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3931 conducting sewage, and industrial waste or

other wastes to a point of ultimate disposal or
(f) "Treatment works" means any methods,
Section 1. Statement of Policy. It is hereby declared construction, device or appliances
a national policy to maintain reasonable standards of appurtenant thereto, installed for the purpose
purity for the waters and air of this country with their of treating neutralizing, stabilizing,
utilization for domestic, agricultural, industrial and disinfecting, or disposing of sewage, industrial
other legitimate purposes. waste or other wastes, or for the recovery of
by-product from such sewage, industrial waste
Section 2. Definitions. As used in this Act: or other wastes.

(a) "Pollution" means such alteration of the (g) "Sewage works" means individually or
physical, chemical and/or biological properties collectively those constructions or devices
of any water and/or atmospheric air of the used for collecting pumping, treating, and
Philippines, or any such discharge of any disposing of sewage, industrial waste or other
liquid, gaseous or solid substance into any of wastes, or for the recovery of by-products
the waters and/or atmospheric air of the from such sewage, industrial waste or other
country as will or is likely to create or render wastes.
such waters and/or atmospheric air harmful or
detrimental or injurious to public health, safety (h) "Outlet" means the terminus of a sewage
or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, works or point of emergence into the waters
industrial, agricultural, recreational or other and/or atmospheric air of the Philippines of
legitimate uses, or to livestock, wild animals, any sewage, industrial waste or other wastes.
birds, fish or other aquatic life.
(i) "Waters of the Philippines" means all
(b) "Sewage" means the water-carried human accumulations of water, surface and
or animal wastes from residences, buildings, underground water, natural or artificial, public
industrial establishments, or other places, or private or parts thereof, which are within the
together with such water infiltration and Philippines or within its jurisdiction.
surface water as may be present. The
admixture of sewage as above defined and (j) "Atmospheric air of the Philippines" means
industrial wastes or other wastes as hereafter the air within the Philippines or within its
defined, shall be considered "sewage". jurisdiction.

(c) "Industrial waste" means any liquid, (k) "Person" or "Persons" means any
gaseous or solid matter, or other waste individual public or private corporation,
substance or a combination thereof resulting political subdivision, government agency,
from any process of industry, manufacturing municipality, public or private institution,
trade or business or from the development, industry, co-partnership, association, firms,
processing or recovery of any natural trust, or any other entity whatsoever.
(l) "Stream standard" or stream standards"
(d) "Other waste" means garbage, refuse, means such measure of purity or quality for
wood residues, sand, lime, cinders, ashes, any waters in the Philippines in relation to
offal, night-oil, tar, dye stuffs, acids, their reasonable and necessary use.
chemicals, and other substances not sewage
or industrial waste which may cause or tend to (m) "Commission" means the National Water
cause pollution, or contribute to the pollution and Air Pollution Control Commission.
of the waters and/or atmospheric air of the
Philippines. Section 3. Creation of the National Water and Air
Pollution Control Commission; members;
(e) "Sewage system or sewerage system" compensation; advisory council. There is hereby
means pipe lines or conduits, pumping created and established in the Office of the President
stations, force mains, constructed drainage of the Philippines, the National Water and Air
ditches, and all other construction, devices, Pollution Control Commission, with permanent office
and appurtenances used for collecting or in the City of Manila. The Commission shall be
composed of the Chairman of the National Science meetings of the Commission, handle such
Development Board, as chairman, and, as members, correspondence, make or arrange for such
four part-time commissioners, one of whom shall be inspections and investigations, and obtain, assemble
an officer of the Department of Health who shall be or prepare such reports and data as the Commission
designated by the Secretary of Health; another shall may direct or authorize. His compensation shall be
be an officer of the Department of Agriculture and determined by the Commission.
National Resources, who shall be designated by the
Secretary of Agriculture and Natural Resources; and The Commission shall provide such technical
the remaining two shall be representatives of the scientific or other services, including the necessary
private sector who shall be appointed by the laboratory and other facilities as may be required for
President of the Philippines with the consent of the the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act.
