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Can & Could

Find out how many people... Find out how many people...

- can save money. - can wake up on time without an alarm clock.

- could walk before they were one year old. - can fall asleep in a chair.

- can work better in the evening than in the morning. - can eat a big breakfast before 8 a.m. in the

Find out how many people... Find out how many people...

- can eat a lot without putting on weight. - can name three Australian cities in five seconds.

- could ride a bicycle before they were ten. - could swim before they were ten.

- can see three things made of wood in ten seconds. - can see three things beginning with ‘s’ in ten

Find out how many people... Find out how many people...

- can spell the word ‘extreme'. - can remember what they ate for lunch yesterday.

- can see the same film twice without getting bored. - can spell the word ‘deceitful’.

- can remember what they did on their last birthday. - can remember the name of the first teacher they
ever had.

Find out how many people... Find out how many people...

- can type without looking at their fingers. - can remember the last present they received.

- can write neatly with their left hand. - can remember what they dreamt last night.

- can concentrate on their homework with the TV on. - can remember what they were doing at 8 o'clock
last night.

Find out how many people... Find out how many people...

- can spell the word 'generosity'. - can name five vegetables in ten seconds.

- can say ‘hello’ in four languages. - can name four types of music in five seconds.

- can read the same novel twice without getting - can name three verbs beginning with Y' in ten
bored. seconds. ©20I2 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

Can & Could
In this teaching activity, students go round the classroom and find out about other students'
past and present abilities.

Before class, make one copy of the worksheet for each group of ten students.


If there are more than ten students in the class, divide them into groups.

Give one card to each student.

Tell the students that they are responsible for finding out the information on their card by
speaking to everybody in the class or group.

Explain that the students must go round the class or group, asking and answering questions
using 'can', e.g. Can you save money?

Tell them to put a tick next to the sentence each time somebody answers 'Yes, I can' or
'Yes, I could' or succeeds in doing the task.

When the students have spoken to everybody in the class or group, they sit down in their
groups and take it in turns to talk about the information they found out.

Students then give feedback to the class. ©20I2 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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