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Psychological Medicine, 2003, 33, 23–32.

" 2003 Cambridge University Press

DOI : 10.1017\S0033291702006384 Printed in the United Kingdom

Effects of cannabis and psychosis vulnerability in

daily life : an experience sampling test study
H. V E R D O U X, " C. G I N D R E , F. S O R B A R A, M. T O U R N I E R    J. D. S W E N D S E N
From the Department of Psychiatry, INSERM U330 and the Laboratory of Clinical Psychology and
Psychopathology, University Victor Segalen, Bordeaux, France

Background. Epidemiological findings suggest that cannabis use is a risk factor for the emergence
of psychosis, and that the induction of psychotic symptoms in the context of cannabis use may be
associated with a pre-existing vulnerability for psychosis. This study investigated in a non-clinical
population the interaction between cannabis use and psychosis vulnerability in their effects on
psychotic experiences in daily life.
Method. Subjects (N l 79) with high or low levels of cannabis use were selected among a sample
of 685 undergraduate university students. Experience sampling method (ESM) was used to collect
information on substance use and psychotic experiences in daily life. Vulnerability to develop
psychosis was measured using a clinical interview assessing the level of psychotic symptoms.
Statistical analyses were performed using multilevel linear random regression models.
Results. The acute effects of cannabis are modified by the subject’s level of vulnerability for
psychosis. Subjects with high vulnerability for psychosis are more likely to report unusual
perceptions as well as feelings of thought influence than subjects with low vulnerability for
psychosis, and they are less likely to experience enhanced feelings of pleasure associated with
cannabis. There is no evidence that use of cannabis is increased following occurrence of psychotic
experiences as would be expected by the self-medication model.
Conclusion. Cannabis use interacts with psychosis vulnerability in their effects on experience of
psychosis in daily life. The public health impact of the widespread use of cannabis may be

on mental health is therefore warranted (Hall &

Solowij, 1997 ; Johns, 2001).
Cannabis use has dramatically increased in Cross-sectional epidemiological studies have
adolescents and young adults over the last shown that individuals with psychosis use
decades (Webb et al. 1996 ; Perkonigg et al. cannabis more often than other individuals in
1999 ; Smart & Ogborne, 2000). Since a large the general population (Regier et al. 1990 ;
percentage of subjects from the general popu- Degenhardt & Hall, 2001). This association is
lation is now exposed to this drug, even a small apparent in the early course of the disorder
increase in the risk of adverse effects may have (Linszen et al. 1994 ; Hambrecht & Hafner,
significant deleterious consequences for the 1996 ; Rabinowitz et al. 1999), and the del-
health of the population (Rose, 1992). A eterious prognostic impact of persistent cannabis
stringent evaluation of the impact of cannabis use on the course of psychosis has been
demonstrated by several studies (Kovasznay et
al. 1997 ; Addington & Addington, 1998 ; Ver-
" Address for correspondence : Professor He! le' ne Verdoux, Ho# pital
Charles Perrens, 121 rue de la Be! chade, 33076 Bordeaux Cedex,
doux et al. 1999 a). Converging findings from
France. prospective population-based cohort studies
24 H. Verdoux and others

