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C-L-i-UJ -

+ CEO Ballarat Extension Ini€F/iew 2003 + Numbei- Domain Reiinement ZAO\DAIA

Siudent Ccn:nent on ielevari faciois (ianguage ciifficuities, iniegraiiorysrecial need;
Grade: i4 f*:-n*
Date: 2t lnterriewer:

1, Teddv task
-: a. Estimate 5O b. Actual 2Cl
c.Ilor,v *uny t*ddi"s? 2.9 Co.r""t y'
i Error sequence (if anyi "outt

-lq _d(
d. How many norv?
rt1 2.For-lvards/backrvards/breaking sequeilce
a- 1->32d Grror sequence)
b.53->6Zd sequencey
c. 84
-> l::.E---=.(error
d.24-- -+ 10d-
- --("r.or sequence)
e. 1o->lrcrsequence)
3- iVlore and Less
a. Ooe more than 56 d t7
b. One less ihan 56 d-E
4- Counting from 0 by 10,5,2-
a.t0s 6 0-110)
b.5s oi'- (o-4s)
c- 2s (0-30)
d- 5 roor"
" Knowrufact,/ Smore
@Count on by ones
" Skip count from 0
e- 10 less thaa 70 GO {
" Knownlfact/ 70las
@Count back by oues
" Skip coiintup to 8-Reading nwnersls 1- 4 afigit namtrers
- -
5. Counting from x by tr0sjs a-AIl [f lstdifficulty t+1O ta{yl)
a-23-103 tIOs)tl b- Cards fl prgblem cards
b.2+s4 (ss)t c- 7 teddies d
6.Countingfromxbyy 9-Calculotor- 1- 4+ digitnumbers
a. 11-35 (3s) tr" a- WritingNumerals
b-2a-5s (7s) t3 AII D - ll5
lstdiffrcuttv 62i
7. Counting money b- ReadingNumerals
a,b. Siated total ($2.85)$ B -t--
lstdifficulty ,4r, fs* R{oqsANDf (5})
tuIethod tS-Ordering tasks - 1- 4 dQit numbers
c. Moaey needed for 55 ($2. 1 5). 1-digrtt3 Z-digiti1 3-digit fr 4-disltd
7,1 Reading and counting fractions Interprding Z-digit rz wab ers :
q 2/-
J 1tr. Bunrlling (circle sirategy used)
b. Countingby AftornV3to 7/3 or2% l a- Correctbunriling d
c. {2%) _ il @3 teas std 6 ones that's 36
7.2 Reading aad counting decimal fractions " 10,20,30,31, i2, 33, 34,35.36
a Three tenths / 0-3_ 3 " 1,2,3 tew arzd 14 ones, that's 10,20, 30, 3I-36
b. Three tenths 3 c cotntts by ones
c. Aaswer_ n (0.3 0.6, 0.9, 1.2,1.5) o o&€r--
d. Circle answer 15/i0, 1.5, LY)Orher b-Etrowmany ;;*'. rujd-
@ 26 ttrnt's one less ten OR that,s 2 tens and 6 ones o
o IO ?,-l ?1 ?) ?7 ?/ ?i )K
o 1,2 tew and 1-6 ones, ihat's 10, 20, 2I-26
c counts by ones
o other_
72-?-dagtt 'lureberiene: Answer _p *7+s-;sS
E.-.planaiion"lfs rU Tlt€ anrUOug- g

