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“How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University”


Del Mar, Kiara Annika

Impas, Jason Matthew

Joseph, Dychelle

Perales, Julianne Luzelle

Samblaseno, Denielle Anne

Yu, Keannu Constantine

A Research Proposal Submitted to the

Senior High School Department

In Partial Fulfillments of the Requirements

For Practical Research 1


Despite of all the sacrifices, stress and hardships the researchers have experienced, they

still managed to finish this research proposal. But they wouldn’t have done it without the

guidance, advice and assistance of these kind people who were always beside them.

First of all, the researchers would like to thank God for giving them knowledge, strength,

wisdom, understanding, for keeping the researchers safe during the process of this research

proposal and for making this proposal successful. Without him, none of these would be possible.

The researchers would also like to thank their families for their infinite love, care and

support financially and emotionally. The researchers are truly blessed to have such caring, kind,

loving and supporting families.

The researchers would also like to thank our Practical Research 1 teacher, Ms. Charissa

Ibona, for the lessons, advices, consideration and patience that she had given to the researchers.

Without her, the researchers would not know what to do to make this proposal successful. The

researchers would also like to thank Ms. Ibona for giving the researchers the chance to explore

and broaden our knowledge about the topic chosen for this proposal.

And lastly, to all the people who helped in this study, the researchers would like to extend

their heartfelt gratitude. God knows how grateful the researchers are to each and every one of

Table of Contents

Title Page


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 1

Rationale 1

Statement of the Problem 3

Scope and Delimitations 3

Limitations of the Study 3

Significance of the Study 4

Chapter 2 6

Review of Related Literature and Studies 6

Assumptions 12

Definition of Terms 13

Chapter 3 14

Research Design 14

Research Respondents 14

Research Instrument 14

Research Environment 14

Data Collection 15

References 17




Technology, over the years, has evolved and it is still evolving until the present time.

Technology was invented to create new things that decrease human work. Great examples of

modernistic technology are computers. They are one of the greatest inventions humans ever

created. It has been used for calculations and functioning machines since years ago.

Along with the evolution of technology, computers continue to upgrade and this upgrade

includes the Internet. The generation today includes computers in their everyday life of humans.

Computers can now be used in communicating with people all around the world, organizing

files, editing documents, searching for new information, and playing games. It is basically an all-

in-one gadget that can be used anytime, and this is the reason why people get hooked to it. Soon

then, with the help of the internet, Online Games were created.

Online games were created and right until the present time, it has made a huge impact to

humans, especially in teenagers. Internet games, often called as online games, are games that are

played on computers, cell phones, laptops, and other technological platforms. Online games need

the internet and necessary plug-ins to be played. Online games have many genres, including

casual games and multiplayer games. According to Garcia (2011), a game will become an online

game if it uses the internet and it includes a computer with one player and they fight against

other players in another computer with the same genre. An online game is a game that uses some

form of computer network. Online games have been popular throughout the online community,

making it a source of entertainment and socializing.

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

The teenage demographic has been greatly affected to online games addiction due to

cheaper internet fees and consoles. Teenagers often say that their reason for playing online

games is linked leisure time. This keeps them outside the sun without knowing the effects of

these games. While it is fun, online games have many negative side effects such as anti-

socialization, increasing anxieties and anger, damaging relationships with friends and family and

the decreasing of academic grades. Most complaints from families and friends have increased

due to the lack of time spent with each other and some teenagers may want to increase their

online performance than their academic performance. (Loi, 2016)

Online gaming in the Philippines is really popular. As stated by Ordonez (2013), almost

every school is surrounded by internet cafes and some students are also seen there during class

hours. As a result, the Department of Education has released a curricular that bans the students

from playing during class hours and the people who disobey this order will be given certain

punishments. This law was created on June 18, 2010. According to Suntay (2014), the lowering

of the academic performance of the students is an effect caused by online games because the

students tend to cut their classes to play computer games.

However, according to an economist, Posso (2016), students that plays online games on

the regular has higher scores on math and science than those who don’t. Furthermore, online

gamers develop analytical and critical thinking skills that help them in their grades. Because of

the contrasting details, the researchers opt to know if online games really affect the academic

performance of teenagers who are in school.

