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Chloride limits in the ACI 318

building code requirements

ACI committee decides not to make changes … yet

fter much debate, a table proposed revisions, let’s first look at will be used under dry service condi-

A showing maximum chlo-

ride ion contents for dif-
ferent types of concrete
members first appeared
15 years ago in ACI 318-83, “Building
Code Requirements for Reinforced
Concrete.” That original table hasn’t
the limits in the current code require-
ments. Table 1 gives the current limits
in Table 4.4.1 of 318-95. These are the
values many of you must meet when
submitting a set of mixture propor-
tions for a project that specifies chlo-
ride limits. We’ve added a column to
tions may remain moist long after
placement if it contains lightweight ag-
gregate or the surface is sealed.
Table 2 shows limits proposed by
ACI Committee 222 but not adopted.
We have also placed percentage of cor-
rosion threshold values in the table.
changed and will remain unchanged show the limits as a percentage of the These proposed limits are more con-
until at least 2001 since ACI Commit- corrosion threshold. servative in that none of them exceeds
tee 318 recently decided not to adopt Those who advocate changing these 100% of the corrosion threshold for
proposed revisions that would have re- limits base their arguments on what acid- or water-soluble chloride.
duced most of the maximum values. they believe to be non-conservative
But the debate continues over proper values for all types of members except Basis for the decision
values for the limits. prestressed concrete. For instance, if Throughout the debate, opponents
ACI 222R-96, “Corrosion of Metals reinforced concrete will be dry in ser- of the more stringent chloride limits
in Concrete,” recommends lower vice, the allowable chloride ion per- have argued that there has been little
maximum values, basing its case pri- centage exceeds the corrosion thresh- evidence of corrosion problems trace-
marily on a comparison of the chlo- old by a factor greater than six. able to the chloride limits in place
ride-content limits currently in ACI Proponents for the changes argue that since 1983.
318-95 with a value called the chloride such a high limit doesn’t make sense Some Committee 318 members were
corrosion threshold. because even reinforced concrete that concerned that the proposed limits

Corrosion threshold
The corrosion threshold is the Table 1. Water-soluble chloride-ion
amount of chloride ion that must be
present in concrete, along with mois-
limits in ACI 318-95
ture and oxygen, for corrosion to be- Type of member Maximum water-soluble Percent of water-soluble
gin. When tested by water-soluble test chloride ion (Cl-) content chloride corrosion
methods (see related article on various in concrete, percent by threshold (0.15%
chloride test procedures), the thresh- weight of cement by weight of cement)
old is generally taken as 0.15% chlo-
ride ion by weight of cement. For a Prestressed concrete 0.06 40
typical mixture containing 600 pounds
Reinforced concrete
of cement per cubic yard, this thresh-
exposed to chloride
old can be expressed as 0.9 pounds of
in service 0.15 100
chloride ion per cubic yard. When
tested by the acid-soluble test method, Reinforced concrete that
the amount is taken as 0.20% chloride will be dry or protected
ion by weight of cement, or for the from moisture in service 1.00 666
same cement content, 1.2 pounds of Other reinforced
chloride ion per cubic yard. concrete construction 0.30 200
To understand the rationale for the
would eliminate the use of certain
limestone aggregates in Midwestern
North America. These aggregates test
Table 2. Chloride limits for new construction
high in chlorides using either the acid- proposed by ACI Committee 222
or water-soluble ASTM test methods,
yet the high chloride content doesn’t Category of Maximum chloride ion (Cl-) content in concrete,
appear to affect the corrosion perfor- reinforced concrete percent by weight of cement
mance of structures made with con- Acid-soluble Water-soluble Water-soluble
crete containing the aggregates. To ad- (ASTM C 1152) (ASTM C 1218) (ACI 222.1)
dress this objection, ACI Committee
222 has adopted a test method that us- Prestressed 0.08 0.06 0.06
es the Soxhlet test method (described (pretensioned
in the related article). Concrete made or post-tensioned) (40%) (40%) (40%)
with these aggregates doesn’t exceed
the proposed lower chloride limits Non-prestressed, 0.10 0.08 0.08
when tested by the Soxhlet procedure. Wet conditions (50%) (53%) (53%)
Another committee concern was Non-prestressed, 0.20 0.15 0.15
that the Soxhlet method hasn’t yet
been adopted by ASTM. This point is Dry conditions (100%) (100%) (100%)
correct, but change proponents argue
that the ACI version of the test chloride accelerator as in the past. content is an issue. In other words, en-
method (ACI 222.1) can be used until Change proponents, however, argue gineers are currently writing specifica-
an ASTM version is available. that while the use of calcium chloride tion provisions that are far more strict
Some ACI 318 members were con- could be limited by adoption of lower than ACI 318 code requirements. ACI
cerned that new, lower limits would values for the maximum chloride-ion 318 does not allow the use of chloride
impose an economic burden on con- percentages, many specifications al- or admixtures containing chlorides for
crete producers since they would not ready ban any admixture with inten- prestressed concrete (section 3.6.3),
be allowed to use as much calcium tionally added chlorides when chloride but it has not gone this far for non-

