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Implementation and Evaluation of a 10-Week Course

A 10-session behavioral course for self-manage- APNs reported course helpfulness, improved
ment of auditory hallucinations in patients with communication with patients about voices, and
schizophrenia has demonstrated positive out- improved harm assessment. Of the patients, 96%
comes. This article evaluates both the course’s found the course helpful: 67% no longer heard
implementation and benefits to patients attend- voices to harm self or others, and 60% had im-
ing the course. Teleconferencing, electronic me- proved auditory hallucination intensity scores.
dia, and 26 monthly conference calls were used The project demonstrated successful implemen-
to educate six advanced practice nurses (APNs) at tation and practice integration with APNs’ activi-
six sites about the course implementation. Thirty- ties corresponding to Rogers’ stages of innovation
two patients within the U.S. Department of Vet- adoption. Facilitators and barriers to implementa-
erans Affairs participated in the course. All of the tion are also described.

Martha D. Buffum, DNSc, RN, PMHCNS-BC; Robin Buccheri, DNSc, RN, PMHNP;
Louise Trygstad, DNSc, RN, CNS; April A. Gerlock, PhD, ARNP, PMHNP-BC, PMHCNS-BC;
Patricia Birmingham, MS, RN; Glenna A. Dowling, PhD, RN, FAAN; and
Gloria J. Kuhlman, DNSc, RN, CNS

© 2009/ Foutch

uditory hallucinations of this article is to describe the Not all individuals obtain re-
are common in patients implementation of this course lief from symptoms with antipsy-
with schizophrenia and within the Veterans Health Ad- chotic medications, and auditory
can be distressing and potential- ministration and discuss its evalu- hallucinations often persist (Sher-
ly harmful to self or others. For ation by APNs and patients. gill, Murray, & McGuire, 1998).
more than a decade, a 10-session In addition, veterans often have
behavioral management course Background somatic and other comorbid psy-
for patients with schizophrenia In the general U.S. popula- chiatric conditions, such as post-
has demonstrated positive out- tion, the incidence of schizo- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
comes (Buccheri, Trygstad, & phrenia is estimated to be ap- or depression. These comorbidi-
Dowling, 2007; Buccheri et al., proximately 1%, occur equally ties in combat-trained individu-
2004; Buccheri, Trygstad, Kanas, in both genders, and affect all als place veterans at high risk for
& Dowling, 1997; Buccheri, Tryg- ethnicities. In the U.S. Depart- suicide. Optimal functioning re-
stad, Kanas, Waldron, & Dowling, ment of Veterans Affairs (VA), quires engagement in treatment;
1996; Trygstad et al., 2002). This 90,678 veterans had a diagnosis learning about one’s symptoms
course can provide advance prac- of schizophrenia in 2005 (Leslie in a supportive therapeutic envi-
tice nurses (APNs) in psychiatry & Rosenheck, 2006). Of these, ronment is a first step in knowing
with important skills in empower- 85% received at least one pre- when treatment is needed and
ing patients to manage their dis- scription for an antipsychotic how to accept treatment. Psychi-
tressing symptoms. The purpose medication. atric staff must be able to talk to

