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Afriana Dewiyanti

14 SB / 2225140341
English Phonetics and Phonology


I. Consonant cluster with 2 consonant

1. Blank / blæ​ɳk​ /
/ ɳk / is a combination of a voiced, velar, nasal consonant and a voiceless, velar,
plossive consonant. Consonant cluster / ɳk / is produced by pumping the air from
lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by
the back part of the tounge touch the soft palate or velum and the air released through
the nasal cavity. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs
through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by
the back part of the tounge touch the soft palate or velum, then the air released
suddenly after being block completely. It is distributed only in final as blank / blæɳk
/. It is spelled only – ŋ – k –. this consonant cluster is not problematic, because it exist
in indonesian.

2. Able / ‘eɪ​bl​ /
/ bl / is a combination of a voiced, bilabial, plossive consonant and a voiced, alveolar,
lateral consonant. Consonant cluster / bl / is produced by pumping the air from lungs
through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the
upper lip touch the lower lip and the air released suddenly after being blocked
completely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through
larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip
raised against alveolar ridge, then the air released through the left and right side of the
tounge. It is distributed only in final as able / ‘eɪbl /. It is spelled only – b – l -. this
consonant cluster is not problematic, because it exist in indonesian.

3. Tax / tæ​ks​ /
/ ks / is a combination of a voiceless, velar, plossive consonant and a voiceless,
alveolar, fricative consonant. Consonant cluster / ks / is produced by pumping the air
from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is
obstructed by the back of the tounge touch the soft palate or velum and the air
released suddenly after being blocked completely. ​And this is immediately followed
by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords
vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge, then the
air released through by slowing after being locked uncompletely. It is distributed only
in final as tax / tæks /. It is spelled only – k – s -. this consonant cluster is
problematic, because it not exist in indonesian.
4. Task / tɑ:​sk /
/ sk / is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant and voiceless,
velar, plossive consonant. Consonant cluster / sk / is produced by pumping the air
from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air
obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge, then the air released
through by slowing after being locked uncompletely . ​And this is immediately
followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal
cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the back part of the tounge touch the soft
palate or velum and the air released suddenly after being blocked completely. It is
distributed only in final as task / tɑ:sk /. It is spelled only – s – k –. this consonant
cluster is problematic, because it not exist in indonesian.

5. Taste / teɪ​st​ /
/ st / is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant and voiceless,
alveolar, plossive consonant. Consonant cluster / st / is produced by pumping the air
from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air
obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge, then the air released
through by slowing after being locked uncompletely . ​And this is immediately
followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal
cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge
and the air released suddenly after being blocked completely. It is distributed in
initial as street / stri:t / and in final as taste / teɪst /. It is spelled only – s – t –. this
consonant cluster is not problematic, because it exist in indonesian.

6. Vulgar / ‘vᴧ​lg​ə(r) /
/ lg / is a combination of a voiced, alveolar, lateral consonant and a voiced, velar,
plossive consonant and Consonant cluster / lg / is produced by pumping the air from
lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by
the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge and then the air released through the left
and right side of the tounge. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air
from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed
by the back part of the tounge touch the soft palate or velum, then the air released
suddenly after being blocked completely. It is distributed only in medial as vulgar /
‘vᴧlgə(r) /. It is spelled only – l – g –. this consonant cluster is problematic, because
it not exist in indonesian.

7. Typical / ‘tɪpɪ​kl​ /
/ kl / is a combination of a voiceless, velar, plossive consonant and a voiced, alveolar,
lateral consonant. Consonant cluster / kl / is produced by pumping the air from lungs
through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by
the back part of the tounge touch the soft palate or velum . ​And this is immediately
followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords
vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge, then the
air released through the left and right side of the tounge. It is distributedin initial close
/ kləʊs / in final as typical / ‘tɪpɪkl /. It is spelled only – k – l –. this consonant cluster
is problematic, because it not exist in indonesian.

8. Twig / ​tw​ɪg /
/ tw / is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, plossive consonant and a voiceless,
bilabial, approximant consonant. Consonant cluster / tw / is produced by pumping
the air from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the
air is obstructed by the tounge tip raised the alveolar ridge, the the air released
suddenly after being block completely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping
the air from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the
air obstructed by the upper lip touch the lower lip, then the air released almost make
contrast but never happen. It is distributed only in initial as twig / twɪg /. It is spelled
only – t – w –. this consonant cluster is problematic, because it not exist in

9. Turtle / ‘tɜ:​tl​ /
/ tl / is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, plossive consonant and a voiced,
alveolar, lateral consonant. Consonant cluster / tl / is produced by pumping the air
from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is
obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge, then the air released
suddenly after being block completely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping
the air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air
obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge, then the air released
through the left and right side of the tounge. It is distributed only in final as turtle /
‘tɜ:tl /. It is spelled only – t – l –. this consonant cluster is problematic, because it not
exist in indonesian.

