Psychological Association of The Philippines (PAP) 55th Convention 2018 Abstracts

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SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018

PARALLEL ORAL PRESENTATIONS general do not significantly affect the quality of
TO A12 ORAL PRESENTATIONS the family relationship. This finding appear to
A1 TO A1220, 2018 be contrary to the Filipino belief that engaging
September in and observing religious rites and
01:00 20, 2018
PM – 02:30 PM celebrations facilitated positive family
01:00 PM – 02:30 PM relationships, the implications of which to the
conceptions of Filipino families were

FORUM 1: A1 Psychology: The Filipino
Developmental The Pillar of the Family Through Broken
Developmental Psychology:
Family Lens
The Filipino
Roberto Family
E. Javier, Jr. Femiel Claire B. Pama, Zacary Y. Barquin,
Moderator E. Javier, Jr. Alyssa Carlotta E. Bornillo,
Moderator Ernessa Leeh V. Puza &
Philip Albert Y. Lagahid
The Impact of Religious Practices to the Southwestern University Phinma
Quality of Family Relationships among
Filipino Families in Northern Mindanao In describing a father, literatures provide
Antoniette Zacarina Buenaventura Sansona conflicting descriptions from the perspective of
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute both wife and children. Kerig (2000) found out
of Technology that the wife takes blame on the tragic
relationship with her husband and father of her
The Filipino family has been bombarded with children. Only few men took counseling
many issues and challenges that at times program after separation for they blame their
appear to threaten the traditional conception of abusive acts on women. This study gives us a
families in the Filipino culture. There is a need look into the behaviors of a father in the
to revert to empirical studies of families and perspective of their abused partner.
how it can be strengthened to provide the safe Consequently, would help women detect
haven and nurturing that families normally do. symptoms of an abusive partner. Narrative
However, there has been very little research on research design was utilized in gathering the
what factors would positively impact family data and treated with thematic analysis.
relationships. The present study aimed to test Through purposive and snowball sampling, we
the assumption that religious practices will were able to gather five (5) participants within
have a direct effect on the quality of the Cebu City area. Findings of the study showed
relationships within the family. This study a father’s image in the family as “Pikas nga
measured the degree to which parents carry Kapikas”, which refers to a person with one-
out religious practices on a regular basis and sided love interest to the other half. “Pikas nga
how it impacts family relationships. Using the Kapikas” became “Maangkunon”, “Tinubdan sa
SpREUK-P (Religious Practices kahadlok”, “Kusgan nga pagbati”, “Magbisyo”
Questionnaire) and the Brief Family and “Gamhan” to their partners throughout
Relationship Questionnaire to survey 200 their relationship. These behaviors showed
respondents from Northern Mindanao, it was that the father satisfied only his interest in the
found that higher scores on religious practices, relationship. However, this does not describe
prosocial-humanistic practices and gratitude the totality of married men, but, giving an idea
were strongly correlated to family cohesion, but on the common behaviors of abusive men
not with expressiveness and conflict. However, through the broken lens.
findings indicated that religious practices in
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
My Script, My Family Four-Factor Structure Model of Family Life
Philip Albert Y. Lagahid Satisfaction Among the Filipino Youth
Teri Lyn Faustino Edwin Balila
Ma. Ashlia Lara Adventist University of the Philippines (AUP)
Cherlyn Mae Layam Jezamine R. De Leon
Sheryl Ompad Philippine National Police Academy (PNPA)
Jamelle Jan Villarin
This research study supports one of the pillars
Literatures suggested a contradicting result as of Positive Psychology by Martin Seligman in
to how one’s family dynamics predict an the area of positive contexts, institutions or
individual’s addiction to drugs. Fade (2010) communities as these are important social
contends that each member of the family has a factors that facilitates an individual’s optimal
role to play. This idea leads us to look into the functioning and well-being. In the course of
drug surrenderees’ role in the family based on human development, the family is a crucial
their perceived family dynamics as a factor institution. The family has been and continues
contributing to one’s addiction to drugs. to be society's primary agency in satisfying
Narrative and retrospective research designs common needs for survival, sense of loving
were used to gather data which were then and belonging, status and self-esteem, and
treated with thematic analysis. Utilizing self-realization. From several theoretical
purposive sampling, eight (8) drug perspectives as well as in psychotherapeutic
surrenderees who were recovering in practice it is assumed that family
“LABANG” Mandaue City were identified as characteristics have a causal influence on the
participants. The identified roles are “Unchild- course of emotional and or quality life of
Child”, which refers to a child but not treated as children and adolescents. The family is an
one, and “Caregiver Sibling”, which refers to important coping resource and support system
the sibling who bears the blame and that the youth rely on when challenges and
punishment of one’s siblings. Both were stressful events come to one’s life. Thus,
manifested with the relationship of the understanding the dimensions and
surrenderees towards their parents and characteristics of what makes a happy family
siblings as “Mahigugmaong Tao”, life seen through the lens of the Filipino youth
“Tigpanalipod” and “Tagasalo” while at the is important to explore. The results of this study
same time seen as “Kargo”, and were treated developed a model on Filipino family life
like “Giduso sa peligro” and “Pinahimuslan”. satisfaction as seen among the Filipino youth
They also experienced “Walay Dangpanan” in the Philippines and describe its underlying
from any of the family members. Results structures with the hope of providing insights
explain the drug surrenderees’ reason they on factors that may constitute a positive Filipino
resorted to drug addiction. However, the study family.
is limited only to how the participants perceived
their family dynamics.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Minerals & Well-being: How Minerals Filipino Athletes Amidst Challenges in
Affect Our Moods, Vigor, and Mental Sports
Health Karen Trinidad
Wilfredo Francis Mina Convener
University of the Philippines Manila
Mary Jean Cruz An Investigation of Confidence and
Magiteque Pain Therapy Center Concentration Levels to Sport Injury of the
Philippine Team
Raniel Lampitoc
Why is magnesium deficiency so common, and Philippine Sports Commission
why is restoring the mineral so essential to
mental and emotional well-being and A downside of physical activities are increased
behavioral balance? Magnesium is perhaps sports-related injuries, research also suggests
that injury itself is one of the factors responsible
one of the most overlooked minerals yet it is a
for debilitating mental skills. The study
co-factor of more than 800 enzymatic reactions
explored the existing relationship between the
in the body, including the transport of calcium level of sports confidence and concentration of
and potassium across cell membranes, Filipino athletes who were either currently
magnesium is important for muscle, nerve and injured or had a previous serious injury in their
heart function, regulating blood sugar levels sporting life. It utilized a descriptive
and blood pressure, and for making protein, correlational research design, through a
bone and DNA. The health consequences of purposive sampling technique with Filipino
deficiency or excess can be quite significant. athletes (n=60) with varying injuries obtained.
The presentation will look into the interactions Subjects were asked to complete the Mental
of Magnesium with Calcium and Organic Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ) in acquiring
Sulfur, which are important micronutrients, and their scores that revealed both a below
their interactions and effects on our physiology, average confidence level (M=4.88, SD=1.28)
and concentration level (M=4.47, SD=1.35)
functioning and well-being. Since the human
implying a need on effective athlete
body cannot produce these mineral adequate
psychological consultations and interventions.
nutritional intake or supplementation are Thus, results showed that there is a positive
important for health. Oral, transdermal, relationship (r=.33**) between sports
inhalation and intravenous are ways to replete confidence and concentration level, supporting
the minerals level, and each pathway has a the idea that athletes with low concentration is
unique efficacy to reach affected cells. The a precursor to injury, and is related to
therapeutic and health promoting effects of subsequent low sports confidence. This will not
mineral therapy from a wholistic and just fill the gaps in knowledge base of sports
naturopathic medical perspective will be psychology but encourages an enhancement
covered in the session. Intervention and of service provision as to social supports for the
postvention practices implemented during the pre- competition as well as injury rehabilitation
Typhoon Yolanda and Marawi Crises will be to achieve more a high performance in
Philippine Sports.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
My Knee Was Reconstructed, But My Mind care following an ACL injury are discussed in
Was Not: Investigating Psychological the study.
Factors in Return to Play After ACL
Patricia Cruz Malonzo Association of Motivation and Coping Skills
Maria Luisa Guinto-Adviento of Physically Disabled Filipino Athletes in
University of the Philippines-Diliman High-Level Competitions
Cely Magpantay
Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injury is one De La Salle University
of the most devastating injuries among athletes
engaged in high intensity sports. Treatment The research aims to conduct a study to
usually requires surgery and several months of identify which type of motivation, among its two
rehabilitation, resulting in substantial loss in main divisions of intrinsic and extrinsic,
time for sport participation. Reconstructive generally produces more effective coping
surgery after an ACL tear aims to restore knee strategies for the physically handicapped
stability, limit loss of function in the knee and Filipino Table Tennis Athletes. The study will
prevent risk to other knee structures (Kamath, make use of a descriptive correlational design
et al., 2011). However, although reconstructive and will employ a standardized tool. The Sport
surgery following an ACL injury is known to Motivation Skill (SMS) will be used to measure
have excellent outcomes, many patient- the motivation while the Athlete’s Coping
athletes do not return to play because they are Inventory Skill (ACS) will be used to explore
not able to achieve their pre-injury level of sport their coping abilities. The study will be
performance. This qualitative study significant to athletes and coaches in
investigates the subjective experiences of facilitating a better program for training among
ACL-injured female athletes who returned to para-athletes and to tailor the motivation
play and who did not return to play. All of the factors associated with their coping.
participants played competitive sport before
the injury and had experienced ACL
reconstructive surgery within two years prior to
the study. Two focus group discussions
Concept of Failure Among Top Elite
(FGDs) were conducted among eight female Athletes of the Philippines Playing
collegiate athletes, four of whom returned to Individual Sports
play, while the other four did not return to play. Karen Katrina Trinidad
Thematic analysis was conducted to derive University of Sto. Tomas
codes, categories, and themes. Results
revealed five overarching themes that The research is an exploration of the concept
characterized the experience of ACL injury: (1)
of failure among top elite athletes of the
identity crisis, (2) crucial role of social support,
Philippines playing individual sports. This study
(3) ACL-induced depression, (4) change in life examined the personal encounters on failure
perspective, and (5) healing of the body and
with a purposive sample of 14 (N=14, M=8 and
mind. Variations among these themes
F=6) top elite athletes involved in individual
appeared to influence the decision to return to sports: karate, triathlon, weightlifting, fencing,
pre-injury sport among the research
windsurfing, etc.; competing at an international
participants, affirming the importance of
level (SEA Games, Olympics, Asian Games,
recognizing and addressing psychological
etc) with high achievements. A semi-structured
factors that contribute to an athlete’s decision
interview was conducted to investigate the
to return to sport following surgery and
experiences of the top elite athletes on failure.
rehabilitation. Implications to coaching,
The study followed an Interpretative
treatment, rehabilitation and overall athlete Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach to
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
generate several themes that emerged from and strategic initiatives. The ethics in industrial
the answers of the participants that greatly testing, executive profiling and conducting
explained the lived experiences of the top elite leadership development sessions will also be
athletes on failure. Empirical evidences presented.
suggest that failure may affect performance
either in a positive or a negative way. In this
study, the results showed that top elite athletes LEARNING SESSION 3: A5
perceived it as either beneficial or detrimental Understanding Co-occurring Disorders
to their performance. With that, nine major
themes emerged from the study; (1) failure as John Mark Distor
a lesson, (2) failure as a challenge, (3) failure PUP
is not being enough, (4) nervousness/ Florabel Suarez
anxiousness, (5) expectation from self and Art Tolentino
significant others, (6) alter failure into positive
Pathways mental Health Services
thoughts, (7) striving for the best, (8) mental
stability, and (9) prayer as a source of strength.
Some athletes utilized their failures to optimize
Understanding co-occurring disorders is
their performance and others perceived failure
becoming one of the most important skill sets
in a relatively negative way. This study
in a clinician’s arsenal when treating patients
concludes that top elite athletes’ concept of
with mental health and substance use
failure is used as a source of heightened
disorders. However, many educational
performance as well as a source of degraded
programs do not offer courses in substance
use disorders and clinical internship sites often
lack the capability to address co-occurring
disorders and/or lack clinical supervisors who
LEARNING SESSION 2: A4 are trained in this clinical approach. This
UtilizingSession 2: A4
the Psychologist’s Assessment presentation will address the screening,
Utilizing the Psychologist’s Assessment assessment and treatment planning of
Expertise and “Clinical Eye” for Effective
Expertise and “Clinical Eye” for Effective individuals who are suffering from co-occurring
Succession Planning disorders. The eight dimensions of wellness,
Succession Planning
Christabel Chao
Christabel Chao & Debbey Santillan developed by the Substance Abuse and Mental
Debbey Santillan Health Services Administration (SAMSHA), will
Philippine Psychological Corporation be incorporated in the overall assessment and
treatment of patients with mental health and
substance use disorders. Participants will be
presented with tools to help them screen and
Succession planning is an important assess those who have co-occurring disorders
undertaking that requires careful analysis and and incorporate the eight dimensions of
discernment from organization’s top wellness model in their assessment and
management and major stakeholders. This treatment planning. The presentation will also
session will acquaint the participants on the cover the American Society of Addiction
critical role of psychologists in this sensitive Medicine’s (ASAM) Level of Care and six
process. Via actual case analysis and dimensions of assessment, as well as the
illustration of a tried-and-tested model of Transtheoretical Model stages of change.
employee evaluation, this session will
elaborate how using a psychologist’s expertise
in assessment, "clinical eye", insights and
facilitation skills can help the organization gain
better understanding of the strengths,
weaknesses and diversities of their employees,
and come up with the best possible choices
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
depressive symptoms. Quantitative evidence
SYMPOSIUM: A6 was obtained from the administration of
Presidents Initiative psychological test as Basic Personality
Margaret U. Alvarez Inventory – Filipino Version to determine the
change in the depressive level of the
Ron Resurreccion
participants after watching selected films for 12
Moderators sessions. This modeling technique -
Cinematherapy consisting of excerpts of
films/videos on self-confidence, sense of
PAP President and VP will moderate a lively obligation, trust and positive attitude help the
tell-all with a number of past PAP presidents— participants realize the “reel” and real life
exploring, among other topics, anecdotes from experiences. Their viewing experience
their terms in office and their vision for the provides them the opportunity to have
future of PAP and the field of psychology. It will perspective outside the experience, to have
be a fast-paced, entertaining and honest positive outlook, manage unpleasant emotions,
discussion. discover strengths in the midst of challenges
and enhance coping skills. Findings showed
changes in their outlook in life and depressive
level thereby, a good prognostic indicator. Key
SYMPOSIUM 2: A7 words: child and adolescent psychology
Pag-asa, Pagkatao, and Pangarap: depression cinematherapy.
From the Lens of the NCMH
Eugene Hontiveros
Convener Profile and Challenges of Clients Referred
for Psychological Assessment to Women
and Children Protection Unit
Efficacy of Cinematherapy Among the Herc B. Sabas
Depressed Female Adolescents of Zonta Roland C. Pai
Pavilion, National Center for Mental Health Rosalito de Guzman
Patria E. Sembrana Henedina L. Tayag
Nyra Angie M. Cabantug Lovely M. Cristo
Rosalito De Guzman National Center for Mental Health and
National Center for Mental Health and Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas
Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas
This study aimed to establish the profile of the
This study is a pioneering effort of the clients referred to the Women and Children
Psychological Section of the National Center Protection Unit (WCPU) of the National Center
for Mental Health in the field of Clinical for Mental Health. The researchers employed
Psychology and its areas of specialization - mixed method research in gathering the data
Child and Adolescent, Adult, Forensic and needed for the study. Through the 170
Industrial. As basic research, it aimed to Psychological Reports of the clients to WCPU
determine the efficacy of Cinematherapy as a - their profile in terms of age, sex, educational
modeling technique in reducing if not attainment, socio-economic status, nature of
eliminating depressive symptoms among 15 case as to : physical abuse, sexual abuse,
Filipino female adolescents aging from 15-18 psychological abuse and economic abuse,
years old admitted in Zonta, a female impression established; and interview to
adolescents’ pavilion. It employed quasi- determine the challenges encountered by
experimental design considering the pre-test WCPU clients. Findings of the study
and post-test data of the participants with established awareness on the profile and the
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
challenges commonly encountered by the (WHO-QOL-BREF) that measures the different
WCPU clients. Key words: physical abuse domains such as physical (pain, health,
sexual abuse psychological abuse economic energy), psychological (meaning in life,
abuse WCPU concentration, body image, safety,
environment), social (relationships, sexual
activity, social support, new information,
Pag-asa: Psychological Profile and Point of mobility, activities of daily living, work capacity,
self-esteem, transport) and environmental
View of Patients of Out-Patient Section of (finances, leisure, home, access to health care,
the National Center for Mental Health sleep, positive and negative feelings). An
Aaron M. Paelano interview guide was used as basis for thematic
Louie R. De Jesus analysis to determine the life experiences of
Eugene P. Hontiveros female patients with chronic illness. The
findings of the study provided insights on how
National Center for Mental Health and to improve the quality of life of these patients.
Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas Key words: quality of life experiences of female
patients NCMH
This study aimed to establish the profile of the
patients of the Out-Patient Section and their
points of view towards treatment. The study
employed descriptive design in which the data FORUM 2: A8
were derived from 2018 psychological reports
Attention, Emotion, and Growth
indicating the patients’ information and
interview about their points of view towards Initiative
treatment. The findings of the study will serve Fr. Nestor L. Sibug
as baseline data to design program intended to Moderator
respond to gathered mental health issues in
order to promote the well-being of the patients.
Key words: profile of patients point of view well- Teaching Communication Skills
Jessica Espanto
Michelle B. Ayuro
Tazjana D. Lebrilla
“Buhay-Mental”: Experiences of Female
Patients in a Rehabilitation Pavilion of This paper presents an in-depth study on
National Center for Mental Health teaching communication skills to children who
Susan S. Sabado attended a relationship-based social cognitive
Marian Jasmine A. Lopez intervention called Social Smarts Program.
Therapists’ progress notes, behavioral
Mary Louise M. Aldecimo observations, and children’s portfolios were
Eugene P. Hontiveros subjected to thematic analysis. The resultant
National Center for Mental Health and data yielded three major themes: constructive
Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas feedback, felt experience and making the
implicit explicit. These elements served to
motivate children in conversing with others,
Long-term confinement in a hospital can affect
which facilitated the development of social
a person’s life more so, those persons with
skills in children who attended the Social
psychiatric disorders. Buhay-Mental explores
Smarts Program. Implications on interventions
about the experiences of 10 female patients
for children with social cognitive needs are
confined in NCMH – Pavillion 10. This research
employed a mixed method approach and
utilized the WHO Quality of Life – Brief Version
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Neural Dynamics of Visual Attention in students (n=355) answered relevant
Dyslexia questionnaires. Results showed that entity
theory of (thinking that emotions are fixed and
Kathryn Ko uncontrollable) was detrimental for well-being,
Roann M. Ramos and is a negative predictor of cognitive
Rosalito De Guzman reappraisal. Moreover, entity theory of emotion
was positively associated with negative
Reading, a highly complex cognitive process, emotions, anxiety, and depression, while at the
is a very challenging problem for children with same time being negatively associated with life
dyslexia. Although a phonological deficit is satisfaction and positive emotions. Finally,
generally believed to lie at the heart of dyslexia, reappraisal partially mediated the effects of
a novel theory proposes that visual attention is entity theory of emotion to well-being.
also a primary cause of dyslexia, with or Keywords: implicit theories of emotion; well-
without a phonological deficit. Therefore, using being; cognitive reappraisal
mobile EEG (mEEG) as a brain assessment
tool, this study investigated differences in brain
activation between four normal reading The Mediating Effect of Self-Compassion in
children (NR group; mean age = 9.6, SD = 1.0) the Relationship Between Perfectionism
and five children with dyslexia (DYS; mean age
= 9.6, SD = 1.7) as they engaged in tasks that
and Personal Growth Initiative
measure visual attention and reading. As Jofel Umandap
determined by EEG measures of power, Lota The
frequency, and asymmetry, the DYS group Ateneo De Manila University
generally exhibited a dominance of slow
frequencies across brain regions and
Personal growth and positive change are of
significantly right-lateralized brain activity
great interest in counseling psychology. This
compared to the NR group (Mann-Whitney U
study examined the mediating effect of self-
tests, p < .05), confirming that there are
compassion (SC) on the relationship between
underlying difficulties in visual attention. This
conscientious perfectionism (COP) and self-
study provided evidence that using mEEG in
evaluative perfectionism (SEP) on personal
analyzing different frequency bands could
growth initiative (PGI). Filipino adults (N = 351)
provide meaningful information about the
answered a battery of self-report
neural dynamics of visual attention in dyslexia.
questionnaires while structural equation
modeling was utilized to test for mediating
effects and to confirm variable structure. The
Are Your Emotion Under Your Control or proposed model demonstrated adequate fit
Not? The Effect of Implicit Theories of with statistically significant standardized paths
among variables. Results suggest that self-
Emotion to Well-Being via Cognitive compassion is a mediator between COP and
Reappraisal PGI, and between SEP and PGI. Theory and
Elmer dela Rosa practice, as well as suggestions for further
Ronnel King research, were discussed.
Central Luzon State University & The
Education University of Hong Kong

The aim of the current study was to examine

the influence of implicit theories of emotion to
positive and negative indicators of well-being,
and whether this is mediated by cognitive
reappraisal. Pre-service teacher education
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
comprehending how these leaders evolve
Symposium 3: A9 through interpreting context, understanding
Leadership Competencies and their value and creating awareness with and
through others.
Evaluation: A Developmental Approach
Vanessa Villaluz
Leadership Competency Framework
Ma. Tonirose D. Mactal
Ateneo Center for Organization Research
Exploring Social Enterprise Leadership and Development (Ateneo CORD)
Development Through Phenomenological
Analysis Ateneo’s Center for Organization Research
Emerald Ilac and Development (CORD) aims to develop a
Ateneo de Manila University, Loyola Schools leadership competency framework based on its
existing research as well as external trends.
The purpose of this paper is to construct a The competencies identified in the framework
theorized leadership development model for will be the basis for developing a tool which can
social enterprises based on the experiences of assess the ability of leaders performing middle
its current leaders, highlighting what are management functions to perform their job
inherently imperative processes and effectively. Ateneo CORD compared various
competencies future leaders should hold. research findings and conducted an FGD with
Using the epistemological lens of experts and practitioners, and determined 21
phenomenological analysis, it focuses on the critical leadership competencies. Using
developmental process elements for the social McCauley’s (2006) model as a guide, these
enterprise leader, between the individual and competencies were grouped into three facets:
the environment, and the individual and the those that pertained to leading the self (6
community. To formulate the model, multiple competencies), leading others (7
data collection methods were utilized. competencies), and leading the organization (8
Analyzing multiple experiences of different competencies). The resulting tool will be pilot
social enterprise leaders formed a suggested tested to a total of 50 middle managers from
processual leadership development model, various industries to determine the its
which discovers fundamental elements and psychometric properties (i.e., Cronbach’s
skills necessary in their development. Findings alpha) and factor structure. After appropriate
provide a foundational basis in the continued revisions have been made, validation will follow
development of social entrepreneurs as rooted by administering the tool to a target sample of
in the unique experiences of current social 300 to 500 middle managers.
enterprise leaders. A limitation worth noting is
the contextual distinctiveness of experiences
that may shape the leadership experience.
Findings also provide a baseline theorized
framework on the critical facets of leadership
development for social enterprise.
Pragmatically, this functions as a competency
framework that can be transformed into
concrete learning activities and training
sessions. This paper provides perspective into
social enterprise leadership emergence. It
underscores the processes involved in
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Task and Relationship Orientation of Intensity, Companionship and Social
Filipino Leaders Investigation are significant predictors of
Josephine Perez Upward and Nondirectional Social Comparison
while Downward Social Comparison is
Gaston Z. Ortigas Peace Institute
positively predicted by Facebook Use Intensity
Emily Ann Lombos and negatively predicted by Relationship
Department of Psychology, Ateneo de Maintenance. Positive Affect is related to
Manila University Facebook Use Intensity, Self-expression, and
Reconnection while Negative Affect is
This study aimed to provide a description of the positively predicted by Facebook Use Intensity
task and relationship orientation of corporate and Companionship, and negatively predicted
and NGO Filipino leaders. Interviews of leaders by Passing Time. Mediation analyses revealed
from various organizations indicate that most of that Self-esteem does not mediate the
them are relationship-oriented; however, they relationship between the variables. Keywords:
build relationships to get things done. They are Facebook, Motives, Intensity, Social
also aware when they need to switch to either
Comparison, Affect, Self-esteem
a task or relationship orientation. Nevertheless,
both modes are used by the leader to address
specific situations.
The Filipino Quarter-Life Crisis
England Danne Castro
Symposium 4: A10 St. Louis University
Adulting 101: Adolescence and Adult
Issues This study explored the nature and factors that
Peejay Bengwasan affect the Filipino quarter-life crisis through
Convener Pakikipagkwentuhan with 10 millennials from
Baguio City. The transcripts of the interviews
were content analyzed with the use of
Facebook Use and Its Influence on Social Grounded Theory. The nature of the Filipino
Comparison and Affect as Mediated By quarter-life crisis involves the perception that
Self-Esteem the young adult is in transition between
adolescence and adulthood and in the stage of
Angelica Nicole Mendoza
exploration of one’s identity through self-
St. Louis University discovery and re-assessment of the self.
Furthermore, the young adult in crisis
A quasi-experimental study examined the
experiences confusion of career goals, thus
influence of motives and intensity of Facebook
eliciting feelings of lack of fulfillment and
Use on Social Comparison and Affect among
satisfaction; worthlessness and frustration;
Filipino Facebook users as well as the
losing and wasting time and; stagnation.
mediating effect of Self-esteem on this
Factors that affect the quarter-life crisis
relationship. Data gathered from 329 students
experience include the comparison of self to
from Saint Louis University indicated that
other people through the use of social media,
among the motives of Facebook Use,
social and personal expectations; relationship
Relationship Maintenance is the most salient
expectations, and notably; utang na loob. To
motive of Facebook Use. Intensity of Facebook
cope with the quarter-life crisis, young adults
Use is correlated with Upward, Nondirectional,
avoid through isolation helps the individual
and Downward Social Comparisons and
battle with the tendency to compare the self to
Positive and Negative Affect. Facebook Use
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
others. Focusing on valuing relationships Resilience in Delinquency: The Experiences
through the support of other people also help of Children in Conflict with the Law in
the young adult in their crisis. Lastly, the Psychotherapy
individual finds ease through rationalizing with
Peejay Bengwasan
having financial gratifications despite
difficulties in the different areas of life. De La Salle University/Saint Louis University
Keywords: quarter-life crisis , filipino
millennials, social media, social networking In the Philippines, the belief that one could be
sites, pakikipagkwentuhan able to overcome adversity in the form of
delinquency is being addressed by the Juvenile
Justice and Welfare Actof 2006 (JJWA) or the
Republic Act 9344, a separate justice system,
as amended by the Republic Act 10630, which
Manifestations of the Psychological Effects states that “a child fifteen (15) years of age or
of Alcoholic Parents and Coping Strategies under at the time of the commission of the
of Their Children offense shall be exempt from criminal liability.
However, the child shall be subjected to an
Jacqueline Joy Lising intervention program. Part of this intervention
St. Louis University program for some children in conflict with the
law (CICL) is to undergo psychological
intervention or counseling. 10 cases were used
Alcoholism is not just an individual’s problem in this study, which followed the experiences of
but a sickness of the whole family. In familial CICLs within their individual psychotherapeutic
affairs, children are the most vulnerable to process. Common experiences and
carry the psychological burden and manifest in contributory risk factors to delinquency
ways which may hinder normal way of living. centered around family relational difficulties,
Through social case studies, thematic analysis inconsistent parental strategies, presence of
and data triangulation, the researcher looked abuse, cognitive limitations and premature
into the lives of children of alcoholics. Nine exposure to sexual or violent elements.
manifestations of the psychological effects of Protective factors likewise surfaced from
the alcoholic parents were ascertained: Anger, individual sessions, which include the
Fear Due to Violence, Shame, Helplessness presence of continuous life skills training and
learning, support from existing significant
and Mistrust, Frustration Over Unmet
others, acknowledgment of responsibility and
Needs/Seeking Affection, Failure in
willingness to undergo further psychological
School/Truancy, Aversive Transmission Effect, intervention. From the analysis of sessions and
Learned Drinking and Aggression, and Low validations from social workers and caregivers
Self-Esteem. As means of coping, all involved in the psychotherapeutic process,
participants ran away from home to either resilience was found in almost all cases, which
escape the father’s violence or look for ways to centered around the presence of positive
provide for their needs. Some engaged in measures within the family as well as healthy
delinquent behaviors, resorted to substance psychological resources available to the
use/abuse and fantasy. Keywords: children of individual. Keywords: delinquency, children in
alcoholics, alcoholism, manifestations, coping conflict with the law, intervention program,
resilience, psychotherapy
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Collective Emotions About Philippine
Symposium 5: A11
Political Psychology Symposium on
Joshua Uyeng
Understanding Current Political
Mathematics Department, Ateneo de
Topics in the Online World
Manila University
Diwa Malaya Quiñones
Christina Montiel
Psychology Department, Ateneo de Manila

Dutertweets: Social Representations of We present preliminary findings about

President Rodrigo Duterte Filipinos’ collective emotions toward
Augil Marie Q. Robles` federalism, as the Duterte government actively
pushes for this political restructuring in the
University of the Philippines - Visayas
Philippine Congress. We distinguish between
Aniceta Patricia T. Alingasa the emotional target and the focus of shared
Ateneo de Manila University emotions. The target of an emotion is its
eliciting object, while the focus is that about
This study looked at how Filipinos who use which the emotional persons are
Twitter socially understood Rodrigo Duterte as concerned.
Unlike the emotional target of
the new President of the Philippines through federalism which we predefine, the foci of
the lens of Social Representations Theory. We collective feelings, and the set of emotions
gathered 1,500 tweets posted during the time around these focal topics, are empirical
that he delivered his first State of the Nation questions we address. Our research asks:
Address (SONA) with hashtags #SONA2016 What are the foci and types of collective
and #Duterte and analyzed them using emotions about political restructuring? The foci
thematic analysis. Social representations of of public emotional arousals may (or may not)
Rodrigo Duterte as President of the Philippines include authoritarian rule, political dynasties,
included: 1.) Duterte as the father of the nation, and drug war abuses. 
Datasets are obtained
2.) Duterte as an ideal leader, 3.) Duterte as an from social media and other online sources.
agent for change, 4.) Duterte as a Data extraction procedures include running
representative of the Mindanaoan population, standard web scraping scripts. Datasets
and 5.) Duterte as an unsatisfactory President. containing non-English words are translated
The study demonstrated how Social into English. All transcripts undergo standard
Representations Theory captures the natural language pre-processing, including
perceptions, emotions, and attitudes of tokenization, stopword removal, and
Filipinos towards the new President. conversion into a term-document matrix.
Furthermore, the study showed social media research uses social computing methods to
as a platform for collective communication and analyze collective emotions. Our methods for
meaning-making. mapping collective emotions (i.e., 'capturing
the thoughts', 'measuring emotions', 'inclusion
of representations') are data-driven instead of
predetermined. Machine learning algorithms
blend unsupervised and supervised techniques
to construct emergent models of collective
emotions and their emotional foci.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Narrative Congruence Between Duterte
and the Public: Shifting Alliances from US Symposium 6: A12
to China Mental Health of Combat-Exposed
Joshua Uyheng Individuals
Mathematics Department, Ateneo de Imelu Mordeno
Manila University Convener
Arvin Boller
Psychology Department, Ateneo de Manila Complex PTSD and Its Differential
University Relationships with Anxiety and Depression
Christina Montiel Ma. Jenina Nalipay
Psychology Department, Ateneo de Manila Philippine Normal University
University Jelli Grace Luzano
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
This research examines what happens when a Technology
popular Philippine President Duterte reverses
Imelu Mordeno
his country’s global alliance, switching loyalties
away from the US, toward US arch-enemy Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
China. We use the lens of narrative Technology
congruence, to see if political storylines of a
populist president are accompanied by similar The purpose of this study is twofold: first, to
shifts in storylines among his followers. Our identify the best fitting model of complex PTSD
data corpus consists of text from Duterte’s among members of the Armed Forces of the
speeches and Facebook comments in partisan Philippines (AFP); and second, to investigate
Facebook pages, representing supporters and the differential relationships of the latent factors
opponents of the president. We time-bound our of the best fitting model with anxiety and
data corpus to text produced around the time depression. Self-report questionnaires
President Duterte announced his superpower measuring complex PTSD, anxiety, and
turn to China. We use text mining and network depression were administered to 450 members
analysis to compute for overlaps among words of the AFP. Results of confirmatory factor
used by the different social actors. Our findings analysis revealed that the correlated six-factor
show that when Duterte switches superpower first-order model of complex PTSD composed
alliance, Facebookers - regardless of of re-experiencing, avoidance, persistent
partisanship - accept this alliance shift. sense of current threat, affective dysregulation,
However, our results likewise reveal an negative self-concept, and disturbances in
imperfect congruence. Duterte’s followers spin relationships provided the best fit. Moreover,
off to a story lashing Duterte’s domestic varying degrees of relationships with anxiety
political enemies, while anti-Duterte and depression were found among the latent
Facebookers talk about money deals and drug factors of the best fitting model. These findings
issues in the Philippines newfound friendship provide support to the structural validity, as well
with China. We discuss our findings in the light as determine the core and trans-diagnostic
of a psychology of populism, the use of a symptoms of complex PTSD among members
discursive social networks approach to study of the AFP.
macro-psychological phenomena, and
discursive resistance in a populist state.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Religious Coping Mediates the Relationship Cognitive Factors in the Development and
Between Religiosity Social Axiom and PTSD Maintenance of Complex PTSD Among
in PNP Officers Philippine Army Combatants
Jennifer Gay E. Carpio Imelu Mordeno
De La Salle University; Mindanao State Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
University-Iligan Institute of Technology Apple Mae Q. Solis
Gary P. Suminguit, Isah Mae C. Ragondo, Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
Kristine Lydia B. Cheng & Imelu G. Mordeno Technology
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Adel Dominique P. Gujilde
Technology Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
Lea Farrah P. Lorzano
Emerging research have established the Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
influence of worldviews (i.e., social axioms) in Technology
one’s well-being. Specifically, religious or Jennifer Gay E. Carpio
spiritual axiom has been found to affect De La Salle University; Mindanao State
individuals’ psychological health. However, University-Iligan Institute of Technology
what accounts the link between religiosity
worldview and mental health is yet to be
examined. This study contends that those who The current diagnostic criteria of PTSD, both in
believe in the beneficial effects of religion (i.e., International Classification of Diseases (ICD)
religious axiom) are likely to utilize religious and Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental
coping, of which in turn, affects PTSD symptom Disorders (DSM), raised a number of
severity. A sample of 737 Philippine National substantial issues, particularly in the
Police Officers answered a packet of scales observation that the diagnostic coverage
assessing religiosity social axiom, religious neglects potential consequences of prolonged
coping, and PTSD. The results show that and repeated trauma. Such limitations paved
positive religious coping strategies mediate the way to the conceptualization of complex
relationship between religiosity social axiom posttraumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) which
and PTSD. These findings suggest that those includes the core symptoms of PTSD with
who believed that religion is beneficial are likely additional disturbances in self-organization
to have lower PTSD due to increasing (DSO) symptoms. To the author’s knowledge,
utilization of positive coping strategies (i.e., no study has yet examined the cognitive
constructive religious evaluation, seeking content and cognitive processes associated
spiritual support, praying). The overall findings with CPTSD. This study addresses this gap by
confirm the notion that religious worldview linking cognitive content (anxiety sensitivity,
activates positive coping strategies that lowers posttraumatic cognition) and cognitive
PTSD. processes (trauma memory, looming cognitive
style, rumination) to CPTSD. A sample of 476
soldiers who are actively engaged in combat
operations answered a packet of scales
assessing the relevant constructs in this study.
The results reveal that both cognitive content
and processes consistently predict CPTSD
symptom severity. The findings draw attention
to the importance of cognition in the
development and maintenance of CPTSD. This
study further contributes to the scarce CPTSD
literature and provides information helpful in
developing interventions for CPTSD.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Meaning Making and Change in Global Coordinator
Beliefs Serially Mediate the Relationship
Between Moral Injury and PTSD in PNP Assembly 2: B2
Officers MHPSS Special Interest Group
Gayle Gomez
Imelu G. Mordeno, Kharissa B. Villamor,
Levin R. Torrevillas, Dame Lent L. Dingding
& Debi S. Galela
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
Technology Symposium 7: B3
Psychology in the Age of Technology
The association between moral injury and the Ethel Ong
development of serious social, behavioral, and Convener
psychological problems has been
demonstrated in a limited but growing body of
literature. At present, there is a dearth of
evidence pertaining to the relationship of moral
injury and posttraumatic stress disorder.
Further, the mediating mechanism that Using EEG Signals to Detect Affect of
possibly accounts for this relationship is yet to Readers During a Reading Session
be explored. This study seeks to examine the Kristin Kalaw
serial mediating role of meaning making and
change in global beliefs in the relationship Judith Azcarraga
between moral injury and PTSD. A sample of Ethel Ong
737 police officers deployed on fieldwork and De La Salle University
has experienced at least one morally injurious
event were given a packet of scales assessing
moral injury, meaning making, change in global
Readers experience various emotions while
beliefs, and PTSD. Serial mediation analysis
reading, which may affect their overall
reveals that moral injury increases PTSD
enjoyment, comprehension, and interpretation
severity due to the deficient meaning-making
or understanding of the material. These
process and consequent lack of change in
emotions capture their attention, and can either
global beliefs. The findings highlight the
help sustain or hinder their motivation to keep
importance of meaning-making and changing
on reading. Certain affect also contribute to the
global beliefs in resolving inconsistent thoughts
reader’s engagement in comprehending or
or actions against one’s moral code (i.e. moral
interpreting the text. In this study, we collected
injury) that ultimately affects one’s
the EEG signals using the Emotiv device from
psychological health.
32 participants while they were reading The
Veldt by Ray Bradbury. The EEG data are then
processed into different datasets based on
reader profiles, and trained on machine
B1 TO B12 learning algorithms. The resulting reader affect
September 20, 2018 models were validated to determine their
02:40 PM – 04:10 PM accuracy in identifying the emotions that were
evoked and the corresponding parts of the
story that triggered these affect, based on the
Hourglass of Emotions by Cambria et al.
Assembly 1: B1
(2012) and the Emotions of Literary Response
Sports and Exercise Psychology SIG by Miall & Kuiken (2002). The former describes
Karen Trinidad what the person is feeling, while the latter
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
describes if the emotions were caused by Working and Learning with Embodied
overall enjoyment in reading the text, by the Conversational Agents
events or characters in the fictional world, or by
the formal components of the text. Lastly, we Jocelynn Cu
corrobated our results with existing emotion De La Salle University
and behavior studies.
Embodied conversational agents, or ECAs, are
machines that interacts with its human users in
Modeling Personality Traits of Filipino a lifelike and believable manner with the help
of Artificial Intelligence. They are programmed
Twitter Users Using Term Frequency and with a personality, fulfill a specific social role,
Presence and is interactive in a naturalistic environment.
Edward Tighe LASH is a Virtual Laboratory Assistant for the
De La Salle University Center for Human Computing Innovations
(CeHCI). Her objectives are: (1) to maintain a
Recent studies in text-based personality productive work environment by monitoring the
recognition experiment with different noise level in the lab, and (2) to manage the
languages, information extraction techniques, lab’s activities using Google Calendar.
and machine learning algorithms to create PandeSAL is a Virtual Learning Companion for
better personality models; however, little focus college students learning Object Oriented
is placed on exploring the language use of a Programming. Her objective is to detect the
group of individuals defined by nationality. affective academic states of the learner and
Individuals of the same nationality share provide appropriate feedback to encourage
certain practices and communicate ideas that learning. PandeSAL2 is a Virtual Learning
can become embedded into their natural Companion for pre-school children learning
language. Many nationals are also not limited basic English words. Her objective is sustain
to speaking just one language, such as how the engagement of the child as he/she learns
Filipinos speak Filipino and English. new English words. Some people find it natural
Additionally, several regional/indigenous to interact with machines in these way, others
languages, along with the commonness of find it weird. This paper reports on the cultural,
code-switching, allow for Filipino to have rich ethical, and social issues considered in the
vocabularies. This presents an opportunity to design of these ECAs. We also present
create a text-based personality model based analysis on the interactions between these
on how Filipinos speak, regardless of the ECAs and their human users.
language they use. To do so, tweets were
collected from 250 Filipino Twitter users.
Different combinations of data processing
techniques were experimented upon to create Learning Session 4: B5
models for each of the Big Five. The results for Continuing Professional Development:
both regression and classification show that What Psychology Practitioners Need to
Conscientiousness is consistently the easiest
trait to model, followed by Extraversion.
Classification models for Agreeableness and Imelda Villar
Neuroticism had subpar performances, while PRC
Openness ranked last. An analysis on trait
score representation showed that classifying
The PRC is in continuing work with the Senate
extreme outliers produce better results for all
regarding the implementation of the law on
traits except for Neuroticism and Openness.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
The focus is on how to make the CPD
programs more accessible and affordable to
everyone, without sacrificing the quality of
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
competences building among professionals.
The CPD Council for Psychology has
formulated Operational Guidelines for
Psychology as well. This session is going to
help Psychology professionals discover the
developments in content and processes of the

