Odontogenic Pain

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2005 Volume 2, Issue 1




Orofacial Pain 1811 GENERAL HOSPITAL


The assessment of head and neck pain requires a careful physical examination of multiple structures
and systems, a thorough history, and the employment of auxiliary diagnostic studies. Due to its complex-
ity, patients suffering with this type of pain are frequently followed by multiple healthcare professionals.
The goal of this issue of Pain Management Rounds is to present some of the clinical features, diagnostic MGH PAIN CENTER
tests, and treatments available for different chronic pain disorders in the orofacial area. Jane C. Ballantyne, M.D.
Chief, Division of Pain Medicine
Editor, Pain Management Rounds
Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) articular disorders Director, MGH Pain Center
TMJ damage can be the result of direct trauma, wear and tear from pathologic occlusal forces, or over- Martin Acquadro, M.D., D.M.D.
extension of jaw movements (Figure 1). Other conditions may also affect the TMJs, such as congenital and Director of Cancer Pain Service
developmental disorders, inflammatory disorders, osteoarthritis, and ankylosis. Similar to finding abnormalities Steve Barna, M.D.
of the lumbar spine with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in asymptomatic patients, evidence of Medical Director, MGH Pain Clinic
TMJ pathology may be apparent in asymptomatic individuals.1 However, if the patient complains of chronic Gary Brenner, M.D., Ph.D.
TMJ dysfunction with pain, a thorough evaluation by a pain specialist is warranted. Director, Pain Medicine Fellowship
Lucy Chen, M.D.
Temporomandibular muscle disorders (TMMDs)
Katharine Fleischmann, M.D.
TMMDs are characterized by dull aching pain that is exacerbated by mandibular function, muscle tender- Director, Acute Pain Service
ness in one or more masticatory muscles and, frequently, a decreased mandibular range of motion. A variety of Jatinder Gill, M.D.
terms exist to describe muscle disorders, with a number of classifications and sub-classifications. These include
Karla Hayes, M.D.
myofascial dysfunction, myositis, myalgia, myospasm, and myofibrotic contracture.2 The absence of clinical
Eugenia-Daniela Hord, M.D.
features referable to the TMJ and the presence of muscle tenderness distinguish TMMD from primary TMJ
articular disorders. Ronald Kulich, Ph.D.
Jianren Mao, M.D., Ph.D.
Myofascial pain dysfunction Director, Pain Research Group
Dysfunction of the muscles of the shoulders, neck, head, and face is relatively common in the general popu- Seyed Ali Mostoufi, M.D.
lation and can aggravate headaches and orofacial pain. Fibromyalgia is a type of myofascial dysfunction and is Anne Louise Oaklander, M.D., Ph.D.
described as a chronic disease with muscle pain and tenderness in multiple body quadrants. It can be exacerbated Director, Nerve Injury Unit
by stress and anxiety and may be accompanied by a variety of generalized symptoms such as fatigue, morning Director, Center for Shingles and
stiffness, and headache. The patient with fibromyalgia may initially present with facial pain and tenderness in Postherpetic Neuralgia
the muscles of mastication. 3 Other systemic myofascial disorders are polymyalgia, lupus erythematosus, Gary Polykoff, M.D.
polymyositis, and dermatomyositis. Milan Stojanovic, M.D.
Director, Interventional
Diagnosis Pain Management
Diagnostic evaluation includes a careful and thorough history and physical examination of the integrity and
function of the head and neck structures, with special attention to the TMJ complex and the cranial and cervical
muscles and nerves. Evaluation should include a review for a history of primary headaches, surgeries, traumas, MGH PAIN CENTER
and stressors. A review of daily activities, along with posture, repetitive movements, habits, and sleep patterns 15 Parkman Street, Suite 324
should be included. A history of parafunctional habits (clenching and grinding of teeth), awakening in the Boston, MA 02114
morning with sore jaw muscles, and joint noises when opening the mouth should be elicited. Examination of the Fax : 617-724-2719
oral cavity should look for abnormal occlusion (bite). Teeth sensitivity, painful muscles, and trigger points (TP) The editorial content of Pain Management
should be examined.2 Rounds is determined solely by the
MRI and computed tomography (CT) scan of the TMJs may be necessary to evaluate possible advanced MGH Pain Center, Massachusetts
General Hospital.
degenerative pathologies or tumors. However, radiographs frequently reveal abnormalities of the TMJ disk
position in asymptomatic joints that do not require treatment. Therefore, other than an initial panoramic radio-
graphy, imaging exams of the TMJ should only be requested in treatment-resistant chronic pain, unusual pain Pain Management Rounds is approved
by the Harvard Medical School
Department of Continuing Education
to offer continuing education credit
FIGURE 1: Temporomandibular disorders

