Varianta 1: I. Choose The Correct Answer

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I. Choose the correct answer:

1) Tina when I saw him.

a) is talking b)was talking c) talks d) had talked

2) Richard....................very hard at the moment.

a) is working b) works c) has worked d) had been working

3) Austria last winter.

a) have gone b) went c)go d) had gone

4)The the time I got there.

a) closes b)closed c)had closed d)close

5) Tina..............................while Bob was watering thr plants.

a)cooked b) was cooking c)has been cooking d) had cooked

6) I ............................Italian for three years now.

a)learn b)have been learning c) am learning d)was learning

7) Jason ..............Amanda since he was five years old.

a)has known b)knows c)have known d)had known

8) The River Amazon....................into the Atlantic Ocean.

a)is flowing b)flows c)flowed d)had flowed

9) Singapore at 3:00 tomorrow morning.

a)flies b)was flying c)is flying d)fly

10) 'I would like .................for a picninc tomorrow.' ' That's a good idea.'

a)going b)go c)to go d)went

11) ' I listen ........the radio every morning.'

a) in b) at c)to d) of

12) They have got a rich house. They rich.

a) needn't b) can c) must d)need

13) The windows..........once a month.

a)clean b)are being cleaned c) are cleaned d) cleaned

14) very fast when he was twenty.

a)can't b) could c)can d)should

15) I..................tidy my room today.My mother said so.

a)can b) must c)have to d)need

16) ' If I.....................enough time, I would visit you every day.' 'Don't worry. Once a week is enough.'

a)have b)had c)have had d)has

17) 'I got lost on the way to the theatre.' ' If you had taken the map, you................lost.'

a)wouldn't have got b) wouldn't get c) won't get d)gets

18) She........................him that she would be late.

a) tells b)said c)told d)tell

19) This is the was stolen last week.

a)which b) who c)whose d)that

20) The table...................he bought had been damaged.

a)who b)where c)that d) whose

21) He asked her.............she had any experience in banking.

a)why b) that c) if d)who

22) Have you seen................wallet? I can' t find it anywhere.

a)your b)my c)our d)their

23) David is...................tall as his father.

a)much b)a lot c) as d)more

24) I wore the................clothes I could find.

a)smart b)smarter c)smartest d)most smart

25) I have got an interview ..............Monday afternoon.

a)at b)on c)in d)for

26) James is very ...............

a)clever b) cleverly c)cleverest d)much

27) 'Where would you like to go on holiday?' ' I would love to go to..............Egypt.'

a) the b) a c)- d) an

28) ' I thought you didn't have any money.' 'Actually, I in my jacket pocket.'

a)some b)an c) a d)any

29) This record reminds youth.

a)of b) into c)with d)at

30) The reason ....................he left is that he felt ill.

a)why b) who c) when d) that


II. Read the text about how we spend our free time. Decide which of the four words best fits each
space. Write the correct word into the space provided.

Free time trends

(1) ___________ people all over the world are working longer hours. We also have more leisure
time than ever before. After sleeping and working, watching TV is by far the most (2)__________
leisure activity the world over. The British watch more TV than any other nation in Europe, but they
read more too. The (3) ___________ majority, eighty-five per cent, read newspapers, and 54%
regularly read books. Two thirds of modern European women work full-time, but they still do the
main (4) ___________ of the housework too. Husbands help in the household more than they did in
former (5) _________. No wonder that many working women say they are stressed and (6) _______.
According to the latest (7) ___________ by supermarkets, the average British family spends just 11
minutes preparing for the main evening meal. Almost half of all UK families in the UK eat together
only once a month or (8) ________ More than half of young people in the UK have a fulltime job (9)
___________ the age of 19, but the (10) ________ of young Spanish and Italian people do not start
full-time work until they are 24.

1) A. In general B. Although C. However D. Despite

2) A. joint B. common C. regular D. general

3) A. huge B. massive C. wide D. vast

4) A. cut B. portion C. part D. piece

5) A. times B. ages C. periods D. dates

6) A. alert B. sleepy C. exhausted D. spent

7) A. inspections B. examinations C. explorations D. research

8) A. fewer B. less C. least D. smaller

9) A. with B. up to C. by D. under

10) A. majority B. most C. bulk D. mass

20 p
III. Cross out the incorrect extra word in each sentence:

1. Yesterday, I went to shopping in town with my best friend.

2. We took the bus because it's difficult to doing park the car near the shops.

3. There was a sale on in the shoe shop, but they didn't never have anything I liked in my size.

4. I did find a nice new swimsuit for summer which was on sale in the department store. I was a thrilled because
I got it for half price.

5. Around lunchtime, we stopped for a eating pizza even though I'm supposed to be dieting. Well, it was the
weekend, wasn't it?

6. After lunch we went to the new sports shop near the cinema. My friend was looking for a new tennis racquet,
she's been had her old one for years.

7. I don't play tennis myself, but I have to admit the one she have bought looked lovely and I was surprised how
light it was.

8. By the end of the day I'd spent much more a money than I'd wanted to, my bags felt so heavy.

9. I guess I will have to be taking careful with my spending for the rest of the month.

10. I went to home in my new car. I don't have a garage, so I park it in the street outside my house.



1. Timp de lucru: 60 de minute

2. Punctaj maxim: 70 de puncte ( se acorda 10 p. din oficiu)

Answer key

I. 1-b 2- a 3-b 4-c 5- b 6-b 7-a 8-b 9- c 10-c 11- c 12-c 13-c 14- b 15- c 16-b
17- a 18- c 19-c 20-c 21-c 22- b 23-c 24 -c 25- b 26 - a 27- c 28-a 29- a 30-a


II. 1- A 2- B 3- D 4-C 5-A 6- C 7-D 8- B 9- C 10-A


III. 1- to 2- doing 3- never 4- a 5- eating 6- been 7- have 8- a 9- taking



Punctaj maxim: 70 de puncte ( se acorda 10 p. din oficiu)

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