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THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN By MARTIN McDONAGH * DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE INC. Dramatists Way Service Dyauanists! Ghats or tit Aumiots! LeAGue oF AMERICA forthe HANDUNG OF THE ACTING RIGHTS (OF MEMBERS: PLAYS, ond THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE AMERICAN THEATRE THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN By MARTIN McDONAGH * DRAMATISTS PLAY SERVICE INC. Copyright© 1989, Mae temas ‘Copy 190 Mc Don At iets Hered AUTION Peis nant me yard ht RIM Minn desi Roa oa envi ion (alain Danian of Cats ast ae a a Gana ofall areca y be Porat ss yea ‘einer Copan Centon the Ute Camano esas ek ‘he Ute Sites ht pede ea seventies pe ad Sn nd coping me gh of ste inn ats ine see sare ci ene at nS ‘nen rr a a ems hi ei a, ngs cr ce aN sol end The Ra sl Any La. 7 (Conde ha Locke Wi I an ‘Arvo ing prmisicn roe TF CRIPPLE OF INSHOUAAN rege) nh hei of Pity appease prot averting. bing eee lng the tds dt heal Tae mae ees mse ‘eve bor ma) pee flowing acoeigeenes eh ae i moos orc omni pera o 8 Fa. 9 ob "TE CUPL OF at pe ate oa Nin ‘ia Nex Yor raion by "hea ry erro ee en | ‘THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN received its American premiere at the Public Theatr/New York Shakespeare Feuval (Gorge C ‘Wolfe, Producer) in New York Git, om April, 1998. Ie was directed by Jerry Zaks, he set design was by Tony Walton; the costume design was by Ann Roth; the Highting. design was by Brian Nason; the sound design was by Aural Faation: the poe Jsction design was by Sage Marie Carter, the dramaturg as Shelby JiggeticTiwony, and the production sage manager was James Lats. The cat waa fll KATE Elzabeth Franz EILEEN Roberta Maxwell JOHNNYPATEENMIKE, onal Donnelly ‘CRIPPLE. BILLY Ruaidhr Consoy BARTLEY ‘Chwistopher Fagerald HELEN ‘Asing O'Neil BABBYBOBBY Michael Gaston DOCTOR MeSHARRY Peter Maloney MAMMY. Been Brennan ‘THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN received ie world premiere ia the Cottesloe auditorium of the Royal National Theatre, in London, England, on December 12, 1996. It was directed by [Nicholas Hytne: the Set design was by Bob Crowley the lighting design was by Mark Henderson the music was by Pudy Cur een: ane the sound design was by Simon Baker. Phe cast wa Tellows kate Anita Reeves EILEEN Deatbls Molloy JOHNNYPATEENMIKE, Ray McBride (CRIPPLE BILLY Ruaidh Conroy BARTLEY ‘Owen HELEN ‘Aisling O'Sullivan BABBYBOREY ‘ary Lydon DOCTOR MCSHARAY. John Rogan MAMMY é Doreen Hephirn (CHARACTERS: KATE — mid sixes, EILEEN — mid sis, JOHNNYPATEENMIKE — mid ssi. BILLY — seventeen/cighteen. Crippled. BARTLEY —stxeen/seventeen HELEN — seventeen/eighteen.Preuy BABBYBOBBY — carly thirties Handsome, muscular. DOCTOR — eatly forte. MAMMY— early nineties. SETTING “The idand of Inishmaan, 1954, THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN ACT ONE Scene 1 A small country shop on the iland of Inishmaan crea 1934. Dorin night wall, Counter along back, behind which hang shes ofeamned gods, most pas. Am old dusty cath Sack angst th igh of hate, andl the ft deo lads tif tam unsen back wom. A miro hangr om the lft wall (nd table and char ae tated fw yard wey from i AS the play begin, Elen Osbourne sits, is lacing some Ino cans en the shaves, ler sister Kate enters fom the Back KATE, fs Billy not yet home? EILEEN. "Not yeti Bily home KATE. ¥ do worry awful about Billy when he's late returning EILEEN. 1 hanged me arm on a can of peas worrying about ripple Bil KATE. Wait your bad arm? EILEEN, No, was me other arm, KATE, It would have been worse if you'd banged your bad EILEEN. Wel, have one bad tis KATE. The knock will go sway EILEEN. The knock wil go aay KATE. ‘And you'll be left wth the one ft arm EILEEN. ‘The one bad arm will never go away. KATE. Unt the day you die EILEEN. should think about poor Bill, who has not only bad arms but bad legs too, KATE. Billy has a hort of roubles EILEEN. Bly has a hundred troubles KATE. What time was tis hi appointment with MeSharry was and hs ches? EILEEN. “don’t know what time. KATE Ido worry awful abou Bil when he's late in returning, you know? EILEEN. "Already once you've sid that sentence. KATE, "Am 1 not allowed to repeat me sentences so when worried EILEEN. You ay allowed. KATE, (Pause) Billy may've fll down a hole with them feet of his EILEEN. Billy has sense enough not to fll down hotes, sre That's more lke something Bartley McCormick’ do is fall down holes KATE. Do you remember the time Bartley McCormick fe down the hole? EILEEN. ‘Bardey McCormick's an anful thick. KATE. He's ether a thick or he docan't look where he's going proper Pause) Has the eggaman been? EILEEN. “He has but he had no eggs. KATE. A waste of time him coming, EILEEN. Well it was nice of him to come and not have ws waiting for eggs that would never arrive. KATE.” If only Billy would pay us the tame courtesy. Not with ‘gs but to come home quick and not have us worrying EILEEN. “Maybe Bily stopped to look ata cow lke the other time. KATE, A fool waste of time that i lookng at coms Je ae ith abe, 6 EILEEN. If makes him happy, sure, what harm? There area hundred worse tlogs to wecupy 2 las time than curnaiching “Things would land Rim wp in hell Not jut late for hs ten KATE "Kisng ses EILEEN. Kiting tases KATE, (Pruse) Ab, no chance of tht with poor Bil FILEEN. Poor Billy never be geting Kssed, Unie ic was be * hind git KATE. “A bind get or «backward git IEE. Or fat Fimegan's daughter KATE She'd ise anything TEES ‘She'd ke bald donkey. KATE, She'd kiss a lel donkey, And she'd il probably dra "he tine a lly Poor Billy FILEEN” Ashame woo KATP. A shame too, because Billy does have a sweet face if yon more the yest of him EILEEN.” Well he dors’ really KATE. He has «bit of a set face EILEEN. Well he dows realy, Ka KATE, 0: his qex fm saying. They ve nie enough. EILEEN. Not being crue e Billy but you'd see er eyes 3 goat I be had a nice personality ya’ say all well and gone, ba 3 ily has he goes around staring at coms. RATE. Take wo ark him one day what good he gets sari EILEEN. Staring at cum and reading books then KATE, No onell ever marry him, Wel be stuck wid him “i the day we de FILEEN. We wil. Pause) I don't mind being stuck with hin, KATE. don't mind being sick wih hin ils good gant, despiing the cows EILEEN” Thope that the news from MeSharry was nothing t0 worry er KATE, Tope he gets home soon and not have us worrying, # fo ny fl whem BAY ate in etn (The sp dono fd fn spatecrie, an old man of shout the some age om, EILEEN. Johnnypatcenmike KATE. Johnnypateen, JOHNNY. "How is al? Johnnypateenmike does have three pieces of ews to be tellig ye thi day. KATE. You didn't see Gripe Bly on your waves now, John nypateen? JOHNNY (Pause Put out) You have interrupted me pieces of ‘news now, Mis. Osbourne, and the third piece of news was 2 reat piece of news, but if you want to interrupt me with fol ‘questions so be i. Aye, I saw Cripple Billy on me wavels. Ts him siting on the hedgebank, the botiom of Darcy's feds KATE, What was he doing siting on the hedgebank? JOHNNY. Well what does he untally be ding? He was looking 14 com Do ye have any more interruptions? KATE," (Sad) We don't. JOHNNY. “Tl get on with me three pieces of news so. wil Ime me bea ple of news“ the end sos you wil be waldng fon it Me Tit piece of news, a fella o'er in Letermore sole = ‘hook ont of anther fellas house and pegged it inthe