Commission on Appointments, one upon The basic personnel necessary to carry out the
recommendation of the Philippine Council of Science provisions of this Act shall be engineers, chemists,
and Technology, and the other upon the bio-chemists, physicists, and other
recommendation of the Chamber of Industries of the technicians: Provided, That the Commission may, by
Philippines; and two full-time commissioners who agreement, secure such services as it may deem
shall likewise be appointed by the President of the necessary from other agencies of the National
Philippines, with the consent of the Commission on Government, and may make arrangements for the
Appointments. One of the full-time commissioners compensation of such services. The Commission may
shall be a sanitary engineer; and the other a lawyer. also employ and compensate, within appropriations
Both shall beat least thirty five-years of age and shall available therefor, such consultants, experts,
each have had at least ten years experience in the advisors, or assistants on a full or part-time basis as
practice of his profession. may be necessary, coming from government or
private business entities, associations, or from local or
The two part-time commissioners representing the foreign organizations, to carry out the provision of this
private sector and the two full-time commissioners Act and may prescribe their powers, duties, and
shall serve for four years and until their successors responsibilities.
shall have been appointed and qualified. They may
not be removed except for cause. Upon the death, The Commission may conduct scientific experiments,
resignation or removal of any of them, the President investigations and research to discover economical
shall appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy for and practical methods of preventing water and air
his unexpired term. pollutions. To this end, the Commission may
corporate with any public or private agency in the
The chairman and members of the Commission, conduct of such experiments, investigations and
except the full-time commissioners, shall receive no research and may accept, and receipt for such money
compensation for their services, but they shall receive for and in behalf of the National Government, given by
per diems of fifty pesos each per meeting plus the any international, national or other public or private
necessary traveling expenses incurred in the agency for water and air pollution control activities,
discharged of their duties as members of the surveys or programmes: Provided, That sums of
Commission. The two full-time members shall each money shall be used only for the purpose for which
receive a yearly compensation of eighteen thousand they are contributed and any balance remaining after
pesos. They shall also receive traveling expenses the conclusion of experiments, investigations and
incurred in the discharge of their duties as research shall be returned to the contributors. The
commissioners. Commission is authorized to promulgate such rules
and regulations or enter into contracts as it may deem
Section 4. Organization of the Commission; its necessary for carrying out the provisions of this Act.
offices; cooperation with other agencies; acceptance
of donations. The President of the Philippines shall Section 5. Meeting of the Commission, quorum. The
organize the Commission within thirty days after the Commission shall meet as often as necessary to carry
approval of this Act. into effect the provisions of this Act and at times and
places to be designated by the Chairman of the
The Technical Secretary of the Commission shall be Commission, and shall keep a complete record of the
appointed by the Commission. He shall be a sanitary meetings which shall be kept on file in the office of the
engineer with at least five years experience in the Technical Secretary, and shall determine the rules of
technical and administrative fields of engineering. He its own proceedings. Meetings may be called by the
shall be the active administrator of all water and air chairman upon his own initiative or upon the written
pollution control activities of the Commission. The request of two or more members of the Commission.
Technical Secretary shall, during the interim between Written notice of the time and place of such meetings
shall be delivered to the office of each member of the
Commission and the Technical Secretary. Four industrial wastes or other wastes, or for the
members of the Commission shall constitute a installation or operation of sewage works and
quorum to transact the business of the industrial disposal systems, or parts thereof,
Commission: Provided, however, That the except that no permits shall be required of any
concurrence of the majority of all the members of the new sewage, works or changes to or
Commission shall be necessary to exercise the extensions of existing works that discharge
powers and duties enumerated in Section six of this only domestic or sanitary wastes from a single
Act and to render any order, judgment or decision in residential building housing or occupied by
the proceedings referred to in section seven and eight twenty pesos or less: Provided, however, That
hereof. applications for the issuance or renewal of
permits required under this Act shall be filed
Section 6. Powers and duties. (a) The commission is with and decided by the city engineer or
hereby authorized to: district engineer of the city or province from
which the discharge of industrial or other
1. Determine if pollution exists in any of the wastes shall originate, in accordance with
waters and/or atmospheric air of the rules, regulations and standards to be issued
Philippines. Findings of the Commission by the Commission. In case of doubt, the city
regarding the existence of pollution shall be or district engineer shall consult with the
filed on record in the office of the Commission. Commission before issuing, renewing, or
denying the permit applied for; and any
decision of the city or district engineer may be
2. Adopt, prescribe, and promulgate rules and
appealed by the applicant or by any resident
regulations governing the procedures of the
of the place who may be affected by the
Commission with respect to hearings; the
discharge of waste to the Commission, under
methods and manner under which plans,
such rules and regulations as the Commission
specifications, designs, or other data relative
shall issue for such appeals.
thereto shall be submitted for sewage works
and industrial wastes disposal systems or for
addition or change to or extensions of such 7. After due notice and hearing, revoke
work; the filing of reports; the issuance of suspend or modify any permit issued under
permits; and such other reasonable rules and this Act, whenever modifications are
regulations as may be necessary from time to necessary to prevent or abate pollution of any
time in the proper implementation and water and/or atmospheric air of the
enforcement of this Act. Philippines.

