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Reumatismo, 2018; 70 (1): 51-58 REVIEW

Imaging in polymyalgia rheumatica

N. Possemato, C. Salvarani, N. Pipitone
Rheumatology Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Azienda Ospedaliera ASMN,
Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico, Reggio Emilia, Italy

Polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a chronic, inflammatory disorder of unknown cause clinically characterized
by pain and prolonged morning stiffness affecting the shoulders and often the pelvic girdle and neck. Imaging
has substantially contributed to defining PMR as a disease mainly involving extra-articular structures. This
review article analyses the role of the different imaging techniques in the diagnosis and follow-up of patients
with PMR with particular emphasis on the role of ultrasound, PET/CT and MRI.
Key words: Rheumatology; Polymyalgia rheumatica; Imaging; Ultrasound; MRI; PET-CT.

Reumatismo, 2018; 70 (1): 51-58

onance imaging (MRI), but has high sensi-sensi
tivity in PMR patients not treated with glu-

P olymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) is a cocorticoids (4). 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose

chronic, inflammatory disorder of un- positron emission tomography (PET) is not

known cause. It is almost never seen in routinely used to image patients with PMR,

people aged 50 years or younger. Clinical- but is indicated if large-vessel vasculitis is

ly, the disorder is characterized by pain and suspected. In addition, PET can also reveal

prolonged morning stiffness affecting the inflammatory

in flammatory
ammatory changes in articular and periperi-
shoulders and often the pelvic girdle and articular structures (3).

neck. Symptoms are usually symmetric. Imaging has substantially contributed to

Inflammatory markers ers are mostly raised, defining PMR as a disease mainly involv-

and patients typically experience a swift ing extra-articular structures. In fact, while
response to glucocorticoids (1). mild synovitis is a known feature of PMR,

it was noted that it can only partially ex-

plain the diffuse and severe discomfort of

the proximal limb extremities experienced

by PMR patients (5). A pivotal study by
In PMR, both joints and periarticular tis- Salvarani et al. published back in 1997
sues can be involved. Arthritis is typically clarified that the main source of pain and
non-erosive and promptly responds to ther- stiffness in PMR with shoulder symptoms
apy (2), while on imaging the subacromial- was SAD bursitis (6). Using MRI, the au-
subdeltoid (SAD) and trochanteric bursae thors investigated the shoulders of thirteen
appear often inflamed (1) (Figure 1). De- patients with PMR and of nine control pa-
spite the name of polymyalgia (pain in nu- tients with elderly onset rheumatoid arthri-
merous muscles), the muscles have a nor- tis as well as of ten age-matched unaffected
mal appearance on imaging (3). controls. The main finding of this study
Routine radiographs of inflamed joints do was that SAD bursitis was present in 100%
not show abnormalities in patients with of PMR patients compared with only 22% Corresponding author:
Niccolò Possemato
PMR (3). Scintigraphy has gone out of fash- of control patients, while the frequencies of Rheumatology Unit,
ion with the advent of imaging techniques joint synovitis and biceps tenosynovitis did Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova
Viale Risorgimento, 80
that provide better spatial resolution, such not significantly differ between case and 42123 Reggio Emilia, Italy
as ultrasonography (US) and magnetic res- control patients. E-mail:

Reumatismo 1/2018 51
REVIEW N. Possemato, C. Salvarani, N. Pipitone

fig 1

severe bursitis occurred significantly more

frequently in PMR (83%) than in control
(31%) patients. Similarly, MRI evidence
of lumbar interspinous bursitis was de-
tected in a subsequent study in 90% of
10 PMR patients, but in only 46% of a
control group consisting of seven patients
with spondyloarthropathy, two patients
with spinal spondylosis and two patients
with rheumatoid arthritis who had back
pain (9). On the basis of these findings, it
was proposed that PMR should be consid-
ered a disorder of extra-articular synovial
structures (5, 10) and that joint synovitis
might be secondary to shedding of pro- pro

ammatory molecules of eextrasynovial

membranes (10). From a nosological point
of view, it was thus suggested that PMR
might share a prevalent extra-articular sy-sy

novial involvement with other conditions
us such as RS3PE (remitting seronegative
symmetrical synovitis with pitting edema)

Figure 1 - Distension of the subacromial-deltoid bursa in a patient with PMR.
and probably a subset of elderly onset
In the second figure from top, the main anatomical structures are highlighted
(the bursa in yellow, the supraspinatus tendon in grey and the bone and bursal rheumatoid arthritis, with important im-

margins in white). plications for the classification of arthritis


in the elderly population (5).