Learning Session 5: B6
The New Mental Health Law: What It Is
and The Challenges That It Brings to
Psychologists The MLAC experience involves providing
Violeta V. Bautista psychosocial services to groups and
UP DIliman individuals who work in human rights
organizations and marginalized sectors. These
people are exposed to the risks of trauma and
stress brought about by the challenges
The learning session presents the Republic Act
inherent in their work. Human rights
11036, its contents, its promise and its
organizations come face to face with violations
vulnerabilities. It elucidates the Law’s process
that may lead to trauma. Marginalized groups
of development across the years. It also spells
are prone to exploitation, occupational
out the benefits that Filipinos can have given
hazards, unjust practices as a result of being
the provisions of the Mental Health Law. It
underrepresented and unrecognized – factors
seeks to identify and discuss concerns
that could be traumatic, and cause fatigue and
regarding the development of its Implementing
burn-out. Maladaptive behaviors and
Rules and Regulations. The Learning Session,
experiences of abuse are aggravated by an
given some guidelines, invites the participants
environment wrought with the violence coming
to give their inputs with regards the writing of
from the anti-drug campaign of the
the IRR for the New Mental Health Law. The
government. The need to address the threats
consolidated inputs of the group will be
to their well-being cannot be emphasized
submitted to the Task Force of DOH working
enough. The purpose of this learning session
on the IRR. The session also explores the
is to present culturally sensitive psychosocial
implications of the New Law on different
frameworks that are anchored on principles of
aspects of psychological practice, and the
mindfulness and designed to address the
challenges that it poses to psychologists.
impact of trauma and burn-out. The overall
approach used here takes into account the
unique experiences of the individual as well as
the elements that define the social unit they
belong to, while recognizing the internal
resources inherent in every individual person
or group – resources needed to understand,
transform, and transcend from their
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Enhancing the Well-Being of Survivors of
Forum 3: B8 Childhood Sexual Abuse through
Psychotherapy in Different Contexts Therapeutic Horticulture
Carlos Buan Lota Teh
Moderator Michelle Watkins
Ate neo de Manila University
A Healing Partnership: Clients’ Perceptions This study explored the use of therapeutic
of the Therapeutic Alliance in Couple horticulture to enhance the psychological well-
Counseling being (PWB) of child survivors of sexual abuse.
Ms. Antonia Cruz Siy Twenty-six female children, aged 7-17,
RMT-Center for Family Ministries Foundation participated in a 10-week therapeutic
horticulture program. Written questionnaires
were given at the middle and end of the
Couple counseling in the Philippines has
program for them to describe their experiences
received little research attention, a situation
of the program. Filipino translations of the Brief
that has to be addressed given the growing
Inventory of Thriving (BIT) and the Flourishing
need for empirically informed and practical
Scale (FS) were also administered at the
approaches that counselors can use to help
beginning and end of the program to assess
troubled couples. In-depth interviews were
their overall PWB. Thematic analysis of their
conducted with 10 couples who had undergone
evaluations indicate that the participants found
couple counseling to inquire into their
value in learning horticulture, cultivated
perceptions of the therapeutic alliance, their
positive social relationships and interactions,
counselor’s attributes and behaviors, and how
heightened their engagement with nature, and
their alliance and counselor contributed to the
fostered positive psychological change.
outcome of their counseling. The interviews
Results of paired t-test analysis of the BIT (t
were conducted with the spouses individually,
(25) = 4.17, p < 0.001) and the FS ( t (25) =
then together. Qualitative analysis applied to
3.83, p < 0.001) indicate an increase in their
the participants’ data yielded five key themes
PWB scores after the implementation of the
which were prevalent in clients’ experiences of
program. The results suggest that therapeutic
couple counseling, namely, factors pertaining
horticulture can enhance aspects of PWB
to the counselor, therapeutic alliance, client,
among sexually abused children and has
counseling experience, and outcome. The
potential to be used as an adjunctive tool to aid
salience of these themes was interpreted to
in their recovery. Further research is needed to
indicate: (1) in the expanded therapeutic
replicate these results and increase the internal
alliance of couple counseling, the significant
validity of the study.
role of the within-couple alliance; (2) clients’
experience of the relational qualities of the
counselor in his/her capacity as a professional
helper; (3) the potential of clients’ motivation Using “Personification of the Problem”: A
and expectancy as resources for alliance Narrative Therapy Strategy in a Case of
building; and (4) gender differences in the Adolescent Depression
attention husbands and wives gave to aspects
Karina Therese Fernandez
of the alliance. These findings are discussed
taking into account sociocultural influences. Ateneo de Manila University

Naming the problem is foundational technique

of Michael White, founder of Narrative
Therapy. It is a strategy whereby the therapist
and client collaboratively find a name for a
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
problem, and discuss how that personification (DASS 21) was used to measure the level of
influences a client’s thoughts, feelings, depression and anxiety before and after
behaviors, and goals. In doing so, several treatment and focus group interview was
positive outcomes emerge: a) It separates the conducted. The level of depression and anxiety
individual from the problem; b) It gives the of the participants in the VAT (d=1.470;
individual more control over the problem; and d=2.640) and EMDR (d=1.910; d=2.650)
c) It gives the individual power to respond to significantly decreased after therapy with huge
the problem. This is a case study that effect size. The focus group interviews
documents the use of the personification explored the participant’s experiences, views
process in the case of Liza, a 17 year old and impacts of elements of the therapy. In
female diagnosed with depressive conclusion, this study has shown the efficacy
symptomatology with ah history of self-harm of VAT and EMDR as interventions for
and suicide attempts. The case study findings depression and anxiety of children and
enumerate the different personas that adolescents.
influence her thinking, both contributing to and
challenging her depressive experiences. This
study contributes to the subjective
understanding of depression, and suggests Learning Session 7: B9
strategies how to work with young individuals Mediation Analyses: A Tutorial on
with depressive symptomatology. Quantitative Approach in Psychology
Jose Pangngay
Saint Louis College
Efficacy of Visual Art Therapy and Eye
Movement Desensitization and
Reprocessing as Interventions for In this session, the conduction of mediation
Depression and Anxiety in Children analyses using PROCESS macro for SPSS
Amor Mia H. Arandia created by Hayes (2013) will be demonstrated.
Session will commence with a discussion of the
UST Graduate School Psychotrauma Clin
different principles of mediation analyses. After
Adrian M. Segovia the introductory lecture, a step-by-step lesson
Department of Psychology teaching how to test statistical assumptions
Centro Escolar University-Manila and conduct mediation analyses using data
from a study exploring whether consumption of
It is important to address depression and various social factors mediates the association
anxiety among children and adolescents due to between conformity to masculine norms and
its detrimental effects in their overall growth perpetration of sexual objectification towards
and development. There is a need for more women among 706 heterosexually self-
studies in evidence-based interventions for this identified undergraduate men. Results of these
age group. This study aims to bridge research analyses showed that consumption of social
gap in the efficacy of Visual Art Therapy (VAT) factors accounts for a part of the total variance
and Eye Movement Desensitization and in the association between conformity to
Reprocessing (EMDR) for children and masculine norms and perpetration of sexually
adolescents who have symptoms of objectifying behaviors towards women. This
depression and anxiety. Sequential exploratory tutorial serves as an actual introduction to and
mixed method approach was used in this application of mediation analyses.
study, which included 24 participants, aged 8-
16 years old and institutionalized for at least 3
months. Participants underwent ten sessions
of VAT and five sessions of EMDR therapy.
Depressive Anxiety and Stress Scale 21
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Clarissa C. David
Learning Session 8: B10 Graduate Studies Department, College of
Publishing Your Research in a Peer- Mass Communication, University of the
Reviewed Journal Philippines - Diliman
Liane P. Alampay Ma. Rosel S. San Pascual
Ateneo de Manila University Department of Communication Research,
College of Mass Communication, University
Publishing one’s research in peer-reviewed of the Philippines - Diliman
journals is an essential part of being a
psychologist. Dissemination of empirical Following the Cognitive Mediation Model (Nabi,
findings builds on scientific knowledge and 1999), this study examines the role that the
enriches the practice of professionals. This affective processes of empathy and emotion
session describes the process from research to play in mediating the relationship between
publication in plain language, and presents exposure to a particular news and story format
strategies and good practices to strengthen on consequent opinion formation. Using a 3 X
prospects for publication in high quality peer- 2 experimental design to test the main and
reviewed journals. By the end of the session, interaction effects of news story format
participants will be able to identify key (narrative, non-narrative, hybrid format) and
strategies in 1) conceptualizing and developing type of policy issue (drug war vs. quantitative
research that is suitable for publication; 2) restriction on rice importation) on subsequent
preparing the manuscript for submission to a approval of government policies, results reveal
publication; and 3) responding to editors’ that the effects of news story format and policy
and/or reviewers’ feedback. Participants will issue on approval of policies were mediated by
also be oriented to the Philippine Journal of affective processes, i.e., a news story format
Psychology, the flagship journal of the and a policy issue that elicit empathy evoke
Psychological Association of the Philippines. stronger positive and negative emotions, and
that depending on the policy issue, different
affective mechanisms lead to increased or
decreased approval of government policy.
Symposium 8: B11
Political Psychology Symposium on the
Factors Affecting the Public’s Perceived Social Threats and Empathy for
Impressions About the Government’s People Killed in the Anti-Drug Operations
Anti-Drug Operations Allan B.I. Bernardo
Diwa Malaya Quiñones University of Macau
Media, civil society, and official reports on the
Same News, Different Formats: Framing number of persons killed in police anti-drug
the Drug War and Rice Importation Policies operations in the Duterte administration are
varied. Filipinos’ responses towards the loss of
Jose Antonio R. Clemente these lives are also varied. This study inquires
Department of Psychology, University of the about predictors of empathy for these persons
Philippines - Diliman killed, and tests a model where empathy is
Maria Jeriesa P. Osorio predicted by type of perceived social threat,
mediated by attributions of the deaths. The
College of Mass Communication, University
model was tested using data from 129 adults
of the Philippines - Diliman who voted in the 2016 elections, and who
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
completed an only survey with scales on pro-human right attitudes. Meanwhile, pro-
perceived social threats (drug threat, threat of human rights attitudes played a buffering role
human rights/rule of law violations, attributions in the link between Authoritarianism and
(actions of drug users, actions of police, fate), justifications for EJKs. Implications on the
empathy for persons killed. Path analysis importance of the development of a pro-human
showed a good fit between data and proposed rights orientation are discussed.
model. Perceived social threat of drugs
negatively indirectly predicted empathy,
mediated by attributions of deaths to the
persons’ drug problem and to fate; perceived Learning Session 9: B12
social threat of human rights violations
The 6-Step Rational Approach to
positively predicted empathy, mediated by
attributions to police work/corruption. Psychological Screening: Identifying
MANOVA also indicated that respondents who Measurement Dimensions
voted for Duterte had higher scores on Arsenio Sze Alianan, Jr.
perceived social threat of drugs and attribution Ateneo de Manila University Department
to drug users, and lower scores on perceived
threat of human rights violation, attribution to
of Psychology
fate, and empathy.

This learning session is meant for

Kriminal Man May Karapatan Din?: psychometricians and psychologists involved
Exploring the Mechanisms of Justifying in doing psychological assessments as part of
their routine evaluation procedures.
Extra Judicial Killings Psychological screening is an option when
Diwa Quinones practical concerns dictate the conduct of a
Christie P. Sio streamlined assessment process instead of a
Jay A. Yacat more comprehensive psychological evaluation.
Department of Psychology, University of the It aims to introduce the participants to a rational
method of designing and developing a
Philippines - Diliman psychological screening assessment. It begins
with an overview of the rationale and 6 basic
The issue of extra-judicial killings (EJKs) steps involved in this process, which include
associated with the government’s campaign the following: 1) understanding the context of
against drugs has divided Filipino public the assessment; 2) defining assessment
opinion and has sparked heated debate online dimensions; 3) identifying assessment
and offline. What factors contribute to methods; 4) linking specific measures with
people’s beliefs that such killings are warranted dimensions; 5) drafting a report format, and 6)
and justified? This study investigated the evaluating the process. This lecture
impact of people’s values (e.g., emphasizes the crucial step of identifying
Pakikipagkapwa), and beliefs (e.g., measurement dimensions, also called
Authoritarianism) on their justifications for competencies, as this helps focus one’s
extra-judicial killings (EJKs), and if these are assessment procedures.
mediated by pro-human rights attitudes. A
total of 127 respondents answered an online
questionnaire that measured Authoritarianism,
Pakikipagkapwa (Egalitarianism subscale),
Human Rights Attitudes, and justifications for
extra-judicial killings (EJKs). It was found that
the impact of Pakikipagkapwa (Egalitarianism)
on justifications for EJKs was fully mediated by
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
C1 TO C12
September 20, 2018
04:20 PM – 05:50 PM

Learning Session 10: C2

This learning session seeks to provide
The Current Crisis in Psychology practitioners, counselors, educators, teachers,
Research in the Philippines : and students an understanding of the
Reproducibility or producibility? psychology of exercise, physical activity and
Charisse Priscilla Montilla wellness that they can apply to everyday living.
Using Self-Determination Theory as a
Jose Antonio R. Clemente
framework, evidence-based guidelines and
Christie P. Sio intervention derived from SDT research to be
Jamie Montilla Doble discussed are (1) how basic psychological
University of the Philippines Diliman needs impact the promotion of well-being; (2)
how to optimize motivation for exercise and
To establish the current state of psychological physical activity; (3) how to manage contextual
research in the country, participants who have variables in creating adaptive environments for
completed or are currently completing healthy behaviors; (4) best practices applicable
graduate studies in psychology were asked in the local setting; and (5) implications for
what, in their opinion, are the most pressing health and well-being in the general population.
issues in conducting psychological research in
the Philippines. Thematic analysis of
responses shows that in contrast with the
reproducibility crisis gripping the field in other
countries, an enduring “producibility crisis” Learning Session 12: C4
continues to dominate the local research scene Teaching Sikolohiyang Pilipino:
twenty years after Bernardo (1997) observed Core Assumptions, Course Outline, and
the lack of research culture among Filipino
researchers. Limited resources (e.g., funding, Teaching Activities
time, database of local literature), low research Jay A. Yacat
efficacy (e.g., quantitative and qualitative Pambansang Samahan sa Sikolohiyang
analysis), and questionable conduct of Pilipino
research appear to contribute, among others,
to the on-going predicament. Findings are
discussed in terms of the need for collaborative
This learning session outlines the core
solutions to improve the current state of local
assumptions behind the teaching of a
psychological research, including prospects of
Sikolohiyang Pilipino (SP) course for
introducing the replication crisis in the training
undergraduates. It will also present a
of psychology researchers.
framework that will help organize the major
topics in the field. Sample teaching activities
will also be demonstrated and discussed. A
sample syllabus will also be distributed.
Participants will have the opportunity to
collectively design teaching activities for
selected topics in the course.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
improving self-compassion through
Forum 4: C5 intervention is highlighted.
The Elusiveness of Mental Health
Ronan S. Estoque
Moderator A Qualitative Study on Mental Health Help-
Seeking Attitudes of Filipino-Americans in
Social Comparison is Associated with Mc Jason De Luna
Decreased Self-Compassion Which in Turn Yoshito Kawabata
Leads to Poorer Mental Health University of Guam
Norman Mendoza
Angeles University Foundation; Holy Angel The present study was designed to understand
University Filipino-American students’ perspectives about
John Ian Wilzon T. Dizon mental health help-seeking and to examine
Angeles University Foundation; Holy Angel whether acculturation influences their mental
health help-seeking attitudes in Guam. Among
University the ethnic Asian groups in the United States,
Nestor L. Sibug especially in Guam, Filipino-Americans were
Holy Angel University the second largest Asian ethnic group (Guam
Demographics Profile, 2016). However,
While social comparison can lead to one’s several studies revealed that compared to
personal improvement, if practiced frequently, other Asian-Americans, Filipino-Americans
it may lead to destructive emotions and seek mental health services at the lower rate
behaviors such as depression, anxiety, and (Gong, Gage, & Tacata, 2003). A qualitative
negative affect. We posit that the effect of research approach using in-depth interviews
social comparison to depression, anxiety, and was utilized to better understand the
stress is due in part to its effect on self- participants’ feelings, beliefs, and experiences
compassion. Self-compassion, as kindness toward mental health services. Fifteen Filipino
towards oneself, could be decreased by social students from the University of Guam were
comparison. The present study looks at the recruited for a semi-structured interview.
mediating role of self-compassion between Qualitative data were coded by a research
social comparison and mental health team (inter-rater agreement was .90) and
symptoms. Using data collected from 316 grouped into four categories, including
college students, we ran a structural equation acculturation/enculturation, mental health
model to estimate mediating effects. In the perception/stigma, attitude/perception toward
given model, self-compassion statistically mental health services, and coping. Sample
mediated the association between social qualitative themes are summarized in table 1.
comparison to depression, anxiety, and stress. Most participants reported that Filipinos are
This finding accords with previous studies hesitant to seek mental health services due to
showing the negative effect social comparison their “stigmatized” cultural values and beliefs.
to well-being. Moreover, the path analysis Moreover, participants believed that positive
showed that the effect of social comparison to mental health help-seeking is likely when
mental health acts as a function of decreased Filipinos are exposed to an environment that
self-compassion, that is, social comparison encourages help-seeking when needed. These
decreases one’s self-compassion which in turn findings will be discussed from a clinical and
increases symptoms of depression, anxiety, cultural perspectives.
and stress. Theoretical implications are
discussed and the importance of including
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Symptoms of Distress and Rejection Sensitivity and Peer Support on
Coping Among High School Students Suicidal Ideation Among Filipino Lesbian,
Displaced by the Marawi Crisis Gay, and Bisexual Men and Women
Leo Labrador Renz Christian C. Argao
Jean Meili Benaojan Ma. Shaina Isabel S. Hilomen
Central Mindanao University Diandra Karina M. Grico
Maria Sabrina A. Fernandez
The study was conducted to identify the impact Jasmine S. Babani
of the event, the symptoms of distress, and
University of Santo Tomas
coping strategies among high school students
displaced by Marawi Crisis. A total of 50 high
While a lot of movement have emerged to
school students from the different high school
promote the rights of the LGBT community in
near the Marawi battle area who sought
the Philippines, there are still issues of
transfer to the different high schools in Iligan
victimization and prejudice. With this,
City served as the respondents. Inclusion
numerous factors play a role in the everyday
criteria for respondent selection were
stresses of their lives. Grounded on the
employed and they were chosen through
Minority Stress Theory and the Social-
purposive sampling. The Revised Child Impact
Buffering Model, the study examined the
of Event Scale (CRIES-13), Pediatric Symptom
relationship of rejection sensitivity, peer
Checklist-16, and Ways of Coping were the
support, and suicidal ideation among 18 to 28-
instrument employed. Focused Group
year-old Filipinos who self-identifies as lesbian,
Discussion was also undertaken to identify the
gay, or bisexual. Through the use of the Scale
specific symptoms and to the future views of
for Suicidal Ideation (SSI), Adult Rejection
the respondents. The result of the study
Sensitivity Questionnaire (A-RSQ), and The
reveals that the impact of the event is
Network of Relationships Inventory—
suggestive of difficulty or may represent
Relationship Quality Version (NRI-RQV), data
subclinical symptomatology. Their
was collected from 319 LGB individuals (n=43
psychosocial distress was within the average
lesbians, n=66 gays and n=210 bisexuals).
level while psychotic experiences and post-
Results show that rejection sensitivity had a
traumatic response fall within the low range.
strong positive relationship with suicidal
Different coping strategies during or after the
ideation and that there is a negative
traumatic event were employed by the
relationship between peer support and
respondents. The Positive Reappraisal was the
rejection sensitivity, and between peer support
most recently used coping strategy while
and suicidal ideation. Results further show that
Accepting Responsibility was the least
while rejection sensitivity and peer support are
employed strategy. The respondents’ view of
predictors of suicidal ideation, rejection
the future was identified and was classified
sensitivity predicted suicidal ideation better
under positive and negative view.
than peer support. The results of this study can
have implications on both LGBTQ Psychology
Research and clinical practice.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Sulong Kabataan: Design, Pilot,
Symposium 9: C6 Implementation, and Evaluation of a Youth
Drug Prevention and Recovery Substance Abuse Prevention Program
Maria Regina Hechanova Liane Peña-Alampay
Convener Ateneo de Manila University
Samantha Erika N. Mendez
Ateneo de Manila University
Development and Pilot of a Community- Lorelie Ann Banzon-Librojo
Based Drug Recovery Support Intervention Ateneo de Manila University
for Adult Drug Users Danielle P. Ochoa
Avegale Acosta University of the Philippines
Isabel Melgar
Along with treatment, the issue of substance
Mendiola Teng Calleja abuse can be addressed more
Arsenio S. Alianan comprehensively with prevention programs
Maria Regina M. Hechanova beginning in adolescence. Evidence suggests
Ateneo de Manila University that such programs are most effective when
they target adolescents’ life skills and ability to
This paper documents the development of a resist social influence through interactive
community-based drug intervention for Filipino methods. Although many life skills programs
drug users who surrendered as part of the have been widely implemented in other
Philippine government’s anti-drug campaign. It countries, these have yet to be locally adapted
reports their needs and risk factors based on for Filipino adolescents. With these principles
interviews with users and community in mind, we developed the Sulong Kabataan
stakeholders. Results reveal the need for an Life Skills Program, a seven-session,
intervention that would improve the drug community-based substance abuse prevention
recovery and life skills of users. A set of program for Filipino urban poor adolescents.
modules were adapted and designed to reflect The program consists of the following modules:
important cultural and contextual nuances coping with stress, emotion regulation,
including the country’s collectivist culture, communication in relationships, decision-
relational values, propensity for indirect and making and problem solving, knowledge about
non-verbal communication, and substances and triggers, refusal skills, and
interdependent self-construal. The use of small goal-setting. The presentation will briefly
groups, interactive and creative discuss the program’s design and pilot
methodologies, and the incorporation music implementation process, as well as a
and prayer also recognized the importance of preliminary evaluation of program outcomes in
these in Philippine culture. Pilot-testing of the terms of changes in life skills, resistance
intervention revealed improvements in coping efficacy, and substance use and intentions.
behavior, life skills, quality of family life, From these results, implications and
substance dependence symptoms. Moreover, recommendations for youth substance abuse
drug testing showed that more participants of prevention programs will be discussed.
the program were able to remain drug-free as
compared to non-participants.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
“Stress Pa More?”: Examining Development and Pilot of a Community
Relationships Between Student Stressors, Based Drug Recovery Support Intervention
Perceived Peer Substance Use, and Coping for Families of Users
Among Filipino College Students Isabel Melgar
Angelique Villasanta Ateneo de Manila University
Nico Canoy Chantal Tabo
Maria Regina Hechanova Ateneo de Manila University
Ateneo de Manila Uinversity Kay Bunagan
Ateneo de Manila University
Violeta Bautista
For most young people, entering college or a University of the Philippines
university can be construed as a major
developmental transition which induces strong
stress reactions in different facets of their lives. This paper documents the development of a
The purpose of this study is to examine the community-based drug intervention for families
relationship between sources of student of Filipino drug users who surrendered as part
stressors, coping strategies, perceived peer of the Philippine government’s anti-drug
substance use in relation to well-being and campaign. It reports the family-related factors
actual substance use of Filipino college that influence the use and recovery of users. It
students. A survey questionnaire was also documents the needs of families of users.
administered through online and paper-and- The intervention for families consisted of three
pencil format (N = 397). Descriptive analysis modules that were implemented to compliment
and structural equation modeling (SEM) using the individual modules. Pilot-testing of the
SPSS AMOS was conducted. Descriptive intervention revealed improvements in quality
profile of college students showed that 77.2% of family life and relationships as a result of the
students rated their college environment as program. FGDs with family members
extremely stressful. Major sources of stress confirmed changes in the participants and
involved equity (e.g., discrimination) and family dynamics as a result of the program.
relationships issues aside from academic
stress. Results of SEM highlight the following:
central role of peer use in one’s own substance Learning Session 13: C7
use, coping skills as a mediator between
college environmental stress and perceived Mindful Parenting for Nation-Building
stress, and adaptive coping skills as relevant to Marie Tessibeth T. Cordova
enhance one’s psychological well-being. Maria Teresa Aguilar
Implications to student formation and school Ma. Fiona Ella G. Sandoval
interventions include implementing formative
Ma. Blesila de Guzman-de Asis
programs that focus on managing stress,
creating healthy relationships, addressing MLAC Institute for Psychosocial Services,
equity issues, and importance of peer-based Inc.
programs to address substance use.

“People study at least 4 years to earn a degree,

and invest more years to be a lawyer, doctor or
a PhD grad. But sad to say, there is no formal
training to practice the most important
profession of all- parenting. Isn’t it about time
we have a parenting course?” Dra. Lourdes A.
Carandang Pioneering Child and Family
Therapist Pioneering Mindfulness Practitioner
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
and Trainer National Social Scientist MLAC low moral self-approval. Majority of
Psychosocial services headed by Dra. respondents reported a conversation
Carandang, has hosted basic parenting orientation in their family communication and
workshops at a grassroots and across social used an average of 8 cognitive emotion
classes. Key learnings and challenges were (a) regulation strategies. Strategies most often
mindful and compassionate disciplining, (b) used were positive reappraisal, refocus on
acknowledging and respecting the wisdom of planning, acceptance, positive refocusing and
the child, and (c) the necessity of self-care putting into perspective. Furthermore, a
among mothers. This learning session aims to medium, positive correlation was obtained
aid practitioners in their therapeutic practice to between global self-esteem and rumination,
share basic parenting guidelines in the midst of catastrophizing, and self-blame. There is a
changing parental roles. small positive correlation between global self-
esteem and acceptance, other-blame, and
putting things into perspective. Conversation
Orientation was found to be positively
correlated with positive refocusing, refocus on
Forum 5: C8 planning, and positive reappraisal. On the
Parental Absence, Migration, and other hand, Conformity orientation is positively
Transnational Families correlated with self-blame, catastrophizing,
Angela V. Regala rumination, and other-blame. The sample
taken for the survey cannot be described as
Moderator random and representative of all Filipino
daughters of transnational families. It is
Perceived Family Communication Patterns, recommended that further research be done
Self-esteem and Cognitive Coping with samples on a larger scale of Filipino
college students, male and female, and from
Strategies of Daughters of Filipino other schools. Individual counseling sessions
Transnational Families for Filipino daughters of transnational families
Angela V. Regala looking into personal adjustment with the view
Assumption College of helping increase moral self-approval is
recommended. Likewise, counselor education
can focus on designing an awareness program
This study explored the self-esteem, perceived
for parents of transnational students on the
family communication patterns and cognitive
impact of family communication on the
coping strategies of daughters of Filipino cognitive coping strategies of their daughters.
transnational families. Transnational families
are those with a family member/s living some
or most of the time separated from each other,
yet hold together and family ties continue to
exist. It has become common to see a family
member moving to another country and leaving
their family members in the country of origin
(Bryceson & Vuorela, 2002). One hundred
daughters between 18 to 23 years old, enrolled
in a single gender college completed the
Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory
(MSEI), the Revised Family Communication
Patterns (RFCP) instrument and the Cognitive
Emotion Regulation Questionnaire (CERQ).
Findings reveal that almost all of them had
global self-esteem t-scores in the normal range
but 6 out of every 10 daughters had moderately
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Exploring the Effects of Experiences and Parental Migration Status Moderates the
Challenges of Young Adult Growing Up in Link Between Parent-Child Relationship
Father- Absent Families: Putting the Pieces and Children's Well-Being Through
Together Psychological Distress
Joelle Shereen G. Garcia Jinky Joy Jessica l. Busaco
Honeyline Grace S. Palis Bea Fatima B. Bangcola
Ina Mikaella R. Mella Marie Joy S. Gallemit
Ana Nelia Lopez- Jumamil Imelu G. Mordeno
Maria Angelica M. Pineda Reignajean T. Tuto
Far Eastern University Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
This qualitative research explored the effects of
experiences and challenges of young adult A contentious issue on the discrepant effects of
growing up in father – absent families. Semi parental migration on left-behind children’s
structured interviews were utilized and (LBC) well-being has been noted in the
conducted to selected young adult to explore literature. While several studies demonstrated
the experiences and challenges they the ill-effects of parental migration on children’s
encountered growing up in father - absent psychological health, increasing research have
families and to determine their effects on them. shown contradictory results. This study seeks
The data collected were analyzed using to clarify this issue by examining the influence
thematic analysis. The themes emerged from of parent-child relationship (PCR) on LBC’s
their experiences include: personal and familial well-being as mediated by psychological
peak experiences. Further, the themes from distress. This study contends that the
the challenges are accepting their fathers have relationship between parents and children
other families, financial hardships and affects the way children experience
confusion in defining sexuality. The effects of psychological distress, which then, influence
these experiences and challenges to the their overall well-being. This study further
participants are both positive and negative and investigates if the relationship between PCR
some are neutral. Among the positive effects and psychological distress is a function of
include: they became goal – driven, they were parental migration status. A sample of 765 LBC
able to establish a close relationship with and 701 non-LBC answered a packet of scales
significant people and they emerged to be assessing PCR, psychological distress, and
independent. However, according to the well-being. Findings of the study revealed that
respondents, they also developed trust issues, psychological distress has a significant
established attachment issues and they found mediational effect on the association between
it difficult to build and maintain interpersonal PCR and well-being. Further scrutiny of the
relationships which can be considered as results showed that the influence of PCR to
negative effects. The feeling of ambivalence psychological distress is conditional to parental
and tendency to become soft are some of the migration status. Overall, the data have
neutral effects. Keywords: experiences, important implications on strengthening PCR in
challenges, effects, young adult, father – reducing psychological distress, particularly to
absent families LBC, in order to enhance their psychological,
social and emotional well-being. Keywords:
Parental Migration Status, Psychological
Distress, Children’s Well-being, Parent-Child
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
The Impact of Parental Migration On the Forum 6: C9
Life of Left-Behind Adolescents Gender-Based Violence
Karen Randeza Jerry Jurisprudencia
Malolos Marine Fishery School and Moderator

This study investigated the impact of parental I Will Survive: The Phenomenon of
migration to the academic, emotional, social Girlfriend Abuse
and spiritual life of left-behind Filipino
adolescents. A survey using a researcher’s
Jerry Jurisprudencia
made questionnaire, mental ability and Miriam College
personality tests as well as interview and the
respondents’ scholastic records were utilized in Using a phenomenological-clinical approach
this study. Findings revealed that across the the study explored the Filipino girlfriends’
three groups of research participants (those experiences of abuse at an early age from the
with Overseas Filipino Worker) father, those hands of their boyfriends. The participants
with OFW mother, and those with both parents were between 16 to 20 years at the time of the
abroad), all of them have good grades in school abuse. All participants were able to leave the
despite no parent/s assisting them to do their heterosexual relationship and are currently
home works and projects plus the additional working. The researcher developed a
responsibilities at home for some of them. questionnaire solely for this study. Significant
However, majority of the participants findings showed that the participant’s
expressed that they feel deeply sad, longing for realisation of the abuse plus the support of
the physical presence of their parents. For significant people in their lives hastened their
them, it is a tiresome cycle of adjustment every exit from the toxic relationship.
time their parent/s come/s home and then later
leave/s them again to work abroad. Prayers
continue to bind the Filipino families together
despite physical distance. This study Violence and Relationship Satisfaction of
concludes that parents should support not just Dating Couples
the economic, but also the psychological and
the spiritual needs of their left-behind children Eva T. Castillo
to help them to cope well with the adversaries Mylene Gumarao
of life, thus keeping them away from vices and Jun L. Tayaben
behavioral problems. Flor Villa P. Marticio
Keene Alver Dave M. Frasco
Estephanie I. Garate
Maica A. Macasiray
Myrtle C. Orbon
Adventist University of the Philippines

The study determined the level of violence and

relationship satisfaction among dating couples
— not married and not cohabiting but, in a
relationship status. Moreover, it determined the
association of violence and relationship
satisfaction of dating couples. Violence is
measured in terms of physical and verbal. The
respondents were 100 couple, a total of 200
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
from two selected regions in the Philippines family whole, independence and lastly but not
and that snowball sampling technique was the least, the strong pull of a mother’s love to
used. Survey questionnaires were answered her children. These MILs have helped the
which measured violence and relationship respondents in sustaining the difficulties in their
satisfaction. The findings have shown very low marriage and became the point of reference in
and low level of physical violence and verbal difficult times. MIL is the sense made of and
violence, respectively, and that the significance felt to one’s being and existence.
respondents were satisfied in their relationship. “Suffering ceases to be suffering once it finds
The multiple regression analysis has shown it’s meaning, such as the meaning of suffering
that only verbal violence ( ß = -.441) predicts (Frankl, 1996)”.
relationship satisfaction with 19.4 % variance
accounted and that physical violence did not
come out as predictor of relationship A Comparative Study On Sexual Assault
satisfaction. The result suggests that loving Between Male Heterosexuals and
and caring words received from a partner are
associated with higher relationship satisfaction Homosexuals in The Aspects of Prevalence,
among dating couples. Moreover, physical Resilience, And Retribution in an
violence is not associated with relationship Incarcerated Setting
satisfaction. The present study provides Rhoda Emia Alvarez
implications for the better understanding of University of San Carlos
verbal violence and physical violence in
relationship satisfaction of dating couples.
Sexual assault is the most frequent form of
abuse experienced by inmates and detainees
affecting men, women, and youth. Despite the
A Narrative Analysis of Meaning in Life of findings, it fails to recognize that sexual assault
Women in Abusive Relationship is one of the most underreported of all crimes,
especially among male victims, and even more
Sherryl M. Abellanosa
so among male victims in correctional
University of San Carlos institutions. The study aims to identify the
prevalence of sexual assault victimization and
This study analyzed the Meaning in Life of investigate in comparison the aspect of
women in abusive relationship using narrative resilience and desire for retribution between
method of research. Using purposive sampling, incarcerated heterosexual males and
five married women were interviewed adapting homosexual males. A total of 360 samples
McAdams autobiographical interview guide. were selected from the inmates of Cebu
Each narrative displayed different MILs that are Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center
founded on the high, lows, and turning points in Cebu Province. Sexually assaulted male
of their lives. The following MILs have been heterosexuals and homosexuals in prison were
identified: focusing on their children’s comfort identified using a questionnaire adapted from
and security, the state of belonging in a the National Violence Against Men Survey
relationship, the inspiration at workplace and (NVAMS). Homosexual male and heterosexual
the supportive relationship with the workmates, male inmates who admitted that they were
altruism and the sense of having mission in life sexually assaulted were purposefully sampled
by helping others and by believing that her to measure resilience and desire for retribution
being is an instrument to change for people, through a scale adapted from Brief Resilience
hope/plan for the future, trust/love for the Scale (BRS) that measured the ability to cope
husband, holding on to the relationship, helping with stress and adversity and Vengeance
others, security and future of children, Scale (VS), to assess their behavior towards
acceptance, taking care of children, happy the desire to get back to their abusers. All
family or having a family, self-assertion, hope questionnaires were intended to be context
for change, trust to a higher Being, keeping the specific to sexual assault. In a detailed section,
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
through a random interview of the sexually natural and practical methods to ensure better
assaulted inmates, the study provides the lived applicability to a much wider audience. The
experiences of resilience and desire for roles of vascular functionality, physical and
retribution of incarcerated heterosexuals and mental exercise, and nutrition are considered.
homosexual males following sexual assault. At the end of this learning session, each
The study discusses three main points: (1) that participant is expected to have a better
incarcerated homosexual males have a higher understanding of what prevents dementia, and
risk of sexual molestation than heterosexual become more empowered in helping
males (out of the 89% of heterosexual inmates, themselves and others minimize or prevent
10% (36) were sexually assaulted, whereas, their chances of developing this potentially life-
around 75% (30) homosexual male inmates robbing condition.
were sexually assaulted (2) that homosexual
males (M=3.49, SD=.37) are more resilient
than heterosexual males (M=2.81, SD=.47); t
(64) = 6.43(p<.05) (3) that homosexual males Symposium 10: C11
(M=3.31, SD=.55) are less likely desires for Attitudes and Perceptions of LGBT
retribution than heterosexual males (M=4.53, People: Possibilities for Intervention
SD=.54); (64)=9.06 (p<.05), following sexual
assault. The findings are obviously a universal and Change
occurrence that confirmed the incidence of Jan Gabriel Castañeda
sexual assault in prison and that there is an Convener
apparent comparison between incarcerated
homosexual males and heterosexual males in
the aspect of resilience and desire for
retribution following sexual assault. Transcending Differences: Effects of Visual
Conformity and Anti-Transphobic
Intervention on Detection of Transwomen
Learning Session 14: C10
in Bathroom
Identifying the Natural Methods that
Gianne Nicole Laisac
Prevent dementia
University of the Philippines Diliman
Richthofen De Jesus
De La Salle University Transphobia occurs in various contexts,
particularly in gendered spaces like public
bathrooms. Visual conformity plays a role in
Dementia is one of the most talked about this phenomenon, wherein transwomen who
mental disorders within recent time. Literature possess more feminine features experience
has talked about its etiology, diversity, and the less discrimination (i.e. passing privilege). The
theoretical intricacies of its diagnosis and study provides an empirical account of
treatment. It has changed the perception of cisgender women’s perceptions in the context
individuals, families, and even governments on of transwoman use of female's bathrooms. To
how they view old age. It is not solely a mitigate transphobia, the effects of presenting
personal problem, but an increasing social a vignette that narrates the threats to safety
pandemic that the world needs to be transwomen face were explored. The signal
concerned with. As such, the prevention of detection paradigm was used in a 2 × 2 mixed
Dementia has become an essential key in factorial design to investigate the effects of
avoiding this looming dilemma. In this learning attitude intervention (pre- and post-test; within-
session, the collection of results from the most subjects) and visual conformity (passing
recent studies in preventing dementia would be versus non-passing; between-subjects) on
discussed. Special emphasis is placed on sensitivity (d’), criterion (c), and transphobic
attitudes. Results show that a brief transphobia
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
intervention leads to less neutral attitudes Shape of You: Determining the Factors
toward transwomen and decreased ability to That Influence Youth Attitudes Towards
detect them in a visual scene. These findings
imply that the said vignette was not effective in Homophobia
lowering transphobic attitudes, but was still Zyra Evangelista
potent enough to make the plight of University of Glasgow, Scotland
transwomen salient in the experimental Arian Anderson Rabino
manipulation. Meanwhile, visual conformity is De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Manila
not a significant factor in decreasing negative
attitudes or detection ability toward
transwomen, hence passing privilege did not Humans have a predisposition to judge
manifest in this regard. Other intervention objects, situations, groups of people, and even
methods should be further explored in reducing ideologies, with or without consciousness of
transphobic attitudes. how such states of mind were acquired.
Attitude formation as a complex phenomenon
is believed to stem from the interplay of biology,
cognition, experience, and environment.
Addressing Homophobia in Schools: Previous studies show that sex, religiosity,
Testing the Parasocial Contact Hypothesis level of education and personal contact predict
Sr. Hang T. Nguyen attitudes toward gays and lesbians (Herek &
FSC College of Education, De La Salle Capitanio, 1996; Lingiardi et al., 2016; Whitley,
2009). However, evidences vary across
University countries (Adamsky & Pitt, 2009; Kelly, 2001;
Remedios C. Moog Steffens, Jonas, & Denger, 2014) and are
University of the East - Caloocan dominated by Western samples (Whitley,
2001). This study investigates the various
This study tested the Parasocial Contact predictors identified in the scientific literature
Hypothesis by looking into the effectiveness of that could influence youth attitudes toward
exposure to Lesbian and Gay (LG)-themed homosexuality. The aims of the study are two-
video on decreasing the level of homophobia. fold: (1) determine the replicability of these
The mixed method sequential explanatory factors among Filipino youth; and (2) explore
design was used. In phase 1, participants were unique predictors that may only be found in
randomly assigned to either control or Philippine society and culture. Using data from
treatment group. The participants from the 381 Filipino university students as participants,
treatment group viewed a video with affirmative the study’s findings show converging results
responses from self-identified LG. Results and also offer interesting new insights.
showed significant difference. In phase 2, Examples include differences in attitudes
participants revealed increased attitudes of among youth coming from different high school
appreciation and acceptance toward LG as a backgrounds and social strata. Implications of
result of the video. Results were discussed in the study and recommendations for future
light of increased efforts toward reducing research will be discussed.
homophobia in schools.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Assessing the Models Explaining the Role
Forum 7: C12 of Fear of Positive Evaluation in the
Clinical Psychology: Bipolar Disorder, Development of Social Anxiety Disorder
Social Anxiety Disorder, and PTSD Symptoms
Maureen Jean Lara Imelu G. Mordeno
Moderator Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute
of Technology
The Downward Spiral of Intellectual Khryss Aufer Austria
Disability and Bipolar Disorder: A Case Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute
Study of Technology
Alessandra T. Arpon Edmarie Zoe Gonzaga
Jonnalyn T. Constante Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute
De La Salle University - Manila of Technology / De La Salle University
Far Eastern College - Silang
There are two contentions in explaining the role
of fear of positive evaluation in the
Interpersonal relationships are seen as a buffer development of SAD and its consequent safety
against mental illnesses. The deficit in social behaviors. The first model claims that both fear
and communication skills of individuals with of negative evaluation (FNE) and fear of
intellectual disability (ID) makes them less positive evaluation (FPE), although interrelated
likely to develop a healthy relationship with with each other, are separate predictors of
others thus, they become more prone to other SAD and safety behaviors. The second model
mental illnesses. ID is commonly associated argues that FPE is an outcome of FNE, of
with mood-related symptoms. Mania is an which influences SAD and consequent safety
externalizing behavior and depression is an behaviors. This study sought to investigate
internalizing behavior exhibited to cope with these two models and determine which model
negative emotions. Although there is an represented best in accounting for SAD and
obvious pattern among ID, adaptive and social safety behaviors. A sample of 500 college
skills, limited interpersonal relationships, and students answered a packet of scales that
bipolar disorder, few studies have looked at included Brief Fear of Negative Evaluation
their interconnections. In this study, a case of Scale, Fear of Positive Evaluation Scale,
an adult with bipolar disorder comorbid with his Social Anxiety Disorder Dimensional Scale,
intellectual disability was explored. Guided by and Subtle Avoidance Frequency Examination
the interpersonal theories (attachment, Questionnaire. The results revealed that both
communication, and social theory), the models receive excellent fit and affirms the
purpose of this study is to discover how the nuanced role of FPE. The findings have
impaired social and communication skills important implications in understanding the
caused by intellectual disability can create a development and treatment of SAD. Keywords:
downward spiral toward negative interpersonal social anxiety, fear of negative evaluation, fear
relationships and bipolar disorder. The case of positive evaluation, safety behaviors
formulation adhered to Interpersonal
Psychotherapy (IPT) principles.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
PTSD and Ethos of Conflict Serially Mediate The Paradoxical Effect of Social Media
the Relationship Between Exposure to Support in the Relationship Between
Violence and Support for Compromise Resource Loss and Relocation Adversities
Imelu G. Mordeno through PTSD
Roxanne W. Loberes Czarina Veronica R. Jebulan
Carl Hazel H. Uy Nasrullah A. Macalimbon
Omar B. Abubacar Imelu G. Mordeno
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute Laira Dee . Baroquillo
of Technology MindanaoState University-Iligan Institute of
There is a dearth of studies examining the role
of mental health and emotions in post-conflict Although the link between post-disaster
political behaviors among individuals exposed resources loss and relocation adversities have
to armed violence. The current study aims to been fairly investigated, there are few studies
address this gap by examining the mediating accounting for psychological health,
role of posttraumatic stress disorder and ethos particularly PTSD, as a potential mediator.
of conflict in the relationship between exposure Additionally, the role of interpersonal support
to violence and support for compromise. A from the social media in the survivors’ mental
sample of 500 conflict-exposed Moros from health and post-relocation adversities after a
Lanao del Sur answered a packet of scales post-disaster resource loss is yet to be
assessing exposure to violence, PTSD, ethos examined. This study examines the
of conflict, and support for compromise. The moderating role of interpersonal support from
results showed that PTSD and ethos of conflict social media on the relationship between
serially mediate the relationship between resource losses and post-relocation adversities
exposure to violence and support for through the severity of posttraumatic disorder
compromise. This suggests that higher symptoms. Utilizing 1,083 post-relocatees from
exposure to violence enhances support for a devastating typhoon, the results of the
compromise due to the increasing PTSD and moderated-mediation analysis showed that
consequent lowering of ethos of conflict. These controlling for age and gender, interpersonal
novel findings provide evidence on the support from social media moderated the
important role of mental health and affective relationship between resource loss and
experiences in the formation of attitude relocation adversities through PTSD. These
towards compromise among those exposed to results suggest that resource loss increases
armed conflict. Keywords: political violence, PTSD, particularly those who received higher
PTSD, ethos of conflict, support for interpersonal support from the social media.
compromise Corollary, the increase of PTSD amplifies post-
relocation distress specifically to those who
also received higher interpersonal support. The
findings imply that interpersonal support from
social media may not necessarily buffer
distress among post-disaster relocatees, and
instead, may exacerbate the experiences of ill-
health and adversities. Keywords: Resource
Loss, PTSD, Post-Relocation Adversities,
Social Media
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
and Dispositional Flow (r = 0.302, p = 0.042)
PARALLEL ORAL PRESENTATIONS and it also showed that Grit is not a predictor of
D1 TO D12 Dispositional flow and vice versa.
September 21, 2018
08:30 AM – 10:00 AM