Journal of Psychosocial Nursing • Vol. 47, No. 9, 2009 33

Literature Review
Table 1 The development of the
APN Activities characterizing Rogers’ (2003) Stages of 10-session course, “Behavioral
Innovation Adoption Theory Management of Persistent Audi-
tory Hallucinations,” was based
Stage APN Activities on the University of California,
Knowledge—When • Attended APN conference call, heard about the San Francisco Symptom Man-
the individual is Behavioral Management of Persistent Auditory agement Model (“A Model for
exposed to, learns, Hallucinations course and invitation to participate, and Symptom Management,” 1994),
and understands the self-selected their own sites. self-monitoring theory (Breier &
innovation • Evaluated appropriateness of the course for the patient Strauss, 1983), and an extensive
population in their own settings. literature review of strategies to
• Obtained training materials (e.g., articles, treatment manage auditory hallucinations.
manual, instruments). An experimental pilot study
Persuasion—When • Assessed openness to innovation in the organization at was conducted (Buccheri et al.,
the individual all levels; obtained approvals; oversaw accommodation 1996, 1997), followed by a large
develops a favorable of staff, space, time allocation, and support for patient multisite study to examine the
attitude about the attendance. short- and long-term effects of
innovation • Established alignment of mission and goals. the 10-session course (Buccheri
et al., 2004, 2007; Trygstad et al.,
Decision—When the • Determined roles, learning plan, co-leadership,
2002). Statistically significant
individual begins substitutes, time line, and staff communication plan.
improvements included reduced
activities that lead to • Signed agreement to participate.
negative characteristics of au-
a choice to reject or • Described plans for implementation.
ditory hallucinations (i.e., less
adopt • Completed staff training: use of treatment manual,
frequency, more self-control, less
DVD, relaxation CD, instruments, and homework.
clarity, less negative tone, ease of
Implementation— • Established conference call schedule, posted it for staff, distraction away from voices, less
When the individual and participated on calls distress). Other improvements
actually begins the • Conducted the course included decreases in intensity
innovation • Described adaptations specific to site and setting (e.g., of auditory hallucinations and
length of stay) frequency of commands to harm,
• Ensured patients completed homework and assessed as well as lower levels of anxiety
patients’ ratings on Unpleasant Voices Scale and depression.
Confirmation—When • Determined patients’ perspective about benefits after Rogers’ (2003) sequential
the individual decides patients completed the Symptom Management Course stages of innovation adoption
to continue, reject, or Questionnaire guided the authors in facilitating
delay adoption • Completed program evaluation form. the APNs’ participation. Rogers
• Decided whether to continue to conduct the course or described five stages individuals
elements of the course beyond the project’s end. undergo in adopting innovation.
Specifically, these stages are:
l Knowledge—When the in-
Note. APN = advanced practice nurse.
dividual is exposed to, learns, and
understands the innovation.
patients with schizophrenia about dent intervention using behav- l Persuasion—When the in-

their auditory hallucinations in a ioral strategies to cope with their dividual develops a favorable at-
supportive manner while concur- voices (Buccheri et al., 1996, titude about the innovation.
rently assessing suicide risk. 1997, 2004, 2007; Trygstad et l Decision—When the indi-

Nurses help psychiatric pa- al., 2002). The objectives of vidual begins activities that lead
tients in identifying their symp- this project were to (a) educate to a choice to reject or adopt.
toms, exploring effective treat- APNs on how to implement the l Implementation—When

ments, and deciding the best 10-session course, (b) determine the individual actually begins the
strategies in specific situations. the facilitators and barriers to innovation.
Patients with persistent audi- implementation, and (c) evalu- l Confirmation—When the

tory hallucinations benefit from ate course helpfulness from APN individual decides to continue,
self-monitoring and indepen- and patient perspectives. reject, or delay adoption.

