NAHJ Board MInutes 7.22.18

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Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

In person
Sunday, July 22, 2018

Vice President of Online Yvette Cabrera called the meeting to order via conference call at

Members Present: Nick Valencia, VP of Broadcast;Tomas Mier, Student Representative; Ger-

aldine Cols Acozar, Region 2; Diana Nanez, Region 7; Paula Machado, Region 4; Alberto Men-
doza, Executive Director; Brandon Benavides, Ex-Oficio; Blanca Rios, Region 6; Rafael Mejia,
Region 1

On the Call: Yvette Cabrera- Vice President of Online

Vicky Adame;VP Print; Steve Solis, General at Large Officer; Ninette Sosa, Region 5

Absent- Hugo Balta, President; Robert Hernandez, Academic Officer; Rosalba Ruiz, Region 3;
Brian De Los Santos, Region 8

Guests: B.A. Snyder, Yunuen Bonaparte

Yvette Cabrera designated Blanca Rios to take the minutes.

Cabrera gave the floor to Brandon Benavides

Board Contract
• All board members need to sign for legal reasons.
• Conflict of Interest Policy & Executive Code of Conduct
• Yaneth Guillen will email them out by Monday or Tuesday and they will need to go back to
her by Friday

Alberto Mendoza’s End of Contract Vacation

• Contract ends at the end of August. Under the agreement Mendoza must take two weeks off
before the end of the contract. New contract begins September 1, 2018 and ends in January
31, 2021. Contract is a personnel matter so execute committee will be able to see it unless
there’s a decision to share with the full board.

President’s Vacation Procedure

• The vice presidents are the point of contact for the association when the President goes on
vacation. According to bylaw procedure Yvette Cabrera is the point of contact. In case of an
emergency, Hugo Balta can be contacted.
• This will be the policy until Hugo Balta returns from vacation on August 8.

Executive Director Board Address

• Mendoza thanks board.
• Mendoza says conference seen by many as one of our best in many years.
• Mendoza thanks BA Snyder and Veritas for a successfully-run conference.
• All new members will soon be assigned an official email account that should be
used for all NAHJ business.
• Mendoza reminds board members of their responsibilities and rights to abstain from a vote.
• Board orientation will be scheduled by mid-August for all new members
• There will be a board retreat to understand financial statements and Roberts Rules of Orders
and to begin the dialogue of NAHJ’s vision.
• The retreat will be between Thanksgiving and Christmas in Las Vegas or DC with the use of
an in-kind donation by MGM Resorts.
• Mendoza thanks Brandon Benavides

Cabrera gives floor back to Brandon

External Communication Procedure

• President speaks for the organization.
• Next in line would be Cabrera
• The board can also vote to make a statement in consultation with BA Snyder
• There is a process in place that starts with the executive board and rapid response team and
• Cabrera orders that the rapid response process remains in place until Balta returns.
• Cabrera requested a contact list of all board members

Cabrera requests a motion to go into executive session.

Diana Nunez motions to go into executive
Valencia seconds the motion to go into executive session.
Motion passes - with inclusion of Mendoza and Snyder

Geraldine Motioned to leave executive session

Valencia seconds
Motion passes

Paula Machado motions to adjourn. Rafael Mejia seconds. Meeting adjourned at 11:21am

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