indicate that increased levels of cannabis use Norman, 1998 ; Swendsen et al. 2000 ; Myin–
predate the onset of illness in subjects with Germeys et al. 2001). The interpretation of
psychosis, thereby suggesting that cannabis use findings obtained using repeated measures pro-
may play an aetiological role in the emergence of spectively collected in daily life situations is not
the disorder (Andreasson et al. 1987 ; Van Os et constrained by the limitations of retrospective
al. 2002 ; Weiser et al. 2002). However, the evaluations, by evaluations within single en-
nature of the link between cannabis use and vironmental contexts, or by assessments using
psychosis is far from clear, and it is difficult to wider time intervals that do not directly capture
conclude, using currently available evidence, the temporal relations among these variables,
whether cannabis use is a cause rather than a and as such may yield more valid data in the
consequence of psychosis. It has been suggested measurement of person–environment interac-
that the induction of psychotic symptoms in the tions.
context of cannabis use may be associated Vulnerability to develop psychosis was mea-
with a pre-existing vulnerability for psychosis sured using a clinical interview that assessed the
(McGuire et al. 1995). If this were true, one level of psychotic symptoms (Verdoux et al.
would expect differential effects of cannabis 1998 b ; Yung et al. 1998 ; Poulton et al. 2000 ;
exposure in individuals with and without pre- Van Os et al. 2001). The specific objectives of
existing psychosis vulnerability. A limited num- this investigation were : (i) to determine if
ber of studies have explored the links between cannabis use is associated with increased oc-
psychosis vulnerability and cannabis use in non- currence of psychotic experiences ; and (ii) to
clinical populations (Williams et al. 1996 ; examine if the impact of cannabis varies between
Skosnik et al. 2001). Although these studies subjects with and without a psychosis vul-
have reported that subjects who used cannabis nerability.
were more likely to present with higher scores
on schizotypal personality questionnaires, they
were unable to assess the degree to which METHOD
cannabis exposure and psychosis vulnerability
dynamically interact to produce psychotic symp-
toms. This limitation is due in part to the fact Baseline screening
that the potential association of cannabis use to The method has been outlined in detail in
psychotic symptoms is likely to be restrained to previous work (Verdoux et al. 2002). Briefly,
a brief time period (such as a few hours), and undergraduate university students in psychology
therefore difficult to detect using standard were invited to participate in a study on daily life
prospective assessment techniques over longer behaviour and experiences. All subjects gave
time intervals. As a result, studies of the written informed consent to participate in the
expression of psychosis vulnerability as a func- investigation. A standardized self-report ques-
tion of cannabis use should not only be examined tionnaire was used to collect information on
in vulnerable individuals before the full ex- demographic characteristics, substance use and
pression of the disorder but also through the psychosis proneness. Subjects were asked to
application of data collection techniques that specify the frequency of use over the last month
are more capable of capturing the relatively (ranging from 1, ‘ never in the past 30 days ’ to 7,
brief period of this interaction. ‘ several times a day ’) concerning diverse sub-
In the current study, we examined the in- stances including cannabis.
teraction between cannabis use and psychosis Psychosis proneness was assessed using the
vulnerability in a non-clinical population using Community Assessment of Psychic Experiences
a prospective experience sampling design. We (CAPE) (Stefanis et al. 2001 ; Verdoux et al.
used the experience sampling method (ESM) to 2002), a 42-item (final version) self-report ques-
assess onset of psychotic experiences in response tionnaire derived from the Peters et al. Delusions
to cannabis use in daily life. ESM is a structured Inventory (PDI-21) (Peters et al. 1999). Based
diary technique that allows for a series of upon our previous studies using the PDI-21 in
random momentary assessments in the stream non-clinical populations (Verdoux et al. 1998 a,
of daily life (Delespaul, 1995 ; Swendsen & b), we have excluded or reformulated ambiguous
Cannabis and psychosis vulnerability 25

F. 1. Selection procedure of subjects included in the experience sampling (ESM) assessment phase. (THC, Cannabis use ; PP,
psychosis proneness ; M, male ; F, female.)

items, and added items exploring hallucinations. The median (InterQuartile Range, IQR) CAPE-
Each item explores the frequency of the ex- pos score was 29 (26–33).
perience on a four-point scale of ‘ never ’, A stratified random sample depending on
‘ sometimes ’, ‘ often ’ and ‘ nearly always ’. In the cannabis (tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)) con-
present study, the ‘ CAPE-pos ’ score was defined sumption and CAPE-pos scores was selected for
as the sum of the 20 items assessing positive the ESM phase of the investigation (Fig. 1). In
symptoms (range 0–80). The CAPE also includes order to maximize the probability of observing
14 items exploring negative symptoms derived sufficient variance in THC use in daily life, THC
the SENS (Selten et al. 1998), and eight cognitive consumption over the last month was categor-
symptoms discriminating between depressive ized into ‘ high THC ’ (use at least 2\3 times a
and negative symptoms (Kibel et al. 1993). week) and ‘ low THC ’ (no use over the past
month). In order to select subjects representative
of the overall distribution of psychosis proneness
Selection of the ESM group (PP) in the baseline sample, we categorized the
The baseline sample included all students atten- CAPE-pos scores into tertile groups to randomly
ding an information meeting on course organiza- select approximately equal numbers of subjects
tion at the beginning of the new university year. with ‘ low PP ’ (0–27), ‘ medium PP ’ (28–33), or
Of the 685 subjects invited to participate in the ‘ high PP ’ (34–76) within each THC group. Since
survey, 649 fully completed the self-report the baseline sample included 10 % males, we
screening questionnaire. The sample included randomly selected a higher proportion of male
586 females and 63 males, as expected by the subjects within each THC\PP group in order to
skewed gender distribution of students in psy- include a higher proportion (30 %) of males in
chology. The 649 subjects had a mean age of 20 the ESM sample. Research psychologists blind
(.. l 3) years ; most of them (N l 619, 95n7 %) to the selection criteria telephoned subjects
were single. Nearly one in three subjects (N l selected according to this stratification method,
194, 29n91 %) had used cannabis over the last and those agreeing to participate in the other
month (once in the past month, N l 46 ; two or phases of the study received financial com-
three times\month, N l 46 ; once a week, N l pensation (l75). Of the 88 subjects invited to
26 ; two or three times\week, N l 33 ; once a participate in the ESM phase of the study, seven
day, N l 22 ; more than once a day, N l 21). declined to participate and two were excluded at
26 H. Verdoux and others

