
floor is about 3933, 3667 and 2740 ft2 respectively. The clear height of each storey is
11‟-6”. Various openings in the walls are provided those include doors of 7 feet
height and varying width from 2.5 to 4 feet and windows of 4 feet height and varying
width from 2 to 12 feet,Table 3-11 shows the details of opening in the structure.
Architectural plan of building are shown in Figure 3-15 and Figure 3-16.

Table 3-13: Details of openings for Model3-3B

D1 4‟0”x7‟0” W1 12‟0”x4‟0”
D2 3‟6”x7‟0” W2 8‟0”x4‟0”
D3 3‟0”x7‟0” W3 6‟0”x4‟0”
D4 2‟6”x7‟0” W4 4‟0”x4‟0”
V1 6‟0”x1‟6” W5 3‟0”x4‟0”
V2 2‟0”x1‟6” W6 2‟0”x3‟0”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-15: Ground and first floor plan of Model3-3B

Figure 3-16: Second floor plan of Model3-3B

The framing system of the structure comprises of 31 columns on the ground floor and
the first floor level and 27 at the second floor level. In total, 54 beams are provided at
the ground floor level, while 54 and 48 beams are provided at the first and the second
floor levels respectively. Slabs of 6” thickness are provided for the first, second floor
and roof with the reinforcement of #4@6” c/c in shorter direction and #2@7” c\c in
longer direction.

Two different sections of beams are provided, one with cross-section of 6”x48”
including slab thickness and bottom longitudinal reinforcement of is 2 # 4 full length

bars and one #4 curtailed bar, while top reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length bars is
provided and shear reinforcement of #2@5” c\c near support and #2@12” c\c in mid
of beam is provided. The other beam with cross-section of 6”x48” including slab
thickness and bottom longitudinal reinforcement of 2 # 5 full length bars and two #5
curtailed bars, while top reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length bars is provided and shear
reinforcement of #2@3” c\c near support and #2@10” c\c in mid of beam is provided.
The columns with a typical cross-section of 6”x18” are provided. The longitudinal
reinforcement for column is 6 # 4 bars along with ties of #2@6” c\c. The summary of
reinforcement is shown Table 3-14. The typical sections and elevations of beams and
columns are shown in Figure 3-17.

Table 3-14: Summary of Reinforcement for Model3-3B

Reinforcement Ratio
Steel Steel Reinforcement Ratio (ρ’)
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.22% Bottom 0.15%
Top 0.15% Top 0.15%
Stirrups #2@12” Stirrups #2@5”
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.45% Bottom 0.23%
Top 0.15% Top 0.15%
Stirrups #2@10” Stirrups #2@3”
Longitudinal 1% Ties #2@6”

Figure 3-17: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.8 Model3-4-A
The structure is a three storey (ground plus two) residential building constructed after
2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 26‟-6” by 25 ‟-0” and the total building
height is 32‟- 6”, whereas total covered area for the ground floor and upper floor is
about 318 and 560 ft2 , respectively. The clear height of is the ground floor and upper
floor is 11-6” and 10‟-6” respectively. Various openings in the walls are provided
those include doors of 7 feet height and varying width from 2.5 to 3 feet and windows
of 4 feet height and varying width from 6 feet, Architectural plan of building are
shown in Figure 3-18 and Figure 3-19.

Table 3-15 shows the details of opening in the structure. Architectural plan of
building are shown in Figure 3-18 and Figure 3-19.

Table 3-15: Details of openings for Model3-4A

D1 3‟0”x7‟0” W1 6‟0”x4‟0”
D2 2‟6”x7‟0” W2 6‟0”x4‟0”
V1 2‟0”x1‟6”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-18 First and second floor plan of Model3-4A

Figure 3-19: Ground floor plan of Model3-4A

The structural system consists of 10 columns at each floor level. In total, 17 beams are
provided at ground floor and first floor, while 14 beams are provided at the second
floor. Slabs of 6” thickness are provided for the first, second floor and roof with the
reinforcement of #4@6” c\c shorter direction and #3@6” c\c in longer direction.

The beams of a typical cross-section of 6”x36” including slab thickness are provided.
The bottom longitudinal reinforcement for the beams is 2 # 5 full length bars and 2 #
5 curtailed bars, while the top reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length bars is provided. The
shear reinforcement of #2@5” c\c near support and #2@9” c\c in the middle of the
beam is provided. The columns with a typical cross-section of 6”x18” are
provided.The longitudinal reinforcement for column is 6 # 4 bars along with ties of
#2@6” c\c. The summary of the reinforcement is provided in Table 3-16. The typical
sections and elevations of beams and columns are shown in Figure 3-20

Table 3-16: Reinforcement details for Model3-4A

Reinforcement Reinforcement
Steel Steel
Ratio (ρ’) Ratio (ρ’)
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.62% Bottom 0.31%
Top 0.2% Top 0.2%
Stirrups #2@9” Stirrups #2@5”
Longitudinal 1% Ties #2@6”

Figure 3-20: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.9 Model4-1B

The structure is a four storey (ground plus three) residential and commercial building
constructed before 2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 63‟-3” by 73 ‟-6”
and the total building height is 46‟- 0”, whereas total covered area for ground floor is
4744 ft2 and for upper floors is about 4645 ft2. The clear height of the ground floor is
16‟-0” and for the upper floors clear height is 10‟-0”. Various openings in the walls
are provided those include doors of 7 feet height and varying width from 2.5 to 3.5
feet and windows of 4 feet height and varying width from 4 to 8 feet, Table 3-17
shows the details of opening in the structure. Architectural plan of building are shown
in Figure 3-21 and Figure 3-22.