Diagnosis TM joint articular disorders TM muscle disorders Myofascial disorders


Pain localized in the pre-auricular area Tenderness of the masticatory muscles. Diffused dull or aching pain affecting
Diagnostic during jaw function. Usually presence of Dull, aching pain exacerbated by jaw multiple groups of muscles of the head
painful click or crepitus during mouth function or palpation. and neck region, as well as other parts
features opening. Limited opening (<35 mm), deviated of the body.
or painful jaw movements.
Internal derangement of the TMJ with abnor- Tenderness during palpation of the Presence of trigger or tender points in
mal function of the disc-condyle complex, masticatory muscles and tendons. one or more groups of muscles. Pain can
Diagnostic and/or degeneration of the joint surface. Possible limited range of jaw movement radiate to distant areas with stimulation or
Palpation is painful. Possible joint swelling in and during passive stretching exam. not of the trigger points. Rule out presence
acute phases. MRI, CT, etc. of the joint may Can be associated with a para-functional of lupus erythematosus.
rule-out tumors and advanced degenerative habit (bruxism-early morning pain).
Patient education and self-care. Patient education and self-care. Patient education and self-care.
Medication: NSAIDs, non-opiate analgesics. Medication: topical and systemic NSAIDs, Medication: topical and systemic NSAIDs,
Physical Therapy: exercise program. non-opiate analgesics, muscle-relaxants, non -opiate analgesics, muscle-relaxants,
antidepressants (usually TCAs), anxiolytics, antidepressants (usually TCAs), anxiolytics,
Occlusal splints. anticonvulsants, BTX, trigger point injections anticonvulsants, BTX, trigger point injections
Oral maxillofacial surgery: arthrocentesis, and vapocoolant spray. and vapocoolant spray.
arthroscopic surgery, open surgery. Physical Therapy: TENS, massage, exercise Physical Therapy: TENS, massage, exercise
program. program.
Occlusal splints. Occlusal splints.
Cognitive-behavior: biofeedback, relaxation, Cognitive-behavior: biofeedback, relaxation,
coping skills. coping skills.

patterns, and sudden changes in occlusion.4 Consideration of other stretching exercises at home.8 However, pain relief may last much
diagnoses by history and physical exam will dictate additional longer than the anesthetic effect. Corticosteroids can also be added
studies and referral to the appropriate specialist. to the mixture. Botulinum toxin (BTX) injection has proven to be
an excellent therapeutic tool for the treatment of myofascial pain.
Treatment The clinical effects include reduction of muscular tone and contrac-
Physical therapy: The patient diagnosed with TM disorders may tility and graded chemical denervation in the injected muscular
benefit from a complete evaluation and treatment by a physical area. Botulinum toxin may also reduce pain and clinical reports sup-
therapist. The treatment program may include stretching, strength- port its utility in some chronic pain diseases, including primary
ening, endurance exercises, transcutaneous electrical nerve stimula- headaches, inflammatory pain, and selected cases of neuropathic
tion (TENS), ultrasound, and hot/cold applications. Outpatients pain.9,10 However, good level 1 randomized control clinical studies
should follow an active exercise program with guidance from a are lacking.11 The beneficial effect of a BTX injection can last an
physical therapist.5 average 4 months and may be repeated if indicated.
Pharmacologic therapy: Pharmacologic therapy includes judicious Behavioral therapy: Biofeedback, relaxation techniques, and cogni-
use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other tive behavioral therapy addressing aversive behaviors are useful and
analgesics, and selective use of tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs), should be considered in chronic cases of orofacial pain.12
anticonvulsants, muscle relaxants, anxiolytics and, rarely, opioids. Dental treatment: Advocates of occlusal appliances suggest that it
There is marked inter-patient variability in the response to different temporarily equilibrates occlusion, mechanically unloading the
pharmacological agents, necessitating trials of agents until the opti- TMJ and limiting masticatory muscle activity, therefore decreasing
mal response is obtained. NSAIDs may be used for both their anal- symptoms of TM disorders. Occlusal appliance therapy seems to be
gesic and anti-inflammatory properties. Although large doses of beneficial in cases of myofascial pain, even when there are no signs
NSAIDs may provide short-term relief, they have no proven value of parafunctional habits (eg, bruxism).13 Malocclusions have an
in the long-term management of TMJ pain.6 inconsistent relationship to TMJ disorders, and correcting them
Short-term use of centrally acting muscle relaxants include may improve masticatory function without guaranteeing pain relief.
cyclobenzapine (Flexeril) and carisoprodol (Soma). Benzodia- Temporomandibular joint surgery: Open surgery of the TMJ is
zepines, such as diazepam and clonazepan, also decrease muscle associated with considerable morbidity and a lack of efficacy, unless
spasms, improve sleep, and are anxiolytic; however, their use should proper and careful patient selection is utilized by an experienced
be carefully controlled.7 TCAs may also improve sleep and act as oral and maxillofacial surgeon. 4 More conservative procedures,
indirect analgesics. such as arthrocentesis and arthroscopic surgeries, should be consid-
Trigger point injections, botulinum toxin injections, and physi- ered first.
cal therapy: Trigger points can be localized by clinical exam and
then temporally inactivated by anesthetic injection. This provides ODONTOGENIC PAIN
prolonged analgesia, allowing the patient a pain-free period to com- Due to the rich innervation of the mouth, odontogenic pain
mence physical therapy, with subsequent use of vapo-coolants and can present with numerous features, including local pain, headache,
FIGURE 2: Odontogenic pain