the completion of the study due to deviations

from the established procedures. There were no Assessment of psychosis vulnerability using
significant differences with regard to demo- clinical interviews
graphic and clinical variables between these At the end of the ESM phase, the subjects were
subjects and those included in the ESM phase. interviewed using the Mini-International Neuro-
psychiatric Interview (MINI, 4.4 version) (Lec-
ESM procedure rubier et al. 1997), by research psychiatrists
ESM is an ambulatory self-assessment method blind to both the risk status of subjects (psychosis
designed to collect information on subjective proneness or cannabis use) as well as with regard
experience occurring in naturalistic settings to their ESM data. The MINI is a short
(Delespaul, 1995 ; Swendsen & Norman, 1998 ; diagnostic interview designed to be used in non-
Swendsen et al. 2000 ; Myin-Germeys et al. clinical populations that includes a ‘ psychotic ’
2001). Responding to randomly programmed section with nine items exploring psychotic
signals from portable electronic devices, subjects symptoms. Of these items, two are rated on the
were asked to describe their present experience basis of clinical observation and seven are
by answering a brief questionnaire several times questions eliciting answers that are rated as
a day over consecutive days. Subjects partici- ‘ bizarre ’ or ‘ non-bizarre ’ psychotic symptoms.
pated in a training session concerning the ESM Psychosis vulnerability was defined in the present
procedures in which they were instructed on study by the MINI criteria for identifying
how to complete each item of the ESM form at possible psychotic condition among subjects
each signal of a multi-alarm wristwatch. Subjects from the general population (Amorin et al.
were then studied in their daily living environ- 1998) ; (i) at least one bizarre psychotic symptom
ment. Over seven consecutive days, the watch over the last month ; or (ii) at least two non-
emitted an alarm signal at randomized moments bizarre psychotic symptoms over the last month.
over each of the following time periods : 8.00 to
11.00 a.m. ; 11.00 a.m. to 2.00 p.m. ; 2.00 to 5.00
p.m. ; 5.00 to 8.00 p.m. ; and 8.00 to 11.00 p.m. Statistical method
The ESM form collected information on Statistical analyses were conducted using
substance use and psychotic experiences for the STATA software (StataCorp, 2001). Multilevel
period between the current and previous signals linear random regression models were used to
(corresponding on average to the previous 3 h). estimate the effect of the independent variable
Substance use was explored by the question (cannabis use) on the dependent variables
‘ Over the last period, did you use some (psychotic experiences). ESM data can be con-
substances ? ’ (Yes\No), followed by an open ceptualized as two-level (or hierarchical) data,
question ‘ if, yes, which substance(s) did you with repeated observations (ESM signal level)
use ? ’. Psychotic experiences were explored by being nested within a given person (subject
four questions formulated in order to be as level). Multilevel or hierarchical linear modelling
acceptable as possible for repeated measure- techniques are a variant of the more often used
ments during daily activities (Myin-Germeys et unilevel linear regression analyses. The advan-
al. 2001). Subjects were asked to rate on 7-point tages of these methods are that the dependency
Likert scales the following questions : (1) ‘ How of repeated measures within the same person is
would you describe the social ambience and the taken into account, and that it can accommodate
persons you met ? ’ (1, very friendly\7, very non-informative missing values (Golstein, 1987).
hostile) ; (2) ‘ Did you have the impression that Since the observations from a given subject that
something strange happened to you or around are temporally close may be more similar than
you that you could not explain ? ’ (1, nothing those further apart, the variance explained by
strange\7, very strange) ; (3) ‘ Did you have autocorrelation was taken into account by
unusual sensorial or perceptual experiences ? ’ (1, including the autoregression factor in the model
not at all\7, very often) ; (4) ‘ Did you have the (STATA XTREGAR procedure). ‘ B ’ is the
impression that your thoughts or emotions could fixed regression coefficient of the predictor in the
be read or influenced ? ’ (1, not at all\7, very multilevel model and can be interpreted iden-
often). tically to the estimate in a unilevel linear
Cannabis and psychosis vulnerability 27