Resiliency and Concentration of Selected

Filipino Athletes from Individual Sports
who Competed in the 2017 SEA Games
Symposium 11: D1 Karen Katrina V. Trinidad
Psychological Skills Training in Sports Myreen P. Cleofe
Performance Marian M. Lagundino
Marian Miguel Lagundino University of Santo Tomas, Manila
Purpose: Resiliency and the ability to
concentrate are two of the most important
Grit and Dispositional Flow of National mental skills required to ensure success in
Athletes in Combat Sports sports. The study identified the relationship
Peter Angelico S. Dator between the two variables by utilizing the
Mental Toughness Questionnaire (MTQ) to
Philip Matthew E. Bernardo acquire individual scores on each subscale.
Marc Angelo P. Ronquillo Methods: Descriptive correlational research
Jon Marlo Celino T. Labudahon design was used, and purposive sampling
University of Santo Tomas, Manila technique was applied to acquire a sample for
75 Philippine national athletes (females, n=26
The aim of this study is to examine the and males, n=49) from selected Philippine
relationship between grit and dispositional flow. teams who competed on the 2017 SEA Games
Grit is a trait, which is based on a person's (Boxing, Pencak Silat, Taekwondo, Archery,
perseverance of effort combined with the Sepak Takraw, Equestrian and Golf). Results:
passion for a specific long-term goal. Flow is Analysis showed that their resiliency level is
the mental state in which an individual moderate (M=3.87, SD=1.57) and
performing an activity is fully immersed feeling concentration level is moderate (M=4.36,
energized focus. Dispositional Flow is the SD=1.39) revealing both skills need to be
tendency of experiencing the flow state. The improved. Moreover, Pearson correlations
participants of this study are Filipino national showed a significant and moderate positive
athletes of combat sports in the Philippines relationship between resilience and
who have won medals in international concentration (r=0.535). Conclusion: This
competitions. Combat sports were chosen suggests that the higher the resiliency, the
because it requires high levels of attention, higher the concentration level of Philippine
self-control, consistency, and will power. This national athletes. The results are not just
research used the Short Grit Scale and limited for the benefit of athletes but also, for
Dispositional Flow Scale – 2 (DFS-2) to anyone who desires in utilizing mental skills to
measure each variable. Quantitative approach achieve excellence and success on their own
was used to compare the variables. The results fields. These findings support the notion that is
were analyzed and interpreted using Pearson important for team to understand how
correlation for the relationship of Grit and concentration is related to resiliency in
Dispositional Flow, and linear regression for achieving excellence in athletic performance.
the predicting power of the variables. Results
showed a significant correlation between Grit
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
“Mind Over Matter”: An Investigation of
Cognitive Processes Among Full Marathon
Maria Luisa Guinto-Adviento
Lhyra May Mendoza
University of the Philippines, Diliman

A full marathon is one of the most challenging Reaching Goals Through Academic
endurance sports that require the runner to
cover the long and arduous distance of 42.195
Persistence: A Narrative Analysis of Life
kilometers for several hours. Although Stories of Working Students
considerable research has established the Jacqueline V. Iglesias
physical requirements of running a marathon, Nueva Vizcaya State University
limited attention has been given on the
psychological components of this sport. Yet, Using Labov model component as a theoretical
seasoned marathon runners readily admit the lens, this narrative research focused on the
importance of mental state in determining the specific experiences of three working students
outcome of a race (Radcliffe, 2011). What goes in their academic persistence in college.
on in the minds of full marathon runners during Narrative reports and interview guides were the
this strenuous race is the main interest of this sources of stories from the three college
study. Two focus group discussions (FGDs) students. Their aspirational capital and
were conducted among five elite (N=5) and six acceptance of financial problem are the
non-elite (N=6) full marathon runners to obtain starting points of their story. Various turning
detailed information about their unique and points were illustrated that explored the
similar thought patterns during the race. After continuity of experiences and interaction of the
initial familiarization and coding of the participants with family, relative, friends,
transcription data, themes were developed, teachers/instructors, school and neighborhood
refined and labeled. Six overarching themes which are encouragement and validation of
emerged from the data to reveal the cognitive their self-efficacy and self-worth from
processes underlying the experience of a significant others, positive feeling towards the
marathon run: (1) goal-orientation, (2) self-talk, challenges, differentiating types of goals and
(3) positive and negative affect (4) internal and career exploration and planning. Concepts
external focus, (5) visualization and (6) prayer. such as self-efficacy, task valuing, aspirational
Although these themes emerged in both capital, positive feelings, goal setting and
groups, what differentiated the cognitive career exploration and planning were derived
processes between the elite and non-elite related to academic persistence. Findings may
runners was the focus on extrinsic rewards contribute in understanding sources of
(i.e., monetary prize) by the elite runners who motivation and basis for psychoeducation
considered running as an extra source of program that promotes wellness among
income. The influence of these cognitive working students.
processes on the quality of their performance
during the marathon was also acknowledged,
affirming the importance of psychological
preparation apart from physical training in this
particular endurance sport. Implications to
runners, coaches, sport psychologists and
managers of running clubs and organizations
are further discussed in the study.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
When Do Students Enjoy? Exploring the higher motivation scores than males across
Object Focus of Students’ Enjoyment in dimensions. Differences in access to reading
material and gadgets were not seen. Two
Classroom Learning hundred forty-one Filipino GenZ students
Voltaire M. Marquez participated in the study.
De La Salle University

Enjoyment is an important factor of student

learning. The present study argued that there The Structure of Cost: Understanding the
are various factors inside the classroom that Construct from a Multidimensional Scaling
could lead to enjoyment, thus the study
focused on exploring the structure of Perspective
enjoyment in the classroom learning. A sample Jerome A. Ouano
of college students were asked to answer an De La Salle University
open-ended questionnaire on their experience Nadine Angeli C. Abellera
of enjoyment in classroom learning, which
Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan
allowed the researcher to generate 61
statements describing the students’ enjoyment Gail D. Conway
in the classroom. The questionnaire was Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan
administered to 254 college students and their
responses were analyzed using the exploratory This study explored the construct of cost
factor analysis. Result showed four dimensions based on the premise that current literature
of classroom learning-related enjoyment, has not yet clearly established the structure of
namely on-task engagement enjoyment, group cost. To carry out the study, a multi-
identity enjoyment, low task difficulty dimensional scaling (MDS) was performed on
enjoyment, and real world connectedness the data collected from college participants.
enjoyment. A follow up study with another Results revealed that cost has two
group of 253 college students. Confirmatory dimensions, with each dimension consisting of
factor analysis yielded an acceptable model fit. two clusters. In one dimension, cost is
The result of the study has implications on considered as a separate component from
students’ meaningful learning and well-being. task value while in the other dimension, cost
clustered together with task value
components. Findings are discussed in the
Digital text in English…Will I, Won’t I? context of the Expectancy Value Theory.
Dimensions of Reading Motivation among Likewise, findings are explicated using
relevant studies in the fields of goal theory,
Adolescent Filipino Students motivation and emotion. Implications of the
Eda Jean Mendez-Jugarap results of the study for theory and practice are
De La Salle University also tackled.

Generation Z is the first truly digital born

generation. Technology is at their fingertips as
they navigate hyperspace. What motivates
them to read digital text in a second language?
Nine dimensions for reading motivation in
reading English digital text were proposed.
Differences in gender, early access to reading
materials and access to gadgets at present
were assumed. Factor analysis yielded five of
the proposed and four distinct social
dimensions. MANOVA revealed females have
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Can Philippine Political Psychology be for
Symposium 13: D3 Greater Social Beneficence?
Philippine Personality & Social Diwa Malaya A. Quiñones
Psychology in Changing Times University of the Philippines
Ma. Cecilia G. Conaco
UP, Diliman Political psychology focuses on the cognitions,
PSSC’s 50th Anniversary motivations, and behaviors of actors in the
political arena. It seeks to understand the
structures and processes within and between
individuals, groups, and institutions. As it lies in
Personality in Society: National Mental the intersection of psychology, political
Health Care Provision and the Future of science, and sociology, political psychology is
Work a strategic discipline as it utilizes theories from
Adrianne John R. Galang these fields. This paper seeks to discuss how
political psychology is in the Philippines. I will
De la Salle University - Manila
specifically focus on local work on the
antecedents and consequences of political
Personality psychology can have clear movements, political communication, and civic
implications for policy making. I cover two engagement. Lastly, I will weigh the practical
contemporary Filipino examples, the contributions of our research and argue for
implementation of the mental health legislation, political psychology to aim to have greater
and the unfolding changes to the nature of social beneficence.
work. Timely, effective, and fiscally prudent
provision of mental health services will depend
on accurate information about clients and their
situation. It is not really ironic to say that a full
picture of their situation must include Moral Psychology in the Philippines:
knowledge about their personality and its Progress and Prospects
dynamics. Aside from helping to advance Daneille P. Ochoa
personalized medicine, personologists must
University of the Philippines
work with clinical psychologists to begin the
serious investigation of iatrogenesis in
psychotherapy. Such a focus on the individual In line with the cognitive developmental
might be a boon for patients but the same is not tradition, research on moral psychology in the
always true for employees. A future world Philippines initially focused on reasoning about
where work is fragmented and workers have moral dilemmas from a justice-based
little bargaining power makes biased hiring perspective (e.g., Barit, 1985; Calilung, 2004;
practices more likely. Personality psychology Javiniar, 1994; Jimenez, 1976), seeking to
will play a role in either mitigating such biases describe and promote mature moral reasoning.
or entrenching them in the workplace. In both In recent years, researchers have taken a more
arenas, health or work, personality researchers pluralistic turn to understand diverse
should step-up and engage with people perspectives of Filipinos’ moral standards
affected by these changes, or else risk seeing (Ochoa, 2016; Vasquez, et. al., 2001), and the
their work misused. impact of moral foundations on social
cognitions and behaviors (Ochoa, et. al., 2016;
Quiñones, et. al., 2016; Sio, et. al., 2016).
Going beyond contents of individuals’
cognitions, others have examined the impact of
social processes such as socialization on
moral behaviors (de Leon, 2012; Ochoa, 2016)
and features the social situation on moral
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
judgments (Magno, et. al. 2017; Labor, et. al., pervasive and deep estrangement from the
2014). Although these contemporary three wellsprings of life: the natural
approaches increasingly emphasize the environment, others, and oneself. To
importance of the sociocultural context, the reestablish peace, these vital connections
study of moral psychology in the Philippines need to be restored. Actual cases and related
may be enriched further through the inclusion literature evidence how honouring what is
of Sikolohiyang Pilipino, especially the values “natural” is also a wisdom path to reverently
of pakikipagkapwa-tao and hiya as bases for nurturing our soul/psyche. As espoused in
Filipino morality. In this presentation, I discuss Transpersonal Psychology, “as within, so
potential directions for integrating, expanding, without “ - the more we become connected and
and applying these varied approaches to moral at peace inside, the greater the probability of
psychology. In doing so, this area of attaining more interpersonal harmony and
psychological research may develop towards shared responsibility toward ensuring the
greater local and social relevance, especially in health and survival of the universe. To be re-
addressing issues of justice and human rights embraced by Peace, participants shall be able
in the country. to: *come home to one’s “bodymindspirit “
*attune to one’s needs that long to be heard
and felt *strengthen our will to stay and know
Is there Value in Values Research in the these needs *open new vistas to fulfill these
needs with empowered choice *become more
Philippines? of a nourishing Presence for others *commune
Jay A. Yacat more intimately with Nature for its inherent gifts
University of the Philippines of healing *and celebrate the joy of belonging
to and participating in Life’s evolving universe
In this review, the state of values research in
the Philippines will be discussed - from the
early works of the Institute of Philippine
Culture, the corresponding critique of Learning Session 16: D5
Sikolohiyang Pilipino, and more recent Philippine Psychology and International
attempts to explore and make sense of various Developments
Filipino values. Trends in Philippine research
on values, as well as the gaps in the literature, Miriam P. Cue
will also be examined. Finally, some possible Professional Regulation Commission
future directions in research on values will be
The Chair of the Professional Regulatory
Board (PRB) of Psychology shares the
roadmap and developments and updates in
Philippine Psychology to provide the context
Learning Session 15: D4 to the call for stronger collaboration between
Cultivating Rhythms of Peace Amid PRB and PAP and so that the membership
will have a concrete picture of the way to go.
Stress to Enjoy Psychological Well-
Maria Lourdes Llaneza-Ramos
Ateneo de Manila University

How do we practice Peace that has become

elusive in our postmodern technologically
advanced society spawning a variety of
distress? These maladies are embedded in
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
question of competence; 2) bias:; 3)
Learning Session 17: D6 religious/spiritual abuse of therapeutic
Developing Community-Based techniques: and, 4) therapeutic promises with
Interventions religious claims. The second scoping review
Maria Regina Hechanova resulted to the charting of twenty-four (n = 24)
full text articles from 2007 to 2017. Four
Ateneo de Manila University overarching themes were identified, namely: a)
clients’ right for autonomy and self-
determination; b) cultural sensitivity; c)
practitioner competency issues; and, d)
The Philippine Mental Health RA 11036 recommended guidelines for ethical practice.
mandates all barangays to provide mental Reflections on the contrast of the results of
health services at the community level, both scoping reviews shall be part of the
integration of mental health into curriculum in discourse. In addition, a probable model for
all educational levels, and provide mental ethical decision-making in S/R Counseling and
health promotion. This public mental health Psychotherapy based on the second scoping
perspective provides an opportunity for Filipino review will be presented.
psychologist to be involved in community
based interventions. This session provides an
overview of the process of developing,
implementing and evaluating community- Multiple Relationships in Psychotherapy: a
based interventions. It also highlights the
challenges as well as new competencies Scoping Review
required for interventionists. Angelo Carlo D. Pilapil
Ma. Dinah Espartero-Asiatico
De La Salle University
Symposium 14: D7
Understanding Ethical Issues—Part 1: One of the ethical issues that has eluded
concrete framework of finding resolution is the
Ethical issues in Assessment and dual/multiple relationships in psychotherapy,
Intervention—Scoping Reviews for one, it seems to be unavoidable, and
Maria Caridad Tarroja second, experts have differing opinion about its
Convener risk-benefit ratio in the therapeutic process.
This scoping review aims to (1) identify and
assess the varying view about multiple and
Ethical Considerations in the Integration of dual relationships, (2) see considerations of its
Religion/Spirituality in Counseling and positive and negative effects, (3) evaluate the
Psychotherapy: Two Scoping Reviews contexts where it is usually encountered and
(4) identify the common framework used as
Fritzie Cristina Diaz basis to solve this ethical dilemma. Using
University of Santo Tomas Arksey and O’Malley framework, the search
Sally I. Maximo was conducted in two databases to identify
Saint Louis University dual/multiple relationship in psychotherapy
studies. Review selection, chartering and
Two scoping reviews were conducted on characterization were done by two
separate occasions to map out key concepts independent researchers. Findings through
regarding ethical considerations in the practice charts, tables and results were reported.
of spiritual/religious (S/R) counseling and
psychotherapy. One of these reviews ended
with the synthesis of n=130 articles from 1958
to 2017 and derived the following issues: 1)
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Ethics in Forensic Evaluations and Practice Ethical Issues, Dilemmas, and Decision
with Special Considerations for Juvenile Making in Psychological Assessment: A
Justice: Two Scoping Reviews Scoping Review
Peejay D. Bengwasan Ma. Araceli B. Alcala
Saint Louis University De La Salle University
Erickson A. Amion
Far Eastern College-Silang Though it is well recognized that assessment is
an activity that all subsets of psychologists
Forensic psychology has emerged as a distinct engage in, there has been no structured
specialty area within the broader field of exploration of the common ethical issues and
psychology. Increasingly, psychologists are dilemmas that psychologists encounter. This
playing important roles in this field and have paper scopes the current literature of the
sometimes faced with ethical issues. Hence, different ethical dilemmas encountered by
two scoping reviews were conducted in this psychologists when doing assessment, and
regard. The first explored roles of how these are resolved using a decision-
psychologists in the forensic setting and the making framework. The paper will describe a
ethical issues they face in the practice of scoping methodology outlined by Arksey and
forensic psychology, with a total of 70 relevant
O’Malley (2005), to understand common
research articles identified. Findings indicate
dilemmas encountered in online, school,
that psychologists do appear in court, either as
a court appointed evaluator or an employee of industrial and clinical settings. Issues on
one attorney, typically assume the role of an supervision and teaching assessment are also
expert witness, and can be found practicing described based on the scoping review.
and conducting research in both civil and Recommendations summarizing lessons
criminal legal arenas. Gaps were found in the learned from the literature that has been
area of competence, fidelity and responsibility, scoped, will be outlined.
confidentiality, multiple relationships, use of
appropriate tests and the use of test that fit
individual. The second scoping review of
literature in the past 15 years examined
literature about the ethics of forensic
psychology in dealing with children and Learning Session 18: D9
adolescents in the juvenile justice system. Cultivating the Champion Mindset in the
Eligible studies explored ethical issues Workplace—Series 2: Setting Effective
involving mental health professionals dealing
with juvenile forensic cases. From the 25
studies charted, six major themes were found. Marcus Jarwin A. Manalo
Three themes revealed aspects of ethical Maria Luisa Guinto-Adviento
dilemmas (professional rightfulness vs. University of the Philippines Diliman
lawfulness, vulnerabilities and services in
forensic psychology). Three other themes
proposed solutions to such issues (advocating Research involving athletes, students,
for clients; creating and adhering to ethical professionals and businessmen indicate that
framework; and involving parents and people who set goals and monitor their
caregiving adults). progress, are more successful in achieving
them than those who do not set goals (Duda,
2004, Teo & Low, 2006; Moeller, Theiller & Wu,
2011). Athletes often set long-term goals but
most of the time, they fail to set daily practice
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
goals that will lead them to their ultimate goals. learning objectives, the session will illustrate
On the other hand, team members in an how the course content and teaching
organization are usually clear about their daily pedagogy are developed. Using a sample
goals but may have limited understanding of syllabus, the participants will go through the
how these connect with the top priorities of the outline and flow of the course. The participants
organization. Goal-setting is a simple and will then learn techniques and strategies for
practical mental tool used in most sport facilitating learning. Materials and resources
psychology programs that may be employed in will also be shared. Participants are expected
a variety of work settings to sustain a high level to share their own ideas and experiences in
of motivation to achieve personal and collective developing the course.
goals. The experience of setting a goal,
working toward it, and finally achieving it has a
powerful emotional impact that causes
individuals and groups to continue to strive Symposium 15: D11
higher for the goals they set for themselves.
Drawing from extensive research and practice Community Parent Support
in sport and exercise psychology, this learning Interventions Can Prevent Child
session will (1) discuss the basic framework of Maltreatment: Implementation Process
effective goal-setting, (2) trace the basic steps & Evidence from the Parenting for
in designing a goal-setting plan and its
Lifelong Health
monitoring mechanism, and (3) consider
practical applications in various fields or work Liane P. Alampay
and performance. Convener

Learning Session 19: D10 Results of the Small-Scale Randomized

How to teach the new Undergraduate Controlled Trial of the Masayang Pamilya
Course of Field Methods (MaPa) Program to Prevent Child
Mira Alexis Ofreneo Maltreatment
Ateneo de Manila University Ma. Cecilia D. Alinea
University of the Philippines Manila
Liane Peña Alampay
Learning Objectives This learning session aims Ateneo de Manila University
to: 1. Share knowledge in terms of the basic Jamie M. Lachman
content or general outline of the course Field University of Oxford
Methods; 2. Share skills in terms of
pedagogies, techniques, or strategies for
Maria Victoria Felize Garilao
teaching the course Field Methods; and, 3. Ateneo de Manila University
Develop knowledge and skills in outcome- Bernice Vania Landoy
based education (OBE) by creating a syllabus University of the Philippines Visayas and
based on learning objectives as applied to the Ateneo de Manila University
course Field Methods. Session Content This
learning session will begin with the CHED- Frances Gardner
prescribed syllabus for undergraduate University of Oxford
programs in Psychology: Field Methods. It will Judy Hutchings
go through the learning objectives of the Bangor University
course then illustrate how a syllabus for the
Bernadette J. Madrid
course can be developed following outcome-
based education (OBE). By starting from University of the Philippines Manila
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Catherine L. Ward attendance parents, 3 low attendance parents,
University of Cape Town and 2 parents who were recruited but never
attended, we examined the facilitators and
The 2015 National Baseline Study on Violence barriers to engagement to the Masayang
Against Children revealed the high incidence of Pamilya para sa Batang Pilipino Program
child maltreatment in the Philippines: 80% of (MaPa). Parental engagement was fostered by
youth reported that they experienced some parents’ reported benefits, such as reduction in
form of violence in their childhood; 66% negative child behavior, reduction in harsh
experienced physical violence, with 60% of parenting behavior, and improvements in
these cases occurring in the home. Parent parental emotional wellbeing. Parents also
support interventions have been found to be an alluded to aspects of program delivery, such as
effective means to prevent child maltreatment their facilitators’ skills and concern for them, as
and associated risk factors. The Parenting for additional factors that improved their
Lifelong Health initiative aims to culturally attendance. Barriers to engagement, on the
adapt an evidence-based parenting other hand, included logistical and personal
intervention to prevent child maltreatment, test matters, such as the location of the venue,
the adapted program's feasibility length of the sessions, and absence of child
and acceptability among low-resource Filipino care at home. Our findings indicate the
families, and ultimately test its effectiveness in necessity to provide support to both families
decreasing child maltreatment via a and program staff during enrolment and actual
randomized controlled trial (RCT). The program delivery in order to maximize and reap
parenting intervention program, Masayang the benefits of parental engagement.
Pamilya (MaPa), was tested via a randomized
controlled trial (RCT) with 120 families who
were beneficiaries of the national conditional
cash transfer program, Pantawid Pamilyang Obtaining Evidence of Program
Pilipino Program (4Ps). At post-test, families Effectiveness: Lessons from the Process of
who participated in MaPa reported 53% less
Implementation and Evaluation of the
physical abuse, 44% less emotional abuse,
40% less child neglect, 43% less intimate Masayang Pamilya (mapa) Program
partner violence, and 27% less instances of Bernice Vania Landoy
daily negative child behavior compared to University of the Philippines Visayas and
control group families. However there were no Ateneo de Manila University
effects on other outcomes such as parental
stress and mental health and positive
Maria Victoria Felize Garilao
parenting. Ateneo de Manila University

Obtaining valid evidence that community-

based interventions are effective in attaining
The Voices of Masayang Pamilya (mapa) their objectives is necessary for scientific,
Parents: Facilitators and Barriers to ethical, and practical reasons. However,
Engagement in the Intervention Program integrating evaluation research into program
Liane Peña Alampay implementation is challenging in the real-world
Ateneo de Manila University context, especially in low-resource settings
where the need is greatest and program
evaluation is not the norm. This paper presents
Participant engagement could strengthen and an example of how a small-scale randomized
substantiate individual and public health controlled trial (RCT) of a parenting
benefits of parenting intervention programs. intervention, the Masayang Pamilya Para Sa
Drawing on in-depth interviews with 3 high Batang Pilipino (MaPa) program, was
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
implemented in a low-resource community. It
describes the development and cultural
adaptation of the MaPa program, which aims to
decrease the incidence of child maltreatment.
Moreover, the presentation highlights the best
practices and challenges in adopting an RCT
design to collect the evidence required to
monitor the process of program
implementation and ensure the effectiveness
of the intervention.
Aging, Non-heteronorm Conformity, and
Access to a Sense of Economic Stability
Among Older Filipino Sexual Minority
Maternal Psychological Distress Mediates Women
the Association of Economic Pressure and Adrienne Maguddayao
Child Maltreatment Among Low Income University of the Philippines-Diliman
Filipino Mothers
Liane Peña Alampay This study features the living conditions of six
Mara Patricia Yusingco non-heteronorm conforming older women
residing in Batangas and Metro Manila. It
Ateneo de Manila University
examines the relationship between the
respondents’ experiences of gender-based
Child maltreatment is a pressing national and discrimination and access to economic
global problem which can affect children’s opportunities, as well their sources of support
physical and mental development throughout from family or peers as they face challenges
their lifetime. Pervasive poverty, as is common brought about by aging. In-depth interviews
in low to middle income countries (LMICs) such with five sexual minority women over the age
as the Philippines, is an established risk factor of 60 generated data on experiences of aging
when it comes to child maltreatment. Building in terms of access to economic stability and
on this, this study examines a possible access to basic needs as persons whose
mechanism that links economic hardship with genders do not adhere to the heteronorm.
child maltreatment, namely, the mediating Findings show that older sexual minority
effect of maternal psychological distress. women face common challenges related to
Structured interviews using self-report aging, the most of pressing of which were
questionnaires were conducted with 120 low- health and financial stability.
income mothers with children 2-6years old.
Path analyses showed that higher levels of
economic pressure, as measured by
household hunger, had a positive association
with reports of physical and psychological “Paano Ka Magkaka Boyfriend Nyan?”:
maltreatment via maternal psychological Sexual Minority Women’s Experiences of
distress. Results suggest that economic Everyday Sexism and Heterosexism
pressure has an indirect relation to incidences Beatriz Torre
of child maltreatment through maternal
University of the Philippines-Diliman
psychological distress. This highlights the
importance of maternal mental health in both Stigma and prejudice against minority groups
child protection and child development. can be manifested in many ways, including
expressions of prejudice and displays of
discriminatory behavior in people's daily lives.
For sexual minority women, these can be
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
experienced in the form of everyday sexism (on
the basis of their identity as women) as well as PARALLEL ORAL PRESENTATIONS
in the form of everyday heterosexism (on the E1 TO E12
basis of their sexual identity). The present
September 21, 2018
study uses data from focus group discussions
to explore how organized and non-organized 10:20 AM – 11:50 AM
sexual minority Filipino women construct these
experiences and the ways they respond.
Thematic analysis generated a variety of
themes such as sexism in gender roles and
stereotypes and misconceptions about sexual Symposium 17: E1
minority women. Results support the Teacher Intervention Towards the
importance of considering the ways in which Well-Being of Students
the intersection of gender and sexual Ver Reyes
orientation influence Filipino sexual minority
women’s experiences and constructions of Convener
everyday sexism and heterosexism.

Twitter: Exploring Students’ Emotions on

Social Media
Titibo-Tibo: Life Stories and Experiences of Leonardo Pablo
Filipino Lipstick Lesbians Ver Reyes
Leonasyl Aliki Diaz Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Marikina
University of the Philippines-Diliman
The study explored the emotional valence
displayed from social media accounts of
The present study aims to address the lack of
students, such as twitter, as an alternative
literature on the life stories and experiences of
medium for faculty members to have a better
Filipino lipstick lesbians. Five (5) self-identified
understanding of what students go through.
lipstick lesbians participated in a semi-
The paper looked at publicly accessible twitter
structured interview. This method was
accounts of students from different colleges
employed to explore (a) how they came out as
and universities and analyzed the words used
lesbian, (b) how they self-identify and present
in their tweets. Results showed that tweets of
themselves to others, and (c) their
students displayed varied spectrum of
relationships with other people. Using thematic
emotions and some can indicate students at-
analysis, themes from their stories were
risk. The discusses how early detection of
reviewed and analyzed. Results show that the
emotions displayed in social media platforms
participants did not come out. They were
may help instructors and school administrators
welcomed by their families and friends.
in the developing appropriate interventions to
Although they are in a relationship with a same-
be utilized.
sex partner, they still choose to express
themselves in a feminine manner. Moreover,
they do not agree in conforming to gender roles
in a relationship. Romantic relationships with
other women made it possible for the
participants to be acquainted with themselves
and allowed them to express themselves as a
lesbian to other people.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Desire for Perfectionism and Academic Dissonance Test-Revised, Contingencies of
Procrastination of Arts and Sciences Self-Worth Scale, and the Multidimensional
Perfectionism Scale. Results showed a
Students development of an Eclectic Approach in
Carl Reman Maranan Psychotherapy that aims to help the students
Diane D. Lipat to lessen the dissonance that they have been
Shara May T. Espinol experiencing to maintain a healthy Self-
University of Batangas Presentation and high levels of Self Worth.

Academic compliance of the students is one of

the major challenges affecting the educational
system. Teachers and parents often wonder Mediating Role of Mindfulness on Lack of
why most of them seem to enjoy doing things Emotional Clarity and Disordered Eating
during the last minute when they can do it in Erickson A. Amion
advance. Procrastination seem to be a disease De La Salle University
affecting the educational system and is
affected by a lot of factors including the desire
for perfection. This study aimed to discover if Currently, evidence indicates the presence of
this desire actually leads to putting-off things abnormal eating attitudes among Filipino high
that needs to be done. It also aims to measure school and college students. Evidence and
if there is a difference in the desire for theory suggests that inability to identify and
perfection and academic procrastination of becoming aware of one’s emotions determines
male and female students. This study showed the likelihood of an individual to develop
that females are more affected by the desire for disordered eating and mindfulness has been
perfectionism. It also proved that there is a shown to be related to disordered eating.
significant difference in male and female Employing college students of 55 males and
students’ academic procrastination and desire 151 females, the present study investigated the
for perfection. Recommendations on how role of mindfulness as a potential mediator
faculty members of psychology can better between lack of emotional clarity and
address the issues of perfectionism and disordered eating. Consistent with predictions,
academic procrastination is also discussed. lack of emotional clarity is positively associated
with disordered eating while mindfulness was
found to share an inverse relationship to both
variables. Regression analysis also showed
Cognitive Dissonance, Contingencies of that mindfulness became a significant predictor
Self-Worth, Perfectionistic Self- of disordered eating. Furthermore, the
Presentation in Developing a association between lack of emotional clarity
Psychotherapeutic Approach and disordered eating is fully mediated by
mindfulness which implies that lack of
Lovely Lucky A. Evarretta emotional clarity was related to mindfulness,
Lyceum of the Philippines University - which in turn, was related to greater possibility
Batangas of developing disordered eating. The findings
from the current study add to the current
The principal objective of this study is to literature supporting the use of mindfulness-
determine the level of cognitive dissonance the based interventions for treatment disordered
students from broken homes have been eating that is due to lack of emotional clarity or
experiencing in relation to their Self-Worth and awareness.
ascribed Perfectionistic Self Presentation. The
researcher used mixed method to study 278
respondents from the six key districts of
Batangas. Instruments used include the
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Learning Session 20: E4 Learning Session 21: E5
Fostering Well-being for the LGBT CEO Burnout Risk Factors, Impact on
Person: Insights from Advocacy and Workers Well-Being—Implications for
Practice I/O Psychologists
Jan Gabriel M. Castañeda Joyce Mondejar Dy
ASEAN SOGIE Caucus Adventist Laymen's Services and
Industries (ASI)

It is not always appreciated how experiences

across a lifetime -- particularly experiences of
confusion and exclusion, whether real or At the end of this 90-minute learning session,
imagined -- can significantly alter both a I/O psychologists will be able to: 1. Describe
person's worldview and their daily habits. CEO burnout risk factors; 2. Describe impact of
Whether as an activist or a regular person living risk-factors on workers’ well-being 3. Describe
out their lives as best they can, lesbian, gay, realities versus expectations on workers’ well-
bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people may being 4. Formulate a conceptual model for I/O
often carry with them, to varying degrees, what psychologists in facilitating worker well-being.
has sometimes been called the "living shadows Abstract: CEO burnout risk factors are
of trauma". This learning session is based transferred to KRAs or job targets of
primarily on the proceedings of the executives, managers, technical staff and
"Workshop/Retreat on Wellness and Wellbeing front-line workers. CEOs always prioritize
for LGBTIQ Activists in Southeast Asia" bottom-line targets that will sustain business
conducted by ASEAN SOGIE Caucus last April operations and their job security. Workers
and aims to share insights into both across levels are pressured to achieve these
professional's and layperson's conceptions of targets regardless of internal and external
what it means both to be "well" and to "care for issues the organization/company is facing.
the self" in the context of LGBT people's Oftentimes, well-being is ignored. Consequent
experiences, as well as practical ideas and psycho-social and physiological ill - effects are
techniques used to address LGBT person's reactively addressed by company-provided
unique experiences of trauma. This learning health benefits. These realities provide clues to
session is intended for both research and industrial/organizational psychologists on how
practitioners who wish to broaden their they can formulate worker well-being strategies
knowledge on conceptions of trauma and its that are personally customized and highly
various solutions from both a clinical and dependent on each worker's intentions to
psycho-spiritual standpoint. preserve his/her personal well-being.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Work/Non-work Spillover of Wage Justice
Through Work Capabilities
Symposium 18: E6
Sarah Ellorenco
A Psychological Perspective on Wages
Atene de Naga University
and Capability
Mendiola Teng-Calleja Wage justice literature asserts that it is not the
Convener actual pay that matters to an employee but the
perceived fairness of pay that one receives
based on comparison others. This study
A Psychological Approach to Determining investigated the spillover effect of wage justice
Living Wage for Filipino Workers on life capability. It hypothesized that wage
justice will influence life capability through job
Donald Jay Bertulfo empowerment, job satisfaction, and
Asian Development Bank occupational pride. Using a secondary data
from the Institute of Philippine Culture Living
The concept of a ‘living wage’ implies the Wage data involving 500 surveyed
existence of a wage level at which life becomes respondents, a structural equation modeling
more than ‘bearable’ – a level at and over was employed to examine the relationships of
which capability, rather than subsistence, is the variables. Results revealed that wage
fostered and enabled (Carr et al., 2016). justice significantly predicted all three work
Utilizing data gathered from a large-scale capabilities- job empowerment, job
household survey covering two low-income satisfaction, and occupational pride. However,
and two high-income communities in the only job satisfaction was found to significantly
National Capital Region, this study attempts to influence the relationship between wage justice
obtain an approximation of living wage using a and life capability. This may imply that although
regression technique. An aggregate measure wage justice could be an important factor that
of weighted capability capturing 11 domains of may be considered in fostering positive work
life, consistent with Sen’s conceptualization of outcomes in employees, its influence in non-
capabilities and localized in the Philippine work aspects of the employees’ lives may not
setting (Sycip et al, 2008), is first constructed. be that significant. Implications to research on
Different functional form specifications (e.g. wage justice and capabilities as well as to
linear, quadratic, cubic, logistic, Gompertz and people management practices in work
exponential) were then tested to check which organizations are discussed
functional form best represents the relationship
between income and weighted capability.
Findings show that a logistic curve, one that is
sigmoidal in shape and exhibits diminishing
Capability Gaps: What It Is and Why It
marginal returns to capability, best represents
the relationship between weighted capability Matters in the Workplace
and income. Building on these findings, Ma. Ligaya M. Menguito
approximations of living wage were generated. Ateneo Graduate School of Business
The implications of the study vis-à-vis the
growing theoretical literature on living wages Inadequate income limits one’s capabilities or
are discussed and some further extensions the opportunity to exercise freedom to be and
using other capability measures are proposed. to do whatever one values (Carr et al., 2015;
Sen, 1993). This study determines the
relationship among income, capability gap and
organization citizenship behaviors that benefit
individuals in the workplace (OCB-I). Five
hundred middle and low-income workers that
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
were randomly selected from communities in
the Philippines participated in the survey. Forum 8: E8
Based on regression analysis, capability gap Natural Disasters and Resilient
accounted for greater variance in OCB-I scores
over and above monthly income, controlling for Communities
demographic and work-related control Gail Tan-Ilagan
variables; the higher the capability gap of Moderator
employees, the lower their reported OCB-I.
Capability gap in the housing, social
relationships, and spiritual life domains
significantly moderate the relationship between Boundless Space and Collective Loss: An
income and OCB-I.
Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
of a Flood Induced Displacement
Gaps are not Good: Determining Capability Novee Mae Pabon
Gaps Through the Good Life Dimensions University of the Philippines Los Baños
Jose Antonio R. Clemente
Individuals establish a bond with meaningful
Department of Psychology, places called place attachment. This is
University of the Philippines-Diliman considered by humanistic geographers as a
universal tie that fulfills the basic needs of
The capability approach (CA) to human people, such as a home. The tropical storm
development (Sen, 1993, 2005) is one of the Sendong displaced thousands of families in
many frameworks in economics and Iligan City. Most of these internally displaced
development studies used to assess quality of persons (IDP) totally lost their homes. The
life. While other approaches tend to emphasize Internal Monitoring Displacement Council
the fulfilment of material desires as central to (IDMC) identifies these individuals in a more
well-being, CA focuses on how well people are compromised state of their well-being. Since
able to function and how free they are to pursue the life of a person has to happen somewhere
what they aspire for (Carr et al., 2016; Clark, and while it does, bonds to significant places
2005; Nussbaum, 2011). This study are formed, it is important to consider the
establishes capability gap as a concept that influence of one’s own place of dwelling in
may have significant influence on quality of life. examining the experiences of vulnerable
Using the eleven dimensions of a good life individuals. The study aims to understand how
derived from a research on well-being internally displaced persons make sense of a
conducted by Sycip and colleagues (2008) lost home using an Interpretative
among Filipino respondents, the study Phenomenological Approach (IPA). To
presents a measure of capability gap and contextually explore and identify the essential
describes the perceived capability gaps of 500 features of the person-place relationship,
randomly selected low to middle income unstructured interviews gathered narratives of
Filipino workers. Repeated measures ANOVA nine (9) IDPs. Themes emerged that show a
revealed that (1) physical health and leisure phenomenological portrait of home loss: (a)
were rated as the most and least important Collective Loss; (b) An Ordeal of Place
domains, respectively, for a good life; (2) Disruption; and (c) Placelessness and
freedom to exercise spiritual life and having Recovery (d) Extended Meaning of a Home
savings were rated as the most and least and (e) Implicit Relevance of a Home. These
attainable domains, respectively, based on findings also indicate the multidimensionality of
their current income; and (3) savings and place attachment as proposed by Scannel and
spirituality were respectively perceived as Gifford (2010) in their PPP (person-place-
having the highest and lowest capability gap. process) framework.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
The Efficacy of EMDR-IGTP to the initiatives, harnessing resources, and aiding in
Adolescent Earthquake Survivors of Ormoc reflecting. These four actions make up the
process of leadership in empowering a
City, Leyte community. An additional leadership action
Ma. Lourdes Medina emerged that ties the four steps, the act of
EMDR Philippines nurturing hope. The nurturance of hope was
Joseph G. Marquez seen to be embedded both in the actions of
Hospicio de San Jose/ EMDR Philippines leader and in the resulting processes itself
within the community.

This study investigated the efficacy of EMDR

Integrative Group Treatment Protocol (IGTP) to
the adolescents Ormoc City, Leyte traumatized Forum 9: E9
by the earthquake of August 2017. The Turning Points in Life Experiences
researcher gathered data from 1034
adolescent students from Ormoc City. The Glenn G. Glarino
participants underwent EMDR-IGTP as an Moderator
early intervention from the natural disaster. On
the basis of the result of the research, it can be
concluded that the use of EMDR-IGTP for the
The Narratives of Former Roman Catholic
adolescent survivors of the earthquake have
lessen the level of anxiety. This research Clerics and Nun in Western Visayas
hoped to offer the use of EMDR-IGTP as an Daisy May F. Fornier
early intervention to the victims of man-made Silliman University
and natural disasters.

