The Kodak Magazine

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June 1921

Published in the interests oF tlie men and

vomen of the Kodak organijation.^.j^.
simply means
finding a way .

And, in finding a way, you must

make experiments some of

which are sure to be fail-


It follov/s that the more experi-

ments you make, the greater
will be your number of mis-

But then, also, the greater will

be the number of your tri-
umphs. "

Uhe cMa^Qjine
VOL. II JUNE, 1921 Ko. 1

Once in a V7hile it seems to be a good There is never a lay-off of men, nev-
plan to break all rules even the very er a shortening of hours belov/ the norm-
best of rales. Ordinarily, dLnonymous al except in cases of absolute necessity.
letters deserve no Sknsvrer. It is pretty If we were all-wise, if we could tell a
safe to fonr. the habit of gently drop- year or tv/o years ahead just v.tiat busi-
ping unsigned communications into the ness conditions are to be, and, if busi-
waste basket. For the most part, un- ness always raji along at about the sstme
signed letters are sent in a spirit of gait, it would be possible to adjust the
malice and are -unsigned because of number of employees and the plant output
such malice. to such a nicety that there would be a
full day's work for everybody every day.
There is no reason, however, viij the
letter that follows should not have been Indeed, that would be the ideal con-
signed. It shows that the v/riter does dition for economical majiufacture, for
not ijnderstand all o:f the difficulties the plaint and the force would always be
of conducting a large business but there large enou^ to fill the demand, the
is no rancor, no threat, no malice. The goods would be sold quickly and we would
writer of the letter had a perfect ri^t get our money. On the other hand, the
to say vAiat he did, and to ask v*iat he plant would never be too large, and there-
did. His only mistake was in not sign- fore, we would never be obliged to add to
ing it. the cost of our goods the overhead of tm-
used machinery and unused factory space.
'iVe want to answer it, but we see no
way of reaching the author, except by But general business conditions have
using the pages of the Kodak L'.agazine always had their ups and downs, and prob-
and perhaps it will be just as v,«ell to ably always will have. At one time,
answer in print, because there may be a everybody has a job full time, good
few others \i4io have been thinking along pay. There's a boom on. All looks
the same lines, and v/ho will be helped rosy. People spend freely, too freely,
to a better understanding of business to tell the truth, and among the things
problems if they read vdiat we have to they buy are photographic goods. T.'e are
say. crowded to the limit to turn out the
goods fast enou^. Then smash I
This is the letter: There's a crop failure, or a threat of
war, or people suddenly get it into their
"Ht. Zastmaji: — heads that they rrrust stop buying because
prices are going down; and they do stop
Only a few words to ask you b'jying, and stop so hard that rriar.ufact-
as a good man is it charity urers have to stop making. And, if the
to lay off men a week at a time, manufacturer does not stop making, the
taking bread from the families goods pile up on his hands, and present-
at home ? In the name of the ly he has warehouses full of goods, and
holy iiOd, ^y do you allow it . no money to pay his help, and he has to
We look to you for mercy for you stop making.
are the head of Kodak and a char-
itable heart. It would be great fun doing business
I have worked in your plant if it tere always possible to give every
for 15 years. V.hy keep my employee big wages, and a steady job and
week's earnings . then add enou^ to the cost of the goods
in mBking tne selling price, so that ity at times v&icxi w© cunnot sell the
the stockholders, the people who pat \xp goods. We would have to pay for the
the money to capitalize the business, raw materials; we would have to meet
coiild always have nice dividends. Bat, the weekly pay roll, but we could not
it Just can't be done. If the goods pay in goods. We v;ould have to pay
cost too mach, you can't sell them, be- in money. And, wtien the public, for
cause somebody else can sell similar one reason or another, is not buying,
goods for less money, or because they flhere would the money come from ?
are so high-priced that people will get
along withoat them, in which case there Economical production prohibits the
can neither be v.ages nor dividends. The piling up of stocks too far in advance.
whole works stop. In some cases the goods deteriorate with
age. In other cases they are likely
And, daring the recent era of high
to be superseded by goods that are more
prices and boom times, the stockholders
popular. In every case there is a dis-
have by no means had the best of it.
Our sales in li>i;0 were more than double
.tinct loss in dollars and cents ^en
stocks arc too great a loss that adis
those of 1916, the last j^ear before the
to the cost of the goods.
war; yet oar net profits in 1920 were
only Just a trifle over seven per cent,
Right now, the economical production
more than in 1916, and only a very small
of goods is most important, for, not on-
fraction of the increase in volvnne of
ly are people spending less freely, but
business was due to an Increase in the
competition is keen. Other manufaxjt-
price of the goods. The principal rea-
urers, including foreign manufacturers
son why the company made only about the
with low labor costs, are after our mar-
same amount of money in 1920 that it
ket. To offset this, v/e are increasing
did In 1916, even though it did double
our sales force and increasing our ad-
the business, was because of the in-
creased cost of raw materials, and the vertising, but the real test is this:
We must manufacture our goods at a cost
increased wa^es. Of course, the employ-
that v/ill enable us to sell them in com-
ees were entitled to the increased wa-
petition. To do this, we must v/ork on
ges. Living costs were so great that
they really had to have the increase, a purely business basis. There would
be no real charity in pursuing a policy
but they should remember that living
costs went up just as much for the that would make our goods cost so much
stockholders as for the wage-earners, that 'Are could not sell them at a profit.
and the stockholders got no increased Such a policy in the long run could mean
dividends. but one thing-- business suicide.
Our anonymous correspondent asks if
We are going through the period of re-
it is charity to lay off men. Distinct-
adjustment that follows every war. Yet
ly it is not, and v.e are sure that our there already are signs which indicate
employees do not want charity. What
that general business will soon be better.
they want is pay for the work they pro-
Our business is not off as much as is the
duce. They want steady v/ork, but they
average business. v/e are using every ef-
do not want it any more than we want
fort to bring it back to traximuir.. Every
to give it to them. But, when general
employee can do his part by avoiding
business conditions are upset, when
waste, by producing to the best of his
other factories are shut dov.n because ability, that we may be able to continue
of a lack of orders, when people are out
to marlret good goods at a price that will
of work because of strikes, when farmers
meet the prices of our competitors, and
are getting only small prices for their
at prices that the public can afford to
products, there are fewer people with
pay. It is by just such \*ole-hearted
money to buy cameras and liliris, and we
co-operation that every producer can, by
must therefore go slowly. V^e have every
helping others, help himself.
desire to keep every wheel turning, and
keep every employee working full time.
no, it is not charity to lay off men.
Full capacity production means that the
But at times it is a nocossity that can-
goods cost less and we have at heart the
not be avoided. We avoid it when possi-
welfare of every employee. 7/e want to see
ble because we are .thinking of the welfare
them busy and happy and with full pay en-
of our employees, Ve avoid it when pos-
velopes. But it would be business suicide
sible, because we kno"^' that the earnest
for us to go on producing to full capac-
and efficient employee is going to lose him- any more than he
get employment vftiere lay-offs are wants to lose his day's work and
infreq,uent, and we don't want to his day's pay.


Main Office Captures First Award

Neither season nor subject seems to Main Office; .Villiam 1. Whincup, Camera
stand in the way of the production of 57orks; James Trayhem, Kodak Park, and
technically good and artistically worthy C. .V. Gibbs, Kodak Park. From the start
pictures by the amateur photographers the Main Office "declared themselves in"
within the Kodak organization. on this contest and got away with two
The number of entries and quality of
prints submitted for our Third Qusirter- Under the circumstances, we are un-
ly Amateur Photographic Competition fully able to print the prize winning pic-
equalled the preceding contests, and the tures, but we trust to show them in a
Judges fovmd it necessary to carefully later issue.
consider every point In making the awards.
During the summer months we declare a
Main Office carries off the fifty dol- cessation of hostilities, so as to allow
lar First Award with a delightful night all of you to accumulate a heap of good
snow scene by K. 1}. I7illiams. The Sec- material during the vacation period, and
ond Award ,
$;i5.00, was captured by A. the next contest will be announced in
KoK. 'flsir of the D. H. Hogg Co., Reg'd. OMx September issue.
of Montreal. The Third Award , ?15.00,
went to Harry E. Buck, Kodak Park, and iffill the prize winners please remem-

the Fourth Award, ^10.00, to S. P. Vight- ber that the negatives, from which the
man, Kodak Park; this makes Dr. Wight prize winning prints were made, become
Bian's second appearance in the award the property of the Kodak Magazine, and
oolxunn. The following were awarded must be delivered to the Editor before
Honorable Mention: Mrs. J. E. Rohde, the awards are paid ?


In the kay i«6ue, we had a few words you would if you had no insurance at all,
to say relative to house-cleaning time but do not destroy debris of property.
and fire prevention. 'ffe mentioned bon- Property saved belongs to the insured,
fires, but failed to state that there not to the insurance company; so, take
v/as and is a city ordinance prohib- good care of it. Any legitimate ex-
iting them; so, be careful in this re- pense incurred in protecting property
spect, or you may have a fine to pay. from further damage is part of the loss.
After the Fire
If you o/m your ovm home, you undoubt-
edly have it insured, but many people, Notify your insurance agent at once.
especially those living in rented homes, Clear up, dry out, and air the saved
fall to have their household goods and property. Damaged property should be
other personal effects covered by insur- separated from the undamaged as soon
ance. This is a big mistake and, as possible, and the debris of totally
if you happen to be in this class, pro- destroyed goods, charred lumber, cinders
tect yourself at the earliest moment. and ashes carried out of the building,
and placed where it can be examined by
Now, supposing you do have a fire the adjuster when he arrives.
and your house and household goods are
covered by insurance; here Is what you In other words, treat the insurance
should do: Save all you can; your pol- company and its representatives in the
sane manner that you .vould have them
icy says that you must do so. Do It as
carefully as possible. Act exactly as deal with you.



A Definition: Doctors who furtively of the operation. The object of the

oppose, hamper, or discourage a great clinic was to give the children of the
coraninity health moveraent in order to people of limited means the same oppor-
further their ovm private interests. tunity as the children of the rich. To
do this a remarkable organization v/as
Fbllow Kodak Employees: built up, competent to perform 600 op-
erations per v/eek, divided among the
At the close of the second Tcnsil- hospitals. Dental Dispensary, and the
^aencid Ciinic on April 17th, there emergency clinic at Convention Hall.
vrere remaining in the public schools 7he co-operation of some of the best
of Bcchester about 10,000 children who physicians and surgeons in town was se-
v;ere in dire need of the tonsil-adenoid cured. The hospitals made Arrangements
operation. These children had been ex- (at great inconvenience to then:) to take
amined by the health officers of the care of their quota, and preparations
city and included no doubtful cases; on- vrere made to do 1£,000 or 14,000 opera-
ly those flrtio had diseased tonsils that tions before the first of July, which
".vere interfering v/ith their physical was only about 755b of the known existing
-.Tel fare were included. ?rom three to cases neediiig Inmediate attention.
five thousand of these children, in my
opinion, have been prevented from re- The clinic had to shut dovm v/nen only
ceiving the benefits of the. operation a little ever 7,300 cases had been oper-
by doctors who think that the clinic in- ated upon. rareuts of the remaining
terferes v/ith their opportunities to col- 10,000 could not be convined of the ne-
lect fees for private operations. There cessity of this operation. How many cf
are in the City of Rochester about 400 this remaining 10,000 had been influenced
physicians and surgeons. The great ma- against the clinic by their doctors is a
jority are men with correct ethical 1- mere guess, but, in my opinion, 3,000 to
deas, but a;i30ng them there are some who 5,000 is a fair estimate. It is likely
are v/illing to sacrifice the interests that the number of doctors v/ho have en-
of the cOEiLunity to further their own, deavored to prejudice people against tae
and who should be classed as above. The clinic is small compared to the total
object of this letter is to enable you number of doctors in the City, but the
to identify them. influence of even a small number of such
men is very great. These men can easily
The advisability of removing diseased be identified by their actions. If any
tonsils such as have been classified by doctor has told you that the operation is
the examining physicians as IIos. 3 and dangerous, that the benefits of the op-
i is no longer debatable in good faith eration are doubtful, or that the phy-
^^ong the doctors of Rochester for the sicians in the clinic are incompetent or
reason that the competent men have de- careless, you may mark him down as one
clared themselves over and over again en coming .vithin the definition. Bear in
the affirmative side. In the prelimin- r.ind that doctors are much like other
ary survey last fall when all the chil- people. The great bulk of them are hon-
dren in four typical schools were examin- est, but some of them are dishonest, am
ed, it was found that the percentages cf such are often v/illing to sacrifice the
children needing the operation who had interests of their jatients in order to
had the benefit of it were as follows: get money for themselves. Such men are
the most dangerous members of this com-
Poorest school ISye r.iunity because their v/ork is furtive and
liedium school 34/J hidden, ana done under an altruistic g".;ise.
Well-to-do school 41J6
Rich private school 97^ If one of your children has been ex-
amined in the school and recommended to
This record shows conclusively that, aave the operation, and your physician ad-
the poorer the child, the less attention vises against it, if he is honsst, he v/iil
it has had, and that practically every be perfectly willing to give his reasons
child of rich parents needing it in the in writing addressed to Dr. V.'.A. Sawyer,
(Jity Of Rochester has had the advantage lledical iJirector of this company. If
your ohlld has not been exsuninod, you in the hospitals, Dental Dispensary, emd
should send it to the Dental Dispensary the txfo emergency clinics within toe
to be examined. If the child has dis- past two years, without a single fatal-
eased tonsils and you fail to have them ity.
removed, some day you will almost sure-
ly have cause to regret it, and your The operation should be performed in
child will have good reason to blame yofu a hospital or clinic where the child con
for yoxir failure to taloe advantage of an be kept under skilled observation until
opportiinity which would have saved him, all danger is over. A rich T^J^1^ oan put
or her, much suffering and possibly per- his child into a private room at a hos-
manent disability. pital cad pay for a private operation and
a special nurse, but even then he cannot
The operation is a simple one, and not secure for it greater skill or better
dangerous when performed by skilled men care than the children receive who go
who make a specialty of the work. Over to the clinics and pay only a nominal
13,000 operations have been performed sum.

Everything that helps the company ceived durinii tae year, a good many
helps you as an employee. that are seemingly trivial are handed
in. Suggestions of this nature are
If an improvement is made in a pro- not just dismissed with short shrift,
duct whereby it oan be manufactured at but are carefully and thoroughly in-
a less cost or in an iiq>roved way, it vestigated, as are all others, and
helps you. turned down only when all the evidence
is overwhelmingly against them.
If a short cut through some business
routine is devised, thus saving time Son» of you have sent In a suggestion
and money for the company, it helps you. that was turned down, and tnerefore you
stopped letting your idea faotory work.
Ejqjeriraental departments and e:q)ert6 That is the wroag way to do. *9 could
in business management have no monopoly mention a number of employees whose first
on good ideas; they must have the co- and sometices second and third sug-
operation of you and me all of us, to gestions were turned down; this did not
keep our organization In the front rank. discourage them, and they have since re-
It v/as for this reason that the Sug- ceived substantial a%-ards.
gestion System was established.
Get the idea out of your head if
The Su(>P«stion System Committee is it exists that the Suggestion System
the clearing house for ideas, and all is solely a company plan it is fally
ideas submitted in the form of a sug- as much yours, a mutual affair all the
gestion receive prompt and thorough in- way through.
vestigation; there is no chance of their
being lost or pigeon-holed in soxe busy Whatever helps the company helps
executive's desk. you. If you have an Idea you think

might be worth v/hile, act on it don't
Our Suggestion Committee takes its sleep on it send it In.
job seriously; they are sold on the
idea that whatever helps the comx>any And, once more, bear In mind the
helps each inaividual employee. fact that "31g Awards for Big Thoughts"
Is a slogan which means just what it
In the thousands of suggestions re- says.
THE KODAK MASAZINE is not new, but it was new to us in ap-
plication, and our "compositors" have
PubllBhed monthly in the interests of had a merry tiroe v/ith their typewriters
men and women of the Kodak organization. in the endeavor to make column width
and length come out right.

Spencer Hord, Editor

Slenn C. Korrow ) ^ ^^^^

. .

C. Edward Cooley)-"^"°°'^^« The fun we are having in overcoming
Norman A . Van De Carr the difficulties arising from the print-
Assistant Editor ers' strike reminds us of the story of
Main Office the country editor in the 7/ild and wooly
Robert A. '.feber Assistant Editor days out West. This editor had as his
Kodak Park Works leading editorial one week an article
Herbert S. Thorpe. .. .Assistant Editor that ran about as follows:
Camera Works
(Clarence H. Harper. .Assistant Editor
"#x havx an apology to makx to
?olmer-Century Works our rxadxrs. Thxrx is onx Ixttxr
P. R. Jielnhard Assistant Editor of thx alphabxt which is missing
Hawk-Eye "Works from this issux of thx '.Vxxly Bxx.
Vfx rind it impossiblx to txll you
L. C. AVTieeler Assistant Editor
Premo 'iPorks which Ixjctxr it is bxcausx thxrx
is not a plxcx of typx with this
Ixttxr on it to bx found In thx
Address all communications to Editor, shop.
Kodak l/.agazlne, llain Office, Eastman
Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. Thx xxplanatlon is this: Our
constamt rxadxrs will rxnuanbxr that
last wxxk wx had an ao-ticlx in
We had planned a somewhat different which wx said that Pxtx Bxxmxr was
appearance for the first issue of Vol- a horsx thixf. Just aftxr wx had
ume II of the Xodak l!agazine and printxd thx papxr and dlstributxd
you will riave to admit that this number all our typx, wx saw Pxtx hxadxd
is somev/hat different, though not in toward our of flex v/ith firx in his
the manner intended. xyx. V/x grabbxd our doublx-bar-
rxlxd shot gun, but wx had no shot
To quote our "aula frlen" Robbie handy, and so wx ran into thx two
Bums, "the plans of mice and men gang barrxls all of thx typx bxaring
oft aglee. " At the present writing, thx Ixttxr which v/x arx now out of.
there is a difference of opinion in Unfortunatxly wx absolutxly clxan-
the printing industry which prevents us xd thx casx aind also unfortunatxly
appearing in our usual form but here this Ixttxr is thx onx most common-
we are Just the same. ly usxd in thx Xnglish languagx.

•fe confess to having had to do quite ^x arx not ablx to txll you what
a bit of erperimenting, and, in so doing, Ixttxr it is bxcausx Pxtx is now
have developed a keener sympathy for our carrying around in his carcass all
research and experimental departments. of thxsx Ixttxrs that wx had. IVx
havx txlxgraphxd thx typx foundry
•Ve have had to abandon temporarily
for morx and nxxt wxxk will bx ablx
the glossy paper, the half-tone illus- to txll you what v/x mxan.

trations, and to omit mainy small items

of interest, but .ve knov/ that you will Like the 'Vestern editor, we are some-
bear with us in this. what handicapped, and, as there is a
shortage of compositors just at present,
In the Kodak or -anization, doing we are serving our Kodak Magazine up in
things whether or no has become a con- typev/ritten form. After typev/riting
firmed habit, and so, v/hen we find one the sheets, v/e had zinc etchings made,
avenue closed, we search for and find and from these are printing this number,
another v/ay out. with apologies.

The process adopted for this issue

T H-E KODAK H A a A. I u s


Thinlc of this .' One million dol- proposition to the Chamber of ConiDeroe
lars was taicen out of Rocliester last or Rochester banks, the investigator
year by fake stook salesmen on the was told that those institutions "would
promise of big returns for money in- knock anything they are not in on them-
vested in their stoolc. Most of us selves".
cannot conceive of any reason why a man
should part with his money without thor- It was subtly hinted to the prospect-
oxighly investigating the merits of ive investor that he should not be mis-
the stock offered for sale. Yet, it led by his employers or by capitalists
appears that only the weak arguments of as it was to the interest of manufactur-
the salesman are sufficient to make the ers, chambers of commerce, and bankers
unwary part with their hard-earned life to "keep the workinjman down".
The strong persistence shov,-n by the
A representative of the Rochester stock salesmen was responsible for many
Investors Protective Committee, posing of their sales, according to the invest-
as a wortonan in a factory, placed him- igator. Once a "prospect" gets into
self in the way of a stock salesman for the hands of these promoters, he is sub-
the purpose of ascertaining what line jected to a third degree inquisition in
the get-rich-quick promoters use. The which the salesman winds up with a la-
strongest selling point is not the val- ment that he should have wasted his time
ue of the securities offered, but the on a man who lacks the initiative and
fact tbiat the .worker's employer "had the courage to make quick decisions although
aerve to take a chance, make an invest- he is sorry he has not been the means of
ment, and thereby become -ffealthy." The aiding him to act for himself and ac-
worker is told he has as good or a bet- quire a competence.
ter chance to become independent by pur-
chasing the stock offered. "The thing, Employers and their attitude are
my boy, is to strike out for yourself", made the lure which has been success-
"clean up in one good investment", and, ful in wheedling savings from the
"all you need is the nerve to start and pockets of wage earners. There is
soon you will have others working for no easier or better way of losing all
you", are other sellizig arguments. your money than by handing it over to
these fake stock salesmen. Don't
When one of the salesmen was asked listen to these glib-tongued promoters .'

why his concern had not submitted its Don't be the next victim .'


New York Branch Heads Membership Percentage List

A glance at the tabulation on the in- while Hawk-Eye Works is second with a per-
side back cover of this issue will show cental of 60.5 Tae Rowland and Dewey
that the Eastman Savings and Loan As- Company, first time entrants, hangs up
sociation is coming right along. Hawk- 77.4 for third place. ?rom way down in
Eye, Koaak Park, and the Kodak Office all Georgia the Glenn Photo Stock Company re-
cords 70.8 for fourth position. Camera
show nice gains in membership for the
period. Works gains fifth place in line with 66.4.
Total matured value of shares last period,
The Rowland and Dewey Company, hereto- is, 849, 000.; this period, $4,195,400. Good
fore among those not present, aops into work .'

the column with a loud bang,t followed by At present, all fund's available for
another new comer, the L'.ilwaukee Photo loans are working; so, for the time being,
Materials Oomrjany. there is a waiting list.
Once more Every member get a member,
At present, the York Branch leads
and so turn the waiting list into an ac-
the procession with a percentage of 95.5, tive one.
1 laiow a news-t)oy who conducts a ing change for the dollar, ran for ray
stand at the oomer of Llaln and State car. The next day, when buying a
Streets. Here he shows up daily at paper, I was surpised at the amount of
six o'cloclc in the morning, when many change I received, and, on questioning
of us are still under the covers, to Henry, learned that I had ^jiven him a
supply the v/ants of the passersby, and five dollar bill the day before, and had
there he remains uutil a late hour in vamoosed before he could dig out some
the evening, performing the same task bills. I hadn't as yet missed the
Indefatigably. money but Henry, honest as he is, knew
I would, and he didn't for one minute
1 alv/ays maice it a point, even if I forget that necessary requisite for suc-
am passin^j by on a street-car bound I'or cess in life integrity.
some point oeyond, to hop off and buy
a paper of Henry ? Just for these rea- Integrity draws the highest rate of
sons: It's becaiise he has learned my interest in the business world. I'oney
name, and, no matter hov; busy he may be may pay five per cent., or more, but
when I arrive, he calls out, "Good morn- integrity alvrays earns at leapt one
ing, I'r. ". He knows Just what hundred per cent. Squareness is a good
paper I purchase in the morning on tuo synonym for integrity they both mean
way to v/drk, and he has it in his hand the same. A person of integrity is
when I step up to him. And Henry has alv/ays unselfish. He considers not
one thln^ necessary to successful busi- alone the profits of today's labor, but

ness as a vendor of newspapers a broad the v/orth of to-morrov/'s good will. De-
smile. ception plays no part.

On the first day of every month, I This matter of Integrity is too of-
buy a certain magazine. Henry never ten pigeon-holed in our daily business.
'.Vhy should such an important asset be
forgets this. It so happened last
month, when I was purchasing my maga- overlooked ? Why do so many of us
dismiss the matter as trivial ? In-
zine, I tendered Henry what I thought
was a one dollar bill, and, on receiv- tegrity is the corner-stone of success.

HEADS DP : those happening while at work ?

When you start to cross the street If you are injured while at work, you
at one of the downtown crossings, the receive compensation for tae time you
are obliged to remain idle, but if you
traffic "cop" at the curb calls out:
"Heads up '." and this is mighty suffer an accident away from your place
good advice. of employment, the whole burden is yours.

A very high perc antage of street ac-

cidents are caused through absentminded- KODAK EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION
ness 'Vool gathering". Ptolks get to
The regular meeting of the Directors
thinking about something intently, and
of the Kodak Employees Association was
then walk spang in front of a street car held liay 11, 19^1, at 4.30 p. m. Vjt.
or into the side of a passing automobile
Haight, "r. Gorham, and Mr. Turner also
with more or less distressing results. met with the Board.

There are such tniugs as careless and The Treasurer's report for the month
reckless drivers to v/atch out for. and of April was presented to the meeting, and
"Heads up " is a mighty good safety
accepted. The Secretary reported mort-
rule to keep ever in mind. gage loans closed since the last meeting
Of the 3oard, amounting to 314,150.00.
An accident, no rratter how Incurred,
is, to say the least, unpleasant, but l/o-. Haight reported thirty-three emergen-
have you ever stopped to think that cy loans, amounting to .?3395.00, made to
street accidents are more expensive than employees between January 15th and :!ay 7th-

A/amfff °rAcaD£A/TS pep looo £:mploy£es

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fie all of us knov/ toat there is "Bill is a fine chap," or '".'^ry is

something wrou^ v/ith things in gener- a mighty nice girl to work with" ;

al, but many of us fail to see where quite frequently you hear some such re-
we can do anything individually to mark passed regarding someone around
help matters; we are inclined to pass the plant. Again, you may Inquire
the question to the man higher up for about someone, and the reply will be,
solution. "Oh, I guess he's all right, but the
fellows don't seem to care for him much,"
?e do not buy many of the things Or else a frank avowal of dislike.
that we purchased freely in ordinary
tines because we feel that the price '/le all like to be popular with the
is too high. rest Of the people v/e know, for man is
by nature a friendly animal and when
In many instances, the cost of raw we are not, or think we are not, it is
material has down, but the cost usually our own fault. But we have
of production and distribution has not, pretty near got to be what the other
and 80, until toese costs have been fellows think we are; we cannot be sly
proportionately reduced, the higher and a bit deceitful and have the other
price must prevail. folks believe that we are four square
for any length of time. On the other
Now, one way to lower production hand, the most unpopular or disagree-
cost is to produce more in a given able person that you knov/ aas friends
period. Every one of us can do more who think that he, or she, is perfectly
per aay than v/e aire doing; every one all right.
of us have it in our power to help
lower production costs, whether we are One man, a really bright chap, lost
employed in the actual manufacture or many friends by his peculiar jealous
not. temperament. He Just couldn't seem
to bear to see anyone else but himself
VTaat follows may sotmd to you a bit succeed. If some new chap came into
"preachy" and trite, but it honestly the department, and seerced to be get-
is worthy of your thoughtful consider- ting a good start, he would go to the
ation and action because it di- next man to the boss in the department,
rectly affects you in the pooket-boolc. and tell him how the new man was trying
to undermine him with the boss, or if
A machine in good order can turn that didn't work, he would try to stir
out more good •Art)rl£ than one out of re- up dissension some other way. flhen

pair; this is equally true of the hu- he felt like it he could be Just the
man machine. Keep yourself fit. ?ive pleasantest chap imaginable, and then
minutes a day wasted by a single indi- without warning, or provocation, turn
vidual does not seem much; multiply on someone and "roast" him to a turn.
We all heaved a sigh of relief when
this by tvrelve thousand, and it runs
he left for pastures new.
into good hard dollars.
You don't have to be noisy or boist-
An accident, and most accidents
erous, and go around slapping the fel-
are due to carelessness costs both
lows on the back to be popular; or be
tine and money, and this cost must be what is called a "good mixer," but you
added to tae cost of production. have got to be what you want folks to
think you are if you -.Tant your good
.Vasted and spoiled material, yes,
standing to be permanent.
even lead r«ncils, paper clips, and
rubber bands cost a tidy sum per year;
Slouching gives a poor appearance and
their cost must be added to the cost
oro-wis the lungs. Sit and stand "tall"
of production.
at your v/ork, and note the difference in
the length of time before the body tires
You have it in your power to help
materially in bringing things back of the position.
So, all together, now, Don't forget to breathe deeply now
to normal.
let's go !
and then.

X. A. VAX DE CARR, Editor

E X T R A :


Heoreation Club plans for the Bowling

sunnier are well onder way. The follow-
ing members have been chosen to guide We have obtained Elm Bowling Hall
the teams and activities through a for next season, and all of the six-
suocessful year. teen alleys will be occupied by the
K. C. R. C. every Thursday night. A
lianager Tennis {La9n)..Iilillard Hodgson plan is onder consideration whereby
those who do not roll regularly will
Manager Tennis (Girls ). Abigail Hanf have an opportunity to bov.l at a very
reasonable cost.
lianager Golf (Hen) Herman Quinlan

Manager Golf (Girls) ...Prances Flynn PicniQ

President, Kodat Office

Baseball League "Eddie" Goetzman Certainly we are going to have a
picnic this year. It will be on
Secretary, Kodak Office August 13th at Charlotte, for the
Baseball Leagae. ...... .Kenneth Garrell members, their wives, and children.
More about this laterl
Manager, Girls Baseball. John Maroello
The golf and tennis toumarcents,
Manager, Glee Club "Lave" Evans. interdepartment baseball, glee club,
orchestra, and the rest of the doings
will be started soon.

Join the X. 0« R» C
Before tills issue of the Magazine
has gone to press, arrangements will
have been completed for girls' swim- There are many new anployees who
ming. wish to become members of the K.O.R. Ci
You can readily do this by telling
your department representative. Re-
LeLncing member that only K.O.R.C. members
can partake of the fun that is
planned. It will be well worth while;
On June 14th, the K. 0. R. C. will This also applies
so, get in early.
hold a dance at Cain's Tavern, Summer- in their
to members who are behind
ille, with Lamon's Orchestra to fur- dues. Don't miss the good times we
nish the music. This dance will be are going to have. ?.e wsuit YOU
exclusively for Kodak Office employees with us.
and their friends. Get your tickets
early, and BE KIEREl The stage is all
set for a good time June 14th. Be a booster for a wiiilel


Charles E. Jolmson, our genial and recollection of packing and shipping
efficient Traffic ilanager, ixeld an the first Kodak ever sent out by the
informal reception at his office on company. He also has a flood of
the first floor of Building 6, on Hay reminiscences of the early days.
11th, the occasion being his coTsple-
tion of thirty-three years of Eight years ago, on the occasion
service with the oompaji^, Mr. of his twenty-fifth anniversary, LIr.
Johnson received many congratulations Johnson treated his employees to an
from his co-workers. outing at Rifle Range, which is still
talked about v/henever the old-timers
"Charley" came to us in 1888. His congregate, ^.t that time, his boys
wcrk was in the Shipping Department presented him with a Howard watch,
under liar tin Freidell, then shipping which still Terrains his most cher-
cleric. LIr. Johnson has a distinct ished possession.


The girls of Kodak Office are never before in the history of

organizing a baseball team and have athletics at Kodak Office, has any
the use of the Escposition Park Diamond one game taken such a hold as base-
No. 4 for practice every Monday night ball. The K.O.R.C. secured the use
imnediately after work. With "Johnny" of four of the Exposition Park
llarcello as manager, the team should diamonds and every Tuesday afternoon
have lots of pep. at five-thirty sees a parade of ball
players and enthusiastic fans headed
We want every girl who has played towards the field.
baseball or wishes to leara, to come
out every Lionday night and show that There bids fair to be a pretty
she is anxious to make the team. race along about mid-season. The In-
dustrial Relations teani looms to be
Come on, girls, wo want recruits. a pennant winner, but the Traffic and
Shipping team are not going to permit
the fourth floor boys to be over them
all the time.
Stroll down to the Park each Tues-
On May 5th, Fred LaPalm of the day and root for your dei^artmental
Repair Department completed twenty team. Here's the schedule for June:
five years of service with the conqsany.
He was hired \3y F. A., Brownell on June 14th ; Ind. Rel. vs. Traffic
May 5, 1896. V/hile the event was net Billing vs. Shipping
made the occasion for any hilarity, Stock vs. Liaint.
Fred received many congratulations from Service vs. Account.
his friends throughout the company.
We all hope to enjoy twenty-five more
years of fellowship with Fred LaPalm. June 21st Service vs.
' Traffic
Billing vs. Stock
Llaint. vs. Shipping
Ind. Rel. vs. Account.

June 28th; Shipping



Pull many a Premo q,uill V7as dipped the biggest and most cheerful friend
in tne black fluid, and made to pro- the Kodak workers could have. You
duce r-anuscripts for the prize essay have brought us nearer from far-off
contest on the subject: "'Ahat Does points. CKir pleasure in your
the Koda^ Llagazine ilean to Lie?" 'Ahen "Kodaking as you go''brings back happi-
the judges sat down to examine the ness of by-gone days. Your industrial,
work of the numerous competitors, they as well as your socisLl relation to us
began to realize that their task was Kodakers is regarded as a most
indeed none too easy. vrelcorra medium. Your introduction to
the family home was one great ovation.
Spencer Hord, Editor of the Kodak You required no advance agents to
Magazine, George H. Retke, Foreman of herald your coming. You happened like
our Accessory Department, and Harold H. all big things in Kodak, quietly and
Hallock, Foreman of the Cabinet Depart- unassumingly. Vfe consider you were
ment, are the men who acted as judges. simply bom to us, and at first sidat
After much deliberation, they na-ned you were made one of the family. Salaam
Philip \V. VoelckBl as winner of the to thee. Honorable Kodak Jiagazine.
first prize. Irene M. Wilt, ajid Henry
D. Wadsv.'orth captured the second and At the fireside, you have become
third prizes respectively. First indispensable. Why? Because you
Honorable liention was awarded to liary are a most wonderful entertainer.
Dafner, wftile Mrs. Catherine Pugsley You're Just bubbling over from cover
wrote the next best essay. The First to cover with the most interesting
prize essay follov/s; the other winners sort of things. You keep us inform-
will appear in a later issue. ed of the wide range of Koda>: activi-
ties. Your sympathies console us in
FIRST PRIZE the hour of bereavement, and your con-
gratulations are extended where most
BY fitting; in character and principle, you
Philip W. Voelckel are the span cleanest fellow a-nongst us.
In fact, you've got the ^nhole Xoiak
The Kodak Magazine means to ne, and family in one big circle of harmony. IVith
to all of the Kodak V/orkers, from the success, and best v/ishes for a long and
big guns down to the newest employee. useful careerl

Since ve have no full-time niurse, The members of the Premo Club held
some of the Premo-ers are under the a meeting, Friday, May oth in the
impression that they cannot receive Premo Clubroom. All business of the
medical attention, except when the season was revievred. After the meet-
plant doctor is here. Lledical atten- ing, refreshments were served and
tion or advice may be had at any hour dancing was enjoyed, the Premo Club
of the day, if you but call at the Orchestra furnishing the Music.
Medical De-cartment.

Diere's more lying aboat money than It is beside the point to blaiae
about any other one thing in the world. people for being late; they should be
Money isn't half the curse it's often blamed for not starting sooner. The
painted-nor half the blessing. It all man who is habitually late ia troubled
depends on who owns it* with a slow self-starter.

"Camera ^orks is oar favorite And, now, to return to our own
dish" - sounds like our old friend, Hawk-Eye players. In addition to the
A. Mutt, talking, but really there is acquisition of the two Folmer- Century
no expression which more fittingly pitchers, Hawk-Eye has a duo of hurl-
voices the sentiments of the Hawk-Eye ers in Graham and Meerdink. Graham,
fans. For the two years that the who did such noble work in the second
League has been in existence. Camera game of the city championship series,
Works and Hawk-Eye have been fighting should prove a sore winner when he is
out the championship battles down to called upon to take his turn On the
the very last game. mound, lieerdink, while for the most
part Inexperienced, has demonstrated
It is true that v.e have lost some
in praotice that he has the proper
fighting blood, in that we are minus
qualifications to become a first
the services of such stars as Fox at
class twirler and ilanager Craib in-
third, Petersen behind the plate, and
tends to develop him as the season
Marcille in the box; however. Manager
J. fiussell Craib promises to provide
equally valuable talent to offset the With three of the four infielders
loss. In tnis, he is aided greatly by
of last year's champions to guard the
the fact that the Premo and Folmer
defense in the front yard, and three
Century plants have decided not to
veterams doing guard duty in the back
place representative teaioa in the
yard, our position is safe from at-
League this year. Suoh action on
tack. Harry liocre looks better at
their part brought out a decision from first than Fred ilerkle would on the
the directors of the League to the
Hawk-Eye nine. Harry has fully re-
effect that the Premo and Folmer play- covered from the injuries he re-
ers be given an opportxinity to play ceived in the first game with Art
with Kodak Office and with Hawk-Eye.
in Buttons, and is ready to play the
So, fans, you see, Hawk-Eye gains in "hero for a day" every Saturday after-
that we have secured the services of noon. Felerski, after a winter
such able performers as Petroake, season divided between basketball and
Drabinskl, Fleming and McCormick to indoor baseball, is ready for an
bolster up our player list. eventful session around the keystone
Petroske's ability to handle sack, with Ingleby as his help-mate.
pitchers is one of his greatest assets, "Ing" was one of Hawk-Eye's most
while one neeus no inside "dope" as to timely hitters last year and we want
his prowess to manufacture "Hawk-Eye that boy, Elmer, to start right in
hits" and run the bases. Prabinski is where he left off. Prentice, the
a fielder of note, but it is Manager youngest member of last year's team
Craib 's intention to use this star to will do utility duty this year. "Ch'ook",
fill the shoes of "Mort" Fox at as you know, is an all-around athlete
third. Fleming and iicCormick, as and can take his place in. eight out
pitchers, will shine as heavers of the of the nine positions on the field.
tantalizing sphere when given the
proper support a la Hawk-Eye. We are Wiedman, Van Lare and Levine will
happy indeed to welcome these men in- again be seen as the Hawk-Eye out-
field, liieir work in the past has
to the Hawk-Eye fold.
6een praiseworthy', and we know that

these boys oan always be depended up- and will surely win the eteam-
on to field and hit as needed. heated ice-box on opening day when
they take the field all dolled up
Truly, Hawk-Eye enters the playing in the new steel-gray uniforms
season with the brightest of prospects, with which the members of
The management and players are ready the
H.E.A.A. have equipped them.


Of course you have scanned the to John Dineen and Edna Gross.
suggestion awards for the six months Awards of $3.00 were made to John
ending April 30th. Maurice Grouse, of Burke, William Gibbs, Carl Hoffman
the Assembling Department, heads the (2), Ernest Schacter and Raymond Wall,
list with a prize of ^166.06 on a cost- Awards of $2.00 were made to Ralph
reduction idea pertaining to the Kodak BurhcLns, Albert Daolos, John Farrell,
Enlarging Outfit. V.lllis Richmond, of Sam Gosnell (2), Carl Hoffman, Joseph
the same department, is next with an Huberth, Bdwin Darter (2), Albert
award of $15.00 for a suggestion of Doughlin, Leo Mason, Claud Meyers and
the same nature on the small sizes of Herbert Wood side. Awards of $1.00
loading fixtures. Joseph Hamy of the were made to William Gibbs, Carl Hoff-
Moulding Department received ^12.00 mem (3), and Esther Meyers.
for bringing forward a new device for
smoothing the brick slabs in the fur- Are you one of the thirty-one
naces without removing them. Frank people who received awards? If so,
Hanse of the Production Department re- your success should spur you on to
ceived $10.00 for calling attention to continue capitalizing your ideas.
a serious fire hazard, and the same Did you submit a suggestion that was
amount was awarded to Adolph Nolte of not adopted? If so, you have visible
the Maintenance and Construction De- proof above that "it can be done". If
partment for an idea that gives better you haven't done it, it is simply be-
results in our Japanning ovens. cause you haven't struck the right
ideas, and the next Improvement that
The ohove will show that Hawk-Eye occurs to you may be the right one.
awards can and do run into very sub- There is no favoritism in the Suggest-
stantial ixns. The following prizes, ion System and every recommendation
while they are smaller, give clear is accorded full consideration. Bear
evidence of the interest displayed in this in mind and continue to send in
improving the plant and its products, your ideas.
and go further to show how worth-while
it is for us to submit our ideas in Did you think of an idea
suggestion form. that someone else turned into
money by means of a suggestion?
Awards of $5.00 were made to Don't let it happen again. Get
Frances McClellan, Grace Close, John to that suggestion box as fast
Dineen, Harold Foote, Harvey Putnam, as the "no-running" rule will
Arthur Rapp, Clara Shone and Wilfred allow you, and get a copyright on
Springer. Awards of ^.00 were made your thoughts.


l>lany of our gardeners will be inter- number of Hawk-Eyetes in the race for
ested in the contest on the care of the cash prizes that will be offered.
lawns and flower-gardens recently in- The exhibits will be judged from the
augurated by the flower-garden commit- standpoints of tasteful arrangement,
teo of the Chamber of Commerce. As the upkeep, artistic appearance and general
competition links up with the work of effort. Call up the Chamber and regis-
our garden olub, there should be a ter as a contestant.


CorieLassies and Lais, get leave of single tickets is fifty-five cents,
your Dads, but znen;bers are urged to purchase the
Away to the May-pole hie: series book containing six tickets for
Let song amd shout ring gayly out three dollars and fifty cents.
For this is a day of joy.
Each Johnnie has got his Joan, The following chairmen of Conmit-
And Jack has got his Jean, tees have been appointed to head up
Then trip it, trip it, trip it, trip the various functions i^ich contribute
it o'er the grassy green to a successful iance;
Then trip it, trip it, trip it, trip
it o'er the grassy green. General Chairtnan... .Charles H.Rogers
(Old 2nglish Liay Song.) LIusic Joseph Sullivan
Reception Frank H.Reynolds
Publicity Herbert S.Thorpe
[That's the way they felt about it Tickets Frank O'Brien
not so many years ago. He have
evidently got over the ilea of getting This venture in managing a series
"Dad's" permission, and we don't vuider of dances is possibly the meat re-
ordinary circumstamces "Hie to the sponsible duty the board has under-
Iilay-pole", but we still love to dauice, taken. In order to add to the treasorj-
especially in such delightful environ- of the club each meciber should oon-
ment as Susnaerville. sider him or herself a special oom-
mittee to be a publicity agent and a
Knowing how all the boys and girls ticket seller combined. The more
have a passion "for the light fantas- we sell, the greater the amount of
tic toe" the Board of Llanagers of the money will be that the club can spend
Recreation Club has secured Kane's on athletics and social activities.
Dance Tavern for a series of si2 The sale of tickets is not strictly
"lake -side" dances with Daiion's seven- confined to Camera It'orka en^icyees.
piece orchestra in attendance. The Get your friends to tell their
tavern has been entirely redecorated, friends to come to see what a Jolly
and the floor is in perfect order. bunch we Camera Y;'orker8 are I

The dances are arranged to take Purchase your tickets from the
place on Friday nights of the follow- of the Board of llanagers,
ing dates - June 10th-24th, July 8th- Chaarmen of the Conmittees, or from
22nd, August 5th-19th. The price of the Secretary.


In looking throu^
the Cleveland A pessimist and an optimist were
Plain Dealer the other day we noticed discussing life from their different
a large heading on the sports page to viewpoints. "I really believe," said
the effect that "Sargent looked like a the former, "that I could make a
big leaguer. Under wiich was a pict- better world myself."
ure of "Joe" himself. Joserih is "Sure I" returned the optimist;
Detroit's chief utility infielder,and "that's T^at we are here for. Now
has appeared in a number of let us get to work and do it.".
V.hen Joe get's up, so do the fans. Boston Transcript.


Fellows, the season's here! Our rejjorter in the Brass Lepart-

ment sands us the followin/j contri-
On June fourth, the battle began* bution: 'lioticing in the last two
The objective is the 1921 pennant. issues of the Kodak ^'.agazlne that the
General Lee Yoder has his etaff of records of e.i^jloyees service v.ere pub-
officers all lined up in strategical lished, the bo^'s of ulr. Adans' depart-
positions, and the battery la better ments, while not wanting to take any
than ever. The field of action is biscuits, claim to have a record they
Kodak Park, and each Saturday after- are proud of."
noon. Camera Works, Kodak Park, Hawk-
The iiiiployment records prove that
Eye and Kodak Office will fight to
seventeen men and one girl have a com-
capture the "high rung".
bined record amounting to three hun-
dred sixty-six years.
This year should prove a mighty in-
teresting one for Eastman baseball Pete Feeney
fans. It is hard to predict who will
finish at the top notch. Of course,
Kodak Park knows its team will lick
all comers, ^wk-Eye is confident of
copping, Kodak Office is reasonably
sure of success, but Camera V.orka, -
well, we prefer to adopt the policy
of "TAait and see". Anyhow, its going
to be some tussle, and we want to
muster all the fans to cheer our boys
on to victory.

Make this a banner year for the

Camera Works team, by giving it your
loyal support.


"I am going on a little outing and, frequently spoiled tempers, the
next Sundayl Mary and her friend are Industrial Relations Department has
coming, and I've got it all fixed up instituted a Riotographic Class, under
with Helen to bring along the lunch. the leadership of Fred W. Brehm.
Guess I'll get a Kodak an' a coupl'a
rolls of film, and snap a few pictures The first group is now well under
and have'm printed up town." v/ay. Meetings are held after vrorking
hours in the Committee Room, and at
Sunday proved to be an ideal day. noons in the yard. In order not to
Mary and Helen made fudge - w^iich was retard those people who have advanced
a little less sugary than usual - and beyond a preliminary stage, and also
Bill had bought cigars ^ich John to advance those who progress, the
could smoke . After spreading out a group is divided into two distinct
table cloth and chasing away several classes. There are thirty-six men in
dozen unwelcomed ants, the basket v/as Class A (Advanced) and thirty-nine men
unpacked, revealing little monuinents and women in Class B. Those members
of sandwiches v^ich looked as if they who have not their own cameras are
would melt in one's mouth. There v/ere supplied with a Kodak for ten weeks -
lettuce, and tuna fish, ajid ham, to the proposed duration of Class B. One
say nothing of the pickles, and of the roll of film is allowed each member,
chocolate layer cake made by Major's each week.
After the exposures are made an
"Let's get a snap-shot of the feed accurate account of the shutter speed,
before we eat. John, you and Mary and q^uality of lens, condition of light,
Helen sit around the banq.uet and I'll diaphragm stop and type of camera is
take your pictures. Then I'll take written on the envelope containing the
your place and you can try your luck film. This film is developed in the
with the Kodak I Industrial Relations Department and
afterwards judged by Mr. Brehm. The
After lunch, as the couples were examination of film and constructive
strolling through the woods. Bill and criticism as to -vihy the pictures are
Helen - who happened to have lagged not a success is a valuable asset to
behind, - espied John and Mary wander- the amateur photographer. Mr. Brehm
ing along, totally unconscious of holds office hours for this purpose
surroundings or persons. "Look, Billl on Tuesdays and Fridays from 12:30 to
Get your camera out I There's John 1:15 o'clock. On fine days the fact-
holding Mary's handt Take their pict- ory yard is used for demonstrating
ure, and be sure and get a good one I photographic facts and all class mem-
Ohl Won't we kid them vihen we have the bers are urged to attend.
pictures printed." Bill hastily open-
ed the camera and "took a chance". In V/hile both classes are under the
fact, both he and the rest of the par- directorship of "Fred" Brehm, it is
ty took several, with the result that, planned to have the advanced Class
upon going for the pictures a few days formulate their own schedule. At a
later they were handed a few misty- recent meeting, 7/illiam Whincup was
looking prints, no record of the "feed" elected as Chairman of Class A. Many
or "the hand-holding" incident. In ideas are being put into action, and
fact, there was nothing to remind competitions covering views, architect-
them of the picnic except two rolls of ure, portraits, and nature studies will
spoiled film. be held in the near future.

This is really a life-like story. Particular attention is being paid

It's actually hapi>ened to you ; per- to Class B. members. There is no
haps not 77ith Mary and her friend, but question that the numerous failures
with the "TiiBsis" and the "kiddies", among photogi'aphers are due to the
or at the shop picnic, or on your lack of the fundamental principles.
vacation. In order to overcome the It's so easy to get a camera and film,
disappointment of spoiled pictures. locate the subject in the view finder.

press the trigger on the shutter, paiy Exposure. Possibly the greatest
a sniall sum to have the roll developed stumbling block to amateur photography
and printed up-to-OTi, and - expect is undertimed pictures, Quality of
pictures - providing vou know how to li^t is essential knowledge '.^ich
eet them. accounts for success or fail-ore. The
How many people can accurately shutter is made to work at ;five speeds,
judge distances? It's very important in conjunction with the diaphragm
to gauge the distance bet-ireen six, \*iich has six openings of standard size.
eight, ten, fifteen, and twenty-five Do you know the relationship between
feet. This is y&i&t a focusing scale is the shutter speed and the diaphragu
for; each distatnce is conveniently opening. All these things are posi-
marked, according to depth of focus, tively important and are being taught
which assures you clear pictures pro- to class members.
viding you use the scale correctly. At
a distajice-guessing competition it was The first films submitted for exam-
proven that not ten percent, of the ination proved Christie Gox to be high
class had a clear conception of com- man in Class A, he receiving sixty per-
puting a given linear measure. Arthur cent, tabulation. In Class B, Arthur
Chippendale of Class A proved to be Santay haxi the best idea of picture
the most correct, having exactly half taking and received sixty points plus.
the distances computed rightly. Follow- Members are urged to bring in their
ing him was Arthur Santay of Class B. films on Monday morning, if possible,
with forty percent, to his credit, and and call for them Friday afternoon.
Gladys L'.orse, Halph Hand ley and Frank Several applications are on file
Schantz running tie for third place. awaiting the commencement of the sec-
Another cause of failure is not us- ond class. Those employees wishing to
ing the view-finder correctly. Taking take advantage of the splendid opj or-
pictures vertically instead of horizon- tiuiity to learn real photography
tally or vice versa, axjcoimts for many should register as soon as possible.
a subject being beheaded or walking on It is anticipated that the second class
legs Instead of feet. v/ill rapidly fill to capacity.

Another one of the Camera Works left the meeting in a different frame
fainous "get-together" meetings took of mind. All indications pointed to
place on '.Vednesday, May 11th, at -w^iich the Camera '.Vorks doing its full share
superintendents, fore men, and employees* for a worthy cause. And it did.
representatives sat dov;n to enjoy a
splendid supper served by our ovai We had the pleasure of having, among
culinary department in the usual others, two important officers of the
appetizing style, llr, Robertson v/as, company as guests at the speakers'
as always, a genial and humorous chair-
table - Mr, James S, Havens, head of
man, and between laughter, community
the Legal Departnient and jlr, Lewis B,
singing-led by Leslie Haranond - ajid Jones, head of the Advertising Depart-
Dossenbach's Orchestra, everybody ment, Mr, Havens expressed h:lmself in
thoroughly enjoyed the affair,
a concise, friendly, little talk, as
"Jack" Robertson, "Charlie" Rogers, also did Mr, Jones, who gave us an
and Frank O'Brien each gave their outline on the mysteries of advertis-
views regarding the Community Chest ing, and a broad idea of the trade
Drive and each man explained the sub- publications v/hich help sell our pro-
ject from different angles of thouc^t. duct.
If there v/as one person in the crowd
who was* not entirely "sold" on the The Mieeting was acclai:3ed a great
idea of organized charity when he success and v« eagerly look for\'rard
entered the dining room, he certainly to a repetition.

Never trouble another for if^iat you Nothing is troublesome that v* do

can do yourself. willingly.

Baseball taloes "pep". The players this means that you are helping us win
must have it, and the fans must have that pennant.
it. Where do we at Kodalc Park stand
on this baseball question this season? Manager Bircher reports that our old
Again this year, v/e will be represent- stand-by, "Chuck"Forstbauer was one of
ed in the Kodak League. This is the the first men to report. Our good-
third season, and we still have our natured, heavy-hitting pitcher deserv-
first pennant to win. With a larger es a lot of credit from Kodak Park
body to choose from, our team should be players and fans, for he has been our
the best. For the sa^ie reason, our sup- most loyal player over a period of
port should be the strongest, our fans several years, always dependable and
the most enthusiastic. If numbers ready to do anything for the Park.
count for anything, the pennant belongs Among other players of last year's
to Kodak Park. Do your part to win it. team who have reported to date are
If you don't play, get back of the boys Gallagher, vVedel,Minella,Heaney, "Doc"
^1*10 do and let's 7/IN. Season tickets Z8enan,Coogan,aLnd Shepanski. Among the
good for a seat in the stand or bleach- new men who look good are Holland, Don-
ers are on sale for $1.00. These are ovan, Weigand, Ratzel and Underwood.
for tv/enty-four games, an average of a
few mills over four cents per game. If There are still a niimber of good
you have not obtained one, call the men in the plant and they are urged to
K.P.A.A. office and they will see that report to Llanager Bircher and help the
you receive it in short order. And Park to the top.

A fair number of very good pic- Plans for the Annual Outing were
tures have been entered in the Second also discussed, and the Committee h"as
Semi -Annual Contest of the Kodak Park decided to hold it at Durand-Eastman
Camera Club and are on exhibition in Park during June.
the Assembly Hall. The pictures are
to be judged shortly after June 1st
and the names of the prize wimiers
will appear in the Kodak Magazine. K.P.A.A. PLAimiNG AMUAL OUTING
The exact date for the outing,
Plans for the completion of the
basket picnic in all probability has
now dark rooms for the use of the
not been set as yet, but a word now,
members are progressing and it is
announcing the fact that it is to be,
expected that they will be ready for
will serve to ansv/er the numerous in-
fall £w3tivities. The Club has sub-
qxiiries regarding it. Dr.Reid is
scribed to practically all the
selecting the Chairmen for the differ-
leading Photographic Magazines
ent committees.
which are available at the Library in
Building 3. These contain valuable in- Watch the bulletin boards I DOH'T
formation which will help you to a MISS THE OUTING'. Decide now to be
great extent. Look them over. there: Don't miss a good time!

SOIETHING HEW LN VELOX total of 156 points, or an average of

better than ten points per game. Kock.-
You may advocate physical eiercise, castlo, Stephenson, J. Gallagher, and
' or gymnasium classes, but very seldom McCarthy also did v;ell on the scoring
can you find a group of people who v/ill end, v/hile Eyer, B. Gallagher, and Cul-
conscientiously follow out such a pro- hane did their part in holding down the
gram l,ong enough to derive any partic- opposing sharp-shooters to low scores.
ular benefit. '.Vhen v/e discuss this
subject, 7/e all seem to agree that it Final §t^ndin^ of '^eams
is a fine thing. Nearly everyone has
some particular kind of exercise v/hioh Won Lost Pet.
he claims to be the ideal, talks about
it, explains the benefits, but seldcff- DepartiT^nt 50
takes it himself. No doubt this is
human. It is work for most people,
and, as there is no one to make us do
it, and 7/0 do not feel particularly
unfit, what's the use ?

The value of such light systematic

exercise and fresh air is thoroughly
appreciated by the girls of the
D. 0. ?. Packing Department. So much
so that every morning at 10.30, and
again the afternoon at 3,30, when the
weather permits, between 120 and 130
girls aidjoum to the lawn north of
Building 42 'jvhere they are given from
six to ten minutes of calisthenics un-
der the direction of Robert Caine.
They return to ,7ork rested and full of
ambition. Although this is not com-
pulsory, practically all the girls re-
port every day, and are disappointed-
if it is not possible to conduct the
class. This is Just one mora' v/ay of
making conditions at Kodak Park as near
ideal as possible.


The final standing of the teams in

the K. P. A. A. Departmental Basketball
League shov/s Department 50 in first
place and the proud poseessors of the
much coveted inter-departmewt trophy,
which was offered by the Athletic As-
sociation as a goal for the contending

Department 50 's outfit is composed

Of an aggressive clean-playing bunch of
youngsters wno know basketball and play
it for the pure love of the game. Dur-
ing tae entire season, only twice were
they defeated, 391 points were scored
in all against 173 by their opponents,
the most liberal contributor being
James '.Veigand, who accounted for 57
field baskets and 42 fouls r,aking a


The last Dinner-lie e ting of tne presentea a number of the latest
Kodak Park Foremen's Club for the offerings of the theatrical world.
season of 1920-21 was held in Build-
A vote of appreciation was extend-
ing 28 on Thursday, Llay 12th, and ed to President John Schaeffer, James
proved a fitting climax for this Ward, James Hart, Fred Grastorf and
"live wire" organization. Raymond Spencer Kord for their efforts in
Amot, one of pLOChester's most promi- making these monthly meetings enjoy-
nent attorneys and speakers, address- able.
ed the Club, his subject being, "The
Administration of President V/arren G. A Comsiittee is now at work on the
Harding. plans for the Club's Annual S'jmmer
Outing. Popular opinion favors an-
The usual excellent music ren- other boat trip, and, from indica-
dered under the direction of Ha.ssell tions at present, one will be airrang-
Ives, while the members were enter- ed for the latter part of July.
tained in fine style during the dinner Ample notice will be given to fore-
by "Hart's Comedy Revue". This act stall other engagements.


Thirty years ago this month, llay Llr. VanHouten possesses a v.onder-
6th, to be exact, Claude E. VanKouten ful memory for details and instances
was first employed in the Construction v.hich have occurred during his term
Department of what was then known as of employment. He has been called up-
the Eastman Company. During this on at many times to verify things
time, he has seen Kodak park grow which most of us have practically for-
from a few buildings to its gotten.
present size, having taken an act-
ive part in the development of V,"e congratulate Mr. VanHouten on his
the V/orks in the capacity of Assist- thirtieth anniversary, and hope that he
ant Superintendent of Construction. will be with us for many years to come.




On April 23rd, P. S. V.'ilcox, Park. LIT. Wilcox was also Treasurer
fonner Aesistajit Manager of the Kodak and 'Tiinion" of the Kodak Park Super-
Pari Works, bade a final farewell to intendents' Lunch Club from 1911 until
his office at the Park and left to 1920, when he was succeeded by Charles
take \xp at Klngsport, Tennessee, his F. Hutchison.
duties as General iianager of the
Tennessee Kastman Corporation* In June, 1920, the liastman Kodak
Company p'orchased the plant of
Mr. Wilooz was bom at Mexico, the Kingsport Wood Reduction Company,
Oswego County, New York, where he at- which had been erected by the govern-
tended the district sohool. He atten- ment during the war for the manufact-
ded High Sohool at Syracuse, and later ure of alcohol and acetone. Mr.
graduated from Cornell Dhiversity with V.ilcox was made Vice-President and
the class of 1897. His first position Director of the Corporation, as
was with Swift & Company at the Union well as the General Manager of
Stock Yard, Chicago; he was later the Works, which now consists of
transferred to their plant at St. 370 acres. Kingsport is located
Joseph, Missouri. In December 1898, in the eastern part of Tennessee,
Mr. D. De Lancey, at that time Manager and is one of the live indus-
of Kodak Park, engaged Mr. I'iloox as trial towns of the South. Mr. Wilcox
a draughtsman. Two years later, he has taken up his residence at Kings-
was made Superintendent of the Boll port, but will retain a branch
Coating Department where the roll office at Rochester.
support or film base is manufactured.
In 1906, he was advanced to the
position of Assistant Llanager of Kodak We wish him much success.


So far, Kodak Park has the distinction you may not be familiar with the
(t) of having the lowest percentage pletn. Inother words, your en-
of subscribers to the Eastman Savings thusiasm has not been aroused. Learn
and Loan Association of any of the more about it. Thinkl One
Rochester factories. This is unusual dollar per week deducted from your
for Kodak Park, for we as a rule lead pay envelope buys four shares of
the way in all things wherein the spir- stock entitling you to Four Hundred
it of conipetition enters. The Associ- Dollars at the date of maturity in a
ation has many features, which should little over six years. A larger in-
appeal to us, but first and last is vestment, of course, means a larger
that of Thrift or Saving. Perhaps you return although the rate of interest
already own a heme, or, if not, do not and dividends is the same, it being
wish to purchase or build at the pres- only a question of the amount sub-
ent time. Later on, you may. INVEST scribed. Subscriptions as low as
in a few shares NOW, and, when the 25^ per week are accepted; this buys
time arrives, you will have a nio« one share.
little sum accumulated to use toward
it. And, in the meantime your shares If you wish to know more about the
are paying you good interest. Put Association, inquire either of your
yo'ur money to work. foreman. Pay Roll Department or R. A.
Weber, Building 26. Application cards
Perhaps you have not given this may be obtained from the above upon
opportunity seriO'os consideration. request. Think it over, then INVEST.

Experience must be paid for, and only Don't condemn yourself to yourself;
a foolish man buj'S the same kind twice. others will do that for you.


Before the opening of the regular On April 11th, Frank Hall of the
season the Kodak Park Soooer team Sheet Metal Department celebrated his
played two exhibition games, the first Golden V.'edding and on the following
with the Celtics which finished a tie, day, Tuesday, the 13th, he passed an-
each teswi scoring 2 goals, while in other milestone on the path of life,
the second encounter our boys defeat- this being his 72nd. Despite the
ed the Holland F.C. 8 to 3. At the fact that Frank has attained better
present writing, only one League game than the allotted three score and ten
has been played, that against the years, he is well and hearty and an
Camera Works* team, *hich ended one able and oonscientioos employee. Al-
all. This game showed us that we need though he has only been on the Kodak
to play together a little more before Park payroll as foreman of the Sheet
the maximum of team work will be ac- Metal Department for thirteen years,
complished. he has been at the Plant almost
thrice this length of time, having
S. Ackroyd of the Camera V.'orks* done the sheet metal work for the
team has signed up to play with Kodak Eastman Company for over thirty-five
Park In the Northwestern competition years.
and, at the position of fullback,
should greatly strengthen oar team Frank was presented with a
and increase our chances of winning. beautiful basket of roses by his
fellow E. & LI. foremen. He also
At a recent meeting, D. Allardice received a purse of gold from the em-
was elected Captain for this season, ployees of the Sheet Metal Department,
and William MoKnight Vice-Captain. expressing the esteem in which he is
Meetings are being held every Tuesday held by the men who work under him.
evening at 8 o'clock in the Assembly We extend o\xr congratulations to
Hall, and all persons interested in Mr. and Mrs. Hall on these momentous
this sport are invited to attend. occasions, and wish them many more
years of happiness.


Of late it seems that the onoe On Thursday, May 5, 1921, George

greatest of hobbies, stamp collecting, W. Howell completed his thirtieth
is due for a come-back, at least this year of service v/ith the Eastman
impression may be gained from the num- Kodak Company.
ber of inquiries received from those
interested, at the Park. As Superintendent of the Envelope,
Carton and Printing Departments, Mr.
It has been suggested that a "stamp Howell has built up an organization
club" be formed to meet once each month which ranks with the best in product-
and discuss different interesting ion and efficiency, and is one in
points pertaining to this subject and which he can well take pride.
also to promote traffic in stamps.
The employees presented Mr. Howell
An invitation is extended to all with a beautiful testimonial in bock
those who have collections or who are form, containing the signatures of
interested in starting one, to send all the dejjartment employees. V.e

their names, together with information join in congratulating Mr. Howell

regarding the number of varieties, type on this day, and wish him many
of collections, etc., to M. Porter more years of success and happi-
V.alley, Pay Roll Department, Building ness.

You're always in business for your- It is easy to quit cold in the

self. It might pay you to give the face of defeat-it takes a hero to
boss a bargain now and then. smile and try again.
F O L M E R - I


The annual election of officers of Transportation and Publicity

the Folmer-Century Athletic Associ-
ation 7dll take place on June 15th. A. W. Crittenden
There is much cacpaigning for the Spencer Pope
several cauididates and the election
promises to be very exciting. Refreshments

After getting a late start last Lester Silliman

year in the matter of our picnic, Alex- Axibrose Smith
ander B. Byan, President of the Charles Lash
Folmer-Century Athletic Association, Louis ILahle
has appointed the following commit- Fred Lintz
tees to arrsuage for our outing this Charles Wahl
year: James Kirvan
Arrangement Committee
Reception Committee
Alexander B. Byan, Chairman
Edward I^cCormaclc William Folmer
Frank llathis George T. Rcche
Joseph Dreschler, Jr. Frank I'oniot
John Walz Joseph G. Reiss
Elmer Roland John Gordon, Jr.
Fred Stiefel Clarence H. Harper
Alexander Ryan
Sports. Entertainment and Prizes Joseph Dreschler, Jr.
Peter Breemes
Oscar Beyer
Otto Petroske The arrangement committee succeeded
George Puddington in getting the grounds at Island
Charles Dorsey Cottage for Saturday, July 16th.
Leo Lynett Plans are now under fall swing to
Agnes Lynch make this outing one of the best

l!abel L'^arcille that has ever been held.





Pour Kodak Teams under the Wire in Eace for 1921 Pennant

Baseball fans in all six plants of Hawk-Eye still retains most of last
the company waited eagerly for June 4th season's outfit, which, you will remem-
and the 19;il Opening Day of the Eastman ber, battled its way to the City In-
Kodak Baseball League on the Kodak Park dustrial Championship. In addition,
diamond. The league this year has they have snared some of the likeliest-
been formed with four competing teams, looking talent from the CJraflex team of
instead of six as in previous seasons. 1920. The choicest morsel of the Hawk-
The rearrangement is expected to make Eye haul is by all odds "Pat" Petroske,
the Kodak circuit a faster and stronger who, clouted for an averaige of .608 with
aggregation tkian heretofore. Folmer- the Century team last season. "Pat" is
Century and Premo will not be represent- a veteran catcher, whose annexation will
ed by League teams this year. The do much to fill the gap caused by the
players of these plants have, however, loss of ex-captain Allan Peterson, who
been given the privilege of playing is no longer with the St. Paul Street
with either Hawk-Eye or Kodak Office. plant. Other recruits signed by Hawk-
An Opening Day Committee, comprised of Eye from the I'olmer teaim are "Jack"
Herbert 3. Thorpe, Camera Works, Chair- Fleming, a big pitcher formerly v/ith
man; "Jerry" 'ifelles, Kodak Park, and the General Railway Signal, and "Katt"
Eaymond '.Vail, Hawk-Eye, vras appointed llcCormick, who twists them over with
by H. D. Haight, President of the League. his left wing. With these new players,
This Committee made arrangements for the Yanager J. Russel Craib expects to coast
appearance of officers of the company to right along through to another pennant.
participate in the usual ceremonies just "Doc's" veterans include Harry Koore,
before the opening game between Hawk-Eye Captain "Stximp" Wiedman, Prentice, ^1-
and Camera '.'/orks. erski. Van Lare, Ingleby, Levine, and
Graham. Tv/o new faces in the Hawk-Zye

The season tickets covering admission line-up are John V.eerdink, and Raymond
to all games have been going rapidly in Connell.
all the plants, and the indications are
that attendance records will be broken Lee Yoder, veteran pilot of the Cam-
this summer at Kodak Park, as well as at era tVorks team, has been plugging away
Baseball Park. This is surely goitxg to at the formation of his squad in his
be a big year I'or baseball. usual aggressive fashion, and is spon-
sor for the claim that Camera V,'orks v/ill
The Kodak Park diamond has received have the best team on record. Yoder
considerable attention from Caretaker has practically all of his 1920 outfit
Delos {"Sid") Sidman, who promises to to build on, and few changes are looked
keep the Lake Avenue field in go If- green for. With four pitchers of the calibre
shape throughout the twelve weeks of the of Pressley, Kivell, Kline, and Rutan to
season. Another feature of the League call upon, the Camera V/orkers .vill doubt-
games this summer v/ill be a big, new less put a crimp in batting- averages.
scoreboard. Yoder, with sagacious modesty, refused
to make any predictions, merely saying:
Sizing up the four contenders as they "Just wait and see."
start down the stretch this season, they
look about as follows; The Kodak Park contenders will again




102.1 ^/^^




be handled by Harold Bircher, long ao-
knov/ledged as one of the best players
the B.idge Road plant has ever FOUL TIPS
out. Bircher is the type of player
f/ho specialises in clean and
Keep your eyes open for the
heady new scoreboard at Kodak Park.
baseball, and his hitting has won many
This board will be the only one
games for the film naJcers. Bircher of its kind in Rochester, It
states that he has twice as many candi-
v/ill show the score of both
dates for the team as in any previous
games by inniiigs, as v/ell as
year, and he expects to introduce the
the outs, strikes, and balls at
pennant to the sacred confines of Kodailc
any stage of the game.
Parle before snow flies again.

Mosher Bggert appears in the

To Walter Hardy, a former college
Kodak Office iine-up for 1921.
player, falls the taslc of selecting a
This lad won fame with the Lit-
team to represent Kodak Office. Ko- tle Giants in the Municipal
dak Office has alv/ays been a dark horse
League. He is a right-hander
in the Eastman League, and this year
who plays shortstop and can take
seems no exception to the rule. "Walt" his turn in the box, if necess-
v/ill undoubtedly be a playing manager,
ary. He is also a hard hitter.
holding down the third sack. He can
also take a turn on the mound in a
Kodak Park has a line-up of
pinch. Several of last year's team
veteran stickers, with big
already seem certain of positions, not- "Chuck" Porstbauer at the top
ably "Dutch" Irwin, the veteran back- of the list. The Parkers were
stop, and "loddy" Diehl, the League's in the thick of the scrap all
premier striice-out artist. Kanager last season, and erf>ect to win
Hardy is banking considerably upon the their first pennant this year.
expected influx of college men who
usually spend their summers under the If you y/ant to see real base-
shadow of the sixteenth floor. Among ball brains, just keep your
these are the Ogden brothers, and weather eye peeled on Harry
"Hank" Rohrer. Hardy has also taken Moore, Hawk-Eye's initial sack-
advantage of the invitation rule to be- er. This veteran learned most
speak the services of George Texter, of the tricks v/hile his present
infielder and catcher from Premo; Sul- teajn-raates were playing in the
livan and llura, also from the South Kindergarten League.
Street plant, and Drabinski, Willar,
and Jawer of Folmer-Century. "Joe" Stutz, the taffy-hair-
All in all, these four teams are ex- ed guard of the Kodak Office
ceptionally well matched, and it seems basketball team, also appears
a safe prediction that the League v/ill in the diamond line-up of the
be stronger, competition keener, and State Streeters. He plays
the interest and attendance greater first base and the outfield.
taan during amy of the two previous
seasons. Lee Yoder has an ace up his
sleeve for the Camera Works
team in the person of a new
catcher, Preudenv/oll, who, ac-
cording to the advance "dope",
bears all the ear-marks of a
second Schang.

The Hawk-Eye nine, in addi-

tion to its League activities,
is planning a venture into the
small-time circuit. llanager
Craib is arranging a schedule
of Sunday games with out-of-
town teams.

AS OF MAY 15, 1921

ROQhBRtfir Plants No. of Percentage Total l/Iatured or

Members of Shares Par 7alue

Kodak Park 1055

Camera 7orks

Premo V/orks

Hawk-Eye Work:s

Folmer-Century V/orlcs

Kodak Office
•^ >? w w
•f o o to

July 1921

Published in the interests oF the men and

women of the Kodak or^anijation.j^.j^.
c /\ \ cMa^QjinQ
VuL. 11 JULY, 1^21 No. 2

There are some physic iaris in Roch- from tuberculosis, was not told^that
ester who Imve persistently opposed he should remain in bed when runnin^;
great conr.ranity health oeneiits v.ith a temperature, and no precautions
the feeble minded arg'onient that such whatever had been taken to prevent the
move.Tients were taking dollars irOiTi spread of the disease in the family
their pockets, as is v.itnessad by tne which includes two small children.
lack of suiport for the Tonsil and
Adenoid Clinic. Some two years ago, a young v. Oman
in OUT employ was bothered by a more
There are ether physicians v.ho are or less persistent anu irritating cougii.
too indifferent, too lazy or too incom- She consulted her family physician who
petent to properly diagnose disease, prescribed some one of the oommon
and v.ho have allov<-ed their patients to remedies lor such ailments; the
drift almost beyond hujnan aid in con- cough persisted but at no time was any
sequence, --i-ll of these, mind you, are real attem^^t made to ascertain if
of the so called ethical class ;blatant there any deep-eeated cause.
advertising fakirs can r;-.ore readily be Finally her fellcv* workers became
detected. alarmea at her condition and the
danger to them from working in close
One bad apple will contaminate a association with her. The case was re-
barrel of good frait tiiese inen are
ported to cur I'.edical department ana
rotten spots in our corainunity. she was requested to submit,, to a
thorough examination. To her dismay,
Rotten spotsl Here are two examnles :
she was found to be sui'ferinf; from a
well-advanced case of tuberculosis.
A certain member of our organization
was taken ill with pleurisy, which later Both patients should have had a
developed into eiapyeiva. He was taken to thorough examination and should have
a hospital where he reirained for seven been tactfully inu'ormed as to their
weeks. During this period, he was not true condition so that immediate and
attended by his family physician as he proper methods could have oeen insti-
was a v/ard patient. This, however, is tuted to fight the disease and, if
the usual hospital custom, and his care possible, arrest its pror^ress and
was of the best. Eventually, this man prevent its snread to other members
was removed to his hone where he was Of the family.
visited weekly by one of our staff
nurses who t;as not satisfied with the The cases above are com^iaratively
progress he was making towards recovery. mild examples of incompetence or
neglect and many others more fla-rrant
At a later date she was informed can be cited.
that the patient's family phj'sician
had advised tne patient to remain av/ay Isn't it time to wake up and pay
from work for at least six months. at least as much attention to the
selection of a phj'sician as is given
The patient's fa^ly physician was to tne purciiase of a nev/ record for
then asked by O-u* n irse if the man was the talking machine*?
not suffering: from tuberculcsis and ho
roplied that tiiere was net tne slignt- Tliere are many reputable, skilled
est doubt of it. The man had not conscientious and hard working
been informed that hj was suffering physicians in Roo^.ester and *« know

that v.'e will have their co-operation fact has leu to the formation of medi-
in eliminating these rotten spots. cal departments in many comr,ierGial
organizations vata highly successful
The fair minded f^eneral practi- results.
tioner in medicine v/ill admit that he Our Lleaical Leoartnent has been
is not in all cases corapetent to make organized and equipped in line v.ith
a proper diagnosis. 2uch a man v.lll this movement in effect its purpose

when in slightest doabt reier the may be said to be that of a health

patient to a specialist for further clearing house. Aside from rendering
examination or treatment. Such men are first aid in employees surgical cases,
an honor and a credit to the medical and in the treatment of minor ailments,
profession. its purpose is to co-operate with the
medical fraternity of the city in
When you find it necessary to con- maintaining the highest possible health
sult a physician, make sure that yoa average among our employees and their
select a competent one. Your ailment families.
may or may not be a trifling one
insist on a thorough examination and The "edical department is at the
a trutlii'ol answer as to your condition. service of every Kodak employee with-
out charge. If your case presents
Gocd health is your greatest indi- ^unusual conditions or deraands special
vidual asset it is of eoual impor-
treatment, you will be referred to a
taaice as an asset in any organization n'umber of physicians v.ho are knov.n to
or coramimity. Recognition of this be corapetent to handle your case.


All too frec^uently during the summer save the life of another person.
months the daily papers record accident-
al deaths from drowning. Again; have you ever seen a limp
body brou^t ashore, and been compelled
S7d.mming is an art easily learned, to stand helplessly by because you and
even by those well along in years, vshile none of the others present knew \'diat to
children almost without exception take do to revive the patient ?
to it naturally.
MaJiy, many lives could have been sav-
If you do not kiiow how to swim, make ed if some one at hand had known the
it a point to learn hov/ this suamer, and very simple standard, method of reviving
if you have children, by all means see a sTiffocated person.
to it that they learn to handle them-
selves in the vater. On page 8 • ^^ ^.re printing an au-
thorative communication from Dr. "I, A.
Regular instructors in sv/imming VTill Sawyer, the Medical Director of the
be found at the Y. LI. C. A., the Athlet- company, on this subject; read it by
ic-Glut, the Y. V/. C. A., and the Brick all means carefully and be pre-
Church Institute here in the city and at pared in case your services are needed.
most of the beaches.
You can easily learn by yourself in
shallow water through the aid of an old
While the outdoor picnic luncneon is
partly inflated inner tube to sustain
an excellent thing from the health sf.and-
you until you attain confidence in your-
point, a word of warning should be said
self, but you will naturally learn much
regarding the use of v.ater from wayside
sooner if you have an instructor;
springs or farm v;ells. The former, ex-
anyhow, by all means learn how this sum-
cept in very isolated regions are almost
sure to be dangerously poluted, while
the farm well is often situatea toe near
You 07« this to yourself for your own a barnyard. The only safe rule is to
protection, and you never can tell vhen carry an adequate supply of water from
jfour ability to swim may er-able you to a source known to be pure.


Sijbsoribers to the Eastman Savings Our correspondents here in tiie home

and Loan Association, in ohecking up office find opportunity for an occasion-
their quarterly statement, dated July al chuckle over the naive deductions of
2nd, should hear in mind the following: some amateur customers.
if employed at Kodak Park, the last pay
roll deduction for shares credited is Te do not have all the f\m, hovrever.
for the week ending June 18th; if em- A Kodak dealer in a nearby state does
ployed at any of the othor Rochester aJtt extensive amateur finishing business
plants or tlie Kodak Office, the last with quite a number of mail order cus-
pay-roll deduction for shares credited tomers. He received recently a roll
is for the week ending June 25th. Of film v/ith instructions to develop and
print one of each. '<Vhen the roll was
Onoe again; before signing a purchase developed, it was found that all the ex-
agreement, he sure to submit it to the posures were out of focus; so the roll
Attorney of the Association for approv- was returned to the customer with an
al; or, better still, obtain from him enclosure reading: "Out of focus; can-
one of our standard forms of purchase not print.' A few days later, the
agreement (si5)plied withoat charge) for negatives v«re returned to him with tiie
filling out, and then submit it to him following note:
for approval before signing.
"Dear Mr.
This •will take but a moment, and may
save you time, money, and annoyance. When you get your focus in,
please print one of each and



DRIFTING OR PULLING ing, working, or you are fooling away

your most valuable asset-time. If j'ou
You are either drifting down stream are tirying to improve yourself you are
with the tide and the dead ones, or you going ahead. If yoor brain is full of
are pulling for all you are worth nonsense you are drifting down the
against the current of events. You can- stream, bet your boots.
not anchor, for life is one continuous The Silent Partner
TOyage. You are either reading, study-

EVEN such comnon household necessi- within the last few years; and all of
ties as salt, sugar, flour, and soap do these concerns looking to us to supply
not sell themselves, and every manufac- their wants.
turer of such products has to have an
aggressive sales department to put them So, today, the staff of our sales
over. department, both in the office and on
the road., includes a goodly number of
Our products have a world-wide repu- hi^ly-trained specialists,
tation and distribution, and it would
"be pretty hard to locate a town vdaei-e- OTir road force is divided broadly in-
in sonievAiere the familiar "Kodaks" sign to three groups; one group selling Ko-
would not be found.. daks and other cameras of our manufac-
t\ire, and the multitude of s\mdries used
Without question, the hi^ equality by the amateur photographer. The sale
and uniformity of our products has help- of our professional apparatus is in charge
ed in obtaining this world-wide distrib- of one man who specializes in this work.
ution, but this quality has been backed The second group consists of our plate
always by forceful and never-ending ad.- and portrait film demonstrators——all
ertising and selling cainpaigns. highly-skilled n^n, viho call on the pro-
fessional users of these products, and
Our sales depaxtment in Rochester at- assist them in every possible way in se-
tends to the marketing of our products curing the best possible results. The
in the United States and to a certain third group embraces the paper demon-
portion of our export trade. strating staff, likewise highly-trained
men vdio visit our professional custom-
To expedite our viiolesale distribu- ers in the interest of the various pho-
tion, we have branch houses in New tographic papers manufactured by us.
York, Chicago, and San Francisco, but
we do not distribute throu^ vftiolesale Vyfe have also other road men who speo-
houses, commonly known as jobbers. ialize in the needs of the X-ray, surg-
ical, and research photographers; in
There is naturally an excellent rea- the special wants of those conducting
son for this, and that is that sensitiz- plants for amateur finishing, and still
ed goods such as plates, film, and pho- another group looking after the motion
tographic paper deteriorate if improper- picture producers.
ly stored and after a certain length of
time. Thou^ a distinct, and separately-
managed and maintained organization, our
It is hi^ly important that the con- Advertising Department is in enthusias-
sumers receive our products in perfect tic and harmonious accord with the Sales
condition, and it is for this reason Department in creating new business, and
that we keep our goods imder our con- in the maintaining and increasing of oilr
trol as far as possible. volume of sales.

Not so m^y years ago, we had practi- You are all more or less familiar
cally only two classes of consvimers, the with our magazine and newspaper adver-
professional studio and view photograph- tising, and have seen and read many of
er, and the amateur. the booklets issued by this department,
and encountered the "Picture Ahead"
Today, hov;ever, photography is play- signs to be found along our picturesque
ing a highly important part in the highv;ays.
sciences, and in research and record
work incident to tha production of a In addition to all this creative
wide vairiety of things. future business v/ork, the sales depart-
ment is still further aided by the pub-
Then, too, there is the motion pic- lication of four periodicals, the first
ture industry; grown to hiige proportions of Triaich is the Kodak Trade Circular,
which is of a confidential nature, and ularly, and in some of the more isolat-
sent only to dealers handling our goods. ed regions, perhaps not at all. So,
to keep the professional in toucn with
It contains annoimcements of new us, and informed as to any new products
goods, changes in prices and discounts, of ours, and the best methods for han-
Mnf^ other live natter incident to the dling them, and how to solve some of
sale of our products. his other problems, we issua monthly for
him a sumptuous little publication chris-
The second is the "Kodak Salesman", tened "Studio Li^t."
vdiich is sent each month to our dealyrs,
and to such of tlieir employees as the Our fourth monthly aid to sales is
dealer elects. This publication is "Kodakery," a brl^t, snappy, and won-
directly in the aid of the man behind derfully well-illustrated little publi-
the cotinter. It is carefully and cation, issued solely in the interests
cheerfully written and edited, and with- of oar friend, the amateur, and it
out doubt has much to do with keeping re acnes about two hundred and sizty-five
the retail salesman "sold" on us, and thousand amateurs each month.
in wiiat we produce.
So, you see that with us, selling
It is obvious .that, even v/ith our goods means ^uite a bit more than just
large force of road men, we cannot call waiting for orders, and tlien shipping
on every professional photographer reg- the goods.



Every once in a vdiile eone one re- "How many of the folks read the bul-
vives the chain letter idea, usually letins ?" "Are they interested in the
for soma worthy cause, (we received one bulletin service ?" "How can we im-
a few days ago) without ever figuring prove the bulletin service ?"
out just wiiat it would amottnt to. Have
you ever stopped to figure it out ? If Yfe couldn't very v«ll go around in
you have, any chain letter you received all the plsmts and ask these tiuestions;
went Into your waste basket instanter. so we decided that the next best thing
to do 7/as to hold a Bulletin Improvement
Here is how a chain letter, supposed Contest.
to be sent out alv/aysto five persons,
would work out:
Judging from the number of responses,
The first letter goes to five we are convinced that you do read the
persons. bulletins, and that you are interested.
Also vre received a nunber of valuable
Second to 25.
suggestions for improvement v^ich we
Third to 125.
v/ill put into effect.
Fourth to 525.
Fifth to 3,125.
The First Prize, tv/enty-five dollars,
Siith to 15,625.
Seventh to 68,125.
vrais Henrietta Trimble, Kodak
Office; the Second Prize, fifteen dol-
Ei^th to 240,625.
lars, to Kenneth V/. WilliaTS, _odak Of-
Ninth to 1,703,125.
fice; and the Third Prize, ten dollars,
Tenth to 8,515,625.
to Edv/ard J. T/alker, &ir.era Works.

If followed up to the fifteenth ser-

ies, it would be 26,611,328,125. The
total —
33,264,162,655 -would be more
We extend our hearty tha nk s to all
contestants from whom we received many
than three hundred letters to every n:an,
helpful suggestions and our regrets
woman and child of the one hxmdred and
that, owing to present conditions, we
ten millions of our population. So
cannot print the prize winning efforts.
beware of the chain letter I
men in the organization, and he said
THE KODAK MAGAZINE that he did not think that he ^/ould re-
main v.'ith the company much longer, be-
Published monthly in the interests cause raises and promotions were, to his
of men and women of the Kodalc organiza- mind, a bit too infrequent. We told him
tion. that v/e felt that he h^d the wrong idea,
sind that ovir organization presented as
many, if not more, opportiznities for ad-
Spencer Herd, Editor vancement, than almost any other concern.

Glenn C. Morrow . -r,^


He countered with the Parthian shot
; 1" , _ T
Associate Editors

that, how come, as v/e had been with the

C. Edward Coo ley)
company a good many years, we had not
Norman A. Van De Carr.. Assistant Editor been made a director, or vice-president,
Main Office or sich like.
Robert A. Weber Assistant Editor
Kodalc Park Works We caiae back v/ith tie remark that, if
all of us bri^t shining li^ts had been
Herbert S. Thorpe Assistant Editor
made directors, there wouldn't have been
Camera Works
anyone left to perform the more lowly
Clarence H. Harper Assistant Editor tasks and then the directors wouldn't
Polmer- Century 7/orks have had anything, or anybodv, to direct.
P. R. Meinhard Assistant Editor
To be honest, every !nan viio has lived
Hawk-Eye Works
long enou^ to ac^iuire a few gray hairs
L. C. Wheeler Assistant Editor knows just why his measure of success, or
PreiRO Works laujk of it, has been meted out. Very
fev/ of us can say truthfully that we have
been blocked because of lack of opportun-
ity. We were all created free, but not
Address all communications to Editor, equal some authorities to the contrary
Kodak Magazine, Main Office, Eastman notwithstanding. The person with the
Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. greater mental capacity, the greater am-
bitiort, or the greater will power will
get further than those less strongly en-
Things are still at sixes and sevens;
dowed with these attributes.
the print«3rs won't print; the carpenters
won't e- iiome of us, to ourselves, are quite
•won't carp; the electricians
and the surprised to find that we have pushed
leot; the plumbers won't plumb;
but that along so well. "Nov/ and then, perhaps,
steel workers won't steel
An.T^ow, here but the instances aire about as rare as
will be about all of that.
hair on a frog, we find a man doing a
w© are again, thanks to typewriters, nim-
task so well that his superior hesitates
ble and willing fingers, and the photo
to advance him to other more important
engraving process.
work. The far-sifted executive, how-
ever, will advance the man v*io has de-
The mechanical side came a bit easier
livered the goods.
this time, because we learned a lot in
building the June issue, but we had a
The larger the concern, the greater
stru^le getting in just about half of
the number and character of the oppor-
the things we wanted to include.
t\anities; stick and it lies with you
as to how far you will go.
It is not our intention to discuss
the differences existing in industry, but
we can, and do hope that they will soon
There are 1,250,000' dependent wage-
be settled, because, not until they are
earners in the United States, because
settled can we feel that v/e, as a nation,
they could ''not, or would not, save dur-
are again on the road to normal times
ing their working days.
and healthy prosperity.
The support of these dependent wage-
earners costs the sum of $220,000,000
We were talking with one of the young a yeax.


Play Safe Before Paying the Contractor
You and the lady to whom you turn be in the nature of am improvement to
over your pay envelope, are pretty real estate and mast be done at the re-
proud of your new home, but you feel quest or with the consent of the owner.
that a oonorete walk to the back door Even though the owner pays the con-
would Improve things a lot. tractor in full for the job, the labor-
er who works for the contractor may, if
So you look vcp a walk contractor and his boss neglects to 'pay him, obtain a
make arrangements the men oome and put
lien upon the property.
down the walk, the work is satisfactory
and you pay the contractor for the Job^ This same law will apply in case
you had your home painted, re-shingled
A few evenings later there comes a or re-deccrated, or if you erected a
ring at the bell, and you find on the garage or bam on the property, or any
steps one of the men who laid your new other Improvement
walk. He informs you that he worked
three days on the Job and hasn't been The way to protect yourself is ob-
paid, and that the contractor has left vious. Before jjaying the contractor,
town, or has refused to pay him for hia have him produce, or obtain them your-
work. self, signed statements from all the
men who have worked on the Job, stating
You remark plaasajitly that you sure that they have been paid in full. , If
are sorry, but it really isn't any of the Job is a large one, the owner may
your concern as all your dealings were protect himself by requiring the con-
with the contractor who hired him and tractor to put up a bond with adequate
that you hold his receipted bill for security to indemnify the owner against
the Job. mechanics liens. This method, however,
is not very practical for small Jobs.
"Well, be that as it may," he re-
sponds, "but if I don't get my money, If a notice of lien is actually filed
I'll file a mechanics lien against your against the property, the owner's best
property. course, if he cannot get the contractor
to pay the laborer, is to pay the
And, under the circumstances, can laborer himself and then bring suit
he do this, and collect? He most cer- against the contractor. If the laborer
tainly can. Here is Section 3 of the is not paid, he may foreclose his lien
Lien Law of the State of New York. in a manner similar to the manner of
the foreclosure of a mortgage, and may
"Mechanics Lien on Heal Property." force a sale of tue property and take
from tne proceeds of such sale, enough
"A contractor, sub-contractor, lab- money to satisfy his lien.
orer, or material man, who performs
labor or furnishes materials for the Naturally this difficulty for the
improvement of real property with the owner will only arise \men the con-
consent, or at the request, of the owner tractor fails to pay his help ajid this
thereof, or of his agent, contractor or can, of course, be largely avoided by
Bub-oontraotor, shall have a lien for dealing with reputable contractors of
the principal and interest of the value, sufficient financial responsibility.
or the agreed price, of such labor or
materials upon the real projierty im- If at any time you are about to en-
proved or to be improved and upon such gage in some x^roposition embracing the
improvement from the time of filing a expenditure of a considerable sum, or
notice of such lien as prescribed in if any problem similar to the foregoing
this article. confronts you, do not fail to consult
our Legal L)ei)artment
; it is at your
This being the law, the laborer would sei^ice.
have a lien on the property regardless
of whether or not his employer or con- Have a bank acootmt, carry life in-
tractor has been paid by the owner, the surance, and make a will; three good ad-
only limitations are that the work must monitions for the head of the family.


By W. A. Sawyer, M. D. , Medical Director
Eastman Kodak Compaxiy

Of late there has heen a tendency in S^affocatioa or asjiyxiation is an ua-

cases of suffocation to ignore the old conscious condition due to ttie inability
TnaTTuqi methods of producing artificial to get ozygea into the lungs. This may
respiration, and to use the vario\is ira- be due to a number of oausesj first of
ohines recently put upon the marloet for all, drowning. Secondly, from some form
this piirpose. of asphyxiation from gas, and third, par-
alysis of the breathing centers following
I am told upon good authority that severe electric shoclc.
many city police departments have pur-
chased these machines, and it has been Treatment in Cases of Drowning
made a part of their regulations that
the machine be used in preference to Lay individual with face down; arms
the manual method, and in one or two extended forward above his head. Turn
instances of ^ich I Icnow, the manual his face to one side. Remove false
method was not permitted even vdiile wait- teeth, tobacco, or any other contents of
the mouth, and draw tongue forwsird.
ing for the machine to arrive.
Loosen ti^t clothing about the neck.
Step astride of the subject, and with
The Conference Board of Ihysicians in
hands grasped under the abdomen, lift
Industry is making an effort to bring
this matter before varidus organizations about 18 inches above tlie ground and
connected with industry, so that the allow the water to run out of his air
facts of the matter may be made Imown to I»LSsages and stomach. Following this,
all. Without a doubt, some of the ma- wipe out his mouth and nostrils so as
chines are excellent so far as they go, to be sure that air may pass in ^ttI out
but none have the ease amd speed of oper- freely.
ation that is contained in those agents
Tdiich we always have with us, n ame ly,
Kneel straddling patient's thighs, as
shown in illustration, facing his head
our hands.
and resting your hands on his lowest ribs.
Swing forward and gradvially bring v/ei^t
In industries ii^ere they have the
of your body on you.c hands and thus upon
greatest need for artificial respiration,
they have come to feel that the Shaefer subject's back. Then, immediately re-
or prone-pressure method is by all odds move pressure and swing backward. Re-
superior to any other method, either man- peat this movement about twelve or fif-
ual or machine. teen times per minute without interrup-



tion, \mtil natural breathing has been ribs; release your pressure when count-
started and niaintained. ing "two," and then count up to five when
you again start over and mtJce pressure
If there is anyone present; to assist upon the ribs. Even thouj^i one counts
yo}j, have ther. get the subject's body rapidly, this will keep the rate so.-re-
warn., either by rubbing the limbs vig- viiere near normal.
orously toward the heart, or by apply-
ing heat in some form to the feet. Two In performing the prone-pressure meth-
hours is not too long for a life, and od, there is a tendency at first to feel
respiration has often been restored af- that you are not accomplishing anything
ter this length of time. because tJiere cee-is to be little "give"
to the ribs viien you are making this
There is a tendency to conduct this pressure, but, despite the apparent Inef-
method, of respiration too rapidly, not fectiveness of this method, it 7/ill do
allowing the lungs a sufficient length its work, ani can be persisted in for a
of time to expand after pressure has great length of time without fatigue on
been made upon the:n, so that twelve res- the part of the operator.
pirations to the minute is sufficient.
A3 soon as possible, without interfer- This sa'ue method can be used in any
ing with breathing, get the patient un- form of suffocation, following much the
der cover and v/anr. v/ith hot water bot- sarrio teohnique as outlined above.

tles, hot bricks, hot stove lids or vig-

orous rubbing. AK ESSILVTLfiL OF SUCCZ^.S
"First of all, yoa must have a defi-
Do not attempt to give anything to nite, clearly-seen goal. You mist know
drinic bymouth 'until breathing has been where you v.ant to go. Yoa mast know
well established. what you v.ant to do. Yea mast pick a
career. You v.ant to be a farmer, a
The prone-presL-ure method is preferred merchant, a lav.yar, a ccctcr, a drug-
to the Sylvester method in v±iich the sub- gist, a sales.Tiarx, a manager - v.hat?
ject is placed upon his back, because it The hunter v.ho sheets into the vocds
enables one person to conduct it, and at without aiming isn't likely to bring
the same time keeps the tongue from chok- home many uec-r. Tne boy v.ho goes from
ing up the throat, and also permits any Job to job. from town to town, v;ithoat
liq.uids or other rriatter to flow froir. the aim, v.ithoat purpose, cannot achieve
lungs cr stomach, thus preventing chok- success. You, for instance, are a
ing. salesman right now, V/hat v.-ill you be
a year from now? Five years from now?
One very good v;ay to control the rate Like a railroad builder, you mast h
of respirations is to co-ur.t "one", as a plan. You mast have a destinatior
you mai.e the pressure upon the lower "nomas Drcier in "^.Toes
-10 X C D A K A Z I

One of the most agreeable things con-
A good -.any of us are looicing forT-urd
nected v/ith the belon^ng to t 'business to the iay TThen we can own our ovn hona
association, in lact, about ihe most and snap our fingers at landlords and
agreeable is the dividends.
moving men. One mi^ty practical v.'ay to
advance the advent of tliat gleid day is tc
Just to show how a good thing grows, invest the '*age dividend check or a good-
the directors of the East-^an Savings and
xy po3 on of it in more shares in the
Loan Association, at a meeting held on Zastman Savings and Loan Association.
June 27th, declared the first quarterly
dividend as follov;s: 1-|- per cent, on In-
dividend checks have aH uncanny
stalljnent shares; I-I/8 per cent, on In-
.vay of burning a hole in the pocket. We
come Shares; and 1 per cent, on Savings
like to have a good time, and to indulge
Shares. This is equivalent to 5 per
ourselves in little or big ivixuries that
cent, per annum on Installment Shares,
v-e could get along without. A certain
4^ per cent, on Income Shares, suid 4 per number of good times are hi.^ly necessary
cent, on Savings Shares. After this div-
and a little luxury now ani ti^.en won't do
idend was declared, there remained a
any harr: but it sure is unwise to invest
goodly surplus as a basis for future div-
(?) all ciir extra funds in this manner.
Let the •age dividend check nelp to
There is a heap of satisfaction In put-
bring your home-owning day nearer, or
ting money v;e are earning and saving into
furnish the basis for a Tjnd that some
a concom in '.wiich '.Te are part owner, and
iay you will find mi^^ty handy.
having it ^/ork for us.

N. A. VAX DK CARK. Editor


J'oly 1st aiaris the first anniver- the ::rc3i:eotB for putting over a first
sary of the X.C.H.G. and with it brings Cxass .Tiusical show this coming fall
the renewal of memberships for the lock very bright.
years lS£l-22. Considering that the
year Just closed was the first of the Dake i>ans (»hc si^akes the big
Kind ever attempted by Liain Office stick) was interviewed after the first
workers along organized recreational rehearsal and he olains tnat there is
lines, it was a big s-iccess. This year some material in the club that will
is starting out bigger than ever. chase scne of tne 3elasco stars to the
tall cedars. Jhere are a number of
Join the K.C'.R.C -
good singers who have not signed up,
however and if you want tc :iave a

On July 1st, your department repre- share in making the K.G.H. C.ilee Club
sentative will solicit you for your a success. Just get busy and boost
1931-22 membership. Let's aim for 100,i. with the rest.
If this is realized, it means branch-
ing out in bigger athletic activities
and good times for all X.CH. G.merabers,
A Handicap Jolf ro-urnament it to be
so when the little blue card is presen-
held during September. All the games
ted to you, ai^\ on the dotted line fcr
must be played en tne Jenesee Valley
so:2e good times and gccd fellowship.
Park 5olf Course. Appropriate prizes

Glee Club (125 'iig^ied Up )
and no entrance fe^s.

The generous response to the irst i •Tnose interested, v.ho have not al-
call icr Glee Club sir^ers vory ready signii ied their' intention to
gratiiying. ^ne h'undred tv.enty-:ive play, should get in touch with H. T
people have already sl^-ned up, and by Quinlin, wiales Iiepart:r.ent, as soon as
the amount of anthusiasm displayed. possible, in orcer to estiriite the
12 THE M A 3 A 2 I N 3

proper handicaps. It is essential tiaat

are^cing to be some surprises sprung
every player turn in his score for at
by some tcssers of the iron rings. See
least one fall gajne each Txnth daring
"Bob" V.cod cf the Repair iepartment or
Jane, July and Augost —
more coirplete C. '£. 7nar3ton of the ilcvemment 2hip-
details later.
cing Department for particulars.
Tennis Sy^immlng

According to present plans, an elimi- All the X.O.R.C. Oirl Sv.iramers say
nation Tennis To-omament is to oe rim that the v.ater is fine at the 3rick
off to deterniine the Z.C.H.C. Chanpion, Church Institute. The Club has reserved
as well as to give each player a specific the swinETiing pool on 'Wednesday evenings
rating for future challenge and handicap and for the small s-xn cf fifteen cents,
tournaments. any of the girls v/ho are members, may
enjoy a good swim, li you csm't swim,
The results of the elimination to'irna- come out and learn how. Lliss .Messinger,
aent which started June 16th, v.lll de- a very competent instructor, has 'aeen
termine f-ortherrccre, the best avaiiacle engaged to teach ycu.
material for a team to represent the
K.O.H. C. and to contest against local Cur beginners are planning on be-
teams representing Kodaic Park and other coming expert before meny
clubs atout the city. Appearances indi- weeks, and at the rate they are pro-
cate a large n-omber cf entries for the gressing, there is no doubt but tr^t
toumament and some lively contests for some of thera will soon be able to
places on the team. challenge Annette.
vuo it s Come alcng next "ednesday evening
and have a gocd-time.
The Quoit League opened for
Official play, June 27th. Now get
your ej-es and arr^ in trim for there An ounce of co-operation is v.orth a
ton of argument.




The second annual outing of the ing that the committee would not
Sales Department, held at Grand View him sing the Toreador song,
Beach on June the eighteenth. Is now
only a memory; but just mention the Carl Fisher has been tendered the
word "outing" to any of those present Presidency of one of our leading finan-
and watch the expansive smile that oial institutions as the result
follows. of his
highly successful plan for
a deficiency in the receipts
of the
A lengthy and highly entertaining committee.
program had been prepared and, with a
few exceptions, was successfully car-
ried out. During the dinner, Charlie The water was fine for bathing, the
iiarkus was scheduled for a. few well floor ideal for dancing and tne ath-
chosen remarlcs, but was unable to re- letic field in A-l condition. It is
spond because he had a chiolcen on each rumored that the 14th floor nine de-
side of him and a plate of the same in feated the bunch from the 15th floor.
his lap. The reports as to the other athletic
events are so contradictory that we
Joe Di Nunzio was dovin for a vocal cannot in Justice record than here.
selection but alibied v.ith a sore
throat; the real reason, hcweyer, be-

KEEP YOUR MND ALERT The first summer dance of the

K.O.R.C. was held Tuesday evening,
Warm weather does not necessarily June 10th, at Cain's Tavern, Suramer-
mean lazy weather —
at least it should ville. One hundred seventy-five
not, for the summer at Kodak is one of couples v.ere present and Damon fur-
ojr busiest seasons and it is impera- nished the music. Reports are to the
tive that we keep going. effect that it was one of the best
dances conducted under the auspices
It is a bad -thing to let your brain
of the K.O.R.C.
get la;;y and the busiest time is the
best time to see chances for improve-
ment and efficiency. Keep your eyes and ?.'e are glad to welcome H.L.
especially yoar mind open for ideas and William Spurling, our Japanese
during the busy months* representatives, to Kodak City.
The following employees v.ere awarded
i^tCii.<r'^OT suggestions during ilay.
Branch E. Kenney died at lola Sani-
M.K.Gilbert, Order Dept. tarium on Sunday, June 5th. Branch was
A. Alter, Rowland & Dewey Co. one of the oldest employees of the
R.A.iViiller, Stock Dept. Bookkeeping Department, having entered
F.O.Herbert, Stock Dept. the service of the company. July 23,
C.E.Hanley, Billing Dept. 1903. During his long years of service
A.M.Brady, Billing Dept. he made many friends, who will learn
S.D.Van Alstine, Auditing Dept. of his death with sorrow.
Evelyn Close, Tabulating Dept.
D. Gillan, lilaintenance Dept.
M.A.Carter, Billing Dept.
D.A.Carter, Testing Dept.
A, Englert, Advertising Dept.
J.A.Maroello, Shipping Dept.

After twenty-four years of service

with the company, Ben Harris still
retains his youthful looks. Hov; about
Thar p.iTo.. t^.ind ...It r„,
the fountain of youth, Ben?,r>g 1r.f)


The usual suooess attended the an- and .;;.50 per year for girls. There has
nual K.P.A.A. Membership Drive, 540 bean little money available for exten-
new members being gained for the AsbooI- sion work, and it has been necessary
ation. The plant was divided into seven to curtail some of the more expensive
zones and a captain appointed for each and less entertaining (from the point
zone, liach captain selected the mero- of the number of persons affected)
bers of his team from among the enploy- activities in order to keep up the more
ees of the different departments which popular sports or those giving enter-
he Jiad to canvass. First place, and a tainment to the greater numiier of per-
prize for every member of his team, was sons. The financial statement shows
won by James Hart's team, with a total that very few of the activities are
of 96 new applications. The other self-supporting. Many oi these, hov/ever,
teams finished in tiie f ollc^oing order : are necessary, and the loss they repre-
Albert Armstrong and Florsnoe Ecescher- sent in dollars and cents is offset by
93 each; James Jen}cin30n-75 ; Howard tiie benefit to the members.
Sauer-67 ; V.'illiam 2immerli-64, and
Arthur Williams 41. Individual prizes The officers and directors have th-
.were also awarded the man and girl ob- interest of the K.P.A.A. at heart and
taining the greatest number of new mem- direct tne course of activities along
bers. These were won b;, Ranton VTedel, tae lines most advisable. They are in
Llachine Shop, ajid Anna Sorg, E.& C. actual touch with all phases of the
Department. Association business and are best able
to determine what should and what should
During the year 1920, numerous not be done. The co-operation of the
activities were engaged in by the members in general is neeued and earn-
Association, including baseball, estly solicited. CJonstructive criti-
basketball, scccer, tennis, noon-hour cism is always welcome and as it is
baseball, dancing, and many other forms your Association, as v.ell as thAt of
of entertainment. It must be borne in every other member, director and offi-
mind that the dues of the Association cer, be on the lookout for points to
still remain il.OO per year for men help.


The semi-annual contest held aurine scape and Genre classes.
Llay, bv the Kodak Park Camera Club,
although not cuite up tc expectations The members are urgea to start mak-
in the number of pictures submitted, ing pictures lor tne fall contest to
was, however, a great success. The be held in November. Conditions emd
first prize of |20.0C in the Portrait prizes will be announced later.
Class (^-iven by Dr .i:.?.V.ightrr£.n of the
Research Laboratory, was von by James The activities of the Cl.:t during
Trayhem of the Electrical Lepartment. the montns consist chiefly of
Clarence Gibbs, Research Laboratcrv T^^on the monthly hikes. Recently a visit
second, and V.. L.Farley, FiLr. department was made tc Highland Park, and on Jiaae
third in this class. Clarence Gibfcs ana 12th, about fifty persons attended the
Harry Back, both of the Research Labor- combined hike and basket-picnic at
atory were awarded first and second Durand-liastman Park.
place, respectively, in both the Land-


Although Kodak Park lost the first the balance of the games, Tao-box, who
game. in the Eastman Kodak League, we is showing up well, will be used. The
are far from discouraged. Only six of pitching staff is composed mostly of
last year's team are available, and new men who will need praotioe and ei-
McG-rady, one of these, is on the injur- 'perience. Gallagher is to be used aa
ed list v.ith a bad knee. It is expected, all-around man, he being especially
however, that he will be back in the valuable in view of his ability
game v. i thin a couple of weeks and will to
play any position on the field.
be a big help. The other veterans are
Foratbaaer, Keenan, Gallagher, Manilla
Kodak Park rooters are urged to at-
and Goebel, while the new men are Ratzel, tend the games played every Saturday
Tarbox, Heaney, Donovan and Palmatier.
afternoon at Kodak Park and by way of
encouragement and support, help us win
Part of the catching will be done by
Shepanski when he is available, and in

Last year, as an experiment, golf About twenty employees of the Draft-
Mfas included as part of the activity
ing Department got together recently
of the K.P.A.A, and proved such a de-
and organized what is to be known as
cided sxiccess that this season a real
the Kodak Park Chess Club. The fact
honest-to-goodness tournament is to be
that there are quite a number of per-
sons at the Park who are interested in
Persons v/ishing to comjiete are askeu this game, is responsible for the or-
to submit their names and to turn in a ganization of the Club, and it is plan-
signed score card each month during ned to have these twenty form a nucleus
June, July and August, showing their for a much larger body.
best score daring this period. Based
on these scores, using the modified An effort is to be made during- the
Calkins Handicap System, ratings will summer, to enroll all interested per-
be arrived at for proper position in
sons, and in the fall, a general laeet-
the tournament which is to be held ing is to be held at which officers will
during Jeiitember and October. As the be elected, plans mapped out for the
•play-oif v;ill be hdld at Genesee Valley winter, and activities in gwneral got-
Park links, all scores submitted must ten 'under way. Anyone wishing to become
be made on this course. a member may send his or her name to
Charles Colston, Secretary, Draftjiig De-
partment, Building No. 23.
Attention is called to the Park ral
that all placers wear their button. It The following temporary offioors have
ma;,' also be of interest to know tiiat been elected:- President, M.T, Davis;
the course at Durand -East man Park is in Vice-President, O.E.Zabel; Seoretfary,
condition and should offer much induce- C.Colston, and Treasurer, J.Voss.
ment to tne pla^yers in view of the fact
that it is considered one of the sport-
iest in tnis section.
The K.P.A.A, will endeavor to keep
on hand all during the season, a supply For the first time since the iijtro-
of standard make of golf balls which duction of the Chest idea in Rochester,
may be purchased at discount prices by
Kodak Park obtained 100;^ in the Cam-
members of the Association. Those wish-
paign held during the week of Liay 16th.
ing to purchase other eouipment are in-
Six thousand and eighteen employees
vited to consult Edward Goodridge, who
subscribed a total of 320,056.45, rep-
can possibly arrange for a reduction on
resenting a per capita pledge of J3.34.
these articles.


Considerable work was done on the On June 15th, a new rule went into
K.P.A.A. tennis courts this spring, effect relative to the use of the
such as re-surf aoing, new wire and courts. Since this date, each member
improved locker room facilities, mak- is charged five cents per hour for the
ing the Park outfit one of the most use of the courts during the following
complete and up-to-date in the city. hours. Week days except Saturday, from
5:30 P.M. until dark; Saturdays from
Fred vailis of Building No. 35 has 18:30 P.M. until dark, and Sundays and
again been appointed manager for 1921, holidays all day. The reason for this
and is at work rounding up his players. rule is tiiat this year no money was
All of last year's team are available appropriated to pay for an attendant
with the exception of Harry Smith, but at the courts outside of working hours.
prospects are nuite enoooraging. The At first it was thought that we could
usual tournament will be run again this get along without one, but this did not
year, under the direction of Dr. F. E. prove satisfactory and several com-
Ross, and cups given the winners as in plaints were received about outsiders
the past. playing, members monopolizing the
courts, playing singles v/hen others were
Kodak Park has again entered the waiting, and so forth. For these reasons,
Rochester Tennis League, composed of it was decided to have an attendant. The
Rochester Tennis Club, Llelville Ten- Board of Trustees decided that the fair-
nis Club, Dewey Avenue Club and Kodak est way to raise the money to pay him was
Perk. to put a very small charge on the use of
the courts. All of the money raised in
In addition to the League matches, this way will be used for this purpose
other independent clubs not affiliated and for the up-keep of the courts.
with the League will be played. An in-
vitation is extended to all persons Following are the matches to be
wishing to try for a position on the played in the Rochester Tennis League.
team to report to Ilanager V/illis, and
evei*y consideration will be shown them. June 19th - Melville Tennis Club
It is the object of the K.P.A.A. to " 25th - Dewey Avenue Tennis Club
have the best represented team possi- July 9th - Rochester Tennis Club
ble and if you can help us to the top, " 16th - Melville Tennis Club
come out. Do it for Kodak Parkl " 23rd - Dewey Avenue Tennis Club
" 3Qth - Rochester Tennis Club


After spending several years study- Bausoh & Lomb Optical Conpany, which
ing the technicalities and fine points should prove interesting as well as
of indoor baseball from an advantage- opening a new line of con^jetition in
ous position in the grandstand, and at Industrial Athletics.
last believing himself qualified as a
"Mugsy" MoGraw or "Connie" Mack,
"Father John" Shepherd proceeded to
have himself elected President of the
K.P.A.A, Noon Hoiir League for 1921 and
is making good*

The fOMT teams — Office, Legion,

Pipe Shop and Drafting, which compose
the League, are made iq) of the pick of
the Kodak Park players. All are play-
ing excellent ball and furnishing good
oleaaa sport as well as amusement for
the several hundred fans who assemble
each noon on the athletic field.

In the Opening game played on tlay

3rd, the Pipe Shop won from the Drafts-
men 7-0, President Shepherd demonstrat-
ing his individuality by dispensing with
the usual "opening" demonstrations.

The Drafting team got away to a bad

start, losing seven straight games.
Then, the team was strengthened and
proceeded to stage the well-known come-
back with the result that not a game
has been lost since the re-organization.
Manager Pterguson's boys are now a match
fOr any of them.

Some mighty good hitting is being

done in the League this season, eight
of the players having a batting aver-
age of better than .450. Jack Bright-
man is leading man with .777. Follow-
ing in order are A.Meyn-.555, J. Weiden- Standings of Teams . June 4th
kofer-.551, H,M.Burley-.521, H.Kestler-
.500, M.Pike-.480, "Rip" Benzoni-.468 Won Lost Pet.
and J.Roth-.461.
As an added feature, negotiations
are under way to arrange a series of
games witli the Hawk-tlye v/orks and


On June 4th, at ulaplewood Inn, the

Industrial Economy Department held its
annual outing. The party left the Park
at 1£:15 and at 1:00 P.M., they were
getting away with a big chicken dinner,
and it was some chicken.

Following the usual ball game, ana

music under the direction of Jack V.ells,
oame the races.


The Preroo Club's annual picnic was knocked Alice Garrett and Louis V/heeler
held Saturday afternoon, June 11th, at out of a crow's nest. Each member of
East Maplewood. Hals year, the picnic the winning team received a box of
was smaller numerically, the attendance candy.
being restricted to members only, but
nevertheless it turned out a complete Excellent prizes v/ere awarded for
success. This policy was adopted be- the other contests which were as
cause, since the expenses were borne follows:
largely by the treasury of the club,
It was believed that members only were Contests for women;
entitled to benefit therefrom.
fifty-yard dash-First, Linda
Schwing; second, Irene Carey. Heel
Dinner was served in the pavilion.
and toe race-First, Lillian Aulen-
The courses of tne repast were inter-
bacher; second, Irene Carey. Ball
spersed with entertainment of various
throwing-First, Irene Carey; second,
kinds, one of which was a bean guess-
Blanche Erickson. Clothes-pin race-
ing contest which was won by "Mike"
First, Pauline Schwartz; second, Irene
Strebler. We have always surmised
that bean eating was largely responsi-
ble for "Mike's" corpulency, but were
Contests for men:
unaware that counting them as he ate
was part of his daily routine. Another
Fifty-yard dash-First, Charles
feature was the announcement that this
Sullivan; second, Marvin Potter. Throw-
was to be the last Premo Club picnic
ing ball into barrel-First, Ralph
which Klsie Schmidt would be privileged
Hatchings. Standing broad jump-First,
to attend as a member, the reason for
Clarence Horton ; second, Harry VVhincup.
which will be duly announced. Elsie
responded with an exhibition Frog race-First, Raymond Schultz; second.
having G-eorge Rake as a partner. Clarence Horton^ Find-me Contest won
by Fraiik Heier.
The principal out-door feature was
The picnic was ably conducted by
a mixed baseball game with Albert
the following: General Chairman, John
V.iloox and George Rake as opposing
H. McKenny; Coninittee on arrangements,
captains. The Wilcox teeun won, score
John Stanton, Mary V.alls, Ralph Hutch-
12 to 7.
ings; Committee on Sports, Homer
Ransom, Emily Repp, Pauline Schwartz,
"Angle" Moran had nothing on Homer
Veraie Osbom and Charles Sullivan.
Ransom as an umpire. V.'e have been told
that Homer hired two boys to collect
Much credit is due to the committee
and carry away all the loose pop for the manner in which this picnic was
bottles, thus showing foresight. The
put across, and all present agreed that
defeat of the Rake team was largely
the Premo Club had again lived up tc
d^e to the excellent fielding combi-
its reputation for doing it right.
nation of Sullivan and Sohultz, which
could not be excelled.
Digging wells is about the only
For the Rake team, Olive Fagan business where you don't have tc begir.
played the star fielding game at third at the Dottora.
base. Her remarkable backward running
catch of a long foul-fly was credit-
able. Had she not succeeded in catch- The fellow who lacks ginger is the
ing the ball, it probably would have man who is always looking for a snap.