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

Statement of the Problem

Our study aims to present information on an average senior high school student of Cebu

Doctors’ University’s participation on online games and how that may affect their academic

performance. This research paper also aims to answer the following questions:

1. How does playing online games relate to one’s academic performance?

2. How long does a particular student play online games?

2.1 How do the hours of playing online games affect the academic performance of the


Scope and Delimitations

This study is descriptive in nature and is focused on how online games affect the

academic performance of the senior high school students of Cebu Doctors’ University. This

study will be conducted on Cebu Doctor’s University. Purposive sampling is used to determine

the 10-15 chosen respondents that are STEM Grade 11 students and online gamers as this is

more convenient in gathering the needed data. A written semi-structured interview is used to

gather data on how online games affect the academic performance of the respondents.

Limitations of the Study

This study is limited in terms of its respondents. Only 10-15 respondents could be

arranged for the responses which make the study not completely generalizable. There is also an

insufficient amount of time to gather more data to cover up the study. Due to unwillingness of

providing information, the respondents will answer our interviews casually which may change

the results of the study. The busy schedule of the respondents will also make the collection of

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

data more difficult and there may be a chance of bias and hesitation that may affect the analysis

of data.

Significance of the Study

The study will be significant to the students, parents, schools, and future researchers.

Students. The information the research provides will thoroughly educate the students.

This will enable them to adjust their habits and lifestyles according to the collected data in order

for them to know their bodily limits which in turn allows them to avoid the negative effects of

playing online games. This will give students the consciousness of the said effects to make right

decisions in the long run.

Parents. The study will give parents insight on the effects of playing online games. This

will give them a better understanding and will allow them to guide or present restrictions to their


Schools. The study will assist academic administrators, those in charge of developing the

school program, and those in charge of making changes in the curriculum in assessing and

evaluating what helps students progress academically and socially and what will harm their

health. They can make changes to assure productivity and understanding on the student’s part.

They may be able to make good strategies and smart revisions on activities that will address the

problem at hand.

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

Future Researchers. The ideas presented in the research may be used as reference data

when conducting separate and more detailed researches in the future. It may be used to test the

validity of certain facts through related findings. The study may also serve as an overview or

background for data that will be found and proved after the completion of this paper. This may

also serve as insight into this generation’s students and their participation to online games.

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University


Review of Related Literature and Studies

As time passes by, a lot of new inventions are made as well as the improvement of many

things. One of these things is technology.

Technology has evolved as years pass by leading to very high technology inventions.

This includes online games that can be played through computers, cellphones, laptops, and many

other gadgets with the inclusion of an internet connection. These kinds of games can be played

solo or with a group of other players that are either one’s friends or other online players that one

met through the game. The flow towards increased online games and other interactive digital

media usage does not appear to be going away. Baluyot (2017) said that the current generation

has become exceedingly comfortable with technology and electronic entertainment as they adapt

with recent trends which may lead to addiction. When one hears the word online gaming

addiction, it immediately makes one think negatively about online games due to the word


Online gaming has been rampant these days. The teenagers are more likely to be

comfortable in using technology in the current generation specifically, online games. They play

to reduce stress and be entertained. They tend to express their feelings through playing games

because they have their friends and they tend to be comfortable with them. Online games are also

one of the most influential forms of media and have become one of the most prominent forms of

entertainment for our modern society. As a result, this has not gone unnoticed by parents,

teachers and etc. In fact, even a short episode of violent video game playing leads to more

aggressive thoughts, hostile effect and an increased possibility to have aggressive behavior,

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

making that person less likely to ask help from his classmates when having trouble studying

(Anderson & Dill, 2000).

Playing online games regularly in a long period of time may affect the health of a person.

Anderson and Dill (2011) said that being glued to the screen for several hours may impose a lot

of health risks. Online games contributes to a lot of health problems such as obesity, video-

induced seizures and more intense symptoms of ADHD, making studying look like a hard chore

rather than a learning experience (Raibinowitz, 2006). Health is a very important asset when it

comes to academics because it shows your capability to attend school or at least focus in

academics, without good health students are subject to pain in school which evidently destroys

their focus in listening, reading and thinking, in a dire situation students might not even attend

school which wastes one full school day (Wood, 2016).

Additionally, playing games is very costly because kids might use their dads’ credit card

to purchase in game items. As stated by Arshi (2017), people might spend their cash or their

parent’s cash to buy in game items or to upgrade hardware instead of buying important things

like school materials and tuition. They even get irritated easily when they are being pushed away

whenever they ask money for them to be able to play. This fast bloom of addiction leads to

increased aggression and even violence.

