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● What is the purpose of the poem?

Citing specific examples from the poem, why did you

select these purposes?
○ The poem is narrative. From the first stanza, the first line, it wrote: “Once upon a
midnight dreary…”. From here, it shows it is a third person point of view.

● What is the subject (in a word or phrase)?

○ The subject is The Raven

● What is the theme in one sentence?

○ The theme would be madness, love and the supernatural.

● Summarize the poem in one paragraph.

○ The Raven is talking about a man was alone sitting in his room. In a very late night,
the man heard some sounds at his door; he thinks that people merely visit him, so he
decided to reminisce his lost love, which was Lenore that just recently died. Then, the
man starts to fear what is outside the door. However, when his open the door, he only
sees darkness.The man checks the window while he continues to hear the sound, and
a raven flew in and landed above his door. The man begins to ask the raven questions,
but all the raven answer is “Nevermore.” The man got angry and yelled at the raven,
the raven did not move, and the man realizes, the Revan is the memory of him to
Lenore that will never leave him.

● Describe the rhythm indoor own words—use figurative language to help illustrate its
effect. What is the rhyme scheme (i.e., foot and meter)? Check each line and circle
below: Note: X=unstressed /=stressed Iambic foot (X /) Anapestic (XX/) Trochiac foot
(/X) Dactylic foot (/XX) Spondaic foot (/ /) Pyrrhic foot (X X)
○ The meter of the poem mostly is a trochaic octameter, which has eight stressed,
unstressed two syllables in each line. It has an ABCBBB rhyme scheme, and also
usually used an internal rhyme. Poe uses the “O” sound such as “Nevermore,”
“Lenore” or “Nothing More” to set off the melancholic and lonely tone to make up
the atmosphere. Moreover, the repetition of “nevermore contribute the effect of Poe
wants, which added a more significant meaning to each line and words of the poem.
○ The author also uses alliteration such as “... while I pondered, weak and weary,”.

● Who is “I” in the poem?

○ “I” is the protagonist in the poem, which refers to “the man” in the poem.

● How would you describe the attitude of “I” towards Lenore?

○ From the reminisce, we can see that “I (the man)” loved Lenore. However, Lenore
passed away.

● How does the attitude of “I” change towards the raven?

○ It changes by the raven kept on saying “Nevermore” which made “I” angry but also
put him back into reality. Therefore, from the actions of the raven, the man finally
sees the raven as his memory to Lenore.

● What is the attitude of the author towards the speaker?

○ The author was attempting to show the loneliness and melancholic of the speaker.
Therefore, on the one hand, he uses the “O” sound to create the atmosphere in words
and sentences; on the other hand, the author makes the raven keep on saying
“nevermore” to bring the speaker into the situation.

● What is the attitude of the “I” towards the unknown visitor in stanza 4?
○ “I (the man)” ignore it and fall into his memories, but then continuing sound made
him open the door. In stanza 2, it wrote, “ I remember ...” shows after the sound, he
ignores, however, in stanza 4, it wrote, “ And so faintly you came tapping, tapping at
my chamber door … I opened wide the door……”.

● What changes in tone are introduced in the 12th stanza?

○ The tone becomes negative. From Stanza twelve, line five, it has words that are
“grim,” “ungainly,” “ghastly,” “gaunt,” and “ominous,” which shows the speaker has
a very negative attitude to the raven.

● How does the theme influence the tone?

○ The theme influences the tone by the meaning of the word of the theme. For example:
in the poem, apart is about madness, then the tone will be negative. Moreover, the
word will be like in stanza twelve, line five: “grim,” “ungainly,” “ghastly,” “gaunt,”
and “ominous.”

● How does the setting influence the tone?

○ The setting influences the tone by how the environment is depicted. For example in
stanza four, it wrote: “Darkness there and nothing more,” therefore in stanza five, it
comes out a tone with funk and wonder. E.g.: …... long I stood there wondering,
fearing, Doubting……”

● What does the speaker’s tone suggest concerning the raven?

○ At first, the speaker did not take the raven seriously, the speaker talks to the raven
because of his curiousness. However, the raven only reply “Nevermore” which made
the speaker start getting serious.
○ Second, the speaker use “Nevermore” to

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