Table 3-17: Details of openings for Model4-1B

D1 3‟6”x7‟0” W1 8‟0”x4‟0”
D2 3‟0”x7‟0” W2 6‟0”x4‟0”
D3 2‟6”x7‟0” W3 4‟0”x4‟0”
V1 2‟6”x2‟0”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-21: Ground floor plan of Model4-1B

Figure 3-22: Upper floors plan of Model4-1B

The framing system of the structure comprises of 39 columns and 132 beams at each
storey level. Slabs of 6” thickness are provided for the first, second, third floor and
roof with the reinforcement of #4@6” c\c in both ways.

The beams of a typical cross-section of 6”x36” including slab thickness and bottom
longitudinal reinforcement of 2 # 6 full length bars and 2 # 6 curtailed bar, while the
top reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length and 2 # 4 curtailed bars are provided. The shear
reinforcement of #2@6” c\c near support and #2@6” c\c in mid of beam is provided.

The columns with a typical cross-section 12”x12” are provided. The longitudinal
reinforcement for column is 8 # 5 bars along with ties of #2@6” c\c. Summary of
reinforcement is shown in Table 3-18. The typical sections and elevations of beams
and columns are shown in Figure 3-23.

Table 3-18: Reinforcement details for Model4-1B

Reinforcement Reinforcement
Steel Steel
Ratio (ρ’) Ratio (ρ’)
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.87% Bottom 0.44%
Top 0.2% Top 0.4%
Stirrups #2@9” Stirrups #2@6”
Longitudinal 1.7% Ties #2@6”

Figure 3-23: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.10 Model4-2-A

The structure is a four storey (ground plus three) residential building constructed after
2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 30‟-0” by 30‟-0” and the total building
height is 44‟-0”, whereas total covered area for ground floor is 330 ft2 and for upper
floors about 575 ft2. The clear height of ground floor is 12‟-6” and for the upper floors
clear height is 10‟-6”. Various openings in the walls are provided those include doors
of 7 feet height and varying width from 2.5 to 3.5 feet and windows of 4 feet height
and varying width from 3 to 6 feet, Table 3-17 shows the details of opening in the
structure. Architectural plan of building are shown in Figure 3-24 to Figure 3-26

Table 3-19: Details of Openings for Model4-2A

D1 3‟6”x7‟0” W1 6‟0”x4‟0”
D2 3‟0”x7‟0” W2 4‟0”x4‟0”
D3 2‟6”x7‟0” W3 3‟0”x4‟0”
V1 2‟0”x1‟6”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-24: Ground floor plan of Model4-2A

Figure 3-25: First and second floor plan of Model4-2A

Figure 3-26: Third floor plan of Model4-2A

The framing system of the structure comprise of 16 columns and 32 beams at ground
floor level. At the first and second floor levels 15 and 28 columns are provided
respectively. The number of columns and beams for the third floor is 12 and 16
respectively. Slabs of 5” thickness are provided for the first, second, third floor and
roof with the reinforcement of #2@6” c/c in both ways.
The beams of a typical cross-section of 8”x36” including slab thickness and bottom
longitudinal reinforcement of 2 # 5 full length bars and 2 # 5 curtailed bar, while the
top reinforcement of 2 # 5 full length bars are provided and shear reinforcement of
#2@6” c/c is provided. The columns with a typical cross-section of 8”x24” are
provided. The longitudinal reinforcement for column is 6 # 5 bars along with ties of
#4@6” c/c. The summary of the reinforcement is shown in Table 3-20. The typical
sections and elevations of beams and columns are shown in Figure 3-27

Table 3-20: Reinforcement details for Model4-2A

Reinforcement Reinforcement
Steel Steel
Ratio (ρ’) Ratio (ρ’)
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.46% Bottom 0.23%
Top 0.23% Top 0.23%
Stirrups #4@6” Stirrups #4@6”
Longitudinal 1% Ties #4@6”

Figure 3-27: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.11 Model4-3A

The structure is a four storey (ground plus three) residential and commercial building
constructed after 2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 33‟-0” by 60‟-0” and
the total building height is 49‟- 6”, whereas for ground floor is 1935 ft2 and for upper
floors about 1316 ft2. The clear height of ground floor is 18‟-0” and for the upper
floors clear height is 10‟-6”. Various openings in the walls are provided those include
doors of 7 feet height and varying width from 2.5 to 3 feet and windows of 4 feet
height and varying width from 2.5 to 3 feet, Table 3-21 shows the details of opening in
the structure. Architectural plan of building are shown in Figure 3-28 and Figure 3-29

