Tarrant Superintendent Shelly Mize Emails

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From: Mize Dr. Shelly mzes@tanantkiBalus & Subject: Re: TaranvePa Date: danuary 7, 2016 at 8:02 AME “To: Bon Goldman Dgoldman Bhandaroncal.com (Ce: Miza Or Shety mizes@tarran k2.al us, Tusk Mayor Loxcille tuck @elyotaerant com Ber, ‘The oto is groat! Thank you so much for your help! shelly Dr. Shoty Mize Superintendent Tarrant City Schools 13218 Alabama Steet “Tarrant, AL 35217 1h (z0s)840-3700 ‘x (205 )840-9728 “Tarrant City Schools are commited to serving all students and communty through quay learning in @ secure environment ensuring colege andlor career reaciness. Preparing for learning, service. and suecess Leaming + Servce = Success. (On dan 6, 2016, at 5:28 PM, Ben Goldman wrote Dr. Mize, Please see attached for the proposed letter to the EPA that we discussed. Thanks so much for your consideration Yours truly, Ben HAND BRP ARENDALL Lic» LAWYERS Benjamin S. Goldman 205-502-0142 DirectDial 205-397-1303 Fax n@handarendal.c 2001 Park Place North ‘Suite 1200 Bingham, Alabama 36203, _wachandarendal.com ard | Map The information contained in this electronic message is intended only for the use of the owner of the emall address listed as the recipient of this message and may contain attorney-client privileged and confidential information. if you are not the intended recipient, or the employee or agent responsibie for delivering this message to the intended recipient, you are hereby nolified that any disclosure, dissemination, distribution, ‘ copying of this communication is strictly prohibited This message has bean scanned for viruses and angerous content Sy MailScanner, ard is baleved to be clean, a Tarrant School Board Lote EP... ease docx & vised EPA Access ‘Authorstion pat From: Tran, Sid stiant@babe-cam ‘Subject: Re: Tarrant Elementary Soncol ate: Fobhuary 8, 2018 ai 3.08 Pat ‘To: Mze Dr. Sheby mizes@tatant 2 aus Ce: Yuenger, Anne ayuengent@babe-com, Goldman Ben bgoldman@handarendall com ‘Wise to stay out of this. | am happy to review a draft ater ‘Sent om my IPhone (On Feb 9, 2076, at 2:45 PM, Mize Dr, Shelly wrote FYI. asked Bath to not reepend and to stay out oft. Just wanted to make you anare of what is going on. (see emai chain below) ‘Sid: Kelley J and | ar taking abou! getting information out o parents. We are thinking of sending home a leter to parents with explaining that ‘ve have boon prosotive in ensuring tne safely ana web-beng of our children. What you edt our ltr? Shety Dr. Shelly Mize Superintendent Tarrant City Schoois 1818 Alabama Street Tarrant, aL 38217, 1h (205)849-3700 fax (208)849-8728 “Tarant Cty Schools are comma to serving al students and community tough quay leaing in a secure environment ensuring college andor earee: readiness, Preparing for learning, service, and suocess Leaning + Service = Success Bogin forwarded message From: Beth Medavid ‘Subject: Fad: Tarrant Elementary School Bale: February 8, 2016 at 1:26:45 PM CST To: Mize Shoty Got this rom Gall Harper Yen, dont know howe respond! Help! 8 Sent rom my Phone egin forwarded messae ram: Gall Hamer Yelding Bate: February 8, 2016 al 12:10:58 PM CST ‘To: McDavid Bath > ‘Subject: Fi Tarrant Elementary School Beth, 1o you know of anyone atthe alementary school that could gat in touch wth regarding the? Do you know anything about Get Smart Tarrant? ‘Thanks, hope allie wo oH ~ Forwarded message —~ From: Kirsten Bryant cxisten @gaspgroup.org-mallo ston @gaspgroup o> Date: Wed, Feb 8, 2036 at 1:17 PM {o.Gail Harpe: Velding HiGal, {thas boen abil since we last coresponded, how is everything going wth you? am hoping you may be able fo help, Gasp submited a pain to EPAchtp:igaspgroup orglepavorinvestigate-potentia-theatsto-pubic= bealh-emvironmen-n-azrant i 2014 aking them to “nvestigate® potential contamination In Tarrant. EPA aoreod to westigata (which they ‘noulént have done thay ad think there was Ikely a problem, ne are tole) and is he process of getting sol samples right now. Tarrant Elementary School is one ofthe 23 properties that EPA wantes to nally tos, We just earned that tho Tarrant Chy Schoo! System jst vithdren, of reversed, thee Site Inspection Permission form that gave FPA permission fo go onto the property and test the sal ‘The mayor of Taran likely band hi along witha new, quasi group called, Get Smart Tarrant. Apparently, Got Smant Tarant doesnt want the EFA doing anything in Tartan ad they are Spreading misinformation, See th stached sign someone alerted us fo Loetermining whether or not etzans, especialy chiéren, ar baing exposes! to toxic