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The sweeteners used in these spells vary by historical era, region of the
country, commercial or home-made availability, family traditions, local
traditions, and intuitive decisions. Just in African American conjure alone,
without regard to other forms of folk magic found around the world --

white sugar, brown sugar, sugar cubes, powdered sugar, karo syrup, brer
rabbit molasses, cane molasses, sorghum syrup, sweetened water,
sweetened whiskey, honey, crystal syrup, log cabin maple syrup (in the
house-shaped can), mrs butterworth's pancake syrup (in the lady-shaped
bottle), dixie pancake syrup, aunt jemima's pancake syrup, agave syrup,
jam, jelly, sweet chewing gum, candy bars, hard candies, sugar heart
candies, chocolate truffle candies, butterscotch candies dissolved in sweet
tea, lollipops, popsicles, sweet-n-low, equal, splenda, mannitol ("milk
sugar"), dextrose powder, dextrose candies, and more --

-- all of these have been used, and are still used, in sweetening spells, either
singly or mixed ith one another.

Sweetening spells have been and are still often worked inside containers --

boxes, bottles, canning jars, small food jars, hollowed red onions, cored
red apples, covered sugar bowls, under plants in pots, under the roots of
plants in the ground, wrapped in tin foil, wrapped in paper, within a layer
of enrobing chocolate, in a wallet, in a purse, in a pocket, in a mojo hand,
in the shoes

-- but, although sugar and honey spells are some of the oldest forms of bottle
spell in the world, not all of them are worked in bottles or other containers; in
fact, they have been and still are often worked out loose --

on dinner plates, in tea or coffee cups, in open bowls, on saucers, in pie

tins, on cookie sheets, sprinkled on candles, sprinkled on altars, sprinkled
in baths, sprinkled on the floor or the ground

-- both with or without the additional use of candles, with or without

added herbs or minerals, with or without added powders or dusts or incense.

There are so many variations to sweetening spells that i call the whole lot of
them a "spell family." And just as in a human family, not all of the members
look exactly alike. You will see resemblances that can be noted, and you will
see differences as well.
Do not let anyone tell you that some variations are "valid" while others are
not. These spells are so ancient and so widespread that if you understand the
family resemblances, you will soon come to see that a touch of menstrual
blood on a fresh strawberry that has been dipped and covered with a hard
chocolate coating is not all that far from the name paper of a bankruptcy court
judge that is kept in a half-pint mason jar full of sugar cubes with a tea light
on top or the business card of a boss that is folded inside a piece of aluminum
foil with a sprinkle of sugar and kept in a wallet or worn in a shoe. The
petition is for sweetness. The social form of sweetness desired, from whom it
is desired, and how that desire is worked into a physical spell to be conveyed
to influence the minds and hearts of others are the variables. But really, when
you look at them, these spells are not so much different as they are similar.

Modern folks have taken to calling the whole family of sweetener spells
"honey jar" and "sugar bowl" spells, placing an emphasis on the fact that
many of them are worked in closed containers (jars and bowls), but in the
oldest version of these spells that i know, there is actually no jar or bowl, just
a plain white tea cup saucer or coffee cup saucer in the center of which you
burn a candle on the person's name, dressed with hoodoo oils and surrounded
by a poured-out ring of pancake syrup, honey, or molasses. This old-fashioned
method has the disadvantage of eventually drawing flies or ants, but it is
extremely easy to work on a short-term basis, say for one to three days. Be
careful, though, if the candle burns too hot, it may crack your saucer.

Another early version of the these sweetening spells is a container spell, but
not actually a bottle spell as we think of them today. It employs a hollowed-
out red apple or red onion to hold honey, jam, or sugar, plus the name-paper of
the person on whom you are working. The apple or onion may be shut up in a
metal tin, such as a coffee or honey can, and a candle burned on the tin's lid --
or it can be placed in the bottom of a flower pot, with a plant grown on top of
it to hide the spell. The plant takes the place of candle, but it radiates the
intent of the spell just the same. It can be given as a gift to the person on
whom you are working, and can spread its sweetness throughout their home.

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, as packaged sugar, honey, syrup,
and liquid sweeteners became available from grocery stores, another variant
of this spell was developed that employed a one-pound box of sugar. You cut
off the top of the box, put the name in, stick a candle in the sugar, and burn it.
After the candle is finished, you remove the remnant wax from the sugar and
bury it. The advantage to this method is that after you finish the spell, you can
use the sugar in cooking, to sweeten the person on whom you are working.
The disadvantage is that you need to be careful not to catch the chipboard box
on fire -- a small, skinny candle will solve that problem.
A similar effect can be obtained by working the spell in a sugar bowl, either
with granular sugar or with sugar cubes. With this variation, not only can you
cook food for folks, but if you are working on family issues, for peace in the
home, they will feed THEMSELVES the sugar, every time they sweeten their

Jams and jellies are also used this way: you can stir some edible love herbs in
when making them at home, or you can pray over and prepare commercial
jams or jellies in the same way for use at the table in spells of domestic love.
You can also take into cnsideration the type of fruit from which the jam or
jelly is made: rose petal and strawberry jam for sexual love, orange
marmalade for cleanliness and marriage, fig preserves for female fertility.

Because it is a common magical practice to combine or mix several

ingredients together when making a spell, the era of packaged sweeteners also
brought us the idea of double- and-triple-strength sweetening spells, made by
pouring honey into sugar or mingling mollasses, honey, and sugar together for
estra "oomph." This sort of mixing is not necesary, but if you like spending
time on preparation by building layers of meaning and intention into your
spells, you may be assured that working this way is old and authentic and goes
back a long way in time.

These "contained" forms of hoodoo spell casting are often employed when
you want to set up a powerful sweetening spell in a small place and keep it
working for as long as you wish. Spells worked in jars are extremely
convenient and one reason for their continued popularity is that although they
can be worked on an altar like other forms of bottle spell, they can also be
literally hidden in plain sight in a kitchen cabinet.