Diagnosis Pulpitis Periodontal Cracked tooth Dentinal


Spontaneous and/or evoked Localized deep continuous pain Spontaneous or evoked brief Brief, sharp pain evoked by
Diagnostic deep /diffuse pain in compromised in compromised periodontium sharp pain in a tooth with history different kinds of stimulus to the
features dental pulp. Pain may be sharp, (eg, gingiva, periodontal ligament) of trauma or restorative work dentin (eg, hot or cold drinks).
throbbing, or dull. exacerbated by biting or chewing. (eg, crown, root canal )
Look for deep caries and recent Tooth percussion over compro- Presence of tooth fracture may Exposed dentin or cementum due
or extensive dental work. Pain mised periodontium provokes be detectable by x-ray. Percus- to recession of periodontium.
Diagnostic provoked/exacerbated by percus- pain. Look for inflammation or sion should elicit pain. Dental Possible erosion of dentinal
evaluation sion, thermal or electric stimula- abscess (eg, periodontitis, apical) x-rays are helpful (periapical structure. Cold stimulation
tion of affected tooth. Dental Dental x-rays helpful (bitewings, taken from different angles). reproduces pain.
x-rays helpful (periapical). periapical).
Medication: NSAIDs, nonopiate Medication: NSAIDs, non-opiate Medication: NSAIDs, non-opiate Medication: Mouthwash (fluoride),
analgesics. analgesics, antibiotics, mouth- analgesics. desensitizing toothpaste.
Dentistry: Remove carious lesion, washes. Dentistry: depends on level of the Dentistry: Fluoride or potassium
Treatment tooth restoration, endodontic Dentistry: drainage and debride- tooth fracture-restoration; treat- salts, tooth restoration, endodontic
treatment or tooth extraction. ment of periodontal pocket, ment, or extraction of the tooth. treatment.
scaling and root planing, perio- Patient education, diet, tooth
dontal surgery, endodontic treat- brushing force and frequency,
ment or tooth extraction proper toothpaste.

