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Living Grace Ministry May / June 2018

Inside this issue

Bible Studies ............................... …….2

Skills Classes................................ …….2

Latest Projects …………...………..…………2

LGH Physical Progress ................ …….2

God’s Grace in May & June 2018

2.5 Months & Counting…,,……..………..3

Living Grace House ..................... …….3

Greetings to all! Business Info ............................... …….4

Personal News ............................ …….4

These last two months have been crazy, to say the least. The amazing
Sofia & Victoria ........................... …….5
people of this wonderful country of Nicaragua need your prayers more
Celebrations 2018…..,,…………………..…5
than ever before. Our God is in Control and Our Jesus is still in the sav-
Partner With Us……………….………………6
ing business. And we are still in the service of Our Awesome God.
There is so much going on all around us. Much of which, we cannot
Prayer Reqeusts:
safely share about at this time. We are seeing evil things as the pow-
• Safety & Health for all, es-
ers of darkness are flexing muscles. We are seeing God’s grace and
pecially during the fighting
mercy and protection in many ways. It is sometimes like living inside
of an adventure movie. And sometimes I want to walk out of the thea- • Peace & comfort for the
families of the hundreds
ter. But we know that God has a purpose for allowing everything. We
killed since April 18
must continue to cling to Him and trust in His plans. We will remain
• Peaceful new Govt for Nica
obedient to share Jesus whenever we can and to minister to hurting
people and to be testimonies of living in the hope of eternal life with • Continued Obedience &
Jesus in Heaven. Please keep us in your prayers. seeking God’s will in every
decision & relationship
Glory to Him in ALL things! Celebrate Him! He is Worthy! • Financial Support & Stew-
ardship for LGM House
• A growing walk with God
Weather report- for every person touched
May started ’winter’ which is also the 6 month rainy season. After 6 months by Living Grace Ministry
of no rain, the people and the earth were ready for some refreshment! We PRAISES:
always have fans going 24/7. But the temps will actually drop into the low
• Physical safety for the fam
70s overnight and we love that! Daytime temps continue to be 80s-90s, but
ilies of our ladies & friends
that is better than April! So far, our current locations have handled the rain
well. Just a few leaks at the apartment. And some flooded floors at the min- • New ladies in the ministry
istry house, but that was due to clogged gutters, which has been remedied. • God’s provision for each of
And the rains at night help to curb some of the fighting, so we’re thankful for us in classes & ministry
that, too! God is good in all times. Bring on those showers of blessings!!
• Network of fellow mission-
aries in Leon
Bible Studies
Due to the danger of being out and about, and also in gathering into groups, we have had to suspend the
Bible Studies at LGH for awhile. We have been able to have some individual study sessions in our apart-
ment. We are also training some leaders to multiply the classes, which will be great in case we have to
keep our activities low key. LGM will continue to share Jesus in any way we can. And we look forward to
having normal class schedules in the future. God is Faithful.

Skills Classes
We tried to have Skills classes as often as possible during this unrest. Each morning we check the news and
word of mouth to find out if the roads are passable/safe. (It’s like checking the weather daily.) A lot of the
weeks in May, we had to make the decisions on a day to day basis. That was hard to manage, as well as, hard
for the ladies to plan. Finally, it became too dangerous to try to have classes. So LGH has been closed and se-
cured for the last weeks. We have someone sleeping at the house to guard it. We hope soon to start having
classes, at least in the mornings, again.

While we are on hiatus, we have several ladies who are working very hard in their homes. We have been able
to get to them some materials to keep them busy making things to sell. Veronica also calls the ladies weekly to
check on their safety and any needs that we could possibly meet. The LGM staff is constantly working at pre-
paring for when we can hold classes and meet together again. God’s vision for LGM goes forward!!!

