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In this new era, we rely more on technology compare to a decade ago. A decade ago, the
farmer still use buffalo to plow. Now, we have the technology which is truck to reduce the burden
of the farmer and increase the efficiency. The objective of certain technologies been developed
because is to help and solve human problem as the meaning of the technology already refers to
tools and machines that may be used to solve real -world problem. For example, a simple machine
called calculator can really save times when dealing with mathematical equation compare when
using manual calculation. Therefore, the technology is important because nowadays technology
really help people with their daily life activities such as communicate with each other. Thus, it is
important for engineers to develop new technology or improve the old technology because
“imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination
embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution” (Albert Einstein). From
the quote from Albert Einstein, we can conclude it is important that engineers should attempt to
show how technologies become a future vision in the energy, transport and communication sectors,
which are critically to society. Currently the technology in transportation are keep improving time
by time.

Nowadays, the newest and most desired technology in transportation already been
developed by Tesla. Tesla is a company that build electric vehicle. A group of engineers from
Tesla believes people need to stop relying on fossil fuels to ensure zero emission future. The Tesla
already create unimaginable technology which is autopilot. The autopilot technology developed
by Tesla are the latest and the safest. The autopilot works by installing camera and ultrasonic
sensor around the car to make sure the car can recognize and avoid both hard and soft objects.
Moreover, usually the electric vehicle does not favor by many people because of the design and
performance of the car. However, Tesla managed to create electric car which is Tesla model S that
can travel 0-6- mph acceleration time of 2.28 second make it one of the fastest cars in the world.
Next, the technologies in the communication. The way people communicate are keep evolving due
to the technology created by the engineers from using letter to using phone and internet. The first
handheld mobile phone introduced by John F Mitchell and Martin Cooper give impact how the
people connect with each other.

Furthermore, in this new era, engineers compete to produce high technology of mobile
phone. The well-known company and the first company that succeed to achieve 1 billion worth
which is iPhone managed to be one of the first company to use touch screen technology as interface
in the mobile phone. After that, Samsung and other company followed the technology cause the
mobile phone technology to become more interesting and user friendly. The internet also a
phenomenal technology created by engineer. Internet create a platform for the people to
communicate with each other. Nowadays, people communicate with each other by using Twitter,
Facebook, WhatsApp and other. These technologies make people can communicate with each
other by just a click away.

Next, the evolution of technology in energy production. Nowadays, people still rely on
non-renewable energy such as fossil fuels, coal petroleum and natural gas and it give impact on
earth environment such as air pollution, water pollution and other. So, the engineer tries to improve
renewable energy, so the renewable energy can be used by people everywhere. For example, most
common renewable energy is hydropower plant. The hydropower plant creates many advantages
such as flood control, irrigation and clean energy. In conclusion, there are still technologies that
engineers can explore to assist people in terms of energy, transportation and communication for
the future.

Figure 1.0: Tesla Model S Figure 2.0: First iPhone


Urbanization refers to the populace move from rural to urban residency, the continuous
increment in the extent of individuals living in urban areas, and the manners by which every people
adapts to this change. It is predominantly the procedure by which towns and urban areas are formed
and turned out to be bigger as more individuals start living and working in focal areas. Although
the two ideas are at times utilized reciprocally, urbanization ought to be recognized from urban
development: urbanization is "the proportion of the total national population living in areas classed
as urban," while urban development refers to "the absolute number of people living in areas classed
as urban". The United Nations anticipated that half of the total populace would live in urban zones
toward the finish of 2008. It is anticipated that by 2050 around 64 percent of the developing world
and 86 percent of the developed world will be urbanized. That is equal to roughly 3 billion
urbanites by 2050, quite a bit of which will happen in Africa and Asia. Outstandingly, the United
Nations has additionally as of late anticipated that almost all worldwide populace development
from 2017 to 2030 will be consumed by urban areas, around 1.1 billion new urbanites throughout
the following 13 years.

Next, urbanization is relevant to a scope of disciplines, including urban arranging, geology,

humanism, financial matters, and general wellbeing. The phenomenon has been firmly connected
to industrialization, modernization, and the sociological procedure of justification. Urbanization
can be viewed as a condition at a set time (e.g. the extent of aggregate populace or zone in urban
communities or towns) or as an expansion in that condition after some time. So, urbanization can
be evaluated either as far as, say, the level of urban improvement with respect to the general
populace, or as the rate at which the urban extent of the populace is expanding. Urbanization makes
enormous social, financial and ecological changes, which give a chance to manageability with the
"potential to use resources more efficiently, to create more sustainable land use and to protect the
biodiversity of natural ecosystems.”