By the mid 20th century, with packaged goods available in every grocery
store, the closed sugar jar, honey-jar, jam-jar, and pancake syrup bottle
versions of these spells gradually became more popular than the old cream-
saucer, cored apple, hollowed onion, and sugar box versions. The spells given
on this web page include a variety of old and new, with a focus on some the
most common bottle spell variations of this spell-family that you will
encounter these days, namely those that consist of filling a jar, box, bowl, or
bottle with a liquid or solid sweetener into which you place the personal
concerns of the person you want to influence, along with spiritually
powerful magical herbs, wrapped in a name-paper or petition packet, on top
of which you burn a candle that has been inscribed and then dressed with an
appropriate conjure oil. But always remember, this is a FAMILY of spells,
and there is no one "approved" way to do the work. I will teach you some of
my favourite ways and i will tell you why i prefer them to some of the other
ways in certain specific cases or under certain specific practical conditions,
but keep in mind that this is a large family ... and not all of its members even
know one another, so to speak.


This magic bottle spell can be worked on anyone's name you want to
sweeten. Depending on what relationship the person has to you, what
special items you put into the name-packet, the colour of the candle you
choose, and the hoodoo oil you dress it with, this trick will cause the person
you name to like you more, to love you more, to favour your petition, to want
to help you, to be sympathetic to your cause, or to forgive any wrongs you
have committed. It can be used to influence and sweeten a judge in acourt
case, a loan officer at the bank, a boss from whom you want a raise, a teacher
in your school from whom you want a good grade, a lover with whom you
want areconciliation, an in-law who has been back-biting you, or friend who
has cut you off because of a foolish quarrel.

You will need:

a jar of sweetener (see below)

a piece of paper (see below)
a pen or pencil
optional herbs, curios, and/or bodily concerns (see below)
a candle (choose the appropriate colour at the candle magic page)
an all-purpose candle-dressing conjure oil such as Special Oil No. 20 or
a specific condition oil such as Kiss Me Now, Return To Me, Court
Case, Crown of Success, or whatever expresses your wish and suits your

Get a small jar of sweetener. This can be honey, Karo Syrup, Crystal Syrup,
Dixie Syrup, home-made brown sugar syrup, Log Cabin Syrup, Vermont
maple syrup, Bre'r Rabbit Blackstrap Molasses, jam, jelly, or whatever you
desire or have on hand -- as long as it is in a container with a metal lid. You
can buy the goods in a quart or pint-size glass Mason jar or pour the
sweetening of your choice into a smaller jar of your own at home. All that
matters is that it should be a short, squat jar with a metal lid, filled up to the
shoulder of the jar. I like to use small jars because i don't feel right wasting
food; but if you are using sugar and intend to cook with it later, go ahead and
use the bigger size of jar.
In the old days, when skin colour
was a lot more important to
people than it is now, it was
recommended that the colour of
the sweetener match the skin of
the person you wanted to
sweeten. Thus, for a white judge,
you might use Crystal Syrup, and
for a Latino loan officer you
might use light brown sugar
syrup, and for a dark-skinned
lover you might use Bre'r Rabbit
Blackstrap Molasses. Frankly,
these days specifying a person's
skin colour is not as meaningful
as it once was (for which we can all be thankful), and today many folks prefer
to use honey for the spell, no matter what the target's skin colour is, because it
is a natural sweetener and not man-made. I believe that if you just follow your
own intuition and decide which sweetener you like the best, you can be
confident that you have made the right choice. Just be sure that whatever you
use is very sweet, for if you choose sweetened water and make it too watery,
your syrup may grow mold inside (ugh!) or it may ferment and your bottle
may explode (ack!).

Next, prepare your paper. Again, in the old days, we would be told to use
white paper for a white person, tan paper for a high-brown, and rough old
grocery-bag paper for a person of dark colour, but these days the type of paper
you use can simply be a matter of personal style. Manu people prefer the kind
of cream-coloured parchment paper that comes with the Lucky Mojo hoodoo
honey jar mini spell kit shown above. I often use a smooth, tan-coloured
light-weight shopping bag paper because that is my choice, based on the way i
was taught, which was that such paper is "pure paper." No matter which kind
of paper i use, i prepare my paper by tearing it neatly on all four sides so there
is no machine-cut edge. Of course some folks trim their paper square with
scissors -- and the spell still works for them. So go ahead and prepare your
paper just as you wish and that will suffice.

Once you have got your paper together, write the person's name three times
on it, one name under the other like so

John Russell Brown

John Russell Brown
John Russell Brown
Then rotate the paper 90 degrees clockwise and write your own name across
the person's name, also three times:
Abigail Samantha Little
Abigail Samantha Little
Abigail Samantha Little
The result will be that the two names are crossed over each other, like a cross
or a tic-tac-toe grid, and the other person's name will be under yours. This is
called crossing and covering their name. If the sweetening is being done for
love, you can use a red ink pen. Otherwise, the colour of the ink does not
matter, and you can just as easily use a pencil.

Now all around the crossed names, write your specific wish in a circle. If you
need a guideline, lightly sketch the circle-shape with a pencil and then follow
around it when writing with your ink pen. You must write your wish in one
continuous run of script letters, with no spaces -- AND WITHOUT LIFTING
YOUR PEN FROM THE PAPER. Do not cross your t's or dot your i's. Just
write the words in one run and be sure to join up the end of the last word with
the beginning of the first word so the circle is complete. Then you can go back
and cross your t's and dot your i's. To make it easy to connect the word
together at the end, i have found it best to make my petition in the form of
short commands, such as "help me favour me help me favour me" or "love me
love me love me" or "forgive me come back forgive me come back."

If you make a mistake -- for instance, if you lift your pen in the middle of
writing your petition-circle -- throw away the paper and start it all over
again. You want it to be perfect.

Other ingredients can be added to the name-paper if you wish -- a piece of

court case root for a court case spell, two rose petals for a love spell, a lump
of sugar for a family member, two clove buds for friendship, bayberry root or
sassafras root for a money spell, a pair of Adam-and-Eve roots for love, two
small Lodestones for sexuality, a pinch of deer's tongue leaves for a proposal
of marriage, a square of camphor for cleaning out bad things of the past, and
so forth.