Online games are a great source of recreation for teens. They tend to give more attention

to these games not knowing the effects of such doing. Arshi (2017) said there are negative

effects of game addiction. First, it increases aggressive behavior. Video games with a violent

content can lead to aggressive behavior in teens specifically, senior high students. It can lead

them to do violent deeds. Second, it leads to social isolation. Teens tend to spend too much time

in playing than outdoor games. They are less likely to involve in extracurricular activities like

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

reading, writing and playing sport. Third, it teaches wrong values. Video games describe women

as weak characters. They portray women as helpless and sexually annoying personalities. They

also tend to learn bad languages as they play with other people online. Fourth, it results to poor

academic performance. Playing with a long term exposure to online games can affect academic

performance. As teens put too much attention to online games possible happenings would be,

they can't pay attention to the discussion or they may not get enough sleep. This may be some

causes of lowering grades. The last negative effect on using online games would be the adverse

effect on health due to immoderate usage of online gaming. Teens cannot participate anymore to

activities that can make them physically fit and healthy. It may lead to obesity, nerve

compression and numbness of hands, elbows and shoulders.

Online gaming is one of the things that have been played by a lot of senior high school

students. It can disturb your studies if not used in the right manner. Moreover, if it becomes an

addiction, it can lead to negative effects to your performance in the school. Since, you spend

more time in playing online games than studying about your topics. According to Jackson et al

(2008), the time used in playing games was a negative envision for academic performance and

those students who spend more time in games tend to have poorer grades than those playing less.

Playing online games can somehow be useful, but long-term exposure to playing leads to various

physical and mental complications

However, if online gaming has negative effects, it has positive effects too. Gaming

everyday improves one’s academic performance in some ways since it gives work to the brain.

This is due to the things that people do while playing games because during the activity, gamers

do a lot of things like quick thinking and plotting strategies leading to the development of their

skills that are essential in studying. As a matter of fact, Dockrill (2016) said in his article that

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

gaming every day is linked to improvements in academic performance. When one plays online

games, one is solving puzzles and plotting strategies which involve using some of the general

knowledge and skills in math, reading, and science that a student has been taught during the day.

At the same time, Clemenson and Stark (2015), said that more than 70 neuroscientists of

Max Planck Institute for Human Development/Stanford Center on Longevity stated in 2014 that

“modern video games can naturally draw on or require many cognitive processes, including

visual, spatial, emotional, motivational, attentional, critical thinking, problem solving, and

working memory”. Video games give the brain a workout. It changes the brain’s physical muscle

thus, improving it since online games exercises the brain particularly the high level thinking


Since gaming can improve certain skills that are needed in studying, it makes a student

smarter. Quick thinking and being strategic is needed during gaming thus it makes the gamer be

able to make quick decisions that are not rash and be able to formulate a game plan immediately.

Playing games lets them learn and develop these which are very helpful especially in academic

tests since they already mastered these skills. In addition to this, Posso (2012) stated that students

who often play online games tend to have a score 15 points average in math and 17 points in

science. Playing an online game is like solving a puzzle wherein you use your mental ability and

your brain to the next level which will really exercise the brain thus, makes you smarter.

Seeing that playing online games improves certain skills that helps a person academically

and makes one smarter, it is not a distraction to one’s studies. As a matter of fact, a study

conducted by Aliliran et al. (2014) stated that playing these games boost or develops teamwork

and knowledge for certain things. Perhaps online games give a positive mindset to students since

it is a leisurely activity after all. It motivates them to study more after having their fun.

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

Students who frequently play online games become socially grounded in their devices

thus making them disengaged from school, friends, and life in general. According to Arshi

(2017), playing online games causes social isolation since the person will mostly stay indoors

rather than going outdoors. Students’ poor social skills will cause them to have lesser friends

because of spending too much time on online gaming. These games can give effect on

interpersonal interactions and on social skills of people. It reduces the dimension and expansion.

Poor social skills will hinder students from growing through interaction since it is harder for

them to socialize and ask help when needed. This affects them in relation to their academics. As

stated by Doran (2002), although these games provide entertainment and challenges that make a

student more compose of his skills, players still have lower scores than those who do not engage

in online gaming.

On the other hand, some online games can have positive social effects. In the study by

Schie & Wiegman (1997), a measure that has significant research is pro social behavior.

Evidence is visible that games which focus on pro social behavior lead to pro social results. This

is observed when an individual acts to help another person in need of assistance especially in

school. In a longitudinal study of the effects of internet use, Bessiere et al (2010) identified that

the way in which a person uses the internet and their existing levels of social resources will

determine the effect it will have on their social and emotional outcomes.