Latest Projects & Custom Orders

We continue to make things for special order and to send to the states to
Shopping, Shipping, & Abundant Treasures Flea Market in Rogers AR and a special shop in Indi-
Handling ana.
We take advantage of every The civil unrest here has limited people coming and going between Nica
opportunity to send the and the states, but we continue making the items in anticipation of send-
ladies’ products to the ing them north with the next person(s) who can carry them for us.
states. We are concentrating on Christmas items and anything people want to
order for gift giving. Be sure to contact us with your special orders.
LGM has booth #15 at
Abundant Treasures Flea Pray that God makes a way so the ladies can support their families. HE is
Market in Rogers to show a
small portion of our items.
We do a lot of custom or- Living Grace House: Physical Progress
ders and get them back to Even during these special times, Living Grace House continues to be a place of bless-
the states, too. ing and peace and love of Jesus. We have had a nice donation to equip the kitchen
so that we can add nutrician/cooking classes in the future. We have been able to
Personal shipping and han- find some very good bargains on things and are moving forward when possible.
dling with each order!!!!
Please consider partnering with us in improving the Living Grace House for more
classes and opportunities for outreach. As little as $10 a month is a huge blessing to
these ladies and their families. This ministry house allows us to have a base to share
2 Jesus and be a ‘light’ here in Leon. Thank you for your prayers and support!
2.5 Months and Counting... Living Grace House

God has provided His plan (and our

dream) of a dedicated space for
LGM ministry to function.

The future goal is for the Living

As I stated in the last newsletter, serving in a Third-Culture country brings
Grace House to be self-supporting
many opportunities for adjustment. This includes everything from daily living
through income from teaching
conditions, relationships with people, respecting the culture, navigating the
government, etc. Being a foreigner here (even with residency) still means specialized classes for a small fee
that you are a guest of the country/government, and can be asked to leave at and selling handmade items from
any time. the included storefront. Until
The uprising that began from the oppression with deadly force against the then, designated donations sup-
peaceful protesters in mid April has escalated to dangerous heights. As of port the ministry house.
June 26, there are 285 dead, 1500+ injured, 72 currently detained (201 liber-
This location allows for skills clas-
ated), 156 missing. There is an average of 4 people killed per day. I’m sure
the numbers are higher by the time you are readying this. I cannot safely ses to be taught 6 days a week,
share details, but please know that the people here need your prayers. which opens up a whole new realm
of skills (including basic English
We still have to make daily decisions based on safety issues. Leave home?
Go to store? Go to bank? Money on us vs keep in bank? Big purses/bags/ classes). It also allows more teach-
backpacks cause suspicion everywhere now. We also do not carry our smart ers to earn a small salary from
phones outside anymore. We use a cheap cell with only phone numbers. teaching.
Leon (our city) had over 450 barricades on the side streets made mostly of LGM will continue to teach basic
street pavers. This was to protect us from attackers coming through in vehi-
skills classes on Tuesdays and
cles to shoot at random. The city took the pavers away, so now we have
Thursdays for free .
deep ruts in the streets that impede all traffic. Public transporation is non-
existent much of the time. Walking (like I used to do everywhere) is no long- Another benefit, is that Living
er safe. We travel only with our friend who drives a taxi. He also acts as our Grace House is more available for
bodyguard/escort, if needed.
Bible Study Classes throughout the
Most businesses, markets, banks, restaurants, etc., are only open in the week.
mornings and by 1-2pm most everything is closed up and people are in their
houses for the rest of the day. We have a written, detailed expla-
nation of classes and current needs
Before, everyone left their doors open until they went to bed. Everyone.
Now, people have their doors shut all the time. It looks so weird. Our little that we would love to share with
apartment complex never used the iron gate at the street before. Now it’s anyone interested in supporting
10’ tall, with a welded locking system and serpentina wire across the top. this special endeavor. Please con-
And we have to wait inside the gate instead of on the street like before. It’s tact Vickie or Veronica to be a part
a whole new world right now. of Living Grace House.
I have learned a lot of new vocabulary lately. Roadblocks, blockades, shock-
Keep this exciting opportunity in
forces, snipers, bullets, mortars, paramilitary, prison, torture, truce, massa-
your prayers!!
cre, shootings, assassinations, Human Rights, kidnap, threats, mediation, fu-
neral, strike, grief, mourn, among other things.
We ask God for discernment and guidance through every step. We’ll keep
you posted as best we can in the coming weeks and months as this huge part 3
of history unfolds. Stay tuned! Keep Praying!!! May GOD be glorified in all!
Board of Directors
LGM Business News
Vickie Cline, Director Living Grace Ministry started in
Leon Nicaragua Leon Nicaragua in January 2014,
and was incorporated as a non-
Cathy Krupka, profit organization in May of
Rogers AR 2015.
Zandra Mangrum Living Grace Ministry is regis-
Garfield AR tered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3)
We are proud to represent God’s “How can they go if they are not
Oliver Martinez
Ft Worth TX plan of salvation as we minister sent? How beautiful are the feet
to the people of Leon Nicaragua that bring the Good News.”
Beth Sevey and surrounding areas. Romans 10:15
Bentonville AR

