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Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209

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The Effects of Source Water Quality on Drinking Water Treatment Costs: T

A Review and Synthesis of Empirical Literature

James I. Price , Matthew T. Heberling
Office of Research and Development, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH 45268, United States


Keywords: Watershed protection, and associated in situ water quality improvements, has received considerable attention as
Water quality a means for mitigating health risks and avoiding expenditures at drinking water treatment plants (DWTPs). This
Source water protection study reviews the literature linking source water quality to DWTP expenditures. For each study, we report
Community water systems information on the modeling approach, data structure, definition of treatment costs and water quality, and
Drinking water treatment
statistical methods. We then extract elasticities indicating the percentage change in drinking water treatment
Avoided treatment costs
Economic analysis
costs resulting from a 1% change in water quality. Forty-six elasticities are obtained for various water quality
parameters, such as turbidity, total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen, sediment loading, and phosphorus loading.
An additional 29 elasticities are obtained for land use classification (e.g., forest, agricultural, urban), which often
proxy source water quality. Findings indicate relatively large ranges in the estimated elasticities of most para-
meters and land use classifications. However, average elasticities are smaller and ranges typically narrower for
studies that incorporated control variables consistent with economic theory in their models. We discuss the
implications of these findings for a DWTP's incentive to engage in source water protection and highlight gaps in
the literature.

1. Introduction safeguard source water conditions from adverse impacts prior to intake,
has received growing attention as part of a multi-barrier approach to
Drinking water treatment plant (DWTP) design and operation is mitigating water-related health risks and avoiding treatment costs. For
based on, among other considerations, the physical, chemical, and instance, the 1996 amendments to the US EPA's Safe Drinking Water
microbiological characteristics of its source water. Within design limits, Act authorized funding for SWP programs and required states to per-
DWTPs respond to water quality declines by altering treatment pro- form assessments of source waters to determine their susceptibility to
cesses (e.g., retention time, chemical dosing, etc.) to meet potable water contamination (Tiemann, 2014). Recent additions to California's Water
standards and performance objectives. Dramatic declines in water Code establish source watersheds as part of a DWTP's infrastructure;
quality, due to severe algal blooms or the presence of cyanobacteria, financing for repair to source watersheds is also made available
may occasionally result in temporary plant shutdowns and drinking (California Water Code §108.5, 2016). Moreover, recent literature in-
water advisories (Henry, 2013; Kansas Department of Health and dicates that dozens of municipalities are engaged in SWP activities
Environment, 2011; Snider, 2014). When water pollution regularly (sometimes referred to as water funds or natural infrastructure), such as
exceeds design thresholds, DWTPs may purchase new capital assets or land acquisition and management, compensation to landowners for
develop alternate source water resources (Hanson et al., 2016; Jones adopting best management practices, and public education campaigns
et al., 2007), which, in turn, can lead to higher water rates for con- (Abell et al., 2017; Bennett et al., 2014; Carpe Diem West, 2011; Dudley
sumers. The effect of reduced source water quality is thus a potential and Stolton, 2003; Gartner et al., 2013; Herbert, 2007). These practices
decrease in consumer welfare and, notwithstanding temporary shut- have, in some instances, been linked to reductions in key water quality
downs, an unequivocal increase in treatment costs. Estimates of these impairments, including turbidity, pesticides and nutrients, with the
welfare effects have been included in US Environmental Protection latter subsequently linked to lower algae concentrations and a lower
Agency (EPA) assessments of surface water quality regulations probability of algal and cyanobacteria bloom events. Boston has a well-
(Griffiths et al., 2012). known SWP program. Since the 1980s, the city has undertaken ex-
Source water protection (SWP), defined broadly as actions that tensive watershed management efforts, at a cost of $135 million for

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J.I. Price), (M.T. Heberling).
Received 15 November 2017; Received in revised form 22 March 2018; Accepted 10 April 2018
0921-8009/ Published by Elsevier B.V.
J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209

land acquisition alone, to avoid the cost of constructing and operating a r = f (y, PX , PK , Q),
filtration plant (Alcott et al., 2013). As a result, the city has maintained
where r is the water rate and the remaining elements are defined as
a waiver from filtration under the US EPA's Surface Water Treatment
before.1 Similar to the cost function, statistical estimation requires a
Rule. Other high-profile examples of municipalities engaged in SWP
specified functional form.
include New York, Denver, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, Santa Fe, and
Seattle (Bennett et al., 2014; Carpe Diem West, 2011). Outside the US,
3. Literature Search and Selection Criteria
SWP has been adopted by cities as diverse as Munich, Stockholm,
Sydney, Tegucigalpa, Tokyo, and Victoria (Capital Regional District,
We conducted a thorough search for studies linking treatment costs
2017; Dudley and Stolton, 2003).
and source water quality, which considered peer-reviewed and gray
The notion that SWP is more cost effective than traditional treat-
literature from multiple disciplines, including economics, environ-
ment processes is common—but evidence from high-quality benefit-
mental science, and civil engineering. Three ex ante defined criteria
cost analyses (BCAs) is limited (Gartner et al., 2013; Herbert, 2007).
were used to identify studies relevant for this review. Specifically, a
The validity of any such analyses partially rests on having an accurate
study needed to
understanding of linkages between ecosystems, hydrologic systems, and
DWTPs. This review, motivated to better understand these linkages and
to facilitate BCAs, consolidates available evidence from studies that use • establish an original, quantitative functional relationship between
costs and source water quality or select proxies for water quality;
cost functions, or related approaches, to quantify the relationship be-
tween measures of water quality and treatment cost. From these stu- • use historic cost information obtained from community water sys-
tems (CWSs); and
dies, we extract elasticities that indicate how costs respond to marginal
changes in water quality. Average elasticities are then calculated for • clearly describe data sources, methodological procedures, and re-
key water quality measures. We discuss the implications of this review
for SWP decisions and highlight notable gaps in the literature.
The criteria are deliberately imprecise in several respects to ac-
commodate the broad spectrum of source water issues facing treatment
2. Theoretical Framework facilities, and to allow for differences in research aims and data avail-
ability. Studies meeting our criteria make use of various physical,
Production theory provides an overarching framework for the chemical, and microbiological water quality parameters. These para-
avoided treatment cost literature (Varian, 1992). Most studies we meters represent different spatial scales (e.g., source water body, source
looked at, regardless of data structure or statistical methods, relate watershed, etc.) and methods of measurement. Similarly, studies make
source water quality to treatment costs using either a cost function or use of diverse cost measures that vary with respect to expenditure
price function approach. Some studies use alternate approaches that types, timeframes, and units of measurement.
rely, sometimes implicitly, on the underlying cost minimization as- Included in the review are studies that proxy water quality with
sumption inherent in these functions. We address these approaches land use classifications. Broad causal relationships between land use
later. Here we develop cost and price function models for a DWTP using and surface water quality are well established; they indicate that for-
non-purchased source water. estland, relative to agriculture and urban land, is associated with lower
Cost functions define the minimum cost needed to produce a pre- concentrations of non-point source pollutants (e.g., suspended sedi-
determined output. They are well-suited for modeling DWTP behavior, ment, nutrients) and more desirable microbiological communities
which is usually constrained by some form of revenue control (i.e., caps (Baker, 2003; Dudley and Stolton, 2003). Forestland is also associated
on revenue, service charges, or rates-of-return) and a requirement to with better groundwater quality (Lerner and Harris, 2009), which is
meet customer demand for set water rates (Estache and Rossi, 2002; vulnerable to both point and nonpoint source pollution. Depending on
Renzetti and Dupont, 2009). Cost functions are classified as either geological and hydrological characteristics of the aquifer, it can take
short- or long-run. In the short-run, capital inputs are assumed fixed years, decades, or centuries, for surface water to infiltrate to the aquifer
and a DWTP minimizes costs by optimally choosing quantities of the wherein it becomes a component of a DWTP's source water (Lerner and
variable inputs. In the long-run, capital is also variable, as new treat- Harris, 2009). We consider, but ultimately exclude, studies that employ
ment facilities can be constructed or source waters tapped, and opti- precipitation and streamflow as proxy measures for water quality.
mization occurs in the choice of all inputs. Formally, short- and long- While precipitation often leads to deteriorated water quality via in-
run cost functions for a single-output DWTP are creased runoff, its effects can be ambiguous, being dependent on the
csr = f (y, PX , K , Q) importance of the runoff relative to a dilution effect that reduces con-
taminant concentrations (Holmes, 1988; Vincent et al., 2016). More-
clr = f (y, PX , PK , Q), over, both precipitation and streamflow measures confound issues of
water availability and water quality, which are known to have distinct
where csr represents short-run total costs, clr long-run total costs, y the
effects on treatment costs (Heberling et al., 2015; Renzetti, 2001).
volume of potable water, PX a vector of variable input prices, PK a
We require that studies use historic cost information from CWSs.
vector of capital input prices, K a vector of quasi-fixed capital inputs,
Studies employing predicted cost data, pilot programs, or non-com-
and Q a vector of source water characteristics. For concreteness, Q can
munity systems are consequently excluded from the review. Predicted
be viewed as a set of physical, chemical and microbiological water
costs are expenditures estimated for a certain type of treatment tech-
quality measures. Since these parameters affect a DWTP's choice of
nology, or set of technologies, using engineering or statistical re-
treatment technology, capital stock in the short-run function can itself
lationships developed elsewhere. These costs, while suitable to many
be considered a function of Q (i.e., modeled as K(Q)). Statistical esti-
applications, introduce measurement error that can bias estimated
mation of the cost function requires a specified functional form (e.g.,
linear, Cobb-Douglas, and trans-log).
The price function is a related modeling approach. It is based, as Privately managed systems and public-private partnerships operate under different
before, on cost minimization, but also hinges on the assumption that constraints that give rise to an alternate price function specification equal to the sum of
marginal cost and rent paid to the operator. Marginal costs are a function of potable water
water rates are set equal to a DWTP's long-run average costs (Abildtrup
production, input prices, and source water quality (Abildtrup et al., 2013).
et al., 2013). This latter condition is applicable to DWTPs—typically 2
CWSs are defined, in accordance with the US Safe Drinking Water Act, public water
publicly managed systems—that operate under a balanced budget systems that supply potable water to at least 15 service connections used by year-round
constraint. The price function for such a DWTP is residents or regularly serves at least 25 year-round residents (40 C.F.R. §141.2, 2016).