Online games also have psychological effects. According to Zamani et al (2009),

computer games have a direct effect on violent behavior, anxiety, depression and isolation of

those adolescents who play these games. In his study, games cause physical damages and

increases anxiety and depression in players. Adolescents who are addicted to computer games

have high heart beat and blood pressure due to too much excitement and stress. Most people who

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

involve in these games do not notice the time passing and forget to eat. Young people who spend

excessive amounts of time gaming acquire these negative effects. This will affect their school

performance because they fail to do or remember their responsibilities.

On the contrary, online games could be a good source of drive for people with ambition.

In a study by Bavelier (2011), a cognitive scientist, games simulating stressful events such as

those found in battle or action games could be a training tool for real world situations. Playing

online games especially those who are in the genre of action, practices the brain for quick

thinking and decisions, and multitasking. These are characters that will be helpful for students in

achieving goals.

These games also serve as exercise for the mind. Professor of education, Gee (2003), has

mentioned in his reports that when playing video games, it is just like solving a science

experiment. Just like making an experiment, a gamer must have hypotheses beforehand. A gamer

must constantly explore the game and try out new techniques in order to defeat the enemy. It is a

constant cycle of trial and error. One improves on inductive reasoning and hypothesis testing

which can be used in real world situations.

The mental skills needed to win in games also include rationality and high-rank thinking.

These abilities are obtained from playing and are not taught by other people. A study by

Franceschini et al. (2013), published in Cell investigated the effect that playing action games,

like ‘Rayman Raving Rabbids,’ could help children who have dyslexic read faster that aged to 7

to 13 years of age, with no loss in preciseness. It is thought that the attention span of children is

increased due to the fast pace of games.

According to Molinari (2017), being emotionally healthy is important in doing better in

school which includes allowing oneself to enjoy the things that one enjoys. So if one loves

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

playing online games then that person must let himself or herself play since the happier a person

is, the more likely a person will do better in school. One must never prevent oneself in doing

activities that one loves as long as it is done in moderation.

The effect on playing games on learning process is not completely negative. If the

content being utilized is positive, then positive results are expected. If the content being utilized

is negative, then negative results are expected. As Craton (2011) said, it is important to

understand the positive and negative parts of playing video games. Playing online games for

socializing and making it a part of a balanced lifestyle seems to have some positive effects.

However, if used too much, it will cause negative effects. Balance needs to be really emphasized

as an important part of playing online games.


The following assumptions are made regarding this study:

1. The instrument used by the researchers will draw out reliable answers

from the respondents.

2. The respondents will fully understand the questions that are going to be


3. The respondents will answer the interview honestly.

4. The respondents are in the right state of mind when answering the


5. The respondents are all playing online games regularly.

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

Definition of Terms

For a clearer and deeper understanding, the following terms are operationally defined:

 Academic Performance- how well a student meets the standards set out by the

school, government and the institution itself.

 Gamer- a person who plays interactive games, either video games, board games,

skill-based card games or physical games, and plays for usually long periods of


 Online Game - a video game that is either partially or primarily played through

the Internet or any other computer network available.

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University


Research Design

The researchers will be utilizing the design for Grounded Theory (Glaser and Strauss,

1967) wherein data will be gathered and analyzed first then a theory will be made after. This

design is used because it supports the researcher’s topic with regards to determining whether

online games really affect the academic performance of senior high school students of Cebu

Doctors' University which is a qualitative study that utilizes the grounded theory approach. The

researchers believe that this is the most appropriate approach to be used since the researchers

want to know how students are influenced by online games and create a theory afterwards.

Research Respondents

The researchers will choose 10-15 STEM 11 Senior High School students from Cebu

Doctors’ University ages from 16-17, residing in Mandaue City and Cebu City. Purposive

sampling will be utilized since the respondents will be the students who are so much inclined to

playing online games.

Research Instrument

The researchers will utilize semi-structured interview in which the participants are

expected to answer open-ended questions from the written interviews which will be given. The

draft of the interview questions will be drawn out based on the researcher’s readings, previous

studies, professional literature, published and unpublished thesis relevant to the study. Open-

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

ended options were provided to accept free views related to the topics or issues. In this way, the

instrument is authorized to obtain valid responses of the students.

Research Environment

The study will be conducted at SHS Cebu Doctors' University located at North

Reclamation Area, Mandaue City Cebu. The researchers chose this place because the

respondents are studying in this school. Cebu Doctors' University, also known as CDU, is

a private university located in Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines. It was found in 1975 as Cebu

Doctors' College (CDC) at Cebu City, in 2005 the school was formally renamed as Cebu

Doctors' University (CDU). It has eight colleges, a Graduate school, and since 2016, a Senior

High school (Grades 11 and 12) was formed. Cebu Doctors' University ranks consistently among

the medical universities in the Philippines according to the National Licensure Examinations.

