Pt3 Guided Writing Report Notes

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Writing a Report
-In this chapter, you will be shown how to write a report.
-For this type of composition, you are required to write a report of
an incident or event.

(Besides writing a report on incidents such as road accidents or snatch

thefts, you may be asked to write about events such as Sports Day, Teacher’s
Day celebration, trips to places of interest and so on.)
-A report is a composition that reports an event or incident that has happened.
-In order for you to write a report, you need to include details of the event.
-You must use the correct format of a report.
-A report must have a title at the top and the report writer’s name at the bottom left.

Guidelines and Tips

(1) Make sure you have a good idea of what your report should be about.
(2) Study the notes given carefully. Elaborate on the notes based on your knowledge
of the subject.
(3) The language used in report writing is formal. Do not use slang in your report.
(4) Your report must be clear and accurate. Do not include unnecessary descriptions.

(5) The format of a report is as follows:

Always Remember
Follow the guidelines below to write a report:
-Arrange the notes given to be included in your report.
-Ensure that there is proper sequence of events in the report.
-Write your composition like a i report.
-Write the title of the report at the top in the centre and underline it.
-Write the details of the event or incident.
-Write the name and title of the writer to end the report.
-Use the format of a report.
-Mention your points order of importance

This is the format of writing a report:
Title: Write the title of the report at the top in the centre and underline it
Introduction: Start by writing the details of the event accordingly such as what the
event was, when it was held, who organized the event, who joined the event, and who
were invited.
Paragraph 1: state the purpose of the event
Paragraph 2: continue to other details and elaborate
Paragraph 3: mention additional points
Conclusion: Close the report well - expectation of future events
Writer’s name: Write the writer’s name and title at the end of the report on the left

Model Question 1
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
The Caring Club of your school went to old folks’ home to do volunteer work. As the
secretary of the club, you are asked to write a report of the activity.
-purpose is to bring cheer to the elderly
-bring gifts
-help clean the home

When writing out your report:

-you may use the notes given
-state one other activity done at the home
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction: visit the old folks’ home on 30 April 2018
-organized by the Caring Club
-15 members joined the event supervised by two teachers
Main Body: Describe the volunteer work.
Paragraph 1: -purpose of the volunteer work was to bring cheer to the old folks at
the home
Paragraph 2: -arrived at 10 a.m.
-brought cookies for the elderly as gifts
-clean the home to make it more pleasant
Paragraph 3: - entertained the elderly by telling stories
Conclusion: -left the home at 5 p.m. -the elderly were happy with the visit

Model Answer 1
Volunteering at the Violet Old Folk’s Home
The Caring Club of SekolahMenengahKebangsaanTengkuBendahara organized a
volunteer work at the Violet Old Folks’ Home on 30 April 2016. The volunteer work
was joined by fifteen of its members and was supervised by two teachers who are the
supervisors of the club.
The purpose of the visit was to bring cheer to the elderly that are staying in the old
folks’ home.
The group arrived at the home at 10 a.m. bearing gifts of cookies for the elderly. Once
there, the members were divided into three groups; Group A were given a task to
clean the home, Group B will cook and Group C will entertain the old folks. Group A
started to clean the home to make it more pleasant.
While some members cleaned the home, some took it upon themselves to keep the
elderly entertained by telling them various stories and listened to theirs in turn. On
the other hand. Group B cooked lunch for everybody in the home.
The volunteer work ended on a high as the elderly were happy with their visitors and
we all left at 5 p.m. We hope that the visit will encourage others to join in the future.
Reported by,
Caring Club,

Model Question 2
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
You joined an educational trip to a historical place in this country. As a participant,
you have been asked to write a report about the trip.

Educational trip:
-learn more of the country’s history
-brought to sites by a guide
-explanation by guide

When writing out your report:

-you may use the notes given
-state one other benefit you received from the trip
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction: went on a trip to Malacca on 16 July 2016
-organized by the History Club
-40 students joined the trip accompanied by three teachers
Main Body: Describe the trip.
Paragraph 1: purpose of the trip was to learn more about the country’s history
Paragraph 2: arrived at 9 a.m. - brought to different sites by a guide
Paragraph 3: guide explained the history behind each site
-expand knowledge
Conclusion: left at 6 p.m.
-hope to join other trips in the future

Model Answer 2
Educational Trip to Malacca
A trip to Malacca was organized by the History Club of
SekolahMenengahKebangsaan Sungai Udang on 16 July 2016. The trip was joined by
40 students of the school and was accompanied by three teachers.
The purpose of the trip was to learn more about the country’s history by personally
going to the historical sites.
The group arrived in Malacca at 9 a.m. and was immediately brought around the
historical sites scattered around the state including A Famosa, The Stadthuys
building and Baba Nyonya Heritage Museum.
While taking the group to the sites, the guide gave a detailed explanation of the
history of each of the sites. It allowed us to expand the knowledge that we gained in
the classroom. At 1.00 p.m., the group went for lunch and continued their journey to
fun places such as Malacca Zoo and Taming Sari Tower.
The trip ended successfully since the group managed to visit all the sites available
and left at 6 p.m. I hope that educational trips like this would be organized again in
the future to allow students to join and gain more knowledge.
Reported by,
Educational Trip,
SekolahMenengahKebangsaan Sungai Udang

Model Question 3
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
Your school organized a recycling campaign. As the secretary of the Environmental
Club, you are asked to write a report on the campaign.

