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11–87E An NH3-H2O absorption refrigeration cycle is used to keep a space at
25°F when the ambient temperature is 70°F. Pure ammonia enters the
condenser at 300 psia and 140°F at a rate of 0.04 lbm/s. Ammonia leaves
the condenser as a saturated liquid and is expanded to 30 psia. Ammonia
leaves the evaporator as a saturated vapor. Heat is supplied to the generator
by geothermal liquid water that enters at 240°F at a rate of 0.55 lbm/s and
leaves at 200°F.
a. The rate of cooling provided by the system, in Btu/h,
b. the COP, and
c. the Second-law efficiency of the system.
The enthalpies of ammonia at various states of the system are:
• Condenser inlet h = 665.7 Btu/lbm,
• Evaporator inlet h = 190.9 Btu/lbm,
• Evaporator exit h = 619.2 Btu/lbm.
• Also, take the specific heat of Geothermal water to be 1.0

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