or eye symptoms. Differential diagnosis includes trigeminal neuro- bazepine, lamotrigine, clonazepam, and sodium valproate.17 Some
pathic pain, sinus disease, and primary headaches (eg, cluster of the surgical approaches to the treatment of trigeminal neuralgia
headache and migraine). include microvascular decompression, radiofrequency rhizothomy,
Diagnosis: During the history and clinical examination, odonto- and gamma knife surgery. Microvascular decompression of the
genic pain must be adequately assessed. Aggravating and relieving trigeminal nerve provides immediate and long-term pain relief in
factors, duration, and quality of the pain provide key information to >70% of patients.18
differentiate dental pathologies (Figure 2). The clinical exam should
include probing of the dental surfaces for cavities or fractures, per- Deafferentation pain
cussion of the teeth in multiple planes for mobility and fractures, Teeth and dental nerves are commonly removed and, occasion-
and electrical and thermal stimulation for pulpitis. Radiographic ally, these procedures induce a phenomenon known as “phantom
exams contribute greatly to the diagnosis. However, if pathologies of tooth pain,” producing pain in previously extracted or endodonti-
the hard or soft intra-oral structures are ruled-out, consideration of cally-treated teeth.19 Other facial areas previously harmed by trauma
less common disorders that mimic odontogenic pain is warranted. or surgeries may induce deafferentation pain. This pain may be con-
Treatment: If dental disease is the obvious source of pain, referral stant with sharp exacerbations, and is associated with local allodynia
to a dentist should be made for proper evaluation and treatment. (Figure 3).
A summary of treatments is provided in Figure 2. Diagnosis: History and physical exam are important to elicit the
extent of dental work and other trauma or surgeries in the area.
TRIGEMINAL NEUROPATHIC PAIN DISORDERS History of prior severe dental pain of the extracted tooth or teeth, as
Trigeminal neuralgia well as prior sinusitis pain, migraine history, and traumatic pain
Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by sudden, stabbing, and may suggest possible peripheral or central sensitization. Neuroimag-
severe unilateral facial pain in ≥1 of the 3 divisions of the trigeminal ing studies may help rule out tumors affecting the trigeminal
nerve, most frequently the second. Onset is frequently triggered by sensory system.
mechanical stimulation such as talking, chewing, or touch. Attacks Treatment: Pain therapies are targeted at both the central and
can last from seconds to a few minutes. Periods of attacks can last peripheral components of deafferentation pain. Clinical studies have
weeks or months, followed by periods of remission for months or demonstrated good results with gabapentin, and clonazepam and
years. Incidence increases with age, with the average onset at age 50 baclofen are useful as adjunctive agents. Peripherally acting agents,
years; it more commonly presents in women.2 Limited information including topically applied drugs, and nerve blocks have been
is available about the etiology of trigeminal neuralgia other than the applied topically with mixed results. A fixed daily dose of an opioid
possible compression of the trigeminal root by a vessel or tumor.15 has been used in severe cases, but is considered a last resort. Surgical
Diagnosis: MRI is an important tool for excluding intracranial procedures are mostly ineffective in the treatment of phantom tooth
masses and multiple sclerosis (MS), particularly in younger patients pain and may increase pain severity.20
with trigeminal neuralgia symptoms. Novel MRI studies can reveal
demyelinating lesions of the white matter associated with MS.16 Acute and post-herpetic neuralgia
Treatment: Carbamazepine is the drug of first choice for treat- Acute herpetic neuralgia (AHN) – shingles – usually affects the
ment, with an initial beneficial response in >75% of patients. ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve.21 Shingles is almost
Baclofen potentiates the action of carbamazepine and can be a use- always unilateral and may be recurrent. Pain is described as burn-
ful adjunct. Gabapentin is a safe and well-tolerated adjunct to ing, itching, well-localized to the dermatome, with lancinating
carbamazepine or may be used as sole treatment. Other less episodes, and is associated with hyperesthesia and hyperalgesia22
frequently used agents include topiramate, zonisamide, oxcar- (Figure 3). Pain persisting for >1 month after complete healing of
FIGURE 3: Trigeminal neuropathic pain disorders

Diagnosis Trigeminal neuralgia Deafferentation pain Acute and post- Burning mouth
herpetic neuralgia syndrome


