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Mabini Colleges shall Daet, Camarines Norte
cultivate a culture of
excellence in education.

Second Half of the First Quarter Examination

NAME: ________________________________________ SCORE: ________________

GRADE & SECTION: _______________________________ DATE: _________________


TEST I. TRUE OR FALSE. Write FACT if the statement is true; and BLUFF if the statement is false.

_________ 1. Biographical essays use “I” and “we” as subjects.

_________ 2. An essay about Roman gods and goddesses is a religious essay.
_________ 3. Expository essays are usually written in an informal, conversational style.
_________ 4. Technically, a journal is a type of diary.
_________ 5. Blogs cover a multitude of topics.

TEST II. MATCHING TYPE. Match the items under Column A with items under Column B by writing the
appropriate letter on the blank before each number.


_________ 6. athletic competition a. argumentative essay

_________ 7. beauty of God’s creation b. critical essay
_________ 8. call for action c. descriptive essay
_________ 9. characteristics of a person d. didactic essay
_________ 10. evaluation of an artwork e. economic essay
_________ 11. Itinerary of a tourist f. nature essay
_________ 12. moral lessons to be learned g. persuasive essay
_________ 13. views for or against an idea or thing h. philosophical essay
_________ 14. views of nature lovers i. religious essay
_________ 15. wonders of science j. scientific essay
k. sports essay

TEST III. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

16. Nonfiction means _____________.

a. fake b. false c. humorous d. factual

17. The following are critical aspects of creative nonfiction EXCEPT _______________.
a. memory b. invention c. research d. interview

18. This is the most challenging and most important aspect of creative nonfiction.
a. experimentation b. research c. imagination d. observation

19. Which is a characteristic of all nonfiction?

a. characters b. plot c. facts d. setting

20. It is a story about a person’s life written by someone else.

a. autobiography b. biography c. journal d. memoir

21. It is a nonfiction writing that explains information on a certain topic.

a. essay b. letter c. memoir c. diary

22. What kind of nonfiction do most people read daily in the newspaper?
a. essay b. travelogue c. journal d. memoir

23. Before you write nonfiction what do you need to do?

a. eat a good lunch b. read a good book c. research your topic d. take a test
24. Which of the following summaries could describe an autobiography?
a. A famous basketball player’s wife sharing memories of her late husband
b. A famous writer’s life told by another author
c. Helen Keller writing about her difficulties of being blind all her life
d. Michael Jackson’s mother describing his childhood

25. The author of a nonfiction text ____________________________.

a. might display a particular attitude toward a subject
b. will always be impartial (unbiased)
c. must include one opinion for every two facts
d. will always display bias

26. Which of the following is NOT an example of nonfiction?

a. encyclopedia b. magazine c. pamphlet d. drama

27. The piece “Life Laid Bare: The Survivors of Rwanda Speak by Jean Hatzfield” is an example of ___________.
a. journal b. diary c. testimonio d. travelogue

28. This is a personal journal on the internet.

a. blog b. diary c. journal d. essay

29. Which of the following is a characteristic of a formal essay?

a. subjective
b. read by the general public
c. use of standard English

30. Which of the following is a characteristic of an informal essay?

a. colloquial b. objective c. use of technical terms

31. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a formal essay?

a. written by a specialist
b. deals with any topic
c. read by a specific audience

32. Which of the following is written in the first-person point of view?

a. sports writing b. pamphlet c. reportage d. autobiography

33. Which of the following is an example of informative nonfiction?

a. biography b. speech c. textbook d. journal

34. Which of the following is an example of literary nonfiction?

a. pamphlets b. testimonio c. blog d. speech

35. How is creative nonfiction different from fiction?

a. Fiction does not have all story elements.
b. Fiction has real-life story components.
c. Creative nonfiction has characters and plot, but no setting.
d. The story elements are taken from real-life experiences.

TEST IV. IDENTIFICATION. Write the term that is being referred to in the following statements.

_____________________ 36. A creative nonfiction form that comes closest to newspaper and magazine writing
_____________________ 37. A short or long piece of nonfiction writing which deals with nature
_____________________ 38. A form of nonfiction writing which deals with any sport event, competition, or
_____________________ 39. A piece of writing about the place/s visited by a traveler or his experiences in such
_____________________ 40. This refers to a nonfiction writing which comes from Latin America dealing with
experiences of human rights abuse.
_____________________ 41. This is a formal speech intended to inspire some action.
_____________________ 42. A nonfiction writing in which the writer crafts stories about food and cuisine using
literary devices
_____________________ 43. The purpose of this nonfiction type is to provide facts or persuade readers.
_____________________ 44. A form of communication in spoken language, made by a speaker before an
_____________________ 45. This is a specialized form of letter prepared for public reading.

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