Without having basic education curriculum and catering mainly to courses related to the health

services field, it is the only institution in the Philippines granted a University Status. It is the first

non-sectarian university in the Visayas to be granted the highest status a university can get from

the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) which is the Autonomous Status.

Data Collection

The participants that were chosen through purposive sampling will first be given consent

forms before the interview. The respondents can decline to be included in the study. Once the

consent is approved, written interviews with open-ended questions will be prepared and given to

the participants. The interview will be performed individually since the participants may come

from different sections. Data obtained from the participants' answers will be collected afterwards.

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

Once data has been gathered, researchers will now start interpreting and coding the data. And

once analysis and interpretation are done, researchers will then generate a theory based on the

gathered data from the participants.

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University


Anderson A. & Dill E. (2000, October 25). Video Games and Aggressive Thoughts, Feelings,

and Behavior in the Laboratory and in Life. Retrieved from


Arshi (2017, March 21). 5 Positive And Negative Effects Of Video Games On Teenagers.

Retrieved from


Bavelier (2010, September 13). Video games lead to faster decisions that are no less accurate.

Retrieved from


Bessiere K. et al. (2010, December 3). Effects of Internet Use on Health and Depression: A

Longitudinal Study. Retrieved from

Clemenson, G. & Stark, C. (2015, December 09). Virtual Environmental Enrichment through

Video Games Improves Hippocampal-Associated Memory. Retrieved February 24, 2018,


Craton J. (2011, April 26). The Effect of Videogames on Student Achievement. Retrieved from

Dockrill, P. (2016, August 19). Students Who Play Online Games Actually Get Better Academic

Results. Retrieved January 27, 2018, from


How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

Doran B. [MSc Thesis] Tehran: Tehran University, Faculty of Education and

Psychology[Persian]; 2002. Relationship between computer games and social skills of

male students in high schools of Tehran. pp. 40–55.

Franceschini S. et al. (2013, March 18). Action video games make dyslexic children read better.

Retrieved from

Garcia J. ( 2017, June 9). The Effect of Online Games to the Academic Performance of First

Year Students of Smcl in Year 2010-2011 (Completed from Chap. 1 to 3). Retrieved



Gee, J. (2003). Good video games and good learning. Retrieved from

Gibbs, S. (2016, August 08). Positive link between video games and academic performance,

study suggests. Retrieved February 24, 2018, from






Molinari N. (2017, September 11). 5 Ways Video Games Can Improve Your Grades. Retrieved



How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

Ordonez D. ( 2013, January 20). OVERVIEW: GAMING IN THE PHILIPPINES. Retrieved


Posso A.(2016, August 8). Playing online games can make children smarter (just don't let them

use social media). Retrieved from


Raise smart kid. (2018, February 19). 25+ Positive and Negative Effects of Video Games.

Retrieved February 24, 2018, from


Rabinowitz T. & Philip A. (2006, October 24). A cross-sectional analysis of video games and

attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in adolescents. Retrieved from

Schie E. & Wiegman O. (1997, July). Children and Videogames: Leisure Activities, Aggression,

Social Integration, and School Performance. Retrieved from

Sutay B. (2014, June 12). QC bans students in Internet cafés during school hours. Retrieved



Wood J. (2016, September 1). The relationship of school attendance and health. ] Retrieved



Zamani E. et al. (2009). Effect of Addiction to Computer Games on Physical and Mental Health

of Female and Male Students of Guidance School in City of Isfahan. Retrieved from

How Online Games Affect the Academic Performance of the

Senior High School Students of Cebu Doctors’ University

Data Name: Del Mar, Kiara Annika J.