J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209

relationships if they are correlated with model covariates such as 4.2. Data Structure
output volume or source water quality. This error can be substantial,
with predictions differing from actual costs by +50 to −30% The specifics of any analysis are largely dictated by the structure
(McGivney and Kawamura, 2008). Even when tailored to a specific and content of available data. Many studies rely on cross-sectional
DWTP, predicted and actual costs will differ since the former are based survey data (n = 13) that may not be designed to assess avoided
on historical averages that ignore site-specific differences in some plant treatment costs. Four studies use data obtained from American Water
design features, operational practices, input prices, and customer Works Association member surveys (Holmes, 1988; Mosheim, 2006;
characteristics. Mosheim and Ribaudo, 2017; Piper, 2003). These surveys are primarily
Finally, we exclude from the review several studies that are missing intended to provide CWS managers with organizational and operational
vital pieces of information, or are reproduced elsewhere, but that information about other treatment systems. They are not based on a
otherwise meet the selection criteria. Most of these studies are not random sampling framework.
centrally concerned with avoided treatment costs. A complete list of Selected studies also make use of panel (n = 6) and time-series
studies not meeting our selection criteria, and a rationale for their ex- (n = 5) data. While these data may be obtained via surveys, they are
clusion, is available upon request. more likely to entail direct communication with water providers and
more targeted information gathering. An advantage of these data
structures is the potential to control for unobserved characteristics (e.g.,
4. The Avoided Treatment Cost Literature
treatment processes, population traits, input price variation) that when
omitted from cross-sectional analyses may bias estimated model coef-
An initial literature search identified several hundred potentially
ficients. In practice, however, less than half of the studies using panel or
relevant manuscripts, from which 24 met the aforementioned criteria.
time-series data employ estimation techniques that capitalize on this
Despite similar frameworks, these studies exhibit considerable hetero-
geneity due to differences in motivation, data availability, and mod-
Datasets vary considerably in their number of observations. Among
eling approaches. Characteristics of the studies are reported in Table A;
cross-sectional analyses, observations range from fewer than 50 (Ernst
they pertain, unless otherwise noted, to the preferred specification of
et al., 2004; Freeman et al., 2008; Mosheim and Ribaudo, 2017;
the model relating costs to source water quality. Where there is ambi-
Oklahoma Water Resources Board, 2011; Renzetti, 2001; Warziniack
guity about a characteristic, we report the most likely information
et al., 2017) to nearly 1000 (Price et al., 2017). The smallest panel
based on available evidence and note the uncertainty. An augmented
datasets contain 5 years of annual observations for fewer than 15
version of Table A containing additional information and a database of
DWTPs (Forster and Murray, 2007; Murray, 2001). In contrast, the
elasticities that can be sorted or filtered are available in Appendix B -
largest dataset, exploited by Vincent et al. (2016), contains 15 years of
Supplementary material.
monthly observation for 41 DWTPs. Time-series datasets used by Moore
and McCarl (1987), Honey-Rosés et al. (2014), and Heberling et al.
4.1. Geography and Motivating Factors (2015) have 247, 963, and 1826 daily observations, respectively. Singh
and Mishra (2014) use 144 monthly observations.
A majority of the 24 selected studies are based in the US (n = 15), Studies can be further classified by their unit of analysis. Most are
with the remainder conducted in Canada, France, India, Japan, conducted at the DWTP level (n = 14), and therefore relate ex-
Malaysia, and Spain. In the US, roughly 47% (n = 7) use subnational penditures incurred at a treatment facility to measures of that facility's
samples (i.e., they evaluate data for a single DWTP or region). The US influent water quality. A second group of studies are conducted at the
studies are concentrated in the Midwest (Forster et al., 1987; Forster CWS level (n = 8), which often operate multiple DWTPs that draw from
and Murray, 2007; Heberling et al., 2015), but also include Oregon source waters with different water quality characteristics. Similarly,
(Moore and McCarl, 1987), Texas (Dearmont et al., 1998), Oklahoma Fiquepron et al. (2013) and McDonald and Shemie (2014) use units
(Oklahoma Water Resources Board, 2011), and the Great Lakes Region based on geopolitical boundaries that also contain multiple DWTPs and
(Murray, 2001). By comparison, 66% of non-US studies use subnational source waters. Cost data in these studies typically reflect expenditures
samples. All national level analyses pertain to high-income countries for all DWTPs within the unit of analysis, while covariates, including
where there is access to DWTP-related databases maintained by gov- source water quality measures, are usually defined as the weighted
ernment agencies or professional associations. average across the DWTPs. Most studies evaluate DWTPs that rely on
The selected studies cite a diverse set of objectives and underlying surface water inputs (n = 18), while the remaining studies evaluate
motivations. Nonpoint source pollution from agricultural runoff (e.g., both surface water and groundwater facilities. There are no studies that
sediment, nutrients, pesticides) is the key concern for many US studies pertain exclusively to groundwater DWTPs. Since surface water systems
(n = 8), as well as for France-based Abildtrup et al. (2013) and are on average larger than groundwater systems, the datasets used by
Fiquepron et al. (2013). For these analyses, avoided treatment costs selected studies consist of relatively large DWTPs (US EPA, 2009b). In
represent a lower-bound estimate of externalities imposed by upstream the US, where most facilities are small groundwater systems, the
agriculture. Another more geographically disperse set of studies (n = 7) average CWS produces 3700 m3/day of potable water.3 By comparison,
are principally concerned with how forest landscapes, and associated average production in the US based studies ranges from 3530 to
disturbances (e.g., logging, wildfire), affect source water quality within 183,700 m3/day. Across all studies, the DWTPs evaluated by Abildtrup
associated watersheds. In a recent example, Vincent et al. (2016) find a et al. (2013) and Fiquepron et al. (2013) have the smallest production.
negative correlation between forestland (relative to non-forestland) and In Abildtrup et al. (2013) production ranges from 4 to 7640 m3/day,
short-run treatment cost at Malaysian DWTPs. The correlation is sig- with an average of 290 m3/day. The DWTPs evaluated by Horn (2011)
nificantly larger for virgin forestland than logged forestland. These and Warziniack et al. (2017) exhibit the largest range in production;
analyses, in contrast to those motivated by nonpoint source pollution, both studies include facilities producing < 600 m3/day and >
view avoided treatment costs to be a lower-bound estimate of eco- 1,000,000 m3/day.
system services benefits provided by forest resources. The remaining
studies cite other motivations, including evaluating water quality
standards, omitted variable bias in cost efficiency estimates, welfare
implications of source water quality changes, and endogeneity between
technology choice and ecosystem service values. Avoided treatment 3
Authors' calculation based on information provided in US EPA (2009a) and US EPA
costs are a secondary concern for these analyses. (2009b).