O 20i 1 Aust-aliaa Calhoiic Universily- iviay l;e ccDied iir classrorrn use. Phcne 5i j i:ii6 i39i paee I
fnierpreiing 3-riigii rcitntbers: i9- Coa*t baeiJ inodeiiiag aii {8 -3 }
Jlt so-trol a- Answer 5 d{circla siraregy rised)
13a- 3-digit aumber line: A-nswe
Explanatica r " Knotprcfsci
@ount back
afl, irc liead
(eg-,S +j:8)
(7,5,5 ot: 8,7,6,5)
i3b- Some More , Count back ol[, with finget's *ed to keep iraclc
l0 more that59Z J (602)
) onty {7,6,5 or 8,7,6,5)
v 13c- Same less
. Modelling all (shows 8 f,urgers, then takes away 3)
- 10 less than 408 J (3e8)
13d. 3-digit chart (circle skategy used)
Alswer-----* J 64A)
Explanaiion D @Modelling ali (shorvs 8 fingers, &ea iakes arvay 3)
" Other
" Count on
. Other 20- Count dowa iolcount up - 9) from (12
" Countback
fnt erpr eting 4- digit rz um b ers : Aaswer k
€{circle stuatery used)
Knownfact orfactfamily (r.g-, 9 + 3:12)
14- Ten more "
l0 rnore thanZT9l F PsaI) " Count dowtt to $2, 10 , 9) Il,
" Connt upfrorn (9, 10, 11, 72)
15. One hundred Iess
100less than3027 A (2927) @Fingers used during 'corutt dotn ta' or
Erteruding and Apptying Place Yeke Knowledge: 'courrt tqfrom' to keeP track anlY
. Couutback all(12, I1, 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3)
16. Capital cities
a- Reading Datwin's population (56 576) J " Modelling all (shows 12 '&ings ', tiren takes away
lfi b- Reading Canberra's population €AS ASO J 9 thinEs ', leaving 3)

e. Reading Adelaide's population (1 0SS 349) J " Ot&er

J 213asic strategies (circle stratery used)
d. Correct aomination of 3rd largest {Brkbane) g.-4V-
o e- Expianafion using Place value
. Doubles or lonwnfact
17. Number lines . Counton (4, 5,6, 7, 8)
a. Estimate on 0 -i00 ltrae (55 -75) .t]
b. Esiimate on 0 -2000 hne {aAA 40$ tr " 0ther q

c. Estimate ot 39 -172 lne (65 *95) fI 6 t+19 B
d- Estimate on 0 -1,000,000 lins " Commutdivity and count on (79,20, 2I)
. Enownfaet
(700,00a -a00.0a0) tr F
. Cormt on &om 2 Q., 3, 4,- - -,21)
17.1Writing numerals . Other
a-Millions J G,000,024)
b. Fractions J ( //)) c-4+6 J
.Tensfact or knownfoct
c- Decimal &actions-fl (.28.0.28)
o*{6,'7,8,9, 10 or 4,5,6,7,8,9,!A)
17 -ZOrdenrrtg decimal fraetions "Cormt ca

f, .Oiher
\o a- Answer J (0-3) Explaaation il
4 d-27 + lA
b- A-nswer-[3 (0. 2 s 14.2 s 9' 0. 29. 0' 2 9 I - 29 9 "' )
17-3 Or-dering and interpreting fractions " Add70 {27, i7)

a- Aaswer [ (twohhirds)
. Brfld to nat 10 (to 30 then 7 inore)
. Couat on by 1s (27, 28, 19, 30, - - -37)
Explaaafion t]
b. Correct drawiag il
" Part of a shape (continuous) . Knawnfact orfactfamily {eg-,7 +j:10)
" Part ofa group (discreie objects) "Couiidown to (10, 9,8,7 or9, 8, 7)
" Numberline "Countup from (7, 8, 9, i0 or 8,9, 10)
" Ratio -3
"Cormt back (10, 9, 8,7, 6,5, 4, 3)w-ith or without
"o Division fingers to keep irack orzlY -
o.her "Modelling all with fingers (show-sl0 fmgers, take
Explanaiion avtayT)
22^Derived strategies (circle strategy used)
L8-Counting on
c. Alswer d 1"o "l* sto-aie g1r used) a- 12-6-D
a, b,
Count on (either 9,10,71,12,13 or 4,5,6,7,8,9,
. tlstng doubles or lmownfacfs xr

. Cormt back( 12, - - -6)

c roJl,l2,I3) . Other----..-...
Couat all (1,2,3 $,5,6,7,8,9,10, i 1,12,1 3) b- 7+8 B
Other " Near doubles or knowrufrzci
d- Answer-3 - Counton (7, 8, 9,---, 15 or 8, 9, 10,
.Couni ail (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,i0,1 1,17,13)
" Gfher :B
O ;0 1 i A-ustrai ian Caiholic Universiiy. i...{a1.' be coi;ied ibr classrootlt use. Phoi re 5l f 53 3 5 53 95