ON PAY DAY (if the "Boss" Isn't around, or, if he

is feeling especially good-natured)?
Perhaps some of us have eiperienoed
quite a little confusion in the manner V.ell, first, this little book has a
of obtaining our pay on Fridays in the lot of news in it; some of it I already
past. A suggestion has been adopted to know, and some is entirely new to me»
facilitate the method of handling the It serves as a sort of newspaper, keep-
number who assemble on this day. Form ing me posted on all the latest KodaJc
in line according to yoor pass number events and activities, and it also
in the main lobby on the first floor. pleases me by bringing to my mind
There are to be two lines, one for the memories of good times, good "eats",
employees of the Assembly department good fun, and good friends. I like to
to be formed on the south side of the look at the pictures and cartoons; who
lobby and the other for all other de- doesn't? And, vhere else can you find
partments, on the north side. V.ith such good cartoons, and suoh good like-
your co-operation in this better nesses of your friends and acquaintan-
method, much time and confusion may be ces? The fact that I often see car-
saved. toons and photographs by two Premo
friends of mine increases m^ appreci-
ation of them.
The Magazine causes me to feel more
Auto owners are requested for the friendly towards the people here in
matter of safety, not to park their my own factory, and in the other East-
oars on Capron Street. A great deal of man plants, too. It produces a sort
trubklng is done on this narrow street, of "get-together" feeling, and, as a
especially by the R.T.Ford Construction consequence of this, I do my work
Company. A truck conveying long steel better, am more contented, do not get
girders must make a wide sv/ing to enter discouraged so often, and have more
the street and if your car is parked in fun and real companionship with my
the street, it stands a fair chance of fellow workers. It sort of softens
being side-8v;iped and Jammed. Then, too, up the whole bunch of us and makes xis
a string of cars blocking the exit on more human, not just machines doing
Capron Street side might prove quite oar appointed work and nothing more.
serious in case of fire> Safety First
Do Not Park Herel The general articles in the front
of the booklet about the origin and
progress of the Kodak, the making of
OTHER PRI2E WINMERS lenses, the work of the Patent Depart-
ment, the explanation of the Eastmen
Last month's issue of the Kodak Savings and Loan Association, etc., are
i-zine contained the first prize both interesting and instructive. In-
essay submitted by Philip Voelckel terspered with all this are practical
for the Prize Eaeay Contest on the bits of advice v.hioh v-ould prove use-
subject "WTiat Does the Kodak Magazine ful to me if I only followed them up.
Mean to Me?". Here are the second and
third prize winning essays which, V/hile I don't take an active part
owing to the lack of space, we were in athletics, still the section on
unable to rxni last month. athletics interests me veiry much, as
I like to read about others who cover
SECOND PRIZE ESSaY themselves with glory, and especially
BY anyone from Prerao.
Irene M. \7ilt
For these reasons, I like the Kodak
V%en 1first sav; the announcement Magazine, and I am thankful that I work
of this contest. v;ith the title: "Vhat for a company that publishes such a
Does the Kodak iiagazine Ltean to Lie?", lively Magazine, and gives it to every
I thought that tlie Kodak Llagazine meant employee free of charge.
vei^ little to me, but 1 have changed
ray mind. V.hy am 1 so anxious to get n^y
Magazine just as soon as all the Llaga- The man who sings "Home Sweet Home'
zines arrive from the printer's? And, in a rented house is kidding himself
why do I read it the minute I get it =vid serenading tjie landlord.

We read In last month's Kodak Maga- were provided for the class, who thor-
zine of v.hat happened to John and Mary, oughly enjoyed and received benefit
and Bill ajid Helen who were so dis- from the numerous lantern slides
appointed when they found out their which were made for that purpose.
picnic pictures had failed to "register", June 17th proved to be a red letter
and we outlined why so many people fail- day by way of attendance, when moving
ed to get photographic results. pictures, loaned to us by the Adver-
tising Department, were shown.
The need of pnotographic education,
especially to beginners, is amply proved V.e trust that the Management will
by the remarkable advancement shown by see fit to further this idea of noon
the members of the olass, whose nega- day "movies", not only as a means of
tives, after only five weeks of very recreation, but from an educational
limited instruction, show a vast im- standpoint. The boundaries of motion
provement • pictures are almost unlimited in re-
gard to illustrating the "whys" and
llr. Brehm has gone to a great deal "v.hereforso"of photography.
of trouble to illustrate the frequent
mistakes which amateurs make, and has It is being planned to make prints
also shown remedies to overcome unusiial from three negatives taken by each
conditions. He has made dozens of lan- member of the photographic class, the
tern slides exemplifying the "mysteries" prints being mounted on large display
of focal length of lens, and, while ack- cards, and the collection to be shown
nowledging the value of printed matter throughout the factory.
on the rudiments of photography, there
is no question that an illustrated talk V/e are sorry that space will not
covers the subject far better. The value permit a full review of the many bene-
of personal contact is daily proved by fits tnat have been derived from
members asking why was this negative studying with the photographic class.Suf-
marked "fair" or "good" or whatever the fice it to say that the next olass,
case may be. which is not schedule to start for
some weeks, is rapidly filling, and
As each roll of film is developed in the present meetings are proving to
the Industrial Relations Department and be as successful as any organization
personally Judged by Ltr.Brehm, the mem- of employees formed in the Camera Works.
bers appreciate this sejrvice which saves
a great many spoiled films aaid dis-
appointed people. Did you send in a suggestion during
1920? Out of 291 suggestions received,
An excellent medium of illustration 125 were adopted and the suggestors
is used by showing enlarged drawings of were awarded a total of |;600.85.
the parts of the camera that are fre-
quently misunderstood, such as the Give us the idea for anything which
view finder, the focusing scale, the may result in an improvement of the
diaphragm scale, the shutter pointer product, reduction in costs, lessening
scale, etc. Possibly the most interest- of the accident or fire hazard, as well
ing of the noon hour, lectures were as the suggestions- for general mainten-
those given in the covered part of the ance or convenience. Why net try it and
Court Yard. A screen was hong and chairs get your hands on some of these awards.?

Frank Di Spirito of the Milling De-
Photographic Class partment wishes to state that through
the help of the Eastman Savings and
Lean Association, he has been abl« to
start building a bungalow on Korton
oiiered in open competition,
each "A" Ueraber being eligible
to compete.
Frank is highly elated over the
fact that he is getting a home of his
own, and wishes to convey through the
magazine that all employees who do not
1st Prize-Kodak Araateur Printer
own their own homes should take advan-
Value $10.00
tage of the splendid opportunity whioh.
the Association extends to Kodak work-
2nd Prize-5 in. Kodak Film Tank
Value tT.OO

3rd Prize-Standard Tripod

value |3.50
Hail to that all-around good fellow,
4th Prize-"Ajax" Album Charles Kivell We boast of many ath-
Value #2.00
letes in the Camera Works, but it is a
safe bet that Charlie is a top-notcher.
Whether it be baseball or basketball,
Negative must accompany each he is at home with either. We have a
print. Each cirint most bear the fine picture of Charlie in action at
owners name. the opening ball game, "graflexed" by
"Jimmie" Estes, but the Gods decreed a
oompositors' strike which prevents our
regular edition of the magazine being
Competition closes September
printed, v/hich in turn prevents the
publication of the photograph. The
marvel to us is that Kivel manages to
escape the lures of matrimony. But
llo member can win more than
there, he probably is as good a "dodger"
one prize in this competition. as he is a"hitter".


Although our boys and girls basket- CAMERA V>/ORKS

ball teams did not "cover themselves t=«.e:ckem"»on clu©.
with glory" last season, nevertheless
they hold high hopes of doing big things
next year and in order to keep up that ''
spirit, a regular miniature picnic was
arranged at Island Cottage under the
capable guidance of Llabel I'Lane. Walter 1^
^J" b
Hof 's cottage served as a rendez-vous
for the party and at six o'clock v^hen
the boys arrived after the opening
league baseball game, a real hot dinner
"just like mother used to make", was
the chief event of the afternoon. &

During the evening, a marshmallow

roast created quite a lot of fun, and
•ach boy and girl thoroughly enjoyed
the dance, which lasted xintil 11:30,
when the party broke up for home.

Gardeners, how are the orops ooming? Have you ever considered how vitally
Are you planning to get some of the important your particular Job is in the
"easy money" from our September exhibit? Kodak organization?

Instead of holding a gardening in- There is just one way to get the
spection competition this year, we have goods on the top rung of the sales
decided to concentrate all our efforts ladder; that is, by man olac taring an
on the fall exhibit, which will be held article which meets all the require-
on Saturday, the third day of September. ments of the public.
The Recreation Club has voted a con-
siderable sum of money for prizes, and Having reached that desirable posit-
everybody will have a chance to compete, ion, the great object is to stay there.
either in the single or oplleotive class.
How? By reason of three things.
It seems almost futile for us to give First, maintaining quality; second, ad-
to the members of the gardening associ- vertising; third, salesmanship.
ation any advice relative to growing
vegetables, for we are now so well es- It's a foregone conclusion that the
tablished. We have learned, during Sales Department has its end of the
the six years of our existence as a business down pat I
gardening club, that individual con-
tact is more effective than group meet- Let us think something about the ad-
ings and, in consequence, members are vertising features. You have all seen
urged to bring their own problems to the attractive enlargements in the drug
the Secretary, in the Industrial Re- stores and photographic supply houses,
lations Department, between the hours so we needn't waste space talking about
of two and four. them. Let's think about the number of
advertisements that appear in magazines
The sale of seeds. aiid garden tools books and newspapers.
has been quite large this year, and,
altogether, affairs warrant a success- Have you any idea, for instance, how
ful season. In raising vegetables for many "ads" are being "run" to intro-
exhibition purposes, don't forget that duce the 2-C Autographic Kodak Junior?
it is not th» five largest specimens
that necessarily win the prize, but Twenty Million li;
rather those of a uniform and standard
size. Twenty million separate advertise-
ments, just to carry the story of one
We hope to hold one group meeting camera, which you , possibly, have a
before our exhibition, when lantern part in producing. Now don't you feel
slides will be shown illustrating how proud of your job?
to select specimens for exhibiting and
also how to prepare them for the judge's Part of the advertisement vitally
keen eye. concerns us. In fact, it tells the
world just what kind of workmen we
are. ListenI "THE NO. 2-C JUNIOR IS
That's usl Don't belittle the repu-
tation v/hich the company has given us.
Have you attended Kodak Park on
Saturday afternoons to see the four The Advertising and Sales Departments
competing teams - Camera Vorks, Hawk-Eye, know that we are "Johnnie on the spot"
!<lain Office and Kodak Park - battle for
wnen it comes to manufacturing cameras.
the Eastman pennant? Yoder's company
did not shov^ up particularly strong on
Of course, the "finely finished"
opening day, but watch their speed from idea is by no means the monopoly of the
now on. "Lefty" Kline's trusty arm is newest addition to the Camera fsimily.
now showing the proper momentum, and All our cameras are finished that way-
with Frank Miller catching, Kodak Park but don't lose sight of the fact that
will have to travel fast to make good we must keep our goods on the aforesaid
its boast. Get behind Yoder and the boys I top rung of the ladder.
F O L M E R-


The annual election of oiflcers of
Vincen J . Burroughs and Wilfred
tlie Folmer- Century Athletic Association
Cusick, both of the Assembling iepart-
toolc place v.ednesday evening, June 15tli,
nient, were elected 1st and 2nd Vice
in the dining room of our factory. It
Presidents, respectively. 3oth Messrs
was v,ith deep regret that v,e had to
Burrough and Cusick have been active
accept the refusal of Alexander Rjian,
in all our plant doings, and we realize
who has been President for the past
that we are getting two live executives
year, to take ap the duties again.
to help carry on our work.
Otto "Pat" Petroske popular base-
ball player and athlete was elected to
the office of President. "Pat" has The task of keeping the association
always taken a very active Interest in finances again fell to George T. Roche,
all of GUI' social and athletic activi- who has handled it very excellently
ties and thB association is fortunate for the past three years. Clarence H.
in seo-iring such an able successor. Harper was again elected -Secretary.



Saturday, July 16th, is tne day we The interest in baseball throughout

are looking forward to at Folmer- Century, the plant seems to be stronger than
the day of our annual outing. V/e will ever, and although getting away with a
assemble in the morning with our late start, the Graf lex team is expect-
families, "friends" and the band at ing a very successful season.
bridge square, opposite the plant where
we will board oar to take us direct to With all of the old standbys in the
the picnic grounds. line\Q> and some good material tliat has
come into the plant since last season,
"Al" Ryan, Chairman of the Arrange-
Llanager Silliman expects that the Fol-
ment Committee promises that this will mer-Century nine will be on the base-
be a big. affair, which we do not doubt
ball map in large letters.
after glancing at the line-up of the
Entertainment Committee. And with
"Freddie" Lint 2 on the refreshment
- and say
corps, we are sure of some eats It's mighty easy to sit back
the same thing-
good ones, too. that you could have done
but you didn't I
It is suggested that families living
down Lake Avenue section meet at the
Manitou ticket office at Charlotte,
thereby saving thera the long trip up-
town and back. Remember we want all
the families. Let's make the attendance
one hundred per cent.

Of course, we will have our annual 19

ball game. Watch the Bulletin Boards
for details.


Manager J. Hussell Craib nas devel- with the stick in every game. "Ing"
oped a smile that won't come off. lined one out against the Parkers and
There's a reason. Hawk-Eye has won completed the circoit for the first
foor games to date, one a praotice home run of the season. Today "Ing" is
game on Ulay 2l3t against Kodak Park, only twenty-three home runs behind
two regular league games with Camera 3abe Ruth.
U'orks and Kodak Park, and the fourth
an eleven-inning contest sigainst tho "Herbie" Graf at third is sure some
Hewark Moose. peppy ball player and he seems to fit
right in with the Hawk-Eye defease.
"Pat" Petroske's coming to Hawk-iiye "Herbie" sure distinguished himself at
from Folmer- Century has paved the way Newark with his clever fielding. In
to our suocess. His trio of two-hase the tenth inning he accepted all three
hits staggered the Camera ^'orks and in chances in big league style.
the Newark game his two-hase hit put
Levine in left is there when it
the game on ioe in the eleventh. V,c
comes to laying them down. Benny has
expeot great things of "Pat" this year.
manufactured some pretty sacrifice hits
so far this season.
Graham has seen action in the pit-
cher's box in all four games played.
Van lare has pulled down some fine
In the praotioe game v.ith Kodak Park,
catches in right and shows to advan-
"Norm" pitched the first five innings
tage at the bat, while Captain Wiedman
and held the Parkers at bay. He was
who has been shifted to center, has
sent in to put a stop to the Kodak
brought the crowd to its feet on more
Park rally in the second league game
than one occasion by his brilliant run-
and he did so in one, two, three order.
ning catches.
His stellar performance, however, was
against the Newark Moose when he went
So far, Prentio*> has not played in
all the way through the eleven innings
the league games but his w-ork in the
with but three hits registered off his
Newark game at second was all that
could be asked. Filling Felerski's
place for the day, "Chuck" came through
Harry Moore at first, started right
v;ith two hits and stopped everything
in to accept every chance coming his
coming his way.
way and he can be counted upon to get
everything within the Parcel Post zone
McCormackis getting ready witli his
of first base.
southpaw arm to stand some team on ita
head in the near future, and in Fleming
Felerski started his season's work
we have a combination of pitcher, in-
at third and showed up well in that
fielder and outfielder. "Al" has not
position for the first two games. With
pitched as yet but he "there" at
the annexation of Graf, Leo v;as moved
second against the Camera V.oi-ks and
back to his old position at second and
again in the outfield against Newark.
now v;e c£Ln count on hira jost as heavily
as "we did last vear.

Ingleby at short has been there Safety and efficiency go hand in hand.


The cat's out of the bag] Hawk- Eye letic program is a deep, darlc secret
is to haveanother memorable pionio. thus far but we may expect "Jack" to
In fact, the prospeot bodes ill for all spring a few new stunts in addition to
previous picnic records that have the old stand-bys.
boasted of their perfection of detail
and good times. It will, in all proba- The iiatertamment Conmittee con-
bility, be held again at Manitou Beach, sists of "Bill" Eyer as chairman,
and Au^st 6th is the big day. Mark Florence Henn and Arthur Rapp, "Bill"
that day vows that he is sailing along pretty
well but is having some trouble decid-
"Johnnie" Vass has been made general ing whether to hire Sousa's Band or
ohairman and he is making the lives of Creatore's. We admire his taste, at
his committee very interesting these any rate.
days. His aides in the general work are
Chris Ha us and Ray Wall, The refreshments will be in charge
of "Sid" Clark, "Red" Sondheim, Ralph
George Brennan is chairman of the Burhans, Rose Taylert, Olive Kellett,
Transportation Committee. He will be Virginia Earl, Frank Quetohenbaok,
aided by "Billy" Wilson, George Koael and "Bill" Mahoney, with "Bob" Melnhard
and Frank Fink. The chairman promises as chairman. Nineteen courses are
to get as down to the beach in about promised, including the toothpicks and
forty-five minates flat. the large finger bowl adjacent to the
beach. We should have the best eats
To Jack Rearson has fallen the of all time, and— there will be no
arduous task of chairman of the ath- delay in serving them. "Wib" Woodams,
letics. The following will serve on his with the able assistance of Maurice
committee; Fred Von Deben, John Vass, Crouse and Howard Werner, will take
John Authaler, Ruth Kurtz, Alice Gears, care of the publicity end.
Ruth Mullan, John Downey, Carl Nowaok,
William Kyer, William Sohlegel, tlartin Get out your picnic dresses and
Tipple, Otto Schultz, George Ansell, flannels and bathing suits and tin
Russell Craib and Leo Mason. The ath- pails. You will need them all.


The Hawk-Eye Outdoor-Indoor Baseball February, April and May were no-
League has come to life again and while accident months for Hawk-Eye. January,
it is only half of last year's organi- March and June were not. V.liy not have
zation in point of size, it promises a clean slate for every month, instead
to supply greater interest to our noon of for some of them? All of us can de-
hour fans than ever before. There are rive benefit from studying the charts
four teams, and although they were not posted opposite the Qnployment Office.
picked from separate departments, this They analyze in various ways the acci-
fact by no means detracts from the dents that have occurred through the
spirit of rivalr^y-. The league, which company for the last several years, and
will operate until late in the fall, show the vulnerable points in oiu-
should therefore furnish a jiretty race. safety armor.
The games are run off between 12:30
and 12:55. It goes without saying that
the last five minutes before the bell,
are hectic ones. If the man who is alv/ays telling
what he would do if he were president
would try to figure out what the
Extravatgance rots character. The president would do if he were he, that
habit of saving money while it stiffens man would at least have the advantage
the will, also brightens the energies. of concentrating on. his own problem-
If you would be sure that you -xre be- which after all is really the impor-
ginning right, begin tc save. tant thing for him.


Saturday, Jvme 4th, saw the four Both Hawk-Eye and Kodak Office seized
teams of the Eastraaji Kodak Baseball the psychological moment to roll up a
League swing under the wire on the Ko- winning lead in the first session. In
dak Park diamond for their third year of neither case was the opposing team able
axstion. Prom the brand of ball display- to overcome this opening-inning handicap;
ed in the opening games, the Kodak cir- so. Camera Works fell to Craib's men by
cuit is faster this year than in any a 6 to 1 tally, vdiile the Office team was
previous season. The re-orgeniz&tion handing Kodak Park an 8 to 3 beating.
has materially strengthened at least two
of the toams, Hawk-Eye and Kodak Office, Hawk-Bye put on the field another well-
and all indications point to a nip and balanced machine with all the ear-marks
tuQk race for the banner. of a peiinant favorite. "Pat" Petroske,
recruited from Polmer-Century, caught
The customary preliminary ceremonies brilliantly, and showed that he has lost
marked the season's opening, vrith an none of his last year's hitting clever-
added note of interest in the presence ness by clouting out three successive
of Mr. Eastman, v^o pitched the first two-baggers on his first three trips to
ball. First of all, the players and
other participants in the ceremonies the plate. Graham pitched a steady
lined up for the usual circuit picture game, and Yoder's men were unable to hit
?!aiich was taken by Pred Brehm and "Jim-
him in the pinches. Kline's pitching
my" Muir. Then, followed a parade was also good after the first inning,
aro\ind the diamond, led by the Kodak but the four-run lead was too much of a
Park band. Next, a team of officials handicap to be overcome.
took the field, with the following line-
The pitching offerings of Goebel, Ko-
dak Park hurler, seem quite to the lik-
lir. Eastman pitcher ing of the Kodak Office boys. At West
catcher Higii field one day last summer, they
\Y.P. Polmer
H. Q. Hai^t first base punched ou^; an 8 to 1 victory on his
Crouch short stop delivery, while at this year's opening
Jack Robertson second base game, he received much the same treat-
J. H. Haste third base ment. The first five Office men to face
left field Goebel hit safely, and seven Office runs
A. P. Sulzer
center field in the first two innings resulted in his
P. L* Higgins
right field exit to the showers. After that, Pal-
A. A. Ruttan
mateer, a long and lanky southpaw with
a side--wheel motion, assumed the hurling
Harry Tozier, with the big stick in
duty for Bircher's men, and held the op-
hand, took two healthy swings before
position to a single additional tally.
achieving a weak groxmder toward second
an "Toddy" Diehl pitched his usual steady
•rtaich Jack Robertson mussed up for
game, and the Parkers earned but one
error. And then, the battles were
run off his delivery, the other two tal-
on !

lies coming in on errors. The Office Summaries;

showed a complete new infield, ?4iich
ga.i/e an A-1 exhibition of offensive and Hawk-Eye 5 4 1 3 13 8 3
defensive play.
Kodak Park 2 2 4 8 6 4
Itapires Murphy and Ilanhold handled
both games in snappy style, and gave Batteries: For Hawk-Eve; Meerdink, Mc-
general satisfaction. Connaok, Graham, smd Petroeke. For
Kodak Park; Wedell, Palmateer, Goebel,
Suintnaries: and Manilla.

Camera V.'orks 10000000 1 7 4 Camera Works 10000000 5— 6 7

Hawk-Eye 40100001 • 6 7 2 Koduk Office 00000000 0—0 2 4

Batteries: For Camera Works, Kline and Batteries: For Camera Works; Kline and
Priedwald; For Hawk-Eye ,Graham and Priedwald. For Kodak Office, Dlehl
Petroske. and Irwin.

At the end of the first qxxarter of

Kodak Office 5 2 1 8 11 5 the season on Saturday, June 18th, the
Hawk-Eve nine, with a clean bill of
Kodak Park 10 2 3 5 7 three victories and no defeats, looked
more than ever like a pennant -winner.
Batteries: For Kodak Office, Diehl and On this date, the proteges of "Doc"
Irwin; For Kodak Park, Goebel, Palma- Craib registered a 7 —
shut-out over
teer and Shepanski. the Kodak Office outfit.

Prospects for the completion of the

Kodak Park broke into the win column
on this date with an 8—2 victory over
second week of the ociiedule looked dub-
ious, indeed, but the threatening rain- the Yoder crowd.
clo\ids held off long enou^ to allow
Hawk-Eve and Kodak Park to get in a five-
inning go. Kodak Office and Camera Kodak Park 00000160 1 8 13 1
»orks travelled the full distance. The
St. Paul Streeters continued their vic- Camera Works 00010100 2 6 3
torious march, defeating Bircher's men,
13 to 8. The game was a free-hitting Batteries: For Kodak Park, Callage r aad
contest in viiich each side used three Manilla. For Camera Y/orks, Kline
hurlers. and Fried;vald.

In the ni^t-oap, "Lefty" Kline aad Kodak Office 6 2

"Todiv" Dlehl staged a sui)erb pitching
duel, each twirler displaying big league Hawk-Eye 4 3 7 9
stuff. For ei^t innings, the contest
was nip and tuck, but in the ninth the Batteries: For Kodak Office, Diehl, Eg-
Office defense blew up cind five Camera gert, and Irwin. For Hawk-Eye, Mc-
Workers crossed the rubber. Cormack and Petroske.


The first ball pitclied was

presented to Mr. ilastman as a
souvenir of the occasion. Won- EASin&N i\ODAK BASEBALL- LEAGUE 1921
der If he took it to Europe with
him ?

Won Lost Pet.

"Chuclt" Porstbauer's fielding Hawk-5ye 3 1000
average suffered badly in the op- Camera WOrks 1 2 .333
ening gaine vdien he let two flies Kodak Office 1 Z .333
trickle throuf^ his fingers. The Kodak Park 1 2 .333
big boy robbed Stutz of a sure
homer, however, by a spectacular
running catch, and his perfect Scores in June
throw cut off a run at the plate.
June 4th:
"Ash-can" Pogarty proved that Hawk-Eye Camera Works
a broken arm has no effect on his Kodak Office Kodak Park
voice by out-rooting any six at
the game J June 11th:
Camera Works 6 Kodak Office
Each of the winning teams on Hawk-Eye 13 Kodak Park
Opening Day tossed in a double
play. One: Wiedman to Petros- June 18th:
ke. Two: Diehl to Tester to Kodak Park Camera Works
Stutz. That's the sort of base- Hawk-Eye Kodak Office
ball that gives the crowd its
money' s v/orth. Schedule for July

•"Toddy" Diehl cost the Office July 9th:

team a run in the Havric-iiye geme 2,00 Camera 7/orks vs. Kodak Office
by failing to touch third, and 4.00 Hawk-Eye vs. Kodak Park
so, Hardy's lads suffered their
second shut-out in a row. Pays July 16th:
to be careful about those little 2.00 Kodak Park vs. Camera Works
things, "Toddy". 4.00 Kodak Office vs. Hawk-Eye

••Jlac" Mc Grady helped Kodak July 23d:

Park Yfin its first game. "Mac" 2.00 Camera Works vs. Hawk-Eye
has been laid up with water on 4.00 Kodak Park vs. Kodak Office
the knee the result of a spik-
ing in the Florida League last July 30th:
winter but his two bingles 2.00 Hawk-Eye vs. Kodak Park
proved that his batting eye is 4.00 Camera Works vs. Kodak Office
still 0. K.
Kline's two-hit game against
Team AB Hits Pet.
Kodak Office was the best pitch-
ing exhibition the League has
seen this season.

No home rrms yet. "Wio's

going to be the Babe fiuth of
the Kodak League this season ?
Tat" Petroske led last year
with three four-saokers.

BtNAME rr --

JaradF ,
f3AND, POPfOart An' bvtR.yrHiM', joST L\KE A BiC- ue^C.l/f'


Rochester Plants
August 1921
Published in the interests of the men and
women of the Kodak o^^ani3ation.A^J4.


E sureyou ''re right^

then go ahead; but don '


spend so much timemal^

ingsureyou are right that
you ndver get around to

go ahead


Third Amateur Photographic Competition
Kenneth \V. Williams, Main Office


Vol. II
.D7\AUGUST, 1921
Xo. 3


Charles M. Hall, an American reason that any substance of which the
of twenty-two, discovered what company uses nearly half a million pounds
scientists all over the world had been annually is worth a little investigation
trj^ing for the greater part of two cent- a little examination into its pedigree, so
uries to learn —a commercially practicable to speak.
method for the isolation of aluminum. Yes, now you're probably asking how
Aluminum (or, as the English call it, in the world so much of this metal can
aluminium) is defined as "a light, bluish- possibly be used at Camera Works. That's
white, malleable and ductile metallic ele- an easy one.
ment which does not oxidize or tarnish, is First of all, on every Folding Pocket
lighter than glass, and by hammering and Kodak that goes out, the backs, beds, bed
rolling becomes hard as iron." Com- covers, walls, and wall light guards are all
pounds of this metal have been known
made of aluminum. There go a few
since the earliest days of history when thousand pounds, right there. In ad-
such compoimds played a i)art in the dition to which, the same metal is used
dyeing of cloth. Beginning in 170''2, for these same parts on all of our Juniors,
however, various scientists, both in Eu- and most of the Specials. Stereos like-
rope and in America, began work on the wise have many aluminum parts.
problem of separating pure alumininn
The familiar little Vest Pocket Kodak
from its compounds. Their best efforts
has an aluminum wall and front, while the
served only to get them aluminum as an
top and bottom of this well-known in-
alloy with such elements as potassium,
strument are made of die-cast metal.
iron, and platinum. During the nine-
Even the Panorams are not complete
teenth century, experiments j)rogressed
without a little aluminum, for here the
rapidly, and, by 1857, aluminum could be
front cap is stamped out of the popular
produced in an almost pure state, but at
the prohibitive cost of about $'-25.00 per
pound. was Charles M. Hall, an Ohio
It In addition to these uses for aluminum,
boy twenty-two, whose discoveries
of which you will see require a great deal

permitted the production of aluminum in of the metal in the course of a year, it is

a commercial way, first at a cost of $"2.00, also requisitioned for the reels of the Vest

and later, at $1.00 per pound. Cost Pocket and Ensignette spools which are
reductions continued until, fiiuilly, in made at the Camera Works.
1911, aluminum sold at twenty-two cents A great deal of this aluminum is pur-
per pound in ingot form, but the price chased in sheets eight inches to twelve
increased to thirty-seven cents during the inches wide by eight feet long, and comes
war period. in various thicknesses, from .016 inch to
"Well," do you ask? "What of it? .048 inch. These sheets also come in
What's all that got to do with Kodaks?" different grades, the grading being based
Oh, nothing much. except that in 1919,
. .
upon tlitterences in tiie temper of the
the Eastman Kodak Company used at metal.
Camera Works nearly 500,000 pounds of The parts named above are blanked out
alumininn. And it rather stands to of the metal on big power presses, which
operate so closely that there is very little lumin, and is as light as aluminum and as
waste. Often, it is possible to perform strong as steel. It is believed to be about
this blanking operation and a perforating 90% aluminum. This alloy is used for

job simultaneonsly another production making the case and cover of the new
short-cut. Kodamatic shutter, and to a large extent
Not the metal used by the com-
all of in the Etch Plate Department.
})any, is bought in the sheet
however, Because of careful planning, it is pos-
form. A considerable part of the half sible to utilize nearly all of the aluminum
million pounds conies in the form of
which is purchased, smaller parts being
aluminum rod.
stamped out of the waste pieces. Never-
All aluminum parts have to be cleaned
theless, there are some small pieces of the
with an acid or similar dirt remover,
sheet metal, and chips of the rod which
before they are covered. Unless such
have to be turned over to the Salvage
work is carefully done, the lacquer is apt
Department. These are sold, and are
to chip off, leaving an exposed aluminum
later melted up for use again in the form
surface, which will reflect light and spoil
of castings.
the picture.
In addition to the pure aluminum, they Thus, thanks to Mr. Hall's discovery,
find use at Camera Works for an alum- we are enabled to make Kodaks strong
inum alloy, which serves similar purposes. enough for every purpose, and yet, to
This goes under the trade name Dura- keep their weight at a minimum.


A prominent physician stated recently MEMBERSHIP INCREASE
that the majority of men who came to Kodak folks sure do know^ a good thing
him were sufferers from nervous disorders when they see it. In spite of the hot
brought on by worries, and that most weather n' everything, the subscriptions
of the disorders arose from worry re- to shares in the Eastman Savings and
garding financial affairs. Loan Association jumped from 4870 to
Persons who accumulate a reserve 6467 between June 10th and July 10th.
fund through regular and systematic Kodak Park took the lead in this
saving also accumulate a sense of self- increase,from 1202 to 2879 members; the
possession and self -protection. They are salesmen and demonstrators, Kodak Office,
free to devote their minds to present Hawk-Eye Works, Glenn Photo Stock Co.,
activities and their daily lives are har- Robert Dempster Co., Chicago Branch,
monious because financial worries have Northwestern Photo Supply Co., and
given way to financial complacency. Robey -French Co., (from 1 member to 29
He who has accumidated a reserve members) likewise showing good increases
fund does not have to spend sleepless in membersliip.

nights and anxious days worrying about The total par value of the shares sub-
the future, and he is in every way more scribed for rose from $4,343,800 to
efficient than the improvident man. $5,213,900.
This greater efiiciency gives him greater Good work for hot weather, let's keep
earning power, and freedom from worry it up now that it is a bit cooler.
without question also increases the length
of his earning period.
There is no greater aid to getting where Business is like baseball. The hits you
you want to get than the habit of sys- made yesterday won't win the game
tematic saving. today.
NOTHING would please the Sugges- Quite frequently suggestions are re-
Committee more than to have
tion ceived for improvement of product which
every suggestion presented adopted and call for an expenditure out of proportion
every suggestor rewarded. to the benefits to be gained, or when the
improvement of one part would work to
that end every suggestion received
the detriment of some other part.
ismost carefully considered and investi-
gated and when it is not adopted the Regarding simplification of office forms
author can rest assured that it is with and records, many suggestions are adopted
but sometimes it is found that while the
good reason.
suggestion would simplify the work of one
Every suggestion received is carefully employee or one department, it would add
recorded and indexed and is then referred
to the work of some other person or de-
to the department head and others in the
partment to an extent exceeding the bene-
department with which it has to do. fit derived if adopted.

Without exception the department Suggestions regarding the selling or

heads give every suggestion careful and advertising policy of the company liave
thorough consideration as they are natur- only in rare instances been adopted
ally most anxious to increase efficiency or because they have been considered before,
lower costs. used previously, or would conflict with a
Whenthe suggestion has been reported definite company policy. Suggestions
on, returned to the Secretary of the
it is along these lines are nevertheless welcome
Committee who at stated intervals calls and will always receive consideration.
meetings of the Committee to consider all There is the suggestion which ])oints out
suggestions received and recommend as to the obvious thing to do, such, for instance,
their disposal and the amount of the as moving a set of scales from one end of a
award if adopted. bench to the other, or installing a lamp to
The members of the Suggestion Com- light up a dark corner or correcting a
mittee are men having a wide experience typographical error in a previous edition
in the affairs of the company, and when of a catalogue. Such as these can
they are not absolutely positive as to the scarcely be considered for awards.
merits of the suggestion, it is returned to
and in all likelihood
It has hap])ened,
the Secretary for further investigation.
will happen again, that a suggestion
This accounts in a good many instances
rejected by the committee has later been
for the seeming delay in the consideration
put into operation without the knowledge
of suggestions.
of the committee. In such case, the
Without every suggestor is
(question suggestor has but to call the matter to the
sincere in the belief that his or her sug- attention of the Secretary of the Com-
gestion is of value t,o the company and mittee and it will be investigated and
worthy of an award. taken up at a committee meeting.
Here are some of the reasons for the
Being the Secretary of a suggestion
non-adoption of a suggestion: committee is no snap; being a member of
If it manufacture of a
concerns the the committee calls for hard work and
new product; market; too
insufficient close attention, and as all its members are
costly to produce; infringes on patent not human they may sometimes make an
owned by us; has been tried out i)reviously error —
but when they do, you will find
and found impractical or already under them mighty glad to correct it. So send
consideration, or is in process of manufac- in your suggestions and help keep up
ture before suggestion was received. our high record for suggestions adopted.
F'raxk S. Noble, Vice-President of the Eastman Kodak Company,
died suddenly at his home in this city on the evening of July 5th.
Mr. Xoble leaves a wife, Mrs. Lillian C Xoble: a daughter. Miss
Elizabeth A. Xoble; a brother, Raymond G. Xoble of X'ew York,
and a sister, Miss Elizabeth A. Xoble of South Windsor, Conn.
Frank Xoble was one of the best known men in the photographic
business, his earlier days being spent with the Xew Jersey Aristo-
type Company. For more than twenty years he had been associated
with the Eastman Kodak Company, first as Manager of the Chicago
branch. He was called to Rochester in 1904, and became Assistant
Treasurer of the company and later Vice-President.
The following memorial was adopted by the Board of Directors
of the Eastman Kodak Company on July 13, lO'-il:
"// is impossible that aui/ tribute of icords to the memory of Frank S-
Xoble should mean as much as that greater tribute that was paid him by
the host of friends who journeyed to Rochester to pay their last respects.
Such a manifestation could hare come from no mere surface friendship.
depth and sincerity, a true reflection of the mail himself.
It u-as, in its

And yet it is our wish to speak of him as we knew him. He carried

with him something greater even than his zeal and energy and foresight-
edness, greater even than his conscientious devotion to whatever he under-
took. It iras his sympathetic understatiding of his fellowmen. He was
often spoken of as a ''man of tact.'' He uxis. but it was a tact born of his
unselfish consideration for the feelings of others.
In his more than twentii years with com pany and his eleven years
as a member made for him so many
of this Board, those qualities that
true friends all over the country endeared him doubly to us who knew
him so well. He was a gentleman — hjiah warm hearted, considerate,
And this, in ea,tending real sympathy to his family, is our simple
message: JVe kneic him and we loved him.''

"I am an old man and have had many

The Kodak Magazine troubles, most of w'hich never happened."
Published monthly in the interests of men and women of Seers and seeresses have many times
the Kodak organization.
prophesied the end of the world, some
even going so far as to announce the exact
SPENCER HORD, Editor date of the event; yet the old globe whirls
Glenn C. Morrow \ Associate Editors steadily along.
C. Edward Coolet /

True enough, things at the present

Norman A. Van De Cark Assistant Editor
time are not just what we could wish, but
Main Office
civilization is not going to the "demni-
Robert A. Weber Assistant Editor
tion bow^-wows."
Kodak Park Works
Just think how much worse off we
Herbert S. Thorpe . ..'... Assistant Editor
would have been if certain plans for world
Camera Works
domination had matured according to
Clarence H. Harper Assistant Editor
schedule. Our present situation is indeed
Folmer-Century Works
enviable compared to w'hat it woidd be
P. R. Meinhard Assistant Editor had these plans not failed.
Hawk-Eye Works
It would be foolish to predict an early
L. C. Wheeler Assistant Editor
return to prosperous times as we have
Premo Works
been accustomed to measure prosperity.
These times will return, but much in the
Address all communications to Editor, Kodak Magazine way of a reconstruction both in thought
Main Office, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y.
and action nnist first be done.
The world upheaval has taught us
Frank S.Noble was more than a highly many costly lessons, some of which we
.succes.sful executive; he was a builder of have been slow" to learn, but events from
men. week to week show that we are pointing
Few there are who are gifted with his in the right direction.

ability to read the hearts of their fellow- In our own organization we are not
men, and to so fully enshrine themselves troubled with industrial dissensions, but
therein. misunderstandings in the other industries
Frank Noble w^as an inspiration to work against every individual and an
everyone who
knew^ him; always kindly, early settlement of tliese problems w ill do
just and generous; never too busy to much to restore a balance.
listen and never too tired to smile.
Meanwhile there is but one thing to do;
He had
the faculty of inspiring confi- do your daily task a bit better
sit tight,
dence, and no one ever left his presence than ever before and wdth full faith that
in an unhappy frame of mind. the majority of folks are honest and that,
No matter w^ho you were you felt free as always, right will prevail.
to go to him for advice or sympathy,
assured that you would receive it in
fullest measure. We are indeed pleased to return to the
Ruggedly honest and just, and with an regular printed form. We
found that this
all-encompassing love for his fellowmen, was possible at a rather late date, which
no gleaming shaft of marble or pile of prevented our having the usual number
granite can compare with the monument of illustrations prepared. We know that
of love he has left in the hearts of those you wnll bear w^ith us in this and we will
who called him friend. do our best to make it up in the issues to


Kodak Park West, the scene of our pres- to be constructed at the new location, are
ent building operations, is an area of 58 acres to house this branch of manufacturing.
situated west of the Ridge Road and The departments that will eventually be
Dewey Avenue and extending on to tlie located at Kodak Park West are the Cot-
Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh Rail- ton Storage, Nitrating, Flash Powder,
road tracks. The laying out of the streets, Synthetic Chemicals and others relative
the grading of the land, the installation of to them. Quite a change!
the sewage and water systems, the con- A Service Building, with a dining room
struction of the Kodak Park Railroad in for the yardmen and mechanics, has
Kodak Park West and the providing of already been built. ^Sleals, cooked at the

electric service and fire protection are all Kodak Park East kitchen, are brought


( Note Two Stacks of Kodak Park East in Background)

part of the work of the same department over to Kodak Park West in a specially
that built up Kodak Park East —
the En- constructed container, which keeps the
gineering and Maintenance Department. food hot until it is served.
Just as the Statue of Liberty greets the As far as getting building materials to
foreigner previous to his entry to x\merica Kodak Park West it is an easy — matter,
by way of the Port of New York, so do for the Kodak Railroad carries to the
the two chimneys at Kodak Park attract place of action, brick, machinery, steel
a stranger's eye on a clear day. But girders and the many other requisites.
soon there will be another "giant"" domi- The classification yard, where all cars
nating the Park and the landscape for destined for Kodak Park East and Kodak
miles around, for, at Kodak Park West, Park West are placed by the carrier com-
there is nearing com])letion a stack that pany, is located at the extreme west end
will rival the two 366 footers. The new of the new area, adjoining the Buffalo,
power house will be one-half the size of Rochester and Pittsburgh Railroad tracks.
the one at Kodak Park East. We Kodakers are again looking to the
Our chemical industry has grown by future. There are enormous possibilities
leaps and bounds. In fact, there is no for development in oiu* new location,
more space at Kodak Park East that can and, idtimatcly, Kodak Park West, speak-
be given over to the manufacture of ing favorably for our future growth and
chemicals. The only alternative is to expansion as compared with the past, will
move the chemical industry to Kodak find itself like Kodak Park East today
Park West and consequently the buildings entirely built up.


HERE is probably no piece of busi- or be disposed of or usedby anyone as his
T' ness connected with one's family af- own, or the income from it be obtained by
fairs towhich the vice of "putting it off" anyone unless an administrator is ap-
attaches in the same degree as to the pointed by the Surrogate's Court. The
making of a will. The very men who are choice is, therefore, between regulating
most thrifty and solicitous in the care of and directing the distribution of your
seem most careless as to
their families, property yourself by means of a will, or
what may ha])pen to their families after having done for you after your death

their death. tendency is

Perhaps this by means of an administration.
due to a dislike of talking about death, or 2. The law is necessarily impersonal
talking about the unfortunate predica- and the method of distribution w^hich it
ment the family may be in if death should provides, while probably as fair as any
occur, and perhaps it may be due in some general system that might be devised,
cases to the belief that the size of one's cannot hope to meet the needs of the
estate does not warrant the trouble in- individual case —
a spendthrift son, the
volved in the making of or the dignity of crippled daughter, or the eldest daughter
a will. who has remained unmarried at home to
y^^ Who Should Make A Will? take care of the smaller children, or the
'' * employee of
safe to say that every
hundred and one features which may af-
It is
fect,and ought to affect, the manner of the
this company over twenty-one years of
distribution of your property. Probably
age, who has any sort of property in his
own name, should make a will. No mat- you who ask the question have never
taken the trouble to ascertain the method
ter how small his or her property may be,
distribution after death should be
by which, under the law, your property
will be distributed if you make no will.
provided for in order to avoid trouble,
delay and expense to the relatives. Of
You should at least do that before you
decide not to make a will.
course, the head of a family especially
3. If you make a will, you may name
should make a will. Perhaps the class of
your own executor (the person who shall
person for whom it is least necessary to
make a will is the married woman who manage your estate), whereas, if you do
has no property of her own, but she
not make a will that person (then called
an administrator) is chosen in a perfectly
should be careful to make a will in case
arbitrary manner in accordance with his
the home or the family bank account
or her degree of relationship to you, and
should be in her name only.
that person might be and often is ab-
Wh]) Should A Will Be Made? solutely unsuited for the position and
You may be saying to yourself "Why would like to avoid the worries and
should I make a will when the law provides responsibility which it may entail.
a fair and just method of distribution of 4. If you make a will, your executor
my property?" Five reasons may be need file no bond, but if you do not make
suggested in answer to this question: a will, your administrator will be required
1. In the first place, if you die without by the court to file a l)ond for the faithful
having made a will, leaving any property performance of his duty, which means that
in your name, such as a piece of real he will either have to get two disinterested
estate, a bank account, some interest in parties with sufficient means to act as
Eastman Kodak common stock under the sureties on the bond or pay a surety
Stock Distribution Plan, or any other company a premium to act as such
property which has value enough to be surety.
worth thinking about at all, that property 5. You may provide in your will
cannot legally be transferred to anyone, that your executor shall have power to

sell your real estate. If no will is made A J]'ill May Be Changed

and there are children under twenty-one Perhaps one of the reasons why people
years of age, a court proceeding has to be delay in the matter of drawing their wills
taken before a sale of the real estate is the fear that they may change their

standing in your name can be consum- minds after the will is drawn and they,
mated and that proceeding involves con- therefore, desire to wait until they are
\\ siderable expense and delay. ,,
sure of what they want to do. It is w^ell

When Should A Will Be Made? *" to bear in mind that a will does not take
effect until the time of the death of the
You make your will now, while
person who makes it (called the testator),
you are and strong and in full pos-
and, therefore, a will may be revoked and
session of your faculties. Most of the
a new will made at any time, or a will may
wills which are overthrown or attacked
be changed by adding to it by what is
in the courts on the ground of undue
called a Codicil. The proper course to
influence or mental incapacity are made
pursue is to decide upon what you want
by persons who have begun to suffer from
to do under existing conditions, have your
the effects of old age. The making of a
will drawn based upon those conditions,
will is an act requiring careful and
and, in case such a change occurs in the
thoughtful effort which good health alone
conditions as makes a new will or a codicil
can afford.
advisable, to make that change without
What Should A Will Contain ?
Of course, the contents of a will depend Two events entering into the testator's
upon the needs of the individual case. life affect automatically a will previously
Generally speaking, the more simple a will made, namely the birth of a child, (2)
is, the better. The prime purpose is the marriage. The such birth and
effect of
distribution of the property to the family marriage is substantially the same. Unless
in a way that will be most equitable and the surviving child or the husband or wife,
wise under the particular circumstances. as the case may be, is provided for or in
In the case of a man having a wife and some way mentioned in the will or is
small children, ordinarily the best course provided for by a separate settlement,
is to leave all the property to the wife and such child or husband or wife takes the
appoint her as executrix. She is the same share in the estate as though no will
person upon whom the responsibility of had been made. The will, however, still
caring for the children w411 rest and if she governs the distribution of the remainder
has shown herself to be a capable woman, of the property. Care should be taken,
she should have all the assets there are to therefore, in case either of these events
help her in her struggle aufl should not be happens, to make a new will at once.
hampered by trusts or any other "strings" Where a new will is made, the old one
attached to the property which would should not be left lying around, but
make it difficult for her to use it at the usually should be entirely and totally
time and in the manner which her best destroyed. The reason for this is that if,
judgment would dictate. after the testator's death, the new will
cannot be located, the old will may be
You should be careful even though you
probated and thus the testator's intentions
are leaving all your property to your wife
fail of being carried out.
to provide that she, as executrix, shall
have the power to sell the real estate, as, Danger of A "Home-Made" Will

otherwise, if a child should ])c lioru after The law requires that a will be executed
the making of the will and you should and witnessed in a certain j)rescribed
neglect to change it after the birth, your manner, and therefore it is essential that
wife could not sell the real estate without you have your will prepared by and ex-
going through the legal proceeding pre- ecuted in the presence of a man whose
viouslv referred to. business it is to know the law's require-
ments, namely, a lawyer. We have spoken wording of the will is indispensable. The
merely of the form of a will, but sup- court records are full of the wTecks of
pose the testator ^wishes to create some estates brought about by "home-made"
sort of a trust, or to do any one of the wills. Do
not be so foolish as to add your
many things that the individual case maj' property, no matter how small, to this
require, then the lawyer's help in the general pile.


THERE should be no room in Rochester "Rub this on your neck and take these
for the Fake Physician. He is a pills twice a day, andcome again next
menace to the public. And
because he is Wednesday. Five dollars, please. Thank
so plausible he is all the more dangerous you. Be sure to come again Wednesday.
dangerous not only to his patients but to Such cases have come under our obser-
the effective work of the great body of vation where there was no diagnosis
physicians who are not only able but who whatever that was more thorough than a
are honest, sincere and self-sacrificing. layman could have made. The swelling
If the Kodak Magazine seems to be was there. The "specialist" prescribed
riding a hobby on this matter of medical the and liniment and
pills took the money.
grafters and professional incompetents, There was no examination of the heart, no

there's a good reason for it. And nobody taking of blood pressure to see if the
knows this better than the reputable medicine would be injurious to the
physicians themselves. They would be patient. Goitre being the specialty, goi-
delighted to eliminate every faker, every tre alone was treated. Possibly the
careless diagnostician from the medical medico figured that later on a heart
ranks but they can't do it. Their hands "specialist" could fix up the trouble he
are tied. Action by them even criti- — —
was starting if the money held out.
cism from them — is easily replied to. Through the information that comes
"They are inspired by professional jeal- from our INIedical Department we could
ousy," says the faker. And he gets away cite specific cases. We do not wish to
with it. So long as he has his bit of not because we care to save the feelings of
sheepskin from a medical college, he can a physician who is incompetent or who
be dislodged only for the most flagrant has been neglectful, but because in some
mal-practice. He knows it and plays safe. instances the patient might not like to

Not being handicapped by the "ethics" have his or her case discussed even in our
of the profession, the Kodak Magazine
home Kodak circle.

can say things that the real, honest-to- But there is carelessness going on,

goodness doctor cannot say. In an almost criminal carelessness. There are

organization such as ours, there is plenty specialists —and we repeat, these men
of opportunity to observe cases.
usually specialize in diseases that progress
now, if you please, the "Get the Money" slowly (cumulative compensation, you

specialist. Xo, not the real specialist know) — who should be carefully avoided.
he is most necessary to the community.
We propose to make it an easy matter
for you to recognize the medical faker on
His work is often that of a super-man,
sight. There are so many honest and
work for which he has prepared himself by
capable physicians in Rochester that it
self-sacrificing years of study and research.
is a pity that anyone should fall into the
This "Get the Money" chap usually hands of the fakers. We propose to make
specializes in a disease that moves slowly, it impossible so far as Kodak employees

goitre, for instance. are concerned.

F O L M E R-


The Second Annual Picnic of the Folmer-Century Spike driving contest for ladies: — Mrs. John Reiss.
Works was held Saturday, July 16th, at Island Cot- Tug-of-icar {^married vs. single): — Married men.
tage. The factory closed down Friday night allow- Wheelbarrow race: 1st; Albert Janneck and
ing the employees to have all day Saturday for the Edward Stockmeister: 2nd; Walter Drabinski and
fun making. Carl Muller.
The "pleasure seekers" met at Charlotte Station Standing broad jump:— William Wilier.
at 9:45. Shortly after arriving at Island Cot- Running broad jump: —William Wilier.
50 yard dash for men over 35 years: — Alex Ryan,
tage the day's fun was started by a ball game be-
tween the married and single men, the latter win- Frank Dannenburg.
Spot race for Folmer-Century ladies only: — Agnes
ning by a score of 10-9. After the game the crowd
filed into the Hotel where the picnic dinner was
At one o'clock the refreshment committee opened
100 yard dash free for
; —Edward Stockmeister,
Albert Janneck.
booths and served hots, ice cream cones and drinks
to every one.
Ball throwing for ladies: — Mildred Janneck.

The following were the prize winners: Three-legged race for /«f«; 1st Rotmans, Barnard:

35 yard dash for girls over 12 years: Sarah Swanson 2nd; Janneck, Stockmeister.
Bean carrying race for ladies: —Mrs. Sophie Dab-
and MjTtle Henderson.

50 yard dash for boys under 15 years: Donald Cul- nokoff.
len and Clayton Connelly. Potato race for men 50 years: — Peter Breemes,

Shoe race for ladies: Mrs. Fred Shepard and Miss John Efford.
Tumblty. Doughnut race for men: — Albert Fleming, William
50 yard dash for ladies: —
Margaret \oung and Merkel.
Mildred Janneck. Spot race for men:— Henry Marring.

25 yard dash for girls under IS years: Lillian Swan- Throicing for men. — Albert Janneck, Joseph
son and Violet DeWitt. Dreschler.

A son was born recently to Mrs. Alfred Florian Schlemetz of the Tool Department and
Robinson of Providence, R. I. Mrs. Robinson was Nellie Wallner who were married recently at Cleve-
formerly Freda Smith of our Purchasing Depart- land, the home of the bride, are now residing at Sea
ment. Breeze. We
extend to them our heartiest congra-
tulations and best wishes.
Alfred Wood, a popular employee of the Folmer-
Century Works, has left the company on accomit
Frederick Curran, of the Tool Department, is the
of ill health. Albert is now "farming" at Fruit-
proud daddy of a baby boy. The new arrival's
land, N. Y. His many friends at the plant wish
him much success in his new undertaking. name is Frederick Arthur Curran, Jr.

Fred Xorter of the Metal Department has Frank Howell of the Assembling Department and
purchased a new home on Avenue D. Ethel Simmons were married recently, .\fter a
western trip Mr. and ^Irs. Howell are residing at 31
We extend a hearty welcome to Harriet Patchen Margaret Street. We wish them much happiness
who has been transferred from Kodak Office to and success.

"Charlie" Roth, Purchasing Agent, has bought a

We extend a hearty welcome to Louise .Vbriel of
the Covering Department and George Walker of the
Wood Machine Department who have been trans-
ferred from Premo to our factorv.
We extend to Adam Stohler, George Deming and
George Fraley of the Metal Department, Albert
Hickford of the Finishing Department, and Richard Clayton Hess of the Wood ^Lichine Department
Clark of the Wood Department, our sincere sym- was married Wednesday, July Cth to Anna PfaflF.
pathy in their illness and hope that they will soon We extend to them our heartiest best wishes for
be able to be with us again. success.
FAREWELL, LUCY connected with the New York Embassy of the
Lucy Bock of the Cost Department surprised her Japanese Government.
associates the early part of July by announcing her
marriage to Alfred Jensen, which took place at Penn
Yan last New Year's Day. The girls of the office
celebrated the news with a farewell dinner in her Never put off until tomorrow what you can do
honor at The Odenbach, followed by a theatre party. today.
During the dinner, Mrs. Jensen was presented with Never trouble another for what vou can do your-
a corsage bouquet of Constance roses, which she self.
acknowledged by a graceful little speech. Lucy has Never spend your money bei^ore you have earned
been a popular member of the Cost Department for it.
seven years.

More diamond rings this time announcing the
Never buy what you don't want because it is

the engagements of Hazel Bailey of the Piu-chasing

Department to Ernest Brockway, Harriet E. Patch- Pride costs more than hunger, thirst and cold.
en of the Production Department to Alfred E. We
seldom repent of having eaten too little.
Batham, and P'red Lintz of the Sliipping Depart- Nothing is troublesome that we do willingly.
ment to Cecelia Pfaff.
How much pain the evils have cost us that have
Herbert Graf of the Assembling Department was never happened!
married July 14th to Minnie Gawer. Mr. and Mrs. Take things always by the smooth handle.
Graf left for a trip to the Thousand Islands. When angry, count ten before you speak; if very
angry, count a hundred.
Harold Dunning of the Wood Machine Depart-
ment was passing out the cigars Tuesday, July 12th,
in honor of a baby girl named June Edith. F-C BOYS IN BASEBALL
Although Folmer-Century is not represented in
Born Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benn, a daughter
to the Kodak League this year by a plant team, sev-
named Katherine Marie. "Joe" is employed in the eral of their boys are in the thick of the pennant
Assembling Department. race. The Hawk-Eye team, last year's champs, is
counting heavily on the services of "Pat" Petroske,
OUR VISITORS "Herbie" Graf, McCormack and Fleming. With
Among the recent visitors to our plant were Mr. the Main Office, one finds Perrin at first base and
Heinrichs, a director of the Carl Zeiss Company of Drabinski in the outfield. Gawer and Chernis have
Jena, Austria, and Mr. Bennett of New York, their also played with the Office team. Petroske, Perrin
American representative; also Mr. Nobue Sawanara, and Drabinski are all hitting .500 or better.


: —




Headed by Kirchgessner, Frost and "Art" About eighty members of the department motored
Williams about 175 employees of tne E. & M. to the grounds where dinner was served at one
Stores Department, together with their families and o'clock.
friends, invaded Manitou Beach via special cars Haywood G. DeMey presided over the festiAities
which left Kodak Park at 12:-20 on Saturday, June at the dinner. Mrs. Howard R. Patterson rendered
25th, took over tne Beach, and proceeded to rim it several piano solos that were much appreciated.
to suit themselves. Ralph H. Smith scored heavily with his vocal solos.
Numerous A. E. F. "vets" in the party started After the dinner, a ball game between the
immediate agitation for food with very good effect, Engineers and Draftsmen was staged, the Engineers
resulting in dinner being served in short order. winning, twenty to nineteen, after nine innings of
Soon after dinner the sports program was gotten wild baseball. For seven innings the Draftsmen
under way imder the direction of "Art" Williams, led by a large margin but following the retirement
prizes being awarded the winners as follows: Cen- from the game of their chief draftsman their chances
tipede Race for Men: Ralph MacLeod, Earl Mac- went glimmering. Captain Hands, umpire in chief,
Leod, Fred Austin, Harold Francis, Donald Dono- was forced to call several conferences on close
ghue. Fat Man's Race: Louis J. McManus. 100 decisions. Admiral Dewey and Skipper John Jones
Yard Dash for Men: 1st, William Young: '2nd, Fred always agreeing that the Drafting Room was at
Grunst. Pipe Race for Men and Ladies: Miss Fitz- fault. The Engineers felt much elated as this was
Gerald, and Charles Kendall, Miss Evelyn first victory over the Draftsmen and particularly
Johnroe and J. Ryan. Tug of War for Men: Re- delighted that they defeated Julius C. Voss, who
ceiving and Warehouse vs. Stock Rooms, won by Re- stood them on their heads at the last two outings.
ceivmg and V\'arehou5e. Three-Legged Race for Men George Kingston was captain of the Engineers while
Fred Austin and Ralph MacLeod. Time Race for Lee Hastings directed the Drafting outfit.
Ladies: Miss Zita Blackburn. 75 Yard Dash for Following the ball game a program of sports was
Ladies: 1st, Dorothy Kuhnerti '-2nd. Ruth Hahn. run off with the following results: 75 Yard Dash for
Shoe Race for ^Larried Ladies: Mrs. William ^len: 1st. ILirold Smith, '2nd, Oscar Zabel. Blind
Stangel. Tug of War: Girls in Building Xo. '23 and Obstacle Race: 1st, Mildred Happ and George
Building No. 49, won by Building No. 49. Ball Kingston. '2nd, Madge David.son and Stanley
Throwing Contest: 1st, Ruth Hahn; '2nd, Mary Bro^Ti. Cigarette Race for Girls: 1st, Mildred
Herlihy. Baby Show: Warren E. Vealeand Jean Happ. '2nd, Doris Payne. Tripod Race for Men:
Miller. Special Time Race for Men and AVomen: 1st. Howard Jones and George Kingsotn. :2nd,
Thomas Frost. William Russell and Walter Grunst. Wheelbarrow
Something was started when arrangements were Race: 1st. Madge Davidson and Stanley Brown;
made to have Building No. '23 Baseball team play 2nd, Loretta Weitz and Harold Smith. Skin the
the No. 49 outfit at tlie picnic, for Building No. :23 Snake Race: Owen De Neves Team. "25 Yard Race
won 15 to 14. The Storekeepers, however, im- for Girls: 1st, Constance Shaw: '2nd, Mildred Happ.
mediately protested the game and the play-off was Putting Contest: 1st, Mrs. Howard R. Patterson;
staged at Kodak Park on June 30, the Stores '2nd, Madge Davidson; 3rd, Anna C. Murphy.
Department Team winning :21 to '2. Bucking Broncho Race: Oscar Sprague and Carl
A Buffet Limcli was served during the afternoon Robbins.
and evening and music was furnished for dancing, The entire outing was conducted under a new
the dance hall being well patronized. .system. Haywood G. Dewey and LeRoy F. Fair-
The Committee which so ably conducted th.e affair child collaborating in getting out a Master Riot
consistedof Jacob Kircligessucr. Thomas l-'rost. Ross Sheet that outlined all the operations necessary for
Miller, Charles Kendall, William Rod.lick, Peter a successful ])icnic.
McArdle, Viola Wilson, Anna Harmon, Mar>- Sul- The Commit te to blame for the whole affair was
livan, Betty Sturge, Dorothy Kuhiiert, William —
made up of the following: General Chairman O. L.
German, Jolm Osier, John O'Donnell and Donald Angevine. Treasurer^Howard R. Patterson.
Donoghue. Grounds — Harold L. Smith. —
Sports James H.
Jenkinson. Prizes —
Henry L. Miller. Music
Ralj)h H. Smith. —
Transportation Julius C. Voss.
The Engineering Department held its Annual —
Women's Program Anna C. ^lurphv and Loretta
Outing at East Maplewood on Saturday, June '25th. Weitz.
Tlie final game of the Spring Series of the K. P. resulted in a 1 to 1 tie. The final or deciding game
A. A. Noon-Hoiir Baseball League resulted in a win of the series is to be played sometime within the
for the Legion team and cinched their hold on first next few days. Aside from the three regular
place. After forcing the OflSce team out of the lead scheduled games of the series an exhibition game
the race was close during the last few days of the was played as part of the entertainment program at
series, only one game separating these two teams the K. P. A. A. Picnic resulting in a victory for the
at the finish. Kodak Park team by the score of 6 to o. A picked
Due to the extreme heat of the past weeks, play team of the K. P. A. A. League easily disposed of
lias not been resumed, although arrangements are the pick of the Hawk-Eye League in two straight
all made for the Summer Series, and the opening games, Kodak Park winning the first on our home
game will be played as soon as the weather permits. grounds .3 to and later winning the second game at
In the meantime independent games have been Hawk-Eye by the score of 7 to 4.
arranged -nith other Industrial Shop teams. In the final standing of k. p. a. a. league
Kodak Park-Bausch and Lomb series the Legion won lost pct.
teani' of Kodak Park won the first game from the Legion 11 7 .611
Industrial Relations team of Bausch's on the Office 10 8 .556
Kodak Park diamond by the score 6 to 2. The Pipe Shop 8 8 .500
Second game played at the Bausch & Lomb field Drafting Room 5 11 .313

Former Assistant ^Manager of Kodak Park; now General Manager of the
Tennessee Eastman Corporation at Kingsport, Tennessee


Remember the Foremen's Club Outing at Cobourg may be obtained on the boat by those who so desire.
last September? If you attended, you can't forget Refreshments will also be served by the Club during
it. If you didn't, you heard plenty about it for the afternoon and evenmg.
weeks after. A limit of 600 persons has been decided upon and
This year another trip is to be made to the .same the members are advised to get their tickets early,
place. The date is Saturday, August l.'Uh, and the the demand being hea\y in view of the success of
General Committee has been working on arrange- last year's picnic.
ments since the 1st of June. Nothing is being An orchestra has been engaged to make the trip
overlooked and every effort is being made to outdo and music all day. The evening will be
will furnisti
last season's outing if j)ossible.
devoted to dancing and entertainment. "Jimmy"
The larger of the two boats has been chartered for
Hart in charge of the sports is making up an extra
the day. The boat train will leave the B. R. & P.
long and interesting program, and prizes will be
Station, West Avenue, at I'i o'clock noon for the
convenience of the wives and children living up awarded the winners. Assisting President John
town. For the convenience of the members this Schaeffer as chairmen are: Robert A. Weber,
train will stop at Uptonville. Ridge Road at 12:20 Pubhcity and Photography: J. B. Castle, Refresh-
noon and connections will be made with the boat at ments: Charles J. Casey, Transportation: George
Genesee Dock, where it will leave promptly at 1 :00 Izard, Tickets: James Hart, Entertainment and
o'clock. It is to be a basket picnic and everyone is Sports: Dr. B. J. Slater, Medical; and James Ward
urged to bring 4iis o^\'n "eats." However, meals and Charles Suter.


Despite the fact that Kodak Park is playing very Although the Kodak Park baseball team this
good tennis we have not won a single match to date. season is not all that it might be under more favor-
This is due entirely to the high caliber of the other able conditions, nevertheless, it is felt that the lack
teams in the League. The Rochester Tennis Club of support on the part of employees is to some
has a team composed of players of exceptional extent, at least, responsible for the showing made to
ability, many of whom are nationally known, as also date. .Several of this year's team are new men at
the Melville Club. Dewey Avenue, although de- Kodak Park and it is conceded that a team cannot
feated in its first matches with the above-men- be built in one year. The Kodak Park line-up
tioned teams, was able to win from Kodak Park includes a number of last year's men of exceptional
by several points, showing that it too is a fast ability, together with some very promising new
aggregation. players. The knowledge that the membership
Conditions regulating the eligibility of players body of the As.sociation in general was behind the
however are different at Kodak Park than with the
others. The other three clubs are organizations
devoted entirely to tennis and are aVjle to secure
members and players from where they will, whereas
Kodak Park uses only men who are emplo>ed at the
Works. This in a sense limits our possibilities and
it is probable that our place is in the industrial field

where all teams would be on an equal footing.

Manager Willis, however, is not discouraged and
feels confident that with a little more practice our
team will round out into shape to take a match or
two from the other contenders. Thompson and
Wilson are both improving and from now on should
account for wins in the remainder of the schedule.
Any player of ability not now playing on the team
is requested to get in touch with Manager Willis and
he will be given an opportunity to try out for a
WON LOST PCT. This lad was mascot of tlif Kodak
Park baseball team in 1905
Rochester Tennis Club 3 1000
Melville Tennis Club 2 1 .667 team would do much to encourage the boys and
Dewev Ave. Tennis Club. . 1 2 ..'533 would naturally result in considerable improvement.
Kodak Park 3 . 000 There are se\'eral players at the Park who have not
The K. P. A. A. annual tenuis tournament was ottered their services. We would like to have them
launched during the last week of June and matches come out and hel{).
in the .second round are now being j)layed. This In Gallagher, Manilla, Shepanski. McGrady,
tournament, as usual, is a handicap affair, the Bircher, Metcalf, Keenan and Coogan of last year's
ratings of the different players being determined by team an excellent foundation is available. "Joe"
a rate list which is kept, showing the result of Seneca. '
Vic "
Seneca. Palmateer. Wedell, Wallace,
matches played by all players belonging to the club. and Voegel. among the newer recruits, are present-
A keen spirit of competition exists, making the ing a good brand of liall.
matches very interesting. Fans, come out and do your part.

Between eight and nine hundred men, women and acting in the capacity of head waiters to the thirsty
children attended the Annual Picnic of the K. P. A. multitude.
A. held at Ontario Beach Park on Saturday, July To the following committee an expression of ap-
9th. Although the attendance was not as large as preciation is extended for the work done by them
anticipated those who were present returned well and the able manner in which things were accom-
satisfied with the affair from start to finish. The plished. The Committee: James H. Haste, Charles
carnival spirit prevailed, various types of costumes, K. Flint, A. F. Sulzer, D. E. Reid, Charles F.
colored hats and other grotesque articles of apparel Hutchison. H. H. Tozier, Lincoln Burrows, P. C.
being in evidence in all parts of the grounds. One Seel, Arthur Williams, James Hart, Linden vSteel-
of the most popular spots was the "Gypsy" tent smith, R. A. Weber, George Howell, PL E. Van
where Mary Mahan told fortunes to those inquisi- Derhoef, R. ]\L Adams, Fred Gardner, Dr. B. J.
tive as to their future. Slater, J. H. Evanoff, H. Le.B Gray, A. W. Sco-
The sports and races were run off on the la-mi in field, George W. Engelhardt, Marguerite Ellis, R.
front of the dance pavilion, the most amusing of the C. Ruckoldt, A. T. Welles, Charles Schlansker, and
events being the Needle, Tnread, and Cigarette Race. W. C. Maston.
The attempts of the men to thread the needles and Following are the winners of the different events:
the girls to light the cigarettes held in the lips of their Elopement Race: 1st, Elizabeth Skinner and Walter
partners resulted in some amusing antics. This Metcalf; 2nd, Frances Hutchison and Ralph Leh-
event was won by Susan LaDine and "Don" man. Needle and Cigarette: 1st, Susan LaDine and
McMaster with Florence Archer and J. B. Wells Donald McMaster; '2nd, Florence Archer and J. B.
second. The prize for the prettiest costume was Wells. Wheelbarrow Race: Mary Phelan and C. H.
awarded to Mary Mahan, that for the most comical Gardner; 2nd, Marguerite Ellis and Delmar Bur-
to Dorothy Myers, while the rtost original was won rill. Barrel Boxing; 1st, Walter Metcalf; 2nd,
by Helen Henderson. Donald McMaster. Fifty yards for boys 1st, H. G.:

The hit of the afternoon was Farley's Bathing Prescott; 2nd, John Donohue. Fifty yards for
Beauties; six men wearing feminine costumes of girls: 1st, Esther Carl; 2nd, AnnaMcGurn. Cracker
various and somewhat questionable designs did a Race: 1st, Susan LaDine; 2nd, Esther Carl. Shoe
special dance on the platform back of the pavilion, race for girls: 1st, Dorothy Kuhnert; 2nd, Flora
introducing a novelty never before offered to the Blood. Race for boys under 12: 1st, E. Lockwood;
American public. ".Art" Williams who created 2nd, Harold Kendall. Race for girls under 12: 1st,
this number has placed his name alongside of the Bessie Carl; 2nd, Ethel McFarlin. Ball throwing
leaders of the profession with Pavlowa, and "Tom- contest for girls: 1st, Bessie Hincher; 2nd, Kathryn
my" Swales. Skinner. Spot Race: Bessie Carl.
Damon's Orchestra played for dancing in the A ball game Ijetween the American Legion team
pavilion during the entire afternoon and refresh- of Kodak Park and the Bausch & Lomb team was
ments were served, George Engelhardt and Paul Seel won by the former, 6 to 5.


Left to right, standing: Henry Lais, Fredric Oberst, Edward Ryan, Frank X. Hauser, Henry Combs.
Seated : Richard Kemp, Albert R. Vick, Robert W. Cook, Fred Rothenberger, James McBride.


Another outing at which everyone had an enjoy- June 27th at Island Cottage was the big day.
able time was the Carbon Paper Department Trick 3 of Building No. 29 held its -\nnual
Picnic held at Manitou Peach on June 25th with Outing, about 100 persons being present. The
practically 100% attendance of the employees as ball game in the morning between the married and
single men was won by the latter 7 to 4.
well their families and friends.
Great appreciation was voiced for the work of the Dinner was served, followed by toasts to George
Committee composed of Mark Spafford, Elizabeth Yeares, the guest of honor, who celebrates his 80th
Long, Olive Easton, James Thomas and Chris Kelly. birthday this month.
The feature of the sports program was the bald The program of sports was run off in the afternoon
headed men's race won by Leonard Smart, Leonard with the following results. 100 yard Dash: 1st, Mc-
being the only one to enter this event. Other Master; 2nd, Beuckman. Potato Race: Ist.DePal-
events and the winners of them were as follows: ma 2nd, Field. Three-Legged Race: 1st, De Young

100 yard Dash: Gehrig. Three-Legged Race: andListman; 2nd, Newelland Kiernan. oOyardsFat
Brearey and Gehrig. Fat Man's Race: Ringwood. Men's Race: 1st, Dawson; 2nd, Webb. Ball Throw-
ing: 1st, Conklin; 2nd, Fields. Hammer Throwing:
Wheelbarrow Race: Brearey and Gehrig. Bald head-
ed Race: Smart. 1st. Brower; 2nd, Carr. Relay Race 1st, Streb

and Neary;2nd, De Young and Webb. Cake Eating:

The Annual Outing of the Black Paper Winding
Department was held at Troutburg. The Com-
mittee provided a good time for everyone.
The sports program was greatly enjoyed, the
following winning in the different events: 50 Yards
for Girls: 1st, Fannie Hutcnison; 2nd, EdnaHogan.
50, Yards for Men :1st, Donald McMasters. 2nd.
Ralph Lehman. Time and Spot Race (Ladies and
Gentlemen) Mrs. Quigley and Charles Suter. Ball

Throwing Contest (Girls): 1st, Mrs. Holland: 2nd.

Christina Kelly. Men's Shoe Race: 1st, Walter
Woodward; 2nd, Ross Mitchell. Ladies' Nail
Driving Contest: 1st, Mrs. Burrows; 2nd, Mrs.
Holland. Three-Legged Race: John Kiernan and
Leon Wadsworth. Necktie Race: Mildred Grow
and Harry McCauley. Auto Drivers' Race: 1st,
Delmer Burrill; 2nd, Charles McMann. Ladies'
and Gentlemen's Wheelbarrow Race: Rena Haines
and Charles Suter.


The Film Emulsion Fmishing Department held
its picnic at Island Cottage which was very
The feature of the day's events was the ball game
between the teams representing Building No. 30
and Building No. 30-A, being won by the former.
The prize was a silver cup donated by Joseph W.
Meredith, which is to be contested for annually.
Following the ball game an interesting program
of races, tug-of-war and quoits was indulged in.
The day ended successfully with a delectable
supper at the hotel. Everyone had a fine time and ELIZABETH JEFFERS— Age 3 years
voted to make it an annual event. Daughter Almon B. Jeffers of the Receiving Department
(Mother, formerly Mary Jackson, of the Inside Pasting
Department, employed here 9 years.)
A bang-up good time is assured this year at the GOLF
Research Laboratory Picnic at Grand ^'iew Beach Atotal of eighteen entries has been received by
on August 27th. Baseball, sports and swimming in the Manager of Sports for the K. P. A. A. Golf
the afternoon, topped by one of Rossenbach's Tournament. Although there are many other
famous dinners, and then dancing in the cool emi)loyees at the Park who enjoy playing this game
evening breeze off Ontario will round out the pro- they seem to be somewhat backward about entering
gram for the day. for the tournament, regardless of the fact that
The official quartette is in daily conference and handicajis based on the scores obtained during the
Bush promises .something good, but the interest is summer, arc to be given each jilayer. The ratings
running highest in the outcome of the 100-yard dash will be determined and play begun about the middle
between Billings and Matthews. The latest odds of September with a view to having all the matches
favor Billings 2 to 1. played off before cold weather.

After playing air-tight ball for seven innings, In all three games the victors knew that they were
Hawk-Eye weakened intheeighth. and JimSprague's playing a real ball team. Moreover, the successive
Athletics romped home with the first win over our defeats did not break or lower the morale of J. Russell
championship team, on June U)th.This was a good Craib's players. Their game with White City on
opening for the old jinx, and it proceeded to ad- July 10th, showed that they still had the old Hawk-
minister a body blow in the next Kodak League Eye fighting spirit. The Tenters encountered us
game, which we lost to our old rivals, the Camera after winning five straight, but bowed in defeat
Works. The score, 11—8, for five innings, tells the before "Doc's" WTecking crew. A score of 10 —
story of a weird game, but Hawk-Eye had the Camera usually indicates a good nip and tuck battle, and
boys on the run when T'mpire ]Murphy called the such it was, being marred only by poor umpiring.
game at six bells. In fact it would have been any- The l)oys themselves feel that they liave shaken
body's game up to eleven o'clock and we had to quit off the jinx, and will now battle whomsoever they

with only five rounds played. The third of our meet with the same spirit and success that charac-
defeats came on July 3rd. when we lost to the Big terized the early season's games.
Brothers team at the Bausch and Lomb field by the Those Hawk-Eyetes who haven't supported the
score of 7— 6. We had the game tucked away in team as they did last year are urged to begin now.
our hip pocket until the ninth when the storm Watch the bulletin boards each week, learn where
broke and the Big Brothers came through witli the team is to play and be on hand to cheer the boys
enough runs to win. on to victory.


Anastigmat Polishing Department Foreman Buff and Plating Department


The chief social events on the Athletic Associa- Lake Ontario, some of the folks worried a little. Xor
tion's calendar for July were a complimentary dance did ithelp much to see George Brennan pacing
at Island Cottage and a "Moonlight." The dance back and forth with a bathing suit under his arm, as
was given on Monday, July 11th. under the joint if waiting for the worst to happen. And yet most
auspices of the Hawk-E\e and Island Cottage base- of the crowd soon found their sea legs, and when the
ball teams. Naturally there was much baseball music began they forgot their imaginary trouVjles.
talent, and talk, in evidence, and the crowd was Moreover, the moon, which had apparently been
about equally divided between the followers of the unaware of our presence up to this time, .slid out
two organizations. An orchestra including Harold from behind a cloud and dutifully flooded the lake
Groh and Carl Fischer supplied music that pleased with a silver brilliance that made one oblivious to
everyone. such trifles as the gentle swells and a superannuated
The dance was a preliminary to the more pre- boat. From the direction of the stern, where Harold
tentious event, the second annual Moonlight Ride, Groh's five-piece orchestra was holding forth, cau'c
which was run off the Friday following the dance. haunting strains that made it difficult to sit still.
As in the case of the dance, it was engineered by Frieda Topel and "Red" Strickland were the star
"Doc" Craib, "Bill" Schlegel and the Hawk-Eye performers on the dance floor in the stern, while
baseball team. The steamer Glenn, loaded with a "Dick" Wiemer led a party that invaded the cabin
comfortable crowd, left Charlotte at nine o'clock for for the same purpose.
a trip up and down the lake. Although the boat But by far the largest part of the crowd simply sat
was a half hour late in leaving, several couples
were even later and were left on the dock.
and enjoyed what they had come to enjoy, the —
moonlight. It was noticeable that the bow was the
The Island Cottage baseball team, which had
really played the part of host at the dance, was again

most popular spot for the moon gazers, indeed it
out in force and helped materially to make the party
was so popular that it made one hesitate to intrude
a success. In some parts of the boat, however, it on the comfortably settled first-comers.
looked like a strictly Hawk-Eye family affair for The ride was over before most people realized it,
there was a good sprinkling of children that romped a fact which is usually an index to the success of a
about in every place open to them and in general had party. It left no doubt as to the efficacy of the
as good a time as their elders. "MoonHght" as an annual get-to-gether and the
When the boat had cleared the piers at the en- only regrettable feature was that more Hawk-Eye
trance to the river and began to feel the long swell of people were not able to be there to enjoy it.


Did you ever hear of a sausage roast without do their duty. It was at this point that "Larry,"
sausage.' A score of men from the factory and who had been nosing about the boxes and baskets,
office almost did. on July Hth. The affair was in- discovered the gi'eat dearth of "wieners." A hasty
stigated by "Red" Sondheim, "Larry" Tarnow and consultation brought out the joyful information that
Carl Fischer, with the connivance of the Lunch they must be reposing in the Hawk-Eye refrigerator
Room management, and it was the last factor that ten miles away. "Red" Sondheim and "Bob"
almost brought the whole party to grief. Meinhard thereupon made a wild dash for the Works
They started from the Y. M. C. A. boathouse on by canoe, auto and shoe-leather express and returned
the river and their war canoes arrived at a chosen just as the shades of night were falling, and "Jimmy"
spot opposite Baker's farm at about seven o'clock. Weldon's ire rising.
Those who had paddled immediately made an effort However, peace was restored with the arrival of
to cool off in the lukewarm Genesee, while those who the "hots." "Gene" Easterly. George Brennan and
had acted merely as ballast ("Bill" Roach and Frank Quetchenback did terrible execution among
Harry Althoff for instance) rested under the trees them but it was noticed that "Ed" Meinhanl.
after their exertions. "Pat" Mengel charmed the Harvey Putnam and "Jim" Lucy reserved their
audience on the bank with his pretty swimming, strength for the salad. i)astry and coffee. Somebody
while George Kosel demonstrated his famous walrus reported that "Van" ^"an Doren furnished the only
dive, in the course of which he stirred up most of the reai casualty of the evening when he stepped into the
mud in the river. nuistard. Another version says that two or three,
Meantime a baseball game had been started, with notably "Bill" Springer, were slightly burned in one
the avowed some unused
object of limbering up way or another before the evening's activities were
muscles. "Wib" Woodams and "Ray" Farmen over, probably because of the proximity of the fire.
were most successful in this, the former ])y pitching Before leaving it was decided to suspend sentence
and the footwork out in the
latter l)y his excellent in tiie cases of the delinquent custodians of the
garden. Xeitlier wandered far from his desk the "wieners," on condition that they would forthwith
next day. It was noticeable that something was
lacking in the game, until Elmore Ingleby of the

plan another sausage roast, with sausage.

"big" team and lanky "Cliff" Johnson of the scrubs Florence Henn was recently transferred from the
added their expert efl'orts. Cleaning-Inspecting Department to the Engraving.
The sports gave everyone an excellent appetite and The girls of the latter department extend her a
as soon as they were over the cooks were called on to cordial welcome.
The first dance of the summer, given by the Hawk-
Eye Athletic Association at Cain's Dance Tavern,
proved a very enjoyable affair. The super-heated
condition of the atmosphere was undoubtedly in-
strumental in keeping away a number of our jazz
devotees,— at least they weren't there, —but this
fact did not seem to detract from the enjoyment of
those who did take advantage of the excellent floor
and music. Financially the result was not phenom-
enal, but the small difference between income and
outgo showed up on the right side of the ledger.
"Bill" Schlegel, situated at the door, wore a rather
worried look until the danger mark in the admissions
had been passed. Then he leaned back to philoso-
phize on the carelessness of some people in "passing
up" such a splendid hop.
The committee consisted of Alice Gears, Ruth
Kurtz, Lillian Wilson, George Brennan, William
Schlegel and Robert Meinhard, Chairman.

Charles L. Hughes of the Anastigmat Lens

Department and Miss Iva Shelby were married on
Friday, July 1st. On their honeymoon they touched
at Toronto, which shows good taste, though their
friends would appreciate it more if they had been
VIVIAN L. GROH taken along to celebrate the wedding there. We
Daughter of Herbert Groh wish " Charlie " and his wife many years of happiness
and prosperity.
The Hawk-Eye Indoor League, under the guid-
Clara Faecke of the Filter Department and Irving
ance of its Ralph Burhans, has probably
created a new record for interest in noon-hour amuse-
Smith of the Mounting Department were married
ments at Hawk-Eye. The games have been wit- on Saturday, July 16th. The men and women of
their respective departments, as well as all Hawk-
nessed by the larger part of the employees and their
Eye, join in extending congratulations and sincere
interest has never flagged for a minute. The League
wishes for their future happiness.
opened on June 20th and was scheduled to close on
August 1st but owing to the torrid July weather some
of the games were postponed. These, and whatever
tie games there happen to be, will make it necessary
to play longer.
At this writing the standings of the four teams are
as follows:
Lucky Strikes .... Charles Prentice 3 1
Beechnuts Carl Fischer 2 1
Camels Henry Freitag 1 1
Fatimas Fred Zollweg 3
Soon after the opening of the League a picked
team journeyed to Kodak Park and took a beating to

the tune of 5 0. The Park team played a return
game on our diamond a few days later and defeated

us again, this time by a score of 7 4. Hawk-Eye
had several good chances to turn the tide but let
them slip by. The boys, however, are not dis-
couraged by these trimmings and are biding their
time until they can get another chance at the Park
Lottie Rychwalska of the Cleaning-Inspecting
Department and Charles Kliss of the Buff and Plate
were married on Wednesday, June "22. They have
been busy acknowledging congratulations, including
those of their many friends at Hawk-Eve.

Elizabeth Meerdink is playing big league ball

these days. V>e saw her perform at Baseball Park
recently. If women had equal rights in baseball,
she would probably be with the New York Giants. Maintenance and Construction Department

X. A. VAX DE C-ARR, Editor


The Billing Department held its second annual ade were served l)y the refreshment committee,
outing at Grand View Beach. Starting immediately headed by "Chuck" Hanley.
after work at noon, the picnickers traveled to the The committee in charge was as follows: Charles
Beach via motors, arriving at their destination B. Tutty, Jr.. Chairman, Charles R. Hersey, Anna
shortly after one o'clock. M. Brady, drover Lloyd, Joseph J. Kick, Charles E.
The firstthing on the day's program was a Cirkut Hanley and Horace Llovd.
picture. This was followed by a chicken dinner in
the Grand View Hotel. During the dinner, an
orchestra of six pieces furnished music, and "Ed"
On one of those hot Satiu-day afternoons in July,

Surrey cheer leader of East Rochester was suc- — the Bookkeeping and Credit Departments held their
first annual picnic at (irand View Beach.
cessful in inducing the diners to sing several parodies
and popular songs. Dinner was served for fifty people and was fol-
lowed immediately by the ball game in which the
After the bunch had filled up on the good things, married men defeated the single men by a score of
there was a ball game between the girls and boys.
7 to 6. The prize winners for the various events are
Joe Kick and Charlie Tutty, the battery, deserted as follows:
the men's team to play with the girls; while Eva Broad Jump:— Ray I'schold and Raymond Kesel.
Fleming and Ruth Lloyd, the other battery, recipro-
cated by playing on the men's team. The game was

Valet Race: Irene Maurer and ^lay Welch.

Ball Throicing: Fitz Morris and Hill.
won by the girls, 11 to 8, through their hitting and Marshmallow: — Mrs. Battelle and Mrs. Bamman.
the inability of the men's team to connect with 100-Yard Dash for men: — Eddie Schug and Floyd
Kick's underhand delivery. Frudy.
Xext came the races, and Martha Schultheiss 50-Yard Dash for nomen: — Bessie Leonard and
proved to be the speediest in the girl's 50-yard dash. Catherine Callahan.
In the men's 100-yardj run, two married men, —
Three-Legged Race: Schoenherr and King.
Charlie Tutty and Howard Wilcox, took the honors Tinie Race: —
Miss Trimble and Mrs. Lounsbury.
away from the rest of the field, composed mostly of The weather was warm and the water was wet
single men. There were several other races for and the only ones who did not have a thoroughly
which valuable prizes were given. Dancing followed good time were the few mi.sguided indi\-iduals who
the races, and during the day, ice cream and orange- remained at home.


Left to right : Rachel Durkee, Florence Belding, Hazel Wood , Winifred ShemmiDg, Cora Cooley
are very sorry to lose from the Main Office, During June and July, a successful tennis tourna-
William J. German who left recently to accept a ment was run off for the men of Kodak Office.
position in New York City. Twenty-one enthusiasts participated. The games
Mr. German has been employed by the Eastman were played on city and Rochester Tennis Club
Kodak Company for fifteen years and has been in courts.
charge of the Stock Department since 1915. His After the preliminary rounds, the finals were
fine personality and character have won him many fought out by Collony, Sauer, Robertson, and
friends who very much regretted to have him go. Gunderson. Sauer defeated Collony, 6 4, 6 4, — —
He helped to organize the Kodak Office Recrea- —
and 6 2; Gunderson defeated Robertson 6- 1, 7 — —
tion Club and was elected Chairman of the Gen- —
and 7 .5. In the finals played on the courts of the
eral Committee in 1920, and President of the Club Rochester Tennis Club, Sauer won from Gunderson
in 1921. in straight .sets, (J 4, C — —
4, 6 3. —
A gold watch
and chain from the employees of As a result of the tournament, the following team
the Stock Department, a travelling bag from the has been chosen to represent Kodak Office against
K. O. R. C, and a brief case from the Auditing such aggregations as Kodak Park, the Melville Club,
Department, were presented to Mr. German before the Dewev Avenue Club, and the Rochester Tennis
he left. Club:
The entire Kodak organization wishes to extend M. A. Sauer, Captain, Ross A. Robertson, Harold
him best wishes for every possible success in his Gunderson, Lamont Collony, E. P. Curtis, C. F.
new undertaking. Jefl^erson, and M. B. Hodgson.

Gertrude Lutz of the Billing Department wishes to

express her appreciation and thanks for the kindness K. O. R. C. ENTERS SECOND YEAR
shown her during her recent illness.
On July 15th, the Kodak Office Recreation Club
entered on its second year of existence with a
At St. Luke's Church on July the second. Hazel B.
majority of the Kodak Office employees already
Himes of the Stock Distribution Department was
signed up for the 1921-22 season. Although the
married to Harry Benowitz of this city. The wed-
membership campaign had been launched only a
ding was private, a few of the bride's most intimate
few days previously, the figures on that date showed
friends being the only guests. The best wishes of
a membership of (i^Sr of all employees; 12C7 eligi-
the department for happiness and prosperity go with
ble for membership, 803 of whom were alreadv in the
Mr. and Mrs. Benowitz.
Eight departments boast proudly of a 100%
The Stock Distribution Department welcomes membership, the Assistant Treasurer's Office,
Loretta Bickel back again after an absence of eleven Special Billing, Industrial Relations, Motion Pic-
weeks on account of illness. ture, Patent, Service, Statistical, and Stock Distri-
bution Departments. Several other departments
The Invoice Check Record Desk presented a have very nearly a perfect record, and it is expected
rather barren aspect when both Katherine Faulkner that they will .soon follow the leaders across the
and Arminna Flemming left the Billing Department. finish line.
Katherine is going to summer school to prepare The K. O. R. C". summer program is progressing

for teaching in the fall. Remember your own school rapidly. The Kodak Office Baseball League
days, Katie, and don't be too harsh on the kiddies. continues to arouse great interest; the tennis
Minnie was married at Grace Methodist Church tournament has been completed; the girls are taking
to Bartel G. Hogestyn. Eva Fleming and Kather- to .swimming like ducks to water, and already the
ine Faulkner were two of the bridesmaids. Many air begins to fill with picnic talk. Altogether, it's
of Minnie's friends from the office were present. We just one more case of "Come on in;the water's
wish to extend our heartiest congratulations. fine!"



1. Howard and Neva Hauss; '2. Mary G. MacFadden and Charles
J Sullivan;
. 3. Donald H. Ncufcglise, age 6 months,
son of Howard Neufcgli^e, Export Shipping; Robert Bevcridge Tutty, age 14 months; 5. Gerald Connolly, son of Edward
Connolly, Testing and Packing Department; 6. The Big Feller — —
Arthur P. Bartholomew, Jr., The Little Feller Robert L.
Williams, "Ken" Williams' youngest; 7. Mildred E. Harris, daughter of "Ben" Harris, Finishing Department.


The and second prize-winning essays in the
first Through the Kodak Magazine, social and athletic
contest "What Does the Kodak Magazine Mean to Premo Works are brought to my at-
activities of the
Me?" have appeared in the hist two issues of the tention that would otherwise have passed unnoticed.
Kodak Magazine. Following is the third best man- It gives nie an insight into the similar affairs of the
uscript submitted, which, due to lack of space, we other branches of the company, and permits a com-
were unable to run before. parison, which in most cases is a pleasant one. Sev-
eral times, friends whom I am able to meet only oc-
THIRD PRIZE ESSAY casionally are ill, and only through the Magazine
BY HENRY DEAN WADSWORTH have I learned of this. The Magazine was a help to
This is a subject upon which a great amount of me in its explanation of the Eastman Savings and
time and thought could be spent, and still it could Loan Association.
not be covered in all its details. But there are sev- Last, but not least, is that which is most encourag-
eral specific reasons why it means nnich to me. ing to me. This is the review of the activities of
In the first place, before coming to work for the certain emi)loyces, who have attained a measure of
Eastman Kodak Company, the word "Kodak" con- success through the company. These men were
veyed no other meaning to me than that it was the some years ago doing the same work that I am doing
name of a well-kno^\-n camera. When
the Kodak today. In reading of their advancement through
Magazine was first published, I was greatly sur- their hard work and co-operation with the men
prised to find how little I actually knew about the higher up, I am spurred on to try and achieve more
company for which I worked. As I read and re-read because of their splendid example.
the articles pertaining to the development and the The Magazine has proved successfully to me that
organization of the company and its l)ranches in all Kodak is not only an organization, but an institu-
parts of the world, I was greatly surprised at its tion that looks after the welfare of its employees.
magnitude. Those articles to nie were an education I am thoroughly convinced that the Kodak Maga-
in themselves. I was also more than impressed l)y zine is one of the finest parts of " Kodak, " because it
the example of success brought only through hard is of the employees, by the employees and for the
work and perseverance. employees.

Left to right: Henry Wadsworth, 3rd prize; Irene Wilt, '2nd prize; Philip Voelckel, 1st prize


Do not imagine for a moment that all "old- This is Jessie E. Wright, the young lady who
timers" in point of service at Premo are also "old- copies all the Premo news for the Kodak Magazine.
timers" in age. For instance, this chap whom you Jessie is a great booster for anything that is for the
see so nonchalantly holding down the large piece of good of Kodak workers.
driftwood is none other tiian Charles E. Hatchings,
of the Experimental Department, with a sixteen-
year service record. This record enables him to
qualify as an "old-timer" on the job, although he
is still at the height of his physical and mental vigor.

It is ('harles's task to think up and make new

designs, and this, plainly enough is a regular man's-
sized job. His work keeps the wheels turning^

because new designs and models are essential to the
success of new business. Like most of Premo's old
reliable workers, "Hutch" is contented and comfort-
able. You will find him on the job every day,
planning and thinking out new ideas.
And did you ever see Charles without a smile.^
We'll sav vou never did!


When one buys a new home, he invariably notices
a hundred and one things that must be fixed to suit
his tastes. Such was the case with Walter Van
vSanford, foreman of the Assembly Dejiartment, who
recently purchased a home on Oakland Street. JESSIE E. WRIGHT
First on the list was the erection of a garage for
the "flivver". Next came the task of painting, the Jessie started work at Premo in 19l;J as stenog-

making and hanging of screens, general cleaning up, rapher and time-keeper in the Assembly Office.
and so on and up to tlie iiuiidred and one mark. She has advanced step by step until now you will
"Walt" api)cared to some to be carrying around find her in the Employment Department, doing
all the worries of having to do the work himself, and
general office duties, and interviewing the women
accordingly an S. O. S. call was sent out by the applicants for employment. In fact, Jessie is
Employment Department for help. A number of "Wright" there to help at any kind of work.
Premoers resj)on<led. John May. Charles Young,
George Texter and Charles Gauch gave one the RECOGNITION AND AWARDS FOR SUGGES-
impression of being \etcrans in the art of handling TIONS ADOPTED AND PIT IN FORCE
"Joe's tools" and William Russell and Biekkenk.
APRIL 1, 1!)'21 TO JINE 1, 10-21
Leonard Cooper and \ Crnie Osborne also helped
contribute to keep things hununing. Improvement in prodi;ct Sidney McLatchie
Mr. Van Sanford wishes to thank all who came to Reduction in costs Walter Martin
his rescue when there were so many things to he Reduction in accident or fire hazard
accomplished at once. However, this idea of help- Sidney McLatchie, John Lyons
ing the other fellow is but one of the frequent General maintenance or conveniences
demonstrations of the Premo .spirit. Walter Martin, Eugene Beal
D R. K S

During the month of !March lO'iO. one hundred boxes from the rollers, carries them to a higher
eighty-eight thousand, foiu- himdred twenty-five and places them on the run-way which con-
cameras passed througli the inspection department veys the product to the Inspection Department.
in twenty-five working days. An average of seven The assembling departments are equipped with
thousand, five hundred thirty-seven per day or return lines for empty containers or cameras to be
nine hundred forty-two each hour I How about repaired, which is an entirely different system from
transportation? ^Miich is the quickest way to the main line. An ingenious arrangement separates
"feed"" the inspectors, and how can they send the the different types of cameras made in the depart-
imperfect cameras back to the assembling depart- ments in building number nine, the various models
ment and receive them again for re-inspection in the of folding Kodaks being loaded into tlu-ee boxes of
shortest possible time? different heights. The separating contrivance con-
This almost soimds akin to the famous Thomas sists of a series of arches located at the junction of
Edison "Tests." It was a problem which confront- the return line which only allows one particular Ijox,
ed the management of the Camera Works. If the according to height, to pass on to one of the three
factory were so built as to have the inspection side tracks. The longest traveling distance is from
department a hub within the asseml)ling depart- the Vest Pocket Kodak Department. A loaded box
ments, it would have been a comparatively simple or container requires one and one-half minutes of
matter to transport the product on endless belts, but travel, consisting of two hundred ninty-one feet, to
physical conditions require that the in.spection and the elevator, and another one and one-half minutes
assembling departments not only be on different to ride the elevator and the run-way to the unloading
levels, but in different buildings. point in the Inspection Department.
Even in the days when Kodaks were manufactured The elevator is a story all of itself, and must be
by the dozens instead of the thousands, the trans- seen to be appreciated. One could almost load it
portation problem from department to department with boxes of eggs and guarantee that not one would
loomed large. It would, or rather did. require a be jarred or spilled, so smoothly does the elevator
small army of errand boys, loaded ^^nth various ride. An endless chain revolves on two huge gears
sized trays or boxes containing varieties and quanti- and fitted to the chain are eight shoulders or cars,
ties of cameras, going through departments, up which lift the boxes gently from the rim-ways,
stairs, on elevators, or else loading trucks and transport them at a delicate balance over the top of
trundling them on to freight elevators and thence the dri\-ing gear and land them on the inspection
to their destination. All this consumed valuable track. The cars being equally distanced on the
time (elevators and errand boys being somewhat chain thus regulate the flow of boxes onto the rollers.
temperamentalj and, in consequence, the Lamson Should the terminal in the Inspection Department
Gra^nty Conveyor was installed to solve the problem. become blocked vrith boxes, an automatic breaker
The Lamson Conveyor is constructed of ball cuts the circuit and stops the elevator, thus doing
bearing rollers, forming a series of run-ways, the away with any danger of confusion or damage. A
frames of which are suspended at any angle desired. box straightener is installed to line up the boxes after
Boxes containing cameras are fed on to the conveyor they are lifted from the terminal of the rollers onto
through sharply declined "loading stations."" the elevator.
The boxes, upon reaching the rollers, are car- The empty boxes are sent back to the departments
ried along by their o'wn momentum. Should the on return lines to be re-loaded with cameras and
track or run-way prove too long a span for convey- started on their inspection journey. ^Mien we
ance by natural gra^^ty, or should the boxes travel consider that a constant supply of cameras can be
an incline, an endless belt, known as a'" booster, sent from the fourth and fifth floors up to the sixth
driven by a one H. P. motor, rotates directly under in less than three minutes, and by constant feeding,
the rollers, thus supplying power to "up-hill" unload a box of ten to thirty cameras every twenty
tracks in order to reach a peak to start the containers seconds, we may well be proud of the equipment
or boxes traveling by gra\'ity. which so effectively lightens labor.
This speed of travel is naturally controlled by the
angle at which the run-ways are suspended, but, The library in the Industrial Relations Depart-
in order to avoid too quick a feed onto the roll- ment has not been so well patronized during the hot
ers, "spring wings" control the boxes as they are spell but arriving at cooler days. Camera Works peo-
dropped down the chute from the assembling de- ple should take advantage of the splendid assort-
partments. The rim-ways lead to a specially con- ment of fiction which is at their disposal. The library
structed elevator, which automatically lifts the is open daily from twelve o"clock to one fifteen.

It early to predict who will be the Camera
Works champion tennis players for 1921. The
tournament is being played as raj)idly as possible,
but owing to vacations and other is
somewhat difficult to get everyone lined uj). Four-
teen men and eight girls are competing for the
highest honors, Joseph Dineen and Delia Meerdink
being captains of the teams.
The Recreation Club is offering two trophies, one
for the men and one for the girls and competition is
running keen. After the tournament is concluded,
a team representing the Camera Works willbe put
meet other groups.
in the field to
Please observe the results on the Recreation Club
Bulletin Boards, which are located at each exit.

Jennie Hewitt of the X'o. Shutter Department

became a June bride. Her fellow workers presented
her with a silver fruit tray.
Our best wishes to the bride and groom.

Scheutzen Park has been the rendezvous of many
a wild picnic in the days before the passing of the
eighteenth amendment, and, having a deep-rooted
.sympathy for the time now '"long since gone," the
buffers, together with a few special guests, held a
picnic just to prove that you can't kill a good thing!

Superintendent John Heaphy with a bunch of
"shiners," took possession of the Park shortly after
noon on a pleasant Saturday, and they foimd,
awaiting to tempt their appetites, a goodly si)read Class "A" Photographic Class
which John Heaphy Jr. had arranged with the help
of the "eats Committee." It was a lively bimch
that participated in the fun. -\XOTHER FIESTA
Besides the Buffers, "J. A. R." was there and so
The Lacquer and Finishing Departments, not to
were H. R. Darling, Adolph Stuber, Fred Brehm, be outdone by other groups in the Camera Works,
George Adams, Charlie Diegel, Romie StifHer, Joe made good use of their time off" by holding a picnic at
Sullivan, Art Wallace and several other notables.
Fred Schmitts bimgalow on the Avondale Road, Sea
A terrific fight occurred between the buffers and Breeze.
the dippers, each squad of which was pulling on a
Quite an elaborate programme was prepared as the
rope having, as one dipper explained, a "tugawar." picnic was an all-day affair. There was a two
We are told that the judge had a hard matter to himdred twenty yard dash, won by George Mc^Iur-
decide which was the winning team, he insisting on
ray. Howard Mason was awarded the hmidred
keeping one eye on the prize and the other on the
yard dash. Gabriel Rappaport and George Mc-
Murray were the champions in the wheelbarrow
The rope should have been quite a .souvenir, it race and also the three-legged race. Harry Eckert
being ten feet longer when the tug was fini-shed, but
won the hop, skip and jump, and the fat man's race
nobody claimed it, there being a general stampede of fifty yards proved Cornelius De Graff to be the
towards the prize.
heav^-weight champion sprinter. Prizes really
Like a good many more details, it is impossible to
worth while were awarded to the winners.
get the official score of the ball game. The buffers Of course there was the usual tug-of-war and base-
claim it on an error, but it so happened that the
ball game. The married men won the ball game and
umpire was over at the emporium drinking iced-tea, Howard Ma.son, the captain, received, amid great
so no decision was rendered.
apj)lause. the l()\'ing cup.
-\s for the luncheon, it was an outstaniling feature
TOOL MAKERS MAKE MERRY of the day. Tables were spread in the orchard but a
Tlie Tool Department held its annual picnic at return to the cellar was neces.sary owing to a heavy
Point Plea.sant, on Saturday, July !), with the usual rain storm.
success that attends anything the Tool Roon\ boys Frank Dreimiller donated a box of cigars, and
attempt. music throughout the day was furnished by George
Lots of fun ensued from the race C^) up the steep Schieds orchestra. One .sad event of the occasion
sandy side of tlie liill, especially the sliding back was the inability of Joe Collins to [)articipate in all
part of the atVairl .\ Scotch Collie took the lead, the events, he being overcome, according to reports,
winning both tlie "up" and "down" attempt! by the heat.
A chicken and fish dinner was served.
Special guests attended the outing anrl everyone It's a queer fact, but to get your footing in the
had a jolly good time. business world you've got to use your head.
Gardeners, here's a chance to make money, and also Please note the following rules:
to exhibit yonr f)et specimens to tlie puhhc gaze! 1. Prizes will be awarded regardless of the number
The Recreation Chib has taken care of the gardeners, of entries.
having voted qnite a substantial amount of money 2. Any member of the Recreation Club is eligible
to be offered in cash prizes. Also, the Club has
to compete.
offered a trophy to the value of seventy-five dollars
3. Entry blanks may he obtained from the Secre-
to be won in open competition among Industrial
tary and must be returned accompanied by entry
Gardening Associations at the Rochester Exposition.
fee by Monday, August !29th.
The Camera Works (iardeners have secured a
4. All vegetables must bear the regular tags, which
nation-wide reputation, and, of course, we want to
will be given to you (providing you have filled out
maintain it. Every other industrial club of a like
nature is "after our scalp." Are we going to win an entry blank), on W^ednesday, September 1st.
the trophy .''
You bet we are! Providing the entries 5. The entry tags must be securely fastened on
come thick and fast for our oum factory exhibit. each entry, which must be brought to the place of
It is divulging no secret to state that the choicest exhibition before eight o'clock on Satiu^day
vegetables are selected from our own exhibit and morning, Se[)teml)er 3rd.
then displayed as the Camera Works entry at the 6. If exhibitors wish to have their vegetables re-
Exposition. Now you can see how vital it is to our turned, they may call for them on the day of the
reputation that you make all the entries you possibly exhibition between 4:30 and 5:00. Arrangements
can on Saturday, Se})tember 3rd. Not only are you are made with an orphan asylum to receive the
urged to do this as a Club proposition, but also as an bulk of the entries at five o'clock.
individual affair. With the one hundred four 7. All entries are judged by an Irondequoit pro-
distinct prizes on the premium list everyone has a fessional gardener whose decision must be ac-
splendid chance to win. cepted as final.
This year we are conducting our own exhibit in a 8. The awards will be distributed within a few
little different way from previous years. In order to days of the exposition. The exhibit will be open
feel that each exhibitor has a part in the giving of to the public from eleven-thirty to four o'clock.
prizes, each single entry will cost ten cents, and Watch the bulletin boards carefully for the place
each collective display twenty-five cents. of exhibit.


We are very interested in Summerville this Recreation Club has adopted of " A Hobby for Every
summer, principally on account of the .series of Member, "the Board of Managers deemed it wise to
dances which the Recreation Club is conducting.
promote a .series of dances and we were fortunate in
Speaking as a Club member, and not as an adver-
securing such a beautiful hall situated, as it is, where
tising agent, this particular feature is as attractive
a proposition as has been offered to the folks who the lake breezes fan the dancers
like to dance. Not only are the conditions ideal for By the time this magazine is published the .series
this pastime at Cain's Tavern, but the crowd is .so will have almost finished. The month of August
nice and "chummy. " Shields' Orchestra has caught shows two dances, one on the fifth and the last of
up the spirit of prevailing friendliness and the music this summer's group on the nineteenth Let us all
fits into the general scheme of everybody having a make a special mark on our calendar to be there, at
good time. least to the last one. Let's have a regular "all
The dances are by no means a money-making Camera Works night" and prove that we appreciate
proposition. Following out the .slogan which the the good work which the Recreation Club is doing.





On July 18th, with the 1921 season half On July Yoder and his crew
over, the Kodak League standings handed Kodak Park the worst murder of
show last year's champion Hawk-Eye the year, taking a "^O-G decision in six
nine still on the top rung of the ladder. innings. Bircher tried out a raft of
The Hawk-Eyetes are a half-game ahead hurlers, and finally had a fling at the

of the Kodak Office team, which outfit, in serving himself, but all to no avail, and
turn, leads Lee Yoder's Camera Workers the Camera Workers fattened their bat-
by a half-game. The Kodak Park crowd ting averages all the way around.
seems securely anchored in the cellar Camera Works 10 4 4 4
11 20 21
position, although, with the big end of the Kodak Park 14 10 7 6 8
Batteries: For Camera Works, Rutan, Kivell,
season yet to come, they still have a pen- and Yoder; For Kodak Park, Seneca. Gallagher,
nant chance. Bircher, and Manilla.
Postponed games have served to upset
the "dope" and make predictions doubt-
ful. Because of two picnics, the Hawk-
Ej^e boys have not played a League game
since June ^oth. As it now stands.
Camera Works is the only team in the
League that is up to schedule. Hawk-
Eye has two postponements to play off,
and Kodak Park and Kodak Office one
Camera Works handed the League
leaders their first defeat of the year on
June 2()th, by an 11—8 tally, with Kline
pitching clever ball. On the same day.
Kodak Office grabbed off another from
Bircher's team. An early lead put the
Office team on Easy Street, while "Mose"
Eggert held the Parkers in check.
Camera Works .5 4 >2 11 10 3
Hawk-Eye ^2 3 ^2 1 -— S 7 8
Batteries: For Camera Works, Kline and Yoiler:
For Hawk-Eye, Graliam, ^SleCormaek, and Petroske
Baseball is "Pete" Maiiliold's holihij. 'Tele"
Kodak Park 1 i2 5 3 ,']

formerly played first base, and also took a turn at

Kodak Office S 5 8 9
pitching for Kodak Park, iclien the Ridge Roaders
Batteries: For Kodak*Park, Palinateer, Galla- He
boasted of the strongest semi- pro team in the city.
gher, and Shepanski; For Kotlak Office. Ejjj'ert League
is an xmpire now. and one of the best that the
and Sullivan. ronld acqnire to call strikes and balls when tliey ARE
July 'ind was an off day and no games strikes and "Pete" has been "callin "cm tchen

were scheduled in the League. The follow- they're over" for a number of years for different
Leagues in and around Rochester, foremost among
ing Saturday, Kodak Office took a forfeit
these being the Kodak League, and the Municipal
game from Camera Works when Yoder League. We're mighty glad. "Pete." to hare you ivith
was unable to put nine men on the field. us this year.

JULY 18, 1921
Hawk-Eye 3 1 .750
Kodak Office 3 2 .600
Camera Works 3 3 . 500
Kodak Park 1 4 .200


"Murph — the Ump" has figured prominently in
baseball for years back. Twenty seasons ago saw
" Mvrph" in the line-vp of such teams as the Gilson.
Excelsiors. Bostons. White Stars, and the Brock port
Independents. Remember them? He has bcoi um-
piring for the last eighteen years, and still "tolls''
"Ball Strike You're Out!" in the Eastman
Kodak BasehaU League again this summer. " Murph'
all right" is the way the team managers again welcome
this popular arbiter.


Thursday, July ^Ist, "Vic" Harding
took his undefeated. Shipping' team over
to the Hawk-Eye diamond for a noon-
hour game, and walked away with a 3
to decision over the homesters. The
Shipping team was reinforced by the ad-
dition of "Ted" Ogden, of the Billing, as
catcher, and "Walt" Hardy, of the In-
dustrial Relations, short stop. "Mose"
Eggert pitched his usual speedy game,
allowing but three hits, and recording five
strike-outs in as many innings. Neu-
feglise, Marcello, and Stutz furnished the
hitting features.
Score by innings:
Kodak Office... 10-2 — 3
Hawk-Eye —
. .. .

Wagner. KO .750
Perrin. . . KO .667
Petroske. HE .636
Leek .... KP .600
Rutan. CW .600
Ingleby. HE .582
Donovan KP .500
Drabinski KO .500
Gill KO .500
Magin . . . . CW .500
MeGrad}'. KP .500


A.B. R. H. Pet. A.B. R. H. Pet.
Rutan 20 12 .600 Petroske 11 .636
Magin 6 3 .500 Ingleby 12 4 .582
Ring 14 6 .428 Graf 8 6 .375
Dugan 5 2 .400 Felerski 11 4 .363
Leslie 3 1 .333 Van Lare 11 2 .363
Gordon 19 6 .316 Levine 12 4 .333
Kivell 18 5 .278 McCormack. 4 2 .250
Pressley 16 4 .250 Wiedemann 11 5 .182
Yoder 18 i .222 Fleming 6 .167
Sharkey 9 1 .111 Moore 11 .091
Friedwald 11 1 .091 Graham 4 1 .000
Kline 13 1 .077 Meerdink 2 1 .000
Prentice 2 2 .000
Team batting average 316 Team batting average .323


A.B. R. H. Pet. A.B. R. Pet.
Wagner 12 2 9 .750 Leek 5 1 .600
Perrin 3 1 2 .667 Donovan 4 1 .500 4 2 2 .500 McGrady 4 1 .500
Gill 2 1 .500 Shepanski 14 3 .428
Texter 8 1 3 .375 Bircher 12 5 .417
Knapp 9 3 .333 Manilla 13 4 .385
Collins 4 1 .250 Gallagher 11 3 .363
Eggert 13 5 3 .231 Forstbyiier 6 1 .333
Diehl 1 .167 Wedell 6 2 .333
Kates 6 1 1 .167 Ratzel 8 2 .250
Stutz 13 1 1 .077 Palmatier 12 1 .167
Chernis 1 .000 Wallace 6 .167
Irwin 9 1 .000 Keenan S 4 .125
McNeil 9 .000 Goebel. 10 .100
Sullivan 4 .000 Heaney 4 .000
Hill... 3 .000
Seneca 5 .000
Team l)atting average. 262 Team batting average .
AS OF JULY 10, 1921
Members f Employees

Kodak Park 2879

Camera Works 1466
Premo Works 121
Ha wk-Eye Works 500
Folmer-Century Works. 91
Kodak Office 855


New York Branch 84

Chicago Branch 83
San Francisco Branch ... 33
Taprell, Loomis & Co. . . 110
American Aristotype Co. 1

Sweet, Wallach & Co. . . 41

Northwestern Photo
Supply Co 11
Robey-French Co 29
O. H. PeckCo 4
Robert Dempster Co . . . 14
Glenn Photo Stock Co. . 18
Des Moines Photo
Materials Co 7
John Haworth Co 19
Zimmerman Bros. (Duluth) 3
Rowland & Dewey Co. . 40
Milwaukee Photo
Materials Co 4
Salesmen and
Demonstrators 54

Total 6,467
Average Subscription —8 shares.
Average Percentage —50 .
September 1921
Published in the interests of the men and
women of the Kodak or^ani-^ation.j^. j4.
X l^ X

K rt

I- X



to 'O ^
»^ x:
T^on'^t work for
applause. Work
for results. The
applause will
then take care of
ITS ei/ T •
—Forbes Magazine
Vol. II
Dt^ K^^^^aj/ne
SEPTEMBER, 19^21 Xo. 4

WHEX you you want to get
are sick,
and at a
well as speedily as possible
in different persons; one may have a
strong heart, another a weak one; another
reasonable expense. You do not want to person may have high blood pressure, or
be "faked" in treatment or "buncoed" possess a liver or pair of lungs either
out of your money. al)ove or below normal function.
Unfortunately, there are physicians in For these reasons, bodily conditions
this city who are both "fakers" in treat- may, and do, often alter greatly in the
ment and adepts at the bunco game of space of twenty-four hours or even less.
getting your money. Under these conditions, a course of treat-
The fact that they operate behind a ment perhaps successful up to a certain
mask of respectability and are members period, may, if continued, result in
of an honored profession, with but few disaster.
of the outstanding obvious characteris- This is danger signal number two; be a
tics of the charlatan, makes them difficult bit skeptical of the abilities of a physician
to detect. who offers to lay out a course of treatment
our purpose from time to time to
It is and assures a cure within a given period.
point out to you as clearly as possible, the Frequently this type of fakers lay
earmarks and general characteristics of claim to the possession of certain drugs
some of these frauds, so that you may from mythical far-off climes unknown to
recognize the danger signals and so pro- the rest of the medical fraternity, with
tect yourself. which tliey are able to effect their
There isdoctor who, either by
the " marvelous " cures.
wheedling, bluff, or specious argiunent, This is danger signal number three!
endeavors to secure a deposit before be- This "secret" stuff is all bosh. Evers'
ginning his treatment. progressive doctor is posted up to the
The usual argument is that, to effect a minute as to drugs new and old and
cure, a more or less lengthy (according to where they may be obtained. There are
how he sizes up your l)ank roll) course no secrets between reputable doctors;
of treatment will have to be followed, and the results of their experiences are always
that by securing a deposit he will be as- passed on for the benefit of all the pro-
sured that you will follow it through. That fession.
is danger signal numl^er one, as the rep- All fakers are cowards at heart and will
utable, upright physician considers it surely disclosethe weakness of their
absolutely unethical to accept an advance claims if you will but l)e on the alert for
fee. danger signals.
The doctor who pretends to be able to The reputable, honest physician will
prescribe a course of treatment that will not demand an advance fee; he will not
effect a cure, based on his first diagnosis, "lay out a course of treatment" and
is, to say the least, taking an exceedingly definitely promise a cure, and he will
long chance. lay no claims as to the possession of
The condition of the various vital unequalled abilities or to the exclusive
organs in the human body varies greatly access to remedies.
Illness, more often than not, attacks these danger signals so you may avoid the
when you are least prepared for it faker and be assured of honest treatment
financially; if it comes to you, watch for for an honest fee.