The characteristics of the tients with schizophrenia; were
deciding unit (e.g., an indi- willing to participate in training Table 2
vidual, organization) can affect and monthly conference calls, Demographic characteristics
both the decision and the rate obtain supplies, and conduct the of the Study sites and
of adoption. Adoption rates are course with their patients; and
usually faster when the decision return the completed program
rests on only one or two indi- evaluation form that represent- Variable Value
viduals rather than on a large ed their site’s participation. Sites completing the n=6
unit or organization. In addi- The APNs invited patients in study
tion, the characteristics of the their inpatient or outpatient set- Settings
innovation itself must be at- tings to participate if they had
Outpatient n=4
tractive, such as being advanta- schizophrenia, reported distress-
geous; compatible with values, ing persistent auditory halluci- Inpatient n=1
beliefs, needs, and former prac- nations despite taking psychiat- Combination n=1
tices; flexible to implement; rel- ric medications, were interested Patients per group range = 1 to 12
atively easy to do in the clini- in participating, were legally
cal setting; and observable as a able to consent, and were not so Patients completing the N = 32
consequence of implementing. acutely psychotic that they were course (all sites)a
Table 1 lists the APNs’ pro- behaviorally disruptive. The Training sessions n=2
cesses and activities that cor- consent explained the course, Monthly conference n = 26
respond with Rogers’ stages of and patients self-selected par- calls
innovation adoption. ticipation. They received treat-
ment regardless of their partici- a
30 patients completed outcome measures.
Method pation in this extra course.
This was an evaluation of the
implementation of an evidence- Course Leader Training and
based clinical innovation. Mentoring 50-minute class with scripts spe-
The authors reviewed the cific to each behavioral strategy
Sample treatment manual, instruments, (Trygstad et al., 2002). In each
Because the authors planned and homework in an initial 80- class, participants are taught a
to obtain identifying informa- minute conference call with the behavioral strategy, given time
tion from APNs and patients, nurse course leaders. A second to practice it, and taught to
Institutional Review Board training session was recorded self-monitor what improves or
(IRB) and VA Research and as a DVD for additional rein- worsens the voices. Strategies
Development approvals were forcement. Monthly telephone include talking with someone,
obtained. The authors intro- conference calls provided sup- listening to music with or with-
duced the project on one of the port and guidance, identified out earphones, watching televi-
monthly VA APN nationwide challenges and solutions, and sion or something that moves,
conference calls that included enabled site-to-site interaction. saying “Stop” or ignoring the
representatives from each of the Agendas included progress re- commands, using ear plugs, en-
22 regions (Veterans’ Integrated ports, successes, problem solving, gaging in relaxation techniques,
Service Networks) that incor- and collaborative presentations. keeping busy with an enjoyable
porate the VA’s 153 medical fa- The authors were also available activity or helping others, using
cilities across the United States by e-mail and telephone. prescribed medication, and not
and its territories. The course using drugs and alcohol.
was offered to both inpatient Using the Treatment Manual Nurse course leaders were en-
and outpatient settings and to The 10-session course pro- couraged to adapt the course to
a maximum of 10 sites. An e- vides a structured approach meet the needs of their settings.
mail message followed the call for nurses to teach people with For example, the course could
to solicit interest and provide schizophrenia behavioral strat- be taught five times per week
contact information. APNs self- egies to manage their auditory for 2 weeks for short inpatient
selected their sites, comprising hallucinations. The treatment stays or two times per week for
a convenience sample. APNs manual gives specific guidelines 5 weeks. The typical outpatient
were included if they had expe- for class structure and climate format is once weekly for 10
rience leading groups with pa- and provides directions for each weeks (Trygstad et al., 2002).

Journal of Psychosocial Nursing • Vol. 47, No. 9, 2009 35

Table 3
Facilitators and barriers to course implementation
Facilitators Barriers
Dissemination team support: Process of obtaining approval through the IRB:
• Assistance with Institutional Review Board (IRB) • Inconsistent IRB requirements/interpretations across sites
• Problem-solving issues created difficulty for sites to exchange IRB applications
• Providing materials • IRB was “long,” “difficult,” “slow,” “consuming a lot of
• Providing forum for staff to share new strategies (e.g., time”
wallet cards, clarity of homework, templated progress
• Encouraging staff to create their own processes for
Knowledge gained from conducting the course: Patient problems:
• Limiting discussion to hallucinations • Premature discharges
• Redirecting discussion from delusions to hallucinations • Outpatients forgetting to come to the group
• Making the group a priority for the work week • Irregular attendance
• Using flip charts to help participants stay on track
• Praising patients for completing homework
Rewards derived from interacting with patients: Staff challenges:
• “I learned more about the patients’ experiences.” • Finding space, getting supplies
• “I have better criteria to use in my assessments.” • Preparing for the classes was sometimes hectic
• “Staff noticed that patients seem to feel more free to talk • Feeling uncomfortable initially with leading the course,
to them about their voices.” getting patients to talk
• Cancelling classes because of staff illness or other
unusual events (e.g., natural disasters, institutional
• Rescheduling classes because of holidays
• Identifying the correct procedural code for

