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Critical Banned List

The critical actions enumerated below

could be subject to


Especially if they may cause damage to

the company’s image

Copyright 2009
1. System related violations
1. Clicking the ‘Ready’ button outside of the working environment. (details)
2. Asking another person to click the Ready button. (details)
3. Conducting lessons on behalf of another teacher. (details)
4. Conducting classes using other devices (mobile phone, tablet) aside
from a laptop/desktop computer. (details)
5. Conducting lessons without using the webcam. (details)
6. Conducting classes in a public place. (details)
7. Conducting classes in a different working environment (no system
check done before conducting classes). (details)
8. Tagging conducted classes as NO SHOW. (details)
9. Submitting a lesson note even when the class was not
10. Submitting fake/obsolete Speedtest results/documents.(details)
11. Adding other contacts to your Skype account aside from students and
authorized staff. (details)
12. Deleting the student’s Skype ID. (details)
13. Making fake student accounts. (details)
14. Changing the official Skype account password. (details)
Copyright 2014
2. Teacher conduct related violations
1. Contacting students outside of lesson time. (details)
2. Arguing and sending negative messages to
3. Meeting students in person. (details)
4. Inappropriate behavior during the class. (details)
5. Expressing dissatisfaction to/ talking unprofessionally to/
arguing with the student. (details)
6. Requesting students to provide teachers with a certain
rating. (details)
7. Ending the lesson ahead of schedule. (details)
8. Acting rudely towards staff members. (details)

Copyright 2014
3. Privacy related violations
1. Sharing the student's private information by any
2. Putting any private information about the student on social
networks such as Facebook, LINE, etc. (details)
3. Connecting with your student via social networks such as
Facebook, LINE, etc. (details)
4. Making a Skype group chat and sending a message to two
or more students at the same time. (details)
5. Discussing/revealing any private information about
DMM/Engoo/Bibo policies, rules, salary and guidelines to
your student. (details)

Copyright 2014
How to Avoid breaking the rules listed in the critical
banned list
1. Tutors should be polite and helpful at all times to the students but they should also
keep a respected distance to avoid over familiarity.
2. Some of the students are not comfortable being asked personal questions i.e., age,
status, religion. So, always start asking questions with, “Do you mind if I ask your
age?” It is advisable that tutors make their students relax and feel comfortable first
before asking them personal questions.
3. The personal information of the students is confidential and must remain private at
all times. Avoid taking pictures of students and/or posting any documents or files
that show the students’ information without the company’s consent.
4. The company maintains moral decency and good conduct. Always respect the
students and show good manners to them.
5. If in case the student wants to give gifts or cards to his/her tutor, tutor should refuse
it politely.
6. If the student likes to visit the tutor’s country and wants to see the tutor, please
refuse it politely.
System related issues
1. Clicking the ‘Ready’ button is a part of a teacher’s attendance and ensures the
company that the teacher is prepared for the said class. Please be reminded that
teachers should always be in the working environment where a system check was
done. Clicking the ‘Ready’ button outside of your working environment guarantees
the student/ company that you will be able to take the class on time. If the class
cannot be conducted on time and the ‘Ready’ button was clicked, you might get a
complaint from the student and this also affects your credibility as a teacher.

2. Teachers are solely responsible in clicking these buttons. The ‘Ready’ button is
needed to let us know that you’re ready for each class. If you cannot click these on
time, please inform OS right away. The class(es) will be cancelled. However, it would
be easier to deal with cancellations and penalties, than a possible termination due
to a violation.
System related issues
3. Only the teacher booked by the student can conduct the class, unless the student
chose to have a substitute class. It is the teacher’s responsibility to come to class on

4. Use of other devices such as mobile phones/ tablets is not allowed since it does not
use a wired connection, which makes them unstable.

5. Part of what makes our company so popular with students is that we guarantee
100% Video classes.
○ Your camera should be able to function for all your classes.
○ Exceptions are made when the connection is so bad that a video class
cannot be conducted. In this case, please ask the student to turn off their
camera first. Then, and only after requesting permission from the student,
may you also turn off your camera to improve the connection.
○ Any other issues that may arise (technical problems) should be transmitted
to OS and fixed as soon as possible
System related issues

6. We always guarantee a 100% video class with an environment conducive for online
classes. Public places are unsuitable due to presence of distractions. Please be mindful
that there are students who easily get distracted and might complain about these
distractions that can be easily avoided.

7. A quality/ system check is done to be sure of these things:

○ Internet speed meets the minimum requirement (0.5 mbps for both upload
and download speed)
○ Quiet environment
○ Clean (Free of clutter or any distracting things/ background)
Conducting classes in a different working environment does not guarantee a
conducive place for holding classes. If there is a need to transfer
to another working environment, please inform your TS/ OS
so they can conduct a system check.
System related issues
8. A class should be tagged as NO SHOW in the following situations:
○ If you called the student for 15 minutes and there was no answer from the
student. Remember to include a screenshot of the call log and the
speedtest result in the tutoring notes
○ If the student informed you ahead of the lesson about his/her absence.
Remember to include a screenshot of the message from the student in the
tutoring notes
9. A complete lesson note submitted on time means that the class was conducted.
Submitting lesson notes even when the class was not conducted creates a bad rep on
your credibility. The student might also complain about it since they were not able to
have a class with you.