MYSTICAL-LOOKING Nearly one-fifth of all Kodak employees
A recently prepared, bears the
"Summary, Showing the Age and Length
title of have been with the company between
one and two years. The figures for both
of Service, Classified as to Sex and Plant, men (1864) and women (1189) are higher
of all Employees Eastman Kodak
of the at this place than at any other point in the

Company in the United States and Cana- length of service chart.

da." "Sounds dry as a bone," did you More men in the Kodak employ are 28
say.' Nevertheless, that document packs years old than any other age. 354 is the
a whole lot of meaty and interesting count at this age. The peak for girls is at
"dope" under its shell. Things that you the age of 20. Here the total is 448.
probably never knew, and would have to But, Cupid must do hea\y execution at
work hard to find if you should happen to about that age, for, at the 21 mark, the
want them in a hurry. figures —
take a l:»ig drop down to 278.
For instance, can you tell us: There's a slight increase the following
The average age of Kodak employees? year, but, starting with the age of 24, the
The age of the youngest Kodak worker? number of Kodak girls decreases steadily.
The age of the oldest? Of course, with a concern as young as
How long people usually stay with the Kodak, it is impossible to find any of the
company ? half-century records of which one oc-
At what plant they stay longest? casionally hears with longer-established
This summary tells that the average businesses. Some of our people, however,
age of all Kodak employees in the Lnited have a good start toward the fifty-year
States and Canada is 31 66 years. For
mark. The dean of all Kodak employees
men, it is 34.84 years, and for women in point of length of service is August

25 17. The youngest employees of the

Knight of the Camera Works, who, on
company are two boys thirteen years November 12th next, will complete thirty-
old, while the oldest employee is a man six years with the company. William H.
of eighty. The oldest woman in the ("Pop") Durfee, of the Main Office, fol-
Kodak employ is seventy years of age. lows close behind Mr. Knight with a
thirty-four years record. Another old-
This report shows that the average
timer is "Charlie" Johnson, of the Main
length of service of Kodak employees is
Office,with thirty-three years to hiscredit.
4.72 years. This, by the way, is an ex-
Also in the thirty-three year class are three
ceptional record, as there are very few
Camera Works people, Tene Sommerville,
large concerns in the country which have
Harry Briggs and Frank Dreimiller.
a continuous service average as high as
this. In many concerns, they find it Altogether, the company has 25 em-
necessary to compute this figure in terms ployees who have been here for thirty
of months, rather than years. The years or more, 90 with a record of twenty
average record of Kodak men is 5.35 years. five years or over, 300 who have been on

3.44 years is the duration of the average the job for two decades, and the large
woman employee's stay with the com- total of 642 whose service record totals at
pany. Premo Works has the distinction least fifteen years.

of holding its male employees longest with When these figures were compiled on
an average of 7.45 years, while for women, March 31, 1921, the company employed
the record is held by the ]Main Office, in the United States and Canada 10,053
where the average time is 4.19 years. men, and 4,935 women.
— — • " —



HERE are a few about

phone usage which we want pass
little tips
If the call
is transferred, stay on the wire un-

you are sure the desired connection is

on to you. Properly applied, they should If the person wanted cannot be reached, tell
the caller he is out, and will return at such and
help to better service. Eor these sug-
such a time. Then ask whether you can take
gestions, we are indebted to an article in a message
The Burroughs Clearing House. This arti- If you take a message or telephone number,

cle says:

repeat it for the sake of accuracy then make
sure that you place the message on the proper
"To have good telephone personality you desk, and that, in addition, the employee's
must attention is called to it when he comes in.
1. Answer the phone promptly and pleas- In this connection, it is important that no
antly. employee leave a department for over two or
2. Put the tone of 'How can I serve you?' three minutes without leaving notice as to
into your voice, and not the tone of 'Now what where he is going and when he will be back.
do you want?' ^^^len a conversation is finished, place the
3. —
Listen carefully concentrate your at- —
receiver on the hook gently do not slam it

tention on that call so that the party will not down as it may hurt the other party's ear.
have to repeat. If you can't understand him Handle the telephone with care. It is a
use a com-teous phrase in asking him to repeat delicate instrument.
such as: 'I'm sorry, but I didn't get that — Do not talk too loud; it is not necessary if
would you mind repeating it?' your mouth is no farther than two or three
4. Be patient. Don't let any circumstances inches from the transmitter and directly in
which the other party can know nothing about, front of it. Extremely loud tones do not carry
cause the least suggestion of irritability to creep as well as natural, conversational ones.
into your voice or manner.
Have a convenient place for the telephone
5. Don't start 'bawling out' Central if any- book. It should never be necessary to have
thing goes wTong. The other party may hear
to go around looking for it
you and he will immediately size you up as
ungentlemanly. Keep the telephone cords untwisted.
inadvertently, someone else gets on It should be well understood who is to answer
6. If,

the wire, don't yell 'Get off the wire.' Signal the telephone or telephones in each department.
our operator, and ask her to set things right. If the only phone is the one on the department
7. If you are not the party wanted, say head's desk, someone should be designated to
'Hold the wire please, and I'll get your party answer it in his absence. Above all things,
for you.' If the call is for another department, our telephones must be answered promptly.
signal our operator and have the call transferred
Don't show impatience and say 'Operator, — Some of these suggestions, of course,
what did vou give this call to me for it's for — will notapply to your particular telephone
Mr. Blank.'
8. In signalling our operator, move the
or department. On the other hand,
hook up and down slowly and gently. She is practically all of us will be able to im-
not only more apt to see this signal (a rapid prove our telephone usage by adopting
movement may make no signal at all) but it is
less likely to hurt the ears of the caller or the
some of them. That this is important
operator. appears from the following statement of
In answering the telephone, always give the a well-known operator: "In cases where
name of your department first, and then your
name —as for example
— 'Credit Department, you talk to the same person often, you
Jones speaking.' This
saves time. Never form a pretty good idea of the person

answer by saying 'Hello' that kills time, for
as to his di.sposition, if quick and im-
if you say 'Hello,' the other party has to ask,

'Is this Mr. Jones?' And then you must reply patient, if flomineering or gentle, if

'Yes this is he,' before the conversation can serious or flippant, courteous or dis-
get started
If you are not the party wanted, say 'Hold
— —
courteous many, many things about
the wire, please, and I'll call him.' Don't one's self leak out over the wire into the
require the other part\ to wait witliout know-
ear of Central.
ing what is going on.
If the party wanted is out, ascertain quickly: But it's not only into Central's ear that
a. Where he is they leak; into the ears of your business
b. If in the building, whether he can l)e associates as well, and no small part
reached by telephone —
of their impression of you is ba.sed
c. If outside, or out of reach of telephone,
when he will likely return. upon your telephone habits.
you to write us a letter telling us how, in
The Kodak Magazine your opinion, we can improve the Kodak
Published monthly in the interests of men and women of
the Kodak organization.
We want to know if you find the Maga-
zine of sufficient interest to have you take
SPENCER HORD, Editor it home to your family, and if they find it

Glenn C. Mobbow
C. Edwabd Coolet
\ Associate Editors interesting —and if not, why.
We want you to find out whether we
NoBMAN A. Van De Cabb Assistant Editor have afforded too much or too little space
Main Office
to various topics, and also if we have failed
RoBEBT A. Weber Assistant Editor to embrace subjects that you feel would
Kodak Park Works be of interest.
Hebbebt S. Thorpe . .."... Assistant Editor To insure frankness on your part, your
Camera Works letters will be held as confidential by the
Clarence H. Harper Assistant Editor editor; no official of the company will
Folmer-Century Works know who wrote any of them, and they
will not be published.
P. R. Meinhabd Assistant Editor

Hawk-Eye Works To make it worth while, a ten-dollar

L.C.Wheeler Assistant Editor

check will go to the writer of the letter
Premo Works affording the most valuable ideas for
improvement. Letters will be received
Address all communications to Editor, Kodak Magazine
up to October fifteenth. Address your
Main Office, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y. letter to the Editor, Kodak Magazine,
State Street Office.

Kodak Magazine
the men and women
intere.sts of
you ever stop
is publi.shed in
think even to that,
are employed by someone if else,
of the Kodak organization; it is your you are really in business for yourself?
You are investing your time, your
From the beginning, your welcome of ability, experience and energ}', and you
the Kodak Magazine has been generous, hope to pay an increasing percentage of
and we have every reason to believe that profiton yourself as your years of pro-
each issue has been looked forward to and duction pass along.
generally read.
Today every business man, every or-
The moving spirit of the entire Kodak ganization business men, is giving
organization is progress, and there can be serious consideration to the many pro-
no real progress without improvement. blems confronting them. They are tak-
In line with this spirit, we want to make ing counsel with each other that they
this magazine of the greatest possible may arrive at true solutions and so
benefit to its readers. pursue the most direct route to the return
It is not so difficult to determine the of normal conditions.
good features in anything, but it is quite In the columns of the Kodak ^Magazine
possible that we may have overlooked there have appeared, and will continue to
some feature that would make the Kodak appear, articles of a serious nature. They
Magazine of greater value to us all. have been written, and will be written,
The size of our organization prevents solely with the view of helping you to
the editors from finding out from you in help yourself; to aid you to a clearer un-
person your views on this subject; never- derstanding of some of the problems that
theless we would very much like to have confront you as individuals and how best
your opinion. So, we are going to ask through individual action to solve them.
LOST— $310,000.00

THE chart accompanying

giving an
this article,
analysis of lost time in our
three hundred anc ten thousand dollars;
to this uuist l)e added the cost of medicines
five Rochester manufacturing plants for and medical attention.
the first six months of this year, demands The average person is quite apt to
the serious consideration of all of us. think that any time lost bv him affects

2ST 6MON77f^ J9ZJ


Over sixty per cent, of all time lost was him only, while, as a matter of fact, it
due to illness, more than to vacations, affects the whole organization; if he is
accidents and all other causes combined. absent, his work must be taken up by
Thanks to the efficient co-operation of someone else, who thus is compelled to
the employees with the management, the do double duty, with an almost certain
percentage of accidents has been greatly drop in efficiency, for, if not taken up,
reduced, but the illness jierccntage is there is Every loss
a loss in production.
very much too high. The estimated value due to inefficiency or to slow-down in
to the employees in wages lost, for time production affects every one in the or-
lost during this period due principally to ganization because it adds to the cost to
illness, amounts to the startling sum of produce.
Without question, this loss of time, due Neglect of minor injuries has led up to
to ilhiess, eoukl have been reckiced fifty many a serious case a bit later; many a
per cent. Most of us fail to heed the long siege of illness or an incurable con-
firstwarnings that something is out of dition could have been headed off if it
kilter and so neglect ourselves until
had been taken in time.
outraged nature hands us a body blow to
Do not neglect any ailment or injury;
pay for our indifference and neglect.
always seek medical advice if symptoms
It is admitted that oftentimes a day's
rest is all that is needed to restore you to
of illness persist —our Medical Depart-
normal, but in cases where symptoms of ment is here to help you.
illness persist, it is certainly up to you We have been so successful in cutting

for your own welfare —to seek medical down our accident percentage, let us be
advice and attention. equally so with our illness record.


THE membership the Eastman
Savings and Loan Association grows
Co., the
The Northwestern Photo Supply
Howland & Dewey Co., and the
between July 10th
steadily. In the j^eriod San Francisco Branch also show increases.
and August lOtli the membership has in- Holders of income shares are notified
creased from 6,467 to 7,620. The great- that the quarterly dividends on such
est increase in membership comes from shares can be automatically credited to
Kodak Park (details regarding this will be their account if they will make request to
found in the Kodak Park section of this the Association sanctioning such action.


the city of Pueblo, Colorado,
by the disastrous flood of
who writes that there was ten feet of water
in his store and that after the water had
June 3rd, Kodak supi)lies were included in receded there still remained one and one-
the millions of dollars worth of damaged half feet of mud. Both the front and
goods left by the retreating waters. back were completely washed
of the store
The accompanying illustration shows out, and the photographic stock was a
the condition of some of the Kodaks and total loss. As the illustration indicates,
Brownies which were returned from the cameras were so badly damaged that
Pueblo after the flood. These instru- it was practically impossible to do any

ments were returned by a dealer in Pueblo, salvage work on them.



When tlie announcement was made in the Kodak the close prove that the opportunity offered was
Magazine last January that the Eastman Savingsand imderstood, appreciated, and seized.
Loan Association was ready to do business, a large The final figures show 69.1 per cent, of the
Kodak Park employees as members to date.
number of the employees of the company immedi-
ately availed themselves of this opportunity to
We are gratified to see the way this proposition
has l)een accepted since the opening of the campaign,
participate in a practical thrift movement and
and the members are to be congratulated on the
became members. It gradually appeared that way they have subscribed.
the percentage of members was considerably Applications may be sent in at any time, and it is
smaller at Kodak Park than in the other local hoped that those who are unable to join at present
factories, which resulted in the decision to conduct will find it possible to do so in the near future.
a campaign. Bulletins will be posted regularly, showing the
The drive was opened on July 1st, no definite department standings, and anyone desiring infor-
time limit being set for the closing. Throughout mation of any nature relative to the Association,
the campaign, the "thrift" point has been the may inquire at the Pay Roll department or of Robert
strongest selling argument, and the returns at A. Weber, Building '26.


A meeting of the members of the Kodak Park Fur the winners in the different classes.
and Feather Club has been called by President Since the organization of the Kodak Park Club
Hauser for Tuesday, September 13th. At this time three years ago, the membership has grown from
matters of special importance will be discussed, about fifteen to over two hundred. With two suc-
including the arrangements for the Third Annual cessful exhibits to its credit, it has more than
Show which is to be held in the Assembly Hall established itself as one of the leading Associations
during the latter part of November. This will leave of its kind.
about two months to arrange the numerous details The present officers to whom much of the ac-
which is none too long. In order to surpass the two complished success is due are: President, Frank X.
previous exhibits, special efforts must be made. Hauser; Vice-President, Fred Habel; Corresponding
This year it is planned to accept all types of fur Secretary, Charles Smith; Recording Secretary,
and feather-bearing stock. As usual, a small Joseph Johnson; Financial Secretary, Frank W.
entrance fee will be charged to help defray the Armstrong; Superintendent of Poultry, Sidney
expenses of the Show, and ribbons will be awarded Cogger; Superintendent of Rabbits, Carl Jansen.


Saturday August 13th, was the big day. At last Here everyone proceeded to attack, in block forma-
the clock dragged aroiuid to noon and the procession tion, the afore-mentioned lunch baskets. A short
marched out the Ridge Road to the Uptonville time was allowed for that overloaded feeling to work
station to take the train for the Genesee docks. off, and then "our own Jimmy" Hart took up his
megaphone and started to assemble the people on
the upper deck for the sports of the afternoon.
There were mass games and guessing contests and
children's stunts, each event causing its own share of
amusement. The featiu-e of the afternoon was the
tug-of-war between teams captained by Frank
Hauser and John Shepherd. Both sides boasted of
good men and heavy, the betting being about even.
After a long and strenuous pull, Frank's team won.
Through it all, Harris Tuttle with his "movie"
camera, and "Jim" Trayhern with an assorted
collection of all kinds of Kodaks and cameras, took
picture after picture from every conceivable place
and position.
At last the boat docked in Cobourg, and we all
went ashore. We walked up a block and down two
to the end of the town, where we found upon inquiry
that we were in Victoria Park. Some of us danced
to t>-pical Canadian music and the rest of us had
COBOLRG BOUND another ice cream.
After a madscramble, however, all were at last The retm-n trip was equally delightful. James
aboard and the good ship Ontario Xo. '2 slipped her "Ziegfeld" Hart again in charge, showed us what
moorings promptly at one o'clock. So we started he had been doing on his vacation the two weeks
on the Second .\nnual Outing of the Kodak Park previous to the Outing, and had everything with the
Foremen's Club, bound for Cobourg. exception of Al Jolson, and Jack Dempsey on his
After a hurried rush for the desirable places on the bill. Everyone who could possibly do so crowded
decks, with the hmch baskets and boxes stowed in the reception saloon and some more of us sat
away, we lined up along the railing and waved and outside on the deck where we could at least hear
cheered at anything until we passed the light house. the music.




jMuch too soon, the lights on the American shore Gum Drop Race:
came into sight, we were on our way back to the 1st, Marion Burns
city and the Outing had become history. 2nd, Olive Klem
The Committee in charge is to be congratulated Cracker Race:
on the able manner in which everything was handled. 1st, Mrs. Stanley Bro^NTi
"Jack" George Izard, "Ben" Castle,
Schaeffer, 2nd, Marion Burns
"Jimmy" Hart, "Charlie" Casey, "Bob" Weber, Tug of ]Var:
"Doc" Slater, "Jim" Ward and "Charlie" Suter Frank Hauser's team
are the ones who put it over. Three hearty cheers Peanut Hunt Race for Children:
and a tiger, boys. 1st, Ruth AckVoyd
2nd. Campbell Crittenden
Following are the winners of the different events:
Boafing Landing Time:
Mass Games: John W. Ackroyd
1st, Andrew McGuidwin's team Bean Guessing Contest:
2nd, Harold's team Mrs. William Zimmerli
Nursing Bottle: Members
of the Sport Committee: —
J. A. Hart,
1st, Marion Burns James Ward, William Doane, Marguerite Ellis, J. S.
2nd, Laura Connaughton Harmon and Ferre Marzluff.


WINTER SCHEDULE Kodak Park's latest sport activity, golf, has
After the summer intermission, meetings of the taken quite a hold, and the success of the first season
Camera Club are to be resumed on Tuesday, warrants its continuation. Preparation for the
September 20th. This will be a business meeting handicap tournament has been under way since
to make arrangements for the fall and winter spring. Records of the scores made by the players
activities. The members are urged to be present, have been kept and from these handicaps were
promptly at 5:45 in the Assembly Hall. assigned for the final play-otf this month.
The first lecture of the 1921-1922 season will be
Only four men have been placed in Class "A",
given the latter part of October. This feature of the
Fred and George Willis; Walter Taylor; and Albert
Club activity was very j)()i)ular last winter. The
Meyne. The playing of these men is somewhat
Committee in charge of llie program for the coming
above the average, and they will be forced to give
months is at work, and will announce a completed
schedule in the near future. The practice adopted
some advantage to their opponents.
last spring of having supper served before the At the end of the tournanient, it is planned to
meetings and lectures, resulted in a much larger have the Champion and Runner-up from Kodak
attendance, and will be continued this year. Park meet the persons finishing in similar positions
Entries for the Third Semi-.\nnual Exhibit will in the Kodak Office tournament, which is being
close on Friday, October 28th. The oj)ening date conducted along like lines, for the Championship
of the Exhibits is November 1st. This Exliibit will of the Eastman Com{)any. There are a few good
be devoted to "vacation" {)ictures and tiie usual players at llic Ilawk-Eye and Camera Wt)rks. and
awards will be made. Menibers are urged to jire- if [lossible to make
satisfactory arrangements, they
pare their work in plenty of time, as it is hoped to will also brought in for competition. Here's
make this the largest and best contest we have vet iiopiiig it can be done, for the more the merrier, and
had. the greater the honor for those winning.



We're inclined to be just a trifle downhearted Last spring, Kodak Park boasted of the best team
about our baseball team this year. As far as ever signed to represent a Rochester soccer club,
material is concerned, we seem to have plenty, and and only lack of practice and playing together kept
of fairly good caliber, on the average. Some of the them from winning every match played. Prospects
boys who are available are mighty good, away for the fall were unusually good until the misfortime
above the average, but somehow we have been of losing three of the best men befell the outfit.
unable to win even a fair share of our games. There Morrison, Clegg, and Scott, the latter rated as the
are times when the spirit is the best, and then, for best inside left ever seen in the city, were lost to the
apparently no reason at all, it is lacking. In prac- Park, making a big hole in the Kodak's off'ense. This
tice, particularly the last few weeks, the team as a loss in a measure is compensated by the return of
unit was all that might be desired, but when game Frearson, a former Kodak player.
time came we finished at the short end. ____ Play will be resumed the latter part of the month,
The teams of Hawk-Eye, Camera Works and even and a strong bid will be made for the honors in
Kodak Office seem to have the "something" that is the local League. At present, Kodak Park is one
necessary to win games and are doing it regularly, point behind the Celtics, whom they met early in
from Kokak Park at least, but when the season the season.
closes and we put away our paraphernalia, we are The officers of the Kodak Park Soccer Club for
not going to "cry over spilt milk." What we are this season are: President, George Izard; Vice-
going to do is to try to work up whatever is neces- President, Ralph Breary; Treasurer, Lee Rife;
sary to have a real good ball team and have that Manager, Edward Allardice; and Secretarv, Fred
team ready when the season opens next year. Collett.




When we stop to think that the city of Rochester This was the first visit to the Hospital for most of
has one of the finest Hospitals for Infants in the the Committee, and words fail to express the fine
country, and that we are helping to pay for the impression it left with them. The excellent condi-
treatment of tlie poor little unfortunates through tions, cleanliness, and efficient care all go to make
our contribution to the Community Chest, we up an ideal institution. Besides Miss Jones, the
should feel mighty proud. Aside from feeling of Superintendent in charge, there are resident phy-

pride we should also feel interest, and show it. sicians, as well as visiting physicians who call every
Walk out Beach Avenue the next time you are day and see each patient. A staff of nurses is on
at the Lake, and see how pleased Miss Jones, the duty and a graduate dietitian prepares the food for
Superintendent, will be to show you through your the youngsters. The hospital will be open until
hospital. October 1st, and, on behalf of Miss Jones, we urge
Almost two hundred sick babies and children you to pay a visit.
have been treated at the Infants' Summer Hospital
so far this year and there is still another month Signed: Veronica Lahey
before it closes; all without charge of any kind to Ethel Beamish
anyone. Your money helps to do this. Isn't it Herman Gauger
worth a great deal to know that you are helping to Charles Bonke
make some sick or crippled child well or more com- E. P. Flynn
fortable.^ Robert A. Weber


Lovers of the terpsichorean art will be happy to Machinists of Department 40 Laboratory, held
learn that the K. P. A. A. is planning to run the their second annual picnic at Sodus Point.
usual series of dances during the coming winter. Everyone reached the rendezvous in time for a
The first event will be on Friday, October ^Sth. which was served at the
delightful chicken dinner,
The Committee, with Dr. D. E. Reid, President Harris House.
of the Association, as Chairman, is already at work.
Skipper Louis "Spike" Behrndt acted as host for
Numerous stunts and schemes are being considered.
a moonlight ride among the islands of Sodus Bay
The intention is to make
the parties this winter of
on his cruiser I.sland Queen. After a few thrilling
a most novel nature, and the ingenuity of those in
"near accidents," the party reached Rochester
charge will be taxed to the utmost to provide this
again shortly after midnight.
distinction, as practically every conceivable novelty
has been furnished at the Kodak Park parties in the
As usual, tickets will be sold in advance and the On Tuesday, August 16th, Anna E. Kurtz of^the
efforts of the Committee in charge will be devoted Pay Roll Record Office, was married to James T.
to having the attendance as exclusively of Kodak McCarthy at St. Peter's Church, LeRoy. Seventeen
Park employees and their friends as possible. girl friends, formerly employed with Miss Kurtz,
Excellent music is promised; so you are assured made the trip via automobile to attend the wedding.
of a good dance with plenty of interesting accom- We extend to the newly married couple our best
panying features. wishes for much happiness.


At the present wTiting all matches in the first The exceptionally hot weather during July made
four rounds of the K. P. A. A. Men's Tennis Tour- it impossible to open the summer schedule of the

nament have been played off with Joe Manilla, K. P. A. A. Noon-Hour Baseball League as custom-
Oscar Sprague, Walter Kirner, Charles Flagg and ary, and days when it was possible to play were
Charles Thompson still in the running. Sixty-three devoted to exhibition games with other Industrial
entries were received for the tournament, and
19'-21 outfits, or practice games between the League teams.
judging from the exceptionally few matches which The time lost will result in only two series being
went by default, the K. P. A. A. trophy is a much- played this year, the summer schedule being elimi-
coveted honor. The details have been in the hands nated and the fall games extended to the end of the
of Dr. F. E. Ross of the Research Laboratory, season. —
Four teams are again entered the Legion,
whose untiring interest is in a large measure re- Pipe Shop, Office, and Drafting, composed of play-
sponsible for the success of the season's tournament. ers picked at will from the different departments.
Each manager signs his players and this prevents
To date, the Kodak Park team has played only their playing with another team unless voluntarily
the matches in the Rochester Tennis League, no More
released by the team to which tliey belong.
effort having been made until the completion of
satisfactory results are obtained through this plan
this schedule to arrange independent games. Can-
than under the old system of more teams and the
andaigua.and two or three other old rivals are clam- restricting of players to the department a team
oring for a chance at the Park players and will
represents. Another objection to the old plan was
probably be accommodated within the next few that good men were kept out of the game because
weeks. their departments were not in the League. The
Kodak's win over Dewey made third place a pos- present arrangement is better in every way, and bet-
which, by all who are in touch with actual
sibility, ter and faster games are possible.
conditions, is considered doing very well. Manager President John Shepherd is putting the necessary
Willis and his team are doing their best, which is "pep "
into his League and looms as a possible
appreciated, and have the distinction of being the candidate for Judge Landis's job some time in the
best industrial outfit in the section, as well as the future.
only team of the kind entered in the Rochester
League. Thomas F. Murray. Jr., and Grover C. Milbee, of
Department 40, are ha\'ing some interesting mo-
COATERS AT GRAND VIEW ments, discussing the fine points of their recently-
arrived sons.
The employees of the Black Paper Coating De-
partment held their annual outing at Grand View
Beach. First the bunch tackled a five-course Dr. C. E. Kenneth Mees returned to Kodak
dinner served on the Hotel veranda, following Park on July 26th. after an absence of six weeks,
which Albert J. Bowers, the department official during which time he visited France and England,
photographer, took four or five "'shots" at the in company with Mr. Eastman.
boys for a group picture.
The ball game between the married and single Viola Jostmeir of the Film Order Office was
men was won by the former, the score being 2-2 to 8. married to Carl Nolte on August 5th. We wish
The feature of the game was a throw from left field Viola and Carl all sorts of good luck.
to the plate by "Pete" Haus.
A vote of thanks to the Committee in charge and Elmer A. Domke, Garage, and ^Vlabel Hoffmeier,
to Proprietor Rossenbach for his courteous treat- Cine Department, were married on July 14th at the
ment. residence of Rev. Hauser, pastor of Emanuel
Methodist Chiu-ch. They now reside at 18 St.
We extend to Bessie Draffin of the Plate Depart- Jacobs Street.
ment our sincere s^Tupathy in her ilhiess, and hope
that she will soon be able to be with us again. The Emulsion Coating extends its sincerest
Bessie has been a cheerful member of our fold for sympathy to Henry Slayer, whose father died July
sixteen vears. !24th and to Thomas Bradbury whose mother died
August 4th.
Eva Hafner Department was recently
of the Plate
married to Frank Henthorne. formerly of the same John Gartland and Thomas Lane who recently
department. Best wishes for a happy future. underwent operations are reported in favorable

Henry Henderson and Catherine Hummell, both A sausage roast was held at Ontario Beach Park
of the PlateDepartment, were married Wednesday, on August 2nd by the girls of the Carbon Paper De-
August 17th, Their honeymoon was spent in New partment.
\ork City, We wish them much happiness and
Arthur Cook, who has been employed in the
Emulsion Coating Department foi' the past fifteen
Among our summer bridegrooms were Fred years, left for England where, as he has inherited
Maggs, Jr., and Guy Griswold, of the Film Emul- property, he intends to reside. Arthur was pre-
sion Department. Our best wishes are extended to sented ft-ith a silver-handled silk umbrella by his
both. fellow employees, as a token of their good will.


The annual election of officers of the Premo Club We want a short Christmas story from
.some boy
took place recently the club room. The only change
in or girl who intends to return to grammar
or high
in the personnel of these officers is the election of school. If your father, mother, sister, or brother
Homer Ransom, of the Metal Department as Vice- works at the Premo, you are eligible to enter this
President, to fill the place which has been so well contest.
taken care of by Clarence Owen of the Experimen- Get busy right now! Hunt up what was left of
tal Department. Mr. O.ven declined to accept a your last year's pad and pencil, and write a Christ-
re-election owing to otiier business of importance mas story aI)Out some boy or girl. We
will award
which he is obliged to attend to this season. five dollars for the best story and three dollars for
The following officers were re-elected for the the second best. Send your story to the Plant
season 1921-192^2: Editor, Premo Works, sign your name, give your
President John H. McKenny age, also the school that you attend. All stories
Vice-President Homer Ransom must reach us before November eighth.
Secretary Alice Garrett Announcement of the winners will appear in
Treasurer Albert Wilcox the December issue of the Kodak Magazine.
We can now look forward to some good enter-
tainments and social gatherings. Under the leader-
Lillian David of the Cost Department and Xor-
ship of these officers, it has been a pleasure for the
man Stacklyn, a former employee of the Assembly
various committees to co-operate in preparing and
Department, were married Satiu-day, August 6th.
putting on such splendid entertainments as they
Mr. and Mrs. Stacklyn are making a wedding trip
have in the past.
to California, by auto, where they expect to make
their future home. The best wishes of all Premo
Lena Latta of the Assembly Department, William
employees go with them in their new adventure.
Travis of the Cabinet Department and "Allie"
Yahn of the Plant Department are the new members
of the Shop Safety Committee, Clyde Foster being George Texter of the Screw Machine Department
re-appointed Secretary and Louis C. Wheeler, Chair- has been playing some fast semi-pro ball and is
man. right in line for the big leagues.

Left to —
Right (Standing) -Vernie Osborn. Homer R.iasom. John McKenny
Seated —John Stanton, Charles Sullivan, Emily Repp, Pauline Schwartz, Ralph Hutchings




© Black stocl<

"We are on our way and we don't know where Mr. and Mrs. McLatchie apparently have no
we will end up. " These were the words of Mr. and destination in view as they expect to get west of the
Mrs. Sydney McLatchie when they came in to bid Rockies before winter sets in, and next summer will
us good-bye. "Sid" says it was pretty hard for hira land somewhere to make a home. Their many
to make up his mind to leave the Premo after work- friends at the Premo wish them the best of luck and
ing in one place for eight years. a safe journey.


WO S R. k:

The first Photographic Class of the Camera is through the Foreign Shipping Department on
Works, held under the supervision of Fred W. Piatt Street. The only stipulation of enrollment is,
Brelnn, has completed its sessions and the records that each member must regularly attend the lessons,
of the members speak for themselves. When we and must submit for examination the required
state that one thousand two hundred negatives number of exposed rolls of film. Whenever possible,
were submitted for criticism, and only one himdred cameras and film are supplied to students, or may be
fifty-six were failures—a percentage of thirteen purchased in the Industrial Relations Department
we can readily see the value of personal contact in at wholesale price.
teaching. All members of this Class, known as If proof were needed as to whether the students
"B, " were amateurs, in the true sense of the word. can "take" pictures now, one has only to look at
The first rolls of film proved that knowledge of the splendid collection of prints which has been on
almost all the rudiments of photography was exhibit throughout the factory and office.
lacking, and, in consequence, personal criticism and
advice were given to all students, apart from the
lessons taught en masse.
The second class will start very shortly, definite
plans having been made to accommodate about one
hundred students. The curriculum will include the
estimating of distances, exposures, diaphragm stops,
shutter, speed composition, and illustrations of why
failures so often occur. In order to relieve the
technical part of the programme, a motion picture
machine and projection screen have been installed in
the covered court-way, the entrance to which,
while the cla.sses and motion pictures are in progress.
All good things come to an end, even baseljall.
The twilight league played its tenth game on August
third, with Harold Dennis's men as "Champs."



William Carroll better known as "Bill" is, at— scratching the metal, some of which is u.sed for
the time of wTiting, just starting on his vacation to finished parts.
Georgian Bay. He told me that the company was Very simple, isn't The strips fall evenly, and

paying most of his expense si pile themselves, and

that's practically all the idea
As they say down South: "How come?" amounted to. You see it doesn't take a master
mechanic to get big awards for suggestions. Whose
I naturally started to find out — for no one offered
to pay for my holiday, and — I did. Sure enough,
turn is it next?

"Bill" had a fifty-dollar roll, which he obtained in

regular order from the cashier, paid by way of a BANG! IT'S A HIT!
suggestion voucher. We had a scare the other day. Heard that a
Just another proof that it isn't always the com- little bunch of men were making application to the
plicated mechanical suggestion that gets the large Secretary to promote a "Crap" Shooting Club.
award. Sure enough the application was received, but it
"Bill" operates, or rather has the handling of, read "Trap Shoofiitg.''
the metal cutting machines, which are fed with Another sport added to the available list of past-
sheets of steel or brass, passed under a knife, and times for Recreation Club members! Fifteen men,
cut to required size. The strips falling out at the from various parts of the factory, have formed
back of the machine onto a platform, were gath- themselves into an organization, and will bang the
ered up, placed on trucks, and wheeled to their niche "rocks" every Saturday afternoon until the end of
in the Stores Department. September.
The idea was just this. "Bill" removed a truss "Al" Steigman has been appointed Captain and
rod, and had the trucks converted so as to fit "Herb" Collins Vice-Captain. The range chosen
directly under the slot where the metal falls. This will probably be at Manitou or Long Pond.
method not only saved doulile handling of the cut If you wish to see the boys in action, just ask " Al"
strips, but also did away with the possibilities of or "Herb" when and where they kill the "pigeons."


one right after the other! Every-
Picnics, picnics, ment andfriends did most everything one is
body, everjTvhere, is gathering together, running supposed to do at an outing of this kind. If smiles
races, playing ball, getting out of breath, discovering count, it should have been a bully affair, and it
muscles they liad no idea existed at all, and eating
certainly was. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed him-
and the Editor wishes he had sufficient space
innumerable specimens of delicatessen art.
to prove that all our department picnics from the
The photograph shows a group of picnicers at State Street factory show the folks looking just as
Manitou, where the Industrial Relations Depart- happy as the ones jMctured below.


am one of the many employees who are fortimate
I as much right on the highway as any motor car
(?)enough to own an automobile. I have questioned had evidently been riding absolutely witliin the law,
the word "fortunate" because it hinges on on his right side of the road. But the "speed-
how I drive, and again, on how fast the other fellow hound" who dashed past my bus didn't reckon with
that,and the consequence was a head-on collision.
wishes to pass me.
Oh, the pity of it! The folly of always trying to
The other evening, while going home from work,
pass the car ahead! Had the driver sounded his
I was driving easy (of course they all say that, but
horn, he might have avoided maiming someone's
I really was) when, without even a toot of the horn, precious boy, a buckled car, a big bill —
a car whizzed by. The next moment I heard the has to pay for damages, and, most important of all,
grind of brakes, somids of breaking glass, and a loud severe pain, and a Mother's sorrow.
scream. I saw the car skid as it attempted to stop It might liave been your boy, or mine. It was
instantaneously. (Right there I proved the asser- someone's boy, and all that trouble because "Safety
tion I made of driving "easy," for if I hadn't, my
, First " was the last consideration tliat counted. Why

car would be lying in the ditch and I, in all prob- is it that in every hundred automobile accidents
ability, would have completed a double fmieral) records show that seventy-three per cent, are

Upon alighting, I found a small boy one of those avoidable? Don't let us get hardened to safety. It
chubby freckle-faced real American youngsters is not a byword to look at, and then promptly forget.

lying in the road just about conscious, and that's I cannot think of another word in our language which
all —with streaming from an ugly gash on his
l)lood means so much. Lives, money, material, health,
head, and with a broken arm, to say nothing of a prosperity, and everything we have, or should
twisted ankle and various bruises. A bent mass of possess, are contingent on that one little word.''
frame-work and spokes told mutely of the remains Walking, driving, working, playing, let's remember
of a good "bike." The little fellow, who had just Safety First!


We our cards on the table. Aces up
like to place how to follow the present-day slogan of "The
one's sleeve is not the policy of the Camera Works People Be Pleased.'' The Board of Managers is
management, nor is it on the Recreation Club's striving to get every member actually sharing in the
schedule. After having a permanent club for ten "doings." If you don't dance, perhaps you play
months, the Board of Managers has learned several
interesting facts about how to proportion the
ball, or— possibly you enjoy checkers, or gardening.
Everyone has a hobby or pastime of some sort or
budget, and also about how to cater to the largest another, and, if in any way possible, we want to
number of people interested in any one phase of co-operate with you, and still further add to the
social or recreational activities. growing list of activities.
Before seeing how the money was spent, let us —
This month, September the budget for next
review some of the things the club has done since year will be decided and a greater proportion will
October 1st, 1920. be given to social gatherings. If you have any
We have maintained about six hundred people suggestions, send them to the Secretary and we will
actually engaged in sports, besides giving a free gladly discuss them.
smoker, a girls' party, and five dances run below Conditions being favorable, the yearly member-
actual cost. Each member has been supplied free ship campaign for members will take place before
of charge with a club badge and a copy of the very long. Sell the idea to any new-comers in your
Constitution and By-Laws of the organization. We department. You know what the Recreation Club
have never refused to equip a league, a has done, and what it can do, especially if you reach
department team, a picnic, or an individual with a one hundred per cent. mark. The more members
necessary accessories for sport. We have, of course, we have, the greater amount of money we can spend.
a fair stock of equipment, such as basketball suits, It's your club. Work for it, and use its service.
soccer outfits, clubs, masks and tennis nets, which
will relieve us considerably on next year's resources.
As to the expenditure, assuming the figure spent EVENING SCHOOLS
as one dollar, these are the approximate proportions. Of course, none of you folks need to be reminded
Bowling 23 cents what a splendid opportunity the city of Rochester
Badges 19 cents offers in evening sciiools. AYe have received posters
Baseball 11 cents from the Mechanics Institute offering fifteen distinct
Smoker and Girls' Party 10 cents subjects and the Industrial Relations Department is
Basketball 9 cents ready to enroll prospective students. There is a
Indoor ball 7 cents special form which must be filled out by employees
By-Laws and Constitution 9 cents in order to receive a refund on their tuition fees,
Gardening Association 6 cents providing their status is satisfactory. The average
Breeders' Association 3 cents of successes ranks very high among tlie men and
Soccer Football and Tennis cent
1 women from the Camera Works, many of whom
Dances cent
1 have discovered how, by study, they can improve
Incidental expenses 1 cent their jobs, and, in consequence, improve their
Easily spent, isn't it? But not so easily propor- salaries.
tioned to satisfy everyone! With a membership of Take advantage of this chance for betterment.
over two thousand people, and dozens of various All that necessary is a common school education,
hobbies and sports to choose from, the executive a firm purpose, and a determination to come out on
officers of the club are pretty well occupied as to top.


On Tuesday September
, 6th, at the Church of Our Harriet E. Patchin of the Production Department
Lady of Victory, Louis E. Ayette, of the Assembhng and Alfred E. Hotham of Brooklyn, were married
Department, and Minnie M. Plain were married. Wednesday noon, August 31st, in this city. The
The bride and groom left for Clexelaiul where they ceremony was performed })y the Rev. H. C. VVhedon,
spent their honeymoon. Upon returning to Roches- rector of St. Mark's Episcopal Church. Following
ter, they will occupy their new home at 1967 Clifford


the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Botham left for a short

motor trip into Canada. They will then motor to
New York City. Their future home is Bay Ridge,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
MR. AND MRS. LOUIS AYETTE Miss Patchin was transferred to this plant from
Kodak Office, and, although she has been here but a
few months, she has won many friends throughout
RECORD-MAKERS the plant.
The accompanying picture shows just a small Our best wishes go with them.
group of our "Old-Timers." It represents about 200
years of service, about Ho years with "Kodak," the OH! HOW HE H.\TESTO GET UP IN THE
remainder dating back to the days of the Folmer & MORNING!
Schwing Manufacturing Company, Century Camera The Timekeeper on
the fifth floor has no trouble
Company, and the Rochester Optical Company. We waking morning now, thanks to his "Baby
in the
expect to show another group later. Benn" (Katherine Marie Benn, age 3 months).




Anna Burns, of the Covering Department, and In our last issue, we congratulated Frank Howell
Edward Goodwin were married on Wednesday of the Assembling Department upon his recent
morning, August 24th, at the Church of the Im- marriage. We now learn that he has gone a step
maculate Conception. further; Frank is building a very cozy bungalow on
.Margaret Street, in the S'ineteenth Ward.

J. Elmer Roland has very kindly opened his home

at the Lake to the folks of his Department, for a
Did you ever try to raise any money on your rent
sausage and corn roast, which will probably be held
receipt? Well, itcan't be done, but a receipt from
at an earlv date.
the Eastman Savings and Loan Association will
pave the way to "a home of your own." Try it,

William Vogt. of the Inspection Department, has and get the laugh on your landlord.
been absent from the plant for several weeks.
"Bill" is suffering from a nervous breakdo\\-n. We
sincerely hope he will have a speed\' recovery. WHY NOT SAVE A CEXT.'
It has been said that if Julius Caesar had put
one cent in the bank of Rome at 3 per cent, com-
We welcome the following new members of our pound interest, in twenty-four years it would have
office force: Doris Sanford of the Accounting amounted to cents; in forty-seven years it would

Department, who comes to us from Hawk-Eye, have amounted to 4 cents; in ninety-five years it
and Winifred Renner, who was formerly employed would have amounted to 8 cents, and if the sum
by the General Railway Signal Company. had been left in the bank it would have doubled
something like eighty times by the year 1921, and
that one cent would have amounted in these 1900
GEORGE ROCHE RECOVERING years to more money than there has been coined in
On August 4th, George T. Roche, our Works the world to date.
Accountant (and everybody's friend) underwent a The moral is: Make a little progress each year;
severe operation at the General Hospital, which invest in the profit; don't speculate. Be satisfied
proved to be successful. He has now returned to with a reasonable return on your money. Put a
his home and is improving rapidly. We hope to see few cents or dollars in the bank each week and
him with us again soon. watch them grow, Mead Co-operation.
: "


X. A. VAN DE CARR, Editor


On Saturday, August 13th, the Second Annual Balloon Race:

Outing of the K. O. R. C, was held at Seneca Park. 1st, Louise Sidwell
About five hundred Kodak Office emi)loyee.s, witli 2nd, Ella Huck
their wives and children, left on special cars with a FOR GIRLS
rousing good band and plenty of suckers and pea- 50- Yard Dash:
nuts for everyone. Immediately upon their arrival 1st, Ethel O'Brian
at the park, the big feed of hots, ice-cream, and 2nd, Eva Mackie
sandwiches was started and continued on throughout Baseball Throw:
the afternoon. 1st, Margaret Massing
It was a big day, and everyone had a fine time. 2nd, Ethel O'Brian
Much of the success of the picnic was due to Peanut Race:
"Charlie" Howard, who, in addition to taking care
1st, Mary Campbell
of several minor details, selected all of the prizes,
2nd, Miss Mandel
and to Milton Saner, who .so efficiently took charge
of the athletic events. These were run off as follows:
15-Yard Dash:
FOR MEN 1st, Ethel O'Brian
100-Yard Dash: 2nd, Elsie Dawson
1st, Charles Tutty Shoe Race:
2nd, Edward Greenauer 1st, Miss Darcey
Three-Legged Race: 2nd, Miss Mohlar
1st, Elmer Eggert and Harry McNiel Pipe Race:
!2nd, Eric Hoard and C. E. Cooley 1st, "Joe" Stutz and Margaret Massing
Fat Man's Race: 2nd, Fred Fogarty and Ruth Gill
1st, Harold Burhans
Collar and Xecktie Race:
^nd, Herbert Rayten
1st, Ross Robertson and .Mice I'pton
Ball- Th ro win g ( 'o n test
2nd, Richard Hayes and Miss Morgan
1st, Harry McXiel
2nd, Elmer Eggert Employee With Longest Service Record:
FOR BOYS Man. Fred LaPalm
50-Yard Dash: Lady, .\lice L'pton
1st, Frank Dunlavev Largest Families:
2nd, Clifford Elliott William Back and Alexander Mackie
Baseball Throw: Ball Put:
1st, Charles Dawson 1st, Margaret Massing
2nd, Frank Dunlavey 2nd, Bessie Leonard
Three-Legged Race: Perhaps the star athletic event of the day was the
1st, Frank Dunlavev and David Dawson baseball game between the Shipping team, unde-
2nd, R. Alhart and John Cillan feated leaders of the Kodak Office League, and the
15-Yard Dash: All-Stars, a team recruited by "('harlie" Xaramore
1st, Robby Maher from the other seven teams of the League. Shipping
2nd, Howard Burns made it eighteen straight wins for the season, trim-
Shoe Race: ming the .\11-Stars, 4-2, in a lightning fast game.
1st. Frank Dunlavey LIXE-UP
2nd, Wilburt Howard SHIPPING
50-Yard Dash:
1st, Christine Barker
2nd, Mrs. Ethel Sta\'man
Egg and Spoon Race:
1st, Bessie Leonard
2nd. Margaret Seymour
Time and Place:
1st, Margaret Massing
2nd, Louise Sidwell
Xail Driring:
1st, Margaret Massing
2nd, Christine Barker
Baseball Frank Strowger Sales
The interest in the Kodak Office Baseball League Milton Coan Engraving
continues at a high pitch, in spite of the runaway William Udart Traffic
race that "Vic" Harding's Shipping team has made John Van Dusen Billing
of it. Shipping hasn't been beaten all season, and Edward Junker Bookkeeping
has won twelve straight. Walter Capell Stock
Traffic, after having second place almost cinched, Milton Schock Maintenance
struck a slump and dropped back in the ruck, losing Albert Stillson Advertising
three straight, while Service and Maintenance, after C. Edward Cooley Industrial Relations
a bad start, tigiitened up, and have been making a Leonard Nowaski Service
lot of trouble for everybody. Accounting has ElmHall has been obtained and all matches will
played consistent ball all season, and is now second. be rolledon Thursday evenings, commencing
Billing and Stock have both lost several hard luck Octol)er Gth.
games by one run, and, though trailing at this While the girls have not as yet organized, ar-
writing, both have a chance to better their positions. rangements have been made for the same hall and
the same night, so that Kodak Office will hold full
TEAM STANDINGS g^^y o,^ Thiu^sday evcniugs. Details of the girls'
August I5tu organization will be given in the next issue.
Accountmg ^l
b o ..y;^.- Harding's Kodak Office Stars continued
^^'^^jT^ (. (. their triumphal march last month, scoring three
T^^] i'-'iT.'Vl-' r r,
wius. Thcy have still to meet defeat. On July
Industrial Relations. ... 5 7 oofi, I'^^^i, t> „i- „ *• iu u
'ziith, Kodak rark w^as the victim, with a 6-1 tally.
4^1, •
1 t /•
,T . . „
^"^"^^ August 10th, Hawk-Eye succumbed for the second
Bimi 4 S
„ time, 4-0, while on August l'2th, "Vic" took his
crew over to Gleason's and trimmed up the gear-
BoivUng makers 6-4.
The Kodak Bowling League has reor-
Office Now. they're looking for more worlds to conquer,
ga^nized for the season 19^21-22 with the following
Chairman. N. L. Ferris l^\\e Mail Department received some interest-
Secretary C. E. Cooley ^^§ letters from Harriett Remington who sailed for
Treasurer E. G. King England last June. Harriett's account of her ex-
periences on shipboard was most entertaining. After
CAPTAIN.S a brief stay in England, she visited France, Switzer-
"Jack" Schoenwitz Shipping Department land and Italy and expects to return to London
R. Chandler Kron Accounting before sailing for home.


Grand View Beach was again selected for the guests from the Sales Department, won the touring
Service Department picnic on July 30th and an car, but found that it had to be pushed. Freda Ryan
especially attractive and original program was was presented with a tool chest for her lately ac-
prepared. quired "flivver."
The transportation committee of Bob Wood & Co. The dancing, with the attractiveness of
had "Picnic Ahead" signs posted along the route to the bathing, somewhat upset the sports program,
Grand View. The instrumental music was furnish- but some of the events were rim off and four
ed by members of the Society Syncopaters, includ- valuable prizes awarded.
ing Mrs. Attridge of the Finishing Department. The finance committee, Harold McCabe, reported
There was a grand prize drawing and Fern Mac a deficit of $.05 and in view of this, it was suggested
Donald won a genuine Whixwangle (a queer-looking that other picnickers (including the Sales Depart-
beast) while Jack Gunderson, one of the invited ment) get some pointers from the Service Crowd.



^lae Mac Kelvey has been appointed reporter Katherine Ix)Ughborough has resigned from the
from the Finishing Department for the Kodak Mail Department to accept a position at the Nu-
Magazine to succeed Gertrude Sullivan who has trition Camp at Summerville. Miss Loughborough
resigned to become a bride. made many friends while at Kodak who extend to
her every good wish for success in her new work.

The Finishing Dej)artnient hopes Alice Attridge's

illness will be of short duration.
The File Department extends a cordial welcome
to its two new members, Grace Horner and
Marion Rose.
The marriage Anna Lyons and Frank Estcrheld
took Holy Rosary Church and the many
i)lace at the
Finishing Department extends its deepest
friends who attended from the Sales Department
sympathy to Gertrude Guest in the loss of her
report that it was a very pretty wedding. Mr. and husband, James Guest, who formerly worked in
Mrs. Esterheld are at home to their many friends at this department.
80 Stewart Street.
Gladys Burrell, recently of the Finishing Depart-
Clarice Shaw of the Advertising Department is ment, was married to Fred Sunday. Her noany
away on a sick lea\'e. We wish you a speedy friends wish her every happiness.
recovery, Clarice.
The girls in the Repair OflBce gave a farewell tea-
F. Preston Root, former manager of Kodak party in the Dining Room in honor of Lea LaBelle's
Argentina, Ltd., Buenos Aires, accompanied by approaching marriage to Roy Defendorf.
his wife, returned to the United States on the S. S.
"Vauban", arriving in Rochester August 15th. Morley R(?id formerly emploved at Kodak
After a short vacation with his parents in Chicago Office'and now of Robey-French Company in
Boston, called on old friends in Rochester recently.
he wiU report for duty with the Export Department.
He has been spending a two weeks vacation in this
Howard L. Small and William F.Spiu-ling, our rep-
resentatives in Japan, have again returned to that The girls of the Repair Department Office held
country. Commimications will reach them at 23 an outing at Durand Eastman Park. Good eats,
Reinanzaka Akasaka-ku, Tokio, Japan. lots of them, and everybody had a good time.


Left to Right (Standing) -Mrs. George GreenfielJ. Mrs. Mav Hibbard. E. .1. Coanolly, Mrs. Elizabeth Crane,
Kathryn Marrinan, Lena Wuensch
Seated — Elizabeth Turner, Elizabeth La Palm. Nellie Cummings, Margaret Nolan, Stella Ferchie
No, thisnot a poster of a well-known aerial
is The Annual Outing of the Industrial Re-
circus performer, then again it is not a trick film. lations Department was held on Saturday, July
It's a trick, however, as well as a gift, and the man 23d, at Manitou Beach. There were autos enough
who does it is Fred Lytle of Maintenance Depart- for everyone, and an excellent dinner was awaiting
ment. the crowd at the Odenbach Hotel
"Chief" Charles H. Thompson was in charge of
the sports, and ran the events off in fine style.
They were as follows:
1." BuU-thrommi Contest (Girls) Ruth Gill.
2. Unc-hundred Yard Dash (Men) "Joe" Gill.
3. Three-legged Race (Girls) Minnie Ver vers and
May Craugh.
4. Wheelbarrow Race (Men) C. E. Cooley and
Dwight Paul.
5. Shof-pvt (Girls) Mrs. W. A. Sawyer.
6. Millinery Contest (Men) H. D. Haight.
7. Blindfold Boring (Girls) Katherine Straiton.
8. Rclcii/ Race (Four on Team —Men) Sawver,
Perrin, Gill and Dill.
9. Tvg-of-icar (Girls)Ruth Schelter's team.
The following Committee was in charge :

Starter: C. E. Cooley.
Announcer Charles H. Thompson.

Custodian of Prizes Ruth Schelter.


Judges: H. D. Haight, Mrs. Robert W. Arm-

strong, Spencer Hord and Charles Naramore.
"Tom" Harri.son of the Billing Department feels
Have you ever wondered at the gloss and trans- and acts quite imjjortant lately. A
parency of the Kodak Office windows, even as far up arrived shortly after breakfast on July 21st, to grace
as the dizzy height of the 16th story? Well, Fred his homestead. The happy mother is Alma Price
deserves credit for that. Roped in precariously on Harrison also formerly of the Billing Department.
the narrow window sills, he turns his back on the
world below and devotes himself to the art of Everybody is glad to see Maude Gregory back
clearing your vision for you. The well-known again in her office in the Testing and Packing
advertisements of Bon Ami represent an amateur Department. Maude has been out eight weeks on
performance compared to Fred's. He not only account of illness.
gives you a thrill as he works but he brings the
thrill nearer with every stroke. Instead of vanish- A VISIT FROM MRS. VAUGHN
ing to a "fade-out" he gradually emerges from The Testers and Packers were pleasantly sur-
indistinctness to a clear cut "close-up." prised, at noon recently when Mrs. Nellie \'aughn
They tell us that in these days the world needs arrived with her little daughter, Nellie, aged three
men of vision. All hail to the artist then, who helps years, to pay them a visit.
to make our vision possible! Mrs. \'aughn was happily employed in this
department for several years, coming here from
Gladys Eastmond of the Advertising Department England in 1913.
who has been ill forthe past eight months died on
July 18th at the lola Sanitarium. We extend our
deepest symathy to her parents.

Mary Byere of the Advertising Department was

married on August 4th to Henry Mensing. Our
best wishes, Mary.

Not all losses are regrettable when they mean

happiness to the person lost. Ella D. Servis of the
Billing Department has left to become the wife of
Leroy L. Compson. The best wishes of the
department go with her.

The Mail Department annoimces the following

Dorothy Heinrich to Harry L. Williams
Delma Markham to Harry Dunning
Ethel Ludwig to William McGahan

Louise Sidwell has returned to the Finishing

Department after several months of al)sence due to MRS. NELLIE VAUGHN
illness. and her three-year-old daughter


Although its schedule was completed
original which the fur, particularly that of one of the um-
some time ago, the Indoor League has continued to pires, threatened to fly several times.
function as Hawk-Eye's official entertainer during The "Pets" and the rest will probably play until
the noon hour. The Lucky Strikes have apparently they have to use mittens and skates, judging by
piled up a safe lead, with the Beechnuts second. their enthusiasm. Long may they play, for their
Steady playing has develoj)ed such famous comedi- games supply as much fun and exercise as any
ans as Ralph Burhans and Fred ZoUweg, not to activity that Hawk-Eye has ever seen.
mention "Speedy" Witz.
A picked team tackled an aggregation from the
Main Office on July twenty-first. The Hawk-Eye "MART" TIPPLE MAKES GOOD
wit didn't go so well against the Main Office pitch- Our own Martin Tipple, umpire extraordinary
ing, and the State Street hoys blanked us, 4-0. at a number of Hawk-Eye games, has been going
Burhans a glutt n for punishment, for he invited
is great guns as official arbiter in the Erie-Wyoming
them down to our hilly field again early in August League. The captain of one of the teams avers that
and took another trimming to the tune of 3-0. In "Mart" is the best official that has appeared in the
the latter game, however, our team showed greater League for yciirs.
ability and aggressiveness.
Probably the noisiest game was that played a few The most precious thing under the sun today is
days later between " Weldon's Pets" and the Hawk- a minute, and he who can do the most with it can
Eye All-Stars. The former won a hectic contest in demand the most.


First Baseman, Hawk-K.vo Baseball Tear Captain, Hawk-Eye Baseball Team
The history of Hawk-Eye picnics seems to be a Running backward, for men: — First, Norman Gra-
chronicle of shattered records. This year. Chair- ham; second, Benjamin Levine; third, Fred Von
man "Johnnie" and his committees had their
N ass Deben.
work cut out them, for they liad the record of a
well-nigh perfect outing in 1920 to shoot at. Not
Girls race, nnder fourteen: — First, Katherine Hart-
man; second, Helen Kelsey; third, Helen Lehner.
only to make the affair on August (ith a success, but
Boys race, under eighteen: — First, Edward Tom-
to make it compare favorably with its forerunner
aschke; second, William Haeusel; third, George
was no picayune job, but they did both and more. — Burris.
To say that, in spite of the passing "soft times," it
was Hawk-Eye's greatest picnic, is strong language, Girls race, —
under eighteen: First, Madeline Boase;
but true nevertheless. What's that, Van.^ You second, Katherine Hartman; third, Magdalen
couldn't go? Well, sir, it was the smoothest running Hettel.
outing in the memory of man, absolutely and — —
Married women's race: First, Mrs. Willis; second

without exception. Why! But we might as well Mrs. Sepper; third, Mrs. Kramer.
start at the beginning. Men's over forty: — First, Fred Von Deben;
The larger part of the crowd, with Lampham's second, John Ross; third, Martin Englert.
Band, made the trip to Manitou Beach in chartered Egg and Spoon race for women: — First, Mrs. Diehl;
cars. On their arrival, no time was lost in starting second, Mrs. Rear.son; third, Mrs. Larter.
the much-touted ball game between the single and
Shoe for men: — First, Leo Mason; second,
married men. It was a scream for the bachelors, — race,
Charles Prentice; third, Louis Tishler.
because they took kindly to George Diehl's offerings
and won the title, and Mr. Higgins's cigars, by a Time — Mrs. Dietrich.

goodly margin. Pie-eating — First, Madeline Boase; second,


Thereupon, everybody made a bee-line for the Ezra Myers; third, Genevieve Page.
grove, where Odenbach had set up a big hollow Wheelbarrout race: — First, Ott and Witz; second,
square and loaded it with a splendid lunch. Every- Ogden and Gauer; third, Page and Page.
body took kindly to that. The quality and variety Klondike under four: — Grace Meehan.
of the "eats" were above criticism and, what is Klondike under seven: —Vincent Finger.
more, everyone in the first line-up was served Then came theball game with the Main Office. It
within a few minutes. probably wasn't so very interesting for the visitors,
The "Outingers" settled their lunch by resisting but we didn't mind the 11-4 .score in our favor. We
"Jack" Downey's efforts to arrange them for the didn't even care, when pitcher "Hash" of the
group photograph. Then John Rearson took opposition got mad and threw the ball out into left,
charge and uncovered a few new champions in the Drabinski fielding the heave perfectly. It was the
sports. Ruth Kurtz once again demonstrated her sort of game that a picnic crowd enjoys, and fitted
sprinting prowess, but Madeline Boase displaced in perfectly with the other happenings of Hawk-Eye's
Ezra Myers as the prize pie-punisher. Leo Felerski gala day.
and Fred Von Deben proved to be the fastest runners About this time the weather committee, which
in their respective classes. had been putting off the long predicted showers all
The kiddies' races were well contested. Tney day, appeared to be weakening. The refreshment
were bound to be, because there were about as many committee therefore hustled out its sandwiches and
youngsters on the grounds as there were grown-ups. peanuts for the final bite, while George Willis and indispensable factors in the success of any his orchestra satisfied the cravings of the dance

picnic romped and ate lollypops and peanuts and fiends in the pavilion.
drank orangeade to their hearts' content. No And so the party ended as happily and smoothly
need to ask them whether the party "went across. '> as it had begun.

A list of the winners in the various events follows WHAT, HO!— BOWLERS!
Tots race, nnder fire: — First, Beth Falconer; George Kosel just laughs when you tell him that
second, Dell Page; third, Albert Jerram. present conditions aren't going to do a thing but
Boys race,under — seven:Charles Dean;
ruin the bowling team this year. Hard luck talk
doesn't worry him a bit. He avers that all indica-
second, Jo.seph Miceli; Louis Ficarro.
Girls race,under — Eunice Vass;
seven: First,
tions are for a cracker-jack line-up, —
providing the
proper sup{)ort is forthcoming. There is plenty of
second, Helen Mitchell; Meehan.
third, Stella
young blood around the plant to stop the gaps in
Boys race,under — Daniel Wiemer;
ten: First, last year's team, if not to improve it, and all embryo
second, Daniel Cercy; James
third, alley artists, as well as seasoned veterans are urged
Girls under
race, — Ruth Sanger; second,
ten: First, to notify Kosel immediately of their intention to
Marion Kurtz; third, Eunice Vass; fourth, Elsie try for the team. George isn't saying much on the
Schulteiss. point but we suspect that he wants to get away to
Boys race, under fourteen: — First, Paul Schultheiss; a flying start and perhaps steal a march on some
well-known opponents in the Camera Leagne.
second, Robert Wiemer; third, Thomas Felton.
100-yard championship race for men: First, Leo — Albert Hardies and Carl Fischer have been in the
Felerski; second, Ralph Burhans; third, Norman
Adirondacks for a large part of the summer, tickling
Graham. their silver saxophones and are said to be past
75-yard championship race for women: First, Ruth — masters now. AH of which bodes well for the
Kurtz; second, Edna Steve; third, Lois Kurtz. fortunes of the Hawk-Eye Orchestra next winter.


1. F. L. HiKKins. W. K. Page.
i. Katherine Hartiiian, sprinter, and her father, J. H. Hartman.
.'!. L<)lly|)o|)s.
+. They're not poing, but coming. —the running-baekward race.
5. John Authaler sinks a sandwich.
"Johnnie" Vass hurries things up a bit.

Not on the program "Charlie" Hoffmeier, and "Babe" Meerdiuk.
8. A balloonist drops in for a visit.
9. H. A. Rearson watches "Pat" pole out a three-bagger.
10. President and Mrs. R. J. Wall.
Rumor has it that the mails are carry- to meet the winners in the Kodak League
ing Kodak-ward at the present writing a in a best -two-out-of -three games series
challenge from the Taylor Instrument for the city title.
Company team for the city industrial This fall blue-ribbon series is fast be-
championship. Hawk-Eye won this title coming a fixture in Rochester sport annals,
last year in two straight games from Art and there seems to be little doul)t that
in Buttons, the I.A.R.A. bunting holders. this month will see the
title fought out
Now, the Taylor boys, holders of the again. More powder to
you, boys let's —
1921 flag in the Industrial circuit, want keep the honor in the family !



Hawk-Eye Manager
Camera Works Manager
'^ Doc" Craib comes from a long line of ardent
players and baseball fans, and has followed the game— "Gone are the days when my heart icas young and
gay," says Lee Voder, "but when it comes to baseball,
particularly the semi-pro side of it, closely for a
just icatch us!" Voder has been in the baseball lime-
number of years. "Doc" first interested himself in
light at the Kodak-Brownie plant for eleven years, has
Hawk-Eye's team last year. While he had never had
actual expereience ivith the managerial reins before been a player on all the representative teams, and has
coming to Hawk-Eye, his services as a steady worker, acted as manager for most of the .<iuccessful ones. Lee
and a booster of last years team made him the logical is also a first-division bowler. His boys don't always
successor for George Brennan. And the results have win the pennant, but you can bet money on 'em to
shown that it itas a icise choice! finish one-two.



August loth, with the 1921 season
into the stretch, "Doc"
Craib's Hawk-Eye battlers were still set-

ting the pace for the entire field with a

half -game margin over Camera Works.
During the preceding month the lead was
held both by Kodak Office and by Camera
Works, but on August 13th, "Lefty"
McCormick pulled the Iron Man stunt
and pitched Hawk-Eye to two victories
in one afternoon over Kodak Park and
Camera Works. As a result, he boosted
his team back to the top rung of the

The Kodak Office boys took a vacation

on on account of the annual K.
this date
O. R. C. picnic, and so have figured in
only one victory and two defeats since
the last issue of the Magazine. The
Hawk-Eye picnickers took the Office
team to Manitou with them on the oc-
casion of their Annual Outing, and pro-
ceeded to hand the State Street boys a
11— 4 drubbing, this being the second year
in which the Office boys have accepted the
hospitality of the Hawk-Eye people and

August 15, 1921
"Pinkey" Rutan, of the Camera Works, KODAK ALL-STARS TO MEET GEORGE
was handicapped by a bad spike wound. STALLIXG's ROCHESTER TEAM
Yoder's men needed the services of this hard-
hitting youngster who, during the month pre SATURDAY, October 1st, marks the
vious to his injury, accounted for eight hits grand finale of the local baseball
in fourteen times up, thereby keeping close
on the heels of his early season average of
season. On team of
this date a picked
.000. Kodak meet George Stal-
All-Stars will
lings's Rochester International League
Manager Bircher showed his versatility by
working the box against Hawk-Eye on
in team at Basel^all Park to wind up the 13th. "Birch" held the slugging local .season. Stallings to use
"Hawks" to nine safeties, but the inability of his regular line-up, including Captain
his mates to touch McCormack lost the
battle. Fred Merkle,"Comet" Archdeacon,
"Home Rim" Homer Summa, and "Big
Leslie, the new third-sacker of Yoder's
team, has also been doing some hea\y clout-
Bob" Fothergill, with either George King
ing. In one month he made six hits in Murray or Jack Wisner on the hill.
fifteen times up. Of these, one was a homer,
and two were doubles. The Kodak aggregation is ])eing picked
by Charles B. Tutty, Jr., Secretary of the
"Fat" Wagner surprised his admirers on Kodak League. Each team in the League
July !23rd by toeing the rubber four times,
going through the entire game hitless for the will be given as equal representation as
firsttime this year. He has been out of the possible on the All-Star team, with no
line-up on account of illness, and was sorely
effort sacrificed, however, to secure the
missed by the Office team.
best possible line-up. With the material
Did you notice that school-boy stufl^ that available, the Kodak
aggregation should
"Hash" McNeil pulled during the ball game
at theHawk-Eye Picnic.^ "Hash" is getting be easily the strongest amateur team in
more like John Henrv Wisner everv dav. the city. Present indications are that
the selection will be made from the fol-
Things are rounding out rapidly for the All-
Star exhibition at Baseball Park with the lowing men:
Rochester "Ints." Saturday, October 1st
Those who expect to make the All-Star team
Hawk-Eye: — ^McCormack, Moore, Petros-
should get busy with the willow. ke, Ingleby, Wiedemann, Van Lare.
Kodak Park: — Forstbauer, Shepanski,
Baseball sure has its surprises. WTien the
Bircher, Manilla, Melville.
Kodak League started 1919, the
Camera Works: — Rutan, Yoder, Kivell.
first in
Folmer-Century team which was runner-up
for the pennant, had a port-side hurler, who
was begging for a chance to show his wares.
Kodak —Perrin, Eggert, Drabinski,

But, somehow he never got a chance. Now, Wagner.

today he is considered the best flinger in the To add still greater interest to the
League, and recently performed an "Iron affair, sections will be roped off in the
Man" stunt by pitching Hawk-Eye to a
double win in the Kodak League, August grandstand to permit rooters from each
13th. Boy, page "Lefty" McCormack. of the plants to sit together.

Had Kodak Park produced the team it now

has on the field at the beginning of the
season, the League standings would have a
different story to show. Never mind, Bircher,
do what Manager Stallings is doing for 1922.

"Skipper" Shepanski has been a big help to

the Park crew and had they had him behind
the bat and "Chicken" Melville on first
earlier in the season, more games would
have been won.

Well, boys, after October 1st, we'll be able

to tell you more about the feed that is
contemplated to wind up the season.



Rutan CW
Perrin KO .583
Wagner KO
Shepanski KP
Petroske HE
Bircher KP
Ring CW
Le\-ine HE
Gordon CW
Ingleby HE

A.B. H. Pet.

Rutan 34 30 .588 Petroske . . . .

Ring U 6 .4-28 Le\-ine

Gordon 33 13 .394 Ingleby
Leslie 18 7 . 388 VanLare ...
Magin 18 7 .388 Graf
Dugan 19 7 . 367 Moore
Kivell is 10 .3.57 Felerski
Ford 15 4 . 267 Graham
Pressley 28 7 .250 Wiedemann.
Voder 33 7 .212 McCormack
Friedwald 11 1 .091 Prentice
Kline 16 1 .032

Team batting average 337 Team batt

AS OF AUGUST 10, 1921
ROCHESTER PLANTS No of Total Matured
M^'"''^" /|3^^f,. Shares Par Value
Kodak Park 4^292 66.6% 30,383 $3,038,300.00
Camera Works 1388 59. 1% 12,953 1,295,300.00
Premo Works 117 47.3% 946 94,600.00
Hawk-Eye Works 451 80.7% 3,047 304,700.00
Folmer-Century Works. 90 25 . 2% 901 90,100 00 .

Kodak Office 726 52.0% 8,416 841,600.00


New York Branch 84 95.5%

Chicago Branch 84
San Francisco Branch. . 36
Taprell,Loomis & Co. . . 106
American Aristotype Co. 1

Sweet, Wallach & Co . . . 40

Northwestern Photo
Supply Co 12
Robey-French Co 29
O. H. PeckCo 4
Robert Dempster Co ... 14
Glenn Photo Stock Co. . 18
Des Moines Photo
Materials Co 7
John Haworth Co 19
Zimmerman Bros. (Duluth) 3
Howland & Dewey Co. 41
Milwaukee Photo
Materials Co 4
Salesmen and
Demonstrators 54

Total 7,620

Average Subscription—8 shares.

Average Percentage — 61.4%

October 1921
Published in the interests of the men and
women of the Kodak or^ani'^aXion.j<.j<,
AUGUST, 1921

Ifyou do not aim
to do better than

you ever have

done J you never
Pictures Takea by Members of Camera Works Photographic Class. See page 5.
Vol. II
No. .->


THERE is no more j^raiseworthy ambi- The "Follow-Up''
tion than the desire to save and to Usually if you have responded in any
invest such savings so as to pro\'ide a way to a sucker list invitation, and
comfortable hving when one's earning sometimes when you have not, you are, a
capacity is in the dechne. little later, approached by a stock sales-
The greatest enemies to the successful man who is well trained and a smooth
realization of this ambition are the fake talker.
promoters and the salesmen of spurious, Always Future Profits
fradulent or doubtful stocks. Thefake stock salesman rarely, if ever,
Unfortunately the laws of the State of talks of the merits of his proposition;
New York do not afford sufficient pro- rather he seeks to inflame the mind of his
tection against rascals of this sort and prospective victim with visions of huge
they have been able to conduct their future profits earned AAithout effort by the
operations here with the greatest freedom. happy o^\ner of shares. If he is selling
There are too many Get-Rich-Quick shares in a manufacturing concern, he talks
Wallingfords going around getting rich — but vaguely as to the present factory and
quick themselves at the expense of honest output, and offers no figures to make
folks —
too often —
most often at the — good his claims as to market and ad-
expense of small investors. vantage over competing products. Xo
Most of these fakers are smooth matter what class of "securities" he is
workers and the schemers back of them offering he plays up solely to the idea of
are skilled in the use of printer's ink; future profits.
we are going to lay baresome of their A Sample Argument
general characteristics and methods, so
"Why! man, do you want to be just a
that you may recognize the species and
plodder your life? Do you want to
so save yourself from loss.
spend all your days working for someone
else.^ Invest all you can in this proposi-
The ''Sucker Zy/.s/"
tion, and in a few years you can be riding
Many of you have received a cleverly around in your limousine. You are not
worded letter or printed booklet or circu- too much of a coward to take a chance,
lar setting forth the wonderful profits to are you? Look at the folks right here in
be made through the ])urchase of shares your own town who invested in Kodak
in some corporation, usually located in a —
stock in its early days they took a
distant state. How this concern obtained chance and now they are on easy street."
your name and address may have been a
source of wonder to you. This is easily The Answer to the "Kodak'' Argument
explained, however, when you figure how Yes, the early investors in Kodak took
simple it is to secure names and addresses a c-hance, l)ut it was a chanc-e of a far

from the city directory telephone book, different
sort. The founders of the
or from lodge membershi]) lists. These Kodak Company were not just promoting
lists of names are often ])asse(l on to other a stock sellinggame; they did not ])eddle
concerns ami are known as "sucker lists. stock in Svracuse, Buffalo and Kalama-

zoo; they had an idea which they beUeved character and uprightness, then, you are
in, and worked for unceasingly. The taking a chance only as to commercial
men behind it w^ere of known integrity success. If they have not this reputa-

and they were home folks, and

ability; tion, the proposition becomes at once a
success came, becavise it was honestly gamble with not a chance to win so far
earned and deserved. If any investment as you are concerned.
proposition possesses overwhelming points If you invest in any new proposition,
of superiority, the money to finance it can you must accept some risk. If the prop-
be found right at home don't forget — osition is sound and the people behind
that. it are honest, you accept only the chance

Future Profits Based on Past Successes that it be a success. If it is only a

stock-selling scheme, you have not a
It will always be well to bear in mind
that not even a legitimate proposition
single chance —
every card is stacked
against you.
can always be sure of success. Good
profits have been made and a large How to Determine
business has been built up in the manu-
Many a prospectus affords glowing
facture of photographicbut filmfilm,
business histories of the men back of
cannot be successfully made in some-
body's basement, nor without expert
or behind —
the plans; these may or may
not be strictly according to facts. Others
help, nor marketed at a profit without a
gracefully refrain from such personal
strong selling organization behind it.
history for obvious reasons.
This is equally true of many other com-
modities now on the market.
The facts may be had by ^Titing to the
Chamber of Commerce or Board of Trade,
Keep Cool or one of the banks in the city or cities
When you receive a glowing letter, or wherein these parties are located, or by
a thrilling prospectus relating to a stock means of a commercial agency report.
selling plan, or receive a call from a Like all large organizations we have many
promoter or salesman, don't get "all het facilities for information of
this nature, and if you feel that the task
up." Keep in mind the fact that you are
is perhaps a bit beyond you, we will be
being requested to part yourself from
some of your hard-earned dollars this ;
glad to assist. A request to the Editor
wdll serve to keep your temperature of the Kodak Magazine for aid in this

nearer to normal. If your questions are direction will place such information as

side-stepped, or answered in any way we are able to obtain at your disposal.

not to your satisfaction, do not be bluffed Get facts, not dreams: then, if the total
or bullied into parting with your money. seems favorable, apply still another test;
Refuse to be unduly influenced by the ask any banker how much he would loan
opinion of an acquaintance or neighbor you on the stock.
use your own head. The foregoing does not mean that
there are no safe stock investments for
The Most Important Thing

the small investors but it does mean
If, calm consideration, the propo-
after investigate before you invest.
sition offered seems to have some merit,
the next thing to do is to ascertain the
character of the men behind it, and their Children don't always inherit beautiful
standing in their own community; this is hands, hair and teeth. A little attention
of more importance even than the com- to those things when they are young wnll
mercial possibilities of the project. go a long ways toward their perfection
If these men have an established when they have the care of them them-
reputation in their own community as to selves. Munsingwear Xeivs
less than one year's time the East- him to save and with it the hope that
IXman Savings and Loan Association, soon in the future he would again be
composed of and officered entirely by em- permitted to resume his membership.
ployees of the Eastman Kodak Company, It goes without saying that every
has started over eight thousand men and member temporarily forced to withdraw
women on a plan of systematic saving, will be welcomed back as a member
and, in addition, has enabled one hundred if he is re-employed by the Eastman
and forty Kodak families to move into Kodak Company.
and enjoy homes of their own. There are a number of employees of
In normal times this wholesome growth the Eastman Kodak Company who are
would have been cause for rejoicing; in not members of the Eastman Savings
the present period of industrial depres- and Loan Association. These employees
sion with its inevitable lay-offs and lack may not face unemployment, but no one
of employment, this money laid by has can hope to be entirely exempt from
proved a godsend. sickness and other unanticipated em-
In many cases, had it not been for this ergencies when a reserve fund would be
bit laid by, unemployment would have more than acceptable. Even if these
had to be faced with practically nothing emergencies should pass you by, you
to tide over till better times. cannot too soon begin to save against the
Over sixty thousand dollars have been time when your earning days are past.
returned to members of the Association We all have certain obligations to our
to meet this temporary need. fellow-men; those in a position to do so,
On the other hand it is highly encour- even if they have to strain a point, should
aging to note that in one plant alone, support this Association, which bv its
over three hundred members who have plan has enabled their less fortunate
been laid off are still paying their dues in fellow employees to meet an emergency.
the Association. Our Association — the Eastman Savings
In almost every case of withdrawal, and Loan Association, must continue to
the member has expressed a most hearty grow to carry on in fullest measure its
appreciation of the plan that had enabled highly practical and l)eneficial })lans.

the Camera Works section of the weeks. Some the members of the
INSeptember Kodak Magazine, we told class
comparatively experienced
you something about the Photographic photographers; others were entirely green
Class which Fred Brehm conducted at the game, but by the end of the
throughout the summer for Camera course they were all taking ])ictures fully
Works employees. The record of this equal to those we have reproiluced.
class was so exceptional, with only 13% These results certainly speak well for the
failures out of l'-200 negatives submitted quality of work done both by the in-
that we wanted you to see for yourselves structor, and by the class.
some of the results they got.

The group of jjictures shown on page It is not the mistakes we make that
2 forms a representative collection taken retard us, but our inability or unwilling-
from the work of this class, after a period ness to learn the lesson that these mis-
of instruction covering about sixteen takes teach us.
possessor can himself solve the problem
The Kodak Magazine without having to depend upon someone
men and women of
else, thus effecting a saving in time if
Published monthly in the interests of

the Kodak organization. nothing more.

He who knows history, and is a student

SPENCER HORD, Editor of literature and English finds a wide

Glenn C. Morrow 1 Associate Editors open, never-ending road to hours of
C. Edward Coolet / happiness which he otherwise would
Norman A. Van De Carr Assistant Editor never have discovered.
Main Office You may feel that you are too old to
Robert A. Weber Assistant Editor undertake such studies, but you can
Kodak Park Works never grow too old to enjoy the compan-
ionship of good books.
Herbert S. Thorpe . ...... Assistant Editor
If you are not too old, it will rei)ay you
Camera Works
manyfold to take advantage of some of
Clarence H. Harper Assistant Editor
the numerous courses of instruction open
Folmer-Century Works
to those employed during the day.
P. R. Meixhard Assistant Editor
If you have children, any sacrifice you
Hawk-Eye Works
may make to aft'ord them an education
L.C.Wheeler Assistant Editor will be well worth while. If you have
Premo Works suffered from lack of education, you know
its handicap; give your children the
Address allcommunications to Editor, Kodak Magazine, better start.
Main Office, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y.

IS pretty generally agreed that some

can find college graduates earn-
ITspecial interest outside of the regular
YOT' hum-drum of routine existence is good for
ing a living as street car conductors,
and you wall also find many men success- the average human being; in other words,
fully occupying high positions in the ride a hobby.
business world who have had but the Hobbies range all the way from col-
rudiments of an eductation. lections of dried flowers to the raising of
It is very true, if a man '*has it in him," blooded horses or cattle.
he will get where he wants to get, One of the greatest assets in getting
education or no education, but with a where you want to get is the power of
good education he will "arrive" far concentration; the ability to hold the
more easily. whole body and mind to the task to be
The uneducated,or poorly educated, done. But hiunaii machinery must have
man may have the mental capacity to do an occasional rest to do its best work, and
big things, but because of this lack he so the ability to relax for a period is almost
has to proceed much more .slowly. of equal value to the power to concen-
A knowledge of Latin and Greek is not trate.
an essential, but he who has it can more The best form of relaxation is not just
readily extend his vocabulary, and un- —
merely idleness doing nothing, but the
derstand the meaning of many of the employment of the faculties in something
out-of-the-ordinary words because he that will afford enjoyment, and for the
knows their derivation, and he can also time being take you out of the ordinary
far more readily learn foreign languages. run of your existence.
Higher mathematics may in many Any hobby intelligently pursued is
walks of life seldom come into play, but bound to be beneficial either mentally or
there will come times when this knowledge physically, or both. If you haven't a
will serve uncommonly well because the hobby, get one —but don't ride itto death.


SELF- preservation the oldest law
is The last half is the most hazardous
everyone is automatically interested of the day; this due to the combined

in accident prevention because no one causes of speeding up and fatigue, and to

enjoys being hurt, to say nothing of accidents occurring while employees are
attendant losses. leaving the ])lant.
around ten o'clock; the cause here is the Over-eating and too little exercise
combination of fatigue and speed. during the noon hour tend to drowsiness;
No absohite remedy can be offered, but the remedy here is obvious.
— these high peaks can be lowered. Know- Many of the accidents at the closing
ing the hours in which most accidents hour are caused by pushing and crowd-
happen, each individual should mentally ing, and running down the stairs; here
watch his step during these periods. also the remedy is in your own hands.



MOTHER feels that she has just The course is given under the auspices
Board of Education, the Health
about enough to do without having of the
to look after and worry over sick folks; Bureau and the Chaml>er of Commerce,

and Father, well, you know how he and the course has been jilanned and the
feels on the subject. lectures will be given by a staff com-
The trouble is that so few folks have posed of some of the best-known physi-
had an opportunity to acquire reliable cians in the city.
knowledge as to sickness and accident Among the subjects included in this
prevention and treatment in case of course are the causes, recognition and
sickness. prevention of disease. Home care of the
This opportunity is now presented to sick, including demonstrated lessons in
the women of Rochester by means of a the taking of pulse and temperature;
course of twelve lectures to be given at following the doctor's instructions in
each of six Rochester schools as follows: giving medicine; bed making; giving of
School 23, Barrington St., Monday and baths and rubs; use of sick-room ap-
Thursday forenoons, 10 :45. Opened Sep- pliances; the making and application of
tember 26th. various kinds of bandages; preparing of
School 12, Wadsworth Square, Tuesday articles of diet for the sick; the care of the
and Friday afternoons, 4 p. m. Opened baby, including demonstrations in wash-
September 27th. ing, dressing and preparing food the care

School 18, North & Draper Sts., Mon- of children, with special reference to
day and Thursday evenings, 8 p. m. children's diseases; physiology for wom-
Opened September 26th. en; motherhood. The lectures will also
School 24, 900 Meigs St., Tuesday and include the handling of emergencies,
Thursday afternoons, 4 p. m. Opens not only accidents, but those arising
October 26th. during the course of an illness; there will
School 16, Post Ave., Tuesday and be demonstrations of how to put out a fire
Thursday afternoons, 4 ]). m. Opens in clothing; the making and applying of
October 27th. temporary splints to fractures; stopping
Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Joseph hemorrhages, and how to revive a
Ave. near Norton St., Tuesday and Fri- drowning or suft'ocating person.
day evenings, 8 p.m. Opens October 28th. These lessons are free of charge, but
Your wife, mother, sister or daughter is there is a registration fee of one dollar,
most earnestly invited to join any one of which, however, will be refunded to those
these classes and so obtain up-to-date, who have attended eighty per cent, of the
reliable information on how to protect lectures, the fee being charged to assure
and guard the health of your home. You regularity of attendance.
willnote that these classes have already This is a splendid opportunity to secure
started in the three first-named schools, this much needed practical information,
and we regret that we could not have and we urge you to have some member of
afforded earlier notice. your family attend.

proved another record-breaking "Doc" Haskell, of the Advertising
year for the Rochester Exposition, Department, who was again in charge of
when the attendance figures for the city's the display, found time from his busy
fall gala week reached the peak of 158,673. days to play the part of the Good Sama-
an increase of nearly 6 000 over the 19'-20 ritan on more than one occasion. One
mark. As usual, the Kodak exhibit, day two musicians from Creatore's Band
located right at the "Four Corners" in came in to view the exhibit, and in broken
Building Five, attracted its meed of English made known the fact that they
attention. wanted to })iiy a Kodak. Now, of course.

There was nothing spectacular or bizarre the rules of the Exhibition strictly pro-
about the Kodak display; on the other hibit any sales on the grounds. Never-
hand, nothing that the amateur photog- theless, "Doc" was able to put the bands-
rapher could desire was omitted. The men in touch with a dealer, and had the
large show-case contained samples of all pleasure of seeing them, a few days later,
models of Kodaks and Brownies, Premos strutting proudly across the Park green,
and Graflexes, as well as a full line of ac- each fixed up with a brand new Kodak
cessories. The booth was decorated with and carrying case —and happy as a kid
enlargements of j^rize-winning ])ictures, with a new toy.
most of which have aj^peared in "Kodak- Came another ^•isitor whose difficulties
ery" during the past year. with the English language were almost
Visitors to the Kodak section included imfathomal)le. All "Doc" could make
scientific - looking gentlemen —
usually out was that he wanted to .see a "Dee-to"
alone — making infjuiries about some Kodak. Finally, in desperation, his caller
of the more technical ])arts of the line. reached for a catalog, and pointed to
There were also those "family" groups, one of the lines which read: "Ditto, with
rich with promise of future business Kodak Anastigmat Lens etc."
Dad and Ma. and the "kid" said "kid" Whereupon, "Doc" had another nice
just past the Boy Scout age, with a Kodak littlejob of explanation.
slung from his shoulder in a nnich-bat- Even so, "Doc" says he'd rather answer
tered carrying case, and asking to see a (|uestions like those than get stuck again
Graflex. with his truck in the (^ilifornia mud.


4T the present writing over nine and sent to the Industrial Relations
-ijL hundred children of Kodak em- Department, 343 State Street.
ployees have received attention at the A card of introduction to the Dis-
Rochester Dental Dispensary. If you pensary, giving the time of appointment,
have not availed yourself of this splendid will be sent the applicant; after receipt,
service for your children, we urge you to the child, or children, should be taken to
take advantage of it at the earliest the Dispensary at the time stated.
opportunity, as it means so much to the Keep your appointment and be on
future health and happiness of the child. time so as not to hold up the work of the
Application blanks for Dispensary ser- Dispensary.
vice may be obtained from department If, for reasons beyond your control,

heads and the nurses in the plant dispen- you could not keep your appointment ask
saries. When the form is filled out, it for another one and a new appointment
should be placed in the envelope jjrovided card will be sent.


THE through the
every householder
desire of
mnter months with
is to the outside breezes. Door and window
casings frequently shrink; weather strips
the greatest amount of comfort and are cheaper than anthracite.
economy. Your coal dealer may not pose as a
Frequently you will find two families heating expert, but in most cases he can,
living in houses practically identical as to and will, afl^ord you some valuable advice
size and location and with the same style as to the proper selection of coal and on
of heating apparatus. One family will how to run your furnace with satisfactory
get through the winter with, say, ten tons economy.
of coal, with all rooms at a comfortable
If you have a room that you cannot
temperature. The other family will tell
seem to heat, ask your coal dealer and
you that they used fourteen or fifteen you will find that he can, more often than
tons of coal, and that there was one
not, afford the remedy.
room that just could not be heated.
If you use a gas range, keep the burners
Possibly the home of the second family
clean, and see that they do not become
is not so well constructed or from its
clogged; clean burners will save on your
location more exposed to the wind, but
gas bills, and also afford a better and
in many cases the families could trade
steadier heat.
houses and the one who couldn't heat his
house would find the same trouble with Unprotected water pipes close to an
the other one. The thing to do before outside wall are a frequent source of
winter sets in is to see that your heating trouble in very cold weather. Look after
apparatus is in good order; the fire box, them now and you won't have to call in
grates and flues clean, and w^orn or the plumber, or set fire to your house in
broken parts repaired or renewed. attempting an amateur job of thawing
Make any broken windows in
sure that
your cellar, basement or attic are re- Check up on these little things now.
paired, and check up on any loose boards, They will help materially to both comfort
and other open spaces that would admit and economy.



AVERY great number of the staple working on his automobile engine. Much
foods and many other materials in gasolinehad been used in cleaning the
daily use are packed in paper containers, parts, and in a moment the fire depart-
and so waste of this sort is apt to accumu- ment had a job.
late rapidly. Fire insurance is a good thing, but fire
Such trash forms an attraction to prevention is better.
rats and mice as a fine place to build
Fire losses in this country represent a
their nests, particularly when the paper is
firetax each year of about three dollars
likely to be saturated with animal or
per head for every man, woman and child.
vegetable fats.
It very easy for a stray match to
The only way to get cheaper fire in-

find its way into rubbish of this sort and

surance is to decrease the number of fires.

an inquisitive rodent will do the rest. An insurance company is merely a

Do not allow rubbish of this sort to clearing house and collects money from
accumulate, but burn it at frequent inter- the many for distribution to those who
vals. suffer loss by fire.

If you burn it out of doors instead of in If the destruction of jjroperty can be

your furnace, be careful with your bonfire. reduced, the fire premiums should be
A careless man started a trash fire about projjortionally reduced which would re-
fifteen feet from where a neighbor was sult in a large saving to every citizen.


THE following from the diary

Hone New York City written
of Philip
the words
in the same or some other manner
and 'ship.' How greatly
'tree,' 'horse'
asliamed of their ignorance the by-gone gener-
1839 makes interesting reading. ations of mankind ought to be!"

"I went morning by invitation of ^^on-

sieur Francis Gourand, to see a collection of the LOANS OX LIBERTY BONDS
views naade by the wonderful process lately
discovered in France by Monsieur Daguerre,
which is called by his name. ^Ir. Gourand is
ATBoardthe last regular meeting of the
of Directors of the Kodak
the pupil and friend of the inventor, and he
comes to this country to make known the proc- Emi)loyees Association (Incorporated)
ess. The
pictures he has are extremely beauti- held on September 14th, the following
ful — they consist of views
in Paris, and exquisite
resolution was adopted:
collections of the objects of still life. The '"That the Treasurer be authorized to loan to
manner of producing them constitutes one of
employees who have been laid off on account of
the wonders of modern times, and, like other
slack work, up to 90'^'^ of the present market
miracles, one may almost be excused for
value of Liberty Bonds jiurchased by such
disbelieving it without seeing the very process
employees luider the coni])any's plan; the
by which it is created. Every object, however
amount loaneil to be paid to them as their
minute, is a perfect transcript of the thing it.self
circumstances require; such loans to be at 4%
the hair of the human head, the gravel on a
interest and repaid when such employees
roadsitU', the texture of a silk curtain, or the
.secure employment, in instalhnents as agreed
shadow of the smaller leaf reficcfcil U]ion the
upon when the loan is made."
wall, are all imprinted as carefully as nature or
art has c-reated tliem in the objects transferred; This action on the part of the Kodak
and those things which are invisible to the Employees Association does away with
naked eye are rendered apparent by the help of
a mighty magnifying glass. It ajipears to me
any necessity for the sacrifice of Liberty
not less wonderful tliat light should be made an Bonds, as the loans will be so arranged as
active operating power in this manner, and
to make tiieir redemption easily possible.
that some such (>tfect should be produced by
sound; and wlio knows whether, in this age of Ajiplications for such loans are to be
invention and discoveries, we may not l)e
called upon to marvel at the exhibition of the
made to the Industrial Relations Dej)art-
human voice muttering over a metal plate jjre- ment.

N. A. VAN DE CARR, Editor


After weeks of anticijiation, the annual Lake Raymond Sullivan and Frank King.
Cruise of the K. O. R. C. took place on Saturday, Sack —
Race: Walker Fielding, Waldo Potter
August !27th. After last year's "Big Party," it Dwight Paul.
seemed doubtful if we could equal tiie record, but —
Wheelbarrow Race: Harold Gunderson and John

we did anfl surpassed it! Gunderson; C. Edward Cooiey and Dwight Paul.
Over 400 turned out, with a conservative sprink- —
Kookoo Kanoe Race: Frank King, Raymond Ke.sel.
ling of wives and sweethearts, and from the de- GIRLS
parting "toot" imtil the good ship "Ontario"
docked again nothing interfered with a good time. —
Chicken Race: Lsabelle Koch, Irene Done.

— Pop Drinking Contest: -Irene Jager, Isabelle Koch,
The day was ideal so was the evening and the — Irene Xolan.
combined of General Chairman Ross
Robertson, and "Charlie" Howard insured a
Balloon Contest: —
Irene Xolan, Mary Dissett,
continuous good time. Isabelle Koch.
First, last, and in the meantime, there was
dancing with music by a good jazz orchestra. Then —
Prize Jazz: Rosalia Fisher and Frank King.
came the sports including some events which were —
Prize Fox-Trot: Lucille Storr and Dwignt Paul;
staged for the first time anywhere. But the prizes Mary Ashe and Eric Hoard.
were worth trampling on one's dignity for. I>ast, there were miles of prize dancing, and the
The winners were as follows: judges, at great risk of popularity, life, and limb,
decided that for real knock-down-and-drag-out jazz,
ATHLETIC EVENTS Fisher and King took the blue ribbons, while in the
MEN classic event there were two couples who "out-

Ove Mile Elephant Race: Waldo Potter, Harry terpsied" all the rest. Tlie judges refused to decide
McXeil, Walker Fielding. the winner.

Peanut Relay-Teams of Tiro: Walker Fielding and Everybody was at home and tucked in by mid-
Waldo Potter; Dwight Paul and Leo LaPalm; night and vowing to be on board again next year.


Ifyou want to see a hundred enthusiasts for the Did you know that forty-three per cent, of the
newest K. O. R, C. activity, just take a walk over Main Office employees, exclusive of executives and
to the vacant lot adjoining the Rochester Candy foremen, have, besides attending to their everyday
Works where the Kodak Office Quoit League is now duties, handed in suggestions and endeavored in
in full swing. this way to increase the efficiency of our business
A complete schedule has been drawn up and a organization.^ Of the employees of the branches,
copy placed in the hands of each contestant. twenty-six per cent, have submitted suggestions.
The following officers will be glad to hear from Twenty-two per cent, of those at the stockhouses
any interested member of the K. O. R. C: Presi- and twelve per cent, of the salesmen and demon-
dent, C.E.Thurston; Treasurer, W. X. Fritz; Man- strators have recorded their ideas. Whv not everv-
ager, "Bob" Wood; Secretary. Isabelle Koch.



The first picnic of the Mail Department was held The second annual outing of the Finished Stock
on Thursday, Septeniher Ontario Beach.
,Sth. at Department was held at Walter Capell's cottage,
Several members of Kodak Office kindly placed Oklahoma, West Webster, and proved to be a great
their cars at the disposal of the picnickers, and im- success.
mediately after 5:30 were waiting to transport them Starting immediately after noon, the picnickers
to their destination. motored to the beach.
After the spread, the merry-makers betook them- First thing on the afternoon's program, of,
selves to the beach, where, in the evening's enter- was eats, after which came the races. The water
tainment provided, much talent hitherto suspected was fine and most everyone took a dip in the lake.
and unsuspected, was brought to light and recog- The balance of the afternoon was spent in dancing.
nized. Among the interesting and enlightening The guests of the afternoon were Mr. and Mrs.
awards were: W. J. German.
Kathryn Lamphere, the proud of the WINNERS
daintiest foot, a mouth
organ. lOO-Vard Dush. . . .Men Harold Gunderson
Marguerite Hanlon, having the daintiest appetite, 50'Yard Dash Girls Christine Barker
a silver pencil. Ball Throw Men William Hamp
Margaret Seymour, who proved herself the best Ball Throw Girls Christine Barker
fireman, a handkerchief. Broad Jump Men Harold Gunderson
Helen Hergenrother. the "fastest" member of the Broad Jump Girls Rena Bradley
Department, a box of candy.
Carroll Hill, as having the "most extensive femi-
nine acquaintance," a pocket notebook. PAR OR BOGEY.
Recitations by Florence Breehl. ^'ocal solos by Sejiteniber proved a busy month for the K. O. R.
Alice Tiu-ner and I. L. Houley. and dancing, con- C. golfers. Handicap ratings were determined and
cluded an enjoyable evening. all contestants notified of their respective standings.
Twelve enthusiasts were entered for the K. O. R. C.
tournament and, at the time of writing, several had
ALBRECHT AND SEYFRIED IX BUFFALO locked horns m the prehminary matches.
Frank Albrecht, who has been in the Shipping Following is a list of entries:
Department for the past fifteen years with the R. C. Kron C. H. Ruffner
exception of eighteen months in the service, has left L. N. Gillette H. W. Quinlin
the employ of the company to go into business for J. B. VanDusen Jack Leysenaar
himself in BufTalo. W. L. Pierce W. S. Silsby
Frank has been prominently iclentified with F. A. Rogers J. W. Newton
Kodak baseball and bowling activities. He willbe E. B. Hoard
associated with Gus Seyfried who has also left the Next month's Magazine will contain an announce-
company. The best wishes of a host of friends ment of the champion.
follow them.


The marriage of May Little of the Tabulating
Cecelia Perdue of the Sales Department, 14th
Department to Adolph Nietz, of Kodak Park, took
floor, was married to Joseph Vay on September '20th.
place on Saturday, Sej^tember 10th. at Blessed
Sacrament Rectory. The pre-nuptial events in-
cluded a luncheon and linen shower at East Maple-
Mary Lere of the Sales Department was marriefl wood by the bride's associates of the Tabulating
on Thursday evening. September 8th, to Isaac Hub- Department, a variety shower by Cynthia Cassidy,
regsen at the Brighton Reform Church. and a kitchen shower by Mrs. Frank Brannigan.
Horace Lloyd, of the Billing Department, and
Marion J. Clark were married on Saturday, Sep- Betty Van Niel has left the Billing Department to

tember 10th. take up training at the Hahnemami Hospital. Betty

ought to make a wonderful nurse.
The marriage of Muriel Handy, of the Welfare McGAHAN-LLT)WIG
Department, to Kenneth Brown took place on the Ethel Ludwig of the Mail Deptarment was
evening of September 8th, at the Lake Avenue Bap- married to William J. McGahan at her home on
tist Church. Previous to her leaving the company, Wednesday, Septemlier 6th. Ethel made a charm-
her associates in the Stock Distribution Department ing bride, and her friends at Kodak Office extend
entertained Mrs. Brown at several automobile their most cordial good wishes for her happiness.
luncheon parties, and also presented her with a Pre\'ious to her leaving, the girls of the Mail
traveling bag. Department entertained at Teall's and at a theatre
party. Lorain Wilson gave a party at her home for
A REPAIR DEPARTMENT BRIDE Ethel and for Betty Van Niel. Variety showers
The Repair Department gave Lea LaBelle a were given by Helen Wagner and her sister, Mrs.
royal send-off when she left to become the wife of Seabrook, and by Alice, Marie, and Helena Foley.
Roy Defendorf. The employees of the department Grace Nolan was hostess at a kitchen shower and
presented her with a complete set of silver. Katherine Lamphere at an apron shower.
. —



The Kodak Office Baseball league [sohediile The Main Office employees who are rlismissed
closed after a very successful season. The Shipping before noon and who go to the Camera Works for
department team came gut on toj), witli the Auditors lunch are asked to form a line of twos if they arrive
second. Service and Maintenance gcjt away to a there Ijcfore the doors are open. This is requested
poor .start, but showed lots of fight towarti the end. as a safety measure and no one will be admitted
FINAL ST.\XDINfiS until it is conformed with. Won't you do your
WOX LO.ST PCT part.^
Shipping U 1000
Accounting 7 (i .538 Ethel Bailey of the Sales Department has been
~ ~
Ser\H[ce , . 500 very ill at the General Hospital.
Traffic C 7 .46-2
Industrial Relations. .. . 6 8 .429
The Mail Department welcomes Mary Reiter
Maintenance 6 .429
after her long vacation.
Billing 5 9 .357
Stock 4 10 .-286
The Tabulating Department announces the en-
SCHEDULE gagement of Leila Qualtrough and Arthur Collet t.
Alley No. October 6th A farewell luncheon was given for Mary Elizabeth
5-6 Domestic Shipping rs. Sales Ashe who left the Order Department recently to
7-8 Accoimting vs. Engraving resume her studies at Mechanics Institute.
9-10 Export Shipping rs. Billing
11-12 Bookkeeping vs. Stock We are glad to welcome Metta Manly who has
13-14 Maintenance rs. Advertising fully recovered from her recent severe illness, and
15-16 Industrial Relations rs. Service has returned to her work in the Testing and Packing
October 13th Department.
5-6 Maintenance vs. Service
7-8 Industrial Relations rs. Bookkeeping
We've noticed the sign on the Bulletin Boards
9-10 Stock rs. .Advertising
'Be with the Gang October 6th." If it's Bowling,
11-12 .\ccoimting rs. Billing
the "Tabs" will be right there, and we'll also be
13-14 Export Shipping Domestic Shipping
in at the finish. Watch our smoke!
15-16 Sales Engraving
October 20th
5-G Industrial Relations vs. Stock Mrs. Samuel Wilinsky (nee Dora Goldman) left
7-8 Service vs. Domestic Shipping the Advertising Department Saturday, September
9-10 Engraving rs. Maintenance 10th, to take up her household duties. Dora has
11-12 Export Shipping vs. Advertising been with us five vears and she will be missed bv
13-14 Accounting rs. Sales
15-16 Billing rs. Bookkeeping
October 27th The marriage of Elden Lambe of the Maintenance
5-6 Accounting rs. Bookkeeping Department to Mildred Lenard occurred on Satur-
7-8 Stock rs. I^xport Shipping day, September 24th.
9-10 Service vs. Sales
11-12 Maintenance vs. Industrial Itelations A luncheon was given by the girls of the Sixth
13-14 Engraving rs. Billing Floor in honor of Anna McDonald of the Stock
15-16 Advertising rs. Domestic Siiipping Department whose marriage to Arthur McDermott
took place September 1st at the Chiu-ch of the
SCHEDI'LE Immaculate Conception.
October 6th
Another engagement —Hazel Ruscher of the
vs. Finishing Department and Chester Hincher.
3-4 Order rs. Service
9:00 1-2 Testing rs. D. & P.
Latest reports are that Alice Attridge, Ethel
3-4 Advertising vs. Tabulating
Bauer, and Luella Thompson of the Finishing
October 13th Department are nuich better, and will be able to be
7:00 1-2 Testing rs. Service
with us again soon.
3-4 Advertising vs. I), i^: P.
9:00 1-2 Sales vs. Tabulating
Order Gladys Reed of the Mail Department has resigned
3 4 Mail r.v.
where she is
to enter the University of Rochester,
October 20Tn
12 & working for a degree.
7:00 Order rs. 1). V.
3-4 Testing vs. Taliulating
9:00 1-2 Advertising vs. Mail —
.\nother engagement is announced Delma Mark-
3-4 Sales vs. Service hani of the Mail Department and Harry Dunning.
October 27tii
7:00 1-2 Mail vs. Tabulating We are glad to welcome Florence Burroughs back
3—t Sales vs. .\dvcrtising to the 14th floor after her recent illness, and also
9:00 1-2 Service rs. D. & P. Cathryn Kennedy, after an absence of about six
3-4 Order rs. Testing months.

Of course you know wliat mosaic work is. useless, but in co-operation with others, it becomes
a very important part of the design and is indis-
The symmetrical cubes of stone or tile can be
and halls in many pensable to the whole.
seen adorning the floors or lobbies
Each executive and employee, however special-
of the world's finest buildings.
ized he or she may be, does not, separately, constitute
The EgA'ptians were past masters of this art, and an efficient organization; but, collectively, each unit
excavations of ruined cities have revealed that the becomes vital to the other, and together they form
people of Pharaoh's time excelled in mosaic work. a prosperous combination.
All of which goes to prove that the ancients had Just as each tile or stone unit must contribute
the right idea of "fitting in." .shape and color to the mosaic structure, so must
One cube or slab of tile can no more make a each executive and employee contribute ideas and
mosaic design than one mind can formulate the suggestions to the company's policies.
policies of industry. Each man or woman jniisf "fit in" to the general
It reciuires dozens of squares, oblongs, circles and scheme, not only by contributing labor, but by
\arious shapes to perfect an elaborate mosaic using brains.
l)attern. It requires dozens of executive, statistical, While you work, think!
mechanical, aufl clerical minds to perfect an efficient The management exchanges your ideas for cash.
factory organization. Become a co-operative part of your industry
Each cube of tile or stone, of itself, is practically through the suggestion system!


Delia Meerdink and Ralph Welch have both
The handsome trophy, donated by the Recreation
Club for competitive gardening clubs exhibiting at
added treasures to their respective "hope-chests,"
the Rochester Exposition, is still awaiting a claim-
and both are duly acclaimed as "champs" of tennis
ant! When the trophy was "put up," there were six
at the State Street factory for the season of 1921.
likely competitors for honors, but one after another
Had circumstances warranted the expense, the
of the clubs dropped out, until only ojir association
Recreation Clul) would now boast of a very good
tennis team. —
Anyway we know who are the star was left in the field. As a result, the usual feature of
an industrial garden exhibit at Exposition was
players, and will remember it next season. Delia
dropped, and, according to "Hoyle" we are entitled
won the final honors from Florence Koehnlein,
6-1, 7-5, and Ralph received the cup for mark- to keep the prize. But there, we'll give the other
ing up C—I, C—t against Charles Perrine in the
factories a chance to win it next year —
and the
more competitors the merrier.




The Camera Works Recreation Club may be a No. '2 Is William Whincup, the tenor singer of the
modern example of industrial sportsmanship, but aggregation.
we doubt whether we shall ever cause as much Xo. 3. Reveals John Lohwater, or rather, it would
bloodshed as the Kodak. Athletic Club members reveal him if the guitar were removed. John
shown in the picture above. was officially dubbed as "The noise maker."


The photograph represents a group of Camera Xo. 4. Could be entitled "Gazing into the future'
Works' employees, who in 1898, were eager to spill the model being Frank O'Brien.
their blood in the Spanish-American war, and, in Xo. 5. Shows us a splendid example of a mustache,
order to get in trim, formed an athletic club. Harry with Archie Love as the grower and culti-
Briggs, to whom we are indebted for this "relic," vator. Archie was physical instructor for the
tells us that the way the boys slugged at each other "gang."
portended instant defeat to the Spaniards, but fate
Xo. 6. Is Phillip Mattle, who was considered a
spared them, for so much "claret" was spilled at
deadly enemy with the gloves. .

these meetings, that it took the boys two weeks to

regain strength before staging another bout. Boxing Xo. 7. Should be easy to recognize. Edward
seemed to be the chief amusement, although there Freislich doesn't look a day older now,
were other items f)n their semi-monthly programme, does he.^

including wrestling, singing, clog dancing, and last, X'^o. 8. Crowned with a derby —
is Albert Eidman.
but by no means least, "hot dogs and suds." Albert has grown considerably since this
Follow the numbers on the picture for identifica- picture was taken, not so much "longways"
tion, for, unless you pos.sess Sherlock Holmes but "forward"!
propensities, you will not guess who's who. Xow, you "old timers." don't "josh" the subjects
No. 1. Shows us the one and only Harry Briggs, of this photograj)h too much, for the Editor has
who established quite a reputation as pro- quite a collection of ancient pictures and manu-
moter of the Club. scripts, and you never can tell whose turn is next.

To the Editor of the Camera Works Section, for me to recover my health was to take a complete
Kodak Magazine, ,
rest, and For this advice
live in the fresh air.
Dear Sir: together with ^^edical treatments, I am deeply
I would like to take a small space in your magazine indel)ted to Dr. Sawyer. Had I had the forethought
to insert the following article. to go to Dr. Sawyer previously, I know I would be
I have been with the Eastman Kochik Co., in better shajie today, and this letter is intended to
Camera Works division, for nineteen years, but am convey my appreciation of him, and also my super-
obliged to give up my work for the time l)eing on intendent, Mr. (ieiger, and Mr. Robertson and
account of ill-health. This action I very much Mr. Brehm.
regret for I have made a great many friends, and I To these men, and to my many friends, I wish to
miss them greatly. pay my highest regards. Sincerely yours,
I was advised by the Doctor that the quickest way John W. Preston.
The caption of this article was the opinionof the The feature of the show was, undoubtedly, the
many who
visitors viewed the sixth annual exhibit collective display of Fred W. Brehm. Even the
of the Camera Works Gardening Association and —
judge Mr. F. A'. Metcalfe of Irondequoit had to —
"so say we all of us." look only once to award the Ijlue ribbon. There
This year we confiscated part of the dining room were fifty or sixty distinct varities of everythmg
in lieu of an empty store on State Street. It was a
from half inch peppers to twenty-three inch celery.
great idea at that. The display showed up clearly As for tomatoes, Mr. Brehm has alreafly established
against the white marble table tops. If you are
a reputation of growing all known and vmknown
one of those people who look upon vegetables simply
species, and this year he again maintained his usual
as commodities to be boiled or fried, but not to be
admired, you missed seeing the exhibit The .

" Here complete of the prize winners. You

various shades of the many varieties of "eartli friut is a list

formed a wonderful picture, and color photography will notice that Allen Richards was the lucky boy
would have been tested to its utmost to register the in getting the largest amount of money.
Collective Display
1st—Fred W. Brehm Peppers Potatoes
2nd—Herbert Thorpe S. 1st —David Sine 1st — Allen Richards
3rd —Leon ]\Iorev 2nd— Frank Fisher 2nd —Leon More\"
3rd — Allen Richards 3rd — Frank O'Brien
1st —Frank Fisher Beets
—Fred W. Brehm
—Leon Morey
2nd —William Hauss 1st
—Allen Richards
2nd— Fred W. Brehm
3rd —Frank Holman
3rd —Lewis Clarke 3rd — Horace Blackwell
Celery Sugar Pumpkin Scotch Kale
1st —Fred W. Brehm 1st —
Fred (ireider 1st — Herbert Thorpe S.
2nd— Leon Morey —
2nd Charles E. Russell 2nd — Allen Richards
3rd —William Hauss 3rd —
Lewis Clark
Ruta Baga
Green Beans Chard 1st— Allen Richards
1st —Allen Richards 1st—Leon Morey 2nd — Fred Brehm \\'.

2nd—Frank Holman 2nd— Herbert ThorpeS. 3rd — Herbert Thorpe S.

3rd — Allen Richards 3rd— Charles E. Russell Egg Plant

To7natoes Parsnips 1st —Frank Fisher
1st—Fred Greider 1st — Fred W. Brehm 2nd —Allen Richards
2nd—Frank Holman 2nd — Allen Richards Winter Radish
—Frank Fisher
3rd' 3rd — Horace Blackwell 1st —
Fred W. Brehm
Cucumbers — over .5 inches long Vegetable Marrow

2nd Allen Richards

1st —John Kuhn 1st —Fred Greider Lettuce

2nd —Lewis Clarke 1st Fred W. Brehm
3rd — Frank O'Brien

Ciwumbers— over 7 inches long

1st — Allen Richards Peas
2nd —Harry Mildenberger 1st -Allen

1st —Lewis Clarke 3rd — Herbert Thorpe

S. Crookncck Squash
2nd—Frank Fisher 1st —James Nobles
3rd —Allen Richards
Green Cabbage
1st—Herbert Thorpe S.
2nd — Allen Richards
Dried Beans 2nd— Fred Greider Odd Squash
1st —Leon Morey Red Cabbage 1st —
James Nobles
2nd—John Kuim
3rd — P'rank Fisher
1st —Herbert S. Thorpe Hubbard Squash
Savoy Cabbage 1st —
James Nobles
Field Pumpkin
1st —Fred W. Brehm —
2nd Allen Richards—William Beuter 2nd — Allen Richards Melons
2nd — Charles E. Russell 3rd — Fred Greider —Frank Fisher
3rd — Herbert
Onions 2nd — Leon Morey
Yelloir Siveet Corn 1st — Fred W. Brehm 3rd —James Nobles
1st —Charles E. Russell 2nd — Herbert Thorpe
S. While the entries were not as
2nd—Frank Fisher many as in previous years, the
3rd —David Sine
quality of the vegetables was tip-
1st —Fred W. Brehm
White Siceet Corn 2nd —Herbert Thorpe
top. There is one sure thing about

1st —Frefl Greifler 3rd — Horace Blackwell the results of the six years 'garden-
ing activity it —has taught the
2nd — P>ank Fisher Kohl Rabi members how to produce quality
3rd — David Sine 1st —Harry Mildenberger goods.


On]^the last day of August, tliirty-five'^Hawk-Eye countants were present, they couldn't make up their
men held what they claimed was to be their final minds as to the score, and the question has yet to
sausage roast of the season on the upper River. be settled.
Frankly, we don't believe it was the last. These The commissary department almost had to drag
roasts have become a sort of amiable weakness with the reluctant players to the dining green, where
that particular crowd, and we expect to hear of them tables had (not) been set. Once there, however,
"spreading 'em with mustard" imtil snow flies. they" stayed put" with a vengeance, and great were
It was not a canoe party this time. The hea\y- the deeds they did in the course of the "fight."
weights refused to go unless they could drive tlieir Fred Altman, 'tis true, lost caste with the champion
Peerlessesand Reos to the .scene of the "dog-fight." eaters when he chose to act as waitress and consum-
However, everyone found plenty of exercise, im- ed only two man-sized portions. But "Bill"
mediately upon arriving, in the customary ball Roach made amends by purchasing the absent
game. That is, everyone except "Red" Sondheim, "Jimmy" "Weldon's share at a ridiculously low
"Larry" Tarnow and Frank Quetchenback, who figure, and then eating about ten portions. As for
were up to their ears in the culinary preliminaries, the quality of the lunch, high fame has attached
that must needs precede the main bout. itself tothe eats of "Larry" and "Red."
"Ed" McLean imij)ired the game and, owing to There followed those evening pursuits that
his size, escaped uninjured. His hair-raising decis- usually grace such parties. There is a snap-shot
ions and " Benny " Levine's efforts as chief comedian extant that shows a group gathered around either a
made anything but a high old time unthinkable. campfire or an illuminated blanket, ostensibly tell-
Outside of these two luminaries, the out-fielders on ing ghost stories. More than one saw ghosts before
both teams- were most prominent, not because they the evening was over. "Joe" Engel, on his own
caught so many flies, (they really didn't stop a evidence, was voted the best deer-hunter in the
thing) but because of their generous numbers. Each crowd.
side had a good half-dozen of them. \i\ general, Nobody who participated that night would object
the game alone was more than worth the insignifi- if those parties did last until Thanksgi\Tng. And
cant cost of the party. Though most of the ac- if —
they can be moved indoors after that, let's do it.


Lcfl to Right, Seated — William C. Schlegel, Trustee; Lillian M. Wilson, Trustee; Kuth E. Kurtz, Trustee"
Marj;aret Duske, Vice-President; Kaymonii .1. Wall, I'resident.
Standing — George W. Hrennan. Trustee; Clifford L. Johnson, Treasurer; William Eyer, Trustee:
Arthur G. Rapp, Secretary; Dennis M. Dwyer, Trustee.
The the Pitch Button Department held a
girls of
lively Pajama Party. Attired in bright-hued pa-
jamas, they gathered for supper at seven o'clock in
the women's dining room. The girls say that they
could easily have imagined themselves dining at
Odenljach's when tliey tasted the delicious salads,
pastry and excellent coffee made by Miss Drum-
mond. It is assumed that they would have been
somewhat eml)arrassed if they had found them-
selves suddenly transported to that hostelry attired
as they were, but it isn't necessary to pursue the
comparison cjuite to that point.
After the repast, a novel program of games and
dancing was carried out. There is no doubt but that
the pajama girls enjoyed themselves in fact, John —
DeWitte .says that they apparently wandered from
the original scene of their merry-making, for he
found fairy footjirints even on the tables within the
sacred confines of the men's dining room.
With the approach of cool weather, the Pitch
Buttoners are jilanning to have more of their get-


We hasten to deny the rumor that Alice Gears and
"Babe" Meerdink have taken up the game of
cricket. Some people seem to have jiunped at
conclusions, just because the girls played in a
baseball game which their team won bv a score of
Foreman, Engraving Department

Florence Greinke left on September 10th. Most
"Billy" Wilson busy these days sclieming a
of us did not knowafterward that she was to
rejuvenation of the Ekco Club, which passed through
be married. Mr. Arthur Koss is the lucky man,
such a successful season at the Y. W. C. A. last year. and the date of the wedding was September Slst.
The organization started with a membership of The best wishes of the Filter Department, where
about ten and, contrary to the experience of many Florence worked, and of Hawk-Eye in general, go
chibs, ended the season with twice that number. It
with Mr. and Mrs. Koss.
is planned to do even bigger things this year and
there is reason to believe that the new features,
offered by the "Y. W." through the club will make
the latter a record-breaking success.
As last year, supper will he served on clul) nights, August marked the appearance of a new team on
but on a more pretentious scale. The meal will be the outdoor-indof)r fliamond. The Tool Room nine
followed by joint fireside meetings of all the girls' made its debut on the last of the month, and while
clubs, a feature that has always been immensely it tasted defeat at the hands of the Foremen, the

popular and successful. After this general get- line-up looked good. Tiie d-i .score doesn't show
together, there will be two forty-minute periods, the calibre of "Charlie" Becker's pitching, because
which will be utilized for either eflucational or his support wasn't altogether watertight. Fred
recreational purposes. C'ourses are offered in Cur- Von Deben, covering second base for the winners,
rent Events, Economics, Psychology, United States kept the noon-hour fans in suspense by h s involun-
History, First-Aid, Millinery, etc., as well as the tary antics. He had a bad day with his feet, and his
usual gym work and swimming. The girls also playing looked like a demonstration of "One
have the option of spending these periods in the Hundred Ways to Stumble Without Falling."
reading room, in the music room or at any other A week earlier, the married naen had stacked up
pursuit that may strike their fancy. They can against the bachelors. Just as at the picnic earlier
leave early or stay late, according to necessity or in the month, the single men demonstrated their
inclination. There will be something to suit, and superiority by winning in a canter.
to attract every girl along these lines, not to mention Our friends, the Oleanders, made several in-
the good-fellowship which after all has been the vasions of our grounds, administering a beating on
foundation and secret of success of the Ekco Club. each occasion. Hawk-Eye has yet to find a combi-
nation that can cope with the Oleander battery and
Marguerite Fehrenbach left our Production at the same time throttle their swat-smiths. How-
Department on September 9th, to begin a training ever, these games, as well as all the others, have
course at St. Clary's Hospital. We hope, and supplied more fun than the justly famous barrel of
believe, that she will be happy and successful in her monkeys, and it will be with keen regret that
new work. Hawk-Eye will see the end of this noon-hour sport.

