Types of Classroom Assessment

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Types of Purpose How it is Done When it is Done Examples

Official  Official assessment involves gathering  In preparing for  Official assessments are  Giving a quizzes
Assessment formal information that teachers use to assessment, the teacher planned in advance, based after a particular
make decisions required by the school must make many decisions upon formal evidence, carried topic has been
bureaucracy: grading, placing, grouping, including how to gather out infrequently, administered discussed
and recommending pupils. evidence, about what, at the end of a unit of  An activity after
 To gather the overall learners when, over what time instruction, uniform across a discussion of
Improvements inside the classroom period, and how to prepare pupils, written down, and the teacher
pupils. perceived as important by both
 When the teacher give an pupils and parents.
assignment and quizzes to  It is done at the end of a
the learners. certain topic.
 It is done also in grading period

Sizing Up  Sizing up students’ abilities is a primary  The teacher will be going to It is done before a particular topic The teacher will
Assessment investigation that educators undertake give an Information sheet begin. provide a pre-
before planning curriculum or instruction. to gather in order to get a assessment test
 Sizing-up is used as a formal skills before the a
substantial information
assessment of students’
ability to use certain technology tools. from the learners. particular topic will
 By giving the learners a be discuss.
 Sizing up assessment provides pre-assessment.
initial information about students that will help
in the planning of blended
learning curricula. In order to expand blended-
learning opportunities, special
attention needs to be paid to students’ abilities
and competencies in technology
before methods of delivery are considered.
Instructional  The psychology of learning; The student survey contains It is done in the opening of a  Teacher Survey
Assessment  The Interplay of culture, language and 20 items and is administered school year or a semester
cognition as they influence learning; to all students following a  Student Survey
 The impact of belief systems on learning prescribed method of
and teaching, including the beliefs of administration. Its purpose is
teachers about themselves and their to assess the school’s
students and the beliefs of students about instructional program from
themselves and their teachers. the students’ perspectives.
 To match what students know and needs.
The items invite response in
five areas:

1. Perspectives on
myself as a learner
2. School climate
3. My teachers
4. Classroom activities
5. My preferred
learning activities

Students are asked to

strongly agree, agree,
disagree, or strongly
disagree with some
statements and to select
their choices among others.
NUA provides a summary of
student survey responses for
ease of analysis.

 It is done by the feed

backing in monitoring the
learners progress

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