regression analysis. All the models were a priori with and without MINI criteria for psychosis,
adjusted for gender and age. Interactions be- six (37n5 %) and 25 (39n7 %) fulfilled MINI
tween independent variables were assessed by criteria of cannabis use, respectively.
the Wald test (Clayton & Hills, 1993).
We first examined : (i) the effect of cannabis ESM measures
on psychosis outcome, defined as occurrence of
Out of 2765 ESM assessments, there were 2546
psychotic experiences within the same ESM
(92n1 %) valid (i.e. no missing information) ESM
assessment period ; (ii) the effect of psychosis
substance reports, including 375 (14n7 %) reports
vulnerability on psychosis outcome ; (iii) the
of cannabis use by 40 (50n1 %) subjects, and
interaction between cannabis and psychosis
seven reports of other drugs use (ecstasy N l 5 ;
vulnerability on psychosis outcome. In order to
cocaine N l 1 ; heroine N l 1) by four (5n1 %)
characterize the temporal sequence between
subjects. There were 2510 (90n8 %) valid ESM
cannabis and psychotic experiences, we subse-
reports for ‘ perceived hostility ’ (mean 2n7,
quently explored whether cannabis use during a
.. l 1n3), 2548 (92n2 %) for ‘ strange im-
given time period in the day was associated with
pressions ’ (mean 1n4, .. l 1), 2541 (91n9 %)
increased occurrence of psychotic experiences
for ‘ unusual perceptions ’ (mean 1n2, .. l 0n8),
for the next ESM assessment that same day, or
and 2549 (92n2 %) for ‘ thought influence ’ (mean
conversely, whether the occurrence of psychotic
1n5, .. l 1n1). There were no large or significant
experiences during a given time period was
differences in the frequencies of missing data
associated with increased cannabis use for the
according to demographic characteristics or risk
subsequent ESM assessment. Finally, we ex-
status of the sample (cannabis use or psychosis
plored whether use of other illicit drugs may
have an impact on the associations between
cannabis and psychotic experiences.
Effect of cannabis use and psychosis
vulnerability on psychosis outcome
The main effects of cannabis use or psychosis
vulnerability on the occurrence of psychotic
Subjects experiences in daily life are presented in Table 1.
The 79 subjects (24M\55F) included in the ESM Regarding the main effect of cannabis use on
phase had a mean age of 22n1 years (.. l 5n3). psychosis outcome, a negative association was
Sixteen subjects fulfilled MINI criteria for found between perceived hostility and cannabis
psychosis (at least one bizarre psychotic symp- use, indicating that subjects were significantly
tom, or two non-bizarre psychotic symptoms). less likely to report perceived hostility, i.e. they
There was good agreement between risk status were more likely to find the atmosphere and the
identified by the self-report questionnaire and people friendly, in the periods marked by
by the structured diagnostic interview. None of cannabis use than without cannabis use. There
the ‘ low PP ’ subjects, four (13n3 %) of the was a positive association between unusual
‘ middle PP ’ subjects, and 12 (52n2 %) of the perceptions and cannabis use, indicating that
‘ high PP ’ subjects fulfilled MINI criteria for subjects were significantly more likely to ex-
psychosis, respectively. perience unusual perceptions in the periods
Of the 41 subjects identified as ‘ high cannabis marked by cannabis use than without cannabis
users ’ by the self-report questionnaire, 30 use. Regarding the main effect of psychosis
(73n2 %) fulfilled MINI criteria of cannabis vulnerability on psychosis outcome, subjects
abuse (N l 12) or dependence (N l 18) versus with high psychosis vulnerability (MINI criteria
only one individual (2n6 %) among subjects iden- for psychosis) were more likely to report
tified as ‘ low cannabis users ’. Only three (3n8 %) perceived hostility, strange impressions or un-
subjects fulfilled the MINI criteria of other usual perceptions over the ESM assessment,
illicit substance abuse\dependence reflecting than subjects without such a vulnerability. In
psychostimulants (N l 3) or opiates (N l 1) ; order to assess whether cannabis use and
all three subjects also fulfilled MINI criteria for psychosis vulnerability independently predicted
cannabis abuse\dependence. Of the subjects the occurrence of psychotic experiences, the two
28 H. Verdoux and others