At present Hawk-Eye's chief concern is to find a safe clouts, and eight Tycos errors contributed to
suitable spot in which to display a large blue-and- help theboys around the paths. As a result,
white banner, suc-h as is jjrcsented to a champion- "Wiedie's" men scored fourteen times, while nine
ship team. For the second sviccessive season our runners were left on l)ase.
liardhitting lens-makers, strengthened this time by The game, which had looked like a nip-and-tuck
the sj)lendid talent from Folmer-C'eiitury, have affair for a few innings, dragged toward the finish,
taken home the "muslin"' in the Kodak League. and ended 14-7. II(nvever, a victory meant an
Not only that, hut at tlie present writing they are edge on our opponents in the city race; .so, a sound,
out to win the industrial championship of the city even though uninteresting, beating of Taylor's nine
again. was gratifying.
Both of Hawk-Eye's closing League games were The second game of the series, played at Taylor
scheduled with the Main Office. The first of them, Field, was a "Jakie" Young took
different affair.
on August was Hawk-Eye's by
'-27th, default, Magin's place on the mound for the instrument
"Toddy" Diehl's team failing to put in an appear- makers, and pitched a splendid game. McCor-
ance. It was then necessary to go through with a mack, our iron man. was just as good; in fact he
postponed game a week later, because a defeat allowed only five hits, while his team-mates were
would have meant a tie and a post-season .series gathering six, fjut the breaks were against Hawk-
with Camera Works, holders of second place. Eye.
"Romped" is the word, gentlemen. It wouldn't The first four innings were a pitchers' battle, with
adequately express things to say that Hawk-Eye only one safe clout by each team. In the fifth
1(071 the last game. It would have been a scream, McCormack passed Buelte and hit Meyers. The
even if Harry Moore hadn't fanned purposely, and next man smashed out a hot one between first and
"Benny" Levine hadn't got himself caught between second, scoring both of his team-mates. Hawk-
first and second in a humane eti'ort to end the fracas. Eye came back in the next session and evened the
And then tliere was that hot line of repartee between coimt on an error, a i)ass and two singles. There-
"Bill" Schlegel and Fogarty of State Street, and upon all the loyal Hawk-Eyetes sat back in relief,
the squabble over the ball clubs at the end. Those and reminded the Tycos that they would have to
of us who turned out for the game were given a start all over again. They did — in the .seventh.
rare treat, not particularly of baseball, but of Blum and Wollenhaupt hit cleanly, and then Bovena
comedy. lifted one over the left field fence for a homer,
Eggert opened in the box for the Office, op- making the score two. The fight wasn't
five to
posed by Graham. Both were very steady for the over, though. In the ninth Wiedemann's men
first few innings, and it looked as if the score of filled the sacks after two were out. A hit at this
i-l .^irrived at in early rounds, would stand. point would have changed matters completely.
But "Alose" Eggert Meakened, and Hawk-Eye But Harry Moore, the next man up, was out only
was not long in finding it out. By the fifth, our by an inch, at first, ending the game, and postpon-
team had iced the game .5-1, and was going strong. ing the issue of the cliampionship series.
At this stage, "Toddy" Diehl essayed to stem the
tide. His regime lasted two innings, during each of DORAX-KREUZER
which Hawk-Eye added five runs. The boys
leaned on everything offered them, and begged for
William A. Doran of the Mounting Department
more. Petroske fattened his average with five and Miss Rose Kreuzer were married on September
hits, and Prentice annexed three. Our own 14th. Hawk-Eye's best wishes went with them on
their lioneymoon, for a life of happiness and pros-
defense eased up a bit, allowing two Office runs to
register, but in general, (iraliam's support was
good, especially a snapjjy double play, Wiedemann
to Ingleby to Moore. Mrs. Mary McCue, mother of the late Mrs.
At the end of the seventh, Diehl was as tired of his Louis Ehrmann, died on Saturday. September lOth.
job as P^ggert had been, whereupon the great We sympathize deeply with Mr. Ehrmann in his
"Hash" McNeil was trotted over from first. He latest loss.
held Hawk-Eye off during the eighth, aufl final, in-
ning, but — it didn't mean an>thing. Hawk-Eye James M. Lucy of the Production Department
had won the game 1.5-;5, and the Eastman Kodak and Miss Mildred Kintz were married Seplemi)er
pennant by a one-game margin. 'iyi ii. We wish "Jim" and his wife the best of luck.
Immediately after the last Kodak I^eague con-
test, a three-game series was arranged between our We extend our deepest sympathy to .\nna Belle
victorious Hawks and the Tyc-os, or Taylor in- Smith of the Sanitary Department in her recent
strument nine, who liad wf)n the flag in the I. .V. loss of two close relatives. Her brother, John W.
R. A. League. Smith, died on .\ugust -iOth,and his wife, Etta
Smith, four davs later.
The first game on September 10th, started like so
many chamj)ionship series start it was a comedy — Walter X. Ensman. Jr., weight nine and a quarter
of errors. Fortunately, most of the comedy was
on the side of the o])[)osition. The hitting was pounds, was born on .Vugust '2,)th. We offer our
heavy throughout, j)arti(iilarly on Hawk-Fye's heartv congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ensman.
part. Captain (ieorge ANiedemann gathered four
hits in five trips to the ])late, while (iraf, Moore and Edward Sellmayer of the .\nastigmat Roughing
Petroske each garnered three. In all, Hawk-Eye Deiiartment and Miss .\nna Diescher were married
touched up Magin, the Tycos luirler, for seventeen on September 7th.


"No doubt you be surprised to hear from an
will Won't it down and write a Christmas
be fun to sit
old pal like me" is the heading of an interesting story al)out your schoolmate.^ And you know
letter received from one of our former employees. that, if it is a winner, you will have some money to
"Babe" Cahill. ]\Iiss Cahill says she has left the buy Mother or Daddy that Christmas present! If
stage and is now district sales manager for the you have not already sent your story in to us, get
Child's Welfare Magazine, with headquarters at busy, for the time is getting short. See page 15 of
Detroit, Michigan. "Babe" is making quite a the September Kodik Magazine for particulars.
success in her new work, and wants to be remem-
bered to all her friends with the Kodak Company.
One of her wishes is that she will be able to drop
in and entertain us at one of our Premo Club
vaudeville shows. Glad to see you, "Babe"! FROM JULY 1, 19^21, TO
SEPTEMBER 1, 19^21.
Improvement in manufacturing methods —George
VACATION PICTURES Reduction in accident or fire hazard John Lyons. —
You, in all proljability, snapped a lot of pictures General maintenance or conveniences Henry A. —
with your Kodak while on your vacation. If you McCormack.
have any that you think would he interesting to the
rest of us, let's have them. And don't forget the X^ow isthe time to join the Premo Club before
picture of that big fish you told us about! the fall season opens; dues $L50 per year.


Mrs. Klear was formerly Leona Neuwirth of the
'LEN" HOSFORD AND "BILL" GERSTNER Assembly Department.


'*Biir' Young, as he is known
to all Prenio work- On
Thur.sday, September 1st, the Employment
ers, started his career in 1.S95 as a woodworker for and Service Department held a successful corn and
the Mutc-hler-Rohertson Camera ("onipany, which sausage roast at the home of Charles H. Young at
was later consolidated with the Rochester Optical Summerville. After a swim and supper, an enter-
Companv. then doing business in our present build- tainment program was put on by Martha Chri.stians,
ing. Willard Blackstock, Blanche Erickson, ("harles
Young and Irene Wilt. The committee in charge
was made up of Adelbert MacNallv, Irene Wilt and
Willard Blackstock.


Mr. and Mrs. .\. A. Ruttari.

Charles Look, Jr., of the Assembly Department,

paid us a call recently after several months' absence
on accoimt of a sprained back. "Charlie" has been
having a pretty hard time of it and has had to wear
a plaster cast for about four months. He says that
he owes a great deal to our Medical Department
for the splendid treatment he has received from

We all want to congratulate Joseph Isaac of the

Experimental Department on the birth of a daugh-
ter. This little miss will be known as Edna Margaret.
WILLIAM YOUNG Also congratulations to ".\llie" Yahn of the
Plant Department on the arrival of a baby girl at
He was put charge of the Woodworking Depart-
his house.
ment, where he remained imtil a few months ago,
wlien, at his own request, the responsibility of the ANT.LCOME BACK, "BILL"
department was taken from him. He continues to Wi ard Blackstock, our cartoonist, is back with
serve in an advisory capacity. "ISill" Young has
us again after a few weeks" vacation spent in British
always been a steady and efficient worker, and his Colnml)ia, witli his luicle. Willard savs that, if
conduct, during the years he has been in our employ,
has been the for high commendation. Many
Premo men, who worked under "IJiU's" guidance,
owe much of their success to his kind and fatherly
"Bill" was born in 1S,>() in the town of Gates,
New ^ Ork, and lives at .'5.'571 Lake Avenue. He has
quite a reputation as a gardener, and devotes nnich
of his spare time to the i)lot of ground behind his

Carrie Basch of the Covering Department has
left our little crowd to begin the art of housekeeping.
On Tuesday afternoon, September '27tli, she became
the bride of Edward Leforis, the Iteverend Franken-
feld of the Salem Church officiating.
We recei^ed nian>' letters expressing appreciation you and woolly West, British Columbia
like the wild
for acts of kindness during sickness and death in the is but give him the East. He .says those
all right,

families of our employees. These letters are indeed western mosciuitoes are as large as English sparrows
welcome and we regret that we cannot publish ail and you tlon't get. much rest after sundown unless
of them as our space is limited. \(iu stav under cover.


CHARLES FLAGG Thursday night will be K. P. A. A. night at the
After numerous postponements and delays the
Genesee Bowling Hall all this winter. President
Annual K. P. A. A. Tennis Tournament finished
James A. Hart, of the Kodak League, announces
up with a grand rush, great interest being sliown in
that plans are all completed and that everything is
the final play-off. One after another of the con-
in shape for the ojjening night, October 6th. The
testants was eliminated up to the finals, where
League will again include eight teams as follows.
Charles Flagg of the Pay Roll and "Joe" Minella
Building 50, Foremen's Club, Building .'30, Film.
of the Steel Fabricating Department met to decide
E. C. & P., \'elox. Carpenter Shop, and Machine
which was the better man. This match was of
Shop. Schedules are being printed, and will be
particular interest, in view of the fact that both
available upon request at the office of the Associa-
Flagg and Minella were rated as Class "D" players.
tion. Get one and drop in occasionally when your
After coming through from the beginning, meeting
team is in action. Give them a little encourage-
and defeating by virtue of their handicaps and good
ment and help them win some of the prizes.
playing other players of higher classification, the
end was most fitting. Flagg demonstrated early
in the match that he was Minella's superior taking GOLF TOURNAMENT STARS
the first set 6-'-2. A spurt by "Joe" gave him the Sixteen entries were received for the Kodak Park
second set 6—1, after which the Pay Roll Star
Athletic Association Golf Tournament which
settled dowii to consistent playing, taking the next
opened the first week in September. Handi-
two, C-4, 6-4. Both players are to be congratu-
caps, based on the scores turned in each month by
lated on their success, and commended for their
those desiring to participate in the tournament,
persistence and courage throughout the tourna-
were allowed the players, resulting in an even chance
for all. One roiuid was played off each week
In the girls" classic, meet Louise
Theresa Zick will
Finals were to be completed before October 1st.
Murphy, and Gertrude De Y'oung bracketed with
This would allow time for the winners of the Kodak
Harriet Xoble in the semi-finals. Interest has
Park tournament to meet the best men from Kodak
been passive in this tournament, vacations and one
Office where a similar tournament was being run.
or two other things resulting in several defaults.
The wind-u]). howe\-er. should be more spirited.


Last season was a "humdinger" for the Kodak By the time this Ma'jazine is issued, the Kodak
Park girls' basketball team and everyone admits Park Foremen's Club have had one more of
that we will have to go some to better it this winter. its very extraordinary affairs, this a Clam Bake,

In all, eighteen games were played during the season, at Rifle Range on Saturday, September 24th.
sixteen being won. The only team to defeat the For the past four years this event has been elimi-
Park lassies was the famous Clark-Munies, of nated from the program of activities, but, because
Cleveland, world's championship girls' team. of the persistent demand on the part of a large
Practically all of last season's players are again representation of tlie membership body, it was
availal)le and anxious to get into action. The ex- decided to hold one this year.
perience gained by them last year should put them Charles Schlansker, James A. Hart, William
in the lead from the very start, and their slogan Doane, Robert A. Weber and Charles Kendall were
will be "not a defeat this winter." in charge of the different arrangements.
Efforts are again being made to secure the services Thefirst dinner and meeting of the winter season
of "Charlie" Thompson as coach. His superior will l)e held in the middle of this month. Every-
knowledge of the game, together with his ability to one is anxious for these to be resumed, and between
guide succes-sfully the playing of the team members, four and five hundred people are expected to be in
makes him highly desirable. It is hoped to get five attendance at the first one. President Schaefl'er
or six weeks steady practice before the opening and a Committee are busy arranging a schedule of
game, which will be played the latter part of next winter activities and promise to exceed, if possible,
month against one of the best teams in this in everv wav the affairs of last year.
Everyone enjoys the girls' games. Start early BRIGHTMAN-DeROCHE
this season.Get the habit with tlie first game and "Jack Brightman of Building -26 was married on
be there for everv one. Monday, September oth to Anna DeRoche of the
Cine Slitting Department. After spending two
Leora Hudson of the Black Paper Department weeks in Cleveland, Ohio they are now at 118 Keehl
and her Mother spent the last two weeks of August Street. Congratulations."
with relatives in New York Citv.
Frank X. Hauser of the Cotton W' ashing De-
partment celebrated his Silver Anniversary on
Bessie DraflBn of the Plate Department wishes to Thursday, September 1.5, IQ-il. His many friends
thank her friends at Kodak Park for the many at the Park extend to both Mr. and Mrs. Hauser
kindnesses shown her during her recent illness. their heartv congratulations and best wishes.


Bessie Beattie, Lillian LaBar, Laura Coniiaughlon


The Research Picnic, held at Grand \ iew Beach Newton Green and J. H. Haste chose up for a
oa Augjst :27th went with a bang. tug-of-war and Mr. Haste lost the pull through a
Floyd Bight er who was chairman of the SporLs technical error. It seems that Dr. Trivelli was
Committee, and a live wire at all times, started the giving his full support to !Mr. Haste's side of the
ball rolling with a game of playgroimd ball between rope, but this support proved to be only moral.
the SjTithetic Chemistry and the Research Labora-
tory. The boys took it seriously: so. the only in- In the girls' baU game, Irene M. Foley became
teresting part was .\1"' Knight as umpire. ".M" wedded to her bat. Mabel Osier, taught Mr.
got rid of some old grudges by shutting his Spaulding a new rule when she scored from
eyes when good ones came over and calling 'em balls. third while placing third. Figure it out.
The game that evoked the real enthusiasm was
The "Suns" of Mr. Lovejoy and Dr. Mees
between two teams captained by H. LeB. Gray and
respectively, tied in the hurdle race, although each
Harry Tozier. Dr. Mees proved his speed by
has a manly grudge against Floyd Righter for
making two hits and although Billings played
removing the benches.
"Babe Ruth" and scored a home run. he spoiled it
all by getting "bawled up" on base throwing. H. The dinner served at the Grand \'iew Hotel was
LeB. Gray looked around to protest a decision voted the best ever. "Bob " Bret hens youthful
from the \"aliant umpire, and discovered only an Tommy pleased the diners by "spilling the beans"
animated cigar. This prevented him from seeing and although Louise Hutchison had to sing through
the demonstration staged by Dr. Clark who proved two waiters she proved herself a true vocalist and
that there is more than one way to catch a ball. was well appreciated. Nothing need be said of the
The ball-throwing contest was won by \Ii5s Series Four Quartet: it is reported that they said
Bergh. while Mrs. MerwT.-n Orser threw into high enough and that it actually was harmonious.
and won the 50 yard dash for ladies. Domestic
training proved its efficiency when Mr. and Mrs. .\nber Benedict led the toddlers towards the pavil-
Reeves won the Pipe and Needle Contest. Emery ion at 8:30, where dancing topped off one of the
Huse showed his proficiency in igniting the briar most successful picnics yet held by Kodak Parks
by winning the Pipe Race. scientists and their friends.





As the season ends, once again the Kodak Park Hawk-Eye. The spirit of the players imder the
baseliall team disbands and the equipment is laid conditions was very good, and too much can not be
away among the moth balls until another spring said in apprec-iation of their efforts. The support
rolls around. Hawk-Eye is again the pennant- of the fans, however, was far from what shoidd be
winner, and, with the Ijest all-aroimd team in the expected, and this, had considerable to do
it is felt,

League, the final result was ob\-ious.

with the outcome. Another year we have hopes
of different results. With Kodak Park ha\-ing the
Kodak Park's well-known "Jinx" was on the job largest field to pick from, and greater possibilities
almost every game, and, for one reason or another, in every way, it should hold the top of the League.
the defeats piled up until our prospects were hope- To the boys who played, and gave their time and
less. Only two games were won out of the eleven effort, and to those fans who did support the team,
played, one from Camera Works and the other from we extend a vote of appreciation.


Owing to the resignation of the Rochester and B.AXQUET
District League secretary, it has been necessary to Students and graduates of the Kodak Park Train-
postpone the opening of the fall series, to enable ing School for girls, numbering about one hundred
the schedule committee to re^ise the arrangement and thirty persons, enjoyed a very pleasing banquet
of matches. Indications point to the first game entertainment, and dance on Friday. Septemlser 2nd.
being played about Octol^er 1st. Kodak Park is Dinner was served in the Dining Hall of Building Jy
but one point behind the Celtics, and oiu- chances of at 6:30 o'clock. During the coiu-se of the meal,
gaining first place are very good, in spite of the fact
music was fiu"nished by an able orchestra and
that Morrison. Scott, Clegg and Griffiths, four of
commimity singing was enjoyed. William Hilde-
our most able players, are no longer with the team.
brand. well-known whistler, also entertained. Fol-
Plaj^ing in the Northwestern Cup Competition
matches was resumed last month, the Celtics play- lowing the dinner, short talks were given by several
ing the Oneida Community team at Sherrill. Xew of the in\-ited guests, including W. L. Farley. V. M.
York, and the Moose meeting the Jamestown Palmer, George Fallesen and Mrs. Thompson.
Football Club at Jamestown. Kodak Park was Then the party adjourned to the Assembly Hall
eliminated in the last game of the local series in the where a program of vaude\'ille was presented by
spring, by the Celtics; so, we must wait another the girls of the school. The remainder of the even-
year for a chance at the big trophy. ing was devrted to dancing.


The day the Annual Outing foimd Yatess
set for prize for the most handsome man was given to
shift of the Roll Coating Department all "dolled Levi Peachey, age seventy-one years. The most
up "
and on their way to Rifle Range where homely man was hard to decide. "Jack" Seabury
"sports" predominated and business cares were wiiming over "Mike La Force by a very narrow

forgotten. The arrangement committee, consisting margin. The pie-eating contest was easily won by
of John Kamm. Martin Bieck, and " Pat " Donnelly, Frank Hedges the official photographer. Floyd
started the fun early, and the boys kept it up late. Allxirn. Henry Perkins. Elmer Hewitt and "Dick"
The main event of the afternoon was a decidedly Johnson won the relay race, and the prize
snappy ball game between the boys of Buildings for the cracker eating contest went to Henry Pillen.
•20 and ^1 in which long hits, fast base rimning. and Elmer Olmsted. Floyd Vine and "Jack Buckler "

shoe-string catches were plentiful. Building iO shone as table finishers, eating practically every-
won over the rivals. Other events were as follows: thing in sight.
Running race, won by Henry Perkins. Fat man's .After a sumptuous dinner, the cigars donated by
race, won by George Reithel. Tug-of-war Ijetween Martin Bieck were enjoyed and a group pictiu^
Buildins* ^0 and -21. won In- Bnildine ^'i. The wa* taken.

After several years of hoping and waiting, the lucky, and the team is at present known as the
Pipe Shoj) has at last come int<j what it lias "Deuces." With practically the same players and
always considered its rightful place in the sun Harvey Shannon still at the hehn, they have to
the top of the Noon Hour Baseball League. If date won five straight games. Harry Sill is pitching

coaching, cheering, encouragement and crabbing air-tight ball for the plumbers and receiving first-
would accomplish it would have been in
this end, class support, which is the big reason for the
the position always. Never a noon passes that the present condition.
the celebrated Pipe Fraternity, headed by its Mighty good ball is being played by all the teams,
erstwhile boss, fails to occupy a conspicuous posi- and several individuals are easily classed as star
tion in the grandstand. performers. Among these is "Joe" Kondorf, who
What's in a name.^ Apparently a great deal, isdoing the twirling for the Cubs. Several of the
for in'this series the old name of "Pipe Shop" has players are fielding 1000 and batting .500 or
been dropped for a name more appropriate or more better.


Marion Burns, one
of the most popular employees
Twenty-eight years ago last month, Charles L. of Building -26. the employ of the company on
Coon was employed by the Kodak C ompany to Saturday, Septemljer 17th, and will be married on
work in the Toning Department at State Street. Wednesday, October l'-2th, to Albert W. Meyn of
Department .50.


Marion has Ijeen emijloyed at Kodak Park
for the
During the war the scarcity of pyro made it past six years as telephone operator, during which
advisable for the company to manufacture its own,
time she has added greatly to her popularity, and
and Mr. Coon was appointed to take charge of this no activity is complete without her presence. An
work in which he has been very successful. ardent supporter of the K. P. A. A., active in all
We hope that we may have the pleasure of his the girls' activities during her term of emplo^Tnent,
congenial association for many years, and congrat- she has done much towards its development, and
ulate him on his long term of faithful service. will be greatlv missed.
F O L M E R-


WHITE MOUNTAINS William Melvin after successfully conducting the
John Gordon. Jr., lias recently returned from ^ Folmer-Century Bowling League through the 19*20
White Mountains, where he and Captain
trip to the season as President has called the boys together and
A. W. Stevens have been engaged in some special organized for this year. Kirvan, Roland, Breeraes,
aerial photographic work. Many of us are ac- Coogan and a score of the other old-timers of the
quainted with Captain Stevens, who was detailed strikes, splits and spares game are looking forward
by the United States Air Service to try out our new to another round of good fun on the alleys.
aerialcamera last year.
As a result of the tests made by Captain Stevens
we have many aerial views of Rochester, including Fred Fenner of our A.s.sembly Department and
the mosaic map of this city. This wonderful Byron Hart of the Finishing Department are con-
example of " Photography From the Air" consists of fined to their homes on account of illness. We
sincerely hope for their speedy recovery.
a series of eighty-two photographs taken at an altitude
of ten thousand feet. A reproduction of this map
appeared in the May issue of the Kodak Magazine. George Crumb of the Case Department is with
us again after an absence of two months.
Peter O'Donnell of the Metal Department, has
purchased a new home at 566 Plymouth Avenue. George T. Roche, who has been on the sick list
for .some time back, returned recently to his
Evelyn Schyler recently visited Mrs. A. Jensen of duties as Works Accoimtant.
Penn Van. ^Irs. Jensen was formerly employed in
our Cost Department. A hearty welcome is extended to Helen Dalton, a
new addition to the Folmer-Centurv office force.
Frank Perrin of the Wood Department and Irene Whitman Crittenden of the Production Depart-
Quant were married Wednesday. September 7th. ment expects to have his new bungalow complete
After a honeymoon'spent touring the West. Mr. and before long. Whitman is just another one of the
Mrs. Perrin are occupying their new home at 349 E^astman Savings and Loan Association members
Lexington Avenue. who believes in "owning his own."


President, Folmer-rentury .Athletic .Association Detail and Estimate Department

BYand two fromgame

taking onefrom Kodak Park
Kodak "Doc" Office,
9 to 5 tally. In the other half of the pro-
gram. Camera Works won with ease from
Craib's Hawk-Eye champions forged to the Office team, the final count being 10
the front of the Eastman Kodak League and 2. One w^eek later, on Saturday,
in the final dash and finished ahead of August ^Sth, Camera AYorks nosed out
Camera Works by a one-game margin. Kodak Park, 13 to 11. This game was
The Hawks played consistent ball through featured by the liitting of Manager Lee
out the year, losing but three of the twelve Voder, wlio connected for a double,
games. These three defeats came, two at triple, and homer in four times up
the hands of Camera Works, and one Hawk-Eye pocketed the other section of
from Kodak Park. The Hawk-Eye nine the double bill on a forfeit, w^hen the
won six straight games to finisli uj) the
Office failed to put nine players on the
season in the lead.
But one contest remained iniplayed at
The fray that cinched the flag for
the close of the season; this one post-
poned game between Kodak Office and Hawk-Eye was a postponed game with
Kodak Park was not played off inas- Kodak Office, played off on Saturday,
much as it could have no bearing on the September 4th. Hawk-Eye won this
final outcome. battle with ease, the final score reading
The f nal double-header of the year was 15 and 3. "Pat"* Petroske proved the
staged on August "21st, when Hawk-Eye star of the matinee with five hits in six
won a game from Kodak Park by a times up, including three two-baggers.


4S this issue goes to press, the City his crew bearded the enemy in his den,
l\. Industrial baseball hovers pre-
title and at Taylor Field they found it a
cariou.sly on top of the fence with "Doc" different story. "Jakie" Y'oung and
Craib's "Hawks" and the Tycos reach- our owTi "Lefty" McCormack staged a
ing eager hands toward the coveted pitching duel. "Lefty" had the edge
honor. holding the Tycos lads to five swats
The fall classic got under w'ay at Kodak while his mates were getting six, but
Park on Saturday, September 11th. The one Mr. Bovena delivered the punch at
"Hawks" evidently believed in getting the psychological moment, crashing out
off foot, for they rolled up a
on the right a "Babe" Ruth clout with the score
14-7 score to win this opening battle. tied and two runners on the bags. Re-
Seventeen solid bingles grouped with sult: Tycos 5, Hawk-Eye 2.
eight Tycos errors made the going easy In the wind-up game Saturday, Sept-
for our boys. ember '24th, Hawk-Eye clenched the title
One week later, however, Craib and with a 10—3 victorv.

.^-.ft fV

J.-P iiV


Left to right: Upper llow: Prentice, Yanl.are, McCormack; Second Row: Felerski, Manager Craib, Ingleby;
Third Row: Moore, Captain Weidemann, Graham; Lower Row: Levine, Graf, Petroske.
EQUINOCTIAL storms have come Such "feeder" circuits as the Camera
and gone, and now the season for Works, Kodak Office and Folmer-Cen-
outdoor sport is fast waning. October tury leagues have been developing some
1st saw the final attraction of the base- classy yoiuig talent in recent winters,
ball year in the battle between George and some of these years, the Ridge crew
Stallings' Rochester clan, and a picked may come a cropper. So, some Saturday
team from the Kodak League. afternoon late in October, we expect to
The winter program is as yet more or see the Camera rollers swing under the
less problematical. Down Kodak Park wire again at Genesee Hall.
way there seems to be some doubt as to
whether or not they will again have the
Kodak Park "Big Five" on the basket-
ball court this season. High class basket-
ball teams are an expensive luxury, and in
these times of economy may
be decided

to omit this feature of the winter recrea-

tion program. In that case, rumor has
it that the Park, Camera AYorks, Kodak STANDING OF TEAMS
Office and Hawk-Eye might combine in FINAL
wox LOST
an Eastman Kodak Basket])all League, Hawk-Eye 9
with games played at Kodak Park once Camera Works 8
each week. Such a project could be Kodak Office 4
Kodak Park 2
engineered economically and woidd ])ro-
vide considerable amusement for the SCORES
Kodak fans. August loth — September 4th
The grand old standby of the Kodak August 21st:
sporting —
world the Camera Bowling Camera Works

. .

League now twenty-one years young, is August 2Sth:

also facing difficulties. This again is an Camera Works. .1.'5

expensive proposition which some of the Hawk-Eve 9

Recreation Clubs are viewing with con-

siderable alarm.However, as Secretary
"Jack" Stanton at Premo says: "We'll
have a team there if we have to bring
down some of the girls," and if that's
the spirit at Premo, the others can surely
be counted on to jump into the ring and
make those Park rollers hustle for the


Rutan CW .609
Free KP .600
Perrin KO .588
Ingleby HE .560
Wagner KO . 556
Petroske HE .513
Shepanski KP .461
Ring CW .428
Leslie CW .409
Gordon CW .400


A.B. H. PcT A.B. H.
Ingleby 25 14 .560 Rutan 41
Petroske 37 19 .513 Ring 14
Levine 38 14 .368 Leslie 22
Moore 39 13 .333 Gordon 35
Wiedemann... 36 12 .333 Magin 18
Graham 22 7 .313 Kivell 32
Graf 32 10 .312 Voder 40
Felerski 26 8 .308 Dugan 23
Van Lare 23 7 .304 Pressley 31
Prentice 20 5 . 250 Ford 22
McCormack.. . 14 3 .214 Friedwald .... 11
Kline 16
Team Batting Average 359 Team Batting Average

November 1921
Published in the interests of the men and
women of the Kodak organi3ation.A'.j<.

Oh,yes,we believe in luck! Every
man who holds a bigjob gets there
through luck. All he has to do

to cultivate a pleasing
make himself well liked by others;
sow seeds of kindness and good
cheer wherever he goes;
his work better than the"unlucky"
man does; render the most and best
service possible, regardless
of the
salary he is getting. Luck does the
rest. — Lmled Shield
rr ,
\'est Pocket

KODAK, Special
wirh Kud.ik Anastijjmat/

LiaUVcsi I'ocket Kodak is -to ot!

1 clock. It has all the accuracy but
c bulk. And [he Special Vest Pocket Kodak,
le Anastigmat lens, is comparable to th(
ull jeweled."
VhQ A^ cMa^ajirtQ
Vol. II NOVEMBER, 1921 Xo. 6


JUST supposing that some morning bear in mind that they are shown in
when you arrived for work, you were much smaller size than in the magazines
informed that you had been appointed when they are being run, and so lose
advertising manager. much of their effectiveness. Advertise-
Settling yourself at the new desk, you ment Xo. 1 illustrates what can be done
would mentally exclaim: "This job looks with the little, yet mightily competent,

pretty soft to me all I have to do ^'est Pocket AutogTaphic Kodak Special,
is to get together a few good-looking with special reference to the Kodak
'ads' and send them on to some of the Anastigmat lens equipment. Advertise-
magazines and newspapers to be printed," ment Xo. 2 is being nm in a number
and then you reach for a scratch i)ad and of farm papers and tells the farm folks
pencil. of both the practical and ])ersonal uses
In less than sixty minutes, it would of the Kodak. Advertisement Xo. 3
begin to dawn upon you that you had shows what can be done with the simple
drawn a man's size job, and you would and inexpensive 2 A Brownie. Adver-
discover that to be a successful advertis- tisement Xo. 4 creates the demand for
ing man requires much more than the better lens equipment and new cameras
ability toproduce convincing advertise- by featuring the superior advantages
ments, and that, in itself, is no small of the Kodak Anastigmat Lens.
test. The advertisements shown herewith
It is not the purpose of this brief have been selected only to give you
tale to tell you of the many qualifications some idea of the variety of approaches
and duties of our advertising staff, but which are being made. In addition,
just to make you acquainted with a few motion picture and X-ray film, Eastman
of this .season's advertisements and the chemicals, and various photographic
way in which different appeals are apj^aratus are being advertised every
presented (see page 2). month in journals going directly to the
In examining these advertisements, fields where such products are employed.

UXDER certain conditions, for which advantage being taken of holders of these
provision is made in the Stock certificates,the Industrial Relations De-
Distribution Plan, the shares of stock partment has undertaken to have immed-
allotted to an employee may be issued iately available, full information regard-
in the form of negotiable certificates ing the matter, wliich will be furnished
prior to the date on which the Managers on request.
Certificates would ordinarily mature. In case you know of any employees or
It appears that there are occasional former employees of the company,
instances where the holders of certificates holding negotial)le certificates issued un-
issued in this way are unable to secure der the Stock Distribution Plan, who
authoritative information as to the actual may information or advice con-
market value of the stock. cerning their stock allotment, it is hoped
In order to safegiu^rd employees as that you will refer them to the Industrial
far as possible, and to pre\ent any Relations Department.
KODzA.K Park
is a young city in itself; All the buildings recently put up are of
so itonly reasonable to suppose
is concrete and are the last word in fireproof
that it, being strictly up to the minute in construction. The older steel structures
every other respect, would have its own —
the best in their day are being gradually
means for fighting and subduing any pulled down and replaced with concrete.
ordinary fire.
Fire walls and fire doors divide build-
Kodak Park embraces two hundred ings into sections, so should a fire start
and thirty acres of ground and it can be held to one small point.
has one hundred and fourteen factory
Concrete and steel bridges provide
buildings, with a floor space of over
passageways between buildings that have
eighty acres, and housing upwards of
to be closely connected. Steel doors
six thousand, five hundred employees,
at each end of these passageways shut
men and women.
them off for fire purposes.
Seven other buildings, now planned
and some under way, will add another The automaticsprinkler system is

twelve acres of floor space, and bring everywhere throughout the plant. Some
of the buildings,in addition to the
the total of the Kodak Park employees
sprinkler system, have a means for
still higher.
The buildings Park throwing a veil of water, a regular
at the house
millions of dollars worth of valuable
young Niagara Falls, fifteen feet in

machinery, most of it specially built and advance of any approaching flames.

impossible to duplicate on short notice, Small hose and two and one-half gallon
and huge stocks of raw material and fireextinguishers are also placed through-
finished products. To properly protect out all the buildings, so you see Kodak
this property and to safeguard the Park takes no chances.
employees, Kodak Park has every known Back of all this prevention is the
measure for fire prevention. Kodak Park Fire Department; regularly





organized with one hundred and fifty A night duty shift of seven men is
men, under the direction of a Chief kept at the Park Fire Headquarters,
and two Deputy Chiefs. and the plant at night is thoroughly
The latter are professional fire fighters, patrolled by a force of forty-four watch-
the Chief having been a Captain in the men. The day patrol is looked after
New York City Fire Department before by the Chief and his assistants.
coming Kodak Park.
to In addition to the headquarters organ-
The men are thoroughly drilled in all ization, each department has its own
New York fire tactics; they
fighting force to handle the small hose, properly
live close to the Park and are available use the fire extinguishers and see that
for dutv at all hours. the employees all reach a place of safety

a half inch hose. Wrenches, axes,
lanterns and
other necessary things
are also kept in these houses.
The Park fire alarm system has all

the features of a city fire alarm system

and some special features of its own.
When it comes to water, the Kodak
Park Fire Department has the whole
of Lake Ontario to draw from, as we
have a private supply system direct
from the lake six miles away. A pumping
station on the lake shore, with a capacity
pumps the water
of sixteen million gallons,
through a twenty-four inch main to a
five million gallon reservoir in the Park.
The Kodak Park Pumping Station,
with a capacity of twelve million gallons
(big enough for a city of one hundred
and fifty thousand people), maintains
a pressure of approximately one hundred
pounds. In addition, there are two
fire pumps with a capacity of one thous-
BUILDINGS AT KODAK PARK and gallons each per minute. It is
also possible to connect the Park system
xA.ll the buildings have regularly witli the Rochester city water system
established fire drills, the same as we at a moment's notice.
have in all the plants. A tank holding one hundred and
The eciuipment at headquarters fifty thousand gallons, and one hundred
includes a White motor truck, carrying and fifty feet above the reservoir, is
two thousand feet of hose, a fifty gallon another precaution.
chemical engine, three hose carts, a Nearly eighty hydrants and over four
hook and ladder truck, salvage wagon, miles of six, eight, ten, twelve and
tool wagon and also a pulmotor, smoke sixteen inch mains guard the Park.
helmets and diving suits. Just to show that the Kodak Park fire

In addition to this headquarters protection really protects, is the fact

equipment, there are twenty-seven hose that we have had but one serious fire
houses located over hydrants outside at the Park in twenty years, and in
various buildings, each equipped with that case the liuilding was struck by
two hundred and fiftv feet of two and lightning.




WHEN you visit the office of a
physician for consultation and
and was treated by accepted
The patient did not seem to
treatment, do you get all you pay for? gain very fast, and after a long period of
In very many cases you do not. consulted another physician,
Your case may j^resent certain well- who discovered that she was suffering
defined symptoms which will warrant from tuberculosis, a condition which
the physician in prescribing treatment must have existed prior to the attack
and remedy for that particular ailment, of ptomaine,and which could have been
but, without a thorough physical exam- treated, had a thorough examination
ination, some far more serious condition been made at first.

may be overlooked. A patient afflicted with goitre was

Many physicians depend too largely treated for that only, while at the same
upon questioning the patient, looking time the patient was suffering from a
at the tongue, taking temperature, and serious heart condition.
feeling the pulse, and ending up by Another patient had an affliction of
handing out some pills to be taken, and the nose and throat; he was treated
advising the patient to return in a few for a long period by a nose and throat
days. specialist with no improvement. A
With some simple ailments such as complete examination by another physi-
head colds, sore throats, etc., such cian disclosed that he was suffering from
examination may be suflBcient, but the tuberculosis.
doctor may be neglecting other important All these are instances of taking into
things which need attention. A thorough account only a part of the human body
examination, preceded by a careful and not all of it.
history the case, should include
of These cases are actual ones, and can be
inspection the throat, temperature,
of supplemented by many others of equal
pulse, blood-pressure (depending upon seriousness.
the age of the patient), listening to the If you go to a physician for treatment
action of the heart and lungs with the and receive but a superficial examination,
stethescope, testing of nerve reflexes, you have placed yourself in the hands
and palpation of the abdomen, especially of the viTong man.
when symptoms are referred to that
This thorough examination may dis-
close nothing more than the indicated
KODAK e:mployees assocl\tiox
ailment, and this is frequently the case; view of the fact that some of our
but on the other hand many very serious
IXemployees may be in need, as a result
ailments have i)rogressed to the almost of being laid ofl\ the Kodak Employees
incurable stage because of a lack of early Association has authorized the Industrial
diagnosis. In this class are lung diseases, Relations Department to report to it
stomach or intestinal ulcers, cancer of any cases of this kind, in order that where
the stomach or intestines, and other it is possible to render assistance suitable
serious abdominal conditions. action may be taken.
If a condition is not properly diagnosed If you know of any employee who is
at the start, it will naturally be mis- in difficulties as a result of the existing
treated, which results in greater length conditions, you are requested to notify
of and i)erhaj)s inability ever
disa])ihty, the Industrial Relations I)ei)artment in
to regain normal health. order that an investigation may be made
Let us take a case or two in point: and the case brought to the attention
a patient became ill from ptomaine of the Association.
that we produced the best goods and
The Kodak Magazine produced them first.
Published monthly in the interests of men and women of Business conditions are bound to
the Kodak organization. improve, perhaps sooner than is expected;
meanwhile let us all bear this in mind.
Organization success must depend upon
Glenn C. Morrow 1 Associate Editors
C. Edwabd Coolet /
the concerted individual efforts of those

Norman A. Van De Cahr Assistant Editor

who compose Therefore, it is up to

Main Office
us who are on the job to make our every
effort count to the fullest measure.
Robert A. Weber Assistant Editor

Kodak Park Works

We must work harder and think
harder; we owe this not only to ourselves
Herbert S. Thorpe Assistant Editor
and the company, but to those of our
Camera Works
associates who have been laid off, so
Clarence H. Harper Assistant Editor that we may have them back again at
Folmer-Century Works the earliest moment.
P. R. Meinhard Assistant Editor

Hawk-Eye Works

L. C. Wheeler Assistant Editor

of editorial friends either has
or else has been
Premo Works
re-reading a book of his childhood days.
He mind one of the adventures
recalls to
Address all communications to Editor, Kodak Magazine,
of Alice Wonderland wherein she
Main Office, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y.
encountered the Red Queen of the chess

ONE the of the growth

our company has been the
factors in
of It seems that Alice had a vague idea
that the Red Queen, like the other
of understanding between the manage- characters of the chessboard, moved very
ment and the employees. slowly, so she was surprised indeed when
Our factories and offices are recognized the Red Queen seized her by the hand
as good places in which to w^ork, and and dragged her along at a lively clip.
where the square deal the rule. is Steadily the speed increased until Alice
Announcements of wage reductions was running at a pace faster than she
and lay-offs on account of slackness of had ever before attained, and after a
work are not pleasant, but under existing while she began to lose her breath and
conditions both were inevitable, and we grow weary and ready to stop.
are glad to record that these announce- But the Queen dragged her on and on,
ments were received in the right spirit mile after mile, at the terrific speed, for
by those affected. hour after hour until, when they sud-
Many problems difficult to solve still denly stopped, Alice felt she would

confront us still confront business the collapse.

world over so that the process of going She looked about and with bewildered

ahead not getting back to a sound — amazement discovered they were standing
and satisfactory basis, will necessarily on the same spot whence they started.
be slow. "This is funny," said Alice, "after all
prophesy as to just how
It is useless to this running w^e are exactly where we
and when the desired results will be started."
obtained, but there is no call for a pessi- "Yes, Alice," said the Red Queen
mistic thought as to the final outcome. seriously, "you have to go fast to stay
Our business has been built up upon where you are these days."
a quality basis and our supremacy in And this story needs no revising to
the industry has been due to the fact bring it up to date.

FEW people
realize the extent to
is employed
in present-
and the operation
men being shown
of machines and work-
in the form of lantern
day industries. Not so many years ago, slides.
photography, aside from professional por- The applications photography to
traiture, was considered mostly as an commerce have become numerous that
amusing pastime and a rather expensive the field of the commercial photographer
hobby. Sensitive goods were unreliable is almost limitless, and his work has come

and difficult to handle, and cameras and to include almost everything except
appliances cumbersome and crude, so portraits and landscapes.
that only the most enthusiastic and per- Accuracy Paramount in Commercial Work
severing workers were rewarded with
Strictly commercial work, such as pho-
anything like success. To the far-sighted-
tography of manufactured articles and the
ness and perseverance of a few men, and
illustrating of catalogues, deals with the
one man in particular, we owe much of
technical side of photography rather than
the wonderful improvement in sensitive
goods and apparatus which has brought
the artistic. The principal aim in such
photography to the front rank of import- work is to obtain an accurate reproduction
ance in industry and science.
of the original in every detail. Any dis-
tortion in the photograph is fatal; per-
Photographs Supplant Sample Case spective must be true and accurate, and
One attempts to make use
of the first the pictures should show every detail in
of photography commercially, was in con- both high-lights and shadows. For studio
nection with the printing trade, and the work, to avoid apparent distortion, a lens
photo-engravings were first successfully of long focus, 18 inches or 20 inches, must
used about 1893. Development of the be used. A lens of short focus should
printing art has kept pace with that of never be used unless limited space pro-
photography, and the result is shown in hibits the use of a long focus lens. A
present-day illustrations of our books and photographer who specializes in the pho-
magazines. Advertisers are able to pro- tographing of confectionery, recently told
duce illustrations so attractive that the writer that the greater part of his work
attention is called to their goods with isdone with a lens of 36 inch focus. Anas-
greater effect than any printed text could tigmat lenses are, of course, best, but
ever accomplish. Salesmen carry photo- excellent work may be done with the
graphs of their goods which are so rectilinear. Extreme accuracy is essential,
perfect in detail of construction, text- especially in photographing objects which
ure, and even color, that the showing of show distinct lines, such as buildings,
the articles themselves is unnecessary. furniture, and machinery. In most work,
All important construction work is now speed in exposure is not of vital import-
photographed from start to finish, so that ance, and small stops may be used in the
a complete record may be kept of the lens to ensure sharpness and depth of
progress of the work from day to day. focus.
Such a record was made by the Govern- Advertisers in the magazines and papers
ment of the construction of the Panama are coming to realize more and more the
Canal, and the photographs are on file in advantages of good illustrations, and this
Washington^a complete and graphic field allows the photographer to exercise
story of this wonderful feat of engineering. his artistic and decorative skill. It is a
Manufacturers are using photographs well-known fact that a good illustration
extensively in their factories for instruc- in an advertisement is often of more im-
tion of employees, manufactured parts portance in attracting favorable attention

and goods than is the printed

selling the necessary to work directly toward the
matter. For the man making a start at light, and for such a subject, our Com-
commercial photography, the advertising mercial Ortho film is ideal. Excellent
not only extremely interesting
field offers work of this nature may also be done on
work, but work for which there is an ever Eastman Portrait film, and this has the
increasing demand and good pay. advantage of greater speed.
For making copies of black and white
Photographers Noic Specialize
studies, the Seed 2S plate is excellent,
The continuous variety of subjects and and by pro])er manipulation, a wide range
problems brought to the commercial pho- of negative quality as regards contrast
tograj)her makes his work not only in- may be obtained. Eastman Commercial
teresting but fascinating. He must work film is best for this work, or, if less con-
in all conditions of light and surroundings, trast is desired, Eastman Portrait film is
and his success depends largely upon his excellent.
individual ideas and ingenuity. Many For the copying of line drawings and
commercial photographers now specialize similar work, where great contrast is
in one line, such as glassware, crockery, essential, Seed Process plates and East-
jewelry, flowers, furniture, clothing, or man Process film are best; they are low
shoes. Such work is done almost entirely in speed, very clean working, and give
in the studio, where lighting and accesso- extreme contrast.
ries may be to some extent permanently
Problem to Render Tones Correctly
arranged. Others are ready to take up
any sort of job which presents itself, and Commercial photographers are often
confronted with the problem of rendering
operators of this class must be extremely
correctly in a photograph, the tones of
resourceful and ingenious in order to
colored objects, such as paintings, signs,
overcome the difficulties presented by
poor lighting facilities and objectionable
flowers, fruit, etc. They find that with
the ordinary plates it is impossible to
surroundings. Under such conditions, a
plate of great exposure latitude is, of
make a satisfactory photograph of such a
subject, for instance, as a sign or de-
course, desirable. Double-coated plates,
such as the Standard Orthonon, are best, livery car having black letters on a red
and such plates are most free from hala- ground. For this purpose, the Wratten
tion. One of the best single coated plates
Panchromatic plate, which is sensitive to
all colors, overcomes the difficulty and
for all-around commercial work is the
renders the colors in a photograph with
Seed 23, though such a plate requires
the same tone value as they appear to the
more careful exposure and manipulation
in the dark room than the double-coated
plate. For most commercial work, ex- ]Many pieces of furniture are difficult to

tremely rapid plates are neither necessary

photogra})h correctly on the ordinary
nor desirable, as the slower plates are plate. For such work the orthochromatic
plate is used with a light yellow filter.
cleaner working and of greater latitude.
Eastman film is now made in emulsions This brings out the texture and grain of
the wood in a way that can not be pro-
of several different qualities and speeds,
and is best duced on an ordinary plate. Eastman
for all kinds of work. Eastman
film practically avoids all halation, re-
Commercial Ortho film is best for such
quires no backing, is light and unbreak-
able, and less expensive than double
A few books have been published on the
subject of commercial photography; not-
coated plates.
ably those by Hance, Schreiver, and Rose.
Oriho Film for Interiors
However, only general principles may be
The commercial man is often called learned from books; practice and ex-
upon to photograph interiors where it is perience bring success.


the Kodak organization ten and

INfifteen year service employees are as
common as caraway seeds in one of
Grandmother's cookies. The oldest



Howwould you stack up if your next door Fred hardly had time to eat and certainly had no
neighbor should get you in the corner and say; time to relax. One of the camps he visited is
"I want to get a few pointers about taking pictures. located on the hilly shores of Lake Keuka and
I understand you work for the Kodak company; —
attended by Boy Scouts over a hundred of them
so I guess this is the place to go for a little first ranging in age from twelve to eighteen years.
hand information." Every one of them is anxious to become a real man
That is the general opinion of your friends and and to learn, not only how to work but to play
acquaintances, isn't it.' They natiu-ally think like a man, and acquire hobbies which will be useful
that a man or woman employed at the Camera as well as entertaining.
Works ought to know the ins and outs of the product One of the necessities of camp life as im- —
just the same as they expect a baker to know how portant as a pocket knife or a flashlight is a —
to make good bread or a farmer to produce good camera. As the boys say: "We can tell about the
crops. It's a perfectly natm-al conclusion for your good times, but pictures prove it." Every boy
next-door neighbor to make, but how much do— who owned a Brownie was enthusiastic and a
we Camera makers really know? The finest way subject of envy from those who did not have a
to get photographic knowledge and experience camera of any kind. The boys have a great thirst
is to go out and dig for it; equip yourself with a for knowledge regarding photography, but Mr.
camera, a tripod, and a few rolls of film and figure Brehm learned that there is general lack of knowl-
out the best way of getting results. You will find edge regarding exposure. The amateur photog-
that the average man is anxious to learn a useful raphers do not fully understand the relation of one
hobby. You can do your part in salesmanship diaphragm to another. Nor do they associate
by learning the proper usage of the goods you shutter speed with diaphragm openings.
produce. There are hundreds of books wTitten on The interest of the boys cannot be doubted after
photography, but sometimes a little first hand a glance at the accompanying illustrations and
information is of more value than all the written these boys are typical of the men who a decade
material ever published. hence will become Mr. Next-Door Neighbor.
Perhaps you are of the opinion that Mr. Next- Realizing that many of our own numljer are far
Door Neighbor is not interested in photography from photographic experts, the Industrial Relations
anyway. If so, Fred Brehm about his
just ask Department proposes to organize another class in
experiences this past summer. Mr. Brehm had an amateur photography, similar to the one which
opportunity to visit men's and boys' camps during had such a successful career last spring. However,
the past summer, and the minute the news got if you are interested, do not wait until the class

aroimd camp that a photographer was coming has opened to start; just dig right in on your own
well, you have only to look at the illustrations on —
hook. If you need pointers there are very few
page 13 to realize that interest was at high pitch. of us who do not —
get in touch with this department.


Now that the boys and girls are coming back to and becomes inflamed. Result — in most cases^
work again, I hope that it will be possible to main- that dreaded condition called blood poisoning.
tain the splendid record we possess in the matter The most efficient way to prevent all accidents
of so few accidents in the Camera Works. is to rouse the general public to realize responsi-
Of course, every one will be anxious to work at bility, individually and collectively. There is no
top speed, but do not forget that safety always question that the seeds of Safety First have gone
pays in the long run. The giving of careful atten- forth and, in the majority of instances, found root
tion to so-called minor injuries is, I believe, the in fertileground, but some have fallen in stony
sav'ing of many a serious case, especially in regard places, it is there that we who understand can
to scratches and small cuts. A common practice do so much good. Preach the message of safety,
is to perform a "home" operation with a needle, not only for your own comfort but for the lives of
or penknife, without sterilization of the "surgical others.
instrument". Everything is fine for a few
days, when the injured member starts to throb Richard H. Jennings


This caption sounds like a revivalist's topic for a Of course you not be forced, or even persuaded,
sermon. Well, this is no sermon, but it is a revival but those of us who have weathered the storm of
— to wit — the new year's activities of that somewhat depression, and are back on the jolj again, will
micontrollable infant — the Camera Works Recrea- naturally be jealous of our one hmadred per cent,
tion Club. reputation in past performances; so we don't
We say "imcontrollable" because the finances of expect any refusals, especially as every cent collected
the Club are governed by the number of members is spent for the members' amusement. It's just a
we have, and the outlook for our current year is not question of paying for value which each member
particularly brilliant. This is the way it goes. knows he or she will receive.

The Camera Works year as far as the Club is Admitting, then, that we will get everyone in on

concerned ends in September. The company's membership, our total amoimt of money to last
year ends in December. The offer of matching for twelve months will be very near one thousand
dollar for dollar rims from January to December dollars. Now comes the problem of how we are
a yearly proposition. Therefore, our new year, going to spend it wisely, and to the best advantage.
which should have started on October 1st, has to be To this end, the Board of Managers is holding
financed before January 1st, otherwise we lose the special meetings to adopt an equitaljle budget for
company's ©O'er for this year. all sports and pastimes. One sure bet is that a
Therefore: smaller amount of our total resources will be spent
A membersliip drive for the Camera Works on sport, and more on "get-together" social
Recreation Club will start on November 21st. functions.
Yearly dues are one dollar for men, and fifty cents Don't forget, Xovember 21st is the day we all
for women. Everyone is eligible to join. have a chance to sign up for the big fun league.
Cards -n-ill be handed to you for signature. We Don't disappoint yourself in the twelve months
figure on a one-himdred per cent, membership. to follow by failing to join.

What are we going to do about basketball this We are doing a very unusual thing this month
winter? in asking you to give us back something we have
Owing to slackness of work, almost all of our given you.
basketball men are no longer with us. thing to have a permanent record
It is a fine
There is a splendid scheme on foot to organize of the "doings" of the Camera Works, and one of
a company league comprising four teams, namely: the best mediums to get information is through the
Kodak Park, Hawk-Eye, Main Office, and Camera pages of the Kodak Magazine and the old Camera
Works. The K. P. A. A. has generously offered Works Bulletin.
to the League free use of their Assembly Hall,
both for games and practice. Last year, we had
We are, of coiu-se, "all set" on a complete file
of the Magazine, but the Bulletin numbers are few
considerable difficulty in finding a place to play,
and scattered.
and this year we will probably have some trouble
in findmg players. We are asking you to hunt uj) the following
There must be dozens of chaps who like to toss numbers for us;
the ball. We don't expect near-professional players —
Year of 1915 January, February, April, June,
— in fact, we are not looking for them. This August.
proposed League is just a friendly affair to play Year of 191G —January, March.
ball, not to win or lose. Xo "outsiders" will be Year of 1917—Ylay, July, August, December.
allowed to play. We'll all meet for a good time
and have our little dances after the games. Year of 1920 —January, February.
The other three teams are pretty well set for Please let the Editor know if you can discover
players. We
Camera Workers don't want to any ofthese Bulletins. They will be greatly
throw a monkey wTench into the works and spoil appreciated.
the fun. Never mind if you "haven't played for
years" or you "do not play well enongji"; if you
want to play, come right along and tell "Charlie"
Rogers or the Secretary of the Club. FIL:M, PAPER AND CAMERA SERVICE
Every employee of the Camera Works has the
privilege of using the above service for his instruc-
FOR MACHLNISTS, MECH.\NICS AND tion and anrusement. This section of the Industrial
TECHN^CAL MEN Relations Department is open each Friday from
We have on file, in the Industrial Relations 12:;30 to 1 :00 o'clock. As we have on hand a
a rule,
Department, one year's current nimibers of several variety of film rolls, packs, Velox and Azo paper,
technical and trade magazines and papers. If you two packets of each being given, free of charge, to

wish to look up a solution to a certain problem those desiring them.

in yom- work or studies, or if you wish to see the Do send a messenger to get what you need.

latest wTinkle on new ideas and equipment, just The goods will be gi^•en only to those employees
ask your foreman to get m
touch with "Herb" making application in person. The hours and day
Thorpe, and together we will try to cover your of giving this service will be strictly adhered to,
needs. each Fridav, from 12:.30 to 1:00 o'clock.



Now that the pennant is floating from the home Kodak Park holds the local record of going up
of the New \oriv Giants, it is time to pipe all hands to the fourth round of the fight for this much
on deck to review the king of autumn outdoor sports coveted cup, but forfeited their right to proceed
— football. Theindustrial athletic clubs in this by not having a full complement of players on the
vicinity do not seem to be partial to the accepted field at the scheduled time of play.
idea of American football, but soccer is at last
coming into its own. This splendid form of athletics
Our team is not wholly composed of men em-
ployed in the State Street factory, but we hope that,
is accepted in high school recreation activities as
as time progresses, we will have an all-Camera
one of the foremost means not only to develop
muscular strength, but also to develop the agility
Works eleven. Our team lines up as follows;

of body and mind.

*George Foster
Some idea of the growing popularity of the game Goal
can be gained from the fact that there are six first *Svdney Ackroyd Jack Sunderlin
class teams in Rochester alone, not counting the FuU Backs
High Schools and the minor teams. Soccer football * James Gordon Dick Muckrie
is by no means as popiJar in the eastern states as Half Backs
it is in the South, so you can rightly figure that *Frank Gordon Xe\nlle O'Connor
Inside Right
there are several himdred teams in the major
leagues, all competing for the American Association
*Standus O'Connor *Joseph Burns
Inside Left
Football Cup. The major league is divided into
*Arleigh Heaphy *Jack Heaphy
districts, Rochester, Buffalo and Jamestown coming Outside Right
under the northwestern division. George McMiu-ry George Hewith
The following teams comprise the Flower City Outside Left
aggregations: Archie Pemberton
Camera Works, Celtics, Kodak Park, Moose, Center Forward
Hollanders, McXaughton Rangers. *Caniera Works employees.
The latter two teams have dropped out of the
competition, and at the close of the spring season Why not go out Sunday afternoon and watch the
soccer being a cool weather game, and not followed boys play.^ is Manager
Jack Heaphy, Junior, who

during the summer the Celtics were one point you where, and when.
of the team, will gladly tell
ahead. Sunday, October 9th, our Camera Works If you have not seen this game, spend an hour on
team beat Kodak Park, and our next battle is with the field, and we guarantee that you will be as
the Moose. enthusiastic about it as the players are.


Lejt to Right Sydney .\ckroyd. Captain; formerly one of Kodak Park's finest full-backs. George F. Foster, Goal; formerly a Canadian
star player. Jack Heaphy, NIanager. Archie P. Pemberton, Center; known as the "dashing, slashing forward." Joseph
Burns, Forward; who played with the British Army in India.


Our first official baseball team is shown in the This team appeared in 1910 with the following
above picture. We are always pleased to receive players: William Burns, "Ted" LaPalm, "Mike"
for publication early endeavors in group movements. Couts, William Gibson, George Foulks, Albert
The picture is especially interesting at this time, Altman, Charles McCanne. Lee Yoder, Frank
when we are eagerly looking forward to the opening Miller, "Ben" Avery, Harry Robertson, "Bill"
of the baseball season. Most of the boys are still Stark Charles Warner, Jack Justke. and George
workinghere. The mascot is "puffed up with pride." Brennen. How many can you recognize?


Last bowling season the Recreation Club organ- That the Camera Works is one of the finest
ized a factory league composed of the fair sex, equipped factories in New York State.^ Two fire
and a similar league among the girls from the insurance inspectors recently, on making a thorough
The ventiu-e was so successful that the
search through the State Street buildings, com-
members of both organizations got together without mented on that fact, and had no recommendations
bothering the Club at all, and, according to all to suggest for improvement regarding fire preven-
evidence, have formed one league; two teams from tion apparatus.
It's a great thing to know that we are connected
the office matching against two from the factory.
with a factory that is so well equipped for safety.
Oh, yes, they have adopted a name, but we
By strictly observing the rules, and keeping the
don't quite know whether the manager has been
place free from litter, we are assured of a reasonably
"adopted." Anyway, they have a manager, and
safe place to work. It is the duty of us "old timers"
Leo Nowack is to be congratulated on having so
to mould the "young" employees into our way of
many lady friends, and the girls are in luck to have thinking. We maintain a certain standard of
such a capable man to instruct them.
working conditions, which the management has
These are the members of the Camera Girls established. Let's be jealous of our reputation,
Bowling League; and see that "the other fellow" helps us keep it.
Florence Waterstraat, Edith Waterstraat, Delia
Meerdink, Agnes Darcy, Agnes Hart, Mabel Kane,
Lucy Diesel and Elsie Manzek, alternate; Kathryn FICTION LIBRARY IS AGAIN OPEN
Keagle, Theresa Megerle, Helen ^\^lite, Bertha Now that the "reading season" is closely following
Schmidt, Laura Musson, Ruth Kehoe, Florence outdoor recreation, and the inclement weather
Rosche, Madeline Smith, Marie Fitzpatrick, Marie reminds us of home, the fireside, and literature,
Kelly, Peggy Weaver, Mildred Mildahn, Anna we are endeavoring to give you efficient service in
Grimes. the fiction library section. Arrangements are
Each Monday, at the Genesee Recreation Hall being made with the Rochester Mimicipal Library
the girls will roll,bowl, and slide on alleys Nos. to keep us supplied with a variety of books for home
9, 10, 11, 12. Their total average last season ran a use.
close race with the men's teams; so, if you want to Take full advantage of this library. On Mon-
see some real good work, spend an hour or two days, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 1'2;30 to 1:00
between 6 and 8 o'clock, and you may learn a few o'clock, you can exchange books, or, if you have not
pointers on bowling. already done so, fill out an application.
F O L M E R-

We hope for the speedy recovery of Morris

Werner of the Finishing Department, who has been
on the sick list.

Gus Kirvan of the Experimental Department

and Mildred Erb were married recently at the
home of the former's parents, G58 Post Avenue.
Gus and his bride toured Western New York and
Canada on their honeymoon.


N. A. VAN DE C.\RR. Editor

The first season of the K. O. R. C. Quoit League
has ended and head quoiter, Charles Thurston, of
the Shipping Department, who had the big job,
has oiled up the irons and laid them away until
next year. There were one hundred and sixteen
men in the League, which consisted of fifty-eight
teams. A good deal of sport and exercise was
derived by the participants in this noon-hour sport
and next year with better grounds and an earlier
start, an even better season is expected.



Paul Yanke and Edna Rudig of the Service KODAK OFFICE GIRLS' BOWLING LEAGUE
Department were married on Sei)tember 24th. Paul Alley No. November 3d
and Edna have a snug little home of their own on ':00 1-2 Sales vs. Testing
Gordon Park. 3-4 Mail vs. Finishing
9:00 1-2 Order vs. Advertising
Mildred Steinkamp of the Order Department i.s 3-4 Service vs. Tabulating
confined to her home by illness. Her friends extend
their best wishes for her speedy recovery.
November 10th
7:00 1-2 Advertising vs. Service
3-4 Order vs. Tabulating
The girls of the Stationery Department gave a
9:00 Testing vs. Mail
luncheon for Lucille Storr, whose engagement to
3-4 Sales vs. Finishing
Howard S. Morrison was recentlv announced.
November 17th
Mary Daly of the 14th floor is on a leave of 7:00 1-2 Finishing vs. Tabulating
absence. 3-4 Mail vs. Service
9:00 1-2 Sales vs. Order
3-4 Testing Advertising

One ofthe Billing Department girls, Rosalie

December 1st
7.00 1-2 Order vs. Shipping
Wiley, did a "movie" stunt by eloping with Earl
3-4 Testing vs. Finishing
Roller of Camera Works. The happy couple will
9:00 1-2 Advertisin vs. Tabulatmg
make their home in Detroit.
3-4 Sales vs. Mail
The collection of diamonds in the Billing Depart- December 8th
ment was increased when Mabel Carter, of the 7:00 1-2 Finishing vs. Advertising
typist's group,showing a beautiful solitaire, an- 3-4 Sales vs. Tabulating
nounced her engagement to Frank Street. 9:00 1-2 Order r.**. Mail
3-4 Testing vs. Service
Ba.seball fans in the Billing Department were LORAINE HANSE TO BECOME NLTISE
kept in close touch with the recent World Series Loraine Hanse, who has been employed at
as Jack Coyne, who attended the games, sent back Eastman Kodak Company for over six years, left
a daily analysis of the contests, and most of his on October 1st to go to Washington, D. C, where
predictions proved true. Coyne would make a she will train to become a nurse at the Walter
good baseball scout. Reid Hospital. A very interesting letter describing
her new environment has been received from
Our best wishes go with Lillian Bruggeman, who Loraine. Previous to her departure, she was
has been employed in the Sales and Billing Depart- entertained by Lorena Cooper. Olive Crocker,
ments for the past three years, and who has left to ('atherine Rus.sell. Frances Flynn. Laura Yates,
complete her education at the Darrow school. and Lillian Cowan, and received many useful
We wish to extend our sympathy to Blanche
and Ruth Webster and their family in the recent
death of their father, Edmund D. Webster, who. Cupid has been busy again! The latest victim is

for a number of years, was employed by this \ iolaRace of the Tabulating Department, who is

company. engaged to E. Leon Kanaley.

We are glad to welcome "Ken" Williams back The Testing and Packing Department is pleased
from his tour of artistic endeavor, which he started to announce the engagement of Bessie Bm-ns to
some time ago. "Ken's" house needed painting William Fluker.
and he tried to imi)rove its a|)pearance, but J.
Pluvius decreed otlicrwise. "Ken" has postponed
the work on the southeast side of his domicile until
The ^lail Department is very glad to welcome
Harriet Remington back after her long absence.
conditions are more promising.
Her summer abroad proved a most delightful one.
The Kodak Progress Society, at its first annual
meeting on Sei)teml)er 4(5th, elected officers ami
directors for the coming year. Tlie purpose of
the organization is to bring together employees of
the Kodak company interested in accounting. Kodak Office Recreation Club
Lectures and papers are expected to create an open
discussion, and a better understanding of each MASONIC TEMPLE
one's own work wherein it affects the Kodak organ-
ization. The officers of the .society for l!)-21-'2-i arc: TUESDAY, NOVEMBER Ioth
Chairman Prank Sniitli
Vice-Chairman Cornelius J. \'anNiel
Secretary and Treasurer Ray J. Hyde
Executive Committee. . . l-'rank Page, E. C. Stevens


Thursday, October 6th, saw twelve teams of the counted for the lowest average of the evening.
Kodak Office Bowling League saving under the The prize for the best last frame went to Carl
wire at Elm Hall for their second season on the Mattern, who finished up with three strikes,
alleys. It was a real old-fashioned "Big night" records to October 1.5th
with Kodak Office teams on all sixteen of the alleys, High Game;
and team colors everj-vvhere in evidence. Mr. "Norm" Ferris (Sales) 256
Eastman blew the starting whistle, and, at the High Three Games;
given signal sixteen department heads _^ Ferris 627
rolled the first ball down each alley.
^jBlL. —Team
High Game
Mr. Ames led off with a smooth strike, Domestic Shipping 957
b^^^^1 High Three Games —Team
while "Pop" Durfee proved that he is j|
still the best of the youngsters by click- .1^3
O \\ -J
Domestic Shipping 2,559
And, now, while the season is still
ing in another "big one." .

Opening night prizes were won by wF" young, take one good look at each of


"Baldy" Knapp, of the Domestic Ship- team captains for tliey will never
.^^S^ ^^^^ ^^^^
'°°^ ^^^ same again. Note what some of
ping team with high average, and "Bill" ^^^|w
^^^^i^t-- ^^^H them say, and what we say of the others.
Mead of the Advertising, who ac-
"Norm" Ferris
President of Mens Bowling Leajue
This genial chap's troubles began October 6th.

Leonard Chandler Kron

Service Accounting
"We won last year; we'll "The winter campaign is all
fight to win again." mapped out."

"Jack" Schoenwitz "Milt" Coan

Domestic Shipping Engraving

"Let's take three." Yes, "Milt" and his League

"Jack's" team usually does. of Nations team are still
hanging around.

"Ed" Junker
Frank Strowger Bookkeeping
"Ed's" team had an average
An old-time athlete with a
of .379 last season. "It
world of experience on
will be .973 this year, "says
the alleys.
our Connie Mack.

"Bill" Udart
Export Shipping
"Walt" Capell
"B.ll's team has just finished Stock Department
a correspondence course on
bowling. Be prepared to Keep an eye on this striking

roll your best when up team.

against this squad.

"Scoop" Cooley "Al" Stillson

Indvstrial Relations Advertising
Secretary of the League Now that the team is 1000
per cent, stronger "Al"
"Fear us this season because
can laugh and grow thin.
of our last year's showing."

"Shorty" Bennett
"Joe" Kick Maintenance
'Shorty's" team led the
"Joe" expects to kick a
of goals for his team
League last year —for the
cellar position. But not
winter. so this year.
" '



And while the Office men are cutting up all these with the prize for high average, boasting a mark
"high jinks," the flappers in our midst are paddling of 120. The "booby" prize for low score (which
their own canoe — and at no snail's pace, either. many of the girls liked better than any of the
Starting October 6th. every Thursday evening others) was carried off by Elizabeth Turner, Test-
finds the ladies toeing the old foul line on Elm ing and Packing.
Alleys 1, 2, 3 and 4. records to October 15th
Opening night was a gala occasion indeed, and High Game
competition for the prizes was keen. ^^^M^^TT^^^H Millie Gomminginger (Mail) 161
In fact, it was not until October l.'3th ^^^^^^^ "H^^l High Two Games
that the prize for "First Strike" could ^^^m ,.^^/^^B Mihie Gommmginger (Mail) 296
finally be awarded. Three of the coif- ^^B' 'V^^| High Game Team—
fured pin-pickers tied for this honor, ^^^H •^3Kf^^^ Order 486
which eventually fell to the lot of Helen ^^^K ^'^H^^l High Two Games —Team
Glavin, of the Mail Department, in ^^Km 7a^^^| Service 906
the third frame of the roll-off. Har- ^^^H "^iS^^^I They'reoff to a good start, and all sure
riett Stevens, Service, walked off ^^^" a^fcii^B they'll pocket the flag. Here's what the
various captains have to say about it.
Manager of the Girls' Bowling League
"Jack" is lucky. So are the girls.

Mae Thrasher Sally Keefe

"We "Only dire calamity can pre-
did it last year; we can
vent our winning this
do it again."

Marie Mattern

do these other birds
that way.^
Marie and her 'gang' are
down for Number One

Millie Gomminginger

lose this year.
is ours."
That pen-
sition without fail."

Xev.\ Potts Jessie Wilkixsox

Finishing Order
"We have established by "We expect to win in a walk.
mathematical calculation We can make more noise
that we can only lose four than any team in the
games all season. League."

Madeline L.\xsing
Alice Wickes
Testing and Packing
"AVe don't believe in adver-
tising, but we have already
" We have developed a speedy
team, and expect to roll
secured a hammer and
circles around the rest of
tacks with which tc nail
this bunch."
up the bunting."

"Ed" Kixg
Jessie X.\tt Manager of alleys for Men's
Secrctarii Bowling League.
Kodak Office Girls' Bowling Remember: Don't run when
I-eague. you see him coming. He'll
get your money anyway.
September !28th completed tlie thirty-second Helen Storr and Ross Robertson, both of the
year of continuous employment for Irving Hoyt, Sales Department, were married on Tuesday,
Manager of the Credit Department. The members October 18th, at Trinity Church. Helen was one
of the most popular girls in the Sales Department
and Ross is to be very "muchly" congratulated.
\'ariety, kitchenware, and grocery showers were
given the bride-to-be by Catliryn Kennedy, Bessie
Tracey and Pegg\' Schnetzer, and showers of good
wishes are extended to the happy pair from their
friends in the Sales.


The Kodak Club has at tl}e present
Office Glee
time about eighty active members. "Dave"
Evans of the Bookkeeping Department, who
wields the baton, is speedily getting the chorus
into form, and a musical comedy is already being
rehearsed for presentation during Holiday time.
Fred Hiiber of the Billing Department is accom-
panist, and Myrtle Dalgety is secretary of the club.
Some additional support is needed for the bass
and tenor parts and the leader will be glad to hear
of any K. O. R. C. members who are interested.
Rehearsals are held every Wednesday noon at
l'-2:45 in the Giris' Rest Room on the third floor of
Building (>. Have your lunch early, and come up
and sing.

Robert Young and Susan Kingston.
Eldon Lambe and Mildred Leonard.


IRVING F. HOYT One most grueling contests in the annals
of the
of golf history was witnessed at the Genesee Valley
of the department assembled in his office to con- Park course on Saturdav, October loth.
gratulate him and he was presented with a bouquet
of thirty-three roses; one for each year and one to
grow on. iSIr. Hoyt is only a yoimgster yet, and
looks good for another 32 years at least.

Seventy-four employees of the Maintenance
Department have organized a Welfare Club.
Albert Hayter has been elected Secretary and
Treasurer, and the general committee members
are Oscar Vetter, Elmer Barton, William Carter,
and Mary Fox. Regular payments to the treasiu-er
create a preparedness fund for financing the activn-
ties of this club.

A surprise party was held tliis month at the home
of Lorena Cooper to celebrate the Ijirthday of Ethel
Williamson. Oh, those sausages and home-made
goodies! Ethel would even be willing to have
another birthday right away if she could have
such a nice party again.


The Service Department bowling team started
the l9'-2\ and lO'^'S season at Elm Hall in one grand FREU ROCERS— -Champ"
blaze of glory. Captain Nowaski gave the orders
to take three games from the Industrial Relations Walter Pierce and Fred Rogers staged the final
and, by heck, the team took "Len" at his word, round of play in the K. O. R. C. Golf Tournament,
for they sure "copped" the three games easily Rogers winning by the close margin of 3 up and 2
Well, that's the way it should be. to play.


Irene Carey likes everytliinfi al)oiit Premo so Of course, all you boys and girls who have fathers,
well that she has remained with us ten years. At brothers, mothers or sisters working at Premo
the early age of fifteen, Irene jiresented her applica- know what a time you had saving enough pennies
tion for employment and was given work in the to buy Mother or "Dad" that Chri-stmas present
last year. Well, the task will be easy this year.
Just sit down now, and write that Christmas story
you have been thinking aljout, and earn one of the
prizes annoimced in the September i.ssue of the
Kodak Magazine.
We aware of the fact that many a dollar
are all
can be wasted right in our plant by the careless
handling of material. Screws, rivets, nails, small
pieces of brass, aluminum, sometimes even tools
can be saved by a little care on the part of every
employee. There is always a possibility of un-
earthing from our rubbish containers something
of value, which has been dropped on the floor, and
would be a complete loss if it were not for the sharp
eyes of our cleaners. If you .should happen to
drop a slightly worn tool or a piece of material,
pick it up. This is no time for needless waste.
It's up to every one of us to assist in cutting down
the cost of production.

Witli the indoor season close at hand again, we
are looking forward to the good times of the Premo
Club and its weekly entertainment, under the
direction of the different committees. "Bill"
(ierstner seems to have a faculty for getting the
right kind of material to produce a good show,
IRENE CAREY and for this reason he was again selected for this
Assembly Department. Irene's work in tlie Assem- important part of the connnittee. Every Premo
bly Department requires care and skill in maknig Club member may bring his friends and family and
the plate holders and adapters absolutely light feel assured of seeing entertainments worth while
proof, and the fact she has been with us for
such a length of time proves that she is a ver\'
Mary is engaged. John is to be married next
and capable worker.
month. Ruth had a party last week, and so did
Homer. \es, Premoers are frequently having
Do you see any of your Kodak friends in the get-togethers and outings and we would like to
picture below? Can you recognize the Kodakers include such notices and happenings in our section
who attended the picnic of the Rochester Safety of the Kodak Magazine. Let's have your help!
Council.^ Come across with the news!


December 6th, 7tli, 8th, and 9tli are the dates for the opening on Tuesday morning. A small en-
set forthe Third Annual Exhibition and Show try fee will be charged exhibitors, rates to be an-
of the Kodak Park Fur and Feather CUib. Details nounced later. The Flower City Poultry Association
were gone over at the recent special meeting, has again given the Kodak Park Club the use
which was very well attended, giving convincing of their pens and coops, a service which is greatly
evidence that the members are interested in the appreciated
organization and its activities, particularly this A special feature of this year's exhibit will be
one big event of the year. the Egg-Laying Contest. Entries will consist
A Committee was appointed to draft a set of of five hens to each coop, the coops being specially
rules and regulations to govern the exhibit. Presi- constructed and locked. Results will be recorded
dent Frank Hauser, as Chairman, will be assisted each night up until eight o'clock on Friday, at
by Fred Habel, Charles Smith, Frank Armstrong, which time the winners will be announced. In
Charles Light, "Joe" Jansen and Howard Carey. the event of a tie in number of eggs the winner will
This Committee will have complete supervision of be decided by weight. It is expected that about
entries, premium lists, prizes, and general twelve persons will enter birds in this event, rep-
arrangements. resenting several breeds of celebrated layers.
As an incentive to the members to compete, it is
As usual the Show will be open to the public
announced that in addition to the usual line of
and no charge will be made either day or evening.
ribbons awarded the winners, there will also be
several cups and some cash prizes. Entries will
You are invited to attend, together with your

close Tuesday, November 29th. The stock will family and friends. The beautiful cup won by the
then be placed in the Assembly Hall on Monday, Kodak Park Club in the Industrial Division of
December 5th, and everything will be in readiness the Flower City Show last year, will be on exhibition.


At picnic held recently at Grand View
their Louise Murphy of Building 23 is the winner of
Beach, the members of the Research Laboratory the Girls' Handicap Tennis Tournament for 1921.
continued the pleasant custom started the year In all, twenty-four girls were entered for the tourna-
before, by presenting Carrie Stewart with a beauti- ment this season, although a large number of
fulbrooch in honor of her twenty-one years' service matches went by default. Vacations and the
with the Eastman Kodak Company. The pre- extreme hot weather of the summer affected the
progress considerably.
sentation was made by Mr. Haste, following some
Satisfaction with the handicap type of tourna-
preliminary remarks by Dr. Mees.
ment has been expressed quite generally, and, in
Last year an attractive loving cup was presented view of its superiority over the elimination tourna-
to Harry LeB. Gray upon the completion of a ment, the event will undoubtedly be carried out
similar length of service. along these lines again next season.



It would iiidoed he liard to find a team with a for the evening were the best made, his average
name more appropriate to express its rightful being 198 for the three games.
position in anything than the "Headlights." This Indications point to a much faster League this
bunch, as representatives of the Garage, took the year than in the past. The fact that the Camera
Building 30 team into camj) for three straight League has not been organized leaves several of
games on the opening night of the K. P. A. A. ^he best men available. "Charlie" Xatt, seasoned
Bowling schedule, and thereby jumped into first Kodak rark veteran, has been signed by the Daub-
ers of the E. C. & P. Department, Thistle is with
place in the League.
the Film Outfit, Servis with the Headlights, and
Some mighty good games were accounted for, Beiickman, the perpetual Kodak Park champion,
even though this was the first attempt for some of is booked by the Ponies of Department 50. The
the men this year. Both the Ponies and Head- only member of last year's ("amera League team
lights went over the 900 mark for team totals, and not yet landed is Behrns, although several of the
in the individuals eight men rolled 200 or better. teams are making a strong bid for his service.
James Hart of the Ponies had high game for the Matches are rolled every Thursday evening at

evening 236, and Harold Servis of the Headlights the Genesee Bowling Hall on South Avenue and, the
went over twice with 209 and 203. Servis's scores fans are invited to drop in and see the boys in action.


Last spring, after playing into the fourth round The final match in the Second Annual Golf
in the second half of the U. S. Cup Competition Tournament of the Kodak Park Athletic Associa-
Series, Kodak Park was forced to default to the tion was played on Sunday, October 2nd, William
Goodrich team of Akron, Ohio. This, however, P. Anderson of the Black Paper Department being
was the best showing ever made by a local eleven pitted against his brother, Harold T. Anderson of
and encouraged the players to enter the series of Building 15. William won out by a safe margin.
1921-22. However, the Park players were not so Taking it in all, progress was very smooth
fortunate in the present series, but were eliminated during the play-off, there being only one holdup,
in the first round by the Camera Works team on the (joodridge-H. Anderson match of the first
Sunday, October 9th, although an extra period of round. On two occasions these players met and
thirty minutes was necessary to decide the finished a tie. Goodridge later defaulted to And-
argument. erson, who then played Nelson Bruce, winning
The efforts of the Kodak Park team will now be by acknowledgment. Sixteen entries were re-
devoted to winning the R. & D. Trophy. In this ceived this year, and a large number of new players
series the Park stanrls in second place, one point who did not feel qualified to compete in this tourna-
behind the Celtics. The first match of the fall ment will be available another season. A field of
series was played late in October. not less than fifty players is anticipated for next
Some little difficulty is being experienced in year's event.
producing a team this season to compare with that
of previous years in view of the loss of several very Ray Whitmore of the Roll Coating Department
good players. Nevertheless, the Park is making a is the proud father of a bouncing baby boy. Milton
strong effort to retain the position they have won Ray was born September 25th and weighs seven
and held in the Soccer world. pounds. Congratulations.


The firstdinner meeting of the Kodak Park An even dozen girls reported for the girls' bas-
Foremen's Club for the l92l-'-2'i season was held ketball practice held last month, every one anxious
on Thursday, October 13th. After the two very and ready for the opening of the season. Last
enjoyable outings held this summer, the Cobourg year's team is practically intact and with the wealth
trip and the clam bake, the men were more than of new material available, the Park "Quint" should
anxious for a chance to get together and talk them be by far the strongest playing team yet produced.
over. Luck seems to be with the girls from the very
start. To begin with, Charles Thompson has
agreed to take charge as coach, and will be assisted
by Jack Brightman. There is no ciuestion that the
success of theteam last season was due to the knowl-
edge and ability to obtain results of the coaches
and willingness of the players. This spirit still
exists and promises the best of results for 19'-21-'-22.
The first game will be played abovit the first of
December, although the choice of opponent has
not yet been decided. In view of the ease with
which the Kodak Park girls defeated all the local
teams last season, it is expected that considerable
trouble will be experienced in securing dates with
local talent, which will necessitate the bringing
here of out-of-town organizations. The reputation
of the Kodak girls has traveled far, so that they
are recognized by all leadmg girl team managers.
The following girls at present comprise the
squad; Cecelia Korn, Louise Singleton, Ethel
Stuck, Julia Thayer, Matilda Hanley, Elizabeth
Fratter, Anna Chase, Lillian Beatty, Jennie De-
Graft' and Marion De Burgemister. The latter two
girls formerl\' played with the Hawk-Eye team.

On Wednesday evening, October I'^th, the men
of the Pay Roll Department, Building 34, gave a
party for Ed\\ard Hogestyn, a prospective bride-
groom. An excellent dinner was consumed at
Gasner's Restaurant, which was followed by some
fine stories and songs. Yes, Eddie was decorated
with the customary outfit from bib to rattle. Fred
Dierdorf rendered several very pleasing violin
From Gasner's the party shifted to the Temple
Theatre for the remainder of the evening.
Everyone voted it a fine party and no one enjoyed
DR.C.E.K. MEES it more than the prospective bridegroom himself.
Speaker, Foremen's Club Meeting "Ed" was married on Monday, October 17th,
to Flora Sherman, formerly of the Pay Roll Depart-
About three hundred and fifty were present, ment. Our best wishes are extended to both.
including guests from other Eastman Divisions.
During the dinner which was served at 6:00 o'clock
in the dining hall. Damon's Orchestra entertained,
featuring "Alf" INIonk, trombone soloist. Motion
pictures of the smnmer outings were shown after
the dinner.
The speaker of the evening was Dr. C. E. K.
Mees, the title of his address being "The Road to
Wealth." The highly pleasing manner in which
Dr. Mees portrayed the value of research work
with its relation to the world's advancement, won and
held the undivided attention of his audience
The next meeting will be held around the middle
of Novemljer and an equally good time is assured.

Charles Thompson of the Stores Department

was married to Deltha Ainsworth of the Velox
Department on October 11th. "Charlie" is coach "DICK" VAX DERHOEF .\XD "DOC REID
of the girls' basketball team. Prove that They .Are Fishermen

Althougli Kodak Park for the past seven or eight the best team in Rochester or none. Only about
years has had one of the fastest and best known sixty persons returned favorable answers, and, in
basketball teams in this part of the country, which acting upon the matter at the next meeting of the
has met and very often defeated the best of semi- Board of Directors of the Association, it was voted
pro teams, the situation has been far from satis- to discontinue the semi-pro team for this year.
factory in some respects. The team reappear when
will popular demand
To be sure, weare handicapped by one or two makes it advisable, thL-; demand to be accompanied
things. First of the distance of the Kodak
of course by a reasonable assurance
of local support
Park court from the center of the city, and the long sufficient to guarantee the success of the venture.
walk from the car line, particularly in stormy This, however, does not mean there will be no
weather, has helped to keep the attendance at a
basketball at Kodak Park this winter. Plans for
low figure. In order to offset these things, it was
a Kodak League along the lines of the Baseball
necessary to be assured of local support before
League have been laid, and Kodak Park, with such
risking the loss of six or seven hundred dollars.
A few weeks ago a letter was sent to each member men as Brightman, Heaney, Bonhurst and many
of the Association asking for a pledge of his support. others, should be able to do what in baseball %\e
The object of this was two-fold. First, to determine found impossible, in the way of winning games.
the actual number of persons who were interested Then, too. there will be the Department League,
in a team to the extent that they would pledge composed of eight fast teams, to say nothing of
themselves to support it, and. secondly, to under- the girls" championship team, which is practically
write the proposition, it being determined to have intact and readv for the whistle.


Laughter and eats were the two outstanding taining numbers were given by those present, and
featiu-es of the farewell party given by the girls of a group flashlight was taken to stand as e\ndence
Kodak Park to Marion Burns of Building '26 at of the popularity of one of the most ardent support-
the y. W. C. A. on Tuesday evening. Septemlier ers of all things Kodak. A very beautiful purse
20th. Marion has left the company to become the was presented to Marion by the girls as a token
Dride of Albert Mcnti, another Kodak Parker of their kind regard.
employed in Department 50. Early in the prep- Laura Connaughton, Marguerite Ellis, and
aration for the afiFau", it was seen that no ordinary Susan LaDine served as hostesses and the Reception
house would be adequate. The logical place then Committee consisted of Mrs. D. E. Reid and ^L-s.
became the Y. W. C. A., which fortunately was Thompson.
available. About fifty girls went directly from The following week, Mrs. J. G. Jones, 129
the works and soon were assembled aroimd the Trafalgar Street, entertained a number of Marion's
festive board. During the evening, several enter- friends at her home.


Between and sixty employees of the E. & M.
fifty The \ard Bowling League looks like a permanent
Electrical Department attended the Annual Clam affair. A meeting was held recently and the League
Bake held at Rifle Range Saturday, October 1st. re-organized for the year 1921-22. Matches are
The affair was a high success, and most of the credit rolled every Tuesday evening at the Genesee Bowl-
goes to "Bill" Doane, permanent chairman, who ing Hall. On the opening night both the Stores
looked after everything from arranging the date to and Garage made a clean sweep and won three
tucking the boys into the machines for the home- games each from the 'Vard and Receiving, while
ward vo%'age. the Steel Shed was taking the odd game from the
"Tom" McCallion, foreman of the Electrical Office. This is only a starter, however, and it
Department, was the guest of honor. "Tom" would be unwise to make any prediction as to a
has been at Kodak Park over thirty years, and has possible winner .so early in the season.
spent the entire time in the same department. The officers for this year are; President, Joseph S.
Matteson; secretary, Clifford L. Zecker; treasurer,
Almon Jeffers.


Chances for the Deuces to win the pennant in It has been said that for a man to have a hobby
the K. P. A. A. Noon-Hour League are still bright, or fad is good in many ways. There are a number
although a few bad breaks would do much to hurt of persons at Kodak Park who believe this to be
their prospects. On October 8th they still led by true and they are making an effort to interest
.167 in percentage, with six games still to be played. enough others to warrant the organization of a
Four of these were ties to be played off, and two club to encourage hobbies. With the winter
were games postponed on account of rain. The coming on why is this not a good idea.^
interesting feature is that in two of these contests
they are matched up with the hard-fighting Legion
The object at present is to get together those
interested in stamp collection, coins, curios, china
outfit. The Veterans won the spring series, and
minerals, butterflies, etc., to promote trading,
have been winning games steadily during the past
Among buying and perfecting of collections. Already over
couple of weeks. those work at bat
a dozen have signified their willingness to belong
is worthy of praise are;
Games Ave.
and anyone interested is requested to send his or
her name to Howard Carey, Building 34.
William Amering 8 .521
Walter Grunst 18 .425
"Doc" Coogan 10 .421
Pearl Jacobs of the Film Spooling Department 2
James Gallagher 13 .411
Walter Metcalf 11
was married to Fred Green, formerly of Building
33, on September 14th. We wish Pearl and Fred
all sorts of good luck.

On Wednesday, September 17th, at the Lake

Avenue Baptist Church, Lyle Hutchinson from Ralph MacLeod and Anna Harmon of the E. & M
the Emulsion Coating Department, was married to Stores Department were recently imited in marriage
Ruth Bastian. Dr. A. W. Beaven performed the by the Rev. C. Waldo Cherry. Miss Harmon is
ceremony. Congratulations and best wishes, Lyle, the daughter of J. S. Harmon, I3uilding 48.
from "29."

The Emulsion Coating Department extends its William M. Zornow of the E. & M. Stores Depart-
deepest sympathy to the family of the late Allan ment was recently married to Laura M. Perry of
B. Perry, who died October 7th. West Henrietta.

HH> ' A ik i£' >!& JBk m ^ S ^sSSw' m ...i«. . ^ '



On a beautiful day in October, Saturday the that was appalling. Most of the feasters outdid
fifteenth to be exact, the Hawk-P>ye men staged themselves in the early stages of the meal, but
their hist outdoor party of the year. It was a faltered when the lobster was served. This was
regular old-time clambake. You've i)robabIy heard the cue for which "Harve" Putnam had waited,
tell about it, even if you were not there, but have and he accounted for a number of unclaimed "Reds."
you heard about the weird combination catch by A second ball game, played on a diamond sur-
"Duke" Quetchenback and George Brennan in roimded by hills and marshes, resulted in a victory
the anteprandial ball game? "Duke," one of for the team led hy "Charlie" Becker, whose port-
Benny Levine's left fielders, let a short fly bound side slants were too strong for \'on Deben's crew.
out of his hands, only to find that George, another The cumulative effect of clams, chicken and lobster
left fielder, had dashed up in time to smother it was noticeable in the playing of "Bill" Roach,
for an out. "Duke" asked the scorers to give him who dropped every tlirow at first. It cropped
an assist on the play, Ijut he got an error instead. out also in the arguments put up by Frank Fink,
Brennan was rewarded with a burst of applause, who disputed every decision that "Big Ed" Mc-
but no more so than "Bill" Vaeth when he made a Lean made. It was worth a great deal, though,
valiant efl^ort to snare a fly with his hat. He to .see Claude Early run dowii out of the hills to
didn't catch it, but the grandstand was bound to miss a short fly from Becker's bat, and to see Max
acknowledge his resourcefulness. In this first Weyh playing left field far behind the foul line.
game, played at Seneca Park, Levine's team whipped With the of the game, the party split into
"Jack" Holleys combination by what "Jack" several groups. Fred Von Deben piloted the
claims was a narrow margin. pinochle addicts to a secluded corner for a few
The second act, the l)ake proper, opened imder hands, and "Rav" Farmen led off in a session of
the spreading chestnut trees at Rifle Range. The "double-Dutch." The rest of the gang well, —
ball players had worked up a tremendous hunger, they hunted chestnuts until dark. "Larry"
with the result that the slaughter was terrible. Tarnow and "Cliff" Johnson were unusually suc-
This was particularly true in I'mpire Downey's cessful at the gentle sport, and went home with
sector, where accumulated a rampart of clam shells their pockets loaded.


The great drama has come to a close, as Damon regularsand administered the final beating by a
Runyon would say. By which we mean that the Woolworth score, 10 and 5.
World's Series at the Hawk-Eye Polo Grounds finally It was all very exciting. Our own Martin
came to a conclusion on October l~th. And Tipple, aided and abetted by "Ed" McLean,
whatever may have
been the outcome of that minor George Brennan, and Jack Downey, took care of
affair in New
York, we claim that the Yankees the umpiring. "Ray" Wall, although he is not
are champions. Piloted by "Iluggins" Weldon built exactly on Judge Landis' slender lines, playetl
they took three straight games from "Muggsy" the famous arbiter's role with great gusto. There
Bohan's Giants before the latter knew what was were several excellent mob scenes during the classic
hapuening. Then the proverl)ial worm executed play-off, and in general the fans (meaning ])racti<-al-
ly the whole plant) were kept in a delightful state
a lialf turn and two tie games resulted. The
of excitement.
Giants were fighting hard and gave Weldon's
There was only one thing WTong witli the
men a hard tussle in tlic sixth encounter, losing "serious." wasn't started quite early enough.
by one nm. Weldon had to use a patched line-up It is planned to get it imdcr way more promptly
at this stage of the series, and drop[)cd the next next year, so that local enthusiasts may observe
two games of the .series by decisive scores. On the winner here and then bet on the opposite team
Monday, the sixteenth, however, he had all of his in the big-league games.

Lulu Ford, formerly of the Pay Roll Department, Mildred Miller of the Pitch Button Departnient
and John (ilenn of the Mo\uiting Department and ('harles Lauterborn were married on September
were married on September 19th. Their many 'i'2nd. We extend our hearty congratulations.
friends at Ilawk-Eye wish to extend their congratu- Mr. and Mrs. Lauterborn are at home to their
lations and best wishes. friends at 11 Morrill Street.
The decision of October l^tli, to form a Kodak talent which the plant contains, and which the
Basketball League, was greeted with hearty approv- management hopes to root out.
al at Hawk-Eye. A preliminary survey of possible William T. Roach has been appointed manager
material showed the following men to be available: and coach. "Bill's" court exploits of a few years
Baraford, Felerski, Hoffmeier Ingleby, Johnson, ago are still familiar to the fans. His ability and
Keller, Levine, knowledge of the game will be aided by a personality
Prentice, Qu?tchenback, and
that sliould Ijring out everything there is in the
Woodams. Of these Johnson, Levine and W'ood-
players and produce a fighting combination. The
ams played on last year's team. The list does Athletic Association is extremely fortunate in
not, of course, take into account the unknowTi securing his services.


Harry Altlioff, the genial chief of A-1 Stock, and The girls the Friday Club resumed their
Mrs. Bertha Peiffer were married on October 8th. activitieson Friday evening, October 14th, when
The newlyweds left immediately on a motor trip they held their first meeting of the season at the
through Xew England. home of May Ever.son. Plans were discussed for
the club's work during the winter months. The
NINE TO ONE following Hawk-Eye girls are members: May
Speaking of recently required nine
fish stories, it Everson, Margaret Kiernan, Inez Prentice, Etta
men to bring home one pickerel. A party consisting Wilcox, Hilda Specht and Marguerite Fehrenback.
of "Bert" Groh. ".\1" Crawford, George Brennan,
"Bill" Schlegel, George Kramer, Henry Freitag,
"Chris" Haus, William Heib and Charles Schlegel We miss the familiar figure of Michael Willig,
spent a week end at Port Bay. George Brennan after seemg him about the plant for sixteen years.
brought home the one fine specimen. "Mike" is out on a sick leave. He is seventy-six
years of age, and may retire when he has recovered
from his illness.
Have you noticed that we are sporting four
baseball pennants.^ Foolish question! Every Did you have an opportunity to see the Cripples'
Hawk-p]yete shows unmistakal)le signs of swelling League in action? They staged some wild noon-
up while passing under the "muslins" that testify hour battles of "two-'o-cat" after the regular indoor
to Hawk -Eye's supremacy in both the Kodak and games. In the field "Pat" Patterson was the
City Industrial Leagues in 19'-20 and 1921. Win- greatest "shark," that fish usually being thought of
ning them is becoming a habit and we are going to as typifying the height of uselessness.
take pains to cultivate it a little more next vear.

Mary Buckley, Helen Sullivan and Frank Kohler The issue of the Indoor Baseball League is still
have returned to the Cleaning and Inspecting hanging fire at this WTiting, the death grapple
Department. We are glad to see them again. between the Beechnuts and Luckys having been
interrupted by the "World Series." At present
the Beechnuts top the list, with the Luckys second.
Irma Weaver, formerly of the Centering Depart-
ment, is in the Adirondacks for her health. Her The Fatimas occupy third place and the Camels
many friends at Hawk-Eye wish her a quick and the cellar.
complete recovery.
John Lewis Radford, son of William Radford
Charles E. Wolfe, father of Vana Wolfe, of the of the Single Achromatic Lens Department, was
Cleaning and Inspecting Department, died on born September 29, 1921. Hawk-Eye extends its
October 12th. We offer our sincere sympathy congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Radford upon
to the bereaved family. the arrival of eight-pound John.

John J. Dineen died on Sunday mornmg, Septem- worker and remained a faithful Kodak employee
ber 25th, in Boston, Mass., following an operation. up to the time of his death. His period of service
John was one of the oldest and best known of with the company was twenty-two ^•ea^s, a record
Hawk-Eye employees and his death was a distinct that has been surpassed by few at Hawk-Eye.
shock to all of us. He had returned to Boston Those of us who are not old-timers associate him
after an operation that was only partially successful, for themost part with the elevator serving Buildings
and, while it was evident that the second one would 1 and 2, which he operated without the seml)lance
be quite serious, both John and his friends expected
of an accident during the last two years of his life.
that he would be with us again in a short time.
It will be a long time before his familiar figure in
He was
born in Boston on January 9, 18.5.5. At
that capacity will fade from our memories, and a
an early age he entered the employ of the Blair
still longer time before Hawk-Eye will find a more
Camera Company and came to Rochester with
that concern a number of years ago, when the Blair loyal and trustworthy worker.
Company was taken over by the Eastman Kodak He leaves two sons, Edward and Joseph, to whom
Company. He retained his position as a wood- we extend our heartfelt sympatliy.



HIGH calibre basketball for Kodak The prospects for a successful league
court fans during the coming season are considered bright. Kodak Park has
was assured at a meeting held October chosen George Xeal as manager. He will
14th when the Kodak Basketball League have Brightman, Heaney and Bonhurst
was organized. Up until 1920, Kodak as a nucleus for his quintet, while the
Park had sported the only quintette in Kodak Park Departmental League can
the company, but that season found be depended upon to furnish plenty of
Hawk-Eye, Camera Works, and Main competition for places on the League
Office all playing the court game. As a team.
consequence, for the coming year Kodak At Hawk-Eye, "Bill" Roche, an old-
Park has decided to abandon its semi-pro time has been selected to guide the
team and joiii with the other three plants destinies of the court artists, and his
in forming a four-team league. squad includes the following veterans:
Election of the following officers assures Levine, Johnson, Ligleby and Woodams.
for the Leagiie a high degree of success Camera Works and Kodak Office
President H. D. Haight have not as yet appointed their managers.
Vice-President Herbert Benzoni At the former plant not a single veteran
Treasurer Edward F. Goodridge of last year's squad is still with them.
Assistant Treasurer and Secretary ..... Welch and Weltzer are showing up well
P. R. :\ieinhard in practice. At the Office, "Hash"
The tentative plans outlined for the McNeil and "Joe" Stutz are all that
League call for a twelve-weeks schedule remain from last year's five, but "^Slose"
with one game for each team each week. Eggert is counted on to fill one of the
The opening games will probably be gaps.
played on Thanksgiving Eve, with a Everything points toward a successful
double-header on the Kodak Park court winter for the ba.sket tossers. Watch
one night each week thereafter. Dancing the bulletin boards for announcements,
will follow the second game each week. and be on the job when the season starts.

Left to Right —Edward F. Goodridpt-, Trciisiircr; HitIhtI Hcnzoiii, Viic-Prt-sident; P. R. Moinhard. .\ssislant Treasurer and Secretary



SATURDAY, September 24tli, saw doul)le and a single in four times at bat,
tlie championship
industrial baseball was tlie clouting star of the day.
of Rochester safely tucked under the
The Hawk-Eye boys are mighty proud
belts of Doc Craib's Hawk-Eye battlers
of their three-year record in the baseball
for the second successive year. The
Hawks found little difficvdty in annexing

world runners-up in the Kodak League
in 1919 and Kodak and City Champions
the third and deciding game of the series
in both 1920 and 1921. Somebody's go-
with the Taylor Instrument outfit by a
10-3 tally. "Noisy" Ray Connell kept ing to have a hard battle to dislodge the
the Tycos hits well scattered, while his lens-makers from their firm seat at the
mates accounted for a home run, seven top of the baseball ladder. Maybe it
two-baggers and six singles. Harry willbe done in 1922 and then again —
Moore with a homer with two on, a mavbe it won't.


FOR the
years, the
time in twenty-one
bowling pins of Rochester
THE much-talked-of game between
George Rochester
Stallings' Inter-
will topple this winter without the aid nationals and a picked team from the
of the Camera Bowling League. Accord- Kodak league, scheduled for October
ing the records of the American
to 1st, never materialized, the reason being
Bowling Congress, the Camera League that Stallings' men, after their mad
was the oldest in existence and its dash into second place on the last day
decision to suspend will be received with of the season, had had enough of baseball
sorrow, not only around the plants, but for one year. The Rochester team,
in bowling circles generally. therefore, was disbanded previous to
The was reached at a meeting
decision the date of the scheduled game with
held at Genesee Hall on Friday, October the All- Kodaks.
14th, the concensus of opinion being that Charles Beveridge Tutty, Jr., Major
the plant Athletic Associations and Re- Domo, and general grand impressario
creation Clubs were not now in a for the Kodak forces, scurried wildly
position to assume the hea\y financial about and picked Frank Rutz's champion
burden of a sport which furnishes amuse- Moose to substitute for the Stallings
ment for so few of the members. team.
We are sorry indeed to see the Camera "Iron Man" McCormack started the
League lapse even for a single year, game, and pitched four innings of steady
and trust it will be back stronger than baseball against the Rutz outfit. Then,
ever for the 1922-23 season. with the Moose leading 5-4, the Kodak
Meanwhile, why not lay some plans directorate benched "Mac" to make
for an inter-plant tournament along way for a pinch hitter. The
was result
next March or April, after the regular sad, indeed, for the Moose
upon the fell
plant League schedules have been curves of Graham, Kivell and Rutan
completed? Otherwise, we'll find our- for an attack which netted them fourteen
selves in an argument as to which plant runs in two sessions. When the game
produces the best alley-knights. was finally called in the seventh, the
Here's hoping that the old league will score read 19 to 4 against our boys.
be in action next year. Requiescat
. . .



OCTOBER a, 19-21


A Vox Lost Per.
Domestic Shipping 8 1 880
Bookkeeping. . 7 778
Export Sliippiiig 7 778
Sales. .
, 6 667
Advertising. 556
Service 556
Stock \U
Accounting 333
Engraving 333
Industrial Relations. 333
Maintenance '2 '•2 "2

Billing 111


Wox Lost Pct.
Steel Shed 1

Garage. . . .




AS OF OCTOBER 10, 1921

Kodak Park
Camera Works
Hawk-Eye Works
Premo Works
Folmer-Century Works
Kodak Office
Xew York Branch
Chicago Branch
San Francisco Branch .

Taprell. Loomis & Co.

American Aristotype Co.
Sweet, Wallach & Co.
Northwestern Photo
Supply Co
Robey -French Co
O. H. Peck Co
Robert Dempster Co. . .

(rlennPhoto Stock Co.

Des Moines Photo
Materials Co
John Haworth Co
Zimmerman Brothers
Rowland & Dewey Co.
Milwaukee Photo
^laterials Co
Salesmen and

Total 9,471 6,703 71 .8% 51,274

Average Subscription — 7.6 shares.

Total Matured or Par Value —$5,127,400.00.
*A number former Hawk-Eye employees
of still retain their Association

December 1921
Published in the interests of tJie men and
women of the Kodak organijation.j-^. j<.
IVe wish

a very

Merry Christmas
_[)y\ ^cMa^a^inQ
Vol. II DECEMBER, 1921 No. 7



THE progress
Kodak Company
of the
in aerial
in the foothills of the
The equipment
included a
needs no reiteration to Kodak people. The special DeHaviland Plane, equipped for
designing and construction of Aero came- photogTaphic work with an Eastman Topo-
ras; the perfecting of plates and film for graphical Camera, Model K-1, designed
aerial the first forward strides in
use; especially for mapping and an Eastman
chemical research and manufacture; the Aerial Camera, Model K-'2, for oblique
establishment of the School of Aerial Pho- pictures. Both cameras were a develop-
tograi)hy all testify to our war-time ment of the war. Daylight loading roll
progress. film 75 feet long, and sufficient for one
Subse(|uent developments, however, give hundred exposures, was used. The ]\Iodel
ample i)roof that the aerial progress of 1917 K-^ camera was equipped with a tweh^e-inch
and 1918 was but the foreword of a new Hawk-Eye lens designed especially for
chapter in photographic development. We aerial work. All the illustrations for this
are all familiar with the tests made by article were made on Aero Panchromatic
Captain Albert W. Stevens of the United Film.
States Air Service in Rochester about a In addition to making official tests of the
year ago. Captain Stevens's work at that photographic equipment used, the specific
time, was so exceptional, that his aerial errand of the party was the mapping of five
map of Rochester was published in the himdred square miles of the White
National Geographic Magazine and in the Mountains district for the United States
Xew York Tribune. Readers of the Kodak Government to obtain information for the
Magazine will recall this mosaic map, to- use of the Geological Survey and the United
gether with the other aerial photogTaphs States Forestry Service.
which api)eared in the ^lay, 19'-21 issue of
this publication.
On his way back. Captain Stevens
stopped at Boston, and among other things
The latest aerial developments of the made the picture of the buildings of the
company were tested out in the White ^lassachusetts Institute of Technology,
Mountains diu'ing September and October
shown on page 2.
of this year, when Captain Stevens spent
six weeks in flying over and photographing The results obtained on this latest expe-

that region. dition again attracted nation-wide com-

ment, to such an extent that some of
Captain Stevens's party included First
Cai)tain Stevens's photographs were pub-
Lieutenant Leigh Wade, United States Air
Service, Pilot; Captain John Gordon, Jr.,
lished in the Xew York Tribune, Rotogra-
vuve section, a few weeks ago.
formerly of the Air Service in the A. E. F.,
and Frank (). Strowger, in charge of Gov- The quality of these ])ictures suggests
ernment and Aerial siij)plies for the East- America's rapid development in aerial pho-
man Kodak Company. This party made tography, and its possiliility for peace
its headquarters at North (^onway. New pursuits.


DURING the past decade, a number of Chiropractic Institute consists
of cults of drugless healing have of eight forty-five minute periods per day,
sprung into existence and colleges of six hours, covering the entire course in
various sorts dot the country for the pur- eighteen school months."
pose of graduating practioners with A resolution adopted by the New York
"degrees" of more or less mythical mean- State Chiropractic Society, urging the
ing and value. passage of a bill for state control of chiro-
It is beside the question to argiie as to practic admits that "under present con-
the merits of these various methods of ditions, this leaves chiropractic entirely
healing, but one can at least express a without legal control in this state and per-
doubt as to the ability of any of them to mits incompetent and untrained prac-
cure any and all ailments. titioners to enter the field of practice."
Admitting for the moment the possibil- In the Journal of the American Medical
ity of some of them to reheve certain con- Association of Decem})er !25, 1915, there
ditions or to cure some ailments, it will be appears a report on three schools of chiro-
well to point out the danger that lies practic in the State of Iowa: "None has a
further on. library, a hospital, a laboratory that is
The human body is a very complex and worthy the name, post mortems or capable
delicate piece ofmachinery and centuries teachers." "Add to this farce, students
of investigation and research still find without j>reliminary education beyond the
many of its functions more or less of a mere ability to read and write, and who
mystery. 'graduated' after a course of only one year
It therefore follows that he who prac- in one of these 'colleges, and we have an

tices the art of healing }>y any method individual who is hopelessly handicapped
must, to be successful in the right sense, for life, one who cannot in any sense be
possess a wide knowledge of the human considered a safe ad\'iser of the sick."
structure and a knowledge of what has An extract from the Bulletin of State
been done by his predecessors. He must Medical Boards of July, 1920, contains the
possess a brain and mind trained to study. following: "Leaders of chiropractic deride
Realizing this, all Class A medical col- the study of materia medica and chemistry
leges in theUnited States demand that a and state that they have 'no earthly use'
student, before entering, must be a high for diagnoses. They place themselves
school graduate and also have had at least therefore in direct opposition to Pasteur,
two years in college. Koch, Laveran, Flexner, and others whose
Few, if any, of the institutions teaching discoveries during the last half century
drugless healing, make such an educa- have revolutionized the practice of medi-
tionalfoundation a requisite. Quoting cine and saved countless thousands of lives."
from the prospectus of one chiroj)ractic Even with all this, let us admit that per-
college: "A practical 'learn by doing' haps there may be some virtue in chiro-
course of training such as we teach can be practic; that possibly the chiropractor can
grasped by one who has had but an ordi- relieve some conditions and cure some
nary common school education." derangement
To complete a course in any first class But —here is the crux —^how are ,>'ou go-
medical college, requires four years, and in ing to determine as to whether or not you
many states, a year of hospital experience have j)laced yourself in the hands of one
is demanded before graduates can begin of intelligence and skill, or in the hands of
practice. some ignoramus who is only after your
Quoting from the catalogue of the — money?
Chiropractic Institute: "The day course The great danger lies in being treated
for one malady, or supposed malady, when gone. Do not take this chance. If you are
your real trou])le could only be disclosed ill,go to the best physician you can find;
by a careful and thorough iliagnosis by a one whose diplomas stand for knowledge,
medical physician, and you continue on skill and intelligence and not to one whose

until you are past medical or any other diplomas were granted mostly for the pay-
aid, and %\ath your chance for recover^' ment of a fee.


THE axerage man does not know what
a nerve-A\Tecking match
affair it is to a
will be possible to reproduce
any future time.
it exactly at

certain color or shade, unless perhaps his AVith the Eastman Universal Colori-
wife has sent liim down to the store to get meter in general use, only be neces-
it will
three quarters of a yard more of some
— "exactly this shade."
sary to specify the colorimeter number to
insure a perfect color match.
The exact matching of colors and shades All problems that have to do with the
has always been more or less of a problem, action of light and color are of interest to
and sometimes a serious one, both to the .
the Kodak Park Research Laboratory',
manufacturer and the consmner, but and this device for the accurate measure-
thanks to a recent invention of our Kodak ment of color is but one outcome of its
Park Research Laboratory, these troubles endless series of tests and experiments.
promise soon to be relegated to the past.
This new device is called the Eastman
Universal Colorimeter, and it will measure
the color of liquid and of transparent or A
Louisiana woman was
recently fatally
reflecting solids of every color with equal l)urned when she overturned the reservoir
facility. It can be used to measure the of an oil stove when carrying it from one

colors of fabrics, papers, oils, paints inks, room to another. The accident was caused
dyes and dyed materials, colored glass, by failure to make sure that the spring
celluloid, etc. catch between the lower and upper por-
The device issimple to operate and tions of the stove was safely sprung.
positive as to results, and when the exact A discarded cigarette stub carelessly
match is recorded, a numerical scale gives thrown into rubbish, caused a $'26,000 fire
the number of this color or shade so that it in a Kentucky to^\'n.

CAPTAIN ALBERT W. STEVENS, Observer Photographor United States Air Service

LIEUTENANT LEIGH WADE, Pilot. United States Air Service at Their Flying Field. North Conway, New Hampshire
See page 3
would not have had the courage to
ITtion atosource
is of great personal satisfac-
me to note the interest taken leave
my position, or perhaps would have
by our employees in the Eastman Sa^'ings been hopelessly handicapped, had I not
and Loan Association. saved an amount sufficient to warrant
The fact that a number of employees such a serious undertaking.
who have been laid off on account of slack- The best method of systematic saving is
ness of work, or are on part time, still main- the planning and carrying out of a personal
tain their membership, is the best possible or family budget system. With the
proof that the value of our association is budget, you can plan your income intelli-
appreciated. gently, and at the end of each month and
Systematic saving is the basis of future year, know exactly where you stand, and
prosperity and independence. I saved
can put aside a definite amount to be
the first money I ever earned (five dollars
saved for some specific purpose.
for sawing brackets) and I saved thirty-
Real saving means regularly putting-
seven dollars out of my first year's earnings
of three dollars per week, as office boy.
aside a definite amount to meet some of
^\Tien the time came for me to engage in •the bigger needs; not the saving for a few
business for myself, I had accumulated weeks or months and then spending the
about four thousand dollars out of my money for something you could have done
wages as a clerk and bookkeeper. without.


AXperiod between Octoberreported
analysis of accidents the
17th and Nov-
for spread with alarming rapidity and be very
hard to control or cure.
ember 8th, shows a clear record for most Our safety record has been a source of
of our plants. pride to us all; let us not destroy it with
Where accidents have occurred, there carelessness or thoughtlessness. Look out
were too many due to slipping, accidents for yourself and for the other fellow, and
which in most cases could liave been pre- above all, do not neglect the seemingly
vented had ordinary precautions been trivial accident.

The most serious of all is a mnnljer of
If your quarterly statement from the
cases of infection due to minor injuries
scratches —-which were not reported to our Eastman Savings and Loan Association
shows less money than you think it should,
Medical Department for attention.
don't be alarmed. Watch the bulletins
Failure to report and receive immediate for information as to date of last pay-roll
medical attention for a seemingly trivial deduction. On the September 30tli state-
accident, frequently leads to serious and ments, the last pay-roll deduction credited
sometimes fatal consequences. is week ending September 17th, if em-
An hand or foot is no joke; the
infected ployed atKodak Park; for week ending
infected part is most painful, sometimes September 24th, if employed at any of
agonizingly so, and the infection may the other plants or the Kodak Office.


Where Vis<-oiint Bryce, former British Ambassador, spends his summers — See page 3

ever were for the young man, or woman,

The Kodak Magazine beginning a business career are today's
Published monthly in the interests of men and women of
the Kodak organization.
In the "old days" the young man could
obtain little, if any, accurate knowledge
as to how others had achieved success; he
Glenn C. Morrow \ Associate Editors
C. Edward Coolet /
had to content himself with the biograph-
ies of celebrities too long defunct to be of
Norman A. Van De Carr Assistant Editor

Main Office
much practical value, beyond an inspira-
tional one.
Robert A. Weber Assistant Editor

Kodak Park Works he desired to spend his leisure hours

in study, he had to plan his own course,
Herbert S. Thorpe Assistant Editor

Camera Works
and select his text books haphazard. To be
sure, there w^ere night schools but, outside
Clarence H. Harper Assistant Editor
of the big centers, they taught only the
Folmer-Century Works
"three R's,"or bookkeeping and penman-
P. R. Meinhard Assistant Editor ship. Today changed. Business
all this is
Hawk-Eye Works organizations realize that they have an
L.C. Wheeler Assistant Editor actual investment in their employees, and
Premo Works that the best future executives are the
young men trained within the organization.
Address all communications to Editor, Kodak Magazine,
Main Office, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N. Y.
In the "good old days," there were but
few periodicals, heavy in tone and high in
price; today, there are a multitude of
days between Centennial and
INthetheChicago World's Fair, when a young
periodicals, sold at a price within the reach
of modest incomes, or available at all
man wanted to go to w^ork, he usually just public reading rooms and libraries. In
"got a job" somewhere, and with but little these can be found many timely articles
or no thought as to his particular fitness for written by big business men, and intelli-
the job, and how* it would pan out as a gent and interesting discussion on all
foundation for his life's work. topics of the day.
The boss cared little —or notliing — re-
Night schools abound, not only for
garding what he did outside of business
general education, but for the acquiring of
hours, and the instances were exceedingly
all and technical knowl-
sorts of scientific
rare where any thought was given by the
edge. There are also many excellent cor-
employer as to the systematic education
respondence courses, covering an ex-
and advancement of his working force.
was left mostly to chance.

tremely wide range and all these available
for an exceedingly modest outlay, results
The young man with serious thought as considered.
to the future, found })ut few guide posts;
Free lectures on a wide variety of inter-
if he did not happen to fall into the hands
esting topics, are given most every even-
of someone who could, and w^ould, guide
ing, and many concerts of a high order
and encourage him intelligently, he was
forced to "gang his ain gait."
may be heard for a small price.
That period nevertheless developed some A thousand opportunities exist for the
big men, but they won mostly "in spite of" young man today, to one in the "seventies
instead of "because of." and "eighties."
Only the feeble-minded sigh for the The trained man skims the cream, of
"good old days when every man had an course, but if you do not become a trained
opportunity;" the very best days that man, it is your own fault.