-encourage students to recycle
-bring items from home to school
-help save the environment

When writing out your report:

-you may use the notes given
-state one other benefit of recycling
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction: organized campaign in the month of April
-joined by all students
Main Body: Describe the recycling campaign.
Paragraph 1: purpose of the campaign was to encourage students to recycle
Paragraph 2: ran for a whole month
-students encouraged to bring recyclable items from home to school
Paragraph 3: help save the environment
-save natural resources
Conclusion: successful and hopes that more campaigns to save the environment
with be held in the future

Model Answer 3
Recycling Campaign of SekolahMenengahKebangsaanSetia Jaya
SekolahMenengahKebangsaanSetia Jaya together with its Environmental Club
organised a recycling campaign in April. It involved everyone in the student body and
they were encouraged to join the campaign.
The purpose of the campaign was to encourage students and ingrain in them the
habit to recycle items that are recyclable.
The campaign ran for the whole month. Students were encouraged to bring any
recyclable items that they could find at home to school on any day of the month. The
recyclable items were like papers, glasses and aluminiums.
This campaign encouraged the students to help save the environment from pollution.
It also encouraged them to save natural resources since new materials aren’t needed
to make new products. They also learned that waste items can be reproduced into
new items.
Overall, the campaign was successful where students are more aware of their roles in
saving the environment. It is hoped that campaigns that save the environment will be
held again in the future.
Reported by,
Environmental Club,
SekolahMenengahKebangsaanSetia Jaya.

Model Question 4
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
Your school organized a farewell ceremony for the principal who is going to retire.
You are asked to write a report on the farewell ceremony.

Farewell ceremony:
-show appreciation to the principal
-speech by principal
-performances by students

When writing out your report:

-you may use the notes given
-state one other activity held at the ceremony
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction: organized farewell ceremony on Friday, 25 March 2016
attended by all students, teachers and staff
Main Body: Describe the farewell ceremony
Paragraph 1: -purpose of the ceremony was to show appreciation to the principal
for his services to the school
Paragraph 2: -started with a speech by the principal
-representatives for teachers and students gave a speech to thank the principal
Paragraph 3: -performance by students -small feast at the end of the ceremony
Conclusion: hope that the principal will lead a fulfilling retirement
-his services will be remembered

Model Answer 4
Farewell Ceremony for Principal of SMK Taman Mulia
On Friday, 25 March 2016, SMK Taman Mulia held a farewell ceremony for its
principal. The ceremony was attended by all students, teachers and staffs.
The purpose of the ceremony was to show everyone’s appreciation to the principal for
his services to the school.
The ceremony started off with a speech by the principal, Mr Rahim, who thanked
everyone for making it a joy to be a principal at the school. The principal’s speech
was then followed by speeches from a representative for the teachers and the head
student to represent the student body.
The ceremony was then followed by different performances by students which were
specially prepared for the ceremony. Some of the students sang a song, recite poems
and others. Once the performances were over and the token of appreciation was
given to the principal, everyone enjoyed the small feast at the end of the ceremony
and handed gifts as a sign of appreciation the principal.
It is hoped that the principal will have a fulfilling retirement. His services to the
school will always be remembered by everyone.
Reported by,
SMK Taman Maju.

Model Question 5
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
A motivational speaker was invited to your school to give a talk to the students. As
the secretary of the Counselling Club, you are asked to write a report on the talk.

Motivational talk:
-motivate students to study hard
-encourage students to help each other
-refreshments provided for all

When writing out your report:

-you may use the notes given
-state one other detail of the motivational talk
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction: -motivational talk by FaizHasim, a motivational speaker, was
organised by the Counselling Club
-Monday, 29 July 2016
-attended by Form Three students of SMK Indah Jaya
Main Body: Describe the details of the motivational talk.
Paragraph 1: purpose of the talk was to motivate students to study hard for the
upcoming exams
Paragraph 2: - students were encouraged to help each other in their studies
-students are also taught how to manage their time for their studies
Paragraph 3: refreshments were provided for all after the talk
Conclusion:hope that students are highly motivated after the talk to do their best
for the exams

Model Answer 5
Motivational Talk at SMK Indah Jaya
A motivational talk by FaizHashim, a well-known motivational speaker in Malaysia,
was organised by the Counselling Club of SMK Indah Jaya on Saturday, 27 July 2016.
The talk was attended by all Form Three students of the school.
The talk was organized to motivate the students who will be sitting for the national
exams to study hard and smart.
During the talk, the speaker encouraged the students to help each other in their
studies apart from telling them the importance of doing well in the exams. They were
also taught on ways to manage their time wisely so they would be able to utilise it to
the fullest for their studies. The talk was also fulfilled with activities such as
personality test and career test.
After the talk was over, the speaker and the students refreshed themselves with the
refreshments that were provided for all. Everybody was happy with the talk, all
thanks to the motivator.
It is hoped that after the motivational talk the students will be highly motivated to do
their best in their upcoming examinations.
Reported by,
Counselling Club,
SMK Indah Jaya.