Table 1. Effect of cannabis use and psychosis vulnerability on ESM psychosis outcome
Perceived hostility Strange impressions Unusual perceptions Thought influence

Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No

Cannabis use
Mean (..) 2n2 (1n1) 2n8 (1n3) 1n6 (1n2) 1n3 (1) 1n2 (0n8) 1n1 (0n8) 1n4 (1) 1n5 (1n2)
B* (95 %CI) k0n42 (k0n55, 0n28) 0n08 (k0n02, 0n19) 0n11 (0n01, 0n20) 0n02 (k0n10, 0n14)
P 0n0001 0n13 0n03 0n75
Psychosis vulnerability†
Mean (..) 3 (1n6) 2n6 (1n2) 1n7 (1n3) 1n3 (0n9) 1n4 (1n2) 1n1 (0n6) 1n7 (1n3) 1n4 (1n1)
B* (95 %CI) 0n46 (0n05, 0n86) 0n44 (0n13, 0n75) 0n25 (0n09, 0n41) 0n25 (k0n11, 0n61)
P 0n03 0n005 0n003 0n18
Independent effects‡ of
Cannabis use (B* ; 95 %CI) k0n42 (k0n55, k0n28) 0n09 (k0n02, 0n2) 0n11 (0n02, 0n21) 0n02 (k0n10, 0n14)
P 0n0001 0n10 0n02 0n73
Psychosis vulnerability 0n43 (0n02, 0n83) 0n44 (0n14, 0n75) 0n26 (0n10, 0n4) 0n25 (k0n11, 0n62)
(B* ; 95 %CI)
P 0n04 0n004 0n002 0n17

* Regression coefficient adjusted for age and sex.

† MINI psychosis criteria.
‡ Cannabis use and psychosis vulnerability in the same model.

variables were entered in the same model. The nerability (Table 2). Subjects with low psychosis
associations between cannabis use and psychosis vulnerability were more likely to find the
outcome over the ESM assessment were un- atmosphere friendly in periods with cannabis
changed after adjustment for psychosis vul- use, but that effect was not found in subjects
nerability. These findings indicate that in daily with high psychosis vulnerability. Conversely,
life, psychosis vulnerability and cannabis use are subjects with high psychosis vulnerability were
independent predictors of the occurrence of at trend level more likely to experience unusual
unusual perceptual experience and of strange perceptions or thought influence in periods with
impressions (at trend level for cannabis use), cannabis use, however such effects were not
and have an opposite and independent impact found in subjects with low psychosis vulner-
on perceived hostility feelings. ability.

Interaction between cannabis use and psychosis Temporality of the associations between
vulnerability on psychosis outcome cannabis use and psychotic experiences
Significant interactions were found between The previous analyses demonstrate the existence
psychosis vulnerability and cannabis use in the of cross-sectional associations between cannabis
association with the daily life experience of use and psychotic experiences in daily life, i.e.
perceived hostility ( χ# l 4n4, df l 1, P l 0n04), subjects with cannabis use within a given 3 h
unusual perceptions ( χ# l 4n4, df l 1, P l 0n04), period are more likely to report psychotic
and thought influence ( χ# l 5n3, df l 1, P l experiences within the same ESM assessment
0n02). No interaction was found between psy- period. In order to characterize better the
chosis vulnerability and cannabis use in the temporal association between cannabis use and
association with strange impression ( χ# l 0n03 ; psychosis symptom outcome, we explored the
df l 1, P l 0n86). These findings indicate that relation between psychotic experiences and can-
the effects of cannabis on the daily life experience nabis use across sequential assessment periods
of perceived hostility, unusual perceptions and within the same day. The models were adjusted
thought influence are modified by the level of for cannabis use within the current ESM assess-
psychosis vulnerability. Thus, we performed ment, MINI psychosis criteria, sex and age. The
stratified analyses in order to assess the associ- only significant finding was a negative associa-
ations between cannabis use and psychotic tion at trend level between perceived hostility
experiences within each level of psychosis vul- for a given ESM assessment on the day and can-
Cannabis and psychosis vulnerability 29

