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POETRY OUT LOUD RUBRIC Name:____________________________________________ Period:_________

Very Weak Weak Average Good Excellent Outstanding

Points 11 and below 12-13 14-15 16-17 18-19 20
Physical Poor eye contact; Timid; unsure; poor At times unsure, at Poised, good eye Confident and Authoritative;
Presence stiff demeanor; posture times confident contact and posture relaxed; posture and eye
nervous posture and eye contact show
contact show compelling stage
commanding stage presence

Voice and Inaudible; slow; Audible, but Clear, sufficient Very clear, Very clear, crisp, Very clear, mastery
Articulation distracting rhythm; quiet; too loud; tone, appropriate well-paced, of
singsong; hurried; monotone; paced natural pacing inflection, appropriate rhythm and pace,
mispronunciations unevenly; good pacing volume appropriate volume
affected tone

Appropriateness Significant Some distracting Minimal distracting Only gestures that Well embodies Best embodies
of Dramatization Distracting gestures, gestures; distracting gestures or enhance poem; poem; gestures
inflections or vocal inflections & distracting interpretation; Gestures illuminate deftly reveal
accents; acting out accents voice inflection embodies poem poem’s meaning poem’s meaning
poem; too
much movement

Evidence of Obscures meaning Doesn’t sufficiently Satisfactorily Well communicates Interprets poem Supremely
Understanding of poem communicate communicates meaning of poem very interprets poem for
meaning of poem meaning of poem well for audience; audience
Overall Very weak Weak performance; Sufficient Successful, Very strong, Captivating
Performance performance; does disservice performance, enjoyable compelling performance—
does disservice to to poem Nothing notable performance performance whole equals “more
poem than the sum of the
Poem Title: _____________________________________________ Accuracy (-1 for each mistake)
Author:___________________________________________ TOTAL Points:
# of Lines: ___________

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