If you are sweetening someone for love, then in addition to the name-paper
and whatever optional herbs, roots, or minerals you choose, you must also get
one of the person's hairs and one of your hairs. If the hairs are long enough, tie
them together. Otherwise, just lay them crosswise to each other. In either case,
place them on the name-paper. Don't ask me what to do if you can't get their
hairs 'cause i can't help with that. Either work the spell without the hairs and
expect a much lower rate of success or get the hairs! Don't load the paper up
with lots of other stuff thinking that if you can't get the hairs that six different
love-herbs and two lodestones will be as strong as two hairs. They won't be.

Fold the paper toward you to bring what you want your way and speak
aloud your wish as you do so. Turn the paper and fold it again, and again,
always folding toward you, to bring what you want your way. Speak aloud
your wish each time you fold the paper toward you. Fold it until it will not
fold any more.

Open the jar of sugar, honey, jam, or syrup. To make room for the folded
paper packet, you will need to eat some of the contents. Take out a spoon's
worth, and as you eat it, say, "As this honey [or syrup or sugar] is sweet to me,
so will i become sweet to John Russell Brown [or the name of the person you
are working this on]."

Alternatively, if someone is not acting as sweetly to you as you think he

should, you can say, "As this honey [or syrup or sugar] is sweet to me, so will
John Russell Brown [or the name of the person you are working this on] be
sweet to me."

If the petition is for a case in which you want a favour, you can specify the
type of sweetness. For instance, in a legal matter that will go before a judge
for a final decision, you can say, "As this honey [or syrup or sugar] is sweet to
me, so will Judge Fogarty [or the name of the judge in your case] be sweet to
me and favour me above all others."

You can do this three times -- taking out three small spoonsful of sweetener
and speaking your wish aloud each time. Push the folded paper packet down
into the jar and close up the lid.

Dress an offertory candle (a 50 cent, 6" long candle or a 25 cent 4" long one,
nothing fancy) with an appropriate anointing oil or a combination of hoodoo
or conjure oils, or use Special Oil No. 20, which is a ready-made
combination specifically indicated in this type of bottle spell. Use a
white candle for generalblessing and healing, a red one for sexual love, a
pink one for reconciliation, a brown one for a court case, and so forth. (For a
longer list of colour symbolism, see the page on candle magic.)

Stand the candle on the lid of the closed-up jar and light it. You can melt
the candle to the lid with hot wax if need be.

Let the candle burn all the way out. Do this every Monday, Wednesday, and
Friday, for as long as it takes. Add each new candle on top of the remains of
the last one. I have seen people's syrup-jar bottle spells like this done
for court cases that were continued for so long and required so
many candles that you could not see the jar under all the dripped-on wax!

Order Special Oil No. 20 from the Lucky Mojo Curio Co.
In December 2003, a person posting from Italy
inquired in Usenet about a bottle spell that was found
in a recently vacated apartment:


I'm ignorant concerning jinxes and other types of

spells. So i describe you what happened to me. I found a leaflet conserved in a
jar full of honey, in a flat previously occupied by a Dominican girl. The leaflet

"Ana Plenagua" (a list of names follows) "que como son el nombre che cada
uno de esta persona se enfrien asi tenga que carma la ira con migo y con mi
I apologize for the untranslated Spanish (I don't understand Spanish) and for
the probable errors of words (some words are not clear). I thank in advance
everybody can give me the meaning of this leaflet and, in the case of jinx, the
way to rid of this.


andrea. (andrea_gazze at

Andrea made no mention of finding candle wax on

the honey jar, so it is likely that writing out the names
and the petition and placing them in the honey jar
constituted the entirety of this particular
magical bottle spell. I replied to Andrea's questions as
best i could, given that my Spanish is not too good:
I think some of the Spanish words may be spelled
wrong, so i am a little unclear on what is intended, but
it is a honey jar spell, a type of spell usually used to
sweeten people -- that is, to make them ameliorate
their hostility, or treat one better, or even to love one.

Your name is not on the list of names, and no ill or

jinx was intended for you. You may simply dispose of the materials as you
wish and as you feel most comfortable. For numerous examples of how to
dispose of ritual remains such as this honey jar in a variety of magically
traditional manners, see my web page on Laying Tricks and Disposing of
Ritual Remains in the Hoodoo Rootwork Tradition.

Another poster, familiar with Dominican Spanish dialect, clarified the

wording of this honey jar bottle spell in a subsequent Usenet post:

Good job, but let me add to it. The Spanish is phonetic and nearly illiterate.
Note that some unlettered Dominicans aspirate their S or drop it, and
interchange R and L, final R of infinitive dropped completely. Sloppy speech,
like a Midwesterner "gonna" instead of "going to." Hence:
"que como son el nombre che cada uno de esta persona se enfrien asi tenga
que carma la ira con migo y con mi copate"
should read
"que como es el nombre, que cada uno de estas personas se enfrie asi tenga
que calmar la ira conmigo y con mi compadre"

"that everybody named should chill and have to calm down his/her anger
against me and my partner"


--M (mephistopheles132002NOSPAM at

I want to thank Andrea for bringing this Dominican variant of the honey
jar bottle spell to my attention and Mephistopheles13 for making it
understandable. What it demonstrates is that honey jar spells are adaptable to
many magical desires, are a feature of Afro-Caribbean culture, can be worked
in a number of ways, and are widely popular all around the world.


Because there are no down-home or old
timey hoodoo spells for getting HUD, HUD-
VASH, or Section 8 Housing (because it din't
even exist back in the day), some modern
workers will advise clients to treat these
subsidised housing cases the same as for
anyone who is wanting to move in to a new
apartment or house. However, there is an
additional issue with such cases, namely the
bureaucracy and red tape associated with
governmental assistance -- and we do have
a hoodoo heritage of spells for breaking through governmental and
bureaucratic logjams. So let us put the two ways of working together and
come up with a spell for unlocking your Section 8 Housing. In doing this
work, you will call upon God's help and ask for compassion from specific
people, in an attempt to get someone at the housing agency to act on your

An adaptation of a classic Southern sweetening trick, this is a sugar jar or

sugar box spell with a house key in it, to get you housing assistance. Here's
how to make one:

Write your case worker's name on an image of the HUD logo (from their web
site) or, better yet, on the case worker's business card, and place it in the
bottom of a sugar bowl, a one-pint Mason jar, or one-pound sugar box. Into
your sugar, mix a small amount of Cinnamon powder (for money and for
"heat" on the agency), Allspice powder (for money), Cloves powder (for
friendship and for money), and powdered Five Finger Grass (for the granting
of favours).