Brief severe lancinating pain Spontaneous or evoked pain Pain associated with herpetic Constant burning pain of the
evoked by mechanical stimula- with prolonged after-sensation lesions, usually in the V1 mucous membranes of the
Diagnostic tion of trigger zone (pain-free after tactile stimulation. Trigger dermatome. Spontaneous pain tongue, mouth, hard or soft
features between attacks). Usually uni- zone due to surgery (tooth (burning and tingling), but palate, or lips. Usually affects
lateral, affects the V2/V3 areas extraction) or trauma. Positive may present as dull and women age >50 years.
(rarely V1). Possible pain remis- and negative descriptors (eg, aching. Occasional lancinating
sion periods (for months/years). burning, nagging, boring). evoked pain.
MRI for evidence of tumor or Etiologic factors such as Small cutaneous vesicles Rule-out salivary gland dys-
Diagnostic vasocompression of the trige-
minal tract or root (cerebro-
trauma or surgery in the painful
area. Order MRI if the area is
(AHN) or scarring (PHN),
usually affecting V1. Loss of
function (xerostomia) or tumor,
Sjögren’s, candidiasis, geo-
evaluation pontine angle). Rule-out MS, intact to rule-out peripheral or normal skin color. Corneal graphic or fissured tongue, and
especially in young adults. central lesions. ulceration can occur. Sensory chemical or mechanical irrita-
changes in affected area (eg, tion. Nutritional deficiencies
hyperesthesia, dysesthesia). and menopause can be factors.
Medication: anticonvulsants Medication: anticonvulsants Medication: acyclovir (acute Medication: anticonvulsants
(eg, carbamazepine, gaba- (eg, carbamazepine, gaba- phase) anticonvulsants (eg, (eg, gabapentin); benzodi-
pentin); antidepressants (eg, pentin); antidepressants; carbamazepine,gabapentin); azepines (eg, clonazepan);
amitriptyline, nortriptyline, non-opiate analgesics; topical antidepressants; non-opiate antidepressants; non-opiate
Treatment desipramine); non-opiate anal- agents (eg, lidocaine 5% analgesics; topical agents analgesics; topical agents
gesics, BTX. Combination of patches). Combination of (eg, lidocaine 5% patches). (eg, lidocaine mouthwashes).
baclofen and anticonvulsants baclofen and anticonvulsants Surgery: ablative surgeries Cognitive-behavior: biofeed-
can produce good results. can produce good results. (eg, rhizotomy, gamma knife). back, relaxation, coping skills.
Surgery: microvascular Surgery: ablative surgeries
decompression of trigeminal (eg, rhizotomy, gamma knife).
root, ablative surgeries (eg,
rhizotomy, gamma knife).

acute herpes zoster lesions is considered post-herpetic neuralgia suggested as causes, there is inadequate evidence to pinpoint
(PHN). The pain of PHN is diffuse, dull, and aching, with a these factors as the isolate etiology of burning mouth
superficial allodynic sensation evoked by clothes or light touch. syndrome25 (Figure 3).
Diagnosis: Diagnosis is clinical and based on the presence or Diagnosis: There are no useful radiographic or laboratory
past presence of vesicles. Complications should be completely examinations. As always, a careful history and physical exami-
evaluated with CT or MRI imaging. nation is required to rule-out other treatable causes.
Treatment: Early effective treatment of acute herpes zoster Treatment: In a study of 30 patients, clonazepam given daily
shortens the episode and decreases acute pain and the inci- lessened pain in 70% of patients.26 Also, tricyclic antidepres-
dence of PHN. Antiviral therapy with acyclovir starting within sants may be effective. Since pharmacological therapy is unsuc-
72 hours of the shingles eruption is particularly effective. cessful in many patients, psychological support is important.
TCAs, anticonvulsants, and NSAIDs are useful for pain con-
trol in AHN; however, if pain remains uncontrolled, opioids PARANASAL, PERIOCULAR, PERIAURICULAR,
are judiciously added. AND HEAD AND NECK CANCER PAIN
TCAs are the mainstay of treatment in PHN.23 The effi- Paranasal sinus area pain and headache
cacy of amitriptyline and desipramine has been confirmed in Acute sinusitis presents with bilateral or unilateral throb-
controlled clinical trials; however, a secondary amine bing or sharp facial pain. Frequently, pain is exacerbated by
(desipramine) which, theoretically, has less anticholinergic leaning the head forward (Figure 4). Medial orbital pain with
effects when compared to a tertiary amine (amitriptyline), is radiation to the temple is a feature of ethmoid sinusitis.
preferred in the elderly. Anxiolytics and anticonvulsants have Frontal sinusitis features forehead pain and headache; maxil-
been used with less success. Topical agents (eg, the lidocaine lary sinusitis is suggested by pain over the upper teeth or orbit.
5% patch) can produce substantial pain relief with minimal Chronic sinus area pain presents more of a diagnostic
systemic absorption.24 Capsaicin is often poorly tolerated due dilemma. Pain that is perceived as emanating from the sinuses
to cutaneous sensitivity. can have other causes, including referred pain from dental,
musculoskeletal areas, and primary headaches.27 Other diag-
Burning mouth syndrome nostic features of sinusitis include purulent discharge from the
Burning mouth is characterized by burning pain of the nasal passages or nasopharynx, intermittent fever, smell or
mucous membranes of the tongue, mouth, hard palate, or lips. taste disorder, tenderness on tapping the maxillary teeth, and
Its prevalence rates are 1.5%-2.5% in the general population. tenderness over the maxillary, frontal, or ethmoidal sinuses.
Patients are more likely to be female (3:1) and >50 years old. A history of recurrent injury in the form of upper respiratory
The onset of pain is gradual, with no precipitating event, and tract infections and allergies may be elicited.
it is usually bilateral. Associated symptoms are altered taste Diagnosis: A combination of history, endoscopic examina-
and dry mouth. Although nutritional and menopausal factors tion, and imaging studies is required to accurately diagnose
and chronic chemical or mechanical irritation have been sinusitis, particularly prior to embarking on surgical treat-
FIGURE 4: Paranasal, periocular, periauricular and head and neck cancer pain