10. Yomp / jɒ​mp​ /

/ ​mp / is a combination of a voiceless, bilabial, nasal consonant and a voiceless,
bilabial, plosive consonant. Consonant cluster / mp / is produced by pumping the air
from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is
obstructed by the upper lip touch the lower lip, then the air released through the nasal
cavity. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through
larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the upper
lip touch the lower lip, then the air released suddenly after being block completely. It
is distributed only in final as yomp / jɒmp /. It is spelled only – m – p –. this
consonant cluster is problematic, because it not exist in indonesian.

11. Whimsy / ‘wɪ​mz​i /

/ mz / is a combination of a voiceless, bilabial, nasal consonant and a voiced,
alveolar, fricative consonant. Consonant cluster / mp / is produced by pumping the air
from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is
obstructed by the upper lip touch the lower lip, then the air released through the nasal
cavity. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through
larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip
raised against alveolar ridge, then the air released by slowing after being locked
uncompletely. It is distributed only in medial as whimsy / ‘wɪmzi /. It is spelled only
– m – z –. this consonant cluster is problematic, because it not exist in indonesian.

12. Whinge / wɪ​nʤ​ /

/ nʤ / is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, nasal consonant and a voiced, post
alveolar , affricate consonant. Consonant cluster / nʤ / is produced by pumping the air
from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is
obstructed by the tounge tip raised against the alveolar ridge, then the air released
through the nasal cavity. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from
lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the
blade part of the tounge touch the post alverarid, then the air released by slowing after
being locked completely. It is distributed only in final as / wɪnʤ /. It is spelled only –
n – ʤ –. this consonant cluster is problematic, because it not exist in indonesian.

13. Grab / ​gr​æb/

/ gr / is a combination of a voiced, velar, plossive consonant and a voiced, post
alveolar, approximate consonant. Consonant cluster / gr / is produced by pumping the
air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air
obstructed by the body of the tounge touch the soft palate or velum, then the air
released suddenly after being blocked completely. ​And this is immediately followed
by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then
the air is obstructed by the blade part of the tounge touch the post alverarid and then
the air released almost make contrast but never happen. It is distributed only in initial
as grab / græb/. It is spelled only – g – r –. this consonant cluster is problematic,
because it not exist in indonesian.

14. Action /’æk∫​n​ /

/ ​∫​n / is a combination of a voiceless, post alveolar, fricative consonant and a
voiceless, alveolar, nasal consonant. Consonant cluster / ∫n / is produced by pumping
the air from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the
air obstructed by the blade part of the tounge touch the post alverarid, then the air
released by showing after being locked uncompletely. ​And this is immediately
followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal
cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the tounge tip raised against the alveolar
ridge and then the air through the nasal cavity. It is distributed only in final as action
/’æk∫n /. It is spelled only – ∫ – n –. this consonant cluster is not problematic, because
it exist in indonesian.

15. Bond / bɒ​nd​ /

/ nd / is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, nasal consonant and a voiced,
alveolar, plossive consonant. Consonant cluster / nd / is produced by pumping the air
from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is
obstructed by the tounge tip raised against the alveolar ridge and then the air through
the nasal cavity ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs
through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by
the body of the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge, then the air released suddenly
after being block completely. It is distributed only in final as bond / bɒnd /. It is
spelled only – n – d –. this consonant cluster is problematic, because it not exist in

II. Consonant cluster with 3 consonant

1. Tasks / ta:​sks​ /
/ sks / is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant ; a voiceless,
velar, plossive consonant and a voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant. Consonant
cluster / sks / is produced by pumping the air from the lungs through larynx and
without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the touge tip raised
against the alveolar ridge, and the air released by slowing after being locked
uncompletely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from the lungs
through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, the the air obstructed by the
back part of the tounge touch the soft palate or velum, and the air released suddenly
after being block completenly. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air
from the lungs through larynx without make the vocal cord vibrate, then the air
obstructed by the tounge tip raised against the alveolar ridge, and then the air released
by slowing after being locked uncompletely. It is distributed only in final as / ta:sks /.
It is spelled only –s – k – s – . this consonant cluster is not problematic, because it
exist in indonesian.
2. Simple / ‘sɪ​mpl​ /
/ mpl / is a combination of a voiceless, bilabial, nasal consonant ; a voiceless,
bilabial, plossive consonant and a voiced, alveolar, lateral consonant. Consonant
cluster / mpl / is produced by pumping the air from the lungs through larynx and
without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the upper lip
touchy the lower lip, and the air released through the nasal cavity. ​And this is
immediately followed by pumping the air from the lungs through larynx and without
make the vocal cords vibrate, the the air obstructed by the upper lip touch the lower
lip, and the air released suddenly after being block completenly. ​And this is
immediately followed by pumping the air from the lungs through larynx and make the
vocal cord vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip raised against the alveolar
ridge, and then the air released through the left and right side of the tounge. It is
distributed only in final as / ‘sɪmpl /. It is spelled only – m – p – l –. this consonant
cluster is not problematic, because it exist in indonesian.