Table 2. Effect of cannabis use on ESM psychosis outcome by level of vulnerability for psychosis
Perceived hostility Unusual perceptions Thought influence

Yes No Yes No Yes No

High psychosis vulnerability*

Cannabis use
Mean (..) 2n1 (1n2) 3n1 (1n6) 1n6 (1n3) 1n4 (1n1) 1n8 (1n2) 1n7 (1n3)
B† (95 %CI) k0n02 (k0n39, 0n35) 0n34 (k0n02, 0n7) 0n33 (0, 0n7)
P 0n91 0n07 0n06
Low psychosis vulnerability*
Cannabis use
Mean (..) 2n2 (1n1) 2n7 (1n2) 1n2 (0n7) 1n1 (0n6) 1n4 (1) 1n4 (1n1)
B† (95 %CI) k0n47 (k0n62, k0n33) 0n06, (k0n02, 0n2) k0n04 (0n16, 0n09)
P 0n0001 0n12 0n58

* MINI psychosis criteria.

† Regression coefficient adjusted for age and sex.

nabis use at the previous ESM assessment that that the effects of cannabis use on psychosis out-
same day (B lk0n15, 95 %CI k0n31, 0, P l come are not explained by concomitant use
0n07), i.e. subjects were more likely to find the of psychostimulants.
ambiance friendly if they have used cannabis
in the previous ESM period. There was no in-
creased risk of other psychotic experiences for a DISCUSSION
given ESM assessment if cannabis was consumed
during the previous assessment period. There Our findings demonstrate that cannabis use is a
was no evidence that cannabis use was increased risk factor for the acute occurrence of psychotic
in the periods following occurrence of any of the experiences in daily life, and that the effects of
psychotic experiences. cannabis are modified by the subject’s level of
vulnerability for psychosis. Subjects with high
Impact of psychostimulant use on the psychosis vulnerability are more likely to report
associations between cannabis use and psychotic unusual perceptions and feelings of thought
experiences influence in periods with cannabis use, and less
likely to experience the enhanced feelings of
Although there were few ESM reports of use of pleasure associated with cannabis, than subjects
illicit drugs other than cannabis, we explored with low vulnerability for psychosis. The effects
whether the associations between cannabis and of cannabis are time-limited and are restricted to
psychotic experiences could be at least in part the 3 h surrounding its consumption, with no
explained by these additional substances. In evidence that use of cannabis is increased
models adjusted for age, sex, and psychosis following occurrence of psychotic-like experi-
vulnerability, psychostimulant use (ecstasy or ences.
cocaine) in daily life was associated with a
greater likelihood to report unusual perceptions
(B l 1n2, 95 %CI 0n5, 1n8, P l 0n0001) or Methodological limitations
thought influence (B l 1n03, 95 %CI 0n29, 1n76, We have little motive to suspect a selection bias
P l 0n006). The associations between cannabis in this sample, since the rate of participation to
use and psychotic experiences were not modi- the survey was satisfactory, with only 5 %
fied after adjustment for psychostimulant incomplete questionnaires at the baseline screen-
use (perceived hostility B lk0n42, 95 %CI ing, and 10 % refusals to participation in the
k0n55, k0n28, P l 0n0001 ; strange impressions ESM phase. Students may differ with regard to
B l 0n09, 95 %CI k0n02, 0n20, P l 0n10 ; several characteristics from subjects from the
unusual perceptions B l 0n11, 95 %CI 0n02, 0n21, general population, as for example the preva-
P l 0n02 ; thought influence B l 0n02, 95 %CI lence of substance use disorders. However, this
k0n10, 0n14, P l 0n76). These findings indicate does not hamper the generalizability of our
30 H. Verdoux and others

