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Feasibility and Efficacy of Nurse-Driven Acute Stroke Care

Shraddha Mainali, MD,* Sonja Stutzman, PhD,* Samarpita Sengupta, PhD,*

Amanda Dirickson, RN, MSN, ANP-C,* Laura Riise, RN, MSN, CCRN, SCRN,†
Donald Jones, RN, MM, BM, CEN,‡ Julian Yang, MD,§ and
DaiWai M. Olson, PhD, RN, CCRN, FNCS*

Background: Acute stroke care requires rapid assessment and intervention. Re-
placing traditional sequential algorithms in stroke care with parallel processing
using telestroke consultation could be useful in the management of acute stroke
patients. The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility of a nurse-driven
acute stroke protocol using a parallel processing model. Methods: This is a pro-
spective, nonrandomized, feasibility study of a quality improvement initiative. Stroke
team members had a 1-month training phase, and then the protocol was imple-
mented for 6 months and data were collected on a “run-sheet.” The primary outcome
of this study was to determine if a nurse-driven acute stroke protocol is feasible
and assists in decreasing door to needle (intravenous tissue plasminogen activa-
tor [IV-tPA]) times. Results: Of the 153 stroke patients seen during the protocol
implementation phase, 57 were designated as “level 1” (symptom onset <4.5 hours)
strokes requiring acute stroke management. Among these strokes, 78% were nurse-
driven, and 75% of the telestroke encounters were also nurse-driven. The average
door to computerized tomography time was significantly reduced in nurse-
driven codes (38.9 minutes versus 24.4 minutes; P < .04). Conclusions: The use of
a nurse-driven protocol is feasible and effective. When used in conjunction with
a telestroke specialist, it may be of value in improving patient outcomes by de-
creasing the time for door to decision for IV-tPA. Key Words: Nursing—acute
ischemic stroke—systems of care—door to needle.
© 2016 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Background and Significance

A typical acute ischemic stroke patient loses 1.9 million
From the *Department of Neurology and Neurotherapeutics, Uni- neurons each minute.1 In comparison with the normal
versity of Texas Southwestern, Dallas, Texas; †Hospital Accreditation
rate of neuronal loss in brain aging, the ischemic brain
Services, American Heart Association, Dallas, Texas; ‡Department
of Nursing, Emergency Department, University of Texas Southwest-
ages 3.6 years each hour without treatment.1 In 1995, in-
ern, Dallas, Texas; and §Department of Neurology, Duke University, travenous (IV) tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) was
Durham, North Carolina. established as an effective treatment for patients with acute
Received June 13, 2016; revision received November 7, 2016; ischemic stroke.2,3 Although the window for effective-
accepted November 9, 2016.
ness was extended from 3 to 4.5 hours4 from last known
Grant support: This study was funded by UT Systems Grant #77035/
normal, earlier treatment is associated with a signifi-
Address correspondence to DaiWai M. Olson, PhD, RN, CCRN, cantly higher likelihood of better outcomes.5,6 These findings
FNCS, Department of Neurology and Neurotherapeutics, University led to the development of national guidelines by the Amer-
of Texas Southwestern, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd., Dallas, TX 75390-8897. ican Heart Association/American Stroke Association for
target door-to-treatment (DTT) time of 60 minutes for el-
1052-3057/$ - see front matter
© 2016 National Stroke Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All
igible patients.7 Despite the efficacy8,9 of thrombolytic
rights reserved. therapy, only 3.4%-5.2% of eligible patients with acute ischemic stroke receive IV-tPA.10 In 2011, less than one-third

Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, Vol. ■■, No. ■■ (■■), 2016: pp ■■–■■ 1
of the patients treated with IV-tPA received it within the The definitions used in this project include the follow-
recommended 60-minute window from hospital arrival.11 ing: door-to-CT (DTCT) scan time, defined as the amount
Specialized stroke training is required to facilitate timely of time from patient entering the ED to first entering the
administration of IV-tPA. However, access to providers computed tomography (CT) scanner. Door-to-physician
with specialized stroke training is often limited to larger time (DTMD) referred to the amount of time from patient
urban stroke centers. An estimated 22.3% of Americans entering the ED to the first evaluation by a physician.
have access to a primary stroke center within 30 minutes, Door-to-decision time (DTDT) is the amount of time
43.2% within 45 minutes, and 55.4% within 60 minutes.6,12 between when the patient entered the ED to when the
The use of telestroke consultation, in conjunction with decision to treat or not to treat with tPA occurred. DTT
education and training of healthcare providers in acute time17-19 is the amount of time between when the patient
stroke management, is necessary to increase the rate of entered the ED to when the treatment (IV-tPA) was pro-
IV-tPA use at community hospitals that lack on-site spe- vided to the patient. The primary outcome of this quality
cialized stroke expertise.13 In such hospitals with limited care and improvement (QCI) project was to assess the
resources, it may be necessary to train nurses to lead a feasibility and efficacy of the nurse-driven, parallel pro-
stroke management protocol using a telestroke consult cessing protocol, as well as to examine the impact on stroke
in order to avoid delays in IV-tPA administration. Telestroke code time metrics compared with a non-nurse-driven pro-
systems have evolved as a way to provide adequate care tocol. Hence, the primary outcome measure for this was
to stroke patients, especially those in remote locations changes in DTDT and DTT times.
without access to stroke specialists.14 Although practice The first 3 months of this study were dedicated to de-
recommendations were published in 2009,15 and further veloping the NASCAR protocol. Protocol education (run-
defined for use in acute stroke-ready hospitals in 2013,16 in phase) was done over a 1-month period and
there are no specific guidelines for the practice of stroke implementation occurred over the subsequent 6 months.
care via telestroke. All results presented in this study are from the imple-
Stepwise approaches, however, take longer to execute mentation phase. At the time of this study, there were
and suffer from bottlenecks. The success of parallel pro- no data available to support endovascular revascularization
cessing in reducing the time spent in the repair pit, as therapy, which is why a protocol for endovascular
seen in the “pit-stop” model in automobile racing, has revascularization therapy referral was not included in the
given us an insight to restructure the traditional step- study.
wise approach to stroke care into a parallel processing Prior to implementing the QCI-NASCAR protocol, cham-
approach. The automotive pit crew manages to com- pions (team leaders) were identified to represent each
pletely refuel a high performance racing car and change clinical discipline involved in acute stroke code, namely
all four tires in a remarkable 12-14 seconds using par- nurses, ED physicians, stroke specialists, laboratory tech-
allel processing. We decided to adapt this model to the nicians, radiologists, and pharmacists. Bedside nurses in
care of stroke patients using telestroke consultation with the ED were identified as the empowered “drivers” of
nurses as the primary code drivers. the stroke code with defined roles such as getting a CT
scan and initiating telestroke consultation. Other members
of the team worked simultaneously to evaluate the patient
(ED physicians), establish IV lines (other nurses), and obtain
QCI-Nurse-driven Acute Stroke CARe (QCI-NASCAR) home medication list, as well as prepare IV-tPA, if indi-
is a prospective, nonrandomized, feasibility study of a cated (pharmacist). A run-sheet (Fig 1) was developed
quality improvement initiative conducted over the course to facilitate data collection. The run-sheet contained
of 7 months. The project was reviewed and approved by information on the stages of stroke code and the respon-
the institutional review board at the University of Texas sibilities of each team member, task completion times,
Southwestern. The University of Texas Southwestern and any protocol violations. Nurses, ED staff, laborato-
Medical Center has been collecting stroke care metrics ry, pharmacy, and radiology staff were trained on the
for admitted patients, and this served as the baseline data QCI-NASCAR protocol during a 1-month run-in
for our project. Emergency department (ED) acute stroke phase.
admissions were designated as level 1 through level 3, During the implementation phase, at the end of each
and all patients included in this analysis were enrolled stroke code, the nurse who was selected as the protocol
from direct ED visits and telestroke consults. Level 1 strokes driver was responsible for documenting the task com-
are defined as stroke onset within 0-4.5 hours of symptom pletion times on the run-sheet, and note protocol violation
onset, level 2 strokes are defined as stroke onset within if any. The designated nurse driver was also asked to
4.5 hours to 8 hours from symptom onset, and level 3 fill out a questionnaire on the back of the run-sheet (Fig 1,
strokes as stroke onset within 8-72 hours from symptom back page). The questionnaire focused on the nurse driv-
onset. In strokes with an unknown symptom onset, the er’s perspective on the level of involvement each had in
last known normal time is used. running the stroke code. The questionnaires were scored