J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209

4.3. Cost, Water Quality, and Control Variables sediment load, pesticide load). Load measures, broadly speaking, are
defined in terms of mass per unit time, and are thus equivalent to the
There are several differences between the cost, water quality, and product of a pollutant's concentration and a volumetric flow rate.
control variables used in the selected studies. These differences should Fiquepron et al. (2013) include a measure of the proportion of source
be considered when comparing results across studies as they will affect waters that are in guideline noncompliance, which we also categorize
estimated relationships between costs and water quality measures ir- as a loading measure because it concerns contamination at the wa-
respective of differences in study sites. tershed scale. Finally, land use characteristics describe the proportion
Cost variables are expressed in a variety of different currencies, time of land within an area (e.g., watershed, service area, geopolitical
periods, and production quantities. For this review, however, the boundary) with a certain land cover or land use designation. The most
principle difference pertains to the scope of expenditures encompassed common categories are forestland, agriculture, and urban—where wa-
by the variable. In their most restricted form, costs are limited to ex- tersheds with a greater proportion of forestland, or smaller proportions
penditures related to a single type of input. Dearmont et al. (1998), of agriculture and urban land, are expected to have better water quality
Forster and Murray (2007), and Warziniack et al. (2017) exemplify this and lower treatment costs. Classifications such as grassland, rangeland,
approach; they establish a function relationship between expenditures and barren land are also occasionally employed (Fiquepron et al., 2013;
on treatment chemicals and changes in source water quality. Many Warziniack et al., 2017). Forster and Murray (2007) and Murray (2001)
studies (n = 8) use a broader definition of costs that includes ex- disaggregate agricultural land by their predominant tillage practices:
penditures for multiple inputs into the treatment process (e.g., labor, conventional tillage with < 15% crop residue, conventional tillage with
chemicals, electricity). These costs, henceforth referred to as O&M 15–30% crop residue, ridge and mulch tillage, and untilled land. Si-
costs, are themselves heterogeneous, with some studies also including milarly, Fiquepron et al. (2013) disaggregate agricultural land into low-
expenditures related to facility maintenance, source water acquisition, intensity cereal crop production and higher-intensity vine cultivation,
and treated water distribution. In their broadest form, costs include market gardening, and arboriculture. Vincent et al. (2016) decompose
expenditures on all variable and capital inputs. Horn (2011), Ernst et al. forestland by logging practices in their analysis of Malaysian DWTPs.
(2004), and Renzetti (2001) define costs in this manner, where capital Control variables (i.e., covariates other than water quality mea-
expenditures are based on dedicated construction costs, depreciation, sures) are included in cost and price functions to control for factors that
and debt payments. Studies utilizing a price function approach may bias parameters of interest. Economic theory offers some insight in
(Abildtrup et al., 2013; Fiquepron et al., 2013; Piper, 2003) fall into this this regard (see Section 2), but fails to provide guidance for a con-
category since water rates are assumed to reflect long-run average costs. siderable number of possible variables. Moreover, there are circum-
Water quality measures can be classified as either water parameters, stances, particularly with panel and time-series analyses, where it
watershed loading, or land use characteristics. Water parameters de- would be inappropriate to include variables suggested by theory. Thus,
scribe the physical, chemical, and microbiological traits of source whether a set of control variables captures the key confounding factors
water, and are usually presented in terms of pollutant concentrations. depends on the particulars of the data and the modeling procedure.
Selected studies employ a variety of parameters, namely: temperature, Many studies incorporate control variables, exceptions being Ernst et al.
pH, conductivity, turbidity, total organic carbon (TOC), nitrogen, and (2004), Freeman et al. (2008), Honey-Rosés et al. (2014), McDonald
calcium carbonate.4 Turbidity is the most common parameter (n = 12); and Shemie (2014), and Oklahoma Water Resources Board (2011). The
it is near universally monitored by DWTPs and used by operators to most common control variable, consistent with economic theory, is the
optimize treatment processes, assess performance, and monitor com- volume of treated water (i.e., production output). Several studies also
pliance (Crittenden et al., 2012; Pizzi, 2005). Abdul-Rahim and Mohd- explicitly control for some combination of labor, chemical, and energy
Shahwahid (2011) and Dearmont et al. (1998) emphasize the combined prices (Holmes, 1988; Horn, 2011; Mosheim, 2006; Mosheim and
effects of particulate matter and acidity/alkalinity on chemical dosage Ribaudo, 2017; Price et al., 2017; Renzetti, 2001).5 This price data may
decisions by evaluating the multiplicative interaction of turbidity and be obtained directly from water providers, or are extracted from census
pH. A related approach, employed by Freeman et al. (2008) and data, regional price schedules, and supplier price lists. For short-run
Renzetti (2001), is to construct a water quality index (WQI) that in- cost functions, fixed capital stock, when included, is modeled as treat-
corporates multiple water quality parameters. The former index is ment capacity (Price et al., 2017) or as the ratio of operating profit and
composed of TOC, turbidity, and alkalinity, and the latter composed of the opportunity cost of capital (Mosheim, 2006; Mosheim and Ribaudo,
fecal coliform, lead, aluminum, benzene, polychlorinated biphenyl, and 2017). For long-run functions, capital prices are defined as the ratio of
trichlorobenzene. In a few studies, rather than source water quality, capital costs to fixed tangible assists (Horn, 2011) or the average in-
water quality parameters represent the difference between source water terest rate on debt (Renzetti, 2001). Additional control variables pertain
and treatment water quality (Abdul-Rahim and Mohd-Shahwahid, to weather conditions, source water type (e.g., surface water, ground-
2011; Dearmont et al., 1998; Forster et al., 1987; Horn, 2011; Mosheim, water), systems characteristics (e.g., treatment processes, network
2006; Mosheim and Ribaudo, 2017; Piper, 2003). This specification, density, management regime), and service population characteristics
while likely a more accurate representation of the data generating (e.g., population density, residential deliveries, non-residential de-
process, is difficult to implement given that raw and treated water liveries). The latter category is relevant when the dependent variable
quality data are rarely available in the same database. includes distribution costs and it is necessary to control for factors af-
In contrast to parameters, watershed loading measures describe the fecting delivery.
quantity of sediment, nutrients, or pesticides entering surface water due
to runoff. We identify these variables with the qualifier load (e.g.,
4.4. Modeling Approach and Estimation

4 Most studies, as previously noted, can be classified as using a cost

Turbidity is a measure of water clarity that is correlated with disease causing mi-
croorganisms. TOC is positively associated with chemical usage in water treatment and (n = 19) or price (n = 3) function approach. An alternative method,
subsequent increases in the formation of harmful disinfection byproducts (DBPs). employed by Moore and McCarl (1987) and Honey-Rosés et al. (2014),
Nitrogen, in the form of nitrate, poses a serious health risk for infants. Turbidity, nitrate,
and several DBPs are regulated by the US EPA (2009c). Source water temperature, pH,
and calcium carbonate (i.e., calcium alkalinity) levels are not typically hazardous but can Several other studies implicitly control for input prices, or capital stocks, via the use
affect chemical dosing. Conductivity is a measure of dissolved salts and inorganic ma- of spatially concentrated cross-sectional data with little variation across observations,
terial, and is a major cost driver in desalination processes. An overview of water treat- time-series data with time-invariant prices and capital stock, or panel fixed-effects tech-
ment stages is available in CDC (2015). niques.