Furthermore, urbanization isn't just a modern phenomenon, but a fast and historic change
of human social roots on a worldwide scale, whereby dominatingly rural culture is as a rule quickly
replaced by transcendently urban culture. The principal significant change in settlement patterns
was the accumulation of seeker gatherers into towns numerous thousand years prior. Town culture

is portrayed by basic bloodlines, communal behavior, and intimate relationships, though urban
culture is described by distant bloodlines, new relations, and competitive behavior. This
unprecedented development of individuals is forecast to proceed and intensify within the following
couple of decades, mushrooming urban areas to sizes unbelievable just a century back.
Accordingly, the world urban populace development bend has up till as of late took after a
quadratic-hyperbolic pattern.

Additionally, urbanization happens either naturally or planned because of individual, group

and state activity. Living in a city can be socially and financially helpful since it can give more
prominent chances to access to the labor market, decrease the time and cost of driving and
transportation better education, lodging and wellbeing conditions. Condition like density,
nearness, decent variety, and marketplace competition are components of an urban situation that
considered positive. In any case, there are likewise negative social marvels that stress, alienation,
arise, expanded typical cost for basic items, and mass underestimation that are associated with an
urban method for living. Suburbanization, which is going on in the urban communities of the
biggest creating nations, might be viewed as an attempt to balance these negative parts of urban
life while yet enabling access to the substantial degree of shared assets.

In urban communities, money, wealth, opportunities and services are brought together.
Numerous provincial occupants go to the city to look for their fortune and modify their social
position. Businesses, which give occupations and exchange capital, are more gathered in urban
areas. Regardless of whether the source is exchange or tourism, it is additionally through the ports
or banking systems, normally situated in urban areas, that foreign money flows into a country.

What’s more, numerous individuals move into urban communities for the financial
chances, yet this does not completely clarify the specific high ongoing urbanization rates in places
like China and India. Rural flight is a contributing element to urbanization. In rural regions,
frequently on small family farms or collective farms in towns, it has generally been hard to get to
manufactured products, however the relative in general personal satisfaction is extremely
emotional and may unquestionably outperform that of the city. Farm living has dependably been
susceptible to unpredictable natural conditions, and during dry season, surge or pestilence, survival
may turn out to be greatly dangerous.

Equally important, urban communities offer a bigger assortment of administrations,
including expert administrations not found in rural areas. These administrations require specialists,
bringing about increasingly various and changed openings for work. Elderly individuals might be
forced to move to urban communities where there are specialists and doctor's facilities that can
provide food for their wellbeing needs. Differed and great instructive opportunities are another
factor in urban movement, and additionally the chance to join, create, and search out social

The urbanization additionally makes opportunities for ladies that are not accessible in
country regions. This makes a gender-related change where ladies are occupied with paid work
and approach instruction. This may make richness decrease. Be that as it may, ladies are in some
cases still off guard because of their unequal position in the work advertise, their failure to secure
resources freely from male relatives and introduction to violence.

Above all, individuals in urban areas are more beneficial than in rural areas. An essential
inquiry is whether this is because of agglomeration effects or whether urban areas just pull in the
individuals who are more productive. Business analysts have as of late demonstrated that there
exists an expansive efficiency increase because of situating in thick agglomerations. It is
consequently conceivable that operators situate in urban communities with a specific end goal to
profit by these agglomeration impacts.

Now, our world is preparing for the fourth industrial revolution. The concept of the fourth
industrial revolution is by using the technological world to blur the real world. As the fourth
industrial revolution is approaching, there are certain things that our society needs to change which
is technological trends especially in the energy, transport and communication. This is because the
emerged new technologies will disrupt many industries such as the food and electrical by bringing
a big change in a blink of an eye. The changes will lead to many consequences that need a new
thinking system and collaboration.

In the context of energy, our world which is very modern and full of technology is
demanding a big amount of energy. The highest consumption of energy sources is petroleum,
natural gas and coal. This can be referring to the statistics of the primary energy production in
2017 which natural gas is 31.8%, petroleum (crude oil and natural gas plant liquids) is 28.0%, coal
is 17.8%, renewable energy is 12.7% and nuclear electric power at 9.6%. These top three sources

of energy is a non-renewable energy. A non- renewable energy which mainly the fossil fuels is a
source of energy that will run out or will not be replenished in the recent time. This is due to the
fact that fossil fuels is made of carbon and created from the decayed sea creatures. The decayed
sea creatures were pressured under a big amount of pressure and high heat intensity which the
process takes a very long time to be finished. The Industrial 4.0 will be looking at sustainable
energy as main source of energy for the modern-day society. Sustainable energy can be defined as
a form of energy that can run out and suitable for energy consumption in recent time.