3. Hold public hearings, receive pertinent and 8. Cause such investigation to be made as it
relevant proofs from any party in interest who may deem advisable and necessary for the
appear before the Commission, make findings discharge of its duties under this Act.
of facts and determinations, all with respect to
the violations of this Act or orders issued by 9. Settle or compromise any dispute arising
the Commission. out of the implementation and enforcement of
the second paragraph of Section ten of this
4. Make, alter or modify orders requiring the Act as it may seem advantageous to the
discontinuance of pollution of the waters public interest.
and/or atmospheric air of the Philippines due
to the discharge of sewage, industrial wastes 10. Perform such other duties as may be
or other wastes and specifying the conditions necessary to carry out effectively the duties
and the time within which such discontinuance and responsibilities prescribed in this Act.
must be accomplished.
(b) The Commission shall have the
5. Institute or cause to be instituted in a court following duties and responsibilities:
of competent jurisdiction legal proceedings to
compel compliance with the provisions of this 1. To encourage voluntary cooperation by the
Act. people, municipalities, industries,
associations, agriculture and representatives
6. Issue, renew, or deny permits, under such of other pursuits in the proper utilization and
conditions as it may determine to be conservation of the waters and/or atmospheric
reasonable, for the prevention and abatement air of the Philippines.
of pollution, for the discharge of sewage,
2. To encourage the formation and Section 7. Public Hearings. Public hearings shall be
organization of cooperative groups or conducted by the Commission in connection with and
associations in municipalities, industries, prior to action by the said Commission on the
enterprises and other users of the waters who following cases:
severally and jointly are or may be the source
of pollution of the same waters, the purpose of (a) Any order or findings of the Commission
which shall be to provide a medium to discuss requiring the discontinuance of discharge of
and formulate plans for the prevention and sewage, industrial wastes or other wastes into
abatement of pollution. the waters or atmospheric air of the
Philippines as provided for in this Act.
3. To serve as arbitrator for the determination
of reparations involved in the damages and (b) Any order denying, revoking or modifying a
losses resulting from the pollution of the permit as provided by this Act.
waters and/or air in the Philippines.
The hearing herein provided may be conducted by the
4. To devise, consult, participate, cooperate Commission itself at a meeting of the Commission, or
and enter into agreements with other agencies the Commission may delegate to any member, or to
of the government, and with affected political the Technical Secretary the power and authority to
groups, political subdivisions, and enterprises conduct such hearings in the name of the
in the furtherance of the purpose of this Act. Commission at any time and place. In such hearings,
This particularly refers to such cooperative any member of the Commission, or the Technical
agreements with the various provincial and Secretary may issue in the name of the Commission,
municipal governments in securing their notices of hearings requesting the attendance and
assistance in carrying out the provisions of testimony of witnesses and the production of
this Act. evidence relevant to any matter involved in any such
hearing, and may examine such witnesses. All
5. To prepare and develop a comprehensive stenographic transcript of the proceedings of said
plan for the abatement of existing pollution hearings shall be taken and filed with the
and prevention of new and/or imminent Commission.
pollution of the waters and/or atmospheric air
of the Philippines. Section 8. Proceedings before the Commission. The
Commission may, on its own motion, or upon the
6. To issue standards, rules and regulations to request of any person, investigate or may inquire, in a
govern city and district engineers in the manner to be determined by it, as to any alleged act
approval of plans and specifications for of pollution or the omission or failure to comply with
sewage works and industrial wastes disposal any provisions of this Act or any order of this
systems and in the issuance of permits in Commission.