There should only be enough powder in the sugar to lightly speckle it -- not to
discolour it, because you will be cooking with it and eating it.

Get a house key (any key -- i prefer the

old-fashioned skeleton key type, but key
will do.

Pour the doctored sugar into the jar or box,

on top of the agency or case-worker's
name. Then insert the key into the sugar, as
you would stick a key into a lock in a door.
Turn the key, as if you were opening the
locked door. As you do this, say Psalms
23. Do this three times per day (all at once
or spaced out during the day, for instance
at 6:00 AM, Noon, and 6:00 PM). Here is
the Psalm, and you don't need to memorize
it - you can read it right out of your Bible
or print out this web page, if you prefer.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not

He maketh me to lie down in green
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil for thou art with me.
Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies.
Thou anointest my head with oil.
My cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Every day, at least once, taste some of the sugar or flavour your coffee or tea
with it, or cook with some of this sugar, saying, "As this sugar is sweet to me,
so will [Name] (or [the HUD agency]) be sweet to me and favour my case
above all others, coming to my assistance with care, concern, and alacrity"
and then call the case-worker's name and recite the Golden Rule from Luke
LUKE 6:31

And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them

As the sugar is taken out, replace it occasionally with new doctored sugar.
Keep this going until you are approved for HUD housing.

When you are approved, use all the sugar to bake a cake or a batch of cookies
and distribute the sweet treats to anyone who also needs financial assistance of
some kind.

Dispose of the petition paper by carrying it to your new home and burying it
in the ground or in a potted plant there, with thanks.

Order Magic Herbs, Roots, and Spices from the Lucky Mojo Curio Co.

This spell is simplicity itself. I
was taught it by one of my black
girlfriends, back in the 1950s in
Berkeley, California. It is a
schoolgirl's spell to get a friend to
like you, but, of course, it can be
used in other ways, for love and
dating, or to make a teacher like

I will tell it as i learned it. The

packaging of this gum has
changed since then; you're on your own if you need to make changes to the
spell because of that.

Buy a package of Juicy Fruit Gum. It is the sweetest gum. Each package has
five sticks in it. Each stick is wrapped in its own paper sleeve plus a paper-
backed aluminum foil. Take the middle stick out of the package and set it
aside. Carefully slide the other four sticks of gum off their papers and unwrap
them. Write the name of the person whom you are sweetening on the inside of
each paper. Reassemble them carefully. The fifth stick you do not mess with,
just cover it with kisses. Put all of the wrapped sticks back in the package.
Remember to put the kissed one in the center

When you see the person, offer them a stick of gum. If they accept, make sure
you give them the stick you kissed, not one of the four with their name inside.
While they open and chew their stick, You take one of the named ones and
chew it -- but do NOT chew it so long that the sweetness goes away. Take it
out of your mouth and wrap it in the name paper so they cannot see the name.
Keep it in your pocket or your purse.

As you find an opportunity, unwrap the paper and stick the wad of gum under
their desk. If you share a home-room class, that is the best. You still have three
more sticks of gum. Chew them too, the same way -- just enough to enjoy
them, but NOT so long that the sweetness goes away. Wrap each one up in its
name-paper until you stick it somewhere. If you have several class-periods
with them, stick the gum under their desk in as many classes as you can. If
you can't stick a wad under their desk, stick it on the floor to the bathroom that
they use so they step over it. If you are afraid of getting caught chewing gum
in school, chew it home at night and wrap the little balls up in the name-
papers so that the next day you can take them to school.

This spell is a bit different because the sweet portion moves from being
contained to being uncontained, and it also involves chewing and swallowing.
In this way of working, it resembles the kinds of sweetening spells in which
you take some of the sugar, jam, syrup, or honey from a sweet bowl or jar and
use it in cooking. But the end result -- marking the territory for friendship --
comes from a different spell family -- tricks that are laid out, set out, or
deployed for contact.


Many women who are faced with a situation where
their baby's father will not pay child support try to
hurt the man, or rule him, or control him, but there is a better way, and that is
to cause him to WANT to pay what the law says he must pay -- and to love his
baby while he pays, as well.

To work the sweet side of a case like this, you can make a honey jar bottle
spell on the mama, the baby and the daddy -- all of them in one honey jar. Try
to get something personal from each individual -- a hair, for instance. If the
daddy is estranged or lives far away, his hair may be hard to capture, but do
try to get it -- and if that won't be possible, then get his handwriting, or
something he touched, like maybe a fiber from a stuffed animal that he gave to
the child.

Put the personal items in a name paper with the mama and the daddy names
written 9 times each, side by side in two columns (because they are no longer
a couple) and the baby name crossed over both, holding them all together.
Then, around and around the names write: "We are family, forever and in all
ways, and let no one put this family asunder."

Next, in the corners of the paper, draw four eye-shapes, but just the outlines
with no eye-lashes or iris and pupil in the centers. Now, inside each eye-shape,
draw a heart (one heart in each eye-shape) and inside each heart, write a dollar
sign. Then, using the eye-shapes as a guide, write, in very tiny letters, like the
eye-lashes of the eyes, top and bottom, the words "PAY CHILD" (on the top
line) and "SUPPORT" (on the bottom). If you do it neatly, it'll look like an eye
is in each corner with a heart for the iris of each eye and a dollar sign for the
pupil of each eyeball, and the words "PAY CHILD SUPPORT" as the
eyelashes of each eye. The meaning of this symbol in each corner is GOD IS
WATCHING YOU (the eye shape) -- SO LOVE THE CHILD (the heart) AND
PAY THE MONEY (the dollar sign).

After you have prepared the paper, dress it with Pay Me Sachet Powder and
put it in a honey jar as explained above. Use a green candle for money or a
pink one for the father to care more for the child, and dress it with Pay
Me Oil.


This is an old-fashioned sugar spell to bring peace to
a family in which two siblings are being kept apart by
the quarrelsome spouse of one sibling, who will not
allow family members into the house, thus isolating
that sibling from the family.
No matter how many people are involved, this spell should be crafted with at
least two generations of family member pictures and names, including both
living and dead, as explained below.