Figure 1. Final version of the run-sheet. The figure shows the front and the back page of the run-sheet that was used to collect data. The front page of
the run-sheet contained information on the stages of stroke code and the responsibilities of each team member, task completion times, and any protocol
violations. The back page of the run-sheet contained a questionnaire measuring nurse drivers’ perspectives on how involved they were in running the
stroke code, and were scored on a scale of 1-10 with 1 being “minimal involvement as code driver.”

on a scale of 1-10, with 1 being “minimal involvement directly into SAS v 9.3 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA)
as code driver.” Stroke codes were designated as “pri- for analysis.
marily nurse-driven” if the score for question 2, “I felt
like this stroke code was nursing-driven,” was greater
than or equal to 7, and not primarily nurse-driven if the
score was less than or equal to 6. In addition, the nurse During the 6-month implementation phase of the QCI-
drivers were asked to complete a short survey that pro- NASCAR protocol (May 2014 to October 2014), a total
vided their opinion on factors helping or hindering the of 153 stroke codes were analyzed, including 57 level 1
efficient execution of nurse-driven stroke code. The primary stroke codes, 14 level 2 stroke codes, and 82 level 3 stroke
outcome of this study was to determine if a nurse- codes. The mean score for the question 2 portion of the
driven acute stroke protocol is feasible and assists in run-sheet, “I felt like this stroke code was nursing-
decreasing DTDT and DTT times. We used the time of driven” (Fig 1), was 7.9 (standard deviation = 2.7, range
administration of the bolus as the DTT time. In the event 1-10), indicating involvement of nurses as primary code
that the bolus was not documented, we used the time drivers. Out of the 57 level 1 strokes, 45 (78%) were pri-
the infusion was started as the DTT. marily nurse-driven.
Monthly meetings were held between the champions The mean overall National Institutes of Health Stroke
of the different disciplines to ensure proper execution of Scale (NIHSS) score on admission to the ED was 4.4 (stan-
the QCI-NASCAR protocol. Necessary feedback was given dard deviation = 5.74). For the population of patients treated
to the members of the stroke code team via e-mail. Data during the QCI-NASCAR protocol, the mean NIHSS score
analysis was centered on determining the factors asso- for primarily nurse-driven codes was 5.0, and those not
ciated with the best practice of the management of primarily nurse-driven was 4.1 (P = .35). Although the mean
acute stroke. Data were abstracted from the run-sheets overall DTCT scan time was 33.18 minutes for the whole
into an electronic spreadsheet, which was imported population, the DTCT in nurse-driven codes was 24.4
Table 1. Results for the key outcome measures*

Variable Nurse-driven codes Non-nurse-driven P value

Door-to-CT (all stroke codes) 24.4 [29.9] min (n = 57) 38.9 [47.0] min (n = 96) .04
Door-to-MD (all stroke codes) 16.1 [26.6] min (n = 57) 35.6 [63.7] min (n = 96) .03
Door to MD (level 1 stroke codes) 9.8 [19.1] min (n = 25) 14.4 [17.2] min (n = 32) .36
Door-to-MD (level 1 telestroke) 10.5 [19.8] min (n = 22) 13.5 [16.2] min (n = 14) .64
Door-to-decision (level 1 stroke codes) 43.5 [18.1] min (n = 25) 149.6 [234] min (n = 32) .04

Abbreviation: CT, computed tomography; SD, standard deviation.

