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If the position of a particle at time t is given by the equation below, find the velocity and acceleration of the particle at
time, t = 5. s(t )  t 3  11t 2  24t

2. If the position of a particle is given below, find the point at which the particle changes direction.
s(t )  t 3  12t 2  36t  18

3. Using the previous function, find the interval of time during which the particle is slowing down.

s(t )  t 3  12t 2  36t  18

4. How far does a particle travel between the eighth and tenth seconds if its position is given by: s(t )  t  6t

5. How far does a particle travel between zero and four seconds if its position is given by: s(t )  t  8t
4 2
6. At any time t, the position of a particle moving along an axis is: s(t )  t 3  6t 2  9t

A. Find the body’s acceleration each time the velocity is zero

B. Find the body’s speed each time the acceleration is zero

C. Find the total distance traveled by the body from t = 0 to t = 2

7. At any time t, the position of a particle moving along an axis is: s(t )   2t 2  3t
A. When is the body moving forward? Backwards?

B. When is the velocity increasing? Decreasing?

8. The motion of a particle is given by the equation s=2𝑡 4 −1/6𝑡 3 + 2𝑡 2 where s is in meter and t in seconds. Compute
the values of v and a when t=2 sec t=2 sec.

9. A ball is throw vertically upward from the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa (190 feet high) with an initial velocity of
96 feet per second. During which time period will the balls height exceed that of the tower?

10. Suppose a person standing at the top of the Tower of Pisa, 176 ft high, throws a ball directly upward with an initial
velocity of 96 ft/sec.
a. Find the balls height, its velocity and acceleration at time t.

b. When does the ball hit the ground and what is its impact velocity?

c. How far does the ball travel during its flight?

11. If a car reaches a velocity of 72 km/hr in 10 s which h has started from rest? Calculate the acceleration and average

12. A particle moves according to a law of motion s(t) = 𝑡 3 - 9𝑡 2 + 12t + 1. Determine the velocity of the particle when it
has acceleration to units/𝑠 2 .

13. The position of a particle is given by the equation s = f(t) = 𝑡 3 – 6𝑡 2 + 90. Where t is measured in seconds and s in
a. Find the velocity at time t.

b. What is the velocity after 2s? After 4s?

14. The formula h(t) = −16𝑡 2 + 32t + 80 gives the height h above ground, in feet, of an object thrown, at t =0, straight
upward from the top of an 80 ft building.
a. What is the highest point reached by the object?
b. How long does it take the object to reach its highest point?

c. After how many seconds does the object hit the ground?

d. For how many seconds is the height of the object higher than 90 ft?

15. The position function of a particle moving along the x-axis is given by x(t) = 𝑡 3 - 12𝑡 2 + 36t – 20.
a. Find the velocity and acceleration of the particle.

b. Find the open t-intervals when the particle is moving to the left.

c. Find the velocity of the particle when acceleration is 0.

16. If the position of particle along x-axis varies in time as: x = 2𝑡 2 – 3t + 1
a. What is the velocity at t = 0?

b. When does the velocity become 0?

17. A ball starts moving in a straight line from a point with velocity 10 m/s acceleration −2𝑚/𝑠 2 , find the position and
the velocity of the particle a t = 5s; t= 10s.

18. An object is moving back and forth along the x-axis, starting time t = 0. Its position after t seconds is s(t) = t – 2 –
2cost. What is the acceleration of the object at time t?

19. A mini van at rest starts moving with the uniform acceleration of 0.5 𝑚/𝑠 2 and travels a distance 25 m. Find the final
velocity and the time taken.
20. If the displacement (in meters) at time t (in seconds) of an object is given by s = 4𝑡 3 + 7𝑡 2 – 2t. Find the acceleration
at time t = 10.

21.A silver dollar is dropped 970 feet from the top floor of a hotel at time t=0. When an object is simply drop , the initial
velocity is zero.
a. Write the position as a function of time for this object.

b. Find the average velocity for 1< t < 2.

c. Find the instantaneous velocity at t=1.

d.How long will it take for the dollar to hit the ground? This happens when s(t)=0

e.Find the velocity of the dollar just before it hits the ground?
22.A rock is thrown straight down from a 400 foot high bridge into a river with an initial velocity of -30 ft/s.
a. Write the position as a function of time for this problem.

b. What is the velocity after 4 seconds?

c. What is the velocity after falling 300ft?

23.A projectile is shot upward from the surface of the earth with an initial velocity of 120 meters per second.
a. What its velocity at 5 seconds?

b. What its velocity at 10 seconds?

24. The position equation for the movement of a particle is given by s(t)= (𝑡 2 − 1)2 when s is measured in feet and t is
measured in seconds.
a. Find the velocity at 2 seconds.

b. Find the average velocity from t = 1 to t = 3.

25. Suppose the position equation for a moving object is given by s(t) = 3𝑡 2 + 2t + 5 where s is measured in meters and t
is measured in seconds. Find the velocity of the object at 2 seconds.

26. An object is thrown from the top of a 220 foot building with an initial velocity of 26 ft/s. Write the position function
and find the velocity at 1 sec.

27. At t = 0 rock is dropped from rest from the top of a building 256 ft high. When, and what velocity does it strike the
28. A rock is shot vertically from the ground with an initial velocity of 96 ft/s.
a. When does the rocket reach its maximum height and what is its maximum height?

b. When does the rocket is hit the ground?

29. A stone is thrown in a straight down from the top of an 80 ft tower.

a. If the initial speed is 64 ft/s, how long does it take to hit the ground?

b. At what velocity does it hit the ground?

30. A rocket was shot straight at from the ground. What must have been its initial velocity if it return to earth in 20 sec.?

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