3. Struggle / ‘​str​ᴧgl /
/ str / is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant; a voiceless,
alveolar, plossive consonant and a voiced, post alveolar, approximate consonant.
Consonant cluster / str / is produced by pumping the air from lungs through larynx
and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip
raised against the alveolar ridge, and the air released by slowing after being locked
uncompletely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs
through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by
the tounge tip raised against the alveolar ridge, and the air released suddenly after
being block completely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from
lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the
blade part of the tounge touch the post alverarid, and then the air released by the air
almost make contrast with two organs but never happen. It is distributed only in
initial as / ‘strᴧgl /. It is spelled only – s – t – r –. this consonant cluster is not
problematic, because it exist in indonesian.

4. Scrap / ​skr​æp /
/ skr / ​is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant; a voiceless,
velar, plossive consonant and a voiced, post alveolar, approximate consonant.
Consonant cluster / skr / is produced by pumping the air from lungs through larynx
and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip
raised against the alveolar ridge, and the air released by slowing after being locked
uncompletely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs
through larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by
the back part of the tounge touch the soft palate or velum, and the air released
suddenly after being block completely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping
the air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air
obstructed by the blade part of the tounge touch the post alverarid, and then the air
released by the air almost make contrast with two organs but never happen. It is
distributed only in initial as / skræp /. It is spelled only – s – k – r –. this consonant
cluster is not problematic, because it exist in indonesian.

5. Skua / ’​skj​u;ə /
/ ​skj ​/ is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant; a voiceless, velar,
plossive consonant and a voiced, palatal, approximate consonant. Consonant cluster /
skr / is produced by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and without make the
vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip raised against the
alveolar ridge, and the air released by slowing after being locked uncompletely. ​And
this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and
without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the back of the
tounge touch the soft palate or velum, and the air released suddenly after being block
completely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through
larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the front of the
tounge touch the hard palate, and then the air released by the air almost make contrast
with two organs but never happen. It is distributed only in initial as / ’skju;ə /. It is
spelled only – s – k – j –. this consonant cluster is not problematic, because it exist in

6. Sozzled / ’sɒ​zld​ /
/ zld / is a combination of a voiced, alveolar, fricative consonant; a voiced, alveolar,
lateral consonant and a voiced, alveolar, plossive consonant. Consonant cluster / zld /
is produced by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords
vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip raised against the alveolar ridge, and
the air released by slowing after being locked uncompletely. ​And this is immediately
followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords
vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge, and
then the air released through the left and right side of the tounge. ​And this is
immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and make the
vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar
ridge, and then the air released suddenly after being block completely. It is distributed
only in final as / ’sɒzld /. It is spelled only – z – l – d–. this consonant cluster is not
problematic, because it exist in indonesian.

7. Spangle / ‘spæ​ŋgl​ /
/ ɳgl / is a combination of a voiced, velar, nasal consonant; a voiced, velar, plossive
consonant and a voiced, alveolar, lateral consonant. Consonant cluster / ɳgl / is
produced by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords
vibrate, then the air obstructed by the back part of the tounge touch the soft palate or
velum, and the air released through nasal cavity. ​And this is immediately followed by
pumping the air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the
air obstructed by the back part of the tounge touch the soft palate or velum, and then
the air released suddenly after being bblock completely. ​And this is immediately
followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords
vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge, and
then the air released through the left and right side of the tounge. It is distributed only
in final as / ‘spæŋgl /. It is spelled only – ŋ – g – l –. this consonant cluster is not
problematic, because it exist in indonesian.

8. Spectrum / ’spe​ktr​əm /
/ ktr / is a combination of a voiceless, velar, plossive consonant; a voiceless, alveolar,
plossive consonant and a voiced, post alveolar, approximate consonant. Consonant
cluster / ktr / is produced by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and without
make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the back part of the tounge
touch the soft palate or velum, and the air released suddenly after being block
completely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through
larynx and without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge
tip raised against the alveolar ridge, and the air released suddenly after being block
completely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through
larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the blade part of
the tounge touch the post alverarid, and then the air released by the air almost make
contrast with two organs but never happen. It is distributed only in medial as /
’spektrəm /. It is spelled only – k – t – r –. this consonant cluster is not problematic,
because it exist in indonesian.