Print out pictures of all family members about the same size and at the bottom
of each picture, write the person's full name and birthdate, if known. These
pictures should be no more than 3 inches square, printed on 4 inch square

If you are missing a picture for any family member, then write the missing
person's name and birthdate, if known, on a square of paper the same size as
the pictures.

You will now literally sew or stitch the siblings together into a little booklet.
Use white thread for peace and/or red thread for blood ties. Work slowly and
leave the stitches a bit on the loose side, as there will be other pages
interleaved into the booklet, as described below.

With each stitch, call the person's names and state their relationship to one

Include the parents as the covers for the little booklet,

for this is the book of THEIR children, the siblings.

Next, get photos of the children of those siblings, if

any.(This would be the third generation.) Stitch the
children to the pictures of the siblings, as fold-out
pages in the booklet, because these children are the
offspring of the siblings. These can be group pictures
or individual pictures, connected in a row from oldest
to youngest. If any of the siblings has no children,
skip this step for that sibling only.

Then, get photos of the spouses of the siblings and

stitch them to the far end of the fold-outs of the children, as they are the "other
half" of each sibling's group of children -- and they will fold in as a gate-fold.
If any sibling has a spouse but no children, stich the sibling's spouse directly
to the sibling. If any sibling has no spouse, skip this step for that sibling only.

Additionally, if any of the children of the siblings have children (this would be
the 4th generation), stitch their children, followed by their spouses, to their
pictures as you did above, but array them going downward instead of side-to-
side. Fold those pictures inward as well.
Remember to call each name and bless each person as you stitch the booklet

Now get a jar, bowl, or box for sugar, one with a lid. I think that one of these
square ribbed refrigerator containers is perfect in size and shape:

Lay down a layer of sugar. Place

the booklet into the jar and
sprinkle sugar between all the
pages and fold-outs. Finish by
completely covering the booklet
with a layer of sugar.

Place the lid on the container and

top it with a small candle stand.
Dress a white candle with a
combination of oils suitable to
your purpose -- in this case
selecting any or all of the
following: Peaceful
Home Oil, Clarity Oil, Tranquility Oil, Healing Oil, Blessing Oil, Stop
Gossip Oil, and / or House Blessing Oil.

Burn candles on the container for at least three days, to trick the sugar, then
open the lid and remove some of the sugar. Use the sugar to bake cookies for
the isolated family member to bring as a gift. If at all possible, these cookies
should be made according to a beloved family recipe known to the brother --
that is, a recipe his mother made.

Replace the sugar you removed from the container with fresh sugar, pray for
peace, and light another candle on top of the container while you bake the

Have the friend show up at the brother's home with the gift of cookies. If the
friend is not allowed in the house, have her leave the cookies as a gift. I
recommend against making cakes or pies in this spell because they are large
and unitary and may be refused on the grounds of being ""too much." A few
small cookies are generally more easy to present as a gift, especially if
obviously home-made according to a cherished family recipe.

If this does not succeed the first time, do it again, repeatedly, always using
sugar from the container. Eventually the combination of candle magic and
tricked-sugar cookie gifts will sweeten the situation.
Order Hoodoo Oils from the Lucky Mojo Curio Co.

People who come to conjure through the internet
often have no traditional or family background of
working with sugar or honey spells, and they often
come up with questions about how to do the work that
seem, as far as i can see, to be based on ideas
unconnected to African American folk magic.
Because these questions are asked repeatedly at
theLucky Mojo Forum, i am posting some replies
here, in order to be able to point readers here:


You do not "have to" burn a candle on a honey or sugar jar. This is a bogus

Let's look at history: Candles are a fairly recent invention. Prior to candles,
people made oil lamps. They also made sweet jars -- but i can find no record
that they set oil lamps on top of sweet jars. Just too awkward, i guess.

So what connects candles to sweet jars?

Well, the invention of candles, obviously. So let's look at candle spells.

The invention of candles has given rise to a whole class of magic called,
naturally, candle magic. Candle magic is popular, and over the years the
burning of candles has become synthesized with other forms of magic. Thus
we now see people burning candles while performing rituals of bathing, altar
work with lodestones, or burning and manipulating figural candles as a form
of doll-baby magic.

Candles are adaptable, and in one form or another, they can fit into many
classes of magical practice which did not originally include them. The
addition of candles to these spells, however, does not make them candle-
spells per se, and the spells can still be worked without the use of candles.
Here's an example of an old
Spiritualist candle spell to draw
someone to you:

Dress and pray over a white

candle named for someone you love,
and they will come to you.

Simple, clean, effective -- and the only

tools you need are the candle and
the dressing oil.

Oh, yes, and a candle stand. And therein

lies a world of embellishment: You need
a candle stand.

The candle stand can be a traditional candlestick, as shown here. If you want
to, and if the candlestick is hollow at the base, you can write your petition on a
sugar packet (yes, a regular sugar packet like you would get in a restaurant)
and tape it up inside the candle stand. Dress the candle with
appropriate spiritual dressing oils and you are good to go.

But let's take this idea a bit further. You may not have a brass candlestick --
and it just so happens that candles are easy to melt onto a chinaware plate to
burn. The plate catches the wax drippings, making it a convenient and easily
cleaned candle stand.

In the Spiritualist Church, white chinaware, clear glass, white cloths, and
white candles are often used as symbols of Spirit. So, in the Spiritual Church,
we find people practicing a version of the old white candle drawing spell that,
by the addition of a sweetener, has been amplified into sweetening spell.

In this candle spell, the sweetener -- honey, granulated sugar, powdered sugar,
sorghum syrup, or molasses -- is poured or sprinkled in a thin ring around a
white candle which has been melted to the white plate candle stand.
The candle may have been previously loaded with personal concerns of the
person whom the work is intended to affect -- a hair will suffice. When the
candle is done burning, the plate is ceremonially washed clean.

This spell -- a ring of molasses on a white plate with a white candle in the
center -- is a nice, old, 19th century way of performing a sweetening spell.
The honey jar is not central to the work. In fact, there is no honey jar, just
a candle standing in a ring of sweetener.
So in that version of the spell, the candle is the leading principle of the work
and the honey follows.