Patients with PMR may also present with Currently, US has gained a pivotal role in

neck and, less commonly, with lower back the assessment of PMR due to its capacity
pain, but the source of spinal pain has long to visualize both joints and periarticular tis-

not been recognized. Using PET, BlockBlock- sues, its low cost and widespread availabil-
mans et al. (7) had observed increased ity. Importantly, US in PMR has excellent

FGD accumulation at the level of the spi spi- reliability, with very high intra-observer
nous processes in about one-half of PMR (0.96) and inter-observer (0.99) intraclass

patients, but owing to the relatively low correlation coefficients (11).

spatial resolution of PET the exact ana ana- The most frequent US abnormalities are

tomical structures involved could not be usually detected at shoulder level and are
identified. Two subsequent studies spe- represented by SAD bursitis and long head
cifically looked at cervical (8) and lumbar of biceps tendon tenosynovitis (12). Ac-
(9) spine changes in patients with active cording to a recent review, SAD bursitis is
PMR. Using MRI, Salvarani et al. were found in about 70-100% of patients with
able to identify interspinous bursitis as PMR, while the prevalence of long head of
the typical alteration of PMR patients. biceps tendon tenosynovitis hovers around
In the first study, twelve untreated PMR 45-100% (13). In this context, Rozin et al.
patients were compared with thirteen described the two tram tracks sign, a spe-
controls including patients with fibromy- cific US sign of active PMR. In some PMR
algia, cervical osteoarthritis, ankylosing patients, the two layers of the deltoid fascia
spondylitis and psoriatic spondylitis (8). and the two leaflets of the subdeltoid bursa,
In all patients with PMR, MRI showed when viewed anteriorly with the shoulder
the presence of fluid in the cervical inter- extended, abducted and internally rotated,
spinous bursae at C5-C7 level consistent are seen as parallel hypoechogenic layers.
with bursitis, while bursitis was noted in This sign has been seen to resolve after
only 46% of control patients. Moderate to treatment with glucocorticoids. Just how

52 Reumatismo 1/2018
Imaging in polymyalgia rheumatica REVIEW

prevalent this sign is in PMR is as yet un- al. (23). In this study, 22 patients with PMR
known (14). and 16 with RA underwent whole-body,
At hip level, extra-articular involvement is multiple-joint, 3T MRI. The authors iden-
the most relevant finding with the evidence tified a pattern of symmetrical extracapsu-
of trochanteric bursitis that is present in a lar inflammation at the level of the greater
significantly higher number of cases with trochanter, acetabulum, ischial tuberosity
PMR than in controls (15). Other findings and/or symphysis pubis in 64% of PMR.
that have been reported are glenohumeral or This pattern was associated with higher
hip joint effusions or tenosynovitis (15-18). pre-treatment interleukin-6 and C-reactive
Joint effusion can be also detected in the protein levels and a complete response to
hips, knees, and wrists with prevalence glucocorticoids, as well as with better post-
rates of 40%, 38%, and 18%, respectively treatment fatigue and function. However,
(19). Synovitis of hand and wrist are pos- patients presenting with such a pattern
sible findings, but less helpful in differen- were more likely to require glucocorticoid
tiating PMR from other inflammatory con- treatment for >1 year.

ditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). PET is also a valuable tool in identifying

Joint involvement at feet level (metatarso- inflammatory
ammatory changes in PMR as well as in
phalangeal joints) is rare and should sug- disclosing subclinical large ge vessel vasculi-
gest another diagnosis. tis (Figure 2). In PMR, the increased FDG