Safety Protocol l Has a prior history of hurt- about voices, summarized pre-
The safety protocol was spe- ing self or others. and post-course patient data for
cifically based on new VA up- Nurse course leaders are pro- the Characteristics of Auditory
dates to suicide assessment. Dur- vided with a script for the pro- Hallucinations Questionnaire
ing the course, if APNs assessed tocol to determine the need for (CAHQ) and the Unpleasant
that patients were a danger to further evaluation and for the Voices Scale (UVS), feedback
self or others, a safety protocol possibility of hospitalization (or from nurse course leaders about
was in place. This protocol was extending the hospital stay). their experience with the train-
developed to enable rapid risk as- ing methods, and their percep-
sessment for an expressed intent Instruments tions about the facilitators and
for harm. Although not intended Program Evaluation Form. barriers to course implementa-
to be a full suicide/homicide risk This 29-item investigator- tion. The course leaders at each
assessment, the safety protocol developed instrument evaluated site collaboratively completed
is designed to assess three major the nurse course leaders’ percep- one form at the end of the
risk components to suicidal/hom- tions, querying about the back- course.
icidal intent. These include: ground and number of course Symptom Management Course
l Expressed intent to hurt leaders, class format, client di- Questionnaire (SMCQ). This
self or others. agnoses, the helpfulness of the 4-item investigator-developed
l Has the means and the treatment manual and instru- instrument queries patients
plan to do so (i.e., the threat is ments, perceptions of changes about the helpfulness of both
credible). in communication with patients the course and specific strate-

gies to manage voices. They are
asked to rate helpfulness of the Table 4
course with responses ranging Patient perceptions of course helpfulness and the
from 1 (not at all helpful) to 5 effect on their symptoms
(extremely helpful). Patients are
also asked to list what are the Helpfulness ratings n (%)
least and most helpful aspects Course helpfulness (n = 30 who completed SMCQ)
of the course and to identify the Extremely helpful 7 (23)
behavioral strategies that are
Very helpful 16 (53)
helpful to them. The SMCQ
was administered once at the Moderately helpful 6 (20)
end of the 10-session course. Minimally helpful 1 (3)
Characteristics of Auditory Effect on symptoms ratings n (%)
Hallucinations Questionnaire.
Voices to harm self (n = 12, taken from CAHQ)
The CAHQ is a 7-item Lik-
ert-type instrument on which Reported at the first class but no longer heard them by the last class 8 (67)
patients rate characteristics of Newly acknowledged to staff but voices present throughout course 2 (17)
their auditory hallucinations Voices to harm others (n = 6, taken from CAHQ)
(i.e., frequency, loudness, self-
Reported at the first class but no longer heard them by the last class 4 (67)
control, clarity, tone, distract-
ibility, and distress) during the Intensity of voices (n = 30 who completed UVS)
past 24 hours on a scale from 1 Reported lower scores by end of class (i.e., less intense) 18 (60)
to 5 with higher scores indicat-
ing intensity of negative char-
acteristics (e.g., more frequent, Note. Percentages may not equal 100 due to rounding.
louder, less self-control) (Trygs- CAHQ = Characteristics of Auditory Hallucinations Questionnaire; SMCQ = Symptom
tad et al., 2002). Test-rest reli- Management Course Questionnaire; UVS = Unpleasant Voices Scale.
ability estimates for the CAHQ
have ranged from 0.73 to 0.78
(p < 0.001). The CAHQ was Results the program evaluation form,
completed by patients during Demographic information conference call minutes, and e-
each of the 10 classes. about the sites and the partici- mail messages. Facilitator and
Unpleasant Voices Scale. This pants are listed in Table 2. Of the barrier categories were created
5-item investigator-developed 10 sites that volunteered to par- from these descriptions and are
scale asks patients to rate the ticipate, 6 completed the study presented in Table 3.
intensity of their unpleasant and 4 that were unable to com- The third objective focused
voices on a scale of 0 (no voices plete the IRB process withdrew. on evaluating course helpfulness
heard) to 10 (the most unpleasant To complete the first objec- from APN and patient perspec-
your voices could be) during the tive—educating APNs on how tives. For patients, data analysis
past 24 hours and past week, as to implement the Behavioral included calculating means from
well as whether they are hear- Management of Persistent Audi- the Likert-type scale for course
ing pleasant voices and/or com- tory Hallucinations course—data helpfulness on the SMCQ. Per-
mand to harm hallucinations were obtained from the program centages were calculated for the
and if so, their intent to act evaluation form query that asked change in patients’ scores on the
on those commands. The UVS the nurses whether this objective CAHQ and UVS, comparing
is a clinical tool that measures was met. Frequencies were calcu- scores at the first class with scores
change within each patient. As lated; 100% of the nurse course at the last class. Patient percep-
a subjective tool, the UVS is leaders agreed that education and tions of course helpfulness and
internally consistent within the support from the authors were ef- the effect on their symptoms are
person but not between individ- fective for this course implemen- described in Table 4.
uals (i.e., such as the commonly tation with their patients. Mean ratings of staff evalu-
used numerical pain scale, 0 to To complete the second ob- ations of content helpfulness
10). The UVS was completed jective—determine facilitators were calculated. Data were also
by patients during each of the and barriers to implementa- obtained from comments on the
10 classes. tion—data were obtained from program evaluation form, con-