Now you can see that the candle-

on-a-honey-jar form of the spell
is a hybrid, that is, is combination
of two forms of magic. So let's
approach it from the other
direction -- from the sweetener

Looking back in time, we see

many sweetening spells in which
there never was -- and still never
is -- a candle included in the

For instance, we have the sugar

bowl. Nobody burns a candle on
their sugar bowl, because it's, you
know, the lidded bowl that sits on the table that you keep the sugar in for
coffee or tea. Instead, you hide a fingernail down in the bottom of the sugar
container or tape it to the bottom of the sugar jar with a petition, and you let
folks serve their sugar right out of it to sweeten their own coffee or tea. No
candle there, and there never will be a candle there.

Then we have the spell family in which a plant is set to growing out of
sugared or honeyed red onions or red apples buried in soil. No candles there --
the living plant spreads the spell abroad and grows from the petition paper and
personal concerns buried within the soil. Again, no candle.

So, looking at this type of work strictly from the sweetening side, candles are
optional additions: We start with a sweetener, and we get something personal
of the person, and we bury it in our chosen sweet substance.



When i was young, i was not

taught to use tea lights on a sugar
or honey jar. I was taught to either
use no candle at all or to burn a
free-standing candle. That was
the way the folks who taught me worked back in the 1960s. One reason for
this is that tea lights were not something everybody had back then -- they were
only used, as their name implies, for keeping tea warm or under fondue pots.
Not too many of my friends were that high-toned, and tea lights had not made
the move to short-term "mood lighting" that they now enjoy. In those days,
household candles, dinner tapers, and birthday candles were much more
common and you could buy them in the dime store or in a candle shop. And in
the candle shops you could also buy figural candles, especially designed for
use in magical works. I wouldn't even have known where to find a tea light
back then, honestly.

Nowadays tea lights, glass-encased votive candles, and tall glass-encased vigil
lights are much more common than they were in my younger days -- but i still
don't use them myself -- and here is why: If you use contained candles on
sugar, jam, or honey jars, you will soon learn that the wax is in its own
container. Your working will not embrace
your sweet jar with melted wax for the
purpose of candle wax divination. In
other words, you will be doing the work,
but you won't see the measure of your

Because i personally am gifted to use

ceromancy -- wax divination -- as a check
on my work, i prefer the drippy, free-
standing candles, but that's just me. If
reading wax is not important to you, this
will not be an issue for you. I was taught to
use the 6" household candles that come in
various colours, and they are most
excellent for reading, but if you want a
small, quick-burning light, try a 4" altar
light instead. It will burn for about an hour,
and if you need to extinguish it and to burn it in sections, you can lick your
fingers and pinch out the flame, a procedure that old-timers always
recommend because it does not "kill" the spell like blowing out the flame
does, but rather keeps it "on hold" until you come back and relight the wick.

Vigil lights (8-inch tall glass encased candles) are not recommended for use
on sugar or honey jars for another reason, one that has more to do with
physics than with magic: They do not embrace the jar with wax, and they are
also simply too tall, heavy, and unstable to balance safely on top of a small jar.
If they get knocked over, you may have a major fire on hand.
However, if you are working your sweetening job according to one of the old-
fashioned open or non-container methods -- say, a ring of raspberry jam mixed
with your menstrual blood on a white plate to draw sexual relations -- then
putting a vigil light at the center of that ring makes perfect sense -- and when
you are finished, you can remove the vigil light, put fresh flowers in the glass
container, and you will have clean jam with no wax in it that you can carefully
wash off the plate and use in the preparation of a magical recipe for food or
add to a hoodoo spiritual bath.



A frequent point of confusion about sweetening work

is the necessity of something to connect the work to
the person you are trying to sweeten. Of course it is
traditional to use some sort of magical link to the
person you are working on -- but what it is, and how
"personal" a personal concern it should be, are
matters that can trouble the minds of those unfamiliar
with this work.

"Can i make a honey or sugar jar for love if i don't

have anything personal of my target?"

Sadly, this is often a pathetic plea for love-influence

over someone you really don't know well or with whom you have very little
contact or intimacy.

Do it, but expect to get results in proportion to the intimacy of the item that
represents the person. In other words, if you are woking for love and marriage,
you will want something intimate to signify the desired intimacy of the
relationship. Sexual fluids, nail clippings, and hairs are the items most often

If we have nothing of the person's body

-- that is, no hair, no sexual fluids,
finger nails, skin-scrapings, or sweat --
we ask ourselves what next-best item we
can use to create a spiritual link with
them and thus affect them as we work.

"But what if it's a just a judge or a

boss i want to sweeten -- do i really
need to get his pubic hair?
Good question.

When it comes to a business or legal case, we really do not need to get all
intimate on the person we are trying to sweeten. A piece of their writing is
fine. Their signature is, of course, the central expression of their self in their
writing, so a signature is always good to use. Failing that, a photo or a
business card may provide a good form of contact. Just their name written on
paper will also do.

"Do i cut or tear their signature off the paper -- or should use the whole
page of paper?"

This is a non-starter of a question. You are making a honey or sugar jar, not
entombing manuscripts or file folders of correspondence in honey!

Your objective is to capture a piece of that person's spiritual essence, not to

build a giant leak-proof vault filled with everything the guy ever wrote and
then pour a tanker truck load of honey into it.

Conjure is not a role-playing game. There are traditions, and while it is true
that a few very firm rules are embedded in those traditions, for the most part
the spell work is performed through contact with spirit, not through the
exercise of rules. By failing to understand the tradition, and looking for rules
as a condition of success or failure, folks can lose track of the point of the

A little smear of jam on a name, and the name wrapped in tin foil has won
many a case. I have seen it happen.



In 2011, questions about using sugar, jam,

honey, and syrup spells as sells of coercion
and domination began to erupt at
the Lucky Mojo Forum, probably
because the author of some web site or
book had recommended pouring hoodoo
oils -- and specifically Essence of Bend
Over Oil -- into a honey jar to rule and
control a lover. The question spread out
and multiplies and i was also asked bout
using Controlling Oil Compelling
Oil Domination Oil I Dominate My Mn
Over Oil I Dominate My Woman Oil and I Can You Can't Oil in
sweetening spells

This idea is wrong on two counts:

First, Essence of Bend Over Oil and all the rest are coercive forumlas. They
are not formulas used for sweetening, for harmonious pleasure, for
reconciliation, for peaceful conjugation, or for forgiveness. They are used to
dominate and over-ride another person. Therefore, their very nature conflicts
with the intention of a sugar jar, jelly jar, sugar packet, or honey jar.