By The Editor

YOU pick up a copy the

Magazine and you read through
Kodak wTitten
on scraps
some in
paper, some in
and sometimes^
in anywhere from thirty minutes to an Oh, Joy! neatly type^Titten.
hour, according to how intent you are The assistant editors wade through
in absorbing its words of wisdom. all this material, have it all typewritten,
Possibly you become interested in approved by the plant manager, and
just how a magazine is put together, then send it in to the editor.

and the various processes it undergoes The editor and his associates go carefully
before it reaches you. over all matter submitted, decide as to
First of a magazine or any tj^pe
the number and size of the illustrations
of publication must have a real purpose,
which accompany the articles, and then
the "copy" is ready for the printer and
and serve that purpose acceptably if it
the engraver.
is to live.
Each issue of the Kodak Magazine
The purpose having been discovered,
is printed from brand new type, which
a definite policy for conducting it must
is melted up as soon as the issue is
be established, and this policy lived up
complete. This is made possible by
to, with, of course, such changes as
the use of a wonderful machine called
changing conditions warrant.
the "Monotype," which would require
Next comes the selecting of the editor a story itself to describe.
and his staff. Now almost anyone can The printers set this type in column
be an editor, but a great deal of care widths, and when returned to
set it is
must be exercised in the selection of the the associate editors, together with the
assistant editors and the reportorial
original "copy." They compare all this
staff, for they are the ones who do all
type matter with the original copy, and
the real work, the chief editor only
correct any errors made by the printer,
having to be responsible for what they which, thanks to excellent proofreading,
do; so you see he has a pretty soft time
in our case are but few.
of it.
The photographs come to us in all
In the case of the Kodak Magazine sizes from a forty-inch "Cirkut," down to
the editor has two associate editors, who a "Vest Pocket," or even smaller. We
are in the same office with him; there is decide as to what size we wish them
also an assistant editor for each one of reproduced, by means of the half-tone
the Rochester plants, and one for the process, and the size is marked on the
Main Office as you know. print f hen they are sent to our engraving

Each assistant editor has a corps of department. Here the prints are jilaccd
reporters covering the different depart- on the copy board of a huge photo-
ments in his plant, who collect the various engraving camera, focused down to the
items of interest, personal and otherwise, size required, and then ])hotographed
and turn them in to him; he in turn through a finely ruled glass screen; the
scrutinizes them any hidden
carefully for screen employed for plates in the Kodak
"stingers," as the purpose of the maga- Magazineis ruled, each way, one Imndred
zine is to make friends; and to be sure and fifty lines to the inch.
that all the statements are true, and After the negatives are made they are
that the various items arc timely and printed upon heavy sheets of copper;
of interest to the readers. the copper is coated with a sensitive
The assistant editors receive the items solution, which resists an acid bath
from their reporters in all sorts of shai)es. wherever the liuht has acted.
After the copper plate has been exposed called, selects the proofs of the illustra-
it is subjected to this acid bath, whicli tions that go with them, and then paste
eats away the metal where the liglit has them on the sheets exactly in the position
not affected it. they wish them to appear in the magazine;
The finely ruled screen cuts up the when this is complete, it is called the
picture into a series of fine dots as you "diunmy," which then goes to the printer.
can readily see by exaniininii any one The printer then takes the type matter
of the illustrations with a reading glass. which is ready in long racks, and the
These dots afford a printing surface. half-tone blocks, and arranges them
You can close your eyes and rub your according to the dummy.
hand over the surface of a completed When this has been done the pages
half-tone ])late ami fail to detect any are locked in forms and a proof impression
difference any part of its surface;
in is made.
yet, in the hands of a good printer, a These pages, which when assembled
block should yield at least fifty thousand are called the "make up," are then
good impressions. returned to the editor for corrections
After the half-tone plates are made, and his mark of final approval, after
they are tacked upon wooden blocks to which the "make up" is returned to the
make them exactly "type high," and a printer for the press run; then the
proof is pulled from each; then all the editor and his associates emit a big
cuts, as they are called, together with the "Whoosh!" of relief.
"proofs" are sent to the editorial office. You may have an alert and experienced
When all the type matter has been editor, a first class printer and engraver,
received from the printer, and all the but a \'ery great deal of the success of a
illustration proofs are in from the magazine such as ours depends upon
engraver, the associate editors "make the plant editors and their reporters,
up" the magazine. They have sheets of as they supply the "life blood." (May
paper ruled exactly the height of each the editor be pardoned if he suggests

page in the magazine; they then sort that the plant editors and reporters read
out the long "galley proofs" as they are this last paragraph again.)


A\omig man, not far beyond the stage an effort to save a few cents. It
lessly, in
when a person allowed to vote,
is first was a habit of his to conserve one reason —
fumbling carelessly in his pocket, dropjjed why, he, an office boy twenty years ago,
a one-cent piece on a Main Street sidewalk is now one of his company's leaders. Yet,
the other day. He looked down, noticed because of his carefulness, the saving of
its small denomination, and started to a few cents a day in electric current soon
walk away. grew into dollars.
" You've just dropped a cent, " remarked
We all, like the young man who dropped
an older man, touching him on the shoulder. the cent, have a certain degree of indiffer-
But the younger one only smiled rather ence to waste, especially of the little things
aloofly and kept on. The errant coin that must be regarded. A pencil put in
found w^ay into the pocket of the one
its the pocket, taken home and
lost, a light
who realized that one himdred cents make leftburning uselessly, waste of materials
one dollar. which go to make up our products and —
We once knew an executive who re- such disregard for care in conserving is
mained in his company's large offices after most untimely. Waste and progress can-
closing time, and personally turned out not exist together. The thing to do is to
the electric lights that were burning use- "pick up the cent."

"The Old be here," said one of the
(iiiard will and apples, and to the mountains of delicious fried
bulletins announcing' the Hallowe'en "shindig." cakes which Mrs. Freeman and Mrs. Fiat had

And the Old Guard was there in foree to such an made.
extent that they would proliably have had their Next the youngsters divided their time between
party even if it hadn't ])een accompanied by the the "band" and the candy booth, where "Bill"
entertainment, and by dancing, pedro, eats, fancy Haeusel and Herman Rexer worked in shifts.
costumes and the splendid decorations. It was Many of the adults succumbed to the lure of the
the first big event since the picnic and the oppor- Grohs' music in the dance hall, while others sought
tunity to "get together" was fully utilized. the more secluded card tables. There was a line.

Chairman, Entertainment Committee
Fortune Teller

mostly men, waiting to learn their fate from Mar-

"Bob "
Bretiien, ventriloquist extraordinary
garet Duske in the fair fortune-teller's tepee. All
of Kodak Park, headed the entertainment program
of us fell over one another to get a glimpse of ".\rt''
in an act that doubled up the adults in their chairs
Rapp's beautiful illiuuinated |)anel.
and had the "kiddies" gurgling with joy. Then
The costumes of >[r. and Mrs. Frank Newman
Miss Estelle La Reve sang some charming songs.
attracted universal attention. The Ereth sisters
She was followed by Marion Kurtz, and Xaomi
were more than disguised as townies — they were
HofT in a series of j)leasing dances. They were
accompanied by ^^iss Dulcic Johnston at the piano.

transformed and they weren't recognizable even
without their masks. The Earl sisters in their
The fourth and final number consisted of two
fluffy chiffons, I>oisKurtz in her ",soup-and-fish"
quartet selections, sung bv "Svd" Clarke, Frank
and high hat, and a drove of clowns all lent an
Fink, "Bill" Eyer and "Bob" Meinhard.
appropriate spirit of revelry to the party.
An annoimcement lliat iiinted of refreshments As everyone knows, "Billy" Wilson was general
precipitated a stampede in the direction of the chairman of the atlair, and it was largely due to
lunch room, where every one did justice to the cider her efforts, co-ordinating the work of the various
committees, that it was so successful. The decora- eats the crowd was at the mercy of "Bob" Mein-
tions were in charge of "Art" Rapp, with Margaret hard, who was aided by George Brennan, "Benny"
Duske, Rose Taylert, Leigliton Young and "Cliff" Levine, "Red" Sondheim, "Doc" Craib, "Mart"
Johnson assisting him. Frank Fink was Chairman Tipple and "Bob" Lehmann.
of the Entertainment Committee, with "Bill" Alice Gears and "Syd" Leggatt did yeoman
Ever and Hilda Specht as co-workers. "Johnnie" service in the check room. "Syd" was going to
Vass, as chairman of the Ticket Committee, took stay "just a minute" but instead of that, he was
care of the financial success of the party. His one of the last to leave. Perhaps the company
committee consisted of Elizabeth Meerdink, Ruth behind the counter was the cause of liis serving so
Kurtz, Magdalen Hettel, Loretta Ereth, Sydney faithfully.
Leggatt and William Schlegel. In the matter of Wilbur Woodams took care of the publicity.

EM-METT \V. HUNTINGTON' Production Dspartment
Foreman, Sanitary Department

ARMISTICE DAY The basketball practice, held on October
Hawk-Eye had a short but impressive ceremony :28th, was highly successful except for the fact that
on Armistice Day. A signal was soimded at 11:40, there wasn't any ball with which to play. "Cliff"
whereupon everyone filed into the men's dining Johnson has tried to shift the blame but is generally
room, which had been decorated for the occasion. blamed for the debacle. In any event that first
After the singing of "America the Beautiful," practice without a ball was just as bad as a now-
Mr. Higgins introduced Mr. John Wolfe, executive famous sausage roast without sausage.
pastor of Brick Church, who gave an inspiring
talk on the significance of the anniversary. At NOT SO NICE
exactly two minutes of twelve he brought his "Syd" Leggatt has changed his mind about the
address to a close and while the gathering stood advantages of living near one's work. One of the
with bowed heads, a bugler, stationed in the corridor, Diffusion Disk workers dashed across the street and
sounded taps. The singing of "My Country, 'Tis pulled him out of bed at three in the morning a short
of Thee" concluded the memorial ser\'ice.
time ago, to tell him that something had gone
wrong with the machinery. "Syd's" comments
The mere fact that November 8th was Election are not recorded.
Day sank into insignificance when we learned that
Lucy Tate was at the same time celebrating her Mrs. E. R. Kent, mother of Mrs. May Perry,
birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Van Vean of ii5 .\ venue ofthe Filter Department, died on October 17th.
D surprised her with a party. We offer our sincere sympathy.

During tlie months October and November,
of Tell us about it, so that we may manufacture the
Hawk-Eye suggestions almost reached the vanishing product at a lower cost and sell it more universally,
point. Eitlier we think that during periods Hke creating more work for yourself and for all of us.
the present there are no ideas roaming around loose, Use the tool that is offered you.
or else we believe that this is not a good time to Is your physical welfare or that of a fellow worker
submit the thoughts that have occurred to us. jeopardized by a dangerous condition that has been
Both ideas are WTong. There are as many unhar- overlooked.^ Visit the suggestion box again.
nessed ideas today as there are imcaught fish in the Safety work is usually carried on from humani-
sea. This is the time to harness tliose ideas, not tarian motives, and rightly so, but, regarded from
only because the company and you can make the \-iewpoint of production, accidents are just as
particularly good use of their returns, but because bad as extravagant manufacturing methods. They
it should be easier to pick the good ones. The mean a loss to the company, perhaps the permanent
reason for this is, that, with a high peak of loss of a valuable workman. Translated into
production behind us, we have a better opportunity figures they mean higher costs, fewer sales, and less
to think about refinements in our products, cost work for all of us.
reductions and improvements in general.
All of this points to the fact that a suggestion
Perhaps we would use the Suggestion System
more extensively if we realized more fully what a begets a greater monetary return than is indicated
powerful tool it offers us to help ourselves and our by the initial award. It means the betterment of
fellows. Consider for a moment the work which some condition that is inevitably translated into a
you are doing. Are we putting unnecessarily saving and this saving will eventually rebound to
expensive materials into the product.^ Are we our benefit.
using parts that could be simplified or entirely Some ideas have recently been put into operation
eliminated.^ Are we doing operations by hand that will mean money in all our pockets. How
that could be performed just as well by a machine? about your ideas.^

The Pressed Glass Inspecting Department All of us are proud of the appearance of our plant
suffered from a terrible explosion a few weeks ago. and especially of the corridors in Building 6. which
"Benny" Wiemer, closing a wet umbrella in the Ralph Phillips recently ornamented with a fresh
adjoining corridor, unintentionally caused a drop of coat of paint. We
have reason to be proud because
water to hop the partition and it came to rest, we have co-operated to keep our walls clean and
though not for long, on one of the high-power neat, and we can keep them so in the future only by
inspecting lamps. Both Ella Wienecke and Marie continuing that co-operation.
Leimberger hit high C when the big Mazda let go.
No, there were no casualties.
Thomas Tremer has returned to the Maintenance
and Construction Department, after an absence of
seven weeks.

Sanitary Department I.YDA .\ND ELVIRA LADWIG


Our) first glance as we entered the Dance Hall costume for men: First —George Hill, Second
convinced us that the Bal Masque, the getaway Eric Collins. Most original costume for women:
event of the Annual Series of K. P. A. A. dances First— —
Edna Berne, Second Alice Crane. INIost
was an assured success. The entire auditorium from original costume for men: First —
Harris Tuttle,
ceiling to floor was a mass of beautiful color, bearing —
Second Karl Robins. Most comical costume for
out the prophecy of something new and novel in the women: —
First Olive Hartel, Second —
way of decorations. .Vlong the south wall, were the Smith. Most comical costume for men: First
boxes, beautifully furnished with rugs, davenports, —
Louis Schaeffer, Second Jack Schaefter. Prettiest
comfortable chairs, tables and lamps making them —
couple present: First Anna Remillard and Ruth
especially attractive. Tanguay. Most comical couple present: First
There isone thing we always enjoy and that is a Hazel Patchen and Claire Erbe, Second ^lartha—
Paul Jones. When this popular old-fashioned dance Huwald and Matilda Bahr.
was over, we felt acquainted with everybody and The Committee in charge consisted of Mrs.
the evening was made. Thompson, Dorothy Meyers. Florence Doescher,
Cora Lintz, Mildred Grow. Xaomi Huetter, Jack
At last it was time for the Grand ^March, and, as
Brightman. William Doane. J. S. Kirchgessner, Jane
hmidreds of persons in every conceivable type of
costume marched past, we ceased to envy the
Fulton, Roy Schueler, Frances Fox. Mae Goehry,
judges their comfortable seats on the platform.
Susan LaDine, Louise Herman, Lillian Hoxie, Maud
Anna Sharp, of the Finished Film Department was McCann, Esther Furlong, R. A. Weber, Lee Mac-
Farland, Melissa Gaylord, and Katherine Waldron.
chosen Queen. As the lights were extinguished, a
spotlight was played on the stage at the further end
of the hall, and, as the curtain was drawn, the
throne was sho\\n, on a raised platform behind a
beautiful fountain and flower display. Six charm- The Kodak Park girls' basketball team, local
ing little pages. Gladys Horton, Ruth Page, champions for 19!20-21, is ready and anxious for
Mildred DeHond, Ethel Horton, Clara Luce and the opening game of this season. Coach Thompson
Etta Benjamin escorted the Queen to the throne, held the first practice in September, in anticipation
where after being cro-mied with due ceremony, she of an early start, but to date, it has been impossible
presented to each of the other winners their prizes. to arrange a game with any of the better teams,
The entertainment was completed by an exibition until after the first of the New Year. The reputa-
of dancing by the pupils of Miss Lorraine Abert. tion of the Park lassies has spread far, and it is
easily seen v.hy other managers are reluctant to
Then someone spied the refreshment sign, and,
take a chance with our girls until they have attained
going downstairs, we fortified ourselves for the
remaining dance numbers, with cider, doughnuts,
mid-season form. An opportunity will be given a
few of the best industrial girls teams of the city to
crackers, cheese and apples, which j)ut the final
arrange for dates, although the majority of the
touch to a most enjoyable evening. One pleasing
feature was the invitation to the trick workers to
games will in all probability be with out-of-town
"quints." As defenders of their title, Kodak will
partake of the refreshments with the compliments of
no doubt play the most likely of the other local
the Conmiittee; a large number of them accepted
the invitation.
teams at the end of the season for the 19'-2l-'2!2
We are more than indebted to the people from Last season, eighteen games were played, sixteen
outside, who contributed to the party. We
thank resulting in wins for the Park, the only outfit to
John Keller for the beautiful fountain used with beat them, being the famous Clark-Munies of
such good effect on the stage, amd also Charles Cleveland, Ohio, world's championship girls' team.
Xachman and Carol McConnell for the loan of the Among the most important victories were those
furniture used in the boxes. over the "Shredded Wheats" of Niagara Falls, and
We wish to congratulate General Ciiairman Dr. the Douglas Girls of Pittsburg. The slogan of the
B. J. Slater, Chairman Arthur Williams, and the team this season is "Beat the Munies," and this,
Committee who gave us such a pleasant time, and they expect to accomplish, if satisfactory arrange-
we'll be on hand for the next dance without question. ments can be made for a game.
Following are the winners of the different prizes
Marguerite Ellis is again managing the girls' team
Most elaborate costume for women: First Anna — and those interested in booking games are advised

Sharp, Second Kate Xelson. Most elaborate to get in touch with her, in care of the K. P. A. A.


1. — —
Kate Nelson Girls Second, Most Elaborate
i. " The Browns " —
Winners in Most Comical Class
Matilda Bahr. Hazel Pat.hen, Claire Erbe. Martha^Huwald
3. — —
George Hill Men Eirst, Most Elaborate
4. —
Anna Sharp Queen of the Bal Masque— First Prize— Girk— Most Elaborate
5. Karl Robins — — —
Men Second Original
6. —
Children of James Weigand, Department 50 Honorable Mention
7. Esther Carl— Elaborate Class
On Monday morning, November 7th, Arthur
Williams, formerly of the Stores Department, Build-
ing 49, assumed the duties of Supervisor of Recrea-
tion and Athletics of the Kodak Park Athletic Asso-
ciation at Building '28. Mr. Williams had been
with the Stores Department for about two years,
and has made many friends at Kodak Park.
"Art" has the ambition to make the Kodak Park
Athletic Association the most popular industrial
organization in the country. He wants your help
and cooperation. Let's get behind him, everyone
of us. and help make a winter we'll all enjoy. If
you aren't already acquainted with him. drop in and
see how glad he will be to meet vou.

New Manager of Recreational and Athletic .Activities
for K. P. A. A.

Xovember 11, 1921.

Dear Friends:
In assuming the duties of Manager of Recreational
and Athletic activities of the Kodak Park Athletic As-
sociatioti, I have but one ambition, to make the Asso-
ciation such, that every man and woman at Kodak
Park icill be proud to be a member of it.

Realizing that very can be accomplished by or

as an individual, I take this opportunity of soliciting
your co-operation and help.
A little time will be needed to accomplish things
which are anticipated. Constructive critcism is de-
sired and will be welcomed.
I ask again for your co-operation, and assure you
that I atn at all times at your service.

Floral Tribute to the new K. P. A. A. ManagLT fruui friends

Sincerely yours,
in Stores Department Arthur E. Williams.


Although, as announced in the November issue
of the Kodak- Magazine, the Park is not to be rep-
The second monthly Dinner Meeting of the
resented by a team in the semi-pro basketball
Kodak Park Foremen's Club was unusually well
world this season, it does not mean that we will not attended and fully as enjoyable as the October
event. This was due, aside from the excellent
have basketball. The newly-organized Kodak
League includes the four larger Eastman divisions, "feed," to the interesting talk given by Captain
and Kodak Park has a good representative team in Grant Williams. Captain Williams, organizer of
the field.
the " Bureau of Missing Persons, " and formerly head
of one of the famous "Special Squads," of the New
George Neal, of the Tool Room, has been ap-
York Police Department, gave as the subject of his
pointed Manager for this season, and is attending
address, "Amazing Identification," citing the great
to the business end of the games for the Park. At value of the "finger print," as a means of positively
present, the following men have been selected as
establishing a person's identity. The members
regulars: Jack Brightman, Harold Stephenson,
reluctantly allowed the speaker to depart after
William Scanlon, Elwood Bonhurst. Charles Bright-
talking nearly two hours.
man. Henry McCarthy and Garth Rockcastle. Jack
Brightman has been a member of the Kodak Park During the dinner. "Art" Taylor's orchestra
team for a number of years, and is considered one of rendered several excellent instrumental numbers
the fastest forwards in the city. The other players and Ferre Marzlufl^ and George Frank sang a
have all had more or less experience, and can be number of pleasing duets, assisted by George
depended upon to make the other teams in the Englehardt at the piano.
League hustle. The next meeting will be held in December.
Playing the brand of football for which Kodak men, is filled by able players. Perhaps, a word as to
Park is justly famous, our team on Sunday, Novem- the ability of the Park forwards would not be out
ber 6th, met and defeated the MacXaughton of place at this time. Such men as Brightman
Rangers, by the one-sided score of 8 to 1. By reason Fratter, Foster, McKinley and Mears, playing
of this victory, we went into first place in the together, are almost impossible to stop. Fast as
Rochester and District Soccer League. lightning, and sure of foot, their ability to count
Playing ofl" of the National Cup games delayed when scores are needed, is a strong factor in the
the R. & D. schedule several weeks, and the first team's success.
contest was staged on October 30th, nearly a month Three more games are scheduled in the fall series.
late. At the opening of the fall series, Kodak Park The Moose, Holland A. C. and Camera Works will
was in second place. While we were defeating the be played within the next month, and with the
Celtics on the above date, the ]\Iac"s also won,
Kodak team in its present condition, the trophy
which placed the Rangers ahead by a slight margin.
begins to look like a positive fact.
The decisive \'ictory for Kodak, when these two
teams met, demonstrated that the Park team, com- The new Kodak Park Soccer Field was opened for
posed of the youngest players in the League, has game on October 30th, and the fact that,
the Celtic
the makings of a championship eleven. Kodak was for the first time on its home grounds
Individually, there is little room for a choice in may have had something to do with its 3—0 victory
picking any particular star or stars. Every position, over League leaders. The field is situated on the
despite the fact that Kodak Park was supposed to Ridge Road, just a step west of the Dewey Avenue
be badly crippled through the loss of several good car line, and is considered the finest in Rochester.


CLUB On Wednesday, October 19th, Hallett Saulsman.
The first meeting of the Kodak Park Camera one of the best-known and most popular of the
Club for the season of was held in Building
19!21-2'-2 younger men at Kodak Park, died after an illness of
28, on Wednesday evening, November Kitli. less than three weeks.

Supper was served to about one himdred members

of the Club in the second floor cafeteria. Following
this, F. W. Brehm, President of the Camera Works
Camera Club, gave a very interesting illustrated
lecture, "A Trip Through Bonnie Scotland."'
The program of activity for the coming months is
being prepared by a Committee appointed by Presi-
dent Tuttle, and a busy season is promised. The
"Supper and Lecture" plan inaugurated last winter
proved very popular, and will probably be followed
out again all this year. The meetings are not
limited to members, the privilege of inviting a
friend having been extended to all.
All are urged to attend the next event to be given
on Wednesday, December 14th, John L Crabtree
will address the members on this occasion, his sub-
ject being: "How to Take Snap-Shots." B. H.VLLETT -AlI.-MAX
On Sunday, November 20th, about thirty mem- "Sauly" was taken ill with tonsilitis while on his
bers took a hike to Durand Eastman Park. vacation, and complications developed, which caused
Plans are underway for the Annual Banquet and hisuntimely death.
Dance to be held on Wednesday, January 11th, 1922. Entering the employ of the company on No-
At time, officers for 1922 will be elected. vember 19,1912, he began work in the Industrial
Laboratory, where he remained until July 6. 1920.
He was then transferred to the Camera Works to do
BO^^XL\G Research and Service work.
LE.\GL"ES HAVE HIT THEIR STKIDE His host of friends unite in expressing deep
sympathy to Mrs. Saulsman and other surviving
In the K. P. A. A. Bowling League, the Senecas relatives.
are winning regularly, and are considered by many,
as the strongest team in the League. The other Two of the girls in the E. & M. Office, have re-
teams seem to have their share of hard luck regularly ceived diamond rings. Loretta Weitz from Francis
and aside from the Ponies and Headlights, are break- G. Wolfe; Lucille Weitz from C%Til B. Marx.
ing about even on the games rolled. Congratulations.
In the Yard League, the teams are pretty well
divided with the Steel Shed still in the lead. The Mary Behan entertained the girls of the Film
Kodee League composed of employees of Trick No. 3 Order Building .5. at a Hallowe'en Masque-
of the Emulsion Coating Department is having a rade. The costumes were unusually clever
good time all by itself. Four teams are entered. and there was "something doing" every minute'
The annual Dinner and Entertainment of the who had acted as umpires during the season, and
Noon-Hour baseball players and fans was held on Laura Connaughton, who faithfully attended
Thursday evening, November '•2d, about sixty-five to the sounding of the bell, designating the time
persons attending. The affair was a complete limit of the same each noon.
success. An excellent dinner was served. Willis's A. E. Metzdorf, of the Y. M. C. A., was the
Synthetic Orchestra furnished very ])leasing music
principal speaker of the evening, and distributed
during the dinner, and Horace Robinson led the
gifts to about twenty of the players and fans, among
singing. The guests of honor were James H. Haste, these being a little reminder of approaching old age
Manager of Kodak Park Works; and D. E. Reid, to "Rip" Renzoni. and to Walter Fox, a jar of his
President of the K. P. A. A. "Father" John favorite jam. The members of the Deuces team,
Shepherd, Toastmaster, in his opening remarks,
and the umpires were presented with Eversharp
expressed regret over the absenceof Harry Hastings, pencils by the Association.
the most loyal of all the supporters of the Noon-
Hour League. Three hearty cheers were given for Mr. Haste and Dr. Reid spoke a few words of
Mr. Hastings. appreciation to the players. Dr. Reid being inter-
In making the statement that the season of 19'-21 rupted by an unscheduled demonstration of the
had been the most successful of any, since the League activity of Du Pont Field powder as a cigarette
was first organized fourteen years ago, Mr. Shepherd ingredient by "Pop-up Pete" Delice.
referred to the attendance, which had averaged Toastmaster Shepherd presented the silver cup
about six hundred persons at each game. After who in turn gave it to their loyal
to the winners,
reviewing the events of the sea.son, a vote of thanks and hard-working manager, Harvey Shannon, in
was extended to James Ward and John Manhold, appreciation of his efforts during the season.


The many friends and business associates of Considerable interest is being manifested by
Edwin Haskin, were sorely grieved to learn of his quite a few of the employees of Kodak Park in the
sudden death on Monday. October 17th, after an newly-formed " Hobliy Club. " The first announce-
illness of onlv a few da vs. ment relative to this activity was made in the
November Magcaine, and invited per.sons who
might be interested to .send their names to Howard
Carey, Building 34, who is serving as Secretary
pro tem. Already there are about twenty, who
have signed up.
The object is to get together those interested in
stamp collections, coins, curios, china, minerals, etc.,
to promote trading and buying. It is planned to
have the Hobby Club exhibit in connection with the
Fur and Feather Club show to be held in the
Assembly Hall, December 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th.
Why not become a member.^ Send your name to
Mr. Carev, and vou will receive full information.

The Emulsion Coating Department extends its

sincerest sympathy to Mortimer P. Thomas, whose
father died October 19th; to James H. Boekhout,
whose son died October '21st; and to George Ashley,
whose wife died October !26th.

EDWIX C. H.\SKIN We extend to Esther Furlong, of the Purchasing

Department, our sincere sympathy upon the death
Mr. Haskin had Ijcen with the Eastman Kodak of her Mother, which occurred on Friday, November
Company for almost five years. For a time, he 4th.
was connected with tiie Main Office, but was later
transferred to the Box Department as Assistant to Frank Meskill. of the D. O. P. Coating Depart-
the Superintendent. ment, is now comfortably settled in his new home on
Besides his widow, Mr. Haskin leaves two sons. Lewiston Avenue, and all his friends are assured of a
Mr Haskin is mourned by all, for we learned to hearty welcome if they will call upon him. Frank
appreciate him for his gentlemanly character. is taking considerable pride in his new chicken house,
and makes it a point to show it to everyone who

The following recent marriages will be of interest calls.

to Kodak Park people:

Olive Simmonds. of the Film Order Office, and One of the most attractive weddings of the season
Leo Gertin. took place at the Lakeside Presbyterian Church, on
Gertrude Alexander, of the Film Packing Depart- October 27th, when Gladys Vollick, of the E. & M.
ment, and John Charcola. Office, was married to Harold Christy. The bride
Helen Schenck, of the Finished Film Office and was very popular at Kodak Park, and will be greatl\'
Joseph Phillips. missed bv her manv friends.



On a recent Saturday afternoon seventy members race, mixed, won by Dean Wadswortli.
of the Premo Club and wives, luisbands, or sweet- Walter \nn Sanford, second.
hearts, motored to East ^Vlaplewood where, for tlie The sports were brought to a close with a mixed
second time this year, the Club held a dinner baseball game, with the following players: L. C.
followed by games and contests. Wheeler, captain; George Texter, Anna Kehoe,
During the progress of the meal two of our Clarence H. Harper, Blanche Erickson, Walter
honorary members, George T. Roche and Clarence Martin, Mrs. Frank C. Sherman, George Franklin.
H. Harper, of the Folmer-Century Works, were John Roach, and Dean Wadswortli. They were
introduced and responded to their greeting with a opposed by Walter ^'an Sanford, captain; Charles
smile and vim which made us wish they were active Gaucli, Elizabeth Franklin, John Blekkenk, Sybil
members. As good mixers they cannot be beaten. Smith, Liiella Wright, (leorge Rake, Homer Ran-
The dinner was interspersed with other features, som, George T. Roche, and Ray Cooper. Jack
not the least of whicli was Jack May's several May staged his greatest vaudeville act in umpiring
monologues, whicli would "getimby" behind the the game. The ^^'heeler team won the well-played
footlights. contest, with a score of 6 to 5. The prinicpal
features were Luella Wright's run, the only one to
The following games were held after dinner:
be made by a girl, and the home run by L. C.
Three-legged race for girls, won by Blanche AVheeler.
Erickson and Sybil Smith. .\rrangements were in the hands of the following
Three-legged race for men. won by George Texter committees
and Ralph Hutchings. —
Dinner Arrangements William Gerstner, Walter
Find Me Contest, won by Sybil Smith.
Van Sanford, J. H. Johnson.
Cigarette-smoking contest, won by George Texter.

Sports and Prizes Irene Wilt, George Franklin.
John Stanton, J. H. ^IcKenny, Homer Ransom.
Walking contest for ladies and gents, won by William Halpin.
George Texter. —
Transportation Walter Martin.

A HALLOWE'EN FROLIC Car'. Kraftschik of the Production Department,

who underwent an operation at the Rochester
Some of the boys of the Works, with their wives,
General Hospital, is rapidly recovering. AVe will
held a Hallowe'en "racket" at the home of Ralph lie glad to see him back again.
Hutchings. Homer Ransom, Henry Winter and
Walter Van Sanford provided the entertainment of It is important that all eniployees who are laid
the evening. Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. Hutchings offand liave cliangcd tlioir addresses notify the
saw that there were no idle moments for the guests employment department of such changes as we
as many old and new Hallowe'en games were played, have had several letters returned to us marked
after which refreshments were served. "Moved. Present address unknown."


Robert Blackstock, 143 Avery Street, age 13, SECOND PRIZE
School 43, 8th Grade B, is the winner of the first A LITTLE orphan's CHRISTMAS
prize of five dollars in the contest for the best Christ- By Eleanor J]'etzel
mas about some boy or girl, which was
A was seen sitting in the corner of the
little girl
announced in the September issue of the Kodak
nursery in the Orphan A.sylum. She was weeping
Magazine; the second prize of three dollars goes
bitterly and one might think her little heart would
to Eleanor Wetzel, 75 Poplar Street, age 13, School
13, Sth Grade B. Honorable mention goes to
Presently the nurse came in. She possessed a
Kenneth Halpin, "272 Wilder Street, age 11, Holy
very disagreeable disposition. As she entered the
Family School, 6th Grade.
room and heard Mary crying, she said: "You silly
All stories received were so splendidly written
child, what are you crying for.^"
that the task of awarding the prizes was a difficult Mary did not answer.
one. The judges were Frank Sherman, Premo "Answer me," she said. "What is the matter
Works Employees Representative; Spencer Hord, with you.^"
Editor; and C. Edward Cooley, Associate Editor,
of the Kodak Magazine.
"I — —
I ," choked Mary, "I was just thinking
that I won't have a nice Christmas like other little
children will have Saturday."
"Ohf " said the nurse, "So you don't think we have
FIRST PRIZE a nice Christmas here, do you.^ Well, just for that
A LETTER TO SANTA CLAUS you will not have as much as the other children."
By Robert Blackstock Even though Mary was only nine years old, she
realized that .she did not have all the nice things
"Why so gloomy, Dick?" asked Jack, as the two that she was used to having when she lived with her
chums were going to school one morning just before own mother and father.
Christmas vacation. The nurse left the room but returned shortly
"Aw, shucks!" answered Dick, "Dad just sent a with a man. He
looked over the crowd of children
letter home, saying that he wouldn't be able to come and finally fixed his eyes on a little girl with golden
home for Christmas this year; he wrote that he curly hair. It was Mary. He came toward her,
would send some money to our housekeeper to get but after a moment walked to the other side of the
us some stviff, but she doesn't know what a fellow room and took a child of seven years old. Mary

wants any more than a —
than a kangaroo would.'' had hoped that he would take her, but now she felt
"Tough luck," sympathized Jack. "It must be worse than ever.
fiercenot to get a few of the things you've been In a few minutes, however, she was happy for
wanting all year." the first time since she had been at the asylum.
"It isn't for me alone," said Dick, "but for Bud,
She had been taken by a lady and her husband, and
my kid brother. He's only five, and as he got
later was adopted. She was riding home with a
slipped up on the things he wanted last year, he
very motherly woman. IVIary was shown many
attractive things when they reached home, and
expects to get twice as much this year. Look at
realized that she was once more in a real home.
the letter he wants me to send to Santa Clans."
The next day Mary was taken shopping with her
Dick took from his pocket a smudgy piece of
new mother and daddy, Mr. and Mrs. Loomis.
paper and handed it to Jack. This is what he
They had a very interesting time.
The following day was Christmas, and I will
"Dere Sandyclaus i am riteing you this leter
leave it for vou to decide what kind of a time she
so you wont give me the rong things this yere
i ast you for a slay last yere and you sent me

a pare of stockings i wanted sum tin sogers

like sammy Jones an i got sum shoes and i got IDEAS
all kinds of things i dint want gess you gave The Eastman Kodak Company has for many
me some other boys things caus i dint want years realized the value of ideas, and that no one
them." can better suggest methods of improvement than
"Yours trooly Bud." the employees who are doing the actual work.
Hundreds of suggestions have been received from
"Sure is too bad," said Jack, handing back the
employees, but there are still many who have not
letter. "W'hat you going to do about the letter to gotten into the game, and it is those to whom we
wish to appeal.
"I think I'll send it to Dad," answered Dick. We want every employee to feel free to submit
"Perhaps he'll come home, anyway, when he sees his ideas,and be satisfied with the disposition that
how Bud feels." he receives. If you have a good idea and fail to
A few days later Mr. Smith opened a letter hand it in, both you and company are losers. We
directed to Santa Claus. After reading it over want the following types of suggestions:
.several times, he got out a time table and studied it. 1. Cost Reduction.
Mr. Smith arrived home the day before Christmas 2. Xew and Improvement of Products.
loaded with bundles that Dick helped to hide. 3. Improvement of Alanufacturing and Office
Christmas Day, Bud was delighted to find that Methods.
the Christmas tree was not adorned with shoes and 4. Reduction of Fire and Accident Hazard.
stockings, etc., but just the presents he'd longed 5. General Maintenance.
for. Remember: Big Awards For Big Thoxtghfs.



The Kodak Magazine has a want that could
filled How many of us under-go a periodical ]>hysical
never be satisfactorily filled by individual plant examination? The days are jammed so full of the
bulletins. Of course, we thoroughly enjoyed the business of living, that we hardly find time for per-
old Camera Works Bullcthi, and Kodak Park had sonal analysis, so it is fortunate that we have a
its magazine, but as far as the smaller plants were Medical Department which takes more interest in us
concerned, they were "out of the running" al- than we do in ourselves. Dr. Sawyer and his staff,
together. Now we learn of what is going on in all have the fullest co-operation of the company in
the other plants. giving this splendid service. Not only will a
The Camera Works section isn't a one man thorough examination be given, but an X-ray pho-
proposition or a dozen-man one either. It's an tograph of the lungs and heart will be taken free of
"everybody's" job, or at least, it should be. charge, and a written report, with recommenda-
Just pencil your news, or thoughts, or ideas, on tions, will be .sent to each person examined. These
a handy scrap of paper, and mail it, or hand it reports are absolutely confidential, and will no

personally, to "Herb" Thorpe Industrial Rela- doubt prove to be invaluable in many instances
tions Department. He wants to get the news from where slight defects can he easily corrected.
all departments. Prevention is better than cure.

The Cameko Club started its winter's activities members were shown through Canadian Kodak
by holding a bowling party at the Genesee Alleys. Company by our Camera Works friend, Harry
A bi-weekly schedule has been arranged, and if the Perkins. No less interesting and full of enjoyment
opening night's scores are indicative of the average was the canoe and camping party, held at "West-
of the members, the pinstickers will soon become minster on the Gene-see," where the days were
weary of having to "set them up" on the one-ball whiled away with baseball and swimming, the
Ijowlers, and page Tommy Swales for assistance. evenings with dancing.
The past summer has been far too short for the The tlijrd annual election of officers will be held
members of the Camekos. Probably one of their at the December meeting of the Camekos. the new
most delightful excursions was the three-day trip to officers to be installed the first of the year. A full
Toronto via the "Kingston" at which time the attendance of members is requested at this meeting.


It is always interesting to "see ourselves as others these the greatest and most advanced is "America."
see us," and especially so when other people's yir. Wratten takes us, in his story, from the port
opinions are complimentary. In England, the com- of Southampton, England, to Xew York, minutely
pany operates a plant at Harrow-on-the-Hill and describing the sea voyage, —
and then on to Roches-
Wealdstone, which vies with Kodak Park for beau- ter. His comparison between American and Euro-
tiful natural surroundings. It was the Editor's pean travelling facilities is both amusing and intel-
pleasure to witness the employees sports-day during ligent. After giving us a droll idea of a "sleeper,"
the summer of 191-1, and a finer "Kodak" spirit he says, "I am watching a fellow passenger per-
coidd not be displayed than that of the boys and forming the sleeping car ritual by drinking water on
girls who revelled in a regular picnic arranged by the rising froni his berth —the full dimensions of which
managers of Kodak, Limited, (,'onsequently it was are approximate to a camera shipping case. A neat
with delight that we noticed, in our English cousins pile of paper bags are so arranged as to be detached
publication. "Kodak Works Bulletin," an article one at a time. I took my turn and my bag and —
entitled "To Rochester," -wTitten in serial form, by then the fun commenced. Drinking out of a paper
Mr. S.H. Wratten. V)ag in a swaying train is an art; the bag of water
Wratten is the originator of the world-famous
yiv. wobbles like jelly. ^line wobbled so much that
Wratten dry plate, and is now chief of the Develop- the water missed my mouth and disappeared be-
ment Department at our company's English divi- tween my collar and neck. It was beautifully
sion. He paid an official visit to Rochester, and his clean, ice-cold water, and very wet and satisfying."
descriptions and reflections of the journey, of our Rochester is reviewed from all angles. Regard-
city, and of the people he met, are more than enter- ing motor cars, the story states that "Police on
taining. Mr. Wratten is a wTiter of no mean repute, motorcyles wait like panthers to spring upon the
and his literary style in these series of articles is of man or woman whose car exceeds '-2.5." The art of
the finest "King's English." He pays tribute to driving in America is to see the 'traffic cop" first. If
the rising power of .\merica in the following he sees you first, then you get a green tag on your
sentences. steering wheel. This gives you the freedom of
"If America today owes her greatness to tiie the City Police Station, and the undivided atten-
immigrant of yesterday, to what will she grow when, tion of the Inspector, who will introduce you to the
tomorrow, she releases the mental abilities of, for Judge, who in turn tells you to a dollar, the cost
instance, the Polish Jews; and the inborn musical of sin, and its remission."
genius of these Czecho-Slovaks, together with the I will not attempt to i^uote excerpts from Mr.
varied intellectual powers that now lie latent in this Wratten's vivid story about the Camera Works, or
assorted crowd. Frankly, I am happy, I see the the other Rochester plants. To those of us who
progeny of these people, naturally receptive and enjoy well-written literature with a sprinkle of
keenly eager for education, developing their talents satire and comedy, the quotations contain enough
in well-equipped schools. I see the inter-breeding, spice to sharpen our appetites to digest the whole
which, by all teachings of biologj', produces the story. The Industrial Relations Department has
finest people, and I my.self if the result will be all the installments from the Kodak Works Bulletin
equalled in the old countries. I do not think it to date, which will be gladly loaned to our readers
will be. Europe appears to have passed its merid- who appreciate a chance to "see ourselves as
ian —the sun has risen in the Xew Worlds, and of others see us.


At the recent Tenth Annual Congress of tiie In the atliletic section, you will find a general
Xational Safety Council, J. A. Robertson was story covering basketball. You will note that
elected to represent Rochester on the X'ational Charlie Kivell is to engineer our basketball fiends
Executive Committee. This virtually means that in the Kodak League which means that we will have
"Jack" himself is commander-in-chief in this dis- a real team.
trict as far as co-operation with the national body
Before the Recreation Club drive took place, the
is concerned. It is just possible that a national
resolution might not "fit in" with local problems
Board of Managers promised you lots of advan-
tages in becoming "one of us." Basketball is one of
and conditions; so, in order to overcome such a con-
dition, seven divisional representatives were elected,
them. By purchasing a series card of six tickets,
Mr. Robertson being ours. you pay but twenty-five cents for two good basket-
Let us stand firmly back of him. Let us give him
ball games between Camera Works, Kodak Park,
this message to convey to the executive body:
Main Office and Hawk-Eye, and a first class dance
thrown in for good measure. Four hours recreation
"Rochester is the safest city in the United States.
Conspicuous among the industrial plants of the city,
for a quarter! Every Wednesday, at eight o'clock,
is the Camera Works, whose record against acci-
the first tussle starts, and the last one ends before
ten o'clock. An A-1 orchestra will be on the job
dents is a matter of civic pride. Every employee is
until the close of the season.
backing me up in my firm conviction that the gospel
of safety, and its application, is one of the most Make Wednesday night a regular "Kodak" one.
important phases of the social and economic life of You can't afford to miss a single game of the League
America." series. Obtain your season tickets from the

Let's all stand up and shout "We're with you. Secretarv of the Club.
thp: kodak magazine 23

Three hundred twelve thousand, four hiuidred normal conditions, is kept closed by a fusible sub-
gallons of water are stored for protection against a stance. Should this substance become subject to
Canaera Works fire. abnormal heat of 16.5 degrees, it melts, tlms releasing
This immense volume of water is our plant re- —
the valve, and causing the water which is kept
serve, in addition to the city high pressure hydrants, —
under high pressure to spray in all directions. One
eight of which surround the factory. does not have to be an engineer to realize how in-
valuable such an invention is, for it means that
between each floor is a barrage of water, which
practically serves as a fire-proof wall. On the roof
of Building 1 and -2 are two tanks with a capacity of

eleven thousand four hundred, and twelve thousand

gallons respectively. Again, on Building 3, a con-
tainer holds twenty-five thousand gallons of water,
and on liuildings 11 and 1'2, thirty-four thousand
gallons. Thus we see the tremendous volume
which is held in readiness for fire emergencies.
Throughout the six buildings which comprise the
Camera Works are sixty-two hose-pipes attached to
stand-pipes. The hose-pipes placed end to end,
would measure four thousand, five hunrlred and
fifty feet, or four-fifths of a mile.
Naturally such a water system requires careful
inspection. The hose must be examined, the water
measured, the steam pimips tested, and the main
hydrants must always be in perfect working order.
Sam Barons is the man having this responsible
duty to perform, and his inspection, together with
the three hundred men who comprise the fire pre-
vention squad, make our factory more than reason-
ablv safe from fire hazards.


A water system, adequate for our factory build-

ings,is one of the many things to which few of us ever

give a thought; yet it is an interesting subject

to study. Try to picture a cistern seventy feet
long, and eight feet deep,
forty-eight feet wide,
running under your back yard Yet that is ex-

actly what we have at the Camera Works. Every

time you walk across the yard, you step over two
hundred thousand gallons of water, which can
furnish through our steam-driven pumps, one
himdred twenty pounds of pressure to the square
To give you a detailed desiription of the intri-
cate .systems installed for fire protection pur[)oses
would require the knowledge of an iiydraulic expert,
but we can tell you .sometliing of the simi)lcr methods
the company has installed against danger from fire. SAM BARONS
On building Xo. !), a steel tower supports a tank Cameni Works Fire Chief
having a cajjacity of forty thousand gallons, which
is used for supi)lyiiig the sjirinklfr system in that

particular structure. Suspended from eacii ceiling

are several two-inch pipes, which have, every ten Our sympathy is extended to Charles Preddis.
feet, a device known as a "sprinkler head." Tiie of the Inspection Department, who recently
head consists of an automatic valve, which, under suffered the loss of his wife.


The have been moved to
fiction library's quarters A going through the plant, lost a
visitor, while
the dining room. Gussie Bornkessel has been wrist watch and offered a reward for its return. The
appointed librarian. If you wish to know which Industrial Relations Department was notified of the
book to choose, ask her. We have yet to discover loss and patiently waited for the wrist watch to be
the book that Gussie has not read, and she is, as sent in as a "found" article. After waiting a few
you know, always willing to chat with you about days. —
and the visitor naturally getting somewhat
literature. Get comfy tliis winter with good books. anxious over the change for recovery of his watch.
You'll enjoy the restfulness that an entertaining an investigation was started to discover, if possible,
story always brings. the whereabouts of the article.
Fortunately, it was found reposing peacefully in
To the employees of the Camera Works, the
all an employee's desk drawer. The employee was
Editor extends the sincere wish of a happy and perfectly innocent of the fact that somebody was
prosperous Xew Year. With conditions shaping worrying about the loss of the watch, and he was
themselves toward normal, the outlook for the com- also unconscious of the fact that a reward had been
ing twelve months is merry and bright. Most of offered for its recovery.
our fears and hopes are governed by our own state Happily everything was straightened out very
of mind, so it's up to all of us to say that business is satisfactory, but it all goes to prove how much
booming, and then work like '"old Harry" to make easier it would be if all articles found in the factory
it so. were turned over to the Industrial Relations Depart-
This rule also applies to employees who have lost
Kodak Park extends a hearty invitation to all
articles. Please bear in mind that only by strict co-
Camera Workers to visit its splendid assembly hall
operation can we give efficient service to everyone.
each Wednesday night until further notice, to dance
and watch basketball. Let us take full advantage
of this friendly get-together invitation. READ THEM!
The Camera Works Industrial Relations Depart-
A very enjoyable Hallowe'en party was arranged ment receives each month a number of copies of the
for the office girls and boys, "Al"Weltzer having company's publications, "Studio Light," the "Kodak
charge of the affair. A
large barn was donated for Salesman" and "Kodakery."
the purpose, and" 'Billy "Lawrence helped to decorate If you wish to read any of these, make application
with corn stalks and Jack-0-Lanterns. The party to the Industrial Relations Department, and your
indidged in dancing and games, and a spread of name will be placed on the circulation list.
good things.

Warren White's birthday comes but once a year,

Sympathy is extended to the family of Anna
Goldman, who recently passed away, leaving a sad and it happened to fall on November 3rd.
void in the hearts of her manv friends. Warren of the Tool Room, who is quite young (for
his age) decided that birthdays are useless without
some kind After getting the boys
of a celebration.
Phillip Mattle of the Tool Supervision Depart- together, they marched down to his private em-
ment, is using every minute of his spare time in porium where a luncheon was served a-la-bohemia.
order to complete his house at Honeoye Lake Ijefore
George Brooks and "Dave" Olson assisted Warren
the spring fishing season arrives. Phil is evidently
figuring on the boys staying over the week ends, for he
in making the party a success.
tells us that the building is being partitioned to
accommodate dozens of beds. A two-story house, That veteran
of the Camera Works, Vincent Zick,
with, as Phil expresses it, a " Noah's Ark" attic, isback on the job again, after an operation for
should prove a great attraction to "the gang" appendicitis. "Vince" says that he feels even
during the good old summer time. younger than when he went away.

N. A. VAN DE CARR, Editor


From the first jazz notes played by"Al"Stillson's the Advertising Department. Among the special
"Feverish Five," which opened the evening's stunts, this sextette of syncopating songsters was
festivities, until curfew at the Maplewood "Y," easily the hit of the evening. However, aside from
the Advertising Department Halloween Party was a Carol Williams" artistic aerial act, there was no
triumph of terpsichorean joy, of merry minstrelsy, histrionic competition; so, too much credit should
of pumpkin pie, apples and cider. not be meted out to the trilling troubadors. By
special request, not due to their maidenly modesty,
With all due credit to Lady Duff-Gordon s years
but as a health precaution suggested by the Safety
of study and experience, the interior decorations of
First Committee, the names of the singing si.K are
the hall — the handiwork of the girls of the Depart-
omitted. The composers of the paralyzing parodies
ment — surpassed anything m'lady ever attempted.
they rendered must also remain one with the mys-
Attractive autumn leaves, black cats, vari-colored
tery of the Pyramids. They sang strange songs of

streamers even a paper hat for each merry-maker
the personnel of the department, things we never
— and the cider, pie and apples ad infinitum were
once suspected of our co-advertisers, and things
tastefully arranged about the room. Mural decora-
they didn't even know themselves.
tions delightful to the eye of the artist, delicatessen
Then dancing, fancy, plain and staple, was served
embellishments delectable to the palate of the
up until midnight. The well-known Paul Jones

epicure these were the order of the evening.
was paged several times during the evening to the
Only under the leadership of a General Committee
detriment of the furniture. He greatly facilitated
consisting of Huyla Kauffman, Madeline Lansing,
the clever work of Messrs. Jones, Gillette, Hodgson
Albert A. Stillson (himself) and "Bill" ^lead could
and Strobel, who constituted the Reception Com-
the arrangements in toto have been carried off so
mittee, and who went to no mean ends to dispense
smoothly — so satisfactorily. Only a Committee on with all formality and make everyone feel welcome.
refreshments composed of Mrs. Haefele, Carol
As an introducer, Paul Jones is a superb institution.
Williams and Hilda Bramer could have cuisined
One just ran into another and remained fast friends,
so wisely — so well.
at least until the joyous crowd tore them apart as
The fame of "Al" Jolson as an entertainer is capriciously as tliey had been thrust together.
forever dimmed —
he does his bit, we admit but he — It was a big night, spent in a big way —
just cannot compare with the ^Nlerry Minstrels of of the Advertising Department.


The newly-organized Kodak Progress Society Now tiiat are stormy, you will be glad
tlie clays
held its first two regular meetings on the l~th of to know that tlie Business Library is open for read-
Octol)er and the 7th of November. .\s it is the ing during tlie lunch hour. In it yon will find books
plan of the Society to carry througii tlie accoiuiting on .Vccounting, Business English, .\dvertising,
end of tlie Kodak organization from raw material Exjiortiiig and Business PsychologA', and siicii
to the final net profit, the first meeting was devoted magazines as Adiiiinislraliou. Pritifcrs' Ink. Fac-
to the "History of the Compan\'. "
R. ('iiandler tory, Sy.sfem. Industrial Management, and Man-
Kron spoke on the organization and acquisition of agement Engineering. Besides, tliere are files of
the manufacturing companies, and "Jack" Ley- the New York Times and Rochester papers.
senaar on the organization of our stockhouses. During office hours, the Lilirary may be used for
At the second meeting, accounting for the manu- reference. .\ problem very often may be solved
facturing end of tlie l)Usiness was taken up. W. L. by the use of a book.
McXulty told iiow camera factory offices are
organized, and how costs are asscMubled on orders. Tlie resources of the Library are at the disposal
Cornelius J. \ an Neil spoke on tlic jjroducts manu- of every emi)loyee. If you haven't used them yet,
factured at Kodak Park and the methods employed take the elevator to the thirteenth floor, turn to
in handling process costs. Harry Tliomas spoke your left and walk straight ahead. The lateh-
very interestingly on gross profit. striu" is out.

The girls of the Sixth Floor have made good played. Many bright futures were foretold by
use of the dining-room again. On Hallowe'en Abbie and Helen Boyle. Music was
night, promptly at six o'clock, forty of them sat furnished by the Marzon & Benjamin orchestra.
down to dinner. Ask any of them about the eats! Many of the girls were in fancy costumes, even
Afterward, they adjourned to the rest room where "Cousin Kate" (Luella Thompson) in her dress of
all kinds of Halloween pranks and games were 1776.


An enjoyable evening was spent by over half of MASONIC TEMPLE
the employees of the Billing Department in the The K. O. R. C. fall dance proved to be one of
Premo club quarters at Premo Plant in South Street. the most successful in the history of the Club.
Extra fine music was provided for dancing by On the evening of November loth, a full moon rose
Otto's Orchestra. During the evening the Argonne over the Masonic Temple and a goodly number of
Four, composed of Messrs. Brown, Hilbert, (ioebel Kodak Office employees and their friends drifted
and Tutty, rendered several songs. Eddie Hilbert in to dance to the strains of Damon's Orchestra.
was well received with a basso solo. Department heads and club officers were among the
Coffee and sandwiches were .served and cider and crowd and Harry Seaman with his bevy of pretty
fried cakes were distributed throughout the evening. girls behind the punch bowl occupied a very popular
Everyone voted a good time. corner of the hall. The punch was of the usual
Thanks are due Messrs. McKenney and Wheeler good vintage, and the music continued until mid-
of the Premo for kindness extended at the Billing night. A word of credit should be said for Alice
Department party. Upton and her efficient workers, who managed the
dance so successfullv.
The K. O. R. C. girls will be represented on the THIRTY-TWO YEARS OF SERVICE
basketball court again this year. A good number of
Camera Works may have the leading man in
last year's players were present at a recent meeting,
length of service for the Rochester branches, but
and it looks as though a fighting team would be
the Finishing Department is inclined to claim
developed. Clara EfYord, who was one of the main-
the leading lady. Luella Thompson had her thirty-
stays of last year's team, has been chosen Captain.
second anniver.sarv on November 2nd.
The manager has been trying to secure the Exposi-
tion Park court for practice, and, with John Boeing,
who has had several years of training on college The Finished Stock Department has vacated its
teams, as coach, the Hawk-Eye aggregation will headquarters on the eighth floor, and is now located
have to look out for their scalps. on the fifth floor of the new building.


One windy Saturday afternoon, not long ago, Hammer Throw and a new distance record was set
about seventy members of the Sales Department in the Ladies" Races, Mrs. Van coming in first,
motored up the River to Kathryn Kennedy's followed bv "Jen" Hennessev.

As clam-bake connoisseurs, we are compelled to The the Stock Department again exper-
girls of
hand Charles Howard and Walter Capell the Green ienced one of their good times when they gathered
Bay Tree. The members of the "Put and Take" at Rena Bradley's home for .some Hallowe'en fun.
Club were fed and entertained by these two cele- The evening was spent in playing games, dancing,
singing, and last but not least, in enjoying lots of
good things to eat.

We wish to extend our sympathy to Pauline

Wolfe of the Testing and Packing Department,
whose father recently passed away.

The Testing and Packing Department was

recently favored by a visit from Vertrip Flynn.
Vertrip is very happy and we are glad she enjoys
hospital training.

So long, Mildred, how we hate to see you go!

Our best wishes follow Mildred Mayer, who left
Kodak Office to become the bride of Stanley W.
Arend, Thanksgiving afternoon. The ceremony
was performed at Mildred's home, by Rev. Clinton
We are wishing C. R. Franklin and Ernest
White the best of luck —
they have left the Main
Office to join the forces of the G. M. Laboratories,
AT THE BAKE Inc., in Long Island City.
brated chefs at Sea Breeze on October '•29th, and
the above verdict was handed down by a staid jury
Maud Betts has been elected Captain of the
composed of such profound minds as Harry Fenn, Tabulating bowling team, to succeed Sally Keefe,
Harry Mahar, Armand Gaussiun, Harry Haight. who recently tendered her resignation. We wish
Fred Le Clare, Frank Smith, R. Chandler Kron, our new Captain success in her undertaking.
"Ed" Junker, George Rockwell, "Hank" Brinker,
"Eddie" Beikirk, "Whitie" Carroll, "Chuck" The Paper Division of the Sales Department has
lost one of its shining lights, for Marie McKee has
Locke, E. G. Cranch, "Al" Parker, "Norm" Ferris,
"Ferdie" Bachelder, Frederic Penny, Jack Ley-
transferred her affections to Mr. Fell's office. How-
senaar, "Bob" Wood, "Tom" McCabe, "Bill" ever, we wish you luck, Marie!

Shewman, "Jack" Gunderson, "Hermie" Bakker,

Fred Preston Root, Fred Scheibie and Ray Hyde.
The Medical Department welcomes Laura Cramer
Messrs. Bachelder and Ferris were so pleased with
who has recently been transferred from the cashier's
the clams that they begged the privilege of taking
home the wings of three of them. Harry Fenn, The Adjustment Department is sorry to lose
being somewhat of a naturalist, made a special Loretta Carbone, who has joined the ranks of the
study of the mud turtle which was on exhibition Repair Department as Mr. Fenn's secretary.
near the Fountain of Youth.
Julia Mclnerney wishes to thank the Welfare
IT HELPS YOU, TOO Club of the Shipping and Stock Departments for
The Suggestion System offers a direct means the sympathy shown h er in her recent bereavement
by which you may help to increase the efficiency
at Kodak Office and we gladly consider ideas along James McClellan, night watchman of Building
any of the following lines. Remember "Big 8, who recently met with an automobile accident,
Awards for Big Tlioughts" means that it is highly died on October 20th. We extend our deepest
profitable for you to think. sympathy to his family.
1. Cost Reduction. The Service Department will miss Anna Sharkey,
2. New and Improvement of Products. who has been in charge of the files for a considerable
3. Improvement of Manufacturing and Office time, but the best wishes of the entire office force
Methods. go with her. She was married Wednesday, Novem-
4. Reduction of Fire and Accident Hazard. ber 23rd, at Sacred Heart Church to James J.
5. General Maintenance O'Rourke of the Ingle Machine Company.


The K. O. R. C. men's fighting team — that
basketball team, under a good crowd of noisy rooters.
Captain "Hash" McNeil, is getting into .shape. The Get out for every game that you possibly can.
prospect of having a real Kodak League this year Perhaps you can't plav basketball, but you can yell,
made the boys at the Main Office more enthusiastic sing and whistle. That's what we want noise, —
than ever. W'e are assured of the hard work by and lots of it. It's about time Main Office landed
every player, but there is one other essential to a a pennant.
F O L M E R - i


The third annual bowling season of the Folmer- after whicli the captains announced their respective
Century Athletic Association opened at the Eagles line-ups.
Alleys on Friday evening, November 11th, with all Guiding the League's destinies this year are S. G.
the pomp and ceremony of previous years. To Pope, President, and George J. .lost. Secretary.
hear the balls clicking into the pockets on opening The Auto Jrs. took two out of three from the
night, one would never have guessed there had ever Stereo team, while the Graflex squad won the odd
been an armistice. from Kirvan's Compact rollers.


Spencer (i. Pope, Prfsident George J. Jost, Secretary and Treasurer

Mr. Folmer spoke briefly, congratulating the Line-ups of the four teams are as follows:
boys on the l)owling ability they have displayed STEREO .\UTO JR.
during the past two seasons, and expressing hope Jost (Captain) Fenner (Cai)tain")
for an even more successful year, in spite of the fact Hegnauer Bird
that only four teams will be rc|)rescnted. Clark Le Beau
George Roche, Works .Accountant, was also Burke McNamara
present, but contented himself with an exhibition Drabinski Perrin
of skill on the alleys.
Among the "old familiar faces," who elected to COMPACT GRAFLEX
be with the boys again were "Pop" Kirvan, "Bill" Kirvan (Captain) Sold (Captain)
Melvin, former President of the League, and Petroske Breemes
".\ndy" Sold, with the old famous "hook ball." Fleming Nau
Mr. Folmer, Mr. Koclie, I'residfiit l'oi)c, and Retir- Pope McCormack
ing President Melvin started the balls rolling. Rose Fraatz

Our sincere sympathy is extended to James We

are all glad to see Otto Petroske, President
Herbert of the Assembly Department, in the death of the Folmer-('entury .\thletic Association, back
of his mother. with us again after his illness.

Finished Stock Department
Manufactured Parts Stock Department
On November 3rd the girls of the Folmer-Century
DO YOU PLAY EUCHRE? office gave a lunciieon in honor of Mrs. Arthur
Edward McCormack, of the Assembly Depart- Mildahn, our telephone operator, who, before her
ment, has been arranf^ing a euchre tournament marriage last December, was Mildred Bailey.
to be played during the noon hour this winter. Covers were laid for sixteen, and, at the conclusion
So far, twenty-five men have signed up. Anyone of the luncheon, Mrs. Mildahn was presented with a
wishing to play in this tournament is requested to
farewell gift. Mildred was with us for five years,
get in touch with "Eddie" McCormack immediately. and, although we tried to persuade her to remain,
the prospect of housekeeping was more alluring.
Richard Clark of the Wood Department, who had
been ill for some time at the United States Public GOOD "DOPE"
Health Service Hospital, Xo. 41, at New Haven, Get the safety habit —-give safety advice. It
Connecticut, returned to work on October 31st.
is better to lose several minutes avoiding accidents
We congratulate him on his speedy recovery. than to lose several weeks from an injury. If you
see a man acting carelessly, tell him about it;
We heard recently from William \'ogt of the don't be afraid to hurt his feelings.
Inspection Department, who has been ill for some
time. "Bill" is improving nicely and we expect to Boyd Rollins, our plant engineer, has returned
see him back in tiie near future. from a hunting trip in the Adu'ondacks.

Right Dressl for basketball. mander-in-chief like "Charlie" Kivell,
Forward Marchl to Kodak Park. Jack Robertson's proteges can be depend-
The war is ON Four first-rate powers
! ed upon to win a place in the sun.
have "dug in" along the Kodak basketball Wednesday nights have been set aside
front, and weekly engagements are being for the activities of the new circuit, and
fought in the winter quarters at Kodak the program offered includes two rattling
Park. The initial battles fast court contests and
of campaign were
the SCHEDULE two hours of dancing
waged on Thanksgiving 19!21--19^22 each week. The price of
Eve, when Hawk-Eye KODAK BASKETBALL LEAGUE tickets has been slashed
w^ent over the top against to the well-known bone,
November 23
Kodak Park, while Ko- ("amera Works vs. Kodak Office and these mid-week gath-
dak Office launched a Kodak Park vs. Hawk-Eye erings of the Kodak
November 30
gas attack in the Camera Kodak Park vs. Camera Works
clansmen you the
Works sector. And, now Hawk-Eye vs. Kodak Office best opportvmity in town
the burning question is: December 14- to get a lot for your
Camera Works vs. Hawk-Eye
which of the four con- Kodak Park vs. Kodak Office money.
tenders will carry off the December 21 George Xeal has been
spoils of war —
that is, Kodak Park
Camera Works
vs. Hawk-Eye
vs. Kodak Office
selected as mentor of
the Kodak basketball January 4 the Park forces, and his
championship ? Hawk-Eye vs. Kodak Office squad includes a brace
This season marks the Kodak Park vs. Camera Works of Brightmans, Jack and
January 11
premiere of a Kodak Kodak Park vs. Kodak Office Charlie, as well as
League on the court. Camera Works vs. Hawk-Eye Stephenson, Scanlon,
January IS
Kodak Park, minus some
Kodak Office vs. Camera Works
Bonhurst, McCarthy,
of the stars of semi-pro Kodak Park vs. Hawk-Eye and Rockcastle.
days, is still looked upon January 25 At the State Street
Camera Works vs. Kodak Park
as a likely contender for Kodak Office vs. Hawk-Eye Office, Fred Fogarty is
the flag, but Hawk-Eye February 1 again guiding the destin-
and Kodak Office point Hawk-Eye vs. Camera Works ies of the quintette. As a
Kodak Office vs. Kodak Park
with satisfaction to their February S nucleus, he has Captain
records of a year ago, and Koflak Park vs. Hawk-Eye '*Hash"McNeil,-Toddy"
Camera Works vs. Kodak Office
promise to make all kinds February 15
Diehl,and "Joe" Stutz.
of trouble for the Lake Kodak Office vs. Hawk-Eye The new members include
Avenue contingent. Camera Works vs. Kodak Park "Mose" Eggert, "Jack"
February 22
Camera Works got away Kodak Office vs. Kodak Park Roberts, Harold Gunder-
to a late start last win- Hawk-Eve vs. Camera Works son, George Rich, and
ter, but, with a com- "Bill" Brown.

Camera Works


Kodak Park Hawk-Eye

Kodak Office


Kivell's line-upis moulded around picked from a squad in w'hich were

Pressley, Welch, and "Pinkey"
Hines, found Bamford, Bryson, Felerski, Gra-
Rutan. Hawk-Eye has an old-timer at ham, Hofi^meier, Ingleby, Keller, Kempf,
the helm in the person of "Biir" Roche, Prentice, Quetchenback, Pearson, Van-
with a veritable raft of material, includ- Doren, Springer, Welden, and Van Lare.
ing such formidable figures as "Cliff" All in all, it looks like a big wanter;
Johnson, "Wib" Woodams, and "Benny" so, you might as well get dated up right
Levine. The balance of the five was now^ for Wednesday nights.


Indooi baseball on the outdoor dia- widespread interest should be crystallized
mond — reached heights hitherto unknown into a company League? Hawk-Eye has
in Rochester, during the past summer. consistently been a contender in the City
Hawk-Eye, Kodak Park, and the Kodak Indoor League in w hich Kodak Park and
Office, all had departmental leagues in Camera Works were also represented in
w^hich interest ran high, while exciting 1919-'20. But, the time seems to have
series were played between these three come when this sport should be included
plants. Camera Works has supported a in the roster of Kodak inter-plant activi-
departmental league during each of the ties. Theplayers are here, and the
past two winters. interest; so, about all it needs, is some-
What more logical, then, that this body to organize the project.



NOVEMBER 41, 19^1


Domestic Shipping. ... 20
Advertising 15
Service lo
Sales 1'^

Bookkeeping 11
Industrial Relations. . 11
Stock 10
Export Shipping 9
Accounting 7
Maintenance 7
Engraving 6
Billing 3

of Employees
Employees Members Shares

Kodak Park 5,70^2 3,806 66 .

7% 27,973
Camera Works 884 653 73 .
8% 3,830
Hawk-Eye Works 345 319 92.4% 2,081
Premo Works 119 72 60.5% 685
Folmer-Century Works 259 82 31.6% 807
Kodak Office 1,185 700 59.0% 7,149

New York Branch 99 88 88 .
8% 595
Chicago Branch 123 80 65 .
0% 744
San Francisco Branch . 72 41 56.9% 220
Taprell. Loomis & Co. 127 101 79.6% 730
American Aristotype Co. 28 1 3.6% 20
Sweet, Wallach & Co. 74 45 60.8% 519
Northwestern Photo
Supply Co 27 12 44.4% 100
Robey-French Co 56 25 44.6% 186
O. H. PeckCo 34 4 117% 40
Robert Dempster Co. . . 21 12 57.1% 63
Glenn Photo Stock Co. . 24 18 75.0% 112
Des Moines Photo
Materials Co 17 6 33.3% 45
John Haworth Co 58 21 36.2% 112
Zimmerman Brothers
(Duluth) 10 3 30 .
0% 20
Rowland & Dewey Co. . 56 39 69 .
8% 227
Milwaukee Photo
Materials Co 22 4 15 .
2% 40
Salesmen and
Demonstrators 136 57 41.9% 964

Total 9,478 6,189 65.3% 47,262

Average Subscription —7.6 shares.

Total Matured or Par Value— $4,726,200.00.

PRif4TE0 m U. S. Ai.
January 1922
Published in the interests of the men and
women of the Kodak or^ani^aXion.j4.j<.

10 accomplish
great things
one must
first have
great thoughts
J7pper ie//— William M. Rebasz, 129 Wilton Avenue, Chemical Plant Laboratory, Kodak Park

Upper Right Clarence Walters, 139 Wilton Avenue, Plate Department, Kodak Park

Center Charles Ainsworth, 133 Wilton Avenue, Sheet Film Department, Kodak Park

Lou-er Left Frank Jones, 123 Wilton Avenue, Power Department No. 1, Kodak Park
Lou-er Right —William A. Gargan, 143 Wilton Avenue, Folding Brownie Assembly Department, Camera Works
[)y\ Kc>^^^cij/m
Vol, II JANUARY. 19^22 No. 8



JUST one year ago we announced: Association, had enabled one hundred
"the Eastman Savings and Loan and Kodak employees to
Association —our association is now— move into their own homes, with a
ready for, and doing business." number of other loans now in process of
The plan of the Association was so completion; a representative group of
sound, and so practical, that it met with these homes is shown on pages 6 and 7.

instant approval, and in spite of general While the ability to aid the prospective
business conditions, its first year's record home-owner in the accomplishment of
is one of which we can, all of us. justly his desire is an outstanding feature in
be proud. the work of the Association, the big thing
There is nothing more strengthening is the establishment of the habit of
to the human spinal column than a bit systematic saving.
of cash laid by —
and the moment a man The Eastman Savings and Loan Asso-
moves into a home he can call liis own, ciation now has 5.9'29 shareholders, with
he becomes a better citizen. a matured value of shares amounting to
No one can argue against the advan- '$J-,5o'-2, 000, which is, to say the least,
tages of thrift, but the great trouble has a mighty fine record.
been the finding of a means for regidar The future of the Eastman Savings
and persistent saving. and Loan Association is assured, and
Our Association provides the ideal with the coming of livelier business, we
method; through it, saving becomes an can hope for pretty close to a one hundred
automatic process without effort or per cent employee membership.
inconvenience on the part of the It seems fitting to include in this brief
shareholder. review of the first year of the Eastman
When layoffs due to lack of work Savings and Loan Association some
became many a shareholder
inevitable, mention of the co-operation of our
blessed the day he signed his application Industrial Relations De])artment with
card in the Eastman Savings and Loan the Association, as regards the housing
Association, as otherwise he would ha\'e problem.
had nothing laid by to meet the While the company has built no
emergency. houses to be sold to Kodak employees,
One splendid examj)le of iiow the the Industrial Relations Department
Association is appreciated is shown by has made a complete survey of the situa-
the fact that many employees who were tion, and has made satisfactory arrange-
laid off are still keeping up the i)ayments ments with local builders to erect suitable,
on their shares, and thai many more modern houses, at a mininnnn cost.
who were forced to withdraw are eagerly Under tiiis arrangement the company
awaiting the time when they can again has supervised the erection of a number
become members. of Wilton Avenue, just ofT
houses on
Up to November 1st. IfHl. the East- Dewey Avenue, near Kodak Park West.
man Savings and T^oan .Vssociation. in A group of these houses is showai on
conjunction witli the Kodak Kini)loyees page 2. The lots are 40 In- 100 feet and

the houses are '20 feet by '20 feet and 22 Relations Department in this direction
feet by '24 feet. Inside and out they are depend most naturally upon the interest
honestly constructed and with strictly shown by the employees, and in what they
modern conveniences as to arrangement desire to have done. This Department
and fixtures. The smaller of the houses will do everything possible to make sure
are of 5 rooms each, the larger containing that the employee gets full value in
Grooms; the prices range from $4,500.00 purchasing or building a home, and is
to $5,100.00. at all times ready with suggestions for
The future efforts of the Industrial plans and tlie like.


SO RUNS the song of the man "Budget means setting aside so
(or woman) who doesn't make a much for, say, rent; so much for
budget. He doesn't know where he's household expenses; so much for
going, but he's on his way. And the savings bank; so much for amuse-
chances are good that January 1, 1923, ment, etc., promising yourself not
will find him financially just about where
to spend more than the amount you
he is at this moment.
set aside for each item, and then
Business enterprises, to be successful, keeping your promise to yourself."
have to be planned out in advance.
And right there is the corner-stone of
That's why this concern, and every pro-
gressive commercial organization, has

your financial structure that business
of keeping your promise to yourself.
its Planning Department. The same
If you do it, your budget will be success-
principle holds good in the conduct of
ful. Whereof it might even be said that
one's personal business.
"he that keepeth his own budget is
In the December number of the Kodak greater than he that taketh a city."
Magazine, Mr. Eastman showed how
At the office of the Eastman Savings
systematic saving made it possible for
and Loan Association, 343 State Street,
him to start a business for himself. He you will find considerable material deal-
had ready money when he most needed
ing with the subject of budget-making
and thrift. Included in this material
Do you know what has become of the are the State College bulletins on
money you earned during 1921.^ How
Keeping a Cash Account,
much of it went for clothing, how much
for household expenses, for rent, for Making a Budget,
charity, for amusement, for carfare, for Home Furnishing,
insurance —how much was saved? If
Choosing the Daily Food.
you know, you have something on which
to work in planning your budget for this These will be distributed without
year. The process is simple; just set charge to Kodak people who ask for
down a list of the things for which you them. At this office you will also find a
will have to spend money during the list of the books on these subjects which

year, and place opposite each item the can be obtained at each of the public
amount you can afford to spend on that libraries. Mr. Bartholomew or Miss
particular thing. Then, stick within that Crafts at the Savings and Loan Associa-
figurel As a recent advertisement in a tion office will be glad to be of assistance
local newspaper puts it: to those who desire further information.
HUNDREDS of thousands of dollars sleep that overcame him at once. He
are spent each year for "patent" gave a two-weeks-old kitten 20 drops
medicine nostrums. But few liave any and she promptly went to sleep and slej)t
curative ]:)roj)erties whatsoever, and many four hours. The next day he gave her
are decidedly harmful in that they are 30 drops which put her to sleep forever.
habit-forming'. Many fatalities are on Great caution should be exercised with
record due to the giving of these regard to the midtitude of headache
"medicines" to small children and infants. remedies now on the market, as a goodly
In most cases, when these remedies have number of them contain poisons that
any medicinal value whatsoever, the have produced fatal effects. If a head-
purchaser pays an exhorbitant price, as ache will not yield to a few hours sleep,
they are usually compounded of some or some simple remedy for a stomach
simple ingredients which could be pur- disarrangement, consult your physician.
chased for one-tenth the sum in any drug There are patent medicines for all the
store. ills that flesh is heir to, and for many
Certain obvious things never seem to imaginary ones, as well. We could con-
impress themselves upon the purchaser tinue on through any number of jiages
of these nostrums. It does not seem to pointing out the absurdity of the claims
occur to him that, if the patent medicines made for most of them, but at best the
of a past generation had possessed the most we can do is to ask you to use
powers claimed for them, they would judgment before spending your money.
continue to sell when no longer adver- Many people assume that the Federal
tised, or at least if they did not, it would Food and Drugs Act, commonly known
be because they had banished sickness as the Pure Food Law, effectively safe-
from the earth. Like the old, the present guards the public against the menace of
day nostrums will drop out of sight and the nostrums. This act exercises no
be forgotten when their advertising, the control over statements that are published
only thing which now sustains them, is separate from the package, such as in
discontinued. newspaper advertisements and hand bills
If grown-up men and women j)ersist distributed from door to door.
in spending, throwing away, good money There is always danger in self -diagnosis
for trash, it is perhaps quite their own and self -treatment. Do not take chances
business, but when helpless children and with your own health, and the health
infants are so often .subjected to dangerous of your family. Avoid the use of medi-
medication, it seems well to sound a cines with which you are not familiar,
warning. and which have not been recommended
The practice of giving infants soothing or prescribed by your physician.
syrups and "teething" mixtures has often
been attended with .serious results owing SAVINGS STATEMENTS
to the presence of opiates, such as mor- your quarterly statement from the
phine and laudanum. Remedies for such
IF Eastman Savings and Loan Associa-
disturbances should never be given except tion shows less money than you think it
on the advice of a reputable physician. shoidd, watch the bulletins for informa-
The coroner of one of our largest cities, tion as to date of last pay-roll deduction.
death of two infants,
in investigating the On the December 31st statements, the
presinnably from an overdose of a last pay-roll deduction credited is for
certain baby remedy, made some experi- week ending December 17th, if employed
ments with it. First, he gave a six-days- at Kodak Park; for week ending December
old puppy 30 drops of the prei)aration. "iith, if employed at any of the other
The pup never awakened from the deep plants or the Kodak Office.


Upper Left George Kummer, 127 Lexington Avenue, Stores Department, Camera Works
Upper Right—John B. Van Dusen, 91 West High Terrace, Billing Department, Kodak Office

Loioer Left Daniel Fitzgerald, 503 Ridgeway Avenue, Pipe Shop, Kodak Park
Vogt, 391 Rosewood
Lower Right— James T. Strong, 389 Rosewood Terrace, Dope Department, Kodak Park, and William C.
Terrace, Inspection Department, Folmer-Century

Uvper Left-V<M F. Doerrer, 1069 North Goodman Street. Shutter Department. Camera Works
L pper R,gh,-Fred Habel. 19 Woodsi.le
Street. Cine Slitting Departn.ent, Kodak
Lower Left-Howard A. Gillan. 717 Seneca Parkway,
Purchasing Engineer. Kodak Park
Lower R>ght~lni P. Gillette, -244 Clay Avenue. Cine
Salesman, Kodak Office
w ill not only get what you need, but
The Kodak Magazine be able through planning to save a certain
Published monthly in the interests of men and women of
amount regularly.
the Kodak organization. Have you ever wondered how^ some
people w^ho do not make as much or any
more than you do, make such a big
Glenn C. Morrow 1 Associate Editors
showing with their money .'^

C. Edward Coolet /

In some cases, of course, you know' that

N'OBMAN A. Van De Cabr Assistant Editor

Main Office
they are living beyond their means, but
such cases of seeming prosperity are
Robert A. Weber Assistant Editor
short lived and so easily detected.
Kodak Park Works
How the others continue to have and
Hebbebt S. TnoBPE .... . . Assistant Editor
enjoy things that seem beyond your reach,
Camera Works
appears to be a bit of a mystery and you
Clabence H. Harper Assistant Editor
credit them with some unusual gift and
Folmer-Century Works
let it go at that.
P. R. Meinhard Assistant Editor
If you would really inquire into it you
Hawk-Eye Works
would find no mystery, and no faculty or
facilities that you yourself do not posses.
Address all communications to Editor, Kodak Magazine,
The "secret" is the planning ahead for
Main OflBce, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, X. Y.
the use of the family income. Get that —
the use, not merely the spending.
normal times, the subject of New- In another section of this issue, w'e have
IN Year's resolutions was approached, briefly reviewed the first year of the
and surroimded with a spirit of levity, and Eastman Savings and Loan Association;
that was just about as far as it went. what it can do for you is apparent.
Good resolutions, like many other things, Your attention is also called to the
can be overdone and so defeat their own advantages of the budget system (see
purpose, but under conditions as they page 4) and how you can apply it to your
exist, a little serious thought may well be income.
given to the charting of our individual We ivish you a happy and prosperous
courses for this year 19^22. New Year.

It is not the purpose here to draft a set MEAN ANYTHING"

of ready-made resolutions or even to
suggest the necessity for such a proceed- ABOUT every so often some associa-
ing. tion beginsa" most popular "or " most
beautiful" contest with a diamond ring, a
All of us had to do quite a bit of .serious
trip to New York, or some other prize
thinking during the year that has passed,
to the winner.
and so most of you will be in line for one
thought which may take the form of a Votes are sold at so much per vote, and
resolution if it so pleases you, that is: the award is made to the one whose votes
Spend time and money wis;cly. bring in the most coin to the promoters of
The average person has been far too apt the scheme who are the real winners. So
to confound thrift with stinginess and so
why part your friends from their small
to resent any suggestions as to the value
change to feed your vanity.'*

of thrift. the mere

Thrift does not mean If to popularity or
you have any claims
saving or hoarding of money, but spend- beauty, it will much
better just to rest
ing money wisely for what you need, so on your laurels without putting it to a
that you will get full value; it means also vote which doesn't mean anything any-
the planning of your income so that you how.


HERBERT Hoover responsible for vantageous to allow material to accumu-

the statement that, if all waste could late over a longer period of time, in the
be eliminated from American industry, the expectation of being able to sell at a
cost of productionwoidd be reduced fifty better price.
per cent. The idea of utilizing the by- We can best visualize the work of this
product, of throwing away nothing from department by taking a little trip to the
which value can possibly be derived is, to various salvage warehouses. These, four
be sure, not new. Practically every large in number, are scattered here and there,
industry has been working in this direc- two in the vicinity of the Ridge Road
tion for some years. We are all familiar gate, and the other pair beyond Dewey
with the famous boast of the packing in- Avenue in Kodak Park West. Eventu-
dustry, that nothing goes to waste except ally, they will all be grouped together in
the squeal. Mr. Hoover's statement em- the latter location, not far from the new
phasizes the necessity for a more inten- power plant.
sive application of the salvage principle. We come first to the warehouse u.sed for
Our own plant at Kodak Park has de- the storage of paper. Besides the scrap
veloped the science of waste elimination paper, we find rags, rag dust, burlap, and
to a high degree until production there, cotton swee])ings. A baler packs these
is now carried on with a minimum of loss paper accumulations in large bales, which
and spoilage. The good work has not are then shipped away, whenever the
stopped there, however. The Kodak accumulations reach carload lots.
Park plant goes farther, and from the Not far from the paper storage, we
inevitable waste, tries to reclaim as much find another large building formerly used
as possible. This is done by what is as a lumber warehouse. Here, there
called the Salvage Department. seems to be no limit to the Aariety of
The job of the Kodak Park Salvage rescued articles. Piles of wooden boxes
Department, then, is to rescue the waste tower up to the ceiling. In one corner
articles of tlje plant — that is, to save and stands a truck from another local factory
put to use again those articles which loading up with boxes which will there
would wind up on the scrap-pile if there be used again. Other boxes are broken
were no such Department. The rescued up, and sold as lumber. In another
articles, the "spoils" of the salvagers, are corner is a quantity of excelsior, some

renovated and put to work again in the baled, some still loose in the pile.
plant, or else sold on the outside. This Another thing of which the layman
latter factor makes it imperative that would seldom think is cork. Behind the
those in charge of our salvage work shall construction workers on new buildings,
be men who are at all times thoroughly the Salvage Department picks up small
familiar with market conditions, with a pieces of cork left over from, for instance,
nice of the psychological time and packing heating pipes. This cork is
place to sell. Just take your Purchasing ground u]) and kei)t in storage here, avail-
Agent's job and invert it; then, you'll able for use on a similar job at any time.
get a slant at the selling end of the salvage The cost of cork thus salvaged is about one
game. During tlie war. this part of the and one-half cents per pound. Purcha.sed
problem was less difficult. Then, almost on the open market, it would cost four or
any kind of salvaged material found a five cents.
ready market at a high price. Tiie chief In this building, we also fintl empty
was to find material
difficulty fast enough cement bags which have a re-sale value of
to supply the demands of the })urchasers. about fifteen cents each.
Now, however, conditions are different There are piles of emj)ty l)arrels. among
again, and our salvage people find it ad- them something new in the barrel line.
one made out of paper. Many of these building containing machine parts, suit-
barrels come in with chemicals.
filled able for replacement purposes, and some
Here, too, is a small quantity of scrap old machines, not now fit for service. The
tin —
at present, unsalable, though, during nickeled parts are well protected with
the war, it was unobtainable for love or "dope" to prevent rust. If you don't
money. know just this "dope" is, ask some
has been in the army or the
K Next we come to a
corner which looks
little room
as though it might
oft' in one fellow
navy and has had the job of cleaning up a
have been the office of the hmiber com- rifle or an automatic as it comes out of

pany which once occupied the building. storage. He'll tell you all about it. At
And here we find a man busy folding, stated intervals, the contents of this
shaking and brushing big bags made of building are carefully gone over by an
Canton flannel. Inquiring "why," we Inventory Committee, which determines
learn that these bags are used for filtering which items shall be kept in stock, and
the air which is let into various buildings which shall be dismantled or sold.
about the plant. This filtration, as you The farthest west of the four buildings
know, is necessary to exclude any impuri- occupied by the Department is the Metal
ties which might damage some of our Stores Building. Here are all kinds of
sensitive products in process of manu- scrap metal, neatly separated into piles, or
facture. When these flannel bags become stored in bins. There are piles of scrap
dirty, they are sent to the laundry, and steel and iron, and bins containing red
thence to this Salvage Department ware- brass, yellow brass, lead, copper, or metal
house where they are carefully brushed. filings. A ready market for these metals
This brushing brings up the nap, and is found with local junk dealers.
makes the bag fit for use again. Some- Out in the open again, we find our-
times tiny holes creep in which must be selves facing piles of scrap lumber. They
repaired before the bag is put back into remind one of the parade ground of an
service. Of course, they won't last for- army cantonment along about November,
ever anyway, but this cleaning and brush- 1917, when the "cost-plus" contractors
ing process gives them a much longer lease had about finished their construction
of life. work, and before they had started to
And now we take quite a long "hike" "police up." This scrap hmiber, hauled
over to Kodak Park West. Here, at the hither from construction jobs in all parts
north side of the main road, w^e come of the plant, was formerly sold to em-
upon an open space where are piled big ployees for $1.00 a cord. It contained
metal containers, painted black. These many good pieces from which the pur-
metal cylinders are perhaps fifteen feet chaser could rig up a porch, garage, or
long, and a foot or more in diameter. We storm-house- Now, however, all this
learn that they are containers for oxygen lumber is sorted before it is sold, and
or ammonia. These cylinders are worth in much of it proves satisfactory for outside
the neighborhood of thirty dollars each. construction. The residue makes excel-
It doesn't pay to lose them, either, for lent firewood.
every one is billed to the company when One of the most interesting cogs in the
it is shipped, and must be returned if we salvage machine is the chap they call the
are to receive credit. The same ruling "Pick-up Man. " His job is to make the
applies to the big ten-gallon carboys rounds of the plants at stated intervals,
which come in filled with acid- In addi- and "all is fish that comes to his net."
tion, this open-air storage has a variety On the tag end of construction jobs, you'll
of metal barrels and other containers, all see him, picking up tools or scraps of
with a high re-sale value- materials which have been discarded or
Near at hand, we find another storage overlooked, or wandering through build-
" " : "


ings with an eye open for anything of by such careful attention to the often un-
value. An accurate record of his findings pleasant details that the waste of which
is kept, together with tabulated values. Mr. Hoover complains can be eliminated,
To many of us, this "fussing around" and we have a right to feel proud of
with worn-out, dirty, discarded stuff Kodak Park's accomplishments in this
seems like a sordid job, indeed. So much direction.
so that we are tempted to ask: "Wliat's Is it worth while —or not? We'll put
the use? Whv bother?" It is, however, the answer up to you.


WHEN the boss comes into the place,
he very often neither looks to the
financial, and so on. Has he made any
worthwhile suggestions about his work?
right nor to the left, but goes to his desk Is he merely up to the standard of his job?
and immediately becomes absorbed in Or, is he above it?
the work at hand. "Then I want to know how hard he
If the organization, or department, hap- works. Has he ever kicked about over-
pen to be a large one, a good many of the time? Does he ever do more than he is
employees may feel that he does not know actually required to do? Is he late in
that they exist. Then comes a day when reporting and early in quitting? How many
you (or the chap next to you) are moved up hours does he miss in a year?
to a better job, and you wonder "how "When a worker has tact, it is a pretty
come. good indication that he has character.
The boss is ever on the lookout for good When he has talent, it is a sign that he is
material for the bigger jobs, and you may keen mentally. WTien he is willing to
rest assured that, if you have shown any work without kicks, it is a token that he is
signs of promise whatsoever, your qualifi- ambitious and finds more in the work than
cations have been carefully considered. a mere job. The man who can combine
You may feel that you possess the quali- tact with hard work, can make up for a
fications for the better job, but will your deficiency in talent, provided he has some
ideas and those of the boss coincide? In talent. Because a man is a foreman, or has
Forbes Magazine, one executive tells how he been picked to understudy a foreman, does
selects men, and his remarks may prove not signify necessarily that- he is the best
of interest to you workman in his shop. Tact is not essential
"In picking executive understudies, in a good workman; but it is essential in a
three qualifications are looked for, tact, foreman or anv other executive.
talent, hard work. The most important
of these is tact, though the candidate must SCHOOL FOR SAFETY
possess the other two as well if he is to be SUPERVISORS
big enough to fill the bill. Just a word to call your attention to
"By tact, I mean his ability to handle the "School for Safety Supervisors" which
men, to impose his ideas and personality opens at the Rochester Chamber of Com-
upon those under him without giving merce on January 13th. The course will
offense, to keep his temper in spite of include thirteen lectures under the di-
provocation to lose it. to be popular with rection of the National Safety Council
his fellows. with excellent speakers and frequent use
"When I notice a man in the ranks who of motion pictures. If you want to get
seems to possess this quality, I make it nn- in on this, now is the time to sign up.
business to find out if he has talent for Your plant Safety Supervisor will take
any j^art of the business mechanical. — your application.


A BARGAIN is a bargain only

you require wliat you buy. If you
purchase an article because the price
when upon her knowledge.
This came from
she started, as most
American brides begin the managing of
attracted you and the need for the thing their homes, with hardly a rudimentary
does not exist, then the transaction was knowledge of housekeeping. But she
not a bargain, except for the shopkeeper's plunged in, and learned, and the shop-
pocket," so remarks a writer in "House keepers respect her and serve her. On
and Garden." her side of the bargain she also respects
He continues: "Thrift has been a badly the knowledge of others. This she shows
used word. " Up to 1917, Americans rather in the buying of reliable goods, which
looked down on the word, and avoided have authority."
using it. As for practicing thrift, such a "Mr. Roosevelt's definition of thrift is
proceeding was beneath one's class. 'true, but the power of that definition for
"Theodore Roosevelt gave the word good comes from the authority of the
"thrift" a splendid definition- -"Thrift man who uttered it. Exactly so with the
is common sense applied to spending." authority of goods which have back of
"Common sense applied to spending" them the reputation of their producers."
sums up the whole duty of the house "Bargains are not always bargains.
manager. Common sense is keeping one- Sometimes in season, bargains sail into
self balanced, watching your step, as the view and should be hailed and boarded
trolley conductors say. like swiftly disappearing ships. But
"The first way to apply common sense authority is always authority, and when
is not to buy too hurriedly. Do not it believes in itself, authority for its own

telephone shop sake makes good."
"I know a woman whose husband has "You can purchase a cake of authorita-
an income of $15,000 a year, and every tive soap, or a piece of furniture, or a

morning of the week except Sundays coat or pair of shoes, or an electric heater,
she goes out on her tour of markets and and, if it carries a good name, you can
stores, selects her meat, watches the rest assured of getting your money back
proper cut and sees it weighed. She when it does not make good. And you
talks with the grocer, examines the eggs, can be reasonably content that such
peers into the lettuce head, chooses her products have in them good materials
celery bunch and sees to her order being well put together. But you cannot
made ready for sending." expect such assurances from things that
"This woman has become an expert. come casually out of an open barrel."
She is not cheated, nor overcharged. "Summed up, common sense in spend-
Her shopping occupies about an hour of ing is knowing what you want and going
her morning, but she makes a profit in to the right place to get it; seeing what
that hour. She also saves time in other you buy when you buy it; assuring your-
purchases she makes. x\mong these are self that it carries the guarantee of an
canned goods, or as the trade calls them, expert; and apportioning your expendi-
package goods. She is an expert, and ture properly among the needful re-
being this, she relies upon experts. quirements of your home according to
"America is the one country of the the best information your budget fig-
world that has developed package goods ures give you."
the farthest. Consequently, in spite of
what statisticians declare, it is probably The great trouble with the school of
the cheapest, dollar for dollar, to live in. experience is that the course is so long
"Buying as this woman does, the raw that the graduates are too old to go to
materials for her needs, she must rely work.


The Third Annual Exhibit of the Kodak Park in which an Airedale terrier, two chickens, a rabbit
Fur and Feather Chib, held in the Kodak Park and a cat were housed together in a little five-foot
Assembly Hall on December Gth, 7th, 8th and 9th, pen, all on the best of terms, and each attending
proved a conspicuous success from every point of to his own business.
view. The 350 entries were made by fifty-two R. F. Punnett showed a fine collection of Rhode
members whose stock represented nearly fifty Island ^^'hites, while the thirty-two pound
varieties of fur and feather-bearing animals and "gobbler," belonging to Rufus Whittier, received
birds. its full share of attention. A number of first honors
To the Flower City Poultry Association, the went to Fred Hable, of the Cine Slitting Depart-
Club greatly indebted for the use of pens and
ment, whose Silver Wyandotte pullet was adjudged
coops as well as to F. O. Guenthner, president of the champion bird of tiie Exhibit, while another one
the Flower City Association, for his interest in of his entries took first prize in the pouter pigeon
acting as judge in the Poultry Division. Frank class. In addition to these, Mr. Habel's pen was
W. Armstrong, of the Kodak Park Club, selected judged the best at the exhibit.
the winners among the fur-bearing stock. The silver cups offered by the K. P. A. A. M^ere
awarded to Fred Hable, Joseph Jansen, Ward
The special feature of theshow was the Egg-
Bathwick, Jules Hondt, Frank X. Hauser, and
Laying Contest. This was a new attraction and
Frank W. Armstrong.
created much interest. Ten entries, consisting of
To the following committee belongs a good share
five birds to a coop, were received. These coops
of the credit for the success of this year's show:
were kept locked and a record of the results made
Frank X. Hauser, Charles Light, James Jansen,
from day to day. At the close of the contest on
Howard Carey, Fred Habel, Frank Armstrong,
Friday evening, a triple tie existed, the entries of
and Charles Smith.
Frank W. Armstrong, Howard Carey and Meine
Following are the winners of the different prizes:
Lighthart each having accounted for fourteen eggs.
When it came to the weigh-off, Frank W. Arm- POULTRY
strong was the lucky man, his \-ictory being a —
Barred Plvmouth Rocks, Young Pen Harry Lee.
matter of grains. Barred Plymouth Rocks, Old Pen— G. M.
Another interesting attraction was the display Rockcastle.
pens. One of the most imusual of these was en- Partridge Plymouth Rocks, Cock —William
tered by RoVjert ('aine of the Fire Department, Carroll.

Kodak Park Fur and Feather Show
Old English Game, Hens, Cockerels, Old Pen
and Young Pen —Ward Bathwick.
Old Englisii (iame. Pullets— C. H. Lee.

Straight Bantams, Cock and Hen Paul Pitcher.
Blue Barless Swallows, Cock, Hen, Cockerel and
Pullet— Fred Habel.
Blue Pigmy Pouters, Cock, Hen, Cockerel, Pullet
— Fred Habel.
Record Homer, Red Checker, Hen, Cockerel
Jules Hondt.
Record Homer, Blue Bar Splash, Cockerel
Jules Hondt.
Record Homer, Blue Bar, Cockerels, Pullets
Jules Hondt.
Blue Checkers, Hens, Cockerels, Pullets Jules —
Working Homers, Cocks, Hens, Cockerels, Pullets

White Wyandotte, Cock James Mullen. Black Flemish, Sr. Doe —Albert Meili.

White W^yandotte, Hen Howard Carey. Steel Gray Flemish, Sr. Buck, Sr. Doe — C. E.

Wliite Wyandotte, Young Pen Leon Gillette. Smith.

Wliite Wyandotte, Cockerel Rufus Whittier. Steel —
Gray Flemish, Jr. Doe Sidney Treen.
Partridge Wyandotte, Cockerel and Pullet J. F. — —
Natural Gray, Jr. Doe F. X. Hauser.
Silver Laced Wyandotte, Cock, Pullets and
Blue Dutch, Sr. Buck, Sr. Doe, Jr. Doe Ward —

Young Pen Fred Habel. Black Dutch, Jr. Doe— Ward Bathwick.
S. C. Rhode Lsland Reds, Cock —
S. E. Coggar.

Brown Angora, Sr. Doe Sidney Treen.
S. C. Rhode Island Reds, Hen George E. — Rufus Red Belgium, Sr. Doe, Jr. Buck, Jr. Doe
Pearson. F. X. Hauser.
S. C. Rhode Island Reds, Cockerels —Herbert —
New Zealand, Sr. Buck, Jr. Doe Sidney Treen.
Rhode Island Reds, Pullets— S. E. Coggar.
S. C.
S. C. Rhode Island Reds, Young Pen William — Black Persian Angora, Female —F. A. Williamson.
Wliite Persian, Male and Female—W. E. Mosley.

R. C. Rhode Island Reds, Cockerel John Waste. DOGS
R. C. Rhode Island Reds, Pullet— S. E. Coggar. —
Pomeranian, Female William Williams.
S. C. White Leghorn, Cocks, Hens, Cockerels DISPLAY PEN

and Pullets J. B. Jansen. R. C. Rhode Island Whites— R. F. Punnett.
S. C. White Leghorn, Old and Young Pen — J. B. NOVELTY PEN
Jansen. —
Robert Caine Happy Family.
Blue Andalusian, Cockerel and Pullet Leonard — EGG LAYING CONTEST
Smart. Frank W. Armstrong.
White Crested Black Polish, Hen— C. P. Thistle.
White Crested Black Polish, Cock G. M. —

Anconas, Hen and Cockerel J. W. Foley.
Anconas, Old Pen and Young Pen G. M. —
S. C. Black Minorcas, Cocks and Hens, Cockerels,
Pullets and Young Pen —
W. F. Copenhagen.
Silver Spangled Hamburgs, Cockerels and Pullets
— F. L. Herbstsommer.
Black Orpingtons. Cocks, Hens, Cockerel and
Pullets— C. E. Smith.
Barred Rocks —Leon Gillette.
Rhode Island Red — Leon Gillette.
Black Minorcas — C. E. Smith.
Colored Muscovy, Cock, Hens, Pullets and Young

Pen Fred Krutter.
Mallard, Cocks, Hens, Cockerel and Pullet
C. E. Smith.
Bronz, ("ock —Rufus Whittier.
Old English Game, Cock— C. E. Smith. .JUDGING THE STOCK


B. R. BAUMGARDT SPEAKER AT DECEMBER MEETINCi It issomewhat discouraging, after working hard
to build up a winning combination, to find it almost
We are sure that one of the reasons for the bifi impossible to obtain o[)ponents. This is abf)ut the
"turn outs" at the Foremen's CUib dinner meetings
is found in the dinners Fred Grastorf "sets up."
Another reason is the speakers. At the December
meeting held on Thursday, the 10th. Professor B.
R. Baumgardt addressed the Chib, his subject be-
ing "The Frontiers of the Universe and Recent
Triumphs in CelestialPhotography."
Professor Baumgardt, aside from possessing a
thorough knowledge of his subject, has that ability
to place it before his hearers in a most comprehen-
sive way. His talk was very much enjoyed by
everyone present.
The newly organized Kodak Park Double ^lale
Quartet, under the direction of George Engelhardt,
made its first appearance at this meeting. To
say that they are fine by no means expresses
the hit they made. Let's have them at every
Following the regular program the annual election
of officers for the year 1922 was held. John
Schaefl^er, whose able leadership during the present M.\H10N DkBURGER.MISTER
term has been a large factor in the Club's success,
was re-elected by a unanimous vote. All the other
oflBcerswere also re-elected. New players with girls' baskelliall team

Arrangements are under way for the Annual

Ladies' Party to be held January l!2th. Everyone situation of the girls' basketball team as far as
will remember the good time enjoyed last year, local teams are concerned, and it begins to look
and the Committee surely is not considering as if Manager Marguerite Ellis woidd have to
"falling down" on this one big annual. Don't fail depend entirely on out-of-towii teams for dates this
to bring the wife or lady friend. season. It would be an easy matter to keep the
team busy playing in other cities where their reputa-
tion has made them a big drawing card. A few-
games will necessarily be played away from home,
HOBBY CLUB EXHIBITS but the principal object in organizing the Kodak
Though the Hobby Club is still in its infancy, a Park team is to provide recreation for the Kodak
stranger viewing the collections entered at their Park people. Therefore, home games, or at least
first Exhibit held in conjunction with the Fur and games in Rochester, are most desirable.
Feather Show would have believed it an organiza- An effort is being made to arrange games with the
tion of long standing. At present, there are only Oneida Commimity girls' team of Sherrill, N. Y'.
about twenty-five members, nearly very one of Arrangements are also under way for games with
whom participated in the first Exhibit. the Duchess girls of Warren, Ohio, and the Douglas
The coin collection of Thomas ^Murray consisted girls of Pittsbm-g, Pennsylvania. The latter will
of about one hundred and fifty coins, including the undoubtedly be a very big attraction inview of the
"Widow's Mite" of Biblical note, dating back to fact that Kodak Park defeated tliis team last year
the year 29 A. D., as well as a set of four Siberian by a single point.
coins from the reign of Empress Catherine II.
Two new players have been added to the Kodak
Ralf Smith showed almost a complete collection of
Park squad this season and give promise of becom-
the U. S. big penny. The collection of coins entered
ing valuable members of the team. They are
by Perry Wright attracted considerable notice.
Marion DeBurgermister and Helen Conover. Both coins had been hoarded in China and Asia,
have had considerable experience.
of these girls
and were for over one hundred years. The
An effort will again be made to bring the Clark-
recent rise in the price of silver resulted, liowever,
Munies, World's Champions, to Rochester some
in their being l)rought to light, and they were sold
time after the first of the vear.
by weight, thus l)ringing somewhat more than their
actual value as regular legal tender.
The collections of Paul L;inge included many
species of butterflies, and also a complete set of Salem Evangelical Church was the scene of a
mail stamps of all issues to date. very pretty wedding on Thanksgiving Eve at <i
Howard Carey showed a fine collection of stamps, o'clock, when Marcella Spiniller of the Pay Roll
gathered with a view to obtaining the most beautiful (Community Chest Division) was united in mar-
specimens of stamps in existence. riage to James Pickworth. Among the pre-
Collections of Indian relics, arrow heads, minerals nuptials was a niisoellaneous shower given by Hazel
and fossils were exhibited l)y Earle II. Potter, Stuart Wood and Lillian Dentinger, which was attended
Carroll and I^eroy F. Fairchild. ]\Ir. Carroll's by the girls of the Pay Roll. After a brief trip
collection included a rare Banner Stone used during Mr. and Mrs. Pickworth will reside at 80 Ohio
Indian times as a sign of authority, and carried Street. The Department heartily wishes them
before the chiefs in council. much joy and happiness.
The f Christmasparty held Friday, December IGth, over were arranged to represent a forest,
fifty trees
was a regular Yiiletide affair in every respect. The with small church in the distance. John S. Har-
decorations were red and green with Clnustmas trees mon and the members of the Decoration Com-
distributed here and there to make the picture mittee are to be complimented on the artistic
t>picall\' seasonable. At the far end of the liall effect created.
Each person entering the hall received a small
sleigh bellon a ribbon. These, carried during the
evening, added considerably to the Christmas tone.
During intermission several select numbers sung
by the Rocliester Operatic Quartet, were very well
received. Following this, several prizes were
James A. Hart, chairman of this dance, instilled
in his committee a spirit of enthusiasm akin to his
own, which perhaps accounted for the tremendous
success of our third party.
Equally enjoyable was the "Harvest Moonlight"
dance held November 18th. A decidedly clever
arrangement of colors gave one the impression of a
beautiful moonlight evening with stars and harvest
moons in prominence. The subdued lighting effect
achieved by placing paper moons over the lights did
much to add an autumnal tone to the affair. Corn-
stalks and pumpkins around the pillars and refresh-
ment booths completed the picture.
Anna Sharp, well known Kodak Park soloist,
rendered a number of solos to the accompaniment
of the orchestra during the evening. During
intermission, gas-filled toy balloons were distributed
about the hall, one hundred of these being num-
bered. Those receiving the marked balloons were
presented with boxes of candy.
Chairman "Ben" MacMillan and the committee
that assisted him are to be congratulated on their
success in making our "Harvest Moonlight" a most
JAMES A. HART lively dance and entertainment.

T^ ^.
^ ?






The Kodak Park soccer players and officials The first of a series of Community Nights
are to be congratulated on the fine showing made given by the K. P. A. A. was held on Tuesday
during the fall series of the R. & D. League. At evening, December 13th, in the Assembly Hall.
the close of the spring series the Park team was in Between eight and nine hundred persons were
third place, and further handicapped through the present. The program was opened with two
loss of several of its best players. Prospects for professional vaudeville acts. Following this, a
fall did not look very promising. However, they Harold Lloyd comedy of three reels was shown.
fought their way through in fine style, setting up a Then the hall was cleared and dancing enjoyed
local record by winning every one of the regular until midnight. The first number on the dance
scheduled games. Most remarkable has been the program was an old-fashioned Paul Jones, followed
playing of the Kodak Park defense, only one goal by a square set, the balance of the program being
having been scored through them, while the Park made up of waltzes, two-steps and fox-trots. A
forwards accounted for thirty points against their number of those present took advantage of the
opponents. To select any one individual for special facilities provided and played pedro, five hundred
mention would hardly Ije fair, as every man on the and pinochle on the .second floor of the building.
team has had an equal part in winning the games. Prizes were awarded the winners.
Kodak Park was tied with the Celtics for first The outlined plan for these Community Nights
honors in the League, but a game played at West gives promise of satisfactory results. In order
High field, December 18th, resulted in a win for that everyone may have equal enjoyment, and to
the Celtics by a score of 2-1. avoid overcrowding the membership has been di\'id-
ed into divisions, and each group of members has
WE'RE OUT FOR THE FLAG been allotted a certain night. A ticket admitting
two persons is issued to each member of the Asso-
Kodak Park's team in the newly formed Kodak
ciation upon application, and showing of his mem-
Basketball League has lost to Hawk-Eye and
bership card. Those working on shift work and
defeated Camera Works in the first two games of
unable to be present on the date designated will be
the schedule. Our boys lost the opening game by
provided with a special card, which will admit them
three points, but a poor start is better than a poor
on any one of the nights they may be free.
ending, and with all due respect to the efforts,
Those who were not included in the invitation for
ambitions and designs of the other three managers,
the first entertainment are a.sked to be patient, as
Kodak Park is going to win the pennant for the there will be a Community Night for everyone.
season of 1921-1922.
The Committee in charge has planned for your
George Neal is Manager of the Park outfit and
enjoyment, and we trust that everyone will take
Jack Brightman, Captain. We have some good
advantage of the opportunity and come.
men on the squad, including Thompson, Captain
"Jack" and his brother, "Charlie." Games are
being played every Wednesday night, a double- Emulsion Coating Department extends its deepest
header, and afterwards there is dancing, ^^'hy not sj-mpathy to the family of the late T. J. Orman,
come down to the next game and see what our who died Saturday, December 3rd.
team can do.^

George Cannan, general foreman of the Plate

Harley W. Quackenbush of Kodak Park West
Department, is the proud daddy of a bright little
son. William Allen Cannan was born on October
wishes to thank his friends at Kodak Park for the
which they presented him on his return to 30th. Congratulations, George!
work. He also appreciates the work of the Medi-
cal Department for medical attention received
during his recent illness.
Shortly after the of the year the Kodak Park
Boy Scout Troop Number 50 will celebrate the
DEPARTMENTAL BASBCETEERS third anniversary of its organization. From every
SWING OUT viewpoint the Troop has been most successful, due
The Kodak Park Departmental Basketball League both to the interest taken by the members and the
was reorganized for the season of 1921-1922 with efforts of the leaders. In the beginning member-
six teams in the fold: Research, Office, Building ship was limited to the immediate family of
.50, Soccer Club, Film, and Engineering and Kodak employees. This was done to give our
^laintenance. Harold Hudson of Building ;? was own boys first chance. There is at present room
elected ])resident, and ('harles Flagg, vice-presi- for a few more boys. Realizing the Troop to be a
dent. factor for good and the need for Scout training in
Under the rule adopted this season, players in this section, the charter has been declared open to
departments represented in the League, must, if any one living near Kodak Park, >mtil such time
they play at all, affiliate with their own team. as the membership limit has been reached, when
Those working in departments not entered in the the original restrictions will again he imposed.
League may nuike application to play with any one At the i)rcscnt time the Troop is in need of an
of the teams, which will be approved under certain instructor in bugling. This means but one-half
restrictions. hour a week for a period of two to three months
Departmental League matches will be played 7:00 to 7:.'50 each Tuesday evening and a call is
on Monday e\ening and Saturday afternoon. The made for some ex-army or ex-navy man to train
objective is a silver cu]) offered by the K. P. A. A. .some of the boys in the work. H. H. Tozier,
"Jack" Brightman has been appointed official Building No. 26 will be pleased to hear from anyone
referee. who will volunteer to help.


The November issue of the Kodak Park Sugges- Three hundred and fifty employees of the Emul-
tion Bulletin informed us of some large awards for sion Coating Department attended their First
suggestions adopted during the month of October. Annual Banquet held on Saturday, December 17th,
A total of $1. ()().). 00 was paid for 74 suggestions. in the Recreation Building. Last winter an anniver-
This amount included two awards of $500.00 each, sary dinner was given in honor of Fred B. VanAUan
one of $250.00, another of $100.00. and several and George Beedham upon their completion of
others of slightly lesser denominations. twenty-five years' continuous service with the
company, and the good time enjoyed by those who
attended resulted in a persistent demand for
another "get-together" this year.
Dinner was served at 7:30. During the meal
music was furnished by Pagan's orchestra, and
singing, under the leadership of William Thompson,
occupied its place between the courses.
A very enjoyal)le program of entertainment had
been prepared for the remainder of the evening.
The first number was the "Pathe News" for the
current week, after which "Black, the Man ^\^lO
Grows," entertained with his very unusual stvmts.
F. L. Holden in "An Evening on the Plantation,"
worked black face in an amusing monologue. A
professional vaudeville act from one of the local
theaters was also numbered among the entertainers.
"The Day Dolls," a brain child of our friend,
"Doc" Yates, was a surprise in every sense of the
word, and "Doc' has erected one more monument
to himself. "Filmland." a motion picture showing
the manufacture of Kodak Film, completed the
evening's program.
Everyone had a "mighty good time" and senti-
ment was unanimously in favor of another banquet
U. .J. SCOTT in IQ'-Zi. The Committee in charge consisted of
Winner of Large Suggestion .\ward Fred B. VanAllan, Chairman, Lincoln Burrows,
Donald McMaster, "Dave'" Babcock, "Joe"
R. J.Scott of the Power Electrical Department, Burton, John Young, and James Lee. Present
and John C. Wegner of the Cine Slitting Department at the affair as guests of the Emulsion Coating
were the fortunate persons to receive the $500.00 Department were James H. Haste, A. F. Sulzer,
awards. Both of these suggestions showed marked C. K. Flint, H. LeB. Grav, C. F. Hutchison, H. E.
ingenuity and effected substantial savings, particu- Van Der Hoef, R. A. Weber, H. D. Haight, A.
larly that of Mr. Scott's, who worked out a very E. Williams, P. C. Seel and F. H. Boyer.
clever solution to a jjarticular problem.
The Suggestion System affords similar oppor-
tunity to every employee at Koflak Park, the only WITH THE BOWLERS
necessary requisite being the ability to spot the A keen in all three of the
spirit of rivalry exists
opportunity when it arises. Why not try your Kodak Park Bowling Leagues. The members of
hand at the Suggestion System? each team are trying to hide their determination to
win beneath a bit of friendly banter, but they go
into each match with a "we mean business" spirit.

RESTAURANT EMPLOYEES Some of the teams have strengthened up a bit

during the past few weeks, which has made the
races even tighter than earlier indications prom-
A very enjoyable party was held Ijy the employees ised. A most valuable addition to any team is
of theKodak Park Restaurant at the Knights of Jack Casey, who has joined his fellow bowlers in
Malta Hall, Saturday, November 19th. About the Film Department. In the K. P. A. A. League,
seventy-five persons were present, including the the Ponies are still a few points in the lead, and
wives, husbands and friends of the employees. the Steel Shed is having things its own way in the
The affair was the outcome of the postponement Yard outfit.
of the annual Summer Outing, which could not be
held for several reasons and the good time enjoyed
more than made up for the previous disappointment. CRABTREE TALKS TO CAMERA CLUB
Fred Packard acted as toastmaster of the dinner
The monthly dinner meeting of the Kodak Park
which was .served at 7 o'clock. The entertainment
Camera Club was held on Wednesday, December
which followed, was afforded by Patterson, well-
14th. John I. ( 'rabtree. of the Research Laboratory
known black-faced artist, and the Amphion Quartet.
gave an illustrated talk on "How to Alake
At the January meeting officers will he elected
Heru-y Miller of the Engineering and Maintenance for the year 192'£. Early in February a campaign
Officeis the proud father of an 8-pound baby girl will be launched to increase the membership to at
born December .Srd. Congratulations, Henry! least 300.



It is a simple matter to smile and perpetrate a Kodak Park game. He scored eight of Hawk-Eye's
poor pun on ''Coach Roach's" title, but you can't sixteen points, all from a guard position, and was
laugh off the fact that "Bill's" Hawk-Eye team had all over the floor spilling the opposition's attacks.
the call in the first two games which they played He repeated his performance in the second game
in the Kodak Basketball League. that —
with Main Office caging four shots from
They say that even "Bill" was mihliy surprised almost hopeless angles. And he had another
when his tossers turned in a 16-13 win over the counter in the air when the bell rang to end the
husky Parkers on November !23d, but it was straight fracas.
basketball that won. "Benny" Levine, his running mate, isn't exactly
The dearth of figures in Captain Johnson'^ a slouch either. Besides being an exceedingly bad
score column may indicate that he is slow in round- man to meet when one is trying to advance down
ing into form, but he is just as fast as ever and the court, he alternates with Woodams in slipping
literally a tower of strength in the team-work. down the floor and striking terror into his oppo-
We refuse to worry about him just yet. nents. "Benny" looks as good as ever.
Ingleby and Prentice, who played the forward Wiedman and Van Lare are the only other men
positions in the opening games, haven't hit their who were played at the start of the season, and it is
stride either. Both of them, and especially "Chuck" too early to judge these two old stand-bys and the
Prentice, have suffered from some terrible breaks. rest of the squad accurately. It is exident, how-
They may be expected to settle down and overcome ever, that the basketball outfit as a whole is "up and
the jinx before long. at 'em" — —
and at them hard and with the support
All Hawk-Eye was agog the day after Thanks- which the men deserve, they should be able to finish
giving over Wilbur Woodams' rampage in the the schedule at the top of the ladder.

Wk AJ '
They say that the undertakings for whose success a peppermint stick. Mae's was big enough to use
ne have the greatest fears usually turn out the best. as a cane. Next winsome Hattie Batzing in a
"\Miether that can be accepted as a rule of life ruffled dress, stepped shyly across the stage imper-
concerns us little, so long as our example turned out sonating the famous "Mary," with the well-known
the right way. Virginia Earl and "Billy" Wilson little woolly lamb in her arms. "Billy" Wilson
nearly had conniptions during the days that immed- followed as "Old Black Joe." Joe was old that
iately preceded the Y. W. C. A. Kaleidoscope on night, beyond a doubt, for "he" hobbled in very
December 7th, and yet when it was all over, it was distressingly with the aid of a cane. The costume
freely admitted that the Hawk-Eye Ekco Club was most effective, albeit some of the snow-white
girls had put on one of the very best stimts of all. locks came loose from their moorings. Margaret
The program called it a "Song Medley." Fanny Kiernan made a hit when slie entered to the tune of
McClellan opened the number when she appeared "Keep the Home Fires Burning." She was clad
in appropriate costume, to the tune of "Darling, in white and carried a service flag. It was left to

I am Growing Old." Fanny was somewhat mis- Ruth Pierce, however, to bring down the house
cast, and the make-up artists had to wear out their with "Over There.' ' She wore the uniform of an
pencils to make her look the part. She carried a army lieutenant.
frowsy member of the feline tribe, which soon put That isn't saying, however, that the rest of the
the audience in good humor by its antics. Then Hawk-Eye program was an anti-climax. Olive
Eloise Earl danced in with what was claimed to be Kellett's "Wearing of the Green" was distinctly
"The Last Rose of Summer." That was, of coiuse, refreshing. She wore a fluffy gown of appropriate
quite an achievement, because December 7th is hue and danced a very acceptable Irish gig. Doris
exceedingly late in the summer. Eloise not only Sanford again aroused the onlookers' patriotic
looked very well, but danced likewise. ardor as "The Rose of Xo Man's Land," her cos-
She was followed by Hilda Specht, dressed as a tume as a Red Cross nurse being very effective.
boy and carrying "The Old Oaken Bucket" (that Anna Krenzer closed the performance as "Red
is to say, a herring pail in disguise). Close upon
Wing." She had all the trappings of a big chief,
her heels "Yankee Doodle," in the person of Grace and executed a regular Indian dance to perfection.
Watson, rode to town on her beautiful wooden pony.
Anna Kohler presided at the piano. She was
Needless to state she was a full-fledged "Macaroni,"
one of those who had worried about the outcome of
from her brown velvet trousers to the feather in her
the affair, and its success was due in no small part
hat. Then— (O Shades of the Midnight Frolic!)—
to her playing.
came Virginia P^arl in an abbreviated "Bubbles"
costume, dancing and tossing colored balloons to There was one more Hawk-Eyete present that
the audience. we know of. That was "Al" Hardies, who tootled
Mae Ferguson typified "School Days." She had most engagingly on his saxophone for the dancing
with her two well-known school girl attributes, that followed. Leave it to "Al" to step in where
a bimdle of Vjooks and, what is usually more popular. ordinarv males fear to tread.