Introduction. This study aspires to gain a

A Grounded Theory on the Role of Leaders deeper understanding of the life of the Roman
in the Empowerment Process in Building Catholic clerics, their joys and pains in the
Resilient Impoverished Rural Filipino ministry and the circumstances that led to their
decision to leave religious or pastoral life.
Communities Stricken by Typhoons Method. Informants were interviewed using the
Camille Therese C. Yusay semi-structured questionnaire designed to
Mara Patricia Y. De Guzman explore the motives of the participants for
Ateneo de Manila University joining the ministry, their experiences in the
pastoral life and the circumstances that led to
their resignation. An Interpretative
This study aims to develop a theoretical
Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to
understanding of the role of leaders in building
look into the detailed descriptions of the
resilience in poor rural communities post
experiences of two former clerics and a former
extreme disaster events using the grounded
nun in a diocese in Western Visayas. This
theory method. Interviews were conducted with
study is part of the requirement in a qualitative
key informants (n=5) with varying expertise
research class in the Graduate School thus,
working in the field of disaster mitigation. Data
the limited number of respondents. Results and
were analyzed through the four-step grounded
Discussion. A pattern of themes emerged from
theory process proposed by Glaser & Strauss
their accounts and there were seven salient
(1967). A theoretical model was
themes grouped into four super-ordinate
conceptualized describing the actions a leader
clusters: motivation for joining the priesthood
must enact in order to empower members of an
and religious life; experiences in the ministry;
affected community towards resilience. These
crisis in the ministry; availability of support
actions are: immersing of self, organizing of
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
mechanism; leadership style of the superior; of data, the study ended up concluding that
difficulty in making the decision and psychological incapacity is the only cause in
reconciliation with the church. the declaration of the nullity of the participants’
marriage. Descriptions of the psychological
incapacity based on this research were given
and summarized as the husband is a drug
Reimagining a Life After the War on Drugs: addict and liar; the wife was always beaten by
the dependent, alcoholic, gambler, and drug
Stories of Young Urban Poor Filipinos in dependent husband. Husband who should be
Families with Parental Drug Misuse the financial provider has no permanent work
Camille Therese C. Yusay and the worst and most painful for a mother
Ateneo de Manila University was when the children were beaten by their
father who can be psychologically classified as
anti-social with the underlying narcissistic
This qualitative study aims to explore the
personality traits, pathological lying, and
stories of young urban poor Filipino family
pathological gambler with impulse-control
members living with recovering parental drug
disorder. The problems encountered by
users who have surrendered during the
battered women when filing for a nullity of
Philippine war on drugs. In-depth interviews
marriage is its long process and the large
were conducted with 13 youth participants
amount of money to be paid for a package deal
ranging from 13-19 years of age. Using
process to the lawyer. Annulled women
Stephen and Breheny’s (2013) integrated
described themselves after their nullity of
approach to narrative analysis, I described how
marriage as being free from pains, they
young family members living in poverty
become stronger and persevering. They
struggle and make sense of their parent’s drug
gained more self-confidence because they are
use and surrendering. I also discuss the
free from emotional burdens, they are working
complex interplay of social structures in an
hard for their children and most of all; they now
urban poor Filipino community that contribute
have a “friendly” life. In moving on, they
to a sense of normalcy in drug use. Implications
practiced meditation, and exercise thinking
of the findings may help inform ways to develop
aloud on how their case on nullity of marriage
and advocate interventions that are congruent
would be successful. Social support also
to the needs of poor youths and their family.
played a very important part in letting go as well
as no feeling of bitterness which helps them in
looking for a positive outlook in life after their
annulment. As an upshot of this study and to
The Annulled Women and Their Manner in be able to help the abused women to expedite
Moving On the process of annulment, a resolution
Jellian T. Ricafrente addressing the problem encountered was
crafted. Moreover, based on findings, a
Marinduque State College realization was drawn like: “psychological
incapacity” to the most serious cases of
This particular study was conducted to personality disorders clearly demonstrative of
investigate the causes as a ground for the an utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning
nullity of marriage, to define the problems and significance to the marriage.
encountered during the case process and to
know how people who seek annulment feel into
making-up stories or lying about their previous
failed marriage. In order to gather the
necessary data, observation and interviews
were conducted to the annulled women who
have undergone the process of Declaration of
Nullity of Marriage. Through careful treatment
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Road to retirement: Attitudes and
Learning Session 22: E10
practices on pre-retirement planning in a
Adapting Solution Focused Brief
government agency
Therapy for Grief and Loss Issues
Pedro P. Galeno, Jr.
Maria Angela Virata
Central Philippine University
InTouch Community Services
Leah Cejo Gedor-Galilea
DENR 6 Regional Office, Iloilo City
Solution Focused Brief Therapy is interested in
looking for client’s strengths, resources and
This is a descriptive-correlational study capabilities toward managing their own
conducted to determine the attitudes and problems and helping them find solutions in
practices on pre-retirement planning among small, workable steps. Studies show building
the DENR 6 personnel aged 50 to 60 years old on successes is easier than looking at deficits.
in Iloilo City. Specifically, the study sought to Change is more likely when individuals
describe these personnel in terms of their experience themselves as being competent,
personal and work-related characteristics capable and successful and having some
(gender, personal monthly income, length of control over their lives. Participants will learn
service, and position/designation in the office) how key Solution Focused Brief Therapy
and whether these influenced their attitude questions like the miracle question, affirming
towards and practices on pre-retirement strengths and resources, finding exceptions,
planning. The study also sought whether there coping and scaling can be adapted to dealing
is a relationship between attitudes towards pre- with grief and loss issues. How to help people
retirement planning and pre-retirement with normal grieving vs. complicated grief will
planning practices. A researcher-formulated all be highlighted.
survey questionnaire was administered among
the 90 DENR 6 personnel. Frequency
distributions, percentages, and means, as well
as Chi-square test of association were used to
analyze the data. The respondents had Forum 10: E11
unfavorable attitude towards pre-retirement Assessment in Various Contexts
planning, although they practiced to a great Ma. Angeles Lapena
extent pre-retirement planning related
activities. It also showed that the respondents'
personal monthly income, length of service,
and position/designation in the office have
bearing on their pre-retirement planning
Assessing the Latent Factor Structure
practices. Finally, the study revealed that the
attitude towards pre-retirement planning of the Models of Kessler Psychological Distress
respondents has a bearing on their pre- Scale
retirement planning practices. Geraldine P. Go
Imelu G. Mordeno
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of

Symptoms of psychological distress are

common indicators of almost all psychiatric
disorders. The non-specific, transdiagnostic
nature of psychological distress symptoms
substantially affect the severity of one’s
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
psychiatric condition. It is vital to assess are comprised of items that do not conform to
psychological distress accurately to be able to DSM-5 SAD criteria. This research seeks to
understand better its role in the etiology and utilize item-symptoms that directly map into
maintenance of psychological disorders. DSM-5 SAD symptomatology. Two studies
Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (KPDS) were conducted to assess evidence of the
was developed with this purpose – to scale’s validity and reliability. In study 1,
specifically examine the severity of findings from exploratory factor analysis
psychological distress. Despite vast research provided evidence for a 5-item one-factor
confirming the validity of KPDS, only few SADDS-SF. The results also showed that
studies have investigated its psychometric SADDS-SF is significantly related to fear of
properties in an Asian sample, particularly positive and negative evaluation, and subtle
among women who experienced intimate avoidance. In study 2, confirmatory factor
partner violence (IPV). This study seeks to analysis was conducted using data from the
address this gap by exploring the symptom sample of 645 left-behind children of overseas
structure of KPDS and determine further Filipino workers. The latent factor structure of
evidences of its validity. A sample of 479 IPV the 5-item SADDS-SF demonstrated an
victims answered KPDS and scales assessing excellent fit. The new SADDS-SF was also
IPV, inhibition, and somatization. The results significantly associated with disability
showed that of the four competing models, assessment and negatively related with
Kessler et al.’s (2010) K6 model has the best- academic flourishing. Overall, the findings
fit and high internal consistency. Further, provide evidences of the utilizability, reliability,
psychological distress, based on the K6 latent and validity of SADDS-SF. Additionally, the
model, significantly mediated the relationship results support the latent factor structure of
between IPV and somatization. Overall DSM-5 SAD nomenclature. Keywords: social
findings suggest that this scale, in its K6 anxiety disorder, DSM-5-based, development,
version, is reliable, valid, and can be of use to validation
Filipinos in assessing psychological distress.

Michelle Ferolino Paul Ryan O. A Machine Learning Approach for

Deopante Identifying Stress and Burnout Markers in
Imelu G. Mordeno Communications of High Pressure
Examining DSM-5 Social Anxiety Disorder Workplace
Symptoms: Validating the Proposed SADDS Angela A. Yu
Short-Form Scale University of the Philippines-Diliman;
Michelle Anne L. Ferolino Rumarocket Limited
Paul Ryan O. Deopante Kathleen Paige A. Yu
Imelu G. Mordeno Rumarocket Limited
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute
of Technology This study seeks to develop a deep learning
approach to identifying stress and burnout
Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD) is characterized patterns in the written communications of
by an intense fear of negative evaluation employees in high pressure workplaces.
experienced by individuals in social situations. Through machine learning, this research aims
With the recent changes made in the DSM-5 to develop a predictive model to accurately
diagnostic criteria for SAD, numerous concerns identify employees who are at a high risk for
were raised regarding the limitations of existing experiencing psychological distress and
measures. Most of the scales assessing SAD burnout. Natural language processing and
clustering was used to synthesise and develop
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
common themes and positive or negative predictor than years of education while gender
sentiment classification for written was not a good predictor of MCI. The
communications of approximately 1,900 interaction between years of education and
employees in an organisation. Their natural cognitive functioning, interaction between
language was used as a predictor of stress and cognitive functioning and activities of daily
burnout markers in the workplace. Moreover, living as well as the interaction among
the predictions generated by the machine cognitive functioning, activities of daily living,
learning were validated through and behavioral-psychological symptoms did
comprehensive psychological testing: the not contribute significantly in the model.
Depression and Anxiety Scale 21 (DAS-21) Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) Curve
and the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBi) as analyses determined that the optimum cut-off
measures of stress and burnout, the Grit Scale score was ≤24 for the MoCA-P , ≤97.5 for the
(Duckworth, 2009) and a Fixed/Growth DAD and ≤4 for the NPI-Q in discriminating
Mindset Evaluation (Dweck, 2002) to better MCI from normal aging. Implications for
understand their behavioral characteristics and cognitive screening and neuropsychological
the HEXACO personality assessment assessment in older adults were presented.
inventory to capture their personality traits.
Through these methods, the researchers
sought to develop a predictive, personality and
behavioural model, to accurately identify high Learning Session 23: E12
risk individuals in stressful workplaces. The Data Privacy Act and Its
Ultimately, the study intends to explore the Implications on Clinical Psychology
contribution of machine learning in the field of
psychological assessment. Practice: An Introduction
Atty. Romel Bagares
Lawyer, Data Privacy Consultants
Early Identification of Mild Cognitive Angel Averia, Jr.
Impairment (MCI) Using Brief IT Expert, Data Privacy Consultants
Neuropsychological Measures Among
Filipino Elderly This session introduces Clinical Psychology
Primitivo B. Mactal, Jr. Practitioners to the 2012 Data Privacy Act. The
St. Luke's Medical Center presentation seeks to create an awareness of
the salient provisions of The Data Privacy Act
and introduce the participants to a roadmap
This study tested three hierarchical binary that leads to compliance to the Data Privacy
logistic regression models to determine which Act. The following topics will be discussed in
variables were the best predictors of MCI as this introduction: 1) Data Privacy Principles; 2)
well as established the additive value of the Rights of the Data Subject (client); 3)
neuropsychological measures after controlling Processing of Personal Information: the Data
for the effects age, gender and years of Life Cycle; 4) Security of Personal Information;
education. Participants consisted of 1,294 5) Accountability of the Personal Information
Filipino elderly from the Marikina Memory and Controller; 6) Unauthorized Acts and Penalties;
Aging Project. Results showed that the best 7) Why comply?; and 8) The Road to
predictor of MCI was the interaction of Compliance
cognitive functioning measure and behavioral
(psychological) symptoms. The main effects of
cognitive functioning, activities of daily living,
and behavioral-psychological symptoms are
the next best predictors. Among the
demographic variables, age was a better
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Symposium 19: F2
Protection Mechanisms for Youth in
F1 TO F12
Filipino Transnational Families
September 21, 2018
Madelene Sta Maria
1:-00 PM – 2:30 PM

Depression Among Transnational Filipino

Youth as Predicted by Self-Esteem,
Learning Session 24: F1 Maternal Monitoring, and Involvement
Teaching Psychology in the Undergrad: with Peer Activities
An Inquiry into Pedagogical Meaning & Shayne Polias & Jason Go
Purpose De La Salle University
Angelito Antonio Natalie Brinas, Rommel Malijan,
University of Asia and the Pacific Adrian Ilagan & Yvette Atienza
San Pablo Colleges
Have you ever thought of spending some time Opportunities to work abroad have led to an
thinking about “why you teach” and “what it is increase in number of Filipino parents leaving
that you do when you teach?” This learning the country in order to give a better life for their
session aims to engage participants who are children. This has helped those children left-
handling Psychology courses in the behind to have a good education and better
undergraduate program reflect on their healthcare compared to others whose parents
teaching approaches. Models of teaching and are working in the country. However, studies
learning that are relevant to the practice of have found that there are also negative effects
teaching psychology will be used as framework of belonging to a transnational family on
for the discussion. Part of the learning session children’s well-being, particularly on
will delve on the use of the Teacher Behavior depression. Anchored on Bioecological model,
Checklist (TBC, Buskist, Sikorski, Buckley, & where a person’s interaction with its
Saville, 2002) as a tool for assessing one’s environment is given emphasis, this study
teaching. Who can attend or benefit from this investigated the possible cause of depression
learning session: Beginning using family structure (intact vs. non-intact),
teachers/instructors in Introductory parental monitoring, involvement with peer
Psychology, junior and senior activities, gender, and self-esteem.
faculty/professors in the undergraduate Correlational and multiple regression analyses
program were done using survey data from 557 high
school and college students in a private school
in Laguna. Findings revealed that involvement
with deviant peer activities, gender, self-
esteem and maternal monitoring are predictors
of depression, but not family structure. This
result showed that the absence of one or two
parents does not necessarily lead to
depression, and that there are different factors
in the child’s environment that can cause such.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Depression Among Filipino Adolescents in The Relationship of Parental
a Transnational Family: The Role of Family Communication and Suicide Ideation
Mattering and Family Resilience as Among Children Left Behind
Protective Factors Rechel Arcilla, Madelene Sta. Maria &
Christopher Devera & Ena Cruz Paul Arcega
De La Salle University De La Salle University

The Filipino transnational family, where one The study examined the influence of
parent is away as an overseas worker, poses communication with mother on suicide ideation
challenges to adolescent children in terms of among children left behind in Filipino
mental health. Common among adolescents is transnational family structures. Data were from
depression. The evidence, however, shows 559 Filipino senior high and university students
that several family processes serve as whose fathers, mothers, or both parents were
protective mechanisms against depression. labor migrants. The respondents were
The sense of family mattering provides young assessed using various rating scales
people the sense that they hold a valued measuring family, peer and school variables.
position in the family. Time spent with family in Age, gender of child, transnational family
shared activities is, thus, essential. Shared structure, socioeconomic status were used as
family experiences provide adolescents with covariates. We used an item on suicide
the perception that the family is efficacious, behaviors from a Youth Risk Behavior Survey
especially in overcoming adverse events. This that measured suicide ideation. Two forward
study sought to explore the mediating role of conditional binary logistic regressions were
family resilience in the relationship between performed on all variables, with communication
family mattering and depressive symptoms, as of mother remaining as the sole significant
affected by gender. Data from 314 students predictor. Results showed that female children
from Rizal and Laguna (mean age = 17.11 with low communication with mothers were
years; SD = 1.978) was analyzed using more prone to suicidal ideation. The results are
moderated mediation through PROCESS by consistent with past research on intact two-
Hayes. Results showed that the child’s gender parent households. This suggests that the role
did not play a moderating role. However, family of the mother, when maintained in a single
resilience meditated the effect of family parent home due to labor migration, buffers the
mattering on depression for both males (- risk of suicide ideation.
.2020, CI95% = -.3158, -.1099) and females (-
.1471, CI95% =- .2578, -.0721). Adolescents in
transnational families need more than just the
feeling that they are valued by their parents to The Influence of Parental Communication
combat depression. For family mattering to be and Attachment on Alcohol Use: The
a protective factor against depression, it must Moderating Role of Perception of Family
result in the experience of the family as resilient Resilience
enough to overcome the absence of one parent Madelene Sta. Maria &
Paul Arcega
De La Salle University

Studies have shown that indicators of family

resilience, such as positive family interactions
and high levels of family intimacy, have positive
moderating effects on youth’s alcohol use. The
purpose of this study is to examine the
moderating effect of the perception of family
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
resilience in the relationship of parental studies had significantly higher self-esteem
communication and attachment and the young than younger mothers. Both studies yielded no
person’s alcohol use. We argue that parental significant differences in self-esteem between
communication and attachment will influence dual role mothers (wife and mother) and
lower levels of alcohol use only when these multiple role mothers (wife, mother and
parental factors are perceived by the child as worker). No significant differences in self-
indications of his or her family’s resilience. Two esteem were found, too, among mothers with
models were tested: one for the father’s varying levels of educational attainment.
communication and attachment, and another Lastly, both studies showed no significant
for the mother’s. Utilizing data from 559 Filipino relationship between maternal self-esteem and
senior high and university students from self-perceived parenting competence.
transnational families, binary logistic Implications of results to development of
regression found that perceptions of family maternal self-esteem were presented. Key
resilience had positive moderating effects on words: maternal self-esteem, self-perceived
decreased levels of alcohol use among our parenting competence, role occupancy
respondents who report higher levels of
maternal attachment and communication.
These results highlight the role of
communication and bonding relationships with
the mother in the context of the family’s efforts Investigating Vulnerability Factors of
to restore balance from disorganization Parents who Trafficked their Children in
resulting from work migration. Cyberpornography
Jeremiah Edward Bohol
Forum 11: F3 Emmanuel Hernani
Parenting and Parental Issues Cebu Normal University
Gina Lamzon Kalayaan Dungog
Moderator BJMP

Even in the 21st century, human trafficking is

Maternal Self-esteem, Self-Perceived still prevalent. Chief among them, especially in
the Southeast Asian region is
Parenting Competence, Role Occupancy, cyberpornography. In this qualitative study,
and Demographic Traits researchers determined the factors that
Carmen M. Sabino motivate perpetuators to participate in his
Ateneo de Davao University inhumane trade, particularly the parents. In
partnership with Bureau of Jail Management
This comparative study analyzed the results of and Penology Region 7, we interviewed six
similar studies done by the same researcher, women, who were mothers and charged with
focusing on possible significant differences in human trafficking through cyberpornography.
self-esteem of mothers of pre-schoolers in in Thematic analysis revealed that socio-
2000 and 2018, (N=86 and N= 35, economic background is not the only cause for
respectively) when grouped according to role vulnerability of human trafficking. Other
occupancy status, age, and level of important factors surfaced such as family
educational attainment. Significant relationship history, parental roles, educational
between maternal self-esteem and self- background, the type of community, lack of
perceived parenting competence was also knowledge with the exploitation, and
looked into in both studies. Results showed inadequate support from the local government.
that older mothers in both 2000 and 2018
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Voice of LGB Children of Law Enforcers: A of media devices affects the quality of parent-
Qualitative Study child interaction. Research showed the
parents commonly employ three types of
Flor Villa Marticio, Hazel Velasco, Joy mediation strategies such as active mediation,
Flores, Jun L. Tayaben, Myrtle C. Orbon restrictive mediation, and co-use/co-viewing or
Mylene Gumarao & Eva Castillo termed as joint media engagement. Positive
Adventist University of the Philippines interactions with parents are said to be one
important contextual factor for early child
development, which in turn can influence
The present study aimed to understand the
cognitive activities such as play and language
experiences of LGB children of law enforcers.
skills. Oppositely, the presence of both adult-
Children tend to be associated with parents’
directed and child-directed television
work and that among law enforcers, the
programs has been shown to reduce the
“macho” and “decent” image play an important
overall quantity and quality of parent–child
role. This qualitative study focused on their
interactions compared to free play sessions
feelings as LGB and the challenges they
without media. Implications of the quality of
experienced as children of law enforcers.
parent-child interactions on children’s learning
There were five (5) LGB participants in the
were also discussed.
study. Interviews were conducted, the data
was recorded, transcribed and analyzed.
Thematic analysis was used to analyze the
data. The results have shown that LGB feels
scared that their parents’ reputation might be Learning Session 25: F4
ruined due to their sexual preference. They are Healing Program of the New Beginnings
scared that they might not be understood and (NB) Girls
accepted by their parents and that they might Beatrix Aileen L. Sison & Queenie
not fulfil the behavioral standards as raised by
Romina A.
their law enforcers parent. The challenging
experiences of LGB include being insulted, Cezar CRIBS Foundation
judged, and shamed in front of other people. Rosalea Cornelia A. De Leon
The implications are discussed in the study. West Visayas State University

Parenting in the digital age: Parental The Cribs Foundation offers psycho-social
mediation and children’s digital media use therapeutic interventions as well as custodial
Annalyn DG Capulong care to children. Its New Beginnings (NB)
University of the Philippines-Diliman program is focused on helping girls who have
been sexually abused and exploited recover,
This literature review examined the role of heal, and reclaim their lives. The Cribs
parental mediation on young children’s digital orphanage on the other hand takes care of
media use. With the ubiquity of newer digital abandoned babies and readies then for
media (e.g., tablets and smartphones) in the possible adoption. This proposed learning
lives of young children, parents have raised session will focus on the NB program of the
concerns regarding the negative impact of foundation. Specifically, we will present 3
these devices in children’s development. The papers with the following topics: Healing
parental mediation theory suggests that Program of the NB girls; NB Girls Anger
parents find ways to manage their children’s Management Lessons; and, Thematic Analysis
digital media use. Particularly, this research of NB Girls Song Choices. Healing Program
looked into the types of parental mediation (Sison). The girls who have experienced
strategies employed by parents to regulate sexual abuse need to be given the time, space,
their children’s media use and how presence and interventions that will aid in their recovery.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
This paper presents the NB healing program be used in helping both the victim and
which is specifically designed for the unique perpetrator of CB, (4) present the results of
psycho-social needs of the girls. Insights meta-analysis on CB studies on the
regarding the implementation of the program phenomenon of CB
are presented by the author. Anger
Management (de Leon). One of the more
challenging needs of the NB girls is managing
their anger and irritation. The module that will Forum 12: F6
be presented in this paper was designed to Prosocial Behavior
address this need. Results of the module
Clarissa Delariarte
implementation includes insights from the girls
garnered during the processing of the Moderator
sessions. Song Choices (Cezar). Music is one
of the mediums of expression and healing for
the NB girls. This paper focuses on the
thematic analysis of the songs the girls choose Developing A Measure For Filipino
to listen to during the individual and small group
sessions. The same analysis is also done on Dispositional Gratitude (Utang Na Loob)
the song lyrics that the girls’ request from the Sheila Marie Pamfilo
therapists outside of the sessions. Cavite State University-Imus Campus

In order to develop a scale that could measure

Filipino Dispositional Gratitude (Utang na
Learning Session 26: F5 loob), sequential exploratory mixed method
What do Helping Professionals Need to research design was employed. Items were
Know on Cyberbullying: Prevention and prepared based on the indicators drawn from
Intervention the qualitative analysis of participants’
responses from open-ended survey (n=578).
Elmerando T. Mores Through expert validation, four (4) forms were
De La Salle - College of St. Benilde created from splitting the retained items (f=240)
into halves (f=120) and by separating the
English and Filipino versions of the items. The
The rise of social media has resulted in forms were administered to college students
significant problems involving privacy and self- (16 to 39 years old). The sample size was more
disclosure and cyberloafing; and addiction, than the suggested value for finding a factor
anxiety, loneliness, and depression. solution (n=200) and for computing estimates
Collectively, these negative outcomes, often of reliability (n= 200) and validity (n= 82) based
described as deviant behaviors, are a on collected literatures. A 48-item scale with 5-
cautionary tale in the widespread proliferation factor solution was obtained through Principal
of social media. Perhaps the most commonly Component Analysis. Cronbach’s alpha value
reported online deviant act is cyberbullying of the 5 factors ranged from 0.73 to 0.89 while
(Lowry, Moody, & Chatterjee, 2017). This its overall scale was .945 while the correlation
learning session on “What Helping of the scores in English and Filipino versions of
Professionals Need to Know on Cyber Bullying the scale was r = 0.754.Construct validity
(CB): Prevention and Intervention” aims to (1) estimates from correlating the overall scale and
understand critically what (CB) is and its its factors to Gratitude Questionnaire-6 ranged
implication to adolescent’s mental health, (2) from r = 0.40 to r = .066 whereas their
recognize the role of the helping professionals correlation to Internet Addiction Test ranged
(e.g., psychologists, guidance counselors, and from r=.154 to r= .007.
teachers) in the prevention of CB, (3) acquire
knowledge and effective interventions that can
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Knowledge and Attitudes Towards Organ Volunteer Meaning and Functions: A Path
Donation: A Mixed-Methods Study Analysis from Emotional Intelligence to
Ma. Elizabeth Macapagal Flow
Ateneo de Manila University Paolo Rafael N. Hulog, Jason Christian C.
Bernadette E. Ordoña, Benita S. Padilla & Ascan, Jan Patrick G. Gutierrez, Chester
Genevieve J. Lukban Carla D.G. Ruales, Joshua Michael L. Nerie
National Kidney and Transplant Institute & Jiyoung Kang
Far Eastern University - Manila
Rates of deceased organ donation vary
worldwide but it has remained low in the Strength-based traits such as Bayanihan, a
Philippines despite the increasing demand for unique Filipino value associated with
organs and increasing prevalence of diseases volunteerism, is an area of research study
requiring transplantation in the country. The within the field. Literature reviews support that
participation of the public is an important factor flow is associated with emotional intelligence
for the success of deceased organ donation and its sub-factors. The study hypothesized
programs. As such, it is relevant to understand that flow in volunteer works may be determined
the knowledge and attitudes of the Filipinos on by an individual’s emotional intelligence, which
deceased organ donation. The current study is mediated by meaning and functions. A
used a mixed-methods design with a focus sample of Filipino collegiate volunteers from
group discussion among health care Metro Manila (N=230) was administered with
professionals involved in organ transplantation four scales: Genos Emotional Intelligence
and a survey of 384 respondents in Metro Inventory (Genos EI), Volunteer Functions
Manila. Four themes emerged from the FGD Inventory (VFI), Work and Meaning Inventory
namely, negative consequences of organ (WAMI), and Work-Related Flow Inventory
donation, physical appearance/mutilation at (WOLF). Path analysis was used in evaluating
death, benefits of organ donation, and beliefs the goodness of fit of the model to the gathered
about organ donation including brain death. empirical data. Results have shown that
These themes were used as categories for the emotional intelligence fails to suggest a direct
survey. The survey also included knowledge path to flow; however, a series of mediated
questions about organ donation. Survey results paths through meaning, understanding
revealed that the respondents generally had function, and protective functions do predict
average to high knowledge about organ flow among volunteers. The study suggests
donation. Around 55% of the respondents that from emotional intelligence, there are skill
indicated their willingness to donate organs acquisition and ego-defensive natures of
upon their death. Predictor variables of organ volunteerism as well as meaning making paths
donation were explored in this study and that lead to flow. The result of the study shed
implications for increasing awareness and light in understanding volunteerism among
willingness to donate organs are discussed. Filipino college students contextualized in
meaning and functions.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Skin color and ‘Chinese’-sounding names: Emerging adulthood is a significant period of
Preferential biases among university development among the youth. This study
sought to determine Filipino emerging adults’
students perception of transition-to-adulthood themes
Ronald del Castillo as well as their thoughts and feelings about
University of the Philippines-Manila emerging adulthood in relation to their well
being. The transition to adulthood themes were
In the Philippines historical sociocultural based on the Inventory of the Dimensions of
structures suggest implicit preference for Emerging Adulthood (IDEA) which consists of
lighter skin color and perceived prestige or six dimensions: identity exploration,
advantage for Filipinos of Chinese descent. experimentation/possibilities,
Although skin color and ancestry are artifactual negativity/instability, other-focused, self-
constructs independent of perceived ability or focused and feelings in-between. The survey
other traits, contemporary Filipino culture might study was conducted with students in a rural
contain ancestral representations of historical university in La Union (N=90, x ̅ age = 21). The
biases. In a randomized controlled experiment, emerging adult respondents of this study
participants were presented with vignettes. In belong to 18-20 age bracket and that they
the skin color scenario, one condition included reside with their parents. They are mostly
a picture of a subject in lighter skin tone; the Catholic and believed to be liberal Christian.
other condition showed the exact same picture Moreover, they have moderate exposure and
with a darker skin tone. In the ‘Chinese’- have a high regard to their religious beliefs and
sounding name scenario, subjects had the last practices. Results reveal that the respondents
name of ‘Tan’ or ‘Lim’; the other condition agree on these transition-to-adulthood themes.
included the last name of ‘Reyes’ or ‘Santos.’ However, analysis using multiple linear
Content of all vignettes were otherwise regression, reveal that these themes do not
identical. Participants showed preferential have a significant contribution in explaining
biases towards lighter skin color and ‘Chinese’- variation in their well-being. Important
sounding names. implications about the nature of emerging
adulthood among young Filipinos are
discussed. Key Words: emerging adulthood,
religiosity, well-being

Forum 13: F8
Identity and Young Adulthood Emerging and Young Adults’ Receptiveness
John Manuel Kliatchko to Social Inclusion vis-à-vis Sense of
Moderator National Identity
Melissa Lopez Reyes

“Having the Best Time of my Life”: The Self The impetus for this research is the seeming
in Emerging Adulthood dialectics between a people’s sense of national
identity and an increasingly socially inclusive
Maria Elena V. Milan and globalized world. Arguably, a nation must
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State sustain its values of national identity even as it
University/De La Salle University engages in multicultural relations and
international cooperation. With the self-
explorations that emerging adults do, it is
hypothesized that they are wont to be more
receptive to both multicultural relations and
international cooperation than older adults.
Multilevel analyses of data from 33 countries of
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
the latest (2013) National Identity Module of the achieved identity remains to be the goal of an
International Social Survey Program show that emerging adult’s identity development. In
emerging and young adults have a more understanding the association between
positive attitude towards immigrants; this parenting styles and identity development the
attitude also is predicted by the lesser influence of cultural values and parental
importance that adults give to birth, ancestry, socialization must be taken into consideration.
and citizenship as markers of national identity.
Agreement with measures to protect one’s
country’s interests is greater among middle Mediating Role of Identity on Parental
and late adults than with emerging and young
adults; this agreement also is predicted by Involvement, Risk Behaviors among
adults’ pride in one’s country. For both attitude Emerging Adults
towards immigrants and agreement to proect Marvin Franz Samala
country’s interests, the effects of their De La Salle University
respective predictors vary across countries.
Country comparisons of emerging adults’ The study focused on whether the different
receptiveness to social inclusion will be identity statuses would mediate the
discussed in the light of the Identity Process relationship between the two forms of parental
Theory. involvement and the engagement in risk
behaviors among Filipino emerging adults. It
was also determined whether the two forms of
parental involvement would significantly predict
the engagement in risk behaviors. Using the
Emerging Adulthood: Identity status and scales of Psychological Control Scale – Youth
Parenting Styles Self-Report (Barber, 1996), Child Report of
Justin Vianey Embalsado Parent Behavior Inventory (Schaefer, 1965),
Extended Version of the Objective Measure of
De La Salle University Ego-Identity Status (Bennion & Adams, 1986),
and Domain-Specific Risk-Taking Scale for
The psychosocial development of emerging Adult Populations (Blais, & Weber, 2006)., a
adults is characterized by the development of survey was conducted to 361 Filipino emerging
an achieved ego identity (Kroger & Marcia, adults whose ages are 18 to 25 years old.
2011). This development is influenced by the Results show that parental psychological
parental environment (Darling & Steinberg, control could lead to an identity foreclosure
1993). A one-way multivariate analysis was status which in turn could lead certain levels of
conducted to predict the associations between engagement in risk behaviors. Parental
the different parenting styles and identity support could also lead to an identity
statuses. According to the results, there was a moratorium status which in turn could lead to
significant difference in the perceived parenting certain levels on engagement in risk behaviors.
styles of the emerging adults ( N = 203) based On the other hand, the two forms of parental
from their identity status, F( 8, 392 ) = , p = involvement also predicted certain levels of the
0.033; Wilk’s Λ = .919, partial η2 = 0.41. The engagement in risk behaviors. Limitations and
test between the independent and dependent further studies were mentioned in this study.
variables did not yield any significant results to
the hypothesized pairings. To further
understand the variances among the variables
a discriminant analysis was conducted, it
revealed that the achieved identity status lead
to the variances between the parenting styles
and identity status, obtaining a canonical
correlation of r = - 0.614. In the Filipino context,
regardless of the perceived parenting style an
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
duty as covariates, their intentions to campaign
Symposium 20: F9 and to vote likewise were significantly lower for
Political Psychology Symposium on when the candidates were presented with
Philippine Elections 1 some negative information, regardless of sex.
Diwa Malaya Quiñones Moreover, greater similarity with the candidate
and participants’ perceptions of voting as a
Convener duty acted as significant covariates of intention
to campaign. For the intention to vote,
however, it was the greater similarity with the
Looking into the Future: Antecedents of candidate that was significant as a covariate.
Young Filipinos’ Electoral Decisions These findings further indicate that even more
educated people follow a different type of
Fathali Moghaddam
rationality when it comes to their electoral
Georgetown University decisions.
Stephanie Valera
Ateneo de Manila University
Diwa Malaya A. Quiñones Cognitive Load and Low Information
University of the Philippines - Diliman Voting in the 2010 Philippine Senatorial
Marshaley J. Baquiano Elections
University of the Philippines - Visayas Francis Joseph A. Dee
Arvin Boller University of the Philippines - Diliman
Ateneo de Manila University
Despite having the option to abstain, pre-
It is assumed that educated citizens use cold election and exit polls have estimate that
cognition (i.e., objective and relevant around one quarter to one half of Filipino voters
credentials like past performance, platform, opted to allocate all twelve of their senatorial
and advocacies) in deciding who they will vote votes in the 2010, 2013, and 2016 senatorial
for in political elections. Recent findings, elections. If the decision to allocate all votes is
however, indicate that people are swayed deliberate, then voters who do so may
heavily by hot cognition (i.e., affectively experience a greater cognitive load compared
charged information about candidates). This to those who do not due to the more difficult
proposition was tested among Filipino college decision-making task, and as a higher
students through a set of vignettes that cognitive load has been found to impair
presented mayoral candidates via different complicated strategic behavior, such voters
frames. The three manipulations included may be more likely to vote for less information
candidate presentations through (c) objective costly candidates such as celebrities,
and relevant information, (b) positive affect with incumbents, or candidates with a prominent
negative information, and (c) positive affect position on the ballot. A series of z-tests are
with positive information. The sex of the used in lieu of conventional regression models
mayoral candidate was also manipulated (male to test this prediction as its null hypothesis is
or female) to explore participants’ possible bias that voters vote randomly, and the probability
towards the sex of political leaders. Results of selection at random will increases the more
indicate that the participants were dissuaded to choices a voter makes. When taking random
campaign and vote for those candidates who selection into account, the probability of voting
were presented through the vignettes with low-information candidates is not significantly
some negative information about them. The higher among those who allocate all votes. The
sex of the candidates did not affect campaign failure to reject the null hypothesis suggests
and voting intentions. Adding participants’ that the preference for incumbents is not due to
perceived similarity with the candidates and strategic deficit. Alternative explanations may
their opinion on whether voting is a right or a be more perceived similarities with celebrity
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
candidates due to their greater exposure and
an agenda-setting advantage for incumbents
Symposium 21: F10
among retrospective voters. Exploring the Well-Being of Students
from Special Populations
Moniq Muyargas
Why Do I vote thee? let me count the ways Convener
Diwa Malaya A. Quiñones, Danielle P.
Ochoa, Maria Cecilia C. Gastardo-Conaco, The Intra-Personal and Interpersonal
Kristina Constanza U. Cabochan & Adjustments of Student Transferees
Christie P. Sio Jewel Angel Mae Y. Pablo, Mary Jeremylca
Department of Psychology, University of the C. Mariano, Emerie A. Santos, Alicia Q.
Philippines - Diliman Tablizo & Wendy A. Traballo
Our Lady of Fatima University-Antipolo
As elections are often rife with stories,
scandals and events which shape perceptions The study intended to have a deeper and richer
that influence voting behaviors, the current understanding about the interpersonal and
study explores variations in voters’ perception intrapersonal adjustment of the student
of personal and political qualities activated in transferees. The study identifies how they
the public’s mind as points-of-comparison for handle their adjustments in transferring to their
Presidential candidates and their relationship new environment. Seven participants were
to actual voting decisions. Data from 109 selected from a tertiary institution in the
voters (females = 74; mean age = 18.96) Province of Rizal. The study utilizes a semi-
collected within a week after the 2016 structured interview in gathering the data. The
presidential elections revealed that contenders data that has been collected underwent the
(Binay, Santiago, Duterte, Poe, and Roxas) process of coding or organizing the data,
differed significantly on Empathy, Integrity, interpreting the insights and information given
Political Will, Corruption, Ability to Solve by the participants and creating themes by the
Problems and Undesirable Political pattern that emerge in the data using Braun &
Connections. Results provide insights as to Clarke (2006). The result of the study revealed
why particular candidates received the most that the student transferees do experienced
(least) number of votes (e.g., Santiago = 59 adjustments and it also shows the result of their
votes vs. Binay = 0 votes) among participants, coping strategies in handling or adjusting to
and how supporters of specific Presidential their new environment. Their adjustments and
aspirants (e.g., Duterte voters) differed from coping strategies are not consistent and it
non-supporters in their evaluations of differs from one another. The student
candidates' strengths and liabilities. Findngs transferees undergo different adjustments and
are discussed in relation to prior studies on the they have different coping strategies in
role and contribution of intra-voter individual handling their adjustments.
differences on electorate decisions and voting
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Problem Areas and Coping of Student semi – structured questionnaire through
Leaders of University of Pangasinan narrative documentary analyses and audio-
video recording as evidence data. It showed
Karl Anthony S. Rufo that family problem, excessive worrying, lack of
Lyceum Northwestern University self-confidence, shyness and ignored by others
were the major reasons of not attending the
The research was designed to measure the elementary and secondary education before
problem areas and coping strategies of the Alternative Learning System. The experiences
student leaders of Lyceum-Northwestern of participants of not being in school for several
University to aid the University Student Affairs years were caused by poverty, teenage
Professionals in developing programs that employment, being emotionally affected,
would address the problem areas facing feeling hopeless, regretful and disappointed in
different organizations. A cross-sectional accomplishing their goals. Further, it was
survey was utilized in this study with 105 revealed that the participants’ present behavior
student leaders; 87 students belonging to led them to utilize the positive effects of
academic organizations and 18 students from becoming a better individual in transforming
the non-academic organizations. Results show them such as: character development, spiritual
that student leaders of both academic and non- growth, good interpersonal relationship,
academic organizations excel in the learning experience and career development.
Multicultural Competency and Meaningful It was concluded that majority of the
Interpersonal Relationship indicating that they participants, manifested the psychological
seek out relationships outside their own factors of not attending the formal schooling
ethnicity. Being in a university with diverse were factors linked to personal, social,
cultures may have developed these individuals emotional development, life events, school,
in having meaningful interpersonal relationship child and family coping strategies and attitudes
with others. However, student leaders scored of learning.
low in the area of assessment and evaluation
indicating as a problem area. Results also
show that they utilize Strategic Planning and
Reflective Coping Strategies or using Losing Sight but Gaining Vision
brainstorming, analyzing problems and
breaking down extensive tasks into
Pat Kathlyn Dione Datul-Ramirez
manageable components when coping with Assumption College-Makati
their problems. Reflective coping strategies
were used more by leaders from non-academic The research aimed to find out the profile of the
organizations. In general, the problem areas selected visually impaired students when
and coping strategies of student leaders were grouped according to gender, nature of
dependent on their type of organizations. blindness and degree of blindness. It also
delved on discussing the common goals of the
respondents with external and internal locus of
Psychological Factors of Disengagement of control. A mixed method design was utilized in
this study. Initially, a descriptive design was
Irregular Schooling Among Alternative employed in order to characterize the blind
Learning System learners respondents as to the demographic variables
Phillip Ramir L. Punzalan chosen. The following findings were generated:
The Philippines Women’s University majority of the respondents are males,
congenital blind and total blind. Thereafter, a
The study evaluated the psychological factors comparative analysis as to their locus of control
of disengagement of irregular schooling among was carried out. When grouped according to
(30) Alternative Learning System learners the identified demographic variables, the
using qualitative action research documentary dominant groups are all leaning towards
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
internal locus of control. Also, it was revealed of ‘fake news’ and half-baked philosophies,
that there is no significant difference when social media is also a way for academics and
grouped according to gender (t=0.532), nature professionals to more widely address
of blindness (t=0.339) and degree of blindness misperceptions about mental health and
(t=0.364). Finally, in depth queries were thereby also de-stigmatize mental wellbeing. In
developed to determine their life goals. By this session participants will learn why and how
using thematic analysis, the kinds of goals they can make digital impact. Participants will
were determined according to the respondents’ acquire basic skills in developing a
daily routine, acceptance and adjustment on professional presence in the most common
their situation, aspirations and long-term goals. social media tools. Participants will also learn
In comparing the life goals of respondents how to optimize rewards and minimize risks of
having ELOC and ILOC, similarities and exposure to mass consumption. Finally,
differences were obtained. participants will learn how to identify outcomes
and measure the impact of their digital
presence. Academics and professionals are
PARALLEL ORAL PRESENTATIONS well positioned to be social media influencers.
G1 TO G12
September 21, 2018
2:40 PM – 4:10 PM Forum 14: G2
Parent Issues and Children Vulnerability
Karen Joy Patayon

Learning Session 27: G1

Social Media Impact: Mental Health Death of A Parent: Its Effects On Students’
Academics & Professionals Can Be Psychological Well-Being And Academic
Influencers, Too Resilience
Ronald Del Castillo Jazmin Joy E. Dizon, Daniel T. Dizon &
University of the Philippines - Manila Beverly Grace T. Palma
Tarlac State University