10. There have been cases where teachers ask co-teachers to send them speedtest
results to avoid cancellations or have forged documents to prove connection/electricity
issues.. Please be reminded that this shows dishonesty
and negatively affects your credibility as a teacher.
Falsification of documents is subject to IMMEDIATE TERMINATION
System related issues
11. Please refrain from adding additional contacts to your online teacher Skype accounts, as these may prove a
distraction during classes.
Additional contacts refer to:
• Personal contacts
• Any unauthorized contact outside of Bibo staff.

12. Unless directed otherwise by your TS or any other authorized Bibo staff member, teachers should not delete
the accounts of students from their Skype contact list

13. There have been cases of teachers making fake student Skype accounts and booking trial lessons to improve
booking rate and to have a better pay. Please be reminded that this is a grave offense that shows dishonesty and
unprofessionalism on your part as a teacher. This violation automatically leads to termination of contract.

14. Skype accounts are provided by the company. Therefore, transparency on the use of it should be exercised.
Please treat your Skype accounts as company property. If there is a need to change the Skype password due to
valid reasons (hacked account, stolen PC/laptop, etc.), please let us know right away.
Teacher conduct related violations

1. Contact with students should be done purely within the class time to avoid personal
relationships and abuse of teachers’ skills. This ensures a strictly professional
relationship between students and teachers.
Do not contact your student for any of the following instances:
• Asking a student to cancel a class
• Offering private lessons and/ or make-up classes
• Asking students to book a class

2. Please do not confront students about any issues you encounter with students. If
there is a recurring issue with one of your students, please inform your respective TS so
that they may assist you in this matter.

3. Interaction with the student should be limited to classes only. If the student asks you
to meet them personally, please politely refuse.
Teacher conduct related violations

4. The following acts are to be avoided during class time:

• Smoking - Please use the 5-minute break to smoke.

• Solicitation - offering business transactions - This is never acceptable since it’s
very unprofessional. Teachers are already being compensated for the classes
that they provide. This also refers to teachers requesting language classes
from our students (Ex: Japanese classes) with or without compensation
• Eating - This is considered impolite. This might also distract the teacher.
• Taking calls/ doing something else in class - This is considered impolite as this
equates to the teacher not focusing on the class.
• Being drunk in class - This is never acceptable as this shows unprofessionalism.
It also shows unpreparedness and lack of competence.

Note: Teachers are now allowed to drink water during classes, provided that they are
using a transparent glass or container wherein water can easily be seen
Teacher conduct related violations
5. Please be advised that our students are our clients to whom we have to provide
quality classes.
Possible verbal/ non-verbal cues of inappropriate behavior are as follow:
• Scoffing
• Challenging the student’s opinion
• If you do not agree with the student, it would be better to not argue about it.
○ Ex: That is a narrow way of looking at it. If you use the military to instill
discipline, it will cause fear.
• You can try saying, “Thank you for your opinion, Kaoru-san. Would you like to
hear my opinion?” or “Thank you very much for your opinion, Kaoru-san. I think
that’s very interesting. I think the military is important if it’s well-controlled.”
• Cutting off the student to express your opinion about something
• Being impolite to the student
• Swearing
• Talking negatively about the student's home country.
• Expressing dissatisfaction, either verbally or through written messages/lesson
notes, about the received rating
• Asking students to submit speedtest results or sending
your speedtest result to the student.
Teacher conduct related violations

6. Each student is entitled to provide teachers with the rating they deem fit, for
whichever class they wish to do so. Teachers are prohibited from requesting students to
provide them with a certain rating after conducting classes or ask the students for the
reason they received a certain rating.

7. We offer 25 minute classes to our students. Calls that end before that mark, make
students feel like they were cheated out of time for which they have already paid.

8. The staff will always act courteously towards teachers. Any abuse from any of the
team members should be reported to management. At the same time, we require that
you also maintain a professional attitude while interacting with any and all staff
members. Sanctions will be applied for any type of abuse incurred on or by staff
Privacy related violations
1. Japanese people value the importance of privacy. They have a ‘Personal
Information Protection Law’ that protects the individual’s private information.
Private information includes:
• Age
• Civil Status
• Birthday
• Religion
• Job/ Work/ Company Name
• Any ID
• Family Structure
• Any kind of information that can be used to identify a person.

2. Any private information that the student chooses to share with their teacher is
meant for that person only. Sharing any private detail or any kind of information
(pictures/videos of the student) without the company's permission is considered a
Privacy related violations

4. Teachers are not allowed to request students add them on social networks like
Facebook, LINE, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc, nor are they allowed to seek out and add
students to any SNS.

5. By creating Skype group chat rooms, all members have access to each other's
Skype information, breaching their right to privacy.

6. Disclosing any private information contained within the teacher contract,

guidelines or teacher backpack are considered violations.
Please do not discuss or debate any rules/guidelines/salary standards with any of your

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