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International Endodontic Jttumat(\9&5) 18,274-276

Evaluation of a tactile hardness test in indirect pulp capping

TAYFUN ALA (^ AM Department ofEndodontics, University af Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

Summary. The value of a tactile hardness test in permanent molars from 44 healthy patients
indirect pulp capping was investigated by compar- whose ages ranged from 17 to 33 years was
ing hardness values with the biochemical analysis tested and re-evaluated after a period of 6
for phosphorus. Statistically significant differences
months. The teeth selected had deep carious
were found between the 6-month evaluation
groups recorded as soft or medium and those lesions with pulps that were clinically
recorded as hard. However, there were no differ- healthy.
ences between groups evaluated as soft or medium Cavities were isolated from saliva using
before or after treatment. rubber dam. Deep carious dentine was re-
moved with sharp spoon excavators, leaving
Introduction approximately 1 mm of carious dentine on the
A desirable result of indirect pulp capping is pulpal watt. The cavity was then washed with
the remineralization of softened residual den- physiological saline solution and dried with
tine. In indirect pulp capping, a biological cotton pellets. The carious dentine remaining
barrier is formed which resists recurrent on the pulpat wall was evaluated for hardness
caries and protects the pulp from external using a probe, and was scored as hard,
irritation (Kato & Fusayama 1970, Sanjo medium or soft according to criteria which
1971, Aras 1977, Aiafam & Yihnaz 1983). were used by Nordstrom et ai. (1974). The
The rate of success has been evaluated chni- rating was:
cally by radiographs, densitometric studies, soft—dentine had the texture of soft
colour determination tests, symptoms of wood;
pain, tactile hardness tests and biochemi- medium—dentine had the texture of
cal methods (Sowden 1956, Klein 1961, hard wood;
Eidehnan et al. 1965, Kerkhove et at. 1967, hard—the texture of dentine was
Ehrenreich 1968, Nordstrom et al. 1974, Aras normal.
1977, Alafam & Yilmaz 1983). Evaluation of A sample of part of the carious dentine
the hardness of carious dentine has been used close to the pulp was then removed and
as the scale of success in some clinical trials placed in a microtutje for measurement of
(Nordstrom et al. 1974, Aras 1977). Assessing its inorganic phosphorus (P) content hy
the hardness of carious dentine by a tactile biochemical analysis.
hardness test with dental instruments is open A pulp capping agent based on zinc oxide-
to question. This method is regarded as being eugenol cement was applied to the putpat wall
subjective and may change according to the and the tooth restored with amalgam.
clinician. Terashima et al. (1969) stated that After 6 months, the teeth were reopened
this method is an unreliable guide for the and the same procedure of measuring dentine
removal of carious dentine. hardness was repeated on the remaining half
This study was undertaken to find out if of carious dentine, which was then removed
there was any relationship between a tactile for biochemical analysis.
hardness test and the results of biochemical Phosphorus levels were determined using
analysis using a technique described by the same method as that described by
Eidelman«a/.(1965). Eidelman et al. (1965). All samples of carious
dentine were dehydrated for 8 hours in an
Materials and methods oven at 105°C. Samples were weighed, and
Carious dentine in 49 mandibular first 5 ml of 0 . 1 M perchloric acid were added.
Correspondence: Dr T. Alafam, Neyzen Tevfik After 6 hours the dissolved mineral phase was
sok, 36/4, Maltepe-Ankara, Turkey. measured spectrophotometricaUy (Fiske &

Evaluation of a tactile hardness test 275
Table I. The phosphorus content {mg/100 ml) of and soft groups was not significant. However,
samples determined as medium of soft before the difference between the hard and either of
treatment the other groups was significant (P<0.05,
analysis of variance and Duncan's test).
Hardness No. Mean Sundard deviation There was an increase in phosphorus levels
of samples after 6 months' treatment (Table
Medium 23 3.65 III), and this difference was significant
Soft 26 3.79 0.32 (P < 0.01, paired Mest).

Rehardening of residual carious tissue in
indirect pulp capping increases the potential
Table II. The phosphorus content (mg/100 ml) of safety of treatment. The tactile hardnras test
samples 6 months after treatment for evaluating hardness would be of value if it
could be supported with quantitative restilts.
Hardness No. Mean Standard deviation Therefore, in evaluating carious dentine, the
method described by Eidelman et al. (196S)
was used. These workers determined the
Hard 11 5.69 0.30 inorganic phosphorus content in the softened
Medium 28 4.63 0.24 residual dentine before and after the appli-
Soft 10 4.57 0.35
cation of calcium hydroxide, and showed that
the phosphorus content of carious dentine
could be increased considerably.
When the subjective evaluations ofthe tac-
tile hardness test in this study were compared
Table III. The phosphorus content (mg/100 ml) with phosphorus analysis, no statistically
of samples before treatment and after 6 months
significant differences were found tmless
there was wide diversity in hardness. The
No. Mean Standard deviation number of teeth used in this study was small,
and a much larger sample size wotild help
Initial 49 3.72 0.23 demonstrate more conclusively the relation-
After 6 months 49 4.86 0.18 ship between the tactile hardness test and
Difference l.!3 0.28 biochemical analysis.
In evaluating residual carious tissue by the
tactile hardness test with dental instruments,
important variables affecting the results are
Subbarow 1925); the amount of phosphorus the clinician, the number of subjects included
(mg/100 ml) was determined by optieal den- in the study and the thickness of remaining
sity levels and phosphorus calibration curves. softened dentine. Unique analysis of these
The relationship between hardness evalu- samples by means of phosphorus determi-
ations and phosphorus determinations was nations is another questionable aspect of this
examined statisricaliy using Student's f-test, study. Qualitative and quantitative analysis
paired r-test, analysis of variance and of the softened residual dentine can help in
Duncan's test. deciding whether or not to excavate this
tissue after a certain period. From this
Results standpoint, knowledge about this tissue will
The results are presented in Tables I-^III. give a more scientific basis about the future of
The difference in phosphorus content be- indirect pulp capping.
tween the two initial groups evaluated as
medium or soft was nor significant. References
At the 6-month evaluation, the difference AuCAM, T. & YiLMAZ, T. (1983) In vivo
in phosphorus cdhtent between the medium remineralization of carious dentine treated with
276 T. Alafam

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