Filipino’s culture of close-family ties and

Research and evidence-based practice are collectivism has been salient characteristics in
limited by traditional media. Subscription and our country and that the void of a family
library access are not available to most member, especially a parent, may create not
Filipinos. Journal articles, books, and other only an internal turmoil but also a
outputs are rarely picked up by the media. developmental hazard to a child’s well-being.
These are also typically long and jargon heavy. With that, this study attempted to find out the
Mental health research, practice, and effects on the students’ psychological well-
advocacy thus rarely go beyond the field. being (through the use of Ryff Scales of
Filipinos are one of the most digitally Psychological Well-being) and their academic
connected communities in the world. With the resilience (through the use of Academic
rise of mental health consciousness in the Resilience Scale-30). It was found out from the
country, there is a pressing need to use social sixty bereaved respondents from ages 7-21,
media as a complement to traditional media. majority of them obtained average level of
Social media is also a low-cost alternative to psychological well-being and low to average
disseminate research and raise awareness of academic resilience. The correlation for both
evidence-based practice. With the proliferation variable was found as weak as well.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Differences on the effects based on the gender separation affect the offspring’s commitment in
of the student and the deceased parent and the romantic relationships by boosting their
age of the student when their parent died was determination to make their romantic
identified. Coping mechanisms utilized by the relationship last.
students were also thoroughly analyzed. Since
the trauma of a significant loss for a child takes
time and requires patience and understanding
especially from significant adults (such as In the Eyes of the Cild: The Experiences,
relatives, guidance counselors, teachers), this Challenges, Coping Strategies and
study will make a substantial contribution to Aspirations of Adolescent Children of
catering bereaved students through the Incarcerated Mothers
Guidance and Counseling services and Jamela Zoe Mangudadatu
programs in schools.
Jayzelle A. Lim
Ana Nelia Lopez-Jumamil
Chastine R. Enriquez
Parental Separation In Childhood: Impact
Rhys Matthew Fernandez
On Later Commitment Towards Romantic
Angelica Leira Santiano
Far Eastern University
Jasmine Nadja Pinugu & Sharon Rose
Mapua University
Abstract: This qualitative research explored the
experiences. Challenges, coping strategies
Previous studies found that parental separation and aspirations of adolescent children of
affects the developing behavior and perception incarcerated mothers. Semi structured
of a child. The researchers decided that the interviews were utilized and conducted to
participants in this research are offspring of selected adolescent children of incarcerated
separated couples, do not live together mothers to explore their experiences,
anymore, and aged 15-35 years old (to include challenges, coping strategies and aspirations.
adolescents and late adolescents, as well as This study made use of qualitative research
young adults). Two hundred fifty-six (256) design and in treating the collected data,
people responded for the quantitative part of thematic analysis was utilized. The results
the study, and 6 participants were invited for revealed three themes for the experiences and
the qualitative part of the study. This study challenges which include : experiencing
utilized a mixed methods approach, not only to personal stress; encountering familial crises
measure the commitment level of the and societal stigmatization. In coping
participants but also to have an in-depth strategies, three themes emerged such as:
knowledge on how their parents’ separation clinging to God, looking for an outlet and facing
affected their commitment and view of it as life’s difficulties. Lastly, four themes surfaced
well, in a romantic relationship. The study from aspirations, namely: remaining positive
involved psychometric testing for the against all odds, being closer with God, being
quantitative part regarding the construct, closer with family and having the drive to fulfill
through the use of Caryl Rusbult’s commitment dreams in life. The findings of the study also
scale to measure the participants’ commitment manifested that family support is a factor that
level. The quantitative part showed a influences the resiliency of the adolescents and
significant difference in the commitment level they rely on each other to maintain the
of the participants with 0.000277 p-value. The connections of the family and address the
qualitative part involved one-on-one semi incarceration of their mother. Keywords:
structured interview. The result of the experiences, challenges, coping strategies,
qualitative part suggests that parental aspirations, adolescents, incarcerated mothers
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Disciplining Children with Autism Spectrum supervision important as the clinical
Disorder (ASD) as a Family Responsibility psychologist enters into practice, it is also
deemed best practice to continually seek
Alessandra Arpon supervision throughout one’s career. This
Philippine Normal University learning session provides an introduction to
Ma. Jenina Nalipay supervision for practitioners of clinical
De La Salle University psychology. By the end of the learning session,
participants should be able to: (a) identify and
delineate the roles and responsibilities of the
Imposing discipline to children is important in
clinical supervisor, (b) familiarize themselves
order to prepare them to eventually become
with the structure of clinical supervision, (c)
responsible persons. There are many sources
identify key supervision practices for facilitating
of information on how to discipline a child, but
learning and growth in the supervisee, and (d)
when a child has an autism spectrum disorder
master ethical guidelines in clinical
(ASD) the family is usually left to figure it out on
supervision. The learning session will include a
their own. The purpose of the study is to
didactic presentation, case vignettes, and a
explore how the entire family deals with the
reflective exercise to highlight the importance
issue of disciplining a child with ASD. Focus
of use-of-self in the supervision process.
group discussions were conducted among 12
mothers of children with ASD. The data were
analyzed using thematic analysis. Results
show that from the perspective of mothers,
each member of the family has unique features Symposium 22: G4
in showing discipline. The mother is portrayed
as the initiator of discipline. She is viewed as Well-Being and Positive Self-Identity
strict yet accepting, understanding, patient, among LGBT Individuals
and persistent. On the other hand, the father Beatriz Torre
usually responds to the mother’s cues of Convener
discipline. The other children in the family,
while being disciplined by their parents, are
also taught and expected to impose discipline
on their sibling with ASD. This study implies
that it takes the whole family to discipline a Teach a Man to “Fish”: Filipino Drag
child with ASD. These findings can inform the Queens Perceptions of Beauty and
design of family intervention for children with Experiences with Femininity
Iris Victoria R. Malong
University of the Philippines-Diliman
Learning Session 28: G3 While there is an emerging niche for drag
The Basics of Clinical Supervision queens in Manila, the generally held view of
Anna Cristina Tuazon drag queens in the Philippines is still confined
University of the Philippines-Diliman to baklas and parloristas. In line with exploring
Joanna HerreraMedMom Institute for drag culture, the study aims to understand the
perceptions of drag queens regarding beauty
Human Development and how they view femininity and feminine
roles (e.g., motherhood, sisterhood) in their
Clinical supervision is an essential process in workplaces. A qualitative method was utilized
the development of clinical practitioners into through semi-structured, face-to-face
professionals who can carry out the interviews with four Filipino drag queens who
responsibilities of providing attuned, work in a gay bar in Metro Manila. Thematic
competent, and ethical care. Not only is analysis revealed four major themes, namely,
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
The Family that Slays Together: Familial Making Gay Okay: Enhancement of
Relations, Her Face is Beat: Achieving Drag, Positive Gay Identity Among Filipino Gay
“She has More Balls”: Drag Transformation,
and I Live for the Applause: Empowerment Men
through Validation. These overarching themes Leonel J. Relis
of femininity and beauty interact and may lead St. Scholastica’s College Tacloban /
to empowerment. The study was limited by the University of the Philippines Diliman
homogeneity of the participant pool, therefore,
further studies should consider participants
Members of marginalized groups such as gay
from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds and
people may adopt strategies to improve their
take into account other intersectional factors.
status (Ellemers & Halsam, 2011). These
strategies are determined by aspects that they
find personally important which, in turn, are
Sexuality, Body Image, and Well-Being: The shaped by how they see themselves relative to
Search for Acceptance and Visibility others (Sedikides, Gaertner, & Toguchi, 2003).
This study examined Filipino gay men’s
Roderick E. Penalosa valuation for positive gay identity aspects as an
California Institute of Integral Studies outcome of their self-construal and a predictor
of identity management strategies. An online
Body image has three different dimensions: survey was conducted among 200 Filipino gay
how well we know and experience our own men who are 18 years old and above.
bodies; how our bodies impact our relationship Regression analyses revealed that while
with others; how our culture influences independent self-construal did not predict
perceptions about the body. In the socio- valuation for self-oriented aspects of positive
centric culture of the Filipinos, physical gay identity, interdependent self-construal
appearance is crucial in terms of social predicted other-oriented aspects. This
acceptance and sexual desirability in the gay valuation, however, failed to predict strategies
community. A pervasive standard of beauty that gay men employ to enhance their positive
must be met to gain social belonging and gay identity. Instead, independent, but not
sexual visibility. Feelings of unworthiness as a interdependent, self-construal predicted
result of invisibility and rejection subject gay identity management strategies. Other
men to stress, body dissatisfaction, eating individual characteristics of gay men such as
disorders, sexual promiscuity and level of gay identification and valuation for the
irresponsibility, anxiety, and depression. This positive gay identity were also analyzed to see
qualitative research shows a compelling how they influence social creativity and social
correlation between Filipino gay men’s sexual competition. Results showed that these
satisfaction, their self-perceived desirability, characteristics also predicted strategies
and potential sexual partners’ perceptions of mentioned. Interestingly, they were also
their attractiveness based solely on body predicted by self-construal. In light of these
image. Eight self-identified gay men have been findings, examination of the mediating role of
interviewed for this study. Their self- gay identification and valuation for positive gay
assessment indicates that their sexuality and identity between a gay man’s self-construal
sociality are strongly influenced by their and strategies he employs to enhance his
physical appearance. Social acceptance positive identity was recommended.
validates the self-esteem and visibility aspects
of the Filipino people, and the sense of
belonging for Filipino gay men are contingent
upon their capacity to be seen, to matter, and
to be significant.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Forum 15: G5 How Managers Perform: Competencies,
Leadership Styles and Management Personal and Management Styles
Practices Casto M. Ignacio
Joyce Mondejar Dy Org Mgt and Dev Systems, Inc.
This presentation imparts knowledge on how
Filipino managers have performed as a
function of their education, level of
Organizational Culture as a Predictor of management, personal and management
Leadership Style, Employee Engagement styles . Data generated is from the participants
and Work Performance of Non-Academic from various companies who have participated
in our managerial assessment workshops
Employees in Selected Private Universities across the country. Participants will leave with
in Metro Manila an understanding of such factors as: • Why
May Margaret Sison & Rosalia Caballero management development programs produce
University of Santo Tomas little performance improvement; • What
methodology and models were used to assess
The study determined the organizational managers ; • How the 12 competencies were
culture in selected private universities as determined in numerous organizations; • What
perceived by permanent rank and file performance levels exist in different industry
employees, and its relationship to the groups ; • How senior, middle, and first-level
leadership style, work engagement and work managers compare in performance; • What
performance. The research used a socio- relationship (correlation) exists between rank
demographic profile questionnaire, New and education level; • How education level
Competing Values Scale, Multifactor influences management style; • How cultural
Leadership Questionnaire, Utrecht Work values drive management style (Asian vs. Non
Engagement Survey, and Role Based Asian style); • What relationships exist between
Performance Scale. Respondents perceived style and levels of competency; • How our
their organizations with Market Culture, they Filipino managers compare with other (15)
observe their organization to value productivity, countries compare on style, competencies, and
efficiency and goal setting. Correlation results task and people values. Presenter: Casto
showed significant relationship among Merza Ignacio, RPsy President. Organization
organizational culture, employee engagement, Management and Development Systems, Inc.
and work performance. Multiple regression
analysis predicted the interaction of leadership
style, employee engagement, and work Mindful Management Training and New
performance based on organizational culture.
Zealand Project Managers’ Well-being
Organizational culture and its primary values
influence the work behavior of the members of Maria Concepcion V. Umali
the organization, by way of people count on ICL Graduate School, Auckland, New
these values to guide their work-related Zealand
decisions and actions. Keywords:
Organizational Culture, Leadership styles, This study reports the results of a pilot trial of
Employee Engagement, Work Performance Mindful Management Training (MMT), a
program for project managers. The primary
aim is to develop personal management skills
(resilience, managing stress, fostering well-
being, assertiveness, creative and analytical
problem-solving) through the practice of
mindfulness, defined as the awareness of
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
one’s thoughts, emotions, sensations, actions
and surroundings in the present moment.
Forum 16: G6
Sexuality and Sexual Behaviors
The author used pre-post measures and a six- John Manuel Kliatchko
week follow-up on a sample of project Moderator
managers (n=30) from diverse background in
New Zealand. The MMT group received a
weekly four-hour training over ten weeks.
Qualitative individual interviews and focus Makulay na Mundo ng Pantasya: Lived
groups were conducted with the participants at Experiences of Couples Engaging in
five time points to further assess the subjective Swinging; Reasons for Engagement,
experiences of the participants.
Challenges and Its Implication,
Relative to control group (n =34), the MMT Michael R. De Vera Elijah V. Fuertes &
participants reported decreased negative Katherine C. Abutan
stress and increase feelings of calmness, Far Eastern University- Manila
relaxation, self-acceptance, Improvements in
managing emotions and decreased in physical Swinging is a type of Consensual Non-
tiredness and aches were significant in the Monogamy which violates the conservative
treatment group at the conclusion of the traditional notion of relationships here in the
program. Philippines. Swinging in this study is defined as
The MMT participants significantly increased giving consent of couples to each other to have
their mindfulness skills, including observing sexual activity with other person outside their
and acting with awareness. Scores on relationship. A qualitative research method
wellbeing, i.e. life satisfaction, hope, anxiety was used to explore the lived experiences of
improved and were generally maintained at Filipino swinger couples (3 heterosexual
follow-up. Qualitative data reveal additional couples), their reason for engagement, the
benefits, such as improved concentration and challenges they encounter and its implication
better interpersonal relationships, less reactive to their lives. Focus Group Discussion was
to negative stress, more discerning decisions, used in gathering data from the respondents
better project performance, greater openness and through rigorous thematic analysis, the
to creative insights and ideas, Qualitative themes that were derived for reasons for
feedback indicated a high degree of engagement are sexual fantasy and
satisfaction. experiences. The category of challenges
revealed three themes: emotional concerns,
Encouraging participants to practice between maintaining discreetness of the community and
sessions may further increase the benefits of its members, and criteria in selecting sexual
MMT. Future research should consider a partners. Lastly, satisfaction of couples,
longer follow-up period to sustain the training feelings of compersion, strengthening
benefits. relationship, limitations set by the swinging
community, separation of love and sex,
Using a mixed method approach, this pilot harmony among the members of swinging
study revealed that MMT is a viable and community, distinction and uniqueness of
valuable psychological intervention for swingers and common factors of swingers
enhancing wellbeing of project managers. within community are the themes formed under
the implication. This study is a maiden
research exploring swinging lifestyle in the
Key words: mindful management, training, Philippines.
evaluation, pilot study, project managers
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
No Chubs, No Effems: Strategies Applied norms, have libidos that have been served by
by Men in Dating Apps both masculine and feminine sexual functions.
During sex, they tend to focus their attention
Arlen Sandino Barrameda and efforts on pleasing their partners. They
University of the Philippines-Diliman tend to give pleasure than to receive. They
attempt to provide meaning in their lives
Studies on media and body image have long through sex. Sex is a means for them to
focused on female subjects (Amazue, 2014; validate self-worth.
Berman & White, 2013; Franko et al. 2013;
Spurr, Berry, & Walker, 2013; McCabe &
Ricciardelli, 2001), but with the advent of dating
applications and the popularization of
physically fit men, the effects of media and Symposium 23: G7
male’s body image comes into scrutiny. Social The Status of Psychological Assessment
media such as dating applications make & the Devt & Validation of Psychological
feedback from potential partners quicker, thus
Tests in the Philippines
giving dating applications both the effect of
media influence and peer influence on body Katrina F. Resurreccion
image. Competing with other men within the Convener
dating applications also increases the
probability of social comparison. Social
comparison and media-peer influences on
body image will affect one’s self-esteem due to
having a negative identity (categorizing one’s
Development and Validation of Happiness
self as undesirable) which may ultimately lead Scale for Filipino Adolescents
users to augment how they present themselves Chester Alan R. Merza
by editing their online identity or by improving Saint Louis College - Pampanga
their offline identity. Based on the qualitative
data, straight men opted to augment their Happiness is a state of well-being and
online identities while sexual minority men measuring it through a scale is necessary for
either changed their offline selves or tried to self-awareness. This study is a descriptive-
use their other characteristics in order to initiate evaluative research type that employed
attraction. quantitative measures of behavior. It aimed to
develop and validate a happiness scale for
Filipino adolescents. One-way ANOVA was
Lived Experiences of Young Persons With utilized for the statistical difference while factor
analysis for component reduction and
More Than 100 Sexual Partners In Their identification. Findings showed that
Lifetime respondents’ profile is varied on adolescence
Anna Kathrina Oaminal-Watin fraction, sex, and grade level. Most of the
University of Cebu & AKVO Applied respondents are mostly happy because of
Psychology Center frequent experience along the determinants of
happiness. Moreover, there is no significant
difference along the variable sex whereas the
The study looked into the lived experiences of fraction of adolescence differed. Early
young persons with more than 100 sexual adolescents were found to be significantly
partners in their lifetime. This utilized individual happier than middle adolescents. In the scale
interviews and focus group discussion. The construction, two factors are developed,
study revealed that they come from a wide namely the Positive CogAffEx (Cognition-
range of demographics. They are in touch with Affect-Experience) and Negative CogAffEx
their sexuality and fearless to contradict sexual (Cognition-Affect-Experience). The scale has
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
an acceptable reliability and validity. Raw score Functioning Scale (LEAF, Kronenberger, 2006)
is converted into a stanine score for a more among Filipino deaf sample in order to
interpretable data. evaluate its usability in academic setting. LEAF
Scale is a 55-item, 4-point scale that measures
attention, executive, and organizational-
The Status of Psychological Assessment in integrative functions. It is composed of 11
the Philippines factors that are further classified as cognitive
(learning and executive functioning) or
Ma. Caridad H. Tarroja, Jeffrey Sanchez,
academic. Using the Parent Scale version, 45
Patricia D. Simon & Ma. Araceli B. Alcala teachers evaluated their deaf students’
De La Salle University capabilities in the classroom. Data on 269 deaf
students were gathered and analyzed using
This is a research project on understanding the second-order confirmatory factor analysis,
status of psychological assessment in the whereby two models of LEAF Scale are
Philippines. It will look into the current compared. Results show that both models are
practices, knowledge, skills, and attitudes of
acceptable with an adequate measure of
practitioners in this field. Members of the
reliability for each subscale. This indicates the
Psychological Association of the Philippines,
and other selected groups, will be surveyed. appropriateness and usability of LEAF scale
Phase 1 of the study looks at their training, among deaf sample in academic setting.
knowledge, skills, and perceptions of Hence, this tool may be useful in identifying
practitioners about projective techniques and strengths and weaknesses that will aid in
phase 2 looks at current assessment practices recommending appropriate interventions for
from test selection to delivering test results. deaf students.
Training and supervision experience of
practitioners will also be looked into. Data
analysis will be largely descriptive, although
thematic analysis will also be done from open AN EXAMINATION OF THE CURRENT
ended questions embedded in the survey, to
explore the challenges, best practices, and
needs of practitioners with regard to AMONG COMPANIES IN THE PHILIPPINES
assessment. Gerald Blasa Peñaranda
De La Salle University

Learning, Executive, and Attention Almost a decade since the passage of

Functioning (Leaf) Scale: A Validation Republic Act 10029, more popularly known as
Study Among Filipino Deaf Sample the Philippine Psychology Act of 2009, much
Christina Sison has already been achieved in the
professionalization of psychology through the
Marcella Sintos board examinations and other initiatives. Yet
De La Salle - College of St. Benilde the impact of the law remains to be seen in the
industry, particularly in the proper use of
Assessing the cognitive and learning abilities of psychological evaluation and assessment for
deaf learners is a challenge among management decisions, as well as decisions
practitioners due to lack of appropriate and for the need to hire psychometricians and
valid assessment tools (Hughes, Sapp, & psychologists. Another relatively new
legislation that has important implications on
Kohler, 2006). To contribute to the field
the protection of psychological information is
regarding this issue, this study was done to
R.A. 10173, or the Data Privacy Act of 2012.
validate the Learning, Executive, and Attention Utilizing survey data from more than 100
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
companies in the Philippines, the aim of this associated causative factors culled from case
paper is to examine the current level of notes. Themes from case study analysis such
compliance with the key provisions of these as problems being compounded with passage
laws among human resource practitioners. of time without intervention, the issue with
This paper also reviews the extent to which emotional reactivity as sub clinical diagnosis,
companies are using research-based and the problem of overemphasis on
employee selection methods. Facilitating and performance as against learning are presented
hindering factors to good practices are and analyzed. of students who have presented
identified, and important implications to themselves for counseling and/or
practice and research are discussed. psychotherapy at the UPD PsycServ Office.
Keywords: psychological evaluation, employee Taking off from an evidence-based
selection, data privacy, personal information appreciation of the nature of the problem and
the help seeking behavior of UP Diliman
students, Tthe paper ends with
recommendations on the development of
Symposium 24: G8 prevention and treatment programs for the said
The Challenge of Bringing Ginhawa to population. Note: Is there no way to add 1 or 2
sentences to describe patterns already
University Students: The UP Diliman identified in the data? The abstract comes
Experience across as spouting intentmethod without actual
Violeta V. Bautista data yet. 1 or 2 descriptions of results (ex.
Convener important themes such as, for example,
compounding of problems as time passes,
hence, the importance of early intervention and
“time from symptom to first instance of help” as
Exploring the Clinical Issues that Burden a potentially powerful indicator of positive
University Students prognosis) will help to make this abstract come
across as describing actual results already.
Claudinne Tecson, Nisseth Carrido, Kim
Ronaline Salvador, Gieselle B.l Principe,
Karyl Abog, Anna Cristina A. Tuazon, Divine
Love A. Salvador & Violeta V. Bautista Mobilizing the Faculty as Lifelines to
University of the Philippines-Diliman Students in Distress
Karyl Abog, Nisset Carrido, Kim Salvador,
The paper presents the statistics both Gieselle Principe, Divine Salvador & Violeta
quantitative and qualitative data on the mental
health and wellbeing problems and needs of
students seeking counseling and therapy in the UP Diliman Psychosocial Services (UPD
UP Diliman campus. Using quantitative data, it PsycServ)
presents an overall picture of the types of
mental health and psychosocial wellbeing Teachers by their very functions are
problems that impel requests for counseling at strategically positioned in identifying and
the UPD PsycServ Office. Using content providing basic support to students who are
analysis of clinical case notes and assessment experiencing psychosocial distress. This paper
data, it focusses on describing and analyzing describes the “Learning to be a Lifeline”
thethe study describes patterns in students’ workshop which seeks to equip faculty
problem development, help seeking behavior, members of the UP Diliman campus in
and problem management. tThe dominance of providing basic psychosocial support to their
depression related problems and the big students. After ten (10) runs to more than three
percent of suicidal ideations in the recorded hundred (300) faculty members, the paper
cases are discussed together with their
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
presents qualitative and quantitative evaluation Depression-Anxiety-Stress Scales 21 (DASS
data that points to the helpfulness of such a 21) as well as narratives from individual
program in preparing university teachers to interviews and focus group discussions among
fulfill non-academic functions such as being participants to the group therapy sessions.
attuned to MHPSS concerns and constructively Recommendations on pathways to
acting on situations that warrant active contextualization of the approach to Filipinos
response. Interviews with selected participants and to a young population which includes
at least a month after the workshop indicate adolescent and young adult university students
that the high ratings on the “helpfulness” of the are also presented.
workshop is associated with positive
experiences such as: (i) enhanced awareness
of psychosocial dimensions to students’
engagements in class and consultation Creating a Total Inclusive Environment for
meetings; (ii) enhanced empathy for students Students with Psychosocial Disability
who present psychosocial concerns in their Gieselle Bayhon-Principe, Nisset Carrido,
consultations; (iii) greater clarity on what the Kim Salvador, Karyl Abog, Violeta Bautista,
university is doing to respond to the problem; Anna Tuazon & Divine Salvador
(iv) greater confidence in talking with students
who seem to present psychosocial problems, UP Clinical Psychology Program of UPD
and (v) validation of their perception of student Department of Psychology and UP
difficulties by student narratives. Psychosocial Services (UPD PsycServ)

There are now existing laws that protect and

Mindfulness as a Tool for Relapse promote the rights of persons with disability
(PWD). One such law is the Republic Act No.
Prevention Among Students on Remission
7277 (1987) or the Magna Carta for Disabled
from Depression Persons that assures them of quality education
Nisset Carido, Kim Salvador, Gieselle by, that is requiring that making schools be so
Principe, Karyl Abog & Violeta Bautista they are responsive to the needs of this special
UP Clinical Psychology Program of the UP population. Unfortunately, despite this law and
other emerging guidelines, schools in the
Department of Psychology and the UP country are slow in developing policies,
Diliman Psychosocial Services (UPD guidelines, and procedures that will makes
PsycServ) their classrooms and campuses truly inclusive.
This paper presents initial efforts of UP
There are substantive claims found in foreign Diliman, through its “Creating A Total Inclusive
literature with regards the effectiveness of Environment (TIE UP) Program”, to address
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) the academic and psychosocial needs of
in preventing relapse among adult clients students with psychosocial disabilities such as
dealing with depression. There is, however, a ADHD, mild autism, affective and psychotic
need to determine if MBCT is an effective disorders to name but a few. Through selected
relapse prevention tool for Filipino students. case studies of these special students being
The paper presents data from a study which helped by the Program, the paper maps out
looks into the effectiveness of MBCT in terrains for institutionalizing policies,
preventing relapse among UP Diliman students processes, and programs for making the
who have gone through brief psychotherapy university a place where such students can
with psychosocial support specialists (PSS) at experience healthy and effective
UPD PsycServ. Effectiveness data include accommodation and thus find flourish and
responses from Beck Depression Inventory II, thriving. Some pathways to institutionalization
Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), Symptom identified from case studies include (ii)
Checklist-90-Revised (SC: - 90 – R), and networking with personalities within academic
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
units who can serve as champions of the interaction effect between pitch and speed.
Program; (ii) holding consultations with parents However, we found a main effect for pitch, with
and students and/or with individual or groups of participants perceiving the normal-pitched
faculty; (iii) mobilizing groups of voice to be significantly more charismatic
psychologically minded mentors; (iv) relative to low- and high-pitch
establishing summer bridge programs; (v) conditions. These results can be attributed to
sharing of concerns, success stories and best the Filipino value of pakikipagkapwa—
practices among units and parents; (vi) inclusivity, approachability, and equity—which
establishing parents and students therapeutic can be inferred from a person’s speech
groups , to name but a few. patterns. The implications of the study of the
study are as follows: cultural context—
particularly, the core concept of
pakikipagkapwa—may be a distinctive factor in
Symposium 25: G9 perceived charisma and subsequently, voting
behavior. We attribute this to how the
Political Psychology Symposium on participants inferred the values of inclusivity,
Philippine Elections 2 approachability, and equity from the speech
Diwa Malaya Quiñones patterns of the candidates they were listening
Convener to. The possible implications of the study on
actual voting behavior, particularly the
influence of markers of perceived
pakikipagkapwa, will also be discussed.
The Voice of Charisma: Perceived Charisma
in the Voice of Politicians
Cyrill M. Jose, Isabella Evangelista, Michael
Lewis M. Armas, Isabella Marie G. More than Meets the Eye: Voting and
Alcanases, Francis Simonh M. Bries, Perceived Leadership Qualities Through
Jose Roberto P. Sto. Domingo & Biological Motion
Kyle Elijah M. Lucido Diwa Malaya A. Quiñones, Ma. Iannhil
Department of Psychology, University of the Palima, Pamela Carrera, Andre Marcel
Philippines – Diliman Bolinao & Ruod Christopher Ariete
Department of Psychology, University of the
Charisma is an important characteristic which Philippines – Diliman
people look for in political leaders. Considering
speech patterns, charisma is manifested We think we vote based on objective
primarily through pitch of voice and speech rationality. In this study, we tested the
rate. The topic of charismatic leaders is timely hypothesis that people can create impressions
given the that both U.S. President Trump and of others based only on minimal biological
President Duterte are said to exude charisma. motion. Corollary to this, in the context of
Through a 3 (pitch: low, normal, high) × 3 choosing leaders, we posit that people are
(speech rate: slow, normal, fast) mixed factorial influenced by the nonverbal bodily movements
experimental design, with pitch as the within- manifested by leadership post candidates. To
subjects variable and speech rate as the test these, we asked participants to choose
between subjects variable, we instructed who they will vote for among three point light
participants to listen to audio recordings of a displays (i.e., moving stick figures) that
political speech and asked them to rate the represented mayoral candidates (but who were
speaker based on traits related to charisma. actually candidates Duterte, Poe, and Roxas
We found no main effect for perceived from the last Philippine presidential elections).
charisma based on speech rate, or an We asked them as well what leadership
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
qualities they perceived in the three as tentative explorations into the moral,
candidates’ stick figures. Initially not knowing charismatic and rhetorical realms of the
the identities behind the candidates, and just Philippine elections.
based on the candidates’ moving stick figures,
participants associated different qualities to
each of them. They also voted differently based
on the respective biological movements of
these candidates. Surprisingly, the results
predicted who won the Philippines’ last Forum 17: G10
presidential elections. The study provides initial
Developmental Psychology: Adolescence
evidence that implicit person perception
processes do influence people’s electoral Cely Magpantay
decision making. Moderator

Adolescents’ Causal Attributions for

Exploring Charisma and Morality in the Mental Illness, Attitudinal Correlates, and
2016 Philippine Presidential Elections Socio-demographic Determinants
Raffy Jones G. Sanchez
Charisma has been characterized as essential FLK Psychological Testing Center
to both Duterte’s victory (Francisco, 2017;
Curato, 2016), and Roxas’s defeat (Gonzales, The causal attributions for mental illness, their
2015; Dominguez, 2016) in the 2016 elections. attitudinal correlates, and socio-demographic
Study 1 explores this dynamic using a determinants were surveyed among randomly
systematic framework that assesses the selected high school students (n=520).
prevalence of charismatic leadership tactics Respondents reported what they thought
(CLTs; Antonakis et al., 2011) utilized in the caused mental illness; answered a pre-tested
kick-off speeches of candidates in the 2016 and reliable version of the Causal Dimension
Presidential Election with independent raters. Scale III; and completed validated versions of
However, charisma is also said to be perceived the Attitudes towards Mental Health Services
only by those who share similar values. scale to measure evaluations towards
Therefore Study 2 assesses candidates’ psychological services and the Community
espoused Moral Foundations through a Attitudes towards Mental Illness Questionnaire
translated Moral Foundations Dictionary term- to capture stigma. There was heterogeneity in
matching procedure (Graham et al., 2009). their causal attributions, reflecting the impact of
Study 3, meanwhile, uses text-mining and microsystemic and mesosytemic environments
word-network analysis on the previous corpus on adolescent cognition, as well as its formal
and the national debates transcript. Initial operational advances. External locus and
results see Duterte as having a markedly personal controllability were linked to favorable
different CLTs profile than rival candidates, evaluations of psychological services. External
although Poe prevails in overall density locus, increased personal controllability,
(CLTs/total sentence count). Moreover, decreased external controllability, and
candidates differ in evoked Moral Foundations, temporal causation alleviated stigma. Personal
while interestingly exhibiting different Moral controllability became insignificant in battling
Foundation profiles from those in the United stigma, as adolescents grew older. Consistent
States. Word frequency featured expected with the literature, sex-based differences in
(“daang matuwid”, “Davao”) and unexpected cognitions and attitudes about help-seeking
findings, which are further interpreted through and stigma were found. Increased personal
closely-occurring word networks. The 3 studies controllability significantly correlated with
elaborate on each other’s findings, and serve positive help-seeking attitudes in younger
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
adolescents. In older adolescents, the said Is Academic Self-Efficacy Enough to
dimension was accompanied by external locus Activate Instrumental Peer Help-Seeking?
in engendering favorable help-seeking
judgments. While stigma dampens help- Raymon Española
seeking, their distinct attributional frameworks Surigao State College of Technology
may indicate a possible way to advance help-
seeking attitudes amidst the pervasiveness of Consistent with the agentic view of human
stigma. Implications for psycho-education were development, academic self-efficacy (ASE) is
discussed. posited as a strong determinant of adaptive
academic behaviors. However, such
theoretical assumption has yielded largely
Career Decision Making Difficulties Among inconsistent empirical support when
instrumental peer help-seeking is considered.
Junior High School Students of A Catholic This study proposed two differentiated sets of
School in The Diocese of Bayombong personal efficacy beliefs: the self-efficacy for
Jeferson Callangan self- and co-regulated learning (SESCoRL)
May Juliet Palina and the self-efficacy for peer help-seeking
Saint Louis School and Saint Mary's (SEPHS). Twelve specific hypotheses were
formulated, which mainly expressed that the
University SESCoRL and the SEPHS were mediators and
more stronger predictors of instrumental peer
Abstract This study aims to provide more help-seeking. A total of 403 college students
understanding on the career decision making were recruited to participate in the study by
difficulties among junior high school students of accomplishing a self-report questionnaire. The
a catholic school in the diocese of Bayombong. data were analyzed through structural equation
Using purposive sampling method, 534 modeling (SEM) with mediation in AMOS. The
respondents were selected (223 males and results supported most of the hypotheses. The
301 females). Two questionnaires, the link between ASE and instrumental peer help-
demographic questionnaires and the career seeking was clearly a distant one as SESCoRL
decision-making difficulties questionnaire were and SEPHS were found to be missing links in
used. The data were analyzed using the chain. In other words, ASE activates
frequency, percentage, mean, standard instrumental peer help-seeking by virtue of its
deviation, Spearman’s rho, Mann-Whitney U effects on SESCoRL and SEPHS. Implications
test, and Kruskal Wallis. Results revealed that for practice and recommendations for future
sex, family economic status, family structure, researchers are provided.
father’s highest educational attainment,
mother’s highest educational attainment,
father’s occupation, mother’s occupation, track
and strand and future career choice are not Seeing, Appreciating, Creating:
predictors of career decision-making Adolescents’ Well-being in the Experience
difficulties. While, the grade level is predictor of of Appreciating Beauty
career decision-making difficulties among Roseann Tan-Mansukhani
junior high school students. Keywords: career
decision-making, social learning theory De La Salle University

Positive psychology acknowledges the role of

beauty in people’s well-being in the character
strength of “appreciation of beauty and
excellence” (Peterson & Seligman, 2004) that
engenders the human capacity to perceive and
contemplate beauty, and experience self-
transcendent emotions, such as awe and
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
wonder. The objective of this study was to technology and people. This does not mean
describe the experiences of adolescents in that technology diminishes the role of people,
appreciating beauty in their immediate but instead, recognizes that people are at the
environment and how this experience forefront of organizational health and
enhanced their well-being. Specifically, these improvement. Thus, there is a need to validate
research questions were addressed: objects of the rewarding experiences for employees in
appreciated beauty; aspects of well-being in organizations. This paper conceptualizes
the process of appreciation of beauty; creative employee experience as a positive and
expressions of beauty. Utilizing a qualitative powerful experience where employees
research approach and having obtained their become more engaged and invested in the
informed consent, 22 college students workplace. It aims to look at the different
participated in this study after undergoing a factors influencing employee experience,
pedagogical training on appreciation of beauty. which could help today’s organizations improve
A thematic analysis was done to analyze their their systems, processes, and structures to
responses in their guided reflection logs. energize their workforces towards greater well-
Natural beauty is the predominant object of being and positive performance.
appreciated beauty. Well-being was
experienced in the themes of positive emotions
(happiness, peace, gratitude), increased life
satisfaction, and positive change in
perspective. The respondents’ creative Development and Pilot Evaluation of a
expressions of beauty were rendered in Workplace Substance Use Intervention
various mediums (visual, literary, crafts). Isabel E. Melgar, Arsenio S. Alianan,
These findings are discussed from the Mendiola T. Calleja,
perspectives of humanistic and transpersonal
psychology, and their implications for the Jaimee Felice Caringal-Go &
mental health of adolescents. Ma. Regina M. Hechanova
Ateneo de Manila University
This study describes the processes undertaken
Symposium 26: G11 in the design and pilot implementation of the
Occupational Health and Experience “Healthy Me Healthy We” substance use
intervention for organizations. It outlines the
Jaimee Felice Caringal Go various steps in the development including
Convener needs analysis, module and manual design,
training of the facilitators, and pilot testing.
Results show that there are multiple drivers of
PREDICTING POSITIVE EMPLOYEE substance use in the workplace, including
personal and organizational factors. Several
considerations in the implementation of a
Michelle Guce substance use program at work are also
People Management Association of the identified, such as the need to position the
Philippines program positively. Results of pilot tests from
Emerald Jay D. Ilac participants and facilitators show that the
Ateneo de Manila University program is promising in terms of encouraging
healthier coping behaviors and decreasing
substance use. Lessons from the development
In this new era of globalization, organizations process, limitations of the study, and
are moving into a cognitive era, where implications for HR practitioners in
machines are able to learn, reason and interact organizations are discussed.
with workers, blurring the lines between
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Antecedents of Substance Use in the Building a Culture of Workplace Wellness:
Workplace Perspectives from Philippine Organizations
Reniel B. Tiu Ma. Regina M. Hechanova &
Ateneo de Manila University Jaimee Felice Caringal Go
Ateneo de Manila University
A number of studies have explored the
conditions that lead to substance use among This study explores approaches to building a
adolescents, college students and other culture of wellness in the workplace from a
populations. There is, however, considerable developing country perspective. Focus group
lack of research that attempts to identify factors discussions with HR practitioners and health
that lead to substance use among working professionals in the Philippines were
professionals. This study explored antecedents conducted. Deductive thematic analysis was
of substance use among Filipino employees. A used to organize the data. Results show that
focus group discussion was first conducted organizations use a variety of strategies in
among employers from across industries to building workplace wellness, which could be
determine factors that lead to employee classified using the CREATE framework –
substance use. Using the results of the focus Communicate, Role model, Engage
group discussion as a guiding framework, a employees, Align systems, structures and
survey was prepared, which combined existing policies, Train, Evaluate and reinforce. The
questionnaires with items developed by the identified strategies and CREATE framework
researcher. The survey was distributed to can be utilized as a guide for organizations
employed adults and yielded a total of 169 planning to implement workplace wellness
responses. Multiple linear regression analysis initiatives in a holistic manner.
revealed that attitudes toward substance use,
work-life balance and workplace wellness
programs predict substance use among
Filipino workers. Employees with
predisposition, habits or ideas relating to Forum 18: G12
drinking, smoking and/or drug use demonstrate Achievement, Job Enrichment and
stronger inclination to substance use. Also, Passion for Excellence
decreased work-life balance has been found to
Gabriel Lizada
predict higher frequency of substance use.
Further, the results showed that the presence Moderator
of wellness programs actually foretell, to some
extent, substance use among Filipino
employees rather than preventing it. This
suggests that while seemingly logical, Towards a Model of Job Enrichment:
employee wellness programs may not be as Faculty during the K-12 Transition
effective in discouraging substance use among Samuel Aquino, Jr.
employees. Organizations must develop other Kidapawan Doctors College, Inc.
programs to address employee substance use
The importance of effective transition strategy
anchored on teacher competence is necessary
for successfully navigating the K-12
educational reform. This study intended to
determine if work-related flow, a well-being
construct, is affected by job resources and
emotional labor among teachers handling both
Senior High School Subjects and College
subjects during the K-12 transitions. The
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
sample (n=50, 85% of target population in examined adaptability resource as a mediator
selected schools) consists of teachers coming in the relationship between adaptive readiness
from selected five (5) Higher Education and adaptation results; however, there remains
Institutions in Region 12 offering Senior High a need to empirically elaborate the link
School and composed of almost equal sex, between adaptive resources and adapting
mostly single, young adults (30-35), with response as well as adapting response and
graduate level education, and of regular status adaptation results. This research tested the
with at least 5 years of teaching experience. CCMA among 331 Filipino senior high school
Multiple regression analysis with mediation and students using hope, career adaptability,
moderation, after several configurations of career engagement and life satisfaction as
model path analysis, reveal a framework with indicators of adaptive readiness, adaptability
job resources as an outcome. Emotional labor resources, adaptive response, and adaptation
mediates and moderates the relationship results, respectively. Path analyses revealed a
between flow state and autonomy. Results significant serial relationship from hope to life
indicate that Autonomy component of job satisfaction through career adaptability and
resources is significantly mediated by both career engagement (LL = 0.0025, UL = .1640).
work-related flow and emotional labor. This fits Fit indices demonstrated exact fit (CFI = 1.0,
the Self-determination Theory by Deci and RMSEA = .00) when the path from hope to
Ryan (2001) indicating that competence (flow career engagement was added to the
state), relatedness (emotional labor), predict hypothesized model. Significant standardized
autonomy and these three result to an path estimates were noted for hope and life
individual’s degree of motivation. The research satisfaction, hope and career adaptability,
affirms that autonomy is derived from a mix of hope and career engagement, career
ability-challenge balance and in-job and non- adaptability and career engagement, and
task social support. K-12 transition creates career engagement and life satisfaction. The
opportunities that challenge sufficiency of serial mediation suggests that having career-
social support (external resource) and personal related abilities may not be enough to promote
competence (internal resource). The results do well-being; rather proactive career behaviors
not confirm the Job Demands-Resources may be taken as a route to a satisfying life.
Model (Demerouti, Bakker, Nachreiner, and Limitations and suggestions for future research
Schaufeli, 2001) initially posited in the study. are discussed.
Consequently, academic administrators are
given a framework to enrich teachers’ job
resources to cope with systemic changes.
Perceived Control of Internal States on
Athlete Engagement: Assessing the
Mediating Role of Achievement Goal
The Mediating Role of Career Adaptability Orientations
and Career Engagement in The Geraldine Go, Frejaneh L. Timogan,
Relationship of Hope and Life Satisfaction Kenar Xiram L. Acaylar &
Marc Sherwin Ochoco Imelu G. Mordeno
Ateneo de Manila University and De La Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
Salle-College of Saint Benilde Technology
Welison Evenston G. Ty
Self-regulated athletes tend to be more
Ateneo de Manila University engaged in sports. A number of studies have
established the close association between self-
Career development literature that tested the regulation and sport engagement. However,
Career Construction Model of Adaptation what mediates the relationship warrants further
(CCMA; Savickas & Porfeli, 2012) had investigation. This study seeks to examine
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
achievement goal orientations as mediator Organization Fit, Perseverance, and Work
between perceived control of internal states Effort. These latent factors define passion for
(PCIS) and athlete engagement (AE). A excellence as having a harmonious
sample of 1138 secondary school students relationship with co-workers, being compatible
actively involved in sports competition with the organization in which they belong,
answered a packet of questionnaires, persevering despite adversities, and displaying
Perceived Control of Internal States Scale, hard work. Criterion-related validity evidence
Athlete Engagement Questionnaire, and was established by determining the correlation
Achievement Goals Questionnaire. Results between Passion for Excellence at Work Scale
revealed that PCIS is linked to AE through and its related constructs, which was positively
positive approach and avoidance in task, ego significant for both Employee Work Passion
and other goals and negative other-avoidance Scale and Passion Towards Work Scale.
goals. Athletes who control their thoughts,
feelings, and behaviour are more likely to
utilise task-approach goal orientations (to
succeed due to the desire to master and learn PARALLEL ORAL PRESENTATIONS
from experience), ego-approach goal H1 TO H12
orientations (to succeed and outperform September 21, 2018
others), other-approach goal (to succeed due 4:20 PM – 5:50 PM
obtain good interpersonal relationships)
leading to enhanced sports engagement. The
findings underscore multiple goal orientation to
mediate the relationship between PCIS and
AE. Keywords: perceived control of internal
states, athlete engagement, achievement Learning Session 29: H1
goals, student-athlete, self-regulation Sedona Method Part 2: Helping Clients
Find the Source of Happiness Within
Rebecca V. Lanes
Wellness Clinic, Dr. Pablo O. Torre
Examining the Latent Factors Structure of Memorial Hospital
“Passion for Excellence” at Work
Emelyn Mordeno, Johanna Jean P. Cal,
Micaella P. Magallanes, This learning session is a continuation of
Mayann Joy B. Resurreccion & “Using Sedona Method as a C.B.T. Technique
Imelu G. Mordeno in Counseling and Therapy” which was
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of presented during last year’s PAP annual
convention. Based on the premise that
Technology participants had already learned the method of
helping clients to let go of unwanted negative
The purpose of this study is to determine the emotions that underlie their anxiety,
latent factors of passion for excellence at work. depression, hostility, etc., this session will be
Regular employees from various companies focused on developing the participants’ ability
served as the respondents of the study. To to guide clients in tapping their source of
gather the data needed, focus group happiness within, in order to bring up the
discussions and interviews were conducted to desired state of well-being. Through an
generate item domains. The items were interactive and experiential learning approach,
subjected to an exploratory factor analysis it is hoped that participants will be able to: 1.
using the Statistical Package for Social Review the basic concepts of Sedona Method
Sciences. The EFA extracted four factors: and the steps in using it as a Cognitive
Interpersonal Relationship, Person- Behavior Therapy technique in counseling
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
clients. 2. Practice the two ways of tapping the inverse relationship to Work Performance
source of happiness that is right within them while, Perceived Organizational Support and
and their clients. 3. Practice using the Gratitude Emotional Intelligence has a direct relationship
List to help clients overcome depression, with Work Performance. Multiple Regression
hopelessness and low self-esteem by results indicated that Perceived Organizational
generating happiness, contentment and self- Support is a predictor of Job Stress while
confidence. Emotional Intelligence is significant predictor of
Job Stress and Work Performance.