findings, since it is unlikely that these differences psychosis vulnerability used in the present study
might have modified the direction and the selected subjects with a specific vulnerability for
strength of the associations between cannabis cannabis-induced psychotic symptoms, making
use and psychotic experiences. the findings at least in part tautological. There is
Psychosis vulnerability was defined using no available evidence supporting or excluding
MINI criteria for identifying possible psychotic the fact that such a specific vulnerability may
condition. The MINI psychotic section has been exist. As differentiating ‘ spontaneous ’ psychotic
designed to rule out probable psychotic dis- symptoms from those induced by cannabis in
orders, and for identification of possible psy- cannabis users raise complex methodological
chotic condition in subjects from the general problems, this issue could only be clarified by
population (Amorin et al. 1998). Thus, MINI experimental studies exploring in cannabis non-
psychotic items are aimed at identifying oc- users the effects of this substance according to
currence of psychotic experiences, but do not level of psychosis vulnerability.
include any assessment of distress or disability, The finding that psychostimulant use is
or symptom duration. Validity of self-reported associated with increased occurrence of psy-
psychotic symptoms in subjects from the general chotic experiences, independently from con-
population may be questioned in that over- comitant cannabis use, is in accordance with
reporting can occur due to misinterpretation of previous case reports suggesting that such
some questions (Eaton et al. 1991 ; Verdoux et substances may induce psychotic syndromes
al. 1998 a). However, the clinically-based dis- (McGuire & Fahy, 1991 ; McGuire et al. 1994 ;
tinction between ‘ true ’ (or clinically relevant) Poole & Brabbins, 1996 ; Vaiva et al. 2001).
and ‘ false ’ psychotic symptoms may be mis- However, this last finding is drawn from a
leading, since these two kinds of experiences or limited number of reports and must be inter-
beliefs, which are associated with similar risk preted with caution.
factors (Verdoux et al. 1998 b ; Van Os et al.
2000), more probably lie on a continuum. As Interpretation of findings
there was a phenomenological overlap between Our study provides direct evidence that cannabis
the measure of psychosis vulnerability and the interacts with psychosis vulnerability in the
outcome measure, we cannot rule out that induction of psychotic experiences, supporting
different findings would have been obtained the hypothesis that exposure to cannabis may
using a different measure of psychosis vul- precipitate or exaggerate psychotic experiences
nerability, as for example familial morbid risk in subjects with existing psychosis vulnerability.
for psychosis. It would be of interest to Concerning the temporal sequence between
investigate the association between cannabis use cannabis use and psychotic experiences, the
and occurrence of psychotic experiences in high- reports of the present sample are consistent with
risk subjects with a familial vulnerability for the estimated duration of the pharmacological
psychosis. effects of cannabis (Ashton, 2001). By contrast,
We cannot exclude under-reporting of canna- the inability of psychotic symptoms to predict
bis use. However, there is little stigmatization of later cannabis use does not support the self-
cannabis use in this kind of population due to medication model hypothesizing that cannabis
the widespread use of this substance, and the is a consequence, rather than a cause, of
prevalence in the whole student population was psychotic symptoms. This lack of prospective
comparable to that reported in similar samples. relationship is also notable in that previous
Furthermore, this bias, if any, would have investigations have demonstrated the capacity
attenuated rather than increased the strength of of ambulatory monitoring techniques to predict
the associations between cannabis and psychosis. substances consumption, including when self-
As cannabis users included in the ESM phase medication is implicated (Shiffman & Prange,
were selected on the basis of regular cannabis 1988 ; Swendsen et al. 2000). However, as there
use over the past month, the MINI interview was a 3 h window between two ESM assess-
may have identified psychotic symptoms induced ments, we cannot definitely exclude that subjects
by cannabis intoxication over the same period. presenting with psychotic experiences are at
Thus, we cannot exclude that the criteria for increased risk of immediately using cannabis
Cannabis and psychosis vulnerability 31

when having such experiences. This issue has to We thank Olivier Grondin, Mathilde Husky and
be further explored in studies using shorter Nadia Chakroun for their help in the organization of
intervals between ESM assessments. the survey and in data entry. We are grateful to
Another finding was that subjects with psy- Professor Jim van Os for statistical advice and helpful
comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.
chosis vulnerability do not apparently ‘ benefit ’
from certain ‘ desirable ’ effects of cannabis, such
as more positive or friendly feelings concerning
social ambience. Although this finding adds REFERENCES
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