Interconnections: Marking Rubric: Excellent High Competent Developing

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Interconnections: Marking Rubric

Excellent High Competent Developing

Constructs an introduction that Constructs an introduction derived Constructs an introduction Constructs a brief
engages with the ideas suggested by from the question or topic, using key words from the introduction that addresses
Introduction the question or topic, and formulates a outlining the main points to be question or topic. the question or topic in
clear thesis. raised and stating a thesis. general terms.
Explains, in depth, the positive impacts Describes, in depth, the positive Describes the positive impacts Outlines, in general terms,
Positive Impacts of tourism on the people, economy and impacts of tourism on the people, of tourism but may refer to some of the positive
the environment. economy and the environment. two out of three criteria. impacts of tourism.
Explains, in depth, the negative impacts Describes, in depth, the negative Describes the negative impacts Outlines, in general terms,
Negative impacts of tourism on the people, of tourism but may refer to some of the negative
of tourism on the people, economy and
Impacts the environment. economy and the environment. two out of three criteria. impacts of tourism.
Uses a range of appropriate and Uses appropriate and relevant Uses some examples to Makes unsubstantiated
Use of Evidence relevant examples to support claims examples to support claims about support claims about the claims.
about the impact of tourism. the impact of tourism. impact of tourism.
Draws a comprehensive conclusion Draws a conclusion about the Reinforces key points made Concludes with simple
about the impact of tourism and impact of tourism and provides a throughout the report. statements.
Conclusion provides a prediction of future trends prediction of future trends and/or
and/or suggests a way forward. suggests a way forward.
Consistently uses relevant geographical Uses relevant geographical Uses some relevant Makes limited use of
Terminology terminology and concepts. terminology and concepts. geographical terminology geographical terminology.
and/or concepts.
Presents a bibliography which Presents a bibliography which Presents a bibliography which Provides citation for some
Bibliography accurately refers to a comprehensive refers to a comprehensive list of a includes a limited list of references used.
list of a range of sources. sources. sources.

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