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A Special Project in Quantitative Analysis

University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky

Tm potassium perman&nate-hydrogen peroxide shown that, using procedures in standard textbooks of

quantitative analysis, this method gives results equiva-
equation is one of several that were described by
Steinbachl as "nonstoichiometric equations" which lent to those given by the thiosulfate method of deter-
could he balanced in several ways. The following mination of peroxides.
general equation will confirm his statement that there Although the equation in which n=5 holds very well
are theoretically an infinite number of solutions to this under the conditions used in analysis it is not valid for
equation, although it does not include all of the possi- all possible conditions. Several investigators have
shown that when Hz02 is added to a large excess of
2 K M n 0 ~ nHpOn+ -rq) ++
bilities listed by Steinbach:
Or +
XMnOI thc amount of oxygen evolved is greater than
that pmdicted by the accepted equation. Some early
(n 3)HtO (1) experimenters thought fhat this was due to the presence
of some higher oxide of hydrogens but that view is not
in which n may be any odd integer. Even values of n generally held a t present.
may be used provided the invariant coefficients are The increased amount of oxygen could he accounted
doubled. for by allowing n in equation (1) to equal some number
The reaction in which n=5 is the generally accepted less than 5. If n=5, one rnol of H202 will yield one rnol
one. Huckaba and Keyes2 have recentdy shown the of 02,if n=3, one rnol of Hz02 yields one and one-third
accuracy of this method of determining Ha02 as com- mols of 02,and if n=l , one rnol of the peroxide gives
~ a r e dwith the rtasometric method. It can also he three mols of oxygen.
STEINBMA,0.F,.J O ~ AOFLCKEM.EDUC. 21,66 (1944). %EI,WR, J. W., "A Comprehensive Treatise on Inorganic
2 Hucxaen, C. E.,AND F. G. KEYES,J . Am. Chem. Soc., 70, and Theoretical Chemistry," Longmans, Green and Company,
1640 (1948). New York, Vol. I., 1922, p. 245.

Ramsay4 noted also that the quantity of HaOa meyer flask, then add concentrated acid from a buret or
needed to react with a given amount of KMn04 was Mohr pipet. After the acid solution has cooled to room
less than the amount calculated from the accepted temperature 20 ml. of one reagent is added and titrated
equation in the case in which the Ha02 was added to the with the other. For purposes of uniformity, we used a
acidified KMn04, but he did not investigate this prob- rapid rate of titration and only moderate shaking. Our
lem in detail. The titration aspect has been rather results are shown in Table 1. ,

thoroughly emlored by Rilis and Gomeza? However,'

their work suffers from the fact that they used an in:
sufficient amount of acid in many of their titrations, Minimum Amounts of Acid to Sunress Oxides of
alloning the precipitation of oxides of manganese. Manganese -
They recognized this fact, but stated that vigorous -1 N S o l u t i o n s 4 . l N S o l u t i o n s 4 . 0 2 5 N-
stirring caused these oxides to go into solution. Our Solutions
experience has been that it is difficult if not impossible 36 N 18 N 36 N 18 N 36 N
to get results which check under these conditions. The HnSO, HNOa, HBOI, HNOJ. HaSOa,
ml. ml. ml. ml. ml.
amount of acid needed to suppress the oxides of man-
HnOl first 1.7 4;5 0.6 1.2 0.3
ganese is roughly ten times as great when the KMn04is KMnO~first 14 7 14 3
added to the flask &st as when the HsOe is added first.
It is possible to explain this in terms of the mass action * With up to 60 ml. of concd. FINO$,oxides of manganese were
still formed.
effect. Addimg KMnO4 first will mean that KMnO4
will be in excess a t all times during the titration until
the equivalent point is reached. If alternate reactions It may also be of interest to note that with 0.1 N
are possible, those would be favored which require rel- solutions and below, the normal titration (i. e., with
atively more KMn04 for a given amount of HzOZ. HzOa added first) may be carried out with the use of
Substitution in equation (1) of a number less than five acetic acid as the acidifying medium. However, when
will give us equations of this type. Another equation the KMnO, is added first it is impossible to add enough
~ q u i r i n ga higher KMli04/H20~ratio is the following: acetic acid to prevent the formation of the brown
C . To show the variation in the stoichiometric
We may assume that adding permanganate first would amounts of reagents titrations-are carried out as above
increase the tendency toward both reaction (2) and except that the amount of acid used should be a t least
reaction (1) with n < 5. Therefore it should require a 30 per cent in excess of the minimum amount as shown
larger amount of acid to suppress reaction (2) when the in Table 1. The volume ratios of HzOzto KMnO4 are
titration is carried out with the KMn04ad ' .d first. to be determined in both ways; that is, when the
Suggestions for Student Work. The student should Ha02 is added first and when the KMnO4 is added first.
prepare approximately 1 N solutions of KMnO4 and These ratios will be about 5 to 11 parts per thousand
H201. These may be diluted to obtain solutions of less in the latter instance, i. e., with the KMnO4 first.
lower normality, such as 0.1 N and 0.025 N. The differential increases somewhat with increased
A. The 0.1 N KMnO4 may be used to compare the concentration of solutions. Nitric acid may be used as
- permanganate method with the thiosulfate method for well as sulfuric for the lower concentrations of solu-
determiniig HzOz. The sodium thiosulfate solution is tions but i t must first be freed from reducing agents by
made up and standardized against the KMnO4. Both titration to a slight pink with KMnOd before being
solutions are then used to determine the concentration used in the KMn04-HaOz titrations. The fact that
of a sample of H20p, following procedures given in nitric acid gives results similar to those given with sul-
standard textbooks! If the work is carefully done the furic acid is evidence against Ramsay's theory that the
results will agree within 1or 2 parts per thousand. The abnormalities in this titration might be due to the for-
fact that the thiosulfate is standardized against the mation of persulfuric acid.
permanganate makes it unnecessary to know the After the main points had already been ascertained
normality of the permanganate with a high degree of by the instructor, this project was assigned to two
accurzcy to demonstrate the close agreement of these students in the elementary quantitative analysis course
two methods in the determination of hydrogen per- for confirmation. These students had previously not
oxide. shown much interest in the course, but the project
B. The minimum amounts of acid needed to prevent served to increase their interest greatly and one of them
the precipitation of the oxides of manganese may be put in many hours outside the regular laboratory
determined for various concentrations. A typical pro- period.
cedure is to add 50 ml. of distilled water to an Erlen- ACKNOWLEDGMENT

RAMSAY, W., J. hem. Soc.,79,1324 (1901). The author wishes to acknowledge the assistance of
6 Rlfrs, A., AND J. M. GOMEZA, Anales FZs. y gutm., 37,442-58 these former students, Mr. Luis G. Romero and Mr.
6 TREADWEL~F. P., AND W. T. HALL,"AnalytimlChemistry," Robert Lee Davis for their assistance in checking part
John Wiley & Sons,Inc., New York, 1924,6th ed., pp. 53.F576. of this work.

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