Then, the essence of transport revolves around the following which cannot be farfetched
or beyond are economic purpose, spatial interaction and social integration. Transportation is the
movement of people and merchandise from one place to another. industrial revolution could be a
speedy probability within the prevailing types and strategies in the use of such machines. It can
even be a sudden elementary chance in the industrial organization. The overthrow or renunciation
of the primary, second and third industrial chance is substituted by fourth industrial modification
or shift. The Fourth industrial revolution is the sustainability of innovation, automation and
sophisticated method that are the foundation of industrial success strategies

Finally, we are seeing an upcoming industrial revolution on which every technologist

should strive to chase, and we can see that technological advancement in the communication aspect
holds a large share in the revolution. Industry 4.0 claims that cyber physical system (CPS) would
be the main benchmark for the industry, which means that a further development would need to
be done to ensure better communication between men and machinery.


There are many version of code of ethics for engineers. However, the latest vision is code
of ethics of engineers (2007). Engineering is an important and learned profession. As members of
this profession, engineers are expected to exhibit the highest standards of honesty and integrity.
Engineering has a direct and vital impact on the quality of life for all people. Accordingly, the
services provided by engineers require honesty, impartiality, fairness, and equity, and must be
dedicated to the protection of the public health, safety, and welfare. Engineers must perform under
a standard of professional behaviour that requires adherence to the highest principles of ethical

Some examples of the code ethic of engineers are all engineers shall hold paramount the
safety. Engineers shall not reveal facts, data or information without the prior consent of the client
or employer except as authorized or required by law or this code. Moreover, engineer shall not
permit the use of their name or associate in business venture with any person or firm that they
believe is engaged in fraudulent or dishonest enterprise. Engineers having knowledge of any
alleged violation of this code shall report thereon to appropriate professional bodies and when
relevant also to public authorities and cooperate with the proper authorities in furnishing such
information or assistance as may be required.

Next, Engineers shall perform services only in the area of their competence. Engineers
shall undertake assignments only when qualified by education or experience in the specific
technical fields involved. Engineers shall not affix their signatures to any plans or documents
dealing with subject matter in which they lack competence, nor to any plan or document not
prepared under their direction and control. Moreover, Engineers may accept assignments and
assume responsibility for coordination of an entire project and sign and seal the engineering
documents for the entire project, provided that each technical segment is signed and sealed only
by the qualified engineers who prepared the segment.

Another example is shall issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
All engineers shall be truthful in professional reports, statements or testimony they should honest
to pertinent information in such reports, statements, or testimony which should bear the date

indicating whet it was current. Besides that, Engineers shall issue no statements, criticisms or
arguments on any matter that influence by interested parties, unless they have preface their
comments by explicitly identifying the interested parties on whose behalf they are speaking.

Lastly, engineers shall avoid deceptive acts. Engineers shall not falsify their qualification
or permit misrepresentation of their or their associates’s qualification. They shall not misrepresent
or exaggerate their responsibility in or for the subject matter prior assignments. Next, Engineers
shall not offer, give, receive either directly or indirectly any contribution to influence the award of
a contract by public authority. or which may be reasonably construed by the public as having the
effect or intent of influencing the awarding of a contract. They shall not offer any gift or other
valuable consideration in order to secure work. They shall not pay a commission, percentage, or
brokerage fee in order to secure work, except to a bona fide employee or bona fide established
commercial or marketing agencies retained by them.

The challenge for the engineer and technologists about this thing is to provide more
efficient and practical ways to harvest the energy. The usage of fossil fuels gave many bad and
harmful effects. This is because the burning of fossil fuels causes the release of particles that will
pollute the environment and the people. Among the bad consequences for burning fossil fuels is
the release of carbon dioxide which freed to the surrounding. The released of carbon dioxide to
the surrounding can caused the greenhouse effect happened. This can lead to climate changes and
give bad effect to human, animals and plants. Other than that, the balance of the carbon in the
atmosphere also will be disturbed by the burning of fossil fuels. The carbon balance is very
important to control the greenhouse effect which is essential to living things.

Nowadays, there are already certain technologies that been created to harvest the renewable
energy. For example, the solar energy been used for the solar water heating collectors and
photovoltaic (PV) panels. The solar water heating collectors is a device that absorbs the sun energy
and used it to heat up the water. Then, the photovoltaic (PV) panels are used to capture the solar
radiation and change it to electricity. It is generating the electricity in clean and renewable

Next, the world most used renewable energy source is the hydroelectric that been create
through the hydropower plant. It is contributing for over 16% of the world’s net electricity
production and more than 65% of the global power generation capacity from renewable sources.

However, there are several disadvantages of hydroelectric power that the people must aware. The
most negative impact that will occur due to the hydroelectric power is to the environment. This is
because a reservoir is needed when a hydroelectric dam is built. The consequence of this is a large
area of land will be flooded as the reservoir fills in. This will lead to the destruction of the forest
which is the wildlife habitat

After that, we would be looking at the risk involves in the future development of
transportation technology. Managing the increasing traffic is a big problem all over the world. As
the world moves forward, we know the vehicle around the urban area would also exponentially
increase. The issue is to resolve this problem in a more smarter and efficient way. Developing a
more modern public transportation that is more smarter, which can communicate with itself to
come up with a more efficient ways to to conduct the public transportation system. Researching
smart highways would also bring much benefit to the modern day society which suffers with
congested roads on a daily basis.