sea then, FITREN. "Sore that's no news aa sre JONINNY Tsuppose ies not now. only that he flla was the ss tela’ brother an the Book he pegged was the Pal Bike? JOUNNY "Now is that no news at al? FILKES. “Thats nem, Jobnagpateen and big new. JOUSSY T'know well es big news, and iC have any more "us ow big te news FE be off on the road te some Taye ane ewe ore appreciated. FLIES Your news appreciated, Johnnypateenmike, AAIE Wernever once doubted how big your news wi, John JOIINNY Me second piece of news Jack Ellery’ goose bit Pa "vsuman’s atom the ail and hurt thailand Jack Ellery didn't c pologse for that goos's biting, and now Paty Brennan “ie ike Jack Ellery a all and Paty and Jack used to be great HIUEEN. (Pus) Bs thatthe end of hat piece of new? 4 JOHNNY. That ithe end of that piece of news EILEEN, Oh that's an awful big pece of news thats. O aye (Eien as res tthe cng) JOHNNY. That wan sul big piece of news, That goose might ‘art a Feud. hope that goote does tat a feud. Tike 2 feud. KATE. Thope Paty and Jack do putt behind them and make ‘up, Didnt they wed walk handin-hand to school a ladeens? JOHNNY. Theresa woman speaking if ever Theard one. What ews i therein puting things behind ya? No news You want a food feud, or atleast a Bible pegged about, oF a thing Uke me Uird piece of news, which is about dhe biggest piece of news Johnnypateenmike has ever had. (Bi, scant, ne erm and one log eed, eters hafing) BILLY.” T'm sorry tm late, Aunty Kate and Aunty Eileen. JOHNNY, "You've interrupted me newetelling, Cripple Bill KATE, What did the doctor say 10 70, Bill? BILLY. He mid there wat nothing on me chest a all but abit fa where and nothing bt a bit ofa whecre JOHNNY. I dia’ hear dhe lad had a where. Why wasn’t Jon: ‘ypateen informed? KATE, Why are you so late home so, Billy? We was worried. BILLY. On Ijust had a sitdown for meself in dhe sun thereat Darcy's ele KATE. Asitclown and did what? BILLY. A sitdown and id nothing KATE, Did nothing at al BILLY. Did nothing all KATE. (To Jonny) Now! BILLY. Nothing 2a bt look ata couple of cows came over to sme. (Kate rns ena from hin) JOUNNY. (To Rte) Nowe who's naming?! En?! EILEEN. Can't you jus leave cows alone, Bill? BILLY. Ia jue looking a them cows. JOHNNY. "Excuse me but wan't T alking..? KATE, There's nothing tose in cows! You're grown man! BILLY. Weill ltelooking ata nice cow, and I won't Tet anybody tell me the diter JOHNNY. (Screaming) Wellifye don’t want to hear me news ° ‘ue i and go! Taking about cows with a feckng cj! DILLY. A fecking ec ei FILEEN, Tell us your news, now, Jolmnnypatecnmike, JOHNNY. If ye've finished withthe comlk Tl tll you me news, akough Tio sue Tid get a beter audience for from winks, RATE. Weve agood audience fori EILEEN. We're good audience fri BILLY. ‘Don't pander to him, JOHNNY. Pander ite Cripple Billy? BILLY. And don’t call ave Cripple Billy, you, JOUNNY. For why? Isat your name Billy and aven’t yous ‘tipple? BILLY. Well do I go caling you Johnnypatcensike with the rows that’s so boring i'd bore the ead offs dead bee’> JOTINNY, Boring ii How this for boring news so BILLY. Ax teas you do agiee is boring news anyorays Thats ‘one thing. JOHNNY. (Pauses From Hollywood, Calfornia, in America thevre coming, tebe a Yank be the name of Robert Flaherty, fone ofthe mos famous and richest Yan there ix Coming there {0 Inishmore theyte coming and why are they coming? Mt el You why they're coming. To go making a mening picture film Soll cost o'er a miliom della, will be shown dhrenghout the ‘worl, wil show Lfe how i's ved on the shan, will mike fin ‘ars of whosoever should be chose to take part init and wil take them back to Hollywood hen and be ging them a hfe tee of ‘work, or anyways onl acting work which couldn't be called work at all, ics only talking. Colman King | know already they've Chosen for a role, and a hundred dollars a week he's on, and i Cotman King can playa role in a film anybody can playa roe in Tm, for Colman King ir at ugly at brick of baked shite and everybody agrees, and excuse me language but tm only being \Gescrptive A ite exodus Johnnypateenmike foreses tothe big ‘sland so, of any laws of lc in these parts withthe looks of Sil star abot them, wants to make the mark in America, That Poles out all in this osteo, Thao. i cs without saying, Utes of course ts uppten and ingrates they ooking for Me 0 in me younger days they've been sure to've took, what with me blue ejes and me fine head of hair and probably sll today they'd be after taking me, what with me famed oratory sks ‘ould outdo any beggar the Dubin stage, any as ye Know, 1 have me drunkard mammy to look after The Man of Avan they ‘going calling the flm and Keland musun'c he such a bad place Soifthe Yanks want to come to Ireland to do thet fining, (2d Sis on the sidetabl, dep im thought) That was Johnmypatcen's third piece of news, and ask you now, badeg-boy. that wat «boring piece of news? ILLY. That wasn't nearya boring pice of news. That was the biggest piece of news I did ever ear. JOHNNY. Well we've agreed on the bigness of me news. “Bignes' isn't a word, I know, but can't be bothered to think of a better one for the likes of ye wil tke me payment in kind for that piece of news, and me payment today wil be small bboxeen of eggs for do fancy an omelete, do EILEEN. Oh BILLY. What ‘oh? EILEEN. "The eggman came and he had no eggs JOHNNY. No egg! I've gave you me big piece of news on top ‘of me two smaller but almost good pieces of news and ye've no eggs EILEEN. He said the hens weren't lying and Sippy Helen HELEN. I wouldn't use ing ona bivearscd fy. There's no snoney involved inkling beatae fies BARTLEY. im Finegt's daughter bled mee worms one ay. HELEN. Ae. be brething on them. BARTLEY. No, be nicking needles a their ee. HELEN. Now there's the work of a anata (Pause) Tid ten know worm had eyes BARTLEY. They don't after Jim Finnegan's daughter gets through i he. HELEN, "What this one here for? BARTLEY” I caught Mr Osbourne talking to tht sone when fiat Tame i THELEN. What was he sting to the tone? BARTLEY She was suying “How are you, ton’ and shen putung the stane to her ear ke the Hone walking back her HELEN. ‘Thats awl strange behaviour BARTLEY. "And asking the stone, then, if knew how oul Gipple Bly wan ding for bimsct in America. HELEN.” And what dd the sone sy? BARTLEY. (Pouse) The sone didnt sy anything, Helen, becuse snes they don'ts anyhing HELEN. "Oh, drought you sd Mis Osbourne was ding the foie oF te one BARTLEY "No, Mrs Osbourne wat jue dong her own sce HELEN. Maybe we should hide the sone and vce if Mb ‘thourne har nerves breakdown BARTLEY. "Sure at woul e's ery Chetan hing to do, HELEN, Ic wouldn't be a very Chrisian thing to do, no, but ied be awl Funny BARTLEY. Al let lease Mrs, Osbourne’ stone alone, Helen Hasn't she enough on her mind worrying o'er Cripple Bill? HELEN. "Cripple Bily’s aunties shouldbe tld hat Billys dead or ding. and not have them waiting fra letter from him thal fever come, Four months, now, nit they've been waiting, and Nota word, and them the only swo on Inishmaan aot been, ‘informed what Babbybobby knows BARTLEY.” What good would it do, sure, informing them? At least this way they've the hope he's ll lve, What help would ‘Babbybobby's news be to them? And you never know but maybe miracle’ happened and Cripple Billy has’ died in Hollywood Atal Maybe three months wasn't fair estimate for Cripple Bi. HELEN 1 hope Cripple Billy kar died in Hollywood, after taking his place in Hotlwood that was righdully a prety git's Place, when he knew fll well he war bout to kick the bucket BARTLEY.” preay gir’ place? What use would a pretty gil be in playing a cripple fell? HELEN.” T could corn me hand to anything, me, given a chance. BARTLEY. I've heard HELEN, Heard what? RARTLEY. Tve heard Hollywood is chockfull of prety git, sine. 1s cripple fellas theyte crying out for HIVEEN. “What are you defending Cripple Bily fr? Didn't he omit send you a package of Yallamaliows you've never ak of HATTA. Maybe Cripple Billy died before he had a chance of se dem Yllaeallows, HLT “ies amy excuse for you ya weed. HL) Batdyng's an afl good excuse for not sending & le socetes he promised. 