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Module 1: Introduction to Finite Difference Method and Fundamentals of CFD

Lecture 4:

The Lecture deals with:



Explicit and Implicit ethod

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Module 1: Introduction to Finite Difference Method and Fundamentals of CFD

Lecture 4:


A finite difference representation of a partial differential equation (PDE) is said to be

consistent if we can show that the difference between the PDE and its finite difference
(FDE) representation vanishes as the mesh is refined, i.e,

lim (PDE-FDE)
lim (TE)=0

A questionable scheme would be one for which the truncation error is and not

explicitly or or higher orders.

In such cases the scheme would not be formally consistent unless the mesh were refined
in a manner such that . Let us take Eq. (3.3) and use the Dufort-Frankel
(1953) differencing scheme. The FDE is


Now the leading terms of truncated series form the truncation error for the complete

The above expression for truncation for error meaningful if together with

and .However, and may individually approach zero in such a

way that . Then if we reconstitute the PDE from FDE and TE, we shall obtain

lim (PDE-FDE)
lim (TE) =

And finally PDE becomes

We started with a parabolic one and ended with a hyperbolic one!

So, DuFort-Frankel scheme is not consistent for the 1D unsteady state heat conduction
equation unless together with and .

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Module 1: Introduction to Finite Difference Method and Fundamentals of CFD

Lecture 4:


A solution of the algebraic equation that approximates a partial differential equation (PDE)
is convergent if the approximate solution approaches the exact solution of the PDE for
each value of the independent variable as the grid spacing tend to zero.

The requirement is


Where, is the solution of the system of algebraic equations.

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Module 1: Introduction to Finite Difference Method and Fundamentals of CFD

Lecture 4:

Explicit and Implicit Methods

The solution of Eq. (3.4) takes the form of a “marching” procedure (or scheme) in steps
of time.

We know the dependent variable at all at a time level from given initial conditions.
Examining Eq. (3.4) we see that it contains one unknown, namely .

Thus, the dependent variable at time is obtained directly from the known values

of and


This is a typical example of an explicit finite difference method.

Congratulations! You have finished Lecture 4. To view the next lecture select it from the left hand side
menu of the page or click the next button.

1 of 1 6/20/2012 12:20 PM

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