J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209

is to model factor inputs (e.g., alum usage, energy usage), which are significantly affects efficiency estimates for Japanese water providers.
then multiplied ex post by input prices to determine cost. Within each of Price et al. (2017) find no evidence of this effect for Canadian DWTPs.
these functional approaches there exist a number of possible model Vincent et al. (2016) uses panel fixed-effects estimator to account for
specifications and estimators. Several studies employ univariate models unobserved heterogeneity between DWTPs. Finally, Piper (2003) em-
(n = 17), whereby a single equation, or multiple independent equa- ploys three stage least squares (3SLS), and Mosheim (2006) and
tions, relate treatment costs to water quality measures.6 Remaining Renzetti (2001) iterative least square (ILS), to jointly estimate their
studies develop multivariate models that relate costs to water quality respective systems of equations.
measures using a system of equations. For example, treatment costs
may be modeled as a function of turbidity (i.e., a cost function) and
turbidity modeled as a function of land use characteristics (i.e., a tur- 5. Water Quality Elasticities of Cost
bidity model). Once model parameters are estimated, the recursive
relationship between the two equations can be exploited to estimate the From each selected study, we extract water-quality elasticities of
effect of changes in land use on treatment costs. The advantage of this cost, which are defined as the percentage change in costs resulting from
approach is that the cost function contains only those predictors that a 1% change in source water quality. The principal advantage of elas-
directly affect the DWTP operations, while still allowing auxiliary land ticities is that they are unit-less, and thus allow for the comparison of
use, or watershed loading measures, to affect costs indirectly. Such results across studies using diverse data structures, variable definitions,
models are used with regards to pesticide exceedance (Fiquepron et al., and statistical methodologies.8 The elasticities employed here are more
2013), phosphorus load (Heberling et al., 2015), sediment load precisely defined as point elasticities evaluated at a study's average
(Holmes, 1988), and land use classifications (Forster and Murray, 2007; DWTP. The basic formula is η = (∂c / ∂q)(q / c ) , where c is the cost
Murray, 2001; Singh and Mishra, 2014; Warziniack et al., 2017). A measure, q is the source water quality measure, and an overbar denotes
smaller set of studies use multivariate models to other ends. Piper the variable mean. Specific formulae depend on several factors, in-
(2003) jointly estimates a price function and a water demand function cluding the specified functional relationship (e.g., linear, log-linear,
to evaluate how changes in source water quality affect consumer wel- polynomial, etc.), presence of temporal or spatial lags, whether water
fare. Both Mosheim (2006) and Renzetti (2001) jointly estimate a cost quality measures reflect source water conditions or the difference be-
function and input share equations using seemingly unrelated regres- tween source and treated water, and whether water quality affects costs
sion (SUR). directly or indirectly via a linking equation in a multivariate analysis.
For statistical estimation of a model, it is necessary to specify a We make the required calculation for each water quality measure,
functional form. It is possible, although not always practiced, to test summing, differencing, and multiplying coefficients as appropriate.
multiple specifications to determine the form that best represents the Whenever possible we also calculate an elasticity's standard error.
data generating process. We classify studies based on the specified re- These calculations are made using the restrictive assumption of in-
lationship between cost and water quality measures. The log-linear dependence between coefficients, which, while clearly erroneous in
specification is used the most frequently because of its ability to capture many cases, is necessary given that covariance matrixes are rarely re-
nonlinearity and ease of interpretation (n = 14), followed by linear, ported.9 Descriptions of the calculations used for each study are avail-
polynomial, trans-log, and semi-log specifications. The trans-log speci- able in Appendix B.
fication, used only by Mosheim (2006) and Renzetti (2001), is highly Elasticities, and corresponding standard errors, from US and non-US
flexible; it allows for nonlinearities and complex interactions among studies are presented in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. We test for sta-
covariates. tistical significance of the elasticities at p-value < 0.1 using one- and
OLS is the most frequently used estimator among selected studies two-tailed t-test. One-tailed tests are applied to water quality para-
(n = 11). For many datasets, however, the underlying assumptions of meters, watershed loading variables, and forestland, since the direction
OLS are violated and alternate estimators are more appropriate. of their effect on treatment costs is unambiguous. Two-tailed tests are
Dearmont et al. (1998) and Moore and McCarl (1987) use estimators to applied to other land use classifications. Turbidity elasticities are sta-
address biased variances, and subsequent issues with inference, asso- tistically significant in nearly all instances, ranging from an unexpected
ciated with heteroskedasticity and autocorrelation. Similarly, Abildtrup −0.11 (Murray, 2001) to 0.30 (Forster and Murray, 2007). The latter
et al. (2013) and Fiquepron et al. (2013) address endogeneity, as well as estimate suggests that a 1% decrease in turbidity leads to a 0.3% re-
heteroskedasticity, concerns in their respective price functions using a duction in chemical treatment costs at sample averages. In the
three-stage estimator based on instrumental variable and generalized Heberling et al. (2015) ECM, a 1% decrease in turbidity has an im-
methods of moments. The former study also employs a spatial auto- mediate effect of 0.02%, and a long-term effect of 0.11% on O&M costs.
correlation (SAC) framework, where treatment costs are a function of Price et al. (2017) find a similar elasticity of 0.10 on O&M costs, but in a
forestland within a CWS's neighboring service areas, in addition to the reparameterization of their main model also find that DWTPs using
immediate area, via a spatial-lag component. Heberling et al. (2015) conventional, direct or in-line filtration, and membrane technologies
consider O&M costs using an error correction model (ECM). The model, are roughly twice as responsive to changes in turbidity as those using
evaluated with a maximum likelihood estimator (MLE), finds that only disinfection technologies. However, these differences are statisti-
changes in water quality have both short-term and long-term effects on cally insignificant. Moore and McCarl (1987) relate turbidity to two
treatment costs.7 The MLE is also used by Horn (2011), Mosheim and different cost measures: 1) alum expenditures and 2) alum and lime
Ribaudo (2017), and Price et al. (2017) to estimate stochastic cost expenditures. Similarly, Singh and Mishra (2014) relate turbidity to 1)
frontier (SCF) models, which relax the cost minimization assumption by chemical expenditures and 2) O&M expenditures. In both studies, tur-
allowing for cost inefficiencies in the production process. Horn (2011) bidity elasticities are slightly, albeit insignificantly, smaller under the
finds that inclusion of source water quality in the cost function broader definition of costs. Sediment load elasticities, which like

Caution should be taken when making these comparisons as differences in data and
We consider a model to be univariate if it has a single response variable—regardless statistical methods may produce systematically different elasticities. Economic theory
of the number of independent variables. A multivariate model is a system of equations suggests that elasticity will vary with the scope of expenditures included in the cost
with multiple response variables. measure, volume of production, and level of source water quality measures.
7 9
In the context of an ECM, short-term and long-term delineate immediate single-period If neither standard errors nor t-statistics are reported for a study's estimated coeffi-
relationship from cumulative multiple-period relationships. They are unrelated to the cients, we calculate, if possible, standard errors corresponding to the reported sig-
short- and long-run labels used to describe cost functions, which demarcate the variability nificance threshold (i.e., a coefficient with a p-value < 0.05 is assumed to have a t-
of capital inputs. statistic of 1.96).

J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209

Table 1
Elasticities from U.S. studies.
Reference Water quality measure Elasticity Reference Water quality measure Elasticity

Dearmont et al. (1998) Turbidity 0.27 (0.12) McDonald and Shemie (2014) Sediment load 0.26
pH 0.27 (0.12)⁎ Phosphorus load 0.19
Ernst et al. (2004) L: Non-forest Ref Moore and McCarl (1987) Turbidity (alum) 0.22 (0.02)⁎
L: Forest −0.83 Temperature (alum) −0.39 (0.12)⁎
Turbidity (alum & lime) 0.21
Forster et al. (1987) Turbidity 0.12 (0.04)⁎ Mosheim (2006) Turbidity 0.09 (0.03)⁎
Sediment load 0.41 (0.02)⁎
Forster and Murray (2007) Turbidity 0.30 (0.08)⁎ Mosheim and Ribaudo (2017) Nitrogen 0.06 (0.02)⁎
Pesticide load 0.27 (0.20)⁎ Murray (2001) Turbidity −0.11 (0.12)
L: Ridge/mulch tilleda Ref Pesticide load −0.43 (0.37)
L: Tilled w/ < 15% residuala 0.40 (0.24)⁎ L: Ridge/mulch tilleda Ref
L: Tilled w/ 15–30% residuala 0.03 (0.03) L: Tilled w/ < 15% residuala 0.10 (0.13)
L: Untilleda 0.02 (0.10) L: Tilled w/ 15–30% residuala 0.11 (0.13)
L: Non-agriculturea 0.60 (0.28)⁎ L: Untilleda −0.04 (0.12)
L: Non-agriculturea 0.12 (0.15)
Freeman et al. (2008)b TOC 0.77 (0.23)⁎ Oklahoma Water Resources Board (2011) TOC 0.55
WQI −0.53 (0.23)⁎ Piper (2003) Calcium carbonatec 0.003 (0.001)⁎
L: Forest −0.38 (0.23)⁎
L: Urban 0.22 (0.10)⁎
L: Non-forest vegetation −0.15 (0.07)⁎
Heberling et al. (2015) Turbidity (short term) 0.02 (0.01)⁎ Warziniack et al. (2017) Turbidity 0.19 (0.11)⁎
pH (short term) −0.04 (0.06) TOC 0.46 (0.19)⁎
TOC (short term) −0.04 (0.03) L: Non-forest/non-urbana Ref
Turbidity (long term) 0.11 (0.04)⁎ L: Forest (via turbidity)a −0.32 (0.22)⁎
pH (long term) −0.01 (0.06) L: Urban (via turbidity)a 0.08 (0.08)
TOC (long term) 0.10 (0.29) L: Forest (via TOC)a −0.06 (0.07)
Phosphorus load (long term)a 0.02 (0.01)⁎ L: Urban (via TOC)a 0.34 (0.56)
Holmes (1988) Turbidity 0.07 (0.02)⁎
Sediment loada 0.05 (0.02)⁎

Notes. Water quality measure: L = land use variable; TOC = total organic carbon; WQI = water quality index. Elasticity: Ref = reference land use category.

Statistically significant at p < 0.1. One-tailed test used for water quality parameters, watershed loading variables, and forestland. Two-tailed tests used for all
non-forestland classifications.
Elasticity estimated via a multiple-equation recursive relationship.
Study estimates multiple single-predictor regression models; thus, reference land use is all classifications other than the one included in the model.
Variable is defined as the difference between source and treated water quality. Reported elasticity does not adjust for treated water quality and underestimates
the effect of source water quality changes on treatment costs.