110. "Tow kindthearted you are, 'm ashamed to admit Iesloesnt hurt to Be to kind hearted. uh Does this hurt? He pins Btn’ rm “ BARTLEY. (spain) No, HELEN. (Pause) Does this hurt Hale ives him a Chine burn (he frarm BARTLEY. (fn pin) No. HELEN, "(Peuse) Does this hurt? (Helen picks up on eg and reas it opens is forehead) BARTLEY. (Sighng) I'd bewer say yer before any further you re. HELEN. You should've said yes on the arm pinch, would've been using your brain BARTLEY, "T should've said yes but you'd sill've broken an egg HELEN. Now we'll never know, BARTLEY. ‘You've jut a terror when you get around egg. HELEN. 1 do lke breaking eggs on fellas BARTLEY. Thad guessed that somehow. HELEN. Or could you cast you a a fella? fant that going a Dcen overboard? BARTLEY. notice you never broke an egg on Babbybobby Bennett when he reneged on your kising proposes HELEN. We were in a rowboat a mile fom land, sure, Where was I supposed to get an eg? BARTLEY. Reneged because you're #0 witchylooking HELEN. Reneged because he was upsct o'er Cripple Bly, and watch your wtehHooking" comment, you. BARTLEY. Why ist runny eggs don’ smell but boiled eggs do sel HELEN. 1 don’t know why. And I don't care why. BARTLEY. Reneged because you look tke one of them ragged- ooking widow women wating on the rocks for a rascal who'l never return to her HELEN. "That sentence had an awful lor of RS BARTLEY. twas insulting with ton tp of the Rs HELEN. “You've gotten awl cocky for a boy with egg running dove his gob. BARTLEY. Well there comes atime for every Inshnan to take 4 sand against hi oppressors, HELEN” Wasi Michae! Coline sid that? 6 BARTLEY. twat some one ofthe ft ones anyways HELEN. Doyou want to pay "ngland we ean? BARTLEY. {dont Know how to play England vers eland” HELEN. Stand bere and cle your eye Yul be Ireland {Barn foc her dca Bs 9) [BARTLEY And what to you do? HELEN. 1ilbe England. (hen pics p thee or fom the "Suni and ak Be fst gud Bay's read. Boden is Sethe y rns oe i od tare thera Hen ak Lond go hs oat} BARTLEY That wana nice ding tal FIELEN. Haven Gshe (Hon bak te rd gon Bary) BARTLEY. ‘That warn't nice ting atl todo, Helen, FIELEN. Iwas ging you'a leon Sooo th history are. BARTLEY. Tone nted a lesom about lsh history. Shouting) Granyeays noth gg when Fv nly wathed me Pa TIELEN. "There be worse cscs han egy hal Before Kee Tan's» nadon oe gun ary McCormick BARTLEY And me tex jumper tok att ELEN. 1 has ogg om BARTLEY. Tan i has gon Throw wl! And I going {Sig wearing tithe eng of te im fmorrom ut youve paid wo hat idea now, haven ya? Eleven. rm tooting forward fo the showing of the Sm tomorow, BARTLEY. Ivas looking forward othe showing of he fm oo tinue jomper became deseoyed HELEN. Tun might go peg eg athe ln tomorrow {The Ala of dn me archaea of Aran they cole ha ad he raf of Aran Not ome oo shite abet hick feos feckng fang BARTLEY. "Does Serything you do have to tnvohe eREPeR ping Hele? ELEN. To tke» pride in me eggvrk, me.I this itch ever bloody coming to pay for me og (Calin) You, sone comant BARTLEY. She's aking an age to tring me ripple rapes HELEN, Ab can't waate te youth wang for that ingy 6 hole. You collect me eggoney, Barley, and give It 0 the egg ‘man on the way home BARTLEY. Twi, Helen, aye. (Helen exis) I wil me Fecking ane, ya thitegobbed leching bitehfecker, ya. (Helm pops her ead ack) THELEN, And don’t let her dock you forthe four you went and broke on me, BARTLEY. I won't, Helen, (She ats aguin. Sghing,) Women (at slay eters fom he ach oom, ase mide, noting Barly “aera second) KATE. “Hello these, Barley, What can Ube geting for ya? BARTLEY. (Pause Bemus) You were going i the back to look for your Fripplefrapples, Mr. (Kate thinks to hel moment, te ny returns to the Vac rom. Baty maans ley in Fras. tion ung is had down onthe counter Sigh pos, thn Kae aur ad pick phar stone) KATE, —Tlbring me stone (Sh exis oth ack om again. Pe Berl picks up a wenden malt, saves alte oy om the counter ‘ith and wal ou slamming the dove Blackout) Scene 2 Sound of Bills whecing stars, aight come pom kim shivering alone ona dai a Squad Holywood hot vom. He hen sigh theghot. BILLY. Mam? I fear I'm not longer for this worl, Mam. Can't hear the wall of the banshees for me, asf 36 Tam from me taarren island home? A home barren, aye, but proud and gen cerous with It yet turned me back on ye T did, to end up alone and dying in 2 one-dollar rooming house, without a mother wipe the cold sweat off me, nor a father to curse God o'er the Seah of me, nor a colleen fir to weep tears oer the sill body fof me. A body sl, ye, Buta body noble and unbowed with i ” ‘An Tishman! (Pause) Just an Irishman. With a decent heart on him and'a decent head om hi, and 2 decent spirit not broken bya century's hunger and a lifetimes oppression! A piri not broken, no (Coughing) but a body broken, and the Tungs of him broken, an if truth be told, the hear of im broken too ‘bea lass who never knew his tue feelings, and now, sure, never ‘al What's this, Manimy. now tht you're saying to me? (Henke {a she of paper onthe tale) Be wring home to her know and ‘make me feelings known. Abt late, Mammy: Won't tomorrow be soon enough for that ask? (He gts up and shuffles the miror 1, quit singing The Crpy Bey!) Farewell Father and Mother too, and sister Mary Ihave none but you. And for my brother, he’ all alone. He's pointing pikes on the grinding stone (He stumbles, ill cas up onl the bd, hasing, and lds ae holo ‘he dresser) What would Heaven be ike, Mammy? I've heard tis beaut place. more beautiful than Ireland even, bat even if "saute, it wouldn't he near as beauful a you, I do wonder ‘wold tey let ripple boys into Heaven tal Sure, wouldnt we ‘ly gouging the place? (He put the hte bck on the dren) Theat in ol freland this joung man died and in old Teeand bis Dany’ ain, All he good peuple that do pasty, may the Lord hive mercy on this eroppy boy” Oh isa bad way the chest of icin conight, Maram T think i's aie slep T should have snow for mexelt For there's mighty work im the railyard “omorraw to be done. (Powe) What's that, Mammy? Me prayers? Tine Sure, would 1 be forgeting, aswel as you taught them Ime? (Buss himself) And now Hay me down Wo sleep, I pray Gad iy soul to keep. But i (Pan) But itt die before wake pray to God... Tearful) 1 pray to God... (Powe reser isl. He sil} Ara, don’t worry, Mammy. "Ts ony sleep it ie that 'm going. “Tis only to sleep, (Bytes dann. His parned ees gt worse amd wore unl the sudden tp ith an anguished (2h, hi ee cle, hs hed lle onesie, adhe ay thre tion Tae Fade ak) Scene 3 A church hall in semidarknese. Baby, Mommy (ole hand, tony. Helen, Bly, Elena Kate siting A are “Saing up a he fin Man of Aran being proce The i “is maring its nd and it soundirach her ery low met ead al MAMMY. What's this that’s happening? JOHNNY. What does i look like that's happening? BARTLEY Aren't they going catching a shark, Mrs, and a big shark? MAMMY. Are they? JOHNNY. ‘Shut up and drink, you MAMMY wil, goose. BOBBY. 