“Concern yourself with the depth of your ministry

Nica Co-Director and God will take care of the breadth.”
Veronica Torres

Nica Assistant
Sofia Roque Personal News...
I (Vickie) continue to wait on the phone call from Nica
US Vol Admin Asst
‘Immigration’ Office to schedule the interview and home visit for
my residency, which could happen at any time this year. The
US Vol Mdsg Asst Migracion part of the Government is continuing to run as usual,
but is now overwhelmed with thousands of Nicas seeking pass-
ports and exit visas to leave the country to find safety and work.
I had been going to the local Migracion office here in Leon for my
twice a month visits to drop off my passport and visa extension
request and then to pick the passport back up the following
In May, the passports didn’t make it back to Leon from Managua,
due to the National Strike and major roadblocks on all highways.
Monday, June 2, I am going to the local office to see if my pass-
port has returned. Then during that first week of July, I am going
to the main office in Managua to request a 90 extension (instead
of the 30 day one that I have to get in Leon). I will also check on
the status of my residency application.
Prayers are appreciated for all of the normal govt red-tape and
for the circumstances that makes this process a little more com-
4 plicated than before.
Sofi & Victoria
Sofi continues to be an awesome Momi, daughter, Christian, student, mentor and everything else she is
to many people. Her weekly schedule is still full. She is diligently studying and trying to complete
school when it is safe to attend classes. She also is involved with the Children’s Ministry at our church.
Please keep Sofi in your prayers for physical strength, wisdom and discernment and growth as a Warri-
or Princess for God. She is such a blessing!

Victoria is growing up way too fast! She is becoming such a unique little girl. She
really misses school (3 yr old preschool) due to the safety concerns about leaving the
house, and likes to play that she is the teacher to her students (Mama and Mimi) at
home. I love watching her switch between English and Spanish when speaking to me
and Sofi. We all understand both languages, but she has designated each of us in
which language to use with her. I love watching her grow up.

Thank you for praying over our little family. Pray for physical protection, growth in our walk with the
Lord. After 2 weeks of not leaving our house, the first time I went out she cried for an hour, afraid that
I wouldn’t come back. She said there is a monster in the street. Broke my heart. But she has been able
to go with us on a few errands, so she is much calmer now. Pray we glorify God by our trust in Him!!

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day & other celebrations 2018

Mother’s Day in Nica is May 30. There was a peaceful march (parade) in most cities on that day. Thou-
sands of Nicas were walking the streets in a sea of blue and white (Nica flag colors) and especially honoring
the mothers who had lost their teenage and young adult children in the unrest. At the end of the march in
Managua, snipers opened up on the crowd. So sad.
Father’s Day is June 23 in Nica. Due to the massacre at the march for Mother’s Day,
there were not festivities planned in public.

A peaceful march to honor the children and babies killed in the unrest was held on June
30. It was called the March of Flowers for Children. It was the first public gathering like this since Moth-
er’s Day. Unfortunately, there were some attacks on the participants, which included some deaths. So
very sad.
Please remember all of these families who are suffering the loss of loved ones, especially, the loss of chil-
dren. It is sometimes unsafe to hold the usual ceremonies for the deceased. Normally, the body would be
laid out in a coffin in the family’s home for visitation. A tent awning would be set up in the street outside
the family home with rented plastic chairs. Coffee and bread is served to the mourners. The next day, all
friends and family follow the casket to the cemetery by foot. This is no longer a safe thing to do all the
time. (In April, an attack was waged on a memorial service.) So much sadness. Pray for the healing power
of Jesus for the hearts of the loved ones.
Ministerio Gracia Viva
Partner With Us:
Primero de Mayo
Visit our website:
1 1/2 cuadras abajo de Bar Neysi
We’re on facebook: Living Grace Ministry
Leon Nicaragua

89493842 claro

Support LGM financially by:

Checks to Living Grace Ministry, PO Box 567, Rogers AR 72757
Online giving at (use donor portal button)
Text giving at 479-282-3114

Living Grace Ministry PLEASE

PO Box 567 STAMP
Rogers AR 72757 HERE

Phone: 479-270-0727


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