Forum 19: H2
Job Stress and Human Resource
Relationship Between Personal, Work-
Related Stress, With Workplace-
Chizanne S. Ridad
Attendance of Select Mendiola Consortium
Janelle Kristin Bautista
College of the Holy Spirit Manila
Perceived Organizational Support,
Emotional Intelligence On Work The purpose of the study is to determine if
Performance and Job Stress of Filipino there is a significant relationship between
Seafarers personal stress, work-related stress and
workplace attendance for employee
Erwin Nikko Lavadia
assessment of the select Mendiola Consortium
University of Santo Tomas Employees. The researcher used a
Rosalia Caballero correlational design. The researcher used the
University of Santo Tomas and Net Ship Ardell Wellness Stress Test, Job Stress
Management Inc. Inventory, Self-report of the Employee’s
number of absences, vacation and sick leaves
consumed for the past 12 months, and
The stressful situation of working in the sea Demographic Information Form to measure
affects the quality of work, and well-being of stress and attendance of employees. It was
Filipino seafarers. The study determined revealed that there is no relationship between
perceived organizational support and work-related stress and workplace attendance.
emotional intelligence accounts for the change There is also no relationship between personal
in value on the job stress and work stress and workplace attendance. Despite the
performance. The study utilized quantitative reports that the major cause of stress globally
correlational design to establish relationship. according to employees is work (Willis Towers
Using purposive sampling technique, 280 Watson, 2016) followed by personal stress
Filipino officer and rating seafarers involved (CNN Philippines, 2015), it does not
with oil and chemical tankers participated in the necessarily result to a decrease in workplace
study. The scores of the participants indicate attendance. However, there is a significant
slight level of stress, good in terms of overall relationship between personal stress and work-
work performance, effective functioning in related stress. This supports Health and Safety
terms of emotional intelligence scores and Executive (2016) wherein it presented that
scored moderately high support in terms of problems outside work can affect a person’s
perception of organizational support. The result ability to perform effectively at work. Stressors
of the study using Pearson r moment at home can affect those at work and vice
correlation with a significant level of 0.05 versa. Also, conflicting demands of work and
suggests that there are significant relationships
exist among the variables. Job stress has an
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
home can cause excessive work-related stress convenience sample of one hundred forty-eight
and personal stress. male and female employees. The variables of
employee stress, job satisfaction, and
participation in health and well-being programs
were measured using self-report written
Predictors of Intent To Stay Among IT questionnaires. Multiple regression analysis
Workers yielded employee stress, job satisfaction,
Pinky Rose Hartshorn , Mendiola Teng- participation in health and well-being programs
Calleja & Marvlitz Eugene Echipare combined showed a positive, direct, and
Ateneo de Manila University significant relationship to employee well-being
(R2.144, F [3,144] = 8.096, p <.000). No causal
inferences were drawn due to non-
This study identified organizational and experimental nature of the study. The study
individual level factors that predicted intent to concluded with insights on the interaction effect
stay among contracted IT workers in a tripartite between employee stress and job satisfaction
employment set-up. Data were gathered from and its relationship to employee well-being. It
203 workers from a global IT organization. Path also suggested further analysis on interaction
analysis was used to establish the relationship effects among the variables be undertaken.
between intent to stay and the proposed
antecedent variables. The proposed
relationships were anchored on the Social
Exchange Theory and the Theory of Forum 20: H3
Organizational Equilibrium. Findings show that Developmental Psychology: Childhood
employer-employee relationship and client-
and Adolescence
employee relationship predicts intent to stay as
mediated by job satisfaction and quality of work Fr. Geraldo Costa
relationships. Implications of findings to Moderator
organizations that engage contracted IT
workers are discussed.
Tara, Gumuhit Tayo!: An Explorative
Phenomenological Study of Drawing as a
Self-Expression among Homeless Street
Relationships Among Employee Stress, Job Kids
Satisfaction, Health & Well-Being Programs Christian Ranche
and Employee Well-Being in A Sample Of Department of Social Welfare and
Working Adults Development / University of the Philippines-
Suzanne Marie Roxas Diliman
De La Salle University
Poverty is one of the social phenomena that
The study sought to understand the exist in every part of the world. It is an
relationship of the factors, employee stress, job economic condition of lacking essential goods
satisfaction, participation in health and well- and services such as food, water, clothing,
being programs to employee well-being. To shelter, education, and health care, to meet
contextualize the study, the research began basic needs in life (TakingITGlobal, 2015).
with a presentation of health and well-being According to United States Department of
programs in seventy-three companies within Housing and Urban Development (2013) as
the Industry and Service sectors. The study more people experience poverty, the more
then focused on a particular company people become increasingly at risk of being
operating in the Industry Sector. A cross- homeless. Homelessness is a common
sectional study was carried out on a scenario in the Philippine urban and rural
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
places. They are part of the marginalized
sectors who experiences individual’s exclusion
from meaningful societal participation
(Granger, 2013). This study explored the uses Cognitive Vulnerabilities to Social Anxiety
and importance of drawing and coloring in Disorder in Adolescents
building rapport and self-expression to express Aimae T. Surig, Cindy Lynn M. Clapano,
and understand the situation of homeless Jaykie D. Datinggaling, Ofelia V. Villanueva
street children in Metro Manila. This study & Imelu G. Mordeno
utilized the qualitative-narrative method of
research. Proper informed consent and Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute
debriefing was done with the parents of the of Technology
children. There were 12 of the homeless street
children (ages 5-12) who were observed and Social anxiety disorder is one of the most
asked about their drawing to share their common and chronic among anxiety disorders.
experiences. Results revealed that the drawing A vast of literature have shown cognition to be
and coloring activity made to the children is a an important part in the development of social
good way of building rapport, the activity anxiety disorder. However, given the recent
became a venue of self-expression, and changes in the DSM, it is imperative to re-
dreams in life. The drawings of these children assess potential cognitive vulnerabilities of a
also provided insights for possible intervention newly re-defined SAD. This study addresses
scheme with these vulnerable sectors. this gap by looking into how fear of negative
evaluation (FNE), intolerance of uncertainty
(IU), rumination, and anxiety sensitivity predict
SAD. Using cluster random sampling, a packet
of self-report scales was administered to a non-
Exploring the Post Treatment Experiences clinical sample of 900 secondary school
of Childhood Cancer Survivors students from a city in southern part of the
Angelita Sievert Fernandez & Philippines. The findings showed that FNE, IU,
Nina Nerissa Sumpaico-Jose rumination and anxiety sensitivity consistently
predicts severity of social anxiety disorder
Kythe Foundation Inc symptom. The results underscore the
important role of cognitive content and
Survivors of childhood cancer face post- processes in the development and
treatment challenges that are given less maintenance of SAD. Keywords: cognitive
attention in research in the Philippines. The vulnerability, cognitive content, cognitive
current study sought to understand the process, social anxiety disorder
experiences of Filipino childhood cancer
survivors, focusing on the challenges,
triumphs, and experiences related to post-
cancer diagnosis and treatment. Using a
qualitative design, focus group discussions Automatic Thoughts And Dysfunctional
were conducted with 21 survivors of childhood Attitudes on The Problem-Solving Ability of
cancer. Findings showed positive and negative Adolescents With Suicide Ideation
experiences in the broad themes of physical,
psychosocial, and spiritual wellness. Lucila Bance &
Implications are discussed in terms of how the Arianne Victoria Geronimo
findings can inform existing survivor programs University of Santo Tomas
and offer clinicians, counselors, medical
professionals, family members, and friends a Suicidal behavior is a growing concern among
better understanding of the experiences of adolescents worldwide. It is the second leading
childhood cancer survivors. cause of death among the age group of 15 to
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
29 years old (WHO, 2015). In an effort to
understand the suicide progression among Forum 21: H6
adolescents, this study aims to look into the The Psychology of the Undergraduate
role of vulnerabilities in cognition and one Evangeline Aguilan
variable that has consistently emerged in Moderator
literature is the importance of the problem-
solving ability among adolescents. This paper
examined the relationship between 2 of Aaron Self-Determination And Self-Efficacy: The
Becks' cognitive concepts which are called,
automatic thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes, Mediating Role Of Resilience Among
in relation to the problem-solving ability of University Students
adolescents with suicidal ideation. The study is Kivanc Bozkus
grounded on the Cry of Pain Model of Suicide Artvin Coruh University
(Williams,1997), which incorporates cognitive
content variables and information processing
variables (Nock,2014). Descriptive This ex post facto research examined the
mediating role of resilience in the relationship
correlational research utilized four (4)
between self-determination and self-efficacy.
standardized instruments: Suicide Behaviors
The cross-sectional data collected from a total
Questionnaire (SBQ-R), Automatic Thoughts
of 302 college students were analyzed.
Questionnaire (ATQ), Dysfunctional Attitude
Scale (DAS), and the Problem Solving Statistically significant correlations among
resilience, self-efficacy, and self-determination
Inventory (PSI). Purposive sampling was used
were found. Two structural equation models
to gather data. Out of the 428 participants aged
16 to 19 years old, fifty-four (54) adolescents were constructed to see whether resilience
plays a partial or full mediator role in the
were identified as having suicide ideations.
relationship between self-determination and
Pearson R was used to examine the
self-efficacy. It was found that resilience may
relationship among variables. Findings show
that the adolescents endorse negative self- act as a full mediator in the relationship
between self-determination and self-efficacy.
concepts, personal maladjustment, low self-
Findings imply that being self-determined
esteem, helplessness and dysfunctional
attitudes. In addition, the adolescents’ increases self-efficacy through the mediation of
resilience. Since the relationship between self-
appraisal of their general problem-solving
determination and self-efficacy is weak, it is
ability is quite negative, as they do not perceive
noteworthy to include resilience when
themselves as being successful problem
considering establishing such relationship
solvers. Also, it was found out that both
automatic thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes between the two variables. The findings
have significant relationships with the problem- indicate a need for educators and
administrators in understanding and exploring
solving variable. Furthermore, using regression
analysis, overall results indicated that both the individuality of students because these are
potentially helpful bases in designing and
automatic thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes
are significant predictors of the problem- implementing appropriate educational policies
solving ability of adolescents with suicidal and setting overall quality learning
environment. It is recommended that teaching
ideation. Aside from identifying the presence of
maladaptive cognitions, assessing and professionals who would like to focus on
strengthening the problem-solving dimension increasing the self-efficacy levels of students
should consider students’ perceived resilience.
presents an opportunity in the advancement in
safety intervention strategies and cognitive
treatment proposals in the suicide risk
assessment for Filipino adolescents. Keywords
adolescent suicide, automatic thoughts,
dysfunctional attitudes, problem solving ability
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
College Adjustment and Academic college students. A total of 347 respondents
Motivation of Asian Students were purposively selected and completed a
self-administered questionnaire. Results
Nestor L. Sibug showed that: sex has a weak positive
Department of Psychology, Holy Angel association with depression level (r=0.0962);
University age did not vary much across depression level;
John Ian Wilzon Dizon & Kenzi Valentin there is a moderate positive association
Angeles University Foundation and Holy between sexual orientation and depression
level (r= 0.2794); socioeconomic status has an
Angel University Graduate School inverse relationship with depression level (r= -
0.2126); and relationship status has a
The present study aims to determine if there moderate positive association with depression
are significant differences on the College level (r= 1.365). Further, there is a moderate
Adjustment and Academic Motivation among positive association between the number of
Asian Students. The study used a descriptive- minutes spent on Facebook and depression
comparative research design to measure level (r= 0.4229); there is a weak positive
significant differences among the participants association between frequency of Facebook
on the two aforementioned variables. Using the visits and depression level (r= 0.3052); and
data gathered from Filipino, Indian, and Korean Facebook activities are positively correlated to
college students in a university in Angeles City depression. Young social media users are
(n=120), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and encouraged to use it moderately to avoid
Pearson Chi-square was utilized to test the negative mental health outcomes.
difference on the College Adjustment among
the nationality of the participants and on the
Academic Motivation among the nationality of
the participants respectively. Results showed Assessment of HIV-Related Knowledge
no significant difference on the Academic Among Undergraduate University Students
Motivation of the participants (X2 (2, n = 120) = and Its Selected Demographic Correlates
3.186, p = .203). However, it is interesting to Apsary Diamla
note that a significant difference was found (F
(2,117) = 3.914, p = .023) in terms of the
DOH-TRC Cagayan de Oro City
College Adjustment of the participants, Mercylyn Tanog
specifically, between Filipino and Korean University of Science and Technology of
students (p = .042). Keywords: College Southern Philippines
Adjustment, Academic Motivation, Asian
Students, Filipino, Indian, Korean, College The current study will assess the HIV related
Students knowledge and its demographic correlates
among 300 university undergraduate students.
The primary objective is to evaluate HIV/AIDS
knowledge among undergraduate students
and how it can be used in HIV prevention
Facebook Usage and Depression Levels of strategies in the Philippines. The spread of
College Students HIV/AIDS remains on the rise specially among
Marison Dy, Grace Pauline Maglunog & vulnerable population. The Philippines has
Ria Sanchez registered the fastest-growing HIV/AIDS
University of the Philippines – Los Baños epidemic in the Asia-Pacific according to the
United Nation report in the past six years with
a 140 percent increase in the number of new
This study examined the relationship of infection despite of declination in the global
sociodemographic characteristics and trend. Conversely, in April 2017, 629 persons,
Facebook usage to the depression level of most of whom are millennials, were diagnosed
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
with the HIV virus which more than 80 percent hiya, pakikisama or utang na loob, tagasalo is
or 513 of those with the virus belong to the 15 a relatively young concept that local
to 34 age group. Since 1984, there are already researchers still has to fully investigate and
48,839 HIV cases, 4,815 acquired explore. An instrument to measure the
immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) cases, tagasalo behavior would be helpful in further
and 2,384 deaths recorded in the country. understanding this local phenomenon on a
Despite of efforts and some measures that the conceptual plane. Since self-sacrifice, burnout
Department of Health is implementing, it is and distress are issues usually brought up with
entirely difficult to transcend its effort among the tagasalo, such instrument would also be of
vulnerable groups. Although people of age are practical use in determining healthy and
vulnerable to HIV, the younger populace are unhealthy levels of the behavior. Building up on
more at risk of becoming infected due to their the studies done by Carandang and Udarbe
lifestyle choices and sexual behavior. The (1998), a pilot instrument was developed by the
present study will assess the level of HIV- author in 1999. The resulting 25-item scale was
related knowledge among undergraduate construct validated and revised by GoTian-Ng
university students using the HIV-KQ-18 scale, in 2003. Results of these preliminary studies on
and thereby determine relationships among the the scale, on-going research using the scale,
selected demographic variables and HIV and prospects for its future use in research and
related knowledge. A cross-sectional study will practice are presented in the paper.
be conducted among student enrolled in
Different universities of Cagayan de Oro, using
the self-administered questionnaire. With the
surging cases of HIV-AIDS in the Philippines Development of an Online Career Interest
particularly among youths, it is timely to Inventory for Deaf Students
conduct study that relates to attitude and Katrien Dagmang
selected demographics that determine the HIV- Ateneo de Manila University
related knowledge.
This study is about the development of an
online interest inventory for deaf students
named as “Nonverbal Career Type Inventory”
(NCTI). It was constructed using John
Forum 22: H7 Holland’s RIASEC model. After the face
Test Development and Validation validation and comprehensibility pretest
Katrina Fernando-Resurreccion phases, the resulting 48-item instrument was
pilot tested to 100 deaf students from 4
schools. Reliability was measured using item-
total correlation and Cronbach’s Alpha. Validity
was sought using Factor Analysis. Reliability
Exploring A Filipino Psychological Concept: analysis confirmed that the items of NCTI are
Introducing The Tagasalo Behavior Scale consistently measuring the same constructs.
However, Factor Analysis revealed that there
Washington Garcia may be other factors that are measured by the
De La Salle University-Manila NCTI aside from RIASEC. Recommendations
for the improvement of the NCTI are discussed.
Tagasalo is an indigenous phenomenon first
identified by Dr. Lourdes Arellano-Carandang
in her ground-breaking book, Filipino Children
Under Stress (1987). It has since become an
important concept in the practice of family
therapy and clinical psychology in the country.
However, unlike Filipino character traits like
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Development of the Filipino Resiliency and possible treatment of mental distress.
Scale for Youth (FRSY) However, the cultural validity of this instrument
to detect mental distress has rarely been
Arvella Medina-Albay investigated in developing countries. Thus, the
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State present study will look into the validity and
University Mid La Union Campus reliability of this instrument, and determine its
fitness to suit the context of the target
This study aimed to develop and validate a population. Moreover, the current study will
psychological resiliency measure from Filipino determine the sensitivity and specificity of the
adolescents’ perspective. Four underlying self-reporting Questionnaire (SRQ20) in
factors were identified using exploratory factor Philippines, and the most commonly reported
analysis: self – efficacy, optimism, cognitive symptoms for mental distress. Implications and
emotion regulation and future orientation. recommendations from findings will open to
Content validity index (CVI), Pearson’s r and possible inclusion of a reliable and easy-to-use
Cronbach’s alpha was used to measure screening instrument for mental distress in
content validity and internal consistency; primary health are facilities in the future in the
convergent and discriminant validity were used Philippines Keywords: Mental Distress,
to refine the measurement scale with a sample Screening Instruments, Validity, SRQ-20,
of 500 individuals. Findings also showed Factor Analysis, Well-being
gender differences among socio-demographic
profile to the four factors of Filipino youth’s
resiliency. A reliable and valid 48-item measure
of Filipino youth's resiliency is provided, which Forum 23: H8
is useful in academic research and by Political Psychology
practitioners as essential tool for screening and
diagnosing psychological resiliency of Filipino Leo Labrador
adolescents. Moderator

Understanding Vote Buying Using Social

Validation of Self-Reporting Questionnaire Representations Approach
(SRQ-20) items among the Internally Frezel Jade Lebrilla
Displaced People of Marawi City Conflict University of the Philippines Visayas
This study explored the Filipino voters’ social
Apsary Diamla
understanding of vote buying. The Social
DOH-TRC Cagayan de oro City Representations Theory was employed as lens
for an in-depth understanding of the said social
Recently, a violence erupted in Marawi City in issue. A qualitative design was utilized in order
the island of Mindanao which led to civilian to encapsulate what people consider as forms
displacement in the region. Internally displaced of vote buying and how people view vote
people were greatly affected and experienced buying. Through an in-depth interview, the
various mental health issues. The recognition deeper views and insights of people regarding
of mental health as a major contributor to the vote buying were uncovered. To analyze the
burden of the IDPs of Marawi Crisis increases interview data were subjected to thematic
the inclusion of mental health services in analysis. Results reveal that hegemonic and
different humanitarian organizations and allied emancipated views were prominent in the
agencies. To better improve their services, phenomenon of vote buying. Additionally, a
Self-reporting Questionnaire (SRQ20) of WHO new idea was uncovered: the people’s
has been utilized in the screening, diagnosis conception of vote buying as a trade. Finally,
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
through the findings of the study, it is made Constructing Online Political Habitus:
apparent that the improvement or redesign of Unpacking Filipino Generational Political
the Philippine electoral system is needed.
Facebook Posts Using MCA
Jason Manaois
Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan
Not Just a Follower: Political Skills as a
Social networking sites (media) had become
Moderator in the Transformational influential as a platform for discourses, social
Leadership- Organizational Citizenship interaction, and self-presentation (Delise,
Behavior Relationship 2014). In particular, Facebook (FB) had
Ramon Joseph Daguman & Jan Arby become mainstream that its feature of posting
Lagamia political posts and political information affects
the society. It is the objective of this study to
University of the Philippines-Diliman explore the nature of online political posts and
its users. A purposively sampled participants
The present study supported the argument that were selected (n=200), and their online political
follower characteristics, particularly, political posts were coded and analyzed. Using
skills are just as important, if not more than exploratory sequential mixed methods, six
leadership styles in job outcomes. Political major motivations to use social media was
skills are valuable because it is an identified thru content analysis (qualitative).
interpersonal style—which can be developed— Multiple correspondence analysis (MCA;
as opposed to an internal trait. Specifically, this quantitative) was done to cluster individuals
research investigated the role of political skills into defined groups, namely: political activism,
on the relationship of transformational political slacktivism, and politically enmeshed.
leadership and organizational citizenship Moreover, the structure of online political
behavior (OCB). An online survey was habitus was constructed. It is cognitively
administered to 1,175 employees with ages 18- structured by the individuals’ level of political
60 years old, from different regions of the knowledge and socially constructed by political
Philippines. Furthermore, a hierarchical participation. Implications of the result show
regression analyses was done. The results the crucial role of values formation during the
showed that employee’s political skills early formative years in a person’s life. The
moderated the relationship between established beliefs and values later dictate a
transformational leadership and OCB. person’s online political engagements.
Moreover, the results revealed that both Moreover, educational attainment also
political skills and transformational leaderships contributed in the development of online
accounted for almost half of the variance in political habitus of individuals wherein they are
OCB (adjusted R2= 46.8%). Political skills (Δ instinctively motivated to do political posting.
R2 = .23) also accounted for just as much
variance in OCB as transformational
leadership (R2 = .24). This suggests that
employee’s characteristics play an important
role in the successful impact of leadership in
the organizational context. The study also
answers the call for more follower-centric
research. Implications of the study include
more emphasis on skill development of
employees in organizational settings.
Keywords: leadership, political skills, OCB,
organizational psychology
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Peace in The Perspective of the Soldiers
Learning Session 30: H9
Involved in The Marawi Crisis
Behavioral & Psychological Symptoms of
Leo Labrador Kessel Joy Selma
Persons with Dementia (Assessment &
Central Mindanao University
Nonpharmacological Treatment
Julieta Mama
Jennifer Rose Soriano
4th Infantry Division, Philippine Army
De La Salle University
The study sought to explore the perspective of
Cely Magpantay & Primitivo Mactal, Jr.
peace of the soldiers involved in the Marawi St. Luke's Medical Center
crisis. It also determined whether their
perspective is consistent with the global or
universal concept of peace. A total of 100 General Learning Objective At the end of the
soldiers from the 103rd Infantry Brigade, 1st learning session, the participants will be able
Infantry Division, Philippine Army served as the to: 1. Demonstrate basic understanding of
respondents who were selected through dementia with emphasis on behavioral and
convenient sampling. The result of the study psychological symptoms of persons with
reveals that the soldiers’ equated peace with dementia (BPSD). 2. Perform BPSD
unity, harmonious relationship between and assessment using Neuropsychiatric Inventory
among people, respect, prosperity, absence of (NPI) and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS)
armed groups or terrorists, no illegal firearms, 3. Discuss the nonpharmacological
good leadership and governance, education for approaches in the treatment and management
everyone, and equal rights and opportunities. of BPSD including Validation Therapy,
The ways to achieved peace in Mindanao are Reminiscent Therapy and Aromatherapy.
through more investments and livelihood
programs, equal opportunities for people,
unified community, confiscation of illegal Forum 24: H10
firearms, disbandment of private armed Psychosocial Intervention and
groups, punishment of corrupt politicians, and Therapeutic Community
curtailing of illegal drugs. The situation that
Gayle Gomez
leads to Mindanao conflict is poverty,
misunderstanding between culture and Moderator
religion, manipulative and greedy politicians,
lack of cooperation by the people in the
community, proliferation of illegal drugs, lack of Forgiveness Among Home- Cared Elderly: A
education, and marginalization of the people’s Thematic Analysis
rights. Lastly, the soldiers’ perspective of Thea C. Boborol, Kristoffer Ryan T. Gidaya,
peace is consistent with the universal concept Devonni S. Hingone, Mary Jane B.
of peace.
Jose Rizal Memorial State University,
University of Antique, Saint Columban

The authors explored and understood how

home- cared elderly forgive others specifically
their reasons for forgiving others. The
processes they undergo when they forgive and
when do they forgive others. This study utilized
the qualitative research particularly in using
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
thematic analysis. Seven (7) home- cared symptoms, global improvement scale, and
elderly from Antique, Dapitan City, Zamboanga socio-occupational functioning of the patients.
del Sur and Zamboanga Sibugay were the Correlation statistics was also computed for
participants of the study, three of them were socio-demographic variables of age, gender,
males and 4 were females who were able to and length of confinement, length of illness and
forgive others. The participants’ age ranged frequency of admissions as well as other
from 60 to 67 years old. An interview protocol variables measured in the study and was found
was used in order to gather data. Results of the to be none significant. Keywords:
study revealed three emerging themes such as Schizophrenia, Psychosocial Rehabilitation,
reasons in forgiving others, steps in forgiving Occupational Therapy, Psychosocial
someone, and readiness to forgive someone. Intervention

Psychosocial Rehabilitation Program for Oplan Mayon: Implementing the

Schizophrenia Disorder Patients: Katatagan Resiliency Program
Measuring Disease Impacts and Ryan Corona
Intervention Outcomes: Part 1 Study Lyceum of the Philippines
Amor Mia Arandia Sally Bongalonta,
Marivic V. Briguela, Domingo Rayco Jr. The recent eruption of the Mayon Volcano in
Jeremaine W. Prieto Albay posed threat to the lives of the residents
there. This presentation documents the
Philippine Women's University psychosocial interventions to selected
residents affected by the volcanic eruption in
Schizophrenia is a debilitating condition that Albay. It also shows the responses of the
significantly affects the body structure, social residents as participants to the different
functioning and active participation of modules of the Katatagan Resiliency Program.
diagnosed individuals in relation to
environmental factors. Mental health
practitioners help these individuals through
Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) program or
employ interventions which facilitate the Psychosocial Support for Families of Drug-
recovery process. This study aimed to Related Extrajudicial Killing
determine the effectiveness of the proposed Annabel Manalo
Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR) intervention
among schizophrenic patients in Cavite Center Asian Theological Seminary
for Mental Health. We shall be presenting the
quantitative results of the study while the The “extrajudicial killing (EJK)” associated with
qualitative results will be given on another the government’s drug campaign has
period. A randomized control trial was used on confronted the families of victims with different
70 patients divided into experimental and challenges. This is primarily due to the
control group using sequential method which circumstances surrounding the death of their
involves quantitative and qualitative methods loved ones and the community’s and general
of analysis. The experimental condition have public’s reaction. These challenges include
undergone the PSR program as adjunct to post-traumatic stress reactions, stigma and
standard care of pharmacotherapy and other negative social attitudes. They can be at
consultations while the control group was given risk of complicated grieving, a chronic and
standard care of pharmacotherapy and heightened state of mourning, that can last for
standard consultations with the center years, and sometimes indefinitely. The paper
psychiatrists. Significant results were found presents the author’s experience in facilitating
results in the pre and post-test of psychiatric grief support for family members of EJK
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
victims. It argues that effective psychosocial by different social actors, contributing to the
support should take into consideration the prolonged investigation of the incident.
context of traumatic and stigmatized grief and
other social issues. It ends with
recommendations for Mental Health and
Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) practitioners
who seek to facilitate the well-being of affected Intergroup Positioning in Peace
individuals and families in a broader Negotiations: The Bangsamoro Peace Talks
community context. Marshaley J. Baquiano
University of the Philippines – Visayas

A major challenge for research and practicing

Symposium 27: H11 psychologists is to better understand and help
Political Psychology Symposium on solve intergroup conflicts, including in non-
Western societies. This study uses quantitative
Mainstreaming Mindanao issues and qualitative methods to explore intergroup
Diwa Malaya Quiñones dynamics between the Government of the
Convener Philippines and the Moro Islamic Liberation
Front, as they attempt to reach a peace pact.
The utterances of both parties as found in the
media, were text mined, then analyzed
Contesting Social Meanings of qualitatively through the application of
Accountability in the Mamasapano Positioning Theory. Mathematical models
Incident successfully classified statements that belong
Augil Marie Q. Robles to Government of the Philippines and Moro
University of the Philippines - Visayas Islamic Liberation Front. Principal components
analyses show the Philippine government as
Aniceta Patricia T. Alingasa highlighting the importance of a legislated final
Ateneo de Manila University peace agreement that is faithful to the
Philippine constitution, and Moro Islamic
This study explored the contesting meanings of Liberation Front as underscoring the
accountability in discourse on the establishment of a Bangsamoro state.
Mamamasapano incident from 2015 to 2016, Qualitative analysis complements the
through the lens of Positioning Theory. Two mathematically derived themes as results
hundre fourteen articles gathered from the consistently show the two parties expressing
online websites of 5 major broadsheet in the the same sentiments. The Philippine
Philippines were analyzed. We found that there government positions itself as pursuer of peace
were four major storylines centered on the for the Filipinos, while the Moro rebel group
ascription of accountability. These were 1.) positions itself as championing peace for the
Mamasapano incident as a misencounter, 2.) Bangsamoro. The research demonstrates the
Mamasapano incident as a murder, 3.) illustrative power of mixed methods and the
Mamasapano incident as a failure of executive potency of Positioning Theory in explaining
leadership, and 4.) Mamasapano incident as intergroup relations and intergroup dialogue.
the result of insubordination. The study showed
that storylines of accountability are embedded
in social episodes across time. In addition, the
social forces of such storylines invoked varied
social meanings. Lastly, the social meanings of
storylines of accountability are being contested
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Examining the Underlying Dimensions of
Collective Victimhood Forum 25: H12
Paul Danielle P. Labor Social and Personality Psychology
Department of Psychology Guadalupe Salanga
University of the Philippines - Diliman Moderator

The social psychological elaboration of

collective victimhood (CV) has gained traction
in recent years – particularly in the area of Exploring the Phenomenology of
intergroup relations and conflict. Several Happiness
constructs that may be subsumed under CV Lulette Matammu
have been the focus of much research: Victim
University of the Philippines Diliman/Far
Consciousness (Vollhardt, 2009), Competitive
Victimhood (Noor, Brown, Gonzalez, Manzi, & Eastern University Manila
Lewis, 2008), Perpetual In-Group Victimhood
Orientation and Fear of Victimizing (Klar, The study is a qualitative research on the
Schori-Eyal, & Klar, 2013; Schori-Eyal, Klar, & conceptions and experiences of happiness of
Ben-Ami, 2017), and Siege Mentality (Bar-Tal Filipino participants. It attempts to demonstrate
& Antebi, 1992a, 1992b). However, these that happiness is contextualized and has
seem to have conceptual overlaps which cultural meanings. As a broad and complex
indicate commonalities that may underlie construct, happiness was divided into four
shared dimensions. The goal of this study is to components – conceptions, affect, outcomes,
determine the underlying factor structure of CV and action. It utilized the focus group
using the mentioned constructs theoretically discussion (FGD) for data collection, where
thought to be under it. Using data gathered sessions were described as similar to
from a survey of 954 participants coming from kwentuhan, and the purposive sampling
various areas in Mindanao that have been sites procedure in selecting the participants. Twelve
of intergroup conflicts, an exploratory principal groups were organized using age, gender, and
factors extraction with direct oblimin rotation civil status as bases of selection and division of
was performed on 58 items from the CV the groups. Also, a male facilitator carried out
measures. The scree plot and extracted the FGD in the male groups. The FGDs were
eigenvalues indicate six (6) factors accounting audio-recorded, transcribed, and content
for 38.34% of total variance as labeled: (F1) analyzed using MAXQDA version 11. The
Degree of Harm Experienced, (F2) Fear of findings show that the groups’ conception and
Victimizing, (F3) Existential Purpose/Survival experiences of happiness are indeed reflective
Instinct, (F4) Similarity of Suffering of a collectivist, social-, and interpersonal-
Experienced, (F5) Harm-Based Mistrust of oriented culture. Although many of the findings
Outgroup/s, and (F6) Cynicism. Implications on also support other Western and local studies
CV theorizing and conceptualization will be on happiness, they, nonetheless, provide lay
discussed. concepts or constructs to explore on as well as
a folk understanding of the phenomenon of
happiness reflective of a Filipino culture.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Melody Preference and Individual to the grassroots of barangay Boloc-Boloc,
Differences Sibulan, Negros Oriental. Through the conduct
of a case study, it aimed to achieve a better
Monica Renee Policarpio cultural understanding of the processes,
De La Salle University necessary skills, talents and characteristics of
how a person becomes an effective
There is ample correlational and experimental mananambal. Psychosocial dimensions
evidence showing that musical preference is emerged on how the mananambal have
related to personality traits. To what extent remained relevant in the advent of
these preferences are driven by the basic conventional medicine that has become ever
attributes of the music itself is less clear. more accessible to a large portion of the
Utilizing experimental psychophysical population. Results show emphasis on how
methods, we elicited melody preferences these practices on faith and healing method
regarding basic musical stimuli from 87 brought wellness to the people in the
participants. We generated the stimuli by countryside.
manipulating a few key musical features
(tempo, range of pitch, musical mode) and
presented them as a computerized melody
preference task. The complexity of each
melody was also computed as sample entropy The Tagasalo Personality: A Conceptual
and included in the analysis. We analyzed the Framework
choice made by all participants on each trial (n Rizason Ng
= 8,326) in a multilevel model using music MLAC Institute for Psychological Services,
attributes, traits, and demographic data as
predictors. Results indicate a strong Inc.
association of the trait Neuroticism with pitch
range, and weaker associations with mode and The tagasalo is an indigenous Filipino concept
entropy. The expected association of the trait borne from the clinical observations of Dr. Ma.
Openness with either range or entropy Lourdes A. Carandang about children who
separately was absent, but exploratory absorb the family stress and can compulsively
analysis found that highly Open persons were be the caretaker of the family. Research has
sensitive to particular combinations of range contributed to expanding the study of tagasalo
and entropy. The findings indicate that people pesonality formed from their role in the family,
might be using the pitch range of a melody as their self-worth, identity, and coping behavior
a cue regarding emotional content, and also within relationships and in various situations.
support the theory that there are significant As such, tagasalo personality has ingrained
differences between people regarding itself more as part of Sikolohiyang Pilipino
preference for complex stimuli. unique to the Filipino family dynamics. This
paper provides a conceptual framework for a
better understanding of the tagasalo
personality. It presents the summary of
Faith and Healing: The Lived Experience of research on the Vulnerable Child that
a Mananambal Carandang described as the tagasalo in a
Emmanuel Ozoa family, and the tenets that characterized the
behaviors. It also includes the dimensions of
Negros Oriental State University
the tagasalo personality that Margaret Udarbe
studied. For this paper, the author further
Using the Earthy and Cronin’s Narrative suggests that coping behaviors can be of two
Analysis, this study aimed to explore the lived types: the internalizing behavior and the
experience of a mananambal. It comes from externalizing behaviors of tagasalo.
the root word tambal which means “medicine”, Internalizing behavior includes behavior that is
“cure”, or “remedy”, hence, provides wellness
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
internalized, passive, and manifests in teaching psychology towards a more authentic
emotions and thoughts meant to alleviate or outcomes-based pedagogy. The study also
address their concerns. Externalizing behavior explored how psychology instructors can learn to
includes behavior that is expressed and acted improve in utilizing and promoting formative
out to address the situation. Analysis of six assessment with the vision and mission of
short essays submitted by students taking developing the well-being of students.
Theories of Personality was conducted to
identify internalizing and externalizing
behavior. The paper ends with the Rubik’s
Cube approach and the Basic Psychological Counseling and Supervision Support: A
Needs on how to work with tagasalo to Study on Psychology Undergraduates
maintain their well-being. Community Setting Practicum
Pedro E. Rahon
Polytechnic University of the Philippines

Practicum as a final requirement for a

PARALLEL ORAL PRESENTATIONS baccalaureate degree provides students an
I1 TO I12 opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills
September 22, 2018 outside the classroom to prepare them for
work. Often psychology students are placed in
8:30 AM – 10:00 AM
an industrial, clinical, or school setting or in a
combination of settings for their practicum. This
case study aims to explore the benefit of
counseling and supervision support to
Symposium 28: I1 undergraduate students placed in community
Teaching Competencies and Well-Being setting practicum. Since rapid population
Moniq Muyargas growth and urbanization put so much pressure
Convener to communities causing myriad problems and
social issues. The practice of psychology in the
community offers a unique perspective in
addressing these societal concerns. Focused
group discussion, interview, practicum
documents such as reflection report and
Exploring Formative Assessment in student journals will serve as data sources.
Kolb's experiential learning theory (ELT) and
Teaching Baccalaureate Psychology Reflective Supervision were used in this study.
Program Content data analysis and program level logic
Ryan Alvin S. Torrejos model will be used to analyze the data.
German European School-Manila Through the community practicum experiences
of psychology undergraduates, this study
recognizes the benefit of counselling and
The study explored formative assessments that
supervision support that impacts on the
faculty members use when teaching concepts of
students’ competency in their practice of
psychology. The paper analyzed the wide variety of psychology.
methods that psychology instructors use to
evaluate student comprehension, learning needs,
and academic progress during a particular lesson,
over a period of time. Results showed the
challenges that faculty members face in using such
assessment tools as well as its advantages in
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and
Expression: Exploring Teacher Knowledge Symposium 29: I2
and Student Well-Being Sexism During Duterte Times: A
Moniq Muyargas & Helen Grace Fernandez Discursive Analysis of Jokes About
University of the Philippines Visayas Women & Their Material Consequences
Mira Alexis Ofreneo
This paper explores teacher knowledge on Convener
sexual orientation, gender identity and
expression (SOGIE) and its implications on
student well-being. This study utilized key The Story of One President and Forty-Two
informant interviews of teachers and a focus Virgins: Constructing the President, Media,
group discussion of students. It is evident that
and Women in Online Talk
teachers recognize that their students are
seeking for support in finding themselves, Jhoanna Yambot
guidance on how to deal with interpersonal Ospital ng Makati
relationships, and explanations about the vast Vanessa Villaluz
information fed by the multimedia. Results of Ateneo Center for Organization Research
this study have shown that SOGIE as a whole
is a vague concept to the teachers, as well as and Development
guidance counselors, and their approaches Dorothy Mapua
were found to be both facilitating and impeding Brent International School Manila
student well-being. The ambiguity of SOGIE is
attributed to inadequate referents and the The purpose of this study was to look into the
impermeable heteronormative Philippine responses of local and foreign Facebook
school culture. It is recommended that commenters to the speech of President Duterte
teachers and guidance counselors should be in India where he made a remark about "42
equipped with necessary knowledge, skills and virgins", using virgins as a come-on for
attitudes through appropriate training in foreigners to visit the Philippines. Using the
managing SOGIE concerns considering the lens of discursive psychology, the comments
needs of students, particularly those of the and exchanges in the Al-Jazeera Facebook
LGBTQ youth. Educational institutions must post on the said speech were analyzed in terms
provide a school environment that enables of the social objects that were constructed and
social and emotional literacy, positive the actions that these utterances conveyed.
emotions, positive relationships, engagement The point of the analysis was to reveal how
through strengths, and meaning and purpose. online talk constructs objects beyond the
These facilitate student well-being where they original utterance, transforming the issue into a
can maximize their capacities and reach their more complex web of constructed social
full potential. realities. Findings indicate that Duterte as the
Philippine President, Al-Jazeera as the news
media outlet, and Filipina women as “virgins”
were constructed in online talk, co-constructing
a diverse set of discursive actions. This paper
provides perspective into the implications of
humor and jokes uttered by political figures in
the public sphere especially those coming from
a head of state.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Defending Duterte: Positioning Analysis of Using Positioning Theory to Explore the
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte in the Delegitimation of De Lima as a Woman
Context of Making Rape Jokes Politician Through Humor and Disgust
Christoper F. Sasot Angelique Pearl Virtue P. Villasanta
University of Perpetual Help System Jonelta Ateneo de Manila University
– GMA Campus Jason O. Manaois
Emmanuel B. Parreño Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan
Don Honorio Ventura Technological State Jaimee Felice Caringal Go
University Ateneo de Manila University
Jose Felix D. Falgui
Ateneo de Manila Junior High School Last October 2016, an alleged sex tape of
Senator De Lima emerged in the context of the
In the Philippines, the act of making a rape joke hearings on the Bilibid drug trade. This study
is considered rude, inappropriate, and explores the public comments in the online
unacceptable and the ones making rape jokes sphere pertaining to this issue, in particular,
are criticized for their behavior. Even utterances that made use of humor and disgust
presidential candidate Duterte was forced to to make reference to De Lima. Using
apologize for his rape joke in 2016. However, positioning as a framework and method, we
in 2017, now President Duterte uttered three explored the positions, rights and social forces
rape jokes in three different public events and that lead to the delegitimation of De Lima as a
was defended by both Presidential woman senator through humor and disgust. In
Spokespersons and Pro-Duterte social media exploring these positions, we utilize a gender
supporters. Using positioning theory as a lens, lens. Results reveal four clusters of utterances
this study explores how official and social that evoke humor and disgust in reference to a
media apologists defended the President woman’s age, a woman’s weight, a woman’s
through various forms of positioning sexual deviance, and a woman being an
consequently giving him the right to make rape animal or non-human. We assert that these
jokes, women the duty to accept being made positions are particularly gendered and lead to
the object of rape jokes, and the Filipino people dehumanization, dewomanization, and
the duty to accept rape jokes. Using a sample perceptions of sexual deviance – making De
of official government statements and public Lima an object of disgust and humor. These
Facebook posts, patterns in major storylines positions are discussed in relation to how a
and positions in the defense of a rape joke are woman politician loses the right to respect and
identified and the implications of these are consequently the right to govern. Implications
discussed. Knowing how President Duterte of the study are discussed in terms of how
and citizens are positioned to make and accept rights and duties are ascribed in talk leading to
rape jokes would enable society to challenge material consequences.
these positions and construct counter-
positioning storylines to defend women against
rape jokes.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Examining Senior High School Students’
Forum 26: I3 Subjective Well-Being
Fostering Psychological Well-Being Royce Hernandez
Clarissa Delariarte De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde
Since the development of the Subjective Well-
Being Scale for Filipinos (SWBSF) back in
Rehabilitation of Indonesian Drug Users: 2006, there have been validation studies
The Importance of Social Support and assessing its’ reliability and validity across
Spiritual Practice To Subjective Well-Being different adult populations (Hernandez, 2006;
Balingit and Hernandez, 2008; Hernandez).
Washington Garcia Special populations such as Deaf respondents
Fr. Markus Reponata have also been included in the validation
De La Salle University-Manila literature of the SWBSF (Hernandez, 2010;
Hernandez, 2018). This study sought to
The ill effects of drug dependence are validate the SWBSF using Senior High School
recognized world-wide. Drug addiction has led Students in order to look into the dimensions
to major disruption in community life and in an and construct of Well Being among young
individual’s ability to fulfill role obligations at adults. The process of establishing the
work, school and home. There have been reliability and validity of the SWBSF is
various and differing approaches to drug discussed in the paper.
rehabilitation, however—something that the
Colombia Plan seeks to address by
standardizing treatment programs. Social
support and spiritual practices are two of the Fostering Students’ Positive Well-Being
required components of this recommended
Through Development of 21st Century
treatment program. But while many studies
have separately linked social support and Skills
spiritual practice as contributing factors to Regina Marie r. Magtaan &
improving an individual’s subjective well-being, Violeta C. Valladolid
much still has to be done in terms of directly De La Salle University
studying these factors in the context of drug
rehabilitation. The present study investigates
social support and spiritual practice as College students who perceive themselves to
predictors of subjective well-being among 90 be equipped with the skills and competencies
male young adult drug users from three private needed to meet the challenges in the 21st
drug rehabilitation centers in Indonesia. Ten century have better emotional and mental well-
case studies are also conducted from the same being. Students with positive well-being have
sample to provide further understanding of the lower risks of mental health disorders and
statistical findings. The implications of the physical health diagnosis such as depression,
results on the drug rehabilitation efforts of anxiety, stress, substance abuse, bullying,
Filipinos are discussed, in as much as they among others. They also have higher level of
share the same Asian heritage of close family academic and professional success. This study
ties and strong spiritual engagement with the aimed to determine the college students’ extent
Indonesians. Practical insights can be gained, of development and application of the 21st
as both the Indonesian and Philippine century skills in academic and everyday lives.
governments are currently actively engaged in It also sought to determine their correlation with
battling the drug menace. academic performance, and perceived
competence in doing school work, skills in
using technology and computers, motivation to
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
succeed, and success after graduation. The
study employed a random sampling technique
involving 112 college students. Using the 21st Symposium 30: I4
Century Skills Scale, the results indicated that Understanding Ethical Issues—Part 2:
students who possess the 21st century skills Specific Issues and Dilemmas
have higher motivation to succeed, perceived Araceli Alcala
competence in doing school work, and better
preparedness or readiness for post-college life Convener
in terms of job hunting and actual employment.
Recommendations are given on how schools
can help college students enhance their skills Malpractice Among Mental health
and can promote positive well-being through Practitioners: A Scoping Review
their academic and co-academic programs.
Raymund E. Mindanao
Casa del Nino Montessori School
Locus of Hope Predicts Subjective Malpractice in mental health can take place
Wellbeing Among College Students when the practitioner has an improper, illegal,
Jacqueline V. Iglesias or negligent professional activity or treatment
Nueva Vizcaya State University towards their client. The aim of this scoping
Voltaire M. Marquez review is to conduct review of the relevant
literature regarding malpractice of mental
De La Salle University - Manila health practitioner, concerning year of
publication, country of origin, specialization,
The study focuses on four sources of hope as professionals involve, setting and issues in
predictors of subjective wellbeing. College malpractice. The methodological framework
students (184 female, 64 male) were recruited used was set out by Arksey and O’Malley.
as participants to determine whether external Databases searched were googlescholar,
locus-of-hope contributes to their subjective EBSCO host, PsycArticles, PsycINFO, and
well-being together with internal locus-of-hope. PubMed using key search terms: mental health
Using blockwise regression analysis, results malpractice, psychological malpractice,
revealed that internal locus, external-family psychiatric malpractice, malpractice suits,
and external-spirituality (F (4, 244) = 27.238, p mental health practitioner, medical practitioner,
< 0.001), explains 30.9% of the variance in negligence, and misconduct. The result shows
subjective well-being. The result indicates that out of 181, 161 initial records screened, 468
the students' locus of hope is a salient predictor records yields, 74 malpractice measures
considering the self, the parent/family, and God published from 1970-2017. The utmost number
as the agents of hope. Intervention programs of manuscripts were from America (n=63,
can include hope-focused group dynamic 85.13%). Most of the literatures was focused in
activities that can increase the subjective the area of psychology and psychotherapy
wellbeing. (n=82, 48.78%) and the psychologist and
psychotherapist was the professionals that was
greatly involve (n=36, 43.37%) in clinical
setting (n=63, 85.14%). Assessment,
treatment & therapy were the most issues in
malpractice that was discussed in the
literatures (n=28, 26.92%). In conclusion, this
review is an important preliminary step in
understanding malpractice among mental
health professionals, their scope and effects
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
and implications to both client and the Breaches of Confidentiality in Mental
practitioner. Health Practice: A Scoping Study
Jan Patrick Gutierrez
Far Eastern University