1 hope only water i pateenmike. JOHNNY. OF course is only water. (Whispered) Don't be breathing out near Babbyboby, Maman. MAMMY Ton be JOHNNY And mind the "goosey BOBBY. Has your Johnny been thieving any more of your lie savings lately, Mrs. O'Dougal JOHNNY. Tnever ever tMieved! me many’ life savings. only Doreomed chem shorter MANMY Since 1914 this ecke’s borrowed them shoreterm, JOHNNY. “Well thats me definition of shoreterm RATE. (Pause) That's + bg ih EILEEN. "Tis a shark, Kate KATE, "Tiss wha? EILEEN. A shark, asharkt HELEN. Have you forgot what a shark is, om tp of taking to BARTLEY. tes mostly off America you do get sharks, Mrs, and 4 host of sharks, and so close to shore sometimes they came, Sure, you wouldn't even need telescope to spot them, oh no. is thas fm that ote. Johnny ° HELEN, Oh telescopes Jes! BARTLEY Tes rae tha off held you get shark, This isthe fist shark ve ever sen ff ela JOHNNY Ireland musi’ Be sch bad place of sharks want {o come to Ireland. BARTLEY. (Pause) Babbyboby, you werent fang with the pols all when you wa took Jowa for Johnnypars heat Boning how comes? BOBBY "Oh the guard just laughed when he head about John pats headatoning “Uses tik net tine’ e sald. Sop pid alg around with ones JOHNNY. "That guard wants drumming out of the pis. Ora Tea o have spiteful suumours spread about hit BOBBY And we al know who the man for tha jbl be JOHNNY. Te beats hit wie witha poker, dou brow? HELEN. Sure that news? Tey don't le you in the pois tds you beat youre with poker BOER And thats an outight le anyways about the guard beating his wate wath a poet Pause) Atte ofa ruber hose wavahe med TATE. use) Nota word, Not word fom him HELEN. Testoay ff agin? EILEEN. Shei HELEN. Hey. sonyt EILEEN. AF Tene et, Helen il ya? HELEN. (Powe) Al they're never going to be catching thi Teching share A fecking hour they've been at (now i eens tie BARTLEY Ubsuh, Three minute would be more accurate HELEN. Hfitwas mead role in thi the ecker wou’ hve Ianed a5 Tong, One good cloer and we could all go ome BARTLEY. One good clabber with Ray Darcy's 2x, I suppose HELEN, Cut the axeaak, you BARTLEY. Doesn't shatklobbering take a sight more effort than eatbeseeting? JOHNNY. What's ths that Johnnypateen hears? (Helen grabs Barty bythe har and wrenches his head around as Joy makes rae het bok) HELEN. Just you wait “aI fecking get you home. Just you fecking walt, BARTLEY. Ah that hurts, Helen that hurts. HELEN. Of course it hurts. I's supposed to fecking hurt BOBBY. Be leaving Bartey alone now, Helen HELEN. Up your ase you, Babbybobby Bennet, you fecking Lssteneger Would you keto sep outide with se? BOBBY. T would’ keto HELEN, Shut your hote so BOBBY. Notf there wa to be Kising involved, anyways. (Helen reais Barly roughly) JOHNNY. Title noteen, now, Johnaypatcen has made for himself. Aside of lamb at minimum this news'll get me, off Patty Brennan or Jack Ellery anyway. heh. HELEN. "You'll be eating that lamb wih a broken neck, 30, if that news gets bandied about before Jack and Patve paid wp, feck JOHNNY. Oh aye, BARTLEY. (Pause) Look atthe size ofthat fellas nove. (Pause) Look at the sae of that fels's nore Isai KATE. Have you been fling down any holes since, Barey? BARTLEY.” Oh Mrs, sure wasn't I seven when I fell down the bloody hole I fell down? Dya have to keep dragging that up very year? HELEN. (Pause) Ob they all haven't caught this fecking shark! How hard isi? (eden tous a gpa th cen) BOBBY. "Oh don't be pegging any more eggs a the Sm, Helen. Weren't the Gve You pegged at the poor woman init snug? HELEN. Not nearly enough. I never got her in the gob even ‘once, the bitch. She keepe moving. ‘BOBBY. You'll ruin the eggman’s bedsheet anyways, HIBLEN. Ab, the eggman's bedehee ir uted to being egy. BARTLEY. How do you know the eggman'sbedsheet ae used to being eggy Helen? 5 10044. Em,Jim Finnegan's daughter was teling me {hws (Powe) Ah why don't they ja eve he poor shark “tow? He wan dng no har, JONNY. "Sue hte manner of sory would dha be, leaving» “rk alone! You want dead shark : BOMDY. "A dead shark age ors shark with no ears om him. JOHNNY, “Adead shark aye ora shark Kised a greenazethed ‘gel in Anucin is EORBY "De you want ae, ow, menoning geemscth JOHNNY. "Well you imervupted me and me mammy’* debate MAMMOY. They should give the shark a belt, then leave the gr alone JOHNNY.” Why are you in Tove with sharks all of a sudden? ‘Wasnt itashark ate ay? MAM. Isa ahark ate dade, ot Jorn ys you should forgive and forget. JOHNNY. He docs’ say you should forgive and forget sharks BARTLEY. "(Pue) Sharks have no cart Begin hana (Pane. Thy bh thi) Babyboby as sing asa wh ar (Pause) Sharks have no ers o begin with anyways JONNY.” We've moved on fom ears, ou, yk BARTLEY. What are we onto now? JOHNNY. We're ont Jens forging shar BARTLEY. ‘Ot aye thats an afl great topic for convertion, HELEN. alee prefered Pons lat Jsus, Jesus arays seemed fll of bull BARTLEY. enw drove a thousand pig into the 13 one time, fi you eves hear tell that tory? Drowned the lot ofthe poor dele. They amas seem to los o'er that one in Schoo. KATE, | dhin't know Jno could drive — HELEN. ‘Mi? ooree gone loopy: ben you, Mrs? Haven Jou gone loopy? KATE." haven’e gone loopy HELEN. You have. Your sone was telling me eater. KATE. What dd me sone sy? : HELEN.” Did you hear that ane, Bare? "What did me stone sy 82 JOHNNY OF course poor Kates gone loopy, Helen, wi the Basu she raised and! loved sixteen year preferring to abe lin TH {© Hollywood for his dying than bear bein the company ot her (Eien stands th her hands t her hd a rns te fe hs ‘te Bobby) EILEEN.” (Stunna) Wha? Wha? JOHNNY. Fock. (Baby grabs fobnny roughly ond drags hi vp ‘BOBBY. Didn't sy to ya” Didnt Tm to yt JOHNNY. ‘Sure don't they have a right to know about their ‘ving fomtebabby,sahbed them in the back without + byyoue leave? BOBBY. Can't you keep anything to yourself? JOHNNY: ‘johnnypateenmike was never « man for secrets BOBBY. “Outside with ya, so, and see if you ean keep thi beating a seeret, JOHNNY. You'l righten me mammy, Babbybobby, you'll frighten sme mam. MAMMY "Ah you won't, Bobby. Go on and give him a good beating for yourself. JOHNNY. ‘That was the tat omelette you'll ever eat in my howe, ya bicht MAMBY. “Carrot omelets don't go, anyway. JOHNNY. You never like anything adventurous! (eknny i raged off by Bobby. Sound of ht yp gting more end more an Eien is sanding tn font of Bary, bands tt her hes EILEEN. "What was this Johnnypateen was saying about BARTLEY. Would you mind out of me way, Miss I et see (Eilos moves oer Mammy) HELEN. What’ to fecking se anyrsys but more wet fellas with awful sweaters on them? EILEEN. Mrs. O°Dongal, what now was this that your Jobiny was saying? MAMMY"” (Pause) TB the say your Cripple Billy has, Eicen EILEEN. No.1 MAMMY: Or they say he Aad anyways. Four months ago Bis was told, and told he had only the month eft in i BARTLEY That means he's probably een deed monch, Mr Simple subuaction that. Three ory four 53 EILEEN. An sure, if this s only your Johnnypateen's ou! gos ping f wouldn't believe you at all i SEMIRn ave, if ic was Johnnypac’s gossiping you woulda’ Ned to cate a skier about it, Dut Babinbobby’s mews this Gipote ly thowed him a fewer from MeSharry the might