chemicals inthe sols what EPA i ying fo do fa Tarrant, ‘hay are taking the fst stop by responcing to our peo [As a mom, | thought reaching out te the PTA/PTO at Tartan Elementary would be @ good start. Do you happen to know anyone at Tarrant lementary | should tak 107 Thanks Gal, kirsten (On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 et 5:21 PM, Kirson Bryant wrote HiGal, Thanks for reaching out ‘The large faites thet emit the most potion have a palluton port roviow ovary ive years. We currently have a smal window to influence ‘hose parmts, Geting ne pubic Involved in thase alr permit moatings and hearings is cial to improving our ar quay. (Note that al county resents can participate, we are targeting Tarrant du to the proximity ofthe plant ~ everyone in the county breathes the poluon, hey just breathe more oft), Currently, we are encouraging oitzene in vetforson county to atlend 2 public Informational meeting on Si" at Taran: Intermadiate Sohool regarding ABC Coke's dalla perm. Anything you can do to encourage residents and those who workin Tartant to alend Mondays Pubse Informational meeting is much appreciated Atlached is tyr we ave using to canvass the communities thing closest to ABC Coke, We welcome your involvement, thanks so much! Fer clean and healthy | ist (On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 12:14 Pm, Gall Harper Yeldng > wrote Kirston, lam a formar teacher at Tarrant Midl/igh School. Nelson pul me in touch with you about helping cut wth the upcoming meating on the Set. [was unfortunately out of town an Wonday and Tuesday when Yall got together. Is there anything else ean nelp out with? Ihave tied fe spread the word tough my comacs at Taran, Please lot me know if here i any way else that can help. Thanks oH Kirsten Q, Bryant 732 Montgomery Huy #405 Bloningham, AL'35216 205-541-5746<4:205-541 S748> ‘GASPproup org Kirsten G. Bryant Outreach Director gas £2820 Highland Ave S, Sue 270 Birmingham, AL 85210 205-5418 7abct0:205-541-87 46> GASParoup orgchto"Moasparoup oral GASP on Twitr GASP on Facebookchtps vs facebook comn/GASP group> Teacher and Coach at Choleea High Schoo! | -icLaige Memb, Homewood Enironmertal Commission 205-410-6615 “Tris mossago has beon scanned tor viuses and dangerous content by MailSeannerchtp ww malscannerinfo>, and is believed fo be clean, CContidertaty Notice: This e-mail i rom a law fm and may be protected by the altomey-cllent or work product prvieges. Ht you have received his message in ero, please noi the sander by replying fo this ermal and ten delete fom your computer ‘This message has been scanned for viruses and angerous content by MallScanner, ands, believed to be oles, From: Trant, Sid stamt@babecom & ‘Subjects FHF Taeant Si Sampling -Folkwing up Date: Fobniary 10, 2016 at 8:28 AN ‘To: Dr Shelly Mize mizes@tarrantk12 aus Ge: Yoengert, Anne ayvengert@babo com Shelly, See response from EPA and request for the Goodwyn, Mills & Cawood sampling protocol and sampling. results. We should provide them with that information. Is that something you have or how do! go about obtaining it? sid Sid J Trant, Partner Bradley Arant Boult Cummings LLP One Federal Place, 1819 Fifth Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203-2119 Direct: 205.521.8479 + mobile: 205.218.4591 + Fox: 205.488.6479 Fmait: strant@babe.com « sie: http:/Awww.babc.com/sid-trant From: Lodin, Marianne [mailto:Lodin.Marianne@epa.gov] Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 8:01 AM To: Trant, Sid Cc: Smith, Stephen ‘Subject: Tarrant SI Sampling - Following up Good morning Sid, Thanks for speaking with me regarding the School Board’s position on access. We were able to reconvene with our clients yesterday. To better understand the 2013 sampling event at Tarrant Elementary mentioned in the attached letter, we request that the School Board provide the Agency with the underlying sampling protocol and sampling data. The EPA can then fully evaluate this sampling event and make a final determination on the need for additional sampling at the school and access. Could you please have your client or client’s consultant send us a copy of that information? Thank you for your cooperation and assistance. if you have any questions, please feel free to contact Stephen or me. Regards, Marianne Marianne Ortiz Lodin Associate Regional Counsel U.S, Environmental Protection Agency, Region 4 Office of Environmental Accountability 61 Forsyth Street, S.