Table 2
Elasticities from non-U.S. studies.
Reference Water quality measure Elasticity Reference Water quality measure Elasticity

Abdul-Rahim and Mohd-Shahwahid (2011) Turbidity 0.07 (0.03) Horn (2011) TOC 0.06 (0.02)⁎
pH 0.07 (0.03)⁎
Abildtrup et al. (2013) L: Agriculture Ref Price et al. (2017) Turbidity 0.10 (0.02)⁎
L: Forest (service area) −0.48 (0.15)⁎ Turbidity (conventional) 0.12 (0.03)⁎
L: Urban (service area) 0.004 (0.03) Turbidity (filtration) 0.13 (0.05)⁎
L: Other (service area) −0.21 (0.08)⁎ Turbidity (disinfection) 0.06 (0.04)⁎
L: Forest (entire region) −0.77 (0.26)⁎ Turbidity (membrane) 0.14 (0.07)⁎
L: Urban (entire region) 0.38 (0.22)⁎ Turbidity (other) 0.08 (0.07)
L: Other (entire region) −0.49 (0.36) Turbidity (untreated) 0.06 (0.08)
Fiquepron et al. (2013) Nitrate 0.05 (0.01)⁎ Renzetti (2001) WQI 0.80 (0.22)⁎
Pesticide exceedancea 0.02 (0.01)⁎ Singh and Mishra (2014) Turbidity (chemical) 0.20 (0.08)⁎
L: Urban/agriculture Ref Turbidity (O&M) 0.19 (0.07)⁎
L: Forest −0.07 (0.03)⁎ L: Non-foresta Ref
L: Grassland 0.02 (0.02) L: Forest (chemical)a −1.71 (0.87)⁎
L: VIARMA 0.02 (0.01) L: Forest (O&M)a −1.58 (0.80)⁎
Honey-Rosés et al. (2014) Conductivity 0.86 Vincent et al. (2016) L: Non-forest Ref
L: Virgin forest −0.47 (0.19)⁎
L: Logged forest −0.32 (0.14)⁎

Notes. Water quality measure: L = land use variable; O&M = operation and maintenance; TOC = total organic carbon; VIARMA = vine cultivation, arboriculture,
and market gardening; WQI = water quality index. Elasticity: Ref = reference land use category.

Statistically significant at p < 0.1. One-tailed test used for water quality parameters, watershed loading variables, and forestland. Two-tailed tests used for all
non-forestland classifications.
Elasticity estimated via a multiple-equation recursive relationship.

J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209

turbidity reflect responses to changes in particulate matter, are also DWTP characteristics, modeling approach, or scope of the cost measure.
significant in all instances, ranging from 0.05 (Holmes, 1988) to 0.41 We limit each calculation (i.e., the mean elasticity for each water
(Forster et al., 1987). quality measure) to a single elasticity per study to prevent values from
The TOC elasticities obtained from Freeman et al. (2008), Horn being dominated by analyses with multiple elasticities for the same
(2011), and Warziniack et al. (2017) are statistically significant, al- water quality measure.10 Three sets of mean elasticities are presented in
though they range widely from 0.06 to 0.77. In contrast, Heberling Table 3. Since these elasticities are calculated from a small, sometimes
et al. (2015) find no significant short- or long-term relationship be- highly variable, set of observations, values are unlikely representative
tween TOC and O&M costs. Four elasticities relate to nutrient levels of all DWTPs. The first set (column 4) is calculated using all relevant
(i.e., nitrogen, nitrate, and phosphorus load), which have been linked to elasticities from the selected studies, including those without standard
higher algae concentrations, and, when inadequately treated, adverse errors. The second set (column 6) is calculated using all relevant elas-
health outcomes. These elasticities, with the exception of McDonald ticities with standard errors, thus allowing standard errors to be cal-
and Shemie (2014), are statistically significant and fall within the re- culated for the mean elasticity estimates. Results from this set show a
latively narrow range of 0.02 and 0.06. McDonald and Shemie (2014) mean turbidity elasticity, based on 12 observations, of 0.14 (CI: 0.10,
find a considerably larger elasticity of 0.19, but insufficient information 0.18).11 This estimate varies little between US and non-US studies, and
is provided to test for its significance. Vastly different elasticities, has a relatively small standard error compared to other water quality
−0.43 and 0.26, are obtained from Forster and Murray (2007) and parameters. The mean nitrogen/nitrate elasticity, based on 2 observa-
Murray (2001) for pesticide load. Fiquepron et al. (2013) find an tions, is 0.06 (CI: 0.04, 0.08), and, as with turbidity, varies little be-
elasticity of 0.02 for pesticide exceedance, indicating that a 1% increase tween US and non-US studies. In contrast, the mean TOC elasticity is
in incidence of pesticide non-compliance is associated with a 0.02% eight times larger among US studies than non-US studies. The mean
increase in long-run average costs. Finally, Piper (2003) finds an elas- sediment load, phosphorus load, and pesticide load elasticities, which
ticity of 0.003 for calcium carbonate and Honey-Rosés et al. (2014), the are based exclusively on US studies, are 0.23 (CI: 0.21, 0.25), 0.02 (CI:
only study to evaluate desalinization, find an elasticity of 0.86 for 0.00, 0.04), and − 0.08 (CI: -0.49, 0.33), respectively. The negative
conductivity. value for pesticide load counters expectations but is insignificant.
Land use elasticities must be interpreted relative to a reference ca- Mean land use elasticities must be interpreted relative to the re-
tegory, denoted by Ref in Tables 1 and 2. Estimated forest elasticities ference category indicated in parentheses. First, we estimate, based on
are universally negative, implying that forestland leads to improved 5 observations, a mean forest elasticity of −0.67 (CI: −1.10, −0.24)
source water quality relative to all other land use classifications. Ernst for studies using non-forestland as the reference. This elasticity is
et al. (2004) model the relationship between treatment costs and for- slightly smaller among US than non-US studies. Next, we estimate a
estland using non-forestland as the reference category. They find a mean forest elasticity for studies using any combination of non-forest-
forest elasticity of −0.83. This indicates that a 1% increase in forest- land, agriculture land, or urban land as the reference. The resulting
land within a source watershed—corresponding to an equivalent de- forest elasticity of −0.58 (CI: −0.87, −0.29) is smaller than the pre-
crease in non-forestland—will, on average, reduce costs by 0.83%. vious estimate but remains statistically significant.
Freeman et al. (2008), Singh and Mishra (2014), and Vincent et al. The third set of mean elasticities (column 8) is calculated using only
(2016) also use non-forestland as a reference category. Singh and studies that mitigate potential omitted variable bias by 1) incorporating
Mishra (2014) find considerably larger elasticities, in absolute terms, control variables consistent with economic theory in their models, or 2)
than those found elsewhere, with a 1% increase in forestland leading to using a panel fixed-effects estimator when panel data is employed. The
a 1.71% reduction in chemical expenditures and a 1.51% reduction in O identification of these studies is necessarily subjective as some control
&M expenditures. Vincent et al. (2016) distinguish between virgin and variables, namely input prices, can be implicitly controlled for when
logged forestland, finding that a 1% increase in virgin forest reduces O& there is little variation in these variables across observations (i.e., ob-
M costs by 0.47% while an increase in logged forest reduces costs by servations are spatially or temporally concentrated), or through spatial,
0.32%. Results from the Abildtrup et al. (2013) SAC model, where temporal, or panel fixed effects. We therefore elect to exclude studies
agriculture land serves as the reference category, indicate a forest that clearly do not account for key confounding factors. Mean elasti-
elasticity of −0.48 for land use changes in the immediate service area cities for these studies are generally smaller, and in some instances also
and −0.77 when changes in neighboring service areas are in- have narrower confidence intervals, than previous estimates. The most
corporated. Lastly, Fiquepron et al. (2013) find a forest elasticity of notable differences are for TOC and sediment load, which now have
−0.07 using low-intensity agriculture and urban land as the reference elasticities of 0.08 (CI: -0.49, 0.65) and 0.05 (CI: 0.01, 0.09), respec-
category. tively — the former being highly insignificant. The mean turbidity
Results for other land use classifications are more ambiguous. elasticity is slightly smaller at 0.12 (CI: 0.10, 0.14), while the nitrogen/
Estimated elasticities for urban land are mostly positive, being statis- nitrate elasticity, now based on a single observation, is 0.06 (CI: 0.02,
tically significant relative to non-urban land in Freeman et al. (2008) 0.10). The forest elasticity for studies using non-forestland as the re-
and agriculture land in Abildtrup et al. (2013) when changes in ferences category, also based on a single observation, is −0.39 (CI:
neighboring service areas are incorporated. In Warziniack et al. (2017), -0.63, −0.15). There is little change in the forest elasticity from studies
where land use affects chemical costs indirectly as predictors of tur- using any combination of non-forestland, agriculture land, or urban
bidity and TOC, the elasticity for urban land is significant with regards land as the reference.
to turbidity but insignificant for TOC. Forster and Murray (2007) de-
compose agricultural land in Ohio watersheds by tillage practices,
finding that traditionally tilled land, as well as non-agriculture land, has
a positive and significant elasticity relative to conservation tillage.
However, a similar analysis of tillage practices in the Great Lakes Re-
gion does not support these findings (Murray, 2001). Elasticities for 10
Seven studies have multiple elasticities for the same water quality measure. For the
other land use classifications (i.e., grassland, rangeland, vine cultiva- mean elasticity calculations, we use the spatial-lag model from Abildtrup et al. (2013),
tion) are largely insignificant. long-term values from Heberling et al. (2015), the alum model from Moore and McCarl
(1987), the main model from Price et al. (2017), the O&M model from Singh and Mishra
We summarize the findings presented in Tables 1 and 2 by calcu-
(2014), and turbidity values from Warziniack et al. (2017). We use a land-area weighted
lating mean elasticities for water quality measures most pertinent to average of the virgin and logged forestland elasticities obtained from Vincent et al.
SWP. All elasticities are weighted equally and assumed independent for (2016).
these calculations, and no attempt is made to group elasticities by Values in parentheses refer to 95% confidence intervals (CI).