Cee dey sailed. Sure, Babbybobby would never've ken eiee' ay ony his heart went ut tim. Didn't Bobby's fannie die of he same ching? SRIPEN She di. and in agony she died. Oh Cripple Billy The “ye and mghts ve cursed im for not wring us, when Bow ould he write us tall? SIELEN. "When ne was buried sx fet under, Aye, tha’ be a8 ‘av ard task EILEEN. But .. but Doctor MeSharry fve ot six times ve sited, and modhing, at all wrong with Billy did MeSharry sy there was NASI. Sure, I suppote he was only ying not w rk yout Mietn Game ay everyone around. (Pau) Tm sorry Ellen [ilen ed Barty sand and rch, as the im nds, Elen sits ar fal) . FitLen. on thank Christ the fecker's ver A pile of fecking rene, The iin winds out ering the en lenk ight goes om ssc duonnating the sidourte of Cripple Billy on he seen, Tinh only Kate es, She sands and stars i) MAMOEY (Whaling ere ay) Did they cate the shark the fend, 30, Helen? SHELEN. ait wasn't even a shark at all, Mes, twas acl fll in a grey donkey jacket MAMMA How do you know, Helen? HELEN. Did give the fella a couple of Rises to promise to futine in his next fm, and dit T stamp on the Bollocks of Fim when his promise warned out untrue? TRRMNEA Al that fuss oer fella in a grey donkey jacket on know, HELEN, "He won't be playing any more sharks fr a while amy ELEM. the sarap {gave the feck. (Helen and Mavmy x Be tlds ering a Bly suet, having a pte it len, Vl ha her bok to Kale pulls back these, recall, a av and al. Of Calg ut) Ate you coming, you fcker? BARTLET tate coming BILLY Tei’ wane to tr yl the fi was er, len Ture shim snd. Rate dps hr tone an ers Bil) BARTLEY. "Hello there, Cappe Bil BILLY. Hello there, Barley BARTLEY. Jos tack from America are yi? BILLY. Tam, BARTLEY.” Ubtih, (Pous) Di you get me me Valsmalows? BILLY. dia’, Barley BARTLEY.” Arya fecking promise, Bi BILLY. “They had only Bipplefrappes (Bly Barty « pel of sts) EARTLEY. A jets, FripploFrapplesl do jn fine. Thank you, Cripple By. Kite. Now're not dead a BILLY. Yim nou Aunty Kate KATE. Well has good BARTLEY. What war 20, Bil? BILLY. Ab ony wrote tht doctors eter mese to fo Baby fy onng meen tte a 2 ning BARTLEY. You're awful clever for a crpple-boy Bly. Wa t Cut of ‘igges goes o Borneo you go that idea? When Bigles {Ss the cannonball he ha the measles othe cannonball won't cat Biggest al? BILLY. No, made the idea up mes, Bartley BARTLEY. Well now sounds aw sini, Bly BILLY Well made the des up mesel, Barley. BARTLEY, Well you're even more clever than I thought you rss. Bil, You've made laughing ck of every Beggar on Tnishaan, al thought you'd gone and croaked he cots me inlnded. ae play fy EILEEN. Not everyone on Inishmaan, Some of vs on} believed you'd sun off, and run off eae you couldn't Slomach the sight ofthe ones who ried you. BILLY.” Nov fora second war that tue, Aunty Eileen, and trast he season I turned that I couldn’ bear tobe parted are you, Bi? 6 from ye any longer? Didn't f take me screen text not 3 month ‘ago and have the Yanks say to/me the part was mine? But I had 10 uel them it was no go, no mater how much money they ‘offered me, because I know now it n't Hollywood that's the place for me, It's here on Inishmaan, withthe people who love tne, and the people [love back. (Kat hises him) BARTLEY. Ireland can’t be sich 4 bad place, 20, if eipple {ells turn down Hollywood to come to Ireland, BILLY. To tell you the aruth, Bartley, wasn't an awl big {hing at all 4 turn down Hollywood, with the arefced fines they had me reading for them, "Can 1 not hear the wall of the buanshees for me, afar as Tam frm me barren island home” (arly ugh) An eshinan Tam, begora! With a heart and 2 ‘piri on me not crushed be a hundred years of oppression. FL te geting me feckingsillelagh ou next ait l you se" A rake ‘of shite And had me singing the fecking “Croppy Boy" then KATE. Sure Think he'd imake a grea litle actoreen, don't vou, Eileen? BARTLEY. Them was fanny lines, Cripple Billy. Do them again KATE, T'lbe off home and ait your room out for you, Billy BARTLEY. Em, you've forgot your stone, there. Mrs. Mightn‘t you want a chat on the way, now? KATE. Ah Til eave me stone, I have me Billy-boy back now to Ik 0, don’ I, Billy? BILLY. You do, Aunty. (Kat xtc) Oh she hath sated up the bloody stones again, has she? “Talks to them day and night, and every body laughs at her, me included, BILLY. "You shouldn't laugh at other people's misfortunes, Bardey BARTLEY. (Confuse) Why? BILLY. I don’t know why. Just tha you shoulda’t is al BARTLEY. But i's awful funny. BILLY. Even 20. BARTLEY. Well I disagree with you there, but you've got me ime FrippleFrapples 0 Ion’ argue dhe point Will you tell me [Ml about how great Americ is Inter, Cripple Bil? 56 BILLY 1 wi ary BARTLEY.” Did you sce any telescopes while you were over there? BILLY. 1 did’ BARTLEY. (Disposed) Oh. How about me Aunty Mary ia Bonin Massachseus? Did ou see het? She has hunny brown hair on he BILLY. I did’, Batey. BARTLEY. “Oh (Pause) Well I'm glad you're not dead an ways, Cripple Billy. (Bartley exits.) ae a BILLY. Pause) Thats al Barley wants to hear is how great EILEEN. "Isic not so? BLN. ‘ej the same as Ueland eth Fal of women with beards. Ee getup goer Biya him se ‘head.) Aargh! What was that fer?! ae FILEEN. "Forget fat women with bears! Would it have killed You to write a ewer ll the tne you were aa? No it wouldn't Ind nota motd. Nova blessed word! BILLY. Ah Aung twas afl busy. EILEEN.” Ubrhuh-Too bus to wre your aunties, were worried ck about you, But not too busy to go buying Friple Frapples foram cei gasur and only to show off the big an You tak sos ILLY Ah ic only takes a minute wo buy FripleFrapples, sue 1s that a fair comparison? EILEEN. Don't you go bigwording me when you know you're In the wrong, BILLY. ”Sure, ‘Comparison’ in't a big word. EILEEN, “Mr. Yankechighand mighty now Ise itis BILLY. “And I found the American postal sytem afl compli cated EILEEN. es any excuse for you. Well don’t expect me to be forgiving and forgeting as quick as that one. She's only forgiven 08 she's gone half doolally because of ya, You won't be etching BILLY. “Ah don't be ike tha, Aunty. 87 EILEEN, Esing) I lf be tke tht. wi be ike that (Lang pease Billy's head vere. Elen chs her aad ack i) An 0p Foe youl be wanting praie cakes for your tea 10! BILLY. I would, Aunty EILEEN, “Taabhht (She exits agein. Pous. Billy took atthe hese, pls back ares Ls eiginal dnensons and stands ‘hove staring i cnessing Highly dep in thought. Baty ques nary ily noting hm ft momen) BILLY.” Babbybobiy, 1 daresay owe you an explanation, BOBBY, There's no need to explain, Bil BILLY. I ant to, Bobb, See, never thought at allthis day trou come when Vad have wo expla. I'd hoped Tad disappear Trever wo America. And I would've too, if they'd wanted: me there If they'd wanted me for the fing. Bo hey didn't want ime. Ablond lad from Fort Lauderdale they hired insead of me. Hee wasn't crippled at all, but the Yank sald ‘Ah, beter to get a formal ela who can act rippled than a crippled fella who can't eck acta all” Except he sid it rude. (Pouse) 1 thought one ail ight for mesef with me acting. (Pause) T gave i 2 go ‘Snyrays {ad to give it ago. I ha to get aay from this place, BBantyboby, be any aseans, just lke me mamny and day had fo gee may from this pace. Pause) Going drowning mesel Vd ffi think of when Iwas here, just justo end the laughing Stes and the sniping at me, andthe life of nothing but shut Ting to the doctor's and shifling back from