Ethics in Psychotherapy: What Graduate Breach of confidentiality is one of the most

Students Think About Informed Consent controversial issues in the field of mental health
Joanne Rachelle Valle care and practice. In the advent of psychology
De La Salle University Manila law (RA 10029), and the upcoming mental
health policies the country is going to meet, a
study around this issue is an important one. A
Perception of ethics and informed consent scoping literature has been done reviewing 53
were examined using a qualitative design, pen- foreign journal articles regarding breaches of
and-paper essay-type survey (questionnaire) confidentiality, which newly government
method among psychology graduate students. regulated practice may provide insight. The
Data were pooled and analyzed through coding scoping revealed information regarding
and grouped into themes. Results showed that instances of breach, issues in the process of
students had a good grasp of the nature of breaching confidentiality: criteria in deciding for
ethics and informed consent based on existing breach and to whom information are disclosed,
literature. Implications and recommendations the stance of psychologists in breaching
were then discussed. confidentiality, and the effects of breaching
confidentiality. The scoping literature revealed
that breaching confidentiality is not a black-
Ethics in the Use of Online Survey and-white, ethical-or-unethical programmed
Methodology for Sensitive Topics in decision rather entails the proper training in a
step-by-step decision making.
Anna Marie Abrera
Philippine Christian University
Patricia Simon Forum 27: I5
De La Salle University Manila War and Conflict: Consequences and
This scoping review focuses on the Madelene Sta. Maria
advantages and disadvantages of using online
survey methodology in the conduct of clinical
psychology research, particularly those dealing
with sensitive topics and vulnerable
populations. Reviewers identified 248 articles Self-Narratives and World Views of Children
in a search of four databases. Thirty six full in Post-Conflict Marawi
articles were assessed and 15 studies met the
inclusion criteria. The researchers highlight the
Desiderio Camitan IV
huge role that Institutional Review Boards and University of the Philippines
Research Ethics Committees play in ensuring
that appropriate ethical guidelines are followed A five-month-long armed conflict in Lanao del
in the conduct of such research, putting Sur, Philippines, started on May 23, 2017 and
protection of participants’ rights at the core of lasted until October 23, 2017. The said
their process of evaluation, online survey scrimmage, between Philippine government
research, mental health, clinical psychology, security forces and militants affiliated to the
and ethical issues. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), is
the longest urban combat in modern
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Philippines. This ethnographic study aimed to female respondents experienced Intrusion and
identify the narratives of war in Marawi among Avoidance symptoms while male experienced
school age children. Furthermore, it sought to Changes in Mood and Cognition and Arousal
investigate how the self and the world are symptoms . Both respondents only seldom
constructed in the narratives. This is in line with experienced depressive symptoms.
the aim of understanding the post-conflict Moreover,findings revealed that post-trauma
struggles experienced by the children of symptoms , intrusion, avoidance, changes in
Marawi. The present research was conducted mood and cognition, arousal and hyperactivity
at Bito Buadi Itowa Evacuation Center. The were found to affect the problem-focused ,
said area is the site for the transitional shelters repetitive , counter factual ruminative thoughts
for the affected residents of Marawi City under of the respondents. It is recommended that
the Bahay Pag-asa project. Months after Marawi Home-based IDPs be provided with
Marawi has been liberated, the Maranaos intervention programs on MHPSS activities
continue to suffer. The war did not only destroy sensitive to their culture and religion in order to
homes, displaced families, and took away enhance their resiliency and life skills. .
dreams, it also altered the developmental Cognitive inputs and behavioral skills on self-
trajectories of the children exposed to it. So efficacy, stress reduction ,emotional recovery
much so, that the way the bakwits construct and trauma healing can also be done to
themselves and other people are ultimately enhance their sense of well being.
rooted in their narratives of war. Despite the
circumstances they faced during the Marawi
crisis and the unseen sorrows of starting a new
life, the Maranao, resilient as ever, shows that
family and belief are strong mediators of their Psychopathology and perceived threat
subjective well-being. serially mediates the relationship between
exposure to violence and exclusionist
Johnson K. Badawi
Effect of Post-Traumatic and Depressive Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of
Symptoms to The Ruminative Thoughts of Technology
Marawi Home-Based IDPs
Alma Maranda, JIDDO ANDREI Conflict exposure has been shown to influence
G.MARANDA, Marie Centural, Brinne the development and formation of prejudiced
attitude against an adversarial outgroup.
Lumombang & Maria Sajol Although numerous studies have offered
Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of explanation on what accounts for the
Technology relationship between exposure to conflict and
its consequent biased attitude against an
Numerous studies showed that the tendency to outgroup, the role of mental health and
ruminate increases depressive symptoms, thus affective experiences need further
affecting sense of well-being. Hence, this study investigation. This study seeks to examine the
sought to assess the post traumatic and serial mediating role of psychopathology and
depressive symptoms experienced by 347 perceived ethnic threat in the relationship
Marawi Home-based IDPs (with age ranging between exposure to violence and exclusionist
from 18 to 36 years old ,of which 137 are males attitude. A sample of 868 conflict-exposed
and 210 are females), and how it affect their secondary school students answered a packet
ruminative thoughts. Utilizing a of scales assessing exposure to violence,
multidimensional approach using thePTD exclusionist attitude, psychopathology, and
Diagnostic Scale, PHQ-9 and RTSQ and perceived ethnic threat. The results revealed
interview to enrich the data,results showed that that exposure to armed violence is positively
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
associated with exclusionist attitude due to and Enlisted Personnel in the AFP in Western
positive relationship between psychopathology Mindanao. This study used the descriptive
and ethnic threat. The findings suggest that as survey method. This method was utilized by
adolescents were more exposed to armed the researcher for this kind of study because
conflict, the more they become ethnically this method is more of fact-finding with
exclusionist brought about by their decreasing adequate interpretation. The instrument used
psychological health and consequent in this study was the questionnaire-checklist.
perceived ethnic threat from the adversary- This kind of research tool is a self- made
outgroup. These results provide evidence questionnaire–checklist which consists
supporting the contention that conflict typically a series of written questions classified
exposure enhances exclusionist, non- according to the sub problems raised. This
compromising attitude towards outgroups study was conducted this school year 2002-
when psychopathology heightens threat 2003. THE FINDINGS Based on the data
perception. gathered and presented through tables, the
following findings are hereby drawn: 1. The
MNLF Integrees Officers and Enlisted
Personnel in the AFP were performing very
satisfactorily because of their commitment
Performance of MNLF Integrees Officers where this variable has an average mean value
and Enlisted Personnel in the AFP in of 3.79. They performed their job to support the
Western Mindanao: Its Implications to President of the Republic of the Philippines as
Peace and Order Condition Head of the State where this item has an
Lolina N. Bajin average weighted mean value of 3.95;
cooperating in all activities of the AFP and
AFP Health Service Command Headquarters support its programs and projects , 3.92;
Health Service South working diligently in the pursuit of peace and
order even if it means working beyond official
This study to attempted to find out the time and without overtime pay, 3.70; and
performance of MNLF integrees and enlisted adhering the good name of AFP, its
personnel in the AFP in Western Mindanao and philosophy, goal and mission, 3.69. 2. The
its implications to peace and order condition. MNLF officers and enlisted personnel were
Specifically, this investigation answers the sub- performing their job very satisfactory in the
questions raised: 1. What is the performance of AFP because of their identification where this
MNLF Integrees Officers and enlisted variable has an average mean of 3.66. They
personnel in the aspects of: 1.1. Commitment were compensated for the job well-done where
Aspect: 1.2. Identification Aspect: 1.3. this item has an average weighted mean value
Rationality Aspect; and 1.4. Belongingness of 3.69; the tenure of performing the job is
Aspect? 2. To what extent is the satisfaction of highly favorable to all, 3.68; jobs achieved are
the performance of both MNLF Integrees recognized by officers and those of the officers
Officers and enlisted personnel? 3. What is the by the AFP Unit Commander, 3.67; and
extent of comparability between the responses Achievements are recognized with the sense of
of Enlisted Personnel and MNLF Integrees self- work and fulfilment, 3.64. 3. The
Officers along with the four variables? 4. Is performance of MNLF integrees officers and
there a significant difference between the enlisted personnel in the AFP on rationality
responses ofEnlisted Personnel and MNLF aspect was very satisfactory where this
Integreees Offficers along with four variables? variable has an average mean of 3.66. they
This study involved 342 Enlisted Personnel were given the opportunity to have official
and 125 MNLF Integrees Officers coming from travel and visit different places on their job as
Western Mindanao as the respondents of this AFP member where this item has an average
investigation. They are the one to determine weighted mean value of 3.87; performing the
the performance of MNLF Integrees Offficers job as AFP member provides them for steady
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
employment, 3.71; punishment is within justice condition. The MNLF Integrees officers and
and fairness, 3.66; and working with closer enlisted personnel were working very
relationship between integrees and non- satisfactorily because they wanted to be
integrees, 3.63. 4. The performance of MNLF identified. They were compensated for the job-
Integrees officers and enlisted personnel in the well done and their tenure of performing their
AFP on belongingness aspect was very job is highly favorable to all. The jobs achieved
satisfactory where this variable has an average by them are recognized by offers and those of
mean of 3.58. Their responsibility are given to the officers by the AFP unit commander. This
integrees and enlisted personnel are equally means that their achievements in the aspect of
assigned where this item has an average peace and order are recognized as their
weighted mean value of 3.61; atmosphere of fulfilment. Belongingness was also seen in the
friendliness create harmony among peers and integration of the MNLF to the AFP. They felt
subordinate members from integrees and that responsibilities given to them are equally
enlisted personnel, 3.60; principle of “obey first assigned. There is an atmosphere of
before you complain” and the “commanders friendliness which creates harmony among
are always right” made them as one of the unit, peers and subordinate members. They were
3.58; and the integrees are aided in the rise also following the concept of “obey first before
and promotion of rank, 3.55. 5. On the extent you complain” and the “commanders are
of comparability between the responses of the always right”. The idea of having a good unity
MNLF Integrees officers and enlisted motivated them to work harmoniously inorder
personnel along with the four variables, to perform their job satisfactorily. Through
commitment aspect is ranked number one with integration of MNLF to the AFP, the peace and
an average weighted value of 3.79; rationally order condition could be enhanced.
aspect, 3.70, identification aspect, 3.66; and CONCLUSIONS Based on the findings, the
belongingness aspect has 3.58. 6. On the following conclusions are hereby drawn: 1. The
significant difference between the responses of MNLF Integrees officers and enlisted
the MNLF Integrees officers and enlisted personnel wereperforming their job very
personnel along with the four variables, the satisfactorily because they were committed to
computed t-value is .367 which is lesser than perform their job to support the President of the
the tabular value of 1.943 and therefore the Republic of the Philippines as a Head of the
null-hypothesis is accepted which means the State and cooperated to all kinds of activities of
responses of the two groups of respondents the AFP programs and projects. 2. The
are alike. ITS IMPLICATION TO PEACE AND performance of MNLF integrees officers and
ORDER CONDITION The performance of enlisted personnel was very satisfactory
MNLF integrees officers and enlisted because they were identified of their
personnel is important in obtaining the peace performance for the job well-done and their
and order condition in Mindanao. Their tenure was highly favorable to them. 3.
cooperation in maintaining peace and order Rationality was also one of the aspects that the
could help facilitate the insurgency problems MNLF integrees officers and enlisted
being faced by our military in Mindanao. personnel performing their job very
However, with the integration of MNLF, the satisfactorily because they were given the
peace and order was achieved between them opportunity to travel and visitdifferent places to
and the military. Commitment is one of the do their job as AFP members which provide
aspects that the MNLF rendered their services them for a steady employment. 4. The
to the best of their ability. They were performing performance of MNLF integrees officers and
their job to support the President of the enlisted personnel was very satisfactory since
Republic of the Philippines as Head of the they felt that there is belongingness in the AFP
State. They were extending their cooperation in due to their observation that the responsibilities
all activities of the AFP and support its were equally assigned and there is atmosphere
programs and project by working diligently of friendliness which creates harmony among
inorder to pursuit the peace and order peers and subordinates members. 5. MNLF
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
integrees officers and enlisted personnel were
perfoming their job satisfactorily on
commitment aspects, rationality aspects, Forum 28: I6
identification aspect, and belongingness The Person of the Helping Professional
aspects. 6. There is no significant difference
Mary Anne Portuguez
between the responses of the MNLF Integrees
and enlisted personnel along with the four Moderator
variables since the computed t-value is lesser
than the tabular values and therefore the null-
hypothesis is accepted which means that the
responses of both respondents are like. Narratives of Experiences and Self-Care of
RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the Marawi Psychological First Aid Providers
conclusions , the following recommendations Mariflor Gatchalian
are hereby presented: 1. MNLF Integrees De La Salle University Manila
officers and enlisted personnel should maintain
their performance in committing themselves to Mary Anne Portuguez
their jobs as integrees in the AFP. 2. The Vanguard Assessments
performance of MNLF integrees officers and
enlisted personnel should be permanently This qualitative research covers the narratives
identified by the AFP inorder to maintain the of experiences and self-care of personnel from
unity for the accomplishment of maintaining the the Department of Education Disaster Risk
peace and ordercondition in Mindanao. 3. Reduction Management Services (DepEd
MNLF integrees officers and enlisted DRRMS) trained in providing PFA in Marawi.
personnel should develop their performance in This research highlights how the PFA
doing their job as members of the AFP so that providers/responders managed to deal and
they can continue join their personality as cope with their experiences that can be used
permanent employees of AFP. 4. The as a springboard to have better programs on
responsibilities of the MNLF integrees officers caring for carers.
and enlisted personnel should be permanently
equally assigned to them so that they can
maintain their feeling of belongingness within
the organization. 5. Commitment aspects, Evaluating KKDK: The Cordova Experience,
rationality aspects, identification aspects, and Facilitators’ Perspective
belongingness aspects should be maximized Glenn Glarino &
by the MNLF integrees officers and enlisted Justine Marie Beltran
personnel that they are part of the
organizational unit of the AFP. 6. Overall
University of San Carlos
recommendation that a copy will be provided
toSouthern Command and General The Katatagan Kontra Droga sa Komunidad
Headquarters for re-assessment and Program (KKDK), a community-based drug
implementation. rehabilitation program drug users, was utilized
in Brgy. Poblacion, Cordova, Cebu as part of
its intervention for drug surrenderees in the
locality. This paper looks into the efficacy of the
program from the perspective of the facilitators
from the community and its partner institution.
Variations in KKDK program were made in
order to fit to the needs of the local community,
i.e. language used during sessions. In general,
the program was seen as a helpful drug
intervention for the drug surrenderees in the
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
barangay. Facilitators who were interviewed vicarious trauma, among Filipino male first
provided observations regarding the drug responders. Using a mixed methods approach,
surrenderees’ attitude and response to the the researchers analyzed interviews using
program. They mentioned that most of their thematic analysis. Survey results were
participants showed a positive response to the analyzed using mediation and multiple linear
program. The participants were also observed regression. Results show that first responders
to place a value in their esteem but had low are equipped professionals who view their job
self-esteem themselves when evaluated. as demanding and they value social support
These participants had stayed in the program when coping with work-related trauma.
out fear and compliance. Most of them also Perceived cognitive ability and sense of
preferred talking and participating in kinesthetic community were found to significantly predict
activities than in writing activities. Meditation adaptive coping and psychological well-being
activity at the start of each session was seen while assertive dominance significantly
as useful in helping the participants become predicts vicarious trauma.
more relaxed. Random drug testing during the
course of the program was also a good
monitoring tool according to the faciltiators.
The results of this study can be used in The flourishing and perceived social
enhancing the KKDK program to fit to different support of 4ATG Peacekeepers throughout
localities. combat deployments.
Reynan S. Salo
Xavier University-Ateneo de Cagayan
Pusong Bato: Filipino Masculinity and the
Psychological Well-Being of First Combat exposures are known to negatively
Responders affect the well-being of peacekeepers.
Bianca Eloise Agbayani, However, news and interviews about the
wounded peacekeepers from the Marawi siege
Pauline Isabel Aurora Trinidad M. Villaflor & proved otherwise. According to the Armed
Nadine Pamela B. Villaret Forces of the Philippines, the support coming
Ateneo de Manila University from the government and the Filipino people is
one significant factor. Thus, this research
Exposure to occupational hazard puts first explored for predictive relationship between
responders at high risk of experiencing peacekeepers’ perceived social support (PSS)
vicarious trauma. Most studies focus on the and flourishing (positive emotion, engagement,
well-being of victims of a disaster and there is positive relationship, meaning, and
a lack of local literature especially on male first accomplishments) after series of combat
responders despite the profession being deployments. This study also explored if
dominantly male. Literature also generally peacekeepers differ in flourishing in terms of
presents a negative notion on masculinity. In their demographic profile. A total population
the Sociocultural Model, cultural expectations sampling was conducted to the 4th Army
are viewed to have an impact on one’s Training Group of the Philippine Army. After
perception of a stressor and one’s resources to series of statistical analyses, the test results
meet its demands and this perception affects suggest that the peacekeepers have high
how they cope with stress (Aldwin, 2007). levels of perceived social support and
Using this model as a lens, the study examined flourishing. Their perceived social support
three dimensions of masculinity: perceived throughout the combat deployment cycle
cognitive ability, sense of community, and significantly predicted 18% of the variance of
assertive dominance and how these their positive emotion (p<.005) and 22% of
dimensions predict adaptive coping and meaning (p=.001). The findings also suggest
outcomes, psychological well-being and that peacekeepers who are younger, single,
those who experienced more and frequent
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
deployments, and officers are more flourishing were created. Implications and
than their counterparts. This implies that the recommendations on the psychological aspect
amount of support provided by the Filipino of the intervention and expected outcomes are
people can help ensure their psychological discussed.

Preliminary Program Evaluation of a

Community-Based Drug Rehabilitation
Forum 29: I8 Center: The Facilitators’ Perspectives
Substance Use Intervention and Gino Cabrera
Recovery Southern Luzon State University
Carmencita Salonga Alyana Fae R. Balbuena
Moderator Emilio Aguinaldo College
Clarissa F. Delariarte
Far Eastern University
Psychological Profile of Community Drug Argel B. Masanda
Rehabilitation Patients: Basis for Central Luzon State University
Intervention Planning Gil Jeff S. Tanganco & Alain Bernard A.
Floyd Batongbacal, Amor Mia Arandia, Andal
MIchael Buenaflor Holy Angel University
University of Santo Tomas Graduate School
Psychotrauma Clinic The parish of San Simon, Pampanga initiated
a Dangerous Drugs Board-recognized
Evelyn Gravador
formation shelter called Bahay Pagbabago ni
Fr. Edgardo de Jesus Apong Pilar for drug reformists in the
Nuestra Senora del Carmen Parish Pulong municipality and nearby areas. As part of a
Buhangin comprehensive program evaluation, this study
was framed through a sequential explanatory
As the government intensified the campaign approach by using surveys and focused-group
against illegal drugs in the past two years, discussion with the 6 volunteer-facilitators of
community drug rehabilitation centers around the center. Results show that they favor sports
the country were put up for short term and spiritual activities over livelihood activities
treatment of mild to moderate cases of drug as more important formative elements in the
addiction. In this emerging setting, the usual overall rehabilitation program for the
treatment protocols and outcomes for drug reformists. Similarly, they seem to have a
rehabilitation may not be applicable. Hence, strong belief that the said components are
there is a need to study the actual profile of the effective in the reformists’ improvement against
affected population and adjust intervention drug use. As perceived, indicators of a
protocols and expected outcomes. This successful formative rehabilitation program
preliminary study focused on the psychological circles around (a) behavioral improvement –
conditions usually associated with drug abuse. i.e., performing functionally in a job; (b) spiritual
The levels of depression, anxiety, experience development – i.e., praying and reading the
of traumatic symptoms, impulsivity, and self- bible; and (c) personal enlightenment – i.e.,
harming behavior were measured among 105 becoming self-aware and advocate against
patients in a short-term community illegal drug use. Taken all together, these
rehabilitation facility in the island of Luzon. A elements constitute to an effective formation
matrix representing the relationship of these and rehabilitation program for drug reformists
variables and a preliminary predictive model based on their experiences. Hence, related
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
programs for such capacity must endeavor to A Recovery-Oriented Therapeutic
incorporate the cited factors. Community: Reflections on Current
Recommendations as to the implications of
these data to formation and related programs Substance Use Disorder Treatment in the
are hereby put forth. Philippines
Sixtus Dane Ramos
De La Salle University – Manila
The Recovery Experience: Stress, Recovery
Capital, and Personal Views on Addiction The Philippines’ nationwide campaign on drugs
has been under the limelight due to its
and Recovery in Post-Treatment Addiction controversial approaches in dealing with the
Recovery problem of addiction. Despite the government’s
Therese Castillo current efforts, substance use disorders and
Seagulls Flight Foundation, Inc. related problems continue to persist within the
population. This study provides reflections on
The recovery experience is a research study the issue of addiction treatment in the
that explores the experiences of individuals in Philippines. This paper reviews the existing
post-treatment addiction recovery according to facts about the Philippines’ campaign against
stress, recovery capital and personal views on drugs, the approaches implemented by the
addiction and recovery. Existing literature government, current state of therapeutic
suggests that individuals with addiction require communities (TC), and its resulting impact on
a substantial quality of recovery capital to contemporary evidence-based treatment for
overcome stress and challenges in all stages addiction in the country. A treatment framework
of recovery. In this research study, it focused adapting a Recovery-Oriented Therapeutic
on a specific stage in recovery, post-treatment Community (ROTC) is presented in this study.
addiction recovery, since there is a great need The ROTC aims to address addiction as a
to explore what happens after treatment. The chronic, relapsing disease. This alternative
research adapted a case study research approach for addiction treatment in the
design and interviewed eight (8) participants on Philippines is based on the concept of recovery
experiences in post-treatment addiction and principles of effective substance use
recovery. Interview responses were analyzed disorder treatment. This paper discusses
through categorizing codes and themes and different recommendations for interventions,
submitting for external audit. Results showed research and policy development, aimed at
that the recovery experience in post-treatment improving the odds of securing recovery for
addiction recovery involves dealing with stress individuals suffering from addiction.
during reintegration to the mainstream
environment and daily functioning (getting a
job, earning money, fulfilling responsibilities).
Recovery connections, social support and
recovery-supportive activities were important
factors in sustaining recovery. Addiction was
considered as a lifestyle of powerlessness and
loss of control over substances while recovery
was depicted as an ongoing process requiring
support and finding purpose in being in
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018

Learning Session 31: I9 Symposium 31: I10

May K Ka Ba? Kapayapaan at Person-Environment Interaction:
Kaginhawahan sa Pagharap sa Krisis Concepts and Applications
(Generating Culturally Appropriate & Betty Cernol-McCann
Peace Centered Materials for PSP Work Convener
with Disaster-affected Populations) Silliman University
Rhodora Gail Tan-Ilagan PSSC’s 50th Anniversary
Ateneo de Davao University – Center of
Psychological Extension & Research
Services (COPERS) Psychosocial Determinants in
Environmental Resource Management
Betty Cernol-McCann
In the aftermath of a disaster or crisis situation,
the UN Inter-Agency Standing Committee
Silliman University
Guidelines for Mental Health and Psychosocial
Services emphasizes the use of culturally Several development projects over the years
appropriate and contextualized interventions have looked into some psychosocial aspects
for the affected community. Given the cultural to help understand and explain actions
diversity and magnitude of the Filipino characterized as environmental threats. The
population, particularly the marginalized author will revisit earlier studies she
sectors, professional mental health service conducted and identify lessons learned,
providers, not limited to psychologists, need to research gaps and courses of action in the
be equipped with skills for such forms of academe and target communities.
psychosocial support. With the view of
integrating principles in psychology, social
work, community development, anthropology Values Orientation and Environmental
and spirituality, a sociotherapeutic approach is
adapted by Ateneo de Davao’s Center of Threat Awareness as Determinants of Pro-
Psychological Extension and Research environmental Behavior
Services (COPERS) in responding to disaster- Lourdes Angela Florendo Pinero
stricken communities. Reviewing the Center’s Silliman University
experience and best practices in journeying
with survivors of typhoon Yolanda in Eastern
In order to explore the role of personal factors
Visayas and responders as well as direct
in the understanding of the environmental
survivors affected by the Marawi siege,
system, this study wanted to see if values
participants shall undergo a praxical workshop
orientation and environmental threat
to generate specific psychological
awareness determine pro-environmental
interventions ranging from psychoeducation to
behavior. The participants were purposively
basic psychosocial activities for different
chosen registered members of local people’s
sectors of the community.
organizations in a marine protected area
network. They were asked to complete survey
questionnaires, De Groot and Steg’s (2008)
Values Orientation Scale, an Environmental
Threat Awareness Scale and an Adapted
Version of the General Ecological Behavior
Scale. A total of 228 out of the 471 members
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
who were invited participated in the survey. in 2012 and 2013. Descriptive statistics were
Statistical analysis was done through used to organize, describe and analyze the
Spearman rho correlation coefficient and Two- data obtained in this study. The Spearman rho
way ANOVA was used to look at significant coefficient correlation was used in determining
main effects. Positive correlations exist significance of relationships. In addition, case
between values orientation, environmental studies are presented to highlight the
threat awareness and pro-environment constructs investigated in this research. Seven
behavior. Moreover, Two-way ANOVA showed case studies were chosen from both Negros
significant main effects between the factors Oriental and Bohol. The selection was not only
and pro-environmental behavior with no based on how respondents best depicted or
interactions appearing between the variables. characterized their concept of quality of life,
The implications of the results show that there spirituality and resiliency, from their respective
is bearing in using values orientation scores in the given assessment tools and
(especially biospheric orientation) and actual interview but also how they were able to
increasing environmental threat awareness spiritually cope with their stressful situation,
when creating intervention programs to and endeavored to promote the well-being of
increase pro-environmental behavior. This is of others. The selection was also based on the
relevance to concerned government and non- respondent’s availability and willingness to
government organizations whose aim is to speak freely about their experiences; they had
promote conservation, especially of these completed the quantitative measures and were
marine protected areas. Social Psychology identified by their fellow survivors as best
examples for disaster experience. Results and
Discussion. The results revealed a significant
inverse relationship between the psychological
domain (quality of life) and spirituality, meaning
Quality of Life, Spirituality, and Resiliency that survivors with negative religious coping (as
among Natural Disaster Survivors in a measure for heightened spiritual struggle)
Negros Oriental and Bohol were also found to have strong sense of
Rogen Ferdinand E. Alcantara psychological well-being as one of the domains
of quality of life. Results also revealed a
Silliman University significant relationship between the physical
domain (of the quality of life measure) and
Introduction. Natural disasters form part of the resiliency, meaning there is a strong
experiences of the Filipino people. Typhoons association between a good physical or bodily
and earthquakes are forms of devastation that function and the ability to adapt to disaster
do not only cause physical destruction but also conditions. Good physical state, positive
wreak havoc on the psychological constitution attitude, problem solving skills, experience and
of those who are directly affected. While the like, were valuable compensatory factors to
disaster response requires assistance to neutralize the negative impact of disasters. The
victims in the rebuilding of damaged physical case studies revealed more commonality of
structures, responders must also pay attention views and experiences on their quality of life.
to the rebuilding of the survivors' psychological Most of the respondents perceived their overall
well-being. This study was intended to quality of life to be between poor and neither
determine the relationship between quality of poor nor good. Four out of seven respondents
life (physical, psychological, social relationship perceived their overall health as good, while
and environment), spirituality, and resiliency the remaining respondents indicated
among natural disaster survivors in Negros dissatisfied and neither satisfied nor
Oriental and Bohol. Methodology. A survey dissatisfied. The case studies also revealed
research was performed covering selected that majority of the case respondents were
communities in the provinces of Negros experiencing spiritual struggle, indicating that
Oriental and Bohol where the Continuing they were experiencing spiritual
Calamity Response Program was implemented
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
discontentment and spiritual tension and their
efforts to conserve or transform spirituality Forum 30: I11
have been threatened or harmed. This also Abnormality and Assessment
indicates that majority of case respondents Grace B. Evangelista
utilized negative religious methods to cope with
major life stressors and in dealing with crisis,
trauma, and transition. The case studies also
reveal that the majority of the respondents
indicated their level of resiliency as neutral, Impulsivity and Hostility Indicators in
indicating that the impact of the two disasters Human Figure Drawings of Filipino PUV
are no longer felt intensely since making some Drivers
life adjustments and their lives have already
been “normalized.” Conclusion. Intervention by Marie Franz Gavino
private and public entities may have De La Salle University – Manila
contributed significantly to minimizing the
impact of natural disasters on the survivors. This current research intended to validate the
The quality of life assessment results affirmed utility of human figure drawing as an
the presence of resources and assistance to assessment tool for identifying individuals who
promote the quality of life, however, these have higher tendency towards impulsivity and
resources and assistance were perceived to be hostility among selected Filipino Public Utility
insufficient. Their level of spirituality reveals Vehicle (PUV) drivers. Through the Sign
discontentment, spiritual tension, and their Approach Method pioneered by Machover
efforts to conserve or transform spirituality has (1949), several specific indicators from the
been threatened or harmed, indicating the drawings of 100 PUV drivers based in Metro
used negative religious methods in coping with Manila were analyzed in order to find
major life stressors and dealing with crisis, significant signs that are indicators of
trauma, and transition; they may have ability to impulsivity and hostility traits. Results showed
adapt and to bounce back and recover from that there is one specific indicator appeared
their stressful circumstances, but they were still significant in relation to impulsivity and this is
striving towards optimum level of functioning. the presence of unequal arms in the drawing.
These data point to areas of improvement Meanwhile, there are two significant indicators
including the resumption of post-disaster transpired in relation to hostility trait such as
quality of life assessment for a more effective illustration of nostrils in the figure and human
implementation of recovery schemes and drawing with big hands in the figure. These
interventions. Emphasis could be placed on a specific indicators were validated through a
balanced and holistic intervention and recovery Point-biserial correlation towards personality
program to enable survivors to obtain a sense traits such as impulsivity and hostility of PUV
of optimal well-being, spiritual empowerment, drivers. The results of this research served as
and positive resiliency. Counseling Psychology another support for studies conveying that HFD
Developmental Psychology Social Psychology is capable to be an assessment tool for
Mental Health and Psychosocial Support different groups of adults like PUV drivers.
(MHPSS) and Disaster Psychology Implications of findings and directions for
further research are discussed.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
“You can’t just pause this game!”: Understanding the DSM-5 Section III
Development of a Local Tool for Internet Personality Disorders Using the Filipino
Gaming Disorder (IGD) Trait Constructs of the Mapa ng Loob
Lissa Antoinette Mendoza & Gregorio del Pilar & Rene Ela Ignacio
Ruby Ilustrisimo Personality Research Laboratory, University
University of the Philippines - Diliman of the Philippines-Diliman
Raymond Intal John Hermes Untalan
University of San Carlos The Graduate School, University of Santo
The increasing usage of online games in the
Philippines, the inclusion of Internet Gaming Using data sets from two samples (UP Diliman,
Disorder in the appendix of the DSM5 and the N=293, and four Manila universities N=248),
classification of gaming addiction as a mental the six personality disorders specified in DSM-
disorder by WHO brought a need to develop a 5 Section III were operationalized using the
tool measuring Internet Gaming Disorder recommended facets of the Personality
(IGD). Literature has identified six criteria of Disorder for the DSM-5, then correlated with
IGD. However, in this study we posited that the facets of the Mapa ng Loob. For both samples,
known criteria can be further compressed into mean reliabilities of the composite PD
three categories: persistent thoughts measures and the facet scales of the Mapa
(salience), sudden shift in mood (tolerance, were adequate. Results were nearly identical
mood modification, withdrawal), and change in across the two samples, showing that Avoidant
functioning (conflict, relapse). There were forty- (Neuroticism and low Extraversion), Borderline
five items in the initial item pool which was (Neuroticism and low Conscientiousness),
distributed through the online platform. 155 Narcissistic (low Agreeableness) and
participants (N = 155) answered the online Schizotypal (Neuroticism and low
questionnaire. Results of the questionnaire Extraversion) PDs were correlated in the
was analyzed through a correlational test expected directions with facets of the Mapa
which yielded a Cronbach’s Alpha of 0.915 (α domains corresponding to each of the PID-5
= 0.915). Since internal consistency was quite domains. As expected, the Antisocial
high, this led to the assumption of the presence Personality Disorder scores correlated
of multicollinearity. Thus, factor analysis was positively with Dalas Makaramdam ng Galit,
conducted to check on this deduction and negatively with the Agreeableness and
revealed that there were five components Conscientiousness facets, but positively with
instead of the proposed three. To further refine the Neuroticism facets of Pagkamaramdamin
the scale, item analysis was conducted and and Pagkasumpungin. This pattern, though not
produced nineteen items that can best consistent with DSM-5’s primary psychopathy
represent IGD. A Cronbach alpha of α=.867 subtype, is consistent with its secondary
was obtained for the final set of items. subtype. The expected correlations of the
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder measure with
the Mapa facets were partially obtained
(Neuroticism, low Extraversion), but did not
correlate with the four Conscientiousness
facets of the Mapa, although the Rigid
Perfectionism facet of the OCD measure did
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Development and Validation of the DSM-5-
based Generalized Anxiety Disorder Self-
Report Scale: Investigating Frequency and
Intensity Rating Differences
Jelli Grace C. Luzano, Imelu G. Mordeno,
Ma. Jenina N. Nalipay, Debi S. Galela &
Michelle Anne L. Ferolino
Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute
of Technology
Developing a Rehabilitation Psychology
There are limitations in the currently available Program in a Public Healthcare Institution
measures for the assessment of generalized
anxiety disorder (GAD). While changes have Jhoanna Yambot
been made in the diagnostic criteria for GAD Ospital ng Makati
from DSM-IV to DSM-5, there are no scales
which items correspond directly to DSM-5- The purpose of this paper is to encourage
based GAD symptomatology. Moreover, perspective on the institutionalization of a
although recent studies support measuring psychological services program developed
both symptom frequency and intensity of within a period of three years, at the
mental disorders, most GAD measures assess Department of Rehabilitation Medicine (DRM)
only either symptom frequency or intensity, and of a government hospital (local government
there is no DSM-5-based self-report measure unit). Initially catering to patients who are
of GAD that assesses both. In order to address referred by various clinical departments of the
these limitations, two studies were conducted institution for psychosocial support and
to develop and validate a new GAD self-report maximum functioning and independence, the
scale, the Generalized Anxiety Symptom provision for psychological assistance has
Severity Inventory (GASSI), which measures expanded into a comprehensive program of
symptom severity by assessing both the services including in-patient wellness visits,
frequency and intensity of DSM-5-based GAD psychological assessment, psychotherapeutic
symptoms. Study 1 provides evidence for a intervention, family support, monthly lay fora on
one-factor summed frequency and intensity mental health issues for various barangays in
GAD score using exploratory factor analysis. the community, as well as personal
GASSI was found to have good reliability and development and well-being workshops for
evidence of criterion-related validity. Study 2 hospital personnel. Considering the upcoming
suggests that both frequency and intensity of city mental health ordinance currently being
symptoms need to be measured based on the formulated to allow for a wider coverage of
results of invariance testing. These findings mental health benefits for the city’s
have implications for the measurement of GAD constituents, issues and concerns with respect
symptoms, as well as in the development of to the limitations of and implications to the
interventions for GAD. program at its current status have surfaced.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Establishing Psychological Assessment dysregulation, reactivity, and absconding. This
Services for a Public Mental Health Facility paradox points to a need to integrate trauma-
informed approaches in the setting – that go
Ron Julius Espada beyond circumscribed trauma intervention, are
Jose B. Lingad Memorial Regional Hospital flexible enough to be applied across contexts,
and are accessible enough to be learned by a
Setting up psychological assessment services variety of staff from administrators to direct
from scratch for a government facility service workers such as houseparents, social
predictably entails certain considerations and workers, and doctors. This study explored the
challenges. This paper aims to promote efficacy of implementing trauma-informed care
discussion on best practices of assessment (TIC) as an overarching framework in operating
psychology in a public hospital setting, as well government-managed residential care
as invite constructive critique on the steps facilities, particularly shelters that cater to
taken by the author towards the development sexually abused, trafficked, and traumatized
of psychological assessment services at a survivors. The value and effectiveness of TIC
mental health facility. It presents the program for center staff – who are directly involved in
rationale, stages of planning, consultation, and serving these clients and trained on the
selection of psychological assessment tools, management of “problem behaviors” – is also
including a description of the selected included in this paper.
intelligence and personality tests. It provides
an overview of the referral process for the
assessment of clients referred by medical and
allied health professionals from various
Capoiera Angola as a Socio-Educative
departments of the institution. Roles of Intervention for Children and Youth at Risk
psychologists and psychometricians in a Geoffrey Tenerife
multidisciplinary team in terms of psychological Maria Adela Guerrero
assessment are also discussed. Department of Social Welfare and

Trauma-informed care (TIC): A Way of Life This study explored whether a socio-behavioral
in Government Residential Facilities intervention program, specifically the Afro-
Sheharazad Renton Tolentino & Maria Brazilian art form known as Capoiera Angola
that integrates elements of dance, movement
Adela Guerrero and musicality, can help produce positive
Department of Social Welfare and social outcomes in sixty (60) young residents
Development from three selected shelters run by the
Department of Social Welfare and
Contemporary trauma treatments such as Development. Children and youth with
Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral challenging behaviors were identified and
Therapy (TFCBT) are developed primarily for assessed via behavioral checklists. Those who
individual or group therapy contexts. These displayed significantly challenging behaviors
interventions are contra-indicated, however, for were then grouped according to age and given
youth who have self-harm or suicidal about one-hour formal Capoiera Angola
behaviors, and who lack supportive families sessions once a week for three months. Each
that can provide empathic support during session was concluded with a segment called
trauma processing because these place them “Open Mic,” where participants shared their
at risk for further trauma exposure. These very experience and reflections in the session. After
techniques of behavior management and conducting a post intervention evaluation and
safety procedures designed to reduce unsafe systematic review of incident reports, results
behaviors have been found to be distressing showed an increase in prosocial behaviors,
for traumatized youth, leading to further engagement in more productive self-directed
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
behaviors, improvements in grooming and At the end of the learning session, the facilitator
hygiene, increased ability to sustain focus on a hopes to develop in the participants a different
task, and a beginning awareness of the view about stress and how to be emotionally
benefits of social capital, among others. Other agile. As Xan Oku said, “May the Flowers
positive results of the study are discussed remind us why the rain was so necessary.”
along with its conclusions, limitations,
implications, and recommendations.