accordance with the provisions of this Act, and
to inspect the construction and maintenance Whenever it appears to the Commission, after
of sewage works and industrial wastes investigation, that there has been a violation of any of
disposal system for compliance of the the provisions of this Act or any order of the
approved plans. Commission, it may order whoever causes such
violation to show cause before said Commission why
7. To collect and disseminate information such discharge of industrial wastes or any waste
relating to water and atmosphere pollution and should not be discounted. A notice shall be served on
the prevention, abatement and control thereof. the offending party directing him or it to show cause
before the Commission, on a date specified in such
8. To authorize its representatives to enter at notice, why an order should not be made directing the
all reasonable times in or upon any property of discontinuance of such violation. Such notice shall
the public dominion and private property specify the time and the place where a public hearing
devoted to industrial, manufacturing, will be held by the Commission or its authorized
processing or commercial use without doing representatives, and notice of such hearing shall be
damages, for the purpose of inspecting and served personally or by registered mail, at least ten
investigating conditions relating to pollution or days before said hearing; and in the case of a
the possible or imminent pollution of any municipality or corporation such notice shall be
waters or atmospheric air of the Philippines. served upon the mayor or president thereof. The
Commission shall take evidence with reference to
said matter and may issue an order to the party
responsible for such violation, directing that within a Section 10. Penalties. Any person who shall violate
specified period of time thereafter, such violation be any of the provisions of Section nine of this Act or
discontinued unless adequate sewage works or who violates any order of the Commission, shall be
industrial wastes disposal system be properly liable to a penalty of not to exceed fifty pesos for each
operated to prevent further damage or pollution. day during which the violation continues, or by
imprisonment of from two years to six years, or by
No investigation being conducted or ruling made by both fine and imprisonment and in addition such
the Commission shall prejudice any action which may person may be required or enjoined from continuing
be filed in court by any person in accordance with the such violation as hereinafter provided.
provisions of the New Civil Code on nuisance. On
matters, however, not related to nuisance, no court Any person who violates any of the provisions of, or
action shall be initiated until the Commission shall fails to perform any duty imposed by this Act, or who
have finally ruled thereon and no order of the violates and order or other determination of the
Commission discontinuing the discharge of waste Commission promulgated pursuant to this Act,
shall be stayed by the filing of said court action, thereby causing the death of fish or other aquatic life,
unless the court issues an injunction as provided for or damages or destroys the natural habitat necessary
in this Rules of Court. for the propagation of fish or other aquatic life, shall in
addition to the penalty above prescribed, be liable to
Section 9. Prohibitions. No person shall throw, run, pay the government for damages for fish or other
drain, or otherwise dispose into any of the water aquatic life destroyed. The Commission after
and/or atmospheric air of the Philippines, or cause, consultation with fishery officials of the Department of
permit, suffer to be thrown, run, drain, allow to see or Agriculture and Natural Resources shall, through a
otherwise dispose into such waters or atmospheric court of competent jurisdiction, bring an action against
air, any organic or inorganic matter or any substance such person and recover the reasonable value of the
in gaseous or liquid form that shall cause pollution of fish or other aquatic life and/or habitat destroyed by
such waters or atmospheric air. such pollution. Any amount so recovered shall be
placed in the funds made available to the Fisheries
No person shall perform any of the following activities Commission.
without first securing a permit from the city or district
engineer for the discharge of all industrial wastes and Section 11. Jurisdiction. The Commission shall have
other wastes which are or may be discharged into the no jurisdiction over waterworks or sewage systems
waters or atmospheric air of the Philippines, which operated by the NAWASA but rules and regulations
could cause pollution thereof: issued by the Commission for the protection and
prevention of pollution of the atmospheric air and
(1) the construction, installation, modification water of the Philippines under the authority herein
or operation of any sewage works or any granted shall supersede and prevail over any rules or
extension or addition thereto; regulations as may heretofore have been issued by
the NAWASA or by the Department of Health on the
same subject matter.
(2) the increase in volume or strength of any
wastes in excess of the permissive discharge
specified under any existing permit; Section 12. Appropriation. The sum of one million five
hundred thousand pesos or so much thereof as may
be necessary is hereby authorized to be appropriated
(3) the construction, installation, or operation
yearly for the operating expenses of the Commission
of any industrial or commercial establishments
as additional appropriation to the yearly budget of the
or any extension or modification thereof or
Office of the President of the Philippines.
addition thereto, the operation of which would
cause an increase in the discharge of wastes
directly into the waters or atmospheric air of Section 13. Repealing clause. Any Act or parts of
the Philippines or would otherwise alter the Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act are
physical, chemical or biological properties of hereby repealed, without prejudice to the provisions of
any waters or atmospheric air of the Republic Act Numbered Thirteen hundred seventy-
Philippines in any manner not already lawfully eight.