the doctor's and pining over the same oul books and finding any other way 10 isn another day away, Another day of siggering. or the patting fe on the head lke a broken-brained fol. The village orphan. ‘The village cripple, and nothing more. Well, there ae plenty ound here jst as erppled as me, only it isnt on the outside Shows. (Pouse) But the thing i, you're not one of them, Babby hobby, nor never were. You've # kind heart on you, I suppose thats why itwas a0 ea to cod you with the TB lettes, but that's Athy Twas 30 sorry for coding you athe ie and why Tm just srcty now Especially for codding you with the same thing Jour Mis pased from, Just | thought that would be more effec. {he But, the Tong ran I thought, oF Thoped, that if yu had {choice beeen you Being codded a while and me doing away 38 wit eset, you'd choote you being coed every ine, Was 1 Sng nat ry toh Th font oPhim on thf png fen he ete into his hand.) nae BOB ye (Bly os the pips TILEY. Nov Boy. (Byers up a thee sts dom kot, th tena of pled ran ade ies dom agin ond in) Scene 4 The shop, late evening. The Doctor tending to Billys rsd and ody face. Kata he counter, Eien ah dog looking eu EILEEN. Johompatenmite's near enough runing oer the Maasai hs ec mpcmn ee eee KATE ira by dy Or news TILER "Meta efi one and nd go! maton neh KATE. Bilys retorm and Babbybobby's arrest and Jim Finnegan’s daughter jing the nunnery then, That was the hragen spre FIUEEN. "The mans mun be after anybody if shey lef Jim Finnegan's daughter join them. z acta KATE The nn andar most hive dropped IMILY Sore mby should’ in regu eogher Become a ts oly pe gmp dat on Finnegan’ caugher sac DOCTOR No. Fnneqars dager i sar BILLY. Teche DOCTOR he BILLY. Flow yon kon? DoctOR Jus ake me vord PIREEN wnt he wdcunt LILLY (Pauie Jost don tke peop gosiping about people ‘oll Haven't I fad enough of tat mesl te fast me a Hfetime? HOCTOR” But aren’ you the one who started half the gor png about you, with ar forging of eters fram ame youll yet Inve to anaver for? BILLY’ 'm sore shout the lever busines, Doctor, but wasn't ‘he only avenue left open wo me? EILEEN Tes Avenues’ now, do ya hear? KATE. tts abeays igialh when om America they return EILEEN. Avenues. Fdom't know BILLY Aumies I think te doctor might be wanting 2 mug of tea, would ye's both go and get him one? EILEEN.” Toit geting rd of us you're ater? Iti, jst sy 40. DILLY, Ir getting rid of ye Vm after. (Elem stares at him @ torment then th tow aden th ck rom) DOCTOR You should’ tlk to them Hike that, now. Bly BILLY. Ah they keep going on and on DOCTOR. Throw they do but theyre women, LY. I suppose. (Peuse) Would you tell me something, actor? What do you remember of me maramy and daddy the people they were? DOCTOR.” Why do you ast? BILLY. Oh,just when I was in America there f often thought of them, what they'd have done if they'd got there. Wasn't that Ine they were heading the night they drowned? DOCTOR They sy twas. (Powe) As far a6 U can resmember they weren't the nicest of people. Your daddy was an oul frunken tough, would rarely take a break trom his fighting. BILLY. 'eheard me mammy was a beautifl worm, DOCTOR” No, no she was al ugly. BILLY, Was she? DOCTOR Oh she'd scare a pig, Bat, ab she seemed a pleasant enough woman, despite her looks, aldhough the breath on het, tell would knock ou, BILLY. They ey it was that dad punched mammy while she was heavy wth me was why Turned out the way T DOCTOR Dinease “ated you to turn out the way you di Bil, Nov punching = all. Don’t go romandilsing I (lS 60 coughs sight) T see you sl have your wheeze BILLY. Call have a bi of me wheeze DOGTOR. That wheeze is aking along time to go. (He se @ Stethoscope to check Bily’s cht) Has worse oF better got since your travelling? Breath in, BILLY. Maybe a biteen worse. (The Dad ltens Bil’ ack) DOCTOR. But blood you haven't been coughing wp, ah no, ILLY. Ah abiteen of Blood. (Pause) Now and again. DOCTOR Breathe out How often is now and again, BILLY. (Pouse) Most days. Pause) The TB is 2 DOCTOR. Til have w be doing more tex BILLY. But the Tit looks ike? DOCTOR.” The TB it looks tke, BILLY. (Quiet) Theres a coincidence. (Johnny ents quietly ang bem lsening at he doy lan han of tm unde each farm, which he cares houghout) JOHNNY. es the TB afterall DOCTOR Oh Johnnypateen, will you ever stop listening at door? JOHNNY. Lord save us but ftom God I'm sure that TB was sent Cripple Bil, for claiming he had TB when he had no TB, and ‘making Johnnypateen's news seem unreliable DOCTOR. God doesnt send people TB, Jobnnyparcen JOHNNY, He da send people TA. DOCTOR He doesn’, now JOHNNY, Well didn't he send the Egyptians bois ix jus as bad? DOCTOR Well boils i diferent from tuberculosis, Johnny pateen, and no he di? send the Egypuans bol. JOHNNY. In Egyptian ces. DOCTOR. No, he didn't JOHNNY. Wellhead something to the fecking Egyptians! BILLY. He killed their firborn sons JOHNNY. “He killed their firtborn sons and dropped fogs on them, aye. There's a bay knows his scripture. Do your aunties ‘now you have TB yet, Cripple Bll? BILLY. No, they don't know, and You've not to tell hem, JOHNNY. "Sure i's me job to tell them! BILLY. Teint your job at allo tell them, an 2 don't you have 6 ‘enough news for one day. Can't you do me 2 favour for once in your hfe? z JOHNNY. For once in me life, i 2 (Sighing) AT won't tl them 20, BILLY, Thank you, Johnnypateen, JOHNNY. Johnnypateen’s a kind-hearted. Christan man. so ot nema you were feeding your mammy potcen at {he showing ofthe fill today, Johnnypateen. JOHNNY. don't know where she got hold of that poten, e's devi, you know? DOCTOR Where's your mammy now? JOHNNY. At home she i. (Pause) Lying atthe foot of me BBE ron what's she doing Wing atthe 00 of your sit? JOANN Nothing us yng. A she gems happy enoveh pe has a pn with her. : DOCTOR How did she gtying at dhe fot of our sat? JOUNME Be tating dow ther! How sal geting a Ihe foo ofa fell’ sire DOCTOR "And yous let her dere? JOHNNY temp job to go pling her op? DOCTOR Ics! OMAN Sar, didn’ 1 have work todo wih me newt ong thane beter things odo than picking mami up Sree wo eg amb 1 got and Hae to? This a ye" fay The Der poss up hs Back nao Joby ‘Se his ea) sare tm off wow Billy, oJohnnypaten's howe to se eect dend or lve Wil ou cme see me tomorrow. fr those forer te? Bi TDi, 7 Da i rig ey a oy sis doom ide Billy) JOERNGE” Me amy an ping a he foot of me sr Jer cant sand te company of ha boring ec Trchie Fnn wasn'ta sce ing to do, Jonaypsteen BEINN Well youre haa the wos aoity om oie thangs wo do now are you Cripple Bl? BILE I'm noua that 1 suppose n a JOHNNY. Ah what harm? Do what you want and feck every body ese is Johnypateenmichaels mowo. BILLY. Did you hear MeSharry talking about my mammy when you were listening athe door? JOHNNY. A bit i BILLY. Was he accurate about her? Johnny shrug.) Ob isn't it sheayson this subject your ips say sealed, yet om every other Subject ftom feuds o'er geese to ewemaiming be lonely fellas, Your lips go lapping ikea cabbage inthe breeze? JOHNKY. "Now on the subject of feuds over geese, have you heard the latest (i ight) Well weal thought Jack Ellery and Paty Brennan were apt to go Billing each other o'et the Slaughter oftheir cat and their goose, but now d'you know what? ‘Achild seen chem, jos this morning there, Kissing the faces off ach other in a haybarn Ica’ make i out forthe life of me ‘Two fellas King, and two fellas who don't even like each other. BILLY. (Pawe) You've changed the subject Jobnnypateen. JOHNNY, Tin great a changing subjects, me, What was the fubjecl Ob, your drowned mary and daddy BILLY. Were they gew lke MeSharry say? JOHNNY. They weren't at all gets BILLY. No? Amt ye they sil left me behind when they sailed ‘ofl (Eien turn ath mo te.) EILEEN,” I've the Doctors tea. BILLY. The Doctors gone EILEEN. Without hating his tea? BILLY. Evident EILEEN. Don't you be bigwording me again, Billy Caven, JOHNNY. Tilve the Doctor's tea so, itl save 2 family i pte. (She goes him the tx.) Johnnypateen goes out of his way to Felp people ot, and do you have any biscuits there, Mrs? BILLY. You're changing the subject again, aren't ya? JOHNNY.” 