Anastigmat Lens Department Foreman Centering Department

Loretta Ereth, Daisy Shoemaker, Ella Wienecke
and Anna Enders, all of the Cleaning and Inspecting
Department, are members of a Pedro Clul) recently
organized. The girls meet every Friday evening to
play cards, taste each other's best cooking, and
incidentally to indulge in a little light gossip, that
gentle sport so dear to the hearts of the ladies.
Loretta is the founder and president of the Club.

John Vass and Gregory George recently became
full-fledged members of Uncle Sam's family, We
extend hearty congratulations.

A daughter, Dorothy Elsie, was born to Mr.

and Mrs. Theodore Luke on November 11th.
Weight, eight pounds and seven ounces. We offer
our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Luke and
welcome a new Hawk-Eyelet.

Frieda Topel is practically recovered from an

operation which she underwent early in November.
We hope that this issue will find her back in Mr.
Newman's Department in the best of health and
spirits. Schanz of the Cleaning and Inspecting

Department, lost her mother on November .30th.
MARIE LEIMBERGER We wish to express Hawk-Eye's deepest sympathy.
Glass Inspecting Department
Iodine is a good firstaid for cuts and scratches,
but do not pour it on or soak a bandage with it, as
LIFE-LINES AND HEART-LINES too much iodine may cause a serious burn.
Tina Drummond and Frances Pullen were
hostesses at a get-together party of a nimiber of
Hawk-Eye girls on the night of November 30th,
in the girls' dining room. To begin with the girls
had had no supper so that it is presumed they were
ready for a good meal as well as a good time. Re-
ports indicate that they were not disappointed on
either score. Hy way of entertainment Alice Gears
and Ella Steckholz collaborated in a musical selec-
tion that said to have hit the high spots.
is Then
the girls indulged in a miniature songfest. The
Pitch Button Department's famous fortune teller,
Mrs. Welch, added to the enjoyment of the evening
with a number of alluring projihecies, and is reported
to have shown particular skill in ministering to the
wants of the honiesick and the love-lorn.
The party closed with dancing, and broke up at
about eleven.

We are not all as fortunate as Fred Altman, who

went all the way to Des Moines, Iowa, to visit
relatives during the Holidays.

We extend our sympathy to Anna McCarthy of

the Cementing Dci)artment, who suffered a jiainful
accident while Ijoarding a street car on I)eceml)er
7th. We trust that she will have a speedy recovery.

Edward Murrell of the Mounting Department

us on December 8th, after a jjcriod of eight and
one-half years of faithful service. We wish "Eddie" HAZEL HART
the greatest success in his new venture. Centering Department

X. A. VAX DE CARR, FAlitor


Pot-hooks and shift keys were relegated to The following employees were awarded for sug-
temporary oblivion on the afternoon of December gestions adopted during November and December.
3rd, when the girls of the Stenographic Department Each of these employees has helped to increase the
had their first matinee party, followed by a snpper efficiency of the Kodak organization. Although
at Teall's. Mrs. Armstrong, Miss McAnaney and none of the awards were enormous, it must be
Miss Boyd, who were the guests of the afternoon, remembered that "big oaks from little acorns grow"
really appeared to enjoy it all as thoroughly as did and that ideas developed later on by them will
the girls themselves. probably prove even more valuable.
For a time it was feared that two members of Frank ( 'ollins Shipping Department
the party had failed to negotiate safely the maze of Mrs. B. A. Smith. .Maintenance Department

traffic at "Broadway and •l''2nd" (Rochester), but John Houck San Francisco Branch
Marion Lawn and Agnes Opdyke finally arrived at F. E. Hale Howland & Dewey Company
Teall's just in time to save the Police Department F. C. Rogers Demonstration Department,
a lot of trouble searching for two more lost children. Elmer Frank San Francisco Branch
The chairman, Ruth Graves, was ably assisted Harold McCabe (3). Service Department
by Emily Keinert. Eleanor Shannon, and Florence Otto Doehn Demonstration Department
Murphy on the Ticket Committee, and Ruth Kriner, M. L. Coan Engraving Department
Margaret Jack, and Jessie Gunderson, on the Supper J. D. Thompson. .Engraving Department
. .

Committee. Although this was the first affair of Ruth Brown Billing Department
the kind which has been attempted by the Depart- K. W. Williams (2). .Service Department
ment, the premiere proved an vmqualified success. Ray Ward Shipping Department
In addition to the guests, the girls acting on William Shewman Service Department
. .

committees, and the two aforesaid "lost children," F W. Foskett Stock Department
the party included: Mabel Cummings, Helen E. H. Stone Sales Department
Greenwood, Mildred Hiett, Katherine Kern, Ethel M. M. Xolan Testing & Packing Department
Leach, Adelaide Murphy, Mildred Palmer, Marcelle R. A. Miller Stock Department
Vuillier, Erma Wall, Margaret Dyer, and Elizabeth A. M. Bullard San Francisco Branch
^^^litbeck. The number appearing after the name denotes
that more than one suggestion has been adopted.
On Thanksgiving Day, Dorothy Heinrich of the GLEE CLUB OFFERS "COLLEGE DAYS"
Mail Department was married to Harry Williams. "College Days," a musical comedy now being
The bride and groom will make their home in rehearsed by the Glee Club, is progressing rapidly,
California. Dorothy has many friends at Kodak and it seems safe to predict that its production,
Office who extend
their best wishes for her happiness. scheduled for some time in February, will earn for
Among the entertainments in her honor was a the Club an envial)le reputation.
dinner given by the members of the Department The principals have all been carefully selected by a
in the Girls' Rest Room. Games and dancing competent committee, and this committee feels
concluded an enjoyable evening, and Dorothy was highly elated at the excellence of the cast.
presented with a silver chop platter. Keep your eyes open for the date. "College
Mrs. William McGahan, formerly Ethel Ludwig, Days" is one of the events of the winter which you
also entertained for Dorothv at a towel shower. surely don't want to miss.


At the third regular meeting of the Kodak Mrs. Porter Elizabeth Ritchey, formerly General
Progress Society, six new members were admitted. Manager of the Home Savings Department of the
In accordance with the plan adopted at the previous X^ew York State Savings Bank Association and now
meeting to study the several departments of the Manager of the Service Department of one of the
company and their relation to the Accounting savings banks in this city, has been giving a .series
Department, Mr. Goodwin explained the work of Women's Rest Room on the subject of
of talks in the
the Stock Department and told the members how "Income Management" and "Budgets." The
goods are received, checked, and inventoried. The meetings, which were held at 5:30 were well at-
work of the Special Billing Department was covered tended and considerable interest has been shown
in a short talk by Mr. Vayo. in the subject by those present.


We have a good man\' well-known hunters here We sympathize with Freda Ryan and Marie
in Kodak Office. Seldom, however, do we have an Mattern of the Repair Department, both of whom
opportunity of really seeing the kill. The picture have been confined to their homes with sprained
below shows Dwight Paul and the buck he shot ankles. Freda received hers when stepjiing from
on a recent tiunting trip in the Province of Quebec. her car, while Marie slipped and fell at her home.
Both cases were serious, but have been progressing
nicely and we hope to have the girls back with us

Theo Weisheyer, who left the Shipping Depart-

ment in the fall of 19''20 to locate in Avon Park,
Florida, writes that he is enjoying himself. Theo
says that he goes limiting and fishing in his back
yard and that he has a lavuicli on the ocean. He
wishes to be remembered to his old friends.
> t||l«0» >
l tli m i II II i

^jfll —lllMH , 11,,

On Friday, November 25th, the girls of the

Tabulating Department held a Thanksgiving party
in the Rest Room.

The Stock Department announces the arrival

of John Otto, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Otto.


Harry Dulmage of the Finished Stock Depart-
ment began his career with the Kodak Company
on June 9, 1896, when Camera Works was but one
small building. Harry was employed at that plant
for seventeen years, at the end of which time he
moved with the Repair Department to the Main
In March, 1917, he was transferred to the Finished
DWIGHT PAUL Stock Department, which was supervised by W. J.
with his gun and "'one buck' German, and, since that time, has had charge of the
Finished Part Stock.

The many friends of William Colburn Seward,

Jr. of the Billing Department, learned with pleasure
that he is to accept a new position in the Rochester
office of the Safe-Cabinet Company. We all regret
his leaving, but wish him continued success.

She of the smiles and bright-colored raiment,

Leora Younghans of the Billing Department, is
back with us again after an absence of three weeks
on account of illness. Leora says she is glad to be
back, too.

Thirty-two girls of the Accounting Department

enjoyed a "get-together" on December 7th in the
Dining Room. The girls said they enjoyed the
good feed as well as the dancing that followed.

The Bookkeeping Department received an open

letter from Howiird Bushcll stating that he arrived
safely in England, and that his health is about the
same. We hope for a better report in his next letter.

Harry Danziger, formerly of the London Ship-

ping, who left the company in October, is now
located in Los .Vngeles, wliere he is engaged in
raising Pomeranian dogs. His friends in the Ship-
ping Department have been remembered with IIAUKV DLl.M.VC.E
several packages of fruit and flowers. Harry lias [iroxed himself very valuable, owing
to his knowledge of the part stock and it is hoped
Albert Lawrence of the Export Shijjping Depart- that he will be able to render his services at least
ment, sailed on December l.Sth for England to twenty-fi\'e years more in the same willing manner
spend three months leave of ab.sence in his old home. that he has the last quarter century.
Alice Burns of the Testing and Packing Depart-
ment was married on Thanksgiving Day to Edward ELM CHIPS
Hoffman of Warsaw, New York. Lillian Allen
of the Tabulating Department was one of the bride's
Yes — the poor old maple pins at Elm Hall
are still being racked and set up for their
attendants, and Bessie Burns, sister of the bride,
punishment every Thursday night, for noth-
played the wedding march. Mrs. Hoffman entered
ing being spared to make the strike.'! come
the employ of the Fastman Kodak Company in
more frequently. Individual averages are
July, 1919. Her many friends in the Testing and
now receiving keen attention in this game of
Packing Department extend best wishes for her " plough-into-'em-and-leave-three-up, " but
it's not they fall more easily. They
might, but they don't. So, here's the real

reason every one is trying to emulate the
League's President, "Norm" Ferris, who
leads the procession with the enviable average
of 186.

The Girls' Bowling League is also "at

home" every Thursday evening at Elm Hall,
and "Jess" Natt, Secretary, is authority for
the statement that anyone who hasn't seen
the weekly matches has missed a lot. The
girls have it all over the men for enthusiasm
and the rivalry between the teams is so keen
that one would think a World's Series was
in progress.

Dolefully we concede that the race for the

top notch in the men's circuit is indeed lack-
ing in real fight. The preponderancy of a
certain well-known team, which leads its
.MRS. Ei^WARD HOFFMAN nearest rival by an ocean-wide margin, ac-
counts for this seeming indifference on the
part of the other teams. But, a glorious
battle is raging among the Advertising, Sales,
"POP" PASSES ANOTHER MILESTONE Service, and Bookkeeping Departments for
Saturday, December 3rd, W. H. ("Pop") Durfee, second honors. Possible comers-up, too, in
Foreman of the Testing and Packing Department, this division, are the Industrial Relations
was pleasantly reminded of his birthday, which and Stock Department teams. For the
occurred this year on Sunday. He was presented present we'll have to let the letter "x" reore-
with a huge bouquet of choice chrysanthemums and sent the other five teams, for their strength
ferns by the employees of the Department, whose is indeed an unknown quantity.
best wishes and congratulations accompanied the

JONES-DUNHAM In the Girls' League the Service team

Ralph Jones of the Freight Shipping Department leads so far, and the eighth floor girls are
was married on November 23rd to Doris Dunham. showing all kinds of "pep." The Finishers
Congratulations, Ralph. and the flag-holding Sales team follow in
order, with only a game or two separating
them. All the teams, however, are showing
FORTY OF THE BILLING increased strength, and it's not going to be a
Forty members of the Billing Department runaway race for anyone. If you want to
attended a Thanksgiving Social in the Girls Rest see some fancy bowling, and a lot of good
Room. sportswomen, be sure to take in these matches.
While dancing to the .strains of Otto's six-piece
orchestra occupied a large part of the ev'ening, games
were also played. If you've ever tried it, you know there's
The committee in charge consisted of Martha great sport in this game of bowling. There's
Schultheiss, Anna Brady and Grover Lloyd. real fun, too, just in watching your depart-
ment team take two or three from "Jimmie's"
or "Lena's" squad. Step into the Elm any
GIRLS CHALLENGE ALL COMERS Thursday night and root for your favorites.
The Kodak Office Girls basketball team has been And, if you're completely neutral, better
putting in some hard practice and will be in form cheer for the Billing Department aggrega-
to meet all comers after the first of the year. Any tion, which, at the present writing, is leading
additional players who wish to try out for the team the League (upside down).
are requested to report for practice at the Brick
Church Institute on Monday evenings at 6:00.

F O L M E R-


Clever and consistent howling on the part of Total High
"Jim" Kirvan and "Al"' Flenaing enahled the Name Games Pins Game Average
Compacts to roll into a tie with the Graflex in the Klisle 3 501 Hi 167
first month's work on the Eagle's alleys. Melvin 5 833 193 166.3
One game behind the leaders and fighting every Fenner 9 1493 •224 165.8
inch of the way, is the Stereo team, which is exerting Sold 9 1483 194 164.7
every effort to overcome that handicap and take Breemes 9 1464 197 16-2.6
the^lead in the struggle for supremacy. Jost 9 14'27 186 158.
Auto, captained by Fred Fenner, occupies the
Burke 9 1389 203 154.4
cellar position. But three games separate them Bird 9 1316 211 152.8
from first place. Drabinski 6 914 187 152.2
Fleming 6 912 178 152
To "Pete" Breemes. anchor man for Graflex,
Perrin 905 196 150.5
goes the honor of being the most consistent bowler
in the League. "Pete" has had only fourteen
McXamara 9 1273 165 141.4
Fritz 9 1273 168 141 .

misses, to date.
Kirvan 6 841 157 140.1
The highest game accounted for, so far in the
McCormack 9 1250 181 138.8
season, is ii\. Fred Fenner is the one to be con-
Clark 9 1200 160 134
gratulated for the high mark.
Pope 9 1198 174 133.1
"Andy" Sold's total of 569 is the best that has
Nau 6 797 1.57 132.5
Ijeen recorded for three games.
Rose 792 148 132
The Compacts accounted for 840 pins in one Fraatz 9 1133 1,39 125.8
of their games. The highest team total for three Le Beau 9 985 102 109.4
games goes to the Auto, Jr. squad, who ran up a High Individual Score Fenner 224
score of 2347. High Individual, 3 games Sold 509
The individual averages as of December 10th, High team score, 1 game Compact 846
follow: High team score, 3 games .\uto, Jr. 2347


Sold, Graflex; Jost, Stereo; Fenner, .\uto Jr.; Kirvan, Compact

The Euchre Tournainent which had been in If the Eastman Kodak Company suddenly cut
progress during noon hours for three weeks, was off all communication with the business world?
If we
talked with only the people with whom we
transact necessary business.'
If we read no magazines, advertisements or trade
If we received no callers, interviewed no sales-
men, and ignored competitors?
If our executives attended no trade conventions,
belonged to no business clubs, associated with no
one in a business way, but depended entirely upon
themselves for development?
What Would Happen?
No organization could exist under such narrowing
conditions. Present-day business is such that its
development comes largely from "ideas" secured
from conventions, business publications, competi-
tors, salesmen, demonstrators, and workers. No
business can successfully carry on without these

Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Berna, a son. We

extend congratulations to Earl, who is employed
in the Assembling Department.

LEO LYNETT William Campbell of the Shipping Department

Winner of Euchre Tournament isthe proud father of a bouncing baby boy born
December 9th, weighing nine pounds. Theodore
Roosevelt Campbell is the name of the new arrival.
brought to a close Wednesday, December 7th.
tally showed that Leo Lynett of the Plating
The final
and Buffing Department carried off first honors,
Progress lies in knowing where we want to go and
while George Streb and Peter Breemes of the Assem-
then keeping on the track till we get there. It is
bly Department were tied for second place. Otto
easy enough to start, but to see the thing through is
Petroske, President of the Folmer-Century Athletic
the real test of character.
Association, presented the prizes to the winners.
Real difficulties can be ov^ercome; it is only the
imaginary ones that are unconquerable. —
William Vogt of the Inspection Department N. Vail.
returned to work Monday, December I'ith, after an
illness of six months. We are mighty glad to see
you with us again. Bill.

J. Elmer Roland of the Cost Department, recently

purchased a new home on Chapin Street.

We extend our sincere sympathy to George

McKinney ofthe Shipping Department on the
death of his mother, which occurred November
23, 1921.

George Weber of the Case Department and

Blanche Erickson of the Accounting Department
are new members of our organization, having been
transferred from Premo Works.

W'e are indeed glad to welcome back to work

John Effinger, who has been confined to his home
for a long period.

A son was born Friday, November 25, 1921, to IRENE M. LEES

Mrs. Alfred Jensen of "Penn Yan, N. Y. Mrs. Accounting Department

Jensen was formerly Lucy Bock of our Cost Depart- ROSALIA PFEFFER
ment. Detail and Estimate Department


Seventy-five thousand cubic feet per minute. four-inch rotary pump supplies the water for the
Yes, this is the average anioimt of purified air nozzles.
that is sent througli ventilating pipes into Build- Xow the air is heated. Upon
passing the sprays,
ings 1 and "2. (This particular system operates it travels through a series of slats or
only in these two buildings, as Buildings 3. 4 and 9 which separate the water from the air. It next
are heated by direct steam radiation.) A huge duct passes through a heating coil, and right here is the
serves as a flue to draw the air down to the engine secret of the degrees of heat which allow us to

room situated in the basement. A "tempering" work in comfort on the bleakest day of winter.
coil twelve feet square, is the first process through The outside temperature governs the amount of
which the air passes. This coil, so to speak, takes heat which is forced into the coil, through steam
the "raw edge" from the atmosphere, before it pressure. It is obvious that the farther heat travels
imdergoes the treatment. If it were possible to the cooler it becomes. So. accordingly, these coils
see air — although, of course, we can see hea^y heat the air to appro.ximately one hundred and
impurities such as smoke and certain chemical fifty degrees.

fumes the "laundry" would reveal hundreds of A Skinner engine which operates a rotating fan
feet of oxjgen and nitrogen per minute passing having a circumference of twenty-four feet drives
through one hundred and twenty-three spray the washed and heated air to its various outlets in
nozzles, to emerge thoroughly washed from all the building.
foreign substances. The purifying process is Accurate records of temperatures throughout the
clearly demonstrated by the gritty condition of the plant are compared with the registration of heat as
water as it falls from the spray nozzles into the shown on the heating coils, and by adjustment of
waste tank. A seven and one-half horse-power steam pressure we have an even degree of heat,
with the additional advantage of knowing that we
are breathing purified and fresh air.

Last month we attempted to
editor's note.
give you some
idea of the water supply system as
used for protection against fire. This month we
are again trying to boost the slogan of "Know Your
Factory." If there is any particular feature or
system in the plant which you would consider
worth e\i)laining in these pages, the Editor will
appreciate a suggestion to that effect.


The Tool Room
lx)ys are "there" when it comes
to department outings and gatherings, and the
Liederkranz rang with merriment during their
bowling tournament. The occasion was bright-
ened by a '"free limch" counter, loaded with every
morsel the appetites of bowlers could wish for.
After the regular game an endurance contest was
arranged between Barney Rotollo and William
Miller. Barney claims the reason he won was on
accoimt of being in the right "frame" of mind, and
having the right "spirits"!
Whether it was because of this game, we know
not. but it certainly looks suspicious, for a few
weeks later we notice that the wives accompanied
their husbands to the Forester's Temple, where
another bowling party took place. Mr>. Geiger
won the prize for the highest score, and "Joe"
Air chamber or generator connected with the lower system
in the Buffing Room.
Seigfried won the dnun —
s\'mbolic of something
The air is drawn into the chamber by he wight beat, on his low rating. John Lemon
means of a vacuum fan, and, the impurities dropping into the
well, the air is washed, forced back through return pipes, and was also very much imder 500, while Mrs. Fritz
thus provides a strong circulation of fresh air. shared the honor of being high lady.
Amonj; our distinguished visitors during the Those who have become members of the
of us
last month we are happy to hst the name of Mr. —
Recreation Club and we are seventy-three per
Thomas lllingworth, of London, England, president cent of the entire Camera Works organization
of the world-famous company bearing his name, have shown a faitli in the return of normal times,
manufacturers of photographic jjapers. and the subsequent development of plant activities.
We all learn from mistakes. To quote a copy-
TWO THOUSAND POINDS book motto: "Successes are built on failures.''
Almost one ton of candy was consumed — or The Board of Managers is not admitting anything

at least, bought by employees of this plant for akin to failure, (nor are we), but mistakes were made
Thanksgiving and Christmas. and we are glad they were, for they clearly point
out just what not to do this year. It is no small
OFFICE BOYS HIT THE HIGH SPOTS problem to cater to the likes and dislikes of such
A Thursday evening not so long ago saw twenty a large group, and it was a new experience for them
"young bloods" from the Office invading Bruckner's to handle. Seventy-three per cent or six hundred
Alleys for the purpose of "slaughtering the pins." men and women, have endorsed the Recreation
Ray Waldron offered to "take on" any man in the Club, and its present Board. Be assured that the
bunch; Harold Brown and Frank Connelly nearly Executive Committee will do its level best to satisfv.
staged a "catch-as-catch-can." Goodness knows
what did happen to Frizelle! WE'RE .ALL IN THE GAME
Anyway, it was a grand and glorious party and Let's make New Year's resolution
work to
all a
the bowling was great. Even "Billy" Lawrence
a little better, think a little more
more, be a little
almost -scored '200! He went one hundred per cent
careful, and give our fullest co-operation to any
on the Dutch lunch, but we doubt whether he beat idea that will prove a benefit to the greatest number
'Billy" Stark on this feature.
of people.
The boys heartily appreciate all the hard work
that Leo Quinn did to make the gatliering a success.
Sympathy of the Office is extended to George
They are also grateful to Ray Waldron for getting Kremble and family on the recent death of his
some of the bovs home before reveille. father.

CHECKMATE! Our condolence is expressed in this message to

Considerable interest is being shown throughout
Myron Hayes, whose sister-in-law, Miss Mabel
the seventh floor office in the game of chess, and
Hilburn, recently died. Many of us will recollect
especially does the excitement run higli in the Detail
Miss Hilburn as a former employee of the Pay Roll
and Estimate Department. Tliere are no less than Department.
ten participants in that Department alone, which,
on account of the science required to master the
game, is i^uite a feather in the cap of Mr. Zimmer's To Ray Miles and family Me offer sympathy on
boys. Promising recruits are springing up. and the the loss of his father.
leaders of today will have to look to their laurels
in order to hold their place in the sun. The Editor wishes all readers a prosperous and
happy New Year.
Wayback in nineteen hundred and three, this is "Herb" Thorpe wishes to convey his thanks for the
how the Tool Room boys looked at one of their numerous ofl'ers of back numbers of the old Camera
famous gatherings held at Long Pond. How many Works Bulletin, the file of which is now practically
of our present members can you recognize? complete.


— —


Permit us to introduce a mountain of hamburg
Monsieur Le Chef. steak. Irvia Cobb told
Jean PoUinque is just the —
us in the Saturday Evening
kind of a man one would —
Post that the principal ex-
picture our chef to be —
only port of France is chefs.
he is more so. Jovial, ro- Whether there is any truth
tund, rosy cheeks, with underlying this piece of
more chins than nature humor a question, but it

originally endowed him. and is undoubtedly true, that

with a decided display of France produces the world's
what our French cousins finest cooks, and Jean is no
term "eng-bon-pong" exception to the rule. It's
(American vernacular al- — not only a matter of pre-
derman), Jean would be the paring good food, but also
finest advertisement possi- of preparing it so that when
ble for any restaurant by the clock chimes twelve, the
simply standing in the show umgry family at State
window behind a sign read- Street can be promptly fed.
ing "This is where / eat I"
Jean first saw the light of
Monsieur PoUinque is a
day in the little town of
busy man; in fact, remem-
Chanaz. in the province of
bering the adage that "a
"' Sanore. There is no doubt
cook's realm is the kitchen.
that his predecessors were
We hesitated before ventur-
cooks, for to be successful
ing into his sanctum sanc-
at the profession, one has
to be born a chef. Those
However, upon gaining
doughboys who" lit up Paris
the good graces of Miss
like Broadway, "will remem-

Crarer we entered and es- JEAN ber the Maison Boisier
pied Jean entrenched behind



on the Boulevard des Capercones, where Jean once no one has the lead on Jean. Of course, all pro-
exercised his skill in preparing tempting dishes. fessions have secrets and Jean possesses many an
The Waldorf-Astoria in New York, and also original recipe about which it would be a sacrilege
Delmonico's, and the New Astoria, owe much of even to inquire. But to see him preparing roasts of
the fame of their cuisine to our chef, and, here in beef and pork and lamb and mutton, dipping fish
our home town, he prepared lunches, dinners and cutlets into batter, mixing up steak and onions to
banquets for fourteen years at Powers Hotel. Dur- emerge as hamburg. we get a slight idea of the
ing the visit of then President Taft to Rochester, amount of culinary knowledge he possesses. Natur-
Jean prepared the sumptuous banquet served in the ally, a dinner such as is served in our dining room^
President's honor at Convention Hall, when he was excellent as it is —
does not call for the ingenuity
personally complimented on the repast by the com- required to prepare a ten-course Ijanquet, but,
mittee in charge of affairs. On this occasion, gas whether the menu calls for boiled beef and cabbage
stoves were used for the first time in this city to or ris de veau sou cloche Eugenie, Jean PoUinque
cook a complete dinner of such magnitude. proves to be a master of the art of "feeding the
When it comes to juggling calories and vitamines, inner man."


The Foremen's group is threatening to become NNednt'sday nights at Kodak Park.
more active than any other organization in this Two fast games of basketball, and a dance with
plant, providing all the plans mature which Frank a first-class orchestra. Here's a great attraction,
O'Brien, Chairman, has slated for the coming year. especially with the price as low as thirty-five cents
The year really ended last October, but January for a whole evening's entertainment. The schedule
was considered a better time to hold an election of calls for eight more double-headers, winding up on
officers, so, within the next week or so each foreman February 2'2nd.
will receive full particulars. Whynot call around for "Her," board a Lake
This body is organized in a co-operative spirit, Avenue car for the Kodak Park Assemljly Hall,
and each member is at liberty to express any sugges- and give the doings the "once over"? It's the best
tions or plans which he or she may have to further attraction the Recreation Clubs have offered.
the activities or welfare of the group. Now, you know the facts. Just go once and you
won't want to miss any more games. Tickets
admitting you and a friend to three sessions of the
The "buddies" of the factory, headed up by
"Charlie" Rogers and Ray Waldron. sold two
Kodak League are on sale at SI. 50 twenty-five —
cents per person per night. Can you beat it.'
hundred and twenty tickets for the benefit of dis- Single tickets cost thirty-five cents, and can be
abled soldiers. A motion picture show, held under
obtained from "Charlie" Rogers or "Herb" Thorpe.
the auspices of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, proved
Let's get together and shout for Kivell's boys.
good value for the money spent, and it was a splen-
did tribute to a worthy cause to know that this
plant responded so freely. A PERSONAL LETTER TO YOU
Dear Fellow Workman:
^^T^0's whc -IN PICTURES I have a special message for you. On or around
January 13th the "School for Safety Supervisors"
It was formerly quite a hunt to get photographs
is opening at the Chamber of Commerce, and
of this type, but we have discovered that John
the time to enroll is iioir'.
Lohwater has a regular gold mine of them. You
The speakers on industrial and public
safety have been secured by the National Safety
Council for the thirteen lectiu-es, which are made
interesting by the frequent use of motion pictures.
The student attending ten of these lectures is
entitled to graduate with full honors, and is given
a diploma to tliat effect.
Now, boys, what do you say.' Are you interested
in learning how you can become more valuable to
yourself, to those that are dear to you, and to the
whole communitv.' The good you will receive
from this extra knowledge will more than repay
for the tinae you spend with us. I want to see the
good old Camera Works leading the safety squad,
and I have great hopes of three hundred and fifty
enrollments from the Eastman Kodak Company.
.J(JHN A.ROBERTSON Ask "Dick" Jennings or myself to give you some
CHARLES SPEIDEL idea of the })cnefits that can be derived from this
opportunity. Both of us are ready to write your
can never tell whose turn it is going to be, but we
thought we'd start off by printing two very popular
name to the best insurance in the world that of —
Safety First.
subjects. No need to waste space explaining who's Sincerely yours,
who in this particular pictiu-e to Camera workers,
but we are mentioning their names for the inform- EARLE C-\RSON
ation of those who do not see them every day. \'ice-('hairman. Industrial Safety Group



THIS pennant-win- contest with Hawk-Eye

ing habit is surely where the narrow margin
getting a strangle grip of three points lost them
on Hawk-Eye's athletes. the decision. Kodak Office
Not satisfied with lasso- squeaked in with its only
the Kodak and city victory by an even closer
baseball titles two years margin, taking the open-
hand-running they pro- ing encounter from
ceeded to go out and Camera Works by a
snare three straight court single point. The latter
contests to start off the outfit has yet to register
career the Kodak
of in the win column, but
Basketball League. has been showing rapid
In fact, matters improvement, to-
have come to such gether with that
CLIFF" ("Skyscraper" JOHNSON

Hawk-Eye Court Leader a pass that the "never say die"spirit, "CHARLIE" KIVELL
other teams in con- so characteristic of Camera Works Captain
clave assembled, have unanimously de- all Camera Works
cided that this uninterrupted Hawk-prey- teams. That the Robertson entry will
ing on the Kodak hen-yard must be cut an imposing figure in court circles
stopped, even though it takes double- ere spring is undisputed.
barrelled shot-gims,
Thanksgiving Eve saw
smokeless powder,
the getaway engagements

P and an extra heavy

of the new circuit. In

charge of baskets
the opener, Kodak Office
and foul
was lucky to nose out
shots to Camera Works, 9 to 8, in
^^^ ^^_
^^ turn the a game marked by a
JBH trick. grammar school brand of
KodakPark, by virtue
shooting. The Office

of a slasliing. driving, team passed like Vetera us,

^^ mj
attack, and a well-bal-
a need s(|uad,
plenty of capable
but "blew" enough easy
shots to beat the Centrals.
Kodak Park
substitutes, has
I)lowed through to horns in a decidedly


victorv in all ex-

superior contest, -hash' McNeil

Captain of Kodak Park Quint CCpt the Opening where the phenome- '^;^Spy PiTo't'
nal shooting of "Wib" Woodams, who
caged them overhand and underhand, QUINT SQUINTS
from corner or mid-court, with ecjual ease, By Fleeta Foot*
gave the Hawks a liard-earned 16-13 We find a very lively refutation of the

"They never come back" adage in the
wizard performances of veteran "Wib"
On December 7th, Kodak Park handed Woodams in the opening games. "Wib"
caged four dazzling counters on opening
Camera Works the httle end of an 18 to 11
night to defeat Kodak Park, and repeated
mark, though finding it necessary to call the feat a week later against the Office
in "Tip-off Tommy" Thompson to help crew.

subdue the Camera crew. Hawk-Eye set When conies to the all-around athlete
a fast pace to trim Kodak Office, 15 to 9, stuff, we
lay the tinted palm-leaf at the feet
with Woodams again cast in the role of of "Charlie" Kivell. "Charlie" takes his
turn in the box, at third, or in the outfield
chief scorer. with equal nonchalance. The football sea-
A week's lay-off intervened, because of son finds liim hurling forwards or skirting
the ends for the Scalpers. In the Kodak
the Annual Exhibit of the Kodak Park Basketball League he shows the opposing
Fur and Feather Club, which monopolized forwards what real guarding is. And, in
the meantime, between times, he swings a
the Assembly Hall. The court schedule
mean racket on the tennis court.
got under way again on December 14th.
This night saw the mantle of "Elijah" "Hash" McNeil and "Tommy" Thomp-
now and again, between their
son find time
Woodams fall upon the shoulders of
numerous professional engagements, to
"P^lisha" Johnson, when the latter mono- appear in the League games.
polized the well-known lime-light with
The Brightman brothers make a forn. id-
five successful net-piercers. Hawk-Eye able front line for the Park outfit. They
won from Camera Works, 25 to 10, in the slip in and out like a pair of wing-footed
antelopes, covered with eel-skin.
most one-sided game played to date.
The Hawks displayed finished team-work "Bill" Roach opines that, if he can keep
and accurate shooting, while the State his outfit of antiques intact for twelve weeks,
the basketball pennant will find a niche
Street ers seemed unable to get started.
alongside of Hawk-Eye's two baseball flags.
The nightcap })etween Kodak Park and But, with Ingleby's thatch growing shock-
the Office provided one of those old- ingly thin, Woodams contemplating the use
of a wheel-chair on the court, and "Ciifi"
fashioned knock - down - and - drag - out Johnson long past the days of winning prizes
rough-and-tumbles, with the rival teams at Baby Shows, the Hawk-Eye mentor is a

displaying an enthusiasm which would bit dubious. As for Benny Levine. no one
has nerve enough to ask this "Hock-l"
make a jungle tiger look like a fireside guard just liow many years ago he captained
tom-cat. The regular session ended in a the East High quint. Then, just add "Jim""
Weldon, and you seem to have the Butt'alo
deadlock at twelve-all, and five minutes
Germans come to life again. When the
extra were needed before the Parkers Hawks meet the other outfits, it's a case of
corralled the decision 16 to 13. court strategy against youtli. and Roach's
motto is: "Brains will win.'"
Although Hawk-Eye is setting the pace
just at present, the season is only in its in- "Toddy" Diehl and "Mose" Eggert, not
kept busy enough by their activities with
fancy, and all four of the contenders still
the Kodak Office squad, have signed to play
have a good chance for the flag. also with the Niagara A. C.

These Wednesday night parties are Next games, Wednesdav, Januarv -ttli.
furnishing the high lights of the Kodak At 8:00 P. M. Hawk-Eye vs. Kodak\)ffice.
sport world this winter. The spirit of the At 8:-I'.5, Kodak Park and Camera Works.
Cars leave the Four Corners every four
different plants in getting together on a minutes, and make the trip to the Ridge
co-operative basis for a League of this Road in seventeen minutes. Walk west
to the Ridge Road entrance of Kodak Park.
kind is highly commendable, and the
You'll hear the noise and cheering in the
clean brand of high class basketball played Assenibly Hall, and finding the scene of tlie
by most of the quint stars is a rare treat fracas will be an easy matter.
*He needs to be
to lovers of friendly athletic competition.



DECEMBER 19, 19-21


Won Lost Pot. Won Lost Pct.
Ponies 22 8 .ItZS Domestic Shipping. ... 29 1 . 967
Senecas 19 11 .(i33 Service 22 8 .7.33
Blue Ribbons 18 12 .GOO Advertising 20 10 .667
Headlights 15 15 .500 Bookkeeping 19 11 .6.33
Indians 14 16 .467 Sales 15 15 .500
Building 30 14 16 .467 Stock 15 15 .500
Film 12 18 .400 Industrial Relations . 13 17 .433
Daubers 6 24 .200 .\ccoimting 12 18 .400
Export Shipping 11 19 .367
KODAK PARK YARD LEAGUE Maintenance 9 21 .300
Engraving 8 22 . 267
Wox Lost Pct. Billing 7 23 .233
Steel Shed 23 10 .697
Yard 20 13 .606
Stores 17 16 .515
Office 15 18 .454 LEAGUE
Receiving 7 26 . 212 Won Lost Pct.
Compact 10 5 .667
LEAGUE Graflex 7 8 . 467
Auto, Jr 4 11 .267
Won Lost Pct.
Service 15 5 . 750
Finishing 14 6 .700
Sales 13 7 .650
Tabulating 11 9 .550 Won Lost
Order 10 10 .500 Brownies 10
Mail 9 11 .450 Specials 10
Advertising 5 15 .250 Juniors 6
Testing 3 17 .150 Kodaks 6
FebcHar^ ]Q2 2
Published in tbe interests of the men and
A^omen of the Kodak organi3ation,A'. j<.

'%HE best man is the one who
regards each difficulty over-
come as in the nature of an
educational degree. He is
willing to try anything!
And hefi?ids that his troubles
steadily lessen^ uritil eventu-
ally he is equipped to do with
ease what might have been
impossible fr him only a
few years before,''

—General George W. Goethals.

^ 1» i 1_ 1
aP-a? »<VA;»».' -(r^^fOiScS

I Jllll 1




See page S
c7/](? cMa^Qjino
Vol. II FEBRUARY, 19^2^2 No. 9



of US hope for many more years of

ALLbusiness usefulness even thougli
That the plan shall be
December 1. 19'-21; and
retroactive to

we may have quite an extended period of

That in case any employee retired
service with the company beliind us.
imder this plan shall receive or be en-
There is ahvays, however, tlie unex- titled to receive any Government pension
pected to be reckoned with, and so the or allowance at the time of such retire-
plan now to be put in operation by the ment, then the company reserves the right
company is highly comforting. to modify this plan accordingly.

This plan provides that employees of That employees of good record who
this company and of other companies, have reached the age of sLxty (60) years
foreign or domestic, subsidiaries of the and have been twenty ('-20) years or more
Eastman Kodak Comjjany, who are of in the service of the company employing
good record and are retired by the com- them, or in the service of one of its allied
pany employing them on account of ad- subsidiaries, may voluntarily retire with
vanced age or disability, shall be allowed the consent of the company employing
theirmaximum sick benefit, less any them, and in that case shall be entitled to
payments made to them on account of receive the same benefits under this plan
illness during their last emjiloyment year, as if retired by the management; and
or, if absent on account of illness for a
The Kodak Employees Association
periocf of six months or more immediately
(Incorporated) will supplement the pay-
preceding their retirement, then less all
ment made by this company as above
payments made since the beginning of provided, by undertaking to pay from its
their illness.
funds to all employees retiring or retired in
That all such employees shall have accordance with this plan and who have
transferred to them the shares of stock been at that time five years or over in the
represented by their Managers Certi- service, a sum equivalent to one week's
ficates, subject to the provisions govern- pay for each year of completed service, and
ing the plan of stock distriljution in cases for fractions of a year,one day's pay for
of retirement for total disability. each two months of completed service,
That retirement of an employee in and that in computing such cash payment
the maximum weekly wage on which
accordance with this ])lau shall not de-
prive such employee of any wage dividend
such |)aynienl is based shall not exceed
computed upon the wages actually paid
and to which he would be entitled if he The company and the Kodak Em-
had com])leted the calendar year during ployees Association (Incor])orate(l) re-
which he was retired, and had l)een in the -serve the right to discontinue this plan at
employ of the comj)any on July 1 follow- any time, or to make such changes therein
ing his retirement. as may appear advisable.


"The best method of systematic saving is the planning and carrying out of a personal or
family budget system. With the budget you can plan your income intelligently, and, at the
end of each month and year, know exactly where you stand and can put aside a definite amount
to be saved for some specific purpose.
"Real saving means regularly putting aside a definite amount to meet some of the bigger
needs; not the saving for a few weeks or months, and then spending the money for something
you could have done without."
From "--1 Message from Mr. Eastman," in the Kodak Magazine, December, 1921.

the above words we well tion you should be careful to state the
INexpressed the reasons
why everyone number of people in your family so that

should make a budget and live up to it. you will receive the correct forms, and
In the Januarv' issue of the Magazine, the plant and department in which you
the services of the Eastman Savings and work so that the forms can be mailed to
Loan Association were placed at the you there.
disposal of Kodak employees and mem- The records for membership in the
bers of their families for any assistance Association as of January 10 show a
they might wish in budget making. slight falling off from the December
Already, there have been a ninnber of figures. This, Mr. Bartholomew attrib-
applications for such help, but the officers utes to the fact that some members of
of the Association feel that there must the Association saved money regularly
be in our niunber many more who would throughout the year, and then drew it
appreciate advice. out in a lump sum to spend for Christmas.
Realizing, however, that it is difficult This course, you will notice, is directly
for many of our people to find time to contrary to the plan of action recom-
visit the Association office, the officers mended in the above quotation from
have decided to supply by mail to those Mr. Eastman's message.
who will ask for them, budget forms If you are working on a budget your
and pamphlets describing the operation savings should remain savings, so that
of a budget. These publications are you do not have to draw them out to buy
issued by the New York State College of
Christmas presents, or to satisfy some
Agriculture at Cornell University, under
other want. The best way is to estimate
the titles: "Making a Budget" and "How
now the amount you will want to spend
to Keep a Cash Account." If you wish
to take advantage of this offer, just drop
at Christmas time this year, and become
a note to Mr. Bartholomew at 343 State a member of the Association Christmas
Street, the secretary of the Association, Club. It is not yet too late to do this,

stating that j'ou wish budget forms and and your regidar savings account in the
literature mailed to vou. In this connec- Association ^-ill then be left intact.

Dear Hen: Bud hadn't got no farther.
Me and Tom Drier got together the You see for a while Bud passed the
other evening and we was talking over rest of us fellows just like our shoeswas
the times when him and me was with the nailed to the floor and we all felt that
bimch up to Rochester. nothing wouldn't stop him from being
Tom asks me did I recollect Bud maybe a Vice-President some day. Then
Flickinger and I says shure, and then he all of a sudden gradual like he didn't get
remarks that wasn't it curious like that no farther.

Tom said that mebbe Bud's boss had Well you know how it is with hogs
ought to have done like a fellow he used Hen, the minute the big fellow seen that
to know up Vermont way. the little fellow was a pitching in he'd
Tom said that this chap he knew used up and drive the little cuss away and
to raise the all-firedest fattest hogs he eat everything in the trough himself.
ever seen; used
to take all the first There is more than one way to stir
premiums the county fairs, and
at all ambition ain't they?
the other farmers thought that he must There's quite a bit doing down our
be getting some inside dope from the way Hen, the other evening a bunch of
Department of Agriculture or something. bandits held up the clerk in one of them
Come to find out though he didn't chain cigar stores and grabbed off every-
know no more about feeding and fatten- thing in sight, and then the head hold-up
ing hogs than the other fellows, but he give one of the clerks a nasty look and
did know hog nature. the clerk says, "well and what do you
You see when a hog got just about so want now," and the bandit he says
fat he would turn up his nose at all the "come across with the coupons."
delicacies the trough, and just lay
in Don't know when I'll get up to
around in the sun and take it easy. Rochester again Hen, the last time I
When this stage of the fattening was was up the first four people I met didn't
reached this fellow would put a little remember me and the next three didn't
half starved shoat in the same pen and know that I had been away.
he just couldn't get both his front feet Yours,
in the trough fast enough. Si.


DID you ever accept a position
strange and. when you
in a
places that Miss Crafts hears of and
thinks would suit vou.
learn that suitable living accommodations
were very difficult to find? Or, did the
landlord ever you that your rent
would be raised after next month, and
not having any time to look for another
place, feel almost compelled to pay the
advance, although you couldn't afford it.^
The housing bureau at Kodak Office
was started to assist people having
difficulty in finding suitable places to
live, and to relieve them of some of their
worries in that direction. Miss Crafts,
who has charge of this service, keeps a
record of all rooms or apartments brought
to her notice. In all cases possible these
are personally investigated so that she
knows where she is sending you M'hen she
gives you a list.
In the case of houses, it is, of course,
impossible to keep vacancies on record
as houses are taken too quickly. If
your name is on the list as wanting a
house you will lie notified of anv vacant M.\BEL E. CRAFTS
At present she has on file the names of give the phone number, name of party
several people who have comfortable having accommodations, and by whom
rooms to rent and who will, in some cases, referred.
give board. If yon need such a place, If you have a housing problem to
communicate with her. Anyone who solve call Miss Crafts, Industrial Rela-
can add to the list of available places tions Department, and she will do her
is invited to do so. When writing always best to help you.


THE Frank Seaman Adver-
folks in the
tising Agency down in the big town are
THE Eastman
Savings and Loan
officehas for distribution
a pretty lively bunch. At Christmas time a number of publications of "The Cornell
Reading Course for the Home," covering
such subjects as "Saving Strength in the
Home," "Food Preservation," "The
Home Laundry," "What to Spend for
' '
Food, 'Economics of Good Furnishings,

"The Arrangement of Household Furnish-

ings," "Fireless and Steam Pressure,"
"Use More Cheese", "Points in Selecting
the Daily Food," and "Economics of a
Sound House." The Association will
supply these to any Kodak employees or
members of their families who will ask
forthem at the Association Office. If it
is not convenient for you to make a
personal call, just send to Mr. Bartholo-
mew your plant and department address,
and the pamphlets will be mailed to you.


YOU required by law
come tax
return, (a) if
to file an
are single

and your net income for 1921 exceeded

$1000, (6) if you are married, and your
they held a big get-together party, and income for 19!21 exceeded $2000. There
a special newspaper The Seaman Log is a severe penalty for failing to file a re-
was issued for the occasion. This "news- turn, or for a false or fraudulent return.
paper" was no respecter of executives or Latest dates for filing returns are March
clients, and more or authentic news
less 1.5 for Federal returns, and April 15 for

was published regarding the various State returns.

members present. The advertisements of Paul A. Bazaar, a disabled ex-service
their clients were cleverly burlesqued, and man is an income tax specialist, and his
we came in for our share. The accom- services are offered to Kodak employees
panying illustration shows how one of our in the correct filing ofincome tax returns
advertising slogans "Kodak As You Go" at a special rate of $1.00 for each return.
was manhandled. His office at 31 Cameron Street is open
week-day evenings from 6:00 until 9:30,
The fellow who lacks ginger is the- man and on Sunday, from 1:00 to 6:00 in the
who is always looking for a snap. afternoon. Telephone, Genesee 781.

The KoJjk Mugdzme

lll'!l l.H: V;iTll'T

u.e £:iULX .>-rij.i:;i;.;i-.a.


merit and announce that it is to be manu- has done or may do, with the proceeds
factured locally and controlled by local from the sale of these shares.
capital. He may even commence manufacturing
This plan makes the local public in a small way to stimulate further the
particularly susceptible to his proposition. sale of his promotion shares, and then
They can pretty accurately determine when he has cleaned up, abandon the
the practical merits of the device and whole enterprise and move on to pastures
the market to be had. new and just as green.
Not being financiers, or used to the Before investing your hard-earned
methods of corporations, they can see savings in stock of any sort, post yourself
only the chance of success from the as to the methods of financing of the
manufacturing standpoint, and utterly company ha\ang the shares for sale
fail to take into consideration how the and the character and standing of the men
proposition is to be financed or how the behind it.

money they may subscribe for shares Many a man has been let in on the
will be used. ground floor only to find that it had a
Bear this in mind: It is easier to sell trap door in it which landed him in the
shares than it is to go ahead and manu- sub-cellar.
facture the goods. This being the case, Thefe are many opportunities for good
IVIr. Promoter will allot over fifty per investment by the small investor. The
cent of the shares to himself for patent Industrial Relations Department will be
and 'promotion purposes, and he can be glad to advise you as to the proper
held responsible to no one as to what he authorities to considt.


FROM a one-man
with products
which a market
branch houses
and San Francisco.
in New York, Chicago,

had to be created, to an organization We own the property and buildings

employing thousands with a world-'^nde housing these branches and each one is
distribution, is the history of Kodak. specially adapted to meet our needs.
In the United States our distribution (See page 2)
is highly complete, and it woidd be pretty At each of these points a full stock of
difficult to locate a town where the sign our products, except motion picture
"Kodaks" is not somewhere in evidence. film, and some professional apparatus, is
Early in our history a reputation for carried so that the trade in their terri-
quality and uniformity was established, tories can be promptly supplied.
and as our distribution grew, we had to We do not occupy the entire building
plan to maintain this good will. Our in New York City, but other floors will
sensitized products, film, paper and plates, be available when our needs demand.
require special care in handling and The Chicago building also houses our
stocking in order that they may reach card mount and album factory ^Taprell, —
the consumer in perfect condition. For —
Loomis & Company but the San Fran-
this and other good reasons, we do not cisco Building is used exclusively by our
supply the trade through jobbing houses, branch.
but ship direct to the dealer. Wehave close to seventeen thousand
To facilitate distribution in the large fivehundred dealers in the United States
business centers, and to enable our cus- handling our products; so you can see
tomers at points distant from Rochester that our three branches play an important
to receive our goods speedily, we have part in our plan of distribution.
good tiling to own they had paid
ITpiece aofmighty

the town yon live in, and

still lot, together
the original price of the
with the assessment for
better ifholds iij) the house in which
it improvements, more than it would have
j'ou live —
yonr home. cost to buy a lot on an improved city
Before buying a plot of ground either street that would have been far more
for purely speculative purposes, or on satisfactory in the long run.
which to build your home, there are a Whatever you do, do not build upon
few things to determine in order to avoid any property before you receive a deed
future unpleasantness. for it. You may not, at the time of
The first tiling to make sure of is purchase, be able to pay in full for your
that the property you wish to buy is lot or lots. In such cases the only safe
worth the price asked. If you have ])aid way to do is to take a deed for the
an excessive price, you may later on l^roperty, and give a mortgage to secure
receive a startling jolt when you wish to the unpaid balance. The title is then
sell, or to build a liome. Always have a \'ested in you and your equity in the
lot appraised by a dis-interested expert l^roperty can be definitely ascertained.
before you buy it. The appraisal fee is If you should build on property the
very small compared with the amount title to which has not been vested in you

you may lose if you make a mistake in by a deed, and fall down on your pay-
your estimate of the value of the j^roperty. ments, you would stand a good chance of
A good many lots are sold under what losing both the land and the house. In
is called a land contract, where you pay a any event, it would entail a lawsuit if
few dollars down and a dollar or more per you sought to recover anything for the
week, but do not get a deed until all the improvements you had made.
payments have been made. This is When you purchase a piece of property
buying a lot on the installment plan do not accept the word of the seller, or
just as you can buy furniture or clothing. the word of anyone else, that the title is
These contracts are drawn to favor the perfect. Demand a certified abstract
seller in every possible way, and often of brought down to the date of
give him the right to declare the contract the deed to you. Even then do not pay
at an end and keej) the lot and the money over the purchase price until you have
you have already paid, as damages in the written opinion of an expert real
case you don't ol^serve your agTeement estate laA\yer.
most precisely. It is a mighty disagree- The abstract of title, which is the his-
able thing to have the fear of a forfeiture tory of all deeds, mortgages, and other
hanging over your head and you had transactions regarding the property for
better not enter such a contract AA-ithout at least forty years back, and down toyour
being sure that you really want the lot, deed, should be furnished you by the
and that you can pay for it in the way the seller without cost. The attorney will
contract provides or sooner. charge you a fee for examining the title
In sizing up a lot, see if there are any as shown by the abstract and for his
improvements such as water, sewer, written opinion, but it will be well worth
sidewalks, gutters, ])avement . If not, the money as a safeguard.
are such im])rovements contemj)latcd ^^'hatc^•er you do, do not commence
soon? How nuich will they cost? You l)uilding on property unless you have a
can get a good idea of the cost of improve- deed to it. If you contemplate buying
ments at the City Engineer's office. ]Many or building, and are a bit inicertain as to
people have gone out into the country and the best course to ])ursue, the Industrial
bought a lot in a new subdivision and Relations Dej)artment will be glad to
foTUid that, Avhen tlic section was improved. confer Avith vou.
much would you
cash for
take in good
of the patient.
glasses, the oculist
If you do not need
will so inform you,
Such a query is nonsense, because all as he has no personal interest in supplying
the money that could be shoveled into a them.
box car would not influence you to part Strictly speaking the the field of
with them. optician, and the optometrist,the lies in
This being so, then why is it that so making of the lenses called for in the
many people take needless chances with oculist's prescription, and in seeing that
their eyes, put off wearing glasses until the frames in which they are placed are
the last possible moment, and then properly adjusted.
are content with selecting a pair from a Practicallyall opticians and optome-
tray in a ten cent store, or with being trists will measure eyes for glasses, and
fitted by some one whose qualifications in cases where no indirect physical causes
for such work are an entirely unknown exist, are able to afford satisfaction.
quantity. is hardly to be expected that they
In seeking the proper person to examine can, without the medical training and
your eyes for glasses our unqualified experience of the oculist, detect unusual
advice is that you consult an oculist of conditions, and so prescribe intelligently.
established reputation. It is their business to sell glasses.
Many people confound the terras It is no more than fair to state, however,
"oculist," "optician,"and "optometrist" that the reputable optician and optome-
and think that they all mean the same trist will, when he finds any unusual
thing, and that any one of the three is condition, advise the patient to consult
equally competent to prescribe for and fit an oculist before proceeding farther.
glasses to correct imperfect vision. The danger lies in the fact that the patient
Here are the facts so that you may may not have happened into the office
decide for yourself: the oculist is a grad- of one so upright and honorable.
uate of a medical college in good standing, Your eyes are one of your most valuable
where his four years' course in the study assets. You need expert assistance to
of medicine and surgery has given him determine what is best for your ej^es,
his M. D. degree. In addition to his and what can be done to strengthen them
regular training of four years to become and thus to prolong their and your useful-
a physician, he has had to spend two or ness.
more years in the special study of the A very common cause of headache is
eye and its diseases. With this training eye strain, and the treatment for it in
he is able not only to examine properly,
or refract, your eyes for glasses, but in

most cases is glasses. A very slight
defect in sight will in some individuals
addition to determine just why you need cause severe headache with other disturb-
glasses; he is often able to locate some ances of the general system. One may
other bodily ailment which is the real see perfectly and yet be straining to do
cause of the defect in vision and which so to such an extent that headaches
can be cured or greatly remedied, and appear. Headaches from the eyes are
so do away with the necessity for glasses usually in front over the eyes or in the
at a later period. This is particularly back of the head, and are worse after
true with children. The oculist does using the eyes. Other signs of eye
not make nor supply glasses, he merely strain are redness, burning, watering,
indicates what is needed, leaving it to blurring, and sleepiness. To correct such
the optician to manufacture from his a condition requires special skill and
prescription what it calls for and to training. Don't trust your eyes to any
adjust the glasses properly to the eyes one but a first-class eve doctor.



The superintendents, foremen, and employees' We cannot resist telling our readers a little about
representatives were given a rare treat last month the "movie." At great cost, the company has
by the management of the Camera Works. To portrayed the making of film from the raw
attempt to say which was the best feature of the materials to the finished product. The subject
evening would be an impossible feat. The dinner is a mighty interesting one in itself, but the thought
was par excellence, Mr. Robertson and Mr. Stuber that struck us was the perfection of photography,
gave us tabloid talks, Frank O'Brien said a cheery largelymade possible by the quality of the film.
word or two, "Charlie" Rogers gave us a brand new All the art of the science of photography was
system for curing the blues, Kodak Park contributed
brought to bear on the actual exposures, and the
George Englehart's famous octette of singers, and
Meinhard's trio supplied orchestral music. Add film is example of the progress of this age
a brilliant
to all this a wonderful three-reel "movie," and you of visual records. The film is to be used for adver-
get an outline of the enjoyable evening made tising purposes, and will be projected in the largest
possible by the combination. theaters throughout the country.


We are proud to state that our percentage of native or foreign born residents.
illiteracy, either in
employees who are imable to speak or read English A thorough canvass of factories
will reveal those
is so very small that the figure is hardly worth persons that require this service, and we, who are
mentioning. We are, also, practically an "All- more fortunate in education, can do much to help
American" organization as regards citizenship, in this latest phase of Americanization.
and certainly a one-hundred per cent factory in
American ideals and sentiment. In spite of the
fact that our personnel is composed of native sons THE RIGHT IVIAN IX THE RIGHT PLACE
and daughters of twenty-eight countries, the
reputation which everyone of us earned during the
Camera Works employees are to be congratulated
on re-electing Herbert S. Rogers to represent them
"drives" of Liberty bonds. Thrift Stamps and War
on the Board of the Kodak Employees Association.
Chests, proves that our sympathies lie with "Uncle
Three men were nominated by the executive
committee of the Emplov"ees Representatives
This statement, however, does not in any way
Herbert Rogers, Lawrence Welch, and Frank
detract from the splendid work which the Coimcil
Holdredge. Welch and Holdredge withdrew, thus
for Better Citizenship is doing among the foreign-
leaving no contestants against Rogers.
born people of Rochester. Not only has this
There is probably no man better qualified to
Council been instrumental in preparing applicants
fill this important position of Director than "Herb."
for citizenship, but it now intends to educate the
After such competent representation as he has given
illiterate citizen of foreign birth. It is not always
)is for two consecutive years, there is no question
the fault of the individual that his or her knowledge
that he is an ideal man for the job.
of the English language is somewhat limited;
more often, it is the result of environment, and the
lack of sufficient educational centers to take care of
this particular phase of Americanization.
A recent survey in tliis city disclosed the fact The Industrial Relations Department is prepared
that about five thousand foreign-born adults in to assist employees in filling out Federal and State
Rochester are unable to speak or write English. income tax forms. Please make arrangements
Of these, about two thousand are at the present with your foreman, as to when you can best be
time atten<ling nigiit school, factory, or home spared from the department.
groups. The object of the Covmcil, working imder We will endeavor to prevent delay as far as
the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce, is to possible. The licst way to get prompt ser%-ice is
induce the remaining three thousand to register to phone for an appointment.
in these classes. If you need this .service, be prepared with all
The educational program of our city is a source of available figures relating to income, expenditures,
civic and state pride. There is really no excuse for value of property, and tax receipts.


When it comes to promoting "Safety First," —
discussions on safety. Our city always pro-
the Camera Works management and employees —
gressive has a splendid group of people, the Cham-
are heart and soul in favor of this vital phase of ber of Commerce, fostering the idea of a school
modern industry. Years ago, httle thought was for safe practices, especially in industry. Weare
given to the value of human hves, and accidents proud to state that 146 men and women from our
were accepted as inevitable. Now, however, we —
own factory have enrolled and it is not too late
know that about four-fifths of them are avoidable, for others to enroll even now. Those students
and, just as we were taught in our infant days that who attend ten lessons of the thirteen that are given
two and two make four, so are we instructed today will receive a diploma issued under authority from
that "Safety First" means the conservation of sound the National Safety Council.
limbs, good health, and a reasonable assurance of Below we give the names and departments of
immunity from sudden death. the students for 1922, as a record of the employees
Almost every city and town has, as part of its who are practical in their method of believing and
"Live a Little Longer" program, group lectures and practicing safety:

Crease and Cover Milling Shutter

Stanley Tarszowicz Jack Garlines Emil Zempel
George Rossner George Powers Marie A. Kelley
Alexander Kapel Frank Holman Marion Quaisin
John O'Rorke Joseph Gleisle Elsie Hardies
Fred Ruhe Charles Fischer Margaret M. Dunn
Howard Duke Fred J. Funke Anna B. Grimes
Henry Brodie Lowell E. Ford Grace Burritt
Samuel Coventry Charles Rollen Martha Stoecklein
Estella Curtis Anthonj' Payne Alma Heckler
Oliver Venatta Emma Goodman
Press Florence Piersma
Inspection Fred Fremesser
Harry Williams
Burdett C. Edgett Miner L. Magee
Harry Eckert Emil Thoman Kodak Assembling
Fred C. Swan William Powers
Lawrence P. Weis John Silsbee
Ray Lucas August R. Kubissa
Archie Love
Frank Schaefer William H. Houghton
Shutter Joseph Tschiderer
Fred Graus
Thomas Culhane Addison MacDonald William A. Gargan
Alexander J. Bender Alfred Snyder
Charles L. Swaim
Joseph B. Maloney Harry Parent Robert Lindie
Reuben Lynch Charles F. Lemmon
J. William Carrol
Charles J. Negelty Peter Sak •
Herman Verstring
William Giblin Harry Stuehler Imelda Grapenstetter
Fred Greenfield Frank Bisnett Ethel Martin
Esther Klein John Friesman
Christine Miller Albert Bremer Brownie
Elizabeth Burgomaster Salvatore Caletri
John Paternostro John Rutan
August Mungenast Jacob C. Sattel
John Keating Harold Cochrane
Martha Ginegaw Abbie Haley
Loretta Irons Mary Guiney
Martha Redeman Rivet
Cecelia Whalen
Dora Neuwirth Nicholas Rick George Blum
Carrie Neuwirth Aloysius A. Lenhard Isadore Wolfe
Kate Diamond Raymond Walch Harry Hardies
Madeline Stanton Thomas S. Clark Jacob Sold
Anna Foos Peter Feeney George Frisch
Edward Schroeder IVIargaret Tirpeck
Woodworking George B. Goodman Grace Schweickhard
Charles Erlandson Herbert D. Gilbert
Caroline Blesser Hazel Schweickhard
William P. Sinden Veva Strowger
Joseph Biedenbach Tool
Alma Heckler
Peter M. Hoderlein Arthur G. Higbie Frank J. Unger
Laura Hoderlein Earl Roller Albert A. Merkel
Marie Hasenauer Leo G. Becker Theodore Drabinski
Beatrice Lord Bjarne H. Alstad Freida Brandstetter
John Dillon Albert G. Frank George M. DeWitt
Albert Briggs Richard Brion Tessie Kick


Foreign Shipping Tullio Marinetti

Donald J. McCuUoch Diomede lacobelli
Alexander Russell Clarence Roy Phineas lacobelli
Gary Burkholder Gabriele Canzano
Office Walter Hinds
Bertha Schmitt
Paul Balling Fred Roesser
Florence Rosch
John E. Wilson Salvatore Vivitello


Not such a celebration at that! Fifty-flve
little Election of Cameko offi'>ers for the year 1922
people is quite a big crowd when they all get togetner resulted in the choice of:
and clatter spoons and forks and knives and plates President James B. Wright
to say nothing of tongues! Vice-President Ray W. Waldron
The Brownie and Junior Departments of Kodak Secretary Albert J. Weltzer
Assembling recently made a regular banqueting The incoming officers are hereby congratulated
hall of Building "l, where a very tempting spread of and the Club is more than pleased with the results
good things to eat decked the benches, in lieu of of the election. The new directorate has already
the usual piles of cameras. laid out a program, which gives promise of one of

The two Marguerites ^Matthews and ^Nluir the most interesting vears since the formation of
displayed their culinary talents, and ^liss Crarer the Club.
supplied the china and tableware. We haven't
yet learned what Frank Reynolds or "Charlie" James Shaffer, who oversees the workings of the
Rogers supplied, except of coiu"se, their graceful Milling Department, has passed the word along
presence, but, the party was a big hit with the boys that Harry Briggs is the best tool-crib man in his
and girls who attended. department. By the May, we remember now that
Harry is the only man in the Milling tool-crib;
The girls in the Bellows Department were not so, the cigars are on us.
really surprised to notice a diamond sparkling on
the third finger of Belle Ribner's hand, especially James Noble, Superintendent of the Bellows
since Belle had so eagerly looked forward to a Department, has been dangerously ill for some
special visit from a special friend. They are now weeks, suffering from typhoid fever and neuremia.
hoping to hear further news, and promise to cele- Mr. Noble is a very popular man, and everyone
brate the coming event with all due ceremony. wishes him a speedy recovery.


No, this is not a picture of John Lohwatcr's The group is a family gatliering of the most
family, allhough we must say that John looks proud ardent poultry fanciers of the Breeders Association
enough to be tlic father of tlic merry bunch. How- of the C. W. R. C. Owing to our depleted personnel
ever, he simply happened to be the photographer, the poultry group was suspended for this season,
and, with the aid of a Kodak Self-timer, he was able but the boys are just as enthusiastic as ever, and
to occupy the prominent position he has in the we hope next year to have a regular show of our
picture. own.


This tabulation shows something with which
all Camera Works employees are no doubt familiar,
having seen the originals since January, 1921 1920—19^21
We thought, however, that it was worth while
making a permanent record of just how we stand, 1920 1921
and, to say that the standings of every department Safety and Sanitation 2
are remarkable, is putting it mildly. Every group, Salvage and Stores 2
as recorded on the board, has reduced its accidents, General Maintenance 10 3
and some by a considerable margin. When we Brass 28 3
see that in the year of 19-20 we had 86 accidents —
Stock Record Foreign Shipping 5
listed against our good name, this last record of Metal Finishing 5 3
23 is a revelation of what can be accomplished Crease and Cover
by whole-hearted co-operation. Woodworking — Photostat ... 10
Kodak Assembling 8
.Shutter, Brownie, and Printing . 7
Bellows, Leather Case, and
Our sympathy is expressed to Carrie Tornow, Cutting 2 1
who recently suffered the loss of her mother. Inspection 1
Engineering —Tool Room 4 3
Office — Dining Room 2 1

Frank Bisnett is a great believer in the point

Total 86 23
system. Formerly, Frank was a regular pedestrian
both morning and evening, but now he rides to work
in order to get on the job bright and early. Every
"point"' counts. Frank.
The picture we published under this

ANOTHER VICTIM OF CUPID heading was such a marked success that we intend
to present each month a photograph of some well-
Behold, ladies and gentlemen, Nellie Stark of the kno-mi person, with a short sketch of his or her
Covering Department, whose engagement to Wil- history with the company.


For this issue we ha^•e selected a charming sub-

ject inMary Baird. It is almost superfluous to
say much about Mar\', for everyone knows her to be
a popular girl, both in the capacity of a forewoman
and an operator. Most of us have known Mary
since the year nineteen hundred ten, when she
started to work in the Lacquer Department. Four
years afterwards she was appointed forewoman. In
this capacity she has displayed a faculty for se-
curing the respect and co-operation of all those
who work with her.

William McCoy of the Foreign Shipping Depart-
liam Saalwachter was recently announced. Our ment came to us with a very satisfied smile the other
best wishes to you, Nellie, and we're here to remark day. "^Miy so happy, "Bill'.'" we asked. "Bill"
that friend "Bill'' surely knows a good thing when coyly wTote the legend: '"Norman William McCoy
he sees it. age 3 days I" No wonder papa was smiling.


In an atmosphere of jazz music, fantastic colored Robert S. Guilford. It seemed that our General
hats and hoHday decorations, the foremen sat down Anastigmat Foreman was accused of violating the
to a turkey dinner on the evening of December 22. Eighteenth Amendment and, in spite of the expostu-
Red and green crepe, serpentine, and a regular lations of Mr. Higgins, Mr. Phillips and Mr.
Christmas tree gave the holiday note to their O'Neill, hewas led from the room. However, he
second annual Christmas party. re-entered unexpectedly and announced that the
The committees had planned to start things at a whole affair had been "put up" on him.

high pitch and to keep them there and they The committees were made up as follows: Finance,
succeeded. Between the courses, and while the Frank Fink, chairman; George Diehl, William
orchestra was not playing, Frank Newman led the Dean and James Bohan. Stimts and Entertainment:
singing of the old favorites, or the double quartette George Kosel, chairman; Frank Newman, James
warbled a plaintive ditty, or a trick cigar exploded Watts. Frank Quetchenback, Robert Meinhard,
under someone's nose. There was other excite- Eugene Easterly, William Roach, Howard Werner,
ment, too, as for instance, when Mr. O'Neill, who \Mlliam \'aeth and Joseph Engel. Decorations:
had been impressed at the last minute as toastmas- Enmiett Huntington, chairman; Jack Holley,
ter, produced some timely and interesting telegrams Henry Rearson. Herbert Groh and Charles
from Clinton N. Howard and the keeper of Eugene Zimmerman.
Easterly's farm.
To everyone's surprise Mr. O'Neill then
announced that he was only the temporary toast-
master, and that the remainder of the party would The Hawk-Eye Girls' Frolic will take the form
be conducted by Purchasing Agent Roach. of a Valentine party this year, to be heldon Febru-
Spencer Hord. editor of the Kodak Magazine, ary 15 in the plant diningroom, or thereabouts.
was the principal speaker, as he had been the year It takes a lot of space for a himdred girls to frohc
previous. He said that he had been promised dire properly, and the party of the fifteenth will proba-
punishment in the event that he said anything bly boil over into the corridors and every other
serious, and apparently the threat had its effect, bit of adjacent territory.
for the attitude of the audience indicated that The general committee consists of Elvira Ladwig,
he did not once approach the danger point. To Dorothy Morse, Marie Leimberger, Inez Prentice,
say the least, Mr. Hord upheld his reputation as a Lyda Ladwig, Lucy Tate, Clara Smith, Pauline
story teller; in fact, he added a few new laurels Leimberger and "Billy" Wilson. The program will
with some of his side-splitters. The foremen are probably include a stunt by each department, be-
anxious to have him know tliat they greatly appre- sides a new line of costumes, food, dancing, and
and his company for the evening.
ciate his talk general fun. The advantages of holding the frolic
After Mr. Hord came more selections by the at the plant are undoubted, and provided the girls
double quartette, which was composed of Louis supply the amoimt of "pep" usually shown at their
Richter, Sydney Clarke, Joseph Engel, John Vass, parties, this year's event should eclipse its two
Arthur Rapp. William Eyer. Robert Meinhard, predecessors.
and Frank Fink, the leader. The orchestra also
put in some hard work to aid in settling the "turk" SHOOT!
comfortably. Then "Bill" Eyer was called upon
for some of his readings, and absolutely outdid
Another new Hawk-Eye sport was inaugurated
on the day before Christmas, when a party of men
sallied forth to the Flower City Gun Club's traps
Toastmaster Roach now devoted himself to to test their prowess with the double-barreled
distributing presents to the foremen, calling upon
kickers. As there was only one day left to do the
each recipient for some sort of acknowledgment. Christmas shopping, the attendance at the shoot
This brought forth a diversity of musical and narra- was not large, but the excellence of some of the
tive talent such as had never before been displayed
shooting made up for the small numbers.
within our walls. There were stories galore. Then Fred .\lbers won first place, as well as the extra
Frank Newman sang and "Bill" recited again — special Monroe county turkey. "Bill" Klos and
and then there were more stories. Julius Pehta were tied at only one bird less than
The recital was not yet over when a two-hundred- Fred's score. "Bill" won the deciding toss, while
pound policeman, accompanied by an internal Julius contented himself with a duck. "Duke"
revenue thrust his head inside the door to
officer, Quetchenback and "Doc" Craib put up a hard fight
announce that he had a warrant for the arrest of for third, Craib winning a chicken after a toss-up.
months without an accident and still going!
Six dents in the last half of 1920, all small to be sure,
That Hawk-Eye's record and it is something to
is but who wants even a small one.^
shoot at. We should stop long enough to shake Lets keep up the good work begun last July.
hands around. The record is yours.
all Congratu- Let's keep on cultivating the habit of doing things
lations aredue each individual Hawk-Eyete. We the safe way because you cannot afford the loss
have reason to be proud and thankful that we work that goes with an accident. We are furnished with
in a shop that can pull together and put over a guards and goggles. Let's use them. The com-
stunt like that. pany takes every reasonable precaution for our
Six months without an accident and
still going I protection. We are not playing fair if we do not
Perhaps does not mean much to you, stated in
it use the guards.
those words. If not, let us look over the last half
of 19'-20 and see what we missed in 19'-21. One A Perfect Record for 1921
girlreceived "severe contusion to back of right hand But, while we
are passing around the congratula-
with slight laceration near wrist." She lost $65.37 tions, letno one miss the Brass Department. One
in wages. Somebody was saved the pain and wage whole year without an accident. Give 'em credit I

loss of a similar accident in lO'Jl. Were you that And the Press Department's work is probably the
somebody.^ The next UHO accident was in the most hazardous in the plant. Mr. Haus and his
case of a man who injured his knee. It caused crew simply pulled together in a way that was
untold suffering and cost .sl^O.OO in good hard bound to produce results. Month by month, they
money. Did you miss that by being careful in built up their year's record and every man did his
1921 Next was a young lady who fell from a
part. It is playing the game that way that counts.
bench and hurt her knee. It cost her $2'2.15 in lost They have shown us in the past that it can be done
wages. That was followed closely by a serious and now they are out to show us that they can keep
accident in which a man dropped a can of emery, up the good work. One fine thing about this safety
breaking a bone in his foot. His wage loss was businessis the fact that in the rivalry and competi-
$•206.13. Perhaps that was the one you missed, tion between departments, the losers can cheer
because we did not have an accident during the last mighty hard for tlie winners. There is no question
six months of 1921. There were tliree more acci- but that we are expressing the sentiment of all


— (Seated): Christian Haus, Foreman; Charles Bauer, John
Left to Right William McDonald, Paul Gears.
FirstRow— (Standing): Paul Zawadski, John Weissend, Henry Freitag, George Kramer, .lohn Judd, "Sam" Gosnell.
Second Row — (Standing): George Ansell, William Schlegel, Frank King. Cornelius Van Lare, Perlin, Albert Crawford.

Although the Kodak Basketball League has been may have been just as well in the case of the League
decently laid to rest, Coach Roach's team doesn't to leave the decision up in the air, since the schedule
seem to be through by any means. "Bill" and was not completed.
Captain Johnson feel that Hawk-Eye had just about "Bill" Roach simply chortles when someone
hit its stride at the turn of the year, and they calls his team a gallery of antiques. Why should he
are anxious to keep alive a sport that has always worry about his old men so long as they can be
been popular in the plant. If they have their called upon at any time to pull a game out of the
way, the Purple and Gold will continue to flash fire.* Hawk-Eye lost its only game, the second one
on the court, and a number of interesting games with Kodak Park by a score that was decisive
may be expected. enough at the end, but which required an extra
Hawk-Eye was, of course, tied with Kodak Park period. Outside of that game, the sailing was
for first place in the League at the time of the circuit's fairly smooth, albeit the Camera Works nearly
demise. ^Miile a tie is usually unsatisfactory, it tripped us up in the last League game.


The Pitch Button Department and some of its The Cleaning and Inspecting Department was
friends held a New Year's party on January 4. first in line for the December holiday festivities, its
Tina Drummond, Alice Gears, and Ivy Nipe Christmas party being celebrated on December 21
prepared an excellent supper and in general acted in the girls' dining room. Supper was served at six
as the committee, which means that they did the o'clock, and it was of a quality and profuseness that
work. "Billy" Wilson, of the Industrial Relations would be hard to duplicate.
Department, was a guest and also officiated at the
piano. "Syd" Leggatt hovered about in the guise Mr. Newman opened the after-dinner entertain-
of official "while-you-wait" photographer, and also ment with a series of original songs, accompanied
unwittingly supplied one of the main features of by Lyda Ladwig at the piano. Then came a

the evening the grab bag. It seems that while recitation by Daisy Shoemaker, and a piano solo by
Loretta Welch. Anna Enders with a vocal solo
"Syd" was busy developing their group picture,
the girls appropriated his focusing cloth and tied held up her end of the program. Margaret Duske's
it into various knots to suit their purpose. "Syd" contribution was a series of impersonations por-
is .said to have displayed admirable restraint in
traying "Friday Afternoon at School." Pauline
commenting upon it. The "grabbing" came to a Leimberger completed the program with a vocal
very sad end when Alice Gears' bottle of toilet selection. To close the evening the girls sang popu-
water was dropped on the concrete floor. The lar songs and danced.

rest of the party took place in a super-perfumed The party was the first of its kind undertaken by
atmosphere. the girls of the department in some time, and its
Louise Mehne and her sister, Delia Sanger, outcome was worthy of all the planning and work
contributed a pleasing dance to the entertainment. bestowed upon its preparation.
Mrs. Welch was, as usual, kept busy telling fortimes.
^Margaret Duske acted as chairman for the whole
In the meantime the piano was being overworked
affair,assisted by Loretta Welch, Anna Enders,
by some of the girls, and when the regular program Loretta Ereth, Helen Sullivan, Lyda Ladwig, Mil-
had been completed everybody joined in singing and
dred Zachnian, Deltha Campbell, Mrs. Owens,
dancing for the balance of the evening.
MavTue Buckley, Elvira Ladwig and Pauline Leim-
Hilda Specht, of the Payroll Department, has
announced her engagement to Harold Murphy.
We offer our congratulations to Mr. Mm-phy and Among the Christmas gifts in the Cleaning and
our best wishes to both.
Inspecting Department was a diamond received by
Lillian Karweick from Charles Deissenger. We
Esther Meyers has finally confided to us that she extend our best wishes.
is engaged to be married to '"Jack" Slagenhauf.
We wish Esther and "Jack" the best of luck. As for
the Drafting Department, where Esther works,
it is now ready to go into mourning at any time.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Crossett of Holley,
New York, announce the engagement of their
IXGLEBY-SCHERER daughter Eileen, to oiu" o^mi Frederick E. Altman,
of the Scientific Department. Congratulations,
Elmore A. Ingleby, our famous athlete from the
Cost Department, and Florence Scherer were mar-
ried on December 31. We don't know how it
was for the lady, but it was all very sudden for us.
This was probably due to the fact that "Ing" tried We are sorry to report the death of Mrs. M. A.
to "beat" the income tax collector by squeezing Mackay, which occurred on January 10. Mrs.
the event into the old year. However, there was Mackay was the Mother of William Mackaj% of
time for his multitudinous friends to remember the Wood Finishing Department, and the grand-
him with a gift, which he has asked us to acknowl- mother of Vera Mackay, to each of whom we extend
edge for him. our sincere sympathy.
F O I M E R-


On January G, after several weeks of inacti\-ity, A new committee has been appointed by the
bowling was resumed by members of the Folmer- management to look after Folmer-Century sugges-
Century League. That the rest did not dim their tions during the year 192'-2. The members of this
enthusiasm is manifested by the exceptionally good committee are Frank Moniot, Joseph G. Reiss, and
scores rolled since that time. John Gordon, Jr.
The Compacts, under the leadership of veteran
"Jim" Kirvan, have repeatedly fought off deter- We extend to Henry Wohrlein, of the Wood
mined opposition and to date, have absolutely Department, our sincere s\-mpathy on the death of
refused to be dislodged from their place. his son on January 3.
Several new records have been hung up during
the past month, including new high game for a Here's a hearty welcome to the following em-
team, and new high three games for a team. Stereo ployees who have been transferred to us from
managed to captiu-e both honors with score* of Premo: John Knight, Joseph Huber, Carl Schultz,
881 and 2450. John Young, Fred Fisher, and George Klinger.
Won Lost Pct.
Compact 14 7 . 667 SjTiipathy is extended to Alexander Ryan, of
Stereo 13 8 . 619 the Metal Department, on the death of his mother,
Graflex 9 12 .429 and to Carl T. Young of the Tool Department,
Auto, Jr 6 15 . 286 whose wife died on January 10.

.John Gordon. Jr., chairman, Joseph G. Reiss, accuracy. It is felt that, as a result of such. co-
George T. Roche, J. Elmer Roland, and Sam Pola- operation, various problems which arise from time
koff, secretary, comprise Folmer-Centiu-y's newly- to time, can be met and disposed of in the proper
appointed Co-ordinating Advisory Committee, manner.
The duties of this committee, as its name implies. Meetings of the committee are set for the first
will be to co-ordinate the work of different depart- Monday in each month, or may be called more
ment heads with a view to promoting efficiency and frequently, should the occasion arise.


Left to Right —Standing: Sam Polakoff, .1. Elmer Roland.
Seated: Joseph G. Reiss, John Gordon, Jr., George T. Roche.


Some dinner! signed nearly 300 chemists, who, In the absence of Dr. H. T. Clarke, chairman of
with wives and friends, made the largest number the Rochester section, Mr. O. I. Chorman, vice-
which the Rochester section of the American chairman, took charge of the meeting. Mr.
Chemical Society had ever entertained outside of Chorman called for a rising vote of appreciation for
that never-to-be-forgotten snring meeting. Dr. Smith's address. A wave of people rising, and a
To have tlie president of the largest scientific surge of prolonged plaudits attested the popularity
society in the world speak before a section twice of the evening's speaker.
in the same year is a noteworthy record. Dr. A good old-fashioned "Paul Jones," directed by
Edgar E. Smith, who has again been elected presi- Mr. Banker, broke up what little formality there
dent of the American Chemical Society, admitted
was, and paved the way for two hours of waltzes,
that he liad begim to feel at home, when speaking
fox trots, and one-steps to the soothing strains of
before the Rochester section. Dr. Smith was
introduced by Dr. Rush Rhees, president of the George Willis's orchestra.
University of Rochester. Perhans it was because Dean and Mrs. WTiipple, of the new medical
of the long friendship between these two great college, and J. H. Haste, manager of Kodak Park,
educators that Dr. Rhees showed such warmth in were among those present.
his introduction. At any rate, the applause that
The efforts of Arthur E. Williams, working with
greeted the "Father of American Chemists" was
proof positive of his great popularity.
E. M. Billings, secretary of the Rochester section,
Although Dr. Smith spoke on the topic of "Some in arranging the details, are greatly appreciated.
of Our Early American Organic Chemists," he so A vote of thanks was given Fred Grastorf and his
spiced the topic with bits from his own personal loyal corps of assistants for their efficient manage-
experience, and humorous situations that the subject ment the gustative portion of the evening's
became vivid to his least technical listener. entertainment.


Truly, there nothing which creates that perfect
is literally sweeping some people off their feet, includ-
spirit of good fellowship like a real dinner, well ing Susan.
cooked and well served, such as was enjoyed by over "Jim" Hart and "Art" Williams as "The Two
550 Kodak Park foremen, their wives and friends on Tramps" made a well balanced vaudeville team
the occasion of the Third Annual Ladies' Party and dispensed many clever jokes in connection with
given on Thursday evening, January 12, in the happenings and individuals familiar to all. The
Recreation Building. The dinner was excellent, dancing of Clara Luce, which completed the
and a word of congratulation to Fred Grastorf is entertainment program, was of a finished character
surely not amiss. During the meal "Sam" Parry, and hugely enjoyed. The last hour was devoted
leading the singing, inserted much "pep" in the to dancing, the program consisting of several
gathering, while Taylor's orchestra entertained "old fashioned" numbers.
withmany fine selections. The splendid support given the Committee by
The party then adjourned to the Assembly Hall, the members of the organization is appreciated.
where the entertainment was given. First of all This annual event is one of the biggest things on the
the "movies" of the Cobourg boat trip held last Club's program, and every effort is expended to live
August, were shown, following which the Rochester up to the reputation established in the past.
Operatic Quartet rendered several selections. The Committee in charge consisted of Thomas
The Foremen's Club "None-Such" Minstrels, Frost, chairman, Charles Schlansker, Arthur T.
featuring Charles Schlansker as interlocutor and ("Jerry") Welles, Robert A. Weber, James A. Hart,
James Hart and "Art" Williams as end men, came and George Gray, assisted by the officers of the
next, making the usual "hit." Solos were sung by Club.
James A. Hart, "Ben" McMillan, "Art" Williams,
Ralph J. Smith, George Englehardt and a special The girls of the Black Paper Department heartily
number by George Frank and the Octette. The enjoyed a noon-hour banquet held on December 23.
absence of Ferre MarzlufI was keenly felt and The table was decorated with Santa Claus place
regretted. The novelty fox trot by "Jim" Hart cards and a basket of sweetheart roses for a center
and Susan LaDine came as a complete surprise. piece, the latter being a Christmas donation.


We take this opportunity to announce the Good use is being made of the Kodak Park Assem-
appointment of R. C. Hands as Safety Engineer of bly Hall during the winter months. Realizing that
the Kodak Park Works. Mr. Hands assumed some form of recreation is essential to the welfare
the duties of this position on the first of the year. of those emi)loyees who live at a distance from the
"Captain" Hands, as he is generally known, has plant, the advantages of the mammoth Kodak Park
been employed at Kodak Park since August, 1919, hall are being applied in numerous ways.
The Monday noon Volley Ball League is creating
much interest, as is the noon hour dancing. Occa-
sionally, there is a speaker or entertainer, as on
Tuesday, January 3, when Jess Pugh, the cele-
brated Redpath humorist, visited the works. There
is something doing every noon, ^"hy not come
up.^ You'll enjoy it.


William Blowers, of the Reel Manufacturing
Department, began work with the Eastman Kodak
Company on February 3, 1897. He was put to
work blanking out spool ends, which were then
made of brass. At that time, it required the
combined efforts of himself and four other operators
to blank and perfect a spool end. Twenty-five
years ago these five operators could complete about
forty thousand ends per day, while today "Bill"
alone, with the aid of modern machines, will blank
and complete many times that number.
Mr. Blowers can boast of the proud and enviable
record of never having been tardy in all of his
quarter of a century's service.
n. < . H.\XDS

coming here upon his release from military

service. Hea member of the Frank L. ("Ace"j

Guillod Post of the American Legion, and holds a

reserve commission as Captain of Engineers in the
U. S. Army.
In taking over this new work. Mr Hands will be
under the general supervision of \. A. Ruttan,
and will have the benefit of the latter's knowledge
and experience as president of the Rochester
Safety Council. An intensive campaign will be
launched along this line, and the co-operation and
help of the employees are earnestly solicited and
expected. This work is primarily for the benefit
of the employees, with a view to reducing hazards
of all kind, and bringing the conditions under
which we work as near to the ideal as ])ossible.
You can become a factor in the success of this move-
ment by starting the new year with a resolution
to be a little more careful in your daily work, and
by reporting to the Safety Engineer or to your
departmental safety committee, any condition
which you consider dangerous.


The Kodak Park Octette, under the direction of
George W. Engclharflt. contributed to the success
of the meeting held under tlic auspices of the ^'. M.
C. A. and the Federation of Men's Riblc Classes
in the Lyceum Theater on Sunday, Jantiary 8.
Their singing was greatly enjo>ed, and Erwin E.
Shutt, chairman, in thanking them, complimented WIIJ.IAM HIJ)\\K1{>
the Kodak Park organization on its ability to
maintain such an excellent singing club. are We So here's to you, "Bill. '
for at least twenty-five
proiul of our men. not only for their talent and power more years of the of stuff, and the best
same kind
of acliievement, but also for their willingness to help wishes of your fellow workers and of our department
along in anything of a worthy nature. head — J. S. Harmon.


MORG.\N THISTLE HAS HIGH AVERAGE Harold Servise, the crack little Kodak Park
The consistent bowling of the Ponies during the bowler, employed in the Yard Office, was married
past four weeks has enabled them to retain their on Saturdav, December 17, to Jean Fancher of
rather uncertain hold on first place in the K. P. the Pav Roll Record Office.
A. A. Bowling League. So close is the race, how-

We extend our deepest sympathy to C. F. Wadt.

of the Emulsion Coating Department, in the loss
of his father on December 29.

Edward W. Dotterer, who, for the past thirteen
years, had been a faithful emploj^ee of the Kodak
Park Works, died on Wednesday, December 14.
after a brief illness. He was connected with the
Sheet Metal Department as Assistant Foreman,
in charge of estimating and planning. Mr. Dot-
terer spent three years at Kodak Heights, Toronto,
having charge of the sheet metal work during the
construction of the new plant. His many frietids at
Kodak Park and elsewhere will feel his loss very
Assisting at the funeral as honorary bearers were
Frank Hall, Irwin Stewart, Albert Shepler, Oscar
Anderson, James Savage and Albert Smith. The
active bearers were Matthew Johnson, Edward
Doyle, Thomas Gaylord, Linden Steelsmith, Ed-
ward O'Brien, and Carl Holt. The Sheet Metal
Department was closed Friday afternoon, and the
employees attended the services in a body.

Secretary, K. P. A. A. Bowling League

ever, that a slump in two or three matches would

mean a decided change, with almost any one of the
first five teams coming out on top. The final
outcome is by no means settled, and, with several
weeks still to go, it would not be wise to prophesy.
A new high mark for three games has been estalj-
lished by the Film team, they having bunched
scores of 1007, 918, and 947 for a total of 2,872,
which will not be easy to pass. In the mdividual
standings. Thistle, of the Film, leads with an
average of 192 for 34 games. Servise of the Head-
lights, is second with 189 for 36 games, and Goebel
and Manhold, Blue Ribbons, next with 186 and 185
respectively. Hart, of the Ponies, is fifth with 183.
First place in the Yard League is being earnestly
battled for by the Steel Shed and the Yard teams.
Nip and tuck, two outfits are struggling, with
first one, then the other showing a slight advantage.
All of this, of course, increases the interest and
stimulates spirit in the contests.
In the Kodee League, of Building 29, the Panchros
hold a comfortable lead with the Positives in second
place. Bowling is enjoying a most popular season
at Kodak Park and affords recreation to more than EEWARD W. DOTTERER
one hundred employees.
Mr. Dotterer was a member of the Loyal Order of
W^e are glad to Melcome Martha Maxwell back Moose, and also of the Kodak Park Foremen's
to the Black Paper Department, after a two months Club. He leaves his mother, two sisters, and a
sick leave. brother, besides a host of friends at Kodak Park.


decidedly novel attraction was staged by "Art" ST.\NDIXG OF TE.AJIS
Williams and Marguerite Ellis on Friday noon, Won Lost Pet.
December 23, in the Kodak Park Assembly Hall. Research 4 1 .800
It was called the K. P. A. A. Christmas Party, Soccer Club 4 1 .800
and came as a complete surprise. "Chief" Ruck- Office 4 1 .200
holdt, the "emergency" man of Kodak Park, was Department 50 1 4 .200
called into service and went through the dining .\t the end of the second week of January, two
halls inviting the people to attend. Between ties existed in the K. P. A. A. Departmental
eight and nine hundred employees assembled in Basketball League, the Research and Soccer Club
the hall, which was decorated for the occasion. being at a deadlock for the lead, and the Office and
Department 50 in a similar situation over the cellar
The program included selections by the K. P'
A. A. Male Octette, recitations by little Edith
The game played on January 9, in which the
Mae Hooker, three-year-old daughter of Samuel
Soccer Club defeated the "Scientists," w'as a "nip
Hooker, an employee of the Kodak Park dining
and tuck" affair throughout, the 'football players
hall, and dancing, music being furnished by the
finally winning by the score of 20 to 18. This was
Association orchestra under the direction of Fred
the first defeat for the Research team since the
opening of the season. Department 50 boys, now
"Art" Williams, on behalf of the officers and that they have broken into the win column by
directors of the Association, extended the season's defeating the Office, may be expected to go farther,
greetings to the members. as their outfit is a first-rate one.


Now that tile Kodak Ba.sketball League has been reasonably successful in stacking up against
endedlits season, the Kodak Park team, through these fast outfits.
its manager, George Neal, is arranging and play-
This year's plan of an inter-plant league was
ing a number of independent games, mostly with
out-of-town teams. So far, dates have been
quite successful. No one could question the ex-
booked with Pittsford, Canandaigua, Buffalo istence of rivalry between the different plants,
Lincolns, Nunda, Syracuse, and a two-day trip to and the determination of each team to "cop"
include Corning and Elmira. Some of these games the championship. Kodak Park showed itself
have already been played, and, while the Park equal to the best, with Hawk-Eye as the most
team is not as strong as in former years, it has dangerous contender.


Left to Right — Standing: George Neal, niaiiagir; Charles Thompson, "Hob" Heaney, Garth Rockcastle, .\rthiir Williams.
Seated: Harold Stephenson, Wilbur Goebel, Kauton Wedel, Charles Brightman, Henry McCarthy, "Jack" Bright-
man, captain.


Left to Right —
Standing: James Canavan, John Simms, Thomas Clegg, Albert Norton, Arthur Creighton, "Chris" Kelly, Ralph
Breary, president.
Second Row: Leigh Rife, secretary, Cecil Frearson, David Allardice, William McKnight, Edwin AUardice, manager.
Seated: William Mears, "Jack" Brightman, Kenneth Foster, "Sam" McKinley, Alfred Fratter.

About eighty people, members of the Kodak extent, and, witli tlie lO'^l team intact, great things
Park Soccer Chili, with their wives and friends, were are expected next season. The change recently made
guests of President Ralph Breary and his brother, in the playing rules, wliereby the schedule will
Harry Breary, at a banquet held at the Oriental than the spring as heretofore,
start in the fall rather
will assuredly prove more satisfactory. Postpone-
ments and ties will then be played off during the late
r spring and summer rather than in mid-winter.
The Kodak Park people are behind the team, and
mean to do everything in their power to help the
players win.
The annual election of officers for 1922 was held
on Wednesday, December 28, and the following
were chosen: president. Ralph Breary; vice-
president, John Ackroyd: .secretary. Leigh Rife;
manager, Edward Allardice, treasurer, Percy Gunn:
financial secretary, Harry Lee; trainer. "Doc'
"DOC" YATES, TRAINER Yates; assistant trainer, James Walker; selection
committee, William Rollo and Albert Harper.
Restaurant, on Thursday evenino-. January 19.
Dinner was served at 8 p. m., following which
remarks were heard from a niunber of the members.
The girls of the Finished Film Office were the
A variety vaudeville entertainment was given, all guests of Louise Hagele at a dinner given at her
by talent selected from the organization. The
home on December 22. During the evening games
remainder of the evening was devoted to dancing.
were played and demonstrations of "talent"
The record of the Kodak Park team during the
offered by several of those present.
past fall series was remarkable in many ways.
After losing several good men in the spring-, the
team was reorganized and went through the fall
schedule without a defeat \mtil the final play-off of Somebody was asking the other day if Bill Jones
the tie to determine the League championship, when owns his own home or rents it.
our boj's lost in a most unsatisfactory contest played 'Rents it," was the emphatic reply.
under the possible conditions. However, the "How do you know ?
spirit of the Club has not been dampened to any "He strikes matches on the paint."



Speaking of good times, we will have to go a long These numbers may be classed as amateur talent,
way to find anything to surpass the Community but they were mighty good, and the Film Depart-
Night entertainment given by the K. P. A. A. for ment has every reason to be proud. Three profes-
sional acts followed, which also made a big hit.
the employees of the Finished Film Department on
Friday evening, January G. By the way, this

Then there was the "movie" "The Fly Cop" —
Community Night idea is a corking good stunt. a real comedy, which gave everyone a lot of laughs,
The odds are all in favor of the member. You and "cinched" the show.
don't Jiave to buy any tickets; each member is About two minutes were needed to clear the chairs
presented with one good for himself or herself, from the floor, and then the dancing began, while
and wife, "luibby," sweetheart, or one of the kids. on the second floor Five Himdred and Pedro were
Then, you saunter down to the Assembly Hall, played by those who wished.

and are shown to a seat first come, first served. Much of the credit for the success of this enter-
You look around and see "Mamie" and her "beau," tainment belongs to Florence Doescher, for the able
"Jennie" and her girl chum, "Joe" and his mother, and thorough manner in which she, through an
and everyone else from your department, and you eSicient organization in the Film Department,
have such an "at home" feeling. created interest among the employees, which was
One thousand persons were at the Finished Film responsible for the very satisfying attendance.
entertainment. The first number on the program
was a dance by little Eleanor Ford, sister of Anna All in all it was "some" party, and the other
Ford of the Spooling Department. John Leckinger, departments are now clamoring for "their night."
of the Sheet Film, sang popular songs, and Clara "Art" Williams has promised that there will be a
Luce, of the Rewinding Department, assisted by party for everyone, but we can assure you he will
Thomas Julian, demonstrated a novelty fox trot. have a hard time to surpass "Film Night."


No doubt you have noticed the changes recently —
Machinists Matthew Johnson, Lewis Barnes,
made in the Assembly Hall —
the erection of the Charles Vogler, Frank Curtis, John Herring, William
mammoth stage at the west end with footlights, McKenna, Glenn Searl, Henry Diedrick.
drop curtain and everything else found in a regular —
Sheet Metal Workers Frank Hall, Simon Ford,
theater, the new motion picture screen, re-location of Carl Holt, Joseph Giroux, David Richardson,
the basketball court and motion picture booth, Edward J. Kohler.
re-arrangement of lights, painting, etc., and won- —
Yard Fred Wagner, James Love, John Darling,
dered how it all came about. William Ross, Edward Hetzke, Fred Druselman,
Archer Bathrick, Ward Bathrick, Alfred Caswell,
The need of a stage has long been realized, but,
due to the cost of construction, it had never been William Slv, Michael McGrath, John W. Grinnan.
undertaken. Upon the appointment of "Art"
Williams as manager of Recreational and Athletic PARK CLUBS ALL ACTRT
Activities, A. Lee MacFarland, long recognized as The members of the Kodak Park Fur and Feather
one of the hardest workers of the Association, was Club have expressed themselves as entirely satisfied
called into consultation, with the result that it was with the IQ'il Exhibit, not only in respect to the
put over, together with all the other improvements. interest taken by those who belong, but also with
"Mac" is the one who did it^ along with a crowd the attitude of the public, the attendance this year
of E. & AL workers. The work was done on the being greater than at any previous show. The
men's own time, evenings and Saturday afternoons, usual activities and meetings of the club are being
without any financial compensation whatsoever. carried on with the view of preparing for even
It is this spirit wliicli will develop the Association greater things next fall.
to the high ])lane to which we aspire. This one The success of the first exhibit of the Kodak Park
thing, the giving by a few members of their time Hobby Club held in December, has encouraged the
and good will, for the good of their friends, is a noble members to continued effort. Aleetings are held
gift, and our appreciation cannot be measiu-ed in every Wednesday noon in the K. P. A. A. Office,
words. and considerable trading is being carried on in
Following are the names of those to whom we are stamps, coins and curios. Persons wishing to join
indebted: are invited to send their names to Howard Carey,

E. & M. Department A. Lee MacFarland. Building 34; Paid M. Lansjc, Building 33\ or to the

Carpenters John W. Royle, Alatthew Bowie, K. P A. A. Office.
John T. Doyle. Robert Higham, Charles Ilawelka, Members of the Kodak Park Camera Club are
Martin Walsh. preparing for the annual election of officers for I9ii.

Electricians ILirold E. Vosburg. William Doane, and j)erfecting plans for the activities contemplated
Clinton C. Smalley. Joseph H. Vincent, James during the remainder of the winter.
Crilly, John Manhold.
Steel Erectors —
James E. Ward, Frank F. Wol- The employees of the Film Spooling Department
cott, Eugene DeBerger, John L. Fecteau, Joseph mourn the loss of Madeline Meinweisser, who died
Minella. on December "2-2. ALadeline had lieen employed
Painters — Charles Mildahn, Charles Klehamer, at Kodak Park about three years and was very well
Ross O'Rorke. liked bv evervone.

N. A. VAN DE CARR, Edilor


Kris Kringle Visits Billers With the Order Girls
Old Santa Clans paid a prejnature visit to Kodak Another recent party was that of the Order
Office on December 21, when thirty girls of the Department engineered by Elsie Berg, Lois Green-
Billing Department held a Christmas party on the wood, Theresa Hergenrother, and Marion Lawn.
third floor. The guest of the evening (not excepting, Jessie Wilkinson acted as toastmistress and cheer-
of course, his highness, St. Nick), was Mrs. Charles leader and introduced Miss Williams as the depart-
Locke, a former member of the department, who ment guest. Music and dancing concluded the
favored during the evening with several enjoyable evening, with an interpretative dance by Harriet
solos. Supper was served at 6 :.'30 and the remainder Dank and Florence Wright.
of the evening was spent in dancing, games, and
the distribution of gifts by Santa Claus. The
committee consisting of "Winifred Flynn, Grace
Hallifax and Louise McLaughlin, wishes to express The messengers of the Mail Department were
its appreciation to Walker Fielding for his assistance happy at the holiday time, being generously remem-
in making the party a success. bered throughout the building. The Mail Depart-
ment took pleasure in furthering this happiness by
To the Captain from the Crew presenting each one of them with a sum of money.
One of the Christmas gifts received by "Bill"
Shewman, of the Service Department, was a heavy
pair of gloves for use when driving his balky
Chevrolet. The gloves were presented by members Santa Claus came to the Testing and Packing
of his "crew" — the bunch lie has been taking home Department on Christmas eve and left a diamond
every night in his car. The gift to "Skipper Bill" scarf pin for Mr. Durfee, with the good wishes of
was intended as a mark of the "crew's" appreciation the Department.
of his kindness. Incidentally "Bill's" craft has
never .seen the slightest signs of mutiny.
The Testing and Packing Department was made
Merriment in Mail Department
the happy by Christmas messages of good cheer from
Twenty-one members of the Mail Department our old friends, Camilla Skinner Klinenburger.
feastern division), congregated the Girls'
in Lois Manly Haines, Belle White, who is now
Rest Room on a recent Thursday evening for one recovering her health, and Vertrip Flynn.
of the prettiest parties of the season. A chicken
supper was served with Millie Gommenginger,
Alpha Adsit and Mildred Hess acting as waitresses. A live-wire party was given at her home by
Candles, gay colored caps and favors and effective
Huyla Kaufman, of the Advertising Department.
table decorations gave the affair a festive spirit.
"Bill" Mead, in person, together with "Al" Stillson
.\fter supper a grab bag created much laughter and
and "Sam" Marcus, furnished music for the evening.
enthusiasm. Games and dancing concluded the
evening's program.

Also the Stocli Department On Saturday noon, the day before Christmas,
The Stock Department had a holiday
Office girls the members of the Mail Department (western
dinner party in the Rest Room, Wednesday even- division) celebrated the holiday with a Grab Bag.
ing,December 21. Judging from tlie merriment which the contents
Each girl received a gift and the Christmas of the bag occasioned, the affair was a festive one.
atmosphere was genuine.

A File Department Party CUBA BOUND

Ruth Neison was the guest of honor at a pretty Jose D. Aponte left New York on the steamship
luncheon given in the Girls' Rest Room by members "Siboney," sailing January 7th, for Cuba. ISIr.
of the File Department. The party was a birthday Aponte is scheduled to travel through the West
surprise and a Christmas celebration all in one, and India Islands and Colombia, and will be gone at
needless to say the Christmas tree was not lacking. east five months.


When the firsthalf of the Kochik Office Men's final standing of teams
Bowling League came to an end on Thursday even- First Half
ing, December i'-Z, Jack Schoenwitz's Domestic Season 1921-22
Shipping pinners were so far out in front that none
Won Lost Pet Pins Ave.
of the rest of the field was even in hailing distance.
domestic Shipping 32 1 969 27,566 835-11
Consequently the twelve captains, gathered m
. . .

3^^.^.^^^ ....24 9 .727 26,028 778-24

meeting with President Norm terns and becre- 732-18
Advertising 23 10 .696 24,174
tary Scoop Cooley, decided to split the 1921-22 20 .606 23,612 71517
^ ^
season mto two sections. The second half of the 545
g^j^^ jg j. ^,5 g^- 765
season was inaugurated with the games rolled on o. ,
545 ''3 462 710-32
18 15
January 5 and will be concluded after another 20 :393 23:237 704-5
industrial Relations 13
eleven weeks bowling. I at the end of tiia ime,
Accounting 12 21 .363 24,058
c . 1 .1 i i una
some other one ot tie twelve contenders sha I be in
t T^ f
first place that team will roll off against Domestic

/"^ ^
„ •
n 00
00 nao
bhipping for the League title. It the bchoenwitz .272 653-27
Maintenance 9 24 21,576
crew repeats, no such roU-ott will be necessary.
a 1 .1 .•
J 1- » •

Several ot the second division teams have been

11 t?

hngravmg "
„ •
8 a-
individual averages
.245: aa naa
22,098 669-2

decidedly strengthened since October and the

second half of the season gives promise of a closer ^^^ Leaders Q^Q^gg Ave.
race and a keener competition. Ferris Sales 21 184
The Maintenance Department now boasts of a Eggert Domestic Shipping. . . .33 177
new captain in the person of Frank Dunlavey, Knapp Domestic Shipping .... 33 175
while "Bill" Brennan now heads up the "League La Duke Service 27 175
of Nations" five, which represents the Engraving Van Duser Service 28 170
Department. "Jack" Gunderson has recently trans- Strowger Sales 30 167
ferred his allegiance to the Industrial Relations Collins Domestic Shipping .... 24 166
Department quintette. Final records of the teams Beikirch Bookkeeping 30 161
for the first half of the season and the averages of Kron Accounting 33 160
the individual leaders are shown below. Geisman Service 29 160

"HOOT, MON!" :maix office menagerie

Captain John Webber, of the 8th Regiment,
Canadian BufiFs, and the Advertising Department, At last the powers that be have gotten on to
Eastman Kodak Company, spent Christmas week "Bill" Mead's monkeyshiYies —
they have put a cage
in Toronto, where the officers' mess of the old around him, but "Bill" refuses to hang up the sign
Regiment had its reunion, and where "Johnnie"
the Advertising Department gave him, which read:
says Scotch is still spoken without a bootlegger's
accent. "Do not feed the animal."


Principals in cast of "College Days," the musical comedy to be presented by the Kodak Office Glee Club.
Left to Right — Seated: Helena Foley, Carl Mattern, Frederick H. Huher, (pianist) "Dave" Evans (director) Adelaide Dark.
Standing: "Ken" Williams, Arthur Bartholomew, Marie Mattern, Frank Foskett, "Jack" Roberts.
SOCIETY MEETING The Kodak Office girls basketball team started
Four speakers appeared on the program of the offthe season right by travelling out to Fairport
last monthly meetmg of the Kodak Progress Society, and trimming the Perinton girls 3 to 0. The Kodak
on the evening of January 11. First on tlie list girls put up a good brand of basketball and can be
was Edward Curtis, whose talk covered the routine counted upon to put additional games on the right
of the Order Department. He was followed by side of the ledger before spring.
Howard Wilcox, who gave a detailed description of "Millie" Lambert, the stalwart forward of the
the work of the Billing Department. The system Office team, was the individual luminary of the
used in our Credit Department was then explained contest, registering all of the three points that were
by Edward Junker. The concluding number on made. The rest of the players were Captain Clara
the program, given by John Gordier, bore the title: Efford, Isa belle Koch, Ida Clark, and Ruth Sullivan.
"The Duties of a Bookkeeper."
The membership was raised to thirty-six by the
admission of George ("Doc"'j Rockwell and Clarence VISITORS TO KODAK OFFICE
Beckwith. During the last month we have had with us Mr.
A list of questions covering auditing and account- J. J. Rouse of Kodak Australasia, Melbourne,
ing subjects and prepared by C. J. Van Niel, C. H. Australia, and Dr. O. L. Harries of Kodak Societe
Vayo and Edward Junker was distributed to the Anonyme Francaise, Paris, France. Mr. Rouse
members present at this meeting. The answers has promised us an article on his branch of the
submitted to this list of questions will form the Kodak family. We are looking forward to this
basis of an open discussion at the February meeting, opportunity of getting acquainted with some of
at which the speakers will be Herbert Rayten and our foreign houses and representatives.
Herman Bakker. The subject for that evening
will be "The Accounting of the Eastman Kodak
Isaac Verdouw, of the Repair Department, has
Company." been confined to his home on accoimt of illness.

Our sj-mpathy is extended to Ida Hartness, of The Stock Department wishes Florence Kesel a
the Service Department, on the loss of her brother. speedy recovery, and sincerely hopes that she will be
back at work again within a short time.
We are glad to welcome Alice Attridge, of the "Smiling" Ethel Bauer, of the Finishing Depart-
Finishing Department, who is with us again after a ment, is back with us again after several months'
long absence. absence due to illness.

D. E. Delgado, Manager of the Ex-port Depart- Loretta Angele, of the Bookkeeping Department,
ment, is leaving this month for a trip to Mexico. is rapidly recovering from a slight attack of diph-
theria, which has kept her at home for nearly three
H. F. Hoefle has left on his annual trip. He
expects to be in every state in the union before his
Ruth Kriner, formerly of the Parcel Post Depart-
ment, has been transferred to the Stenographic
Charles F. Farrell,of the Export Department, who
was operated on about Christmas time for appendi- "Charley" Alpert, of the Bookkeeping Depart-
citis, is convalescing in Xorth Carolina. We hope ment, is the proud father of a nine-pound boy.
to welcome Mr. Farrell back ^•e^^• soon. Congratulations, "Charley."

"How I Made Mack Sennett Famous " —featuring "Wild Will" Strobe! of the Advertising Department.
The new addict of "flivverism" is here shown demonstrating how he ran out of gas in front of the Empire
State Express.


Apicked team of bowlers from the Kodak Office
Girls' League opened their outside season on January
18 at Genesee Hall rolling the crack five of the
Yawman and Erbe Company, who have been burn-
ing up the alleys in the L A. R. A. I^eague and inde-
Judging from the numerous notes in the adjoining
pendently for three seasons.
columns, Santa Claus put in a busy Christmas
As was to be expected in the face of such opposi- season around Kodak Office and not the least
tion our girls lost out by a considerable margin. important part of the activities was the sprinkling
They however acquitted themselves very creditably, of a generous supply of diamond rings to (and fromj
especially when the fact is considered that they were some of our fellow workers. As a consequence we
rolling on strange alleys. are able to announce the following engagements.
The Y. andE. girls did some remarkable pinning, Gladys Hanse, of the Sales Department, to
especially in the first game when they totalled 806, Treighton Wheaton of Rochester.
a score which many a men's team fails to equal.
Flora Weiss, of the Sales Department, to Vincent
Miss Davis with scores of 178 and 168 and Mrs. O'Connor of Rochester.
Steele with 167 and 177 were the leading lights for
In the Tabulating Department we have the
the file makers, while Florence Wright with marks
engagement Dorothy Steele to Raymond Johnson.
of 136 and 157 set the pace for our team.
The Advertising Department announces the
\^ Miss Davis accounted for four successive strikes
engagement of Albert Stillsonand Madeline Lensing.
in the firstgame, while both she and Mrs. Steele had
a pair of doubles in the second. Anna Dre.xel, of the Receiving Department, is
engaged to Harry J. Spring of New York City.
Millie Gommenginger finished up strong with a
triple to make her second game score 154. Helen McMannis, of the same department, to
Thomas F. Connolly of Geneva, N. Y.
SCORES Two more of our fellow workers whose engage-

Beits 120
12 Office

92 Davis
and E.

178 168
ment has recently been announced are Norman
McMillen, of the Stock House Auditing Depart-
ment, and Margaret Jack, of the Stenographic
Shoemaker .... 115 120 Schaeffer. . . 151 132 Department.
Wright 136 157 Collins 144 147 The engagement of Lois Greenwood, of the Order
Potts 139 104 Zeller 166 119 Department, to John O'Keefe, is also on the list.
Gommenginger. 96 154 Steele 167 177
Moving to the Stock Department we learn of the
engagement of Rena Bradley to Donald Reach of
606 806 743
this city.
As Magazine went to press, the
this issue of the
girls of the Kodak Office team were eagerly prepar-
ing for their second alley contest which was sched- HOWT-HAYES
uled with the Camera Works girls for Tuesday
Marion Howe, formerly employed at Kodak
evening, January 31, at the Genesee. The Camera
Office, was married on Mondaj', January 2, to
girls in their two seasons of bowling have developed
Frank Hayes, of the Camera Works, at the Cathe-
some nifty pinners, and it was apparent that oiu*
dral Chapel.
lassies had a sizable task on their hands in their
attempt to subdue their over-the-bridge rivals.
The Office line-up for this second match showed HLRLEY-KOHLMAN
the same girls who bowled against Y. & E., while
Loretta Jones, of the Tabulating Department,
Camera Works was to be represented by Margaret recently gave a dinner party at the Odenbach,
Murphy, Laura Musson, Delia Meerdink, Bertha followed by a theater party in honor of Odella
Schmidt, and Florence Waterstratt.
Hurley, who was married to George Kohlman of
the Rochester Police Department, Thursday,
Januarv 6.

The enthusiasm of the girls of the Kodak Office NEW ARRIVALS
Bowling League't let up for a single instant; The Finishing Dejjartment congratulates Mr.
in fact, the rivalry between the teams is keener
and Mrs. C. W. Robinson on the birth of a son,
than ever as the margin lietween them narrows. Charles Web.ster, Jr.
The Service Department, which has been in the
lead for .some time, is now only one game ahead of
the Sales, who, in turn, are only the same distance Those who worked with Ruth Voss, formerly of
ahead of the Finishing. the Billing Department, will be glad to learn that
The Order Department, while in fifth position, is she is the mother of a liaby boy, born on December
still This team recently burst
to be reckoned with. 17.
into fame's corridor by amassing the highest team
total for a single game, while Florence Wright of
this team holds the individual record of 166, the A cat has nine lives anil can afford to lose one of
honors formerly held by Millie Gommenginger of them — but a man cannot afford to take a cat for
the Mail Department, with a mark of 161. an example.


".4 short life, and a merry one".

AFTER six weeks of high calibre but the emergency injection of "Wib"
basketball, two extra-period
with Woodams into the Roach line-up saved
contests, and Hve games decided by three them from defeat.
points or less, the Kodak
Basketball The games of December 21 provided
League came to a sudden and untimely the fans with their second extra-period
end at mid-season, when, on Friday, struggle in as many weeks, when Kodak
January 13, the Executive Committee, Park and Hawk-Eye ended the regular
because of rapidly-dwindling attendance, playing session deadlocked at twelve-all.
decided to cancel the balance of the Li the extra period the Parkers, displaying
schedule. Whether the fact that the their strongest line-up, with "Tommy"
meeting was held on Friday, the 13th, Thompson at the pivot, and Heaney in
had anything to do with the demise of at guard, rushed through the Hawk
the court circuit is, liowever. problemat- defense for a "20 to 13 decision. On the
ical. When the attendance reached the same evening, Kodak Office "copped"
low figure of fifty-two for the double- the most one-sided game of the season,
header of January 11, the officers of turning back their State Street neighbors,
the League decided it was high time to the Camera Workers, 32 to 7.
call a halt on an activity which apj^ealed After a week's holiday lay-off, Kodak
to so few of the members of the organi- Office on January 4, crowded Hawk-Eye
zation, lest the League, by continuing, from start to finish, and was nosed out
should go even deeper in the hole. ISIost by only three points in a 20 to 17 score.
of the teams in the League are planning Captain Johnson of Hawk-Eye, with five
to keep on playing as independent organ- field baskets, was the big noise of this
izations, and there will doubtless be game. Camera Works, showing a decid-
plenty of Kodak basketball for the few ed improvement in form, held the Park
who want it. even until late in the contest in the second
The wind-up of the season found Kodak game of the evening, Init the Ridge outfit
Park and Hawk-Eye in a tie for first finished with 19 points to the State
place, with Kodak Office and Camera Streeters' 12.
Works trailing in the order named. The The last night of the .season provided
luckless Camera Workers showed im- the best basketball of the year, and the
provement in every start, but were never fifty-two paid admissioners who braved
quite able to nose out their opponents, the snowstorm of January 11 saw two
although, in the final game played they games, each decided by a single point.
had Coach Roach of the Hawk-Eyes In the opener, Kodak Park kept a slight
rainbow-hued with fright, and nothing lead on the Office team throughout tlie

battle, and finishednp 1.5 to 14, althongh responsible for all but two of the seventeen
"Jolninie" Marcello, with an excellent points.
floor game and "Toddy" Diehl, with The final scoring records indicate tliat
gilt-edge foul-shooting,hard to fought Hawk-Eye had the best point-garnering
overcome the handicaji imposed on the machine, while Kodak Park produced
Office team by the absence of Captain the strongest defense. Kodak Office,
McNeil. A rejuvenated Camera Works despite its lowly position at the finish,
quintette, built around "Pud" Duggan, ran up a total score greater than the
threw the scare of the season into the totals of its opponents, solely because of
Hawk-Eye forces in the final encounter, its one lop-sided victorv over Camera

and it was a surprised bunch of Hawks, Works.

indeed, who found themselves at half We are sorry, indeed, to see this new
time on the short end of a 12-6 tally. activity vanish from our midst, especially
Frantically, Coach Roach sigiialledto in view of the high class of basketball
"Wib" Woodams, reposing peacefully and the red hot competition which has
in civilian clothes on the side-lines; marked every game, and trust that
witlieager haste he dropped the veteran another winter will see new heights of
into a uniform and rushed him into the interest in this strenuous winter sport.
fray witli but ten minutes left to play.
That bit of strategy enabled the lens- KODAK CUBS FLING COURT
makers to end up in a tie with Kodak
Park for the leadership, for said Woodams GOMES now the announcement of a
new arrival in court circles, the
"steved" and "steved again." Often,
Kodak Cubs, a team in the hundred-
he missed, but in his short ten minutes
pound class. This quintette includes on
he caged three badly-needed baskets.
Alexander Schewe, Ralph Cotl-

The last of these a regular Frank
its roster
Lawrence Weiss, and Robert Mc-

Merriweather came with but ten sec-
Kague from Camera Works, and Oscar
onds to play, and the Camera Works
Grundler from Kodak Office.
quint leading by a single point. At
The Cubs have the use of the Brick
this juncture, Woodams took the ball
Church Institute Court on Friday nights
in mid-court and sifted it through with- from 5:30 to 7:00, and would like to hear
out touching the rim to give Hawk-Eye from other teams in their class. Organi-
its slim margin of victory. Final score, zations wishing to accept this defy should
18 to 17. For Camera Works, Duggan communicate with Alexander Schewe,
was the life of the party, being personally manager, at Camera Works.