J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209

Table 3
Average elasticities for select water quality measures.
Water quality measure Classification All elasticities Elasticities w/ SE Elasticities w/ SE from studies using key controls

Number of estimates Mean Number of estimates Mean (SE) Number of estimates Mean (SE)

Turbidity US 9 0.14 9 0.14 (0.03)* 4 0.12 (0.01)*

Non-US 3 0.12 3 0.12 (0.03)* 1 0.10 (0.02)*
Total 12 0.14 12 0.14 (0.02)* 5 0.12 (0.01)*
TOC US 4 0.47 3 0.44 (0.14)* 1 0.10 (0.29)
Non-US 1 0.06 1 0.06 (0.02)* 1 0.06 (0.02)*
Total 5 0.39 4 0.35 (0.10)* 2 0.08 (0.29)
Nitrogen/Nitrate US 1 0.06 1 0.06 (0.02)* 1 0.06 (0.02)*
Non-US 1 0.05 1 0.05 (0.01)* 0
Total 2 0.06 2 0.06 (0.01)* 1 0.06 (0.02)*
Sediment load US 3 0.24 2 0.23 (0.01)* 1 0.05 (0.02)*
Non-US 0 0 0
Total 3 0.24 2 0.23 (0.01)* 1 0.05 (0.02)*
Phosphorus load US 2 0.10 1 0.02 (0.01)* 1 0.02 (0.01)*
Non-US 0 0 0
Total 2 0.10 1 0.02 (0.01)* 1 0.02 (0.01)*
Pesticide load US 2 −0.08 2 −0.08 (0.21) 0
Non-US 0 0 0
Total 2 −0.08 2 −0.08 (0.21) 0
Forest (non-forest) US 3 −0.51 2 −0.35 (0.16)* 0
Non-US 2 −0.98 2 −0.98 (0.41)* 1 −0.39 (0.12)*
Total 5 −0.70 4 −0.67 (0.22)* 1 −0.39 (0.12)*
Forest (non-forest, agriculture, urban) US 3 −0.51 2 −0.35 (0.16)* 0
Non-US 4 −0.70 4 −0.70 (0.21)* 2 −0.58 (0.10)*
Total 7 −0.62 6 −0.58 (0.15)* 2 −0.58 (0.10)*

Note. Reference land use categories are reported in parentheses following the category of interest. Standard errors are reported in parentheses following average
elasticities. Mean elasticities are calculated from a small, sometime highly variable, set of observations; thus, caution should be taken when applying these values to
other contexts.
Statistically significance for one-tailed test: *p < 0.1.

6. Discussion and Conclusion elasticities for select water quality measures. These estimates, reported
in Table 3, provide a useful summary of existing evidence but should be
Water-related ecosystem services are regularly subject to pressure regarded cautiously given the small number of available observations.
from anthropogenic activities and changing climate conditions. SWP To provide some context to the estimated elasticities, we calculate
has emerged as a framework for protecting these services; it is widely avoided treatment costs for representative DWTPs from Abildtrup et al.
viewed as an essential and cost-effective component of a multi-barrier (2013), Forster and Murray (2007), Mosheim (2006), Price et al.
approach to providing safe drinking water (Ernst et al., 2004; Gartner (2017), Vincent et al. (2016), and Warziniack et al. (2017). For these
et al., 2014; McDonald and Shemie, 2014). Indeed, several regulatory DWTPs, the estimated benefit from a 1% reduction in source water
agencies have adopted regulations or guidelines concerning the pro- turbidity ranges from $121 to $13,060 (2015 USD) annually. The cor-
tection of source watersheds, including in the US EPA's Safe Drinking responding benefit from a 1% increase in forestland in the source wa-
Water Act. Numerous municipalities are engaged in SWP activities for tershed ranges between $201 and $63,293 annually. Whether these
the expressed purpose of reducing O&M expenditures and averting, or benefits justify the cost of SWP activities is highly contextual, de-
at least delaying, the purchase of costly capital assets at DWTPs pending on site-specific ecologic, hydrologic, and DWTP characteristics.
(Bennett et al., 2014; Carpe Diem West, 2011; Dudley and Stolton, However, some broad insight can be gleaned with regard to forestland
2003; Herbert, 2007). For many municipalities, however, SWP policy impacts on representative DWTPs from Abildtrup et al. (2013), Forster
decisions are made without adequate quantitative information about and Murray (2007), Vincent et al. (2016), and Warziniack et al. (2017).
the impact land management practices have on source water condi- In these studies, a 1% increase in forestland corresponds to the con-
tions, or the subsequent link between source water conditions and version of between 955 and 22,680 ha in the average watershed or
treatment costs (Dudley and Stolton, 2003; Gartner et al., 2013; Ryan, service area. Costs of forestland conversion and protection vary widely
2000). An improved understanding of these relationships is therefore but are usually at least several hundred dollars per hectare (McDonald
essential to striking the best possible balance between protecting in situ and Shemie, 2014), implying that SWP costs greatly exceed benefits for
water quality and purifying water via engineered treatment processes, these representative DWTPs. Generally speaking, Heberling et al.
and for improving the design of SWP programs. (2015) and Vincent et al. (2016) reach similar conclusions in their re-
We review the literature establishing a functional relationship be- spective analyses. Pyke et al. (2002) find that costs typically exceed
tween treatment costs and source water quality, and, from select stu- benefits for SWP programs using riparian buffers to mitigate agri-
dies, extract elasticities reflecting the responsiveness of DWTP ex- cultural runoff, but that benefits exceed costs for programs using con-
penditures to changes in water quality. Overall, results suggest that servation tillage practices. McDonald and Shemie (2014) conclude that
marginal changes in water quality measures lead to statistically sig- SWP is a cost-effective option for 28% of major world cities. Their
nificant but modest gains in avoided treatment costs. Estimated tur- analysis identifies the least cost approach to SWP using a mix of spa-
bidity elasticities are the most robust; they are markedly consistent tially targeted interventions (e.g., reforestation, riparian restoration,
given the diversity of data and analytical methods utilized. Elasticities payment to landowner for adopting best management practices), but
are more varied for other water quality measures, including TOC, also relies on a relatively large water quality elasticity of 0.5 to de-
phosphorus load, sediment load, and forestland—the latter variation termine benefits. Regardless, evidence suggests that SWP will not be
possibly due to heterogeneity in forest types (e.g., temperate, tropical), cost effective in most situations where estimated benefits are limited to
topography, and management regimes. We also calculate mean avoided water treatment expenditures. Accounting for additional