'm not changing the subject. want a biscuit EILEEN, We have no biscuits. JOHNNY, Til bet you have arake of biscuit, What do you have ‘nthe shehes behind them peas, there? EILEEN, We have more peas JOHNNY. "You order tow many peat A fella can't go having 6 eas with his tea, Unless he was an od fll. (Adjusting tomb) ‘And there's no way you could describe Johnnypateenmike aan ‘odd fell. Oh no BILLY, "Johnnypateen. Me mammy and daddy. Ther sling. EILEEN. “Oh thar’ ancient news, Bil Just lave i alone JOHNNY. Sue if he boy want to hear, let him hear ant he {grou up and travelled enough now to be hearing? EILEEN: “You're not going telling him? (ony starsat her ‘noment) JOHINNY. Iewas onthe sands I met them that night, staring off| Imo the black, the water roaring, and I would've thought a Single thing more oft FT had’ seen the sack full of stones tied tothe hands of them dhere, a5 they heaved it into the boat. And they handed you to me then, then surted rowing, to deep BILLY. So they ai il chemsetes o'er me? JOHNNY. They bled themsehes, aye, but not for the ressone ou think, D'ou think it was to ge aay frm ya? BILLY. Wy’ elie, sure? JOHNNY. Wil Fell him? (Elen nods) A week before hit was they'd fst been told you'd be dying f they couldn’ get you to the Regional Hospital and medicines dow you. But + hundred pounds or near dis teatment'd cost They din’ have the like ‘f hundred pounds Tknow you know iwas their death insur ance paid for the weatment sued you. Bat did you know ie was the same day met them on the sands there the had taken thie inaurance policy out BILLY. (Pouse) Iwas for me they killed themselves? JOHNNY. The insurance paid up a week after, and you were igen the allclear afore a momth was out. BILLY. So they di love me, inspite of everything. EILEEN. They did love you because of everyting, Billy JOHNNY. Isn't that new? BILLY” Thats news. T needed good new this day: Thank you, Johnnypateen. (Thy shake hands and Bil sit.) JOHNNY. You're welcome, Cipple Billy. BILLY. JOHNNY. Billy. (Pouse) Well hm off home to me mammy, 6 Hopetlly shel have dropped down dead when the Doctor barged in and wel both have ha good mews i ay (Pe) Mri you have any payment the fr Johompetcen’s ood ew and not pea EILEEN. "There's llamatons. JOHNNY: (Laing a pact) What are Yllematon? EILEEN. ‘Theyre malowe at are ala JOHNNY. (Pas Afr osdong eave them. Joke it Long pe) BILLY "You shoutd nave told me before, Aunty. EILEEN. Twas’ tse how you'd eae the nee ily. BILLY. Yous should've told me. The tthe ale lea hard than you eri going to be EILEEN Tm sorry, Bly. (oe, ily hr cud im sight BILLY. “And Tm sore for sing "Esdenty ony, EILEEN. ‘Ando you shuld be. (She gn sla hi framing Heder eu elo Hen, What an tft fou, HELEN.” No, I've jut come to ook Chpple Bills wounds. Uwe hesr they deep BILLY. Hello Helen HELEN. "You lok 3 feckng fol inal that getup, Criple By BILLY. 1 do, 1 suppose. Em, Aun is thatthe ket, now 1 ‘hear boiling in the back? 2 EILEEN. "En? No. Oh. Tus) Aye. (len exis to bck rom, 8 ele pulp Bis adage took under en) BILLY Hare a ic tat picking does Helen HELEN, "Ar don't be such fcking fit, Gpple ily, How was x. ng Cripple Bill BILLY. Fine, ne HELEN. ‘Did you se any git over there as prety a me? BILLY Notaone. HELEN. Or almost as prety as me? BILLY. Nota one HELEN, "Or even a hundred times la prety than me? BILLY" Wel maybe couple, now (len oe hin ard the ‘un pin Aah Not oe, Lean. HELEN” ou jut watch yours you, Gipple Bl % BILLY. Do ya have oes lent, Helen? ELEN. do have to be so vent orm not 0 be tae Liventge of anyways have ob 90 ae AILLY "Sores nobody's ahem abanage af you since dhe age of seven, Helen HELEN Shc nearer dhe mark Lropored curt at BILLY So couldnt you tone down x of your violence and Temore ofa met gu TIELEN. reoua you'e sight there, And the day ais ‘Moves ben spike wp ie ate. (auc) Tv jut Tose job wth the cggenan i BILL” why di you oe your job with th eggman, Hele ELEN, "Diou howl can't fore ie of me fire out why Mae was me Inch of pots Orme bean al hee wee eggr Or me ging ia goo ick whenever fl He. Butyousouldn' cl them decemt reasons BML. ou cold at al sure BELEN “Or me spring om the eggman’s wife, bu you fn cal sata decent Faso. ee BILLY | Whar ad you spit on te eggoma’s wife fr, Hele? HELEN.” Ah the eggiman's mie Jon deserves sping om [Pie Lal haven en yous go Bek for you aking oo" (rch ete twa ity ine Did 1 have 8 Pavol ne lm crecrs on Inshore to book me place YOu took witout single Ha? SLY Bur there was only om i dteior om shore that ne nin, The man Fler. And I i's Se ou neat Him sea HELEN. Who wait was ising so? BILLY 1 thnk twas mony stabieboys who could do an Amer: HELEN. "The tasard! Could’ you've warmed me? BILLY. Iwas going vo warn you, bayou seemed tobe enorng eux kiss off a stable-be THELEN. You do get a decent hs off a stbleboy, i rue Chooghs I would pcb go epping ou wih ableton ‘Tote tos i wan’ forthe bel of pipe you gto then ‘could BILLY. Are you not stepping outwith anyone at the moment, HELEN. rm not BILLY. Pause) Me, ve never been Ksed HELEN. "Of course you've never been Hise, You're a funny: looking cripple-boy BILLY. (Pause) I's fanny, but when Iwas in America ried to ‘ink of all the things mise about home iT had wo sayin ‘America. Would I mis the scenery, I thought? The one wal, and the lanes, and the green, and the sea? No, I woulda ist ‘them. Would I mise the food? The peas, the pais, the peas the praies and the peas? No, I woulda’ mis it, Would Tiss the people? ELEN: ‘Is this speech going to go on for more long? BILLY. te nearly finished i (Pawe) What wat me last bi You's put me off HELEN. Would I mis the people BILLY. Would I miss the people? Well, Fd miss me aunties, 2 bcd mis me aunties. I woulda mass Babbybobby wih his lead sick, or Johnnypateen with hit daft news, Or all the lads tied to ligh at me at school, oral the lasees used to ery if 1 ‘even spoke to them, Thinking over iti Tnishmaan sank ia the Sea tomorton, and everybody on it up and drowned, there isnt ‘expecially anybody 4 really miss. Anybody other than you, that iniHelen HELEN.” (Pause) You'd mis the cows you go aaring a. BILLY. Oh that cow busines was blown up out ofall propor: tion. What Iwas uying to Buld upto, Helen, was HELEN. Oh, was you tying to buildup to something, Cripple iy BILLY. Iwas, but you kep interrupting me. HELEN. Build up ahead so. BILLY. I was uying to bulld up to. There comes atime in ‘very felts ife when he a t take his hearin his haade and ‘make a uy for something, and even though he knows is 3 one ina milion chance of him getting it he has to chance i si lee why be alive atalP So, Lar wondering Helen if maybe Sometime, Y'bnow. when you're not too busy oF something. it 6 soo! Low well Fm no great shakes to look at but 1 if maybe you ight want to go out walking with ‘ning. Pkwy in a week or o oe something? 