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Underline the non-finite verbs and mention the type: -

i) She wants to buy a new car.

ii) Shinning teeth add beauty.
iii) Writing is an exchange of idea.
iv) The broken glass cut my foot.
v) Can I take your phone?

2. Change the following sentences as directed: -

i) I have finished my work. (Present Continuous)

ii) He will be visiting you soon. (Future Perfect)
iii) He reads the newspaper daily. (Simple Future)
iv) Sumit was feeling hungry. (Present Continuous)
v) The Science Olympiad begins tomorrow. (Future Perfect Continuous)

3. Identify the adjectives and mention their kinds: -

i) Can you give me some advice?

ii) These students participated in the exhibition?
iii) Her mother is of British origin.
iv) There are several books that talk about women issues.
v) The judge was impartial in his judgement.

4. Rewrite as Directed: -

i) The chef cooks exotic dishes every day. (Passive)

ii) I had polished the shoes at night.
iii) She ought to pay the house tax on time.
iv) My brother gave me an iPad for a day.
v) The gardener has pruned the bushes.

5. Choose the suitable conjunctions: -

i) Mother will _____ (either/still) prepare noodles or pasta.

ii) Get up, _____(whereas/otherwise) you will be late for college.
iii) _____(Although/Neither) she is very famous, _____(so/yet) she is humble.
iv) He is given a trophy _____(but also/not only) a cash price.
6. Change the following into indirect speech: -

i) Riya said, “Neha can come is she keeps well. “

ii) The little girl said to her mother, “Please do not punish me. “
iii) The girl said, “Did you break the vase? “
iv) Reena said, “I composed a poem. “

7. Make sentences using phrasal verbs: -

I) Cut down
II) Join in
III) Make up for
IV) Look up to

8. Underline the adverb and mention its kind: -

i) He seldom smokes
ii) The child caught the toy awkwardly.
iii) Your answer is partly correct.
iv) When will you visit your grandmother?
v) God is everywhere.

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