Section 14. Effectivity. This Act shall take effect upon
(4) the construction or use of any new outlet its approval.
for the discharge of any waste, gaseous or
liquid, directly into the waters or atmospheric Approved: June 18, 1964
air of the Philippines.
 Why the need for the Clean Water hydrogeological, meteorological or geographic
Act? conditions which affect the reaction and
diffusion of pollutants in water bodies are to be
As early as 1996, monitoring of the country’s designated by the DENR in coordination with
rivers showed that only 51% of the classified the National Water Resources Board (NWRB).
rivers still met the standards for their most
beneficial use. The rest were already polluted  Who will manage these areas?
from domestic, industrial and agricultural
sources. Management will be localized. Multi-sectoral
governing boards will be established to
Most studies point to the fact that domestic manage water quality issues within their
wastewater is the principal cause of organic jurisdiction.
pollution (at 48%) of our water bodies. Yet,
only 3% of investments in water supply and  Who are the members of the
sanitation were going to sanitation and sewage Governing Boards?
Governing Boards shall be composed of
A recent World Bank report pointed out that representatives of mayors and governors as
Metro Manila was second to the lowest in well as local government units, representatives
sewer connections among major cities in Asia of relevant national government agencies, duly
and less than 7% compared to 20% for registered non-government organizations, the
Katmandu, Nepal and 30% for Dhaka, concerned water utility sector and the business
Bangladesh. sector.

Thirty-one percent (31%) of all illnesses in the  What are the functions of the
country are attributed to polluted waters. Governing Boards?
Clearly, to ensure access to clean water for all
Filipinos, it was imperative that government put The Governing Boards will formulate strategies
together a comprehensive strategy to protect to coordinate policies necessary for the
water quality. effective implementation of this Act. They will
create a multi-sectoral group to establish and
 What is the Clean Water Act? effect water quality surveillance and
The Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004
(Republic Act No. 9275) aims to protect the  How will discharges of wastewater be
country’s water bodies from pollution from controlled?
land-based sources (industries and commercial
establishments, agriculture and All owners or operators of facilities that
community/household activities). It provides for discharge wastewater are required to get a
a comprehensive and integrated strategy to permit to discharge from the DENR or the
prevent and minimize pollution through a multi- Laguna Lake Development Authority. Existing
sectoral and participatory approach involving industries without any permit are given 12
all the stakeholders. months from the effectivity of the implementing
rules and regulations (IRR) promulgated
Highlights of the Clean Water Act pursuant to this Act to secure a permit to
 How will water quality be managed?
 How will domestic wastewater be
Management of water quality will either be addressed?
based on watershed, river basin or water
resources region. Water quality management The Department of Public Works and
areas with similar hydrological, Highways (DPWH), in coordination with local
government units will prepare a national and undertake outstanding and innovative
program on sewage and septage management projects in water quality management.
not later than 12 months from effectivity of this
Act. A priority list will likewise be prepared  What safeguards are provided for?
which will be the basis for the allotment of
funds on an annual basis by the national All possible dischargers are required to put up
government for the construction and an environmental guarantee fund (EGF) as
rehabilitation of required facilities. part of their environmental management plan.
The EGF will finance the conservation of
On the other hand, LGUs are to provide the watersheds and aquifers, and the needs of
land including road right of the way for the emergency response, clean up or
construction of sewage and/or septage rehabilitation.
treatment facilities and raise funds for the
operations and maintenance of said facilities.  What are the prohibited acts under
R.A. 9275?
