MIST 201 Excel Practice Exam

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Excel Practice Exam

1. Download the Excel file Purchase Orders and save it as Excel_Exam_username.xlsx. (5


2. In cell G4, enter a formula to calculate cost per order which is equal to (item cost *
quantity). Copy the formula to the other rows in the column. Label (name) this column
as cost per order. (15 points)

3. Format the Cost per Order as currency. 5 Points

4. In cell K4 calculate the order duration, which is equal to (arrival date –order date). Copy
the formula to the other rows in the column. Label (name) the column as Order
Duration. 10 Points

5. In cell L4, enter an IF function to test if the order duration is greater than 10 days. The
function should insert the text “Late” if the test is true and “On Time” if the test is false.
Label (name) this column as Order Status (15 points)

6. Find the following: (18 Points)

a. In cell A99 type Minimum Quantity and in Cell B99 find the minimum quantity:
b. In cell A100 type Maximum Quantity and in cell B100 find the maximum quantity
c. In cell A101 type Total Order Costs and in cell B101 find the total costs
d. In cell A102 type Average of A/P Terms (Months) and in cell B102 find the
average of A/P Terms =AVERAGE(H4:H97)
e. In cell A103 type Number of Purchase Orders and in cell B103 find the number of
purchase orders =COUNTA (B4:B97)
f. In cell A104 type Number of O-Ring Orders and in cell B104 find the Number of
O-Ring Orders =COUNTIF(D4:D97,”O-Ring”)
7. Use conditional formatting to highlight in red fill with dark red text all cells in the Order
Duration column with values greater than 10. 10 Points

8. Apply a filter so that only the supplier Alum Sheeting is displayed. 5 Points

9. Sort the data by Purchase per Order from largest to smallest (descending). 5 Points

10. Using the data in columns A through L, insert a PivotTable in a new sheet. Design the
PivotTable to show a summary of the number of orders (Count item No.) for each
Supplier (Row) and Order Status (Column). 17 Points

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