MRI can also depict periarticular struc- uptake is mainly related to bursitis (peri- (peri
tures very well. In a study, MRI of the fig 2
shoulders showed bilateral SAD bursitis in
all PMR patients and biceps tenosynovitis
in 67%; glenohumeral synovitis was also

detected in all patients (20). Similarly, at


hip level using MRI, Cantini et al. dem-

onstrated trochanteric bursitis in 100%

and hip synovitis in 85% of PMR patients

(15). US had the same sensitivity as MRI

for the detection of trochanteric bursitis,

whereas US findings of hip synovitis were

present only in 45% of patients. A prevapreva-

lent extra-articular pattern has also been

demonstrated in the hands of patients with

PMR using MRI. Cimmino et al. report report-

ed tenosynovitis in 67% of 15 PMR pa pa-

tients versus 30% of unaffected controls;
extensor tenosynovitis was seen in 53%
and flexor tenosynovitis in 60% of PMR
patients, although only the rate of exten-
sor tenosynovitis was significantly higher
than in controls (21). In contrast, signs of

synovitis were comparable in PMR pa-
tients and controls. Likewise, in patients Figure 2 - PET/CT image in a patient with PMR -

with florid, PMR-associated RS3PE (re- associated vasculitis. The FDG uptake pattern at

mitting seronegative symmetrical synovi- the level of the periarticular structures of the shoul-

ders, hips (bursitis) and humeral head (synovitis) is

tis with pitting edema), the most common consistent with PMR. In this patient, PET/CT also
MRI findings are extensor tenosynovitis, shows an associated large vessel vasculitis (in-
followed in decreasing order by hand joint creased vascular FDG uptake at the thoracic aorta,
arthritis and flexor tenosynovitis (22). subclavian arteries and axillary arteries, score 2
A periarticular pattern of PMR has recent- according to Meller J et al. Eur J Nucl Med Mol
ly been highlighted in a study by Mackie et Imaging, 2003).

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REVIEW N. Possemato, C. Salvarani, N. Pipitone

articular accumulation pattern) (24). In PMR had increased FDG vascular uptake
one of the first papers based on PET pub- (25). Importantly, PMR patients without
lished by Blockmans et al., high 18F-FDG clinical evidence of arteritis but with im-
uptake was detected in shoulders in 33/35 aging signs of giant cell arteritis do not
(94%) patients and in hips in 31/35 (89%) appear prone to developing vascular isch-
patients as well as in the spinous process emic complications.
of the vertebrae in 51% (7). PET can allow
assessment of deep bursae, not easily vis-
ible with US, such as ischial tuberosities,
lumbar spinous processes and greater tro-
chanters. Positive results at this level seems
to be highly sensitive (85.7%) and specific A gold standard diagnostic test for PMR
(88.2%) for the diagnosis of PMR, accord- is lacking. Moreover, PMR can be mim-
ing to Yamashita et al. (25). icked by numerous other conditions, many
Rehak et al. recently described various pat- of which may also respond in some degree

terns of PET findings in 67 patients who to glucocorticoids. Various classification

fulfilled Healey’s criteria for PMR (26). criteria have been proposed for diagnos-
The authors found articular involvement ing PMR, including those by Chuang (30),
in proximal joints in 88.1% of patients Healey (31) and Bird (32). However, none

(86.6% shoulders, 70.1% hips and 46.3% of these criteria have been validated or
sternoclavicular joints). Vascular involve
ment was seen in 40.3% of patients. Ex-
been widely accepted. Therefore, new clas-
sification criteria have been developed un-
tra-articular involvement was present in der the aegis of the American College of
ischiogluteal bursae in 52.2% of patients, Rheumatology and of European League

around the symphysis and ventral to pubic Against Rheumatism (33).


bones in 7.5% of patients, in spinous inter In patients aged 50 years or older present-
spaces of cervical vertebrae in 19.4% of ing with bilateral shoulder aching and

patients and in lumbar vertebrae in 56.7% raised inflammatory markers, these criteria
of patients. had 68% sensitivity and 78% specificity

Imaging studies are particularly useful in for PMR. US was not mandatory, but when
securing diagnosis of PMR when the in in- ultrasonography findings consistent with

ammatory markers
flammatory markers are normal. Cantini et PMR were included, sensitivity remained
al. demonstrated that MRI and US in PMR virtually unchanged at 66%, whereas

patients with normal or high erythrocyte specificity increased to 81%. US findings

sedimentation rate reveal similar in inflam- deemed consistent with PMR included at

