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5(a). Differentiate between kinematics and kinetics.

Kinematics is the study of motion, quite apart from the forces which produce that
motion. More particularly, kinematics is the study of position, displacement,
rotation, speed, velocity, and acceleration. Kinetics is the study of motion and the
forces which produce that motion.

5(b). A spring AB of constant k is attached to a support at A and to a

collar of mass m. The un-stretched length of the spring is Knowing that
the collar is released from rest at x = x0 and has acceleration defined by
the relation,

Determine the velocity of the collar when it passes through point c.


We know that,

∫ ∫

∫ ( )

= ∫ * √ +

= * √ +

= √

= 100 [ √ ]


This is the velocity of the collar when it passes through the point c.


Two blocks that are shown in figure start from rest. The horizontal plane
and the pulley are frictionless. The pulley is assumed to be of negligible
mass. Determine the acceleration of each block and tension in each
Kinematics: We know that when block A moves right block B moves downward-

Differentiating twice gives,

Now, FBD-

We apply Newton’s second law successively to block A and block B


At block B

Weight of the block: 300 * 9.8= 2940N

Substituting the value of aB from equation (1).

Pulley C:

From equation (1), (3) and (4), we get-

Putting this value at equation (3) gives,


6(a). The 0.5lb pellet is pushed against the spring at A and released from
rest. Neglecting friction, determine the smallest deflection of the spring
for which the pellet will travel around the loop ABCDE and remain at
all times in contact with the loop shown in figure.



At position1:

Potential energy. Denoting by x is the deflection of spring and k= 3lb/in = 36 lb/ft

.we write-

Choosing the datum at A, we have ; therefore

Since the pellet is released at A. that means v=0

Kinetic energy at position 1 is zero.

Position 2: potential energy.

And ,

Kinetic energy.

From above, we found the value of velocity. Kinetic energy T2 –

We know that,


6(b). The system shown in figure is at rest when a constant 250N force is
applied to block A. Neglecting the masses of the pulleys and the effect of
friction in the pulleys and between block A and horizontal surface;
i) The velocity of block B after block A moved 2m.
ii) The tension in the cable


From kinematics,

Block A: Let F be the tension in the cable.

ma= 30kg, P= 250 N, (T1)A= 0


Block B:

From equation (1) and (2), we find,

Putting this value in equation (1) gives,

7(a) Show that equations of motions in terms of radial and transverse

components can be expressed as:
a) ̈ ̇ 2̇ )
b) ̈ ̇ ̇)


We attach at P two unit vectors and . The vector is directed along OP and
the vector is obtained by rotating through 90 degree clockwise. The unit
vector defines the transverse direction, i.e. the direction in which P would move
if u were increased and r were kept constant. The unit vector defines the radial
direction, i.e. the direction in which P would move if r were increased and u were
derivation of the unit vector leads to the relations.



̇ ̇
̇ ̇
We know that, ⃗

⃗⃗ ̇ ̇
Now, ⃗ ̈ ̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ ̈ ̇ ̇
̈ ̇ ̇ ̇ ̇ ̈ ̇( ̇)
̈ ̇ ̇ ̈ ̇
( ̈ ̇ ) ( ̈ ̇ ̇)
Radial component, ( ̈ ̇ )
And, transverse component, ( ̈ ̇ ̇)

So, Newton’s second law of motion,

̈ ̇ )


̈ ̇ ̇)

7(b). Block A has a mass of 40 kg, and block B has a mass of 8 kg. The
coefficients of friction between all surfaces of contact are µs = 0.20 and
µk = 0.15. If P = 40N, determine
(a) The acceleration of block B, and (b) The tension in the cord.


From the constraint of the chord,


Block B:

At block A:

Substituting and using equation (1)

Equating the two expression for T

We have,

T = 58.2 N
8(a). A pulley of mass 12lb having a radius of gyration of 8in. is
connected to two blocks as shown in figure. Assuming no axle friction
determine the angular acceleration of the pulley and the acceleration of
each block.


The weight of the block B required to maintain the equilibrium of the pulley when
it is acted upon by the 5-lb block A is first determined. Now taking the moment
about G,

Since block B actually weighs 10 lb. the pulley will rotate counterclockwise.
Now, ( )

( )
The centroidal moment of inertia of the pulley is

Since the system of the external force is equipollent to the system of the effective
force, we write-
∑ ∑

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( )( )( ) ( )( )( )

8(b). An automobile travels to the right at a constant speed of 80 km/hr.

If the diameter of a wheel is 560mm, determine the velocities of point
B,C,D and E on the rim of the wheel.


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