Answers Questions by Camilo Baron Dilan Romero: 1. Why Is Important For A Leader Setting Goals?

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Because the setting goals help
1. Why is important for a leader setting goals? to guide the employees.

2. What is the meaning of SMART ? Smart is a indicator of the objectives.

the Four items are:

1.Undrstanding your preferences.
2 Knowing your people.
3. Which are four items for delegating ? 3 Being clear about purpose of the task.
4 Assessing and rewarding.

The six challenges are:

1. Possitive.
2. Precise.
4. Write the six challenges that a leader face consistently. 3. Responsible
4. Assertive
5. Patient
6. Analytical
Because the leadercan know what are
Because help for make a better work weaknesses are so it's important to develop
establisshing the timelines and others. new ideas.

Smart is a method where the leader is

Smart is a guide method where the leader Specific,Measurable,Attainable, Realistic and
can help all employees in the process. Timed.
the Four items are: the Four items are:
1.Undrstanding your preferences. 1.Undrstanding your preferences.
2 Knowing your people. 2 Knowing your people.
3 Being clear about purpose of the task. 3 Being clear about purpose of the task.
4 Assessing and rewarding. 4 Assessing and rewarding.

The six challenges are: The six challenges are:

1. Managing internal stakeholders. 1. Developing managerial.
2. Inspiring Others.
3. Developing employees.
4. Leading a team.
5. Guiding change.
6. Managing internal stakeholders.
Because is necessary to keep yourself and
your team on track.

Smart is a method where the leader is

Specific,Measurable,Attainable, Realistic and
the Four items are:
1.Undrstanding your preferences.
2 Knowing your people.
3 Being clear about purpose of the task.
4 Assessing and rewarding.

The six challenges are:

1. Developing managerial.
2. Inspiring Others.
3. Developing employees.
4. Leading a team.
5. Guiding change.
6. Managing internal stakeholders.

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