matory shoulder lesions (27). least one shoulder with subdeltoid bursitis
PET is especially helpful in disclosing and/or biceps tenosynovitis and/or gleno-
vascular involvement associated with humeral synovitis (either posterior or ax-
PMR, since it can visualize almost all illary) and at least one hip with synovitis
arteries including the deeper vessels. and/or trochanteric bursitis. Macchioni
Blockmans et al. showed that about one- et al. recently demonstrated the increased
third of 35 patients with isolated PMR specificity of the clinical criteria if inte-
had increased vascular FDG uptake (pre- grated with ultrasonography (34). Patients
dominantly in the subclavian arteries) with PMR were compared to those with
(28). However, uptake intensity was less other joint inflammatory disorders includ-
marked than in giant cell arteritis, with ing rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Adding ul-
only 2/35 (6%) patients showing intense trasonography, specificity increased from
vascular uptake. Moosig et al. (29) de- 81.5% to 91.3% in total cases and from
scribed increased FDG vascular uptake in 79.7% to 89.9% in RA. These findings
12 out of 13 PMR patients in the aorta and suggest that ultrasonography examination
its major branches, but in another study, is helpful in increasing the specificity of a
only 2/14 (14%) untreated patients with clinical diagnosis of PMR.

54 Reumatismo 1/2018
Imaging in polymyalgia rheumatica REVIEW

n ROLE OF IMAGING IN THE laris tendon, the authors demonstrated that

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS OF inflammation in PMR was predominantly
POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA localized to the periarticular tissue com-
pared with elderly-onset RA. The scoring
Current published data suggest a possible showed good intra- and inter-observer reli-
role for imaging in differentiating PMR ability.
from other rheumatic conditions that may MRI is also an excellent imaging technique
present with a polymyalgic onset. Falsetti for PMR, due to its capacity to visualize in-
et al. in 2011 demonstrated an improve- flamed tissues at joint and bursae level, and
ment of diagnostic sensitivity for PMR has proved useful for the purpose of dif-
when US assessment was used. The authors ferential diagnosis. In 2001, McGonagle et
suggested a predictive model of US evalua- al. published an MRI study comparing the
tion to classify PMR patients, including the anatomical sites of inflammatory changes
presence of SAD bursitis, low frequency of in the shoulders of 14 patients with early
wrist, metacarpophalangeal and metatar- PMR and 14 with RA using fat at suppres-

sophalangeal effusion/synovitis, low fre- sion MRI (38). The authors described a

quency of Achilles enthesitis, low frequen- common involvement of synovial joints
cy of knee menisci chondrocalcinosis, and in PMR and RA and a slightly higher fre- fre
tendinous calcaneal calcifications, and low Inter
quency of bursitis in PMR patients. Inter-

hypervascularization at power-Doppler US estingly, they also described the presence
analysis in the wrist (13, 18).
In another study, Falsetti et al. compared
ammatory changes in the soft tissues,
of inflammatory us
defined as extracapsular changes.
US findings in patients with PMR versus In 2007, the same group published an in- in
those with RA or spondyloarthropathies relation
teresting paper evaluating the relation-

(SpA) (35). They found that enthesitis was ship between synovial and extracapsular

more frequent in SpA, while synovitis of flammation

flammation in PMR and early RA us
inflammation us-
the elbow, knee, and wrist was significant- ing contrast-enhanced and fat suppression

ly more common in patients with RA and MRI (39). The results confirmed a much
SpA patients compared with those with greater degree of gadolinium enhancement

PMR. At shoulder level, a study that com-

com- in the extracapsular tissues in the PMR pa-pa
pared PMR with RA and psoriatic arthritis tients. A surprising finding was that MRI-

(PsA) patients found that bilateral SAD determined erosion and bone edema were
bursitis was universal (100%) in patients equally common in both groups, while it

with PMR, whereas only 20% of patients has been recognized that PMR synovitis is
of RA patients and no PsA patients had usually non-erosive at standard X-ray eval-