Because a coercive conjure oil doesn't really have the same sort of intention
as a sugar bowl, sweet jar, sugar box, honey jar, or honey-apple container
spell, i suggest that you would be better advised to consider using
an Influence Honey Jar Spell Kit.

Second, why on Earth would someone pour dressing oils into honey?

Remember, hoodoo conjure oils are used to anoint candles -- and as you
learned above, a candle magic spell is not even a necessary component of a
sweetening spell. I mean, candles are great, and their power can add some
push to a sugar spell, but the real reason to bring conjure oils into a
sweetening spell would be to dress the petition paper or to dress the candles.

Furthermore, depending on which essential oils and which magic herbs are
used in making a given dressing oil, the resultant mixture may be toxic or
poisonous to eat -- but the honey or sugar is supposed to be TASTED while
you make the spell; in fact, eating some of the honey is part and parcel of the
work ("As honey is sweet to me, so will So-And-So be sweet to me" et

Also, since many people take out and

use the jam, jelly, sugar, syrup, or honey
from the jar or bottle to prepare magical
foods for their loved ones as part of their
spell casting, contaminating the honey or
sugar with potentially toxic essential
oils is counter to their magical interests.



Around 2005, the use of honey in

sweetening spells -- rather than sugar,
syrup, jam, or chewing gum -- became a
fad that swept the internet. Lots of people were posting about it, and as a
result, i began to get lots of questions from people who asked me if the
sweetener "has to be honey." I pointed them to this page, answered as many
questions as i could about the history of sweet spells, and hoped that they
would understand the wide amount of variation we can see in even the most
traditional of these spells.

In late 2014 and early 2015, the pendulum swung the other way. A Facebook
user with a mad-on for me claimed that i, cat yronwode, had invented the use
of honey in hoodoo sweetening spells and that this was "fake hoodoo."

That statement is an appeal to pseudo-orthodoxy and to the top-down rule of

authority over community. It has nothing to do with me. Someone wants to be
the Big Important Voice of Pseudo-Orthodox Authority and is claiming special
powers of discernment. He or she tried to catch me up in a social conflict
mess, giving me the unasked-for role of Opposing Pseudo-Orthodoxy
Contender, but the whole dispute is that person's mess, not mine. I don't play
that way. Somebody has given little old me an awful lot of credit here for
inventing something which i did not invent, and then used that as an excuse
for hating on me in a really illogical way -- but the truth is, i don't deserve
either the credit or the blame.

I am an inclusive person. I don't

lose track of history (far from it!)
and i don't claim that i know the
limits of what is and is not
"allowed" in the long-standing
and wide-ranging folk-cultural
history of conjure. So what am i
saying here? I am saying that if
you read from the top of this page
on down, you will see a New
Orleans honey label from the late
19th century, a sugar box of the
same era, and other old labels for
grocery goods such as canned
honey and fig jam. You will have
learned a number of ways to use
many kinds of sweeteners in magical works -- and, incidentally, if you read
the the Dominican honey jar from 2003 on this page, you will also have come
to see that there never has been either a preference for -- or a proscription
against -- the use of honey in African Diasporic or African American folk
magic. In fact, if chewing gum is "traditional in hoodoo" -- and i consider it so
because its use probably goes back more than 100 years in America -- then
you have the rebuttal to this Pseudo-Orthodoxy foolishness right there in your

As i see it, folk magic is adaptive. It always has been and it always will be.
Before there was sugar, people used honey and tree saps of various types to
sweeten their foods. After sugar refining was invented on a commercial scale,
lots of people used both cane sugar and beet sugar in cooking. And along with
refined sugar came its by-products, jams and jellies. At first these were made
in the home, but very soon, as the railroads blazed new trails across the
country, grocery stores sprang up in every small town, and then came the
packaging and distribution of all of these things, and we got cane-sugar
syrups, maple syrups, powdered sugar, and sugar cubes. What you've got, you
use it.

Now, what do i mean by "adaptive"? Well, i mean that i really don't think it is
important to the larger world if your great-great-great-grand-pappy's spirit
appears at the foot of your bed cussing up a storm about these here "modern
so-called hoodoos" 'cause he wants to tell that "in the old days we used tin
cut-outs and none of these danged photographs and especially not none of
these here newfangled digital electronic photographs." People have been using
tintypes and photos in hoodoo since tintypes and photos were invented, in the
mid 19th century. You gonna give up photos 'cause your great-great didn't
have a camera? Really? I doubt that.

And interestingly but not-so-

coincidentally, the replacement of
tin cut-outs with photos almost
exactly parallels the replacement
of honey and tree-syrups with
steel cans of honey, chipboard
boxes of granulated, cubed, and
powdered sugar, glass bottles of
syrup, and the extension of sugar
into jams, jellies, candies, and
chewing gum. All these new
packaging and distribution technologies were part of the same Industrial

No culture stands still, and no culture stands alone. We are all in this world
together, and we can all watch time unfold. A natural sweetener that was once
the very epitome of "down home" and rural conjure -- honey from a bee-tree
-- became obsolete when those industrial-era Victorian iron grinding machines
made grain and cane sweeteners cheaper than honey. Maybe nowadays, with
the bees all dying off due to pesticides and people reproducing like rabbits and
drinking their way to death on high fructose corn syrup, our old-fashioned
natural honey has re-emerged as someone's idea of "upscale" -- but it is the
person with the short-line view of history who is making the mistake here,
because "authenticity" always fades into the past, and it all comes down to
where you draw the line on what is "traditional" and what is "innovative."

I know for a fact that hoodoo did

not petrify into Orthodoxy in the
1600s, 1700s, 1800s, 1900s, or
2000s. I know for a fact that our
magical culture is still evolving
and changing today. And here's
the thing -- these same folks who
are claiming now that honey is
"fake" are the same ones who
used to go on and on about their
"country" ancestors down on the
farm and how no "city slickers"
can tell them how to practice
hoodoo. Folks -- i hate to break it
to you, but your country ancestors
either stole honey out of bee-trees
or they kept a hive or two of bees.