DESPITE holiday layoffs the bowlers which remains undisturbed. Neva Potts
of the various Kodak leagues man- holds the new high single game with 172,
aged to establish several new high records while the Tabulating Department carries
during the four weeks ending January off the honors for high game and high
17th, some of which are extremely two games, with marks of 591 and 1,098.
creditable to the organizations in question. In the Camera Girls League, Delia
The Film Bowlers of the K. P. A. A. Meerdink holds a record of 495 for high
League recently rung in a three-game three games, while the Juniors have
total of !2,87''2 to start off the new year recorded the high team game of 7'-2'-2 and
right and established a mark as yet high three games with 2, 166, marks of
unequalled in any of the other Kodak which many a men's team might well be
circuits. proud. As the Magazine went to press,
It has remained, however, for the girl much interest attached to the proposed
bowlers to eclipse their former marks match between the five high girls of this
all down the line. In the Kodak Office League and a team of men from the Elm
Girls' League, Millie Gommenginger's League, arranged by Leo Nowack, who
two-game record of '•296 is the only one manages the Camera girls.


YOU see here the Office
finishedsecond in the K. P. A. A.
team which Canadian Leagues.
Of the players shown in this picture,
League in the summer of 1908. What a Schell, Bartlett, Manhold, Gardner, and
good training school this Leagiie proved Wolf are still employed at Kodak Park,
can be judged from the fact that two while another member of the team,
of its products are now working in the Roland, now works at Folmer-Century.

major leagues George Mogridge with Our bowling fans, too, will be interested
the Washington Americans and Ray Gor- to notice that the Sutton in the picture
dinier with the Brooklyn Nationals. is none other than the famous Larry,

"Ned" Bartlett of this same Office team whose alley prowess has twice brought
has also disported in the Southern and national honors to Rochester.


Left to Right, Standing: Schell, 3 b.: Bartlett, p.; Sutton, utility; Folts, manager; Roland, 1 b.; Manhold, p.; Sentiff,
Seated: Boylan, c. f.; Crittenden, 1. f.; Gardner, captain and c; Chamberlain, 2 b.; Wolf, r. f.
. .. ..




Won Lost Pct.

Ha\\k-p:ye 5 1 .833
Kodak Park .5 1 .833
Kodak Office ^2 4 .333
Camera Works 6 .000


Kodak Park 13 Hawk-Eye 1(5 Hawk-Eye 16 Kodak Park. .

Kodak Park 18 Camera Works. .11 Hawk-Eye 1.5 Kodak Office. .

Kodak Park l(i Kodak Office 13 Hawk-P]ye io Camera AAorks.

Kodak Park "20 Hawk-Eye 13 Hawk-Eve 13 Kodak Park . . .

Kodak Park 19 Camera Works. .1'2 . Hawk-Eye "20 Kodak Office . .

Kodak Park 15 Kodak Office 14 Hawk-Eve 18 Camera Works.

Kodak Park 101 ()l)I)()iieiits 79 Hawk-Eye 10? ()])p<)nents 86


Kodak Office 9 Camera Works. Camera Works. .8 . Kodak Office 9
Kodak Office 9 Hawk-Eye Camera Works. 11
. . Kodak Park 18
Kodak Office 13 Kodak Park . . Camera Works. .10 Hawk-Eye '2.5

Kodak Office 3-2 Camera Works. Camera Works. .7 . Koflak Office 3'2

Kodak Office 17 Hawk-Eve Camera Works . .

1"2 Kodak Park 19
Kodak Office 14 Kodak Park. . Camera AVorks . 17 Hawk-Eye 18

Kodak Office 94 OT)p()nents 81 Camera Works . .(i.5 Opponents 131

AS OF JANUARY 10, 1922

No. of No. of
Employees Members
Kodak Park 5,712
Camera Works 1,1 '20
Hawk-Eye Works 394
Premo Works 60
Folmer-Centiiry Works . . 277
Kodak Office..' 1,17-t


New York Branch 90

Chicago Branch 118
San Francisco Branch ... 62
Taprell,Loomis & Co. ... 172
American Aristotype Co. 28
Sweet, Wallach & Co 72
Northwestern Photo
Supply Co 26
Robey -French Co 51
O. RPeckCo 33
Robert Dempster Co. ... 20
Glenn Photo Stock Co. . . 24
Des !Moines Photo
Materials Co 18
John Ha worth Co 56
Zimmerman Brothers
(Duluth) 8
Rowland & Dewey Co. . 56
Milwaukee Photo
Materials Co 20
Salesmen and
Demonstrators 119

Total 9,710 5,740 59 .

1% 44.102

Average Subscription 7.6 shares.
Total Matured or Par Value—$4,410,200.00.
^^^ KODA K

March 1922
Published in the interests of the men and
women of the Kodak organisation. ju'.jx.
JAXFARY. 1!)'2'>

I he fellow zvho makes
a big catch offish never
walks home through the
Robey -French Company, Boston, Massachusetts
John Haworth Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Sweet, AVallach & Company, Chicago, Illinois

iSee -page "'

VhQ cMa^ajiriQ

Vol. II MARCH, 1922 No. 10


THE efficient
graphic goods,
distribution of
both apparatus and
photo- In the United States today we own
and operate eighteen retail stock- houses.
sensitized products, presents a variety of These stores, as will be noted by the
problems. following list, are located so as to cover
This at once becomes evident when all sections of the country and so facilitate

one stops to consider the ever-widening distribution to our customers.

field for the goods we produce, and the
increasing frequency of unusual demands Robey-French Company, Boston, Mass.
John Ha worth Company, Philadelphia, Pa.
upon the professional and scientific
Glenn Photo Stock Company, Atlanta, Ga.
Standard Photo Supply Company, New Orleans,
With us the word "Service" is not an La.
empty one, and affording it in fullest Sweet, Wallach & Company, Chicago, 111.

measure has had much to do with the Sweet, Wallach & Company, Davenport, Iowa.

success we today enjoy. Milwaukee Photo Materials Company, Milwau-

kee, Wis.
Business success depends to a very O. H. Peck Company, Minneapolis, Minn.
large extent on the ability to look ahead, Zimmerman Brothers, St. Paul, Minn.
and so to be prepared to meet all newer Zimmerman Brothers, Duluth, Minn.
and greater demands. The establishment Zinamerman Brothers, Sioux City, Iowa.
of branch houses in New York, Cliicago Robert Dempster Company, Omaha, Xeb.
(two stores).
and San Francisco solved the problem
Lincoln Photo Supply Company, Lincoln, Neb.
of service and distribution to the dealer,
Denver Photo Materials Company, Denver, Col.
but there was still a weak link between Northwestern Photo Supplv Company, Seattle,
us and the consumer. Wash.
The great majority of dealers handling Des Moines Photo Materials Company, Des
Moines, Iowa.
our amateur products, handle also a Howland & Dewev Companv, Los Angeles,
number of other lines, and the dealers in Cal.
our professional products were, and are,
located only in the larger cities. The largest of these stores in point of
Years ago it became evident that but volume of business is Sweet, Wallach &
few dealers were in position to handle a Company, Chicago; this is the largest retail

complete line of our products, and so photographic supply house in the United
afford the measure of ser\dce necessary to States, if not in the world, and its stock
meet all demands, particularly those of of photographic lenses alone represents a
the professional photographer. greater amount than the entire capital of

The obvious solution of this problem

many a good-sized store.
was the placing in operation of supply All of these stores carry a complete
houses of our own where adequate capital line of both amateur and professional
and trained men could meet the demands goods, and have well equipped depart-
and give the necessary service. ments for amateur finishing.


Holland &, De«e.v Company, Los Angeles,


See page .?


Very frequently the professional pho- out of the ordinary.

tographer has some special order which Owing to the limited amount of space
calls for apparatus, or paper, or plates at our disposal we are unable to show
of a grade or size not often needed; so you pictures of all of our stock-houses,
our stores carry stocks large enough to but on pages 2, 4, and 11 we offer a repre-
meet promptly any such emergencies. sentative group of their interiors.
It is obvious that to serve the trade sat- Most of our stores have fine exteriors
isfactorily, the managers and salesmen in with modern display windows. We regret
these stores must be of a high order and that space does not permit our showing
understand the technical j^art of the you these as well.
business thoroughly. That this is so is If by chance you should at any time
best evidenced by the fact that they happen to be in the vicinity of one of
seldom have to refer any technical our stores, go in and make yourseK
problem to Rochester for solution, unless known, and rest assured of a hearty
it concerns something verv new or much welcome.



room is papered in brown and the other

The Kodak Magazine one in blue.
Published monthly in the interests of men and women of You see the landlords w^ouldn't re-paper
the Kodak organization. the dining rooms; so the only way Mrs.
Tupper and ^Vlrs. Smith could get what
they wanted and get even with the land-
Glenn C. Mobbow Associate Editors
C.Edward Coolet
lords at the same time, was by moving.

XoHMAN A. Van De Carr Assistant Editor Both landlords have raised the rent.
Main Office An automobile salesman and a life
Robert A. Weber Assistant Editor
insurance agent called on Tom Hope
Kodak Park Works the other evening. They were both
such good talkers that finally Tom said
Herbert S. Thorpe Assistant Editor
he'd have to flip a coin to see which one
Camera Works
got the business. If the coin stood on
Clarence H. Harper Assistant Editor
edge, he'd take the insurance.
Folmer-Century Works
Spring is coming!
P. R. Meinhard Assistant Editor

Hawk-Eye Works
IFhea man isn't worth more than he earns,
isn't worth what he gets.
Address all communications to Editor, Kodak Magazine.
Main Office, Eastman Kodak Co , Rochester, N. Y. ^Yhoever employs you is in business to
make money; to show a profit on what
is produced.
SPRING is coming! Four employees The employer has to take the risk
have been seen looking over seed cata- and the responsibility.
all If any part
logues, and a neighbor dropped in last of his organization proves inefficient, he
evening to ascertain if ])y any chance we has to stand the loss.
had the spade he had loaned to some one Because the employer takes all the risk,
last fall. We hated to give it up because he is entitled to a profit on everything

it came in handy for digging ashes from that enters into the making of what he
the furnace. produces. In fact, he must make this
The robin has been reported from
first profit to stay in business and so continue
several parts of town; robins
diflFerent to provide jobs for those who are efficient.
are great optimists they make up their— In almost any job it takes the new man
minds that sunshiny days are on the way a week, a month or sometimes a year to
and care not a whit for an incidental snow become worth what he is paid; mean-

flurry. Maybe we could all take a lesson while the employer stands the loss.
from the robin. If the man finally becomes worth what
The dressmaker says she can come for he is paid, but no more, how is the em-
four days next week and Mother has ployer going to make up the loss sustained
already moved the sewing machine into during the period when the man was
our den; now we know what an eviction being paid more than he was worth".'
feels like. Every man must be worth more than
Mother says she not clean house will he gets to provide a margin of safety
until after she is through with the dress- both for him.self and his employer.
maker; so there are still a few drops of If a man's .services are worth no more

balm left in Gilead. than what is paid for them, then he is a

The Tuppers next door are going to loss —there no dead center.

move over into Tom Smith's house in When you knoiv that you are worth
the next block, and Tom is going to more than you are being paid, you are on
move into the Tupper's house; both the right track. You have become an
houses are the same size, only one dining- asset instead of a liability.

the January issue of ''The American continues: "But if you can possibly avoid
IXMagazine" there appears a highly it,don't go to a personal friend and ask
interesting article by S. W. Straus, the him to loan you the money as a favor.
head of the largest dealers in real estate Unfortunate mortgage transactions be-
mortgage bonds in the United States. tween 'friends' speckle real estate history.
The title of the article is: "What You And, if a 'friend' is forced to foreclose,
Should Know About Lending antl Borrow- he usually carries the title of the village
ing ^loney on ^lortgages."' 'Shylock,' while if the local banker takes
The lending j)art of the story \\ ill not the same step, it is looked on merely as
concern most of us so much, but those of 'business.'
you who may have a bit of idle money "Take along an attorney to help
seeking investment can read it witli you draw up the papers. His fee will be
profit. small compared to the services he may
All mortgage loans undertaken by our be able to render you.
Eastman Savings and Loan Association "You should include in the mortgage
provide for the payment of a certain agreement a provision to liquidate fpay)
amount of the principal, as well as the some fraction of the principal each year.
interest, each year; that this is of decided In addition to the dangers I have pointed
benefit to all parties to the transaction is out, failure to amortize your obligation
made clear by ^Ir. Straus. "If you makes you the perpetrator of a piece of
specify mortgage agreement that
in a frozen credit; neither you nor the lender
the person who borrows the money from has the use of the money.
you reduce the principal sum by a
shall "The 'own your own home' ambition
small percentage each year, you are pretty is a source of mortgage crops.
well protected against an unforeseen This desire highly laudable, but it
depreciation in the value of the property. often leads folks to seize more than they
This reduction of the principal sum is can swing.
technically known as amortization. The "If you are planning to take over a
word comes from the French 'mort,'
new home, and cover most of its purchase
meaning death, and the verb therefore
price with a mortgage, be sure that the
literally means to put a mortgage to
amount you have been paying or can —
death. Amortization
not only a safe-

guard to the investor, but protects the

reasonably pay for rent is not less than
10 per cent, of the cost of the house.
borrower himself against Muforeseen l)ad
"For example, if you can pay only
.^75. 00a month, or SOOO.OO a year for
Concerning the l)()rr()wer Mr. Straus
rent, do not buy a home that will cost
offersthe following cautionary advice:
over $9,000.00.
"In the first ])lace be sure to deal with
some one whom you know to be thor- "Experience has proved that this
oughly reliable. Perhaps your local l>ank precaution must be observed if you are
is your best point of contact, or if there
comfortably to take care of the mortgage
is and loan association within
a building interest, taxes, water bills, repairs and
reaching distance, you may be in equally many other more or less fixed charges.

safe hands." (It might be pointed out "Indeed, this percentage allows too
here that very few borrowers possess the narrow a margin of safety if you make
advantages we have, in having our oicn the highly important arrangement to
associations with which to deal for both reduce the principal of your mortgage
first and second mortgages.) Mr. Straus loan annuallv."
AFTER an interval of seven years Mr. Rouse is now in England and
Mr. J. J. Rouse, Managing Director from there will proceed to Australia.
in charge of Sales, of Kodak Australasia, We wish him a pleasant voyage and hope
Ltd., recently paid us another visit. that he will not allow so long a time to
elapse before his next visit to us.


WHILE the Investigator was

a Camera Works patient ^who had
been injured in the course of his duties
it was discovered that the man was un-

aware of the fact that the company

physicians attend an employee, in case
of accident at work, in the plant, in the
hospital, or at the patient's home.

This phase of the Workmen's Compen-

sation Act of New York State is empha-
sized in the following paragraph of the
official Code Book:
"The employer shall promptly pro-
vide for an injured employee such
medical, surgical, or other attendance
or treatment, nurse and hospital
service, medicine, crutches and ap-
J.J. ROUSE paratus as the nature of the injury
may require."
Mr. Rouse is of a highly genial type
but somewhat difficult to interview as The company maintains a full and
regards himself and things in Australia, efficient medical take care of all
staff to
injuries, accidents, and sickness caused or
because he is so full of the way we do
things here in Rochester. contracted by duties performed while at
He was much impressed with the music- work. There is no need to call a private
al talent in evidence at Kodak Park and physician under these circumstances, and
the general get-together spirit of the em- the injured person, in so doing, contracts
ployees in recreational lines. a personal debt, for which the company is
Our associations, the Kodak Em- in no way responsible.
ployees Association, and the Eastman Such temporary ailments as indigestion,
Savings and Loan Association, have his headaches, colds, etc., are not, of course,

highest endorsement, and it is his hope affected by this ruling. The Medical
that he can put similar organizations Department, however, will gladly give
into effect in Australia. advice and attempt to relieve you tem-
The factory of Kodak Australasia, porarily. In the event of the ailment
Ltd., is located at Kew, and embraces being prolonged or serious, our doctor will
a tract of one hundred and twenty acres, advise you to seek counsel with your
landscaped in a manner similar to Kodak family physician or a specialist. In other
Park. In an article to follow we intend words, the Medical Department ^apart —
to afford a more extended description of from accidents and occupational diseases,
this plant, and the Kodak organization is in the nature of a "clearing house," or

in Australia in general. an emergency hospital.




THE Kodak
annual meeting
of Employees Association
of tlie members had been well handled and were in a
very satisfactory condition.
(Incorporated) was held in the dining- The only new member of the Associa-
room of the Kodak Park Lunch Club on tion elected was M. K. Robinson, of
January 21, 1922. the Legal Department, Kodak Office.
Through the hospitality of the manage- The four directors, whose terms ex-
ment of Kodak Park, the members were pired, Messrs. Higgins, Rogers, Dorsey

served with a delightful luncheon prior and Havens, were re-elected for a term
to the meeting. During the luncheon a of three years.

very enjoyable program was rendered by Following the meeting of the members,
the Kodak Park orchestra. a meeting of the Board of Directors was
at which the following officers were
The following members were present: ^^f*^'
elected for the ensumg year:
Messrs. Ruttan, Robertson, Reid, Hig-
President -^George Eastman
gins, Dorsey, Irwin, Folmer, Sherman, -^^

• •

^ •

First Yce-President. S. Herbert Rogers

Rearson, Rogers, Haste, Havens, Gor-
^^^^^^ ^ ice-President Robert N Reid
ham, Turner and Haight. J^f

T , , f ^ir n 1 Treasurer J. L.Gorham

In the absence of Mr. Eastman, the
W. Turner
Assistant Treasurer P.
president. S.Herbert Rogers of the Camera
g^^.^^ j. g. Havens
Works, first vice-president, presided.
Assistant Secretary Harry S. Irwin
The usual routine business, including Directors Haste, Dorsey Robertson,
the reading of the minutes of the last ^^^^y Rogers were re-elected to form tlie
annual meeting, was transacted. Executive Committee for another year.
The treasurer's was also read
report It was decided that the treasurer be
and approved. showed that a sub-
It authorized to have a complete audit of
stantial return had been received upon the books of the Association made each
the investments made by the Association year until further instructed,
during the year, and in general it showed The meeting adjourned with a vote of
that the financial affairs of the Association thanks for the hospitality received.


THERE have been, antl undoubtedly the shares must be sold, the Industrial
continue to be, cases where
will Relations Department will undertake to
ex-employees who have had their shares sell the shares at the prevailing market
of the common stock under the Stock rate, witiiout any commission or other
Distribution Plan, transferred to thom, expense to the seller.
find it necessary to dispose of such
In this conneclion it lias come to our Please accept our apologies for an
attention that in a num])er of cases unfortunate error in the February issue.
shares have been transferred at a figure In announcing the plan for the retire-
materially below the prevailing market ment of employees on account of age or
price and with a sales commission charge disability, we stated "that the ])lan
added. sliall be retroactive to December 1. 1921."

We urge all oAvners to hold onto their riiis should have read "to December 1.

shares, if in any way possible, but when 1920."

COMPARATIVELY few people are in While the Eastman Savings and Loan
position to pay the full purchase Association, working in conjunction with
price in cashwhen buying a home. the Kodak Employees Association
usual procedure is to pay a certain (Incorporated), possesses particular ad-
per cent of the purchase price in cash, vantages for the financing of loans for
with the balance secured by first and Kodak employees, it should be distinctly
second mortgages on the property. understood that no employee should feel
In such cases it must be borne in himself in any way bound to finance the
mind that there are certain unavoidable purchase of his home through their
expenses, most of them prescribed by agency.
law, in connection with such transactions It is quite possible that there will be
which must be paid at the time the deal is times when the Eastman Savings and
closed. Loan Association will have all its available
Generally speaking these expenses will funds loaned out, and that in some cases
amount to about two per cent of the the borrower may be able to secure,
amount you intend to borrow and so, for him, more advantageous terms
before signing a sales contract, or other- elsewhere.
wise planning to close a deal, this amount
Our Associations are at your service
should be planned for in order to avoid
at the lowest possible cost,and on the
embarrassment or delay.
terms we have been able
fairest possible
These expenses vary according to the to devise, but this does not mean that
amount of the loan, the condition of the there are no other means available, and
title tothe property, the number of so if you contemplate purchasing a home
appraisals necessary (only one if the we urge you to investigate the various
house is already built), and the value of other methods as well.
the unexpired insurance at the time of
It will perhaps be well to make another
point clear and that is, that while the
To illustrate let us take the bill of services of the attorney for the Associa-
expense when Mr. Smith bought a house
tion are available to borrowers without
from Mr. Jones for $3,800.00. He paid
extra charge, they are at perfect liberty
$600.00 in cash, and borrowed $2,600.00
to have an attorney of their own selection
from the Eastman Savings and Loan
represent them in all transactions with
Association and $600.00 from the Kodak
the Association.
Employees Association. There were no
unusual conditions, and the expenses
were as follows:
Appraisal Fee $ 5 00.

Recording Deed .75 If you have any business necessitating

Recording First Mortgage 1 50
a conference with Mr. Jefferson, the

Recording Second Mortgage .... 1 25.

Tax First Mortgage ( 34 of 1 %) . . 13 00.

attorney for the Eastman Savings and
Tax Second Mortgage (3^ of 1%) 3 00.
Loan Association, it will be well to make
Revenue Stamps, First Mortgage
Bond (1-20 of 1%) 1.30 an appointment in advance.
Revenue Stamps, Second Mort- Mr. Jefferson's duties call him away
gage Bond (1-20 of 1%) .30
Re-date of Abstract of Title 1 50.
from his office frequently and this
Attorney's Fee 16.00 suggestion is made to save you a useless
Insurance ($3,000.00 Policy, IH trip or a lengthy wait for his return.
years to rim) 7.50
You can get in touch with his office by
Total $51.10 telephone. Stone 239.


O. H. I'cck Company, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Robert Dempster Company, Omaha, Nebraska
Zimmerman Brothers, St. Paul, Minnesota

See page S



It almost seems as if the boys of this plant PARTY
would do well to invest in shares of the Liederkranz
One Saturday last month the Wood Assembly
Hail, for it appears to be a favorite place for our
held^a* party at Groh's Bowling Academy.
activities. The "Hot Dog" Club of office men had a
regular time at a bowling party last month, the High scorers were) "Whitey" Grunst, "Pete"
competing teams being captained by Charles Ir- Hoderlein, and "Joe" Czarnowsky, each of whom
win, James Wright, William Stark and Norman spilled the wood for 208. "Joe" Beans rolled a
Robinson. close second with 207. Close enough, eh, "Joe"!
We noticed on the program a statement reading: "Bill" Kapelke was dressed up for the affair,
"Alfred Heggie will give an exhibition of fancy
wearing one of his five-thousand-mile collars.
bowling, providing a large enough audience is on
When it comes to rolling "Bill" sure shakes a

hand." "Al" was there so was the "large enough
wicked wrist. He also insists on rolling for the

audience" and the performer "pulled" his little
rest of the boys, for "Bill" is forever doing favors.
stunts to the admiration of the other bowlers.
"Billy" Lawrence, the office reporter, has summed Oh, yes! "Charlie" LaBelle was there, too. The
up the get-together in these words: "Good time, feature was the Melody Three, consisting of Leo
better food and the best in excitement." Saunders, "Charlie" LaBelle and "Bill" Sinden.

To say
that it was a "regular" smoker does not nounced, regrets were heard on all sides that we
half describe the affair that took place February couldn't have such a smoker every month.
15. Last year the Recreation Club added a feather Of course all the bouts were amateur, but we
to its cap with its "stag" party, and this recent are all sold on the idea of amateur sport, as are
entertainment must have added a whole new set of the officers of the Recreation Club.
feathers. In fact, to put it mildly, it was a "bird"! There is no question that every member of the
Board of Managers worked hard to make the even-
When four hundred red-blooded fellows get to- ing a success, and, as "Charlie" Rogers remarked,
gether for an evening's amusement, the program they intend to spend whatever money that is in
must of necessity be a good one. The hours went the treasury on such social gatherings as the enjoy-
alltoo rapidly, and when the final bout was an- able one we had on February 15.



For originality, we recommend the Detail and vealed "Bill" Zwemer. "Sam" Polakoff presented
Estimate Department. Each year the boys an oration on prohibition, entitled "Where Is Thy
arrange a stunt in honor of the birthday of their Sting.''" Oscar Thorpe recited exciting po'try,
Zimmer, and this season's entertain-
chief, "Bill" Frank O'Brien told sadHarold Brown
ment took the form of a revue. presented the "Battle of Premo," Leo Buck mysti-
fied the audience with hypnotism and conjuring,
and Russell Young posed in original and unique
"Billy" Seufert charged the atmosphere with
gay Parisian life by appearing in an exotic dance

Seuffert^ the

Will/e'^ "0)LL" ;^ WEMEIR.^ the:

"Bally'' Vamp ^NAK^ GHAR(V)ef^.
We wish space would permit a description of the entitled "The Bally Vamn." Everyone had a
actsand actors. We cannot refrain from touching chance to get in the spotlight when the announcer,
upon such items on the elaborate program as Harry Goddard, called "Amateur Night."
"Fatima," the embodiment of Oriental terpsichore, IVIr. Zimmer was the recipient of many tokens,
whose specialty was a snake dance. "Hal" Bald- and the boys wish to express their thanks to ]\Irs.
win was chained to the chair during this exhibition Zimmer for the splendid supper and her generous
of Egyptian high life. The veil, when lifted, re- hospitality.

Girls bowlers of the Camera Works have forged The Camera Girls are open for challenges from
to the front with a boimd by their remarkable any girls in the city, and would like particu-
display of pin-womanship in their first two match larlv to hear from some of the other Kodak branches.
games. On January ,31, our girls met the Kodak

Office five, and established a team average of 150 WELCOME PREMO

pergame per girl. Total pin scores: So many department reporters iiave sent items
Camera Works— 1505. Kodak Office— 1 18-1 regarding the newly "imported" Premo boys and
Our girls battled again on February 9 against girls, that we will extend one general welcome from

the Alderman-Fairchild team, and eclipsed their our Camera Works people to our new friends in the
previous record by averaging 157 each. Score: State Street ranks. AVe trust they will be even
more comfortable and happy here than in their

Murphy 191 150 Swan 148 153 Freida WolfT, of the Cover Department, was
Meerdink 1-12 129 Miller 115 182 married to Mr. Henry Ophardt of Hilton, last
Musson 112 18G DeWitt 137 166 month. We extend our hearty congratulations.
Waterstraat. 153 172 Smith 119 155
Schmitt 16G 167 Gardner 134 115 Our sincere sympathy is extended to Walter
May of the Stock Record Department, on the
764 804 653 771 recent death of his infant son.


On these nippy mornings after you reach the "The Rochester Gas and Electric Corporation
plant and get thawed out and settled down to work, supplies us with the greater part of the necessary
does it ever occur to you that it must be a regular steam," we were informed. "A small part is the

job for the furnace man whoever he is to furnish — exhaust from the Corporation's turbines, but our
us with the uniform heat we all enjoy? One supply is principally manufactured for us. I
Camera Worker recent Iv went on record to the should judge that the pipe-line is all of a cjuarter
of a mile long, and the pipe itself is fourteen inches
in diameter."
Wetried to picture what would happen to State
Street if the pijie became clogged, and the steam
forced its way out via the pavement. "How much
pressure is back of that steam?" was our next
Mr. Diegel admitted that that question was
"a hot one." "We could get that information
from Xumber 3 station," Charles said, "but you
can rest assured that it's some little pressure. Of
coiu-se, the pipe-line is larger at the power house
that it is at Camera Works, and, by the time the
steam reaches us, it is considerably reduced, both
in volume and in pressure. We need no driving
mechanism, however, to circulate the steam through
our radiators, in spite of the fact that it travels
from the Genesee Flats to our buildings. We
measure the amoimt of steam we use by the con-
densation; that is, as the steam turns to water
it flows through a meter back to the Gas and Electric
station. Have you any idea how much steam we
Confessing ignorance, we learned that three
million pounds of steam is an average figure during
the winter, for one month's consumption.
"Oh, yes," added "Charlie," wishing to give full
measure, "I almost forgot to add that we actually
use more than that. Our incinerator is hooked
CHARLES DIEGEL up with a seventy-five horsepower system for
Superintendent of Maintenance making steam, and our home-made product then
mingles with that from the station house."
effect that he'd hate to shovel all the necessary coal "Is any of this steam used for manufacturing
for a day's consumption. "Some job," our reporter purposes?" we then inquired.
readily acquiesced. "Yes," was the reply. ''This steam, and more
"Xo job at all!" just like it. We
have a six-inch high-pressure line,
Whereupon, turning, we found Charles Diegel. used in the dipping room and lacquer ovens, and
superintendentof Maintenance, with his usual also used in the kitchen, and on small engines and
jovial smile, who repeated: "Xo job at all." pumps in our engine room."
"Well," we replied, "surely the task of even "Well then, Charlie, does the steam system
supervising the automatic coal hoppers must be supply all of our buildings?"'
quite enough to keep a man on the jump every "Practically, yes, either by direct or indirect
minute, isn't it.^" steam."
And, right there and then, Mr. Diegel threw a Just then we heard the Auto-call bell chime three
bombshell into the reporter's idea of our heating times. Charles reached for the 'phone and said:
system when he said that not one ounce of coal is "I'll be right over." And, hanging up, he added:
Viurned in the Camera Works buildings, ^^^lat "Well. I guess that's about all the 'dope' I can tell
do you do, Charles," queried his caller, trying to you without going into mathematics. Glad to give
be facetious, "have heat delivered in containers you information any time you can catch me,"
like bottled gas?" and, with his well-known twenty-four-karat smile,
"Something on the same order," quietly responded "Charlie" was on his wav.
Mr. Diegel, "only, instead of the heat being deliv-
ered in containers, it is delivered through a pipe!"
Which led to his being informed that all the knowl-
edge he could give us about our heating system A taste for work, like fondness for olives, can be
would be appreciated b}' the thousands of readers acquired. There is no other such satisfaction in
of this Magazine, and Charles —
who would undoubt- life as the contemplation of one task that you
edly have blushed to the roots of liis hair, providing know you have done unusually well; its very

he had any -modestly promised to tell all he knew thoroughness carries your signature for all men to
about the subject in question. read. —
The Lamp.



Was the music, or the hall, decorated as it
it We have lost a familiar figure in the Camera
was, or the fact that it was \'aientine's night? —
Works David Hurlburt who died — recently at
Our guess is that it was all of them, together with his home in Trafalgar Street.
the merry bunch of Recreation Club girls and their
friends, which combined to make a very successful
dance, February 14.
Each girl member was given a complimentary
ticket, and those present no doubt had just as good
a time as the boys did at the smoker. Edith
Partridge, chairman, wishes to thank all the
willing helpers who made the dance such a
real event.
Ray Miles threw a liombshell into the ranks of
his single friends by joining the army of benedicts.
Ray is to be congratulated on his marriage to Edna
Seils, who was so popular in the Stock Recorfl
Department. By way of a "come-back"' Ray's
friends surprised him by welcoming him the follow-
ing morning with a gorgeously decorated desk, the
motif for which included ribbons, rolling pins, flat
irons, and old shoes. The Pay Roll Department
remembered Mr. and Mrs. Miles with a handsome

Ida McMahon, of the Brownie Machine and

Lacquer Departments, was the center of attraction
a few days ago, the occasion being a twenty-first DAVID HURLBURT
birthday. The girls who work with Ida had a lot
of fun in celebrating the occasion, and presented Mr. Hurlburt became associated with us about
her with various gifts. eight years ago, as a draftsman. He served as a
representative in the employees' group, where his
Earl Carson, formerly of the Kodak Assembling sound and reliable judgment of affairs was alwajs
Department, seems very contented in his new line sought.
of work in the Planning Office, and we wish him all His many friends offer their sincere sympathy
kinds of success. to his family.

COXGR ATULATIONS We are glad to see that Charles Wheat is with

This picture does not need verj- much explana- us again. Charles had a bad accident, being
tion, for we all know Ethel Reynolds, of the Brownie knocked over by an automobile. Fortunately, no
Covering Department, who made a charming bride bones were broken.

Fred Drury of the Wood Department is unfor-

tunately still on the sick list.

We congratulate John Keehn, of the Tool Room,

on the birth of a son, Robert John Keehn.

We are receiving so many charming portraits

of babies and older children that we wish we could
"sandbag" the editorial policy of omitting baby
pictures. On second thoughts, however, we are
convinced that our Magazine is really not half
large enough to publish all we have to talk about,
even without all the baby pictures which we would
like to rej)roduce. Perha])sone of these days we may
have a special "baby" number, in which case we
are sure that the Camera Works will win the prize
for quantity and quality.

We are glad to welcome Paul Balling, who has

completely recovered from an operation for

for John Rutan — bftkr known, lo liaM-liall fan.s, Edith Partridge, who is a faithful worker on
at least, as "Pinkie." Ellu-l and John were married the Board of Managers of the Recreation Club,
at Spencerport, and their many friends wish them had the misfortune to fall, suffering an injury to
health and happiness. her shoulder. We
all trust she will recover rapidly.
One most important duties of the Safety
of the Everyone in our machine departments knows
Department is inspecting power presses. In fact, George Perry. George is well qualified to pass
this is so important that an inspector is on the job judgment, for he is, among other things, an expert
every second tlie plant is operating. It may sur- tool maker, and we have no doubt that he could
priseyou to know that there are 2-27 presses in assemble a machine or set up a die as well as the
motion wjien the factory is working to full capacity. best of us. Back in the days of 1897 George made
A thorough daily inspection minimizes the hazard dies and tools for our earlier Kodak and Brownie
of unsafe machines. models, and, after gaining experience at other
shops, resumed his duties in the Tool Room in the
year 1913.
There is much
discussion among the debaters of
the Camera Worksas to whether George or the
mail-boy holds the record for the long distance
championship. Anyway, a moderate estimate for
George is fifteen miles a day,and it's a cinch he
doesn't need to spend his week-ends walking for
There are six principal rules for a "safe" power
press, the enforcement of which requires constant
1. Lock bolt and clutch parts.
2. The wheel must run freely.
3. No set screws must extend on running parts.
4. All nuts and bolts must be tight.
0. All safety devices and guards must be in per-
fect order.
6. The brake must be absolutely reliable and
immediate in action.
Should a press fail to pass rigid inspection, George
has authority to "tag" it with a "danger signal,"
and to take steps to see that the machine is repaired.
There is every incentive for operators to "play
safe" with presses, and we are proud to say that
every man working on a machine is a safety booster.
Of course, no one can teach a press not to take
chances, but George is the man who oversees their
GEORGE PERRY behavior.


We have received two very interesting letters Albert wishes to be remembered to his friends,
from old pals of ours, George Blackman and Albert and he, like George, asserts that there's no place
Justice. George, better known as "Shortie," like home. In two or three months he expects to
is enjoying the healthy benefits of that wonderful be back again in the " 'ole' home town."
spot in New York State known as Ray Brook.
He tells us that, even when the thermometer regis- "THERE'S MANY A SLIP
ters 32 degrees below zero the patients, clad in
"Charlie" Kivell has an undefeated bowling
lamb's wool overcoat and helmet, have their
hikes and outdoor games. George sent us a vest

quintette or rather, he thought he had, until he
and his aggregation went tumbling down in three
pocket picture of himself dressed somewhat like
straight games.
"Charlie" had his electrical
an Eskimo, and, judging from his healthy appear- "gang" working out their muscles every noon on
ance, we agree with him that the chances of his
the alleys, in order to display their pin-getting
coming to Rochester in the springtime are good. propensities before a "scratch" five, led by "Ed"
At all events, we sincerely hope so, and we all send Frank.
our best wishes for "Shortie's" speedy recovery.
The party was a joyous one, however, in spite of
Albert Justice sent a letter to Mr. Hayes about
the fact that "Charlie" had to award "Ed" the
six months ago from North Carolina, but a few
asbestos laurel wreath.
days ago we received a long epistle from Bartoro,
Florida, telling us of the wonders of that modern
Utopia. Albert says, "It seems like a dream to Frank O'Brien has again been elected chairman
read about zero weather up North. The orange of the Foremen's Group, and promises some big
and grape fruit season is at its height and, as far things for the coming year.
as the eye can see, there are golden harvests of
delicious fruit. The gardens are gay with roses, Nellie Stark has been transferred toMr. Geiger's
and the vegetable crops add their delight to the oSice. Her former department companions are
sea of colors." sorry to lose her, but wish her everv success.
1 3

F O L M E R -



As a result of the nip and tuck battle between TEAM STANDING
Stereo and Compact, the bowlers of the Folmer- WON LOST
Century League have taken an increased inte-est. Stereo 21
\N'ith only four weeks more to go, the Stereo
Compact 19
Graflex 15
team has succeeded in reaching the top rung in
the race for championship honors, and, according
AutoJr 11
High Individual (1 game) Kirvan 244
to present indications, should hold that position
High Individual (3 games) Kirvan 579
until the end.
High Team (1 game) Stereo 891
Stereo's splendid up-hill fight, which started
High Team (3 games) Stereo 2450
when it occupied the cellar position, is due to the
exceptionally good bowling of Drabinski, their
lead-off man.
The Compacts, leaders in the race for the whole
season, are now in second place, with a two-game
margin separating them from Jost"s outfit.
Farther down the the Graflex squad, which
list is

is by no means entirely out of the running. Fred

Fenner's Auto Juniors bring up the rear with eleven
victories and twenty-two defeats to the team's
During the month many of the old records were
shattered, Stereos hanging up new high scores for
single team and three-game totals of 891, and 2450,
respectively. "Jim" Kirvan's "night-on" netted
him a 244 count, the best single game registered
to date, while his best effort for three games was
Fenner, captain of Auto Jr., is the best individual
bowler in the League, with a grand average for
33 games of 170. Jost, Breemes, Burke and Drab-
inski follow closely on his heels and any one of
them may upset the dope and replace him at the
Arrangements are now being made to wind up
the season with a handicap tournament.

The individual averages are:

Fenner 33 5623 170 13.

Jost .33 5547 168 .

Breemes 30 4871 162 1 .

Burke 33 5184 157.3

Drabinski 27 4242 157.3
Kirvan 30 471 157 .

Sold 30 4673 155 23.

Bird .33 4846 149.29

Perrin 15 2248 149. 13
Fleming 30 4450 148 10.

Fritz 24 3649 144 13.

Vogt 9 1692 141

Clark .30 4189 139 19
McCormack 27 3768 139 15.

Pope 27 3685 136 13.

McNamara 24 321 133 19.

Nau 18- 2317 128.13

LaBeau 33 4080 123 21.

Fraatz 27 3282 121.15

Burns 15 1709 114
Charles E. Dorsey of the Inspection Department, On
Friday evening, February 10. a variety shower
who has served on the Board of the Kodak Em- was given by Vera Walz of the Cost Department,
ployees Association for the past two years, was toMabel Marcille of the same Department. Mary
unanimouslv re-elected to serve another vear. MacMullen and Doris Sanford sang a duet and
lilanche Erickson carried off chief honors for the
memory contest. Miss Marcille was the recipient
We extend our s\-mpathy to Byron Hart of the
of many beautiful gifts.
Finishing Department, on the death of his Mother,
which occurred January 29.

The Assembling Department congratulates Mr. We extend our sympathy to Joseph Stiffler of

and Mrs. John Walters on the birth of a daughter, the Assembling Department, on the death of his
Dorothv ^larie. Mother, which occurred Februarv 9.



VHtrS JIM KIRVAM C0ME6 IN WITH And pete breemes is seen figuring

Ano the TELEPHONE OPERATOR And wifie offers you some

SEEtl STUDY/N6 FASHION PLflTES thing like this


And our CHAnpioN fisherman tell^ YOU can figure Out spring 15



The Kodak Club was organized
Office Recreation term. Mr. Hodgson, vice-president, succeeded
two years ago this month. Mr. Haight, "Bill" him, with Ross Robertson as chairman of the
German an(l Xorman \'an De Carr were the General Committee.
founders and considerable credit is due to these In September there was the second annual Cobourg
three charter members who started it on its sturdy trip which was a great success.
foundation of good fellowship.
The K. O. R. C. Glee Club was organized and a
With George A. Blair as tlie first president and
piano purchased for the Girls' Rest Room. There
"Bill" German head of the General Committee
was a fall dance and then everything stepped aside
which supervises the general running of things, the
for the opening of the bowling season. Sixteen
Club was a live wire organization from the start.
alleys at the Elm Bowling Hall are kept hot every
The first Cobourg picnic, the winter dances, basket-
Thursday night by "Norm" Ferris and "Jess" Natt,
ball games, men's and girls' bowling leagues and
who, as head officers, have made the bowling leagues
the various other activities furnished recreation
mighty entertaining.
hundreds of members.
for its
In the spring of 1921, garden seeds were sold During the fall and winter, sporting goods were
to members at greatly reduced prices and the purchased through the Club at a considerable
summer sports, inter-department baseball, golf, saving.
tennis and
quoits, furnished exercise and amuse- Big plans are laid for 1922. They will be an-
ment of an out-of-door nature for every one who nounced from time to time in the pages of the
wanted it. Then there was a summer dance and Magazine. It is safe to say that the K. O. R. C.
a big picnic. Everyone remembers them! is in for another big year with more members, more
"Bill" German was elected to the presidency good times and more general satisfaction than ever
for the second year, but left Rochester earlv in his before.


The Echo Club, an organization of thirty of The men of the Sales Department decided a few
the older members of the Shipping Department, weeks ago that enthusiasm in childish pastimes
and their wives, held a party in the Rest Room on was running at a low ebb and decided to take up
January 2.5. A roast pig dinner was served at the manly art of roller-skating. This was done,
six o'clock, after which dancing and card playing with the result that several prominent members
tended to while away the time until eleven. These of the Department were laid up for repairs.
meetings are held monthly and a great deal The girls, not to be oiitdone, decided to "show"
of interest is shown. A masquerade was held the men how to skate, so they "skated" a few nights
on February 2(2. Messrs. Thurston, Zoerner later. ^Many thanks are due F. E. Bachelder for
and Colegrove were the committee in charge. his efforts in getting the bunch started.


The Mail Department mi.sses Irene Nolan greatly,
but it's comforting to know that she's a next-door
A veritable Mardi Gras was the first annual
ball of the Sigma Alpha sorority, held in the Powers
neighbor and that she will occiisioiially cross the
"bridge of sighs" to .see us. We hoi)e that she will Hotel, February 10. "Sigma Alpha" may not
signify a great deal to "E. K.ers" until they know
like her new position at Camera Works, but we
that it stands for "Kate" Lamphere. Delma Mark-
don't want her to like it so well that she forgets
ham, Grace Murray, E.*ther Dawson. Mac (iilbert,
us on this side of the alley! A luncheon was given
for Irene in Delnionico's (branch establishment
"Kate" Shearer anil Florence Murphy, and they
.'?4,'5 State Street. .Srd floor),
and she was presented
— —
stand for well, you know good music, good
with a gift and all kinds of good wishes from her
dancing and a mighty good time. In every way,
the dance was a big success and we're all ready to
"mail friends."
root for the next Sigma Alpha party.

Neville O'Connor of the "League of .Nations"

bowling team surpri.sed all who know him by rolling Edna Schultz is rapitlly recovering from illness.
ilO in a late game. However, Xeville doesn't say The Stock Distribution Department hopes that
what the .scores of the other two games were. she will soon be back at work again.
The Kodak Suggestion System is one of the oldest Weare always on the lookout for improvement
systems of its kind in the United States. This suggestions. Every one adopted results in the
plan of paying the employees for their ideas was greater efficiency of some department or the im-
originally adopted at Kodak Park in the year 1898. provement of some product and the author of every
It was not until 1912 that it was decided to extend suggestion having a monetary value is awarded
this plan to the Main Office. Since that time the according to its worth.
Main Office system has expanded until now it Although exceptions have been made in the past,
considers ideas coming from salesmen, demonstra- department heads and foremen are not eligible
tors, branch and stockhouse employees. to participate in awards unless their suggestions
pertain to some department other than the one
Under the original Kodak Park suggestion plan
in which they work.
seven hundred dollars was set aside annually for
awards. Fifty dollars was paid each month; a There is possibility for even greater efficiency in
first prize of twenty dollars, a second prize of ten every phase of our business. It is to our interest
dollars and four prizes of five dollars each. A to improve and we must keep our eyes open and
special prize of one hundred dollars was paid at the our minds keen for new ideas.
end of the year for the best idea received. Oftentimes suggestions are submitted which
This plan was not entirely satisfactory as, at for some good reason cannot be put into effect.
first, during some months no suggestions were Possibly later on a similar idea is sent in and circum-
received that merited first prize, while on the other stances make it practical to adopt it. In such
cases the original suggestion is reviewed, but if
hand some of the ideas received were deserving of
more money than was allotted. This plan was the later suggestion was an improvement, or had
changed and it was decided to award one hundred any considerable bearing on the final action the
dollars every three months and distribute three
award is generally divided between the two sugges-
tions, or otherwise disposed of in the manner that
hundred dollars at the end of the year in special
prizes for the most valuable ideas. Later this seems most fair.

plan was abandoned and in 1912, when a suggestion Wewant every suggestor satisfied with the dis-
department was organized in Kodak Office, the position of his idea, and with a view to improving
present plan was adopted. The awards are now the Main Office Suggestion System, we have pre-
based on the .saving realized by the adoption of the pared the Suggestion Questionnaire which you will
idea. During 1921, $10,457.23 was awarded to find inside the front cover of the Magazine.
Kodak employees for their suggestions. In some If you believe that oin* suggestion system can be
cases the saving resulting from a suggestion cannot improved or extended, and have a constructive
absolutely be determined and the award is then criticism, we should be pleased to have you fill
based on the estimated value. Oftentimes sugges- out the questionnaire and send it in.
tions call to our notice general maintenance condi-
are anxious to make 1922 the biggest year
tions that need attention. While we are glad to in the history of the Suggestion System and we
have employees take an interest in the neatness need the help of every employee.
and general upkeep of the buildings, such ideas
can hardly be considered in the light of awardable
suggestions. The following classification gives the ORDER DEPARTMENT MAKES MERRY
various t.vpes of suggestions in their order of On Monday, January 23, the girls of the Order
importance: Department had a sleighride. Upon returning to
Cost Reduction.
1. ^ the office, a hot supper was served in the dining
New Products and Improvement of Product.
2. room on the third floor. It wasn't all hot either,
3. Improvement of Manufacturing and Office for we understand that they had "Eskimo Pie"
Methods. with the meal that was prepared by Miss Cooper
4. Reduction of Fire and Accident Hazard. and Miss Williams. Dancing and music followed.
5. General Maintenance. Helena Foley and Agnes Opdyke sang very pleas-
ingly and to conclude the evening's pleasure every-
When a suggestion is received by the suggestion one sang.
secretary, it is first acknowledged and recorded.
If the idea is not clear the author is interviewed. The Shipping Department wishes to extend its
Then all the information possible is gathered, after sympathy to Edward O'Brien on the death of his
which the suggestion is placed before the suggestion father, who died a short time ago in Providence,
committee. This committee consists of twelve Rhode Island.
executives, who carefully consider all suggestions
and recommend an award, to be finally approved We are glad to welcome Loretta Angele back to
by the plant manager. If it is impossible to ascer- her desk in the Bookkeeping Department, after a
tain the value of the suggestion at the time of its long illness.
adoption, a preliminary award is paid and the idea
later reviewed for an additional award.
A duplicate card kept in the Personnel
file is RayLaufler and Albert Young of the Repair
Department showing all suggestions submitted by Department are the happy fathers. Ray reports
the employees; what disposition each idea has that Ev-elyn, who arrived December 18, is a real
received, and the saving that has resulted by their bright spot in his home and Albert Young, Jr., who
adoption. This, together with the other records, put in his appearance January 29, is already
is periodically reviewed. wondering what kind of a place Kodak is.


With the bowling season almost at an end, Kodak On
the evening of February 13, the members of
OiBce girls are still hooked up in a battle royal for the Relations Department and the
the much-coveted pennant. The crucial encounter employees of the Eastman Savings and Loan
of the year came on February 9, when the Sales Association held a combined dinner and party at
and Service girls met in the match on which prob- Kodak Office.
ably hinged the season's outcome. Service girls It was a Valentine party and the decorations
were leading by a single game, and had to take at in the lunch room and the favors on the table
least one of the two games from Sales, or lose their were keeping with the occasion.
strictly in
position. Mae Thrasher's outfit .sailed away with Ruth with the help of her committee, Mrs.
the first game by a wide margin, but at the end Smith, Mrs. Ulrich, Emma Smith and May Craugh,
of the second game, the rival teams were found to served the dinner.
be tied at .549 pins each. In the exHra frame the Later the company adjourned to the rest room
Service girls put forth a noble eft'ort, and retained where they sang and danced. "Jack" Xewton and
their precarious grasp on first place by toppling Arthur Bartholomew sang a pleasing duet, accom-
twelve more pins than their rivals. panied by Gerard Dill.
And yet, the race is by no means a two-team
affair. The Tabulating and Fini.shing teams are STOCK DEPARTMENT OFFICE PARTY
not far behind Sales, and either of these outfits, by a On February Helen Buggie's home was the
garrison finish, might edge into first place. scene of aValentine party made up of
X'o new high records have been
established in the employees of the Stock Department Office.
girls' Leagueduring recent weeks. Merriment All the girls were prepared for a grand and
ran high, however, at the famous party when the glorious time and immediately after their arrival,
Kodak Stars (the five girls who have been repre- the fun began with games and dancing, and ended
senting Kodak Office in outside matches) engaged with a splendid lunch at a late hour.
— —
another team self-styled the "Dubs" in a two-
game match, for the dinners. The Stars won the •CHARLIE" HOUCK EXTERTAIXS
first game without difficulty, but were able to come A number of the employees of the Testing and
through with the second only by virtue of the Packing Department spent an enjoyable evening
splendid finish made by X'eva Potts, who, on a recently at the home of Charles Houck of the
spare in the ninth, struck out to win. Camera Works. Musical selections were played
Meanwhile, with all these practice games, the and refreshments followed. An interesting exhibi-
girls are tuning up for their coming match with the tion of wireless telegraphy was a special feature of
five high pinners of the men's League. the evening.


The.annual bowling party of the Repair Depart- able scores were made, both high and low. After
ment was held at Bruckner's alleys recently, and bowling, a luncheon was served and all were unf n-
as usual was one grand success. Some very remark- imous in declaring it the best yet.
The Service Department is happy
announce to The years may come and the years may go, but
the marriage of Thomas H. McCabe toMarjorie the Bookkeepers' annual pig roast goes on forever.
The event this year was held as usual, at Hafner's
After dinner the usual riot of bowling, cannibal
golf, and old maid lasted until midnight.
The boys have made it a practice to invite to
these pig roasts as many of the "old guard" as can
be assembled, and this year witnessed a reunion of
about ten or fifteen of the boys who are gone but
not forgotten.


Harry Dulmage of the Stock Department and
Laura Brown of Camera Works were married
February 27. Happiness and good luck are our
sincere wishes to them.

After a long absence Mildred Steinkamp is with

us again. To say that we're happy to have her
back in the Mail Department is putting it mildly;
we're all of that and much more, for Mildred is
one of the Department's stand-bys.

The friends of Bert Smith wish to extend to him

and his sisters their sympathy in the loss of their
Manning of the Sales Department. wedding
ceremony was solemnized at the Cathedral Chapel Emily McCarthy of the Traffic Department is
on February 14. convalescing, and her many friends are glad to
hear that she soon expects to return to her duties.
John F. Foley of the Bookkeeping Department The Sales Department welcomes two new mem-
will not be with us for some time to come. "Jack's" bers, M. C. Griswold, succeeding our beloved
health has not been of the best, and acting under Frank Penney, and C. D. Culbertson.
his physician's orders, he has secured an extended
leave of absence. He has entered the insurance Marion Stewart of the Mail Department has
business, and is located at 601 Granite Building. been on the sick list for several weeks.


Charles Rowe recently gave a very successful ploy of the company May 2, 1912. He is now
spread to his fellow-workers of the Testing and engaged as an assistant in the focusing work and is
Packing Department. "Charlie" entered the em- popular among his associates.


H. C. Rayten and H. J. Bakker gave very inter- The Kodak Office employees deeply feel the loss
esting and instructive talks covering E. K. Account- of Mae Locke, who died on January 27, in Los
ing and Auditing at the regular February meeting Angeles, California.
of the Progress Society. The speakers boiled
down their subjects in a concise way, but neverthe-
less no time remained to discuss the questions which
were prepared for the members at the January
Three of the questions are on accounting, two
on auditing and one on business law. Each member
is requested to write his set of answers before the
March 6 meeting.

James J. Toole of Traffic Department,
affectionately known "Jimmie", completes his
twenty-five years of continuous service this month.
He entered the employ of the old Rochester Camera
Company in March, 1897, when that concern was
located on Elizabeth Street, and moved with them
to the present Folmer-Century plant, which they
built. One of "Jimmie's" jobs at that time was
to make pictures showing the progress of the exca-
vation and building, and he very distinctly remem-
bers the poor quality of his negatives which earned
him a "call-down" from his boss.
In 1900, after consolidation with other
companies which resulted in the formation of the
Rochester Optical and Camera Company, operations
were transferred to South Street the present—
Premo factory, which was purchased by the East-
man Kodak Company in 1903. "Jimmie" came to
Kodak Office in 1910 and has, for a long time, had


charge of the stock of sensitized paper. He has

systematized the method of kee])ing this very
complicated stock until it is nearly perfect.
In spite of his long service, he is still a young
man and his friends in Kodak Office look forward
to manv more vears of association witii iiiin.


There is one event, at which every good
least, for which to catch a duck, with the understanding
Hawk-Eyete will bolt his Saturday night supper, that they would be disqualified if they failed to land
and that is the annual Y. M. C. A. smoker. The the bird in the allotted time. But "Red" Sond-
starting time has gradually been moved backward, heim's ducks were in a sort of comatose state and
until this yearit was 7:15. And at 7:15 the crowd seemed to like nothing better than being caught,
was on the spot just as in former years. It is with the result that "Charlie" Prentice captured
interesting to reflect on what would happen if the first one in short order. In the second chase
starting time at the plant were set back in the "Bill" Springer couldn't see the duck and, like the
same manner. latest submarines, had to be directed by wireless.
A five-piece orchestra warmed up things promptly The resultant delay cost him a Sunday dinner, the
in the lobby. The music must have had at least bird being awarded to Ezra Myers.
some charms that night, because
of its proverbial Once again we have the Y. M. C. A. to thank
not only the Hawk-Eyetes but all of the "Y" for an evening of wholesome entertainment. We
habitues gathered around the garrulous saxo- are especially indebted to Mr. Fred Wei.'-miller,
phones and George Willis's famous banjo. who directed the "Y's" end of the activities. From
At any rate, the music and the Muriels together beginning to end the smoker traveled along with
held the men for three-quarters of an hour, when the utmost smoothness. No detail of arrangement
the swimming events were announced. Robert had been forgotten, nothing had to be omitted,
Skelton, national breast-stroke champion, exhibited nothing held up the procession. The program
a number of fancy strokes. Then there was some had been so worked out that no one was burdened
real fancy diving and a hundred-yard race in which during the evening and as a result everyone, in-
the best of the local high school swimmers appeared. cluding the committee, enjojed himself thoroughly.
The final event was a thrilling game of water push- The general committee was made up of the
ball, between a team picked from the two high following: John Vass, chairman; William Eyer,
.schools and the Y. M. C. A. team. Entertainment; William Schlegel, Refreshments;
From the pool the men went to tl:e auditorium, Wilbur Woodams, Publicity; Sydney Leggatt, Pool
where "Bill" Eyer held sway as Entertainment Tables; Robert Meinhard, Music; Lindsay Sond-
Chairman. Frank Newman led the singing of heim. Swimming Pool; John Rearson, Gymnasium.
several songs, helped along by lantern slides. George Kramer, Ralph Goodberlet, James Lucy,
The double quartet, which has been working Charles Prentice and Russell Bryson aided "Bill"
hard during the winter, gave a sample of its work Schlegel in di.spensing the lunch. Fred Von Deben
that entirely justified the time that had been and John Downey constituted "Red" Sondheim's
devoted to practice. A couple of screen comedies swimming committee and Arthur Rapp was chief
were followed by a magician, Erwin Sloane, who aide to "Bill" Eyer in arranging the program in the
fooled 'em all, to the accompaniment of soft music. auditorium.
Two more selections by the quartet closed the
The events in the gymnasium were distinct
from those of the last smoker, in that they demanded ALL DOING BEAUTIFULLY, THANK YOU!
no physical exertion on the part of the Hawk-Eye Florence Elise Nowack, born to Mr. and Mrs.
guests. They consisted simply of two crackerjack Carl Nowack on January 21. Weight, seven and
wrestling bouts and four rounds of boxing, the
one-half pounds.
latter between two ex-service men. The latter
were supposed to have been disabled in the war Harold George, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
but gave ample proof to the contrary. Mufford, born on January 23.

Director Weismiller now announced that the

Twin girls, Shirley Adele and Bernice Harriet,
"gang" might have its choice of swimming or eating.
born to Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Levine on January
In a sense they did both, because everybody "dove"
for the refreshments in the auditorium. And no Robert Charles Klinke, born on January 31,
wonder, since the three hours of fun was bound to son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klinke. Weight,
make them particularly appreciative of the famous eight pounds.
"Y'" coffee and sausages and fried cakes. Norman Ray Farmen, born to Mr. and Mrs.
The event of the evening had been widely
last Ray H. Farmen on January 31.
advertised as a hair-raising wild duck chase in the Robert Frank Bowen, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
pool. The idea was to give two men a minute in Robert Bowen. born on February 2.



George Brennan looks quite young in this Cold nights are common enough, and so are snowy
picture, and to do the photographer justice it is an ones these days, but there were very few as ideally
excellent likeness of the original, but nevertheless suited to a sleigh-ride as tiie one which the Cleaning-
Inspecting girlspicked for their sleighing party.
The weather was one of the two chief factors in the
success of the affair. The congenial crowd was
the other.
The girls left the plant at half-past seven, and
during the next two hours there were very few
times when their tin horns couldn't be heard in
some quarter of the compass. Everything went
beautifully until Mary Buckley threw a scare into
the party with a self-induced fainting spell. All
efforts to revive her failed. However, when one of
her frightened companions suggested an application
of snow Mary "came to" with startling speed, to
the great amusement of everyone. After this
rather unexpected entertainment, Pauline Leim-
berger enlivened the party with songs which she
accompanied on her ukelele, and ^Vlrs. Owens gave
several Irish selections.
At half-past nine the girls returned to Hawk-Eye
where lunch awaited them. Strange to say, the
strenuous features of their ride had apparently
used only a small part of their energy, and the
second act of their jollification was just as noisy
and productive of fun as the first. After partaking
of plenty of refreshments, they managed to calm
down enough to finish with games and dancing.
The sleigh-ride was the second of two very
we wouldn't like to tell you how many years ago
interesting affairs staged by the Cleaning and
George played on the Camera Works ball team.
Inspecting girls within a short time. Their success
He still had the baseball fever when he came to
has whetted the girls' appetite so that we hope to
Hawk-Eye about four years ago, which resulted in
be able to give reports of more of their Depart-
his managing our 1920 championship team.
mental get-togethers in the near future.
His last position previous to coming to Hawk-
Eye was in the Production Department of one of
the large arms companies, and he followed the same
general lines here. For a time he was the bonus
expert in our own Production Department. Now
he is Foreman of Inspecting, both of raw glass and
of the moulded and annealed disks.

They say Rose Lingg is quiet, but not as
quiet as she looks, for her friends know that she
can be counted in on anything that promises whole-
some fun and a good time. Her favorite indoor

sport seems to be dancing in fact, if concentration
counts for anything, she should have Pavlowa lit-
erally backed off the boards. But that is only the
half of it. Since coming to us from the Camera
Works some two years ago. Rose has oscillated
between the Blocking and Disk Inspecting Depart-
ments, depending upon their requirements, and
she is equally good at either job. From which it
may be deduced that she has that great virtue of
going into everything in a whole-hearted way.

We extend our sincere sympathy to Mrs. Mar-

garet Hanna in the loss of her Mother on February 3.

A young man failed to receive an appointment

as businessmanager of an organization for which
he seemed to be (lualifiod because tlic president
learned how inefficiently he managed his own per-
The man who cannot be efficient in
sonal funds. his
home management isn't likely to be efficient in
managing a business institution. Forbes Magazine. ROSE LINGG


At the Mid-Winter dance, the fourth of the with comfortable furniture and fire-place, wliere
K. P. A. A. series, all previous party records were the Prologue (featuring ]Mr. and Mrs. P'rank X.
broken. At 5:30 on the day of the party, nearlv Hauser) was presented.
900 of the 1,000 available tickets were taken. During intermission a mammoth snowball
The few remaining were sold before 8:.30 and, for nearly eight feet high was rolled to the center of the
the time in the history of the Association, the
floor where Frank Hall, as the "snow man,"" danced.
box office was closed. Between 150 and 200 people Then several fairies, emerging from the "snow ball,"
had to be turned away. This is the only regret- threw snow-balls into the audience. Twenty of
table feature in connection with the affair, but the these were numbered and the recipients were
1,000 limit was considered advisable to prevent awarded prizes of silver table service.
discomfort from over-crowding.
Great credit is due Paul C. Seel, superintendent
The hall had been converted into a veritable
of the Chemical Department, who served as chair-
"Fairyland." The entire interior, ceiling, walls, and
pillars were covered with pale blue and white
man for this party, and also the members of the
paper cut to resemble icicles, and the addition of
committee in charge of arrangements.
miles of tinsel gave one the impression of being Following are the members of the committee:
in a mammoth ice palace. From the center of the Paul C. Seel, chairman; Jacob Kirchgessner, Xeal
ceiling was suspended a huge revolving sphere Kocher, Charles Brightman, Fred Dj'kell, "Jack"
covered with tiny mirrors on which a spot-light Brightman, A. Lee MacFarland, William J. Rose-
played. At intervals along the side walls were crants, Albert Armstrong, Wilhelmina Clark,
arranged colored lights. Directly inside the James A. Hart, George Engelhardt, Mildred Grow,
entrance was arranged a group of snow-covered Armand Maiirer, Edward Farrow, Florence Doe-
evergreen trees, behind which were seen the famous scher, Susan LaDine, Mabel Prentice, Alice Ram-
Kodak Park chimneys, this being a replica of the bout, Ethel Bates, Frederick Hopkinson, Frances
decidedly novel program which was printed in Fox, Mae Goehry, Paul M. Lange, Robert A.
half-tone from a photograph. The stage at the Weber, Katherine Waldron, Mae Fitzpatrick, Fred
end of the hall was arranged as a living-room Gardner, and George Fred Knittel.

1 i



How proud we feel as we bring our wife, or having its own committee and
tr\ing to outdo
husband, or friend into the Works for the first the others. on the program was the showing
time! You can hardly blame a man for pushing of a motion picture taken at the annual summer
out his chest a bit and perhaps talking a steady outing of the Engineering and Maintenance Depart-
string of "we," "our plant," "our Association," ment. The vaudeville bill included dancing num-
etc., as he walks into the Assenilily Hall with his bers by Harriet Galen, of the Reel Manufacturing


wife for the first time she has ever been within Department; a whistling number by Stanley Brown
the Works. All around are friends to whom he of the Engineering staff; song by "Jack" Herd-
speaks, and, by the time the show starts it is felder, little son of William Herdfelder, an employee
just one big family gathering. of the Tool Room; two professional acts from one
This is just one of the things the K. P. A. A. of the local theatres, and selections by the New
does for its members. On the occasion of the York Brass Choir especially engaged for this oc-
third Community Night entertainment there casion.
were nearly 1,500 present. The hall was pretty The "country store
— conceived and put over
well packed, but this only added to the success of by the Stores Department — where several Depart-
the party. The affair was for the employees and ment employees made up as "hick" clerks, dis-
guests of the following departments: Engineering pensed paper caps, lemonade, cookies and identifi-
and Maintenance; Stores; Envelope, Carton and cation tags, was a big hit. Following the enter-
Printing; Powder and Solution; Department 40; tainment the hall was cleared for dancing. Pedro
Reel Gauging; Reel Manufacturing; Sundries and Five Hundred were played, prizes being
Manufacturing; Lumber and Shook, each building awarded the winners.

Nt» ^ f t
, * t

IIIE ( (hMMlllKE l.\ ( IIAHC.E IW EM ^ rilHKK M\ E \VIUE.->

Two huudred and twenty-five people, employees evening. Every number was excellent, the most
of the Cine Slitting Department and their guests, remarkable feature in connection with the entire
enjoyed on February 2 the second annual banquet program being the absence of any "amateur" tone,
and dance of the Department. During the dinner, and the fact that so much high class talent was
served in the second floor dining hall of Building available in one single department. "Martie"
28, community singing was led by James Peters. Gardner is deserving of great credit for the "finished"
After all appetites had been satisfactorily ap- orchestra he produced for the occasion.
peased, the party adjourned to the Assembly Hall, Mr. Farley, representing the management of
where Henry Ireland's "Never Were Minstrels" the Finished Film Department, thanked everyone
were presented for the first time on the (American) who had a part in making the aft'air a success
stage. An overture rendered by the Department and expressed great pride in this accomplishment
orchestra under the direction of Martin Gardner, of the employees.
preceded the opening of the show. The committeein charge of arrangements con-
James Inslee, as interlocutor, introduced the sisted ofMartin Gardner, Reynolds Stone, Clara

end men Clarence Weaver, Jack Leckinger, Pirr, Lorene Slater, Charles Laging, and "Bob"

Wheaton Holt and Reynolds Stone and the fun Quinn.
began. In addition to the numbers rendered by
the end men and chorus, specialties by William
Mason, William Mattern and Carl Holt made a FRANK X. HAUSER RE-ELECTED
big "hit." Frank X. Hauser
of the Cotton Washing Depart-
The olio which followed was equally enjoyable, ment, has been re-elected president of the Kodak
as was the showing of the motion picture taken Park Fur and Feather Club for 1922, this being his
at the Department outing last summer. Another fourth term. Mr. Hauser has been president since
big feature of the program was "A Trip Through the Club was organized in 1919.
Filmland," the picture showing the manufacture For vice-president Fred Habel of Building 12
of film at Kodak Park. The opportunity of viewing was again named. Other officers for the current
this remarkable piece of motion picture art proved year are:
exceptionally interesting as it gave this group of
film workers an insight into the many phases of

Corresponding Secretary Joseph Jansen, Build-
ing 12.
film manufacture in which they themselves have Recording Secretary — Warner Hauss, Building
an important part. 2.
Little Edith Mae Hooker, three-year-old daughter Financial Secretary — Frank W. Armstrong, Flash
of Samuel Hooker of the Kodak Park restaurant, Powder Department.
captured the hearts of the audience with several At present there are about 160 active members
recitations. A musical number by the Ehre of the Club, who are building up their stock in
brothers, vocal selections by Marie Mattern, anticipation of the 1922 event. Regular meetings
"Bob" Caine's Scotch impersonations, and a novel are held every two weeks. New members are
dancing act by "Marge" Christian and Margaret always welcome, and anyone interested is invited
McCabe completed the entertainment for the to attend the meetings and become acquainted.




The which proved to he a "hay"
sleigh-ride, With the bowling season two-thirds over, the
ride because there was no snow, held by the em- task of picking the winners is still an impossible
ployees of the Time Office of Building 34 last one. In each League there is more than one team
month, was a complete success in every detail. which may emerge on top and, with every outfit
About seventy-five employees assembled at Waggs at its best, the final lap should be most interesting.
Corners on Lake Avenue promptly at eight o'clock, The Ponies are leading in the K. P. A. A. League
and were piled into three large wagons, driving to by a few games, with Building 30, Senecas and Film
Charlotte and then back to the Maplewood Y. M. pressing them hard.
C. A., where an appetizing sauerkraut supper was The Yard team is still leading in the Yard League,
served. although the Steel Shed and Stores in a tie for
An entertaining vaudeville program had been second place are worrying them considerably.
prepared, all the talent being obtained from among Another good finish is promised here, as well as
the employees of the Department. Musical num- in the Kodee League, where the Positives and
bers by Gertrude Paille and Fred Dierdorf included Pelloids are fighting it out for the lead, with the
duets, a combined piano and violin selection by Panchros but two games behind.
Mr. Dierdorf, and several pleasing solos by Miss
Bowling has been popular at the Park this winter,
Paille. Estelle La Rivee sang several songs and
and no trouble has been experienced in obtaining
Bernice Latting favored the audience with recita-
regular players. The interest shown may possibly
tions. The balance of the evening was given over
lead to another league next season in order to pro-
to dancing.
vide for those who desire to participate.


PARK FOREMEN Employees of the Reel Gauging Department
The monthly dinner meeting of the Kodak Park regret the loss of Evelyn Crawford, whose death
Foremen's Club, held on Thursday, February 9, occurred on February 2. We extend our deepest
was made doubly enjoyable by the excellent singing sympathy to the surviving relatives, especially
of the Kodak Office Octette. As usual, the dinner her father, Robert W. Crawford, of the Dope
served at six o'clock was excellent. Afterwards Department, and her two brothers, Ebbie, of the
the members adjourned to the Assembly Hall, where Emulsion Melting Department, and Charles, of

Dr. Chester Milton Sanford, well-known author the Emulsion Coating Department.
and lecturer, delivered a most interesting address.
his subject being "Life's Loose Ends, or Failures The Emulsion Coating Department extends its
of the Misfits." sympathy to John W. Reynick, whose father died
Fred Reynolds's orchestra rendered a pleasing January 19, and also to John E. Farman, whose
musical program. brother died on January 28.


Left to Ri>/i/— (Standing): G. W. En^'illiardt. Director; "lien" McMillan. R. B. Jcffers
Seated— D. L. Davies, Ferre Miirzluff, U. J. Smith, H. E. Robinson, Edwin Holt
Robert A. Ferris, foreman of the Emulsion Recent agitation has resulted in the forming of
Melting Department ofBuilding 29, last month a men's gymnasium class which meets every Wed-
celebrated the twenty-fifthanniversary of his nesday evening at 5:30. The first half hour
coming to Kodak Park. Beginning work in the is devoted to calisthenics, after which thirty min-
Emulsion Department on January 11, 1897, he utes is given over to games such as basketball,
has continued in this branch of the industrv ever and volley ball. At present there are about
seventy members, although it is planned to increase
this number to 100.
Fred Grastorf has been elected president and
diaries Schlansker, secretary, while the class is
in charge of Edward F. Goodridge, former Y. M.
C. A. director. In securing the services of ^Ir.
Goodridge, the club is indeed fortunate, as his
knowledge and experience along this line make him
very competent to handle the class.
The class is open to all men who are members of
the K. P. A. A. Send your name to Secretary
Schlansker if you are interested, and report next


Employeesof the Kodak Park dining-hall, with
their wives, husbands and friends, surprised Mrs.
Belle Sehm at her home on February 4, and pro-
ceeded to celebrate her birthday in an appropriate
manner. Edgar Wherrit, on behalf of the employ-
ees, presented Mrs. Sehm with a beautiful boudoir
lamp, expressing best wishes for many happy
returns of the day.
An excellent dinner was served, after which games
and dancing were enjoyed for the remainder of the
since. In 191-2 he was made foreman of the Melting
Department, having been for several years previous
to this date sub-foreman of the Making Room.
Mr. Ferris has always been a conscientious work-
man and just executive, well liked by the men SOCCER CLUB
under his supervision. Our best wishes for many STAXDIXG OF TKAMS
happy returns of the day. WON' LOST PCT.
Research 5 2 . 714
4.000 AISITORS IX 1921 Soccer 5 2 . 714
The world-wide fame of Kodak Park results in Department .50 3 4 .429
our having visitors from all countries whenever the OfiSce 1 6 .148
opportunity affords it.self. A very busy year was Basketball is far from being a dead issue at the
1921, when over 4,000 people were conducted Park. The "regulars" are playing games each
through the Works by George W. Strutt, official week away from home, meeting with considerable
guide, and his assistants. This is an increase of success against some of the fastest quints in the
nearly 1,000 over 1920. State. Every Monday evening the K. P. A. A.
Of this number nearly 300 were from foreign League teams meet in their scheduled matches.
countries, Switzerland ranking first with thirty-six In addition, the girls are playing whenever the
representatives. Japan is second with thirty-four, opportunity arises.
Italy twelve, England ten, and .so on to include The ease with which the Kodak Park lassies
almost every other nation. All but three states disposed of the much-talked-of Northeast team
of the Union were represented. New York leading at the Stratford Roller Rink on February 3, proves
in number. Most notable among the "Parties their ability to meet and conquer the best outside
of Visitors" entertained were: 2.50 delegates to the Park. In the Northeast line-up were: Mae
the Convention of Motion Picture Exhibitors from Carr, former Kodak player; Jennie Walzer, last
the State of Xew York, a party which included year's captain of the Premo team, and Ruth
several popular actors and actresses; 400 delegates Kreiss and Etta Guillard, Electric Company stars.
to the spring meeting of the American Chemical Kodak Park was represented by Julia Thayer,
Society; members of the Swiss Mission for the Celia Korn, Ethel Stuck, Marion DeBurgomaster
study of economic and commercial conditions in and Louise Singleton. Our girls won with little
North America; Ambassador Vittrio Orlandi Ricci, trouble, 13 to 9.
envoy to the United States from Italy; students The K. P. A. A. elimination tournament was
from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology; opened late in February between the teams of the
seven distinguished Japanese business men, guests Departmental League, the girls playing prelim-
of Mr. Eastman; and 200 members of the Rochester inaries. The winner of these matches will meet
Chapter, American Institute of Banking. the "regulars" for the Park honors.
plans materialize, star bowl-
of the five Kodak branches will meet
the pace he sets, they will have a good
chance to win.
on the alleys some time in April to de- So far, the tournament plans call for
termine which plant turns out the best five-man matches only, but it is possible
talent. In previous seasons, when the that singles and doubles events may also
old Camera League was functioning, no be included.
such tournament was necessary, for the
reason that the winter's work in this
League served to decide the champion-
ship beyond any question. But now, the THE Kodak Magazine for December,
1921, carried the suggestion that the
Eastman Trophy is reposing snugly in
time about ripe for a Kodak Indoor
Kodak Park's case by virtue of the
Parkers' victory in the 1920-21 season,
League —games to be played on
diamonds. Interest in this sport eclipsed
and there it will remain until such time
all previous records last season, when
as the old circuit is once more under way.
the fans at Hawk-Eye and Kodak Park
The proposed tournament is planned
gave loyal support to their noon-hour
for the purpose of settling this mooted Leagues. The Office boys played their
question of the company championship.
games evenings at Exposition Park, and
On past performances, Kodak Park is developed a crack team, representing the
considered the favorite. In the twenty Shipping Department, which went
years of the Camera League, the Parkers
through the season without a defeat.
carried off the cup nine times, while
It would seem therefore that it is about
Camera Works was winning it five times, time for our various Athletic Associations
Premo three, and Folmer-Century twice. and Recreation Clubs to get together and
Then, too, the Kodak Park organization
lay plans for a Kodak League. There is
has a nuich larger number of bowlers
a wealth of talent in all the plants, and
from which to pick its team. However,
the fans certainly would appreciate such
this winter's rolling in the Folmer-
entertainment during the noon hour.
Century and Kodak OflBce Leagues has
resulted in some exceptionally good
scores, and some of these boys may spring NOT LARRY—BUT HARRY
a surprise. While there has been no Chalk up one large and juicy error for
League at Camera Works this season, the official score-keeper who announced
many of the old-time stars are still on Larry Sutton as a member of the Kodak
the roster, and this plant will never find Park Office liaseball team of 1908. The
difficulty in mustering a (pialily quintette. gentleman in (piestion is Harry Sutton,
At Hawk-Eye, George Kosel is the old now of the Kodak Park Chemical Plant,
stand-by from whom the other bowlers Apologies are offered to our readers, and
take their cue, and if his mates can follow to the Suttons —
both Larrv and Harrv.


By Fleeta Foot
(With Apologies to "The Lightning Bug")
Back ill1899, I was bowling with an all- splits, no spares even nothing but a —
star quintette from Fairport. No man on monotonous succession of strikes, strikes,
our team averaged less than 270, and most strikes. By the end of the fifth frame of the
of us hit 290 regularly. In our own League, first game, the pin-boys were wearing hip-
of which we were undisputed "first-placers," boots, and by the time the second game
were teams from West ^Yehster, Inspiration started, they had quit rolling our balls back;
Point, Birds and Worms, float Bridge and they merely gave them a pusli and let them
Methodist Hill. We
beat every big team in float up the sewer to the foul-line.
this section, including Sea Breeze, Hilton And so we came to the final frame with
and Holley, and finally, the Tigers, a fast perfect sheets — 14.5 straight strikes for each
aggregation from Oklahoma (on the Lake). team. As I waited for the boy to fish up the
These Tigers were champions of the United pins and set them, my opponent, the Eskimo
States, including Mexico, Hollywood and anchor man, made his last strike, giving
Reno,, but we beat them by twelve pins, the them 4500 for the three games. Now, I
score for three games being 4-182 and 4470. had to strike out, or we would lose and —
Thereupon, we claimed the championship, even at that, I could only tie the score.
and issued a world-wide defi. From bleak And, just then, the bright idea soaked in!
.\laska now came word of a team of Eskimos, On the next alley, I saw that some outsider
who consistently rolled 300 per man. This had finished a game, leaving the two jacks
looked bad for us, but when they accepted —
up the worst possible split. My
plan was
the challenge and agreed to roll on our alleys, clear on the instant. Giving the ball my
we had to take them on. Well, the Northern- famous corkscrew, rattlesnake hook (per-
ers slid into town behind dog teams, haps you've never seen me do it, but I'll
with a load of huge snow-lialls on each of demonstrate to any who are interested).
the twenty sleds. Even then, we suspected I let it go with every ounce of my strength
nothing until the moment the first ball was and a prayer. Wham! a perfect hit! All
thrown. Then, we saw how they got their except the head pin old number one—
perfect scores. They rolled these huge balls splashed over into the pit. This pin, then,
of snow, slowly —
and with a wide hook. soared over the sewers into the next alley,
What with the friction caused by contact where, striking the top of one corner pin,
with the warm alley, the instant those balls it caromed across the alley —
and picked the
hit the head pin, they melted and just other jack!
naturally flooded the maples off into the pit. The game was over. We had won by two
A howl of rage went up from our boys, pins. Final score: Fairport 4502; Eskimos
when they saw how we had been outwitted, 4500.
but we were game, and resoh'ed to beat the Now, I'm still waiting for some one to

invaders anvwav. There were no flats, no duplicate my stunt. It can be done!

FORTY LOVE! season at Genesee Hall, losing two games

WHILE we're on this League subject, to their neighbors from

All five of the
Camera Works.
Camera Works bowlers
it would seem that W'-I'i might also

be a pretty good time to start a Kodak rolled good consistent games.

Tennis League. Kodak Park, of course, Scores
Camera Works 1 2
has been represented in the City Tennis Murphv 141 173
League for several seasons, but Hawk- Meerdink 124 151
Miisson 164 149
Eye, Camera Works, and Kodak Office
Schmidt 159 164
are more recent comers in this sport. A Waterstraat 142 138
four-team circuit, made up of these plants
730 775
ought to prove a good source of recrea-
Kodak Office 1 2
tion for our racket wielders. What do Betts 128 98
you say? .
Shoemaker 102 116
Wright 138 94
Gommenginger 123 165
KODAK bowlers staged
Office girl
their second outside match of the 586 598
AS OF FEBRUARY 10, 19^2^2
No. of
ROCHESTER PLANTS Employees Members
Hawk-Eye Works 359
Kodak Office 1,160
Kodak Park 5,760
Camera Works 1.176
Folmer-Century Works . -285
*Direct Members

New York Branch 90
San Francisco Branch . 60
Glenn Photo Stock Co. .

Chicago Branch 116

Sweet, WaUach & Co. ... 69
Howh^nd & Dewey Co.. . 55
Zimmerman Brothers
(St. Paul) 27
Robert Dempster Co. . . 20
Taprell.Loomis & (^o. . . 172
Salesmen and
Demonstrators 121
Northwestern Photo
Supply Co 26
John Haworth Co 52
Robey-French Co 51
Zimmerman Brothers
(Duluth) 8
Des ^loines Photo
Materials Co 15
Milwaukee Photo
Materials Co 20
O. H. Peck Co 32
American Aristotyi)e Co. 28

Total 9.726
iHE greatest mistake

you can make in life

is to be continually

fearing you will make

— Standard Life Bulletin

f'r»»t^(L&*^ iN U.ii. A'



April 1922
Published in the interests of the men and
women of the Kodak organi3ation.j<.j<.

6^, men have a certain
part of their minds set
apart just for experimental
purposes^ for asking ques-
tions and trying to find out
whether there isn t a better
way to do things. Me n
like that keep growing.
c ly^ ^^Ma^a^irxQ
Vol. II APRIL, 1922 No. 11


FOLLOWING the history of Kodak In the short period of two years the
distribution geof^fraphically, the next original plant was outgrown, ground
step is to Canada, that vast empire Avas purchased and a four-story factory
extentling to the north and west from our was constructed, with four times the
boundary line. floor sjjace of the first building. This new
From the
start oiu* business with factory, located on King Street, Toronto,
Canathi grew and expanded rapidly, and was occupied in June, 190'"2. So eager
it early became advisable to establish a was the staff to get going in the new quar-
separate organization to handle our ters that it moved in before tilings
products across the line. were completed, and for a time the only
Canadian Kodak Company, Ltd., was means of reaching the office on the second
organized in December, 1899, and on the floorwas by way of a plank.
nineteenth day of March, 1900, the first The year 1904 witnessed the doubling in
bill of goods w'as shipped from the small size of this plant by the erection of a
rented premises in Toronto. connecting four-story structure. This
The first building occupied was a small year also witnessed the beginning of the
three-story one with a floor space of about manufacture of our products in Canada,
9,500 square feet, which at the time was the plate factory being the first one to be
more than sufficient. The total staff put in operation. The production of
numbered ten. mounts, film and paper, soon followed.
At first no manufacturing was at- A third large extension of the King
tempted. There were departments for Street plant, completed in 1908, permitted
the cutting and packing of film and paper the manufacture of Kodaks and Brownies.
as sent from Rochester, the staff of these In 1913 it was all too evident that
departments totalling two employees each. further expansion was imperative; liow-
Except for the fitting of lenses and exer all available space was in use, and
shutters, and the focusing, all Kodaks there were no adjoining lots that could be
and Brownies were ready for sale when secured.
received from Rochester. Properties sufficiently large to accom-


modate the plant now required, and equipped printing department, and also
providing for future expansion, were far departments for the manufacture of paper
from numerous in the city proper, and so boxes, envelopes and cartons and a
finally the present location at Kodak complete silver nitrate plant. The Engin-
Heights, three-quarters of a mile outside eering and Maintenance Department is
the city limits, was purchased. likewise fully equipped, and is an import-
Construction began in 1914, and in ant part of the organization.
spite of war conditions the new plant A similar to the one at
was completed a little more than two Kodak Park, is in operation, where the
years later. employees, numbering about 875 at the
In February, 1917, the King Street present time, are served with meals at
plant was abandoned and the new one cost. The spacious grounds are laid out
began operations in full. with trees, flowers, and lawns, and in
Kodak Heights comprises a tract of addition there 'are tennis courts and an
twenty-five acres, and is on the main line athletic field with grandstand. There
of the C. P. R. R. with two switches enter- is also an organized fire department, with

ing the property. There are at present hose cart, extinguishers, and the other
six main buildings of steel and concrete essentials.
construction, with a floor space totalling How high is the chimney? It is 200
10^ acres. The length of the longest feet high, 18 feet in diameter at the base,
building is 463 feet. and 10 feet, 5^ inches at the top.
As will be noted from the accompanying All the through, Kodak Heights
illustrations, the buildings and surround- is keeping pace with Kodak Park in
ings are very similar to those here in our equipment, including artesian wells, water
own Kodak Park and are maintained mains, hydrants, automatic sprinklers,
with the same exacting regard for clean- steam and other service systems, including
liness and order. refrigeration.

At Kodak Heights are produced Ko- The Kodak Heights organization is

d^s. Brownies, film, paper, dry plates, imbued with the same get-together spirit
mounts, albums, and photographic chem- we enjoy in Rochester, and its growth is
icals.There is a woodworking depart- a most definite expression of what that
ment for making wooden boxes, a fully spirit can accomplish.

THE value
of a periodical
cannot be estimated
examination will point the way to better
health and a longer, more useful and
mere dollars and cents. happier life.
You cannot most out of life;
get the Take advantage of this offer, as it is

you cannot give what those dependent most decidedlv worth vour while.
upon you have the right to expect unless
you are in a fairly good physical condition.
The idea of waiting until you are ill ANONYMOUS LETTERS
before consulting a physician is rapidly
passing into the discard. The whole
ONCE in a while, not very often we
are thankful to say, some executive
trend of modern medical science is of the company receives an unsigned let-
toward the prevention of disease, rather ter from an employee.
than waiting for the disease to become Such letters usually express dissatis-
apparent before combating it. faction with some condition, or conditions,
The worst cases of destitution that relating to employment.
come to our attention are caused by In practically every case, this dissatis-
illness, and in many instances by the
faction conies through some misunder-
illness of the family bread winner. standing which could be cleared up if the
The pathetic part of it all is that in ^Titer would disclose his identity.
almost every case the illness could have Fromtop to bottom, the policy of the
been prevented had its cause been dis- Eastman Kodak Company is the square
covered in time and properly treated. deal for every one, and as far as is
Almost without exception every suc- humanly possible, this policy is being
cessful businessman submits himself to a carried out.
thorough periodical going over, because It is quite possible that for some reason
he knows that it is the right thing to do. the wTiters of these letters do not ^-ish to
Good health is his greatest asset.
take up the matters at issue \s-ith their
Through our Medical Department foreman, or department head; this is of
every employee of the company is offered 'course an error, but quite a common, and
a thorough physical examination without a human one.
In view of this, we invite the writers of
This work has been progressing for these letters, and any
others of our
some time and will be extended to cover employees, who that they are in the
all our plants in Rochester. same boat, to get in touch with our
Even at this early stage a number of Industrial Relations Department, State
cases of distinct improvement have been Street Office.
recorded, due directly to these examina- It goes without saying that you will be
tions, and the corrective treatments that met with courtesy, and every effort made
have followed. to arrive at a full understanding. A per-
In all cases where serious conditions, sonal call would be preferable; if this is

or conditions likely to become serious, —

not convenient, write a letter -but give
are disclosed, a careful record is made your name and address so that we may
and kept and the employee is requested know with whom we are dealing.
to come back at stated intervals for
further examinations.
If you are in a perfectly healthy The world is looking for the man who
condition it will make you feel even can do something, not for the man who
better to know it; if vou are not, the can "explain" why he didn't do it.
great trouble with the average man
The Kodak Magazine is that he lulls himself to sleep with the
Published monthly in the interests of men and women of
equality idea and gives no heed to quality.
the Kodak organization. The average man can get very much
farther if he wall but stop to chart his
weaknesses; and learn how to conquer
Glenn C. Morrow \ Associate Editors
C. Edward Coolet /
Norman A. Van De Carr Assistant Editor Every one Avill admit that Theodore
Main Office Roosevelt achieved distinct success; yet
Robert A. Webeb Assistant Editor
he w^as born with sufficient handicaps to
Kodak Park Works have kept him in the average class, had
he not early in life studied his weaknesses
Herbert S. TnoRPE Assistant Editor
and how to overcome them.
Camera Works
Roosevelt was born with a better than
Clarence H. Harper Assistant Editor
average brain, but he was handicapped
Folmer-Century Works
Avith a very frail body, weak, near-sighted
P. R. Meinhard Assistant Editor eyes, and sufficient of this w^orld's goods
Hawk-Eye Works to live on without much effort on his part.
It is a matter of history how he over-
Address all communications to Editor, Kodak Magazine
Main Office, Eastman Kodak Co , Rochester, N. Y.
came these handicaps and brought up his
physical condition to match more nearly
his mental condition; with both in har-
mony he just could not help "arriving."
A PROMINENTremarked that in his opinion a
minister in a recent ad-

w^hole lot of folks would be better off if

The man who is striving for bigger
things and building himself up to meet
they quit talking so much about the them sometimes finds the way long and
equality of man, and gave a bit more discouraging. He can console himself
thought to the quality of man. with the thought that every big leaguer
That all men are born free may be once played in the bushes.
conceded, but that all are born equal is an
exploded idea.
Comparatively few people are in equal
balance; one may be endowed with a
great brain and a frail physique; another
A PROFESSOR in a Western University
told his pupils that he would consider
them educated in the best sense of the
may possess all the courage of a lion, and word when they could say "Yes" to the
weigh about a hundred pounds; still following questions
another may be a Hercules in size, but Has your education given you sym-
with a brain power no greater than that pathy with all good causes?
possessed by the average child of twelve. Has it made you a brother to the
Inside of these extremes you find the weak?
average man who is fairly well equipped Have you learned how to make
in some degree with most of the qualifica- friends and keep them?
tions for leadership, and who attains but Can you look an honest man or a
the average success and who sometimes — pure woman straight in the eye?
becomes a total loss. Do you see anything to love in a
We need not concern ourselves with the little child?
extremes. The highly endowed man will Are you good for anything yourself?
arrive usually because he just cannot help Can you be happy alone?
himself, and the physically and mentally Can you look into a mud puddle by
weak will remain at the bottom for the the wayside and see anything in the
same reason. puddle but mud?


Cmirtesy — The Chicago Tribune

Why are some folks all puffed up because a

great man has spoken a few words to them

THE dear
old minister
was making a
and while he was waiting
"Oh, yes
sir!" replied the little girl;
a lock of my hair when I was a

in the parlor for the lady of the house, baby, a picture of sister's new fellow, and
the small daughter of the family appeared the ticket for father's watch."
to assist in tiding over the interim. That is about all the use some folks
The usual family Bible was reposing on have for books, but he or she who has a
the center table and the good man as an fondness for good books needs but few
aid to conversation pointed to it and other friends.
inquired of the little girl: "]My dear, do Biographies have a fascination for
vou know what is in that book?" many, and with good reason, as the lives

Coiirlcs!/ — The Chicago Tribune

when they can go into the nearest Public Library and enjoy by the
hour the finest thoughts of the greatest men who have ever lived!
of those who have achieved distinction in it will take you away from the humdrum
any field have always been filled with of the day, stimulate your imagination,
interesting things. your powers of deduction, and leave you
Take for instance this one little anec- mentally refreshed.
dote: 'T hateman," exclaimed
that By all means read the daily papers;
Charles Lamb. "Why, you don't know and don't confine yourself to the sporting
him", replied a friend. "Of course I page or the latest bargain offerings, but
don't. How could I hate him if I knew read the editorial pages as well.
him.?" Almost every day you hear discussed
Could anything aftord a clearer insight some of the many problems of national or
into the life of the man than that? And international importance, and the opin-
reading it, one's mind grasps its truth
ions you form from these discussions may
and immediately appropriates it for future
be far from right.
personal use.
In the editorial pages you will find these
There are more good books to be had
topics intelligently presented by men
than one can read in a lifetime, and it is
trained to analyze such things, and to
more than a criminal waste of time to
present them understandingly.
read the slush of the "eternal triangle"
stories that have so infested —and infected You may not always agree with their
—many of our current periodicals. findings, but you will at least have a
read at least one good book
If possible,
fuller knowledge than ordinarily comes
each week, and in selecting your books, do from idle discussion.

not confine yourself entirely to the solid You

naturally want to keep up with the
stuff; include a good assortment of fiction. procession and good reading will help a
Read a good mystery story now and then; lot.


IFofyou are contemplating the
a home, and financing it
Another thing to be
before entering into any definite arrange-
the Eastman Savings and Loan Associa- ment as to the purchase of real estate it is

tion., and the Kodak Employees Associa- advisable to obtain one of our standard
be well to re-read the article
tion, it will Purchase Offer blanks. This blank will
in the March issue of The Kodak be supplied gratis. This purchase offer
Magazine, "The Expense of a Mortgage is worded as to be eminently fair to
Loan." both buyer and seller, but contains
At the annual meeting of the Eastman clauses which make clear and definite
Savings and Loan Association the officers the understanding that any money you
of the Association were authorized to pay as a deposit will be returned to you
charge a premium on all mortgage loans in case the loans are declined by the
undertaken by it at the rate of ten cents Eastman Savings and Loan Association,
on each one hundred dollars loaned. and the Kodak Employees Association.
This item should, of course, be added to Without this clause you would be unable
the list of necessary expenses as outlined
legally to secure such refund.
in the article above mentioned. The
The Association and its attorney are
premium places a very small additional
burden on the individual borrower; at your service to safeguard you in every

but in the aggregate its amount materially way in obtaining your home; so take
lightens the overhead expenses of the time for consultation and advice as it
Association, which of course, is of benefit may save you both annoyance and need-
to every member. less expense.

WE who perform our small daily bit

Kodak organization per-
in the big
nical story; so
this is not intended to be a tech-
we will ask the indulgence
haps overlook some of the many fascinat- of Dr. Mees, and his associates, and
ing and interesting things connected with likewise confess that most of the material
photography. herein has been obtained from articles
In our investigation and in research published by Dr. Mees.
work, and in our multitudinous problems If we cause a beam of sunlight to pass
of manufacture, we must employ many through a fine slit in the window
highly trained and skilled specialists who shutter of a room completely darkened,
delve deeply into the mysteries of light and place a white screen opposite this
and its effect on various sensitive com- oj)ening, and some distance away, we


pounds. To Kodaker day-

the average put on the screen a narrow band of white
he knows that if he
light is just daylight; light. If we now interpose a glass prism
admits a certain amount of it through a in the path of this beam of light we will
lens so that it will focus on the sensitive produce a highly interesting result. The
film, and then subjects the exposed film single ray of light will not only be bent
to the action of certain chemicals, he can out of its original course, but also broken
produce a negative image. This image, up, so that instead of the narrow band of
when placed in contact with a sheet of white light, we get on the screen a stripe
sensitized paper, subjected to the action of or ribbon made up of many bands of
light and to chemical action, will produce, color crossing from side to side of the

to him, a satisfactory image of the object strii)e. This is what we call the solar
spectrum. From this we learn that what
or objects photographed.
we call white light, with which we see and
As a matter of fact the ordinary plate
photograph, is a combination of many
or film does not record the image, when it
rays capable of protlucing different color
comes to color, as the eye sees it, which sensations, which, in their simultaneous
has led to many interesting experiments effect on the eye, produce the sensation
and discoveries. of "whiteness."


The different color bands in this through the greenish-blue band, until
spectrum as the eye sees them, are red, from the greenish-yellow and through the
orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and orange and red bands we have clear
violet; there are also other bands beyond glass, showing that those rays beyond the

the red at one end, and beyond the violet green have little or no action on the
at the other. These are invisible to the plate. So we find that the ordinary plate
eye. is sensitive in almost the reverse order as
Suppose now that we make a negative the eye sees color.
of this band of colors using an ordinary The ordinary plate ])erceives objects
plate. Upon examining this negative we only by the blue and violet light which
find that the rays beyond the violet, they reflect, and this is a grave fault in
though in\'isible to the eye, have a the plate when regarded as an instrument
marked effect on the plate. We find full for perceiving and recording colored
density for the indigo-violet band, and objects, because the record which it makes
from there on the density decreases of colored objects differs entirely from


that which the eye makes. It would panchromatic plate and color filters. The
take a book as large as or larger than a apples were bright green, dark red, and
whole volume of the Kodak Magazine to striped red and yellow. The flowers
tell you what has been accomplished in were of a lavender color, and the table
overcoming these difficulties; so we will covering a gold-colored cloth. Illustra-
content ourselves here with a brief out- tion Xo. 1 was made Avdth a Seed .SO plate
one phase of the work.
line of (a non-color sensitive plate) and without
It has been discovered that, by treating the use of a color filter. As you will see it
the ordinary plate with certain dyes, renders the apples all dark, and with but
it could be made sensitive to all the rays very little color contrast. Illustration
of the spectrum, such a plate being called Xo. 2 was made with a panchromatic
" Panchromatic. " The ])anchromatic plate with a red filter. In this case the
plate is, however, over-sensitive to the correction is faulty because it shows the

blue rays, so that in order to attain the apples all very light, the dark red show-
same relative sensitiveness as the eye, ing the same as the light green. Illustra-

color filters, which will absorb or diminish tion No. 3 was made ^dth a panchromatic
these excess blue rays, must be used. plate, with a green filter. This you will
observe affords a very much more ac-
A filter for this purpose must of neces-
curate representation of the fruit as it
sity be of a yellow color; the filter in use is
appears to the eye, and also shows
placed either in front or in back of the
approximately correctly' the brightness of
lens, and is usually mounted in a cell
the gold cloth, and of the flowers.
which may be slipped on over the lens
The foregoing serves best to illustrate
one of the many practical uses of color
For special purposes color filters are
sensitive plates and color filters. If you
supplied in orange, red, green, deep blue are sufficiently interested to pursue the
and deep red. The accompanying il- subject further, you will find the book
lustrations, all of the same subject, \\i\\ "The Photography of Colored Objects"
serve to demonstrate the use of the by Dr. Mees, highly interesting.


As an extension of our housing service, For the housewife who is interested in
we will be glad to list each month any managing her home as efficiently and
houses for sale by Kodak employees. economically as possible and what one —
If you have a property you wish listed, is not? —
one of the best sources of in-
the following data will be necessary: a formation we have seen in some time
full description of the house, size of lot, is The Forecast, a monthly magazine
location, name of owner, and plant and devoted to home efficiency. This publi-
department where owner is employed. A cation is on file at all the public libraries
statement as to the mortgages on the of the city, and will well repay your in-
property, and how they may be paid .spection and study.
should be included.
Listings will lie closed on the 25 of A REQUEST
each month, and no house will be listed In making a ])ersonal telephone call,
from month to month unless a memor- it is requested that you l)e careful to

andum is received from the owner re- give the operator your name, complete,
questing it. and your department, so that her records
If you wish yourproi)erty listed, send may be kept accurately. If the line is
the necessary data to Miss Crafts, care of l)usy, or the number you are calling does
Eastman Savings and Loan Association. not answer, that fact should also be
State Street Office. reported to the operator.

surprising how very little so many misleading information. The successful
ITpeople is

know regarding ordinary busi- man is inquisitive because he knows that

ness affairs. lack of knowledge or half truths will not
You can find many men in business serve; he must have the facts.

who firmly believe that, if they purchase Business, generally speaking, is con-
an article for fifty cents and sell it for ducted along certain definite lines, and
one dollar, they are making one hundred accurate information regarding it is easy
per cent profit. to obtain. On the other hand there
Following the same line of thought, a are many business problems which are
whole lot of people would declare a dealer difficult to solve, and to which perhaps
a profiteer who bought an article for six the correct solution is yet to be found.

dollars and sold it for ten. When these concern you, don't be
In these cases the cost of doing business, satisfied with half information or mis-
such as rent, insurance, taxes, clerk hire, information. Ask questions of those in
etc.,has been overlooked; this cost of whom you have confidence and whom
doing business runs anywhere from twen- you feel should know. Accurate in-
ty to thirty-five per cent and must be formation has prevented many a mis-
deducted from the gross sales before —
take it may prevent one for you. Be
profit can be figured. inquisitive
An amusing story illustrating this
lack of business knowledge is told regard-
ing the visit of a representative of one of
the Rochester banks to a neighboring ONCE UPON A TIME
town to solicit deposits from the men in
its largest factory. All was going along
ONCE upon a time a man was hunt-
when a terrible storm
ing in a forest
in good shape until the representative He
approached the chronic objector "No,
— came up. looked about for slielter,
but shelter was a scarce article, and so,
sir," said he; "when your bank is so poor finally he crawled into a hollow log
that you have to come out here and take which proved a tight fit.
up a collection, you must be hard up. I
The rain continued for hours, the
wouldn't trust you with a durn cent."
water soaked through the wood and the
has truthfully been said that "a
log began to swell. When the storm
littleknowledge is a dangerous thing," was over the hunter could not get out.
and the great trouble with most of the He strained to free himself with all his
non-successes is that they have been
might but the log held tight. Exhausted
content to go through life without any
he gave up and, like a drowning man, he
accurate information regarding the things saw his whole life flash before him,
vital to success.
especially his mistakes.
Every successful business man is by He had always put off
recalled that he
nature inquisitive; if you don't believe starting to save money, and that now
this, ask any newspaper reporter and he
his wife and child would be penniless.
will tell you of the many times the tables
This thought made him feel so small
have been turned on him when interview- that he was able to crawl out of the log
ing some big man by having to answer without difficulty. The next day as
more questions than he asked. soon as he got on the job, he asked his
Most of our troubles, business and boss for an application card for shares in
otherwise, come from misunderstandings the Eastman Savings and Loan
due to lack of knowledge or inaccurate or Association.



MOST some time
of us, have
received a package from some point
or other, facilities of the different
Our average wooden containers
in the United States in a badly battered export shipment are seven-eighths of an
condition, and perhaps wondered whether inch in thickness and substantially built.
a three-ton truck or wheelbarrow had They are lined with tin sheeting, which
something to do with its mutilated affords protection against the elements,
appearance. But this seldom happens and next to this tin are placed two heavy
in our country. A pair of shoes in a sheets of water-proof paper. In filling
cardl)oard container weathers a journey the container, the goods are securely
from New York to San Francisco in packed, with the thought always in mind
good style, because our modern trans- that the shipment will very likely receive
portation facilities see to that. Now, to some rough treatment. The container
send the same pair of shoes in the same is then sealed, the top nailed on tightly

frail container to Lima, Peru, or Santiago, and strapped with iron bands.
Chile, in South America, would be A mistake in weighing the shipment
foolhardy. means confiscation in some South Ameri-
It may surprise some of us to learn that can countries, or an error in description,
there is not one single port on the west as to quantity or quality, on the outside
coast of South America in which an of the might also result in
ocean-going ship may discharge its cargo heavy Other South
fines. American
on the docks. Shipments from foreign countries require that all marks be sten-
coimtries must be transferred to a lighter, cilled,brush, or other markings, being
and carried to shore where they are prohibited by law. Gross, legal and net
handled again and again, for the most weights must be marked in kilos metric —
part by unskilled labor. If a consign- —
system and the markings must agree
ment is destined for some point in the with the packing record or invoice;
plateaus of Bolivia or Peru, the Andes otherwise double duty might have to be
mountains stand as a barrier to trans- paid for such an error.
portation there, by any method other If Kodaks and film are to be sent to
than by mule or llama. Often the goods Brazil, our export shippers know just
travel for days over rough and narrow how to pack the goods, just what size
roads and not much care or concern is container is best for the handling in that
given them by the native Indian trans- country, and all the other necessary
porters. Then too, if perishable goods details as to customs regulations
are being sent, the torrid climate encount- and transportation facilities. Again
ered on the way has to be considered, as if a shipment is to go to a point in the
well as the heavy seasonal rains of other Andes mountains, where there are no
sections, and the cold weather in the railroads to transport large cases, the
Andes. Such conditions present big goods are packed in smaller containers to
problems for American shippers. insure safer and easier handling under
If one were to visit our Export Shijjping the adverse conditions.
Department at State Street, he would It has often been said that South
wonder at the care and attention given Americans are reluctant to trade with
to details in packing and preparing their northern neighbors because of the
merchandise for shipment to South careless way the latter pack their goods
America. In order to get our goods safely for the rough handling they have to
into the hands of Latin-American picture- undergo. Realizing this we exercise every
takers,Kodaks and film have to be packed precaution in careful packing, sealing,
with a high regard for climatic conditions, weighing, and the many other details in
customs regulations and transportation the filling of an export order.

N. A. VAN DE CARR. Editor


The Stenographic Department held a party in diversion, try this with your mother's vinegar jug.
the recreation rooms on the third floor, and rumor Marcelle Vuillier sang a charming little song in
has it that they had a good time. such a delightful way that the girls just would not
Supper was served in the dining-room by Mabel let her go until she had repeated it at least once.
Crafts and her very able assistants. Between Oh, yes, we nearly forgot to say that in recognition
bites, the girls cheered the guests of honor, Mrs. of her great sagacity, musical talent and artistic
Armstrong and Mr. Haight, George Washington, ability, Sybilla Drexel was awarded highest honors
the waitresses, the decorations, and finally wailed, a box of candy, which she generously shared with all.
"Oh, where, oh, where, has my appetite gone.^" With fitting words of sympathy and encourage-
Miss Crafts arranged a very jolly evening with ment, Mrs. Armstrong awarded to Adelaide Murphy
games and contests, such as "Caging the Elusive —
and Ruth Lloyd the consolation prizes (candles,
Cooties," playing marbles, and various displays of hoping to give them a ray of light on the pathway
musical talent and artistic skill, for which prizes of future success). L'nder the inspiration of the
were awarded. moment Erma Wall produced apoem that will
Mr. Haight was judge of one of the most thrilling undoubtedly outlive many a better one. The
and ludicrous contests to take place within the city reward was immediate and —
sweet a box of candy.
limits. This was called "Riding the Bucking Jug." We could go on indefinitely telling what Ruth,
The idea was to sit calmly balanced upon a perfectly Emily, Annabel and Elizabeth said; and what
round jug, feet extended, ankles crossed with only Anna, Leona, Marcella, Mabel and Erma did,
one heel touching the floor, and smile sweetly. and how Emma, Adelaide, Alice, Katherine and
During any unoccupied moments you were supposed Ethel looked; and what a good time the rest of us
(supposed is used on the advice of those who had; but lack of time, words and space permit
know) to thread a needle with a piece of thread, the description to be concluded with the phrase:
which apparently was bewitched. When you seek "A good time was had by all."


A large number notices were received this
of Daisy Maule, of the Testing and Packing Depart-
month from the department reporters in regard to ment, was recently married to William B. Cobb of
employees who are ill, and others who have returned Fairport, N. Y. Daisy first came to Rochester in
after an illness. We regret that the space at our
disposal will not permit of individual mention,
but we warmly welcome the returned ones and
extend our very best hopes to all the rest.

A notice of the death of Harry J. Potter came to
us as a great shock.
Mr. Potter came to the company on March 12,
1913, his first employment being at Folmer-Century
Division. For five years he travelled in the West
selling professional apparatus. In April, 1917, he
was transferred to the Advertising Department at
Kodak Office.
On account of ill health Mr. Potter resigned his
position in October, 1920, and went to California
to live. His health improved with the change and
in December, 1920, he re-joined the company,
this time with the Howland & Dewey Company,
Los Angeles.
Mr. Potter was taken ill with pneumonia and March, 1920, and to Kodak in August of the same
died on March 6 at his home in Los Angeles. year. Mr. and Mrs. Cobb are to reside in Fairport
We extend our deepest sympathy to his family. and our best wishes are extended to them.

Back in the old days of the Kodak organization, know that you will not be hung up there in mid-air
say around about 1885 or '90, when the complete for fifteen minutes or half an hour while the boss
Kodak Office staff was housed in the building wears your buzzer to a frazzle or sends frantic
occupying the site of the present sixteen-story messengers on your trail for some important rush
structure, there was no serious "Up and Down" job. Xo, indeed, in case of any such mishap "Cy"
problem. With only one elevator, which the or "Ray" or "Freddie," or whoever happens to be
passengers operated themselves, the troubles of the at the wheel, will merely pick up his telephone and
Maintenance Department, on that score at least, communicate with the elevator mechanic. Prompt-
were limited for the most part to an infrequent ly another car will arrive alongside, and you will be
replacement of the wooden stair treads. transferred to the second car by means of communi-
When, however, in 191'2, our present Building 7 cating doors in the sides of the two elevators.
reared its sixteen stories to a height of two hundred Safety devices are prominent features of all our
and twenty-eight feet above street level, thereby elevators. There is first, the automatic safety
becoming Rochester's foremost skyscraper, the stop which throws off the current and brings the
problem of vertical transportation grew more car to a halt within five feet should it rush too madly
acute. Accordingly, the equipment of this new on its descent. Likewise, electric door switches
building included the three modern electric passen- make it impossible to operate the car while the
ger elevators, which we use daily. door is open. There is also a light which flashes
We are all, of course, well acquainted with the on and illuminates the threshold when a car comes
members of the "Up and Down" Club, as our to a stop at any floor. One of the duties of the
elevator chauffeurs call themselves, and we have elevator mechanic is to make an inspection trip
heard much of their social activities. in each car every morning to test the safety appli-
Altogether the Up ahd Downers have control ances and switches, and thus to make sure that
over nine electric motors with a combined force of everj-thing is in order for the day. Such precautions
two hundred and forty-five horsepower. Each of on the part of the operators naturally call for
the three passenger elevators in Building 7 is cooperation from us, the passengers. One simple
equipped with its own thirty-five horsepower motor. rule carefully observed by each rider vrill go far
These motors are housed, together with the other toward eliminating the danger of elevator accidents,
necessary machinery, in a special room just under and that is: upon entering the car move as far as
the water tank. The three main passenger elevators possible toward the back and stand facing the door.
are of the traction type. Eacli is supported by six It goes without saving that no one other than the


steel cables which run over large drums. These operator should ever toucli the controlling
drums in turn are controlled by the above mentioned mechanism.
motors. Hea\'V' weights on the opposite ends of The large passenger elevators are equipped with
the cables serve to counterbalance these cars. automatic counters wliich tabulate on an average
The cars themselves are of steel construction. two hundred trips per day for each car. Thus, in
They are wafted up and down at an average speed the course of the year, the "Three Big Fellows"
of about four hundred and fifty feet per minute. make over one hundred and seventy-five thous;ind
Twenty-four people, or a nuiximum weight of three trips, traveling a total distance of nearly thirteen
thousand pounds, is the peak load for each car. thousand miles.
Probably it has never l)een your misfortune to be And so we see that our friends of the Up and
stranded between floors with the elevator unable Down Club, while they may not exactly be classed
to go either up or down. If, however, you ever as globe trotters, nevertheless cover a surprising
should get in such a fix, it will be comforting to amount of space in the course of a twelvemonth.
It is with mingled pride and regret that we learn and proud of the fact that one of our own organi-
of the transfer of Herman Quinlin from the Sales zation picked for such an important post (for,
is —
Department to the Canadian Kodak Company, if we do say it ourselves, we don't know of any
better organization to pick from); but we deeply
regret that we must lose "Quinnie's" genial
Mr. Quinlin entered the Kodak Office organization
early in 1910, coming from Hawk-Eye. He was
first assigned to field work in the Sales Department,
spending two years '"on the road," but in 1912 was
called in as correspondent, supervising sales. This
latter work has brought him in intimate contact
with the entire Kodak organization and service,
so that this close knowledge of the business in —
combination with "Quinnie" himself is perhaps —
the .secret of his selection. It's a pleasant theory
to think —
that if we do plug along and know
the business, and have the perseverance to
acquire personality if we haven't got it maybe —
some day we'll all be assistant general managers.
At some momentous time in his career "Quinnie"
acquired Mrs. "Quinnie" and since then at various
times two smaller "Quinnies" have acquired him;
so that it will be a representative little bunch of
Yankees that will storm Kodak Heights.
"Quinnie" has been active in Kodak Office
afl^airs for many years and in the short life of
K. O. R. C. has been prominent in its activities,

being a "finished" golfer he saj's so himself and —
regular on picnics, besides being one of the best
bowlers on the Sales Department five-man team.
About all we need to wish him is good health,
forwe know he'll succeed in this new work there's —
no such thing as luck anyway and those of us who
are so fortunate as to get to Toronto in the future
Limited, at Toronto, where he is to be Assistant well, maybe —
it's only a few hundred miles to
General Manager. We're mighty proud of "Quinnie" Montreal!


As an employee you are vitally concerned in the AgnesBock of the Billing Department was
prosperity of this company. Can't you suggest recently hostess to fifteen of her fellow workers at
something that will help — her home.
The house was beautifully decorated with hearts
1. Reduce costs?
and streamers, and each of the guests partook of a
2. Improve our products.^ nicely prepared lunch amid numerous favors which
3. Improve our and
office manufacturing surrounded each plate. During the evening Agnes
methods? entertained her friends with an exhibition of Irish
4. Reduce fire and accident hazard? jigging-
W. Emerson Shepard was well received with a
5. Improve general maintenance conditions?
poem entitled, "The Midnight Alarm," and Maxwell
All suggestions are carefully considered and the Goebel sang a solo, which was thoroughly enjoyed.
suggestors awarded in proportion to the value of The remainder of the evening was given over to
their ideas. dancing, music for which was furnished by Gertrude
Lutz at the piano and Grover Lloyd with his saxo-
phone. Everyone had a good time and hopes for
NOTES FROM THE MAIL another party soon.

Hazel Wildey has passed another milestone, her

fifth with the company, and the twenty-first of her AND ANOTHER
life. The double event was celebrated by a supper The girls of the Stock Department recently
in the dining-room, topped off by a theatre party spent a lively evening at the home of Clara
in the evening. Hazel swears she feels antique, Hennrichs.
which is tough on us who have voted for years. If any department is looking for a good cateress,
However, we wish her many happy returns not of — the Stock Department highly recommends the
the antique feeling but of birthdays pleasantly Misses Hennrichs, inasmuch as the feast which was
spent. put before us was fit for a king.