10 Pe) Sie what would T ant 10 go out walking ‘ippleboy for Kan’ out walking you'd be anyways. 1 1a itu auling,becate you can't walk I'd have to Be lon ya every five yards. What would you and me want to sting for? Ror the company HHT. Ror the company? ns And SEEN. And wha? SILTY And for the way sweethears be. (Helen los at him a 1 them sooty ad guy arts leughng/wigeing through her ‘isthe gt up and pcs othe dor Onc the she fn, Tok von uh again and ete. Bly ft tarng dow a the flor te guy ener from the Bach oom) vt, "She's mot avery nice get anyways, Billy SULLY. Was you listening, Auny Rate? 1SACE TD veaan' listening or al ight 1 was a bteen Bening ‘inns You wait for nice gilt come along, Bly. A git who losn't mind a all what you look Uke. Just ses your hear. UY. How long will be wating fora gil Ike that to come ‘tong. Aung? KATE. Ahrnot long a all, Billy Maybe a year or wo. Or atthe staid Bie, BILLY. Five years... (Bly made, gee wp, wheres igh and eis Into the back room. Kate start tidying and desing up the shop. Ele enters helping her Sound of Bil coughing stot i the ews new lind then) EILEEN. What's Cripple Billy looking so glum for? KATE, Billy asked Slippy Helen to go out walking with him, and Helen said she'd rather go out walking with a broken- headed ape. EILEEN. That was a descriptive turn of phrase for Slippy Helen KATE. Well, I've trted it up a bit EILEEN. 1 yas thinking. (Pause) Cripple Billy wants to aim lower than Hele, realy KATE. “Cripple Billy des want to alm lower than Helen. EILEEN. Billy wants to aim at uly gists who are thick then work his way up KATE. Billy should go to Antrim really He'd be well away (Pause) But Bily probably does’ like ugly girls who are thick. EILEEN. "Sure theres no pleasing Billy KATE, None. EILEEN, (Pause) And you missed the story Johnaypateen spun, Kae, about Billys mam and daddy tying 2 sick of ones ‘hr hands and drowning themselves for thir inurance money ‘hat saved him, KATE. The stores Johnnypateen spins. When it was poor Billy they ted in that sack of stones, and Bily would sull be atthe bottom of the sea to this day, ft hadn't Been for Johnnypateen| swimming out to save hie. EILEEN.” And stalin his mammy's hundred pounds then to py for Billys hospital weaument. We should tel ily the rue ory aoine dy, Rae, KATE. Sure, that story might only make Cripple Billy sad or something, Bleen. EILEEN. Do you think? An there's pleny of time co tl Billy that ry anyways KATE, There is (The tu» finish thr closing wp, Elen locking the oor Kate turning the ei lamp lus) Thi be the fies decent rights leep in many a month I've had, Eileen EILEEN. I know it wl, Kate Have you finithed for good with your stone shenanigans now KATE. T have. They only crop up when Ive been worrying, and, you know, Thnow Ihde itwel, but ! do worry awful about Billy when he's away rom we EILEEN. I'do worry awful about Billy when he's aay from ws too, but Try not to let stones enter into it KATE. Able’ forget about stones We have our Billy back wth EILEEN. We de have our Billy back with ws, Back for good « KATE, Back for good, (The to smile ond ei tothe Sack rom, termina. Afra pense, Bly coma nfo he back sf, ond fra the it lamp prowling his Bbodshet cs and tarstained ‘he He qi takes the ach dom fom the al. places inside i ‘tama eas of es tii wry hey then Bes cod th kop 1 the hg tighy aun one of his hands This done, he owes im ‘oughta moment the shal to he de Tris nck om i Bil (inc his che, ids the sash behind im and pens the dor Hee op har had im) HELEN (Fel) Alright s0 1 go out walking wit ya but ‘nly somewheres no fecker would ee us and when is dark and fo ising or groping, cor I don’t want you ruining me fecking Fepuration BILLY. "Oh, Okay, Helen HELEN. Or anyways not much Ksing or groping, BILLY. Would tomorrow suit? HELEN. Tomorrow woulda’ at all suit Ton't it Barley’ Ieching birthday tomorrow? BILLY. eit What have you got him? HELEN. Tgot him and forthe le of me I don’t know why 1 fd because T know now he'll never stop feckng jabbering on Shout i or anyways won't stop jabbering “a I give him a big thm inthe fecking face for himself and even then he probably twom't op, but did't get the feker a telescope? BILLY. That was afl ice of a, Helen, HELEN. Ii I st be geting soft in me old age BILLY. think 20 wo. HELEN, Do ya? BILLY. Aye ELEN. "(Goyy) Do ya rally, Bill? BILLY Ido. HELEN. | Utehuh, Does thie fee sf (Helen pos ily hardin the bandaged face Billy ys i pin) BILLY. Aarght No, doesn't fee sof! HELEN, Good Fl se you te day after tomorrow for our fecking walk 50. BILLY? "You wl Helen Kise Bly rif, winks at him, ad pul the door hind her she exits. Bly if sanding thr stunned ” omant thn remembers the sack ted hs hand Pose He wns i ‘plac the cas on the sees and hangs th ek ack pom th wal, Sioking ita moment. He hus ever tard the ah rom smiling, It stops a eget Dre, coughing hei his had lis mel Aflr ‘he coughing spr he ler hit hand ay ands doom i for ‘moments I creed in Md. Billy les hs letras the i ap lm and exis oe back room. Fado Wack) n PROPERTY LIST (Cans of peas (EILEEN, BILLY) ‘2 rectangular boxes with penny sweets (EILEEN, BARTLEY) Book (BILLY) Lester (BILLY) Bible (BOBBY) Stethoscope (DOCTOR) Doctors bag (DOCTOR) Bottle of whiskey JOHNNY, MAMMY) Large glass GOHINNY) Newspaper JOHNNY) ‘few dozen ens stacked Leer (BOBBY) ‘few dozen eggs (HELEN) Stone (KATE) Wooden mallet (BARTLEY) Sheet of paper (BILLY) Photograph (BILLY) gg (HELEN) Pocket notebook (JOHNNY) ache of sweets (BILLY) Loaf of bread (JOHNNY) Leg of arab JOHNNY) ‘Mug of ta (EILEEN) Sack (KATE, BILLY) [NEW PLAYS, “iin ster cE BEAUTY QUUE OF aE mel SBS tat ceay “ta ly of Orb a ay pce SE aay aa ton ke weary Quen (tet Meade fo wh nh oo arn open and ot Fic pil ee Sipe ns quent ee ee om a ster ‘Sreaoved by the sand areudng Ws pron" mmp mth pr Sy a ray eng tw play Th ag enya ieee eng hyn ing amen aot SWvat ne ng eS ee + COLLECTED STORIES by Donal Mars Frm Oe Re wae on Inglis cone posse sna teeecgevay m SKI'S fee Nor al wi fn el ln Dae RO TSS fe nog pone lop aml anh ro» Pty wpe “ea iy ty a ik {TE OLD SETTLER by Jab Hey Radoal Aer ony se “eM! i he fay ne rn ne ay Sey MC IHS ‘chit Papen Rowe Nh yn sf ty pes oh ‘Serle Ree Wa a nh no oc re Mone od BOREL je ere deo af ‘Soh tao oye oe PN Face? Teuyastennanfow vated tt ar om iy SHRM ay hee Bw fee coag) BBN OHIO DRAMATISTS FLAY SERVICE. INC THE CRIPPLE OF INISHMAAN by Martin MeDonagh Set ons rate tnd ff he wet oof land in 1934, TIE CRIPPLE OF INISHIMAAW s «srg conic ia Oe et eaon of ih toting, Ab ‘rd aves osha athe Holy wod decor Robert Faber come ‘erheihowing sd of nse fm MAN OF ARAN he oe pon wo ENE eee nytt pe ty oy wb “eth th iyo ka gy pases se heh of wie ond rapt hl nes BEAUTY QUE sc oat i Hoag a apt reed ‘htc mbom he ln hen rayon nner he sae Se apg mts ik Pn ee McDonagh. cn pr slit nd har a. of ing a ‘mora ach of te pt nt Pfnd ae ey aly ‘Sem Aoki oom ayn aor og Mconag ppripetoetar an “uence Yar Pet McDonagh sterling spe has he ari and power file. Fach car ir ens tony thr ome nycrany bam hen tic on, “Data iy jas ton ond cto a inte sad ‘jeer on mono come i wane chars hme “MeDenagh trot ahh reais he wan of Ser, Ose Fri and hay ach Te aba brn narra a precocious et of tome scare” ithe eden Tone Me Mem 8) aa ah rh fe ty den ‘rte Rew York Orr ‘Alby Marin McDonagh eae THEBEAUTY QUEENOFLEENANE =f . ‘ASRULL I CORNEMARA ill [DRAMATISTS LAY SERVICE, ING i

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