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Task 1:

The principles and feature of the .NET applications are:
1) Interoperability.
2) Common Language Runtime.
3) Independence of Language.
4) Base Class Library.
5) Portability.
6) Security.

Ability of a system to work with or use the parts of another system. Because
computer system commonly require interaction between newer And older
applications so .NET frame work make possible to interaction with the newer and
older applications that’s execute outside the .NET platform .

Language Independence:
It is possible to use .NET frame work from any programming language because
they all agreed on some standards. The common type system or CTS is a
specification that defines the different data types and programming languages.
.NET version 2.0

1) ADO.NET 2.0
2) SQL Server data provider (SqlClient)
3) XML
4) .NET Remoting
5) ASP.NET 2.0

.NET version 3.0,

The only update to the version of 2.0 to 3.0 includes the following.
1) Windows Communication Foundation.
2) Windows Presentation Foundation.
3) Windows Workflow Foundation.
4) Windows CardSpace.
5) .NET Framework 3.0 did not come with any version of visual studio but .NET
Frame work 2.0 come with the visual studio 2005.
.NET version 3.5,
The following of the some features added to the version 3.5
1) Language-Integrated Query
2) Workflow Services
3) WCF REST Programming Model
4) Peer-to-Peer Networking
5) ADO.NET Entity Framework
6) .NET Frame work released with visual studio 3.5.
.NET version 4.0,
The following are what’s new in this version.
1) In-Process Side-by-Side Execution
2) Application Domain Diagnostics and Performance Monitoring.
3) Parallel Computing
4) The .NET frame work comes up with the visual studio 2010.
.NET version 4.5,
The following are what’s new in this version.
1) .NET for Windows Store apps
2) Portable Class Libraries
3) The rest of the changes are mostly improvements on .NET Framework 4.0
4) .NET Frame released with the visual studio 2012.

(1) Common Language Runtime:
The .NET casing work gives the runtime condition called the basic dialect runtime which runs
the code and gives the administrations that makes the improvement procedure simple. Compilers
and instruments uncover the regular dialect runtime's usefulness and empower you to compose
code that advantages from this oversaw execution condition. Code that you create with a dialect
compiler that objectives the runtime is called overseen code; it profits by highlights, for example,
cross-dialect mix, cross-dialect special case taking care of, improved security, forming and
organization bolster, a streamlined model for part association, and troubleshooting and profiling

(2) Frame Class Library:

The .NET Framework class library is a library of classes, interfaces, and esteem composes that
give access to framework usefulness. It is the establishment on which .NET Framework
applications, segments, and controls are fabricated. The namespaces and namespace
classifications in the class library are recorded in the accompanying table and reported in detail
in this reference. The namespaces and classes are recorded by utilization, with the most every
now and again utilized namespaces seeming first.

ASP.NET is an open-source server-side web application structure intended for web
advancement to create dynamic website pages. It was created by Microsoft to enable
developers to construct dynamic sites, web applications and web administrations
(4) Windows Presentation Foundation:
WPF, which remains for Windows Presentation Foundation, is Microsoft's most recent
way to deal with a GUI system, utilized with the .NET structure.

There are a considerable measure of GUI systems out there, yet for .NET designers, the
most fascinating ones are as of now WinForms and WPF. WPF is the most current, yet
Microsoft is as yet keeping up and supporting WinForms. As you will find in the
following part, there are many contrasts between the two systems, however their
motivation is the same: To make it simple to make applications with an awesome GUI.

(5) Language Intenerated Query:

LINQ (Language Integrated Query) is a Microsoft programming model and system that
basically includes formal question capacities into Microsoft .NET-based programming
dialects. LINQ offers a minimized, expressive, and comprehensible punctuation for
controlling information. The genuine estimation of LINQ originates from its capacity to
apply a similar inquiry to a SQL database, a DataSet, a variety of items in memory and to
numerous different kinds of information too. LINQ requires the nearness of particular
dialect expansions.

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