*Reported as mean [SD] and (n).

minutes (P = .04). Further, the mean DTDT was 95.33 severity). In the primarily nurse-driven codes, it was noted
minutes for all level 1 strokes treated during the study. that both the DTCT and DTDT times were significantly
There was a significantly shorter DTDT for level 1 stroke reduced compared with non-nurse-driven codes. Simi-
codes that were primarily nurse-driven using this model larly, in telestroke encounters, nurse drivers were able
(43.5 minutes) compared with stroke codes primarily con- to obtain physician consultation in a shorter time period,
ducted using the traditional model (149.6 minutes; P = .04, although the difference between nurse-driven and non-
Table 1). None of the patients received IV-tPA in the tra- nurse-driven codes for this variable was not statistically
ditional codes; therefore, comparison could not be made significant. Although we saw only three cases of IV-tPA-
regarding DTT times between the two groups. eligible stroke codes during this study, all three were
There were a total of 45 telestroke consultations, out successfully driven by a nurse who supports the feasi-
of which 34 were primarily nurse-driven (75%). Overall, bility of a nurse-driven protocol.
the DTMD time in telestroke consults was 14.1 minutes. This was a study carried out at a single site and there-
In primarily nurse-driven codes, the DTMD time was 9.8 fore had a small sample size of 153 patients, out of which
minutes compared with 14.4 minutes when not primar- only 57 were within the IV-tPA treatment window. The
ily nurse-driven (P = .36) (Table 1). There were only three decision to include all stroke codes is both a limitation
IV-tPA cases in the study period and all three codes were and benefit. The focus on early DTCT and DTDT is clearly
nurse-driven. It was also noted that the mean DTCT time aimed to increase reperfusion therapy for stroke pa-
improved in the second half of the study period com- tients eligible for IV-tPA therapy.26 Therefore, the driving
pared with the first half, although the difference was not force to improve stroke care is toward level 1 stroke
statistically significant (38.04 minutes versus 27.88 minutes; (symptom onset <4.5 hours). However, the benefit of in-
P = .15). cluding all stroke patients in this QCI is that this creates
a more sustainable change by changing stroke care for
all stroke patients, not simply an added element of care
for level 1 stroke.27
Multiple factors hinder the timely administration of IV- The sample size for the number of nurses is not
tPA in acute stroke, including patient-related factors known because we did not require documentation of the
(delayed recognition of symptoms and delayed presen- “driver” (primary care nurse) and the identity of the
tation) and hospital-related factors (delay in activation driver was not provided in more than half of the stroke
of stroke code in the ED, lack of stroke-trained nursing codes. Also, only three IV-tPA cases were identified in
staff, delay in notifying the pharmacy and CT techni- the entire study period, limiting the analysis in this group
cians, delay in decision making due to lack of in-house of patients. Because of a lack of sufficient nursing feed-
stroke specialists, and so on). Various stroke awareness back, it is also not entirely clear what factors hindered
programs,20-22 as well as quality improvement projects,23-25 or helped the nurse drivers to run the stroke code using
have been implemented across the nation to improve the this model.
target treatment times. In this quality improvement study Despite these limitations, our study suggests that the
at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, we nurse-driven protocol may be (1) feasible, because there
assessed the feasibility and efficacy of a nurse-driven pro- were 78% level 1 strokes, and 75% of the telestroke en-
tocol in acute stroke care. counters including three tPA cases that were primarily
We found that the NIHSS scores between nurse- run by nurses; and (2) efficacious, because the nurse-driven
driven and non-nurse codes were similar. This suggests codes showed significantly improved DTCT and DTDT
that stroke severity was not associated with staff behavior in this study. Our experience with this protocol at a single
(i.e., staff did not treat patients differently because they site suggests that ED nurses could be effectively trained
perceived a greater sense of urgency based on stroke to be the primary code drivers using this model. This is
especially useful in community hospitals that lack on- and outcomes associated with door-to-needle times within
site specialized stroke expertise. 60 minutes. Circulation 2011;123:750-758.
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