9. Spew / ​spj​u: /
/ spj / is a combination of a voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant; a voiceless,
bilabial, plossive consonant and a voiced, palatal, approximate consonant. Consonant
cluster / spj / is produced by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and without
make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the tounge tip raised against
the alveolar ridge, and the air released by slowing after being locked uncompletely.
And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and
without make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the upper lip touch
the lower lip, and then the air released suddenly after being block completely. ​And
this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and make
the vocal cords vibrate, then the air obstructed by the front part of the tounge touch
the hard palate, and then the air released by the air almost make contrast with two
organs but never happen. It is distributed only in initial as / spju: /. It is spelled only –
s – p – j –. this consonant cluster is not problematic, because it exist in indonesian.

10. Sphinx / sfi​ŋks​ /

/ ŋks / is a combination of a voiced, velar, nasal consonant ; a voiceless, velar,
plossive consonant and a voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant. Consonant cluster /
ŋks / is produced by pumping the air from the lungs through larynx and make the
vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the back part of the tounge touch the
soft palate or velum, and the air released through the nasal cavity. ​And this is
immediately ​followed by pumping the air from the lungs through larynx and without
make the vocal cords vibrate, the the air obstructed by the body of the back part of the
tounge touch the soft palate or velum, and the air released suddenly after being block
completenly. ​And this is immediately ​followed by pumping the air from the lungs
through larynx without make the vocal cord vibrate, then the air obstructed by the
tounge tip raised against the alveolar ridge, and then the air released by slowing after
being locked uncompletely. It is distributed only in final as / sfiŋks /. It is spelled only
– ŋ – k – s –. this consonant cluster is not problematic, because it exist in indonesian.

III. Consonant cluster with 4 consonant

1. Twelfths ​/ ​twe​lf​θ​s /
/ lf​θ​s / is ​a combination of a voiced, alveolar, lateral consonant ; a voiceless,
labiodental, fricative consonant ; a voiceless, dental, fricative consonant and a
voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant. Consonant cluster ​/ ​lf​θ​s / ​is produce ​by
pumping ​the air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal folds/vocal cord
vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge and
the air released through the left and right side of the tounge. ​And this is immediately
followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and without make the vocal
folds/vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the lower lip touch the upper
teeth and the air released by slowly after being locked uncompletely. ​And this is
immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and without
make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by upper the teeth touch the
lower teeth and the air released by slowly after being locked completely. ​And this is
immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs to through larynx and without
making the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the tounge tip raised
against alveolar ridge and the air released by slowing after being locked completely.
It is distributed only in final as in Twelfths ​/ twe​lf​θ​s ​/. It is spelled only in -l-, -f-,
-​θ​-, -s-. this consonant cluster is problematic in indonesian, because it does not exist
in indonesian.
2. Attempts / ə’te​mpts​ /
/ ​mpts / is a combination of a voiced, bilabial, nasal consonant; a voiceless, bilabial ,
plossive consonant; a voiceless, alveolar, plossive consonant and a voiceless,
alveolar, fricative consonant. Consonant cluster /mpts/ is produced by pumping the
air from lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is
obstructed by the lower lip touch the upper lip and the air released through the nasal
cavity. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through
larynx and without making the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the
lower lip touch the upper lip and the air released suddenly after being blocked
completely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through
larynx and without making the vocal cords vibrate, the the air obstructed by the
tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge and the air released suddenly after being
blocked completely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs
through larynx and without making the vocal cords vibrate, the the air is obstructed
by the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge and the air released by slowing after
being locked uncompletely. It is distributed only in final as in Attempts / ə’tempts /. It
is spelled only -m-, -p-, -t-, -s-. this consonant cluster is problematic in indonesian,
because it does not exist in indonesian.

3. Glimpsed / glɪ​mpst​ /
/ mpst / is a combination of a voiced, bilabial, nasal consonant; a voiceless, bilabial ,
plossive consonant; a voiceless, alveolar, fricative consonant; a voiceless, alveolar,
plossive consonant. Consonant cluster /mpts/ is produced by pumping the air from
lungs through larynx and make the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by
the lower lip touch the upper lip and the air released through the nasal cavity. ​And
this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and
without making the vocal cords vibrate, then the air is obstructed by the lower lip
touch the upper lip and the air released suddenly after being blocked completely. ​And
this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs through larynx and
without making the vocal cords vibrate, the the air is obstructed by the tounge tip
raised against alveolar ridge and the air released by slowing after being locked
uncompletely. ​And this is immediately followed by pumping the air from lungs
through larynx and without making the vocal cords vibrate, the the air obstructed by
the tounge tip raised against alveolar ridge and the air released suddenly after being
blocked completely. It is distributed only in final as in Glimpsed / glɪmpst /. It is
spelled only -m-, -p-, -s-, -t-. this consonant cluster is problematic in indonesian,
because it d​oes not exist in indonesian.

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