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STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF HENNEPIN FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Case type: Marital Dissolution Court File No. 27-FA-11-7451 In Re the Marriage of: » » Keith Maurice Ellison, » » a )) AFFIDAVIT OF CHRISTINE BAUMAN, Petitioner, EDITOR IN CHIEF OF ALPHA NEWS IN ) SUPPORT OF MOTION TO INTERVEN! AND UNSEAL RECORDS Kim Dore Ellison, Respondent. ‘STATE OF MINNESOTA ) COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Christine Bauman, being first duly sworn on oath, states: 1. Iam the Editor-in-Chief of Alpha News, a Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation that operates a political news website at, which has covered local and national political issues since 2015. The legal structure of Alpha News is identical to the ‘Minnesota Public Radio and MinnPost. 2. I submit this affidavit in connection with Alpha News’ motion to intervene and unseal the file in this dissolution proceeding between Keith Maurice Ellison and Kim Dore Ellison. 3. The Petitioner in the above-referenced matter has been a Member of Congress since 2006 and is Deputy Chair of the Democratic National Committee. He is presently the Democratic Candidate for Minnesota Attorney General, a statewide office created by Article V of the Minnesota Constitution, who is the Chief Legal Officer of Minnesota and Minnesota's top law enforcement officer. 4. Keith Ellison has been accused by at least two women with whom he had romantic relationships of domestic abuse. These matters have received extensive media coverage, locally and nationally, for example, National Public Radio, The New York Times, and Politico have run stories related to these accusations. Alpha News has run many stories related to these accusations, and the news coverage related to these accusations. 5. ‘There is currently an Order Sealing this file signed by Judge Laurie Miller on September 28, 2012, In that there have been allegations of domestic abuse from other women, Alpha News is interested in investigating whether this file contains any other allegations of domestic abuse. Alpha News does not seek social security numbers of the parties, only whether there are any other allegations of domestic abuse against the Petitioner. 6. In that there is an election in November of this year, and there is great interest in Minnesota and nationally about the Petitioner's candidacy, I respectfully request that Alpha News’ instant motion be heard and decided upon as soon as possible, Chine Boson Christine Bauman Subscribed and swom to before me this. of September, 2018. Matte B— Notary Public WAR iw MyM 361857" nora 20 ciate 3 ones corpse Exes 21/202

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