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 Creation of flat file in excel with .CSV format.

 Creation of Info area, Info Object Catalog with respective Info objects.
 Creation of Info Cube as data target in the info provider.
 Creation of Source system and Application Component
 Creation of Data source.
 Creation of Info package and scheduling the data load to data source (PSA)
 Creation of Transformation between data source and Info Cube (Data
 Creation of Data Transfer Process (DTP)
 Loading data to the data target (Info cube).


T-Code used for flat file extraction.

1. Creation of flat file in excel with .CSV format.

2. Creation of Info Area, Info object catalog and Info objects.

Info Area: Info Area is like a folder used to hold related files together.
Info object catalog: IOC are created in order to create info objects for
characteristics and key figures.
Info Objects: Infoobjects are the smallest available information fields in BI
InfoObjects can be classified into the following types:
Characteristics (for example, customers)
Key figures (for example, revenue)
Units (for example, currency, amount unit)
Time characteristics (for example, fiscal year)
Technical characteristics (for example, request number)
Path -> Go to transaction code RSA1 to go to the Data Warehouse Workbench.

Navigate on Info objects on the LHS, then right click on the top bar to create Info

Provide technical name for Info area and description.

Right click on the Info Area-> create IOC ->Provide technical name for IOC and
description and mention the Info object type as either characteristics / key figures.

Activate it.
Right click on the Characteristic InfoObject Catalog and choose the option “Create
InfoObject” -> Give Technical name and Description of the characteristics.
The Check box “With Texts” and With Master data has to be selected for primary
key bearing Infoobject.
Info Object - MNO Creation:
In Master Data/Texts tab, Uncheck both buttons.

Similarly Right click on the keyfigures InfoObject Catalog and choose the option
“Create InfoObject”-> Give Technical name and Description of the keyfigures
Mention the data type -> Amount/ Integer/ Quantity and Unit/Currency tab.
3. Creation of Info Cube as data target in the info provider.
Infocube : It is a data storage area in which we maintain data which we are
extracting from source system physically. An InfoCube can function as both a data
target and an InfoProvider. From a reporting point of view, an Infocube can be
described as a self-contained dataset.

Path ->
Navigate to Modeling tab->InfoProvider -> Right click on InfoArea -> Click on
“Create InfoCube” from the context menu -> Enter the Technical Name and
Click on Info Object Catalog icon and drag the characters in dimension field and
drag key figures in respective key figures field. Unit and currency fields are

Now the data target is ready.

4. Creation of Source System and Application Component.
Source System: All systems that provide BI with data are described as source
systems. Eg: data base system, flat file, spread sheets, XML files
Application Component : It is folder to hold the data souce and these are used to
organize InfoSources.
Path ->
Navigate to Modeling tab->Source Systems. Right click on the folder named FILE
and choose “Create” from the menu. Enter the Logical System Name and
Description and Continue.

Now the Source system is created.

Double click on the Source system and Create Application Component, enter the
tech name and description for AC.
5. Creation of Data source.

Data source : A datasource is a structure which is created in the source system and
replicated to the BW system. Maintaining a datasource in a source system is doing
any changes related to the datasource. It could be adding/deleting fields or
checking the flags in the datasource like the hide and selection flag.
Path ->
Right click on the Application component and create data source.

Enter Technical name and choose the Datatype Datasource as transaction data.
Enter the Object Type as Info cube and technical name of info cube and continue.
Please find the below snap shots for referance:
Enter description in the general info tab.

Browse the Transaction data flat file in file name under Extraction tab.

Enter the required information in the extraction tab.

* Browse the file name
* Header rows to be ignored : 1
* data format: separated with separator with .CSV
* Data separator : [ ,]
Now load the data in the proposal tab
Enter the technical name of the particular attributes in the info object tab and
double click on each info objects entered in the field.

Activate it.

Check the preview tab.

6. Creation of Info package and scheduling the data load to data source (PSA)
Infopackage : It is a tool used to load data in PSA in BI 7.0


Navigate to Modeling tab->DataSources. Right click on the DataSource -> Create

InfoPackage -> Enter the InfoPackage Description and Save.

Click on Save and start the schedule.

Click on allow and data is requested now.

7. Creation of Transformation between data source and Info Cube / DSO
(Data Target)

Transformation: It is used to convert a field of source into the target object format.


Navigate to Modeling tab->DataSources. Right click on the DataSource -> Create

transformation -> Target- >Enter the Object type- InfoCube/DSO and technical
name of info cube-> Enter Source Object Type and Object Name -> Enter the
Source System and Continue.

Activate the transformation and continue.

Activate it and continue.
8. Creation of Data Transfer Process (DTP)

Data Transfer Process (DTP) : It is the process for transfer of data between two
persistent/non persistent objects within BI.


* Loading data from PSA to InfoProvider(s).

* Transfer of data from one InfoProvider to another within BI.

* Data distribution to a target outside the BI system; e.g. Open HUBs, etc.


Navigate to Info Provider Tab -> Under the Info cube we have created find DTP ->
Right click on DTP -> Create Data transfer process -> Continue.
9. Loading data to the data target (Info cube).


Click Execute tab in the DTP -> activate it and the down Click the Execute button
to start data load from the Datasource(PSA) to the Info cube.
Request started processing and shows green. Now the data is loaded into the info
cube successfully.
Result: Flat File Extraction Chart in SAP BI System and Bex
BI System:

Right click on the Infocube -> Display data -> field selection for output-> Select
the fields needs to be required and execute it ->Select on Graphic to find the report
in Graphical way.

BEX Analyzer.

Click on Add-Ins -> Bex Analysis tool box -> Create new query -> New Query ->
select Info Area-> open -> save all-> Enter report name and description-> Execute
-> Click on Chart.

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