Journal of Psychosocial Nursing • Vol. 47, No. 9, 2009 37

course. Nurses reported that did not want to end their par-
Table 5 they felt better able to ask more ticipation. Some nurse course
Staff perceptions of course detailed questions about hal- leaders created variations to ac-
helpfulness (N = 6) lucinations and that patients commodate their patients. For
were more open to discussing example, at one site, patients
Course Element Mean (Range)a their voices. They reported that discharged prior to completing
Communication with 5.8 (5 to 6) patients liked talking about the course returned to the inpa-
project investigators voices in a safe, structured set- tient area to attend the course.
Instruments (overall) 5.6 (5 to 6) ting. Genuine discussion was de- Such course content flexibility
scribed as promoting depth and contributed to APNs’ motiva-
Treatment manual 5.6 (5 to 6)
bonding in the professional re- tion to implement. The decision
Characteristics of 4.3 (3 to 5) lationship. Nurses also reported to continue using the innovation
Auditory Hallucinations increased patient competence after completion of the project
Questionnaire and self-esteem. was evident, in that all six sites
Unpleasant Voices Scale 4 (2 to 5) continued using the course ma-
Homework for patients 3.3 (3 to 4) Discussion terials in individual work with
Implementing an evidence- patients and in educating other
based practice requires dedi- clinical staff. One site developed
Calculated from program evaluation forms cation and commitment from a “graduate group” to meet the
(range = 1 [not very helpful] to 6 [extremely nurses and their organizations. needs of patients who wanted to
helpful]). The activities developed for continue meeting.
each stage of adoption also Nurse course leaders report-
helped in assessing participating ed that change in the patients’
ference call minutes, and e-mail sites’ readiness to implement the scores on the UVS and CAHQ
messages and were used to create course. Although during the ini- (from before and after the course)
a list of the nurses’ perceptions. tial call many APNs expressed sometimes missed what they per-
Staff perceptions of course help- interest in participating, some ceived as individuals’ clinical im-
fulness are listed in Table 5. Of needed more knowledge about provement. They explained that
note is that the nurse leaders the course and their facilities. scores varied with patient stress
found the conference calls most All of the sites needed multidis- at the time of the actual assess-
helpful when sites with obstacles ciplinary cooperation at the unit, ment. Examples of fluctuation in
learned how other sites success- department, and medical center scores from baseline to end of the
fully overcame challenges and levels. Despite individual nurs- course included:
implemented the course. Nurse es’ interest and commitment, l For some patients, learn-

course leaders found patient system issues created obstacles ing about the voices initially
homework least helpful. that influenced implementation. increased voice intensity, which
Four of the six nurse course Specific organizational features was reflected in less initial im-
leaders tracked changes over time that affected adoption decisions provement.
for individual patients using the included short inpatient stays, l For one patient, traveling