J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209

treatment costs (e.g., reservoir dredging and sludge disposal), health measures not captured in most studies. Likewise, results from studies
impacts, reduced risk of contamination, secondary beneficiaries (e.g., using interaction terms between water quality measures (e.g., Abdul-
recreationists and homeowners), and potential income streams from Rahim and Mohd-Shahwahid, 2011; Dearmont et al., 1998) or WQIs
managed lands (e.g., logging) may yield different results. In addition, (e.g., Freeman et al., 2008; Renzetti, 2001) suggest there are interactive
Adhikari et al. (2016) find evidence of household willingness-to-pay for effects not captured by most studies. Further exploration of these issues
restoration of a source watershed located far from the municipality it would aid BCAs that involve non-marginal changes in source water
supplies. This suggests households may value SWP beyond the benefits quality or changes in multiple quality measures.
from avoided treatments costs and independent of improved recrea- Water quality elasticities of costs may vary across output levels,
tional experiences, reduced wildfire risk to homes, or aesthetics. treatment technologies, source water types, seasons, and geographic re-
Findings from this review expose several key knowledge gaps. gions. Of selected studies, only Mosheim (2006), Mosheim and Ribaudo
Foremost among these gaps is the relationship between source water (2017), and Price et al. (2017) investigate this type of heterogeneity. A
quality and long-run treatment costs. The choice of technology at a DWTP particularly notable gap in the literature concerns small-scale groundwater
is partially determined by source water conditions. McDonald et al. (2016) systems, which comprise the vast majority of treatment systems but have
offer evidence to this effect, finding a negative relationship between not been evaluated separate from surface water systems.
source water quality and the probability of using more advanced treat- A final knowledge gap concerns the presence of thresholds in water
ment technologies. Further evidence is found in the numerous accounts of treatment processes. Cost function analyses usually assume smooth
DWTPs augmenting their water treatment infrastructure in response to functional relationships between costs and source water quality mea-
worsening water conditions. For example, Dunlap et al. (2015) report that sures. But these relationships often contain discontinuities related to
Waco, Texas spent $65 million to construct a dissolved air flotation plant predefined thresholds in the treatment processes. Beyond a defined
in order to mitigate taste and odor problems resulting from frequent algal threshold, for example, reduced source water quality can trigger utili-
bloom events. Similarly, Des Moines, Iowa built a nitrate removal facility zation of chemical additives (Heberling et al., 2015; Sohn et al., 2008),
to address periodic spikes in source water nitrate; and Wichita, Kansas and inactive capital (Honey-Rosés et al., 2013; Jones et al., 2007), and al-
Celina, Ohio addressed algae-related concerns with the addition of pre- ternate source waters (Towler et al., 2010). In the long-run, as discussed
ozonation and granular activated carbon processes to their treatment above, it can also trigger the construction of new capital resources.
systems, respectively (Davenport and Drake, 2011; Jones et al., 2007; Incorporating thresholds into cost function analyses will be complicated
Oneby and Bollyky, 2006). What is unknown, however, is the extent that since relevant threshold values will differ by location and are often
source water quality, or uncertainty about future water quality, affects known only to plant operators; nonetheless, it may ultimately prove a
long-run costs after controlling for confounding factors such as the price of better representation of treatment technology in many situations.
capital inputs. While some of these issues are evaluated in Horn (2011), Filling these knowledge gaps will require a multi-pronged approach.
Renzetti (2001), Abildtrup et al. (2013), Fiquepron et al. (2013), and Piper Some issues are better suited to cross-sectional or panel data that ex-
(2003), no definite conclusions can be made regarding the effects of water hibit considerable variation in treatment technologies, source water,
quality on long-run costs relative to short-run costs. In addition, reservoir and service population characteristics. Other issues will be better as-
dredging, sludge disposal, and in situ treatment (e.g., algaecide) are peri- sessed with detailed time-series analysis that can account for certain
odic but costly activities that have been ignored in cost function analyses context-specific aspects of water treatment, such as atypical water
(Babatunde and Zhao, 2007; Buckley et al., 2014). As with capital ex- quality measures and threshold effects. Likewise, some approaches will
penditures, exclusion of these expenditures leads to an underestimation of be better suited to decision making at national or regional levels and
the effect of source water quality on treatment related costs. others to a DWTP level. As additional studies become available, meta-
Another knowledge gap concerns the dearth of studies evaluating most regression may help to address some knowledge gaps.
water quality measures. Apart from turbidity, where the effect on variable The main obstacle to conducting any analysis is data availability.
treatment costs appears reasonably well understood, there is an in- There exist only a few datasets containing the information required to
sufficient elasticity of cost estimates from studies that control for con- quantify links between treatment costs and water quality—and many
founding factors. Additional research is needed on widespread water are small non-random samples. Engineering equations offer an alternate
quality issues, including TOC, nitrogen and nitrate, phosphorus, algae, and approach to assessing these links, but no study to our knowledge has
harmful algal and cyanobacteria blooms. Given the heterogeneity of compared behavioral and engineering cost models to determine the
source water conditions, some DWTPs will be affected by less common validity of this approach. Thus, there is need for both the targeted
chemical and biological contaminants (e.g., sodium, perchlorate, trace collection of new data and for the comparison of behavioral and en-
metals). Evaluation of these parameters is warranted when their effect on gineering cost models. Doing so will be vital to continued research on
treatment costs can be distinguished from that of other water quality avoided treatment costs and benefits of SWP activities.
measures and when SWP activities can be used to reduce contamination.
Continued research on land use is also needed, particularly with Declaration of Interest
regards to differentiating the effects of various agricultural, forestland,
and storm water management practices. For example, similar to Vincent None.
et al. (2016), there is potential to evaluate the relative effects of low-,
medium-, and high-intensity forest management approaches on treat- Acknowledgment/Disclaimer
ment costs. While equilibrium relationships are of primary interest, re-
search on the dynamics between changes in these management practices The views expressed in this article are those of the authors and do
and treatment costs would also prove beneficial. Related knowledge gaps not necessarily represent those of the U.S. Environmental Protection
concern nonlinearities in water quality measures and interactive effects Agency. No official agency endorsement should be inferred. We are
of multiple water quality measures. Results from studies using trans-log grateful for helpful comments and feedback from Michael Elovitz,
and third-order polynomial specifications indicate the presence of Katherine Foreman, Kara Goodwin, Erik Helm, Hannah Holsinger, Hale
complex nonlinearities between treatment costs and water quality Thurston, Will Wheeler, Bo Williams, and four anonymous reviewers.

Appendix A

Table A
Characteristics of selected studies (abbreviations defined in table notes).
J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling

Reference Data characteristics Data structure Analysis approach Dependent variable Water quality measure Control variables
1. Country 1. Unit of obs. 1. Model type
2. Source type 2. Data type 2. Estimator
3. Output (Y) in 3. # obs.a 3. Specification
1000 m3/day

Abdul-Rahim and Mohd- 1. Malaysia 1. DWTP 1. Cost function Chemical costs (MYR/m3/day): Turbidityc × pH Treated water
Shahwahid (2011) 2. SW 2. PNL 2. Panel est.b Average daily chemical costs per m3 Rainy season (dv)
3. n = 144 3. Log-linear of output over two-week period.b FE-DWTP
(i = 6, t = 24)
Abildtrup et al. (2013) 1. France 1. CWSb 1. Price function Consumer price (EUR/m3): Land use (%): Treated water
2. SW & GW 2. CRS 2. SAC, IV-GMM Average price (publicly managed Forest Population
3. Av: 0.29 3. n = 232 3. Linear systems) or marginal price (privately Agriculture (ref) Population density
Mn: 0.004 managed systems) per m3 of Urban # municipalities
Mx: 7.64 residential-use water. Average price Other # intakes
is based on consumption of 120 m3/ Private system (dv)
year. Taxes, abstraction fees, and
pollution fees are excluded.

Dearmont et al. (1998) 1. USA 1. DWTP 1. Cost function Chemical costs (USD/100 MGL/ Turbidityc × pH Treated water
2. SW 2. PNL 2. CHTA mth): Chemical contam. (dv) Precipitation
3. Av: 27.67 3. n = 540 3. Polynomial Chemical cost per 100 million
Mn: 1.08 (i = 12, t = 45) gallons of output per month.
Mx: 109.76
Ernst et al. (2004) 1. USA 1. DWTP 1. Cost function Total costs (USD/MGL/yr): Land use (%):
2. SW 2. CRS 2. OLS O&M and amortized capital costs per Forest
3. n = 27 3. Polynomial MGL of output per year. Non-forest (ref)
Fiquepron et al. (2013) 1. France 1. Dept. 1. Price function Consumer price (EUR/m3): Nitrate GW/total intake (%)
2. SW & GW 2. CRS 2. IV-GMM Average price per m3 of residential- Pesticide exceedance Population density
3. Av: 0.16 3. n = 93 3. Linear use water based on consumption of Land use (%): Private/total systems (%)
Mn: 0.03 120 m3/year. Aggregation to the Forest
Mx: 0.63 department level is based on survey Grassland
weights from a stratified sampling VIARMA
procedure. Urban/agriculture (ref)
Forster et al. (1987) 1. USA 1. DWTP 1. Cost function Chemical costs (USD/day): Turbidityc Treated water
2. SW 2. PNL 2. OLS Average daily chemical costs over Sediment load Retention time
3. Av: 3.53 3. n = 257 3. Log-linear month period.
Mn: 1.04 (i = 12, t = 25)
Mx: 23.34
(continued on next page)
Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209
Table A (continued)

Reference Data characteristics Data structure Analysis approach Dependent variable Water quality measure Control variables
1. Country 1. Unit of obs. 1. Model type
2. Source type 2. Data type 2. Estimator
3. Output (Y) in 3. # obs.a 3. Specification
J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling

1000 m3/day

Forster and Murray (2007) 1. USA 1. DWTP 1. Cost function Chemical costs (USD/MGL/yr): Turbidity Treated water
2. SW 2. PNL 2. OLS Chemical costs per MGL output per Pesticide load
3. Av: 12.71 3. n = 55 3. Log-linear year. Land use (%):
Mn: 0.23 (i = 11, t = 5) Tilled w/ < 15% residual
Mx: 53.40 Tilled w/ 15–30% residual
Ridge/mulch tilled (ref)
Freeman et al. (2008) 1. USA 1. DWTP 1. Cost function Chemical costs (USD/MGL/yr): TOC Year (dv)
2. SW 2. CRS 2. OLS Chemical costs per MGL output per WQI
3. Mn: > 3.79 3. n = 40 3. Semi-log year. Land use (%):
Mx: < 378.54 Forest
Non-forest vegetation
Heberling et al. (2015) 1. USA 1. DWTP 1. Cost function O&M costs (USD/1000 GL/day): Turbidity Lagged costs
2. SW 2. TMS 2. ECM, MLE Chemical, pumping, and GAC costs pH Treated water
3. Av: 18.74 3. n = 1826 3. Log-linear per 1000 GL of output per day. TOC Process shutdown (dv)