The K. P. A. A. Dance Series of 1921-22 will be During intermission, the Morgan Troupe enter-
remembered as the finest in the history of the tained the audience with several Irish dances.
Association. The people of the Park, their friends, and also
At the Mid-Winter Dance, everyone felt that outsiders have enjoyed these dances immensely, and
no other dance chairman could out-do the decora- sincerely hope that a similar series will be run ne.xt
tions. Chairman John Schaeffer, with his able year.
committee, proved the fallacy of that when they William Zimmerli, as was assisted
gave us the Valentine Dance. The entire hall was a by Katherine Waldron, Clara Margaret
mass of hearts, 11,000 of which were used in cover- O'Connor, Florence Doescher, Mary Behan, Irene
ing the ceiling. Each pilaster was a huge valentine Stoddard, Madeline Bell, Florence Akins, Clara
representing the individual work or original idea of Erbe, Mary Mahan, Helen Harroun, Laura William-
some member of the committee. On the stage was son, Ruth Larke, Irene Kannan, Frances Holihan,
an immense valentine with the slogan, "Be My May Leadley, Edna Hogan, Frances A. Fox, Carrie
Valentine" across it in gold letters. The entire Ockenden, Xan Cleary, Marie Schell, Mildred
effectgave the impression of looking through a hall Maurer, Laura Cummings, Mrs. Belle Sehm, Helen
of valentines toward an immense heart. O'Rorke, Evelyn Johnroe, Herbert Benzoni, Austin
Culligan, Charles J. Ashton, William Doane,
At intermission time, Pauline and Clara Luce
Clinton Smalley, Nelson Bruce, James Jenkinson,
gave an exhibition, following which the valentine
George Fallesen, George Cannan, Ralph Cook,
on the stage opened slowly, disclosing a pair of
stairs down which tripped Edith Mae Hooker,
Thomas Ryan, Donald McMaster, John Grinnan,
Delmar Burrell, George Engelhardt, Charles
dressed as Cupid. She danced and then threw
Schlansker, George Perry, Robert Reid, Charles
numbered hearts into the audience, the recipients
Kendall, Charles Suter, John Harmon, Clarence
of which were given favors. Damon's Record
Page, Arthur L. Mann, Frederick J. Hopkinson,
Orchestra played for the dancing.
James Ward, Martin La Force, Robert A. Weber,
The entire affair was lavish in decorations and Harry Peterson, Nelson Milne, and Horace E.
certainly maintained the reputation of the Kodak Robinson.
Park Athletic Association series throughout the
entire city. To Chairman Schaeffer and his entire
committee are due congratulations of the Park. SOCCER CLUB CHAMPS
Following were the members of Mr. Schaeffer's On March 13. the Soccer Club basketball team
committee: Maude McCann, Catherine Rex, Wilhel- clinched claim to the inter-departmental cham-
mina Clark, Helen Taylor, Harriet Hyde, Mary pionship by defeating Building 50, last year's
Warne, Emma Briggen, Madeline Hayes, Anna 'champs", with a score of 30 to 24. The game
Beach, Anna P. Sorg, Mrs. Cissy Eddon, Esther see-sawed back and forth at the beginning, but at
Murphy, Alma Drumm, Marie Updaw, Helen half-time the Soccer boys led by 16 to 9. This
Williams, Charles Schlansker, Robert A. Weber, victory gives the team a lead of a game over its
Edward (ioodridge, James Hart, Austin Culligan, nearest rival.
Louis J. McManus, James Ward, Nelson Milne, Manager Rife, of the new champions, has had
Albert Mcyn, John S. Harmon, Herbert Manly, the following team in the field during the season:
Matthew Johnson, Donald McMaster, Willis E. guards, Kelly, Fratter, Weike; center, Bahr; for-
Whitcomb, Arthur L. Tenny, George Izard, Walter wards, McMaster, Quigley, Frigonne.
Grunst, and Henry Combs.

Then, last of the series was the Shamrock Dance

with Chairman Zinmierli in charge. This last dance
was held in the Kodak Park As.sembly Hall on The many friends of Stanley W. Brown of the
Friday evening, March 17, and as the affair fell on E. & M. Engineering Division, somehow became
St. Patrick's night, the committee worked out some acquainted with the fact that Friday, February 24,
unique schemes of decoration in green and white, was the fifth anniversary of the day on which he
shamrocks and harps being used in great i)rofusion. forsook the life of single blessedness, for the more
Another novel feature was the serving of refresh- strenuous one of the benedicts. On this occasion,
ments from a huge well, which had been erected at Mr. Brown's desk was decorated in the most
one end of the hall. appropriate manner.
Former years have seen girls' parties, but the one Gates; Children, Etta and Raymond Weigand,
this year surpassed them all, both in attendance and and Edith Mae Hooker.
in quality. The committee, managed and directed by Mar-
The girls are very proud of the success of this guerite Ellis, was composed of Florence Doescher,
party, since no "mere man" entered into it, with Susan LaDine, May Goehry, Frances Fox, Kath-
the exception of Mr. Grastorf, to whom appreciation erine Waldron, Linda Schwing, Mrs. A. Thompson,
is extended for the able manner with which the Melissa Gaylord, Evelyn Lucy, Esther Furlong,
dinner was served to 1,000 members. The girls Ethel Bradbury, Laura Connaughton, Louise Her-
managed all details, even to having a fire protective man, Mildred Grow, Irene Shea, Louise Hutchin-
squad and to wrestling with the lighting effects. son, Naomi Huetter, Mrs. Alice Turner, Kate
Nelson, Lillian Hoxie, Jean Barnes and Edna
After the dinner, during which music was fur-
nished by Shields' orchestra, the girls gatherefl in
the Assembly Hall. First of all, two amusing
"movie" films were shown. Then came the enter-
tainment, written and directed by Florence BOWLING
Doescher. The first scene was a divertisement, K. P. A. A. LEAGUE
called "When Hollywood Moves to Reno," and ST.\NDING OF TEAMS (fINAL)
introducing such stars asMary Picklefoot (Olive Wox Lo.ST PCT.
Girtin), ElsieFerguson (Miriam Davies), Harold
Ponies 41 22 .651
Floyd (Marion Burns Meyn), Wanda Cauley (Alice
Senecas 38 25 .603
Rombaut), Sheza Bara (Mildred Hallj, Norma Film 36 27 .571
Talmadge (Norma Zeiner), Marie Dressier (Minnie Headlights 33 30 .524
Burns), Clara Kimball Young (Frances Holihan).
Building 30 32 31 .508
Etta and Raymond Weigand as "A Breath from
Blue Ribbons 30 33 .476
the Orient" made a big hit, and Edith Mae
Indians 25 38 .397
Hooker won the hearts of all the girls with her
Daubers 46 .207
recitations. Susan LaDine, Catherine Rex, Alice
Rowles, Dorothy Kimmel, Irene Shea, and Irene PRIZES
Kannan, all of whom took part in the intermission Ponies $25 00

between Act I and Act II, proved very popular. Senecas 15.00
The second scene was called "A Breath of Film 10.00
Southland." The chief characters in this scene Headlights 9.00
were Snow Ball, Wilhelmina Clark; Sassafras, Building .30 8.00
Catherine Rex; Tip Top, Frances Sauer; Phyllis Blue Ribbons 7.00
Wealthy, Virginia Wilder; Henriette, Gladys Indians 6.00
Horton. Daubers 5.00
The third scene was laid in a sunken garden HIGH AVER.\GES FOR INDIVIDUALS
during the Lantern Festival, and the following Thistle 52 190
were introduced: The Dolly Sisters, Rosika and Servis 60 186
Yansci, played by Pauline and Clare Luce; Father's Manhold 39 185
Whiskers by Bernice Latting; Cupid, the Trouble Brizee 54 185
Maker, Clara Phillips; Mary Garden, Nan Cleary; Sill 60 183
Miss Simplicity, Anna Sharp; Gypsy Fortune HIGH TOTAL
Teller, Adah Bennett; Spanish Dancer, Harriet
Film High three games 2872
Galen; Domino Twins, Ruth Page and Ethel
Senecas High single game 1049
Horton; and Egyptian Dancer, Clara Luce. The
Burley High single game 266
conclusion of the feature was the appearance of the
bathing beauties, Evelyn Lucy, Alice Beecher, YARD LEAGUE
Estella Sterner, Sarah Lark, Bertha Gates, Izola Wox Lost PcT.
Jean Collier, Esther Furlong, Margaret Pappert, Yard 43 23 .651
Caroline LaDine. Minnie Steffen, and Mildred Stores 42 24 .636
DeHond. SteelShed 37 29 .560
The first prizes were donated by Mrs. Haste Garage 31 35 .469
and Mrs. Reid, and the guests of honor were Mrs. Oflace 27 39 .409
Lovejoy, Mrs. Sulzer, Mrs. Reid, Mrs. Flint and Receiving 20 46 .333
Mrs. Farley.
The prizes were awarded as follows: 1st, Prettiest,
Won Lost PcT.
Olive Girtin; 1st,Original, Ethel Stuck; ^d.
Portraits 38 22 .633
Prettiest, Agnes Fisher; 2d, Original, Harriet
Pelloids 34 26 .567
Galen; 1st, Funniest, Irene Kannan; 2d, Funniest, 32 28 .533
Ethel Bradbury; 3d, Prettiest, Clara Phillips; 16 44 .267
3d, Original, Susan LaDine; Most Original
Trio, Lois Macy, Isabel Schmitt, Anber Benedict;
Prettiest Couple, Pauline and Clara Luce; Most The Emulsion Coating Department extends its
Original Couple, Ruth Page anfl Ethel Horton; deepest sympathy to James E. Lee, whose brother
Prettiest Bathing Girls, Evelyn Lucy, Alice Beech- died Tuesday, February 21, and to Emmet P. Lott,
er; Specials, Nan Cleary, Anna Sharp and Bertha whose Mother died Monday, February 27.


Tie Domiiui '1
w ns—Rulh Pago aiul Etlul Ilorton Anna Wittnian, Eleanor Hogestyn and
Bertha Tliorpe
1 Summer Girl — Linda Schwing
Tie Bat.erjly Girl— Agnes Fisher Miss Simplicity —Anna Sharp
Some 1,600 enthusiastic people of the paper a musical juggling act, and a cycling act all centered
departments— Department 50, Baryta, Velox, Paper around Evan Davies, who gave a splendid series of
Emulsion and Coating, and Gelatine and their — impersonations. The entertainment closed with a
friends were present at their Community Night showing of Harold Lloyd in "I Do."
held in the Kodak Park Assembly Hall. Following the entertainment the various depart-
The hall was attractively decorated with the ments congregated under their respective signs and a
products peculiar to the departments interested general "get-together" was held. Over 500 tripped
and a large sign bearing the words "Paper People," "the light fantastic" until midnight.
covered the entire side of the south wall. At the Mention must be made of the distinctive decora-
entrance to the hall was a large postal card addressed tions worn by the different groups. The Emulsion
to Kodak Park, reading: "Having a fine time; Coating, Film Storage and Black Paper people all
wish you were here. Signed, Paper People." It wore pink rosebuds, the Chemical Plant red hats,
was an apt slogan which attested the spirit of the and the Emulsion and Roll Coating men had vari-
evening. colored tags.
As a genuine get-together, and a democratic,
A long and interesting program had been prepared. fun-di.spensing party, this will be ranked as one
The first number was a musical act by the well- of the most successful of the winter season.
known "Knope Family Orchestra." Mr. Knope
is employed in Department 50. Then, followed a
novel act called "A Bachelor's Dream," staged by FAREWELL PARTY
Nan Cleary, of the D. O. P. Packing Department, FOR ARMIN S. BALTZER
and featuring Elroy H. Miller, formerly employed the Cashiers" Department
Twenty people partic- On Saturday, March 4,
in the same Department.
gave a farewell party in honor of Armin S. Baltzer,
ipated in this number, all the talent being selected
who has been transferred to State Street.
from these various departments. "Bob" Caine
The start was made by bus from Driving Park and
entertained with Scotch songs and dancing, after
Lake Avenues and the party arrived at Dew Drop
which Ethel Hinton gave a number of excellent
Inn, near Webster, in time for a wonderful chicken
impersonations. Several professional vaudeville
acts preceded the big event of the evening the — dinner, which was thoroughly enjoyed.

music including singing and several violin selec-
Johnston Memorial Pipe Band the services of — tions— dancing, games and stunts came in quick
which were contributed by Mr. J. W. Johnston as
succession to make a most pleasant evening.
a testimonial to the Scotch employees at Kodak
Mr. Baltzer was presented with a sterling silver
Park. Four of the band members are employed
cigarette case, inlaid with gold, and a "friendship"
at the plant and their friends who were present
book. His many friends at Kodak Park join with
evinced their pride in the ability and fine showing
his co-workers of the Cashiers' Department in
of the clansmen. Preceding the "movies" timely
wishing him great success in his new endeavors.
cartoons on prominent members of various depart-
ments were displayed upon the screen. A Harold
Lloyd comedy finished the entertainment.
Square dancing was enjoyed, and a number of
The foremen held their regular monthly dinner
country people did an old-fashioned country break-
on March 9, about 300 being present to enjoy
down, to the musical accompaniment of a lone
another one of Fred Grastorf's famous dinners.
fiddler. The Scotch pipers provided music for an
During the dinner Taylor's orchestra played several
old-time Scotch folk dance, after which the
selections, and the Kodak Park Octette, under the
Community Night orchestra took charge and "jazz"
direction of George Englehardt, gave several num-
reigned supreme.
bers which won much applause.
All in all, it was a very happy evening, and the After the dinner the members enjoyed an inter-
"paper people" modestly announced it the finest of esting talk given by Dr. Frederick I. Monsen of
the Community Night series. California, his subject being, "The Genesis of the
American Indian" — illustrated. Dr. Monsen had
many interesting slides taken from negatives made
Friday evening, March 3, the fifth of the series during his travels and explorations through the
of Kodak Park Community Nights was held in the West and Southwest.
Assembly Hall, with the film products departments
participating. Over 1,200 employees and relatives
were kept in an uproar from the moment Song BIG CROWDS AT NOON-HOUR
Leader Jesse Milham started them off until the ENTERTAINMENTS
last note of the orchestra for the dancing died out. The Assembly Hall is filled to its capacity at all
The departments interested were the
directly the noon-hour entertainments. Just a short notice
Emulsion Coating, Film Storage, Black Paper, of the coming event, and all are there.
Film Emulsion, Roll Coating, and Chemical Plant. Nine hundred people attended the entertainment
Committees from these departments planned the given by the Marie Walter Company, consisting of
entertainment and decorated the hall with the help three very clever entertainers.
of "Art" Williams and "Marge" Ellis. The noon of March 24 brought another pleasant
Jesse Milham started the ball rolling when he surprise, featuring Charles R. Taggart, musical
got thex:rowd to singing the old-time songs. "Ben" humorist, "The Man from Vermont." He is best
Turpin in "East Lynn" followed, and the vaudeville known as "The Old Country Fiddler," and has
acts came on. A dancing, talking and singing act. made many Victor records.

The last smoker afforded a big night for the ively 50 and 46 pounds, boxed like veterans, and
fight fans of Kodak Park, and the ringside fraternity were accorded well-merited applause.
came into its own when Sherman Pierce, Kodak Between each bout vaudeville acts met with
Park's boxing impressario, put on one of the best- great favor from the responsive crowd.
balanced cards of his match-making career. From The committee in charge was: Sherman Pierce,
bantamweight to heavyweight. "Sherm" had chairman; Wilson Maston, George Engelhardt,
arranged a program that sparkled with action, "Don" McMaster, George Ashley, William Mc-
not one dull bout spoiling the evening. Confronted Auliffe, Thomas Carey, Harold Bircher, Charles
with the necessity of using amateur boxers, because Schlansker, and R. C. Ruckoldt.
of the existing laws on licensing boxing clubs, the
matchmaker succeeded in presenting a series of The employees of Department 50, are pleased to
events which proved conclusively that good ama- learn that William Butterfield and William Cooman
teur boxing is preferable to professional stalling. are rapidly recovering from their recent operations.
The Park boys who engaged in the bouts, which The boys wish both a speedy return to work.
were arranged to determine the amateur cham-
pions of the K. P. A. A., were all good and some
Frank Johnson, of Department 50, passed around
showed so much promise that many astute observers
were of the opinion that they would compare favor-
the "smokes" last week. The reason is a 10- —
pound baby girl. Congratulations, Frank.
ably with any in the city.
The bouts were as follows:
"Johnnie" Young, Building 48, weight 120
pounds vs. "Young" Bozo, Building 48. This
was a fast, clean bout, and the verdict of a draw
was a popular one.
"Billy" La Plant, Building 48 shaded Percy
The Black Paper Winding Department extends
Gunn, Building 12; weight, 130 pounds. Good
sympathy to Fred French in the recent loss of his
"Billy" Van, Building 50, defeated "Young"
Fitzgerald, Building 55, on points. Weight, 132
pounds. One-sided, but good. All wondered why Mabel Prentice of the Main
"Bud" Clark, Building 49, won in the third Office,Building 2(i, had such a broad smile on her
round from "Bill" Scheer, Building 30. Weight, face the day after \'alentine, when somebody dis-
140 pounds. covered a ring on the third finger of her left hand.
The lucky man is Bernard Thompkins, of the
"Joe" Utilitis, Building 5, weight 164 pounds,
Rochester Last Works. All good wishes.
won in the third round from "Jimmie" Leistman,
Building 23, weight 152 pounds.
The many friends of Arthur E. Williams of the
"Bill" Doane, Building 23, weight 174 pounds, K. P. A. A. Office, extend their sympathy on the loss
won the decision from Paul Hutchison, Building of his Mother who died March 11.
12, weight 242 pounds.
Referee, Robert Caine. Judges, Lincoln Bur- On a recent evening, the girls of the Reel Gauging
rows, A. A. Ruttan. Timekeeper, Joseph Phelan, Department were entertained by Harriet Galen,
Club Physician, Dr. R. W. Angevine. Weigher, at a " Baby Party. " Refreshments were served, and
Harold Bircher. those present spent a very enjoyable evening
One of the principal bouts of the evening was the participating in children's games. Prizes were
fast draw between "Jack Dempsey" and "Tom awarded to Elizabeth Franklin, Nellie Farrell,
Gibbons." These two fighters, weighing respect- Lillian Smith, Ruth Bauer; and Linda Schwing.



^^\^ ^
F O L M E R-


The third season of the Fohiier-Ceiitury BowUng
League was brought to a close on Friday, March 17,
after a most successful winter on the alleys. Much
of the interest in this year's race can be traced to
the exciting three-cornered contest between Stereo,
Compact, and Graflex, which was waged for two
months, resulting finally in victory for the Stereo
Thereafter, Compact and Graflex went into a
battle for second place honors, a struggle, which,
by the way, did not end until the last balls were
rolled on the final night. Kirvan's good work during
this period came in mighty handy, and Compact
took second place by the narrow margin of one game.
"Andy" Sold's Graflex team was thus forced to
be content with third place, while Auto, Junior,
must be satisfied with the position of cellar champions.
Stereo's high game of 891, rolled early in the
season, stands as a record. Kirvan, with a mark
of 2i4, holds the high single game mark. He also
had the high three-game total until the final night,
when Bird seized the honors with a mark of 584.
Stereo's three-game total of ^^SO is also high.

Melvin 17
Fenner 41-

Jost 45


The second annual smoker of the Folmer-Century S. G. Pope was chairman of the general com-
Athletic Association, lield at the Central Y. M. C. A., mittee, and was assisted by George Jost, Ambrose
was a hummer. To begin with, "Ed" May's Smith, A. W. Crittenden, Fred Lintz, "Joe"
orchestra let loose, and kept the boys in good spirits GraflBey, and Frank Ferrin.
until 8:15, when everyone was invited into the
Assembly Hall. A one-act play called the "Bowery A variety shower was given by Doris B. Sanford
Night School" was put over by eight of our own and Mabel Dakin of the Accoimting Department,

boys "Joe" Benn. "Ed" Bryant, "Ed" Burns, in honor of Mary L. MacMullen of the Cost
Charles Kimpal, Harold Meyer, "Andy" Sold, Department.
Vincent ^'italone, and John Troy. This was fol-
Congratulations to William Saffran of the Assem-
lowed by a couple of very good comedies.
bling Department, on the birth of a son, Harold
The gym events started off with games for
William, on March 8.
everybody. These were followed by a wrestling
match, and a boxing bout.
After these bouts the big event of the evening.
a duck race, was announced. This was staged in Mabel M. Marcelle, of the Cost Department,
the swimming pool. The two birds were finally was recently married to Merle Stout. Mr. and
won, after being chased all around the pool by Mrs. Stout will live at Pike, X. Y.
"Herb" Graf and Elmer McXamara.
This was the second smoker held in the Y. M. MAC MULLEX-RUMBLE
C. A. by our Association. It certainly went over Mary MacMullen, of the Cost Department,
in fine style, thanks to the efficiency of Mr. Fred was married on Saturday, March 4, to Frank
Weismiller of the "Y." Rumble.









If we overlook the few favored males who were Ruggles of Hicksville. They were exhibited in a
allowed to supply the music, the girls had everything six-foot frame and introduced by the last of the
in the plant to themselves on the evening not so long illustrious family, Ruthina Ruggles, impersonated
ago when they celebrated their third annual frolic. by Ruth Kurtz. Elvira Lad wig and Pauline Leim-
The program openeil at half-past eight with a berger represented Grandma and Grandpa Ruggles,
violent outburst on the part of the orchestra. This just after their marriage. Margaret Freitag rein-
gave way to an act designated as the "Jolly Five." carnated Aunt Namazia, who had once been the
The "jolliers" were Ruth and Marion Kurtz, Lucy belle of the town. Loretta Welch took the part of
Tate, Dorothy Kucht and Elizabeth Kurtz at the the shy and quiet Aunt Euphemia, who had suc-
piano. ceeded in shocking the natives by eloping. Deltha
The second number was a dance by Vivian Groh Campbell represented another talented cousin,
and Frank Failing. Vivian is the daughter of whose special obsession was the violin. Last, but
Foreman "Bert" Groh of the Buff and Plate Depart- not least, was Loretta Ereth as Ichabod Hickob,
ment, and Frank is a grandson of "Jim" Bohan, the melancholy parson, who closed the album amid
chief of the Maintenance and Construction. Both a roar of applause.
are well-known in the city as juvenile dancers and With the appearance of the lunch the committee
we are pleased to be able to claim them as young rested on its laurels and left the girls to their own
Hawk-Eyetes. devices for the rest of the evening.
Next followed three "gentlemen," Florence
The party, given under the auspices of the Hawk-
Bess, Helen Kieffer, and Zelma Burgess, known
Eye Athletic Association, was engineered by the
as the Alabama Trio. They were hard to beat for
following general committee: "Billy" Wilson, chair-
glad raiment, shuffling steps and an excellent line
man, Marie Leimberger, Elvira Ladwig, Inez Pren-
of darky palter.
tice, Pauline Leimberger, Lucy Tate, Lyda Ladwig,
The finale was supplied by the "Old Fashioned
Clara Smith, Ethel Pullen.
Album," a series of living pictures portraying the

Bowling wasn't as dead during the winter as one
might think. For instance, tliere was that howling
good time thirty of the men had at Brueckner's
alleys towards the end of the season. It was blow-
ing a gale, street lights were out and cars refused to
run, but nevertheless four teams, captained by
Fred Von Deben, George Brennan, "Doc" Craib
and George Kosel found their way in and battled
for two hours. Kosel's team was returned victor
by virtue of beating both the Von Deben and the
Brennan outfits. Craib was in turn defeated by
Brennan, and was therefore ranked as cellar
Among the stars, "Larry" Tarnow started like a
house afire and amassed four strikes l)efore weaken-
ing. "Gene" Easterly rolled well but was always
very hard to find when his turn came around. The
most consistent performer was Harry Althoff, who
tried out a new cross-fire or something that sent
most of his attempts into the gutter.
An excellent lunch was served when the "fight"
was over. This gave Althoff as well as "Bill"
Roach and "Les" Clevenger, another chance to
shine and we are glad to report that they came up
to everyone's expectations.
George Kosel, "Red" Sondheim and Frank
Quetchenback, who collaborated on the plans for
the affair, are now talking of a theater party and

The group on the next page comprises, with the "We visited the Tuberculosis Association of
exception of three absentees, the eight Hawk-Eye Rochester, and were cordially received by Miss E.
committees that visited institutions participating in M. Hendrickson, Executive Secretary, who gave us
the Community Chest. The Infants' Summer Hos- a very complete account of the work done by the
pital was called on late last summer by Alice Barry, Association, and also of what she hoped they would
Helen Knitter and Clara Quenan, Miss Barry acting be able to accomplish this year.
as chairman. More recently, on February 27, to be "We found that the work of the Tuberculosis
exact, a committee consisting of George Kosel as Association in the first place is 'Prevention' and
chairman, together with Joseph Frank and Gregory we were much impressed by the accomplishment
George, visited the Workers for the Blind. On the of the nutrition classes for school children. We
following day, three committees made calls. George fully believe these classes ought to be in every
Lohr and Charles Durkin visited the Homeopathic school.
Hospital, while Alexander Muir, chairman, John
Regan and Henry Boecker visited the Tuberculosis
"We visited their new work shop at 160 Chestnut
Street, where we found about sixteen patients who,
Association. Henry Miller was chairman for a
having been given a prevocational training, were
committee that went to the General Hospital,
doing congenial work under a doctor's prescrip-
Joseph Becker and Alois Groell being the other
tion, and under the care of Miss Weiss, whom we
members. On March 1, three members of the found to be a very energetic and capable supervisor.
Mounting Department, Arthur Rapp, Michael
Gusst and Assistant Foreman Harding, with the "The workshop has been in operation for only a
latter in charge, visited St. Mary's Boys' Orphan few months, but already has a splendid start. We
Asylum. On the same day, another group, con- found that the prevocational work was open to
sisting of George Reisinger, Albert Crawford and other than tubercular sufferers. An interesting case
William McDonald, chairman, called on St. Mary's was that of an ex-soldier who was given work
Hospital. The last call was made the next day at obliging him to use his left arm, which he had
the Highland Hospital by William Klos, Christ not been able to move as a result of a wound.
Oehler and John Lehle. "Bill" Klos acted as He is gradually recovering the use of the arm
chairman. He and "Jack" Lehle returned to the through the constant movements made necessary
Highland a few days later to clear up an apparent by his work.
discrepancy between its costs and those reported "The Tuberculosis Association is supported en-
by the General Hospital. tirelyby the Community Chest and by the Christ-
We are giving below a few of the reports submitted mas seal campaign. It received about $27,500.00
by the committees. While it is not possible to from the Chest last year. It hopes to receive more
publish all of them, the tone and contents of those this year, in order to branch out into a permanent
given are typical of the whole number and make it camp for underweight children, etc. No dues or
certain that the committees, and through them the fees whatever are charged to any patients.
whole plant, will have a clearer conception of the "We are sure that the work of the Association is as
invaluable work being done with the Chest funds. important as that of any organization in the Chest,
"We found the Highland Hospital in splendid and we hope that it will continue to receive all the
condition, the only adverse circumstance being financial help possible."
the crowded state resulting from the influenza and
similar ailments prevalent in the city. (Signed) Alex.\xder Muir, Chairman
"We took up the question of the admittance of Hexry Boecker
patients whose ability to pay was doubtful. We John Regan
felt that this was one of the most important points
involved because delay in admittance in such cases
might have very serious results. Dr. Landers,
superintendent of the hospital, informed us that
all patients, unless specifically sent by a doctor,
were examined immediately upon their arrival and
"We Homeopathic Hospital and found
visited the

given whatever treatment was necessary, regardless

that a special ward is maintained for free cases.
Apparently everything is done for the patients in the
of where the money was coming from. If a patient
ward, the only disadvantage being that it is located
claims inability to pay, his or her case is referred to
the city and if the claim is found to be justified, the
in the basement. A better location would help
Community Chest supplies the money to cover all
expenses. Tt was observed that most of the patients in the
"We are also told that each patient costs the freeward were apparently of foreign extraction.
hospital an average of $5.06 per day. Only a few "We were told that in medical cases, small nominal
rooms, that is the highest priced ones, show a profit, charges were made for medicine and that these
the rest of the hospital being operated at a loss. charges were cancelled if the patient was unable
The deficit is made up by the Connnunity Chest. to pay. Surgical cases are taken care of imme-
"Since the Community Chest makes it possible diately, without reference to whether the patient
to give the necessary treatment first anil to think of will be able to pay or not.
the money afterward, we feel that its existence is "We are of the opinion that the Hospital is worthy
justified by this accomplishment alone."
of all the help that the Community Chest can give."
(Signed) William V. Klos, Chairman
Christ Okiileu (Signed) George Lohr, Chairman
JoHx Lehle Charles Durkin
There are probably as many different kinds of idea you may get a hundred or a thousand dollars,
suggestion systems as Solomon had wives. They the reward being strictly in proportion to the value
are as numerous as the chocolates that Hilda Specht of the suggestion, whether it is one of a hundred or
eats in the short space of a month, or as the cig- one of a thousand ad()j)ted throughout the company.
arettes which "Les" Clevenger consumes in a week. The point is this: the amount you can win is not
Incidentally, there are very few that can compare limited in any way by the company. If you have

with our own system. been "outside the prize money" it is simply because
Of course some industrial concerns do not offer you haven't applied your powers of observation and
initiative to think up winners.
rewards of any kind in return for ideas and they
get just about as many suggestions as you might
expect —
none. Others offer a fi.xed number of Our sincerest sympathy goes out to Peter Ficarro
prizes periodically for whatever ideas are turned in, of the Sanitary Department, whose wife passed
just as "Bill Schlegel" might set up a certain num- away on February 27.
ber of prizes for the best fox-trotters at one of his
dances. The variations of this plan are manifold, Foreman Watts of the Leather Department has
but the trouble with applying the prize fox-trot asked us to express his thanks, as well as Mrs.
idea to a suggestion system lies in the fact that it Watts", for the interest shown by their many friends
does not fit the award to the value of the suggestion. during their recent illness.
"Leight" Young might be satisfied with a stickpin
for dancing the best toddle at the "Masonic"' .some
night, but if you offered him twenty-five dollars Eileen Marie Klos, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
for a ten-thousand-dollar idea he might break that William Klos, was born on February 23. Weight,
New Year's resolution and use unkind language. eight pounds. Congratulations!

Though everybody at a dance cant expect to

win a prize, he who submits a worth while idea in a The girls of the Cementing Department held a
plant wants recognition for it. If the number of party recently at thehome of Mary Kuhls in East
rewards is limited there isn't much of an incentive Henrietta. Everyone had a good time, especially
to hand in a small suggestion because the chances Mary, whose engagement to Mr. Carl ZoUweg was
are that enough similar to it have been submitted announced during the evening. We extend our best
to keep it outside the prize money. wishes.

Under our system the suggestor is rewarded in

some way or other for every idea that is adopted. Robert Hopkins, brother of Thomas G. Hopkins
If you hand in a suggestion that is worth a dollar of theMaintenance and Construction Department,
you will get a dollar, regardless of how many are died on February 16. We extend our sincere
submitted through the year. If you hit on a big s>Tnpathy.




"Good morning! I came to see how John is." happens that a doctor or nurse is needed, and cannot
With these words, or something Hke them, the lady be procured. Often money matters are the under-
of the house is handed a "caUing card" which intro- lying cause of an illness brought about by worry
duces the investigator representing the Camera over things that might be satisfactorily settled.
Works. Possibly there may be some real or imagined
This is a service which is just as helpful to the grievance which requires investigation. These
family of the employee as it is to the company. "sidelights" of life are liable to happen to any one
Not only are the visits made to indicate the com- of us.
pany's interest in your sick days as well as your So when the investigator calls, remember that
healthy ones, but there is something about a "home" he is in a position to help you solve the problems
visit that brings out the personal friendliness that that are worrying you, providing he knows the
exists between the company and the employee, circumstances.
which, during the hours of work, is necessarily
subordinated to business.
This article is not intended as a booster for
The Brownie Covering Department is sadly
missing the presence of Maude Martin, who has
industrial relations work from the company's
been forewoman for a long time. Her prolonged
standpoint. Rather it is an invitation to you to
illness is depriving the girls of her pleasant company
take full advantage of the opportunity which it
and we trust she will soon be with us again.
offers. When an employee, for some known or
unknown reason has been absent for three days,
the investigator calls at his or her place of residence, "Dan" McCullock, F'oreign Shipping Depart-
not only to ascertain the reason for the absence, but ment, —
has a new alarm clock "Baby Dan."
also to be of service if possible. Sometimes it Congratulations.


Who represented the Camera Works in the Inter-plant Tournament
Le/t to right.
—-Eugene —
Standing Isadore Rapp, WiUiam Vogler, Leo Nowack
Seated Henricus, Henry .\uer, George Kiske


In the Tool Room the other day we saw a neat The inventor is Harry Brion, one of the boys
littlefolder setting forth the advantages of a center who make our Tool Room famous. The device is
tester. Knowing what an essential thing it is to used in connection with a patented gauge for trueing
keep an "even balance," we immediately became up a prick punch mark either on revolving or sta-
curious to find out whether a center tester would
tionary work. It locates the mark exactly at the
tell us how to strike a happy medium in all things.
center of the revolving spindle on a milling, boring
After reading the folder, we came to the conclusion
or drilling machine. Several of these tools are
that this device is an undoubted addition to the
mysterious array of tools known as precision being u.sed in the plant, and according to all reports,
instruments. the invention is a clever and useful one.


We imagine "Rapp" is saying "beat that" — "Moe" Bloom is giving "Rapp" the "ha-ha"and "Ed"
according to the energy registered by the move- Abrams is hiding beneath his cap, from fear of a
ment of his hand as he is depicted thumping the riot. However, it was just a friendly tussle, as it is
ace (?) down on the table. Notice the anxious every noon in the Milling Department. This
look in "Ed" Frank's eyes. It almost seems as if pinocle club has lots of fun.


We noticed in a recent issue of the Kodak Works tion. The carelessness with which many of us use
Bulletin, the official publication of our Kodak other people's property is surprising. are We
brothers "over 'ome," an article urging employees especially guilty with electric light. Oh, no
to exercise care in turning off water faucets. Their not at home, of course. There, we have to pay the
factory is situated many miles from a big city, and bill. It's so easy to forget to turn off the switch
it is evident that drilled wells furnish their main over our bench or desk; in fact, we hardly notice
supply. Consequently, the conservation of "aqua that it's on, because of the daylight. Doesn't
pura" is an important item in their manufacturing this prove how unnecessary it is to waste "juice".''
methods. In order to impress this fact upon the The Camera Works electric light bill amounts to
minds of the readers, the editor has evidently had
a statistician reduce the volume of wasted water to
about two thousand dollars per month and makes —
up a considerable part of that dread monster called
its equivalent in drops, and then convert them
"overhead." Nothing is so utterly useless and so
into so many thousand cups of tea.
While not particularly interested in the "tea" tremendously expensive as waste.
idea, we might well take the hint regarding conserva- "Please turn off the light when it is not in use."


Ten thousand, four hundred fifty-seven dollars chance at three o'clock, grab it at 3 :05. It is always
paid last year by the Eastman Kodak Company for there provided you look for it."
suggestions! Quite a small fortune to some of us, As an investment, suggestions are safer than
and an enormous amount of wealth to most of us. dabbling in stocks. You are certain of a square
Yet, every one of us had an equal chance to get deal, and you collect a dividend in a lump sum.
at least a large portion. You pay the broker's fee in ideas instead of
"Opportunity is ready to boost you today, tomor- money.
row, and every other day. If you missed your Big awards are offered for big thoughts.
Spring fever attacks each of us in a different way. and down your spine, something's wrong with your
Some of us show symptoms of baseball; others fish- health. John Smith, George Perry, "Ernie"
ing or gardening or courting, or perhaps, all of them. Underwood, "Fred" Brehm, and the rest of the
Talking of gardening, we of the Camera Works fishermen know exactly when they are going
have had a banner organization since 1915, but last angling, where they are going, the bait they will be
year the boys from this plant were the only com- using, and how many denizens of the deep they are
petitors in the field for the industrial cup at the going to hook. Let's see who can tell the editor
Rochester Exposition. Of course, we all realize —
the biggest fish story this season, only satisfy the
skeptics with a photograph.


that the intensive gardening movement received

its impetus from war-time economy and, while it
lasted, hundreds of tons of home-grown produce for What homage are we going to pay the king of
local markets relieved transportation for other uses. —
outdoor sports baseball.'' The situation in con-
The Secretary of the Recreation Club has a num- nection with company athletics is somewhat proble-
ber of books on "How to Grow a Garden," and will matical. It was clearly proved last year that a
be pleased to give a copy to the members interested. Kodak League is an expensive proposition, and
A friend of ours recently arrived home with a that Saturday afternoon at the lake-side is more
substantial purchase of lubricating oil. His wife attractive than the bleachers. However, base-
was elated to think that "Jim" had at last recognized ball is baseball, and nothing can take its place in
the fact that the hinges on the doors, the sewing the hearts of real fans and players. \Miether we
machine, and the electric washer needed a spring have a shop league is dependent upon what you
oiling. After supper, "Jim" retired to the store room fellows want! The Recreation Club is bound by
in the attic, and because of a lengthy absence, his policy to please its members. If a league is formed,
wife had visions of "Jim" "oiling" upon the contents the Club will reasonably support it, and boost it
of certain dark colored bottles which reposed on the for all it's worth.
shelves, supposed to be used for "medicinal pur- In regard to occasional departmental games,
picnics, and challenges, balls and clubs will be
loaned to the captains or committees.
No comment is necessary on the following master-
piece, only that this " Spring fashion for men " applies

poses only. " Creeping quiet ly upstairs, '"wifey" dis-

covered ''Jim" oiling up in fine shape, not on the
contents of the bottles, but the contents of his
fishing kit. He was enjoying the soothing nuisic of
the hum of his seven-jewelled reel more than the
latest fox-trot record on his \'ictrola, and can you also to the girls. The only hope that the editor has,
blame him? Look over yoiu' fisliing snaj^-shots you is that he will receive in due time announcements
"Kodaked" last year and if the thrills don't run up of engagements, weddings, and —happy days.

We had this picture made to ilkistrate a
story telhng the duties of our factory mailboy,
but, since that time Alexander Schewe has, we are
pleased to state, been promoted to the Payroll,
under the supervision of Ray Miles.
Alexander has earned his promotion. It came
as a reward for "service" rendered.




Mary Baird has left us for a vacation to recuperate By the date this Magazine is published, the
in health. students of the Rochester Safety Council will have
Mary, being a great favorite, received many graduated, and several dozen more men will be
wishes for a speedy recovery, and the girls and boys the proud bearers of certificates, testifying to
their ability as safety workers. This school, held
at the Chamber of Commerce, affords a rare oppor-
tunity to learn the essentials of safety work at no
cost except a few hours time.
Upon completion of the course, the successful
students are automatically enrolled in the Indus-
trial Safety (iroup, where the good work is carried
on in comj)etitive activities. The group is plan-
ning big things, and all graduates are urged to
attend the sessions.
— —
Earl Carson Office will be glad to give you

Both Kodak and Kodak Park are ahead
of us in the matter of singing. The Park has
organized a good double male quartet, and the
Office has a chorus of over fifty mixed voices.
The great trouble in male glee clubs or quartets
is —
the first tenors or, rather, the lack of them.
We believe that we have sufficient second tenors,
baritones, and bassos to start an organization.
Should you know of tenors in the factory who
would be interested, please ask them to get in
touch with the Secretarv of the Recreation Club.

Edward Crawn has completed twenty -five years

of theLacquer Department exemplified the slogan of service with the company. Our wish to you
"Say it with flowers." A huge bouquet of "Eddie," is that you will have at least twenty-five
American Beauty roses was given to Mary as a token more active years with us.
of their regard.

Laura Brown, of the Brownie Covering Depart- The boys of the Woodworking Department offer
ment, has deserted the ranks of the single girls,
sympathy to William and Max Kapelke, on the
loss of their Mother and father, whose deaths
having married Harry Duhnage of the Main Office.
occurred within a few hours of each other.
Congratulations and best wishes are conveyed
from all of us.
The sympathy of her many friends is extended
John Pulumbo very happy in the fact that he
is to Margaret Dunn, of the No. Shutter Depart-
has another dependent to claim exemption on next ment, in the recent of her Mother.
year's income tax. It is a girl this time.

The Wo()<l\\()rkiiig Department offers sincere

Our office force lias been hit hard these last two sympathy to John Kooflerskie, on the death of
months from winter illnesses and minor operations. his wife.
We are glad to welcome the boys and girls back
again, as we luissed sucli old friends as Sadie
Meaney. 'Archie" Johnson, Edith Partridge, Thomas The Crease and Cover Department is celebrating
(ioetznian. Harry Anulursky and many others. two important events, with Glen Webster and
Henry Aner at the head of the festivities. Glen
will soon be called "papa" by a little girl, born last
Sinceresympathy is extended to the folhnving montli, while "Hank" is the recif)ient of what he
employees and their families:
is pleased to call "the finest baby in Monroe
To Marie McAflams on the death of her brother. Countv.
To Russell Young on the sudden ilcatli of his
To Leroy Dodge on the loss of his father.
The Industrial Relations Department of
the Camera Works otters to em])loyees the
Our very wishes speedy recovery
are ottered
to Dorothy
for a
(ioldstein, of the Detail
services a .Notary Public
of with seal. —
There ischarge, but those requiring this
and Estimate Dei)artment. Dorothy has been
.service are reqviested to ob.serve the hours
given an extended leave of absence, which we
from i:(l(l j^.m. to .5:.'?() p.n\.
trust will iicjp luT Id liiiild up her physical


SPRING has come. ^Yith it comes the field in the State Street neighborhood.
thought of spring and summer sports. The chief difficulty with this proposal
And what do we see on the Kodak sport seems to be the shortness of time for
horizon for the lOSS season? playing the game at noon.

The first inter-plant bowhng tourna- Another nebulous prospect on the

ment has been held and has settled for athletic horizon is the frequently dis-

another year the moot question of alley cussed Kodak Tennis League. Whether
supremacy'. Baseball, logically, is the 1922 will bring this activity to a head
next thing on the program. remains to be seen.
Golfers in our midst increase in number
TVTiether the Kodak Baseball League,
year by year, and it has been suggested
in view of its experience in the past three
that the coming summer should see some
seasons, will again occupy the diamond
inter-plant matches as well as a company
seems problematical. This League, in
tournament with trophies for both team
spite of the fact that it has furnished
and individual winners. The Editor
high quality baseball and keen competi-
will welcome comment from interested
tion, has never received merited patronage
golfers on this proposal.
from the majority of Kodak employees.
In conseciuence, it has never been a
financial success. Whether the athletic High average girls and men of the
powers will consider it advisable to Kodak Office League met at Elm Hall
continue the League for another year, in on Monday, March 27, in their annual
view of past deficits, is a question. Inter-League match. The girls were
There however, one form of baseball
is, given a handicap based on the difference
than the regulation game
far less expensive in individual averages, and won by a
to which both fans and players seem to margin of 243 pins.
"cotton" immensely. That is, the indoor
game on the outdoor diamond. Indoor
"Joe" Sargent, erstwhile star of the
leagues have been quite the rage at all
Camera Works baseball team, is playing
the plants in recent years and much
with the Portland team of the Pacific
favorable comment has been heard on
Coast League this season.
the suggestion made in last month's
Magazine that an inter-plant league be
formed to play this game. Noon-hour Domestic Shipping bowlers, winners in
games could be staged on the Kodak the first half of the Kodak Office League
Park and Hawk-Eye diamonds, and it is season, took the season's honors '^from
even possible that Camera Works and Service, second half winners, in; two
Kodak OflBce could secure joint use of a straight games on March 23.
AS OF MARCH 10, 1922
Employees Members
Hawk-Eye Works 398 298
Kodak Office 1,162 713
Kodak Park 5,830 3,294
Camera Works 1,245 585
Folmer-Century Works . 287 84
Direct Members 22

New York Branch 87 78
Glenn Photo Stock Co . . 21 17
San Francisco Branch . . 61 46
Rowland & Dewey Co . . 49 34
Zimmerman Brothers
(St. Paul) 26 18
Chicago Branch Ill 75
Sweet, Wallach & Co . . . 69 44
Robert Dempster Co ... 18 11
Taprell. Loomis & Co. . . 176 96
Robey-French Co 49 24
John Haworth Co 54 25
Northwestern Photo
Supply Co 26 12
Salesmen and
Demonstrators 121 55
Zimmerman Brothers
(Duluth) 8 3
Des Moines Photo
^laterials Co 15 4
Milwaukee Photo
:Materials Co 20 4
O. H. Peck Co 32 4
Denver Photo
Materials Co 21 1
American Aristotype Co. 28 1

Total 9,893 5,548 56 .0% 42,534

Average Siib.scription 7.6 shares.

Total Matured or I'ar N'alue— $4,253,400.00.
yPisdom, the ability to

leave unsaid the zvrong

thing at the tempting


pRiNTi^ m u,i^^

May 1922
Published in the interests of the men and
women of the Kodak or^ani3ation.j!<.j'4.
MARCH, 1922

Ifyou are afraid of
your own judgmentJ
you cant blame the

boss if he shares
your feelings.
J.G. Ramsey and Company, Ltd., 66 King Street, West, Toronto
D. H. Hogg Company, lo-i Craig Street, West, Montreal
.DA. ^^^^Q5i'^e
Vol. II MAY, 1922 No. H


of tlie retail distribution
in Canada has not
Street, in the center of the retail district,
which caters principally to the amateur
presented as many complexities as exist trade.
in the United States. we have three
In the city of Montreal,
For this reason, it has not so far been stores;D. H. Hogg Company, Reg'd, the
found necessary to conduct retail stores main store at 152 Craig Street, West,
throughout the Dominion except in the and two branch stores, one of these
great distribution centers, Toronto and branches being located at 398 St, Cathe-
Montreal. rine Street, West, and the other at 634
At these two points, it is most essential St. Catherine Street, East.
that a representative line of our profes-
The St. Catherine Street, West, store
sional goods be kept on hand in order to
is situated in the French quarter while the
afford adequate service to the consumer.
St. Catherine Street, East, store is in the
Our two main stores in Toronto and
newer retail district of the city.
Montreal carry a full line of our products
for both amateur and professional use, It is perhaps needless to state that a

and, as is the case here, highly trained good knowledge of the French language is
men are employed so as to afford the best of much importance to the salesmen in

possible service. the Montreal establishments.

In the city of Toronto, we have two On page 2, you will find illustrated,
stores; J. G. Ramsey and Company, Ltd., the interiors of the two main stores, and
the main store located at 66 King Street, you will note that they are fully in keeping
West, and a branch store at 37"2 Yonge with our stores on this side of the line.

ACCORDING to Safefi/ Engineering, companies with reduced rates.
will follow
-t\. the fire waste in the United States This they only be too glad to do
was more than $300,000,000 in 1921. because the lower rate for protection will
The thoughtless person will exclaim: bring many new patrons who, with a
"W'e should worry, the insurance com- high rate, take the chance of a loss on
panies had to pay the most of it." This their own shoulders.
is true enough, but who paid the insurance The majority of the fires in this country
companies? are caused through carelessness; the gaso-
The insurance companies, to pay a line and kerosene twins are always on the
profit and remain in business, must charge job; cigarettes and matches, rubbish and
a premium rate sufficiently high to cover oily rags, hot ashes, and bonfires all help
these losses and then some, and whether to swell a preventable loss to enormous
we own our own property or rent from proportions.
others, we, you and me, have to pay our The
appalling total of our annual fire
proportion either in high insurance pre- losscan be lowered; the remedy is in our
miums or in added rent. hands; abolish carelessness and we can
Cut down the risks and the insurance cut this loss in half.
prospective bride
and, while on
started out to
lier tour,
can save and add other pieces when we
have the money."
stopped at a well-recommended credit "My dear Madam, you are very sen-
house. A member of the firm greeted her sible. Most people come in here and
at the door and asked if he c-ould be of ^yant a comjjlete outfit. They Iniy ex-
assistance. pensive, elaborate furniture, figuring that
"I would like to look at furniture for they are buying on credit and can afford

four rooms living room, dining-room,
to get the most expensive. They burden
kitchen and bedroom. themselves with a big debt and some-
"Very good. I am sure we can fix you times cannot keep up the payments."
up nicely. —
Ah! would you be wanting "Then you must lose a lot of money."
time? "Oh, no. The law says that, if pay-
" That depends. Would it be worth my nients are not kept up, all the furniture
while to pay cash? in the contractcan be taken back and the
"MydearMadam, if youpay cash, you money paid forfeited. We are very
are entitled to a ten per cent discount, lenient, but when necessary, take back

and maybe we can give you more if you the furniture and sell it at auction. We
pay all cash." ^ rarely lose a cent."

Madam looks doubtful, and Mr. Pro- "Well, show me how I can furnish my
prietor goes on to explain. "Why, ten house so I won't be in debt."
per cent is two and one-half times as During a very thorough inspection,
much as a bank pays j^ou for the use of the prices of the different articles were
your money. If you buy $.500 worth of noted. Not satisfied, IVIadam decided
furniture, you will save fifty dollars or to look farther, and went to one of the
enough to buy a beautiful big chair. furniture houses, which sells on a cash
Mr. Proprietor takes Madam through basis. Here, arrangements can be made
the store, examining furniture, but it all for payments on time if necessary,
seems very expensive to lier. She recalls She found that, on an unpaid balance,
the experience of an ac(|uaintance. six per cent was charged to carry the cost
"I know a couple who recently bought of the credit department. In the majority
furniture for four rooms. They bought it of cases, comparison of the cash prices of
on and what they picked out came
credit, similar quality goods revealed that
to $900. Even then, they had only a gas of the cash store were less than those of
plate for a kitchen stove and very the credit store. On this basis these
few dishes. They paid $500 down and purcliases were made,
agreed to pay five dollars a week on the
^^'"'^^^ ^°"''
balance. TheV still owe $300 and the man
is out of work. Would it not l)e possible ^ Axminster rug 8' 3" x 10' (5".
. $ 40.00
sanitary cot with pad 14. 95
for me to get furniture for my house for ^

Material for couch cover 5.00

$oOO and not4-1have a 1big
1 ] U4-
debt on mv „,
,,,.,, , .
' , , ,
'2 hber upholstered chairs
hands.-' , ,
14. 50
.^. •
T ^ rocker
"Oh, yes, indeed.
1 1



j strais-ht 14 50
what you can .spend, I will show you how ^ 1.,,^^., 1.5.00
to do it. 1 „verstutted chair 40. 00
"Mr. Proprietor, you realize that I i .solid mahogany tahle 29.50
want good substantial furniture that will «T7q~I-
last a lifetime. My idea is this we have —
$500 cash, and I want just enough It was fovmd that a very comfortable
furniture to get along with, and then we davenport could be had V)y l)uying a good


quality sanitary cot and making an at- Bedroo.m
.\merican walnut bed $ 26. 00
tractive coucli cover. This made it
Springs 6.75
possible to convert the living room into Felt mattress 14. 75
a guest room, when necessary. Dresser 36.00
2 chairs at $7.00 14.00
2 small rugs at $3. 00 6. 00

.\merican \v<ilnut tahle $ 50. 00 $103.50

American walnut l)nffet 68.00
.\merican walnut — 4 chairs at items totaled up This
$9.75 39.00 was a over the limit.
little She knew
Axminster rug 35. 00
they could have done without the over-
$192.00 stuffed chair or used a fiber rug instead of

KiTCHEX an Axminster in the dining-room, but

she lived in hopes that some of their
Cabinet gas stove — 4 burner ... $ 32. 00
High stool 2. 25 kind friends would present them with a
40-pounci refrigerator 15. 00 few articles for wedding presents that
Table 4.25
would make it possible for them to keep
$ 53.50 within the $500.00 limit.

THERE are far too many fatalities it almost impossible to get yourself
from drowning, and even the expert ashore. Donot take anyone with you
swimmers are not exempt. The main in a canoe unless he is able to take care
cause is carelessness. Every person of himself in the water, as canoe accidents
should learn to swim, and it is an art usually happen a distance away from
easily acquired, particularly so here in shore and help. Never stand up and
Rochester. Good safe swimming pools, change seats in a canoe, unless you have
with expert instructors, are in operation on a bathing suit and are ready to get
at the Y. M. C. A., the Y. W. C. A., wet
Rochester Athletic Club, Brick Church If a person stopped to think of probable
Institute, and the South Avenue Pool. danger before he took the too-early dip,
Here follow a few pointers that all lovers or tlie high dive, or performed beyond
of water sports should bear in mind: the life-lines, it is needless to say he would
Stomach cramps are usually caused by not take the chance.
going into the water too soon after eating Rely on common sense, and the chances
a hearty meal. Never go into the water of injuring yourself or losing your life in
for at least one hour and a half, or better, a water accident will be comparatively
two hours, after meals. small.
A cramp in the arm or leg will not cause
a person to drown, as he may keep afloat
without using his arms or legs. INVESTIGATE !

Never dive into water unless you are Fake stock promoters are having a
absolutely sure there are no rocks or
rather hard time of it in our city this
stumps just l)elow the surface, or that
.season; that is, comparatively speaking.
the water is not too shallow. .V great

many broken necks are the result of this A year or so ago, they had it all their

piece of folly every year. own way; now they are taking in only

Do not go ])addling in a canoe unless about half as much. The idea of "in-
you are an accomplislied swimmer; other- vestigate before you invest" isn't a half
wise, if the canoe tips over, you will find bad one.
trate and a good memory. Have you
The Kodak Magazine ever tried to see how long you could
Published monthly in the interests of men and women of
confine your thoughts to just one thing to
the Kodak organization. the exclusion of everything else?
Try it and you will discover that five
minutes is quite a long period of time.
Glenn C. Morrow Associate Editor
Work is accomplished and problems
C. Edward Coolet Assistant Editor
solved through concentration; the lack of
Main Office
it has provided the toboggan for many a
Robert A. Weber Assistant Editor
Kodak Park Works
Many people are not naturally en-
Herbert S. Tdohpe Assistant Editor
dowed with a retentive mind, but a good
Camera Works
memory can be cultivated, and a poor
Clarence H. Harper Assistant Editor
memory strengthened, just the same as
Folmer-Century Works
any physical part of your system.
P. R. Meinhard Assistant Editor
Too many people have the note-book
Hawk-Eye Works
and memorandum habit; this is much like
Address all communications to Editor, Kodak Magazine wearing your arm in a sling when there
Main Office, Eastman Kodak Co , Rochester,'N. Y. is nothing the matter with it.

The new arm

himself with
reporter will
a pocketful of copy paper and a half
NO jSL^TTER how long we have
been holding down our job, it is dozen pencils; the seasoned man will
quite natural for us to wonder whether
make few, if any, notes regarding a
story, and confine his notes only to data
or not we are making good.
of the most important sort such as dates,
Quite possibly some of us have at-
amounts, and when an absolute quotation
tempted, more or less directly, to find out;
we doubt, however, if any one of us has must be made.
discovered a more ingenious plan than
The ability to concentrate and a good
the one perfected by a colored youth.
memory will win many a battle for you
in business.
Walking into a downtown drug store,
he asked permission to use the telephone
called up Mr. Jones (not L. B.).
and then
"Is this you, Mistah Jones?"
THE song the moving van
throughout the land;
newspapers old

"Yes." for WTapping glassware are at a premium;

"Well, Mistah Jones, I saw yo' ad in empty barrels and shock-resisting packing
de paper the other day and yo' wanted a boxes likewise.
cullud boy. Did yo' get one?" "Bill" slides up to the Boss and asks
if he
"Yes." can have tomorrow adding laconic-
"Is he givin' puffect satisfaction?" ally, "Moving," and later in the week,
"Yes, he's giving perfect satisfaction." shows up with blisters on his hands and a
"Well, Mistah Jones, providin' this forgotten hammer sticking out of his
cullud boy don't give yo'-all satisfaction, pocket.
yo' just call me at numbah 504. The annual moving day is almost as
The boy turned and started out, and much of a fixture as Fourth of July and
the druggist, w ho had overheard, remarked: Christmas. We are a restless lot.
"You didn't do any good, did you?"
"Yes sah," replied the boy, "I's dat
cullud boy wots workin' down there. I's Wage Dividend checks will soon be
just checking up to see how^ I stand. ripe; a comforting thought. Might be a
Two of the several things that help us good idea to start planning now to save
to make good, are the power to concen- all or part of yours.
these days of quick-spread knowl- health. You can't, for example, take a
IXedge, most people have come to some sewing machine adjusted to stitch two
appreciation of food as the real foundation thicknesses of material and feed it with
for healthand all those advantages that eight times tliat amoimt and expect it to
grow out of normal fimctioning of botiy "work."
organs. There still exists much ignorance Take care of what you have and make
as to the digestive fimction of the teeth. the most of it. If it's a clean mouth with
Most persons continue to think of them a sound set of teeth, just remember there
as mere mouth equipment, rather than a is^ no proof that they will stay that way

most important part of the stomach even with good care, though the better
machinery. the care, the better the teeth. If you have
"Teeth decayed to such an extent as to already acquired through negligence or
interfere with easy and complete masti- otherwise, a poor grinding outfit, why
cation of food material impose such a look around you and see what you can do
burden on the stomach and the intestines to "brighten up" that "corner." In any
as to seriously weaken these centers of case, ignorance of a bad condition is no
sustenance, and the deficiencies thus excuse, nor does it lessen the sufi^ering
created have an immediate and damaging that comes when it is too late. Go to an
effect on the entire system. So the rela- honest dentist once or twice a year and
tion of the teeth to health and strength is "take stock." Remember that a visit
twofold, doubling the importance of in time sometimes saves nine or so teeth.
maintaining mouth efficiency." Then invest in a medium sized, medium
The saliva or juice secreted in the stifftooth brush with even length bristles.
mouth, like the juices in the stomach and Before using it, soak two hours or so in a
intestines, is most important
in preparing glass of water in which a half teaspoonful
the food for subseciuent steps in the order of borax, boric acid or table salt is dis-
of digestion. Did you ever try it out? solved. Get a reliable dental paste or
Take, for example, a piece of dry bread. powder, or have a druggist put you up
Stay with it as long as you can— say twenty several months supply of prepared chalk,

chews and if, through abuse, you have orris root and myrrh, flavoretl with i^ep-
not lost your sense of taste see how — permint or wintergreen. This does not
sweet it becomes as mastication goes on. cost as much as many of the much ad-
As a scientific fact, the bread not only vertised preparations, and is good.Then
seems sweeter, but actually becomes so by try in your daily living to keep your
means of the mashing of the small starch mouth cleaner, use the brush and j)<)wder
cells with the teeth, so that the saliva every morning, and Avithout fail always
can get at the starch and convert it into before you sleep. The mouth is a splendid
a form of sugar. In this way the stomach incubator, and the many microbes which
gets full value out of goods received. You are constantly with us, have full sway at
may buy five ])oiuids of good meat at the night, unless we take some precautions.
butcher's. He may give you full weight Not only the surface of each tooth but
but you're swindled out of from one to the gmns, as well, should be scoured and
two-thirds of your money's worth if you scrubbed. If you have teeth that food
fail to chew it thoroughly. catclies between, and the dentist cannot
Get down to brass tacks! AVho wants remedy it. be sure to remove the particles
to be "taxed" to support the butcher and that collect, before brushing at night.
baker, yes, and the doctor and the under- Few people realize what trouble dirty

taker taxes met with the excess food and diseased teeth can cause. Abscesses
bill you pay and still more heavily with often form at the roots of teeth without
your own worn out machinery, and ill causing much ])ain. Gums become in-
flamed and infected. Decay becomes so It may seem like a lot of trouble and
great that, before one knows it, the entire bother, at first,but so did walking and
tooth is gone. And from this lack of atten- reading and many other wort li while
tion, which is just as much a disease as a things. Don't put it off. Start now. How
boil or an infected finger, many very many of us are like Bridget, who went to
serious conditions can result. Rheu- work in a house with modern jjlumbing?
matism, heart diseases, kidney trouble The came down
mistress to givesome
and some blood diseases often come from
orders and found her wildly mopping the
bad teeth. We have only known this in
floor, while both spigots in the sink were
late years, and it is by no means the whole
going full blast, the water overflowing,
story of all that can come from failure
to take ])roper care of your teeth. If your and the floor a puddle. The mistress

teeth are not the good grinders they should said: "Bridget, why don't you turn oft"

be, it is up to you to get them repaired. the water?" "Sure, Mum, an' I will as
Your healtli will be greatly improved. soon as I get time!"


'''T^HE general feeling in business circles and that is the case also with the automo-

J- one of strengthening confidence

is bile industry and even more so with the
that the corner has been turned and that building industry.
192'2 will be a better year than 19''21. " The Kansas City Star says that the
"The improvement in fundamental con- prospect good for as large a crop of

ditions and in general feeling has been wheat as Kansas ever raised.
very marked; indeed, from the middle of In the foregoing you have an outline of
January to the first of March, optimism what is cheerful in business conditions;
was perhaps over-pronounced and a on the other hand, there are many .serious
moderate reaction in some lines has problems yet to be solved, and we can
naturally resulted. hardly expect an immediate return to
"Thestock market, which is prompt to prosperity.
reflectand even anticipate changes in Taken altogether, however, the pros-
fundamental conditions, has been creeping pects are much more encouraging than
upward for the last six months in a slow they were at the beginning of the year.
but persistent movement which suggests
faith that better days are coming.
"Railroad traffic, as indicated by the YOU'RE WELCOME
reports of car-loadings since the first of
Not so long ago, folks of small means
the year, has been running ahead of last
used to hesitate about going into a bank
year, although January gross earnings
for advice regarding investments. Maybe
were about 16 per cent below those of
the old style bank arrangement with all
the same month On
the other
of 19^21.
hand, the net earnings of 199 roads were officials hidden away behind many impos-
$57,4^21,605 in January, against $^28,331,- ing doors, and the attitude of the bankers
956 in January, 1921, which reflects the themselves had something to do with it.

reduction in operating expenses. This isn't so any more. You will find

"The steel industry has made a marked bank oflficials glad to see you and to
recovery. The implement industry is advise you —and you won't have to dress
much better than at this time last vear. up in your Sunday clothes, either.


consider the i)iirchase of a
feature should be
to pay
have enough cash on
hai:)pen to
for everything, the
carefully thought out from a strictly of financing will not have to be considered,
business standpoint. but very few arc fortunate enough to be
In the first place, have to pay
you will in this position.

more for a home thanwould cost you

it Another point regarding which it will
for rentals; though this will be to your be well to give some thought, is possible
advantage in the end. You may, however, depreciation in value. Consideration
if you have sufficient for a fair payment, should be given to the character of the
pay for your home in monthly siuns neighborhood, and its possibilities, and
amoimting to about the same as 3^ou have probabilities, for advancement or going
been paying for rent, as will be shoA\Ti backward; likewise, the present high cost
later. of building.

One common error, is the attempt to When it comes to financing the pur-
own a place that is too large and too chase of a home, Kodak employees have a
costly to keep up. Very many people who decided advantage through the Eastman
have been cooped up in a small a])art- Savings and Loan Association and the
ment, expect to have a large house, with Kodak Eiiiployees Association, Incorpo-
garage, extensive grounds, and all that, rated. Figuring on this plan, let us see
for less money than they have been pay- how much a modest comfortable home
ing as rent. It just "can't be did." will actually cost. The price of the
It costs money to own a home of your property being 84,000.00 with a cash pay-
own, and it is well worth the cost, but ment of $500.00 down.
everything should be carefully considered Cash payment $ 500. 00
in relation to one's income. Legal, and other expenses for
An excellent idea is to put down all the loan 75 00

items of expense, including interest on the 139 monthly payments of

money you have invested. This will show $35.00 / . 4,865.00
you just how much your home is going Taxes for 1 1 years estimated . . 900 00

to cost you for upkeep. Mark down the Repairs and maintenance. . . . 440.00
items of cost in the following form Fire Insurance 70. 00

Interest on Investment $
Interest on Mortgages Total cost $6,850.00
Taxes and Assessments $ Rent, same period, at $35.00
per month 4,865 00
*Local Improvements $
Repairs $
Insurance $ Amount paid for home over
Depreciation $ and above cost of rent for
same period $1,985 00
Total amount of ui)keep. . .$
You might also figure that, if, instead of

*It might be argued that any charges investing your $500.00 in a house, you
for local improvements, such as paving, had loaned it at 6''^. the interest for 139
or sewer, should not be included as thcv months would amount to $349.50.
add to the value of the j)ro])erty. but if Wliilo you are paying back your loans
such improvements have not already been and interest at the rate of $35.00 per
made, they will sooner or later come month, tlie other costs such as taxes, re-
along, and will have to be met; so, provi- pairs, etc.. bring the amount to about
sion in such case should be made. $48.00 i)cr month.
you did not purchase a home but
saved and put away this $13.00 per
month in the Eastman Savings and Loan THE methods
housewife who
on the lookout
simplify her house-

Association, the dividends earned would

keeping or to conduct her home in the
amount to $6^25.6^2 at the end of 139
most economical manner will find the
following list of bulletins of interest:
Strictly speaking, these amounts should No.
be added to the amount the house will Care of Food in the Home 375
Homemade Fireless Cookers and their use. . 771
cost you, but ])erhaps they can be disre-
How to Select Foods 824
garded because most folks would never The House Fly 851
have saved the $500.00 for the first pay- Fresh Vegetables and Fruits as Conservers
of other Staple Foods 871
ment, or the $13.00 per month, if they Back- Yard Poultry Keeping 889
had not had the direct incentive of own- House Rats and Mice 896
ing a home. Everbearing Strawberries 901
Commercial Evaporation and Drying of
Here is the question for you to decide: Fruits 903
Are you justified in paying out $1,985.00 Farm Household Accounts 964
The Citv Home Garden 1044
more than rent in order to own your own The Fowl Tick 1070
home? The property may advance in Unfermented Grape Juice 1075
Preparation of Barreled Apples for Market.. 1080
value, or it may depreciate; no allowance
Home Laundering 1099
has been made for this either way in the Preserving Eggs 1109
foregoing. All details entering into the Baking in the Home 1136
One-Register Furnaces 1174
cost of a home shoidd be very carefully House-Cleaning Made Easier 1180
considered before the purchase is made. Operating a Home Heating Plant 1194
Rice as Food 1195
Standard Containers for Fruits and Vegetables 1196
Floors and Floor Coverings 1219
ASSOCL\TIOX Anyone desiring these bulletins may
meeting the Board of Directors
obtain them free of charge by writing
Ar ofa the
Kodak Employees Association U. S. Department of Agriculture, Division
(Incorporated) held on April 1'2, 19'2'2, it of Publications, Washington, D. C.
was voted that the Association subscribe The following Cornell Bulletins may be
for an additional $100,000 of Eastman obtained free of charge by residents of
Savings and Loan Association Income Xew York State by addressing New
Shares for the purpose of promoting the York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca,
housing of Kodak employees; one-half of N. Y., Office of Publications:
this sum new houses
to be reserved for to Use More Cheese 133
to be builtunder the direction of the Fireless and Steam-Pressure Cookers 135
Kodak Employees Realty Corporation. Food Preservation 136
The Home Laundry 137
The Kodak Employees Realty Corpo- Saving Strength in the Household 138
rationis empowered to buy and sell real
Copies of the above bulletins will be
estate both impro\ ed and unimproved, to
found in the Business Library at Kodak
erect buildings, and generally' to do any
Office. These bulletins will be loaned
and all things pertaining to the buying
on the same terms as books.
and selling of real estate. The officers are
Frank W. Lovejoy, president; Harry D.
Haight, vice-president; Milton K. Robin-
son, secretary; Jack L. Gorham, treasurer. BALLAST
Board of Directors: Frank W. Lovejoy, Running a house without a savings
James S. Havens, Walter D. Marshall. fund is like running a ship without
George P. Diemer, Charles H. Rogers, ballast. It is dangerous at any time,
Adolph Stuber, Harry D. Haight. and disastrous in a storm.


The Instrument Department broke into tlie lime- delivery but could not control it, and as a result,
light on April with a howlinjj party at Hafner's
1, rolled the low score of the evening.
alleys. The affair was scheduled, arranged and Although a few of the scores were below cham-
carried out, chiefly, by "Hob" Lehmann, and the j)ionship calibre, no one was below par in having a
Departjnent was out in force, including Foreman good time. A buffet lunch was .served and, in
"Bill" Vaeth. general, it was a regular old-fashioned bowling party
The bowlers were divided into three teams, with all the fixings. It was the first affair given by
the Instrument Department for a long time, but,
captained by Karl Buehler, Albert Gettner and
judging by the entertainment which it afforded, it
George Hilger. Captain Buehler's team won all
will not be the last. Report has it that a few of the
Four games. Carl Rode of the same aggregation instrument makers had to do some diplomatic ex-
piimed the high score of 196, and was asked by his plaining for coming home so late, but even the
team-mates, why he had not rolled at the A. B. C. domestic chidings do not seem to have destroyed
tournament. Captain Gettner used a very wicked their appetite for another "blow-out" of some kind.


Following a recent revision of the by-laws of the representative from each department, which will
.\ssociation, general election was held, which
a meet monthly with the officers and trustees. It is
resulted in the choice of Lindsay Sondheim of the expected that, by means of this body, the depart-
Production Department as president, and Claud mental opinions, desires and complaints, will be
Harding, foreman of the Engraving Department, accurately registered, and that, as a consequence,
as vice-president. Robert Meinhard was appointed the Association will afford greater satisfaction and
secretary-treasurer. The remaining ten in the benefit than ever before. Coupled with the fact
above group are trustees, who, together with the that President "Red" Sondheim is one of the livest
officers, form the Board of Governors of the of Hawk-Eye "live" wires, and that his helpers on
Association. the Board are among the strongest that could have
.\ feature of the new by-laws is their provision been chosen, it shovild mean a banner year for all of
for an Advisory Council, consisting of a chosen the Association's activities.


Left to Riaht (standing) Robert Nfeinhard. (laiKl Harding, William Scldegel, George ('ar«on, William Dean. Frank Quetchenback
Seated —George Brennan, Walter Kempf, Howard Werner, Ruth Kurtz, William Eyer, Lindsay Sondheim, John Lehle
you don't liappen to work in or near Building
If Oliver Xicol, a member of the Achromatic Lens
6, you may not know who this is. The chances are, Department for three and a half years, died at his
though, that you have had a ride with him at some home on March 17, only seventeen hours after his
time or other, on the elevator in that building, and brother had passed away. Mr. Nicol's very sudden
that the pleasant "Good morning" or "Nice day" death was entirely unexpected, and the shock to his
with which he favored vou made vou curious as to family correspondingly severe.
He was born in Rochester on February 17, 1865,
and came to us late in 1918, after having spent about
four years at Kodak Park. His first work in Mr.
Snapp's Department was on rough grinding, but he
was later transferred to the polishing, where he
remained until his untimely death. Mr. Nicol's
quiet demeanor and efficient workmanship made
many friends throughout the plant who are bound
to share with his relatives, the grief of his sudden
taking-off. We
extend our sincerest sympathy to
the familv.


Frances S. Pullen of the Centering Department,

surprised her friends on April 6, by announcing her
engagement to Edward R. Van W'icklin. At the
same time the two young people apparently decided
to finish the good work while the spirit moved them,
and were married a few days later, on April 11.
At this writing we have, at best, very meager
details of the occurrence. There are only two things
of which we are sure: That Frances and "Ed"
engineered a very effective surprise, and that Hawk-
Eye extends its best wishes for a long and happy
married life.


For the Hawk-Eye Hall of Fame, we nominate
Benjamin J. Levine; because he is a conscientious
worker in the Production Department; because, as
left fielder, he has helped Hawk-Eye to win four
baseball championships in two years; because his


his identity. At any rate, meet Thomas G. Hop-

kins, of the Maintenance and Construction Depart-
ment, who came to us in December, 1918. He
was, and still is, the first regular operator of the
lift in our newest addition, and has run it for three
years without an accident.

Frank Fink had a couple of old-timers come back
to him recently in the persons of Carl ("Willie")
Phillippsen, who spent some thirteen years at Hawk-
Eye, ending in 1917, and John W. Beveridge, who
came to us in 1915 and stayed for about four years.
Both are good workmen and good fellows. Here's
hoping that their stay will be long and pleasant.

We are glad to welcome Martha Sellmayer, fore-

lady of the Cementing Department, who returned
early in April, after an absence of six weeks.

Henry Freitag of the Brass Department, has playing at guard was largely instrumental in keeping
practically recovered from a very serious attack of Hawk-Eye at the top of the heap in the Kodak
pneumonia. If you want to know how close a call Basketball League last winter; because he swings
it was, ask "Connie" VanLare, who spent a number a wicked bat on our outdoor-indoor diamond, and,
of nights at his friend's bedside. We hope that "Hank" to cap the climax, because he has recently become
will shortly be in his usual state of robust health. the father of twins.

Here are the "Big Three" of the budding outdoor- romp. He was the "McGraw" of our 1921 World's
indoor baseball season at Hawk-Eye — "DukeV Series,and our only fear for him is that he may not
Quetchenback. "Jim" Bohan and "Jim" TNeldon. hitch very well with "Jim" (Hugginsj Weldon.
"Duke," the chairman, is also the Board of When the outdoor-indoor question was first agitated.


"Duke" Quetchenback, "Jim" Bohan, "Jinj" Weldon.

Governors' representative on the committee. He the latter hesitated to give his help because he was
is foreman of the Centering Department, and a afraid that even thinking about baseball would
notorious baseball fan. "Jim" Bohan, foreman of hurt his game of golf. He was won over, however,
Maintenance and Construction, freely admits that when someone with a good imagination told him
he isn't much on these new-fangled games, basket- that our baseball world could not revolve, without
ball, for instance, but in a baseball argument he can the impetus of his enviable "pep" and mature
give all entrants a ten-minute start and yet win in a judgment.

"Red" Sondheim, "Duke" Quetchenback and us, they made the most of that opportunity. Be-
George Kosel were the leading spirits in a theater tween the courses, Martin Vogt, well-known local
party held not long ago. Some sixty-five men dancer, entertained with his latest steps and
followed their lead to one of our most famous play- feminine rig. His act was the last on the evening's
houses where the —
attractions shall we whisper it.' program, except for the collection taken up by
— are usually of the burlesque variety. The delega- "Les" Clevenger.
tion occupied the first five rows, and developed a
combined applauding power that was not to be
lightly ignored. In fact there were times when the WAS IT A WOODEN SHOWER.'
show simply could not go on without the extra The girl.s Department gave a shower
of the Filter
encore which they demanded. All in all the per- for Helen Knitter on the morning of April 1. And
formance was quite satisfactory. they do say that, among the gifts she received were
From the theater, the men betook themselves to six rolling pins, which may bode ill for that otherwise
Lang's, where they were served with a splendid fortunate young man, Mr. Ralph Smithers. Helen
chicken supper. They were seated at two long accepted the diamond at Christmas time, but
parallel tables in a position to hurl appropriate com- somehow escaped fame until now. We take this
pliments, and other things, at each other, and believe opportunity to extend our best wishes.


From grease paint to histrionic talent, tlie requis- the first kiss engraved on his sister's cheek to the
ites of a good show were conspicuously present on the moment the villain was routed tJiat's — Carl's job,
Lyceum stage at the K. O. R. C. Glee Club presenta- —
you know his acting and singing were a source of
tion of "College Days." pleasure to the entire audience. This, the demand
Despite the fact that the local reporters received for encores attested. There was no hint of half-
complimentary tickets, all has not yet been said tone in his full, round tenor voice, and he etched
about the performance. For example, "Jack" his lines with clearness and expression.
Roberts, as a collegiate fun-maker, acted his filbert Marie Mattern as "Dot," the college president's
role as if such a thing came natural to him. He daughter, played opposite her brother and was
certainly put over the Tom-Cat song with a mighty equally well received. Her singing especially called
"meow". forth applause and w'as deservedly commented on in
And the Oh! shades of Waikiki
ukelele scene. the Post Express as qualifying her as "a soprano
Beach — sand
only was lacking to make a perfect who might easily take prima donna roles in other
simulation of that lyrically famous spot. Certainly than amateur productions."

the waves were there ruled by Venida, Goddess of The stage presence and acting of Helena Foley,

Marcel and the genuine Hawaiian music, written confidante of "Dot" and enamored of "Tubby"
in Greenwich Village. (K. W. Williams) displayed talent rarely witnessed
feature of the show that must have made "Flo"
A in amateur productions, and "Tubby" himself,
Ziegfeld jealous of the producers, could he but have although his 140 pounds were burlesqued by his
known of it, was the dazzling array of dainty name, certainly mouthed a mean megaphone as
damosels forming the chorus. Their singing was cheer leader.
such as no Winter Garden show boasted. Their Edward J. Hilbert and Arthur P.Bartholomew as
repertoire was replete with rollicking rimes, and the villains made Desperate Desmond seem a veritable
range of their skirts and voices, from ankle-low piker. Mirabile dictu, they got away with their
contralto tones to high soprano "see," was indeed a parts without the aid of the conventional black
treat to the eyes and ears of the audience. mustache.
No small amount of credit for the success of the Throughout the performance, Frank Foskett
performance belongs to the men of the ensemble. tossed a terrible Phi Beta Kappa key, as president
The Bowery accent they added to the "heel, toe and of Brinkdale College, and he and Adelaide Dark,
a-one-two-three" pedal intricacies with which they as the romantic Dean of Girls, supplied splendid
accompanied "Dot" and "Davy's" song, "I'm comedy in their songs.
Willing," will go down in terpsichorean annals as In presenting "College Days," a three-act
the inception of a new era. They displayed the musical comedy by May Hewes Dodge and John
typical careless abandon of the American imder- Wilson Dodge, the Glee Club was directed by
graduate in the way they held their partners, in Gertrude Ermatinger. David Evans coached the
this special song and chorus number, off at arm's chorus and principals in their songs, with Frederick
length. As baseball players, they lent an air of the Huber at the piano, while Ross Robertson as
southern spring training camps which was undeni- business manager, assisted by Myrtle W. Dalgety,
ably refreshing, and as a cheering, singing collegiate looked after the business end of the evening's en-
mob, led by the indomitable "Tuliby, "' they rate tertainment.
the celluloid stove poker.
— —
That climax the war over he, cleared of the
blot that had smeared his 'scutcheon ——
she, ashamed "VERY GOOD— 'EDDIE! "

of her mistrust of him —

tense moments "'Dot" and Edward J. Hilbert is to represent the Billing
— —
"Davy" gripping each other. Oh! why should Department in the K. O. R. C. as a result of the
parts like these go to brother and sister? Think of recent general election. After accepting the honor

the winter-long rehearsals wasted. conferred upon him, "Eddie" promised to have this
But away with this pseudo-serious comment summer the best picnic ever held by the Billing
the play's the thing, as "Will" Shakespeare was Department, (iood enough!
wont to remark. Another thing "Eddie" favors is smokers and
The evening's histrionic crown of laurels, made entertainments for the members of his Department,
of non-skid slippery elm leaves, rests on tlie brow of and if he carries half of liis plans through, the Billers
Carl Mattern of the Engraving Department, who will have some high old times. Better yet!

took the part of "Davy," the collegian-hero. From Best wishes and congratulations, "Eddie!


oarxufi. OAu.ey—


Another Shipping Department veteran rounds The the Stock Distribution Department
girls of
out his twenty-five years of service this month held a party and a variety shower as a surprise for
WilHam Severin Bach. the newly-weds, Mr. and Mrs. (Himesj Benowitz.
Previous to May, 1897, "Bill" was chalking up "Irish" games were played, after which lunch was
stock quotAtions on the board in the office of M. B. served to about twenty. Those present had such a
Sheldon, then a prominent local broker. "Charlie" good time that they unanimously agreed to have
Johnson, who, even at that time, was very much more "get-acquainted" parties in the near future.
interested in stocks, noticed what a beautiful marker
"Bill" was and immediately hired him for the ship- Here's why John Lamphier
of the Billing Depart-
ping room. Except for a time when he was loaned ment smilingly happy: a baby girl, Alma
is .so

to the old Photo Materials Company after that Marie, weight seven and one-half pounds. Mr.
and Mrs. Lamphier now have two daughters.

We extend to Harry Seaman of the Sales Depart-

ment, our sincere sympathy on tlie recent death of
his brother, which occurred at Easport, Long Island.

Mae MacKehey of the Finishing Department,

who has been on a leave of absence for several
months, has gained six pounds and will be "rolling
in" soon. We
shall be glad to have her with us.

Arthur Heckler of the Engraving Department,

has bought a new house on Bav Street near Culver


C. Edward ("Scoop") Cooley, of the Industrial
Relations Department, one of the Associate Editors
of The Kodak Magazine, has been appointed Editor
of the Kodak Office section, succeeding Norman


concern had been acquired by the Eastman Kodak

Company, Mr. Bach has .served continuously in the
shipping room ever since.
"Bill" Bach to everybody, he is one of the best
known and best liked employees of the Kodak
Office. In addition to his duties with the company
he found time, in the old pre-prohibition days, to
become famous as a fisherman, which, with his
family of ten children, has kept him fairly busy.
Congratulations, "Bill." i\Iay you be with us
twenty-five years more, and may our future years of
association be as pleasant and profitable as the
quarter-century already recorded.

A farewell luncheon was given Mrs. Louise Sidwell

by her friends in the Finishing Department. Mrs.
Sidwell has left the employ of the company to care
for her Mother, who is ill.

We extend our sympathy to Paul Favour, man-

ager of the Service Department, whose Mother died
on March 31.
The sympathy of the members of the Billing
Department is extended to John Coyne, whose VanDeCarr, who has been transferred to the
Mother died recentlv. Industrial Economy Department, Kodak Park.
Reporters for the various departments are requested
The Billing Department announces the engage- to send their news items to Mr. Cooley on or before
ment of Celia Lynch to George Kleisley. the tenth day of each month.



Here we see Messrs. Clinc and Pittenger, staff tween times, however, in the thirteen to fourteen-
photographers to the Advertising Department, hour day, from seven a. m. to eight or nine p. m.,
satiating that desire to '"see themselves as others in the studio, ""Ben learned how to print on albu-

see them." Alas! tliat men who went to the Victor —

men paper a printing-out paper that required
High School together should come to this! exposures of from three hours, up, on a dull daj',
The representation depicts "Ben" in his char- and from five to ten minutes in bright sunlight
acteristic attitude of geniality and good humor, how to mount, spot, and burnish prints, and all the
which goes on after his thirty-one years with the other feats of the trade. At the conclusion of his
Kodak company, like Tennyson's brook, seemingly apprenticeship "Ben" received a regular appoint-
forever. As for Durfee, he is right on the qui lire. ment to a position at a salary of one dollar per week.
as usual, ready for the big picture opportunity. After three years in the photographer's studio
Back before the Income Tax made men mad and he transferred his activities to the Kodak company's
women —
wilder oh, 'way before that "Ben"
— finishing and enlarging department. This was
accumulated a pin-hole camera outfit in exchange located in the old building which stood approxi-
for a magazine subscription and a dollar. Right mately on the site of the present sixteen-story
there was sovm the seed from which blooms Cline, edifice. It had a flower garden in front of it and
the photographer of today. bore the legend, "You press the button; we do the
The pin-hole camera had a capacity of one plate rest." But there was very little '"rest" on the job,
at a time, and had to be re-loaded in the dark room you may believe "Ben," and he ought to know,
after every exposure. The plates of those days because he later became head of the department.
required a twelve-second exposure in bright sun- Then, for a short period, he was with the Cine
light. ^Mien "Ben's" first picture, a portrait of Film Department, until his photographic services
the family horse, was developed, the head was were requisitioned by the Advertising Department.
decidedly diffused, although the animal had been Durfee Pittenger, his co-photographer, has had a



cautioned to stand still. But. despite its limita- somewhat shorter career with the company, but
tions, this shutterless camera stirred up "Ben's" his twelve years of service mark him a veteran.
interest in photography, and he hired out to learn He. too, became interested in photography as an
the trade. amateur; so, he made the jump from telegraph
As a photographer's apprentice in a once well- operator to draughtsman and photographer, and
known State Street studio, "Ben" worked for two then came to the Paper Testing Department of the
months without pay, mopping out, sorting glass company. During his several years at this work,
negatives when the shelves that held them fell, and he kept up his interest and study of photography
doing the heavy scene-shifting of head props, and made a good many pictures, several of them for
papermache rocks and daisy-field foregrounds, that advertising purposes. During the war period he
comprised the properties of the old-lime photog- had charge of the Enlarging Department at Kodak
rapher's outfit. This .somewhat warped "Ben's" Park. About three years ago when the Advertising
mental vision of a photographer as a man in a Department needed aimther pliotoirrapher, Durfee
skull-cap holding up graduates to the light. Be- filled the bill.


The Order Department proud to have the honor
is Cirover C. Lloyd has been elected captain of the
of claiming Helena Foley as its "own." Her excep- Billing Department bowling team for the season of
tional histrionic ability and fine singing were well 19'2'2-'23. The Billers evidently do not believe in
displayed in "College Days." Another department waiting until the last minute, and, with this early
has a clinch on the claim, too, for Helena was re- appointment, we expect to see them open up thene.vt
cently transferred to the Stenographic Department. season with a team rolling in good form.

Upper Ci>c/M—Jessie Natt, vice-president; Marie Mattern, secretary CVn(er— Frank O. Strowger, president
Lower Circles —Charles Howard, treasurer; Edward Junker, chairman. General Committee
Gro»p— Members of General Committee (left to right): Ray Hyde, M. Ruth Gill, Edward P. Goetzman, Myrtle Dalgety,
Jessie Wilkinson, Harry Seaman
F O L M E R -




And three lusty cheers! place. However, next year we may hope for some-
Perhaps you'll wonder why, hut "Jim" and '"Al" thing better for our bowlers are piling up higher
are each a litflc richer as the result of the recent scares every year. Fenner, .lost, Burke, Drabinski
Kodak Inter-plant Bowling Tournament. Paired and Kirvan rejiresented us in the five-man event.
in the doubles, these two top-nf)tch howlers smashed In the individuals, Magel topped the Folmer-
the Genesee Hall maples for a total of liW pins, C'entury list with a score of 584. Jost and Kirvan
thereby tying with Kick and Uschold of Kodak both rolled well, but the competition in this event
Office for second place. One of the rules of the seemed too strong for our iDowlers. Those who
tournament was, that if two teams in the doubles, rolled in both singles and doubles were Malone,
or two individuals, were tied for a position in the Fenner, Jost, Drabinski, Burke, Fleming, Bird,
prize, a draw was to decide the winner, the loser McCormack, Magel, and Kirvan. Quite a showing!
to move to the next place in the standings. And Were strong for another tournament of this
on the draw, Kirvan and Fleming were not so kind, for we think we can out-roll Camera Works,
lucky. Kodak Park, or any of our other competitors after
Our five-man team did not show u]) as well as we one more year's experience on the alleys. And

expected. Splits, lots of them, and spares alto- perhaps "Jim" and "Al" will top the list in the

gether too few accounted for our position of fourth doubles. Who knows.^

"Batter up! You're out! Safe on third!" well-known St. Paul street aggregation could not
Yes, the "Lmp "' will very shortly be "bawlin' exist without baseball. We can develop a team
them out," for plans are well under way for the that will give any of the other plants real competi-
formation of a Twilight League. tion and we might arrange to beat them in a post-
Our plant harbors considerable baseball talent season tournament for championship honors.
— —
always has and always will and inasmuch as Lets do it!
the Kodak Baseball League will not be in operation
this summer, our ball-tossers took it upon them- Carl of the Wood Department, who
selves to form their own League. recently to us from Premo, was the victim of
Spencer Pope, of the Office, has imdertaken the an auto accident \]ir\\ 14 Mr. Schultz is one of
task of bringing the teams together, and from the our "old-timers" in jjoint of service. He first made
list of interested Century-ites he has on hand, we'll cameras back in 1SS7, for W. F. Carlton, in a room
have to have a four-team organization to take care in the Bee Hive Building on Aqueduct Street.
of all who wish to play. We sincerely hope that his injuries will not
Kodak Office has prospects of a league and the necessitate a prolonged confinement.
Already plans are under way for a bigger and
better picnic.
Ambrose J Smith has been elected chairman of
the Arrangements Committee to take care of our


103 Fairbanks Street

Yes, blame the Assistant Editor! Mention of

the best part of our Smoker was omitted in last
month's write-up, and as a result of such laxity, we
owe "Doc" Wendley many apologies. "Doc's"
address was a fine example of superb oratory.

Step up and introduce yourself to the new mem-

AMBROSE J. SMITH ber of our office force, Frances Everson, who was
recentlv transferred from Premo.
annual outing, and from a faint slant we have had
of the plans, we're going to have some picnic.
The exact time and location have not been Our sincerest sympathy is extended to Earl
definitely decided upon, but we are all eagerly Berna of the Assembly Department, whose father
awaiting the preliminary announcement. recently passed away.

Patricia Strong's many friends are happy to

learn that she is rapidly convalescing and is expected There is no quality that will bring greater re-
to return to the Purchasing Department soon. turns than courtesy. No one likes the siu-ly,
grouchy, gruff individuals who think they are
Irene Lees received a hearty welcome on her doing you a favor by merely talking to you.
recent return to work. Everyone goes out of his way to avoid them.



New Officers of the K. P. A. A. Roll Coating Department. "Don," as he is best

known, has been one of the most ardent workers
President Donald McMaster
for the Association, and has given freely of his time
First Vice-President George J. Gray
and effort to foster its many activities.
Second Vice-President Gerould Lane
Dr. D. E. Reid, retiring president of the Associa-
Secretary Herbert R. Benzoni
tion, is certainly entitled to a imanimous vote of
Treasurer "Ben" McMillan
appreciation from the members for his noteworthy
fEHzabeth Copeland
accomplishments during his term of oflBce. He has
Trustees j William J. Zimmerli
proved himself a real leader, showing a keen interest
[Horace E. Robinson
in all of the Association's activities, and devoting
As a result of the annual March election of the much of his time to its affairs. The success of
Kodak Park Athletic Association, the above list these many activities may be estimated from the
of officers entered upon their duties on April 1, fact that over 42,000 people have attended the
and will continue in office until the same date in various functions held in the Assembly Hall during
1923. The choice of Donald McMaster, assistant the past year. Although Dr. Reid is retiring from
superintendent of the Emulsion Coating Depart- active participation in the affairs of the Association,
ment, and one of the most popular of the younger we are counting on a continuance of his help and
men at the Park, as president, was no surprise, support. He will always be considered one of the
although he was given a hard run for the office by pillars on which the Kodak Park Athletic Associa-
the other two candidates, Paul C. Seel, of the tion was founded, and on which it has been
Chemical Plant, and H. E. Van Derhoef, of the maintained.

i ^ ^

No, sir you can't keep 'em dowii, that Kodak
Park Soccer Club. Not satisfied with winning
field, attendance at
the matches has been most
-satisfactory. Our
last-minute loss of the cham-
honors in its own field, this bunch is continually pionship last fall was a hard blow, but it has resulted
stepping into the limelight of other spheres. For in a grim determination to turn the trick this
example, the Soccer Club entered a team in the season. The bo\s are out to win; let's give them
Departmental Basketball League last fall, and our support I

stepped right through to the championship. Conse-

quently, a basketball trophy now rests with the
others in their collection. SCOUT DOLNGS
The Soccerites showed their social skill by [)utting
recent city-wide competition among scout
over one of the most enjoyable dances ever held at
tnjops, the Kodak Park unit. Troop 50, was the
Kodak Park. This function was staged in the
Assembly Hall on Friday evening. April 7, under winner of third place in total number of points
scored, and took first place in knot tying, and in
the able management of a committee headed by
.semaphore signalling. They were beaten out by
Chairman "Jack" Brightman. Taylor's orchestra
did the honors.
Troop 1.5 from Brick Church, and Troop 68 from
Our prospects for success in the spring series of Immaculate Conception Church.
the local Soccer League are even brighter than last At present the Kodak Troop has a membership
year. Our ]9'21 eleven is almost intact, and we of over fifty. Plans are under way for fortnightly
have signed in addition, two or three other valuable "hikes," trips to the summer camp at Canandaigua
men. At the season's opening on April 2, six Lake, and one or two other excursions.
teams began competition for the perpetual trophy The annual Fathers and Sons Banquet was held
presented by James McKinley, Sr., president of the on April 11, with an attendance of ninety-five.
Northwestern New York State Association. This Speakers were Mr. Haste and Mr. Beach, while
trophy is a hands(jme oak shield, displaying as a Lincoln Burrows presented badges. Motion pic-
centerpiece a four-inch soccer ball. tures were shown, the scouts gave an exhibition,
Kodak Park followers of the soccer game are and then fathers and sons joined in a series of games.
legion, and since the opening of the new Kodak \\. H. Thompson acted as song leader.


Winners of Trophy in K. P. A. A. Departmental League
Left to Right (standing) —William \yeike, Arthur Williams. Arthur Barr, Alfred Fratter,
"Jack" Brightman, "Don" McMaster
Seated —Leigh Rife, Howard Taylor, Fred Carbone, Thomas Quigley


The first robin the south wind sulphur and — The John McGraws and "Connie"' Macks of
mohisses; these are the things that tell us "Spring the Kodaiv Park circuit are Harold Hudson, Re-
has came," and that on the athletic field well find search Laboratory; "Chuck Forstbauer, liuilding

the hard-working candidates for places in our 33; Harvey Shannon, Pipe Shop; and Allen Fer-


Left to Right (standing) — Allen Ferguson, Harold Hudson, Charles Forstbauer, Harvey Shannon
Sealed —James Ward, Edward Goodridge, John Shepherd, president; John Manhold

"l)erpetuar' Xoon-hour League. 19'-22 baseball inter- guson, Builfling '2S. Manhold and Ward will
est promises to be as keen as in any j)revious season. handle the indicators.
Witness the fact that ourown "Judge Landis"' for this
If you are not already a noon-hour fan. or a
year is to be none other than "Father John" Shepherd
of Department .50, with "Ed Goodridge of Building
" charter member of the "razzers" club, come out,
.5, as his chief side-kick and assistant, in the position pick your favorites, and root your head off for the
of secretary-treasurer and official score-keeper. knights of the .soft agate and the dwarf swat-stick!


The success of the 19'21-22 Dance Series, held bers what could be done. 'I'lie Harvest Dance,
imder the auspices of the Kodak Park Athletic second of the series, was handletl by "Ben"
.Vssociation, cannot be measured in terms of dollars, McMillan. Then followed the Christmas Dance.
nor is the numlier who atten<led any criterion, for with James A. Hart as chairman, and the Mid-
on almost every occasion it was neces.sary to turn Winter Dance, arranged by Paid C. Seel. The
people away after the Hall's capacity had l)een \'alentitu' Partv. and the Shamrock Dance, with
exhausted. "Jack" SchaeH'er and William Zimmerii, respectively,
Credit for the uniform success of the various in charge, comj)leted the series.
dances is given, first, to the interest shown by the .\n interesting feature is the fact that, at the
various c-liairmen and their conunittees; next, to tlu> last three dances between six and seven hundred
interest and co-oi)eration of the em|)loyees. and people had to be turned away. In all, nearly
their eagerness to attend; and finally-, to the clever (>.()()() dancers atlen<led the six ])arties. most of them

decorations and entertainment features wliich, Kodak Park employees. It is gratifying to the
together with the excellent music furnisheil \ty offictTS of the .Association to know that their efforts
Damon's record orchestra, made each party well are appreciated, and that the nuMubers of the .V.sso-
worth while. ciation support these affairs .so generously.
The first dance of the series, held in October, was To the general chairman. Dr. B. J. Slater, and
supervise<lby .\rthur E. Williams, before he assinned to everyone who contributed in any way to the
his present duties with the K. P. A. .\. This success of the parties, sincere appreciation is
.serve<l as an introchu'tion. ami showed tlie mem- expressed.


The sixth and of the series of Community
last Sentiment in favor of the establishment of a rifle
Night entertainments well upheld the successful organization culminated in the formation on March
record of the previous events. Fully 1,500 em- 10 of the Kodak Park Rifle Association, with fifteen
ployees and their guests enjoyed a Mell-balanced charter members. Inasmuch as some forty addi-
bill of high-class vaudeville and dancing. The tional employees have signified their intention of
following Departments were represented: Main joining, it is expected that the organization will
Office, Testing, Plate, Box, Research Laboratory, grow very rapidly.
Industrial Economy, Lacquer and Mounting Tissue, TheAssociation, which will be aflSliated with the
Purchasing, Dining Halls, and men on shift work National Rifle Association, will be issued arms,
who were unable to attend any of the former ammunition, and other supplies by the government.
entertainments. Plans are under way to secure outdoor and indoor
George Engelhardt's Kodak Park Octette fea- ranges, the latter to be located at the Park if pos-
tured the evening's program, which included dances sible. Competition in national and international
by the famous "Dotson," Ada Roach. Ruth Free- events is also under consideration.
man, impersonations by Charles P^letcher, and Haywood G. Dewey of the Engineering Depart-
selections by the Bastianelli orchestra. A Harold ment, Building 23, has been elected president,
Lloyd comedy concluded the entertainment. Henry N. Wood of the Tool Room, secretary, and
Wilkinson's orchestra played for dancing. Arthur E. Williams, treasurer, of this new Club.
"Art" Williams, chairman, Paul C. Seel, Henry N.
It is doubtful if any other entertainment spon-
Wood, and Oscar Knell are members of the com-
sored by the K. P. A. A. has enjoyed such popularity
mittee which was appointed to secure an indoor
as did the Community Night series. Every em- range.
ployee of Kodak Park was given an opportunity to
Those who wish to join are requested to send
attend, and bring a guest to one of the parties.
their names to Secretary Wood, Tool Room,
How well the entertainments "took" may be judged Building 23. There are undoubtedly many mem-
by reviewing the attendance, which totalled over bers of the American Legion at the Park who will
8,000 for the entire series.
welcome an occasional day on the range, and a
Appreciation is extended to the following men chance to feel the "kick" of the old "Springfield"
whose services contributed largely to the success again.
of the Community Night entertainments: Chester
Klipfel, Raymond Fitzpatrick, A. D. Bessey, Mason The Emulsion Coating Department off"ers its
McKinney, William Mitchell, Fred Collett, Charles sympathy to Charles Nicol on the loss of his two
Midavine, Albert Sperry, Thomas Ryan, Fred brothers; to James E. Lee, whose Mother died on
Gardner, Abraham Eilinger, Charles Flagg, and March 13, and to Seward Smith, whose father died
William Andre. on March 20.

Trophy Winners in K. P. A. A. Bowling'League
Left to Right (standing)—Otto Tornow, William Marx
Seated —Harry Prescott, Harold Moss, James Hart


Wiliiani J. Newell, who, for the past five years,
It would next \n iiniJossihlt- to fjct aloiif; witli-

oiit the Asseml)l\- Hall in HuiMiiifi "28. particiilarl\'

has been a member of the Emulsion Coating Depart-
(luring tiiose montlis of tl:e year when most of our
ment has resigned, to go into business in Los
outdoor recreation has to be suspended. During
the winter months the Hall is partirularly well
patronized at noon, wiien it affords entertainment
for the hundreds of employees who remain at the
plant for luneh.
The K. P. A. A. has provideil various types of
noon-hour recreation. There are the half-hour
entertainments, given by professional talent.
\'olley ballgames two days a week furnish a differ-
ent type of amusement On all otlier days there is
dancing, with music furni.shed by the Association.
Warm weather now draws our noon-hour thoughts
to the out-of-doors, but, when winter comes again
why shouldn't the Assembly Hall again Ije popular!'
And. whv will it be? The answer is the K. P. — \VILLI.\M .1. NEWELI.
A. A.
Angeles, ('alifornia. He for the coast on April
i. James K. Lee, on behalf of his fellow workers,
presented "Bill" with a gold-mounte<l fountain pen
DR. MILKS -MAKES THIRD APPEARANCE and a sterling silver F^versharp pencil, as tokens of
the iiigh esteem in whicli he is held.
Thursday. April 1.'$. saw the return of Dr. Robert We regret Mr. Newell's departure, and are confi-
Parker Miles to Koilak Park as the speaker at the dent that he will achieve great success in his new
regular monthly dinner meeting of the Kodak Park field.
Foremens Club. This marked the third a])pear-
ance of Dr. Miles before the Club, and an unusually BREEDERS— SAVE MAY '231
large number heard his highly interesting and enter-
The meeting of the season for the Fur and
taining address.
Feather Club will be held on Tuesday, May -2"i.
Members of the Foremen's Club held a reception Members, save the date! President F>ank X.
dance in the Assembly Hall on PViflay. March '•24. Hauser announces that the first fall meeting is
some two hundred couples enjo.\ing the musical scheduled for September I '2, when preparations
efforts of Taylor's orchestra. for the annual December exhibit will be launched.

Pennant Winners in Kodee Bowling League
Left to Right (standing)—Carlyle A. Field, William Mason, Charles A. Streb, >amuel Burden

Seated Thomas jV. Marling, George J. Smith, captain: Edward Hamilton


The fourth year of representation in the employees Dept.
many No. Department Name Representative
group started with the annual election, orig-
inal oflBce holders of 1919 beingon this year's list.
9 Maintenance Norman Tompkins
10 Electrical
Charles Rogers has again been elected to fill the 1'2 Tinshop

position of chairman of the executive committee, i;? Millwright } Arthur Miller

which not only speaks well for his efficiency and 14 Plumbing
IG Carpenter Shop
popularity, but also proves the good judgment of J

11 Milling Lowell Ford

the electors. The plan, as adopted in the Camera
William Boland
Works, has established the fact that much good is 15 Foreign Shipping Alexander Russell
derived from joint meetings between the manage-
ment and employees, and provides means whereby '20 Lathe .John McMahon
Phillip Smeltzer
misunderstandings may be satisfactorily explained, '21Tumbling ]

and more friendly relations established. Following ii Rustproof I

is the list of representatives, together with the '24 Dipping |

25 Plating Salvatore Civitillo

department or departments from which they were '2() Stringing

elected '28 Etched Plate J

93 BuflBng Ralph Handley

Dept. '27 Rivet Edward Geier
No. Department Name Representative
'29 Die Casting James McPartlin
3 Sanitation Joseph McVeigh
4 Scrap 30 Lacquer .\lice Dunn
6 Stock Inventory George Gross 31 Finishing Ervin Harwood
8 Stores Shaping
.33 Louis Miller
[George Scott 34 Sawing William Kartell
7 Press. j
William Thompson 35 Wood Assembling! n-n- c- j
[Minor Magee 3o \iood sundries J


Left to Right (standing) — .Joseph Fisher, Joseph Ives, Frank Holdridge, Clifford Wallace
Seated —Margaret Hondorf, Charles Rogers, Agnes Flynn


No. Department Name Representative
40 Covering Marjjaret Hondorf
\ou\ we know which plant ha.s the best bowlers!
.\t least we think we do, for our boys carried off the
41 Creasing George Rosner
4i Assembling Folding Pocket Kodak .... AYillard White
team honors, to say nothing of several individual
43 Assembling Sundry Joseph Ives
44 Assembling Fold- Agnes Flynn
ing Brownie Frank Hornbeck
45 Assembling Junior Kodak Frank Holdridge
46 Assembling Vest Pocket Kodak Robert Lindie
48 Lens Inspection Florence Allen
fiO Assembling Brownie .\lbert Merkel
(No. '2a-'2c-3) Mae Graule
61 Printing and Paper Cutting Gerald Kinderlin
52 Shutter Assembling No. Ernest Leroux
Fred Freemeser
53 Assembling Brownie (Nos. an<l '21 . . .Albert Frank
54 Kodamatic Fred Alexander
55 Brownie Machine and Lacquer Frank Fisher
66 Brownie Covering John Pearce
57 Shutter Machining Clifford Bundy
59 Cable Release Martha Stoecklein
60 Bellows Laura Irons
61 Leather Case
6i Leather Cutting

^ '""'™
ti--ii- t^
^^""^ i

63 Complete Inspection Charles Houck

64 Assembling Shutter (Nos. 1 and i) William Wright
65 Engineering (Machine and Wood) David Sine
Draftsman Frank Sherman
66 Tool David Olsan
Joseph Fisher
Albert Frank
67 Accessory Henry Letter
70 Factory Stock Record Emmet Brennan
71 Tool Supervision Lawrence Welch

gg Planning Clifford Wallace

90 Superintendent's OfBce]
94 Purchasing ] Norman Robinson
99 Industrial Relations J

91 Cost 1
T«-ll- T
92 Inventory /
" '""»™ Lawrence
9^ Pay Roll John Wilson
95 Detail and Estimate Charles Irwin Our popular bowling champion, and
a good all-around sport
96 Stock Record Walter May
The Joint Committee is composed of the Executive Com-
mittee of the Employees Representatives, together with the prizes. We congratulate the team which, captained
Superintendents and Foremen appointed by the management,
by that old reliable, Leo Nowack, brought the
as follows:
banner home to the Recreation Club. George
Frank H. Reynolds
Kraus, Fred Henricus, Fred Hinterleiter, William
Ernest E. Lnderwood
Albert C. Geiger
O'Neill and Henry Auer kissed the maples for a
Myron J. Hayes total of 2,66G pins.
William Ure The tournament leaves no regrets with Isadore
Bertram Williams Rapp, who shared with John Heaphy, eighteen
Ray Haines dollars, the prize for high team in the two-man
John A. Robertson, chairman event. Arthur Miller and Roy Curtis doubled up
Frederick W. Brehm, «ecre<ar//
in the same event, ami took the six-dollar prize for
fifth place. The pahn leaf goes, however, to Henry
SHE PAYS THE BILLS Auer, who carried away twelve dollars for the high
The real financiers are the wives of men who individual score of t)46. William Stark followed
are making their way. I know; because I've seen closely, only ;? pins behind, and "Bill" thereby
how my mother managed, and how lots of other garnered an extra ten-spot. Fourth prize went to
capable, thrifty, energetic women have managed. Donald McCullock, "Mac" scoring (540.
The husband brings his pay to his wife and turns
it over to her; except that .she probably lets him
Albert G. Frank, of the Tool Room, handed us
have a little spending money, for tobacco or some- the surprise of our young lives, by getting mar-
thing like that. Then she pays the bills. She has ried, on .\pril 17. To whom, do you say To Miss .'

done a deal of figuring, and planning, and scraping R. Marie Brown. Here's wishing all kinds of luck
to keep those bills down, so that she can put to Mr. and Mrs. Frank.
aside .something as savings. I have a profound
respect and admiration for those women. They
mean more to this coimtry than any other class of Fred Gratis of the Press Department, has confided
citizens. — Harry E. Byram, President, Chicago, that he is soon to be married. "In the Spring, a
Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. Young Man's

'Among the most progressive firms there is a growing appreciation of the fact that almost
every discovery in science may ultimately have direct influence on industry."
ISrithh Journal of Industrial Research

Modestly tucked awayin the corner of IJuiltiinp view to solving the technical difficulties which
9 —third —
our Laboratory, a department of
level is hamper production.
vital importance in the production of higli-grade We have neither the technical knowledge nor the
cameras. space to enumerate the various tests to which


Of course we all know that, in order to maintain camera parts are subjected. Our chief problems
the reputation our company enjoys, the goods must are with the glue, leather or composition, and dyes.
not only look- right; they must he right. Tiiis is Because of the scarcity of high-grade leather it
where the "Lab" begins to function. was found advisable to use a substitute on certain
To the layman, a laboratory is a puzzling place. types of cameras. Of course many experiments
Few things are more conducive to curiosity than had to be worked out l)ef'ore the new covering could
scientific instruments, various weird-shaj)ed tubes be used. Consider the fact that a Kodak or Brownie
and retorts, cabinets and containers resembling has to be adapted for arctic, tropical, and temperate
magicians" boxes, scales computed by hieroglyphics, climates and you will realize the varying elemental
and all the seeming disorrlerly array of bric-a-brac conditions a camera has to face.
which is indispensable in a chemical laboratory. You may have seen the leather literally covered
One feels an overwhelming desire to ask, "What's with "goose-pimples."" This is caused by an acid
or "How does that work?"
this for.^" For instance, in the glue which corrodes the aluminum base.
we noticed an electric oven wherein were several Again, the bellows sometimes evince a tendency
small dark-brown objects which looked like Mrs. to split in the creases, under certain conditions.
Xewlywed"s first attempt at making doughnuts. These taxed the ingenuity of the Laboratory. Fast
These objects proved to be samples of leather, dyes, or rather, the scarcity of them, is another
which, by some uncanny process were being aged subject for investigation, as the action of light
at the rate of twenty months in five hours. causes certain so-callcfl black pigments to, in
Garson Meyer, in charge of the "Lab,"" received time, assume a neutral shade of greenish-gray.
his degree as Bachelor of Science from the Univer- While, of course, our Laboratory does not
sity of Rochester, and also studied at Cornell. compare in size with the similar department at
During the war he had charge of a .section connected Kodak Park, our chemist, having received a large
with the Chemical Warfare Service, Naval Aviation. part of his training at our "big sister"" plant, has
Research is evidently his forte. Such work as great hcjpes of further flevelopment along these
treating metals against corrosion, compounding lines. \ small department has already been estab-
formulae for true-black colors, and substituting lished to examine and test raw materials for uni-
dry adhesives for hot liquid glue are only some of formity and dependability.
the functions of the Laboratory. This Department Just as our efficient Meriical Department is what
might well be styled a "Development and ("hemical might be termed a "health clearing house,"' so our
Service "" inasmuch as Garson devotes the greater Research Laboratory might be called a "curing"'
part of his time to research work. He holds fre- place for the "ills of production," for that is just
quent consultations with department heads with a the work it accomplishes.


Everyone knows Charles F. Warren, for lie travels
through the entire factory three times each week,
"("harlie" has been with us since 191 -2, and lias
worked in the Sanitation Departin<Mit diirinfj his
ten years of service.
(rardeninj; appears to he the holiliy in which
Charles is most interested. Dnrinji the war he had
four .separate plots of fjronnd j)rodu<-inf; vefjetahles,
one plot l)einf; three miles from home. He is an
expert on jiradinj; lawns and pre[):iring seed beds;
in fact, "Charlie" is a rejjular "handy man" anfl
really enjoys whatever type of work he may be

Charles Kivell never a chance to make
himself useful. He is now busy studying First
Aid. "Charlie" no doubt has felt the need of
.someone who can render relief in the event of an
accident on the baseball fliamond, and to this end
he i.s practising on his friends, Sweeney and Curtis.

thirteen months absence on account of

.\fter a
illhealth, our own George WiLson is back on the
job in the Tool Room. Glad to have you with us
again, George. CH.XRLR.-^ F. \VARRP:N

There both joy and sorniw connected with
is knew him. Sincere sym])athy is extended to his
this picture. Joy that seven of the men are still family.
with us, and sorrow that we have recently lost a This picture was taken l)y "Sandy" Weeks about
familiar figure in Richard J. Jones (upper row. riglit twelve years ago, and shows .some of the oldest men
side). "Dick started work with the company in
of the Press Department. The distinguished
190.S, and. with the exception of a short break, had looking gentleman, hiding behind a regular "Beau
been in the Press Department since that time. Hrunnnel" mustache, secontl from the left in center
He was a man who earned the respect of all who row, is none other than "Archie" L<jve.

Right (upper rnwl — Frank Kintf. Hawk-Eye; .Vlfrcii Snyder, Kirliard .lone*
l.efl In
Center Koir

"Jack" Freisman, ".\rrhie" I.<)ve, .lanie.'i Ix)ve. Harr.v Parent

I.oicer ftoif — William Blowers, Kodak Park: Ttionia.s Collii»an, Harry WillianK, William Pi>n«r>
For the want name we have styled the
of a better George Pressley —one of our star ba.seball players
bunch of
jolly bowlers who met at the Liederkranz —has taken a Canada to try his luck on one
trip to
each Thursday night, the "Foremen's Bowling of the big teams. As a mark of appreciation from
League," although the crowd was by no means the boys in the Electrical Department, George was
confined to that group of men. While all the mem- supposed to be presented with a novel suitcase,

bers bowled more or less as the case might be and Ray Sweeney had a dandy little speech all
there was no particular rivalry for high scores. memorized for the occasion. It seems, however,
Rather were the meetings real good old-fashioned that George somehow knew that the suitcase was
get-togethers, where everyone went out for relaxa- full of bricks, and also that the boys intended
tion and a good time. to have him carry the memento up State Street,
Four teams were organized under the leadership accompanied by an escort of his well wishers.
of "Herb" Gregory, "Newt" Smith, "Joe" Sullivan, Well, George, even if you did turn the tables
and Frank Reynolds. "Herb's" quintette had a and spoil the fun, we wish you good luck, and shall
lead of about one game most of the time, and fin- be glad to hear that "Babe" Ruth has a rival from
ished up at the top of the League. "Bill" Stark Rochester.
was high man with 2.5.5 in one game, and "Joe's"
team "took the biscuit" by scoring 90.5 pins in one
skirmish. "Herb" Rogers appears to better advan- HERE'S THE EVIDENCE
tage as a director of the Kodak Employees Associa-
tion than as a bowler, for "Herb" finished at an
We knowthat the boys in the Stores and Stock
Departments hold records for catching fish, but
average nearer 105 than is usual in a crack bowling
they will have to look to their laurels now that
aggregation. However, "Hank" Auer has 170
"Jack" Stanton has come to us from Premo. We
maples to his credit, and, the League being as before
hear that "Jack" and "Charlie" Collins have
stated, "more or less" of a bowling affair, "Herb"
already placed a little wager on which will get the
and "Hank" are about even in honors. The teams
biggest fish this season.
went on record as follows:
Gregoryites 42 27 A letter was recently received from our friend,
Smithies 41 28 Henry Steinruck, formerly of the Mill Department,
Sullivanites 32 .S7 stating that his health is now much improved.
Reynoldshires 25 44 Good news!


The Rochester Chapter House of the Daughters memorable send-off, one that would express what
of the American Revolution was the scene of a our words could not.
party, April 4; a gathering not to give way to Thereupon, Agnes Hart, Edith Partridge, "Billy"
expressions of joy, but to bid good-bye to our old Lawrence and James MacClymont got busy and
friend,Mabel Kane. made ready the arrangements. As a result of their
efforts, Mabel's co-workers assembled at the ban-
Mrs. Kane has been with us for ten years and
quet to bid her farewell and "Mac", acting the part
was a most congenial co-worker, a hearty supporter
of toastmaster, gave several others the opportunity
of the Recreation Club, and an employees' repre-
to pay fitting tribute.
sentative. Thus it was that, when Mabel left us to Weare mighty sorry to part with Mabel Kane,
be married, her many friends desired to give her a for she is everyone's friend.





the annual meeting of the Executive ball to warrant the continuance of the
AT Committee
L and plant representatives League.
of the Eastman Kodak Baseball League, This does not, however, mean that
it was decided that the League should baseball will be a dead issue, for both
suspend operations for the 1922 season. Hawk-Eye and Kodak Park have an-
This decision was based primarily on nounced their intention to put an inde-
the experience of the League over the pendent team in the field, while "Pat"
three years of its existence, during which Petroske hints that the Graflex plant may
it was discovered that the interest of also be represented in the diamond sphere.
Kodak employees is not sufficient to What with the counter attractions of
justify the expense of maintaining such a the lakeside, golf, tennis, and automobil-
circuit. ing, industrial baseball seems more or less
Attendance at the majority of the of a drug on the market, and for those
League games in past years has been real "dyed-in-the-wool" fans who "won't
small, and even this attendance has in- be happy 'til they get it" —George
cluded outsiders. It is thus evident that Stallings's Rochester Chiefs (or Peaches,
the greater number of Kodak employees if you prefer) will endeavor to provide

are not keen enough for industrial base- entertainment.



CAMERA Works Bowlers carried off Scores

all first in the Kodak Inter-
Plant Bowling Tournament at (ienesee
Hall on March 30 and 31 and April 1. On
the opening night the Camera Works
:five-man team made a permanent attach-
ment of the large l^anner, signifying that
they're "champs" by recording a three-
game total of 2666. This was 10.) pins
ahead of the Kodak Park figure.
Kodak Office, Eolmer-Century and
Hawk-Eve finished in the order named.
that Aiier's handicap of one pin was the
lowest one fit-anted to any entrant. Rapp
and Heaphy, also of Camera ^yorks, took
first prize in the two-man event with a
mark of l'-24'-2. Stantlings of leaders;

Individual Event
Name Plant
1. Auer ("ainera W(irks. , .

2. Stark CaiiUTa Works

.'5. VanDuser. Kodak Offirt'

4. McCullock ( 'ainera Works


.5. Ferris Kodak Office

(i. F. Collins Kodak Office
7. Ainey Koilak Office
8. Knapp . Kodak Office
i). Schoeii Kodak Park
10. Yockel . Kodak Park
11. Heaphy .Camera Works. . .

Two-Max Evext
Names Plant
1. Rapp-Heaphv C. W.
^2. T.schold-Kick K. O.
3. Kirvan-Fleminfj F.-C.
4. Eggert-Knapp K. O.
.5. Miller-Curtis C. W.
6. (iordier-Finger K. O.
7. Brinkman-Lake K. P.
8. Collin.s-Koeth K. O.
9. ONeill-Kraus C. W.
10. Greenauer-Neufeglise . K. O.
No. of
^Ahundred hurry to

catch up zvhere one

hurries to get


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