City Address: 14 – D Jones Avenue, Cebu City

Contact No.: 09568497126

Date of Birthday: 26 May 2000

Sex: Female Place of Birth: Cebu City

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Height: 4’10

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Socrates R. Del Mar

Father’s Occupation: Engineer

Address: 14 – D Jones Avenue, Cebu City

Mother’s Name: Razel J. Del Mar

Mother’s Occupation: n/a

Address: 14 – D Jones Avenue, Cebu City

Languages: English, Bisaya, Tagalog

Person to be contacted in case of emergency: Socrates R. Del Mar (father)

Address: 14 – D Jones Avenue Cebu City

Contact No.: 09178791171

Educational Background

Elementary School: Formation School and Kiddies Learning Center

: Sacred Heart School – Hijas de Jesus

Year Graduated: 2013

Junior High school: Sacred Heart School – Hijas de Jesus

Year Graduated: 2017


Data Name: Jason Matthew F. Impas

City Address: Mandaue City

Contact No: 09451446418

Date of Birthday: October 17,2000

Sex: Male Place of Birth: Mandaue City

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Height: 5’5

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father’s Name: Reynaldo Impas

Father’s Occupation: OIC Branch Clerk

Address: Sergio Osmeña Jr Boulevard, Cebu City, Cebu

Mother’s Name: Chona Impas

Mother’s Occupation: Business Woman

Address: Plaridel Street, Paknaan Mandaue City

Languages: English, Tagalog, and Vernacular

Person to be contacted in case of emergency: Chona Impas

Address: Plaridel Street, Paknaan Mandaue City

Contact No: 09424587150

Educational Background

Elementary School: Mount Olives Christian Academy

Year Graduated: 2013

Junior High School: Mount Olives School of the Phils., Inc.

Year Graduated: 2017


Data Name: Dychelle A. Joseph

City Address: Cebu City

Contact Number: 09055257693

Date of Birth: May 17, 2000

Sex: Female

Place of Birth: Cebu City

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Height: 147 cm

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father's Name: Darwin H. Joseph

Father’s Occupation: Conversion

Address: Poblacion Asturias Cebu

Mother’s Occupation: none

Address: Poblacion Asturias Cebu

Languages: Filipino, English

Person to be contacted in case of Emergency: Ethel A. Joseph

Address: Poblacion Asturias Cebu

Contact Number: 09232273035


Elementary School: Little Angels Montessori School, Balamban Campus

Year Graduated: 2013

Junior High School: Little Angels Montessori School, Balamban Campus

Year Graduated: 2017


Data Name: Julianne Luzelle T. Perales

City Address:

Contact No.: 09369268345

Date of Birthday: 3 July 2000

Sex: Female Place of Birth: Ozamis City

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Height: 5’2

Religion: Baptist

Father’s Name: Junel J. Perales

Father’s Occupation: Engineer

Address: Qatar

Mother’s Name: Love T. Perales

Mother’s Occupation: Manager


Languages: English, Bisaya, Tagalog

Person to be contacted in case of emergency: Love T. Perales (mother)

Address: Block 5, Lot 1, Villa Purita Subdv., Pakigne, Minglanilla

Contact No.: 09222036249

Educational Background

Elementary School: -Bobhuges Christian School Academy

- Anchor of Hope Baptist Christian School

Year Graduated: 2013

Junior High school: Saint Thomas Aquinas School of Lawaan Montessori

Year Graduated: 2017


Data Name: Samblaseño, Dennielle Ann I.

City Address: Lapu-Lapu City

Contact Number: 09205459570

Date of Birth: August 05, 2000

Sex: F Place of Birth: Cebu City

Civil Status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Height: 5'1

Religion: Roman Catholic

Father's Name: Silverio M. Samblaseño Jr.

Father's Ocupation: Businessman

Address: Lapu-Lapu City

Mother's Name: Helen I. Samblaseño

Mother's Occupation: Production planning and control officer

Address: Lapu-Lapu City

Languages: English, Filipino, Bisaya

Person to be contacted in case of emergency: Helen I. Samblaseño

Address: Lapu-Lapu City

Contact Number: 09328448234

Educational Background

Elementary School: Marie Ernestine School

Year Graduated: 2013

Junior High School: Marie Ernestine School

Year Graduated: 2017


Data name: Yu, Keannu Constantine L.

City address: Pres. Magsaysay street, Villia Aurora Extension,

Kasambagan , Cebu City

Contact no. : 09176764755

Date of birth: September 28 2002

Sex: Male Place of birth: Chong Hua Hospital

Civil status: Single

Citizenship: Filipino

Hight: 5’9

Religion: Roman Catholic

Fathers name: Fancisco Yu

Fathers’ occupation: Business Management

Address: Pres. Magsaysay street, Villia Aurora Extension, Kasambagan , Cebu City

Mothers name: Jerlyn Yu

Mothers occupation: Finance Manager

Address: Pres. Magsaysay street, Villia Aurora Extension, Kasambagan , Cebu City

Contact no: 09171040935


Elementary school: Center for International Education (CIE)

Year graduated: 2013

Junior high school: Center for International Education (CIE)

Year graduated: 2017

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