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#3D MAX (majority of this are custom assigned)

/ extrude options
ctrl/ extrude
* chamfer option
ctrl* chamfer
- connect edges option
ctrl- connect edges
shift- connect verts
+ add 1 vertex on center of an edge
ctrl+ add 2 even verts on an edge
. bevel options
ctrl. bevel
upArrow insert loop
downArrow inset face
leftArrow cut tool
rightArrow repeat last operation
ctrlInsert select loop
altInsert select ring
`(tilda key) adjust pivot
alt` center pivot
ctrlW walk mode camera
altX see through object ( like x ray)
altW maximize selected viewport
ctrlA select all
ctrlI invert selection
ctrlD deselect
M open material editor
0 render to texture
1234 switch through vertex, edge, border, face, object, selection modes
g show or hide grid
j show or hide bounding box
F2 unmark selected face
F3 switch between shaded or wireframing render mode
F4 switch between shaded or shaded+edge lines render mode

#Adobe Premiere Pro

class TypeA
public virtual void Print()
Console.WriteLine("Salut din tipul A");

class TypeB : TypeA

public override void Print()
File.Open("a.txt").Write("salut din tipul B");
void PrintSomething(TypeA a)

PrintSomething(new TypeA());
PrintSomething(new TypeB());

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