How can i show you that the

rather insane rant-and-rave of
2014-2015 was wrong and that
honey has an authentic history in
African American hoodoo? Well,
by reprinting an old spell from a black woman who took time to describe and
write down the spell-casting practices of black folks. So, here, in her own
words, is the celebrated novelist and folklorist Zora Neale Hurston's
description of a honey-and-sugar spell that she saw in practice in New
Orleans, Louisiana, in the 1930s. It was described in her book Mules and
Men, first published in 1935, which itself is a compiled reprint of earlier
articles that Hurston had written for The Journal of American Folklore. I shall
present it here as it was passed along by my good friend Deacon Millett, in his
own book Hoodoo Honey and Sugar Spells, first published in 2013:


Hurston studied with Reverend Father Joe Watson, "The Frizzly
In describing his practice, she wrote, "There was one jar in the kitchen
filled with honey and sugar. All the 'sweet' works were set in this jar.
That is, the names and the thing desired were written on paper and
thrust into this jar to stay. Already four or five hundred slips of paper
had accumulated in the jar. There was another jar called the 'break up'
jar. It held vinegar with some unsweetened coffee added. Papers were
left in this one also."

So, there you have it (if you doubted it): a jar of honey mixed with sugar,
doubling the sweetness, in the practice of a well-known Spiritualist rootdoctor
in New Orleans in 1935. End of story. Almost....

I guess that only leaves one further issue: Why did i, catherine yronwode, get
tagged in the Big Important Voice of Pseudo-Orthodox Authority's mess? Why
was my name attached to the crazed rant about honey being "fake hoodoo"?
Why was i accused of "inventing" this seeming heresy?

Well, first, to be honest, there were elements of anti-semitism in the rants, and
i am Jewish. Second, there were elements of race-hatred in the rants -- and i
am fair-skinned. But i also think that my name was brought into the Big
Important Voice of Pseudo-Orthodox Authority's mess as an advocate of
honey because i have for many years related the story that back when i was
living down on the farm, back when i became a bee-keeper -- back when i
bought my very own copy of "The ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture" and sent
away to the A. I. Root Company for supplies -- i personally started using
honey in addition to sugar and jam and jelly and chewing gum, and i
personally came to prefer it for long-term candle spells because honey is a
preservative. (Look that up online if you don't take my word for that; if you
don't understand the magical implications of a preservative, just ask.)

I never stopped using sugar though, or recommending it, and i still prefer it for
spells in which ease of cooking with the sweetener or eating it after working it
are important. There are many more cooking recipes that use sugar than

Honey, on the other hand, is great for making bath scrubs -- you ladies know
what i am talking about -- and so honey that has been worked in a spell is very
fine for that purpose, and i recommend it highly. In fact, a sugar-and-honey
scrub is quite a treat, if you've a mind to try one.

And the chewing gum? Yes, i still use that too, only these days i use natural
chicle Glee Gum instead of Juicy Fruit. And now we have sugar packets and
honey packets and packets of -- Lord help us! -- artificial no-calorie
sweeteners in restaurants and office break rooms. I didn't invent those either,
but i sure do know how -- and teach how -- to use all of them. Hit me up on
the Lucky Mojo Customer Forum some time for full details.

After i stopped keeping bees, i continued to provide spells that listed all of the
above sweeteners, and i also made a choice to support my local bee keepers in
a time of economic crisis by carrying small honey jars in my shop. I chose the
small hexagonal jars rather than the big old quart size jars because i hate
seeing food wasted -- you only need a little jar of any sweetener -- but i did
not invent this way of working, nor its use in African American magical
culture. And i myself also use and prescribe loose sugar and sugar cubes as
well, where i think they will be more effective and easier to use -- for instance,
in the home-sweetening work at the dinner table of a family that keeps a sugar
bowl out for sugaring coffee.

Folks, this little exercise in haterism

is not good cultural history, not an
accurate description of my work or
my teaching, and not good magic. It
also is just not very convincing. It
looks like an angry cry for attention
and subservience from an unnamed
and unknown Authority Figure.

God bless such people and their

angry minds. May they find peace
and sweetness in their own sugar



In 2013, the Lucky Mojo Curio

Company published an entire book
devoted to the subject of spells
made with honey, sugar, molasses,
syrup, and other easily-obtained
sweet ingredients. The name of the
book is "Hoodoo Honey and
Sugar Spells: Sweet Love Magic in the Conjure Tradition" by Deacon

Easily accessible to the beginning or newbie practitioner of Southern style

conjure and filled with valuable introductory information about the
trueAfrican American hoodoo heritage of sweetening spells, this practical
guide to folk magic contains many tips and tricks that even the most
experienced worker will find of value. There is no book quite like it anywhere,
so if you found this page of help or interest, you will be very pleased to have
the one book that contains detailed and practical information on --
 The History of Hoodoo Sweetening Spells
 The Right Sweetener For Every Purpose
 How to Fix a Sugar Bowl for Love or Influence
 How to Make Your Own Sweet Baths and Sugar Scrubs
 Recipes for Edible Sweet Conjure Cookery
 How to Choose the Proper Herbs and Spiritual Supplies
 How to Prepare Honey Jars with Candles and Oils
 Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Sweet Spells

Deacon Millett of Four Altars Gospel Sanctuary presents full, complete, and
authentic instructions on every kind of sugar, honey, apple, onion, molasses,
and syrup spell you can imagine. Deacon Millett is a Reconciliation and Love
Spell specialist, and the incredible opening section is filled with the Deacon's
recipes for making your own sugar scrubs, sweet bowl spells, and honey
baths! Plus, he has selected recipes from his friends and colleagues (myself
included), showing their own unique ways of working, and he also has
included his own extensive "Frequently Asked Questions" section, gleaned
from the pages of the Lucky Mojo Forum -- with incredible answers
provided by our intrepid moderators and members of the Association of
Independent Readers and Rootworkers. The information you have always
wanted is now available in one easy-to-read compendium.

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