Model Answer 6
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
You went on a trip to an Island with your classmate. You are asked to write a report
on trip.

Island trip:
-enjoy the natural beauty of the country
-island hopping

When writing out your report:

-you may use the notes given
-state one other activity done on the island
-add any other relevant information
write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction: 3 days 2 nights trip to island from 2 to 4 September 2016 - twenty
students from class 3 Bestari
-accompanied by two teachers
Main Body: Describe the island trip.
Paragraph 1: purpose of the trip was to enjoy the natural beauty of the country
Paragraph 2: went island hopping the next day
-snorkelling to see different fish
Paragraph 3: had a barbecue on the beach on the last night
Conclusion: students became closer during the trip
-hope that more students could join other trips in the future

Model Answer 6
Trip to Tioman Island
Students of class 3 Bestari went to a 3 days 2 nights trip to Tioman Island from 2 to 4
September 2016. Twenty students from the class joined the trip and was
accompanied by two teachers.
The trip was organized so that students would be able to enjoy the natural beauty
offered by this country. Besides, such trip was organized to strengthen the band
between the classmates. During the trip, the students and teachers stayed at a chalet
located on the beach.
The next day after arriving on the island, the group went island hopping to the small
islands surrounding Tioman Island. They also went snorkelling to see the corals and
fish. It was a fun and educational activity for everyone. They also played telematches
on the beach and everybody had fun.
The night before heading back, the group had a barbecue on the beach. The
entertainment was provided by the students who did some performances and skits.
After the trip, the students got closer with each other. It is hoped that more students
could join other trips in the future so that the bond between classmates can be
Reported by,
Student of Class 3 Bestari,
SMK Taman Selasih.

Writing Outline
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
Your school library organized a book reading campaign. As one of the school
librarians, you are asked to write a report on the campaign.
Book reading campaign:
-encourage students to read more
-poster drawing competition
-prize given to the student who read the most books

When writing out your report:

-you may use the notes given
-state one other activity done during the campaign
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction: - organized by the school library in the month of April
-called Reading Frenzy
-campaign involved all students of SMK Taman Rasah
Main Body: Describe the book campaign.
Paragraph 1: - purpose of the campaign was to encourage students to read more
-different activities offered during the campaign
Paragraph 2: poster drawing competition, theme on reading
-storytelling sessions in the library
Paragraph 3: read books to get stamps
-prize given to student who read the most books
Conclusion: campaign a success
-more students were seen reading after the campaign
Model Answer 7
Reading Campaign at SMK Taman Rasah
The school library of SMK Taman Rasah organized a book reading campaign called
Reading Frenzy. The campaign ran for the whole month of April and involved all of
the students of the school.
The purpose of the campaign was to encourage the students to read more. There
were many activities offered during the campaign to draw the students to join the
campaign. There were also a wide range of prizes that were given to the winners.
One of the activities was a poster drawing competition where the theme was on
reading. There were also storytelling and story reading sessions held at the school
The main activity of the campaign was getting stamps for each book that students
read. The student with the most number of stamps by the end of the campaign was
given a prize.
All in all, the campaign was a huge success as more students can be seen reading
after the campaign. It is hoped that the reading culture will continue long after the
campaign is over.
Reported by,
SMK Taman Rasah.

Model Question 8
You should spend 30 minutes on this question.
A flood occurred in your neighbourhood and you volunteered to help with the rescue
mission. As a volunteer, you are asked to write a report on the rescue mission.

Flood rescue mission:

-help flood victims to safer grounds
-distribute food and water
help when flood victims returned to their homes

When writing out your report:

-you may use the notes given
-state one other detail of the flood rescue mission
-add any other relevant information
-write in not less than 150 words

Writing Outline
Introduction: - flood occurred in Taman Fajar on 3 July 2016
-residents had to be moved to the community hall
Main Body: Describe the details of the rescue mission.
Paragraph 1:- helped flood victims to community hall
Paragraph 2: - distributed food and water to the victims
Paragraph 3: - helped when the flood victims returned to their homes
Conclusion: - hope that many more will volunteer if incidents like this happen in
the future

Model Answer 8
Flood Rescue Mission at Taman Fajar
On 7 July 2016, Taman Fajar was hit by a flash flood. Residents were caught
unawares since the water rose rapidly and had to be moved to the community hall
situated on higher ground.
Residents who were moved earlier to the community hall volunteered to help save
the other residents who were stranded in their homes since it was only possible to
move via boats. Residents were seen sitting on their balconies with their belongings,
waiting to be rescued.
Once at the community hall, volunteers helped to distribute food and water that were
sent by the authorities. Blankets were also provided to the victims to keep them
warm. There were also some volunteers who donate money, chothes and food to the
When the flood water receded, volunteers helped the victims clean their homes when
they were allowed to return. With everyone’s help, it didn’t take long to finish the
It is hoped that many more will volunteer if incidents like this happen again in the
Reported by,
Volunteer of Flood Rescue Mission.

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