CAHQ and UVS. Those nurse small psychiatric units, limited to the course, which was seen as
leaders said the UVS helped outpatient services, and mentor- progress, brought him into stress-
them monitor the intensity of ship structure for research ap- ful situations, reflected in less-
auditory hallucinations for indi- proval (see Table 3). than-expected improvement.
vidual patients and track changes No negative comments about l For a patient who denied

over time. Conference call par- the course itself were reported, hearing voices in the beginning
ticipants reported that consistent thereby validating past findings of the course but at the end felt
course leaders, monitoring at the that both nurse course leaders comfortable admitting hearing
end of each session, and track- and patients benefit from inter- them, it appeared the patient’s
ing over time were valuable for acting about auditory hallucina- condition had worsened.
ongoing assessment of at-risk pa- tions and testing new strategies. l A patient whose voices

tients. Perhaps this is true because the worsened with lack of sleep be-
All nurse course leaders said APNs were experienced group fore the last class showed less im-
that communication, rapport, leaders who self-selected their provement.
and comfort between patients own sites. Patient participants These are examples of how in-
and nurses improved during the enjoyed the content, and some dividual analyses provide infor-

mation not available from group
data (Buccheri et al., 2007). K EY P OI N TS
Of note, the particular ele-
1. With guided training and organizational support, advanced practice nurses
ment staff found least helpful
(APNs) can easily implement the 10-session evidence-based Behavioral
was the homework for patients. Management of Persistent Auditory Hallucinations course in psychiatric
Perhaps the value of homework inpatient and outpatient settings.
was not clear. Further, because
patients were not accustomed 2. Findings from this project conducted in six U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
to homework and needed help sites demonstrated patient benefits, including decreases in intensity of auditory
reading and understanding the hallucinations and commands to harm.
questions, more staff time and
3. From learning to conduct the 10-session course, APNs are optimally equipped
energy were required. to communicate with patients about characteristics and intensity of voices and
Nurse course leaders found to implement a safety protocol to prevent harm.
that flexibility for adapting the
course to site-specific patient 4. Patients hearing voices who learn behavioral self-management strategies
and setting needs enabled inno- can potentially decrease distress, use new coping skills, and improve
vative practice, such as engaging communication about their voices with the clinicians who care for them.
patients in reading the scripts.
Sharing sites’ solutions demon- Do you agree with this article? Disagree? Have a comment or questions?
strated helpfulness to those sites Send an e-mail to the Journal, at
We’re waiting to hear from you!
experiencing barriers. In evalu-
ating a flexible approach, the
main issues are (a) supporting outside of the group meetings teaching the course to patients
patient comfort and discussion, were an observable demonstra- with comorbidities that worsen
(b) ensuring the strategies are tion of successful implementa- psychosis (e.g., PTSD). Revi-
taught, (c) having patients prac- tion and practice integration. sion of the treatment manual
tice the strategies, (d) identify- The finding that patient could include patient-centered
ing symptom severity, and (e) homework was not helpful sug- and setting-specific strategies
maintaining safety. gests a need to emphasize the for course implementation, in-
value of practicing a strategy in cluding involvement of patients
Implications for one’s own living context. Past as partners, more strategies for
Practice research demonstrated that anxiety, and tips for teaching
APNs can easily implement what was successfully imple- the course in a shorter time
this course in psychiatric inpa- mented in the laboratory was frame. Studies are needed to
tient and outpatient settings; not transferred into real life determine how to best sustain
such ease is dependent on indi- (Green & Kinsbourne, 1989). patient benefits (e.g., ongoing
vidual and organizational facili- Our clinical experience has support group) and the impact
tators and barriers. Identifying revealed that people who prac- of patients’ self-management
these features can enhance un- tice strategies in their real-life strategies on appropriate re-
derstanding of the stage of in- environment are more likely to source utilization.
novation adoption and enable incorporate the strategies into
customized attention to each their lives. Conclusion
site’s needs. Rogers’ (2003) This project confirms the
theory provides a framework for Implications for value of teaching APNs an ad-
guiding teaching experiences Research and Future ditional intervention in work-
and activities for successful site Directions ing with patients with persistent
implementation efforts (see Ta- This project demonstrated auditory hallucinations. Mak-
ble 1). Successful implementa- the feasibility of course imple- ing self-management strate-
tion could be related to consis- mentation using our dissemina- gies available to patients with
tent support from the authors, tion methods. Our sample was schizophrenia has the potential
flexible format without com- very small, and further research to decrease their distress, help
promising course integrity, and should include a larger sample them learn new coping skills,
the tools to ensure patient safe- with randomly selected sites and improve their communica-
ty. Staff and patient discussions and settings. In addition, out- tion with the clinicians who
about auditory hallucinations comes should be evaluated for care for them.