Diagnosis Paranasal sinus pain Periocular pain Periauricular pain Head and neck cancer


Bilateral or unilateral throbbing Pain or tenderness with or Diffuse aching or sudden pain Variety of symptoms. Pain may
Diagnostic or pressure frontal area pain, without eye movement, deep with or without aural discharge be due to tumor, nerve com-
exacerbated by leaning orbital pain, and referred pain. (eg, otitis media). pression, secondary infection,
features forward or palpation over the 2nd myofascial pain, deaf-
sinus. ferentation, radiotherapy,
History of chronic allergies, Examine eyelids, lacrimal func- The area is innervated by multi- Complete evaluation by multi-
frequent URIs, sinusitis, tion, conjunctiva, sclera ple cranial and cervical nerves disciplinary team. CT, MRI,
Diagnostic headaches of various types, (hemorrhage/ inflammation.). so complete functional and endoscopy, biopsy and surveil-
evaluation sinus surgery. Refer to ENT for Ophthalmoscopy and ophthal- structural exam necessary (eg, lance. Treatment coordination
endoscopic and/or CT study mology referral. Rule-out inspect tympanic membrane, by oncologist
(eg, sinus opacification) primary headache (eg, cluster, TMJ and myofascia). CT and
migraine), temporal arteritis, MRI invaluable for mastoiditis
orbital pseudotumor. and cholesteatoma.
ENT evaluation/ treatment Proper ophthalmologic Proper ENT evaluation and Oncologist evaluation and
evaluation and treatment. treatment treatment.
Medication: Sinusitis-topical
decongestants; systemic Medication: NSAIDs; non- Medication: NSAIDs; non- Medication: anticonvulsants
antibiotics opiate analgesics; cortico- opiate analgesics; systemic (eg, gabapentin); antidepres-
Treatment steroids; topical or systemic antibiotics, topical cortico- sants (eg, amitriptyline); opiate
Chronic sinus pain-NSAIDs;
antibiotics, BTX across fore- steroids, BTX in selected cases or non-opiate analgesics;
non-opiate analgesics.; topical
head and glabellar areas in Surgery topical agents (eg, lidocaine
agents (lidocaine spray); anti-
selected cases. 5% patches), muscle relaxants.
convulsants (eg, gabapentin);
antidepressants (eg, amitripty- Surgery Surgery: ablative surgeries
line), BTX

