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School Nr. 1 Oinacu

English teacher : Luiza Florina Paraschiv
Date: May 24th
Grade: 3rd Grade L1
Time of lesson : 45 minutes
Lesson: Plural of nouns
Listening, speaking and writing activities
Classes: 2 hours /week
Methods : conversation, explanation, exercise;
Skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing;
Teaching aids: whiteboard, textbook, notebooks, books, worksheet;
Background: Students will work in teams
Students will complete a set of tasks .
Students will work individually .
Before this lesson, the teacher had explained the aim of the lesson and
the need for teamwork.
Learning Objectives ( cognitive and affective)
By the end of the lesson students’ vocabulary will have been improved.
Students will be practising during the class without teacher’s
help(practice on pronunciation, vocabulary).
A warm atmosphere will be created.
Students will ask questions( if there are any)
Bibliography: Book-Booklet - 3rd Grade
- http://busyteacher.org;
- www.didactic.ro ;
N Stage of Teacher’s activity Students’ Timing Aids Objectives
r. lesson activity

1. Checking The T greets the students The students 5 minute - To create a

attendance and checks the greet the teacher proper
attendance atmosphere

2. Homework The teacher checks the The students 5 minutes Notebooks To check the
Ss’ homework and helps read the accomplishment
them correct the mistakes homework and of given
( if there are any ). correct the Books instructions
2/ 14 –Book mistakes( if it is

3. Announcing The teacher writes the title The students 5 minutes Books Picture
the lesson of the lesson write down the exploitation
and its Plural of nouns title of the lesson
Learning in their
Objectives notebooks

(Interaction Notebooks
T-Ss) To make Ss.
aware of the
items they work

4 Introducing Activity 1 10 Book To enrich Ss’

the new minutes vocabulary
lesson The teacher asks students The students Notebooks
„ What animals were in discuss the
(Interaction questions in Flashcards To communicate
the text: The flying
in English
T-Ss, Ss-T) book”? small groups, Video
then report back Projector
to the whole

The teacher uses images The students
to introduce the new listen carefully Books
The teacher asks the The students
students: look at the
“ What is this?”/ “ What pictures.
To work in
are these?”
groups and
The students
name the

The students
look at the
pictures and
match singular to

The students
The teacher encourages decide the rules
students to take ownership in pair
of the project, but helps if
they seem headed in a
wrong direction.
The students ask
questions( if
there are any)

5 Acquiring Activity 2 The students 10 Video To check

performance solve a puzzle. minutes Projector comprehention
( Interaction The teacher explains the To be able to
T-Ss exercises.
Book solve exercises
The students individually.
find eleven
animals in the Worksheets

The teacher gives to the To work in

students some worksheets. The students small groups

complete a set of
The teacher explains to
the students the exercises.

6 Feed-back The teacher plays the The students 5 minutes Video To get a proper
song: listen and sing Projector feed-back
the song.
„The puppy’s in the

7 Homework The teacher explains the The students 5 minutes Textbook The homework
homework write down their

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