Table 3-21: Details of Openings for Model4-3A

D1 2‟6”x7‟0” W1 2‟6”x4‟0”
D2 3‟0”x7‟0” W2 3‟0”x4‟0”
V 2‟0”x1‟5”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-28: Ground Floor Plan of Model4-3A

Figure 3-29: Upper floors plan of Model4-3A

The framing system of the structure comprises of 28 columns on ground floor and 24
columns on upper floors and 59 beams at the ground floor level. The slabs of 6”
thickness are provided for all the floors with the reinforcement of #3@10” c/c in both
ways. The beams of a typical cross-section of 8”x36” including the slab thickness are
provided. The bottom longitudinal reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length bars and 2 # 4
curtailed bar, and the top reinforcement of 2 # 4 full length and 2 # 4 curtailed bars
are provided. The shear reinforcement consists of #3@6” c/c near the support and

#3bars@10” c/c in the mid of the beams is provided. The columns with a typical
cross-section of 8”x18” are provided.The longitudinal reinforcement for the column is
8 # 4 bars along with ties of #2@6” c/c. The summary of the reinforcement is shown
in Table 3-22. The typical sections and elevations of beams and columns are shown in
Figure 3-30

Table 3-22: Summary of Reinforcement for Model4-3A

Reinforcement Reinforcement
Steel Steel
Ratio (ρ’) Ratio (ρ’)
Beam Mid-span Beam Ends
Bottom 0.3% Bottom 0.15%
Top 0.15% Top 0.3%
Stirrups #3@8” Stirrups #3@6”
Longitudinal 1.1% Ties #2@6”

Figure 3-30: Typical beam and column section and elevation

3.12 Model4-4-A

The structure is a four storey (ground plus three) residential and commercial building
constructed before 2000. The plan dimensions of the building are 36‟-0” by 54 ‟-0”
and the total building height is 42‟- 0”, whereas total covered area for ground floor is
1683 ft2, for first and second floor is 1944ft2 and third floors about 816 ft2 and clear
height of each storey is 10‟-6”. Various openings in the walls are provided those
include doors of 7 feet height and varying width from 2.5 feet and windows of 4 feet
height and varying width from 4 feet, Table 3-23 shows the details of opening in the
structure. Architectural plan of building are shown in Figure 3-33 to 3-35

Table 3-23: Details of Openings

D1 2‟6”x7‟0” W1 4‟0”x4‟0”
V1 2‟0”x1‟6”

The materials used for the construction of building are reinforced concrete for beams,
columns, slabs and foundations and 4 in thick concrete solid blocks for walls. The
concrete of 1:2:4 compositions with a compressive strength of 3 ksi and steel with
yield strength of 60 ksi is used for reinforced concrete.

Figure 3-31: Ground floor plan of Model4-4A

Figure 3-32: First and second floor plan of Model4-4A

Figure 3-33: Third floor plan of Model4-4A

The framing system of the structure comprises of 24 columns and 44 beams from the
ground to 3rd floor level and 14 columns and 24 beams on the roof level. The slabs of
6” thickness are provided for all the floors with the reinforcement #4@6”c/c in shorter
direction and #3 at 9 inches centre to centre in longer direction. The beams of a
typical cross-section of 8”x36” including the slab thickness and the bottom
longitudinal reinforcement of 2 # 5 full length bars, while the top reinforcement of 2 #
4 full length bars are provided. The shear reinforcement of #2@4” c/c near support
and #2@9” c/c in mid of beam is provided. The columns with a typical cross-section
of 8”x24” are provided. The longitudinal reinforcement for column is 8 # 5 bars along

with ties of #3@6” c/c. The summary of the reinforcement is shown in Table 3-24
The typical sections and elevations of beams and columns are shown in Figure 3-34

Table 3-24: Summary of Reinforcement for Model4-4A

Reinforcement Ratio
Bottom 0.23%
Top 0.15%
Stirrups #2@4-9”
Longitudinal 1.3%
Ties #3@6”

Figure 3-34: Typical beam and column section and elevation

Concluding Remarks

The architectural and structural characteristics of the selected twelve reinforced

structures are discussed in this chapter. The architectural plan shows the geometrical
irregularity in the structures. While, the beam reinforcement in some of the structures
have lesser reinforcement than the limitation of minimum reinforcement percentage of
0.33% of the cross section for the flexural members using 60 ksi steel, provided by
ACI 318R-08.


Figure A9-1:3D Model of Model2-1-B

Figure A9-2: 3D Model of Model2-2-B

Figure A9-3: 3D Model of Model2-3-B

FigureA9-4: 3D Model of Model2-4-A

Figure A9-5: 3D Model of Model3-1-B

Figure A9-6: 3D Model of Model3-2-B

Figure A9-7: 3D Model of Model3-3-B

Figure A9-8: 3D Model of Model3-2-A

Figure A9-9: 3D Model of Model4-2-B

Figure A9-10: 3D Model of Model4-2-A

Figure A9-11: 3D Model of Model4-3-A

Figure A9-12: 3D Model of Model4-4-A


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