i -1jc- i9-
ty _ ,l)
i5 llLJ

-i22* fa;ei|y or k;zon:;z fcci

| . Foct
- " Count do.wn to (i9, lB, 17, i6,15) Modelliag Mu_liiplicstio zz A Di";sioo
C " Couni up irom (15, id, i7, !8,19)
27-Teddy cars lci,-cie sh-atesv used)
" Couni back ail (i9, lg, 17._..,6_ 5,4) '
a, b- rlasw'e._ U _dc- plswer D
" Ciher
a q87.p ooooi- "s*tp ro*rt
22d,- 15+5
"Kn'ownfact -
D @nownfact 2>< 4
-Build to
".o t." 1n ZO tlrcn 1 rrzore) 'Couuiall by is . Cormtat UV-G-
" Other " Other
" Add units, then plus 10 (i 1,21) ZS.Snaring .edqies ("i."i" rt.rt"Els"E)
" Other a- 3 6'o. 3 il -
77e. 36+9 D @Uses groups " frtiE rr*,{a_sing groups)
" Add l0 iake I
(36,46,45) " Shareby ls
" Other
. Build to iz€rt tun PmfroI Modellirug Muttipticmion & Divisio n :
$o 40 ihen S nzore)
" Knownfact 29- Unifu train (circle stratery used)
" Count on a, b- c- Answer_[3
Answer__1()_E *. ArGr*,
" Other "SkQt coant .Skip cotant
Efiending & Applying Strategies: "K1o*vnfact "Knownfact
23.Multi-digit strategies .Comtallby ls " Count all by ls
a.68 + 32 _a Oother CuasS . Other
b-25 +99 u 30_Jennis ba1ls {circle us@
c. loo - gs-tl a, b-Aaswer il { iffi=r;-'

a. Huif or;o-tr '-SIfp *unt . Skry

e-Double za-_..-.- a @tnwnfact 3 x* "ooQ-
@Knlwnfact +'
. Cormt ail by ls
24.Elow many digits? (circle stuategy used) " Count ail by ls
. Oiher
a-134+ 689 J " Other
gess tha:,2 fi00) 3l.Dot array (circle si;.atery used)
b. Explanalion D
Focus on 100s digit l, b- Answer_Zo 6 c- Answer
- Other
OsrP @Tn*i N:* : irop .r*"
.KnownjfaA " Kaownlfact
c.1246158 J (Iess than 1000) 1s
- Cormtall by " Count utt U" i*
d. Explaaation D 'Other " Orher
" Focus on 100s digit Abstradng Mulriptication & D;ision:
" Olher 32a- Biscuits on a tray (circle stategy used)
25-Estimating anrl calculating addition Answer fF.
. Rqtededadditiorz . Skip
a, b. Estimate (within range 500 I eount " Kizornfact
-I A1q . Cormtall by Is
c- Mental answer---.- " Other
-- l-l'Written atrsrilor:_ tr 32b- Number of legs {circle **Cy
26-Estimating and caleulatiug subtractiol a-Answer_D
a, b.Eslimate (wiihin range 200 _300) f3
b- Answei"r"d) tr
- SkSt cowzt
c- Mental anslyer:_ il Written arswei:_
. Ktzownfact " Krownfoct
. Countall by 1s
Extending & Applying Slrategies - Fructions: " Count all by is
. Ofher
26.1 Addiag decimal fractions " Other
Answer SZ* at tn" moEu" icir"l. ,t ,r"al
t-r _fr (A.55) Answer_ "t"gy
Method D
. ilses groups " Knoxtrz-J.act Share by
" ls
?6.2 Addingfractions . Oiher
Ctrcle 1/3 A5 3/2 Z/3 t/2 4t6 i] Multiplic atio n S trate gtes :
Explanation B 33a- Interp reting multiplication
26.3 Estimating with fractions Read
.E ("-S-,5 rimes 3)
Ansrver_D (more-7/6 or I & I/6) Correctdrawing D -
Explaaation D
.Arrdy " Number iine
26.4Subtra"coffi . Groxps " Other

Arrswer .J Q/6 ort/3)
Expianaaon T'l 33b- MuIfi plication Froble;ns =
a-3 x1O _G c-1Cx7 n 4 x3A
tl d-; x SO -B 5x7
Page 3
O ?C1i Ausiralian Catl.rojic Universiiy,- i'.,ia), be copieci ior.ciasyooia1 use- Pho=e 6i3 i3i6 539t

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