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30303 (P) 404-562-9547 (E) lodin. marianne(@epa.gov CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message is being sent by or on behalf of an attorney. It is intended exclusively for the individual(s) or entity(ies) to whom or to which itis addressed. This communication may contain information that is proprietary, privileged, or confidential or otherwise legally exempt from disclosure. If you are not the named addressee, you are not authorized to read, print, retain, copy, or disseminate this message or any part of it. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by email and delete all copies of the message. CConfeertialiy Notice: This e-mails fom a lye fem and ay be protected by the atfmney-clent or work produc! privleges. you have received is message in ero, plesse nol the sender ty epiving (otis mal and then delete from your computer This message hus been scanned for viruses and ‘sangotous conten by MailScanner, and is a balaved tobe clean, School Sard Later pat From: Dr Shelly Mize mizas(@tarrank k{2.alus Subject: Re: now GASP FOIA request Tarrant schoc! samping Date: March 18, 2018 a 4:25 PM Te: Ban Goldman Bgolcman®2handsrenda.oom Ce: Tran, Si sini bate com | was verbally tld (by the health Dept) that wo were selected besause we ALREADY had an sir quality manitring sation st TES, Sent rom my iPhone | On Mar 17,2016, a 201 AM, Ban Goldman vote “They want to sae the modeling data that aad EPA to test athe Elementary School nthe tet place. This also dives home why EPA So very badly wants fo rtest re ta iy to upiui thee prior finding of no contamination, Benjamin S. Goldman Hand Arendal LUC 1200 Patk Place Tower 2001 Park Place Non Birmingnam, A 9203 Direet eal (205) s02-0142 Fax: (205) 987-1903, Email tgolaman@handerendalicom J On Mar 47, 2016, al 8:50 AM, Tene, Sie Ge: Tran, Sid Subject: Ro: naw GASP FOIA roquest ee Taran eco! camping | Sid and Ben, [Remeber that only bose stout be mean, When nly raad (jars apo) ane! then yest rereae he por, fine asin avin el sens up ed ag What a | assy ia wa think eau ther 4 hone en 20164-16 77-01, Bon Goan woe | shoty and Sid, | yates to mate you awene al something fs era em atention F evday. There is nething that you need tao in esponae, but Ls lad io ring this fo your atti. Kirsten Gryanleubmiiod@ FOIA request to EPA afew cave ago seating fetcemation about CPA's samjling of Tarast Elementary. er FOS Ferqiest ack or the computer madeling date, anslyss atid summery ol that wae reterrel to In his eeeripion on EPRe ate hal dou Tarrant Elementary.” and then quotes om this weet: | Iilpevavw.2pe.qeviohtsaierariEle in Here's FOUR request hips Hoianntine seguato clk -ORO0OERAOH AT oe? io) nh toe voinoetionspubbiebicweuest70b) | This soomns e cuntim tha! GRSP ie net lating he Totrent eohoole k. Issve go, Again, leer tel you encugh how much we have eppwecietes your auppest i dealing with is isu, Venus iy, BENJAMIN 8, GOLDMAN | passneoi42 peck Dial | 206-207-1003 Fax bgoldnan@hendarendelloom 2005 Pai: Place Noth Sule 1200 Bimiytane, Albers 98208 wer tiodarendel cor fj CARD [9] MAP Is) | The information contained i itis slectonis messane is inteied only {or the use ef tha ener ofthe ermal aczress lec asthe felon! ofthis essage and may coniainatiomey-cen privleged and conterital migration I you ar note inisadee Fp, or ths employes ex agen! vesponsble for delivering this messzae othe infeed recipient, you ae hereby noted that en esclosure, | Gkezeransston, isinbuen, or copy of his cortmuricaton is Billy poied ‘This massege has bsen scanned for vruses and dangaraus conan by MAILECGANNER (5) end is beloved 1 te clean. Unk: i pe #eixontna regulations govibialactionpublchiewaquesiobh selkl-peocosazenb07e03 Ph ip iwewhardsrendallcom! |e} hp /onhsndarendallcomitiomey_voard php?atiomey=146 a iips:tiri google comimags7t=a8 anreouice=s.qflanyphi-enfiemp.geoacdeta np q>200 8865 Parts: Plocedxs Norhatas rminghom,+ ALAeES 9500 ‘38aunp sb=34 800209,,85 97 19;S8anp Bspn=0.019082,0 DZB7OSRamp f-UT FAR amplinamp hregr=2001249 Par kOee3 P43 Bingham £e43;JeHesn ‘#4 ;Alsbamaa#43;s52032ampz=17 (5) hp saver: maiscsnner into’ x. Shelly N Mize Suponiterdent Tatton’ Gly Schoois 1318 Alabama Streat “Taran, AL 38207 ensisso-700 CContidenity Nodioe: Tis e-mails tom le tem and mey be protected by ie aftomey cient or werk product prvleges. you have received tis massage in errr plcase rotiy the sender by replying Ya is ermal en than delat kom Vou compete. “This eral has ean Soarnad for omal eats! toate and dalvered eae by Mimacae For more rtrmaton pease vist hipvaw miners com ‘This message has been scanad for uses ane angers conte by MalScanne, ands beloved tebe eee | i

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