ments28 (Figure 4). Of note, even the common cold can cause the eye and face, due to convergence and communication
mucosal thickening of the sinuses sufficient to be seen between the cervical nerves, and the trigeminal sensory com-
on MRI. plex. Migraine, cluster headache, sinusitis, otitis, mastoiditis,
Treatment : Otolaryngologic consultation should be temporal giant cell arteritis, and dental pain can be referred to
obtained. Endoscopic surgery should be considered if a 6- the eye.
month trial of medical therapy has failed. With careful patient Diagnosis: MRI is indicated in order to detect multiple scle-
selection, endoscopic sinus surgery can achieve pain relief in rosis as a cause of optic neuritis. Raeder’s syndrome requires
most patients. Difficulties arise in those with chronic sinus imaging to rule-out a parasellar mass or carotid dissection.
area pain that mimics sinusitis. When imaging repeatedly Doppler flow studies are useful in detecting carotid stenosis as
demonstrates normal sinuses and there is a lack of any objec- a cause of orbital ischemia. A raised erythrocyte sedimentation
tive evidence of sinusitis, a multidisciplinary approach is rate and increased C-reactive protein and fibrinogen levels are
required. These patients are unlikely to benefit from surgical strongly associated with temporal giant cell arteritis.
intervention. Treatment: If temporal arteritis, optic neuritis, or orbital
pseudotumor are suspected, high dose corticosteroids should
Periocular pain be started immediately, and the patient should be referred to
Ophthalmic pain results from stimulation of pain fibers an ophthalmologist or rheumatologist, depending on the sus-
relating either directly or indirectly to the orbit and can be pected diagnosis. All patients with suspected eye pathology
classified as ocular, orbital, or referred29 (Figure 4). should be seen by an ophthalmologist.
Ocular pain: Corneal irritation or damage is associated with
local pain, photophobia, and lacrimation. Anterior scleritis Periauricular pain
presents with severe ocular pain, while posterior scleritis is Otitis media presents with dull aching or sudden exquisite
characterized by less well-defined orbital pain. Either may be pain, with or without aural discharge, inflamed tympanic
associated with a systemic collagen vascular disease. A triad of membrane, and systemic evidence of infection. Otitis externa
red eye, increased intra-ocular pressure, and mid-dilated pupil can be exquisitely painful and is generally an acute process.
is pathognomonic of acute angle glaucoma. Mastoiditis and otitis pain may be referred to the eye, phar-
Orbital pain: Orbital cellulitis presents acutely with pain ynx, and neck due to involvement of multiple cranial and cer-
exacerbated by palpation and movement. Orbital pseudo- vical nerves, and convergence into the trigeminal sensory
tumor is an inflammatory process of unknown etiology that complex. A common cause of otalgia that is frequently over-
presents with pain, chemosis, diplopia, and red eye. Trochleitis looked is referred myofascial pain from muscles of the neck,
is characterized by orbital pain with movement, together with pharynx, and face (Figure 4).
exquisite superonasal point tenderness. Diagnosis: Elevated white cell count is supportive, but non-
Referred pain: The proximity and convergence of afferent specific evidence for otitis media. CT and MRI are invaluable
trigeminal pain fibers produce referred pain. Occasionally, for mastoiditis and cholesteatoma. History and physical exami-
pain from the area of the greater occipital nerve may radiate to nation should direct the appropriate otolaryngologic referral.30
Treatment: In general, urgent consultation with an otolaryngolo-
gist is required. Pain problems referred to a pain specialist are often Acknowledgement: Special thanks to Claudio Moreno for the help
from an otolaryngologist who has successfully treated the primary with the drawings.
otologic problem, but the patient still suffers from chronic pain.
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functional and structural neuronal changes in the brain in migraine and
trigeminal neuralgia patients. He is a researcher at the MIT/MGH/HMS
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Harvard Medical School, and Upcoming Scientific Meeting
is a Harvard School of Dental Medicine Dean’s Scholars awardee. 23-25 June, 2005
Dr. Martin Acquadro is an Assistant Clinical Professor of Anesthesiol- 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Headache Society
ogy at Harvard Medical School, and Associate Anesthesiologist, Director Philadelphia, PN
of the Cancer Pain Service, and Director of the Head and Neck Pain CONTACT: American Headache Society
Service of the Massachusetts General Hospital. Tel: (856) 423-0043
Fax: (856) 423-0082
Website: www.ahsnet.org

This publication is made possible by an educational grant from

Pfizer, Inc.
© 2005 The MGH Pain Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, which is solely responsible for the contents. The opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher or
sponsor, but rather are those of the authoring institution based on the available scientific literature. Publisher: SNELL Medical Communication Inc. in cooperation with the MGH Pain Center,
Massachusetts General Hospital. All rights reserved. The administration of any therapies discussed or referred to in Pain Management Rounds should always be consistent with the recognized prescribing
information as required by the FDA. SNELL Medical Communication Inc. is committed to the development of superior Continuing Medical Education.


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