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Kinds of earthquake

Earthquake often happens around us. It brings great damages. Earthquake is hard to be predicted and that
makes lot victims

Actually there are three kinds of earthquake. This kinds of earthquake are commonly base on the factor
and geological area where the earthquakes happen. These three kinds of earthquake are tectonic, vulvanic,
and explosion.

Tectonic earthquakes is most common one. This kind of earthquake happens while earths’s crust rocks
break because of the geological strength created by moving of the earth’s plates

Vulcanist earthquakes happens exactly with vulcanic activity. Vulcanic earthquakes are when the volcano
produces acidic lava, which dries quickly, when it dries quickly it blocks the top of the volcano. This make
no more agmacan escape. Pressure starts to bulid up and eventually the acidic lava can no longer stand the
pressure. So the volcano is free to explode, the pressure is released so fast that an earthquake is caused. A
vulcanic earthquake is ussually kept within 10-20 miles of the volcano

Explosion earthquake are the result of the collapse earthquake that are small earthquakes occuring in
underground mines and caverns

1. What is the text about

2. How are tectonic eartquake be formed?
3. How are volcanic earthquake be happened?
4. What is explossion earthquake ?
5. Mention the three types of eathquake!
6. Give the correct Relative Pronoun ; Who, Where, Which, Whom or Whose
a. This is the school .. i used to study
b. This test is for the students .... native language is not English
c. Children ... eat a lot of candy often get bad teeth
d. Look at the horses ... are drinking in the river
e. Helen introduces me to the former lecturer... she married him after she had graduated
7. What is pamphlet ?
8. Do you gree if students are not allowed to bring mobile phone at school? Give your reason!
9. Arrange the following words into a good sentences !
a. The lamp – when – typing – was – my paper – i – turned – someone – off
b. Dug – yesterday – plant – his favorite tree – Ronald –hole – a – big – to
10. Arrange these sentences below into a good paraghraph
a. the first thing i saw was the Oceanorium
b. It’s Australia’s largest marine park
c. Where you can watch all sorts of sea fish and animals underwater
d. Last Sunday, i visited a marine park called sea world at Surfer’s Paradise near Brisbane
e. After the show, I had my luch at a ship shape restaurant.
f. The show was in a big out door swimming pool
g. Then i watched the performance of sea animals

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