Symposium 33: J2
Political Psychology Symposium on
J1 TO J12 Diwa Malaya Quiñones
September 22, 2018 Convener
10:20 AM – 11:50 AM

Family ties, Political Ideology, and Political

Trust in Civic Engagement Among
Learning Session 32: J1 Francis Simonh M. Bries
Befriending Stress: Understanding Department of Psychology, University of the
Stress Quotient and Emotional Agility Philippines - Diliman
Dario Arive, Jr. Christine Joy C. Lim
PsychPeers Counseling and Consultation Mariano Marcos State University – Batac
Services / Universal Robina Corporation and Department of Psychology, University
of the Philippines - Diliman
Ruby D. Ilustrisimo
Can you make Stress your friend? And how is University of San Carlos - Cebu and
Emotional Agility be a gift and a power in
stressful situations? The main objective of this Department of Psychology, University of the
learning session is to develop in the Philippines - Diliman
participants the understanding and the
connection of Stress Quotient and Emotional The current research investigates the roles that
Agility. The session will start by introducing and family ties and socialization, political ideology,
discussing studies related to Stress and Stress and trust in government institutions play in
Quotient. This will include social experiments predicting the engagement of educated
done on Stress, the different ways our bodies millennials in the civic and political affairs of the
respond to stress, other effects of stress, the nation. The research also attempts to address
stress response, and how oxytocin is related to the lack of representation of other provinces in
stress. Furthermore, human connection, caring current researches and information on Filipino
and resilience will be discussed as important youth civic engagement. Through an online
aspects of stress quotient and how stress gives survey, 298 millennials (M = 20.79 years, SD =
us access to our hearts. It will also include the 2.67) were recruited from Ilocos Norte, the
different ways to cope up with stress such as Greater Manila Area, and Cebu. Selection of
meditation, mindfulness, social connection and the localities were due to high recorded voter
developing the ability to be emotionally agile. turnouts and close tallies in the 2016 Philippine
The method will involve lectures and activities Presidential Elections that may be indicative,
that will introduce participants to a deeper although not an all-encompassing descriptor,
understanding of Stress and Emotional Agility. of high adult political participation. While
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
controlling for participant demographics such Mobilizing Men: Ally Identities and
as age, income, and education, it is found that Collective Action in Japan and the
political ideology robustly predicts over-all civic
engagement. Nonetheless, the role of family Philippines
ties in influencing political ideology was Winnifred R. Louis
observed, together with political ideology School of Psychology, University of
mediating the influence of family ties on Queensland
political trust. Direct influence of the three Makiko Deguchi
independent variables were also found on the
different subdomains of civic engagement. Department of English Studies, Sophia
Further path analysis showed how location University
influenced the variables of interest. The Eric Julian Manalastas
differing influences of family ties, political Department of Psychology, University of
ideology, and political trust on the various
facets of civic engagement are discussed.
Danielle P. Ochoa
Department of Psychology, University of the
Can ingroup Political Failing Result to Philippines - Diliman
Collective Self-Critical Emotions?
Men have an important role as allies in
Darren Dumaop reducing discrimination against women.
University of the Philippines - Diliman and Following the Social Identity Model of
De La Salle University Collective Action (SIMCA), we examined
whether men’s identification with the
Collective self-critical emotions (i.e., guilt and disadvantaged group of women would predict
shame) are self-conscious emotions out of their allied collective action, alongside moral
ingroup's despicable acts. These emotions convictions, efficacy, and anger. But would
lead to reparative action not only for the benefit identification with their own ingroup conflict
of others but also for the benefit of the self or with their willingness to improve women’s
ingroup. Numerous studies used moral failure situation? We tested the SIMCA, extended to
to elicit collective guilt and collective shame. An consider ingroup identification among men, in
ingroup collective action, however, can also Japan (N = 103) and the Philippines (N = 131).
result to political failing or disruptions of Consistent with SIMCA, moral convictions and
political institutions that led to its incapacity to group efficacy predicted men’s willingness to
work. In a rising democracy like the Philippines, engage in collective action to fight
will political failing result to collective self- discrimination against women. However, anger
critical emotions? The present study used was not significant, and identification with the
EDSA People Power II (EDSA2) as an event advantaged and disadvantaged groups played
that represented political failing. Older (born in different roles in the two countries. We discuss
1981 and earlier) and younger (born in 1991 the possible role of norms and legitimacy in
and later) Filipinos reported their experience of society in explaining the pattern of results.
collective guilt and shame after reading an
outgroup analysis of EDSA2. Participants from
the older group reported more collective guilt
than participants from the younger group.
However, the two groups had no difference in
collective shame. It appeared that people who
were chronologically present during an event of
political failing felt more responsible for it (i.e.,
collective guilt). This does not imply, however,
that they were more motivated to correct this.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Examining the Effects of Social Media
Priming and Political Efficacy on Protest Learning Session 33: J3
Participation Seeing, Contemplating, Creating:
Christian Victor A. Masangkay & Enhancing Well-Being through
Aila M. Abellanosa Appreciation of Beauty
Department of Psychology, University of the Roseann Tan-Mansukhani
Philippines - Diliman De La Salle University – Manila
The increasing use of social media has been
observed as an effective facilitator of social and
Psychologists have recognized the human
political movements around the world. Various
need for beauty as a vital element in life, and
empirical studies and meta-analyses have
its salutary effects on the psyche (Carandang
mapped out relevant social media use
et al., 2014; Ferrucci, 2009; Maslow, 1967).
variables on protest participation and their
Positive psychology acknowledges the role of
social psychological antecedents. For this
beauty in people’s well-being in the character
paper, we attempted to contribute to the
strength of “appreciation of beauty and
discussion by investigating a possible pathway
excellence” (Peterson & Seligman, 2004),
that links the effects of social media use on
defined as “the ability to find, recognize, and
protest participation. Through a quasi-
take pleasure in the existence of goodness in
experiment that had 185 respondents, we
the physical and social worlds” (p. 537). When
examined the effects of reading news online,
people perceive and contemplate beauty, they
using social media, and political efficacy on
can experience self-transcendent emotions,
one’s likelihood to participate in a protest. Data
such as awe and wonder, that lift them out of
were analyzed via ordinary least squares
their self-preoccupations and stressors, and
(OLS) regression and t-test. The results
make them feel connected to their
revealed that the effect of political news
surroundings, relationships and life. This
priming on intention to participate in protest is
learning session aims to foster the participants’
indirect and is mediated by internal political
mindful attention and appreciation of beauty in
efficacy. Furthermore, the effect of priming on
their immediate environment as a means to
the difference measures for internal and
enhancing well-being. This will be done
external political efficacy were significant,
through a presentation of the conceptual
although the means were small. These findings
foundations of the psychological need for
suggest that social media use facilities social
beauty, the relationship of appreciation of
movements by making exchange of
beauty to well-being, empirical and practical
information on political issues and current
applications of appreciation of beauty to mental
events convenient, thus, making citizens feel
health and clinical practice, an illustrative
that they are capable of participating in politics.
creative pedagogy, and experiential activities
to engage the participants in their own
glimpses of beauty in day-to-day living.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Femininity and (c) Femininity Roles. The
Forum 31: J4 identified issues, on the other hand, found
Gender Issues three major aspects: (a) Intrapersonal Conflict
Anna Kathrina O. Watin on Femininity, (b) Experienced Gap due to
Moderator Shifting Paradigms on Femininity and (c)
vulnerability to violence among young adult
women. It was revealed that the
conceptualizations of femininity and identified
Bakit Ka Pamin? : Meanings and Life issues have interactive relationship with each
Experiences of Discreet Gay Men other. Women are experiencing issues due to
Kevin-Milner De Vera & Jocelyn Nolasco femininity standards. Several relationships
between the conceptualization and the issues:
Ateneo de Manila University femininity qualities in physical attractiveness
increases intrapersonal conflict on femininity
Using the lens of Meyer’s (2003) minority enhancement. Shifting paradigms on feminine
stress model, this study examined the roles also heightened intrapersonal conflict of
meanings and life experiences of discreet gay role fatigue, vulnerability to abuse and
men. The researchers carried out one-on-one, experienced gap due to the shift. Thus,
in-depth interviews to three self-identified suggesting that through promoting Women
discreet gay men and through a thematic Empowerment, helping women to balance
analysis, generated four main themes: discreet femininity standards and ideologies in order to
means selective disclosure; discreet due to address different femininity issues and perhaps
familial factors and fear of homophobic help them change their mindset and behavior
treatment; experience of homophobia, in-group for the better status of women in the patriarchal
discrimination, and derogatory stereotypes; society.
and coping through trusted circles, and
defensive posturing towards heteronormativity.
This study provided a new perspective on the
life experiences and the well-being of a
commonly misunderstood segment of the The Predictors of Men's Sexual
LGBTQ community. Keywords: discreet Objectification of Women
homosexual, concealed, gay men, closeted Jose Joseph Pangngay
gay, homosexual, heteronormativity, stigma Saint Louis College

This study examined undergraduate men’s

conformity to four dimensions of traditional
Conceptualizations on Femininity and masculine norms and its ability to predict their
Identified Issues in Women likelihood to perpetrate sexual objectification
towards women. Moreover, this study
Juleva Saniel examined the mediating roles of abusive male
Saint Louis University - Baguio peer group association, pornography use,
Facebook use, drive for muscularity, and
The study aims to identify women’s perception of female beauty and attractiveness
understanding regarding their femininity and to the links between conformity to masculine
their issues from it. The current study used a norms and sexual objectification of women.
qualitative method and gathered fifteen Participants were 706 heterosexually self-
heterosexual women from Davao Occidental identified undergraduate men who completed a
that age ranges from 20-28 years old. Findings survey. Results show that body gaze is
showed three main themes of the predicted by conformity to Violence masculine
conceptualization of Femininity including (a) norm. Body comments is predicted by
Feminine Qualities, (b) Shifting Paradigms on conformity to Playboy, Dominance, and Power
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Over Women masculine norms. Unwanted on social lives, the subtheme was sense of
explicit sexual advances are predicted by detachment. Impact on academic life’s
conformity to Playboy masculine norm. subthemes were poor concentration and low
Moreover, the different social factors academic performance. Another theme which
consumed by the participants succeeded in was coping mechanism had subthemes that
mediating the association between conformity include optimism, denial, reliance on God and
to masculine norms and engagement to social support. Lastly, the subthemes for
sexually objectifying behaviors towards women aspirations theme were education,
on varied levels (partial and full levels). The employment and child’s future. Because of
findings emphasize the need to target these findings, the recommended output of the
conformity to traditional masculine norms, study is a Support Group Program for solo
abusive male peer group associations, and mothers.
pornography and Facebook use, drive for
muscularity, and perception of female beauty
and attractiveness in interventions aimed at the
reduction of men’s perpetration of sexually
objectifying behaviors towards women. Learning Session 34: J5
Utilizing Dreams, Fairy tales, and
Movement in Gestalt Therapy
Exploring the Dual Roles of Solo Mothers Emmanuel V. Hernani
Rama Lo Romero Cebu Normal University/
University of Antique Psychosomatherapia

Using a qualitative - phenomenological

research method, this study explored the lived
experiences of solo mothers in managing their This learning session is experiential, dialogical
dual roles of being a mother and a student in and dynamic. As prelude, there would be brief
the University of Antique. A total of six (6) solo overview of the developmental story, principles
mothers aging 22-29 years old served as and techniques of Gestalt Therapy. The main
participants in this study. A semi-structured part of the session, which is the experiential
interview was conducted to find out the exercises, will invite participants to experience
participants’ lived experiences. To reveal an the phenomenological-dialogical stance of
overall narrative of the participants’ Gestalt in working with dreams, fairy tales and
experiences, Hycner’s thematic analysis movement. After each experiential segment,
procedure was utilized. Seven themes there will be a discussion and analysis of the
emerged from the narratives of the solo principles and methods employed. Generally,
mothers and these include (a) performance of the activity would anchor on awareness,
roles, (b) barriers in managing dual roles, (c) dialogue, reflective contact between the
impacts on personal lives, (d) impacts on social presenter and the participants. At the end of the
lives, (e) impacts on academic lives, (f) coping activity, participants will be able to distinguish
strategies and (g) aspirations. Furthermore, Gestalt work from other therapies that utilize
subthemes appeared from the themes dreams, fairy tales and movement exercises.
presented. On performance of roles, task-
focused approach and multi-task approach
were the subthemes. Barriers in managing dual
roles had financial barriers, social barriers and
emotional barriers as subthemes. Impacts on
personal lives include subthemes namely,
liberty, desirable personality traits, source of
motivation and low life satisfaction. For impacts
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
studies be conducted in public schools,
assessing one year level and visual acuity
Forum 32: J6 abnormality at a time. Keywords: visual acuity,
Technology and Development IQ, computer use and study duration
Joanne Trina Moreno-Javier
Even if You are not There, You are Home:
Exploring the Positive in the Self and
Correlating Visual Acuity and IQ via Virtual Relationship Experiences of Filipino
Computer Use and Study Duration in Facebook Users
Children Jim Rey Baloloy, Nannette Medel,
Citadel C. De Castro, Joanne Rachelle Valle, Filemon Cruz &
Jose Gabriel D. Gonzales, Chester Relleve
Patrick Antonne H. Gonzalez, De La Salle University
Nicholle Anne B. Grageda,
Facebook is considered as one of the most
Abigayle Therese R. Guiritan popular social networking sites in the world and
& Guloy, Alvin Joseph A. Jr. it is apparent that Filipinos are one of its top
UST Faculty of Medicine & Surgery users. Despite the popularity of the site,
Ma. Regina Atinaja empirical evidence has implicated Facebook
UST Counseling & Career Center use with a wide variety of negative outcomes
but with less knowledge on the positive effects
of its use. The present investigation seeks to
Visual acuity as a measure of visual function is understand the positive experiences of
the eye’s resolution allowing discrimination of Facebook use among Filipinos to capture a
distinct visual stimuli from one another. This deeper understanding of the positive
may play vital role in the educational influences of the social networking site on the
development of children through its influence self and social relationships. Six individuals
on the intelligent quotient (IQ), however, both were asked to share two Facebook posts that
varaibles have multifactorial basis. This study they believe had a positive influence on them.
investigated on possible association between Semi-structured interviews were conducted
IQ and visual acuity in the context of other error which focused on the two shared posts. The
of refraction risk factors, length of computer results of thematic analysis using Giorgi’s
use and studying, utilizing cross-sectional (1975) phenomenological analysis show six
design and stratified random sampling of themes: Facebook makes families closer;
ninety-six (96), aged 10-14 Filipino children in Facebook induces positive affect; Facebook
a private school. Robotfoto was used to obtain facilitates good friendships; Facebook
information. Snellen chart and the Otis-Lennon facilitates connection with special persons and
Mental Ability Test were used to determine objects; Facebook establishes identity and;
visual acuity and IQ, respectively. A stepwise Facebook gives inspiration. The findings of the
multiple regression analysis was employed study provide insights on positive Facebook
using Stata software. Findings revealed that experiences, family dynamics, and Filipino
visual acuity of both eyes alone was not a virtual identity.
significant determinant for IQ development (p =
0.0856); however, visual acuity of the right eye
(p = 0.028), history of honors (p = 0.010),
history of dengue (p = 0.028) or UTI (p = 0.006)
were statistically significant determinants for IQ
development. It is recommended that future
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Establishing Mental Health App Integrity:
Validation of Psychologist in a Pocket in
Screening Depression
Paula Ferrer Cheng
University of Santo Tomas/Vivech System
Roann Munoz Ramos
Universitätsklinikum Aachen, Germany
Portialynn Quetulio See
University of Santo Tomas
“Nakaalpas Sa Duda v. Duda Pa Rin:
Depression is identified as the most prevalent Narratives of Resolved v.
clinical disorder and the main cause of illness Unresolved/Continuing Doubt
and disability among the youth. The Philippines Katherine Donatela Manlongat,
has the highest incidence of depression in Ma. Beatriz Guerrero, Claudine Tecson,
Southeast Asia with over 4.5 million cases.
Recognition proves difficult because of societal
Claudia Ysabel Macias & Divine Love A.
factors and by limitations of conventional Salvador
assessment procedures. Through mHealth or University of the Philippines - Diliman
mobile health, technology could aid preliminary
clinical assessment of depression. This study The quantitative study on IC and PWB was part
presents the validation of Psychologist in a of a mixed methods investigation employing
Pocket (PiaP), a mobile app designed to survey/questionnaire and interviews to quantify
screen depressive symptoms through text hypothesized construct relationships on one
analysis. Via Tripartite Model of Test hand and on the other, to elucidate pagdududa
Construction, PiaP’s Depression Lexicon narratives of a subset of participants. Thematic
consisting of 781,936 keywords was content analysis of participant narratives reflect
validated by mental health experts (Content constructions of pagdududa / doubting as a
Validation Index = 0.90), tested for internal dynamic experience that comes across to, and
consistency (Cronbach α= 0.763), tested for is felt by, the nagdududa as one of
item discriminability (item-total correlations r = contradiction and competing concerns,
0.029 to r = 0.623), and construct validated with cognitions, emotions, values, etc. The
Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) II (r =0.50), qualitative part of the study also checked if the
Center for Epidemiologic Studies-Depression pagdududa narratives shared by participants
(CES-D) scale (r =0.42), Affect Balance Scale who scored higher in PWB / lower in IC, as well
(ABS) Negative Affect scale (r = -0.29), and as lower in PWB / higher in IC differed in terms
Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS) (r = -0.32). of participants’ self-reported psychological
Normative structure was also defined. With its wellbeing. An important set of themes
initial psychometric properties, PiaP can be a constructed from participant narratives pertains
tool that would augment the process of to the effective resolution of pagdududa (seen
detection of depressive symptoms among in narratives of those interviewees who had
using mobile technology. lower IC / higher PWB) and how it differs from
unresolved and continuing pagdududa (seen in
narratives of those interviewees who had
higher IC / lower PWB).
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Doubt, Distrust, and Wellbeing: Measuring variability, IC predicted a greater proportion of
Inferential Confusion (Pathological Doubt) total PWB and SA but only a small proportion
of PG. These results are discussed in light of
and its Relationships with Trust, Distrust, the literature as well as insights from narratives
and Psychological Wellbeing of pagdududa shared by study participants.
Divine Love A. Salvador & Jemima F.
University of the Philippines - Diliman
Facilitating Effective Pagdududa Towards
Inferential confusion (Aardema,, 2009; Gains in Psychological Wellbeing
O’Connor,, 2013) is a disordered
Divine Love A. Salvador, Claudia Ysabel
cognitive process in which greater credence is
given to imagined, rather than objectively Macias, Claudine Tecson, Katherine
sensed, realities. Two studies measured Donatela Manlongat, Ma. Beatriz Guerrero
putative relationships between inferential University of the Philippines - Diliman
confusion and variables pertinent to the
experience of doubt. Study 1 looked into IC, Study 2’s participant narratives suggest that
Trust, and Distrust, and hypothesized that: 1) the experience of effectively resolved doubt is
Trust and IC exhibit inverse/negative associated with certain gains in psychological
correlation while Distrust and IC exhibit positive wellbeing such as: a kinder view of self and
correlation; 2) both T and D predict a significant others, a sense of having learned and grown
proportion of the variability in IC; and 3) four as a person from the experience, and a sense
groupings based on posited “alternative social of agency, mastery, and confidence in
realities” (Lewicki, 1998), derived from navigating life events. To extend this idea, this
combinations of T and D scores, will have paper presents some potential strategies —
significantly different levels of IC. Study 2 based on insight from participant narratives as
looked into IC, total Psychological Wellbeing well as the clinical / research literature — for
(Ryff,, 1995, etc.), and two PWB effective doubt resolution. These strategies
dimensions, and hypothesized that there will center on: 1) the dialectics of avoidance-and-
be significant group differences on PWB, SA approach, progress-and-retreat, short-term
(self-acceptance), and PG (personal growth) pain for long-term gain; 2) healthful attitudes
between those high in IC and those low in IC. towards self, doubt, and one’s experience/s;
Results of Study 1 suggest that both trust and and 3) creation of PWB/ginhawa facilitating
distrust are correlated with inferential confusion meanings out of the experience of doubt. A key
(r = -0.151, p = 0.05 for T and IC; r = 0.65, p = theme is the nagdududa’s readiness to go into
0.01 for D and IC; N = 189), but only distrust the experience of doubt, given that the here-
can be used to predict a modest proportion of and-now of it is uncomfortable and painful, but
the variability in inferential confusion (R sq = with potential for long-term benefit to
13.3, Adjusted R sq = 12.8). Also, a bigger psychological wellbeing.
sample size is needed to test the third
hypothesis given that Lewicki’s putative
social realities were not equivalently
represented in the study sample. Results of
Study 2 supported the predictions for IC and
total PWB (F = 46.286, p = 0.000, partial eta sq
= 0.131), self-acceptance (F = 53.675, p =
0.000, partial eta sq = 0.148), and personal
growth (F = 9.456, p = 0.002, partial eta sq =
0.030), showing significant group differences
on these scores between high and low IC
individuals. In terms of accounting for
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
What is Doubt? Constructions of Doubt Forum 33: J8
and the Importance of a Pragmatic Psychology and the Law
Scientist-Practitioner Perspective Hector M. Perez
Divine Love A. Salvador Moderator
University of the Philippines - Diliman

This paper presents the basic assumptions,

perspective, and methodology of the research Forensic Protocol on Marital Nullification
project on which the subsequent papers are for Psychologists in the Philippines
based. Doubt is assumed to be a basic Antero Rosauro V. Arias, Jr.
experience that everybody undergoes, and the UST Graduate School/Mapua University
basic challenge is to systematically study a
Arnulfo V. Lopez,
complex, dynamic experience of felt
contradiction. The project’s perspective is UST Graduate School
described as pragmatic in mixing and utilizing
data types, having a clinical psychology / The combined disciplines of psychology and
scientist-practitioner focus on therapeutic law evolved into the discipline that we now call
utility, constructive and integrative in forensic psychology. The realization of this
scrutinizing a putative doubt-wellbeing link, and interdisciplinary configuration while they
dialectical in resolving ostensible appeared to have been harmonized might
contradictions in data. Different constructions have, as well, created possible conflicts, if not
of doubt, from different knowledge domains, a total void in the documentation of both
and related constructs are also reviewed. The research and practice. The differences in the
specific (mixed) methodology used for the very nature and focus of the discipline of
project is described, and its limitations are psychology, being nomothetic and empirical,
discussed to provide interpretive boundaries and the discipline of law, being idiographic and
for the subsequent presentations. authoritative, provided the very bases of the
theoretical and practical gaps. Our present
study conducted a thematic analysis of several
court transcripts and affidavits on the accounts
made by clinical psychologists as expert
witnesses on marital nullification. Three
compartmentalized superordinate themes
which similarly categorized the other themes
were then generated. All these themes were
extracted from a broad spectrum of initial
codes and subcodes that were created using
MAXQDA. Relevant narratives of responsible
psychological practices were then reported
based on these themes. The thematized
narratives were then vetted using expert, legal
and empirical validation that were later
catalogued in a forensic protocol that was not
intended to overshadow the existing laws and
codes, but was envisioned to challenge the
very absence of the necessary aspirational
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Worldview of Filipino Children In Conflict Self-Legitimacy and Social Justice
With The Law (CICL) Orientation as Predictors of Policemen’s
Ramon Clemente Martin F. Attitude Towards Tokhang Operations
LachicaUniversity of St. La Salle Bea Luz Gayondato, Jonnah Mae L.
Codilla, Carol G. Dagayo,
In developing intervention approaches for Queenie A. Maragañas
children in conflict with the law (CICL), these Princess Yumiko M. Panlaan, Khael T.
children’s own understanding of their condition
as offenders’ must be included before the Quinain
situational dynamics of offending may be fully University of San Carlos
understood (Progrebin, 2004). This study
intended to explore the worldview of the CICL. The current study aimed to look at the
It aimed to understand the CICL’s notion of predictive capacity of self-legitimacy and social
“crime”; and their views on the implication of justice orientation on policemen’s attitude
their offense on Self, Others and Future. Using towards Tokhang operations. Oplan Tokhang
a phenomenological approach, in-depth is a newly implemented anti-drug campaign in
interviews were conducted with ten (10) the country carried out by Filipino policemen.
selected CICL to reconstruct their experiences Since policemen are in a position of power,
prior to, and during, their institutionalization at their attitude in implementing the campaign
a corrective facility. Informed consent was could be influenced by their self-legitimacy and
obtained. Using episodic narratives, themes on their view of justice because Tokhang is also a
the CICL’s notion of crime consisted of “internal justice-concerned operation. This study was a
disposition” which includes either one’s quantitative study utilizing survey method and
concupiscence or dulled conscience; “violation used multiple linear regression for prediction. A
of the principles” of “justice”, “life and person”, sample of 150 currently in-service police
the natural law, and principle of karma. officers from the PNP-Cebu Province were
Perceived implications of the offenses on one’s recruited for the study through convenient
self involved disturbed intrapsychic dynamics, sampling. Result of multiple linear regression
and disrupted interpersonal relations; analysis is significant, F (4, 145) = 16.144, p <
implications on others consisted of others’ .01, R2 = .308). Results showed that self-
negative evaluation of the offender, and legitimacy (β = .157, t = 2.227, p < .05) and
negative impact on the family. Implication of social justice orientation does predict
the offenses on one’s future included both policemen’s attitude towards Tokhang.
constructive and adverse consequences. However, out of the 3 types of social justice,
Findings are discussed from a moral only procedural justice (β = .316, t = 3.787, p <
development perspective and strengthening of .05) and retributive justice (β = .21, t = 2.52, p
moral reasoning through psychosocial < .05) significantly predicted attitudes.
interventions. Exploring this phenomenon would contribute to
local studies in Filipino culture about police

SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Being bad for the good: Exploring
Personality Traits and Altruism among Learning Session 35: J9
Filipino Law Enforcers Assessing the Competency of Managers
Joy Tungol Cataneda, A. Perez, J., Yu, S., Casto Ignacio
& Zurbano, G Org Mgt & Dev Systems, Inc.
University of Santo tomas

Altruism has been long conceptualized as a

self-sacrificial act which promotes prosocial Performance appraisals are subjective, lacking
behavior (Kent, 2011; Lishner, 2016). It is in uniformity of standards, and not based on the
generally viewed as a positive phenomenon, competencies that recent research has
yet other researches have highlighted the identified as critical to success in management.
feature of such behavior as anything other than Most organizations lack an objective means of
selflessness, which may include egotistically evaluating their strengths and weaknesses of
motivated or self-serving behaviors (Feigin et managers and supervisors. This session
al., 2013). Individuals who possess these traits explores the findings of recent competency
or qualities have a tendency to seek special studies, identifies the methods used to assess
treatment or admiration, to be apathetic managerial competence their advantages well
towards the feelings of others and to as disadvantages. OBJECTIVES: Upon
manipulate others in order to achieve their own completing this session, each participant will
ends (Whitbourne, 2013). These are known as be able: • To list the major competencies that
the Dark Triad personality traits characterized top-performing firms focus on • To describe at
by callousness, manipulativeness, lack of least six ways to assess managerial
empathy, and also the exhibition of altruism, in competencies • To identify the major
the form of self-serving behaviors. As such, advantages and disadvantages of assessment
these traits are commonly observed among methods • To experience a segment of an
enforcers who are known for their helping assessment exercise and critique it
behaviors and assistance towards the society CONTENT: How the competency studies
This research aims to explore the existence of evolved the 12 major competencies that
the Dark Triad traits and altruism among law emerged and how they cluster into four
enforcers, and if these traits can be groupings: Administrative, Communication,
significantly correlated with altruism. Through Supervisory, and Cognitive. The use of case
purposive random sampling, a total of one method on video to minimize variability (i.e.
hundred (100) law enforcers were recruited as how to control for variation in presenting the
participants. Results show that only narcissism stimulus and in scoring the responses) major
is positively correlated with altruism r(100) = design considerations in developing an
.223, p< .05, indicating that altruistic behaviors assessment. What we’ve learned about the
performed by law enforcers may not always be performance of Filipino managers and
self-sacrificial, but self-serving. supervisors who have been through the
assessment program. Presenter: Casto Merza
Ignacio, RPsy President. Organization
Management and Development Systems, Inc.
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Filipino Lawyers: Personality Traits and
Forum 34: J10 their View of Self-Potentialities
Psychology and the Professions Eugene Hontiveros, Ely H. Espinosa Jr. &
Grace A. Dalisay Emeline Ann V. Olis-Dolotina
Moderator National Center for Mental Health and
Graduate School, University of Santo Tomas
Passion to profession: The motives and This paper studied the level of aspiration of
need satisfaction of Filipino performing Filipino lawyers in relation to personality traits
artists and their view of self-potentialities. Data
Anna Mae Amurao collection involved mixed method from a
University of the Philippines Diliman survey of 300 Filipino lawyers as participants
who were clients of the Neuropsychiatric and
Psychological Assessment Unit of the National
The humanistic perspective upholds that Center for Mental Health. HEXACO Personality
individuals must satisfy (five) basic human Inventory-Revised was utilized for the
needs to maintain their overall wellbeing and explanatory account on personality of Filipino
become fully-functioning individuals. This lawyers and the Dimensions of Self-Concept-
qualitative research explored the key Form W to measure their level of aspiration.
motivations for pursuing a professional career Personality traits that can predict the level of
in the performing arts. It provided an analysis aspiration were also determined. Obtained
of the extent to which the basic human needs data largely supported that personality traits
(identified by Maslow) are satisfied among positively correlated with the level of
Filipino performing artists. Twelve (12) Filipino aspiration.Among the personality traits -
artists were interviewed: they were active and Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and
acclaimed performers in dance, music, theatre, Openness to Experience were found to be
film & TV. Findings showed that for the sample, predictors of level of aspiration. In conclusion,
their artistic profession fairly satisfied most of the results of the study have shown that
the basic human needs in the following order: personality traits and level of aspiration of
self-actualization, esteem, income Filipino lawyers are related and that
(physiological), and belongingness. However, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, and
it lacked in providing a strong sense of Openness to Experience are associated with
safety/security for "freelance" performers. In an elevated level of aspiration. Key words:
this regard, Filipino artists in the sample lawyers self-potentialities HEXACO
emphasized that continued opportunities in the
entertainment or performing arts industry—on
top of fair satisfaction of their basic needs—are
necessary to stay loyal and truly flourish in the Coaching Philosophy and Coaching
profession. The paper concludes with practical Behavior: Lessons Learned from Coach
recommendations on how Filipino artists and Topex Robinson
relevant stakeholders can work together to
strengthen need satisfaction and, thereby,
Marcus Jarwin Manalo
promote the overall wellbeing and flourishing of University of the Philippines Diliman
performing artists in the Philippines.
The purpose of this study is to reflect and share
about the coaching philosophy and coaching
behavior of Coach Topex Robinson of the
Lyceum of the Philippines University senior
men’s basketball team. Robinson led his
college team to a major turnaround from NCAA
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Season 92 to 93 and to three consecutive finals adversities in HR work, and (3) How to achieve
in different leagues in less than one year. This job satisfaction as HR practitioners. The
study utilized a first person account of the sport findings of this study suggested qualities and
psychology consultant who worked with him. responsibilities of an HR personnel. Stress and
Data were collected from communications and frustrations were present in a human resource
observations in trainings, competitions, and workplace and coping mechanisms were
other team activities. These were revealed. Job satisfaction of an HR was mainly
supplemented with accounts from players and achieved from responding to concerns of
other members of the coaching staff. The employees. Based on the results, it was
results revealed that Robinson had a clearly concluded human resource personnel's job
defined philosophy which guided his daily was both challenging and satisfying. Effectively
actions and he was very intentional in responding to the needs of the people working
incorporating psychological skills in coaching. below and meeting the demands by
The link between his coaching philosophy and supervisors at the same time is a challenge
behavior was reflected on his beliefs and they face everyday in the workplace. These
actions pertaining to task orientation, mastery- findings would contribute to the evolving filed of
oriented motivational climate, appropriate HR and better understanding of human
feedback and reinforcement, developing a resource development and management
growth mindset, team cohesion, profession in the Philippine context.
transformational leadership, and effective
communication. Additional reflections and
implications for coach education and
development are also provided. Keywords:
coaching philosophy, coaching behavior, Symposium 35: J11
college basketball, sport psychology Socio-Emotional Life Skills in Clinical
Assessment, Therapy, Special
Education, & I/O Setting
Stories behind the desk: The Lived Mary Grace Seranilla Orquiza
Experiences of Human Resource Convener
Practitioners in Iloilo City
Pedro Galeno, Zarina Anne Gregori-
Antonino, Ellah Nina Bano, Keannu Liene Peer Mediation on the Social Skills
Dillera, Kaye Iray, Development of Children with
Janne Retsel Piz & Autism Spectrum Disorder
Melanie Sumadic Elaine Angelique Bautista & Angelica
Central Philippine University Maunahan
Shapes Psychological Services
This qualitative research, utilizing the
phenomenological approach, was conducted The present study examined whether peer
to understand the lived experiences of human mediation increased the social skills
resource practitioners in Iloilo City. Three development of children with Autism Spectrum
human resource personnel from different Disorder (ASD). Participants’ communication
sectors were interviewed to provide insights and interpersonal skills were evaluated pre-
into the research question, "How is it being an and post- intervention based on the IPG®
HR practitioner?" Semi-structured face-to-face model and were explored through semi-
interviews were conducted, transcribed, structured interviews with their parents and
translated, and thematically analyzed. The teachers. A multiple case design was used,
major themes that emerged were: (1) How to with evaluation at pre-determined play
function in the HR field, (2) Presence of sessions. Five Novice Players (NP) aged five
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
to 11 participated; their interactions with Expert context of job- matching which is part of
Players (EP) were rated based on the IPG® employee assessment and deliberations in the
model (i.e., communicative-function and management level. Summary analysis of 30
means, social play style, and symbolic and assessments of socio- emotional
social dimension of play). Improvements were competencies in various positions will be
observed in participants’ social play style, and discussed in light of job descriptions,
social and symbolic dimension of play, where assessment recommendations, and
their status shifted from lower to higher levels management decisions in hiring and
of functioning. Meanwhile, no changes were promotion.
reported in communicative-function and
means. In addition to the four themes included
in the IPG® model, socio-emotional awareness
was identified as an emerging theme that also Nurturing Happiness Through Play:
affected NP-EP interactions. Implications for Reflections on the Therapy of Children
peer mediation as a program for developing Undergoing Chemotherapy
social skills of ASD children and suggestions Ma. Dinah Espartero- Asiatico,
for future research are provided. Niño Jose Mateo &
Elaine Marie Aranda
Socio-emotional Competencies as Indicator Gray Matters Psychological Center, De La
for Hiring and Promotion in Professional Salle University
and Executive Positions
Bianca Joyce Sornillo & Eunica Dee This presentation focuses on the experiences
Gray Matters Psychological Center of therapists from Gray Matters Psychological
Mary Grace Serranilla- Orquiza, Center as they conducted play therapy
Gray Matters Psychological Center/De La sessions on a group of children undergoing
chemotherapy from Lymphoma. Ten children
Salle University, Manila ages 2 to 17 underwent play therapy aligned
Jojo Lomibao Tandoc with Erik Erikson’s Social Development Model.
Gray Matters Psychological Center, DMCI For eight sessions, they were exposed to
Power Corporation experiential activities such as story-telling,
individual and group activities, in order to
The practice of competency- based selections increase their level of happiness and wellbeing
of employees in the workplace setting has as well as to decrease their anxiety towards
traditionally placed importance on educational hospital-related procedures. Using journaling,
background and intellectual abilities since each of the six therapists involved wrote their
these are often considered as predictors of job session notes and reflections. These notes
performance. However, developments in the were then analyzed and organized into themes
field of corporate assessment suggest that regarding the effectiveness and challenges of
emotional intelligence- including positive conducting such a therapy.
relationships, self- awareness, and social
awareness are equally important in predicting
potential and continuing success of
employees. Moreover, in the executive
positions, emotional intelligence among
employees were found to differentiate between
average and high performers. In this session,
we will discuss social- emotional competencies
as an important factor considered in hiring and
promotion of employees in the professional
and executive positions. This will be done in the
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Challenges in Assessment of Socio-
Forum 35: J12
emotional Functioning of Young Children
Teaching Psychology, Student
Anthony Joseph Covar & Paula Francesca
Performance and Employability
Ver Reyes
Gray Matters Psychological Center
Jonathan Robert Ilagan
Gray Matters Psychological Center/Ateneo
De Manila University Faster Is Not Better: A Case Study of a
Mary Grace Serranilla- Orquiza Child With Slow Processing Speed
Gray Matters Psychological Center/De La Salle Jessica Espanto
University Ateneo Bulatao Center

Processing speed deficits affect an individual’s

Young children’s assessment of social and academic, adaptive as well as socio-emotional
emotional functioning is important given that it functioning (Braaten & Willoughby, 2014). This
can help identify presence of developmental is a case study of a 14-year old Filipino male
problems, clarify academic and other cognitive participant with slow processing speed who
concerns, and aid in the development of encounters difficulties in academic
appropriate treatment plan. However, performance and self-concept. Thematic
challenges in the assessment of young analysis was conducted on the interview data,
children’s socio- emotional functioning exist. behavioral observations, and test results.
Particularly, since most of the assessment Based on the analysis, it appears that the
tools that measure this aspect in young participant experiences inferiority, which
children makes use of rating scales from manifests as internalizing and externalizing
parents, difficulties in obtaining accurate symptoms. Implications on interventions for
information is difficult especially when parents children with slow processing speed are
are in denial or blinded. In this session, we will discussed.
descriptively discuss these challenges through
presentation of 5 cases of young children that
necessitates the assessment of socio-
emotional functioning. We will provide
indicators to identify when parents are not likely Do the Millennials bother with school? A
to provide accurate information. Lastly, we will study on Student Engagement
also discuss the methods that we applied in our Ruby Ilustrisimo
attempt to further obtain a more University of the Philippines Diliman/
comprehensive understanding of our client’s
University of San Carlos
functioning in order to provide the optimal
assessment findings and recommendations for
the clients. Student engagement has always held the
fascination of academic administrators. In this
study, factors of student engagement among
working and non-working millennials
undertaking graduate studies were examined
through the lens of three identified components
of the said construct (i.e. behavioural
component, emotional/affective component
and cognitive component). This was
investigated through a mixed method utilizing a
survey and one-on-one interviews. The survey
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
was disseminated through online platforms and the employability skills and the 21st century
respondents for the interview were identified skills were used to validate, enhance, or
from those who answered the survey. Survey provide new inputs to course development of
results from 100 respondents revealed that a Program Graduate Outcomes of CHED CMO
significant difference existed in the emotional No. 34 series of 2017 for the Psychology
(t=2.73, p<.01, d=.540) and cognitive (t=1.98, Program. The employability skills and the
p<.05, d= .393) components of student importance of the 21st century skills were
engagement among working and non-working assessed by HR personnel as respondents
millennials. Individual interviews from the study who were engaged in hiring Psychology
revealed several themes in relation to student graduates and in evaluating performance of
engagement and retention. Implications of the these graduates as their current Staff. This
findings will be discussed. study arrived at the following findings: (1) the
respondents were very satisfied in rating
psychology graduates with regards to
employability skills in the aspects of personal
qualities, core skills, and process skills as
Employability Skills in BS Psychology: Input
contributors to employability. (2) The
to Student and Course Development respondents were very satisfied in rating
Program psychology graduates in terms of 21st Century
Reynold Varela & Roldan Ragot Skills as contributors to employability. (3)
Adamson University There was moderate significant relationship
between personal qualities and 21st Century
skills, and strong significant relationship
In an attempt to address the challenge of the
between core skills and process skills. (4) The
21st Century Literacy and the widening gap
aspects of employability skills such as personal
between the student’s current employability
qualities, core skills, and process skills were all
skills and the employer’s demands and
existent in CHED CMO No. 34 series of 2017.
expectations on industry skills and other
But in terms of 21st Century skills,
attributes, the researchers, being an
entrepreneurial thinking was not existent in
academician and a practitioner, felt that there
CHED CMO. No. 34 series of 2017. The
was a need to investigate this research
findings of the study could be used as a
problem with the view of proposing what should
Framework for enhancing the curriculum for BS
be the Program Graduate Outcome (PGO’s)
Psychology program in order to meet the gap
for BS Psychology Program as an input to
of the required skills demanded by Industry
course development. However, despite the
Partners and Employers. Thus, in the design of
academic endeavours of educational
the curriculum, employability of graduates was
institutions to fulfill the local and global
dependent upon the development of skills,
educational standards and demands, there
which were essential to employers and industry
were still gaps identified somewhere along the
partners. -------------------------------------------------
road. The right job skill-match was one in which
---------- Keywords: Employability skills, 21st
it challenged the schools in providing skilled
Century Skills, BS Psychology Graduates,
workers to the increasing demand of qualified
Commission on Higher Education (CHED),
personnel. It was hoped that the findings of this
Philippines CMO No. 34 series of 2017
study shall further contribute to the
enhancement of CHED CMO no. 34 series
2017, Policies and Standards for
Undergraduate Programs in Psychology. This
study explored the relationship between the
employability skills and the 21st century skills
among Psychology graduates who were
employed in selected industries in Batangas
and National Capital Region (NCR) areas. Both
SEPTEMBER 20 – 22, 2018
Improving Student's Performance Using
the Worktext in Psychological Assessment
Nicklie Tiratira
University of Rizal System/ New Era

The objective of the study is to determine the

effectiveness of the developed worktext in
Psychological Assessment. The study is
anchored on the Transformative Learning
theory of adult learning (Craig et al., 2001;
King, 2002) which describes learning in the
“constructivist orientation which holds that the
way learners interpret and reinterpret their
sense experience is, central to making
meaning and hence learning” (Mezirow, 1991).
The study utilized the two group control group
design. The participants were sixty (60) third
year BS Psychology students who were taking
the Psychological Assessment course. To
analyze the data, the Mann-Whitney U test was
used to compare differences between two
independent groups when the dependent
variable is either ordinal or continuous, but not
normally distributed. Unlike the independent-
samples t-test, the Mann-Whitney U test allows
different conclusions about the data depending
on the assumptions made about the data's
distribution. The result of the data analysis
showed that the Worktext in Psychological
Assessment is effective. It is recommended
that the worktext undergo revision to capture
the most simple words that student can
understand with the technical terms being
defined and explained. Also, further try out of
the worktext is needed to validate the result of
this study.

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