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Basbas, Aeron Bien B.


Reflection Paper

Recently, we organize a Community Outreach Program or COP for short in the children in
Bahay Parola at Santa Rosa. In this activity, the part that I was impressed is the part that we are
teaching the children. I was so happy that we are sharing our knowledge to others. Helping the
children to learn some new things that they can use in their future. I really bad at teaching but I
overcome it with a will to help the children to learn. The children there are so good, some of them
are fast learners and some of them are not because some of them are too young. But we handled
to teach something to the young ones and they learned something about the thing we are discussing.

In this activity we organize, I learned so many things. First doing this activity I learned that
teaching and sharing knowledge to others will make the people happy. Sharing something that you
have is a very good thing to do. Seeing the children in the Bahay Parola, I learned that even you
haven’t got any wealth in life being with people you consider family you can be happy. Because
the children nowadays have focus in our modern technology. The children there are happy without
it. I learned that you can be happy without technology as long as you’re with your family.

When doing this activity, the challenges as a perpetualite and as a professional to us are
how to be a good image or a role model to the children bringing with us the name of our university.
Our attitude when doing the activity will not only reflect us but also our university. We are doing
it in a professional way.

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