Journal of Psychosocial Nursing • Vol. 47, No. 9, 2009 39

Leslie, D., & Rosenheck, R. (2006). Sev- Puget Sound Health Care System, and
References enth annual report on pharmacotherapy of Clinical Associate Professor, University
Breier, A., & Strauss, J.S. (1983). Self-con- schizophrenia in the Department of Veter- of Washington, School of Nursing, Se-
trol in psychotic disorders. Archives of ans Affairs. West Haven, CT: Northeast attle, Washington; and Dr. Kuhlman
General Psychiatry, 40, 1141-1145. Program Evaluation Center. was formerly Clinical Nurse Specialist,
Buccheri, R., Trygstad, L., & Dowling, G. A model for symptom management. The VA Palo Alto Health Care System, Menlo
(2007). Behavioral management of University of California, San Francisco Park Division, Menlo Park, California. In
command hallucinations to harm in School of Nursing Symptom Manage- addition, Dr. Buffum is Associate Clini-
schizophrenia. Journal of Psychosocial ment Faculty Group. (1994). Image, 26, cal Professor, and Ms. Birmingham is
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45(9), 46-54. Rogers, E.M. (2003). Diffusion of innovations fornia, San Francisco, San Francisco,
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Hopkins, R., White, K., Griffin, J.J., et Shergill, S.S., Murray, R.M., & McGuire, The authors disclose that they have
al. (2004). Long-term effects of teach- P.K. (1998). Auditory hallucinations: no significant financial interests in any
ing behavioral strategies for managing A review of psychological treatments. product or class of products discussed
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42(1), 18-27. Behavioral management of persistent at VA Medical Center, San Francisco,
Buccheri, R., Trygstad, L., Kanas, N., & auditory hallucinations in schizophre- California; VA Puget Sound, Seattle,
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Mental Health Services, 35(12), 20-28. Development Funds.
Dr. Buffum is Associate Chief Nurse
Buccheri, R., Trygstad, L., Kanas, N., Wal- This article is dedicated to the nurses
for Research, and Ms. Birmingham is
dron, B., & Dowling G. (1996). Audi- who work to decrease the suffering of their
Fee Clinical Reviewer, VA Medical Cen-
tory hallucinations in schizophrenia: patients with auditory hallucinations.
ter, Dr. Buccheri is Professor, and Dr.
Group experience in examining symp- Address correspondence to Martha
Trygstad is Professor Emerita, Univer-
tom management and behavioral strat- D. Buffum, DNSc, RN, PMHCNS-BC,
sity of San Francisco, School of Nurs-
egies. Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Associate Chief Nurse for Research, VA
ing, Dr. Dowling is Professor and Chair,
Mental Health Services, 34(2), 12-26. Medical Center (118), 4150 Clement
Department of Physiological Nursing,
Green, M.F., & Kinsbourne, M. (1989). Street, San Francisco, CA 94121;
University of California, San Francisco,
Auditory hallucinations in schizophre- e-mail:
San Francisco, California; Dr. Gerlock
nia: Does humming help? Biological Psy- doi:10.3928/02793695-20090730-01
is Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, VA
chiatry, 25, 633-635.

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