Testing for chlorides in hardened concrete and concrete ingredients

ow do the different test methods for chlorides differ? ■ The test for acid-soluble chlorides (ASTM C 1152) treats
H Here’s a brief description of the three methods now be-
ing used.
crushed material with nitric acid rather than water. Almost
all of the chlorides present in the concrete are detected,
■ To test for water-soluble chlorides (ASTM C 1218), a whether they are bound or are available to cause corro-
sample of concrete or aggregate is crushed into a pow- sion. Because the test method finds all chlorides, limits
der, and about 10 grams of the powder is mixed with based upon acid-soluble chloride content are higher than
about 50 milliliters of water. The mixture is boiled for five those established for water-soluble chloride content.
minutes and then allowed to stand for 24 hours before the Either of these tests may find chlorides that are present in
liquid is filtered and tested for chloride content. some limestone aggregates in Midwestern North America.
This test method does not detect chlorides that are Based upon service records, we know that the chlorides
bound into an aggregate or into hydrated cement. There- inside these aggregates don’t contribute to corrosion.
fore, the test should theoretically detect only those chlo- ■ A new test, the Soxhlet method (ACI 222.1), has been de-
rides that are available to cause corrosion. The amount veloped to test these aggregates or to test concrete made
of chloride detected by the water-soluble test is usually with these aggregates. This test uses chunks of concrete
about 50% to 75% of the total amount of chloride in or aggregate instead of crushed and powdered material.
concrete, depending on the nature of the ingredients and The chunks or pieces are treated with boiling water, which
the cement. is then tested for chloride content. So far, the test appears
Unfortunately, the water-soluble test does detect some to allow the use of harmless aggregates that would be re-
chlorides that are not available for corrosion if the aggre- jected by the other test methods. ACI has developed a
gate particle is intact, but become available as a result of provisional standard for this test, and ASTM is currently
the crushing process required for the test. A further draw- working on a version of the test method. This test isn’t in-
back to the method is that test results can be highly vari- tended to replace the water-soluble chloride test method,
able, depending on particle size of the powder, extraction but is a fallback test for use when aggregate is suspected
time and temperature. to contain bound chlorides.
prestressed concrete.
Change proponents also argue that
ACI 318 doesn’t apply to soil-support-
How to submit chloride-test results
ed slabs, in which chlorides are now ay you’re supplying concrete for a parking structure for which ACI 318 per-
typically used as accelerators, unless
the slab transmits vertical loads from
S mits a maximum of 0.15% water-soluble chloride by weight of cement.
How do you demonstrate that your concrete meets the requirement?
other portions of the structure to the When the amount of chloride ion present in each ingredient is known, you can
soil. calculate the total amount present in the concrete. However, this is normally not
Two facts are certain in this chlo- done because as much as a quarter to a half of these chlorides combine chemical-
ride-limit argument. First, ACI 318 ly with the hydrating cement paste and aren’t available for corrosion.
will revisit this issue in the near future Instead, producers send a sample of hardened concrete proposed for a pro-
as it prepares for the 2001 edition of its ject to an outside lab for testing at a cost of up to $50 per test. Producers must
code requirements. Second, the Soxh- indicate the test procedure to be used, depending on which chloride-content
let method will ultimately be accepted measure (water-soluble, acid-soluble or Soxhlet) is specified. They should also
for use, paving the way for a perfor- tell the lab how the results are to be reported, since labs may give results in
mance focus on chloride limits. ■ parts per million, pounds per cubic yard or percent by weight of cement. You
—TERRY HOLLAND can generally convert the values to a percent by weight of cement if the cement
content is known. Then simply attach the lab report to your mix submittal.

Publication #J980869
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