such findings (20). In contrast, no signifi uation (22). This finding may be related to
cant difference was detected in the distri- the capacity of MRI to detect even small
bution of biceps tenosynovitis among the erosions, which can be found even in nor-
study groups. Another study that looked mal subjects (21).
at shoulder US findings in patients with Approximately 16-21% of patients with
PMR and RA confirmed that SAD bursi- PMR have giant cell arteritis (1). Imaging
tis was more specific to PMR (36). In this methods can aid in detecting those PMR
study, bilateral SAD bursitis was revealed patients that have an associated vasculitis.
in 37% of PMR patients, but only in 3% US can be a valuable tool for a correct di-
of patients with RA, while bilateral biceps agnosis of these patients, especially when
tenosynovitis was present in 30% of PMR superficial arteries are involved, with a
patients versus none of the RA controls. A sensitivity ranging from 55% to 100%
semiquantitative scoring system for evalu- and specificity ranging from 78% to 100%
ating periarticular shoulder US inflamma- (40). In large vessel vasculitis, the inflam-
tory signs has recently been proposed by matory infiltrate of the vessel wall results
Suzuki et al. (37). Using a four-point scale in the loss of the normal echostructure of
scoring the hyperemia of the suprascapu- the intima-media complex. The major so-

Reumatismo 1/2018 55
REVIEW N. Possemato, C. Salvarani, N. Pipitone

fig 3

In a prospective study containing 53 pa-

tients evaluated clinically, serologically
and by US before and after (at 4 weeks
and at 12 weeks) glucocorticoid therapy,
clinical, laboratory and ultrasonography
decreased in parallel over time (11). US
inflammatory findings showed similar or
better sensitivity to change than clinical
and laboratory markers of PMR activ-
ity (11). However, in another prospective
study on 57 newly diagnosed patients with
Figure 3 - Vasculitis of the axillary arteries in a patient with PMR. Note both in PMR, while glucocorticoids significantly
the transversal (left) and in the longitudinal view (right) the concentric thicken- reduced the frequency and the severity
ing of the intima-media complex of the axillary artery at the humeral head level. of SAD bursitis, long head biceps teno-teno
synovitis, and glenohumeral synovitis,

a sizeable 59% of 44 patients in clinical

nographic signs are the thickening of the remission or in low disease activity had
arterial wall with disappearance of the tri- infl
persistent inflammatory
infl lesions at follow-
laminar structure of the intima-media com- up US (24). No association was found be- be

plex, the presence of a perivascular halo, in
tween the persistence of US inflammatory
and the presence of stenoses or vascular
dilatations (Figure 3) (41, 42).
us recur
changes and the risk of relapses or recur-
rences, although a positive power-Doppler
PET, too, can be used to detect an under-
under- signal at diagnosis was significantly asso-
lying large-vessel vasculitis as well as to ciated with the subsequent occurrence of

depict the pattern of involvement of periar

periar- relapses or recurrences. Similarly, FDG

ticular structures in PMR. In terms of dif

dif- uptake at PET (in the shoulders, hips, and
ferential diagnosis, PET has been suggest
suggest- spinous processes) was shown to decrease

ed as useful in differentiating PMR from following the institution of glucocorti-

elderly onset RA, with important implica
implica- coids therapy; however, basal FDG uptake

tions in terms of prognosis and treatment. did not predict the risk of relapses over
Yamashita et al. compared FDG accumula
accumula- time (28).

tion sites at PET between 27 patients with Recently, Palard-Novello et al. suggested
PMR and 10 with elderly onset RA. In a role for PET in assessing the efficacy of

PMR, abnormal accumulation at the ischi

ischi- tocilizumab in the treatment of PMR (44).
al tuberosity, vertebral spinous processes, Patients enrolled in a multicentric clinical

and iliopectineal bursa was significantly trial underwent PET at baseline, after the
higher compared with RA, while shoul- first infusion of tocilizumab (week 2) and
der involvement had a similar prevalence after the last infusion (week 12). Eighteen
(25). Similarly, Wakura et al. suggested patients could be evaluated. At week 0,
that an abnormal FDG accumulation at the high FDG uptake was found at the shoul-
entheses of the girdle such as enthesis of der (89% of patients) and pelvic (94% of
the pectineus muscle, and enthesis of the patients) girdle as well as in the cervical
rectus femoris muscle might assist in dif- spinous processes (56% of patients). After
ferentiating PMR from EORA (43). the first infusion, SUV max significantly
decreased and decreased further by week
12, although in a lesion-based analysis no
significant decrease was observed in the
shoulders and cervical spinous processes.
Further studies are required to fully elu-
cidate the role of imaging in gauging re-
There is limited evidence on the role of sponse to treatment and monitoring PMR
imaging in monitoring patients with PMR. patients over time.

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