At this point, every improvement would have its fair share of challenges. Right now, we
can communicate between individuals without a hiccup but the challenge for Industry 4.0 is how
are we able to do this smooth communication between men and machinery. The main task is to
allow machinery to have its own brain, creating an intelligent machine that would be able to think
and solve issues by itself. At once, machines can only do the automations, but humans need to be
by its side to do the thinking, the human is the brain basically. We are seeing improvements in the
big data & analytics, cloud, software integration and augmented reality industry. But the major
thing for us technologist is how can we allow all these improvements to communicate with each
other to build a smarter factory that would be more cost effective, faster and efficient.
Implementing methods to allow a machine to communicate with its own part is something to
ponder upon, it needs to be smart.

We will also be challenged with cases such as cyberattacks. Even though it is a rare case,
but it is still a factor that should be considered as it could lead to huge amount of loses to a
company. How a machine reacts to cyberattacks is still to unknown and a challenge for us
technologist to think because at this point we know that programmed such as artificial intelligence
has an uncertainty to it and can react in a negative way.


The solar panel is one of the possible solution for the energy crisis. However, the efficiency
of converting the solar energy to electrical by the devices is only 11% to 15% which very low in a
percentage. Until the recent time, the technologists and engineer can overcome this problem by
improving the efficiency of the solar panels through combining multi-joint of panels that can
harvest a variety of spectrum light to increase the efficiency.Hence, the technologists and engineer
must figure out how to create a turbine that can generate electricity without need a huge amount
of water flows. This can make the reservoir area to be smaller than now. Then, the resettlement
programs can be done. This will enable the reduce the loss of the sources and declined living
standard. The social impact on affected people and animals must be account to ensure that they
are moved to better livehood. The impact on aquatic species caused by the hydropower plant can
be reduced by developing different fish passage systems on dams which allow fishes to pass both
upstream and downstream without the barriers and fluctuated water flow.

Going on, the issue with the future of transportation. We can see that the smart growth
through Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) provides solution to these problems with the help
of new technologies. ITS is an integrated system that implements a broad range of communication,
control, vehicle sensing and electronics technologies to solve and manage the traffic problems.
High connectivity and the smooth movement of people and goods define well-functioning city.
Meanwhile, looking at the issue with developing a smart highway system that creates less impact
to the environment and produces less congestion to the society is to achieve a greener highway,
we provide green highway services through adoption of green technology such as solar, LED and
so on. Better safer and greener highway will increase safety rate and provide user-customized
information services for bad weather, chain-accidents and natural catastrophic early triggering

For communication, we are able to see that to create a smarter factory or production line is
allowing the smooth communication between machinery that would have no negative impacts.
One of the major things that a machine should be able to do is to create a virtual twin of itself,
whereby it can create a digital projection of how an action can has its own consequences. To
resolve the issue related with cyber attacks, company should always develop an authentication
process to act as safeguard or barrier to a cyberattack that may lead to losses. Communication

between man and machinery still holds a strong bond in fighting the challenges of cyberattacks.
In the future, most individuals fear that they might lose their job in the production sector as the
future lessen the usage of human in the smart factory. Eventhough man power is not needed in the
direct working line of the production, the situation may pave a job opportunity such as 3D
modelers, data analyst and software programmers. All of these would also lead to more
technoprenuers, which uses technological advancements in their business.


The vision of all engineers around the world are to make people life easier by developed
new technology. From this discussion, we can conclude that many things can get better by
technologies. For example, earth pollution can be eliminated by using non-renewable energy. Non-
renewable energy such as solar energy, hydropower plant is one of the challenges for the
technologist and engineer because by improving this technology many people can get benefit from
the technology. Moreover, in the context of communication, people can communicate with each
other by just using internet, phone and others. The internet creation is phenomenal because it
changes people life completely. People nowadays relies so much on the internet to communicate,
business, learning and others. Moreover, technology also give effect to how people live nowadays.
For example, a long time ago, human does not have perfect system to organize human society.
However, the technology help people to create suitable and effective system to help organize the
society. The result of this process causes the movement from rural to urban life. The behavior and
manner of the people are also change to better behavior. This is all the result of technology that
have been developed by engineers around the world. There are many things that engineers can
explore and create new technologies because there is no limit in technologies. The technologies
keep evolving day by day. So, in conclusion it is very important that engineers keep attempt to
articulate a future vison of technological trends especially in energy, transportation and
communication sector which can help people to live.


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