This Winter, Keep Influenza at Bay: Healthy News

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Healthy News

This Winter,
Keep Influenza at Bay
過直接接觸患者的分泌物而傳播。 甚 麼 是 流 感 ?
What is Influenza?
The flu virus thrives in the cold, dry
air of winter, as well as the humid air 季節性流行性感冒(流感)是由流感病毒
of summer. Every year in Hong Kong, 乙型和丙型三種類型;流感病徵一般為
the periods from January to March 發燒、咳嗽、喉嚨痛、流鼻水、肌肉
and July to August provide an ideal 痛、疲倦和頭痛,亦可能出現嘔吐和腹
environment for bacteria and viruses to
breed. Influenza is an acute respiratory 病發後五至七天不等。兒童、孕婦和長
disease caused by a virus that is mainly 者都屬於感染流感的高風險人士,應及
spread through coughing or sneezing, 早做好預防流感的措施,減低患上流感
or by coming into contact with the
Influenza is an acute respiratory
secretions of sufferers. disease caused by the flu virus and
can be divided into influenza A, B
and C. Symptoms of influenza usually
include fever, coughing, sore throat,
running nose, muscle pain, fatigue and
headache. Vomiting and diarrhea may
also occur.
The incubation period for influenza is
between one and four days, while the
period of infection can range from five to
seven days. Children, pregnant women
and the elderly are more at risk and it is
recommended that these groups take
extra precautions to reduce the chance
of contracting influenza.

預防流感你要知 • 以正確方法洗手

Tips for Reducing the • 打噴嚏或咳嗽時應遮掩口鼻,並立即用梘液洗手

Risk of Influenza • 避免觸摸口鼻或眼睛

• 保持環境衛生和室內空氣流通
• 在流感高峰期,最好避免前往人多擠迫及空氣欠缺流通的公眾地方
• 養成良好的生活習慣,不吸煙,保持充足睡眠及適量的運動,以及攝取有助鞏固免疫力的營養
• 如有呼吸道感染症狀或發燒時,應戴上口罩,並及早求醫
• 接種季節性流感疫苗,保障個人健康

18 1.2018
Healthy News

提 升 免 疫 力 的 營 養 素
Nutrients that Boost the Immunity System

蛋白質 Protein
Boosts the efficacy of white blood cells and antibodies which help maintain the normal
functioning of the immune system and stimulate activity of the body’s immune cells

維他命C Vitamin C
Helps increase the number of white blood cells and the concentration of antibodies and
their activities. Also helps boost the immune system

大蒜 Garlic
Garlic alliin and allicin both have an anti-infective and antibacterial

維他命E Vitamin E
Helps increase the number of antibodies, remove viruses and
bacteria, and at the same time helps to ensure the completeness of
immune cells

硒質 Selenium
Activates the immune system and promotes the growth of
immune cells

紫錐花 Echinacea
Increases human immune cells, thereby helping to enhance the
body’s immune system

• Wash your hands regularly and thoroughly

• Cover your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, and wash your hands thoroughly afterwards
• Avoid touching the mouth, nose and eyes
• Maintain good environmental hygiene and good indoor ventilation
• When influenza is prevalent, avoid going into crowded or poorly ventilated public places
• M
 aintain a balanced diet, exercise regularly, take adequate rest and do not smoke. Take appropriate health supplements
that can help to strengthen immunity and prevent influenza
• Use a surgical mask when respiratory symptoms develop and consult a doctor as soon as possible
• Having the seasonal influenza vaccination will help to boost personal protection

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