The Department of Health (DOH) will formulate
guidelines and standards for the collection, Among others, the Act prohibits the following:
treatment and disposal of sewage as well as
the guidelines for the establishment and 1. Discharging or depositing any
operation of centralized sewage treatment water pollutant to the water body,
system. The MWSS and other agencies or such which will impede natural
mandated to provide water supply and flow in the water body
sewerage facilities are required to connect 2. Discharging, injecting or allowing
existing sewage lines, subject to the payment to enter into the soil, anything
of sewerage service charges/fees within five that would pollute groundwater
years following effectivity of this Act. 3. Operating facilities that discharge
regulated water pollutants without
All sources of sewage and septage are the valid required permits
required to comply with the law. 4. Disposal of potentially infectious
medical waste into sea by
 How will the discharge of wastewater vessels
be discouraged? 5. Unauthorized transport or
dumping into waters of sewage
Anyone discharging wastewater into a water sludge or solid waste.
body will have to pay a wastewater charge. 6. Transport, dumping or discharge
This economic instrument which will be of prohibited chemicals,
developed in consultation with all concerned substances or pollutants listed
stakeholders is expected to encourage under Toxic Chemicals,
investments in cleaner production and pollution Hazardous and Nuclear
control technologies to reduce the amount of 7. Wastes Control Act (Republic.Act
pollutants generated and discharged. No. 6969)
8. Discharging regulated water
Effluent trading per management area will also pollutants without the valid
be allowed. required discharge permit
pursuant to this Act
Rewards will also be given to those whose 9. Noncompliance of the LGU with
wastewater discharge is better than the water the Water Quality Framework and
quality criteria of the receiving body of water. Management Area Action Plan
Fiscal and non-fiscal incentives will also be 10. Refusal to allow entry, inspection
given to LGUs, water districts, enterprise, and monitoring as well as access
private entities and individuals who develop to reports and records by the
DENR in accordance with this Act
11. Refusal or failure to submit In cases of gross violation, a fine of not less
reports and/or designate pollution than Php 500,000 but not more than Php
control officers whenever 3,000,000 will be imposed for each day of
required by the DENR in violation. Criminal charges may also be filed.
accordance with this Act
12. Directly using booster pumps in  Who should implement the Clean
the distribution system or Water Act?
tampering with the water supply
in such a way to alter or impair The DENR is the primary government agency
the water quality responsible for the implementation and
13. Operate facilities that discharge enforcement of this Act, with the support of
or allow to seep, willfully or other government organizations, local
through grave negligence, government units, non -government
prohibited chemicals, organizations and the private sector.
substances, or pollutantslisted
under R.A. No. 6969, into water Towards this end, the DENR will review and
bodies. set affluent standards, review and enforce
14. Undertake activities or water quality guidelines, classify groundwater
development and expansion of sources and prepare a national groundwater
projects, or operating wastewater vulnerability map, classify or reclassify water
treatment/sewerage facilities in bodies, establish internationally accepted
violation of P.D.1586 and its IRR. procedures for sampling and analysis, prepare
 What are the fines and penalties an integrated water quality management
imposed on polluters? framework and subsequently prepare 10-year
management plans for each water
The following are among the fines and management area.
penalties for violators of this Act and its IRR:
The roles of other key government agencies
Upon the recommendation of the Pollution are:
Adjudication Board (PAB), anyone who
commits prohibited acts such as discharging • The Philippine Coast Guard shall enforce
untreated wastewater into any water body will water quality standards in marine waters,
be fined for every day of violation, the amount specifically from offshore sources.
of not less than Php 10,000 but not more than • The Department of Public Works and
Php 200,000. Highways through its attached agencies shall
provide sewerage and sanitation facilities, and
Failure to undertake clean-up operations the efficient and safe collection, treatment and
willfully shall be punished by imprisonment of disposal of sewage within their area of
not less than two years and not more than four jurisdiction.
years. This also includes a fine of not less than • The Department of Agriculture shall formulate
Php 50,000 and not more than Php 100,000 guidelines for the re-use of wastewater for
per day of violation. Failure or refusal to clean irrigation and other agricultural uses and for the
up which results in serious injury or loss of life prevention, control and abatement of pollution
or lead to irreversible water contamination of from agricultural and aquaculture activities.
surface, ground, coastal and marine water • The Department of Health shall set, revise
shall be punished with imprisonment of not less and enforce drinking water quality standards.
than 6 years and 1 day and not more than 12 • The Department of Science and Technology
years and a fine of Php 500,000/day for each shall evaluate, verify, develop and disseminate
day the contamination or omission continues. pollution prevention and cleaner production
• The Department of Education, Commission
on Higher Education, Department of Interior
and Local Government, and the Philippine
Information Agency shall prepare and
implement a comprehensive and continuing
public education and information program

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