Mn: 2.01 Phosphorus load Pool elevation
Mx: 38.31 Temperature > 23 °C (dv) Years (dv)
Spring & summer (dv)
Actual TOC measure (dv)
Holmes (1988) 1. USA 1. CWS 1. Cost function O&M costs (1000 USD/yr): Turbidity Treated water
2. SW 2. CRS 2. OLS Chemical, labor, energy, water Sediment load Price of labor
3. Av: 163.43 3. n = 132 3. Log-linear acquisition, and distribution costs Price of electricity
per year.
Honey-Rosés et al. (2014) 1. Spain 1. DWTP 1. Energy use func. Energy usage (kWh/m3/interval): Conductivity
2. SW 2. TMS 2. OLS Amount of energy used per m3 of
3. Av: 82.19 3. n = 247 3. Linear output per daily/sub-daily interval.
Horn (2011) 1. Japan 1. CWSb 1. Cost function Total costs (Million JPY/yr): TOCc Treated water
2. SWb 2. CRS 2. SCF, MLE Source water intake, purification, Price of labor
3. Av: 38.47 3. n = 392 3. Log-linear distribution, dedicated construction, Price of capital
Mn: 0.58 operation, depreciation, and
Mx: 1109.48 inventory shrinkage costs per year.
McDonald and Shemie 1. USA 1. Muni. 1. Cost function O&M costs (Million USD/yr): Sediment load
(2014) 2. SW 2. CRS 2. OLS O&M costs per year. Phosphorus load
3. n ≈ 100 3. Linear
Moore and McCarl (1987) 1. USA 1. DWTP 1. Chemical use func. Chemical usage (lbs/day): Turbidity (Eq. (1)) Treated water (Eq. (1))
2. SW 2. TMS 2. COAC Amount of alum (Eq. (1)) and lime Temperature (Eq. (1)) Alum (Eq. (2))
3. n = 963 3. Eq. (1): Log-linear (Eq. (2)) used per day. pH (Eq. (2))
Eq. (2): Linear
(continued on next page)
Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209
Table A (continued)

Reference Data characteristics Data structure Analysis approach Dependent variable Water quality measure Control variables
1. Country 1. Unit of obs. 1. Model type
2. Source type 2. Data type 2. Estimator
3. Output (Y) in 3. # obs.a 3. Specification
J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling

1000 m3/day

Mosheim (2006) 1. USAd 1. CWS 1. Cost function O&M costs per year (USD/yr): Turbidityc Treated water
2. SW & GW 2. CRS 2. SUR, NL-ILS Chemical, labor, and energy costs Price of labor
3. Av: 131.93 3. n = 184 3. Translog per year. Price of electricity
Price of chemicals
Capital stock
Combined W&WW (dv)
Source is SW (dv)
Source is GW (dv)
Population > 100,000 (dv)
Network density
Res./total deliveries (%)
Mosheim and Ribaudo 1. USAd 1. CWS 1. Cost function O&M costs per year (USD/yr): Nitrogenc Treated water
(2017) 2. SW & GW 2. CRS 2. SCF, MLE Chemical, labor, and energy costs Price of labor
3. Av: 146.81 3. n = 48 3. Log-linear per year. Price of electricity
Price of chemicals
Capital stock
Agriculture/total N (%)

Murray (2001)e 1. USA 1. DWTP 1. Cost function Chemical costs (USD/MGL/yr): Turbidity Treated water
2. SW 2. PNL 2. OLS Chemical costs per MGL of output Pesticide load
3. Av: 58.32 3. n = 65 3. Log-linear per year. Land use (%):
Mn: 2.15 (i = 13, t = 5) Tilled w/ < 15% residual
Mx: 181.51 Tilled w/ 15–30% residual
Ridge/mulch tilled (ref)
Oklahoma Water 1. USA 1. DWTP 1. Cost function Chemical cost (USD/MGL/mth): TOC
Resources Board 2. SW 2. TMS 2. OLSb Monthly average of chemical costs
(2011) 3. n = 12 3. Linear per MGL of output across eight-year
Piper (2003) 1. USAd 1. CWS 1. Price function Consumer price (USD/GL): Calcium carbonatec Treated water
2. SW & GW 2. CRS 2. 3SLS Average price per GL of residential- GW/total intake (%)
3. n = 309 3. Log-linear use water. Source is GW (dv)
Population density
Regions (dv)
(continued on next page)
Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209
Table A (continued)

Reference Data characteristics Data structure Analysis approach Dependent variable Water quality measure Control variables
1. Country 1. Unit of obs. 1. Model type
2. Source type 2. Data type 2. Estimator
3. Output (Y) in 3. # obs.a 3. Specification
J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling

1000 m3/day

Price et al. (2017) 1. Canada 1. DWTP 1. Cost function O&M costs (1000 CAD/yr): Turbidity Treated water
2. SW & GW 2. CRS 2. SCF, MLE Chemical, labor, and energy costs for Price of labor
3. Av: 12.88 3. n = 994 3. Log-linear source water acquisition and Price of electricity
treatment per year. Price of chemicals
Conventional treat. (dv)
Filtration treat. (dv)
Disinfection treat. (dv)
Membrane treat. (dv)
Other treat. (dv)
Source is SW (dv)
Renzetti (2001) 1. Canada 1. CWSb 1. Cost function Total cost (CAD/yr): WQI Treated water
2. SW 2. CRS 2. SUR, ILS Labor, energy, and capital costs per Price of labor
3. n = 40 3. Translog year. Price of electricity
Price of capital
Water availability
Var. of water availability

Source is lake (dv)
Singh and Mishra (2014) 1. India 1. DWTP 1. Cost function Chemical/O&M costs (INR/ML/ Turbidity Lagged costs
2. SW 2. TMS 2. OLSb mth): Land use (%): Treated water
3. Av: 1310.00b 3. n = 144 3. Eq. (1): Log-linear Chemical costs per ML of output per Forest
Eq. (2): Log-linear month (Eq. (1)). Chemical, energy, Non-forest (ref)
repair, maintenance, establishment,
and transport costs per ML of output
per month (Eq. (2)).
Vincent et al. (2016) 1. Malaysia 1. DWTP 1. Cost function O&M costs (MYR/mth): Land use (%): Treated water
2. SW 2. PNL 2. Panel FE Chemical, labor, energy, and Virgin forest DWTP upgrade (dv)
3. Av: 12.61 3. n = 3894 3. Log-linear maintenance cost per month. Logged forest Precipitation
Mn: 0.06 (i = 41, t = 168) Non-forest (ref) Years (dv)
Mx: 147.70 Months (dv)
(continued on next page)
Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209
Table A (continued)

Reference Data characteristics Data structure Analysis approach Dependent variable Water quality measure Control variables
1. Country 1. Unit of obs. 1. Model type
2. Source type 2. Data type 2. Estimator
3. Output (Y) in 3. # obs.a 3. Specification
J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling

1000 m3/day

Warziniack et al. (2017) 1. USA 1. DWTP 1. Cost function Chemical costs (USD/MGL/yr): Turbidity Treated water
2. SW 2. CRS 2. OLS Chemical costs per MGL of output TOC Conventional treat. (dv)
3. Av: 183.70 3. n = 37 3. Log-linear per year. Land use (%): Filtration treat. (dv)
Mn: 0.20 Forest Disinfection treat. (dv)
Mx: 4163.90 Urban Advanced treat. (dv)
Non-forest/non-urban (ref)

Notes. Data characteristics: GW = groundwater; SW = surface water. Data structure: DWTP = drinking water treatment plant; CWS = community water system; CRS = cross-sectional data; PNL = panel data;
TMS = time series data. Analysis approach: COAC=Cochrane-Orcutt autocorrelation; CHTA = cross-sectional heteroskedastic and time wise autocorrelation; ECM = error correction model; FE = fixed effects; IV-
GMM = instrumental variable generalized methods of moments; ILS = iterative least squares; MLE = maximum likelihood estimator; NL-ILS = nonlinear iterative least squares; OLS = ordinary least squares;
SUR = seemingly unrelated regression; SAC = spatial autocorrelation; SCF = stochastic cost frontier; 3SLS = three stage least squares. Dependent variable: CAD = Canada dollar; EUR = euro; GL = gallons;
GAC = granular activated carbon; INR = India rupee; JPY = Japan yen; O&M = operation and maintenance; MYR = Malaysia ringgit; MGL = million gallons; ML = million liters; USD = USA dollar. Water quality
measure: TOC = total organic carbon; VIARMA = vine cultivation, arboriculture, and market gardening; WQI = water quality index. The term load is used to identify water quality measures that pertain to the amount of
material entering surface water due to runoff. Reference land use categories, dummy variables, percentage/proportion variables are denoted by (ref), (dv), and (%), respectively.
Total number of observations are denoted by n. For panel data, n is decomposed into the number of panel observations i and time observations t.
Information based on available evidence but uncertainty exists regarding the unit of analysis, estimator, or definition of the dependent variable. Additional information is available in Appendix B.
Variable is defined as the difference between source water and treated water quality.
Study uses data from the 1996 American Water Works Association member survey.

Entry pertains to the Great Lakes Basin analysis; characteristics of the Maumee River Basin analysis are reported in Forster and Murray (2007).
Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209
J.I. Price, M.T. Heberling Ecological Economics 151 (2018) 195–209

Appendix B. Supplementary Data

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

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